U Studies53No4 Book Web 17dec09
U Studies53No4 Book Web 17dec09
U Studies53No4 Book Web 17dec09
Military Intelligence in WW I
ISSN 1527-0874
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Center for the Study of Intelligence
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Awards The Sherman Kent Award of $3,500 is offered annually for the most signifi-
cant contribution to the literature of intelligence submitted for publication in
Studies. The prize may be divided if two or more articles are judged to be of
equal merit, or it may be withheld if no article is deemed sufficiently outstand-
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excluded from the competition.
Articles for Studies in Intelligence may HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES
be written on any historical, opera-
tional, doctrinal, or theoretical aspect Operation INFEKTION
of intelligence.
Soviet Bloc Intelligence and Its AIDS
The final responsibility for accepting
or rejecting an article rests with the
Disinformation Campaign 1
Editorial Board. Thomas Boghardt
The criterion for publication is
whether, in the opinion of the Board, The Origins of Modern Intelligence,
the article makes a contribution to the Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
literature of intelligence. Military Intelligence at the Front, 1914–18 25
Terrence J. Finnegan, Col., USAFR (Ret.)
Carmen A. Medina, Chairperson
Pamela S. Barry
Nicholas Dujmovic
Eric N. Heller An Experiment in Collaboration on an
Robert A. Kandra Intelligence Problem
William C. Liles
John McLaughlin
Developing STORM, a Methodology for Evaluat-
Matthew J. Ouimet ing Transit Routes of Transnational Terrorists
Valerie P and Criminals 41
Cyril E. Sartor Mark T. Clark and Brian Janiskee
Michael Richter
Michael L. Rosenthal
Ursula M. Wilder
Members of the Board are drawn from the The James Angleton Phenomenon
Central Intelligence Agency and other
Intelligence Community components. “Cunning Passages, Contrived Corridors”:
Wandering in the Angletonian Wilderness 49
In Defense of John Honeyman
(and George Washington) 89
Kenneth A. Daigler, aka P.K. Rose
Thomas Boghardt is historian of the Spy Museum in Washington, DC. His article
won a Studies in Intelligence Award for 2009.
Mark T. Clark is Professor of Political Science and Director of the National Secu-
rity Studies program at California State University, San Bernardino. He directs
the CSU Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence and was the
STORM project coordinator.
Ken Daigler is a retired CIA officer. As P.K. Rose, he is the author of Founding
Fathers of Intelligence and Black Dispatches: Black American Contributions to
Union Intelligence During the Civil War, both available on cia.gov.
Brian Janiskee is Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Political Science
Department at CSU, San Bernardino. Janiskee teaches the Politics of National Se-
curity, Research Methodology, and other courses in the National Security Studies
Program. He was the STORM project’s principal analyst.
Dr. Clayton Laurie is a CIA historian. He has served tours at the US Army Cen-
ter of Military History, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the History Staff
of the Director of National Intelligence. Dr. Laurie also teaches military and intel-
ligence history at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
David Robarge is the chief of the CIA History Staff. He is a frequent contributor
and winner of Studies in Intelligence Annual Awards.
Soviet bloc counterparts placed
much greater emphasis on decep- worldwide.
tion operations to influence
Our friends in Moscow opinions or actions of individu- This is the story of one such mea-
call it ‘dezinformatsiya.’ als and governments. 2 sure—a campaign to implicate
Our enemies in America the United States in the emer-
call it ‘active measures,’ These “active measures” (aktiv- gence of the AIDS pandemic that
inyye meropriatia, as the Soviets appeared in the early 1980s. The
and I, dear friends, call it
called them) included manipula- story both illustrates the nature of
‘my favorite pastime.’ Soviet and communist bloc disin-
tion and media control, written
and oral disinformation, use of formation programs and
—Col. Rolf Wagenbreth,
director of Department X (dis-
information) of East German
foreign communist parties and
front organizations, clandestine
radio broadcasting, manipula-
tion of the economy, kidnappings,
paramilitary operations, and sup-
demonstrates the potential long-
term consequences.
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the
authors. Nothing in the article should be construed as asserting or implying US gov-
ernment endorsement of an article’s factual statements and interpretations.
In conducting disinformation
state structure, not only the Moscow’s “total” approach to campaigns, Soviet bloc intelli-
KGB. influence and deception opera- gence had to be mindful of the
tions contrasted starkly with concerns, fears, and expecta-
Active measures specialists the American concept of covert tions of their target audience.
used newspapers, radio sta- action, which was carried out As Ladislav Bittman, deputy
tions, embassies, and other offi- by a single agency—the CIA— chief of the Czechoslovak intel-
cial institutions for whose budget for such opera- ligence service’s disinformation
implementation and diffusion. tions made up a fraction of its department from 1964 to 1966,
Services allied to the Soviets, overall expenditure and paled pointed out: in order to succeed
such as East Germany’s Minis- in comparison to what the Sovi- “every disinformation message
try for State Security (MfS), ets spent on active measures. 7 must at least partially corre-
were frequently enlisted as spond to reality or generally
well. In 1980, a conservative Disinformation (dezinfor- accepted views.” 9
CIA estimate put the annual matsiya) was a particularly
cost of Soviet active measures effective weapon in the armory
at $3 billion. 6 of Soviet bloc active measures. The AIDS Campaign’s
The term dezinformatsiya Backdrop and Origins
denoted a variety of techniques
A Note about Intelligence and activities to purvey false or Deteriorating East-West rela-
Sources misleading information that tions formed the backdrop to
Soviet bloc active measures spe- Moscow’s decision to embark on
With the end of the Cold War, an aggressive active measures
cialists sought to leak into the
former Soviet and East German campaign in the 1980s. The
intelligence officers confirmed
foreign media. From the West-
ern perspective, disinformation Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
their services’ sponsorship of the
was a politically motivated lie, in 1979 ended what was left of
AIDS disinformation campaign.
In 1990, the German TV news but Soviet bloc propagandists détente, and the newly elected
magazine Panorama featured an believed their disinformation US president, Ronald Reagan,
anonymous former intelligence campaigns merely highlighted adopted a hard line against the
officer—probably Günter greater truths by exposing the USSR. At his first press confer-
Bohnsack—who revealed his ence, Reagan declared: “They
department’s participation in the
real nature of capitalism.
[the Soviets] reserve unto them-
campaign. Later that year,
For example, the KGB began selves the right to commit any
Bohnsack and a fellow retired
intelligence officer published more spreading rumors about FBI crime, to lie, to cheat in order to
details of their department’s activ- and CIA involvement in the attain [world revolution].”
ities against the West, including assassination of President John
the AIDS disinformation F. Kennedy because the Soviets In short order, the new presi-
campaign. 5 And in 1992, SVR earnestly believed the US mili- dent increased the defense bud-
(Russian foreign intelligence)
tary-industrial complex was get by 10 percent, suspended
director Yevgeny Primakov con- arms reduction talks, and rein-
firmed the KGB’s participation.
involved in Kennedy’s murder.
Likewise, East German intelli- stated work on MX missiles and
Over the next years, the European
gence routinely floated disinfor- B-1 bombers. The Reagan
and the North American media
repeatedly reported on Soviet bloc mation depicting West German administration’s hawkish
intelligence sponsorship of the politicians as former Nazis, stance, in turn, stoked Soviet
AIDS conspiracy theory. Archival because, from East Berlin’s per- paranoia, especially after Yuri
sources, interviews, and other spective, the Federal Republic Andropov’s election as general
material were used in this article secretary of the Communist
as well.
During his short reign, Individual suggestions for special operations [active measures] which
came from stations abroad were submitted for preliminary assess-
Andropov became convinced ment.…the majority of the suggestions were discarded in the first stage
that the United States planned of the selection process, leaving only those whose conception corre-
sponded with our long-range plans and whose projected consequences
for nuclear war, and KGB resi- suggested positive results. The suggestions were then transmitted to a
dencies in Western capitals panel…where the author of the proposal faced many questions and
were instructed to look for signs much criticism in an attempt to uncover any weakness. The composition
of the critical board varied from case to case although several Depart-
of a first strike. In keeping with ment D employees and experts on particular regions were permanent
Andropov’s hostility toward the members. Further supplemented and polished, the proposal was then
submitted to the intelligence chief for approval. 13
Reagan administration, the
KGB’s First Chief Directorate Still at the Center, preparation involved disinformation specialists writing
on 30 September 1982 in their native language, approvals by managers, and translation.
instructed its residencies in the Targeting followed. The Center typically sought to launch a story outside
United States to counterattack the Soviet bloc-controlled press to conceal Moscow’s hand. This was done
Washington’s aggressive stance frequently through anonymous letters and newspaper articles in the
with active measures. 10 Third World. 14
Once published abroad, the Soviet media might pick up and further prop-
Soviet active measures agate the item by referring to its non-Soviet source.
worked best when pre-existing
plans fit neatly into political- Types of Active Measures
cultural environments and spe- According to the defector, two types of active measures existed:
cific events. 11 In this case, Mos-
The first category includes operations initiated and designed within
cow had long realized that KGB ranks and usually employs such traditional disinformation tech-
chemical and biological war- niques as forgeries or agents of influence. The KGB conducts hundreds
of these categories every year even though their impact is rather
fare was of great concern to limited. 15
Western publics and could be
exploited for disinformation Such single pieces of disinformation were not reinforced by additional prop-
agation efforts.
purposes. During the Korean
War, the Chinese and North The second type was the result of a strategic decision at the top of the Soviet
Koreans had broadcast “confes- active measures pyramid and directly approved by the Politburo. Campaigns
sions” of captured American were usually planned to last several years and encompassed many elements
pilots about the alleged US use of the Soviet state, including the International Information Department
(IID), which directed official press organs, such as TASS, Novosti, and Radio
of germ warfare. 17 During the Moscow; and the International Department (ID), responsible for liaison with
Vietnam War, the KGB circu- foreign communist parties, international communist front organizations,
lated a forged letter purporting and clandestine radios.
to come from Gordon Goldstein
The KGB, ID, and IID would cooperate closely in executing a particular cam-
of the US Office of Naval paign with the means available to each—the KGB’s Service A, responsible
Research. First published in the for forgeries and spreading rumors (“black propaganda”), the IID’s press
Bombay Free Press Journal in organs for official stories (“white propaganda”), the ID for clandestine radio
1968, the letter “revealed” the broadcasts and the use of international front organizations (“gray
existence of American bacterio- propaganda”). 16
• The author then listed ele- charges made in 1982 in the of Army Labs in RDA” and spe-
ments of the US biological Soviet media to the effect that a cifically referred to “the U.S.
warfare program known to research laboratory sponsored Army Medical Research Insti-
the public: government by the University of Maryland tute of Infectious Diseases
records obtained through the in Lahore, Pakistan, was in fact (USAMRIID), Fort Detrick,
Freedom of Information Act a bacteriological warfare Md,” which had—the journal
by the Church of Scientology, facility. 26 AIDS itself was not of asserted—placed particular
which had documented biolog- much concern to the average emphasis “on problems associ-
ical agent experiments in the Indian in 1983, but any men- ated with medical defense
1950s; CIA-sponsored testing tion of schemes involving against potential biological war-
of drugs on humans during India’s arch-foe Pakistan could fare agents, or naturally occur-
the same time period; and the be expected to draw attention ring diseases of particular
development of biological on the subcontinent. military importance and on the
weapons until the late 1960s highly virulent pathogenic
at Fort Detrick. The 17 July letter’s extensive microorganisms which require
quoting of US sources—e.g., special containment facilities.” 28
• Even though President Rich- U.S. News & World Report,
ard Nixon had banned US Associated Press, and Army Once conceived, the idea for
offensive bacteriological weap- Research, Development & the AIDS disinformation cam-
ons research by executive Acquisition magazine—sug- paign would have been
order in 1969, the letter in the gests that US-based KGB offic- approved and polished at KGB
Patriot stated that the Penta- ers initiated the AIDS headquarters (the Center) in
gon had “never abandoned campaign, or at least collected the Moscow suburb of Yasen-
these weapons” and claimed the material that triggered the ovo. (See box on Soviet active
that Fort Detrick had discov- idea. The KGB had large resi- measures process.) The task of
ered AIDS by analyzing sam- dencies in New York City and pulling pertinent material
ples of “highly pathogenic Washington, DC, both of which together and generating the let-
viruses” collected by Ameri- were assigned officers who ter would have fallen to the
can scientists in Africa and worked solely on active KGB’s disinformation special-
Latin America. measures. 27 ists of Service A, under Gen-
eral Ivan Ivanovich Agayants.
• It concluded by quoting statis- One especially clear indicator By 1985, the service employed
tics and publications on the of the US origins of the effort is roughly 80 officers at Yasenovo
spread and lethality of AIDS, the Patriot letter’s reference to and another 30 to 40 in the
and its particular threat to Army Research, Development & Novosti Press offices at Push-
developing nations. 25 Acquisition,which was not kin Square. 29
widely available and would
make unusual reading for a Although they had no particu-
Indicators of Soviet
“well-known American scien- lar training in psychology, these
tist” who also described himself specialists had honed their
as an “anthropologist.” The skills over several decades and
There can be little doubt
journal would be a typical understood the dynamics of
about the KGB’s authorship of
source for a KGB officer seek- rumor campaigns intuitively.
the letter. The letter’s argu-
ing material for a disinforma- The responsible officer(s) would
ments built on earlier disinfor-
tion campaign, however. In fact, have composed the text first in
mation campaigns involving US
the magazine’s July/August Russian and then commis-
bacteriological warfare and spe-
1982 issue focused on “The Role sioned a translation into
cifically picked up on false
caricatures of US soldiers). Turkey, the Soviets sought to In June 1987, Novosti news
Soviet propagandists even lifted stir concern among the local agency editor Valentin Falin
some stories about the US gov- population, create pressure on told a USIA official slyly: “And
ernment’s alleged creation of US allies to send American given the US treatment of
AIDS verbatim from a New troops packing, and generally American Indians, putting
York gay magazine, the New discourage contact with Ameri- smallpox blankets on them, and
York Native, which in Novem- can citizens. 80 the placement of Japanese-
ber 1986 called for a US con- Americans in detention during
gressional investigation into The Soviets also began to the Second World War, the
the origins of AIDS. 76 broaden the campaign’s focus, development of an ethnic
merging it with other disinfor- weapon by the US sounds
Soviet efforts promptly paid mation campaigns. A particu- pretty logical.” 83
off. Third World media reported larly effective twist was the
the AIDS falsehood widely, and claim that the US government
even the established British had designed AIDS as an eth- The Impact in Africa
newspapers Sunday Express nic weapon against black peo-
and Daily Telegraph recounted ple. The “ethnic weapon” theme The merger of the ethnic
Segal’s “findings” uncritically. had first appeared around 1980 weapons and AIDS campaigns
By late 1987, the story had cir- in the Soviet active measures created a powerful narrative
culated in the media of 80 coun- repertoire. In an effort to hitch that threatened to undermine
tries, appearing in over 200 the United States to the widely America’s reputation in Africa.
periodicals in 25 languages. 77 detested South African apart- Allegations that Washington
“If media replay is an indica- heid regime, Moscow spread the was using AIDS as a racial
tion of success,” noted a US offi- rumor that Washington was weapon against Africans began
cial, “then this campaign has aiding Pretoria in the develop- circulating across the continent
been very successful.” 78 ment of weapons to eliminate in the wake of the nonaligned
nonwhites. 81 nations summit in Harare in
The Soviets paid special 1986, where HVA and KGB had
attention to countries with US Since these claims were base- promoted Segal’s paper so
military bases on their soil. In less, the Soviets employed the diligently. 84 On 7 June 1987,
late 1985, North Korea began well-established technique of the Patriot rejoined the fray
its own AIDS propaganda oper- propping up their conspiracy with an article accusing the US
ation, portraying US troops in theories with circumstantial Department of Defense of con-
South Korea as carriers of the evidence. For example, an ducting experiments in Africa
epidemic. Turkish broadcasts American military manual had to determine the “depopulating
emanating from the USSR indeed noted in 1975 that “it is effect” of AIDS in strategically
urged the closure of US bases theoretically possible to develop important areas of the conti-
because they were allegedly so-called ‘ethnic chemical weap- nent like Zaire.
breeding grounds for AIDS. And ons,’ which would be designed
an English-language, Soviet- to exploit naturally occurring In early 1988, a Nigerian
inspired broadcast in Asia differences in vulnerability newspaper varied the theme
alleged that outbreaks of AIDS among specific population somewhat by claiming that the
“are as a rule registered in the groups. Thus, such a weapon spread of AIDS in central and
areas near American war would be capable of incapacitat- western Africa was the result of
bases.” 79 By targeting nations ing or killing a selected enemy rich Americans testing contami-
where American troops were population to a significantly nated polio vaccine on poor
based, such as South Korea and blacks during the 1960s. 85 The
tale was told and retold in a
The US Watch over the ter. Zapevalov had not men- AIDS virus—VISNA and HTLV-
Story tioned the date of the item, and I—were too distinct from one
USIA only searched back to another to be cut and spliced
In 1981, the US government 1 January 1984. State Depart- together. The State Depart-
created the Active Measures ment spokesman Charles E. ment also pointed to recent
Working Group (AMWG), an Redman responded in early findings that suggested AIDS
interagency committee chaired November 1986 that no such had existed in human popula-
by the Department of State, article had ever appeared in the tions since at least 1959—long
and including representatives Patriot. 89 before the AIDS virus, per
of the CIA, USIA, the US Arms Segal’s contention, had been
Control and Disarmament The Soviets took advantage of created at Fort Detrick.
Agency (ACDA), and the the mistake with gusto. On
Departments of Defense and 19 November, Literaturnaya In addition, AMWG collected
Justice. 86 AMWG officials moni- Gazeta printed a lengthy arti- opinions from reputable AIDS
tored Soviet disinformation cle titled, “It Existed, It experts who contradicted Segal.
campaigns, issued regularly Existed, Boy” that trium- The Americans were especially
updated reports, talked to the phantly reproduced the first keen on airing the comments of
Western press, personally page of the Patriot letter. Turn- scientists from the Soviet bloc,
called editors of newspapers ing the US effort to pillory the such as Segal’s nemeses Dr.
that ran Soviet-sponsored disin- Soviets’ disinformation cam- Zhdanov, who stated categori-
formation stories, and occasion- paign on its head, the paper cally that “an AIDS virus has
ally confronted Soviet officials referred to AMWG as a bureau not been obtained artificially,”
directly about particular active for “disinformation, analysis and Dr. Sönnichsen, who told
measures. Herbert Romerstein, and retaliatory measures” and Der Spiegel that “Segal’s com-
who joined USIA in 1982, and lambasted Redman for his erro- ment is nothing but a hypothe-
his assistant Todd Leventhal, neous claim: “We don’t know sis, and not a very original one
played a critical role in moni- whether Redman is part of the at that. Others before him have
toring and countering the AIDS personnel of the bureau of dis- claimed the same. If you open
campaign for AMWG. 87 information, but one could Meyer’s Dictionary under the
boldly recommend him. He has term ‘hypothesis’ you can read:
The disinformation campaign mastered the methods of hypothesis is an opinion
first appeared on AMWG’s disinformation.” 90 unproven by facts. That is my
radar with its resumption in comment.” 92
the pages of the Literaturnaya Undeterred, US officials con-
Gazeta in October 1985. Zape- tinued their counter-campaign.
valov’s reference to the Patriot USIA officers repeatedly dis- The Environment Shifts
as source of his allegations, led cussed the techniques and goals
USIA to take a closer look at of Soviet disinformation with In the late 1980s, AIDS began
the Indian newspaper. The the media. 91 And AMWG spent spreading through the Soviet
agency was aware that the time and effort dissecting Union, and Moscow developed a
Patriot was being financed by Segal’s theses and highlighting greater interest in exchanging
the KGB and that its editor was their inconsistencies and con- medical research on the subject
the recipient of the Stalin peace tradictions to lawmakers and than it had a few years before.
prize. 88 However, the Ameri- the public. For one, they Because the AIDS disinforma-
cans were initially unable to argued, the two viruses Segal tion campaign jeopardized coop-
locate the original Patriot let- claimed were used to create the eration with US scientists,
The AIDS conspiracy theory observe the natural progression psyche, Soviet and East German
has a firm hold in other places. of the disease—not surprisingly disinformation specialists
In 1992, 15 percent of ran- leave African Americans predis- applied the techniques that stim-
domly selected Americans con- posed to believe the AIDS con- ulate the growth and spread of
sidered definitely or probably spiracy theory. 116 rumors and conspiracy theo-
true the statement “the AIDS ries—simplistic scapegoating,
virus was created deliberately In addition, since the scien- endless repetition, and the clever
in a government laboratory.” tific community was initially mixing of lies and half-truths
African Americans were partic- unable to explain the outbreak with undeniable facts. Once the
ularly prone to subscribe to the and spread of AIDS, groups dis- AIDS conspiracy theory was
AIDS conspiracy theory. A 1997 proportionately affected—such lodged in the global subcon-
survey found that 29 percent of as homosexuals and blacks— science, it became a pandemic in
African Americans considered predictably sought a communal its own right. Like any good
the statement “AIDS was delib- interpretation of the mysteri- story, it traveled mostly by word
erately created in a laboratory ous disease. Indeed, conspiracy of mouth, especially within the
to infect black people” true or theories about the US govern- most affected sub-groups. Hav-
possibly true. And a 2005 study ment’s responsibility for creat- ing effectively harnessed the
by the RAND Corporation and ing AIDS cropped up dynamics of rumors and conspir-
Oregon State University independently of KGB and HVA acy theories, Soviet bloc intelli-
revealed that nearly 50 percent manipulation in gay communi- gence had created a monster that
of African Americans thought ties in the early 1980s. 117 has outlived its creators.120
AIDS was man-made, with over
a quarter considering AIDS the ❖ ❖ ❖
In Sum
product of a government lab.
Twelve percent believed it was Yet it would be mistaken to dis- Acknowledgements
created and spread by the CIA, miss the Soviet bloc disinforma- The author gratefully acknowledges
and 15 percent opined AIDS tion campaign as irrelevant or as the advice, comments, and support
was a form of genocide against provided by Klaus Behling, formerly
the US government’s knee-jerk
black people. 115 of the East German Foreign Ministry;
reflex to “blame the Russians.” 118 Laura M. Bogart, Harvard Medical
Studies have shown that who- School; Lt.-Col (ret.) Günter
Certainly, beliefs in a govern-
ever makes the first assertion Bohnsack, HVA X; Peter Earnest and
ment conspiracy to create and/or
about an event or occurrence has Burton Gerber, both formerly CIA;
spread AIDS cannot be ascribed Oleg Gordievsky, formerly KGB; Tif-
a large advantage over those who
solely to the Soviet bloc disinfor- fany T. Hamelin, US Department of
deny it later. 119 When AIDS
mation campaign. The marginal- State; Victoria Harden, formerly
emerged in the early 1980s,
ization of homosexuals and the National Institutes of Health; Maj.-
Soviet bloc disinformation spe-
long history of oppression and Gen. (ret.) Oleg Kalugin, KGB; Todd
cialists quickly recognized the Leventhal, formerly USIA and cur-
discrimination of blacks made
opportunity the mysterious epi- rently US Department of State;
these groups inherently suspi-
demic offered, acted with alac- Lawrence Martin-Bittman (Ladislav
cious of government institutions.
rity, and planted disinformation Bittman), formerly Czechoslovak
And some disclosures—e.g. the intelligence (disinformation); Peter
only months after the scientific
infamous Tuskegee experiment Martland, University of Cambridge;
community had coined the term
sponsored by the US Public Herbert Romerstein, formerly USIA;
“AIDS” and established the exist-
Health Service, which deliber- and Kristina N. Terzieva, Woodrow
ence of a causative virus. Wilson International Center for
ately left several hundred Afri-
Equipped with an intuitive Scholars.
can Americans suffering from
understanding of the human
syphilis untreated in order to ❖ ❖ ❖
These charges were intended to undermine the 39. Literaturnaya Gazeta, 30 October 1985. Zape-
regime of the Pakistani president, General Muham- valov’s name was not a pseudonym. After the col-
mad Zia-ul-Haq, a pivotal ally in Washington’s lapse of the Soviet Union, he became a successful
efforts to assist anti-Soviet Afghan mujahideen. businessman, author, and spokesman for Russia’s
arms-export agency Rosvooruzhenie.
27. Interviews with KGB Major-General (ret.) Oleg
Kalugin, 1 October and 22 December 2008. 40. The station chief, Larry Devlin, decided not to
carry out the assignment. Lumumba was later killed
28. Army Research, Development & Acquisition 23, no.
by local rivals. See Larry Devlin, Chief of Station,
4 (July–August 1982): 48f.
Congo: A Memoir of 1960–67 (New York: Public
29. Andrew and Gordievsky, KGB, 628. Affairs, 2007), 94–97, 113–14.
30. Bittman, Deception Game, 227; Todd Leventhal, 41. Bohnsack and Brehmer, Auftrag: Irreführung,
“The origins of AIDS disinformation,” January 9, 219.
2009, available online at http://blogs.amer-
42. Bohnsack letter to author, 14 August 2008.
formation/. Additional comments on the KGB’s use 43. Bohnsack and Brehmer, Auftrag: Irreführung,
of non-native speakers as translators were provided 219f; Bohnsack letters to author, 25 July and 14
to the author by Todd Leventhal, 25 February 2009. August 2008.
31. Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The 44. Bittman, Deception Game, 141; Bohnsack and
World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle Brehmer, Auftrag: Irreführung, 40f, 218; Oleg Gordi-
for the Third World (New York: Basic Books, 2005), evsky e-mail to author, 20 September 2008; Oleg
324; Andrew and Gordievsky, KGB, 507. Gordievsky, Next Stop Execution: The Autobiography
of Oleg Gordievsky (London: Macmillan, 1995), 183.
32. The Patriot was established under the auspices
of the KGB resident in New Delhi, Radomir Ale- 45. Innere Sicherheit, 1 (March 20, 1985), 3;
ksandrovich Bogdanov, with the assistance of KGB Bohnsack letter to author, 14 August 2008.
officer Ilya Dzhirkvelov, see Andrew and Gordievsky,
46. Segal provided his biographical data to edition
KGB, 503, and Dzhirkvelov, Secret Servant, 303f. For
monochrom in 1993, http://www.mono-
a US assessment of the Patriot, see State Depart-
chrom.at/segal. See also John O. Koehler, Stasi: The
ment, Soviet Influence Activities… 1986–87, 44.
Untold Story of the East German Secret Police (Boul-
33. David A. Spetrino, “Aids Disinformation,” Stud- der, Col.: Westview Press, 2000), 260f.
ies in Intelligence 32, no. 4 (1988): 10.
47. Aktennotiz (note for the record) by Kurt Seidel
34. Andrew and Gordievsky, KGB, 608, 628. on conversation with Jakob Segal, 17 September
1986, SAPMO-BArch, DY 30/vorl.SED 36832 [hence-
35. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi-
forth SAPMO].
ties…1986–87, 34f.
48. Bohnsack letter to author, 25 July 2008.
36. Literaturnaya Gazeta, 30 October 1985. I am
Bohnsack describes Segal as “partly a convinced sci-
grateful to Kristina N. Terzieva for an English trans-
entist, partly an operative assistant [operativer
lation of this and a later article.
Helfer], probably a colorful mix.”
37. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi-
49. According to Todd Leventhal, who visited Fort
ties…1986–87, 40.
Detrick and saw building 550, it was an ordinary
38. Oleg Kalugin, The First Directorate: My 32 Years looking bungalow with a front porch; interview with
in Intelligence and Espionage against the West (New Todd Leventhal and Oleg Kalugin, 22 December
York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994), 158. See a statement 2008. Segal may have thought of building 470,
to the same effect by Martin C. Portman of the CIA’s locally referred to as “anthrax tower,” a pilot plant
Directorate of Operations in House Intelligence for testing optimal fermentor and bacterial purifica-
Committee, Soviet Active Measures, 21. tion technologies. It was torn down in 2003. Also, he
evidently meant “BSL-4” or “Level-4” rather than “P-
4” laboratories. BSL-4 or Level-4 laboratories handle
deadly diseases that have no cure; see House Com- 60. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi-
mittee on Energy and Commerce, Germs, Viruses ties…1986–87, 37.
and Secrets: The Silent Proliferation of Bio-Labora-
61. Kurt Seidel, note for the record, 17 September
tories in the United States (Washington, DC: Govern-
1986, SAPMO.
ment Printing Office, 2007), 1, 54.
62. Bohnsack letter to author, 26 November 2008.
50. Jakob Segal and Lilli Segal, AIDS-Die Spur führt
Bohnsack writes that MfS director Erich Mielke did
ins Pentagon, second edition (Essen: Verlag Neuer
not necessarily inform his Politburo colleagues about
Weg, 1990), 138.
ongoing active measures but that Hager was proba-
51. Behling e-mails to author, 30 and 31 March 2009. bly aware of the AIDS campaign.
52. Michael D. Morrissey letter to Noam Chomsky, 63. Hager to Seidel, 26 September 1986, with copy to
14 September 1989, http://educate-your- General Axen, SAPMO.
64. Bohnsack letter to author, 26 November 2008.
sky.shtml; Gazette, 16 February 1992. However,
others considered Segal a “pompous ass” (pene- 65. Der Spiegel, 10 November 1986.
tranter Wichtigtuer), Behling e-mail to author, 18
66. Jakob Segal interview, Freitag, 17 May 1991.
November 2008.
67. Milt Bearden and James Risen, The Main
53. Jakob Segal, Lilli Segal, and Ronald Dehmlow,
Enemy: The Inside Story of the CIA’s Final Show-
AIDS-its nature and origin (no place, no date
down with the KGB (New York: Random House,
[1986]). I am grateful to US Department of State
2003), 385.
Anti-Misinformation Officer Todd Leventhal for a
copy of the pamphlet. 68. Bohnsack letter to author, 26 November 2008.
Between 1970 and 1989, Bohnsack was HVA X liai-
54. Stefan Nickels, “Geheimprojekt ‘Naomi’: Um den
son with the KGB and was thus informed about joint
Ursprung von Aids ranken sich seit langem obskure
East German/Soviet disinformation campaigns.
Hypothesen,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszei-
Bohnsack letter to author, 14 August 2008.
tung, 17 October 2004. As mentioned earlier,
MKNAOMI was the CIA codename for an early Cold 69. The interview was subsequently published in
War bacteriological weapons research program at book form in Kuno Kruse (ed.), Aids-Erreger aus dem
Fort Detrick. Genlabor? Die Diskussion der rätselhaften
Krankheit, die die Welt bedroht (Berlin: Simon &
55. Behling e-mail to author, 15 July 2008, based on
Leutner, 1987), 15–27.
an interview with Bohnsack. In his 1986 pamphlet,
Segal quotes an East German publication for his 70. John Borneman, “AIDS in the Two Berlins,” in
allegations about Fort Detrick: Reinhard Pieckocki, Douglas Crimp (ed.), AIDS: Cultural Analysis/Cul-
Genmanipulation: Frevel oder Fortschritt (Leipzig, tural Activism (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1988),
Jena, Berlin: Urania Verlag, 1983). 234.
56. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi- 71. Klaus Behling, Kundschafter a.D.: Das Ende der
ties…1986–87, 35; Bohnsack letters to author, 25 DDR-Spionage (Stuttgart, Leipzig: Hohenheim Ver-
July and 14 August 2008. According to Bohnsack, lag, 2003), 252f.
the HVA deployed Capt. Hans Pfeiffer and “officer on
72. Johannes Mario Simmel, Doch mit den Clowns
special assignment” [Offizier im besonderen Einsatz
kamen die Tränen (Munich: Droemer Knaur, 1987),
or OibE] Horst Schoetzki, officially a journalist rep-
9, 110f.
resenting the GDR magazine Horizont, to the confer-
ence. See also Christhard Läpple, Verrat verjährt 73. Wolf resigned his directorship in 1986 but,
nicht: Lebensgeschichten aus einem einst geteilten according to Bohnsack, retained his secret service ID
Land (Hamburg: Hoffman & Campe, 2008), 299f. card, personal driver, and assistant and remained as
consultant and “guiding spirit” at HVA headquar-
57. Bohnsack letter to author, 25 July 2008; Spet-
ters; Bohnsack letter, 25 July 2008.
rino, “Aids Disinformation,” 11.
74. Der Spiegel, 7 September 1987.
58. Segal to Axen, 8 September 1986, memorandum
regarding economic aspects of AIDS, SAPMO. 75. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi-
ties…1986–1987, 29; Shankar Vedantam, “Persis-
59. Segal to Axen, 27 August 1986, SAPMO.
tence of Myths Could Alter Public Policy Approach,” 89. Murray Feshbach, “The Early Days of HIV/AIDS
Washington Post, 4 September 2007. Epidemic in the Former Soviet Union” (paper pre-
pared for the conference “Health and Demography in
76. Alvin A. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation:
the Former Soviet Union,” Harvard University, April
American Propaganda, Soviet Lies, and the Winning
2005), 9, argues that the 1983 Patriot letter was a
of the Cold War. An Insider's Account (New York:
“ghost source” generated by Service A specialists to
Arcade, 1995), 113f; Ladislav Bittman, The New
enable Soviet propagandist to quote a non-Soviet
Image-Makers: Soviet Propaganda & Disinformation
source. Even though the technique of using “ghost
Today (Washington, DC: Pergamon-Brassey’s, 1988),
sources” was not unknown to Soviet bloc intelli-
gence, it was not employed in this instance. The
77. Spetrino, “Aids Disinformation,” 9, 11; Sunday Indian National Library at Kolkata holds a copy of
Express, 26 October 1986; Daily Telegraph, 27 Octo- the Patriot, dated 17 July 1983, which carries the
ber 1986. On the other hand, the London Times, AIDS letter.
31 October 1986, lambasted the Express for giving
90. Literaturnaya Gazeta, 19 November 1986.
Segal a platform.
(Translation by Kristina N. Terzieva.)
78. USIA official Herbert Romerstein, quoted in Tor-
91. See, for instance, Christian Science Monitor, 11
onto Star, 28 April 1987.
December 1986, and New York Times, 8 April 1987.
79. Times, 31 October 1986. See also Der Spiegel, 10
92. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi-
November 1986.
ties…1987–88, 33-36; Der Spiegel, 9 March 1987.
80. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi-
93. New York Times, 5 November 1987.
ties…1986–87, 33.
94. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation, 182f.
81. United States Information Agency (USIA), Soviet
Active Measures in the Era of Glasnost: A Report to 95. USIA, Soviet Active Measures in the Era of Glas-
Congress (March 1988), 12; Department of State, nost, 11.
Soviet Influence Activities…1986–87, 35.
96. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi-
82. Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman, A Higher ties...1987–1988, 2f.
Form of Killing: The Secret History of Chemical and
97. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi-
Biological Warfare (New York: Hill and Wang, 1982),
ties…1987–1988, 4.
98. USIA, Soviet Active Measures in the “Post-Cold
83. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation, 116.
War” Era 1988–1991: A Report Prepared at the
84. Spetrino, “Aids Disinformation,” 11. Request of the United States House of Representa-
tives Committee on Appropriations (Washington, DC:
85. Department of State, Soviet Influence Activi-
Government Printing Office, June 1992), 71–75.
ties…1986–87, 40; Spetrino, “Aids Disinformation,”
Pagination according to online edition.
99. USIA, Soviet Active Measures in the Era of Glas-
86. USIA, Soviet Active Measures in the Era of Glas-
nost, 12–49.
nost, 82, 86; Department of State, Soviet Influence
Activities…1986-87, iii. The West Germans estab- 100. Behling, Kundschafter a.D., 253; House Com-
lished a similar group, Innere Sicherheit [internal mittee on Appropriations, Department of Defense
security], which included representatives from for- Appropriations for 1970 (Washington, DC: Govern-
eign intelligence (BND) and counterintelligence ment Printing Office, 1969), 129. The text of Mac-
(BfV) agencies; Bohnsack letter, 25 July 2008. Arthur’s testimony was made available to the public
long before Segal “discovered” it. Paxman and Har-
87. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation, 93, 113.
ris, A Higher Form of Killing, 241, also quote from it.
88. Koehler, Stasi, 260. Koehler was then working as
101. Obituary, Donald Malcolm MacArthur, Wash-
a consultant to USIA director Charles Z. Wick.
ington Post, 29 November 1988. After leaving gov-
ernment, MacArthur founded Dynamac, which
helped conduct anthrax sampling after the anony- of the Patriot. See also the MLPD newspaper Rote
mous attacks in 2001 and performed cleanup at two Fahne, 30 December 2004.
anthrax-contaminated federal buildings in Washing-
112. USIA, Soviet Active Measures in the “Post-Cold
ton, DC.
War” Era, 66.
102. Segal mentioned the MacArthur testimony first
113. Peta Thornycroft, “Mugabe Highlights
in a reply to his critics in 1987, see Kruse, Aids, 51,
HIV/AIDS Crisis in Zimbabwe,” Voice of America
55. Disinformation on the NCI’s alleged role was pro-
News, 5 December 2006; New York Times, 10 Decem-
vided by HVA X, see Behling, Kundschafter a.D.,
ber 2004. Maathai subsequently said her words were
taken out of context, but the African journalist who
103. Raimund Geene, AIDS-Politik: Ein neues first reported her remarks stood by his original
Krankheitsbild zwischen Medizin, Politik und report.
Gesundheitsförderung (Frankfurt a.M.: Mabuse,
114. Laura M. Bogart, Seth C. Kalichman, Leikness
2000), 294.
C. Simbayi, letter to the editor, “Endorsement of a
104. Michael D. Morrissey letter to Noam Chomsky, Genocidal HIV Conspiracy as a Barrier to HIV Test-
14 September 1989; Chomsky replied that the Mac- ing in South Africa,” Journal of Acquired Immune
Arthur testimony “sends a chill up the spine,” Chom- Deficiencies 49, no. 1 (1 September 2008): 115f.
sky letter to Morrissey, 28 December 1989;
115. Ted Goertzel, “Belief in Conspiracy Theories,”
Political Psychology 15, no. 4 (December 1994): 731–
33; Anita M. Waters, “Conspiracy Theories as Eth-
105. USIA, Soviet Active Measures in the “Post-Cold nosociologies: Explanation and Intention in African
War” Era, 70, 73, 75. The producer, Malte Rauch, did American Political Culture,” Journal of Black Stud-
not respond to an inquiry from this author regarding ies 28, no. 1 (September 1997): 117; Laura M. Bogart
the making of his documentary. and Sheryl Thorburn, “Are HIV/AIDS Conspiracy
Beliefs a Barrier to HIV Prevention Among African
106. Knabe, Der diskrete Charme, 170.
Americans?” Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency
107. USIA, Soviet Active Measures in the “Post-Cold Syndromes 38, no. 2 (February 1, 2005): 215.
War” Era, 62.
116. Goertzel, “Belief in Conspiracy Theories,” 740.
108. Segal and Segal, AIDS-die Spur führt ins Penta-
117. Kruse, Aids, 3.
gon, 243. The book also contains a censorious essay
on U.S. biological warfare research, titled “Biokrieg.” 118. Cf. Patricia A. Turner, I Heard It through the
The author, Manuel Kiper, subsequently served as a Grapevine: Rumor in African-American Culture
Green Party member of the German parliament (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), 156,
from 1994 to 1998. dismissing a statement by the CIA’s Coordinator for
Academic Affairs Arthur S. Hulnick, who wrote her
109. Bohnsack comments: “Maybe he [Segal] wrote it
on 23 August 1988 that his agency believed rumors
himself, maybe the HVA did. Heaven knows, I don't
linking the CIA to AIDS were the result of Soviet
have a clue.” Bohnsack letter to author, 19 January
119. Vedantam, “Persistence of Myths,” Washington
110. Freitag, 17 May 1991; USIA, Soviet Active Mea-
Post, 4 September 2007.
sures in the “Post-Cold War” Era, 64; Gazette, 16 Feb-
ruary 1992; Koehler, Stasi, 261. 120. For an analysis of rumor dynamics, see Robert
H. Knapp, “A Psychology of Rumor,” The Public
111. Gordon Schaffer, Baby in the Bathwater: Memo-
Opinion Quarterly 8, no. 1 (Spring 1944): especially
ries of a Political Journalist (Sussex: Book Guild,
26f on the importance of sub-groups.
1996), 240, 244; Schaffer was London correspondent
❖ ❖ ❖
Military leaders learned
that approaching battle
through in-depth study
would remain in place through
the 20th century. Before the
modern era, national and strate-
gic intelligence (renseignement
grapple with its tradition and
make sense of combat in the
new stationary environment. In
the face of catastrophic casual-
ties, military leaders soon
and Nachricht, French and Ger-
and analysis would prove man, respectively) came mainly learned that approaching battle
far more effective than from espionage. With the intro- through in-depth study and
reliance on élan. duction of aerial reconnaissance analysis would prove far more
deep behind enemy lines, the effective than reliance on the
” tools of a modern era would con- élan that spurred the first
tribute to shaping strategy and waves of soldiers to rush for-
assessing enemy intentions. ward into walls of lead from
machine guns.
On the World War I battle-
field, as traditional sources— They learned that access to
including the military com- accurate and timely informa-
mander’s favorite force arm for tion was essential to gain
intelligence, mobile cavalry— advantage in battle. Their com-
were rendered impotent, armies mand and control came to
became entrenched along hun- depend on constantly collected
dreds of miles of front. With intelligence from a rapidly
each passing day of 1914, as expanding list of sources to sup-
opposing forces commenced a port decisions from the plan-
strategy of positional war, ning stages to their execution.
demand mounted for a constant Leading exponents of military
stream of accurate and timely intelligence reinforced this
information to target field artil- thinking. Within the first year, a
lery, the most important weapon French intelligence visionary
in the contemporary arsenal. portrayed intelligence informa-
This demand created new tion’s contribution in simple
sources of intelligence derived terms—to follow the destructive
from technologies that were work of our artillery and to reg-
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the
authors. Nothing in the article should be construed as asserting or implying US gov-
ernment endorsement of an article’s factual statements and interpretations.
(Copyright: Terrence J. Finnegan, 2009)
…[The] results [of intelli- The most lethal force arm, Eleven Primary Sources at
gence] are produced by hard artillery, received three-dimen- the Front
work, great diligence and sional, near-real-time updates
untiring watchfulness, and of its accuracy. All conceivable Radio Intercept and
the painstaking collection and ways of transmitting messages Radiogoniometry
collation of every possible within the trenches were tried, Radio intercept and radiogoni-
form of information. Nothing ometry (direction finding) was
including telephones, runners,
is too small to be unworthy of the first of the modern sources
the attention of I. D. [Intelli- carrier pigeons, messenger dogs
and small rockets. In the to have a decisive impact on
gence Department] and no
problem too big for it. 3 absence of radio, airplanes battle during a period of
operated from landing grounds intense mobile warfare. Radio
By 1918, sector surveillance of and directly supported head- intercept had been evolving as
the positional battlefield had quarters by dropping contain- an intelligence discipline before
become a refined art, employ- ers with message updates. the war started, but its value
ing both traditional methods was clearly demonstrated with
average front line sector. In forces arrived in late 1917, the GNEISENAU offensive at
turn, intercept stations work- French army provided the Montdidier and Compiègne. 17
ing from the most forward equipment and technical sup-
trenches tapped the lines to lis- port the newcomers needed. In Front line security called for
ten in to enemy telephone con- mid-1917 senior American offic- the most stringent enforcement
versations in the opposite ers were discreetly informed by of radio discipline. Soldiers
trenches. Their reporting pro- General Philippe Pétain’s staff were warned that the enemy
vided indication of enemy relief that the Germans were not overheard all telephone conver-
and warning of imminent aware of the success the French sations. Radio intercept opera-
attacks. 10 By war’s end a large cipher section was having in tors not only listened for enemy
part of the interceptions were of breaking German codes—an conversations but also kept
signals in Morse code. 11 insight not shared with the rest track of communication viola-
of the French army for fear of tions by friendly forces. One
Codes and ciphers for secure leaks. 14 friendly operator was able to
communications were devel- deduce the entire US OOB for
oped to unprecedented levels The culture of sharing intelli- the St. Mihiel assault by listen-
during the war. At first, this gence within a limited circle of ing to the complaints of a US
was primarily the domain of the experts proved beneficial. switchboard operator that his
French, who had established American radio intercepts dis- communication lines were being
radio intercept stations against covered that German battle broken by tanks and heavy
Germany before the war. Brit- preparations included imple- artillery moving up for the
ish advances in the discipline mentation of a new code, known attack. 18
focused on naval intelligence. 12 as the ADFGVX cipher, on
11 March 1918. The Americans
Conversely, the Germans immediately for-
lagged in the field. They did not warded the infor- CONFIDENTIAL ORDER No. 1.
emphasize cryptanalysis for the mation to French [classified SECRET]
first two years of the war. The and British cryp- Published by Headquarters, 26th Division,
Germans, forced to operate on tanalysis staffs. American Expeditionary Force, in France,
captured French territory with The brilliant February 16, 1918.
radios, were more vulnerable to French cryptana- 1. It is safe to assume that all telephone conversa-
intercepts. The French, on the lyst, Captain tions within one thousand yards of the front line will
other hand, had at their dis- Georges Jean Pain- be heard by the enemy. This necessitates great care
posal a well-established system vin broke the code in the use of the telephone. To prevent, as far as pos-
of less vulnerable wire net- on 6 April. In the
15 sible, the enemy gaining information through indis-
works adjacent to their front on subsequent weeks creet use of our telephone, the following rules will be
home territory. In addition, strictly observed:
Painvin’s analysis (a) REFERENCE TO LOCATION will never be tele-
with French and British experi- was combined with phoned.
ence in analyzing German intelligence reports (b) From regimental P.C. forward, the telephone will
phraseology and idiosyncra- from aerial recon- be used for tactical purposes only; administrative
sies, the Allies had an advan- naissance and pris- matters will be transacted other than by telephone.
tage they never lost. 13 oner (c) Messages referring to movements or operations of
interrogations. The whatever size must be in cipher (except in attack,
By the last year of the war, resulting analysis
when secrecy will give way to urgency).
interception and decoding had (d) The designations of stations as used by the
led to an effective French will continue to be used; in all cases this rep-
become fully integrated compo- French counter to resents a location and not an organization and does
nents of the Allied intelligence Gen. Erich Luden- not change when new organizations occupy the
discipline. As novice American dorff ’s 9 June 1918 locations. 16
The newly established third defensive works on his own they are the most experienced,
dimension of warfare, aerial, immediate front. To extract questioners.” 24
also took on signal intelligence this information from him
collection. Triangulated inter- requires time. It is sometimes Interrogators used data from
cepts of radio transmissions necessary to take the prisoner detailed photographic mosaics
from enemy artillery observers back in the front line trenches of his sector to trace with
or to Observation Posts and sources (prisoner or deserter)
in airplanes provided intercept
almost always necessary to their itineraries from the rear
location data for pursuit esca- examine him with the assis-
drilles and squadrons. to the front line trench net-
tance of aeroplane
photographs. 20 work, confirming statements
Intercepted radio transmis- with specific details from photo-
sions from goniometric stations Ludendorff ’s chief intelli- graphs to include an isolated
also helped counter strategic gence manager at the front, tree, house, or any other visible
aerial bombardment by Zeppe- Oberstleutnant Walter Nicolai, feature. 25
lins, Gotha bombers, and Zep- testified to the value of pris-
pelin-Staaken (Riesenflugzeug) oner interrogations, saying, Personal letters, documents,
giants. Radio transmissions “Our greatest and most valu- and correspondence taken from
from German ground stations able source of news in the west- prisoners helped in identifying
providing bearings to aerial ern theatre of war—and at the opposing units and provided
navigators were intercepted, front line the only one—was information for tactical and
location determined, and data furnished by prisoners of war.” 21 strategic analysis. 26 A good
passed to British defense example with German prison-
squadrons. 19 Interrogation became a sci- ers was the Soldbuch or pay-
ence of human emotion and book. It served not only to
Prisoner Interrogations psychology. German military identify the prisoner, but the
The most voluminous source intelligence was aware that the military record it contained pro-
of intelligence information in British had been told to expect vided discussion material for
positional war came from the beatings and other ordeals, and the first interrogation. 27
interrogation of prisoners. so “prisoners who, still feeling
(According to popular esti- the violent emotions of battle, Interrogated prisoners of both
mates, some 8 million men on found themselves humanely sides provided stereotypical
all sides were captured during treated … spoke more willingly responses. Officers regretted
the war.) The capture and even than the deserters.” 22 being captured. Privates were
retention of prisoners took glad to be out of the hell of the
place during all levels of opera- Interrogation centers took trenches. German prisoners
tions on both sides of No Man’s great care in separating prison- were confident in the success of
Land. Not only was a captive ers by ethnic origins. Polish and German arms, at least early on.
one less threat, prisoners were Alsace-Lorraine prisoners were One Bavarian summed up the
often treasure troves of infor- kept in separate locations to Allies in his interrogation by
mation on critical issues that promulgate their anger toward saying,
other forms of collection threw Germans, reinforced by better
treatment and food, “which The French have done won-
no light on. One senior British
derfully. They are the enemies
intelligence officer described nearly always loosens their
that we like the best. We hate
the process: tongues.” 23 At one French inter- the English. We have regret
rogation center, most of the for the French. 28
Most of the information which staff were professors and law-
a prisoner has is information yers, “who obviously make the The first Americans became
in detail regarding the enemy best [interrogators], because prisoners on 17 November
1917. Initially, during the their required a disciplined, self-con- Moreover, French and Bel-
first six months in combat, trolled existence, in the gian citizens near the front
American soldiers were not trenches and the rear. Keeping were also suspect.
asked about their combat arms. noise to a minimum was a
Barbers, cafe proprietors,
Rather, discussions focused on requirement. Personal letters
waiters and waitresses may
the numbers of Americans in were potential intelligence doc- all be looked upon as poten-
theater and en route across the uments detailing morale, loca- tial spies, and it is most
Atlantic. Concerned about sus- tions, personal observations, important that they should
taining combat in the face of and other relevant data. Cen- have no opportunity of pick-
the arrival of new and fresh sorship was imposed to curtail ing up odd scraps of
forces, the Germans were after any chance of an enemy acquir- information. 31
everything they could get about ing a critical snippet of infor-
the American reinforcements mation. Information from Refugees—
that would help shape their Repatriated Agents
battle strategies for the remain- A British intelligence officer Human intelligence also came
der of 1918. commented on this environ- from the interrogation of repa-
ment: “The enemy has many triated civilians who crossed
Spies soldiers who speak English per- through Allied lines from Ger-
Spies in the Great War pro- fectly, and they recognize by our man-held territory. Interviews
vided intrigue, both in the accent what part of the country were normally conducted by
minds of the combatants and of we come from.” The trench cul- intelligence personnel in the
the practitioners of the art. The ture thus mandated that every sector in which they crossed for
intelligence officer was respon- combatant play a role in gath- whatever information the refu-
sible for preventing these ering information. “Every man gees had on nearby German
agents of espionage from find- should, therefore, look upon activity and intentions. 32 After
ing out anything about “our- himself as a collecting agent of local French authorities con-
selves.” Contre-Espionage information,” wrote a British firmed that the repatriated
sance complemented these col- a chronometer, and telephone. dummy complexes, and other
lection systems. Like sound-ranging, the cen- projects of interest were found.
tral station reported observa- By correlating aerial photo-
The German flash-spotting tions to the heavy artillery unit graphs with captured docu-
Section [Lichtmesstrupp] com- commander for counterbattery ments, analysts identified more
prised a central station and targeting. 45 features. Photo interpreters
eight observation stations over required detailed knowledge of
a 20-km front. Each post had Captured Documents trench organization, such as
eight men, with four providing Captured documents were could be found in published
relief every two days. Observa- gold mines for intelligence anal- German regulations and other
tion was accomplished by one ysis on both sides of the lines. captured documents. Their tac-
individual at a time. Each post The French described enemy tical approaches often found the
had a pair of periscopic field documents as “perfect interpre- keys to enemy intentions. Anal-
glasses, a device called an tation,” particularly when ysis of strategic aspects would
alidade that allowed one to aerial photographs matched be done by the intelligence
sight a distant object and use dates and items noted in docu- staff.
the line of sight to perform the ments. Sometimes sketches
required computational task, with notes about machine guns, French manuals included
an ordinary pair of field glasses, trench mortars (Minenwerfer), reminders about the impor-
The complexity of the World War I intelligence enterprise is evident in the contemporary schematic above, which shows Ameri-
can Expeditionary Force division-level intelligence supported by corps architecture in 1918. (Original at NARA, RG 120; also
accessed through Footnote.com, NARA M923 The Supreme War Council.)
The skills of the people needed in this enterprise were neatly described after the war by British General Macdonogh.
Intelligence personnel may be divided into two main groups, a very large one which collects information and whose main
characteristic is acquisitiveness, and a very small one which extracts the substance from that mass of facts and fiction.
The mental requisites of this last class are: (1) clearness of thought, (2) grasp of detail, (3) a retentive memory, (4) knowledge of
the enemy, (5) the power of projection into his mind, (6) imagination tempered by the strongest common sense, (7) indefatigabil-
ity, (8) good health, including the absence of nerves, and (9) above all others, absolute impartiality.
A high intelligence officer who allows himself to have any preconceived notions or prejudices is useless. He must look at friend,
foe and neutral alike—that is, merely as pieces on the chessboard. 64
gets well beyond the front, they Analysis side of No Man’s Land. Ulti-
institutionalized an intelligence mately, intelligence officers
collection and analysis process Analysis was aimed at deep- were called on to validate all
that remains to the present day. ening understanding of tacti- military activity planned
In turn, Foch developed an oper- cal and strategic situations— against the enemy.
ational strategy of determining including events in progress,
offensive operations based on the value of planned friendly Analysts had to remain
what the strategical assessment operations, and details of abreast of the status quo on the
portrayed. 58 enemy forces on the opposite front lines to recognize changes
30. Walcot, “Lecture on Intelligence.” 49. Asst. Chief of Staff, G-2, 1st Army, A.E.F., Report.
November 18, 1918. Drum Papers, Vol 14. USAMHI,
31. Ibid.
32. Finnegan, Shooting the Front, 176.
50. Maj. Georg Paul Neumann, translated by J. E.
33. Summary of Intelligence, 1st Army Corps, U.S. Gurdon, The German Air Force in the Great War
Second Section, G.S. in Finnegan, 176. (Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, ca. 1920, later published
by Cedric Chivers Ltd, Portway, Bath, 1969), 6.
34. Patrol and Control of No Man’s Land. Conger
Papers, Box 2, USAMHI. 51. Cron, Imperial German Army, 180.
35. Walcot, “Lecture on Intelligence.” 52. Zabecki, Steel Wind, 42.
36. Maj. J.E. Hahn, The Intelligence Service within 53. Finnegan, Shooting the Front, 335.
the Canadian Corps (Toronto: The Macmillan Com-
54. Captain Eugene Pépin quoted in Finnegan,
pany of Canada, 1930), 188.
Shooting the Front, 177.
37. Private Edward Alva Trueblood, In the Flash-
55. Thomas Hibben quoted in Finnegan, Shooting
spotting Service, 38, http://www.guten-
the Front, 459.
berg.org/files/26138/26138-h/26138-h.htm, accessed
25 October 2009. 56. Hahn, Intelligence Service within Canadian
Corps, 260.
38. Walcot, “Lecture on Intelligence.”
57. Finnegan, Shooting the Front, 179, and Asst.
39. Trueblood, “Flash-Spotting,” 38.
Chief of Staff, G-2, 1st Army, A.E.F. Report. Novem-
40. Ibid, 39. ber 18, 1918. Drum Papers, Vol 14. USAMHI, Carl-
isle, PA.
41. David T. Zabecki, Steel Wind (Westport, CT:
Praeger, 1994), 13. 58. Finnegan, Shooting the Front, 261.
42. John R. Innes, Flash Spotters and Sound Rang- 59. Ibid., 172.
ers: How They Lived, Worked and Fought in the
Great War (London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 60. Ibid.
1935), 129–32. Joseph Goldstein in Bernard Edel- 61. Ibid.
man, Centenarians, The Story of the 20th Century by
the Americans Who Lived It (New York: Farrar, 62. Kirke, senior GHQ intelligence officer, quoted in
Straus and Giroux, 1999), 246. David French, “Failures of Intelligence: The Retreat to
the Hindenburg Line and the March 1918 Offensive,”
43. Summary of Information for Divisional Head- Strategy and Intelligence, British Policy during the
quarters, No 153, GHQAEF, Second Section, General First World War, edited by Michael Dockrill and David
Staff March 14, 1918. Box 16N 1090, Service His- French (London: The Hambledon Press, 1996), 76.
torique de la Défense (SHD).
63. Macdonogh, “Intelligence Services,” 261.
44. Innes, Flash Spotters, 99–100.
64. Ibid., 260.
45. Summary of Information for Divisional Head-
quarters, No 154, GHQ AEF, Second Section, Gen- 65. Hahn, Intelligence Service within Canadian
eral Staff March 15, 1918. Box 16N 1090, Service Corps, 263.
Historique de la Défense (SHD). 66. Finnegan, Shooting the Front, 157.
46. Finnegan, Shooting the Front, 177. 67. Hahn, Intelligence Service within Canadian
47. David T. Zabecki, The German 1918 Offensives: A Corps, 96.
Case Study in the Operational Level of War (London: 68. Intelligence Services of the British Army in the
Routledge, 2006), 118; General Ludendorff quoted in Field, February 16th, 1915. George O. Squiers
Finnegan, Shooting the Front, 106. Papers. USAMHI.
48. Finnegan, Shooting the Front, 106–108. 69. German Army Handbook, April 1918 (New York:
Hippocrene Books, Inc., 1977), 124.
70. Macdonogh, 256.
❖ ❖ ❖
organization to accept a “chal- gence Community Centers of
lenge project” from the NSA’s Academic Excellence” (IC
The IFA asked the Institute for Analysis (IFA). A CAE). a The CSU consortium is
challenge project consists of a one of these centers and
group to assess why question for which the IFA seeks accepted the first such chal-
terrorist groups or a fresh answer from outside the lenge offered to a university
criminal transnational Intelligence Community (IC). group.
organizations select The challenge process begins
certain transit with individual NSA analysts
who approach the IFA with par- The Problem
countries for their
purposes. ticularly vexing questions. IFA
The project CSU took on was
then evaluates these for their
labeled the “Transit Country
importance, timeliness, and
Problem.” In a nutshell, the IFA
suitability to outside research.
asked the group to assess why
Once the IFA approves a ques-
terrorist groups or criminal
tion for a challenge project, the
transnational organizations
question is reframed to make it
select certain transit countries
suitable for open-source
for their purposes. The report
research by whatever group is
was due in the spring of 2009.
assigned the challenge project.
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the
authors. Nothing in the article should be construed as asserting or implying US gov-
ernment endorsement of an article’s factual statements and interpretations.
The need for a principal analyst for a multi-team project like this
Three Research Teams, One became evident early in the process.
Product: The Role of the
Principal Analyst
involved in the sex trade was are a limited number of coun-
Fortuitously, however, one fac- counted as part of the overall tries that can act as conduits
ulty member who was aware of human trafficking pattern. In for terrorist or criminal activ-
the process but uninvolved in others, anyone who ever ity. Instead, we thought that
classroom research for it offered accepted “pay” for sex acts were any country in the world could
his services at the right time to not counted as victims of serve as a transit country,
help integrate the reports. He human trafficking, even if they depending on a number of con-
also brought to the table consid- were first forced into sex sla- ditions. In the STORM process,
erable methodological skills. We very. Moreover, only a few we first had the analyst ask
had promised to have some- nations try to track it and those questions about the group, its
thing by late January, so this that do—like the United States, goals, its objectives, and its
individual had to work over- which has spent over $371 mil- resource needs before asking
time during his winter break to lion since 2001 on this issue— which countries might become
develop our final approach. In have no assessment on whether transit countries, or nodes of
collaboration with the coordina- such efforts have prevented any operation.
tor, usually by phone, but also human trafficking. The same
over lunch, our principal ana- was true for databases on politi- The different approaches to
lyst read, analyzed, and synthe- cal corruption, arms smug- the problem paid off here as
sized faculty and student gling, and drug smuggling. So, well. After having developed
reports—well over 400 pages— when the principal analyst the term terrorist node of opera-
into a creative, and useful began evaluating all the data, it tion in one class, the principal
methodology we called STORM became clear to us that we analyst determined that it
(Security threat, Target, Opera- needed to substitute qualita- suited the purposes of the over-
tion, Resources, Movement pat- tive proxies for poor, incom- all report better simply to use
tern). plete, or unreliable quantitative node of operation to include ter-
measures. But the proxies he rorist groups and criminal tran-
The need for a principal ana- identified had to be able to snational organizations.
lyst for a multiteam project like accommodate quantitative data
this became evident early in the of high quality, once they could Second, we also determined
process. Students across all be identified. that because open-source data
groups quickly discovered that can be corrupted, we used qual-
a significant number of open itative proxies for various
source metrics were bad, cor- STORM pathologies. For example, if the
rupted, or simply unreliable. data for arms trafficking are
The methodology’s name, bad, qualitative proxies such as
For example, the subject of
STORM, served as a mnemonic the presence of civil wars or
human trafficking is fraught
device to help analysts method- insurgencies could be used. (A
with difficulties. Some coun-
ically identify potential “nodes
tries try to combat it, others
of operation.” a In coming up
ignore it, and still others hide
with the acronym, we, in a See the unclassified Intellipedia article
it. Yet every student group
essence, determined that ask- on transit country and the report,
reported finding metrics for it. "STORM: A Methodology for Evaluating
ing questions about transit
More troubling, the definition of Transit Routes for Terrorist Groups and
countries was not the preferred
human trafficking was found to Criminal Transnational Organizations" at
first step. The concept of a tran- https://www.intelink.gov/wiki/Transit_
be different across databases.
sit country implies that there Country. The IFA has authorized its dis-
In some databases, anyone tribution on the public Intellipedia.
qualitative proxy is one that is During our VTCs, our geogra- In April 2009, the project coor-
highly correlated to bad or sus- phers told us that if the coun- dinator and principal analyst
pect behavior.) We also pro- try is the unit of analysis, then delivered a briefing on STORM
vided a methodology, or a spreadsheet approach would at NSA headquarters in Fort
template, by which analysts can be sufficient; that GIS can help Meade to a packed room of ana-
assess the relative importance when the analysis focuses on lysts. The briefing was also
of certain countries to various sub- or transnational activities. recorded for future training.
groups, depending upon a num- Our selection of the country as The methodology received high
ber of conditions discovered by the unit of analysis from the praise from that group as well.
first working through the beginning, however, was in part The following was all we
STORM process. a direct response to the needed to hear about the mood
assumptions behind the chal- of the analysts as they left the
The methodology was sensi- lenge question itself: that there briefing: we were told that the
tive to potential changes in a is a distinct subset of all states analysts came in skeptics but
group’s condition, goals, mem- in the international system that went out believers. (See IFA
bership, or planned operation. can be classified as transit director’s letter on facing page.)
As each component of the pro- countries. The question itself
cess changed, the potential biased our approach in answer-
nodes of operation for that Lessons Learned
ing the challenge.
group could change as well. In
addition, the methodology could The three reports became one. The lessons we learned in this
be used to plot potential nodes We sent the IFA our final prod- collaborative effort could be
of operation for all terrorist and uct on time and briefed it to helpful to those working on sim-
criminal groups: past, present, them by VTC in January 2009. ilar projects. For the project
or future under varying condi- Involved were representatives itself—and we imagine for intel-
tions. Furthermore, the from the IFA, several senior ligence analysts in general—the
STORM methodology is scal- intelligence professionals from question drives the research.
able, so that future iterations the ODNI, coparticipants at the How a question is posed can
could involve not only national various campuses, and a group lead to biases in how to answer
units of analysis but regional of students and faculty at the it. As mentioned above, the
and local ones as well. CSU San Bernardino campus, research strategies in all three
where the VTC was broadcast. classes were designed specifi-
Our one major disappoint- While the researchers answered cally around countries as the
ment was our inability to use pointed questions from the IFA, units of analysis and the
our GIS Team. We simply ran it became clear to the partici- assumption that there were
out of time. We were unable to pants that the project was well- likely to be clear indicators of
complete the project early received and had been a suc- what makes a country a “tran-
enough to give our geographers cess. The students in atten- sit country.” Realizing that the
time to work with the results. dance, many of whom had been concept of a transit country was
Part of this was due to the intimidated at the first briefing too limited, we followed our
unfamiliarity that most of our in September, were excited to instincts and recast our
researchers have with the capa- witness the project’s successful approach to better capture the
bilities of GIS. Another ele- completion, but beyond that, phenomenon under question.
ment was our selection of the they were elated that intelli- This reassessment of a key term
country as the unit of analysis. gence professionals evaluated in the question itself was, in and
It was important for the students to realize that, despite [the un-
certainties], the faculty and students would be expected to pro- writing his or her own paper,
duce a result—just as any working analyst must. with the final team product
being a compilation of the
the analyst to discuss the ideas faculty and student research- papers. This year, we intend to
and strategies the analyst ers, to the coordinator, to the collaborate through the use of a
would bring to the product. In geographers who waited for an Wiki, to simulate the type of col-
addition, the coordinator opportunity to help, to the prin- laboration that Intellipedia
advised the principal analyst on cipal analyst—wanted the offers to analysts in the IC.
how best to present this infor- project to succeed. All were As a test, the coauthors of this
mation to the eventual consum- willing to admit where they article worked on this manu-
ers of the product. believed their efforts or their script using Wiki technology.
research or research design was Each entry by a coauthor was
In retrospect, after the chal- weak in the supporting reports.
lenge was completed and tracked and was immediately
In an environment where egos available to all who had access
briefed to the IFA, the faculty sometimes get in the way of
agreed that it was good for stu- to the site. Through this we
success, this was a huge factor. hoped to find out what works
dents to see the research process
in its entirety because the pro- and what does not and why.
cess resembles the way in which Conclusion Our ultimate goal is to have
faculty members conduct their more students who can bring
research and, we imagine, how Where will we go from here? the new tools of Web 2.0 to
intelligence analysts conduct Our efforts to collaborate are potential careers in the IC. In
theirs as well. It was impor- only beginning. We envision the process, we are also learn-
tant, pedagogically, for the stu- more opportunities to bring more ing new and better ways to col-
dents to grasp fully the faculty and students into future laborate.
uncertainties, and anxieties, of challenge projects. We are also
testing how to make Wikis— ❖ ❖ ❖
a research process in which
there is no predetermined out- with their capacity to accommo-
come and there is a high level date multiple authors and abil-
of uncertainty about whether ity to show changes over time—
the research will be academi- available for collaborative
cally useful or accepted by their efforts. At the CSUSB campus,
peers. Yet it was also impor- we annually produce a mock,
tant for the students to realize competitive National Intelli- a Our PSCI 621: Strategic Intelligence
Mr. A. is an institution.
——William Colby 3
1 David Phillips, The Night Watch (New York: Atheneum, 1977), 189.
2 Tom Mangold, Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton: The CIA’s Master Spy Hunter (New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1991), 30.
3 Ibid., 307. At the time Colby was head of CIA’s Directorate of Operations (DO).
4 The title of this article is derived from one of Angleton’s favorite poems, “Gerontion” by T.S. Eliot: “After
such knowledge, what forgiveness? Think Now/History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors/
And issues, deceives with whispering ambitions/Guides us by vanities. Think now.” Angleton took his signa-
ture phrase “wilderness of mirrors” from this poem.
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the author. Nothing in
the article should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its factual
statements and interpretations.
Agency’s Cold War existence—and his eccentricities and excesses have been
widely portrayed as paradigmatic of how not to conduct counterintelligence.
Yet the lore about Angleton is more familiar than his ideas, accomplishments,
and true shortcomings because much of the publicly available information about
him is highly partisan, generated by a range of intelligence veterans, scholars,
journalists, and fiction and film writers who have maligned or embellished his
career to the point that much of what is supposedly known of him is a mix of fact
and fiction.
What do we know, and what do we think we know, about perhaps the Agency’s
most compelling and caricatured figure, and what else can we reliably say until
still unrevealed information about him becomes available?
Biographical Backdrop
Before venturing into an analysis of how others have depicted Angleton, the
salient facts of his biography should be presented. 6 Angleton was born in Boise,
Idaho, in 1917 and grew up mostly in Italy, where his father owned the National
Cash Register subsidiary. He attended an English preparatory school before
entering Yale in 1937. He majored in English Literature and edited a poetry
review called Furioso that published the works of T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and oth-
ers. He entered Harvard Law School and then joined the Army in 1943.
Angleton was recruited into the Office of Strategic Services and first worked in
the super-secret X-2 counterintelligence branch in London. It was here that
Angleton learned to be so hyperconscious about security. X-2 was the only OSS
component cleared to receive raw ULTRA material, intercepted German military
communications sent via the Enigma encryption machine. He also knew about
the DOUBLE CROSS and FORTITUDE deception operations that were paving
5 Robin W. Winks, Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War, 1939–1961 (New York: William Morrow,
1987), 437.
6 One persistent misunderstanding about Angleton to dispense with straight away involves his middle
name, Jesus. Practically everyone who writes or talks about Angleton uses it—to what end is unclear—but
he never did, and as an Anglophile, he avoided calling attention to that prominent reminder of his half-
Mexican parentage. He always signed documents just with “James Angleton,” in a crabbed, slightly shaky
script that would fascinate graphologists.
the way for the Normandy invasion. The success of these operations was one rea-
son for his later belief in Soviet “strategic deception.”
Angleton next served in the X-2 unit in Rome, where he was codenamed ARTI-
FICE. 7 He was an innovative field operative and rose to be chief of all X-2 opera-
tions in Italy by the end of the war. When the OSS disbanded in 1945, Angleton
stayed in Italy to run operations for the successor organizations to OSS. After he
moved into CIA’s espionage and counterintelligence component in 1947, he
became the Agency’s liaison to Western counterpart services. In 1954, he became
the head of the new Counterintelligence Staff. He would remain in that job for
the rest of his career.
What is known for sure about Angleton is more complicated and captivating. He
looked like a character in a spy novel and had unconventional work habits and
mannerisms. A magazine profile of him aptly stated that “If John le Carré and
Graham Greene had collaborated on a superspy, the result might have been
James Jesus Angleton.” 9
7 See Timothy J. Naftali, “ARTIFICE: James Angleton and X-2 Operations in Italy,” in The Secrets War: The
Office of Strategic Services in World War II, ed. George C. Chalou (Washington, DC: National Archives and
Records Administration, 1992), 218–45.
8 The only nickname that others are reliably said to have used for Angleton was “the Cadaver,” by some men
in his unit just after World War II ended, referring to his gaunt appearance. Winks, “Artifice” 372.
9 David C. Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors (New York: Harper and Row, 1980), 216.
10 Working Group on Intelligence Reform, Myths Surrounding James Angleton (Washington, DC: Consor-
was one of the foundations of his influence. The two qualities were interrelated
operationally, as he saw Israel as a bastion against the Soviet Union.
Angleton often was arrogant, tactless, dismissive, and even threatening toward
professional colleagues who disagreed with him. Outside the bounds of Agency
business, which for him were expansive and caused his family life to suffer,
Angleton could be charming and had many close and loyal friends and a wide
assortment of interests. One way or another, he always left a lasting impression
on those who met him.
What makes Angleton such a conundrum for the historian and biographer is that
he was losing his sense of proportion and his ability to live with uncertainty right
around the time, 1959–63, when it became startlingly evident—agents compro-
mised, operations blown, spies uncovered—that something was seriously amiss
with Western intelligence and more aggressive CI and security were needed. 11
Given the Soviets’ record of success at penetration and deception operations going
back to the 1920s, and with no current evidence to the contrary, Angleton was jus-
tified in presuming CIA also was victimized. However, there was no other source,
human or technical, that he could use to guide him on the molehunt—only his
favored source, KGB defector Anatoli Golitsyn, and their symbiotic relationship
soon became professionally unbalanced as the manipulative and self-promoting
defector’s allegations of international treachery grew more fantastical.
Overall, Angleton’s negatives outweighed his positives. First, among the latter:
While he was running CIA counterintelligence, there were no known Soviet pene-
trations of the Agency besides “Sasha” (the extent to which Angleton deserves
credit for that is arguable). Information from, or assistance by, him and the CI
11 The defection to the Soviet Union of Angleton’s erstwhile friend, MI6 officer “Kim” Philby, in 1963 con-
firmed years of suspicion that he was a KGB agent and certainly reinforced Angleton’s sense that Western
intelligence had been pervasively betrayed to Moscow.
Staff helped uncover, or prepared the way for later discovery of, Soviet espionage
operations in several Western countries. He maintained good relations with the
FBI at the working level, helping mitigate longstanding interagency hostility fos-
tered mostly by J. Edgar Hoover. And he contributed to the establishment of
counterintelligence as an independent discipline of the intelligence profession
with resources and influence at CIA.
Even without the sensational New York Times front-page story by Seymour
Hersh in December 1974 about CIA domestic operations that prompted Angle-
ton’s dismissal, it was more than time for him to go, as even his longtime
defender Richard Helms came to admit. 12 Many people will remember Angleton
only for two of his last publicized appearances: drunk, disheveled, and disori-
ented when a media mob confronted him at his home the morning after he was
fired; and cagey, elusive, and defiant while testifying before the Church Commit-
tee several months later. 13 Very quickly after he left Langley, an anti-Angleton
orthodoxy set in at the Agency and coincided with the intelligence scandals of the
mid-1970s and a public backlash against CIA that profoundly influenced subse-
quent interpretations of Angleton.
12 Seymour Hersh, “Huge CIA Operation Reported in US Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in
Nixon Years,” New York Times, 22 December 1974: A1; Richard Helms with William Hood, A Look Over My
Shoulder: A Life in the Central Intelligence Agency (New York: Random House, 2003), 284.
13 It was in the latter circumstance that Angleton confirmed that in a deposition he had asserted “It is
inconceivable that a secret intelligence arm of the government has to comply with all the overt orders of the
government,” and then backpedaled from it, saying, “If it is accurate, it should not have been said…I had
been imprudent in making those remarks…I withdraw that statement…the entire speculation should not
have been engaged in.” Hearings before the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with
Respect to Intelligence Activities of the United States Senate, 94th Congress, First Session, Volume 2, Huston
Plan (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1976), 72, 73.
14 This writer’s previous foray into the subject was “Moles, Defectors, and Deceptions: James Angleton and
CIA Counterintelligence,” Journal of Intelligence History 3:2 (Winter 2003): 21–49, posted on cia.gov, along
with this issue, with the journal’s permission.
15 Turn to the end of this article for a list of other books, articles, and a Web site for materials on Angleton
that are worth noting for their facts and often starkly varying perspectives.
16 Edward Jay Epstein, Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald (New York: McGraw Hill, 1978) and
Deception: The Invisible War Between the KGB and the CIA (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989). See also
Epstein’s articles “The War Within the CIA,” Commentary, August 1978; “Who Killed the CIA?,” ibid., Octo-
ber 1985; “Was Angleton Right?,” Wall Street Journal, 30 December 2004; and “Through the Looking Glass”
(undated), all posted on his Web site, www.edwardjayepstein.com. The quote that follows comes from the
Wall Street Journal piece.
17 New York: Harper and Row, 1980. The 2003 paperback reprint adds the overwrought subtitle Intrigue, De-
ception, and the Secrets That Destroyed Two of the Cold War’s Most Important Agents.
21 See note 2.
22 Molehunt: The Secret Search for Traitors That Shattered the CIA (New York: Random House, 1992).
silent Agency officers and in formerly classified records, including about compen-
sation provided to victims of the molehunt. Wise also revealed details about the
penetration agent, who did not damage CIA nearly as much as Angleton feared
or as the molehunt itself did—although he goes well beyond the facts to claim
that the search “shattered” the Agency.
23 Of Moles and Molehunters: A Review of Counterintelligence Literature, 1977–92 (Washington, DC: CIA
Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1993). The monograph is available on cia.gov at https://www.cia.gov/li-
24 Richard Helms as Director of Central Intelligence, 1966–1973 (Washington, DC: CIA History Staff, 1993);
declassified in July 2006 and available on CIA’s public Web site at www.foia.cia.gov. The book carries the dis-
claimer that “while this is an official publication of the CIA History Staff, the views expressed…are those of
the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the CIA” (ix).
25 Washington, DC: Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, 1994.
Instead, in a detailed and often hard-to-follow case review, Bagley insists that
Nosenko’s first contact with CIA in 1962 was designed to conceal the presence of
Soviet penetration agents who had been operating in US intelligence since at
least the late 1950s and that his reappearance barely two months after the JFK
murder was a risky change in the operation. Bagley unsparingly attacks the
defector’s defenders, who he believes have besmirched his own reputation, and he
has challenged them to answer 20 questions about the case, claiming that a “no”
to any one of them would be enough to discredit Nosenko and substantiate Angle-
ton’s view that the defector was dispatched. Critics of Spy Wars have noted Bag-
ley’s reliance on unnamed former KGB officers as sources for essential (some
would say convenient) information.
Michael Holzman, James Jesus Angleton, the CIA, and the Craft of
Intelligence. 28
Holzman is an independent scholar with a doctorate in literature who, he says,
set out to write a study of an interpretive school of literary thought called the
New Criticism that was prominent at Yale when Angleton attended, and then
decided to use it as a way to divine the meaning of Angleton’s approach to coun-
terintelligence. In essence, Holzman contends that only people trained in the
New Criticism, which emphasized ambiguity and multiple simultaneous levels of
meaning, could think they really understood all the nuances and intricacies of CI.
Whatever the intellectual cause and effect the school had on Angleton, Winks
deals with it more economically and less esoterically.
Holzman offers some new information on Angleton’s personal life and poetic inter-
ests, but his recounting of Angleton’s intelligence career follows the usual well-worn
26 Paris: Nouveau Monde, 2007. Translated, the title reads “James Angleton: CIA Counterspy.” Arboit has
distilled most of the book’s discussion of Angleton’s notorious molehunt in an article, “In His Defector He
Trusted: How the CIA Counterintelligence Staff Broke the Western Intelligence Community for Ten Years,”
posted on the Web site of the Centre Français de Recherché sur le Renseignment, www.cf2r.org/fr.
27 Spy Wars: Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games (New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 2007).
tracks. He does, however, give the earlier years their due instead of hurtling into the
1960s like most other writers. Holzman’s research is reasonably thorough,29 but for
a literary critic he uses secondary sources with a surprisingly unquestioning atti-
tude, and he makes many careless mistakes with dates, organizations, and people.
The narrative is cluttered with several pedantic or politically loaded asides and
digressions into CIA and FBI activities that Angleton was aware of but not directly
involved in, such as anti-Castro plots and COINTELPRO. The extensive treatment
of MHCHAOS repeats much of what has been known since the Church Committee
report of 1976 and serves as a set piece for Holzman to express his moral outrage at
the “STASI-like mentality” (44) behind the US government’s post-9/11 counterter-
rorism and internal security measures.
29 Although he cites some, Holzman appears unfamiliar with the publications of the Center for the Study of
Intelligence, which he claims “can be relied upon as accurate depictions of what the Agency wishes to be
known and thought about its activities” (337 n. 92). Regular users of CSI products know that they often are
critical of CIA’s performance in many areas.
30 Winks, an aficionado of spy fiction, identified many others in Cloak and Gown, 539 n. 14.
32 Some Web sites, including until recently Wikipedia, say that Angleton’s CIA cryptonym was KUMOTHER,
but no such term existed. The pseudonym used for him in Agency cable traffic was Hugh N. Ashmead. Wise,
33 New York: Crown Publishers, 1980.
revelations from a high-level KGB defector to save the United States from an evil
Kremlin plot that employs Soviet agents infiltrated throughout the US govern-
ment. The book is as far-fetched and misguided about Angleton from its right-
wing perspective as Orchids for Mother is from Latham’s leftist viewpoint.
34 Spytime: The Undoing of James Jesus Angleton (New York: Harcourt, 2000).
35 Benjamin B. Fischer, review of Spytime in CIRA Newsletter 26 (Spring 2001), 55.
36 Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 2002.
Michael Holzman has perceptively pointed out that the open literature on
His comment addresses the perennial challenge for those who approach any his-
torical topic: the inadequacies of the available evidence. Documentation is incom-
plete and not fully trustworthy, and memories are fallible and subject to bias.
But the raw details of CI operations are among any service’s most closely guarded
secrets, and properly so. Angleton reportedly once said that “if you control counter-
intelligence, you control the intelligence service.”44 The same may well apply to a
historical understanding of CIA counterintelligence. Necessary restrictions on infor-
mation about the enterprise that he considered the foundation of all other intelli-
gence work probably will prevent us from seeing the reality of him and instead
consign us to continue looking at shadows and reflections. Angleton may remain to
history, as he fancied himself in life, an enigma.
❖ ❖ ❖
40 Most recently on film (2009), an Angleton-like character (tall, thin, trench coat, brimmed hat) appears as a
senior CIA executive in An American Affair, which is loosely based on the real-life relationship between Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy and Mary Pinchot Meyer, ex-wife of Agency covert action chief Cord Meyer. Mary Meyer
was killed in 1964 under strange circumstances, and Angleton had an odd role afterward in keeping the pres-
idential affair quiet. See Nina Burleigh, A Very Private Woman: The Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential
Mistress Mary Meyer (New York: Bantam Books, 1998), 245–49. Presumably in the same vein, Angleton is list-
ed as appearing in a forthcoming (2010) documentary, Murder on Fifth Helena Drive, about the death of the
Kennedy brothers’ alleged paramour, Marilyn Monroe. See the Internet Movie Database at www.imdb.com/ti-
41 Holzman, 224.
42 Many records on Angleton’s freelance activities and the CI Staff ’s domestic operations were destroyed after
his dismissal.
43 Both documents are posted on the Agency’s FOIA Web site. John Hart was a former Agency operations of-
ficer who DCI Stansfield Turner brought out of retirement to review CIA’s handling of Nosenko.
44 Mangold, 47.
• William Colby and Peter Forbath, Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1978)
• Roy Godson, Dirty Tricks or Trump Cards: US Covert Action and Counterintelli-
gence (Washington, DC: Brassey’s, 1995)
• John Hart, The CIA’s Russians (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2003)
• Richard Helms with William Hood, A Look Over My Shoulder: A Life in the
Central Intelligence Agency (New York: Random House, 2003)
• Burton Hersh, The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA
(New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1992)
• Seymour Hersh, “The Angleton Story,” New York Times Magazine, 25 June
1978: 13–18ff.
• Angus MacKenzie, Secrets: The CIA’s War at Home (Berkeley: University of Cal-
ifornia Press, 1997)
• Thomas Powers, “Spook of Spooks,” New York Review of Books, 17 August 1989:
40–43, reprinted as “The Riddle Inside the Enigma” in Powers, Intelligence
Wars: American Secret History from Hitler to al-Qaeda (New York: New York
Review Books, 2002), 109–25
• Mark Reibling, Wedge: The Secret War Between the FBI and CIA (New York:
Alfred A. Knopf, 1994)
• Nigel West, A Matter of Trust: MI5, 1945–1972 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicol-
son, 1982) and The Circus: MI5 Operations, 1945–1972 (New York: Stein and
Day, 1983)
• The Web site of the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies
(www.cicentre.org), which provides CI training to the federal government, con-
tains a large variety of materials on Angleton—declassified documents,
interviews, speeches, quotes, articles, book reviews, and reading lists—that is
exclusively critical of him.
❖ ❖ ❖
Reviewed by Matthew P.
In looking at these cases the author uses a medical analogy suggesting phases
of an infectious disease: “infection”—the entry of extremists into a vulnerable
area; “contagion”—the spread of extremist influence; “intervention”—the engage-
ment of establishment, often Western-partnered, security services; “rejection”—
the hoped-for elimination of the insurgent or terrorist group by the population.
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the author. Nothing in
the article should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its factual
statements and interpretations.
Given the profound role intelligence would have to play, Kilcullen says surpris-
ingly little of specific intelligence entities, though at one point he lauds the World
War II–era US Office of Strategic Services as a model for civilian-military inter-
action with a strategic purpose. As he stresses, counteracting conditions that
extremists exploit requires intimacy with the local environments. Collecting,
analyzing, and articulating objective ground truth to decisionmakers are essen-
tial. Also important are covert, unconventional warfare options—an “indirect
approach that ruthlessly minimizes American presence” (285). These might
include propaganda and counterpropaganda; increased liaison relationships with
(and presumably, penetrations of) host-country intelligence services; assistance to
selected local leaders or groups to increase their patronage and authority to serve
as vessels of influence; support to community programs, e.g. civic centers; health
care; moderate (in the case of religious-based) educational institutions; and, more
broadly, elevation of expertise in the Western intelligence community.
❖ ❖ ❖
Hayden Peake
In his preface to Vietnam Declassified, Thomas Ahern writes that when he left
Vietnam in 1965, “I knew we were losing, but I had no idea why the Saigon gov-
ernment was in retreat in the countryside, and the VC ascendant.”(12) In this
book, originally published internally in 2001 as a classified history entitled CIA
and Rural Pacification in South Vietnam, Ahern provides many answers, formed
with the benefit of hindsight, deep research into classified documents, candid and
revealing interviews, and his own experience as a clandestine service officer. 1
1 Ahern was an operations officer in the CIA for 35 years. He served five tours in Asia, including three in
Indochina. Since retirement, he has served as a CIA contract historian. A slightly redacted version of Rural
Pacification was released in 2006. Five other Ahern histories of CIA efforts in the region were declassified
with varying degrees of redaction in 2009. All six can be found at http://today.ttu.edu/2009/03/cia-releases-
documents-of-vietnam-war-era-intelligence/. Published in-house by the CIA History Staff of the Center for
the Study of Intelligence between 2001 and 2006, Ahern’s works have been widely used in the Intelligence
Community for education and training purposes. The last of the series, Undercover Armies: CIA and Surro-
gate Warfare in Laos, 1961–1973, is the most frequently accessed history book CSI has produced.
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the author. Nothing in
the article should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its factual
statements and interpretations.
During the fourth period (1963–65) the Vietnamese generals competed for
power while station officers worked at the provincial level trying to find a suc-
cessful pacification formula. The fifth period (1966–69) was characterized by an
expansion of the pacification effort and the massive military buildup of US
troops, which eventually led to the unification of intelligence and countryside
action programs under the Military Assistance Command (Vietnam) or MACV.
The final period (1969–75) brought the Nixon policy of Vietnamization, which
sought to turn over CIA-sponsored programs to the Vietnamese. A major ele-
ment of this period was the Phoenix program—called Phung Hoang by the Viet-
namese. Its objective was to integrate “all government of Vietnam activities
against the VC” aimed at penetration of the VC and the collection of intelli-
gence.(295) The CIA provided advisory support. Ahern devotes considerable
space to the bureaucratic machinations from which this program evolved, its
operations in the field, and details of CIA support.
In the end, of course, CIA efforts to help the South Vietnamese in the country-
side failed. The reasons are evident in the pages of Vietnam Declassified. Ahern
quotes exchanges with Headquarters, cites conflicts with MACV, and documents
the complex political terrain. From the CIA standpoint, it battled for success with
two constituencies, one American, the other Vietnamese, and yet it never con-
ducted a comprehensive analysis of the insurgency’s political dynamics. The
Americans, under MACV’s rigid bureaucracy, first resisted involvement in and
then demanded control of all intelligence and counterinsurgency operations,
often with methods the CIA station considered counterproductive. The Vietnam-
ese insisted on the final say on all programs—it was, after all, their country. But
they could never control their own bureaucracies, whose competing equities led
them to interfere with agreed-upon CIA operations that were seen as challenges
to power.
The story is not one of unremitting failure, however. The success of the People’s
Action Teams (PATs), described in chapter 10, is an example of what could be
achieved. Informants were recruited to identify communist cadres and a civic action
program trained security teams and strengthened provincial administration. Roads
were repaired, haircuts given, security provided, and the villagers responded by
informing on VC forces. For a while it appeared that a workable formula had been
found for replacing the VC infrastructure and expanding “the government’s popular
base in the countryside.”(169) But attempts to sustain and expand the program and
others like it—the Rural Development (RD) operations conducted by the Marines,
for example—failed in battles of competing bureaucracies.
Ahern identifies many reasons for the collapse of the pacification efforts. Some
South Vietnamese recognized them as well. One general noted that commanders in
the Army of South Vietnam (ARVN) were actively “sabotaging pacification,” charg-
ing the government itself with “preferring to let the US bear the burden of the
war.”(313) Others cited “indifference and lack of empathy at all levels among Viet-
namese officials”(328), and there was corruption like the phantom platoons that
existed only on payrolls. It wasn’t until after the Tet Offensive of 1968 that
national mobilization was decreed, but it was never vigorously enforced. Despite all
the programs designed to disrupt VC infrastructure, it remained virtually intact.
One complicating factor was the decision of the Vietnamese government to treat
captured VC as criminals, not prisoners of war, with the result that after short sen-
tences they were free to return to the fight. (339) The Provincial Interrogation Cen-
ters posed additional difficulties. Cases of brutality resulted when old traditions
among the Vietnamese prevailed, a problem aggravated by the lack of trained
interrogators. The CIA regarded the practices “as not only inhumane but counter-
productive.”(367) In the end, Ahern concludes, “Whatever the theoretical merits of
democracy, the GVN version could not compete with the communists’ discipline
and cohesiveness, which the democratic forces lack.” (337)
In this edition, Ahern includes a preface that reflects on the Vietnam prece-
dents and the lessons they suggest for battling insurgencies. The circumstances
are not identical, but the similarities are significant, though complicated by the
magnitude and complexities of an insurgency incorporating fanatical religious
beliefs. Still, the United States again faces the problems of foreign forces trying
to protect populations that do not fully participate in their own defense and the
alienation brought on by the destruction inherent in counterinsurgency and
counterterrorist operations. Ahern does not provide answers for today’s dilem-
mas, but he makes vividly clear what did not work when one nation tried to fight
another nation’s war. He also provides the foundation for a greater understand-
ing of the CIA’s potential roles in counterinsurgencies.
❖ ❖ ❖
Ostensibly a history of OSS interaction with the National Park Service (NPS),
specifically the use of parks as training grounds, OSS Training in the National
Parks and Service Abroad in World War II, by Rutgers University history profes-
sor John Whiteclay Chambers, II, is a much more comprehensive and detailed
account of the OSS than the title implies. Indeed, it is one of the more extensive
and well-researched histories to have appeared in several years, and it stands to
become one of the seminal books on the OSS when published by Rutgers Univer-
sity Press, as currently planned. Commissioned in 2004 to write just a NPS-OSS
study, Chambers convinced the park service of the need for a much broader his-
tory that placed OSS training activities in the overall context of OSS activities
during World War II and its importance as the first centralized intelligence orga-
nization in US history. The original concept expanded into the 600-plus-page
manuscript available on the NPS Web site. Given this online availability, Cham-
ber’s history may well become one of the more popular and widely read works on
the OSS.
The first two chapters retell the familiar story of OSS origins. Chambers
recounts the background of founder William J. “Wild Bill” Donovan; the connec-
tions between those interested in intelligence, “fifth column” activities, and psy-
chological or “political warfare” in Great Britain and the United States; and the
fitful start for such endeavors with the formation of the Office of the Coordinator
of Information (COI) in July 1941. All this, of course, took place amid monumen-
tal bureaucratic turf wars between Donovan and the military intelligence offices
and the FBI, which claimed responsibility for the nation’s intelligence missions
but performed them badly. Six months after US entry into World War II, as
Chambers details, the much larger and more sophisticated OSS replaced the COI
and began organizing and training for global operations. While there is not much
new in this traditional interpretation, Chambers covers the terrain well, citing a
tremendous number of published and archival sources in a clear writing style
that always keeps the reader’s attention.
The next five chapters on training are the strongest part of the study and a
significant contribution to the existing scholarly literature—filling a gap in OSS
history that has existed for far too long and which could form a stand alone schol-
arly publication. Chambers fully describes OSS-NPS agreements that culmi-
nated in the establishment of two large training facilities on park service
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the author. Nothing in
the article should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its factual
statements and interpretations.
property in the Catoctin Mountains near Thurmont, Maryland (near the presi-
dential retreat then called Shangri-La, now Camp David), and in Northern Vir-
ginia’s Prince William Forest Park near Quantico (on Chopawamsic and Quantico
Creeks). Although many existing histories mention OSS training areas in pass-
ing, Chambers covers the topic in great depth—from physical descriptions of the
parks, to the hiring of instructors for the OSS Schools and Training Branch and
subsequent course development, to the construction of barracks, mess halls, fir-
ing ranges, and classrooms.
This history focuses exclusively on the specialized training provided those des-
tined for the OSS operational arms—the Special Operations and Communica-
tions Branches and Operational Groups. The work deals less with those slated
for service in Morale Operations, Secret Intelligence, or Counterintelligence
Branches, or the Maritime Units, who received most of their training elsewhere
in the United States or abroad (Research and Analysis Branch members from
academic backgrounds generally had the necessary background to perform their
duties without additional training). Chambers discusses other OSS training loca-
tions, such as Congressional Country Club, and smaller facilities in the Washing-
ton suburbs or in Baltimore but keeps the focus on the bigger bases. While
covering OSS training on the macro level, these chapters also represent fine
examples of local history, relying heavily on many new oral history interviews of
veterans who were there.
The final two chapters describe the results of OSS training, as intelligence and
paramilitary teams fanned out to the operational theaters in Europe, the Medi-
terranean, and the Far East. Although Chambers includes mostly standard fare,
he does describe new operations, based on oral history interviews, and draws a
direct connection between the realistic training recruits received and OSS opera-
tional success abroad. He notes that the methods developed during World War II
proved so realistic and practical that they reappeared in postwar training pro-
grams of the Central Intelligence Agency and military special operations com-
mands. Chamber’s summary and conclusion, wide-ranging and beyond just the
OSS-NPS connection, is sober and accurate. He notes failures, as well as accom-
plishments of the 13,000-member OSS, whose contributions to the Allied war
effort, and to the future of American intelligence, far exceeded what proponents
and critics alike would have expected from a wartime agency only slightly
smaller than a typical US army infantry division.
Of particular note are the many excellent oral history interviews Chambers
conducted of OSS veterans who trained in the areas he describes. They personal-
ize the history in ways that archival sources cannot and become especially impor-
tant as the decades pass and surviving veterans become ever fewer in number.
Chambers notes that OSS members, so successful during the war, went on to
lives and careers that were equally successful—many of the veterans inter-
viewed for this study are now in their 80s and 90s and remain as active as they
were in decades past.
In addition to these rich new oral histories, Chambers has compiled perhaps
the most comprehensive bibliography of published and archival material avail-
able anywhere on the OSS. Only a few pertinent works are missing from this
otherwise exhaustive list. One hopes that revised online and print versions will
include these few omissions. Nonetheless, Chambers has thoroughly mined the
In spite of the rather understated title, OSS Training in the National Parks is
highly recommended for general audiences interested in a detailed one-volume
history describing the origins, people, and operations of the OSS during World
War II. Having the searchable manuscript online at the National Park Service
Web site is an added bonus. Scholars will find the chapters on training a wel-
come and long overdue addition to the existing historiography of intelligence and
to our understanding of the OSS, while the comprehensive bibliography will
prove invaluable to researchers. Although many historians may find much of the
early and later chapters in this large manuscript a familiar retelling of oft-told
OSS tales that could have profited from judicious editing, these portions do sur-
round some wonderful new and original research on OSS training that is well
worth examining.
❖ ❖ ❖
Professors emeritus from New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, Charles
Harris and Louis Sadler are (or should be) familiar names to anyone studying
pre-1940s intelligence history. They have published several excellent studies,
including The Archaeologist Was a Spy: Sylvanus G. Morley and the Office of
Naval Intelligence (2003) and The Border and the Revolution: Clandestine Activi-
ties of the Mexican Revolution 1910-1920 (1988). The two began work on Secret
War several decades ago as a history of gunrunning in El Paso during the Mexi-
can Revolution. However, as such studies often do, this one expanded as they dis-
covered that gunrunning was only part of a much larger picture—an intelligence
battle between US agencies and a kaleidoscope of contending Mexican factions.
Harris and Sadler’s work breaks interesting new ground because they have
carefully sifted through records not previously explored in great depth. They
combed declassified records from the FBI, Naval Intelligence, the Department of
Justice, the United States Secret Service, and the Mexican archives—not always
an easy task. Together they form an elaborate intelligence puzzle. Their work
shows how a careful reconstruction from such disparate records can illuminate a
long-forgotten piece of US intelligence history.
Like good historians, or intelligence officers, Harris and Sadler let the evi-
dence lead them to the story. An example is the frequently ignored meeting of
President William Howard Taft and Mexican President Porfirio Díaz in El Paso
in 1910, when primitive intelligence-sharing prevented a major diplomatic crisis.
At the time of the meeting, Díaz was facing growing opposition, and informants
had reported assassination plots against him. Despite the dubious provenance of
many of the reports, a heavier presence of Mexican and US troops at the meeting
than had been originally planned as well as a “private, ‘off-the-books’ security
force” recruited by one of Taft’s friends prevented an attempt on Díaz’s life.(15)
Had Díaz been assassinated on US soil, the ensuing crisis could have propelled
the United States into much more involvement in Mexican affairs.
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the author. Nothing in
the article should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its factual
statements and interpretations.
Book Review:
gal arms shipments across the border, even the partially effective embargo made
it more difficult—and more expensive—to buy arms in the United States for use
in Mexico.
A notable amateur was Felix Sommerfeld, an agent who worked for several
Mexican factions, switching loyalties as conditions changed. A German who had
been decorated by the Kaiser’s government for his actions during the Chinese
Boxer Rebellion in 1900, Sommerfeld had by 1912 become a mining engineer
with experience in Mexico and the United States—he also served as a reporter
for the Associated Press. The authors observe that “Sommerfeld would move
through the Mexican Revolution like a wraith…,” (76) attaching himself to Mad-
ero, then to anti-Huerta Constitutionalists, then to revolutionary Venustiano
Carranza, and, finally, Pancho Villa. All the while he cooperated with the United
States when it served the interests of the faction he was backing.
Covering their topic in largely chronological order, Harris and Sadler intro-
duce an enormous roster of actors. A who’s who would have been helpful, as I
occasionally found myself referring to the index to refresh my memory—though I
think the index is too short and probably inadequate to meet the needs of follow-
on researchers. The story flows smoothly, however, and the authors write with
wit and humor. Their bibliography is impressive, including the major works on
the United States and the Mexican Revolution. The illustrations include numer-
ous unique photos. In sum, the book is well-done and should be read by anyone
interested in the Mexican Revolution or in American intelligence operations in
the years before the development of formal intelligence processes.
❖ ❖ ❖
Intelligence in Recent Public Literature
General Intelligence
The Real Spy’s Guide to Becoming A Spy, Peter Earnest with Suzanne Harper
The Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on
a U.S. Spy Ship, James Scott
My Life As A Spy: One of America’s Most Notorious Spies Finally Tells His
Story, John A. Walker, Jr.
Nathan Hale: The Life and Death of America’s First Spy, M. William Phelps
The Spy Who Tried To Stop A War: Katharine Gun and the Secret Plot to Sanc-
tion the Iraq Invasion, Marcia and Thomas Mitchell
Intelligence Abroad
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the author. Nothing
in the article should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its fac-
tual statements and interpretations.
Kennedy recognizes the new threats of our age, but he does not examine
the mechanics of dealing with them or offer any solutions. Similarly, he iden-
tifies the difficulties posed by today’s increased volume of data, the impact of
budget cuts, the criticality of training and creative thinking, the risks of cog-
nitive bias with historical examples, and the problem of politicizing—intelli-
gence to please—but leaves solutions to others. The final chapter, “The
Struggle for Congressional Oversight,” is particularly interesting in this re-
gard. He notes the problems of workload, lack of time to “probe the quality of
intelligence,” the tendency to infuse political demands where they don’t be-
long, and the “willingness to take intelligence at face value.” (203) How con-
gressional staffs can overcome these problems with their limited resources is
not discussed.
With one exception, Of Knowledge and Power clearly identifies the prob-
lems facing the Intelligence Community today. The exception, is counterintel-
ligence, a topic he doesn’t mention. Nevertheless, for an overview of what
intelligence management faces, it is a good start.
Jennifer E. Sims and Burton Gerber (eds.), Vaults, Mirrors and Masks: Redis-
covering U.S. Counterintelligence (Washington, DC: Georgetown University
Press, 2009), 310 pp., end of chapter notes, index.
The title of this book raises a question author Jennifer Sims answers in the
first paragraph. Counterintelligence (CI) functions by “exploiting, disrupting,
denying, or manipulating the intelligence activities of others.” The tools em-
ployed “include security systems, deception, and disguise: vaults, mirrors, and
masks.” This unusual conceptualization is indicative of the book overall. It is
not about CI cases or operations but rather considers questions of CI policy,
organizational relationships and strategy, the connection between CI, civil lib-
erties and culture, and the need for greater congressional oversight. Each of
the 13 chapters takes into account these issues to some degree from various
points of view—academia, law enforcement, the military, judiciary, Congress,
and the professional intelligence officer.
The quality of the contributions varies. At the outset, the need for a new
“national counterintelligence strategy” is assumed—but not demonstrated—
nor is the difference with the current national CI strategy made clear. Subse-
quent chapters offer solutions to “the thorniest problems…confronting coun-
Unfortunately, the authors have identified problems, but they have neither
fully substantiated their existence nor proffered solutions for them. For exam-
ple, the chapter on the theoretical basis for reform stresses the “mission-
based” approach to CI. While those words may stimulate vigorous debate, the
elements and value of the theory are not made clear, nor does the narrative
indicate how a new mission-based approach differs from the existing mission-
based approach. The chapter “Defense Counterintelligence, Reconceptual-
ized” also invokes theory without adding clarity and discusses putative orga-
nizational CI problems without providing solutions or establishing that
problems really exist. It then offers such illuminating conclusions as “counter-
intelligence is an inseparable subset of intelligence.”
The final chapter offers six recommendations for improving CI in the fu-
ture. The first, “do no harm,” suggests limiting the federal footprint at the lo-
cal level while focusing on networking rather than creating new
organizations. The second, “at the federal level, reconnect CI with national se-
curity strategy and decisionmaking,” is more ambiguous, suggesting that this
can be accomplished by reducing “the influence of law enforcement directives
over the role and agenda of the NCIX [National Counterintelligence Execu-
tive].” The third argues for greater diversity in the workforce. The fourth deals
with the need to redesign declassification policies. The final two are concerned
with improving congressional oversight.
It is not self-evident that the ultimate conclusion of the book, “reform of the
US counterintelligence effort is urgent,” has been demonstrated, however.
Vaults, Mirrors and Masks has raised many issues worthy of discussion, but
nothing about counterintelligence has been “rediscovered.”
General Intelligence
Peter Earnest with Suzanne Harper, The Real Spy’s Guide to Becoming a
Spy (New York: Abrams Books, 2009), 144 pp., bibliography, appendices, pho-
tos, index.
The seven chapters explain why spying is necessary, what spies do and
do not do, the qualifications required, the terminology used, and how to ap-
ply to the intelligence agency of your choice—the internet, of course—Web
addresses are included. Several chapters end with short multiple-choice
quizzes to help readers decide if they have the “right stuff ” and what ca-
reer options—espionage, analysis, technical, support—fit best. For those
considering an overseas career in the CIA, the chapter on training discuss-
es tradecraft—surveillance, recruitment techniques, working under cover,
bugs, dead drops, codes and the like. There is also a chapter that answers
the question: what do I do until I am old enough to apply? The importance
of foreign language and writing skills are stressed. In each chapter are
short stories of actual espionage cases that emphasize the risks and excite-
ment one may expect.
The Real Spy’s Guide answers questions often asked but seldom answered
in one place. Students, teachers and parents will find it useful.
James Scott, The Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly
1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009), 374 pp.
On 8 June 1967, in the middle of the Six-Day War between Israel and
Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attacked the USS
Liberty while her crew was collecting SIGINT in international waters off the
Gaza Strip. It was a clear day, the 350-foot Liberty was sailing at 10 knots and
flying a large US flag. The ship’s name was on the stern, and its number was
on the bow. Except for several small caliber machine guns, the Liberty was un-
armed. Israeli aircraft fired rockets and cannons and dropped napalm bombs.
The torpedo boats launched at least five torpedoes, one of which tore a 34-foot
hole in the bulkhead and decimated the cryptologic center staffed mainly by
NSA linguists. The attack lasted about an hour. Thirty four were killed, 171
were wounded. These basic facts are no longer disputed.
Shortly after the attack, the survivors were sworn to secrecy, told to stay
away from the press, and then decorated—in secret. The Liberty’s captain, Wil-
liam L. McGonagle, was awarded the Medal of Honor, but the president refused
to follow tradition and make the presentation. The security restrictions not-
withstanding, books questioning the official position that the attack was an ac-
cident began appearing in 1968 and have reappeared periodically since then.
Some were written by survivors. The Attack on the Liberty is by the son of a sur-
vivor. 1
The sad impact of the attack on the lives of the survivors is evident. The
situation was aggravated when Israelis at first blamed the attack on the Lib-
erty, then reversed themselves and agreed to pay reparations to survivors and
families. But they delayed payment for more than 10 years. In the end, Scott
speculates on two important points. First, he looks at the strategic impact of
lessons not learned by keeping details of the attack secret. For example, he
asks whether a Navy-wide review of the facts might have prevented the cap-
ture by North Korea of the USS Pueblo seven months later. Second, and more
important, he considers possible reasons the president behaved as he did—
the stresses of the Vietnam War, the need for Jewish support in America, and
support in Congress are just three possibilities.
As with all incidents, there are at least two sides. Scott makes all the po-
sitions clear, though there is little doubt he agrees with the crew. The Attack
on the Liberty is skillfully written and admirably documented, but it leaves
little hope that the complete truth will be known any time soon.
There is very little new in the two stories he tells in this book. The first sto-
ry concerns his decision to give secrets to the Soviets in the late 1960s, how he
did it for so long, the roles of those he recruited to help him, how he got caught,
and why his actions actually contributed to peace. The second story concerns
his family life, which he pictures as rather normal except for his wife’s behav-
ior. Both are covered in more detail by Pete Earley in Family of Spies, which
is based on interviews with Walker and some of the KGB officers involved—
by far the best treatment of the case. Earley’s depiction of Walker’s family life
is one of constant conflict and abuse by Walker, an aspect absent from Walk-
er’s account. The one new detail Walker adds occurs in a short chapter titled
“A CIA Mole.” In it he claims that he had told the KGB he was thinking of ap-
plying to the CIA after he left the Navy. Worried about the polygraph, he says
the KGB gave him the name of a KGB mole in the CIA who would help him
avoid the ordeal. Walker offers no evidence for this apocrypha. John Walker is
eligible for parole in 2015 if he survives the diabetes that has cost him his eye-
M. William Phelps, Nathan Hale: The Life and Death of America’s First Spy
(New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2008), 306 pp., endnotes, bibliography, index.
Nathan Hale was America’s first spy. On 22 September 1776, age 21, he
was hanged by the British in Artillery Park, New York City. Forts, parks, and
schools, have been named in his honor. In 1925 a stamp (1/2 cent) was issued
with his likeness. Three statues were sculpted in his memory, one stands at
Tulane University Law School, another at New York City Hall, and the most
famous, by Bela Lyon Pratt, at Yale University, from which Hale graduated in
1773. Six copies of the Pratt likeness have been made, one stands in front of
CIA headquarters. At least 100 books have told Hale’s story; what, one might
ask, can another add to the tale?
The simple answer is a lot. Phelps has formed a more complete account
in one book than any other of Hale’s life, from his early days on the family
farm, to his life at Yale, his short career as a teacher begun at age 18, and
his equally brief service in the revolutionary army. Phelps draws on letters
to and from family and friends, diaries, the Yale archives, and contempo-
rary accounts. The portrait that emerges is one of a young man who decid-
ed that life as a farmer was not for him and for whom teaching became a
passion. At Yale he joined the Linonia Society, a group of scholars that met
to discuss “slavery, astronomy, literature, women’s rights, and other im-
portant social and academic issues.” (17) His later correspondence with
Yale classmates provides much detail about his life as a young man and
his decision to serve his country in time of war.
Marcia and Thomas Mitchell, The Spy Who Tried To Stop A War: Katharine
Gun and the Secret Plot to Sanction the Iraq Invasion (Sausalito, CA: Poli-
Point Press, 2008), 210 pp., endnotes, photos, index.
The Spy Who Tried To Stop A War is an apologia for Katharine Gun that
explicitly encourages others to decide on their own that they know best when
it comes to security.
Intelligence Abroad
As with the previous volumes in this series, no sources are cited in the en-
tries, and errors have crept in. For example: Dudley Clarke was not a briga-
dier and did not “replace General Wavell;” 2 (1) and William Buckley was the
CIA chief of station, not a “US Army colonel.” (205) There is an extensive bib-
2See Thaddeus Holt, The Deceivers: Allied Military Deception in the Second World War (New York: Simon and Schuster,
Australian Middle East specialist, Paul McGeough, tells how the assassins
went about “methodically rehearsing” the operation, with one exception: the
delivery appliance—the liquid poison “bullet” hidden in a camera-like de-
vice—had not been used in such a mission before. The operational concept was
to pass Khalid in the street and hold the “camera” near his ear and release the
poison that was supposed to kill him several days later—after the assassins,
dressed as tourists, had returned to Israel. But the delivery was off target.
Khalid’s bodyguards caught two of the team with their fake Canadian pass-
ports. They were exposed as Israelis and detained. Two others took refuge in
the Israeli embassy. As Khalid became sick, he was taken to a hospital, but
the doctors could not determine what was wrong. Informed of the Israeli at-
tempt, King Hussein, furious that the attack had taken place in Jordan,
phoned Netanyahu and demanded an antidote or the captives would be tried.
Then, for good measure, he called President Clinton and asked for his help—
which he got. In the negotiations that followed, Yassin’s release was arranged,
the antidote was reluctantly provided, Khalid survived, and Hamas achieved
greater status than it had ever enjoyed.
The final part of the book tells how Khalid took advantage of these cir-
cumstances to eliminate his competition within Hamas and eventually be-
come its leader. Khalid did not achieve this objective without a battle with
Arafat and Fatah and terrorist attacks on Israel. McGeough describes in
considerable detail the complex infighting and the roles played by the
United States, the Arab nations in the area, and Iran. In the process he
provides biographic background on the principal players on both the Ha-
mas and Israeli sides. The story is fascinating and well told. Kill Khalid
exposes the intricacies of dealing with Middle East nations and factions, is
well documented, and a most valuable contribution.
The second episode of the 1983 TV series, Reilly, Ace of Spies, starring Sam
Neill as Sidney Reilly, dramatized the story of Reilly’s role as a British secret
agent in Port Arthur prior to the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war in 1904.
Reilly is shown warning the British and the Russians of the upcoming Japa-
nese attack—they ignored him—while at the same time giving crucial secrets
to Japan that made the surprise attack a success. It was splendid entertain-
ment but sorry history. In his thoroughly documented Russian Military Intel-
ligence in the War with Japan, historian Evgeny Sergeev sets the record
straight from the Russian point of view and at the same time tells the story of
the development of Russian military intelligence.
For political reasons, the Japanese made the initial overtures for peace at
a point when Russian losses were so costly militarily and financially that the
tsar was forced to accept President Theodore Roosevelt’s offer to mediate.
While Sergeev addresses the political factors involved in this first clash of
Western and oriental empires, his emphasis is on the impact of the war on
Russian military intelligence and the reforms—tactical and strategic—that
the Bolsheviks would institute and capitalize on when they came to power.
Russian Military Intelligence in the War with Japan uses Russian pri-
mary sources that became available after the collapse of the Soviet Union
and Japanese sources that have not appeared in English. In exploiting
these sources, Sergeev makes evident why Soviet military intelligence had
the upper hand in foreign intelligence in the early years of the Soviet
Union. Sergeev has produced a fine history of the intelligence war and the
lessons the Soviets learned.
For Americans, the term spooks suggests Halloween, horror movies, and
perhaps spies. In Britain, the BBC drama series of the same name about MI5
is what jumps to mind. SPOOKS, the book, is also about MI5 but from a non-
fiction, historical perspective. It is not the first book on the subject, John Bul-
loch and Nigel West made previous contributions. 3 Its reign as the most recent
was shortlived, with the publication this fall of Christopher Andrew’s “autho-
rized” history, Defend The Realm. 4 Given that MI5 and MI6 both have marked
100th anniversaries this year, it is odd that there is no preface to explain why
SPOOKS was published at this time. A glance at the endnotes suggests the
authors capitalized on the recent release of MI5 files to the National Ar-
chives— most of the extensive notes cite specific Security Service documents.
3 John Bulloch, The Origins and History of the British Counterespionage Service MI5 (London: Arthur Barker, Ltd,
1963); Nigel West, MI5: British Security Service Operations, 1909–1945 (London: The Bodley Head, 1981) and A
Matter of Trust: MI5, 1945-72 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982).
4 Andrew’s book was released too late for review in this issue of Studies.
❖ ❖ ❖
5 Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, KGB: The Inside Story of its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev
(London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1990), p. 27.
6 Einar Sanden, An Estonian Saga (Cardiff, UK: Boreas, 1996).
In the June 2008 issue of Studies in Intelligence Alexander Rose, author of Gen-
eral Washington’s Spies, made the case that John Honeyman—widely held to be a
key agent of George Washington in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1776—was “no spy.”1
From a purely academic perspective, I can understand his thinking, but I do not
believe he has made his case. Since neither of us can produce documentation to
support—or conclusively refute—the story written by Honeyman’s grandson nearly
100 years after the events of Trenton, we must both rely on indirect evidence and
understanding of George Washington’s conduct of intelligence late in 1776.
1 Alexander Rose, “The Strange Case of John Honeyman and Revolutionary War Espionage” in Studies 52,
no. 2 https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/
vol52no2/the-spy-who-never-was.html). Rose’s book (published, 2000) focuses on details of the Culper Ring
and mentions other intelligence related activities during the Revolutionary War. P.K. Rose is the pen name
I used in my pamphlet about George Washington’s intelligence activity published for CIA,The Founding Fa-
ther of American Intelligence.https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publica-
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the author. Nothing in
the article should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its factual
statements and interpretations.
army commanders and the Continental Congress find few specifics of intelligence
activities other than scouting and reconnaissance at this time.
I believe the real weaknesses behind Mr. Rose’s argument are his beliefs that
Washington was not capable in December 1776 of conducting an intelligence
operation like the Honeyman operation and that Washington would undertake
an attack on Trenton without intelligence of the enemy’s situation. On the first
point, it appears that Mr. Rose does not believe it was possible to run an agent
like Honeyman behind enemy lines without a developed network and “case offic-
ers,” which Washington would not have until later. While it is true that running
agent networks requires more organizational skills and resources than those
required to handle a singleton agent—and I agree with Mr. Rose that at this
point in the war such capabilities were not as developed as they would be by the
time of the Culper Ring in New York City—Honeyman was a singleton agent,
and given the time that he served Washington, about two months, he need not
have been part of a network to serve successfully.
During the French and Indian War, Washington continued to collect tactical
intelligence from Indian allies and French deserters regarding French move-
ments and fortifications. Arguably the most influential intelligence teaching
point in Washington’s early military career related to an intelligence failure at
the battle of Fort Duquesne, where he served under British General Edward
Braddock. Braddock failed to collect adequate intelligence on the French and
Indian forces in the area, was ambushed, and his forces mauled. Washington is
given credit for reorganizing the troops after Braddock was wounded and saving
the force from disaster. His experiences during this period led to his well known
quote: “There is nothing more necessary than good intelligence to frustrate a
designing enemy, and nothing that requires greater pains to obtain.” 3
The documentary record suggests that Washington applied the lessons of these
experiences as the commander of the colonial army. Less than two weeks after tak-
ing command he recorded his first payment for intelligence collection. On 15 July
2 John C. Fitzpatrick, A.M. (ed.), The Diaries of George Washington 1748-1799, Vol. I (Cranbury, NJ: The
Scholar’s Bookshelf, 2005), 54–55 and 97–101.
3 Washington to Robert Hunter Morris, 5 January 1766 in The Writings of George Washington, Vol I. (Wash-
What of the story’s origins? Mr. Rose theorizes that “Aunt Jane,” the sole
source of the Honeyman story, was inspired by James Fenimore Cooper’s The Spy
and its hero, Harvey Birch. While this is possible, at the time of the novel’s publi-
cation, the speculation, widely publicized and debated, was that the Birch char-
acter was based on Enoch Crosby, a counterintelligence agent working for John
Jay’s New York State Committee for Detecting Conspiracies in the “neutral
ground.” Aunt Jane could have believed anything she wanted, but the novel’s plot
and Birch’s activities bear only faint resemblance to the collection activities
described in the Honeyman story.
Finally, one small, to me personal, point: Mr. Rose opined that Nathaniel Sack-
ett, another one of Jay’s counterintelligence agents, who ran collection agents in
New York City, deserved to be designated as the “founding father” of intelligence
collection. Here, I must strongly disagree. Sackett was not the first individual to
run an agent collection network against the British—the leaders of the “Mechan-
ics” in Boston during 1774–75 clearly hold this distinction. 6 Sackett certainly was
not as experienced or as skilled a “case officer” or intelligence manager as Ben-
jamin Tallmadge, the officer in charge of the Culper Ring, who also played a vital if
serendipitous role in the capture of Major André, Benedict Arnold’s British contact.
❖ ❖ ❖
4 Marvin Kitman, George Washington’s Expense Account (New York: Grove Press, 2001), 119.
5 David Hackett Fischer, Washington’s Crossing (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2004), 201.
6 Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive, A Counterintelligence Reader: American Revolution
The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Of Knowledge and Power: The Complexities of
Midst of a Big One by David Kilcullen (53 4 National Intelligence by Robert Kennedy (53 4
[December], Matthew P.) [December], Bookshelf)
The CIA and the Culture of Failure: U.S. Intelli-
gence from the End of the Cold War to the Inva- Secret Intelligence: A Reader, Christopher Andrew,
sion of Iraq by John M. Diamond (53 1 [March], Richard J. Aldrich, and Wesley K. Wark (eds.)
Roger Z. George) (53 3 [September], Bookshelf)
The Horse Soldiers: The Extraordinary Story of a Terrorism 2005–2007: A Chronology by Edward F.
Band of US Soldiers Who Rode to Victory in Mickolus (53 3 [September], Bookshelf)
Afghanistan by Doug Stanton. (53 3 [Septem-
ber], J.R. Seeger) Vaults, Mirrors and Masks: Rediscovering U.S.
Intelligence for an Age of Terror by Gregory F. Tre- Counterintelligence, Jennifer E. Sims and Burton
verton (53 4 [December], Bookshelf) Gerber (eds.) (53 4 [December], Bookshelf)
General Intelligence
Handbook of Global Security and Intelligence: The Real Spy’s Guide to Becoming A Spy by Peter
National Approaches, Peter Gill, Mark Phythian, Earnest with Suzanne Harper (53 4 [December],
Stuart Farson, and Shlomo Shpiro, eds. (53 2 Bookshelf
[June], Michael Warner)
Strategic Intelligence: A Handbook for Practitioners,
Human Intelligence, Counterterrorism, and National
Managers and Users by Don McDowell (53 3
Leadership: A Practical Guide by Gary Berntsen,
[September], Peter C. Oleson)
(53 2 [June], Bookshelf)
Intelligence Theory: Key Questions and Debates, Thwarting Enemies at Home and Abroad: How to
Peter Gill, Stephen Marrin, and Mark Phythian, Be A Counterintelligence Officer by William R.
eds. (53 2 [June], J.M. Webb) Johnson, (53 2 [June], Bookshelf)
Following book titles and author names are the Studies in Intelligence issue in which the review appeared and the name of the
reviewer. All Bookshelf reviews are by Hayden Peake.
The Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of My Life As A Spy: One of America’s Most Notorious
Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship Spies Finally Tells His Story by John A. Walker,
by James Scott (53 4 [December], Bookshelf) Jr. (53 4 [December], Bookshelf)
The Central Intelligence Agency: A Documentary Nathan Hale: The Life and Death of America’s First
History by Scott C. Monje (53 3 [September], Spy by M. William Phelps (53 4 [December],
Bookshelf) Bookshelf)
Churchill’s Wizards: The British Genius for Decep-
Operation Kronstadt: The Greatest True Tale of
tion 1914-1945 by Nicholas Rankin (53 3 [Sep-
Espionage to Come Out of the Early Years of MI6
tember], Bookshelf)
by Harry Ferguson (53 3 [September], Bookshelf)
Encyclopedia of Cold War Espionage, Spies, and
Secret Operations by Richard C. S. Trahair and OSS Training in the National Parks and Service
Robert C. Miller (53 3 [September], Bookshelf) Abroad in World War II by John Whiteclay Cham-
bers, II (53 4 [December], Clayton D. Laurie)
L’espionne: Virginia Hall, une Americaine dans la
guerre by Vincent Nouzille. (In French) (53 1 The Secret War in El Paso: Mexico Revolutionary
[March], M.R.D. Foot) Intrigue, 1906–1920 by Charles H. Harris III and
Historical Dictionary of Air Intelligence by Glenmore Louis R. Sadler. (53 4 [December], Mark Ben-
S. Trenear-Harvey (53 3 [September], Bookshelf) bow)
Historical Dictionary of Sexspionage by Nigel West, Spymaster: Dai Li and the Chinese Secret Service
(53 2 [June], Bookshelf) by Frederic Wakeman, Jr. (53 1 [March], Bob
Hunting Eichmann: How a Band of Survivors and a
Young Spy Agency Chased Down the World’s SPYMASTER: My Thirty-Two Years in Intelligence
Most Notorious Nazi by Neal Bascomb (53 3 and Espionage Against the West by Oleg Kalu-
[September], Bookshelf) gin (53 3 [September], Bookshelf)
The Irregulars: Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring
The Spy Who Came in from the Co-op: Melita Nor-
in Wartime Washington by Jennet Conant (53 1
wood and the Ending of Cold War Espionage by
[March], Bookshelf)
David Burke (53 3 [September], Bookshelf)
James Jesus Angleton, the CIA, & the Craft of
Counterintelligence by Michael Holzman (53 3 The Spy Who Tried To Stop A War: Katharine Gun
[September], Bookshelf) See also David and the Secret Plot to Sanction the Iraq Invasion
Robarge’s review of James Angleton’s appear- by Marcia and Thomas Mitchell (53 4 [Decem-
ances in literatures and film in Studies 53 4 ber], Bookshelf)
Vietnam Declassified: CIA and Counterinsurgency
The Lost Spy: An American in Stalin’s Secret Ser- in Vietnam by Thomas L. Ahern, Jr. (53 4
vice by Andrew Meier (53 2 [June], Bookshelf) [December], Hayden Peake)
British Intelligence: Secrets, Spies and Sources by Historical Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence,
Stephen Twigge, Edward Hampshire, and Gra- by Ephraim Kahana and Muhammad Suwaed (53
ham Macklin(53 1 [March], Bookshelf) 4 [December], Bookshelf)
Kill Khalid: The Failed Mossad Assassination of
CIA’s Eye on South Asia by Anuj Dhar (53 2 [June], Khalid Mishal and the Rise of Hamas by Paul
Bookshelf) McGeough (53 4 [December], Bookshelf)
Memorias de un Soldado Cubano: Vida y Muerte de SPOOKS: The Unofficial History of MI5 by Thomas
la Revolucion [Memories of a Cuban Soldier: Life Hennessey and Claire Thomas (53 4 [Decem-
and Death of the Revolution], by Dariel Alarcon ber], Bookshelf)
Ramirez aka “Benigno” (53 3 [September], Juan) Treachery: Betrayals, Blunders, and Cover-ups—
Russian Military Intelligence in the War with Japan, Six Decades of Espionage Against America and
1904–05: Secret Operations on Land and at Sea, Great Britain by Chapman Pincher (53 4 [Decem-
Evgeny Sergeev (53 4 [December], Bookshelf) ber], Bookshelf)
See also Studies in Intelligence Special Review Supplement, Summer 2009, in which the following fictional
works in literature, film, and television are discussed by numerous reviewers (not listed here).
Master and Commander et al. by Patrick O’Brian
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le Carré
Crescent Moon Rising by Kerry Collison
Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz
Rogue’s March by W. T. Tyler
The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
One Day in September (movie)
Munich (movie)
The Siege (movie)
9/11 Documentary (movie)
Hamburg Cell (movie)
Baghdad ER—The 86th Combat Support
Hospital in Iraq (HBO documentary)
Body of Lies (movie)
The Bourne Identity (movie)
Burn Notice (television)
The Recruit (movie)
Taken (movie)
❖ ❖ ❖