06 Continuing-Professional-Development
06 Continuing-Professional-Development
06 Continuing-Professional-Development
Professional Description
Induction training Induction training is an introduction for new employees when joining a new business.
This will help the new employees work efficiently, safely and follow the businesses
procedures. The new employees will go through the businesses processes, policies and
ambitions. This induction training can either be done online or by face to face with other
new employees.
Performance This is a meeting which takes place either once or twice a year with a manager. This is
appraisal a review of an employee's performance and overall contribution to a Business. The
manager looks at the employee’s skills, achievements, and growth over the time they
have been at the business.
On the job/ off the On the job training is when employees receive training whilst remaining in the
job training workplace and off the job training is when employees are training somewhere else other
than their workplace. This is like an apprenticeship where you work for 5 days and go to
a college for one day to learn more about the course and the job role.
Coaching and This is when an employee of a business decides to coach and mentor new employees
mentoring enhancing their skills, knowledge and performance on a specific skill. coaching is when
an employee will look over the new employees and mentoring is when the employee will
look over the new employee but if the new employee is struggling they can ask the
older employee to explain and show how to do a certain task.
Graduate training This is where people who graduated can get a bit of experience working with a business.
programme This will expand their skill set and be more aware of the working life. This will usually be
1 or 2 years.
Management This is where people learn to become better at individual skills as a leader and manage
training other people at a workplace and help them improve to become more efficient on the
work that they produce. Managing training shows how a person who wants to become a
manager inspires other people to do better.
Secondments This is where an employee is sent to another department of the business to either
replace workers or gain new experience and skills. This is useful as it gives the
employee an inside of what the other department is and how they can make it easier for
Shadowing This is when an employee shadows a person who has the same job role as the
employee. The employee gets to learn how that person does their job. This will last until
the new employee believes that they can do the job role by themselves.
E-Learning This is short for electronic learning. This is where you learn online using an electronic
device. The device could be computers, mobile phones or tablets. This is good as it can
be accessed anytime and anywhere.
Vocational & Vocational & professional courses are training for a specific job role. For a vocational
professional course it could be a hairdresser or a plummer. For a professional course it could be a
courses nurse, architect or a lawyer.
Job rotation This is where an employee of a business will work in another part of a business. This is
good as it will give the employee more skills and will develop them into an ideal
employee. an example of this would be at a supermarket. employees at a supermarket
will rotate jobs so that they can have experience working somewhere else.
Lifelong learning Lifelong long learning is when a person is motivated to learn a new skill. The main
purpose of this is to improve their development. This can be accomplished by taking a
training course or an apprenticeship.
Retraining This is a method of development where the employee can retrain themselves in a skill
they may have forgotten or not used in a long time. An example of this is an employee
at a superstore may need to retrain themselves on how to use the tills as they may
have forgotten.
I am aiming to become a digital marketing executive and to get there I will need to use the following
methods of professional development to become better at the job.
Induction training is needed as I will not know what I will be doing on the first day of work. This is common
in all workplaces. Induction training is important because if I don't do it I will not know about important
information such as the health and safety rules and the business procedures.
Performance appraisal is needed as it will allow me to receive feedback from my manager. This is important
because I can summarize what has happened throughout the year and how I can improve my work and as a
person. I also may need to come up with new goals as at that point I may have achieved my goals that I
have right now.
Shadowing is needed as I will be able to see how the worklife is and see what is needed for the job role. This
is important because I can pick up tips that can help me accomplish tasks with more ease.
E-Learning is needed as it is the new way of learning now as all you need to do is search the internet and
you can find your answer. This is important because many businesses may need to learn this way as it is
easier for them to teach you new things.
Job rotation is needed as it will allow me to get better at other job roles and advance my skill set. This is
important because if another employee is not in I can fill in their space and make sure that work is up to
Retraining is needed as sometimes I may have forgotten how to do a specific skill and need to be trained on
how to do it. This is important because it may affect on my overall performance if I don't know how to do a
specific skill.
References :
https://res.digital/what-is-induction-training/ (12/11/2020)
https://www.investopedia.com/what-is-a-performance-appraisal-4586834 (12/11/2020)
https://www.tutor2u.net/business/reference/training-on-the-job-training (12/11/2020)
https://www.tutor2u.net/business/reference/training-off-the-job-training (12/11/2020)
%20scheme%20is%20a,into%20the%20world%20of%20work. (12/11/2020)
%20is%20training%20activity,with%20the%20people%20they%20manage. (12/11/2020)
https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/secondment (12/11/2020)
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shadowing.asp (12/11/2020)
https://www.learnupon.com/blog/what-is-elearning/ (12/11/2020)