FTA QualityAssurance QualityControl Guidelines
FTA QualityAssurance QualityControl Guidelines
FTA QualityAssurance QualityControl Guidelines
* Assisted by Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, 110 West Road, Suite 345, Towson, MD 21204
Chapter 1 presents definitions and provides an overview of quality in capital projects. Chapter 2 presents fifteen elements that
should be the basis of a quality program. Chapter 3 discusses alternative approaches that depend on the type of capital project,
the size of the project, and the use of consultants for project management; as well as an overview of the use of independent
assurance programs, QA/QC in design-build projects, information on test lab accreditation, a description of the value engineering
process, and a section on software quality assurance. Chapter 4 discusses the development of the Quality Plan throughout the
different project phases from project planning, preliminary engineering and final design, construction and equipment
procurement, and testing and start-up. The appendices provide selections of quality elements from several transit quality
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18298-102
1 inch (in) = 2.5 centimeters (cm) 1 millimeter (mm) = 0.04 inch (in)
1 foot (ft) = 30 centimeters (cm) 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.4 inch (in)
1 yard (yd) = 0.9 meter (m) 1 meter (m) = 3.3 feet (ft)
1 mile (mi) = 1.6 kilometers (km) 1 meter (m) = 1.1 yards (yd)
1 kilometer (km) = 0.6 mile (mi)
2 2 2 2
1 square inch (sq in, in ) = 6.5 square centimeters (cm ) 1 square centimeter (cm ) = 0.16 square inch (sq in, in )
2 2 2 2
1 square foot (sq ft, ft ) = 0.09 square meter (m ) 1 square meter (m ) = 1.2 square yards (sq yd, yd )
2 2 2 2
1 square yard (sq yd, yd ) = 0.8 square meter (m ) 1 square kilometer (km ) = 0.4 square mile (sq mi, mi )
2 2 2
1 square mile (sq mi, mi ) = 2.6 square kilometers (km ) 10,000 square meters (m ) = 1 hectare (ha) = 2.5 acres
1 acre = 0.4 hectare (ha) = 4,000 square meters (m )
1 ounce (oz) = 28 grams (gm) 1 gram (gm) = 0.036 ounce (oz)
1 pound (lb) = 0.45 kilogram (kg) 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2 pounds (lb)
1 short ton = 2,000 pounds (lb) = 0.9 tonne (t) 1 tonne (t) = 1,000 kilograms (kg) = 1.1 short tons
1 teaspoon (tsp) = 5 milliliters (ml) 1 milliliter (ml) = 0.03 fluid ounce (fl oz)
1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 15 milliliters (ml) 1 liter (l) = 2.1 pints (pt)
1 fluid ounce (fl oz) = 30 milliliters (ml) 1 liter (l) = 1.06 quarts (qt)
1 cup (c) = 0.24 liter (l) 1 liter (l) = 0.26 gallon (gal)
3 3
1 pint (pt) = 0.47 liter (l) 1 cubic meter (m ) = 36 cubic feet (cu ft, ft )
3 3
1 quart (qt) = 0.96 liter (l) 1 cubic meter (m ) = 1.3 cubic yards (cu yd, yd )
1 gallon (gal) = 3.8 liters (l)
3 3
1 cubic foot (cu ft, ft ) = 0.03 cubic meter (m )
3 3
1 cubic yard (cu yd, yd ) = 0.76 cubic meter (m )
[(X-32)(5/9)] °F = Y °C [(9/5) Y + 32] °C = X °F
°C -40° -30° -20° -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100°
For more exact and or other conversion factors, see NIST Miscellaneous Publication 286, Units of Weights and Measures.
Price $2.50 SD Catalog No. C13 10286 Updated 6/17/98
Booz Allen Hamilton was the prime contractor for the 2002 update of the Federal Transit
Administration's (FTA) Quality Assurance/Quality Control Guidelines under the direction of Mr.
Sam Nassif, Program Engineer, in FTA’s Office of Engineering. Rick Carter was the Project
Manager and author of the Guidelines. Dr. Osama Tomeh, Georges Darido, Donald Schneck and
Luisa Medrano provided valuable research, comment and support throughout the effort. Wallace,
Montgomery & Associates was a subcontractor under the direction of Frank Waesche III.
The appendices of these Guidelines contain case studies and selections from Quality Assurance
and/or Quality Control Programs written by FTA grantees. For their kind and generous support, we
wish to thank Bill Rodwick at the New York City Transit Authority, Lou Viner at the Washington
Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Dave McSpadden at Houston METRO, Kathleen Krahn and
Joseph Burke at the Chicago Transit Authority, Martin Tiger and Andrew Frohn at the Long Island
Rail Road, Bob Brecht and Bill O’Connell at the Port Authority of Allegheny County, Rich
Behrendt at the Central Ohio Transit Authority, Mark Latch at Tren Urbano, and Kassa Seyoum at
Montgomery County Department of Public Works and Transportation.
A panel of experts provided oversight and review of the update. Booz Allen wish to thank the panel
and the contributors to the case studies and the program examples for their valuable contributions
toward enhancement of these guidelines and making them more pertinent to current project
development challenges and quality solutions. The expert panel included:
3.5.1 Test Lab Accreditation 3-17
3.5.2 Accreditation Agencies 3-18 American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) 3-19 International Conference of Building Officials Evaluation Service 3-19
(ICBO ES) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) 3-19
3.5.3 QA/QC Personnel Qualifications 3-20
3.6 Value Engineering Within The Project Lifecycle Context 3-21
3.6.1 Definition 3-21
3.6.2 Benefits 3-22
3.6.3 Implementation Process 3-22
3.7 Software Quality Assurance 3-22
APPENDIX B – Selections from Long Island Railroad B-1
Case # 1 – New York City Transit (NYCT)/ 63rd Street Connection Project C-3
Case # 2 – Port Authority of Allegheny County West Busway/Wabash HOV C-9
Facility Project
Case # 3 – Houston METRO/ Louisiana Street Reconstruction Project C-11
Case # 4 – Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA)/ Preliminary C-15
Engineering for Downtown Multi-Modal Transportation
Terminal (MMTT)
Case # 5 – WMATA Branch Avenue Extension Project C-17
Case # 6 – Tren Urbano Heavy Rail Project C-19
Case # 7 – Montgomery County Department of Public Works and Transportation C-23
Figure 1-1 – Summary of Quality Costs 1-14
Figure 2-1 – Training Matrix 2-15
Figure 3-1 – Matrix Organization 3-3
Figure 3-2 – Example of a Project Quality Organization with a Construction 3-5
Management Consultant
Figure 3-3 – WMATA Organization for In-House Construction 3-7
Figure 3-4 – QA/QC Organization for Design with a Design 3-9
Management Contractor
Figure 3-5 – Design-Build Project Organization Structure for The 3-15
Baltimore CLRL Phase II Project
Figure 3-6 – Program Management Organizational Structure 3-16
Under Design-Build Project Delivery
Figure 3-7 – Design-Bid-Build vs. Design-Build Project Organization 3-16
Tables 4-1 – Details of the Quality Plan at Various Project Phases 4-6
AA Alternatives Analysis
A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASQC American Society of Quality Control
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
CII Construction Industry Institute
CMC Construction Management Consultant
DB Design-Build
DCQI Design and Construction Quality Institute
DOD Department of Defense
FFGA Full Funding Grant Agreement
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FTA Federal Transit Administration
ICBO ES International Council of Building Officials Evaluation Service
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LAP Laboratory Accreditation Program
LIRR Long Island Rail Road
NACLA National Cooperation of Laboratory Accreditation
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
OSS Office of Standards Services
PE Preliminary Engineering
PMO Project Management Oversight
PMOC Project Management Oversight Contractor
PMP Project Management Plan
PM Project Manager
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RCC Rail Construction Corporation
RE Resident Engineer
SEPTA Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
SPC Statistical Process Control
SWTP The Southwest Transit Project of the Chicago DPW
TQM Total Quality Management
TRB Transportation Research Board
VQS Vendor’s Quality System
VSDP Vendor’s Software Development Process
WMATA Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
1) Afferton, K.C., Freidenrich, J., Weed, R.M., "Managing Quality: Time for a National Policy
Part 1 -- Facing the Problem," Transportation Research Board, Paper No. 910472,
Washington DC, January 1991.
2) Afferton, K.C., Freidenrich, J., Weed, R.M., "Managing Quality: Time for a National Policy
Part II -- Fundamental Concepts," Transportation Research Board, Paper No. 910580,
Washington DC, January 1991.
3) ASQC Construction Technical Committee, Quality Management for the Constructed Project,
American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI, 1987.
4) Barrie, D.S. and Paulson, B.C., Jr., Professional Construction Management, Second Edition,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984.
5) Bay Area Rapid Transit District, "Project Management Plan: Daly City Turnback and Yard
Project," February 18, 1987.
7) Bush, Marilyn, “Improving Software Quality: The Use of Formal Inspections at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory,” 12 International Conference on Software Engineering, Nice France,
March 26-30, 1990.
8) Chase, Richard B., Aquilano, Nicholas J. and Jacobs, Robert F., Production and Operations
Management, Manufacturing and Service, Eighth Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York,
10) Construction Industry Institute, Quality Management Task Force, "Measuring the Cost of
Quality in Design and Construction," Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of
Texas at Austin, May 1989.
11) Construction Industry Institute, Quality Management Task Force, "The Quality Performance
Management System: A Blueprint for Implementation," Bureau of Engineering Research,
The University of Texas at Austin, February 1990.
12) Construction Industry Institute, Quality Management Task Force, "Total Quality
Management: The Competitive Edge," Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of
Texas at Austin, April 1990.
13) "Construction of a New Federally Funded Financed Rail System in Miami, Florida," Hearing
Before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works
and Transportation, House of Representatives, Ninety-Eighth Congress, First Session,
December 13, 1983, at Miami Fla., U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 1984.
14) "Construction: Quality Control and Specifications," Transportation Research Record 986,
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 1984.
15) Crosby, Phillip B., Quality is Free, McGraw Hill, New York, 1979.
16) Davis, Mark M., Aquilano, Nicholas J. and Chase, Richard B., Fundamentals of Operations
Management, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, 1999.
17) Day and Zimmerman, Project Management Oversight Procedures, Urban Mass
Transportation Administration, UMTA-PA-06-0092, March 1986. (PB87-184396)
19) Dixon, W.L., "Quality Management," Project Management Body of Knowledge (Section B),
Project Management Institute, Drexel Hill, PA, March 28, 1978.
21) Elliott, R.P., "Quality Assurance - Top Management's Tool for Construction Quality,"
Transportation Research Board, Paper No. 910092, Washington DC, January 1991.
22) Ericson, J., "Meeting the Quality Management Issue on Highway Construction," Journal of
Professional Issues in Engineering, Vol. 115, No. 2, American Society of Civil Engineers,
New York, April 1989, pp: 162-167.
23) Fairweather, V., "The Pursuit of Quality: QA/QC," Civil Engineering, American Society of
Civil Engineers, February 1985, pp: 62-64.
25) Federal Highway Administration, "Sampling and Testing of Materials and Construction,"
Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual, January 22, 1987.
27) Federal Highway Administration, "Laboratory Accreditation and Certification of Testing
Personnel," memorandum from Anthony R. Kane to Regional FHWA Administrators, April
11, 1990.
29) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 4220.1D, “Third Party Contracting
Requirements," FTA, Washington, DC, April 1996.
30) Feignebaum, Armand V., Total Quality Control, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York,
31) Fox, A.J. and Cornell, H.A. Editors, Quality in the Constructed Project, Proceedings of the
Workshop sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers in Chicago, IL November
13-15, 1984, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1985.
32) Hart, Roger D., Quality Handbook for the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction
Community, ASQC Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI, 1994.
33) Juran, J.M., On Quality Leadership, How to go from here to there, Juran Institute, Inc.
Wilton, CT, 1987.
34) Juran, J.M. and Godfrey, A. Blanton, Juran’s Quality Handbook, Fifth Edition, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1999.
35) Juran, J.M. and Gryna, Frank M., Quality Planning and Analysis, Third Edition, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1993.
36) Lawrence, D., "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' system for quality assurance and contractor
quality control," Quality assurance in construction, Institution of Civil Engineers, Great
Britain, 1990.
37) Long Island Railroad, "LIRR Capital Program Project Management Procedures," October 4,
38) Luglio, T.J., Project and Construction Management Guidelines, Urban Mass Transportation
Administration, UMTA-MA-06-0175-90-1, September 1990.
39) Markland, Robert E., Vickery, Shawnee, K. and Davis, Robert A., Operations Management,
Concepts in Manufacturing Services, Second Edition, South-Western College Publishing,
Cincinnati, OH, 1995.
40) McMahon, Halstead, Baker, Granley & Kelly, Quality Assurance in Highway Construction,
FHWA-TS-89-038, Federal Highway Administration, October 1990.
41) Mickelson, E. S., Construction Quality Program Handbook, American Society for Quality
Control, Milwaukee, WI, 1986.
42) Meredith, Jack R. and Shafer, Scott M., Operations Management for MBAs, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, 1999.
43) NIST Handbook 150, 2001 Edition, National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program,
Procedures and General Requirements, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
45) New York City Transit Authority, "Quality Assurance Plan," Engineering and Construction
Department, November 25, 1985.
46) "Performance contract calls for high level of quality," (Channel Tunnel Special Report)
Engineering News Record, McGraw-Hill, New York, December 10, 1990.
47) Peters, T.J., Thriving On Chaos, A Handbook for a Management Revolution, Alfred A.
Knopf, Inc., New York, NY, 1987.
48) Peters, T.J. and Austin, N.K., A Passion for Excellence, The Leadership Difference, Random
House, New York, NY, 1985.
49) Peters, T.J. and Waterman, R.H., Jr., In Search of Excellence, Lessons from America's
Best-Run Companies, Warner Books, New York, NY, 1982.
50) Quality Assurance in Construction, Proceedings of the conference Quality Assurance for the
Chief Executive, organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London on 14
February 1989, Thomas Telford, London, 1990.
51) Quality in the Constructed Project: A Guide for Owners, Designers and Constructors,
Volume 1, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 73, American Society of
Civil Engineers, New York, 1990.
52) "Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards -- Guidelines for Selection and Use,"
ANSI/ASQC Standard Q90-1987, American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI,
53) "Quality Systems -- Model for Quality Assurance in Design/ Development, Production,
Installation, and Servicing," ANSI/ASQC Standard Q91-1987, American Society for Quality
Control, Milwaukee, WI, 1987.
54) "Quality Systems --Model for Quality Assurance in Production and Installation,"
ANSI/ASQC Standard Q92-1987, American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI,
55) "Quality Systems --Model for Quality Assurance in Final Inspection and Test," ANSI/ASQC
Standard Q93-1987, American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI, 1987.
56) "Quality Management and Quality System Elements -- Guidelines," ANSI/ASQC Standard
Q94-1987, American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI, 1987.
57) Rail Construction Corporation, "Metro Rail System Quality Program Manual," September
58) Schmitt, C.H., "Trolley project criticized, Quality control called inadequate," San Jose
Mercury News, October 13, 1987, pp: 1B-2B.
60) Southwest Transit Group, "Construction Management Plan," for the Chicago DPW
Southwest Transit Project, May 1990.
61) Standards of Practice, Construction Management Association of America, Reston VA, 1988.
62) Stevenson, William J., Operations Management, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New
York, 2002.
64) Tayanipour, S.S., "Design Support of Construction to Reduce Loss and Enhance Quality,"
APTA 1989 Rapid Transit Conference, American Public Transit Association, June 1989.
65) TCRP Report 8, The Quality Journey: A TQM Roadmap for Public Transportation, Transit
Cooperative Research Program, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1995.
66) Total Quality Management in Public Transportation, TRB Research Results Digest, October
1994 , Number 3, Transit Cooperative Research Program, Transportation Research Board,
National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1995.
68) U.S. DOT, Transportation Systems Center, Construction Management Oversight Options for
UMTA, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, November 1, 1983.
69) Walton, M., "Making America Work Again," (article on W. Edward Deming) The
Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine, March 11, 1984.
70) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, "Construction Quality Assurance Plan,"
Office of Construction, April 16, 1990.
71) Weseman, W.A., "Remarks on Quality," Hot Mix Design and Construction Workshop,
Atlantic City, NJ, June 21-22, 1988.
72) Willenbrock, J.H., A Manual for Statistical Quality Control of Highway Construction
Volumes 1 and 2, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, January 1976.
73) World Wide Technology Division, Booz Allen Hamilton: “Information Technology Software
Quality Best Practices,” McLean, VA, 2001.
The Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines were first published in 1992 and this
constitutes the first update to that document. The Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Guidelines are for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grantees that are undertaking design,
construction, or equipment acquisition programs. FTA requires grantees undertaking major
capital programs to prepare a Project Management Plan (PMP) that includes a Quality Plan.
Even for those projects not considered major, a Quality Plan can be a useful management tool for
guiding activities to ensure project quality.
For grantees undertaking multiple projects, the development of a project Quality Plan should be
an outgrowth of a functioning quality management system. A comprehensive quality
management system is comprised of a written quality policy, a written plan, written procedures,
a management that supports and takes responsibility for quality, and personnel who undertake
quality assurance and quality control activities.
Chapter 2 provides a description of the elements of a quality management system. The elements
should be considered in the development of detailed quality procedures. The fifteen quality
elements are as follows:
1. Management Responsibility
2. Documented Quality Management System
3. Design Control
4. Document Control
5. Purchasing
6. Product Identification and Traceability
7. Process Control
8. Inspection and Testing
9. Inspection, Measuring, and Test Equipment
10. Inspection and Test Status
11. Nonconformance
12. Corrective Action
13. Quality Records
14. Quality Audits
15. Training.
Organization of the quality functions for a project should be tailored to the grantee's
organizational needs and management structure.
Chapter 3 discusses alternative approaches that depend on the type of capital project, the size of
the project, and the use of consultants for project management. Whatever the approach, the
grantee has overall responsibility for an effective quality management system and needs to
maintain some oversight responsibility for the project quality. Also covered in Chapter 3 is an
overview of the use of independent assurance programs, QA/QC in design-build projects,
information on test lab accreditation, a description of the value engineering process, and a
section on software quality assurance.
Chapter 4 discusses the development of a project Quality Plan. This is an evolutionary process,
during which different levels of detail are appropriate at the different project phases. The Quality
Plan should be developed as part of the Project Management Plan at the end of the project
planning phase, and should be modified as required to provide adequate project quality guidance
during design, procurement, and construction. The authority and responsibilities of each
component of the project organization need to be clearly defined, extending from grantee senior
management to consultants, suppliers, and contractors. The Quality Plan needs to provide details
of the quality management system requirements to be applied during the design process,
including any quality assurance requirements to be carried out by design consultants. The
Quality Plan should define the quality management system requirements to be carried out by
construction contractors, construction management consultants (CMC), and equipment
manufacturers. The Quality Plan should describe the quality oversight activities (e.g., reviewing,
monitoring, auditing, etc.) to be undertaken by the grantee to assure that the plan is followed and
Following Chapter 4 are the appendices that include selections from transit quality programs,
selected documents from Long Island Railroad’s Quality Management System, and seven case
studies. These appendices are provided as references.
This report was developed in 1992 and subsequently updated in 2002 under the Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) sponsorship to assist transit agencies in developing quality management
systems and plans for their FTA-funded transit capital improvement projects. FTA regulations
require each FTA funded major capital program to submit a Program Management Plan (PMP)
for FTA approval. These regulations also stipulate that a Quality Plan must be referenced or
included as part of the PMP.
FTA maintains oversight for the grants that it awards, but assigns the grant administration and
management responsibility to the grantees. FTA's Office of Program Management delegates the
responsibility for oversight of nearly all capital grants to the appropriate FTA Regional Office.
The Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines is one of several initiatives undertaken
by FTA to enhance the management of the projects that it funds. The initiatives have included
guidance to grantees on topics such as insurance and value engineering; assignment of Project
Management Oversight Contractors (PMOC) to provide technical support to FTA; and the
development of the Project and Construction Management Guidelines [Ref. 38].
This Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines document expands upon the QA/QC
program guidance contained in the Project and Construction Management Guidelines. Its major
purpose is to promote the development of grantee quality management systems consistent with
contemporary FTA practices to affect successful implementation.
Before undertaking the 1992 effort, information was gathered through the PMOCs to determine
the state of QA/QC programs for FTA funded capital improvement projects. Some 40 different
projects were covered in this investigation, ranging in dollar value from less than a million to
several billion. The findings were as follows:
• Much progress had been made in developing and applying formal QA/QC programs.
Nearly three-quarters of the grantees had either a documented QA/QC program, or they
utilized a CMC who had a QA/QC program. A majority of the formal written QA/QC
programs were adopted in 1990.
• While less than half of the grantees had staffs dedicated to QA, this concept was growing.
Many of the staffs that existed were newly formed.
• Substantive quality in the projects was found where there was enthusiasm for a quality
program. Examples were found in old-line agencies and in newer agencies. These
examples included a variety of QA/QC program types and staffing procedures.
• A formal written QA/QC program was particularly helpful for grantees with little
experience in the particular project under construction. It was also helpful for old-line
agencies that had evolved multiple quality programs that had not always proven effective.
• QA/QC was important in design as well as manufacturing and construction. Design errors
were responsible for a large percentage of rework, so catching design errors had a high
• QA/QC programs seemed to work reasonably well in projects employing a CMC and an
outside construction contractor. However, there was a need for the grantee to recognize
their overall QA responsibilities, which could not be delegated to the CMC.
Conducting a similar study in advance of the 2002 update was not a requirement of the FTA
because it was already keenly aware that nearly all of the conclusions of the original study were
still valid. The only exceptions were on the positive side and consisted of the knowledge that in
2002 all of the larger grantees now had QA/QC programs and had staffs dedicated to QA/QC
The remainder of this chapter defines a number of the quality concepts, gives a historic overview
of their development and their relationship, and discusses QA/QC in the context of project and
construction management. This chapter also includes a description of what makes up an effective
Quality Management System, perspectives on quality from the standpoint of the service provider
and user, a description of the inter-relationships and balances among quality, costs and
schedules, an overview of the barriers to QA/QC and suggested resolutions, and directions for
using these guidelines.
1.2 QA/QC Definitions
Quality "That aspect of the overall management function that determines and
Management implements the quality policy." [Ref. 52]
Quality Manual The typical form of the main document used in drawing up and
implementing a quality management system. The quality manual should
contain the quality policy and written procedures. In larger properties,
there can be more than one quality manual. For example, there could be a
corporate quality manual, divisional quality manuals, and specialized
quality manuals for design, procurement, and construction activities,
prepared by those responsible for the work.
Quality Plans A written description of intended actions to control and assure quality.
The Quality Plan defines applicable quality policy for the project and
applicable quality procedures. For new projects, Quality Plans should be
developed consistent with all other requirements of a grantee's quality
management system.
Quality Program The coordinated execution of applicable QA and QC plans and activities
for a project.
Quality Control "The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill
requirements for quality. " [Ref. 52] These techniques are used to assure
that a product or service meets requirements. QC is carried out by the
operating forces. Their job is to do the work and meet the product or
service goals. Generally, QC refers to the act of taking measurements,
testing, and inspecting a process or product to assure that it meets
specification. It also includes actions by those performing the work to
control the quality of the work. Products may be design drawings or
specifications, manufactured equipment, or constructed items. QC also
refers to the process of witnessing or attesting to, and documenting such
Quality Assurance "All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate
confidence to the management that a product or service will satisfy given
requirements for quality." [Ref. 52] QA emphasizes "upstream" actions
that directly improve the chances that QC actions will result in a product
or service that meets requirements. QA includes ensuring the project
requirements are developed to meet the needs of all relevant internal and
external agencies, planning the processes needed to assure quality of the
project, ensuring that equipment and staffing is capable of performing
tasks related to project quality, ensuring that contractors are capable of
meeting and do carry out quality requirements, and documenting the
quality efforts.
Dating back to the early crafts, product quality was a very personal product characteristic.
Craftsmen earned their reputation by producing quality goods for each customer. With the
industrial revolution and mass production, there was no longer a one-to-one relationship between
craftsmen and customer. Specifications or standards for how to produce a product became the
substitute for the craftsman's personal touch. QC was the function of inspecting the end product
to determine if it met the specification or standard.
Standards became important not just to ensure that pieces fit together, but also to ensure the
safety of the final product. As early as 1914, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) developed codes for boilers and pressure vessels. Use of these standards for boilers
resulted in fewer failures, even as performance improved.
Quality standards began to be applied to the nuclear industry in the late 1940's, and in 1954 the
ASME published ASME NQA-1, "Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear
Facilities." This publication listed eighteen criteria for a QA program. In the nuclear industry QA
refers to the entire QA/QC process.
Despite this earlier start, the real push for QA programs is thought to have come in the 1960's,
when Robert McNamara introduced the concept in the Department of Defense (DOD) [Ref. 23].
McNamara wanted to cut the budget by transferring QC responsibility to DOD contractors,
primarily manufacturers. DOD then had the QA responsibility where the purpose was to assure
that the contractors carried out QC. The idea eventually spread to the construction sector of DOD
and the Corps of Engineers instituted its own program in the late 1960's. With the Corps
program, the construction contractor is responsible for QC while the Corps handles QA.
The Japanese adapted the statistical QC procedures promoted by W. Edward Deming, and the
managerial performance approach advocated by J.M. Juran. These concepts combined with a
highly educated Japanese work force, and with the Japanese approach to continual quality
improvement, led to Japan establishing itself as the leader in quality in the electronics and
automobile industries.
The Japanese went beyond concepts of QC and reliance on inspection and testing, to the point
where high quality work is expected from the start. Japanese corporations expect an extremely
high level of quality from their suppliers, and long-term relationships are built with those
suppliers that can meet quality expectations. The Japanese use management techniques to
involve the entire work force in quality improvement efforts. They make a continuing effort to
understand the desires of the customers to ensure that they are building the right thing as well as
building it right. Because of its broad scope, the Japanese quality programs have been described
as Total Quality Management or TQM, rather than QA/QC.
TQM, QA, and QC represent a hierarchy. A quality program for inspection and testing of
product is a QC program. The addition of QA activities should improve upstream processes as
well as provide for verification of QC activities, and should greatly enhance the probability of
compliance with quality goals. TQM will improve management procedures and processes in
order to further improve quality and reduce costs. In the early 1990s, the transit industry
appeared comfortable with QC, but was in the beginning stages for establishing QA programs.
The function of project and construction management is to assure acceptable quality while
executing the project on-time and on-budget. For an FTA grantee, acceptable quality has a broad
meaning – it means meeting the needs of the public and satisfying all of the regulatory and
operational requirements outside and within the agency.
The major reason for emphasizing the need for a Quality Plan in addition to the PMP is to
explicitly recognize the importance of quality in constructed projects and in procurement. The
job of project management is to manage schedule, budget, and quality of a project. However,
since schedule and budget are easy to measure, and thus have been the traditional focus of
management, quality processes have often been overlooked. The requirement for a specific
Quality Plan for a project helps to address this imbalance.
Transit projects can involve many processes that vary in nature: planning, engineering design,
systems design, software development, construction, and manufacturing. The manufacturing
industry, which generally utilizes processes that are repetitive in nature, can easily make use of
quality programs that are based on statistical QC techniques. The statistical nature of these types
of quality programs facilitates process improvements though continual experimentation.
Planning, engineering design, and construction, on the other hand, often involve "one of a kind"
projects where a quality management system that emphasizes effective management practices is
more appropriate. Similarly, software development and systems design are related processes that
require unique quality management systems and specialized quality tools and procedures.
An effective Quality Management System is not just one where good products and services are
delivered. Rather, it is one that continuously seeks to improve the products and services being
delivered and the corresponding delivery processes used by the organization. In order to establish
an effective Quality Management System, the following characteristics are required:
• Leadership – adopting a quality policy, instilling a culture that values quality, involving
all levels of management in quality initiatives, identifying a senior quality manager,
providing resources and personnel to accomplish quality objectives, delivering products
and services that always meet customer expectations.
• Design quality and prevention – developing products and services that meet customer
expectations and reduce life cycle cost.
• Strategic quality planning – establishing a vision for the future of where and what the
organization wants to be and developing a plan to arrive at that destination.
• Focus on customer satisfaction – clearly identifying internal and external customer
requirements and making decisions that support the commitment to meet those
• Continuous improvement – identifying key areas for improvement, whether they are
products and services or processes.
• Teamwork, employee participation – all employees participate to the best of their ability
and within the bounds of their areas of expertise to deliver products and services that
meet requirements for performance, cost, and schedule.
• Training and development – all persons at all levels within the organization receive basic
and advanced quality training relative to their functional and managerial responsibilities
within the organization.
The current move towards performance specifications contracting in the engineering and
construction industry has been extended into the quality assurance/quality control programs to
formalize the expanded definitions of quality within the project development process. As a
result, agencies are instituting strong construction and procurement oversight programs in order
to assure that quality design and workmanship is provided in a timely manner.
that should be applied throughout the asset life cycle. This
Installation concept becomes more apparent as we move towards
performance specifications of the traditional civil elements
and extend the concept into the vehicle and systems asset
types. The quality assurance life cycle approach extends into the operational aspects such as
warranty provisions, preventive maintenance and safety programs and the rehabilitation and
replacement of each asset type as it fulfills its life cycle design specifications.
As more focus is placed on performance specifications, under a systematic, life cycle approach,
QA/QC becomes incorporated earlier in the project development process, starting at the project
planning and engineering stages. The emphasis on QA/QC starts to expand, complementing the
traditional QA/QC approach, as the project goes into engineering, design, procurement,
construction, systems installation, operations and maintenance, and asset rehabilitation and
replacement. Another distinguishing characteristic of a systematic QA/QC approach is the ability
to address the root cause of non-compliance problems arising during the life cycle of a given
project, rather than treating the symptoms of such problems, as is the case with the traditional
approach. The importance of a systematic QA/QC approach is further emphasized in a Design-
Build project development environment, where the project moves through its lifecycle stages in a
‘continuous’ rather than ‘discrete’ fashion.
1.5.2 Involvement
As stated above, a Quality Management System is one that is all encompassing. As a result,
every person within the organization must participate to the extent that his or her job
responsibilities dictate. This includes members of grantee senior management, functional
management and project management, functional, office and shop personnel, including engineers
and purchasing personnel, programs personnel, quality personnel, and operations personnel. In
addition, all consultants, contractors and suppliers must become part of the process.
1.5.3 Implementation Process
In order to implement an effective Quality Management System, the following general steps
should be followed:
• Senior management must commit to the development of a Quality Management System.
• All personnel should receive introductory and advanced training, as applicable, on
general and specific quality topics.
• Customer expectations and requirements must be defined.
• Key processes must be selected for improvement.
• Data related to the products, services and the delivery processes must be gathered and
• Feedback must be provided to the responsible managerial and functional areas for further
process improvement.
1.5.4 Tools
There are many tools available to program/project managers and project and quality personnel to
solve problems, control processes, improve products and services, and assure project success. A
summary of those tools may be grouped into three broad categories:
• Project-related tools
¾ Pre-activity meetings
¾ Partnering
¾ Constructibility reviews
¾ Design reviews
¾ Progress meetings
¾ Status reports
¾ Action items lists
¾ Non-conformance reports
¾ Brainstorming
¾ Quality Audits.
Utilizing or requiring consultants and contractors to use these tools will allow grantees to more
effectively manage their projects resulting in reduced costs and efficient on-time performance.
According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) proposed standard ISO
11462-1, some of the ways that effective implementation of Statistical Process Control SPC
reduces cost and increases profit are [Ref. 6]:
A detailed explanation of each of these tools and how to use them is beyond the scope of these
guidelines. However, these topics are covered in numerous textbooks, military and international
standards, and quality control handbooks. Further, experienced quality control and quality
assurance personnel are typically familiar with and know when and how to use and apply these
One concept, however, that will be defined here is the concept of accuracy vs. precision:
• Precision – refers to the nearness of data to each other. When there is little scatter among
the data points, the data is said to be precise. Whether the data is near or far from the
standard or goal in question is not considered.
• Accuracy - refers to the nearness of the data to the standard or goal. It tells you how close
you are to the bull’s eye. Whether or not the data is scattered around the target is not
When requirements for data are established, it is not enough to identify only accuracy or
precision; both are needed. Further, when addressing data, it is not enough to say that it is
accurate or it is precise; statements about both are necessary.
The tools identified in Section 1.5.4 will assist the project manager in identifying problems,
quality or otherwise. Once a problem is identified, it is necessary to determine the cause of that
problem. Sometimes the cause is very obvious and the resulting fix is very simple to implement.
Sometimes the cause is not so obvious and the project manager needs to dig deeper to determine
the cause. This process is known as Root Cause Analysis.
Root cause analysis is the concept of analyzing a problem beyond the obvious symptoms
manifested by the problem and identifying the actual cause of the problem. A piece of equipment
that is not able to produce product to the specified tolerance, at first glance, may appear to
require adjusting, or replacement. However, the root cause of the problem could very well be
operator error, incorrect drawings, unrealistic requirement, incorrect material, factory conditions,
or some combination of all of these. Fixing the most obvious condition may not solve the
problem and could result in further complications or delays. Consequently, all possible
conditions and combinations must be explored before a problem can truly be eliminated and the
equipment adjusted or replaced. Note that this is true whether the problem involves a piece of
equipment, a process, or an individual.
The definition of quality varies from grantee to grantee, from customer to customer, from
contractor to contractor, from supplier to supplier, and indeed, from person to person. Depending
on what a person sees or values in a product or process or project, the definition can vary vastly.
It is virtually impossible for all parties to agree on one definition that satisfies everyone. Given
the inherent “subjective” nature of the definition of quality, the need to utilize performance
specifications becomes paramount. Performance specifications are geared towards product
functionality, whereas prescriptive specifications are geared towards specifying the
characteristics of a given product. Often times, it is this prescriptive methodology that limits the
desired functionality and leads to higher costs to arrive at the desired quality. Research has
demonstrated that quality expectations have been met (or exceeded) when agencies employed
performance specifications in their procurement documents. By focusing on the functional
elements of the end product, rather than the detailed characteristics of each subcomponent, the
owner agency provides the contractor/manufacturer the needed flexibility to utilize their
expertise in delivering a quality product that will not only meet the owner agency’s expectations,
but also in a cost effective manner. The transit industry has been moving towards the
implementation of performance specifications in the procurement of capital projects in order to
reap the benefits of this approach. Nevertheless, within the transit industry, the definition of
quality has definite connotations from the service provider and user perspectives. Following is a
discussion of those perspectives and a description of the benefits of a successful quality program
for the service provider and for the owner.
Each grantee project will have its own unique product characteristics or design features, even in
those cases where the project involves similar product deliveries, such as buses or rail vehicles.
A quality project or product is one that delivers to the grantee all of these features in a timely,
cost effective manner. Not only must the product contain the requisite features, but also these
features must effectively integrate and operate within the surrounding infrastructure in which the
product will be utilized. As a result, the quality of the system or product should be evaluated, not
as a stand-alone unit, but as integrated system. Additionally, the delivered project or product
should be evaluated in light of its associated support materials, such as documentation, training,
test equipment and spare parts. Although the user and service provider will view most of the
product characteristics similarly on the surface, the underlying product characteristics and
support material will not be viewed at all by the user. Individual product characteristics are too
numerous to list, but may be broadly described as features related to the product’s design and its
associated support materials.
In addition to product characteristics, each grantee project will require its own unique service
characteristics. These service characteristics, when viewed by the service provider, will differ
from those that will be expected by the user of the system. They differ in the sense that they
represent the service delivered by the consultants, contractors, suppliers, etc. on the project. The
user, on the other hand, views service characteristics by how well the service provider performs.
Although some of the language that describes quality may be the same, e.g., on-time
performance, the deliverer of the service will differ. Essentially, in one case the grantee is the
recipient of the service and in the other case the grantee is the deliverer of the service. Some of
the service characteristics are:
• Reliability
• Dependability
• Availability
• Responsiveness
• Competence
• Courtesy
• Credibility
• Security
• Accessibility.
The service provider is generally the transit agency or port authority that provides transit services
to the public. The grantee and transit agency are generally one in the same. However, within the
transit agency is a broad range of functional and administrative departments, all of whom are
typically customers and service providers to one another. For example, the construction
management and engineering departments are typically involved in the procurement of systems
and equipment that will be used by the operations department to deliver service to the riding
public. Thus, the construction management and engineering departments are providing a service
to the operations department that is providing a service to the public. Reversing the process, the
operations department must provide their operating requirements to the construction
management and engineering departments so that they can be translated into contract
At the opposite end of this cycle is the maintenance department that also provides a service to the
operations department. Each of these departments, along with all those departments not explicitly
mentioned, report to or provide a service to the administration of the transit agency. Thus, it is
safe to assume that each and every individual in the transit agency is a “service provider” in
some capacity – operations, engineering, construction, maintenance, procurement, etc.
1.6.4 The User
The user of the system is the public. In most cases, the public has the option to use or not use the
services offered by the transit agency. Thus, the transit agency is competing for the dollars that
will be spent by the public on transportation. These dollars are vital to the long term success of
the transit agency and thus, the user is a necessary ingredient to that success.
When transit projects are successfully accomplished in a quality fashion, they offer the following
benefits to the service provider:
When transit projects are successfully accomplished in a quality fashion, they offer the following
benefits to the user:
As noted in Section 1.6 above, the definition of quality varies depending on who is doing the
defining, be it grantee, customer, consultant, contractor, or supplier. Nevertheless, it is
imperative that the grantee clearly identifies the “attributes or dimensions of quality” in their
contract specification and purchase orders. By so doing, they can make clear to their consultant,
contractor, or supplier their quality expectations and they will maximize the probability that the
product or project they are procuring will satisfy their needs. Examples of quality attributes that
can and should be specified include:
• Reliability, maintainability, availability – the mean time or distance between failures, the
mean time to repair, and the percent of time the system is available for service
• Aesthetics – appearance, color, etc.
• Features – functionality, beyond the main operating or functional characteristics
• Durability – ability to adapt to ambient conditions
• Safety – freedom from hazards
• Warranty – freedom from defects
• Service Life – expected time prior to major overhaul of the system.
In addition to specifying these quality attributes, it is imperative to specify the support materials
that will allow the service provider to cost effectively maintain the system in a manner that will
assure continued delivery of quality service to the user of the system. Examples include:
Quality costs fall into two broad categories, the price of conformance and the price of non-
conformance. The price of conformance is also known as the cost of detection and can be further
divided into prevention costs and appraisal costs. The price on nonconformance is also known as
the cost of lesser quality and can be further divided into internal failure costs and external failure
costs. Figure 1-1 identifies examples of each of these categories.
As Figure 1-1 depicts, quality costs cover a wide spectrum and occur during all phases of the
project. Although most nonconformance costs are borne by the contractor, the grantee may also
experience unwanted costs as a result of nonconformance, such as loss of revenue, project
personnel cost increases due to longer project duration, and extra force account costs associated
with supporting the contractor. In addition, overall life cycle costs for such items as maintenance
and spares will be typically higher for the grantee as a result of nonconformance issues that could
not be resolved.
Grantee costs associates with conformance quality activities include design, process, and
document control, inspection and testing, and audits and training.
Figure 1-1 – Summary of Quality Costs
Quality Costs Examples
It is evident from Figure 1-1 that the conformance activities are not just related to quality, but
also fall into the category of good project management practices. Thus, it is difficult to clearly
define how much is being spent on purely quality activities. Nevertheless, industry studies have
shown that preventing defects avoids or reduces unwanted project costs and improves delivery
performance. One rule of thumb is that every dollar spent on prevention saves $10 in appraisal
and failure costs [Ref. 8]. Further, quality expert Philip Crosby, in his 1979 book, Quality is
Free, espoused the philosophy that the cost of poor quality is greater than the cost of preventing
poor quality. Thus, he concluded that quality improvement efforts will more than pay for
themselves [Ref. 15].
No discussion of quality costs would be complete without mentioning the impact of poor quality.
Grantees are generally both consumers and providers of products and services. If the grantee
accepts a poor design or approves nonconforming workmanship that does not satisfy their own
requirements, they can be certain that the resulting product or service will not meet the
requirements of their customers, the public. This can have serious consequences resulting in the
loss of ridership, the potential for liability, the loss of productivity, and an increase in life cycle
Quality-related efforts are beneficial to the success, overall cost, and delivery performance of the
project and that project managers must demonstrate diligence when making decisions that affect
the quality-related efforts outlined in the 15 quality elements.
Managers have the responsibility for guiding the organization. They set the direction for the
organization, establish the goals, and inspire the attitudes that drive their individual teams toward
accomplishing the organization’s mission. Most employees will focus on issues that they believe
are of primary concern to their bosses. This attitude moves up and down the chain of command.
There is no doubt that management is interested in providing quality products and services to
their clients; however, the degree of interest is directly proportional to the actions of
management. Simply put, actions speak louder than words and merely saying that you, as a
manager, are interested in quality is not enough. Rather, grantee managers must:
• Establish a quality policy, quality guidelines, quality manuals and quality measures
• Provide leadership of, and actively participate in, quality initiatives
• Provide the necessary resources to accomplish quality goals
• Install an infrastructure that assures quality requirements are accomplished
• Make decisions that support an emphasis on quality.
Although tight budgets and challenging schedules have historically been cited for not
implementing quality programs and conducting quality efforts, the tide has changed over the
years to where most transit agencies have dedicated quality departments and follow sound
quality practices. However, at the individual project level, project managers are still faced with
day-to-day decisions that must balance their short-term requirements with the agency’s long-
term goals. Further, although Section 1.7 purports that the long-term benefits of quality far
exceed the short-term costs, these project managers are generally evaluated annually on their
short-term performance. This may tend to impact their decision-making. The following
suggestions may help to mitigate this concern:
• Senior management should be educated as to the wisdom of focusing on quality and the
need to keep encouraging it.
• Life cycle costing should be used to evaluate decisions in lieu of simply using project
• Senior management should support decisions that favor long-term cost considerations
rather than short-term project costs.
• Project managers should be evaluated on the long-term implications of their decision-
• Project quality management should be organized so that decision-making is reported to,
and can be supported by, senior transit agency quality management.
Many people and organizations are apprehensive of change and consequently are slow to change.
It is only when the negative consequences of not changing outweigh the consequences of
changing that change takes place. In fact, it was only after the Japanese auto industry
successfully applied quality improvement concepts and posed serious competition to the
American auto industry, that quality began to make serious strides in the United States. Thirty
years later the FTA required grantees to seriously incorporate quality concepts in their projects
and the result has been the successful application of these concepts and improved project
performance. Thus, we can see how slowly change can take place.
Even though significant strides have occurred, there is still room for improvement in the transit
industry. Some of the rules suggested by Juran to avoid resistance to change include [Ref. 34]:
As noted in Section 1.5.2, a successful management system involves all personnel at all levels
within the organization and even personnel outside the organization, especially those entities that
supply funding. It was further noted that everyone within the organization should be trained in
order to know what role they play in implementing an effective system. Training should start
with senior and project management and work its way down into the organization. The quality
department should receive parallel training in order to be in a position to help implement
initiatives and provide additional levels of leadership within the organization. At the individual
project level, the entire project team should be trained regarding the unique quality requirements
of the project. As the project evolves, training should be expanded to include consultants,
contractors, and suppliers, as required. Inspectors and other personnel may require specialty
training or certification when performing critical functions, such as welding or inspecting
pressure containers, etc. Finally, training is not a one-time event. Rather, it is an on-going
process that helps to assure that all members of the organization, in general, and the project team,
in particular, can successfully implement, and assure the success of, the organization or project’s
quality goals and requirements.
1.9 How to Use These Guidelines
Grantees should use these guidelines in the development of their quality plan. In order to develop
an effective quality plan, the grantee should:
Grantees should develop unique quality plans and quality procedures that satisfy their individual
needs. The FTA recommends seeking the advice and counsel of other grantees who have
developed successful quality plans in order to learn from their experience. However, the
examples in these guidelines and other sources should only be used as reference material and
should not be copied by grantees.
This chapter discusses the fifteen elements that are the basis for FTA’s guidance regarding
QA/QC involving design, procurement, manufacturing, and/or construction. In addition, this
chapter provides some guidance in determining which elements are appropriate for different
projects. Note that each project is unique in scope and size and not all elements are applicable to
all projects. An analysis of the project is recommend in order to determine what elements are
applicable and warrant procedures.
The background section describes the origin of the fifteen elements, other efforts to develop
construction oriented QA/QC standards, the justification for FTA adaptation of the fifteen
elements, and organizational definitions required to understand the fifteen elements.
The fifteen quality elements are as follows and should be considered in the development of
detailed quality procedures:
1. Management Responsibility
2. Documented Quality Management System
3. Design Control
4. Document Control
5. Purchasing
6. Product Identification and Traceability
7. Process Control
8. Inspection and Testing
9. Inspection, Measuring, and Test Equipment
10. Inspection and Test Status
11. Nonconformance
12. Corrective Action
13. Quality Records
14. Quality Audits
15. Training.
Following each of the elements is a comment(s) section that includes information and guidance
that can be used when developing the procedures.
2.1 Background
The fifteen elements were originally adapted from the 1987 version of the American National
Standards for Quality Systems (ANSI/ASQC Q90 - Q94). The International Standards for
Quality Systems (ISO 9000 - ISO 9004) were almost identical to the ANSI standards. Both sets
of standards have been subsequently updated, but they still contain the fundamental information
upon which these guidelines are based.
The ISO 9000:1994 standard has been revised to ISO 9000:2000. This new revision requires a
significantly different format for documenting a Quality Management System. The original
twenty elements have been reorganized into six basic elements. ISO 9001:2000 contains two
conversion tables to show how the old elements are included in the new standard and visa-versa.
This table is an ideal cross-reference for the FTA, grantee, and companies who use the latest ISO
standard's documentation format. It can be used as an aid in indicating that all of the required
elements of these guidelines have been properly addressed. ASQC (now ASQ) and ISO
Standards represent sound management practice. Evidence of the acceptance of these standards
to industry is the proliferation of companies that have become ISO certified over the past ten
A number of organizations have developed quality program standards for specific types of work.
Among these are ASQ, which formed a Construction Technical Committee in 1982 to address
construction quality; the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), which addressed the need
for a quality standard in engineering and construction; and the Construction Industry Institute
(CII), associated with the University of Texas at Austin, which was founded in 1983 to improve
the cost effectiveness of the construction industry. In developing the QA/QC Guidelines for
FTA, consideration was given to adopting one of these standards. However, it was decided to use
the more generic approach of the ANSI/ASQC Q90 - Q94:1994 standards. The reasoning is as
• This standard has been broadly accepted in the United States and in the international
community. There has not yet been universal acceptance of the various QA/QC
guidelines for the design and construction industry.
• The capital programs of the transit industry include design and construction activities and
equipment procurement. The ANSI/ASQC Q90 standard sets forth a generic quality
program based upon sound management practices that is adaptable to all transit capital
• The organization and management of transit capital programs can take many different
forms. Some transit agencies may do construction activities in-house, they may hire a
construction contractor, or they may hire both a CMC and construction contractor. Given
the variety of formats, the most useful quality guidance would seem to be to present the
essential quality elements, and let the transit agency determine where the elements are
appropriate, and which organizations should have responsibility for implementation.
The fifteen quality elements are adapted from some twelve to twenty quality elements included
in the ANSI standards. These fifteen are the elements most relevant to an FTA grantee. The
elements should be seen as good management practice to ensure quality of design,
manufacturing, and construction services. They are applicable not only for quality programs of
the FTA grantees, but also for organizations providing goods and services to grantees.
Each of the elements may refer to QA or QC activities. QA activities include planning for quality
activities and verifying that those activities were carried out. QC activities include the actual
implementation of quality activities and the documentation thereof.
The elements sometimes refer to generic organizational entities that could be the transit
agency/grantee or the construction contractor, for example, depending upon the role being
played. Following are some of the generic organizational entities referenced in the quality
The grantee should define and document a quality policy, and should communicate,
implement, and maintain that policy at all levels of its organization. Management should
designate a representative who shall have defined authority and responsibility for ensuring
that the quality policy is implemented and maintained. Management should also identify those
persons responsible for the quality assurance function and should define in writing the
responsibility, authority, and interrelation of those persons.
The responsibility for and commitment to the quality policy belongs to the highest level of
management. Management should, therefore, declare and document its commitment to quality.
Management should ensure that the quality policy is understood, implemented, and maintained
throughout the organization.
There should be a person designated as the representative of management who has the
responsibility and authority to ensure that management's quality policy is implemented and
maintained. Maintenance includes documented review of the policy at appropriate intervals to
ensure that it remains suitable and effective.
Project personnel who have responsibility for ensuring or controlling quality should be identified
and their interrelationships with project management defined. These relationships should be
shown on an organization chart. In particular, the personnel should be identified who have
responsibility to initiate action to prevent quality problems, to identify and record quality
problems, to initiate solutions through appropriate channels, and to verify implementation of
solutions to quality problems. Those personnel responsible for assuring quality must be
independent of those having direct responsibility for the work being performed. This can be
accomplished satisfactorily if those ensuring or controlling quality report on a level higher than
those having direct responsibility for the work.
A concern for the grantee is the assignment of responsibility for QA and QC. So far as possible,
each organization involved in a transit capital project should be responsible for its own QC.
Exceptions include the case where a grantee has its own materials testing laboratory and thus
provides some QC for its construction contractors.
While consultants or contractors to the grantee can assume some responsibility for QA, this
responsibility should not be completely delegated. The grantee should maintain a QA oversight
capability to ensure that quality programs are working at the agency itself and within the supplier
and contractor organizations.
The Army Corps of Engineers quality program is a successful model for construction projects.
With the Corps program, the contractors are responsible for QC and the Corps is responsible for
QA. The contractors may also have some QA responsibility as part of their own quality
management system.
The grantee should establish and maintain a documented quality management system
to ensure project quality objectives are satisfied. The quality management system requirements
should extend to the grantee's suppliers and contractors as appropriate.
Written procedures and instructions should be developed for activities affecting quality in
design, procurement, manufacturing, and construction as applicable to the work performed.
Procedures and instructions should also be developed for control of processes including
inspection, testing, nondestructive examination, disposition of nonconforming product,
corrective action, maintenance of quality records, quality audits, and training.
The procedures should contain a statement of the purpose and scope, and should contain any
references to appropriate codes, standards, or specifications. In developing the quality
procedures, consideration should be given to identifying and acquiring any inspection
equipment, skills, or special quality processes needed to ensure quality performance. Inspection
and testing techniques should be kept up-to-date. Where new techniques are being used for
construction or manufacturing, adequate time should be allowed to develop appropriate quality
procedures for the new techniques. The procedures and instructions should contain formats for
the quality records needed to ensure that the procedures and instructions are followed and
documentation requirements are understood.
The quality procedures described above are generic to the design, procurement, manufacturing,
and construction industry. Each transit agency determines which procedures are applicable to the
specific capital project.
The designer should establish and maintain procedures to control and verify the design
of the transit systems in order to ensure that the design criteria, other specified requirements,
and requirements of the relevant regulatory agencies are met. Design control includes
ensuring that the design requirements are understood, planning the design interfaces and
design verification activities, executing the design verification activities, and controlling
design changes through project completion.
The designer should prepare a plan for design activities. The plan should identify who has
responsibility for the different design parts, and who has the QA responsibility for design. It
should also identify the various organizational interfaces required between various groups
producing and commenting on the design, and specify the information to be documented,
transmitted, and regularly reviewed. Finally, the plan should specify how the operating and
maintenance departments of the transit agency would interface with those producing the design.
Design input requirements should be identified, documented, and reviewed by the designer. Any
ambiguity in the design input requirements should be resolved between the designer and those
responsible for developing the requirements.
Design output should be documented. It should meet the input design requirements, include
acceptance criteria, conform to appropriate regulatory requirements whether or not these have
been stated in the design input requirements, and identify those aspects of the design which are
crucial to the safe and proper functioning of the final product or system.
The designer should assign to competent personnel those activities required to verify the quality
of the design. Design verification activities should include the carrying out of alternative
calculations, independent checks of design calculations, specifications, drawings, and contract
documents, conducting and documenting design reviews, undertaking qualification tests and
demonstrations, and comparing the design with a similar proven design, if available. Design
reviews include reviews for constructibility, operability, and maintainability.
Appropriate procedures should be established for the identification, documentation, review, and
approval of all changes and modifications to the design. This responsibility should extend to
those responsible for construction or manufacturing to ensure compliance to design requirements
and for development of "as-built" documents as part of the design documentation at the end of
the project.
Each group responsible for design should provide its own written QC procedures. These
include peer review of drawings and check calculations. QA activities are performed to
verify compliance to established QC procedures and to determine the effectiveness of the
procedures in meeting quality program objectives.
The Project and Construction Management Guidelines uses the term "Control of the
Configuration" to refer to control of design changes, and the related document control (see
below). The following detail about configuration control was taken from the 1990 version of the
Project and Construction Management Guidelines [Ref. 38]:
Procedures for control of project documents and data should be established and
maintained. The document control measures should ensure that all relevant documents are
current and available to all users who require them.
Control of project documents includes the review of documents by authorized personnel, the
distribution and storage of these documents, the elimination of obsolete documents, and control
of changes to the documents.
Copies of the documents should be distributed so that they will be available at all locations that
need them for effective functioning of the quality management system. Obsolete documents
should be promptly eliminated from each work location. Any superseded documents retained for
the record should be clearly identified as such.
The same authorized personnel who reviewed and approved the original documents, unless the
control procedures specifically allow otherwise, should review changes to the documents and
data. Changes should be promptly distributed to all locations, along with a master list
enumerating the current revisions of each document.
• Drawings
• Specifications
• Inspection procedures
• Test procedures
• Special work instructions
• Operational procedures
• QA program and procedures.
A useful tool for keeping track of project documents is the Design Output Index that lists every
document developed for the execution of the project. The Design Output Index contains a listing
of the latest revisions of the following:
• Drawings
• Technical specifications
• Special processes
• Test specifications
• Engineering change notices.
The purchaser should ensure that the purchased service or product conforms to the
purchaser's specified requirements. The purchaser should require supplier quality programs
appropriate to the work being performed and in accordance with these guidelines.
The purchaser should establish a documented list of acceptable suppliers and contractors for the
desired service or product, consistent with applicable procurement requirements. The purchaser
should select suppliers or contractors on the basis of their being able to meet contract
requirements, including quality requirements. The quality requirements placed on the supplier or
contractor will depend upon the nature of the service or product.
The contract or purchasing requirements should clearly specify the expectations of the purchaser,
including relevant standards, drawings, specifications, process requirements, inspection
instructions, and approval criteria for materials, processes, and product. The purchasing
documents should be reviewed and approved by a designated authority for adequacy of specified
requirements prior to release. The purchaser of services or products should ensure that the
supplier fully understands the contract, agrees with the contract, and has the capacity to perform
as required.
Where construction or equipment procurement is involved, the contract between the purchaser
and the supplier should specify the right of the purchaser or other authorized representatives to
carry out inspection and testing at the source and upon receipt to verify that the work or product
meets specifications. Such provision should not absolve the supplier of the responsibility to
provide acceptable work or product, nor should it preclude subsequent rejection.
Where equipment procurement is involved, the purchaser should define, as appropriate, the
means and methods for handling, storage, packaging, and delivery of product. The purchaser
should establish procedures to receive, inspect, store, and maintain equipment procured. Any
equipment that is damaged or is otherwise unsuited for use should be documented and reported
to the supplier.
The level of quality program specified in the contract will depend upon the complexity and
importance of the service or product. For some projects, all fifteen elements of this quality
guidance might be specified. In other cases, the supplier may only be required to use its existing
quality program. In addition, FTA Circular 4220.1D “Third Party Contracting Requirements”
delineates contracting requirements that to assist grantees in procuring third party services on
capital projects receiving federal funding.
Measures should be established and maintained for identifying and controlling items
of production (batch, materials, parts, and components) to prevent the use of incorrect or
defective items and to ensure that only correct and acceptable items are used or installed.
Physical identification and control should be used to the extent possible. Where physical
identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural control, or other appropriate means
may be employed. Items that fail to possess identification, or items for which record traceability
has been lost, or items that do not conform to requirements should be segregated to prevent use
or installation. An item should be able to be identified by how it is marked or where it is located.
Product identification and traceability should take place during all the various production phases
– from receipt of raw materials, components, or subassemblies through the manufacturing
process, to delivery of final products or systems.
Traceability may mean traceable to a particular project, specific warranty, test report, supplier,
point in time, purchase order, or through production.
Raw materials should be traceable back to a particular batch number, shipment number, packing
slip, or invoice and should be accompanied by applicable test data sheets and material
Store room or inventory tracking procedures should allow for items to be traceable back to a
particular order number, batch number, date received, test lot, or other pertinent source.
Assemblies in production should be traceable to particular projects through the use of some form
of routing documentation. Routing documentation should contain sufficient manufacturing
information, including work instructions, manufacturing standards, tooling, etc.
Final assemblies should be clearly marked with project numbers, model numbers, serial
numbers, bar codes, etc., so that all pertinent information regarding that assembly may be
Suppliers and contractors should identify and plan the production and installation
processes that directly affect quality and should ensure these processes are performed under
controlled conditions. Special processes, the results of which cannot be verified by subsequent
inspection and testing of the product, should be continuously monitored.
To achieve accuracy and consistency in production and installation processes, the quality
program should provide for:
• Documented work instructions where such are needed to ensure quality, use of suitable
production and installation equipment, a suitable working environment, personnel
qualifications, and conformance with referenced standards/codes and Quality Plans
will impact quality of the final product, but where inspection after the fact will not reveal the
A major issue in process control is to ensure that work is performed in the proper sequence. For
example, welds should be inspected before they are painted. Earth should be compacted before
concrete is poured. Documented work instructions can help with sequence control where there is
complex work or when there are multi-disciplined interfaces.
When products are delivered to the purchaser, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to verify
they are in conformance with requirements. Verification should be in accordance with the
Quality Plan or documented procedures. The extent of receiving inspection can vary with the
amount of inspection at the source, the safety criticality of the product, and the confidence in the
quality procedures of the supplier.
In-process testing and inspection of the work to verify conformance of an item or work activity
to specified requirements should be in accordance with the Quality Plan or documented
procedures. Both inspection and process monitoring methods should be performed, as necessary,
to ensure that the specified requirements for the control of work processes and the quality of the
item are being achieved throughout the duration of the work.
Final inspection and testing should ensure that all specified inspections and tests, including those
specified for receipt of product or in-process work, have been carried out and the resulting data
meet specifications. Final inspection and testing should be carried out and properly documented
to ensure conformance of the finished product to the specifications.
Records should be maintained of the various inspections and tests to provide evidence that the
product has passed inspection and/or test with defined acceptance criteria.
Given that everything cannot be inspected, the following criteria are offered as guidance for what
to emphasize in an inspection and testing program:
2.2.9 Element 9: Inspection, Measuring, and Test Equipment
Inspection, measuring, and test equipment required to carry out inspection and testing
should be identified, controlled, calibrated, and maintained in order to demonstrate the
conformance of work to the specified requirements. Provisions should be made for
recalibration of such equipment in a timely manner.
Inspection, measuring, and test equipment used should meet the standards of accuracy for the
measurements which are required. The equipment should be calibrated according to national
standards where available, and to documented standards where no national standards exist. The
equipment should be recalibrated at regular intervals, and the recalibration properly documented.
A record of the equipment calibration status should be maintained.
The equipment should be properly maintained to ensure its fitness for use. When in use, the user
should ensure that the environmental conditions are suitable for the use of the equipment. When
inspection, measuring, or test equipment is found to be out of calibration, the validity of previous
inspection and test results should be assessed and documented.
All testing equipment must be calibrated prior to its use on the project. Periodic calibrations must
be performed in accordance with certifying agency requirements and industry practice. ISO/DIS
10012, “ Quality Assurance Requirements for Measuring Equipment - Part 1: Metrological
confirmation system for measuring equipment” provides guidelines on the main features of a
calibration system to ensure that measurements are made with the intended accuracy. ISO 10012-
2:1997, “Quality Assurance for Measuring Equipment - Part 2: Guidelines for control of
measurement of processes” provides supplementary guidance on the application of statistical
process control when this is appropriate for achieving the objectives of Part 1.
A means should be provided for identifying the inspection and test status of work
during production and installation. The purpose of this is to ensure that only work that has
passed the required inspections and tests is accepted.
The test and inspection status should be identified by means of markings, stamps, tags, labels,
routing cards, inspections records, test software, physical location, or other suitable means. The
status identification indicates the conformance or nonconformance with regard to inspections and
tests performed.
The inspection and test status of planning and design documents should be identified by suitable
means that indicate the conformance or nonconformance of product with regard to checking and
reviews performed.
The status of completed, tested and inspected construction should be kept as an ongoing record
in the daily inspection reports. Nonconforming materials or construction should be recorded with
location noted on inspection reports or nonconformance reports as applicable.
While some operations may be easily tagged in the field as to their inspection status, most are
best recorded in the construction management or resident engineer's office through status reports,
payment documents, marked up specifications, contract drawings or as-built drawings.
2.2.12 Element 12: Corrective Action
• Investigating the cause of nonconforming product and taking the corrective actions
needed to prevent recurrence
• Analyzing processes to detect and eliminate potential causes of nonconforming product
• Initiating preventative actions to deal with problems to a level corresponding to the risks
• Ensuring that corrective actions are taken and that they are effective
• Implementing and recording changes in procedures resulting from corrective action.
Corrective action should be taken with respect to nonconforming work in order to eliminate
potential problems. One of four types of disposition may result from corrective actions: use-as-is,
rework, repair, or scrap.
Quality records should be maintained to show achievement of quality objectives and appropriate
functioning of the quality management system. Supplier, contractor, and subcontractor quality
records should be included when pertinent.
Quality records should be legible and should specify the work involved. They should be kept in
an environment to minimize deterioration and damage. Retention times and final disposition
should be established and recorded.
Where specified by contract, quality records should be made available to the purchaser or
purchaser's representative.
Following are examples of the types of quality records requiring control:
• Inspection reports
• Test data
• Qualification records
• Calibration records
• Nonconformances
• Corrective actions
• Audit reports.
A useful tool for keeping track of the QA records is a QA Records List. This is a list of every
document generated as a result of implementing the quality program. Note that all applicable
records should be tracked and controlled, including those of contractors and subcontractors.
Similarly, applicable contract documents should be tracked and controlled in accordance with
grantee retention policies.
An internal audit should be established to ensure that the elements of the quality
management system are functioning as intended.
Each audit should be scheduled. The frequency should depend upon the status and importance of
the activity being audited. The audits and follow-up actions should be documented and
conducted in accordance with documented procedures. The results of the audits should be
presented to the personnel having responsibility in the area being audited. Responsible
management personnel should take timely corrective action on the deficiencies found by the
Quality audits serve as a tool to reinforce quality requirements and should address root causes of
non-conformances identified during the audit. Quality audits should be independent, scheduled,
and performed to standards and/or checklists. Qualified quality personnel should conduct the QA
audit in order to ensure that it provides substantive results. A final report that identifies the
results of the audit should be generated, distributed, and tracked for disposition. The QA audit is
not the same as a financial audit.
2.2.15 Element 15: Training
The grantee should establish and maintain procedures for identifying the training
needs and provide for the training of all personnel performing activities affecting quality.
All personnel performing activities affecting quality should be qualified on the basis of
appropriate education, training, and/or experience, as required. Appropriate training and
qualification records should be maintained.
A training matrix can be used as a tool for determining which personnel require which training.
The training matrix lists the relevant personnel within the agency or within project consultants
and contractors versus various quality related procedures. Figure 2-1 is an example of a training
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Project Manager CR RA RA RA RA RA CR RA
Project Engineer CR RA RA RA RA RA CR
Resident Engineer CR CR RA RA
Inspectors CR RA RA RA
Key: CR is “classroom”
RA is “read and acknowledge”
FTA grantees use many different organizational structures for carrying out capital projects. All
work, including design, procurement, construction management, and construction may be done
in-house or by outside suppliers or contractors. The organization of a grantee quality
management system may also be structured in many ways; however, all of the applicable quality
management system elements should be incorporated into the activities of the organizational
entities involved in the program. The measures instituted should give serious consideration to
minimizing the disruption to continuing grantee operations.
In Chapter 2, the quality element "Management Responsibility" states that a person should be
designated as a representative of management who has the responsibility and authority to assure
that the management's quality policy is implemented and maintained. Those responsible for
verifying that quality activities are performed in accordance with established requirements and
procedures should be independent of those directly responsible for the work.
• A quality policy should be adopted by the grantee's senior manager and accepted by all
members of management.
• There should be a prevailing attitude that all members of the organization are responsible
for the fulfillment of the quality policy, and management should look to all elements of
the organization for assurance that quality is being attended to.
• There should be a person designated by and reporting to the senior manager to oversee
the established quality management system and advise the manager of the effectiveness
in meeting project quality objectives.
• Those responsible for ensuring quality should report one level higher than the activity
with which they have oversight responsibility.
It is important to distinguish between responsibility for the quality policy and responsibility for
quality of a project or activity. Each person responsible for a project or activity is also
responsible for the quality of that project or activity. On the other hand, the QA staff is
responsible for participating in the quality processes and for ensuring that these processes are
working. If the processes are working properly within a project, there is more certainty that the
project quality objectives will be achieved.
The QA staff should be seen by the PM as part of the team. The QA staff and the QC activities
should be seen as helpful in preventing errors which could lead to significant problems and
increased cost. The organizational structure should reinforce the concept that the QA staff is part
of the project team.
An appropriate approach to carrying out the "Management Responsibility" element is for the
grantee to have a "Director of Quality Assurance" reporting to senior management. Where the
QA role is focused on capital projects, the Director of Quality Assurance should report to the
manager responsible for the implementation of the capital projects. The advantages of such a
structure are:
• The responsible management for the Grantee can be confident that appropriate attention
is being paid to quality and that FTA funds are being used wisely.
• QA activities are coordinated so that duplicate planning, training, and oversight activities
are eliminated.
The Director of Quality Assurance should be responsible for verifying the implementation and
maintenance of the grantee quality policy and detailed quality procedures. The Director of
Quality Assurance should provide oversight of all quality activities, assistance to the PMs in the
development of project Quality Plans, prevention and resolution of quality problems, oversight
of contractor QA/QC programs, QA training programs, QA oversight, and QA audits.
As stated previously, FTA requires that major capital projects have a PMP that includes or
references a Quality Plan for the project. Responsibility for quality within a capital project and
for the Quality Plan should rest with the PM for that project. The PM should have access to QA
and QC personnel to assist with project quality activities. A concerted effort to comply with
quality requirements by those performing the work can significantly reduce the scope of a formal
QA oversight activity.
The matrix organization for project management provides a mechanism for the PM to have
access to QA staff assistance, and for the quality oversight to be provided at a higher
management level. Figure 3-1 depicts a matrix organization in which line departments with
functional responsibilities are shown vertically and project organizations with project
responsibilities are shown horizontally. The QA personnel work in partnership with
representatives of engineering and construction on particular projects. This structure allows the
QA representatives to be partners in the quality management system, rather than outsiders who
are there to find fault.
Some grantees divide up the QA responsibilities and assign them to functional areas such as
engineering, construction, or procurement. This approach recognizes the specialty skills that are
appropriate for QA in these various areas. Indeed, in larger grantee organizations, it makes sense
to have functionally specific quality manuals. However, it is less desirable to split the QA
organization because it results in multiple quality programs and procedures within the agency
and a less visible program overall. Such a program can still provide adequate QA/QC at the
project level, however.
There are situations where a grantee may not have a permanent QA staff. One example is where
a grantee undertakes a one-time capital project where the quality function is a discrete activity
developed solely as a part of the project. In general, a lack of a dedicated QA staff can cause a
problem if the project faces budget or time pressures. A lack of a dedicated QA staff has often
resulted in weakened quality programs.
General Manager
Functional Responsibility
Project Responsibility
Project X Mgr.
Project Y Mgr.
FTA requires that its grantees undertaking a major capital project must submit a PMP for FTA's
review and approval, both initially, and as changes are made throughout the project. Although
FTA has some discretion in determining which capital projects are considered major, they
generally include projects like construction of a new fixed guideway segment, extension of an
existing fixed guideway, or modernization of existing fixed guideway systems pursuant to a full
funding contract. As part of the PMP, FTA requires that the grantee include QA and QC
procedures and define QA and QC responsibility for construction, system installation, and
integration of system components [Ref. 38].
While PMPs are required only for major capital projects, they are encouraged for all projects
because they are a very useful project management tool. Similarly, significant benefits can be
derived from a Quality Plan even where the project is not considered major.
The PMP should be produced at the end of the Project Planning phase or at the beginning of the
Preliminary Engineering (PE) phase of the project. The timing is essential for the Quality Plan as
well, since the requirements for QA/QC in design should be specified at the time of the design
procurement. The PM's expectations for a project quality management system must be made
known in the procurement documents. These requirements should be a detailed extension of the
PMP established QA/QC requirements.
The PMP should be updated as the project progresses through final design, procurement,
construction, testing, and start-up. Likewise, the Quality Plan should be adjusted to reflect the
organization and particular requirements to be instituted at each of these phases. Chapter 4
discusses the development of the Quality Plan for a project.
When a grantee has an existing quality policy and written procedures, development of a Quality
Plan for a project can be done by adopting those procedures that are appropriate for the specific
project or the project phase under consideration. Responsibility for preparing the plan could rest
with the Director of QA or with QA/QC staff assigned to the PM. Ultimately, the PM must
approve the QA/QC plan. The PM is ultimately responsible for the quality of the project.
One alternative for organizing a major capital project is to use a Construction Management
Consultant (CMC) to manage outside construction contractors. This type of project management
organization has been successful in implementing QA/QC programs.
There may be a number of reasons for the success of this approach. First, a project can be a
discrete activity organized to minimize disruption to the grantee's established internal
relationships. Second, many experienced CMCs have adopted QA programs and have
considerable experience in applying such programs for design and construction projects.
When a grantee uses a CMC to undertake the QA role for a project, the grantee still needs
assurance that the project quality objectives are satisfied. The grantee cannot delegate this
responsibility. Therefore, the grantee oversight of the quality process must be maintained to
assure that it functions effectively.
Figure 3-2 shows an organization chart for the project management and the quality organization
for a project with a CMC. As can be seen from this figure, the construction contractor is
responsible for QC. The CMC provides the QA, and the grantee provides QA oversight for the
In order for the structure shown in Figure 3-2 to be successful, all parties must understand their
responsibilities and quality plan requirements from the beginning. The contract documents for
the construction contractors must specify the role of the CMC in providing QA for the project as
well as the contractor responsibility for QC, including the development of Quality Program
Plans. The construction contractor must provide the CMC with appropriate access for
observation and inspection, and access to quality records. In most cases grantees have found it
very difficult to achieve effective contractor quality programs when the CMC's QA role has not
been adequately defined in the contract documents.
Likewise, the CMC must understand the grantee role in quality oversight of the project. That role
needs to be spelled out in the request for qualifications and the contract document with the CMC
to clearly indicate the approach the grantee will take to assure the CMC quality management
system requirements are satisfied.
Construction Manager
Construction QA
Functional Group
QA/QC Group
Direction (Control)
3.2.2 QA/QC Program with In-House Construction Management
3.2.2 QA/QC Program with In-House Construction Management
Another alternative for organizing a large capital construction project is to use internal staff for
construction management. Construction is done either by outside construction contractors or by
inside "force account" staff. Often this option follows the use of CMCs on long, multi-stage
projects. Agency staff assume more and more of the responsibilities of the CMC, and finally take
over all construction management functions.
The grantee construction management should be responsible for QA for the project, and should
have appropriate staff available for undertaking the QA role. The person designated to provide
QA oversight for the project should verify to the grantee senior manager that the established
quality management system is being appropriately applied. This oversight activity is especially
important where the project scope does not justify a separate QA staff for the project, and where
the PM/CMC staff assumes the QA responsibilities. Without oversight, this latter arrangement
often leads to a weakened QA program.
Typically, where there is an outside construction contractor, that contractor is responsible for the
QC system to be applied for the work performed. Often the construction contractor has its own
QA/QC program that can be utilized where acceptable to the grantee. An exception in transit
construction projects occurs where the grantee or a third party takes responsibility for materials
testing, thus assuming a QC activity.
A similar approach for quality should be followed where construction is performed by force -
account staff. The internal construction manager should be responsible for undertaking the QA
role, while the force account staff should be responsible for QC. There should also be a person
designated to provide QA oversight to verify to the grantee senior manager that the established
quality management system is being appropriately applied. This later role is important, especially
if the construction manager is not familiar with QA responsibilities and the quality management
WMATA is an example of a grantee that evolved from using a CMC to doing its own
construction management. WMATA employs outside construction contractors. WMATA has a
QA Manager for its Department of Transit Systems Development. The QA/QC Manager has
staff for providing QA/QC support to the Project Managers. It also has a materials testing
laboratory that provides some QC for contractor work. Construction contractors are responsible
for QC, and WMATA has developed minimum specifications for the contractor QC program.
Figure 3-3 shows the WMATA organization for construction projects.
Figure 3-3 – WMATA Organization for In-House Construction Management
Office of Construction
QA/QC Manager
Project Managers
for Construction
Direct QA/QC
Functional Group
QA/QC Group
Direction (Control)
QA/QC Support
QA/QC in design is a very important part of a project related quality program. A study by the
Construction Industry Institute (CII) [Ref. 9] showed that design errors caused 79 percent of the
rework in construction, whereas construction errors caused 17 percent.
As with construction, there are many different ways for a grantee to organize its design activities.
The grantee may use a management contractor for design and outside A&E firms to produce the
design. The grantee may handle design management in-house and contract the design to an A&E
firm. The grantee could handle both management and design in-house.
Quality programs in design can likewise vary to accommodate the management organization for
design. Typically, the organization doing the design is responsible for QC for design.
The organization providing design management should be responsible for providing the QA
system for design. Where an outside contractor is responsible for design management, any QA
responsibilities should be specified early in the relationship between the grantee and the design
management contractor. Likewise, the QA role of the design management contractor should be
specified in the contract of the organization responsible for doing the design. The grantee needs
to maintain an oversight role to acquire confidence that the quality management system for
design is achieving the project quality objectives. Figure 3-4 illustrates an organizational
structure for QA in design using an outside design management contractor.
Where the grantee retains responsibility for design management, the grantee PM should be
responsible for establishing a design QA system.
Where the design effort remains entirely in-house, a two-tier organization for QA/QC is
warranted. Those producing the design should be responsible for QC activities. The design
management should be responsible for establishing a design QA activity for oversight of the
design process. In this case, an independent QA audit might be conducted to assure design
management compliance to the design procedures.
Figure 3-4 – QA/QC Organization for Design with a Design Management Contractor
Engineering Management
Design QA
Design Speciality
Consultants Consultants
Design QC
Functional Group
QA/QC Group
Direction (Control)
Smaller grantees may not be able to justify a special QA/QC staff for a one-time project. Also,
grantees may not be able to justify QA/QC staff for smaller projects such as bus storage and
maintenance facilities. Nevertheless, each grantee still has the responsibility to assure that FTA
capital funds are spent wisely. The PM of a small project should develop a quality management
system for the project by determining which of the fifteen basic elements of a QA/QC program
are applicable to the work being performed. Where the project is simple, where design and
construction methods are standard, and where the risk of failure is low, the quality management
system might be focused on final testing and inspection activities. Even so, many of the fifteen
elements may be required to get to the final inspection and testing stage.
One approach for handling QA/QC activities on projects of limited scope is to make the
construction contractor responsible for some QA and QC activities, and the grantee project
management responsible for QA oversight activities. For example, the construction contractor
could perform inspection and testing and provide the documentation thereof, document any
design changes, inspect and track any purchased product, and document any nonconformance
and corrective action. For a small project, the project management staff should undertake QA
oversight activities such as witnessing testing, reviewing contractor documentation, and
monitoring contractor compliance with its QA/QC program and other contract requirements. An
option for providing QA oversight of both the project management and the construction
contractor activities is to use an outside firm for this purpose.
• The owner required the contractor to provide a QA/QC manual to cover the
scope of the work.
• The owner required that the contractor provide QA/QC personnel.
• The owner required that all the project work be identified on checklists that
a. Be signed off by the contractor
b. Provide owner hold and witness points
c. Be signed off by QA/QC personnel.
• The owner identified what records would be required to be turned over as a
result of implementing the project quality plan.
Of the fifteen quality elements, portions of each (except for Quality Audits) were
contained in the contractor’s QA/QC program. The benefits that were realized as a
result of these actions were:
3.2.5 QA/QC in Equipment Procurement
The purchase of major capital equipment by a grantee is another process where the application of
the fifteen quality elements is appropriate. The grantee's quality management system should
provide for procedures for purchasing. The PM or project engineer in charge of the purchasing
effort would be responsible for determining which quality elements and procedures should be
applied to their project.
Alternatives for purchasing vary from requirements for the supplier to have a complete fifteen-
element QA/QC program to requirements for a program limited to final inspection and testing. In
either case, the grantee will have to provide QA oversight to assure that the supplier programs
are consistent with the project quality objectives and effective in meeting grantee expectations.
Section 3.5 of this chapter provides some guidance for the selection of quality elements that
might be appropriate in a supplier quality program.
An adequate supplier QA/QC program is important, however, the responsibility for QA oversight
is also critical. The role of QA oversight on complex procurement projects requires highly
knowledgeable staff. Where such staff is not available, a grantee should consider hiring a
consultant to assist in the QA oversight activity.
3.3.1 Description
Section 3.2.1 addresses having a QA/QC program with a construction management consultant
and Section 3.2.2 addresses having a QA/QC program with in-house construction management.
A third alternative is to have an independent contractor responsible for the QA/QC program.
This alternative was proposed in Section 3.2.4, QA/QC for Small Projects. It is also useful when
the grantee undertakes multiple projects simultaneously, such that the grantee’s QA/QC staff is
unable to adequately cover all of the project quality oversight requirements. It is also useful,
when the construction management consultant does not possess a strong QA/QC function.
When there is in-house construction management, the responsibility for hiring the independent,
outside firm should rest with the grantee’s existing QA/QC function, or with the Project Manager
when no QA/QC function exists. When the QA/QC performs the hiring, the outside firm should
report directly to the existing QA/QC function, with dotted line or matrix responsibility to the
Project Manager. When the Project Manager performs the hiring, the outside firm should report
to the Project Manager, but provide written reports to grantee senior management.
It is important to note, that in either case, responsibility for project QA/QC still rests with grantee
senior management, quality management, and project management, as necessary. The grantee
cannot abdicate responsibility for satisfying all of the project QA/QC requirements.
3.3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
• Additional resources will allow the existing grantee QA/QC function to cover all of their
projects without spreading their resources so thin as to become ineffective.
• With additional resources, the existing grantee QA/QC function can effectively play a
leadership role on all projects, while still accomplishing the day-to-day quality activities.
• An independent, outside firm can immediately provide experienced, professional
personnel without having to undergo a learning curve. The grantee can review and accept
or refuse these personnel on a case-by-case basis.
• The outside firm personnel can provide resources that can be dedicated to one or more
specific projects.
• The outside firm provides an independent approach to QA/QC.
• There will be some learning at the start of the project by the outside firm; so it is
advisable to bring them into the project in the planning stage.
• Depending on the program management structure, allegiance on the part of the outside
firm may become an issue, depending on who directly pays the salaries of the personnel.
Roles, responsibilities, reporting, and allegiance must be clearly defined prior to hiring
the outside firm and included in the firm’s contract.
• Depending on whether the hired firm is local or distant, on-site availability may become
an issue; but at a minimum, dedicated on-site support should be negotiated with the
outside firm.
As was earlier stated, the grantee cannot abdicate responsibility for satisfying all of the project
QA/QC requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to implement methods of control to assure that
the requirements are being met. Recommended methods include:
• Development and approval of mutually agreeable, well defined contract requirements that
include clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and reporting.
• Frequent status reports and review meetings with the outside firm.
• Contract language highlighting that the outside firm must act in an independent
professional manner and further contract language that provides for an immediate
termination option by the grantee in the event of an irresolvable conflict.
Unlike conventional project delivery methods (i.e., Design-Bid-Build), the Design-Build (DB)
project development approach combines both responsibilities of design and construction under
the auspices of a single entity – the Design-Build Contractor. With such an arrangement comes
modification to the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved, which will undoubtedly
affect many aspects of the project at hand. The design-build concept utilizes the combined
expertise of both the design and construction industry to promote innovative designs, speed
project delivery, and reduce cost. The owner or grantee is often required to relinquish detailed
oversight to obtain complete benefit of this project delivery system. Naturally, this transfer of
responsibility generates great concern over whether the design-build team will adequately
address QA/QC. This section focuses on how QA/QC is addressed under the Design-Build
Design-Build project delivery has many unique characteristics. Several of these are listed below:
There are several variations of Design-Build project delivery. Some of which are outlined below:
• Super Turnkey: Combines all the elements of design-build (Civil, Systems), and includes
financing mechanisms. This variation can also allow for ownership of completed project.
• DBOM (Design-Build-Operate-Maintain): Under this type, the DB contractor is also
responsible for operating and maintaining the system after its completion. The period of
operation and maintenance is stipulated in the contract agreement, after which this
responsibility is transferred to the owner.
In order to assure the success of QA/QC programs in design-build project delivery, owner
agencies need to consider several key practices:
3.4.3 Roles and Responsibilities of the Owner and the Design-Build Contractor
QA/QC program effectiveness hinges on clear allocation of roles and responsibilities to the
involved parties. Ideally, the best results are achieved when QA/QC roles and responsibilities are
defined clearly in the contract documents; and more importantly, are agreed upon by the parties
at the outset. Under design-build project delivery, the owner may elect to shift some of the
QA/QC roles and responsibilities to the design-build contractor. In such cases, it is
recommended that the owner agency conduct audits and testing at every stage of the QA/QC
process, and retain ownership of the resident database. In less ideal cases, owner agencies have
elected to retain the Quality Assurance (QA) role only, with the design-build contractor
performing the Quality Control (QC) activities. Crucial to the success of this arrangement is the
design-build contractor’s level of experience and the owner agency’s in-house oversight
capabilities. Typically, design-build projects provide the DB contractors with added
responsibility for program implementation. There are some perceived disadvantages to the shift
in responsibilities from the owner’s perspective. As was previously stated, a major concern in the
design-build environment has been the potential for an agency conflict of interest when the DB
contractor performs its own QA/QC over the project. Although this is a legitimate concern, it can
be adequately addressed through careful stipulations and requirements delineated in the contract
documents. As indicated earlier, the owner agency could place more QA/QC responsibility on
the DB contractor while retaining a more stringent oversight role
For example, under the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) San Francisco Airport Extension
project, the owner agency elected to transfer additional QA/QC functions to the design-build
contractor. However, the owner retained responsibility to conduct quality surveillance to ensure
incorporation of design intent into the construction process.
In the San Juan Tren Urbano project, the Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority
(PRHTA) assigned QA/QC responsibilities to the Systems and Test Track Turnkey (STTT)
contractor and Alignment Segment Contractors (ASCs) while retaining an oversight level of
control for owner monitoring. The STTT contractor was required to submit a QA/QC program
plan for the entire project (including all segment contractors) to the owner for approval. This
plan was reviewed and updated on a regular basis, and not less than semi-annually. Note that the
STTT and ASC contractors were each responsible for the quality of their respective work. STTT
had oversight responsibility for the integration requirements of all segment work, but did not
have direct supervision for ASC work. The owner had the authority to audit and inspect
contractor quality programs at any time.
In the Baltimore Central Light Rail Line (CLRL) Phase II Extensions project, Maryland Mass
Transit Administration (MDMTA) provided the design-build contractor with responsibility for
QA/QC requirements, including audits and inspections of all materials and facilities not supplied
by the owner. The owner originally planned to provide a minimal effort of monitoring, while
retaining the option to provide inspection deemed necessary to assure implementation of the
contractor's QA/QC program and thereby assure the quality of the design-build contractor’s
work. This type of QA/QC function implementation was new to both the owner and the
contractor. This process was adapted from the US Army Corps of Engineers’ approach to
QA/QC review process in design-build projects.
The MDMTA required the bidders to certify that they would conform to their QA/QC plan
requirements instead of developing their own during the procurement process. In addition,
MDMTA required review and approval of the control process and staffing plan. However, the
transfer of virtually all of the QA/QC program responsibilities to the contractor, as per other
federal design-build experiences at that time, created unintended limitations on the ability of
MDMTA to adequately oversee the project. This may have had an unintended result of allowing
decreased consideration of the QA/QC plan during the procurement process. The CLRL
Extensions project demonstrated initial constraints over roles and responsibilities between the
owner and the contractor, especially in regard to the contractor’s role indirect reporting of the
construction management functions. Additional effort was required by MDMTA to get the
contractor to implement the defined program within the design-build project team and maintain
adequate oversight once the project was underway. The MDMTA has maintained a larger role in
the quality assurance aspects and document control since this initial design-build contract.
Figure 3-5 illustrates the organizational structure employed by MDMTA during the execution of
the Baltimore CLRL Phase II Extensions project. Examples of how QA/QC fits within the
program management organizational structure under design-build is shown in Figure 3-6. Figure
3-7 illustrates examples of variations under design-bid-build vs. design-build.
Specialty QA/QC
Consultants QA/QC
Managerofof Design/Build Manager
Design Design/Build Construction
Design Contractor
Contractor Construction
Penn Station
Figure 3-6 – Program Management Organizational Structure
Under Design-Build Project Delivery
Project Manager
Third Party Quality Contract
& Environmental
Coordination Management Management
Station Signaling
Contractor(s) Supplier DB CONSORTIUM
Trackwork Local Hardware
Supplier(s) Subcontractors Vendors
These real life examples illustrate that shifting of responsibility for QA/QC under the design-
build method requires clear definition of roles for both the owner and contractor. The owner and
contractor must carefully define the QA/QC program, including roles and responsibilities, within
the bid documents so those participants are clear as to their requirements. As with other areas of
project management control, it is helpful for owners to monitor the QA/QC program. The owner
may have to provide additional monitoring than would be anticipated in the design-build contract
to ensure that the contractor has a full understanding of requirements for quality management
and corrective actions.
Oversight and monitoring is a key element of project management and successful QA/QC
program. Moreover, oversight activities allow for closer engagement between the grantee and the
FTA that provides a proactive process by which problems are identified and resolved in a timely
In 1986 Congress, realizing the importance of project monitoring and oversight, authorized the
establishment of the Project Management Oversight (PMO) Program to address the quality, cost,
and scheduling problems that characterized several federally funded transit projects in the 1980s.
The thrust of the PMO program is to ensure that grantees – State and local entities awarded FTA
grants – have the procedures in place to successfully implement projects that comply with
accepted engineering principles. The strategy followed to achieve this program's mission is
straightforward. A grantee must develop and implement a Project Management Plan that
addresses, for example, organization, quality, budget, and schedule requirements of the project.
Once a plan is accepted, projects are monitored to see that the grantee follows the plan.
The PMO program allows the FTA to hire highly qualified industry experts for monitoring the
progress of capital projects. These experts – Project Management Oversight Contractors
(PMOCs) – serve as third-party inspectors that assist and report progress to the FTA. To be
effective, oversight and monitoring activities must take place on a regular basis; however, as
discussed earlier, these activities need to be balanced so as not to interfere with the progress of
the project.
Depending on the type of project and according to the Quality Handbook for the Architectural,
Engineering, and Construction Community, test labs may be used for several types of testing,
such as [Ref. 32]:
• Soil testing
• Aggregate testing
• Concrete testing
• Electrical testing
• Mechanical and welding testing
• Nondestructive examination operations
• Calibration of measuring and test equipment.
When test labs are required, projects should only use accredited laboratories. Accredited labs
used by grantees may be local, national or international. In any case, the accreditation of the labs
that perform various types of tests is the “formal recognition that a laboratory is competent to
carry out specific tests or types of tests or calibrations.” [Ref. 43]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a non-regulatory Federal agency
with the U.S. Commerce Department’s Technology Administration. One of the many
departments within NIST is Technology Services, which “provides U.S. industry, government,
and the public with measurements, standards, and information services that promote innovation,
increase competitiveness, and facilitate trade.” [Ref. 44] Within the Department of Technology
Services is the Office of Standards Services (OSS), which “is the focal point for standards and
conformity assessment activities in the Department of Commerce. The Office formulates and
implements standards-related policies and procedures to enhance domestic commerce and
international trade.” [Ref. 44]
OSS played a key role in the development of the National Cooperation of Laboratory
Accreditation or NACLA, which is a nonprofit corporation established to coordinate laboratory
accreditation activities within the US and to serve as the US link to the worldwide lab
accreditation system. On September 29, 2000, NACLA recognized its first three accreditation
3-18 American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation or A2LA accredits laboratories in the
following areas:
Additionally, A2LA services include specifically tailored programs that may be useful in the
transit industry, including asbestos abatement, calibration, environmental lead, fasteners and
metals. A2LA publishes a list of accredited laboratories that is also available on its website.
According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), “NIST administers the
National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). NVLAP is comprised of a
series of Laboratory Accreditation Programs (LAPs) that are established on the basis of requests
and demonstrated need. Each LAP includes specific calibration and/or test standards and related
methods and protocols assembled to satisfy the unique needs for accreditation in a field of testing
or calibration. NVLAP accredits public and private laboratories based on evaluation of their
technical qualifications and competence to carry out specific calibrations or tests.” [Ref. 44]
NAVLAP publishes a list of accredited laboratories annually in a directory that includes name,
address, contact person, phone and fax numbers, accreditation renewal date and scope of
accreditation. This list is also available on the NIST website.
NVLAP fields of accreditation include:
Section 3.2 provided various organizational suggestions that can be utilized on grantee projects.
These structures identify the quality organization, quality management, and lines of
communication. Personnel filling these positions should have the requisite education and
experience required to accomplish a successful project quality program. It would be unrealistic to
identify one set of requirements that would satisfy all of the needs of every organization or
project. However, the following guidelines are recommended:
• Engineers – should have a Bachelors or Masters degree in the necessary fields of study
(Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, etc., as appropriate) for the project; experience
commensurate with the type of project and size of the quality department; and, depending
on the project, one or more engineers should be a licensed Professional Engineer in the
state where the project is taking place
• Inspectors – should have the appropriate education or experience commensurate with the
job responsibilities. They should possess the necessary certifications required for
assignments (e.g., American Welding Society (AWS), American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM), American Concrete Institute (ACI), etc.)
3.6.1 Definition
Value engineering, or value analysis, as it is also called, is the systematic, continuous analysis of
key processes or products, by one or all parties in the supply chain, to identify ways to simplify
the design and subsequently, reduce the cost, while still providing the essential functionality of
that product or process. Value engineering is also an essential component of the FTA guidelines
for major capital projects, defined in the document entitled "Construction Management
Guidelines" 1996 Update. Key elements of this definition are:
Furthermore, FTA Circular 4220.1D, §7(g) encourages the use of value engineering clauses in
construction contracts. This section states, “Grantees are encouraged to use value engineering
clauses in contracts for construction projects of sufficient size to offer reasonable opportunities
for cost reductions. Value engineering is a systematic and creative analysis of each contract item
or task to assure that its essential function is provided at the lowest overall cost.” Grantees
should conduct value engineering on their own vital processes and should encourage value
engineering by those with whom they contract for projects, services, and products. This
encouragement can come in the form of provisions and incentives in contract documents to
support value engineering on the part of their consultants and contractors. Guidance for such
clauses may be found in Part 48 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), at FAR 52.248-3
Value Engineering-Construction. Further, grantees can and should participate on consultant and
contractor value engineering teams to ensure that the results of these efforts are in the best
interest of the grantee. Finally, value engineering should be started as early as possible in a
project’s life cycle in order to maximize savings.
3.6.2 Benefits
• Simplified designs
• Lower product life cycle cost
• Improved project schedule performance
• Product standardization
• Increased customer acceptance/improved ridership
• Lower product obsolescence/improved availability of materials and components.
Software plays an increasingly important role in every product and organization. The number of
mission critical applications, those with a high cost of failure (e.g., Automatic Train Supervision
(ATS) and Automatic Train Protection (ATP) software), or high cost to fix (e.g., communication
equipment and other consumer products), have increased exponentially in recent years. Software
for embedded systems more often than not fits a “mission critical” profile and with the forecast
for embedded systems continuing to accelerate, the need for proactive quality assurance is higher
than ever before.
The software developer or vendor should understand the value of having a formal software
quality management system and should be committed to utilizing the best available standards,
methods, practices, and dedicated resources to ensure all software meets a well-defined quality
There are two key elements that make up a sound software quality management system: the
Vendor’s Quality System (VQS) and the Vendor’s Software Development Process (VSDP).
The VQS consists of procedures assuring that quality is addressed and implemented in all aspects
of project management and product development. These policies should be developed in
accordance with ISO9000, Quality Management Systems. In addition, the VQS defines the
quality management system requirements, policy stating vendor’s belief in the requirement, the
resources responsible for implementing the policy, and the standard operating procedures that
describe how the vendor conforms to the software quality management system requirement.
The VSDP describes the detailed and comprehensive development process that translates the
software quality management system requirements defined in the VQS. The VSDP includes
project planning, project execution, product creation, and verification and validation, installation,
and support functions. The VSDP identifies and defines the roles and responsibilities of project
team members, project deliverables, and a monitoring mechanism based on measurements,
analysis, and continuous improvement. Key audits and reviews are performed in order to track
status and progress and to ensure that the project meets its requirements and milestones. The
VSDP should be developed in accordance and be consistent with Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Software Engineering Standards.
The Quality Assurance department, within the vendor’s organization, performs configuration
management, verification and validation, and quality assurance activities to ensure that the VQS
is adhered to throughout the project development lifecycle. The VSDP ensures that the
owner’s/client’s needs are fully understood and captured, and that project planning,
development, and testing activities are documented prior to product creation. The VSDP should
be flexible to allow tailoring to meet any solution that owners/clients require.
A software quality management system process needs to set expectations for the owner/client,
project team members, and the vendor’s organization and should support these expectations
through the VQS and VSDP. The most important characteristic of the software quality
management system is predictability; the vendor should be able to predict the budget, the
schedule and the quality of deliverables. This translates to owner/client satisfaction since the
project will be delivered on time, within budget, and with the best quality.
The following sections describe the development process within the design-bid-build project
delivery process. There are also variants between design-bid-build and design-build that are
highlighted in Chapter 3. In all cases, the owner is responsible for assurance of the quality plan.
The goal of a Quality Plan is to explicitly plan for the quality related activities needed to ensure
that the project meets the requirements of the grantee and complies with regulatory requirements.
The Quality Plan should be developed hand-in-hand with the PMP for the project. It is a living
document in that it may need to be revised as the project progresses from the Project Planning
Phase through Preliminary Engineering (PE), Final Design, Construction/Procurement, and
Testing and Start-up.
4.2 Responsibilities
The PM is responsible for the Quality Plan. Ultimately, the PM must determine which
procedures should be applied to the project. Where there is a Director of Quality Assurance or
equivalent position, that person should also have to approve the plan.
4.3 Approach
Where a grantee has detailed procedures for carrying out the elements of the quality policy, the
development of a Quality Plan for a project is straightforward. The PM can adopt particular
procedures as appropriate during the different project phases of Project Planning, PE and Final
Design, Procurement/Construction, and Testing and Start-up. The Quality Plan should provide an
overview of the entire quality program for the project, and should provide enough detail either
through incorporation of or reference to written procedures.
Where written procedures have not been adopted by the grantee, they will have to be developed
specifically for the Quality Plan. Thus, if a grantee expects to be involved in multiple capital
projects using FTA funding, the grantee should consider the formal development of written
The Quality Plan should be written to provide project management with easy access to the
quality requirements. When the plan references procedures or standards, those items should be
readily available as part of the plan.
While it is possible that one Quality Plan, applicable throughout the project, could be written at
the end of the Planning Phase, the more likely situation is one where the Quality Plan evolves as
the project progresses. This is so because the organizations may change and the level of quality
assistance required by contractors can vary. Also the procedures, forms, reports, etc., initially
proposed for a QA/QC program may not be used or are changed during the course of the project.
These changes should be reflected in the Quality Plan if they improve the final documentation
and quality of the work.
There are exceptions to the traditional phased approach to a project. In design-build situations,
one contractor could be responsible for several project phases. Therefore, the QA/QC program
requirements should be completely specified at the time of the project bid and design-build
contractor selection.
The following sections describe the type of detail that is desirable in a Quality Plan during the
relevant project phases. The description is for the desired detail for a complex project where all
of the quality system elements should be included at some time during the project. Less detail
may be appropriate for simpler projects (See Chapter 2, Section 2.3).
Project Planning can include the bus maintenance facility planning process, rail modernization
planning, and the Alternatives Analysis (AA) process for major capital investments for which
FTA has established detailed procedures. Responsibility for bus maintenance facility planning
and rail modernization planning typically rests with the operating agency. For AA planning, the
responsibility may be spread among several agencies. The lead agency need only have the
charter, authority, and capability to perform the planning and receive the grants required to
accomplish the AA.
For major capital projects, a PMP should be initiated during the Project Planning Phase and
completed and accepted before entering into Final Design. The project owner should develop the
PMP, which may be different from the organization doing the Project Plan. Generally, the PMP
must be submitted during the project grant review process and as part of FTA's grant application
review. A Quality Plan is required as part of the PMP.
At this early phase, much is still unknown about the project. The participants may not be known,
so that the Quality Plan cannot name organizations and persons. Timing, budgets, construction
techniques, and so forth have yet to be decided. Initially, therefore, the Quality Plan should
consist of a general description of the fifteen basic quality elements as applicable to the grantee
and the project. The quality policy and appropriate existing procedures should be included in the
Quality Plan.
Development of the Quality Plan is important at this phase to set an overall expectation and
direction for quality for the project, and to clearly spell out quality requirements for procurement
of the design consultants. Table 4-1 indicates the quality system elements for which design
related detail might be appropriate at this initial phase.
There may not be a quality requirement for submittal of a Quality Plan for projects which are not
major, and which do not have a PMP requirement. However, the development of a Quality Plan
can be beneficial for project management and project control purposes. Again, at this phase, the
major planning effort should be focused on the quality requirements for the design activity.
The Preliminary Engineering Phase is initiated at the conclusion of Project Planning. In PE the
design is developed enough to provide a more accurate estimate of project costs and impacts.
The resultant technical and financial information forms the basis for subsequent funding and
implementation decisions. During PE, the merits of all sound configurations and designs are
investigated. In addition, environmental requirements are completed, including preparation of a
Final Environmental Impact Statement, and in some cases, a supplemental Draft Environmental
Impact Statement.
The Final Design Phase is the last project development phase prior to construction. During this
phase, the design consultant and/or in-house design staff prepares the plans, specifications, and
bid documents required for awarding the individual facility construction and equipment
fabrication/installation contracts.
Management of PE and Final Design is the responsibility of the grantee who must ensure that
knowledgeable personnel are available to perform the required services.
Two basic alternatives exist for organizing the PE effort. The chosen alternative may be
continued into Final Design or a different alternative can be established at that point. The two
alternatives are 1) the grantee staff performs all design, or 2) consultants have the primary
responsibility for design. There are also organizational alternatives in-between these extremes
that mix the use of grantee staff and consultant staff. For larger projects, either the owner or a
general design consultant can supervise and manage the work of firms retained to design sections
of the project.
As design consultants are chosen and the design management organization is put into place, the
PMP should be updated to reflect these actions. The Quality Plan should be updated to reflect
each new organization of quality activity, and it should be updated to reflect more closely the
planned quality activities during the Final Design Phase. The plan should begin to answer more
specifically the questions of who is responsible and when in time actions should occur.
More important, the Quality Plan should be updated to reflect the quality requirements for the
next phase in the process. Since an important product of the design phase is construction contract
documents for construction contractors, decisions about quality requirements for construction
and manufacturing need to be planned and included in the contract documents. Table 4-1
indicates the detailed descriptions that might be appropriate at this phase in the project Quality
During the Construction and Equipment Procurement Phase, suppliers, contractors, and/or
agency force account employees construct the fixed facilities, fabricate/install equipment, and
integrate them into a functioning system. During this phase, the Quality Plan should be
developed in sufficient detail to guide the grantee in appropriate QA, QC, and quality oversight
During this phase, the first task is to procure the required contractors. These include the CMC,
the construction contractors, and/or the equipment manufacturers. Where procurement
regulations allow, contractors should be prequalified. Evidence of an acceptable quality program
should be part of the prequalification process.
Where the specifications for the various contracted project tasks require the contractor to assume
responsibilities for specific quality activities, the contractor should prepare written
documentation of its quality program. This program should be reviewed and approved for
adequacy by the grantee's Project Manager and the Director of Quality Assurance, or equivalent
Key quality elements that need to be specified in detail in the Quality Plan and, where
appropriate, in contract documents, are procedures for nonconformance and corrective action
during manufacturing and/or construction. In particular, the process for stopping work should be
spelled out. Persons authorized to issue stop-work orders, procedures for doing so, approvals
required, and restrictions need to be clearly understood by the contractors as well as the grantee.
The grantee's role in providing quality oversight for the project should be described, and any
audit activities should be planned. Table 4-1 indicates the type of information that would be
useful at this phase.
The Testing and Start-up Phase is the bridge between the Construction and Equipment
Procurement Phase and the beginning of revenue service. The purpose of this phase is to accept
the newly constructed or modernized facility, and/ or the newly procured equipment. This phase
also includes integration testing of operating system prior to beginning or resuming revenue
service. This phase overlaps with Construction and Equipment Procurement Phase, since some
testing is performed in accordance with contract requirements during the earlier phase.
The Quality Plan should be modified prior to the beginning of the Testing and Start-up Phase to
include detailed procedures for those tests required for the transfer of facilities and equipment
from the constructing organization to the operating organization. Although contractually required
testing will have been done as part of Construction and Equipment Procurement, other testing
may be required by the owner/operating organization to accept the facilities and equipment.
Acceptance criteria, however, must be specified at the end of the Final Design Phase and
included in the construction contract documents.
Assurance of the testing program at this point is the responsibility of the owner. A test
management team, as part of the project staff, should manage testing. A test engineer should
manage the program with assistance from consultants and agency staff, as appropriate.
An exception to this situation would be when the contractor constructing the new system will
also be responsible for operating the system for a period of time. In this case, all system
integration testing would be performed as part of the contract with the constructing/operating
organization. The tests must therefore be detailed in the Final Design Phase.
Preparation for revenue service start-up also includes the training of personnel to operate and
maintain the facilities. Prior to service start-up the grantee should simulate service to test
whether all system elements are functional and perform as designed. Start-up operations should
verify the competence of the personnel and ensure a smooth and safe transition into operations.
The Quality Plan for the project should also reflect the need for ongoing maintenance contracts,
as well as grantee/operator actions required to keep the contractual warranties in force. Table 4-1
shows the details to be included in the Quality Plan at the beginning of the Testing and Start-up
Given the existence of a detailed project Quality Plan and given that the plan is carefully
executed, each of the project phases from Project Planning through Testing and Start-up should
meet the quality specifications of the grantee, and provide excellent service. This, ultimately, is
the objective of the quality program.
Tables 4-1 – Details of the Quality Plan at Various Project Phases
Tables 4-1 – Details of the Quality Plan at Various Project Phases
Tables 4-1 – Details of the Quality Plan at Various Project Phases
Tables 4-1 – Details of the Quality Plan at Various Project Phases
This appendix presents selections from a number of transit quality programs in use around the
United States. The selections may use different titles than the quality elements in these
guidelines and their content may be slightly different. Nevertheless, these selections largely
represent the elements suggested in this guidance.
Although these are excellent examples of policies, procedures, and formats from other transit
capital programs, they are not presented here so that they may be merely copied. Rather, each
organization should tailor their Quality Plan to fit their own structure and requirements.
Personnel at the transit agencies that have provided these examples may be contacted and used as
references when preparing a Quality Plan. Additional references that can and should be contacted
include agencies of similar size or agencies that are working on similar sized programs.
Additionally, the FTA regional office is an excellent resource for information and assistance.
Element 5: Purchasing
From the Chicago Transit Authority, Capital Improvement Program, Quality Assurance Manual.
Element 8: Inspection and Testing
From the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority, 5000 Series Vehicle Procurement
Program, Quality Assurance Plan.
Element 1: Management Responsibility
Section 2
The responsibility for and commitment to the established Quality Policy begins
with top management. Management should ensure that the Quality Policy
shown in Section 1 is understood, implemented and maintained throughout all
appropriate levels of the organization. Top management in CPM is defined as
the Senior Vice President and his Direct Reports.
2.4.1 President
The SVP annually reviews the Quality Management System with his/her
direct reports to ensure its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. The
reviews also evaluate the need for changes to the Quality Management
System, including Quality Policy and Quality Objectives. Review
inputs include current performance and improvement opportunities
related to:
- results of audits
- customer feedback
- process performance and product conformance
- status of preventive and corrective action
- follow-up actions from earlier management reviews
- recommendations for improvement
- changes that could effect the Quality Management System
The SVP and Chief Engineer has appointed the Chief, Quality and
Safety Management as the ISO 9001 management representative. The
Chief has the responsibility and authority to:
- ensure that processes of the Quality Management System are
established and maintained
- report to the SVP and his direct reports on the performance of the
Quality Management System, including needs for improvement
Design staff matrixed to a Program Area receive project direction from
the Design Manager. Matrixed design staff will turn to their
Engineering Services disciplines when in need of technical guidance and
direction and will keep their discipline informed with respect to project
progress. Engineering Services has a mentoring, oversight, training and
consulting responsibility.
The ultimate responsibility for assuring that the contractor fulfills all
obligations, including quality and safety, rests with the Program Manager.
Verification of construction against the approved design documents is
performed throughout the construction phase. Engineering Services
personnel matrixed to the Program Areas, and working under the
direction of the Construction Manager, perform oversight of
construction activities, and assure, on a day-to-day basis, that the
contractor is in compliance with construction documents, including
quality and safety requirements. This oversight takes the form of:
checking contractor supplied documentation; witnessing contractor
operations, inspections and tests;
performing independent inspections and tests to verify contractor
results; or any combination of these activities.
Element 2: Documented Quality System
2.1 Purpose
This section establishes the Authority’s Quality Assurance and Quality Control
requirements, responsibilities, and procedures for Element 2, “Documented
Quality System”, of the Federal Transit Administration’s Guidelines for Quality
Assurance and Quality Control.
2.2 Scope
2.3 Policy
2.4 Responsibilities
The Authority is responsible for Quality Assurance to ensure the inclusion of all
requirements and acceptance criteria covering quality matters in technical
documents, drawings, specifications, directives, inspection, testing requirements,
etc., for the Project.
Activities affecting quality are documented by the parties responsible for the
activities, generally as defined by the PM, and approved by the Project Quality
Assurance Manager. The responsible individuals or organizations will issue
necessary directives or procedures to assure that pertinent activities are
documented. Additional procedures will be incorporated, when and if required,
with the approval of the Project Quality Assurance Manager. Procedures may be
developed for use by groups or individuals as subsidiary or specialized needs
2.5.1 Each revision to the plan is issued with a revision sheet requiring an
authorized signature and date of revision.
2.5.3 If a revision to any section of the plan is made, the entire section is
revised and re-issued under a new revision number.
2.5.4 The holder of the plan certifies receipt and removal of obsolete copies by
signing and returning one copy of the distribution sheet to the Quality
Assurance Department.
2.5.6 Serialized control copies of the plan are issued to specific persons. Only
those plans are kept up to date.
2.6 Procedures
During the course of the project, written procedures will be developed for the
activities affecting quality in design, procurement, manufacturing, and
construction, as applicable to the work performed. The procedures manuals that
will support the quality initiatives for the program are:
The Authority will ensure enforcement of the following goals and objectives:
2.7.7 the EC’s responsibilities also include monitoring and maintaining the up-
to-date status of the ITP during the Project.
2.8 Submittals
Element 3: Design Control
From the New York City Transit Authority, Department of Capital Program
Management, Quality Management System Manual; including Project Management
Guideline No. 301 and corresponding Project Management Procedure No. 301, Design
Section 3
DESIGN CONTROL Projects are assigned to Program Managers as soon as possible after they
are identified to insure proper management during the initial pre-design
phase of the project, and to provide continuity of management
throughout the life of the project. Scope development is the work necessary to expand the Capital Project
Profile into a Preliminary Scope of Work. The initial version of the
Preliminary Scope of Work is prepared before design commences. If the
proposed project is accepted for Preliminary Engineering, the
Preliminary Scope of Work serves as the starting point for the work of
the Project Design Team. The Preliminary Scope of Work is updated
throughout Preliminary Engineering and becomes the Final Scope of
Work at the conclusion of Preliminary Engineering. The scope
development process involves the review of available information,
meetings with operating departments (Sponsors/Users/Maintainers) and
other departments with interests in the project, field trips to inspect the
project location, further definition of needs, discussions of whether the
project is to be designed in-house or by consultant, and other activities
necessary to assure that overall project and quality objectives and
constraints are adhered to and that the requirements of the client are
3.3.2 Design Managers are responsible for the preparation of drawings, calculations and
specifications, and other technical documents as outputs required to define and
document the project design and any special methods of construction.
3.4.1 Calculations, drawings and specifications are checked by qualified personnel not
normally associated with their preparation. The Project Design Team verifies the
design against the Scope of Work.
3.4.2 Constructibility Reviews assure that the project includes the application of sound
construction principles consistent with operating and maintenance requirements
and accepted engineering practices for safe, efficient and economic construction.
3.4.4 Design validations assure that the project conforms to the requirements of its
intended use.
Design changes shall be identified, documented and controlled. This includes evaluation
of the effect of the changes on constituent parts and delivered products. The changes
shall be verified and validated, as appropriate and approved before implementation.
3.6.1 Contract specifications and drawings define inspection, testing and acceptance
requirements for materials and equipment which the Contractor must follow and
document in his Quality Program.
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
Planning, which develops service plans and schedules for bus and train
4. System Safety Representative − Representing NYCTA’s Office of
System Safety, this member provides expertise on and keeps the Project
Design Team informed of system-wide safety issues of relevance to the
project design.
5. Representative of project’s prospective Construction Manager − As the
leader of CPM’s efforts during the construction phase of the
project−should the project reach that phase−the Construction Manager:
provides expertise on issues of constructibility and coordinates
Constructibility Review; assisted by the Construction Scheduler,
develops the construction schedule, project phasing and TA Labor
occasions; provides expertise in estimating services required to
administer the construction contract (construction phase EFA) and
services required to support construction (TA Labor); provides input
into and reviews contract documents (drawings and specifications) for
award and construction-related issues; and is responsible for providing
Special Conditions and Division 1input of the contract-specifications
6. Procurement Representative − Representing NYCTA’s Procurement
Subdivision, this member provides expertise on the various procurement
processes suitable for the project’s construction contract.
7. Environmental Engineering Program Area Representative − As the
environmental engineering professional most familiar with work of the
Program Area, the Environmental Engineering Program Area
Representative provides expertise on environmental impacts, hazardous
materials and other environmental issues. Furnishes technical
specifications for hazaardous materials and other environmental
concerns as required.
8. Quality Program Area Representative − As the quality assurance/
control/management professional most familiar with all the work of the
Program Area, the Quality Program Area Representative provides
expertise on quality issues and processes.
9. Estimator − Assigned to the Program Area from Estimating & Cost
Control, this member’s primary focus is on developing estimates for
construction bid.
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
4.6 PMP 326, CPM Manpower Planning − Engineering Force Account (EFA)
4.9 PMG 305, Handling Consultant’s and Contractor’s Submissions and Requests
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
PMG NO. Issued Revision Exhibit No. Exhibit Page PMG Page
301 1/29/99 9 1 1 of 1
DVP & Deputy Chief Engineer Program Manager DEPARTMENT/
DVP, Engineering Services DIVISION
PM, Signals & Systems
Chief, Quality
NOTE: Staff are assigned to the Project Design Team from CPM Resource Centers. Resource Centers offer
their staffers technical guidance for the purposes of staff development and quality product.
Quality Initiatives & Improvements
All management and reproduction of design work is the responsibility of the Program Area.
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
A. Assuring that funds are available for the project through the
engineering force account (EFA). An MTA Willingness to Assume
Risk (WAR) Certificate must be requested for Preliminary
Engineering work. If the project is accepted for inclusion in the
Capital Program (see below, 3.1), a WAR Certificate must be
requested for Final Design work. (See PMP 206, WAR
B. Assembling the Project Design Team from staff matrixed by CPM
resource centers to the Program Area. The Design Manager consults
with resource-center management to ensure that appropriate
professional/technical personnel and specialties, such as
geotechnical, hydrology, etc., are assigned to the Project Design
Team. Assures that specialty experts are assigned to the Project
Design Team when unusual or special requirements arise during the
design effort. A Project Design Team is assembled for each project
in design, regardless of the mix of in-house and consultant design
C. Managing the schedule and workload of the Project Design Team to
assure production of quality deliverables within the design timetable
and EFA budget. The Design Manager effects implementation of
coordination across disciplines through chiefs, principals and task
leaders. As manager of the team, the Design Manager is responsible
for compiling and maintaining the Project Design Team membership
list (i.e., names, locations, telephone numbers).
2. Managing the Project Design Team in the case of in-house design. The
Design Manager leads the Project Design Team to produce a quality
Design Solution and Detailed Design, including reliable cost estimates
and schedules. In the case of entirely in-house design, the Project
Design Team performs all work necessary for Preliminary Engineering
and Final Design. During the Preliminary Engineering stage, the
Project Design Team first clarifies the project's functional requirements
and then develops the design solution. For projects that include
software, see PMG 321, CPM Software Acquisition Process. During
the Final Design stage, the Project Design Team develops drawings and
specifications for construction of the project.
3. Giving project presentation to Project Constructibility Advisory Review
Board at Preliminary Engineering and/or Final Design for projects if
selected by the Deputy Vice President and Deputy Chief Engineer.
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
2.3 The CPM resource centers (i.e., Engineering Services Division and Signals
& Systems), acting through the Chief Discipline Engineers/Architect and
Principal Engineers/Architects and the Chief Software Officer, are
responsible for:
1. Staffing the Program Area with qualified Design Engineers/Architects,
and specialty experts, including Engineering/Architecture Task Leaders.
These CPM resource centers assist the Design Manager in selecting
appropriate technical/professional personnel and specialty experts for
assignment to the Project Design Team.
2. Establishing and updating technical standards and guidelines.
3. Establishing and maintaining disciplinary centers of expertise. The
Chief Discipline Engineers/Architect, their Principal
Engineers/Architects, and the Chief Software Officer are available for
mentoring and consultation on technical issues.
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
2.5 Under the direction of the Design Manager, the Project Design Team is
responsible for:
1. Planning the design effort.
2. Obtaining all external permits and approvals necessary, i.e. from
utilities, private property owners, and Federal, State, and City agencies
(see PMG 108, Acquisition of Permits and Approvals). Obtaining all
NYCTA approvals required (see below, 3.1 and 3.2).
3. Producing quality deliverables in each stage of design (Design Solution
in Preliminary Engineering and Detailed Design in Final Design.
Methods used for accomplishing these tasks include, but are not limited to:
• conducting site investigations
• holding working sessions
• soliciting and responding to comments from all interested parties and
documenting closure of comments.
• conducting technical, value-engineering, and constructibility/phasing
• bringing issues of significant capital and/or operating cost impact to the
attention of the Chief Budget Officer, Capital Program
• bringing issues beyond the ability of the Project Design Team to resolve
to the attention of appropriate management within CPM, NYCTA, or
the MTA.
In addition to Design Engineers/Architects, the Project Design Team
includes representatives of:
• Sponsor/User/Maintainer department/divisions
• the project's prospective Construction Manager (Resident Engineer)
• Environmental Engineering
• Estimating & Cost Control
• Quality Assurance
• Schedule Control
• Capital Planning and Budget
• NYCTA's Office of System Safety
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
Once the Project Design Team is assembled, the Design Manager compiles and
maintains a membership list as part of the project file.
Only a project whose Design Solution review package has been approved
can become a candidate for inclusion in the Capital Program. However,
approval of the Design Solution does not guarantee the project's inclusion.
Addenda to the contract may be required to clarify the questions from the
bidders on the Detailed Design during the bid stage as determined by the
Design Manager. Such change, if it is major in the opinion of the Design
Manager, shall be approved by the Program Manager.
New York City Transit Authority
Department of Capital Program Management
4.5 PMP 326, CPM Manpower Planning − Engineering Force Account (EFA)
4.10 PMG 305, Handling Consultant’s and Contractor’s Submissions and Requests
PMP Issued Revision Exhibit No. Exhibit Page PMP Page
301 9/15/00 10 1 1 of 1
* indicates requirement for projects that include software CANDIDATE
Element 4: Document Control
Procedures shall be established and maintained for control of project documents and data.
Document control measures shall ensure that all relevant documents are current and
available to all users.
Any superseded documents retained for the record shall be clearly identified as such.
The following subsections describe the quality assurance activities usually associated
with the construction phase of capital project.
− Quality records
− Purchasing records
− Contract specifications and drawings
− Change orders, bulletins, proceed orders, requests for information
− Technical reports (e.g., soils, concrete, environmental reports)
− Photographs
− Daily logs
− Shop logs
− Field sketches and working drawings
− As-built drawings
− Schedules
− Material acceptance records
− Contract waiver reports
− Test, inspection, and acceptance records
− Noncompliance records
− Deviation and nonconformance reports
− Warranties and guarantees
These and other records relating to contractual, cost, technical, and quality
assurance aspects of a project are filed and archived according to procedures
which provide accessibility, long-term availability, and review for compliance
with contractual obligations.
Element 5: Purchasing
4.5 Purchasing
The contract or purchasing requirements shall clearly specify the expectations of the
purchaser, including relevant standards; drawings; specifications; process requirements;
inspection instructions; and approval criteria for materials, processes, and product. The
purchasing documents shall be reviewed and approved by a designated authority for
adequacy of specified requirements prior to release.
The following subsections describe the quality assurance activities usually associated
with the procurement phase of a capital project.
• Material
• Legal/professional services
5.3.2 Procedural Requirements
The procurement activities of the Authority are subject to, but not limited to, the
following documents established by Materials and Information Management:
group maintains records of contract information including DBE requirements,
insurance requirements, Buy America requirements, and funding agency
correspondence. The group also maintains contract files, informational sources,
micrographics, and the records center.
The Bus Engineering and Technical Services Department performs inspection and test
services for new and rebuilt buses, non-revenue vehicles, shop equipment, replacement
parts, and maintenance supplies. Additionally, this unit develops standard procedures to
document work practices, implements these standards, and seeks alternate sources for
materials to reduce costs.
In relation to new bus purchases, quality inspections begin with the sub-supplier
component products. The component designs and quality of manufacture are inspected
and evaluated. Depending on the size of the order being purchased, a prototype, pilot
vehicle, or similar vehicle is inspected. A systematic and detailed inspection of the
vehicle is conducted using established procedures. During production, on-line
inspections are performed. It is to be noted, however, that the manufacturer is primarily
responsible for vehicle quality control. Inspections by Authority staff are performed to
oversee and monitor the manufacturer's quality control program, workmanship, and
specification compliance. After delivery, in-house inspections are conducted to ensure
quality and compliance prior to vehicle acceptance.
Element 6: Product Identification and Traceability
6.1 Purpose
6.2 Scope
6.3 Policy
It is the policy of the Authority that all procurement specifications and associated
items will, as applicable, contain requirements for control of materials, i.e., product
identification and traceability. Each Contractor and supplier will be required to
establish quality control procedures to assure proper control of the identification and
traceability process.
6.4 Responsibilities
The Contractor (the car builder) and all subcontractors and suppliers [through the
Contractor], are responsible for establishing and maintaining such controls as
necessary to assure that improper materials are not built into or installed in the
The Authority, with the assistance of the EC, will conduct such audits and oversight
of the Contractor, subcontractors, and suppliers as necessary to maintain a
reasonable assurance that the Contractor/subcontractor/supplier processes are
maintained and effectively carried out on a continuing basis.
The Authority’s PM will ensure that requirements for control of products and
identification and traceability are contained in the contract documents and
procurement specifications, and for monitoring Contractor’s, subcontractor’s, or
supplier’s procedures.
The Authority and its EC will perform periodic audits of material control, product
identification, and traceability records from the Contractor, subcontractor, and
6.5 Responsibilities
6.5.2 Procedures exist and are in effect to assure that proper materials are drawn
and installed in accordance with the approved design, including oversight
by the manufacturer’s Quality Assurance staff;
The EC will establish audit criteria for reviewing the effectivity of material
identification and traceability as part of the overall Quality Assurance audit
Element 7: Process Control
Section 4
A-61 Contractor’s Quality Program
Element 8: Inspection and Testing
8.1 Purpose
8.2 Scope
The inspection and testing requirements outlined herein apply to the design,
procurement, manufacture, installation, testing, and acceptance of the 5000
Series rail cars, the systems, equipment, and materials installed thereon, as
well as to the spare parts, technical documentation, and training procured as
part of the base contract.
8.3 Policy
8.4 Responsibilities
The Authority will provide oversight for this Element of the Quality Assurance
Plan. Quality Control Plans and procedures are reviewed by Program Office
representatives, including the EC, for compliance with the contract
requirements. In addition, the EC will oversee the execution of the
Contractor’s quality assurance functions by audit, on-site observation, and
independent inspections and witnessing of tests performed by the Contractor.
The EC will provide on-site quality control inspection services and personnel
at the Contractor’s facilities to ensure compliance with the contract
specification for tests and inspection and the approved QA program plan. The
EC will perform surveillance and periodic audits of inspection and test records
of the Contractor and (at least) the major subcontractors.
The EC will conduct initial audits and such additional periodic audits as
indicated necessary based on observed results of the Contractor’s general
inspection procedures in accordance with the following guidelines:
First Article Inspections are conducted on the first production unit of all
major components/systems, prior to its delivery to ensure compliance
with contract requirements, including engineering tests and physical
examinations. The FAIs provide opportunities for the inspection team
to observe and assess the vendor’s manufacturing and quality control
processes. Program office staff, along with the EC, routinely attends
FAIs of all major/complex equipment.
8.6.1 Material testing shall be conducted to verify that materials proposed for
use are in compliance with the contact requirements. It is the
responsibility of the Contractor to perform or have performed all
required tests (by approved testing laboratories if required) and to
provide certified test results as required by contract.
Element 9: Inspection, Measuring, and Test Equipment
9.1 Purpose
9.2 Scope
9.3 Policy
All equipment used in quality control work will be identified, calibrated, and
maintained in proper working order. Provisions will be made for periodic re-
calibration. Such equipment must meet the standards of accuracy for the
measurements and tests required.
9.4 Responsibilities
The Program Office, with the support of the EC, will provide oversight for this
Element of the Quality Assurance Plan. The EC’s inspection staff, on site at
the car builder’s factory, at the car assembly plant, and at the Authority’s
facilities, will periodically check to ensure measuring and test equipment are
properly calibrated. It is the responsibility of the Contractor’s and its
subcontractor’s Quality Assurance Personnel to verify that only calibrated or
verified accurate measuring and test equipment are utilized on this project.
Through on-site observation and periodic formal audits, the EC ensures that
the Contractor carries out his responsibilities on a continuing basis.
9.5 Procedures
9.5.1 All test procedures must include requirements for using currently
calibrated test and measuring devices. Contractors and suppliers must
provide or be prepared to provide calibration documents at the time of
each test witnessed by the Authority and/or the EC’s staff.
9.5.4 The calibration and verification history for each instrument is kept on file
by the Contractor’s or supplier’s QA Department and is available upon
9.5.9 All WMATA and EC staff witnessing tests routinely observe calibration
stickers and records at the time of testing to ensure test instruments
overdue calibration are not used for inspections.
Element 10: Inspection and Test Status
10.1 Purpose
10.2 Scope
10.3 Policy
10.4 Responsibilities
The Program Office, with the support of the EC, provides oversight for this
quality requirement. This responsibility includes ensuring that the Contractor
and its subcontractors establish appropriate quality controls and quality
assurance procedures for inspection and test of the work to assure that all
materials and equipment are subjected to the required and proper quality
checks prior to acceptance by the Authority.
10.5 Procedures
Element 11: Nonconformance
See Element 12, Corrective Action, for a copy of CTA Project Management
Procedure, PMP-6009, Nonconformance Reports and Corrective Action.
4.11 Nonconformance
The review responsibility and authority for the disposition of nonconforming work shall
be defined in documented procedures. Disposition of nonconforming work shall be
The following subsections describe the quality assurance activities usually associated
with the construction phase of the capital project.
5.4.7 Nonconformance
Element 12: Corrective Action
Corrective action procedures shall be established and maintained. These shall include
procedures for investigating the cause of nonconforming work and taking corrective
actions to prevent recurrence, analyzing processes to detect and eliminate potential causes
of nonconforming work, initiating preventive actions to deal with problems to a level
corresponding to the risks encountered, ensuring that corrective actions are implemented
and evaluating their effectiveness, and implementing and recording changes in
procedures resulting from corrective action.
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Approval
Manager, Quality Assurance Date
Vice President, Engineering Date
Vice President, Maintenance Date
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to describe the methods for reporting and
controlling nonconforming items from the point of identification through corrective
action and verification.
2.1 This procedure applies to activities performed under CTA's Capital Improvement
Program (CIP), including force account capital construction.
3.1 Chicago Transit Authority, Capital Improvement Program Quality Assurance Manual
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
Accept-As-Is - Allows the use of an item that does not meet all requirements when it
is determined by engineering evaluation that the item will satisfy its intended use. It
is the same as "Use-As-Is."
Reject - The item is unsuitable for its intended purpose and economically or
physically incapable of being reworked or repaired.
Repair - Work required which will result in making an item acceptable for its
intended use, as determined by an engineering evaluation, even though it is not
restored to a condition which meets all specification requirements.
Rework - The deficiency can be brought into conformance with all specification
requirements through remachining, reassembling, reprocessing, reinstallation, or
completion of the required operations.
4.2 Engineer of Record - For the purpose of this procedure, the engineer responsible for
performing an engineering evaluation of the proposed disposition for a
nonconforming condition. This individual may be a member of the consultant's
organization, the CTA Project Manager, or an engineer assigned by the Project
4.5 Stop Work Order (SWO) - Notification that a nonconforming item or condition is of
such significance that affected activities may not continue until corrective action is
accomplished and resumption of work is approved in writing. The scope of the SWO
shall be clearly defined. When an SWO is issued, all affected work shall be halted
until the SWO is closed. Work may continue on activities not affected by the SWO.
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
5.1 General
5.1.4 Each NCR shall be identified by a unique, sequential number in the format
YY-NNN where YY designates the year of issue and NNN is a sequential
number. The sequential number shall increment from year to year,
identifying the total number of NCRs generated. It shall not return to "001"
at the start of each new calendar year.
5.1.5 NCRs shall be logged in a Nonconformance Report Log (see attached Form
6009.02) or a similar computerized log maintained by the Manager, Quality
Assurance. The originator of an NCR shall contact the Manager, Quality
Assurance, for the next sequential NCR number.
5.1.6 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall be included in the distribution of all
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
5.1.7 In case of a dispute over the validity of an NCR, or over the effectiveness of
corrective action, an engineering evaluation shall be performed and
5.2.1 The originator of the NCR shall complete the "Nonconformance" section of
the NCR form, blocks 1 through 7.
5.2.2 The originator of the NCR shall make copies of the NCR form and
distribute the copies and the original form as follows:
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
5.2.5 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall determine the responsible CTA
Engineering/Construction/Maintenance Manager and forward the original
NCR form to that individual for review and concurrence.
5.2.6 The responsible manager shall review the proposed corrective actions and
actions to prevent recurrence.
5.2.7 The responsible manager shall transmit the signed NCR form to the
engineer of record, with a copy to the Manager, Quality Assurance.
5.2.8 The engineer of record shall review the NCR and perform and document an
engineering evaluation if required.
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
5.2.10 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall review the process and the
proposed corrective actions and completion date. If the process has been followed correctly and the proposed
corrective actions and completion date are acceptable, the
Manager, Quality Assurance, shall sign and date block 16 of
the NCR form to indicate acceptance of the process and
concurrence with corrective actions and completion date and
proceed to step 5.2.11.
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
5.2.11 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall update the Nonconformance Report
Log and forward the signed NCR form to the responsible manager.
5.2.12 The responsible manager shall notify the responsible organization that it
has approval to proceed with the proposed corrective actions and actions to
prevent recurrence.
5.3 Closure
5.3.1 The responsible organization shall notify CTA when the corrective actions
and actions to prevent recurrence have been implemented.
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
5.3.3 The originator shall forward the original NCR form to the Manager,
Quality Assurance.
5.3.4 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall review the NCR and sign and date
block 18 signifying acceptance of the resolution process and closure of the
5.3.5 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall indicate required distribution for
the closed NCR and make distribution. As a minimum, distribution shall
5.3.6 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall update the Nonconformance Report
5.3.7 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall be responsible for ensuring revision
of any procedures necessitated by the corrective action process.
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall conduct an annual review of NCRs generated
during the previous 12-month period, and related dispositions, to determine the
effectiveness of corrective actions in precluding recurrences of nonconforming
NCRs, the Nonconformance Report Log, and related engineering evaluations are
quality assurance records. They shall be maintained in accordance with PMP-6002
or other approved written procedures.
Information concerning NCRs and corrective actions shall be entered into the
Audit/Surveillance Information System maintained by the Quality Assurance
Department and otherwise made available for trend analysis as necessary.
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
7.1 The Manager, Quality Assurance shall have the independence and authority to direct
the generation of an NCR to identify any activity or item not meeting specified
requirements. The generation of an NCR may be independent of any other processes
and may be utilized at any time.
7.2 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall review each NCR to determine if the
condition indicates a breakdown in the controls established to ensure effectiveness of
the Quality Assurance Program and to ensure that corrective actions and their
implementation resolve the problem. If a breakdown in the quality process is
identified, the Manager, Quality Assurance shall take the steps necessary to restore
the quality process.
7.3 The NCR form may be used as a Stop Work Order (SWO) at the discretion of the
Manager, Quality Assurance, subject to approval by the Vice President, Engineering,
and the responsible General Manager and Vice President. An NCR used to stop
work shall state in the "Description of Nonconformance" section (block 4):
The activity or item covered by the Stop Work Order shall be clearly defined on the
Nonconformance Report Continuation Sheet and signed by all of the appropriate
PROGRAM 09/22/99 Page
authorities. Closure of the Stop Work Order shall require the same authorization
7.4 Where responsibilities are assigned by position title, it is understood that those
responsibilities may be delegated. The named position shall retain accountability for
all assigned activities.
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PROGRAM 09/22/99 Exhibit A
2. Enter the complete name of the organization responsible for the nonconformance. This may
be a CTA organizational unit or a consultant or contractor.
3. Enter the NCR number obtained from the CTA Manager, Quality Assurance.
5. Enter the requirement(s) violated with reference to the applicable procedure or specification
section or paragraph, or other identifying information.
7. Enter the date by which the responsible organization must respond to the NCR by
completing the "Disposition" section of the form. This date should be 10 working days after
the issue date. Transmit the NCR to the responsible organization.
10. Describe the action taken or planned to be taken to correct the specific nonconforming item
or condition.
11. Describe what action is planned to prevent recurrence of the same or similar
nonconformances, with the focus on prevention, not correction. Include any required
changes to procedures.
The Responsible Organization Completes Items 8 - 13 (Cont.):
13. Enter date when corrective action is expected to be complete. Return the NCR to the CTA
Manager, Quality Assurance. NOTE: The CTA Manager, Quality Assurance, shall
determine the responsible CTA Engineering/Construction/Maintenance Manager and
forward the NCR to that individual.
14. Signature denoting concurrence with proposed corrective action and effective date, and date
of signature. Transmit the NCR to the engineer of record, with a copy to the Manager,
Quality Assurance. NOTE: If the proposed disposition and/or corrective action are not
acceptable, the responsible manager shall return the unsigned NCR to the responsible
organization with a separate written explanation, with a copy to the Manager, Quality
16. Signature by Manager, Quality Assurance, indicating review of the process and concurrence
with corrective actions and completion date, and date of signature. Transmit the NCR to the
responsible manager for notification to the originator and the responsible organization. The
responsible manager shall forward the original NCR form to the originator and a copy of the
form to the responsible organization. NOTE: If the proposed disposition, corrective action,
and/or completion date are not acceptable, the Manager, Quality Assurance, shall return the
unsigned NCR to the responsible manager with a separate written explanation, with a copy to
the engineer of record. The responsible manager shall notify the originator and the
responsible organization that the proposed disposition and/or corrective action are not
17. Signature accepting work, and date. Describe inspections, location, serial numbers, etc., as
appropriate, to document field verification that the work is complete and acceptable. Attach
or reference supporting documents (e.g., inspection reports, procedures, revised drawings) as
appropriate. NOTE: If the work is not acceptable, the originator shall return the unsigned
NCR to the responsible organization with a separate written explanation, with a copy to the
Manager, Quality Assurance.
19. Indicate distribution of the closed NCR as required, and distribute. As a minimum, the
following distribution shall be made:
Element 13: Quality Records
Quality records shall be maintained by the area responsible for the work.
Supplier, contractor, and subcontractor quality records shall be included where
All quality records shall be stored and retained in such a way that they are readily
retrievable in facilities that provide a suitable environment to prevent damage,
deterioration, or loss. Retention times of quality records shall be established and
Quality records shall be legible and shall clearly identify the project or subject to
which they apply.
The Project Manager assures that quality records are compiled and
maintained. Written procedures provide for a project filing system and
establish the guidelines for the retention of records.
PROGRAM 08/18/98 Approval
Manager, Quality Assurance Date
Vice President, Engineering Date
PROGRAM 08/18/98 Page
The purpose of this procedure is to establish a system and assign responsibility for the
identification, collection, filing, retrievability, and maintenance of quality assurance records
generated by CTA's Quality Assurance Department.
This procedure applies to all documents classified as quality assurance records as identified
on the Quality Assurance Records Index (see attached Form 6002.01). The identification,
maintenance, and control of quality assurance records generated by organizational units
external to the Quality Assurance Department shall be in accordance with this procedure or
other approved documented procedures. The identification, maintenance, and control of
quality-related documents generated by consultants or contractors shall be in accordance
with the applicable contract.
3.1 Chicago Transit Authority, Capital Improvement Program Quality Assurance Manual
4.1 Quality assurance records - Records which furnish documentary evidence of the
quality of items and/or activities affecting quality.
PROGRAM 08/18/98 Page
4.2 Quality Assurance Records Index - A document that identifies quality assurance
records by type or classification and specifies required retention periods and records
storage locations.
4.3 Records File Master List - A document that lists the records stored in the quality
assurance records files. It is arranged to reflect the organizational structure of the
records files. The list includes records files that have been purged from the system,
when they were purged, and by whom.
5.1 General
5.1.3 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall interface with the generating
department to make decisions about records generated external to the
Quality Assurance Department.
PROGRAM 08/18/98 Page
5.2.1 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall establish and maintain a system for
identification numbering of quality assurance records. This system may
apply unique numbers to individual documents (e.g., contractor quality
plans) or group related documents together under a single identification
number (e.g., daily inspection reports for a particular project), at the
discretion of the Manager, Quality Assurance.
5.2.2 The numbering scheme shall include provisions for associating related
records that carry unique numbers (e.g., individual audit files, supplier
quality evaluations) that have been produced and indexed at various times.
The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall record quality assurance records on the
Quality Assurance Records Index (see attached Form 6002.01) or a similar
computerized form containing the same information. The index shall identify the
type or classification of record, the associated record identification number, the
location of the record, and its minimum retention period.
The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall establish and maintain a Records File Master
List (see attached Form 6002.02) or a similar computerized list of all quality
assurance records. This list shall include the record identification number and a brief
description of the record. Purged records shall be retained on the list, annotated with
the date purged and initials of the person purging the file. The list shall reflect the
structure of the records files to enhance retrievability of records and shall be updated
as records files are added or deleted.
PROGRAM 08/18/98 Page
The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall ensure that all records are identifiable to the
project, item, process, person, or event to which they pertain and that all records are
complete, legible, dated, and identify the person who established the record.
The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall establish a documented system for indexing
or grouping documents to facilitate their retrieval. Records should be grouped by
project, process, and record type wherever possible.
Quality assurance records shall be stored in designated records files in clean, dry
rooms appropriate for records storage. Filing cabinets containing quality assurance
records shall be clearly labeled as to their contents. Quality records shall be
maintained separately from working or in-process files.
5.8.1 Quality assurance records shall be retained for the minimum duration
identified on the Quality Assurance Records Index.
5.8.2 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall review the quality assurance
records periodically to determine which records have exceeded their
minimum retention period. Records whose retention period has expired
may either be purged from the quality assurance records files or retained in
the records files at the discretion of the Manager, Quality Assurance.
5.8.3 At the discretion of the Manager, Quality Assurance, lifetime records may
be microfilmed or stored in secure, remote storage facilities.
PROGRAM 08/18/98 Page
Direct access to the quality assurance records files shall be limited to authorized
individuals. Access to the quality assurance records files shall be authorized by the
Manager, Quality Assurance.
7.1 Due to project assignment, work location, or other limiting conditions prohibiting daily
access to the designated records storage location, quality assurance records may, at the
discretion and with the approval of the Manager, Quality Assurance, be maintained at other
than the designated location. Records maintained at other than the designated records
storage location shall be subject to all the criteria of this procedure and shall be moved to the
designated records storage location as soon as practical.
7.2 Organizational units external to the Quality Assurance Department may develop and
implement separate documented procedures for identifying, collecting, filing, and
maintaining quality assurance records provided that the procedures meet the requirements of
FTA-MA-06-0189-92-1 and the CTA Capital Improvement Program Quality Assurance
Manual. Any such procedure shall be subject to review and acceptance by the Manager,
Quality Assurance.
7.3 The Manager, Quality Assurance, shall be notified of what files are maintained in
accordance with provisions 7.1 and 7.2 above and where they are maintained. Logs of such
files may be maintained separately; or they may be included on the Quality Assurance
Records Index (Section 5.3) and the Records File Master List (Section 5.4) and appropriately
Element 14: Quality Audits
From the New York City Transit Authority, Department of Capital Program Management,
Quality Management System Manual; including Project Management Guideline No. 118 and
corresponding Project Management Procedure No. 118, Quality Assurance Audits.
Section 14
The effectiveness of the Quality Management System and its conformance with the ISO-
9001 standard shall be verified through audit activities. The results of audits shall be
transmitted to appropriate levels of management for corrective and preventive action.
In accordance with PMP No. 118, Quality Assurance Audits are performed:
- to confirm that all NYCTA employees involved in the expenditure of capital funds
are adhering to elements of the Quality Manual, PMPs/PMGs, Directives and Design
Quality Assurance is responsible for audit activities. Based on status and importance of
activities, an annual Audit Program and schedule is developed and implemented by
Quality Assurance.
acceptable. In some cases, immediate corrective action may have to be taken by the
contractor or Construction Manager.
New York City Transit
Department of Capital Program Management
To set forth guidelines for establishing, planning, implementing and documenting audits.
These guidelines apply to all NYCT and/or consultant design and construction administration;
contractor (including subcontractors and suppliers) and/or force account capital construction;
and equipment (excluding car and bus purchase, car overhaul, and other rolling stock contracts),
power, signal, track, communication, architectural or similar contracts administered by all
NYCT Departments.
Audits are generally planned, developed and initiated for one or more of the following
Whether an audit is carried out by a team or an individual, the lead auditor is in overall
charge and has authority to make decisions regarding the conduct of the audit. Depending
upon the circumstances, the audit team may include experts with specialized background.
Auditors should be free from bias and influences which could affect objectivity and should
act in an ethical manner at all times.
New York City Transit
Department of Capital Program Management
Auditor Activities:
- verify and analyze evidence that is relevant and sufficient to permit the drawing of
conclusions regarding the audited quality management system
- remain alert to any indications of evidence that can influence the audit results and
possibly require more extensive auditing
- report on the audit results clearly, conclusively and without undue delay
- retain and safeguard documents pertaining to the audit, submit such documents as
required, ensure that such documents remain confidential and treat privileged
information with discretion
As a basis for planning the audit, the auditor reviews the auditee’s recorded description
of the methods for meeting the quality system requirements (such as the documented
quality management system manual/plan/program or equivalent).
An audit plan will be prepared by the lead auditor, and communicated to the auditee.
The audit plan will be designed to be flexible in order to permit changes in emphasis
based on information gathered during the audit, and to permit effective use of resources.
The plan includes:
New York City Transit
Department of Capital Program Management
- the date and place where the audit is to be conducted and the expected time and
duration for each major audit activity
If the auditee objects to any provisions in the audit plan, such objections should
immediately be made known to the lead auditor. They should be resolved between the
lead auditor and the auditee.
Specific details of the audit plan may be communicated to the auditee prior
to/throughout the audit if their premature disclosure does not compromise the
verification of objective evidence.
The work documents required to facilitate the auditor’s investigations and to document
and report results will usually include:
Work documents should be designed so that they do not restrict additional audit
activities or investigations which may become necessary as a result of information
gathered during the audit.
- introduce the members of the audit team to the auditee’s senior management
New York City Transit
Department of Capital Program Management
- establish the official communication links between the audit team and the auditee
- confirm that the resources and facilities needed by the audit team are available
- confirm the time and date for the exit meeting and any interim meeting of the audit
team and the auditee’s senior management
Throughout the audit, the auditee’s compliance with established requirements should be
verified through interviews, examination of documents/records, and observation of
activities and conditions in the areas of concern. Indications of nonconformities should
be noted if they seem significant, even if not covered by checklists, and should be
investigated. Information gathered through interviews should be tested by acquiring the
same information from other independent sources, such as physical observation,
measurements and records.
After all activities have been audited, the audit team should review their
notes/worksheets to develop an overall summary of the audit results and determine what
Action Requests are required. The audit team should then ensure that these are
documented in a clear, concise manner and are supported by evidence. Action Requests
should be identified in terms of the specific requirements of the standard or other related
documents against which the audit has been conducted.
At the end of the audit, prior to preparing the audit report, the audit team should hold a
meeting with the auditee and those responsible for the functions concerned. The lead
auditor should present the audit team’s conclusions regarding the quality management
system’s effectiveness in ensuring that quality objectives will be met. The main purpose
of this meeting is to present a summary of the team's overall audit assessment and any
required Action Requests so as to ensure that the auditee clearly understands the results
of the audit and any additional actions required.
The process and an approximate time frame for issuance of the audit report and
response by the auditee should be discussed.
New York City Transit
Department of Capital Program Management
The audit report should reflect both the tone and content of the audit. It should contain
the following items, as applicable:
- identification of the audit team members; the specific organization audited and the
auditee’s representative(s); audit dates and locations; and areas/activities audited
- identification of the reference documents against which the audit was conducted
(ie: quality system standard, the auditee’s documented quality system, etc.)
- Overall summary of the audit results and the audit team's assessment of the
project/activity compliance with requirements
- any required Action Requests, documented on an Action Request Report (Exhibit 1),
as well as a description of any other observations made during the course of the audit
The audit report is submitted to the Senior Director, Quality Systems for final review
and signature and sent to the NYCT representative (ie: Program Area Construction
Manager, Design Manager, etc.) responsible for the activity or project audited. If
applicable, the NYCT representative shall forward a copy of the report to any affected
outside organization (ie: general contractor, consultant, supplier, etc.) for information
and/or action. Copies of the audit report shall also be sent to CPM’s Senior
The management of the activity or project audited will normally be required to respond
to the Action Requests within 30 calendar days using the applicable Action Request
Response form (Exhibit 2 or 3) in accordance with instructions provided.
Circumstances may arise where responses require additional time or further clarification.
Such instances will be resolved with the Quality Management Office and appropriately
documented. Action Request Response statements are to be specific with respect to the
cause of the noncompliance, as well as actions taken to correct the noncompliance and
to preclude recurrence.
New York City Transit
Department of Capital Program Management
The NYCT representative will follow-up on any Action Request Responses required
from outside organizations.
The auditee is responsible for determining and initiating corrective action needed to
correct a noncompliance or to correct the cause of the noncompliance.
Upon submittal, the Quality Management Office shall review all Action Request
Responses received. Any reasons for rejection will be provided to the appropriate
NYCT representative.
Follow-up audits will be scheduled, when required, to verify the completion and
effectiveness of the corrective action. Noncompliance with actions proposed/taken will
be handled in the same manner as original Action Requests.
The Quality Management Office will send a memorandum to the appropriate NYCT
representative advising them of the Action Requests which have been closed or which
remain open.
PMG No. Issued Revision Exhibit No. Exhibit Page PMG Page
118 12/1/01 5 1 1 of 1
MANAGEMENT 2. AR #___of___
________________________________________ ________________________________________
PMG No. Issued Revision Exhibit No. Exhibit Page PMG Page
118 12/1/01 5 2 1 of 2
AR ____of_______
Explanation of "Other":
AR CLOSED....................YES or NO
Follow-up Audit Leader Date
Sr. Director, Quality Systems Date:
PMG No. Issued Revision Exhibit No. Exhibit Page PMG Page
118 12/1/01 5 2 1 of 2
22 Signature of Sr. Director, Quality Systems and Sr. Director, Quality Systems
date signed
PMG No. Issued Revision Exhibit No. Exhibit Page PMG Page
118 12/1/01 5 3 1 of 2
16. _________________________________________________
19._______________________________________ _______________________
NYCT Manager Date
Follow-up Audit Leader Date
23. _____________________________________________
Sr. Director, Quality Systems Date
PMG No. Issued Revision Exhibit No. Exhibit Page PMG Page
118 12/1/01 5 3 2 of 2
18 Any additional comments as may be required NYCT representative responsible for the
concerning proposed corrective actions activity or project audited
New York City Transit
Department of Capital Program Management
2.1 Quality Audits will be conducted to ensure that the department's Quality
Management System:
conforms to planned processes and requirements established within the
department, as well as to the ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard and
is effectively implemented and maintained
2.2 The Quality Management Office is responsible for establishing and implementing
an annual audit program to monitor NYCT and Contractor/Consultant adherence to
applicable policies, procedures and contract documents. The Quality Audit
program reflects the planned number and type of audits, as well as the areas within
and outside NYCT to be audited. Audit candidates are selected based on the status
and importance of activities, previous audit history, and changes in policies,
processes, procedures and organizational structure.
2.3 The audit staff shall meet established DCPM qualifications as defined in Quality
Management Internal Guideline # 4, and shall be independent of the areas to be
2.4 The results of audits are transmitted to appropriate levels of DCPM management
and the auditee's organization. The audit report shall include: the purpose and
scope of the audit; identification of the audit team members, auditees, audit dates
and locations, and areas/activities audited; overall summary of the audit results;
description of any noncompliance with requirements; identification of any
noncompliance requiring an Action Request for a documented corrective/preventive
action plan; the time period for submittal of the response to any Action Requests;
and the report distribution list. Follow-up audits will be performed to verify
completion and effectiveness of required corrective action(s).
2.5 Quality audit records will be maintained and will include areas and
procedures/requirements audited; audit results; follow-up actions; and status of all
2.6 Auditees are responsible for:
New York City Transit
Department of Capital Program Management
2.7 When auditees are outside of the NYCT organization (ie: general contractors,
subcontractors, suppliers, or consultants) the appropriate NYCT manager will work
with the Quality Management Office to ensure that the auditee meets the above
noted responsibilities.
3.1 Project Management Guideline No. 118, Quality Management System Audits
Element 15: Training
Section 15
To create and implement plans for the development of resources based on our present and
future needs and to ensure that the work environment supports the achievement of CPM’s
policies and objectives.
CPM shall determine and provide, in a timely manner, the resources needed to implement
and improve the process of the Quality Management System and to address customer
satisfaction. Personnel assigned to responsibilities defined in the Quality Management
System shall be competent on the basis of applicable education, training, skills and
15.3.2 Training for personnel is coordinated and provided by the Director, Customer
Service/Training, under the direction of the Senior Director, Management
15.3.4 The Director, Customer Service/Training coordinates with the NYCT Division of
Training and contracts with providers of training services outside NYCT to ensure
that regularly scheduled and special requirement courses are available to CPM
personnel. Catalogs of course offerings (internally, from NYCT, Division of
Training and externally, from provider institutions) are maintained by the
Director, Customer Service/Training. These materials are also provided to
Program Area/Division Training Liaisons, and are available to individual CPM
personnel upon request.
15.3.5 CPM personnel are registered for selected courses through their Program
Area/Division Training Liaison, with authorization from the employee’s
immediate supervisor and, for external training, from the Program Manager,
Division Head or the SVP and Chief Engineer.
15.3.6 Internal and external training program attendance is monitored by CPM Training
Liaisons and the NYCT Division of Training.
15.5.2 Individual contractors maintain their own training records. Contractors have
access to NYCT training records through CPM Division Training Liaisons as
CPM assures that all human and physical factors relating to the work environment are
maintained, including safety rules and procedures and protective equipment.
J. E. Ferrara
Chief Engineer – CPM
4.0 Preparation............................................................................................... 2
1.0 Purpose
2.0 General
2.1 The PM shall ensure that the PQP is developed prior to completion of the
preliminary design.
2.2 The Quality Assurance (QA) Representative shall monitor and assess the
project quality and advise the members of the project team at the Project
Progress Meetings, as appropriate.
3.0 Content
3.2 The processes to achieve the Quality (e.g., standards, specifications, etc.)
3.3 Allocation of responsibilities and resources during each stage of the project.
3.7 The primary Capital Program procedures to be followed during the execution
of the project.
3.8 A documented procedure for changes and modifications in the Quality Plan
as the project proceeds.
4.0 Preparation
Development of the PQP shall be compatible with the Project Management Plan,
Project Plan, the Inspection and Test Program, awarded Contracts, Value
Engineering Concepts, Constructibility Review Requirements, and available
resources, as well as address the following, as appropriate:
Χ Review and revision of the design criteria including selection of materials and
Note: For additional details regarding the development of PQP, refer to ATT-1.
5.2 The PQP shall be maintained throughout the project duration. Revisions
shall be incorporated into the PQP as they are identified.
5.4 At a minimum, the approved PQP and each revision shall be distributed to
each affected Department.
1. General
c) Are the requirements for monitoring and control of the project (with respect to
material, equipment, and workmanship) clear and adequate?
2. Design Phase
a) How were the project requirements defined? Are the requirements complete,
reasonable and consistent?
b) Has the project team been organized with clear delineation of responsibilities?
d) Should the project be implemented in phases or stages? Are the deliverables for
each element clearly identified?
3. Implementation Phase
c) Will a Vendor Inspection Plan be required? If yes, who will approve and
_________________ _____________________________________________
Project No. Project Title
_________________________________ ______________________
Department Head Date
_________________________________ _____________________
Department Head Date
_________________________________ _____________________
Department Head Date
_________________________________ _______________________
Chief Engineer - CPM Date
Every User of Procedures which implement the Signal Quality System is responsible
for ensuring that Work is performed in accordance with the latest approved
procedure revision/change.
0 - 06/06/2001
1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to define the method and instructions, and to assign
responsibilities for the development of a Signal Project Quality Plan (PQPlan) for use as
a management tool to ensure that designs, materials, and equipment, and the
workmanship of fabrication, installation, and construction is in accordance with specified
2.1 The scope of this procedure covers the facilitation of scheduling, performing, and
documenting the verification processes necessary for the project. Monitoring of the
overall activities of Capital funded projects from design to final construction, shall be by
Corporate Quality Assurance (CQA) conducting Quality Assurance Surveillances/Audits.
3.1 Develop a detailed PQPlan specific to the requirements of the individual project, in
accordance with this procedure.
3.2 Identify areas of responsibility to ensure the Quality activities in the PQPlan are
performed and documented, and the records are maintained.
4.1.1 The PQPlan shall describe how Quality requirements and Quality inspections will
be applied to all designs, materials and equipment, as well as the workmanship of all
fabrication, installation and construction efforts furnished under the project.
4.1.2 The PQPlan shall include a checklist for each discipline review and inspection that
will be performed, and describe how the information will be documented and maintained.
4.1.2 The PQPlan shall clearly identify the parties who will have the responsibility to:
4.1.3 The development of the PQPlan shall reflect input from all relevant LIRR
departments in implementing the project. This shall include, but not be limited to, the
User department, the CPM Department, and any LIRR departments who have personnel
materially involved in design, procurement, installation, construction, or inspection and
testing activities.
4.2.1 The PM shall prepare a PQPlan in narrative form for each project.
4.2.2 The cover sheet of the PQPlan, Attachment QSP02021, shall indicate the project
name, project number, date of PQPlan approval/issue, revision number, name and title of
PM, and approval by the Chief Engineer and the DQA.
4.2.3 The PM shall develop checklists tailored to the specific needs of the project to
organize information in preparing the PQPlan. This information shall identify the
activities and functions required to control the project Quality as shown on the Checklist
for Development of a Project Quality Plan, Attachment QSP02022.
4.2.4 The PM shall ensure that requirements are addressed for each project stage:
B. Design Stage
C. Procurement Stage
D. Installation/Construction Stage
E. Maintenance Schedule
B. Design Stage
Develop a 30% Design following the steps identified in the process flow plan and
No. Process Steps
3 Develop preliminary 30% Scope and Design Comply with SEOM &
Criteria current preferences of
Develop a 30% Checklist that includes (as a minimum):
• Confirmation that drawings have been signed and dated by Designer and Checker
• Notes are properly indicated and worded correctly
• All locations have been identified and included
Scope of Work: Confirm the scope of work and maintain records of concurrence from all
disciples participating in the project, following the 30 % review. Signal Construction
shall compile information from all the supporting Engineering Disciplines and provide
Design Engineering the final Project Configuration and Scope of Work. This document
shall be used by Design Engineering to complete the 90% design.
Develop a 60% Design: A 60 % Design review shall be conducted only when there is a
major change in the (1) Scope of Work, (2) Schedule, and/or (3) Budget; as determined
by the ACO Communications/Signal. When a 60% Design review is required, a formal
evaluation as described in the 30% Design process shall be conducted and documented.
All changes shall be approved/concurred by all disciplines associated with the project.
Development of 90% and 100% Design Review Checklist
1 All new cable alignment and the new hut/case locations are
7 All changes are bubbled “X” and “O” with assigned revision
Note: Selection of materials, parts, and equipment shall comply with safety and
functionality requirements of the components and systems.
Specification Development, when required, that covers, as a minimum:
• Scope
• Definition of Terms
• Applicable Documents
• General Information
• Design Criteria
• Prewired Enclosures (as applicable)
• Materials & Construction
• Inspections & Tests
• Delivery & Shipment
C. Procurement Stage
NOTE: Source evaluation, when conducted, shall consider the criteria of Attachment
QSP02023, LIRR Procurement Guidelines.
D. Installation/Construction Stage
o Project number and title,
o Title of Force Account (F/A) discipline(s),
o A concise description of the inspection performed and of the inspection
o Reference of Nonconformance Reports, if applicable,
o Inspector signature,
o Inspection Criteria or reference to appropriate sections of technical
specifications, drawings, or contract documents.
• Original Inspection Reports and associated documents shall be reviewed by the
PM for the following:
o Inspection data is complete and in compliance with governing documents,
o Nonconforming conditions/items are documented on Nonconformance
o No additional corrective action is required, and there are no open issues.
E. Maintenance Schedule
Following installation, construction, and cutover, the PM shall coordinate with the
Manager FRA/LIRR, the preparation of a Maintenance Schedule. Records of actual
maintenance activities and Inspections and Tests, shall be documented and retained in
accordance with the applicable FRA requirement.
4.3.1 The PM, with assistance from the Corporate Quality Assurance Department and
other Department Heads as required, shall review the PQPlan, make comments as
necessary and either approve the plan and obtain the Chief Engineer and Director Quality
Assurance signatures, or continue development of the PQPlan. Upon final approval of
the PQPlan, the PM shall ensure that the PQPlan is understood and properly implemented
by the project personnel.
4.3.2 If during the progress of a project it becomes necessary to revise the PQPlan due to
scope, budget, and/or schedule changes, and/or refinements to design, fabrication,
installation, or construction procedures, the review and approval cycle of the PQPlan
shall follow the same routing as that of the original PQPlan.
4.3.3 Any revisions required to be made to the PQPlan as a result of changes that are not
related to scope, budget or schedule, shall be incorporated into the PQPlan as they are
Attachment QSP-02-02-1
Sheet 1 of 1
Revision X
Attachment QSP-02-02-2
Sheet 1 of 1
Item Planning Activities/Functions
1. Introduction
__________________________ Date ___________________________
Attachment QSP-02-02-3
Sheet 1 of 5
1.1 During the period of purchase order performance, a LIRR Engineering, Procurement,
and/or Quality Assurance representative may visit the Supplier facility to monitor the
items being manufactured for the LIRR. The representative(s) may assess both the
product and the quality procedures to determine compliance with quality requirements.
The LIRR will provide advance notification of such visits wherever possible to avoid
disruption of schedules.
2.1 In some cases, mutual interest can best be served by verification of product quality at
the Supplier plant prior to delivery. Conditional acceptance made at the Supplier facility
by an LIRR representative through product verification shall consist of the review of
objective evidence of conformance or actual verification of measurements or tests
performed. Although product verification is performed at that suppliers facility, final
acceptance will be accomplished at the LIRR.
2.2 Receiving Inspection and Test Based upon adequate product control by the Supplier,
the LIRR may use sampling plans to inspect and test received material. Acceptance and
rejection may be based upon the use of the sampling plans. Defective material will be
reported to the Supplier via a LIRR Nonconformance Report (NCR) whether or not the
LIRR elects to return the material to the Supplier. Each LIRR NCR requires action and a
prompt reply by the Supplier to ensure that subsequent shipments are satisfactory. The
Supplier reply must include the following:
• Cause the deficiency of the Supplier Quality System that permitted defective
material to be shipped.
• Corrective Action the action being implemented by the Supplier to preclude
• Effectivity Date the date the corrective action will be fully implemented.
3.1 The Supplier must have in place a series of operational controls, systems and
guidelines which must be in place in order for them to manufacture and deliver a reliable
and trouble free product.
3.1.1 Distributors/Contractors
Distributors and Contractors are required to have selected as sources for materials and
products furnished to the LIRR only those sources determined to be qualified and capable
of performance in accordance with the applicable specifications. The distributor Quality
System shall include:
3.2.1 Manufacturers
Suppliers are required to maintain and to make available for examination upon request
objective evidence in the form of records or data attesting to the quality control applied to
the product and the quality of the furnished product. The Supplier shall provide with
each shipment, a Statement of Quality for the material.
3.2.2 Distributors
3.2.3 Contractor/Consultant
The LIRR P&MM Department issues purchase orders which specify the items required
as well as other pertinent data. The specifications or drawings referenced on the purchase
order may in turn reference other requirements. It is the Supplier responsibility to obtain
and be cognizant of all specifications prior to commencement of his production cycle.
The LIRR will supply required LIRR drawings and specifications.
When the revision level of drawings or specifications is not given on the face of the
purchase order, the Supplier shall conform to the revision level specified on the LIRR
Statement of Work. If neither indicate the revision level, the Project Manager shall
ensure that the Supplier receives the correct information.
Purchase order changes shall be effected in accordance with the terms and conditions of
LIRR procedures for the Procurement of Materials.
The Supplier shall select as sources for parts, materials and processes applicable to the
LIRR purchase order item(s), only those sources which he has determined to be qualified
and in conformance to the applicable specification. The LIRR may, upon request, assist
suppliers by suggesting the names of sources found to be satisfactory for plating, heat
treating, welding, and other processes, products or services. The LIRR also reserves the
right to disapprove sources which have not demonstrated satisfactory performance. The
LIRR Quality Assurance will, upon request of a supplier, perform an assessment of a
source not currently approved and grant approval if satisfactory. Approvals are usually
limited to specific products, processes, services and plant location, and it should not be
assumed that approval extends to other products, processes, services or other divisions or
plant locations.
The LIRR reserves the right to visit the plant of the supplier or his sources to perform an
assessment of the facilities and systems to determine satisfactory conformance to the
applicable specifications. When field inspection is invoked or required, the Supplier shall
provide notice when ready and make available to the field inspector and facilities and
assistance as may be reasonably required in his conduct of product, process or service
quality verification. With reasonable advance notice, the LIRR may require retest or re-
measurement of any product found to be unsatisfactory when received or where
correction cannot be obtained.
• Metallurgical analysis,
• Chemical analysis of process baths,
• Rectification of personnel,
• Recalibration of gages or equipment, and
• Any testing required by specification.
3.10 Specific Requirements for Categories of Parts, Assemblies, Castings, and Raw
• The part and its markings shall not be adversely affected during any process
operation and cleaning (e.g., soldering, assembly and cleaning by solvents such as
Ihibisol, Freon, etc.).
• Printed circuit boards exhibiting burns, separation of base material, discoloration,
excessive measling or blistering which could effect equipment life or its
serviceability are unacceptable.
3.10.2 Synthetic Rubber Products, Potting Compounds, Epoxies, and Age Sensitive
Adhesives, Sealants and Compounds
• Material must be date coded to show the date at which the critical life is initiated
and the useful life will be expended.
3.10.3 Castings, Sheet, Tubular, and Bar Stock, Solder, and other Bulk Metals and Alloys
NOTE: The LIRR encourages the marking of materials in this category with
classification, temper, etc. as appropriate even when not a specification requirement.
• Where welding is employed, all rough edges shall be removed and the finish shall
have a smooth, even appearance free from undercut, pits, voids and splashes.
There shall be no evidence of open, off-center, porous, cracked or deformed
welds. There shall be no damage to adjacent parts resulting from the welding.
• Where complex chassis are involved qualification of welder to perform such
operations will be required by purchase order or specification reference. Other
assemblies may require that the vendor maintain as a minimum an in-house
welder training and certification program to ensure that welders are sufficiently
skilled in performing the operations associated with the materials and
configurations represented by the assembly.
3.10.5 Support
Wires should be properly dressed, neatly grouped and routed to prevent movement and
damage from abrasion, heat or other detrimental conditions. Individual wire breakouts
should have sufficient stock to preclude stress on connections. Wire bundles and parts
should be supported so that soldered electrical connections are not subjected to
mechanical stress. Wires and cables should be positioned or protected to avoid contact
with rough or irregular surfaces and sharp edges. Wires in a continuous run between two
terminals should not be spliced except as authorized by the design.
Exposed metal surfaces, with the exception of corrosion resistant metals and track shall
have a protective finish. The finish shall be free from imperfections such as scratches,
chips, or other damage which detracts from the appearance or corrosion resistance.
NOTE: This provision is applicable to only electronic housings and assemblies.
After fabrication, all chassis parts, components,. and assemblies shall be clean and free of
dirt, and grease; loose, splattered or excess solder or other foreign material.
3.10.8 Controls and Indicators
Control devices should provide for maximum operator control, accuracy and
convenience. Important considerations include:
• Control Marking All letters, numbers and division marks must be clear and
legible under normal lighting conditions.
• Control and Indicator Rotation Valves should increase with a clockwise rotation
or movement, unless prohibited by design.
• Movement Controls should function smoothly and freely without binding. There
shall be no excessive play or backlash which would contribute to inaccurate
settings or poor equipment operation.
• Adjustment Control settings should be positioned at midrange for normal
operation. Settings at upper or lower limits of the control shall be avoided.
Controls located within the equipment enclosure shall be identified and be readily
accessible for adjustment.
• Locking Provisions Controls shall maintain their settings under normal operating
conditions. When controls are critical or are likely to change adjustment, locking
provisions shall be incorporated.
3.10.9 Threaded Parts or Devices Screws, nuts and bolts shall show no evidence of cross
threading, mutilation, detrimental or hazardous burns. Additionally, all screw type
fasteners shall be tight. The word tight means the screw shall be firmly secured and that
there shall be no relative movement possible between the attached parts.
3.10.10 Riveting
The riveting operation shall be carefully performed in order to assure that rivets are tight
and satisfactorily headed with the rivet heads tightly seated against their bearing surface.
3.10.11 Calibration
Inspection, measuring and test equipment, used by the contractors in the inspection and
test of the procured item, shall be calibrated at schedule intervals against certified
standards, which have known, valid relationships to national standards, within the state-
of-the-art limitations.
Unless otherwise specified by LIRR purchase orders, each end-item shall be legibly and
permanently identified with the manufacturer's name, model and serial number.
Equipment not normally serialized shall be directly traceable to the manufacturer's
identification system.
The design and construction of the equipment shall provide maximum safety for
operating and servicing personnel:
Warning Notices
• When high voltages or other hazards are present, an appropriate legible warning
notice shall be permanently attached to the equipment.
• All chassis areas used as a ground shall be free of finishes having insulating
characteristics. Ground connections shall be mechanically and electrically secure
to the metal chassis. Power input cable shall provide for an equipment ground.
Case # 1 – New York City Transit (NYCT)/ 63rd Street Connection Project
Case # 6 – Tren Urbano / Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA)
Lessons Learned
The 63rd Street Connection Project to the Queens Boulevard Lines is a very large and complex
subway project that has involved six construction contracts and various construction activities
including cut and cover, drill and blast, and pit and beam underpinning tunneling methods.
Construction has spanned over 7 years while the subway has been in full operation.
The project required that all general contractors possess a quality program, which NYCT monitored
and evaluated. The agency also initiated and successfully implemented a quality program for the
project. This program was originally intended to ensure contractor conformance for quality and
safety, but evolved into a more comprehensive tool to support continuous improvements of methods
and products. It was also accepted by all project participants (i.e., contractors, NYCT program
personnel, designers, FTA, MTA, and their respective oversight consultants), ensuring strong and
dynamic partnerships that minimized rework, improved communications, and provided guidance.
The lessons identified by the NYCT in the documented project lessons learned of October 2000
involved three key elements of the quality program – (1) preparatory phase construction inspection,
(2) contractor performance rating system, and (3) just-in-time training – and are detailed below.
An emphasis on the preparation phase of each new construction activity enabled project participants
to coordinate their efforts and review the upcoming work together to ensure that the job was done
right the first time and expeditiously. A preparatory phase before construction is specified by NYCT
contracts; however, the first time it was fully implemented was in the 63rd Street project. Previously,
d. Leadership
The highest ranking NYCT project executive, usually the program manager, personally
discusses with the field engineers and contractors the importance of preparations to
construction, periodically attending preparatory phase meetings to reinforce the message.
The results from the enhanced preparatory phase of the quality program identified during the 63rd
Street Connection project included:
A second key lesson learned during the 63rd Street Connection project involved the contractor
performance rating system that measured contractor compliance and became a driving force for
In the very beginning of the project, the NYCT evaluated all six, project contractors on the
implementation of their quality programs on a quarterly basis. The outcome of the original process
was a qualitative attribute rating (i.e., satisfactory, needs improvement, and unsatisfactory) that did
not satisfy the NYCT, contractors, or oversight agencies. As a result and in partnership with the
contractors, the NYCT developed a more objective numeric ratings criteria and evaluation process
of contractor performance. The process was consistently implemented every quarter and for each
contractor until project close-out. The goals were to "create a performance evaluation system to
ensure consistent ratings for satisfactory performance, recognize success and outstanding results
with uniformity for all six contractors." The steps involved in the new rating system are listed
Training was once viewed as taking time away from "real work" and a "costly overhead expense."
However, the experience of NYCT in the 63rd Street Connection project has proven that proper and
timely training can provide large returns by eliminating direct charges for rework and mistakes, and
providing a safer and more productive work environment.
The challenges faced by NYCT that prompted the creation of a specific project training program,
known as New Routes, included:
• The NYCT program staff that managed the project ranged from veterans and experts to
college interns or others with no experience in the construction methods proposed.
• Standard construction hazards were exacerbated on this project by continuous subway
operations, stability issues of surrounding buildings, and highway settlement.
• While conscious of project and contractor budget constraints, quality and an effective
interface of the program team to many disciplines and contractors were critical concerns.
The objectives of the New Routes training program were to focus on near future work activities to
provide "just-in-time" training, improve the field engineering skills, increase quality and safety
awareness, and help with self-improvement and team building. Therefore, the scope of the training
program included technical engineering disciplines, specific work element installation processes,
field engineering, construction management, project management, QA/QC procedures, general and
project specific safety, and team building. The instructors came from a variety of backgrounds, both
inside and outside the project, as dictated by the training needs. They included outside experts,
project managers, project team members with specialized knowledge, contractors, consultants, and
FTA and MTA oversight consultants. The training was organized more like workshops rather than
lectures. In fact, a number of sessions were conducted in the field to demonstrate tasks such as
waterproofing, rail weld grinding, jet grouting, and concrete placement. Other training sessions were
held in the project offices.
The training participants included NYCT field and office personnel on the project, user/maintenance
groups, QA, safety, contractors, consultants, and project management oversight consultants. The
twice-a-week training sessions were scheduled in advance, and usually fell on the same time and
day of the week or at night to encourage participation from the night shift of this 24-hour operation.
A training database was developed using Microsoft Access to record the training completed by each
participant. This tool allowed the project to maintain an inventory of skills and disciplines and
further identify the needs.
Part of the success of the training program was due to its constant emphasis by the project
leadership. Although the quality representative within the program group administered the training
program, the project manager did follow up on training status and attendance, and was one of the
most enthusiastic participants of the sessions. Training needs and results were discussed at biweekly
staff meetings and monthly quality update meetings. A training summary, including future schedules
and reports, was issued monthly. Each course had a written outline and other handout materials that
The results of the New Routes training program are characterized by the NYCT as a general
increase in the level of professional and technical skills. About 120 sessions were held from 1995 to
1999 that included topics such as scheduling, specifications, concrete, signal design, steel
installation, general orders, waterproofing, blasting, ISO 9000 quality standards, and utilities with
over 1800 participants attending. The training ensured that project safety indicators exceeded
industry standards, that the proper material was installed, and that proper procedures were followed.
For instance, a session on the rail weld grinding process and inspection criteria was given after
mistakes and defects prompted the stop of all work on this task. After the training, no additional
defects were detected. Specialized outside knowledge also enhanced productivity and reduced
mistakes. For example, the NYCT inspectors received training on two complicated construction
procedures, jet grouting and slurry walls.
Finally, the NYCT also believes that training improved morale and strengthened relationships
between the people who performed the work and those who provide oversight. In the end, the
majority of the project work was completed correctly with little to no rework and the NYCT has
recommended the training program on future projects.
Project Cost $326.8 million
Construction Date October 27, 1994
Busway Opens September 8, 2000
Completion Date Minor construction remained on ramps and other contracts were let on park
and ride facilities, which were still in construction as of December 2001.
Lessons Learned
The West Busway/Wabash HOV Facility Project is a very large project that has involved numerous
contractors, 89 as of 6/30/00. While construction has spanned over 7 years and, although the busway
is in operation, minor construction is still in progress. Implementing the FTA’s Quality Assurance
and Quality Control Guidelines on all of their projects has always been a priority with the Port
Authority. However, “How to go beyond and use the guidelines to deliver a quality product?” on a
construction project of this magnitude was the burning question in the minds of the Director of Civil
Engineering and Quality and the Construction Manager. They did not believe that it was just enough
to simply identify the requirement for a quality system in each of the numerous contract
specifications. They also knew that most of the contractors would not be large entities that possessed
quality staff personnel. Rather, they knew that the majority of the contractors would be small
companies who, while capable of doing quality work, did not possess quality systems, against which
they could be evaluated.
The Port Authority knew that the process of having the contractors tailor the quality system
guidelines to fit the contractors’ individual needs would be long and cumbersome with so many
contractors involved in the project. Furthermore, they knew that the probability that the respective
quality plans would all be consistent would be next to impossible. Finally, they knew that a quality
plan for a large contractor would usually consist of more elements than a quality plan for a smaller
contractor, based upon their individual scope of work.
The solution to this challenge came in the form of two sets of Port Authority guidelines that would
lead the individual contractors through the process of developing a quality system and plan that
would be tailored to the individual contractor’s needs. The Port Authority developed these
guidelines and entitled them “Guidelines for the Creation of a Quality Plan” and “Guidelines for the
Creation of a Quality Plan (Minimum Requirements).”
These guidelines list general requirements for each of the FTA Guideline fifteen elements, followed
by a series of questions that are answered by the contractor in order to prepare a tailored quality
system and plan. In addition, the Port Authority guidelines include various tools for use by the
contractors, such as:
• A Responsibility Matrix
• An Engineering Change Notice Form
• A Document Control Matrix
• A Quality System Procedure Outline
• A Standard Operating Procedure Outline
• A Supplier Site Audit Checklist
• An Equipment Maintenance Log
• A Calibration Record Form
• A Nonconformance/Corrective Action Report Form
• A Summary of Nonconformance Reports Form
• A Process Audit Checklist
• An Employee Qualification/Training Record Form
By providing these guidelines to the individual contractors and then meeting with them, along with
other key members of the project team, the Port Authority was assured that:
• Each of the contractors, whether large or small, was able to develop a quality system and
plan in a fast, cost effective manner.
• The resulting quality systems and plans satisfied the requirements of the FTA guidelines,
possessed the necessary quality elements, and were consistent from plan to plan.
• Every aspect of the West Busway/HOV Facility Project was implemented using a quality
Lessons Learned
The Louisiana Street reconstruction project is part of a larger work program in downtown Houston
under the supervision of the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO). For the
three contracts issued, METRO standard specification (section 01450) “Procedures and Quality
Control” governed contractor QA/QC requirements for Segments 1 and 3, and METRO standard
specification (section 01451) “Project Quality Control” governed contractor QA/QC requirements
for Segment 2. The owner's quality assurance plan was prepared in accordance with METRO’s
“Construction Quality Management Program” and the contractor QA/QC plans were prepared for
each of the three contracts in accordance with the provisions of specification sections 01450 and
Lesson 1. Plan on training and extended follow-up when implementing a major change to the
QA/QC program.
In 1998 METRO adopted its “Construction Quality Management Program” and associated
specifications. Significant responsibilities for project quality control activities (i.e. planning,
inspection, testing, reporting and records preparation) were shifted from construction management
(CM) personnel to the contractor’s quality control manager (CQCM). In the past, CM personnel had
performed virtually all of the above listed functions. To familiarize the CM staff (both in-house and
consultant personnel) with details of the new program, training sessions were conducted as
implementation began. Early contractor submittals included Contractor QA/QC Plan and
designation of CQCM. Informal contractor training included extensive plan review, mandatory
Lesson 2. The monthly line item payment for “full time” contractor quality control manager
(CQCM) was determined to not be cost effective and QA/QC specifications were revised to
eliminate this provision.
The inclusion of contract provisions to compensate contractors for the expenses of a dedicated
CQCM was designed to address contractors’ concerns, expressed during the partnering process
during development of METRO’s “Construction Quality Management Program”. Contractors had
argued that the proposed QA/QC provisions would result in added personnel costs and
compensation should be made. Because METRO had traditionally structured roadway type
construction contracts on a unit price bid basis, a pay item was included in the bid documents for
contracts including the newly developed specification section 01450 “Procedures and Quality
Control”. Experience gained through the QA/QC process on Louisiana Street Segments 1 and 3, as
well as other contracts underway at that time, led METRO to the conclusion that it was virtually
impossible to assure that the CQCM was devoting full-time effort exclusively to QC activities. The
availability of an experienced, well-qualified quality manager on the contractor’s project staff
invariably led to the assignment of other duties than those which were specifically quality related.
CQCM personnel were observed functioning as assistant project manager or project engineer from
time to time. Since METRO was unable to assure that CQCM worked exclusively on quality related
matter, the specifications and approach were revised to better reflect reality. Monthly payment for
the CQCM was eliminated, as was the requirement that that individual be employed on quality
related duties on a full time basis. Specification section 01451 “Project Quality Control” was
modified and further developed to reflect these and other changes and was adopted as the QA/QC
standard specification governing most major construction contracts subsequently undertaken by
METRO. Louisiana Street Segment 2, the third and final contract of Louisiana Street Reconstruction
utilized specification 01451. The change has not led to any observable reduction in contractor
quality program, has permitted easier migration of quality personnel between jobs to contractors
holding multiple METRO contracts, and has reduced cost.
Lesson 3. Significant variations between bid quantities and actual paid quantities resulted in
changes to procedures for establishing final quantity takeoffs included in bid documents and also to
procedures for tracking installed quantities by CM personnel.
The Louisiana Street Reconstruction contracts were structured on a unit price basis as is customary
for most roadway/utility contracts in the Houston area. Early on, METRO experienced numerous
variations between planned and installed quantities. The resulting change orders to address quantity
variations attracted management attention and direction for corrective action. Initially the problem
was assumed to be errors in the final takeoffs prepared by the design consultants responsible for the
bid documents. While in some instances takeoff errors did occur, it was also found that differing site
conditions sometimes necessitated field changes resulting in quantity overruns. For example, new
utility lines frequently had to be rerouted to avoid conflict with existing unrecorded utilities
uncovered in the course of construction. Additional pipe, manholes or other features often resulted
The corrective action plan focused on design, estimating and construction management procedures
in an effort to reduce takeoff errors and to properly track valid quantity variations. Final quantity
takeoffs are to be performed and checked by the design consultant. In addition, an independent
estimating consultant is to perform a quantity takeoff and produce a variance report identifying any
differences in quantities reported. Finally, the design consultant is responsible for reconciliation of
any differences based on the variance report. As further insurance against overruns, the project
manager is to apply a contingency factor to those quantities that have historically experienced
overruns due to changed conditions.
Tracking of actual quantities versus planned quantities has been emphasized in construction
management practice. Our procedures provide for a constructibility review performed by the CM
consultant that furnishes the resident engineer and inspector(s) for the contract. Quantities are
subject to particular emphasis during this final review of bid-ready documents. Additionally, the
means of payment for installed bid items has been automated. Prior to the adoption of a common
software program (now used on all Downtown/Midtown Transit Street contracts), installed
quantities were entered in manual logbooks and reconciled with the contractors’ invoice with each
pay application. Among other benefits, this software includes a column showing the percentage of
each bid item installed based on the original bid quantity. The means for early identification of items
that will potentially overrun the estimate is readily available. Data is updated with each pay
application. The adoption of these new procedures and preventive action plan resulted from root
cause evaluation and is expected to prevent or better predict quantity variations in future contracts.
Lessons Learned
The Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA), in cooperation with the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning
Commission (MORPC), has been pursuing the development of a multimodal transportation center in
downtown Columbus for a number of years. According to the MORPC 2025 Transportation Plan,
this center will have the ability to accommodate a variety of modes including taxis, buses, intercity
rail service, future transit services, and bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The facility and surrounding
area is also planned for a number of joint development uses including concessions, hotel,
commercial, office, residential, and parking.
In 1994, MORPC completed a study to site the proposed multimodal transportation terminal
(MMTT). The resulting location at High Street and Nationwide Boulevard would be accessible from
the convention center and major downtown office buildings, and would integrate the new and
proposed developments on the northern edge of downtown. Since then, COTA has worked with the
railroads to conduct early surveys of the site and formulate legal agreements to pursue preliminary
engineering work. Additionally, COTA has been fostering relationships with potential development
partners to assist with financing the project. A market study performed in 2001 provided COTA
with information on the types and amount of development that the MMTT site and facility would
One of the biggest challenges encountered with the project arose from subsequent discussions with
CSX and NS Railroads. The proposed project site is directly over a junction of the CSX Buckeye
Line and NS Cincinnati Line from the west that essentially shares a double-track right-of-way
eastward. The site at track level is already heavily congested with existing columns from various
street and roadway bridges above. The design for the new building structural support system has to
accommodate future utilities, platforms, escalators and elevators to support future passenger rail
service and provide the necessary vertical and horizontal clearance operating envelopes required by
the railroads. The combination of these design requirements proved to be extremely challenging.
Further complicating the design process were the necessary engineering review periods by the
railroads. COTA staff had little or no control over the process and had difficulty maintaining other
pertinent timetables for the project. Although cooperative, it was difficult to gauge progress of
reviews by the railroads since they were understandably more concerned with direct business-related
initiatives. Nonetheless, COTA was eventually able to secure conditional approvals of the design by
The key lesson from the project's preliminary engineering phase is that it is important not to
underestimate or randomly dismiss the requirements of Class I railroads when working within their
operating environment. This is true not only in terms of review times, but also in estimating
applicable construction costs. Under these circumstances, the factors in cost estimation should
include engineering review time, flagging costs for surveying (which is also necessary during
construction), drainage, crash walls, etc.
During the first phase of the system's construction (89.5 miles), construction
duration of a “typical “ station and a line section from the start of excavation
to systems testing and start-up was 50 and 60 months, respectively. For the
second phase of the construction program (13.5 miles), construction duration
of a “typical” station and a line section from the start of the excavation to
systems testing and start-up was 45 and 50 months, respectively. The second
phase fast-track construction program included the following projects
completed from June 1997 to January 2001:
• Blue Line from Van Dorn Street to Franconia-Springfield:
$74.7 million
• Red Line from Wheaton to Glenmont:
$52 million
• Green Line from U St-Cardozo to Fort Totten:
$7.1 million
• Green Line extension from Anacostia to Branch Ave:
$145.4 million
Presently, two design-build contracts are being considered for a Blue Line
Extension to Largo scheduled for completion within 42 months, for both track
(3.1 miles) and 2 stations with parking, respectively.
Total Project Cost $9.4 billion (uninflated cost of first and second phases of Metrorail)
First Phase December 1969
First Segment Opens March 1976
Final Segment of 2nd January 2001
Phase Completed
Lessons Learned
WMATA's Construction Contract Quality Assurance Program: WMATA required a Contractor Quality
Control System (CQCS) in major civil construction contracts (in excess of $10 million), from the mid
1980's through 2001. The construction contracts included minimum requirements for the CQCS and
instructed contractors to describe the CQCS in a Quality Plan that was to be submitted and approved by
WMATA prior to the start of work. Upon approval, WMATA's Resident Engineer and QA/QC staff
monitored the implementation and effectiveness of the CQCS through field observations, inspections and
The success of the CQCS program varied depending upon the attitude of the contractor's job site
personnel towards the CQCS program and the willingness of the contractor personnel to work as a team.
Many contractors believed that the CQCS added little value to contractor operations. QA/QC staff was
viewed as a contract requirement as opposed to an essential part of the project staff. In those instances
where the CQCS program was successful, the CQCS staff performed as an integral part of the
WMATA attempted to motivate Contractors to have a more positive attitude towards the CQCS program
by introducing a Quality Awareness Program (QAP). The QAP included payments to the contractor for
implementing an effective CQCS. The value of the QAP equaled 1% of the bid items and was included
in the total bid price. QAP payments were made monthly if the CQCS was effective. Payments withheld
because of an ineffective CQCS were forfeited and the value of the contract was reduced accordingly.
The contract included specific conditions that had to be met in order for a QAP payment to be made. The
conditions were mandatory and not up to the discretion of the Resident Engineer. QAP payments were
not paid in those months according to the following conditions:
• Payment was denied for a portion of the work that was determined to be deficient and non-
• The Engineer had determined that the contractor had installed unapproved or unsatisfactory
material, components, or equipment.
• The Engineer had notified the contractor of deviations from the contract requirements for work
in progress that resulted in the stoppage of the production of the work activity.
• The Engineer had written one or more stop work orders because work in progress was not in
compliance with the contract requirements.
• The Engineer has provided more than three written notices, for work performed within the
payment period, to initiate corrective action on construction work, procedures, or operations that
do not meet the contract requirements.
• The Contracting Officer had determined that one or more of the Engineer's written corrective
action or deviation notices demonstrate the severity, repetitive nature, or criticality of
circumstances that the CQCS staff and/or procedures were not effectively controlling the quality
of construction.
• The CQCS had been without the service of the approved full-time CQCS Manager and/or staff
except where absences were for bona fide emergencies and the Contractor took appropriate
steps, in the Engineer's judgment, to continue effective control of the quality.
WMATA anticipated that the QAP would motivate contractors possessing a marginal or ineffective
CQCS to raise performance to an acceptable level. The QAP was introduced as a trial on a single
contract in 1990. The contractor had previously performed work for WMATA and was familiar with the
CQCS requirements. The contractor initially proposed a CQCS Manager who was unacceptable to
WMATA. However, the second proposed candidate was found to be acceptable and was approved. The
CQCS Manager proved to be an effective member of the project team and was recognized by the
contractor as an asset to the project organization. An effective CQCS was implemented and the full QAP
payment was made. The QAP did appear to motivate the contractor to have an effective CQCS although
the trial itself was not conclusive.
The QAP was included in some subsequent contracts. Multiple QAP payments were withheld on two
separate contracts with little or no improvement in CQCS effectiveness. One of the two contractors who
had QAP payments withheld had also been awarded a contract without the QAP. Ironically, the
contractor's CQCS on the contract without the QAP was highly effective and was viewed as a model for
the rest of the WMATA contracting community. The CQCS was successfully implemented on this
contract because the CQCS Manager effectively worked with the contractor's project staff in planning the
work and thereby managed to prevent costly errors. Based on these results, WMATA had discontinued
the QAP.
The Tren Urbano project is a very large transit project and the first of its kind in Puerto Rico or the
Caribbean. As one of five "turnkey" demonstration projects selected by the Federal Transit
Administration (FTA), one of its goals was to demonstrate advantages in project time reduction, cost
savings, and new technology introduction over traditional delivery methods. However, the project has
been delayed and current costs are more than 30% over initial estimates. Nonetheless, the project has
demonstrated innovative techniques in project delivery combining six design-build contracts for fixed
facilities and sections of the alignment, with one design-build-operate-maintain (DBOM) contract
awarded to the Siemens Transit Team (STTT) for the systems, vehicles, control center, maintenance
yard, and a seventh alignment section to be used as a test track. The table below presents some details
of each contract and an eighth contract awarded by the project for QC oversight assistance.
Contracts Original
(by System Section Contract QC Bid
Section/ Length Value Value
Function) Stations/Facilities (km) Contractor ($million) QC Firm ($million)
1 Bayamón Bayamón, Deportivo 2.9 Grupo Metro San Juan 71.50 Vivoni, Villegas & Assoc. 0.94
2 Rio Bayamón Jardines 1.7 Redondo-Entrecanales 37.90 Miguel P. Vélez 0.66
3 Centro Medico Las Lomas, San Francisco, 2.5 Redondo-Entrecanales 74.10 Miguel P. Vélez 1.10
Centro Medico
4 Villa Nevárez Cupey 1.9 Redondo-Entrecanales 71.80 Miguel P. Vélez 1.80
5 Rio Piedras Rio Piedras, Universidad 1.8 Grupo Kiewit (KKZ/CMA) 245.30 Groupo Kiewit 2.22
6 Hato Rey Pinero, Domenech Roosevelt, 3.6 NECSO-Redondo 125.80 Carillo Di Jerónimo 1.33
Hato Rey, Sagrado Corazón
7 STTT Torrimar, Martinez Nadal, 2.6 Siemens Transit Team 612.50 Delta 2.10
Maintenance Facility,
Operations Control Center
8 QC Oversight Assistance to TUO -- Siemens Transit Team -- Parsons-Brinckerhoff QC 15.00
(for all sections other than STTT) Specialists
The contracts for all design-build segments of the project, except Río Priedas, required the section
contractors to hire an independent QC consultant. The role of these independent and certified QC
inspectors was to provide the day-to-day quality control monitoring, inspecting, and testing of work
at the construction sites. The Río Piedras segment was excluded from this requirement because of the
special tunneling expertise required to oversee critical elements of the work. Therefore, Grupo
Kiewit's QC staff worked independently of those with direct responsibility for the work.
Quality is a stated top priority for the Tren Urbano Organization (TUO). Its QA/QC program is
centered in the Implementation Department and the staff includes a QA/QC Manager, who oversees
the entire QA/QC effort, as well as the QA Manager and the QC Manager. The TUO QA Manager's
role is to ensure that the contractors fulfill the programmatic and procedural quality assurance
requirements of their contracts. Specifically, the QA Manager's responsibilities include:
On the other hand, the TUO QC Manager has more technical responsibilities, including:
As shown in the table above, a QC oversight consultant, Parsons-Brinckerhoff, was hired by TUO for
the majority of the alignment. The duties of these Transit Construction QC Specialists include:
Based on a telephone interview of TUO quality staff, the key challenges and lessons learned from the
project are mostly related to the complications of managing seven separate contracts for the
construction of the project and an eight contract for QC oversight.
Lesson 1. Along with the various contractors came several different non-conformance reporting
systems that complicated the tracking and performance of work on the overall project. The key lesson
from this is to develop a uniform nonconformance system with identical forms, logs, and tracking
procedures between all contractors involved. Ideally, such a system should be electronic (to expedite
processing and tracking) and approval should also be sought from the owner's Quality Manager prior
to implementing the dispositions.
Lesson 2. Each contractor involved in the Tren Urbano project hired a different QC consultant.
Although this may have helped ensure the independence of the QC consultant and the contractor, it
probably contributed to the complexity of the overall quality program because each QC consultant
approached the work differently. The lesson here is that reducing the number of QC firms involved
probably would have reduced the overall complexity of the quality program and perhaps saved time
or costs.
Lesson 3. The seven separate contracts also included different quality specifications for each. This
was an administrative complication that was not anticipated when the specifications were drafted and
the contracts were awarded. The lesson learned is that consistent contract language would have
resulted in a more integrated and consistent program that would have reduced the contract
administration burden.
Lessons Learned
The lessons learned from Shady Grove Metro Station Parking Structure project stem from the
Contractor’s Quality Control (CQC) program. There have been several instances where the CQC
program has been influential and where improvements to this program have been identified. The
CQC program required the following components:
• Network Analysis Schedule (Critical Path Method, CPM, schedule)
• Schedule of Values
• Testing
• On-site CQC Manager
• CQC Daily and Monthly Reports
• Project Record Information
Lesson 1. The first major incident to occur during construction was the identification of the location
of a water main running through the project site. According to the construction documents, a 6-foot
diameter storm pipe was to be installed over both a 3-foot and a 4-foot water main. As part of the
CQC requirement, the contractor had to provide a detailed plan of how each major task would be
implemented. During the planning meeting, it was evident that a test pit was needed to resolve the
uncertainty associated with the task. The test pits determined that the location was incorrect and the
storm pipe would not clear the top of the water mains. Due to the advanced notice of this situation
from the contractor the design team was able to respond in a timely manner without impacting the
final completion date. This was significant since the installation of the 6-feet diameter storm pipe
was on the critical path for construction.
For this situation, the CQC program helped in the following ways:
• It provided advanced notice of the conflict via the test pits.
• It identified this operation as being on the critical path.
• The contractor was required to analyze their CPM schedule to mitigate any long-term delays
to the project.
• The situation could have been resolved more easily if the CQC planning and test pits were
performed earlier.
Lesson 2. Another incident that posed a potential problem for the project involved a contractual
safety issue. The contractor anticipated starting pre-cast erection several months into the project.
Even before the project began, a safety plan was requested of the contractor showing their cranes
and locations. The purpose for this information was to identify whether or not the cranes were set
By way of construction meetings, negotiations and resubmissions of the crane safety information, a
settlement was reached. It was determined that the erection could proceed using a shorter crane next
to the tracks. It was also required that a flagman hold traffic on the adjacent WMATA owned road
during erection picks in that area. As erection proceeded to a certain building height (5th level) and
away from the tracks, the crane boom could be extended and the other safety measures eased.
For this situation, the CQC program helped in the following ways:
• Through submissions and resubmissions, information was transmitted until WMATA and the
contractor were able to agree on a plan.
• What could have been a change order of over $3 million for nighttime erection was reduced
to an approximate $80,000 cost impact to the project.
• CQC reports were able to track the actual time impacts associated with erection delays due to
WMATA associated safety issues.
• This situation could have been avoided if the issues were addressed much earlier, such as
during pre-construction.