CDC 79046 DS1
CDC 79046 DS1
CDC 79046 DS1
Author manuscript
Saf Sci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 August 01.
Author Manuscript
bCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and
Laboratory Services, Laboratory Leadership Service Fellowship, United States
We developed an evidence-based continuous quality improvement (CQI) cycle for laboratory
safety as a method of utilizing survey data to improve safety in a public health laboratory setting.
• Expert Opinion: The CQI cycle begins with the solicitation of laboratory staff input via an
annual survey addressing potential chemical, physical and radiological hazards associated with
multiple laboratory activities. The survey collects frequency, severity and exposure data related to
these activities in the context of the most pathogenic organisms handled at least weekly.
• Gap Analysis: Step 2 of the CQI cycle used survey data to identify areas needing improvement.
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Typically, the traditional two-dimensional risk assessment matrix is used to prioritize mitigations.
However, we added an additional dimension – frequency of exposure – to create three-dimensional
risk maps to better inform and communicate risk priorities.
• Mitigation Measures: Step 3 of the CQI cycle was to use these results to develop mitigations.
This included evaluating the identified risks to determine what risk control measures (elimination,
substitution, engineering, administrative or PPE) were needed. In the 2016 iteration of the CQI
cycle described here, all mitigations were based on administrative controls.
• Evaluation and Feedback: The last step of the CQI cycle was to evaluate the inferred effects of
interventions through subsequent surveys, allowing for qualitative assessment of intervention
effectiveness while simultaneously restarting the cycle by identifying new hazards.
Author Manuscript
Here we describe the tools used to drive this CQI cycle, including the survey tool, risk analysis
method, design of interventions and inference of mitigation effectiveness.
Laboratory safety; Occupational health; Evidence-based interventions; Survey; Continuous
improvement; Quality management
Corresponding author. [email protected] (M.S. Keckler).
Appendix A. Supplementary material
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
Keckler et al. Page 2
Author Manuscript
1. Introduction
Laboratory safety is first, and most importantly, an occupational health concern for the
estimated 290,988 public health workers in the United States (Beck et al., 2014). However,
contaminated or infected employees can also transmit occupationally acquired pathogens
outside the laboratory, making any actual or perceived safety breach in a public health
laboratory a serious concern (Fleck, 2004; Blaser and Lofgren, 1981; Hawkes, 1979). In
2014, a series of safety incidents among multiple federal agencies drew extensive national
media attention to the issue of safety in public health laboratories (McCarthy, 2014). These
safety failures can erode trust in the public health system (Cohen, 2014), which has the
potential to decrease compliance with public health agency recommendations (Ward, 2017).
Therefore, the consequences of laboratory incidents in public health laboratories can be
severe and widespread, even when occupational health risks are low (Centers for Disease
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While incidents involving biological hazards are often the focus of laboratory-related safety
discussions, it is well known that laboratories contain many potential hazards - including
chemical, physical, and radiological (World Health Organization, 2004; Chosewood and
Wilson, 2009; Occupational Health and Safety Administration, 2011). Unfortunately, current
data about laboratory incidents is difficult to obtain as there is not yet a standardized system
for reporting of laboratory incidents (Chamberlain et al., 2009; Dirnagl et al., 2016; Blaine,
2012). However, some insight into laboratory incidents can be gained using Bureau of Labor
statistics, which show that of the incidence rate (2011–2016) of nonfatal occupational
injuries and illnesses involving days away from work in medical and diagnostic labs is
100/10,000 full-time workers. Of these 100 illnesses or injuries, the source of 1% were
Author Manuscript
directly related to chemicals and chemical products. The other 99% of illnesses and injuries
came from a variety of potential chemical, physical and biological hazards which underlie
the Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System 2.01 source categories of
containers, furniture and fixtures (15%), machinery (5%), parts and materials (8%), persons,
plants, animals and minerals (26%), structures and surfaces (17%), tools, instruments and
equipment (4%), vehicles (10%) and other sources (13%). While it is difficult to relate these
reported source categories with the underlying hazards, the breadth of incident sources does
make obvious the need for laboratory safety risk assessments to consider all-hazards – not
just biological. In addition to hazard types, there is a growing body of knowledge about
various contributors to workplace safety (e.g. the effects of mental workload (Charles and
Nixon, 2019); the need for leadership training (Gravina et al., 2019); the importance of
occupational ergonomics (Fasanya and Shofoluwe, 2019) and the effects of worker
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personality on safety behavior (Jong-Hyun et al., 2018), which have not been well-studied in
the laboratory setting.
While laboratory safety has long been a priority in public health laboratories (Moskowitz,
1948; Cook, 1961; Fuscaldo et al., 1980), multiple gaps remain between published best
practices and the actual implementation of these practices in laboratories (Westgard, 2017;
Herrmann-Werner et al., 2013; Van Noorden, 2013). There are many regulations, guidelines
and standards relevant to the work performed in laboratories, but strategies for
Health Organization, 2004; Chosewood and Wilson, 2009; Richmond and Nesby-O’Dell,
2002; Ned-Sykes et al., 2015; 7 CFR Part 331, 9 CFR Part 121, and 42 CFR Part 73 - Select
Agent Regulations, 2018; International Organization for Standardization, 2017; Miller et al.,
2012; 42 CFR 493, 2018; United States Code, 1988; International Organization for
Standardization, 2018; International Organization for Standardization, 2003; International
Organization for Standardization, 2012; 29 USC, 1910, 2018). Laboratory Quality
Management Systems (LQMS) can provide a framework for document and process controls,
as well as risk assessment and monitoring procedures to improve laboratory safety (Ahlin
and Weiss, 2007; Lord, 1990; Nichols, 2011); however, LQMS in public health laboratories
are frequently focused on patient safety and test result accuracy as opposed to occupational
health and safety (Allen, 2013; Lippi and Guidi, 2007; Njoroge and Nichols, 2014).
The laboratory managers and staff who develop, document and implement laboratory
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procedures bring their own beliefs, knowledge, education, training, attitudes and experience
to their work, and this can affect how they identify and interpret laboratory hazards (Buxton
et al., 2011; Steelman and Alexander, 2016; Senthil et al., 2015). Laboratory risk
assessments are complex and differ significantly from laboratory to laboratory making a
standardized risk assessment approach difficult. However, obtaining a measure of worker
perceptions regarding laboratory safety can improve risk management (Xia et al., 2017;
Tziaferi et al., 2011). These are compelling reasons why better integration of safety and
quality management in public health laboratories is needed (Sciacovelli et al., 2007).
annual survey. Next is the gap analysis of the survey data to identify potential laboratory
hazards and perform risk analysis. Based on the gap analysis, we then design and implement
targeted mitigation measures. With the subsequent annual survey, the cyclic process ends
when data is compared with the previous year to infer the effectiveness of the mitigation
interventions and begins again by identifying new hazards or risks to target. Here we
describe the development of the survey tool and risk assessment method and the application
of these tools to design and evaluate evidence-based interventions.
purposive, results from this survey are not generalizable to other laboratories. However, the
survey tool can be tailored to any laboratory. Regulatory requirements (Questions 1 and 2).: Question 1 (Q1) elicited data for
the identification of work that requires external oversight. This included identification of
work involving recombinant DNA, clinical tests, animals, humans, dual use research of Biologicals (Questions 3 through 12).: To elicit data for evidence-based risk
assessment of microbiological hazards in the laboratory, we formulated questions to obtain
self-reported data on work with pathogens (Q3) using two techniques. Definition of stratified risks within risk group 2.: Risk Group 2 (RG2)
microorganisms that have been handled in the laboratory over the last 5 years were
subdivided into three substrata (High, Moderate, Low) based on a combination of literature
review and expert opinion. We categorized organisms as high risk (Q4) if they were on the
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Select Agents and Toxins List (7 CFR Part 331, 9 CFR Part 121, and 42
CFR Part 73 - Select Agent Regulations, 2018) or have been reported as the confirmed
Author Manuscript Use of skip logic.: Since most public health laboratory staff work with multiple
pathogens, we designed the survey to use conditional logic to obtain the highest risk
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category microbes (Q4, Q6 and Q8) with which the respondent worked with at least weekly
(Q5, Q7 and Q9). Additional questions (Q10, Q11, and Q12) provided free-form entry of
additional pathogens but since these only yielded two responses which were included in the
low risk category, they were not included separately in this analysis. A flowchart of the
conditional logic structure is included in the Supplemental Materials Appendix B. This
allowed the responses of each individual to identify the work to consider when answering
the remainder of the survey. Equipment (Question 13).: Question 13 asked for responses related to the
frequency of usage, frequency of error and severity of error for potentially hazardous
laboratory equipment. This was an all-hazards exercise as each piece of equipment
potentially represents biological (i.e. aerosol production or difficult to clean), chemical (i.e.
Author Manuscript
use of hazardous chemicals or potential for spills) or physical hazards (presence of high
voltage or pinch points). Responses were used to calculate a risk score using a modification
of the Severity, Probability and Exposure (SPE) Model (Cram, 2004) as explained in Section
2.2.1. Three-Dimensional Risk Analysis. Process (Question 17).: Question 17 asked staff about the frequency of
performance, frequency of error and severity of error for potentially hazardous laboratory
activities and processes. Each process contains some unique combination of biological,
chemical or physical hazards. Responses were used to calculate a risk score as explained in
Author Manuscript Mitigation (Question 12, 14 and 18).: These questions asked staff about the
frequency of use of multiple risk controls including administrative controls (e.g., procedures,
job aids, training), engineering controls (e.g., biosafety cabinets, chemical fume hoods, dead
air boxes) and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (e.g., gloves, lab coat, safety glasses)
when working with biological agents (Q12), equipment (Q14) and processes (Q18).
Questions 14 and 18 were not included in our analysis as they were removed from the 2017
survey since the results did not differ from the results of question 12 in the 2016 survey,
indicating that they were of little added value. Quality controls (Questions 15, 16 and 19).: These questions obtained data from
staff regarding the frequency of availability of written protocols (Q15), proportion of these
Author Manuscript
protocols under document control (Q16) and frequency of adherence to these protocols
(Q19). Safety Culture (Questions 20, 21 and 22).: These questions obtained data from
staff regarding the frequency of occurrence of safety culture-related issues in the laboratory
(Q20), the frequency of notification of incidents and near misses by scenario (Q21) and the
perceived priority of safety at various institutional management levels (Q22).
experience in managing both laboratory quality and safety. As a group, the education level
of the SME was 67% PhD and 33% MS with general laboratory experience ranging from 7
years to over 30 years. The group met multiple times to discuss what should be measured by
the survey and then each SME reviewed draft survey question and answer sets through three
iterations to finalize the survey. Lastly, each SME took the online survey in its final form as
a small pilot to address any remaining issues before release of the survey in 2016.
= 94%) while in August 2017, 49 staff responded (Response Rate = 91%). In accordance
Author Manuscript
with the Paperwork Reduction Act, no more than 9 non-federal employees were surveyed in
either year.
improve laboratory safety in a public health laboratory, a method was needed to perform risk
analyses using survey data. Our goal in this effort was to establish a reproducible method for
analyzing survey results to prioritize safety interventions. In addition, we wanted a method
that would be straightforward to perform, provide semi-quantitative results for trend
analysis, and provide an easily interpreted output (a risk map) for use in prioritizing safety
interventions. To expand the granularity of the more traditional two-dimensional risk matrix,
we chose to utilize the Severity, Probability and Exposure (SPE) Model of risk assessment
and requested that respondents provide their estimation of:
• Probability of Error (p) - How likely it is for an error to occur while using a
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The scale used for perceived probability of error (p) and severity (s) was weighted as
follows: Highly Likely (75–100%) = 5; Moderately Likely (50–74%) = 4; Somewhat Likely
(25–49%) = 3, Not Likely (1–24%) = 2 and Not Used (0%) = 1. Exposure (e) was weighted
as follows: Daily = 4, Weekly = 3, Monthly = 2 and Yearly = 1. These weights are designed
Author Manuscript
to provide a maximum risk score of 100 for ease of comparison and ranking of risk scores
for prioritizing planning interventions. We then applied this model to various pieces of
laboratory equipment (n = 25) and multiple laboratory processes (n = 14). We calculated the
mean of all responses for each variable ((e), (p)and (s)) for each activity or instrument and
the variables were plugged into the following equation:
This method allowed all data to be analyzed in a standardized manner and provides a
method by which laboratory risks can be compared and prioritized. Risk scores of 80–100
are considered critical, 60–79 very high, 40–59 high, 20–39 moderate and 1–19 low and are
graphed as radar maps for ease of risk visualization.
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presented results, solicited feedback and compared the survey data from 2016 and 2017 to
analyze the efficacy of the 2016 mitigation measures.
2.4.1. Efficacy analysis—We used two-tailed, two sample equal variance t-tests to
compare 2016 and 2017 survey data to detect significant differences (p < 0.05) in responses
from one year to another. Because the sample was non-random and the data was
observational in nature, we cannot prove causality and can only infer that the interventions
were the cause of changes in survey responses.
3. Results
3.1. Demographics
To describe the sample population while maintaining respondent anonymity, we collected
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presented as both total respondents and percent of sample population for each category.
Fig. 1 illustrates that the highest percentage of our staff (38% in 2016 and 50% in 2017)
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perform clinical laboratory testing that is overseen by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services through the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) regulations
(United States Code, 1988). A lower percentage of staff work on recombinant DNA research
(13% in 2016 and 9% in 2017), which is overseen by the Institutional Biosafety Committee
(IBC) as required by the NIH Guidelines (Federal Register, 2016). This was followed by
some staff performing work involving dual use research of concern (9% in 2016 and 13% in
2017) which is overseen by the Institutional Biosecurity Board (IBB) in accordance with the
United States Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use
Research of Concern (Federal Register, 2014) and work involving human subjects research
(6% in 2016 and 9% in 2017) which is overseen by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) in
accordance with the Protection of Human Subjects (Common Rule) (Code of Federal
Regulations, 2018). The least number of staff reported that they performed work related to
Author Manuscript
the transfer of infectious materials out of high containment laboratories (0% in 2016 and 3%
in 2017) overseen by the Laboratory Safety Review Board (LSRB) as per institutional policy
or animal research work (6% in 2016 and 0% in 2017) which is overseen by the Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act
(Code, U.S., 1966).
(2016) and 17 (2017) persons work with high risk organisms, only a small portion of those
staff work with these organisms at least weekly (3 and 4 in 2016 and 2017, respectively).
Moderate risk organisms were handled by 21 (2016) and 27 (2017) staff and almost all 21
(2016) and 23 (2017) work with those pathogens at least weekly. Low risk organisms were
handled by 2 and 3 staff in 2016 and 2017, respectively at least weekly. There were no
statistically significant changes in the percent of staff self-reporting at least weekly work
with any risk group of pathogens from one year to another using a two-tailed, two-sample
Author Manuscript
risk map for autoclaves illustrated that the increased perceived risk was due to an increase in
both the reported frequency of usage and frequency of error (Fig. 3D).
Biological Inactivation. Further analysis demonstrated that the largest increases in perceived
risk involved biological inactivation (Fig. 4C). The risk map for biological inactivation
illustrated that the increased perceived risk was due to an increase in both the reported
frequency of usage and severity (Fig. 4D).
while eye PPE usage increased to 97%. All respondents (100%) again reported that they had
been previously vaccinated for Hepatitis B. Increases in the use of engineering controls (e.g.
biosafety cabinet, chemical fume hood) and eye and face PPE were significant by two-tailed,
two-sample equal variance t-test (p < 0.05). Respiratory protection is not necessary for most
of our procedures and the percentage of use remained essentially the same from 2016 (37%)
to 2017 (40%).
Respondents were asked to gauge the frequency at which: (1) their work processes are
documented in written protocols, (2) these protocols are in a document control system and
(3) staff members are adhering to these protocols. Allowable answers were Always (100%);
Mostly (60–99%); About half of the time (40–59%); Seldom (1–39%) and Never (< 1%). As
shown in Fig. 6, the median response in 2016 corresponded to work processes always being
documented and these protocols mostly being in a document control system. Responses also
indicated that staff mostly adhered to the protocols. In 2017, the only change was a decrease
in the number of processes that are documented from always to mostly but there were no
statistically significant changes by two-tailed, two-sample equal variance t-test.
Lastly, we asked for staff perspectives about how frequently they would expect that various
incidents would be reported (Absolutely would report (100%); Most likely (70–99%); It
could go either way (30–69%); Doubtful (1–29%); Would not report (0%)). For both 2016
and 2017, the median response corresponded to absolutely would report for any probable
exposure, possible exposure, release or a major injury. In 2016, respondents indicated that
they absolutely would report a minor injury but this value dropped to most likely would
report in 2017. For near misses, both 2016 and 2017 median responses corresponded to “It
could go either way”. Only the median responses for minor injury reporting were
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significantly decreased (p > 0.05) from 2016 to 2017 by two-tailed, two-sample equal
variance t-test (Fig. 7).
4. Discussion
Designing an effective laboratory safety program requires data to formulate safety
interventions that are evidence-based (Cote et al., 2016; Yarahmadi et al., 2016; Smith and
Morrato, 2014; Kimman et al., 2008; Birnbaum et al., 2016), but data on laboratory safety
Author Manuscript
are limited in various ways. Limitations of published safety data include only being relevant
to a specific pathogen (Leunda et al., 2013; Tyshenko et al., 2011; Rozell, 2015; Wagar,
2016; Li et al., 2012; Pedrosa and Cardoso, 2011; Le Duc and Franz, 2012), a single type of
laboratory (Shurtleff et al., 2012; Dickmann et al., 2015; Elduma, 2012; Higgins et al., 2013)
or a single laboratory process (Ahlin and Weiss, 2007; Burke, 1993; Serafini et al., 2016;
Wedum, 1964; Gillespie and Gibbons, 1975; Nimunkar et al., 2017). These lessons learned
are difficult to apply in public health laboratories due to the complexity of working with a
large number of microorganisms and performing a breadth of testing services using a variety
of laboratory equipment and processes while fully complying with numerous standards,
regulations and guidelines. More comprehensive and standardized strategies are needed to
effectively integrate evidence-based safety with quality management systems in public
health laboratories (Pedrosa and Cardoso, 2011; Salerno and Gaudioso, 2015; Westgard,
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2013; Person, 2013; Jairaman et al., 2017; Janssens, 2014; Lentz et al., 2015). We have
presented results that incorporated the expert opinion of our laboratory staff to address risk
and create a laboratory safety-specific continuous improvement cycle to inform laboratory
safety interventions.
We chose to begin the CQI cycle by collecting expert opinions about laboratory-specific
hazards through a survey of staff members for two reasons. First, it is the laboratory staff
who have the most expertise and experience in laboratory activities and the safety in the
laboratory ultimately rests with them. Second, understanding how our staff perceive risks is
critical to implementing and maintaining effective laboratory safety programs (Xu et al.,
2014; Robertson et al., 2015; Kleiner et al., 2015; Schulte et al., 2012; Chung et al., 2015).
The survey was designed to improve our understanding of risk in the laboratory setting.
First, although all microorganisms are handled in our biosafety level 2 (BSL2) laboratory
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(Charles and Nixon, 2019) and are RG2 agents, some of our microorganisms are considered
to be more pathogenic or transmissible than other RG2 microorganisms. While biosafety
levels are invaluable benchmarks for basic laboratory safety (World Health Organization.,
2004; Chosewood and Wilson, 2009), they are, by necessity, very general and should mark
the beginning of a more rigorous assessment of microorganism risk (Gravina et al., 2019;
Buxton et al., 2011). To seek more precision in how we managed biological risk, we sought
to stratify our RG2 microorganisms into high, moderate and low risk categories. Second, we
also utilized skip logic in the survey to ascertain the most pathogenic microorganisms that
each staff member works with at least weekly. This enabled us to obtain frequency and
severity data to better define our microorganism-associated risks and provided the biological
context for respondents to use when responding to the remainder of the survey (Fig. 2).
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The CQI cycle continued with a gap analysis to identify and prioritize risks. We chose a
three-dimensional risk analysis method using data on the probability of error, severity of
error and likelihood of exposure, as opposed to the traditional two-dimensional matrices
(probability and severity of error) (Manuele, 2001). This provided a method to identify risks
at a more granular level and to better understand how staff in our laboratories perceive
equipment (Fig. 3) and process (Fig. 4) risks. The output of this method is a risk map that
offers a graphical presentation of risk by probability, severity and exposure. Graphical risk
communications have been shown to contribute to successful safety interventions (Severtson
and Henriques, 2009). This approach to hazard identification, risk analysis and risk
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communication was successful in raising awareness of laboratory safety amongst our staff
and engaging them in these processes.
Understanding and prioritizing the risks leads to the next step in the CQI cycle – the design
of mitigation measures. For example, in 2016, we identified the following as areas for
targeted intervention:
To address engineering controls, we performed refresher training for all staff on biosafety
cabinet usage. We also developed and implemented a laboratory-specific risk assessment
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procedure, which was used to expand and tailor the safety section of multiple laboratory
procedures to raise awareness of hazards specific to those activities. Lastly, we implemented
a new laboratory incident response and reporting notification program to address near miss
To close out the CQI cycle, we elected to utilize the data from the subsequent annual survey
to evaluate the effects of the interventions. In 2017, engineering control use (Fig. 5) and
process awareness was increased (Fig. 4) which was consistent with successful interventions
in this area. In both cases, institutional efforts in laboratory safety and risk assessment
training occurred in the same timeframe and most likely amplified the effectiveness of our
efforts. Interestingly, responses indicated that staff were less likely to report minor injuries in
2017 (Fig. 6) despite issuance of both institutional and laboratory-specific policies regarding
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incident response and notification. It has been shown in other laboratory settings that
additional restrictions and requirements on laboratory activities are not always beneficial
(Shurtleff et al., 2012) so it is important to determine if the incident notification intervention
– as designed – should be reevaluated. The collection of data on an annual basis also allows
evaluation of interventions that are generated from outside this process. For example, in
2017 we observed a significant increase in eye PPE (Fig. 5) due most likely to a new
institutional policy requiring the use of safety glasses in all laboratories. Evaluating the
efficacy of interventions using data from a subsequent survey is an inferential process. The
data we collect is non-random and any changes that occur after an intervention may not
necessarily be caused by the intervention. However, the evaluation of data on an annual basis
allows us to infer how perceptions of laboratory safety are changing which restarts the CQI
cycle by identifying new hazards and risks to address.
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We have centralized requests for IBB, IBC, LSRB, IACUC and IRB protocol approvals
which allows us to compare the data we collected about external oversight to what our
records show indicating that staff are aware of these oversight requirements (Fig. 1). We also
collected data consistent with our current understanding of barriers to safety. For example, a
major barrier to staff compliance with laboratory safety directives is lack of time (Shakoor et
al., 2016). Our data is consistent with this as rushed laboratory staff, along with disorganized
laboratory areas and facility issues, were the most frequently reported workplace conditions
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There are obvious limitations to this method of data collection and analysis. We observed a
potential for self-reporting bias as 100% of staff reported using administrative controls,
while also reporting that only 60–99% of other staff members were doing the same. Future
surveys will use a new scale with smaller ranges for this answer to try to detect the extent of
this bias (i.e. was the reported 60–99% of staff who use administrative controls actually
closer to 60% or closer to 99%). In addition, inferring efficacy of interventions is also
limited as there is no way to prove that any change in responses is due to a targeted
intervention as opposed to be due to changes in the workforce, laboratory goals or external
Successful interventions to improve safety include training (Coelho and García Díez, 2015;
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Olson et al., 2009; Pallozzi et al., 2003) and the establishment of core competencies for
biosafety (Chamberlain et al., 2009). We utilized training interventions with success in
significantly increasing the reported use of engineering controls (Fig. 5) and raising the level
of awareness regarding laboratory process risks among laboratory staff (Fig. 4). We also
implemented a knowledge transfer assessment after safety training, which allowed additional
trainings and interventions to identify and address gaps in trainer expertise as well as staff
knowledge. It is vital that public health laboratories establish and maintain high safety
standards. However, the diversity and complexity of the work performed in public health
laboratories makes it difficult to maintain, monitor and continuously improve laboratory
safety management. The tools and observations described here can be used to enhance
engagement of expert staff and provide a means of generating practical evidence-based
safety interventions within a Quality Management framework.
Author Manuscript
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
This work was supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of the Associate Director for
Laboratory Science and Safety [Laboratory Safety Science and Innovation (LaSSI) Intramural Research Fund]. We
would also like to acknowledge the Laboratory Leadership Service Fellowship program and specifically, Ren
Salerno, for providing invaluable training in the area of risk assessment. Lastly, we wish to acknowledge the
participation of our laboratory staff in the development of these tools.
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official
position of CDC.
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Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Fig. 1.
Work requiring external oversight. Total percent of staff who self-report that their work
requires external oversight by Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA),
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), Institutional Biosecurity Board (IBB), Institutional
Review Board (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and
Laboratory Safety Review Board (LSRB) for 2016 (black) and 2017 (grey).
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Fig. 2.
Work with pathogens. Total percent of staff self-reporting work with high (black columns),
moderate (white columns) and low risk organisms (grey columns) with number of persons
working with high risk organisms (black diamonds) and moderate risk organisms (white
squares) at least weekly for 2016 (left) and 2017 (right).
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Fig. 3.
Equipment risks. Types of laboratory equipment assessed for relative risk for 2016 (A) and
2017 (B) with asterisks denoting the top five perceived risks. Changes in perception (C) and
root causes of these perception changes from 2016 (black) and 2017 (gray) (D) are shown
with asterisks denoting the greatest change in perceived risk (C) and the primary root cause
Author Manuscript
Fig. 4.
Process risks. Types of laboratory processes assessed for relative risk for 2016 (A) and 2017
(B) with asterisks denoting the top five perceived process risks. Changes in perception (C)
and root causes of these perception changes from 2016 (black) and 2017 (gray) (D) are
shown with asterisks denoting the greatest change in perceived risk (C) and the primary root
cause (D).
Author Manuscript
Fig. 5.
Use of risk controls. Total percent of staff that handle pathogens and report the use of risk
controls of various types for 2016 (black) and 2017 (gray). Brackets and p-values indicate
significant increases in self-reported use of engineering controls and eye and face PPE from
2016 to 2017 based on a two-tailed, two sample equal variance t-test.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Fig. 6.
LQMS indicators. Bar graph presentation of the median response to questions about the
frequency of work being covered by a written protocol (black), frequency of protocols being
in a document control system (white) and frequency with which staff adhere to protocols
(grey) for 2016 (top) and 2017 (bottom). Np statistically significant changes were observed.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Fig. 7.
Safety culture for reporting incidents. Responses regarding staff likeliness to report various
Author Manuscript
events for 2016 (top) and 2017 (bottom). For each scenario, the percent of responses
corresponding with each answer are shown. Absolutely Report (100%) (black); Most Likely
(70–99%) (dark gray); Either Way (30–69%) (medium gray); Doubtful (1–29%) (light gray);
and Absolutely No Report (0%) (white). Only minor injury reporting changes from 2016 to
2017 were significant (p > 0.05) by two-tailed, two-sample equal variance t-test.
Author Manuscript
Table 1
Table 2
Doctorate 12 33.3%
Management Level Supervisory 8 22.2%
Non-Supervisory 28 77.8%
Public Health Laboratory Experience <1 7 20.0%
1–3 8 22.9%
4–5 6 17.1%
6–10 7 20.0%
> 10 7 20.0%
Non-Public Health Laboratory Experience <1 2 7.4%
1–3 6 22.2%
4–5 5 18.5%
6–10 10 37.0%
Author Manuscript
> 10 4 14.8%
Hepatitis B Vaccination Yes 36 100.00%
No 0 0.0%
Previous Laboratory Injury Yes 8 22.9%
No 27 77.1%
Type of Public Health Experience None 9 25.0%
Federal 25 69.4%
State 2 5.6%
Local 0 0.0%
Type of Non-Public Health Laboratory Experience None 5 11.6%
Academia 20 46.5%
Clinical 9 20.9%
Author Manuscript
Private 9 20.9%