Alients Life 2384
Alients Life 2384
Alients Life 2384
Life on
other planets could be so different from what we’re used to that we
might not recognise any biological signatures that it produces.
Recent years have seen changes to our theories about what counts as a
biosignature and which planets might be habitable, and further
turnarounds are inevitable. But the best we can really do is interpret the
data we have with our current best theory, not with some future idea we
haven’t had yet.
This is a big issue for those involved in the search for extraterrestrial life.
As Scott Gaudi of Nasa’s Advisory Council has said: “One thing I am quite
sure of, now having spent more than 20 years in this field of exoplanets …
expect the unexpected.”
For example, when scientists first found evidence of low amounts of ozone
in the atmosphere above Antarctica, they initially dismissed it as bad data.
With no prior theoretical reason to expect a hole, the scientists ruled it out
in advance. Thankfully, they were minded to double check, and the
discovery was made.