Protocol Report 2015
Protocol Report 2015
Protocol Report 2015
Version 3
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
RTI International
3040 Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194
[This page intentionally left blank.]
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Completeness ............................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Data Quality............................................................................................................................ 1-10
1.3 Calculations and Significant Digits ........................................................................................ 1-10
2. Equipment Leaks ................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Methodology Rank 1 for Equipment Leaks.............................................................................. 2-2
2.2 Methodology Rank 2 for Equipment Leaks.............................................................................. 2-3
2.2.1 Speciating Equipment Leak Emissions ....................................................................... 2-5
2.2.2 Calculating Hourly and Annual Equipment Leak Emissions ..................................... 2-7
2.3 Methodology Rank 3 for Equipment Leaks............................................................................ 2-10
2.3.1 Speciating Equipment Leak Emissions ..................................................................... 2-12
2.3.2 Calculating Hourly and Annual Equipment Leak Emissions ................................... 2-12
2.4 Methodology Ranks 4 and 5 for Equipment Leaks ................................................................ 2-13
2.4.1 Speciating Equipment Leak Emissions ..................................................................... 2-14
2.4.2 Calculating Hourly and Annual Equipment Leak Emissions ................................... 2-17
3. Storage Tanks ...................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Methodology Rank 1 for Storage Tanks................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Methodology Rank 2 for Storage Tanks................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Methodology Rank 3 for Storage Tanks................................................................................... 3-4
4. Stationary Combustion Sources .......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Methodology Rank 1 for Stationary Combustion Sources ....................................................... 4-2
4.2 Methodology Rank 2 for Stationary Combustion Sources ....................................................... 4-5
4.3 Methodology Rank 3A for Stationary Combustion Sources .................................................... 4-9
4.4 Methodology Rank 3B for Stationary Combustion Sources .................................................. 4-10
4.5 Methodology Rank 4 for Stationary Combustion Sources ..................................................... 4-11
4.5.1 Default Emission Factors for Process Heaters .......................................................... 4-12
4.5.2 Default Emission Factor for Internal Combustion Engines ...................................... 4-18
4.5.3 Default Emission Factors for Combustion Turbines................................................. 4-18
5. Process Vents ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Catalytic Cracking Units .......................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Methodology Ranks 1 and 2 for Catalytic Cracking Units ......................................... 5-2
5.1.2 Methodology Ranks 3 and 4 for Catalytic Cracking Units ......................................... 5-2
5.1.3 Methodology Rank 5A for CCU Metal HAP Emissions Estimates ............................ 5-7
5.1.4 Methodology Rank 5B for Catalytic Cracking Units................................................ 5-10
5.2 Fluid Coking Units ................................................................................................................. 5-11
5.2.1 Methodology Ranks 1 and 2 for Fluid Coking Units ................................................ 5-12
5.2.2 Methodology Ranks 3 and 4 for Fluid Coking Units ................................................ 5-12
5.2.3 Methodology Rank 5 for Fluid Coking Units ........................................................... 5-12
5.3 Delayed Coking Units ............................................................................................................ 5-12
5.3.1 Methodology Ranks 1 and 2 for Delayed Coking Units ........................................... 5-14
5.3.2 Methodology Rank 3 and 4 for Delayed Coking Units............................................. 5-14
5.3.3 Methodology Rank 5 for Delayed Coking Units ...................................................... 5-16
5.4 Catalytic Reforming Units ...................................................................................................... 5-17
5.4.1 Emissions Estimation Methodology for Catalytic Reforming Units ........................ 5-17
5.5 Sulfur Recovery Plants ........................................................................................................... 5-19
5.5.1 Methodology Ranks 1 and 2 for Sulfur Recovery Plants .......................................... 5-20
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Table of Contents
5.5.2 Methodology Ranks 3 and 4 for Sulfur Recovery Plants .......................................... 5-20
5.5.3 Methodology Rank 5 for Sulfur Recovery Plants ..................................................... 5-21
5.6 Other Miscellaneous Process Vents ....................................................................................... 5-21
5.6.1 Hydrogen Plant Vents ............................................................................................... 5-21
5.6.2 Asphalt Plant Vents................................................................................................... 5-22
5.6.3 Coke Calcining.......................................................................................................... 5-24
5.6.4 Blowdown Systems ................................................................................................... 5-27
5.6.5 Vacuum Producing Systems ..................................................................................... 5-27
6. Flares ................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Methodology Rank 1 for Flares ................................................................................................ 6-2
6.2 Methodology Rank 2 for Flares ................................................................................................ 6-3
6.3 Methodology Rank 3 for Flares ................................................................................................ 6-4
6.4 Methodology Rank 4 for Flares ................................................................................................ 6-6
6.5 Methodology Ranks 5 and 6 for Flares .................................................................................... 6-7
7. Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems .................................................................................. 7-1
7.1 Methodology Rank 1 for Wastewater Treatment Units ............................................................ 7-2
7.2 Methodology Rank 2 for Wastewater Treatment Units ............................................................ 7-2
7.2.1 Wastewater Collection Systems .................................................................................. 7-3
7.2.2 Primary Weirs ............................................................................................................. 7-5
7.2.3 Oil-Water Separators .................................................................................................. 7-5
7.2.4 Dissolved Air Flotation Units ..................................................................................... 7-6
7.2.5 Equalization Tanks...................................................................................................... 7-6
7.2.6 Biological Treatment Units ......................................................................................... 7-6
7.2.7 Polishing Ponds........................................................................................................... 7-8
7.2.8 Site-Specific Factors ................................................................................................... 7-8
7.2.9 Model Validation ........................................................................................................ 7-9
7.3 Methodology Rank 3 for Uncovered Units .............................................................................. 7-9
7.3.1 Engineering Estimates Based on Wastewater Treatment Plant Load ......................... 7-9
7.3.2 Engineering Estimates Based on Process Capacities .................................................. 7-9
8. Cooling Towers ................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Methodology Ranks 1 and 2 for Cooling Towers .................................................................... 8-2
8.2 Methodology Rank 3 for Cooling Towers ................................................................................ 8-8
8.3 Methodology Rank 4 for Cooling Towers .............................................................................. 8-10
8.4 Methodology Rank 5 for Cooling Towers .............................................................................. 8-11
8.4.1 VOC and Volatile Organic HAP ............................................................................... 8-12
8.4.2 Particulate Matter Emissions .................................................................................... 8-13
8.4.3 Non-volatile Organic HAP Emissions ...................................................................... 8-16
8.4.4 Chlorine Emissions ................................................................................................... 8-16
9. Loading Operations ............................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.1 Data Available on Product Composition and Properties .......................................................... 9-2
9.2 Methodology Rank 1 for Loading Operations .......................................................................... 9-2
9.3 Methodology Ranks 2 and 3 for Loading operations ............................................................... 9-3
9.4 Methodology Rank 4 for Loading operations........................................................................... 9-4
9.4.1 AP-42 Emission Factors for “Product” or “Total Hydrocarbon” Emissions .............. 9-5
9.4.2 Estimate Uncontrolled Emissions and Speciate .......................................................... 9-6
9.4.3 Capture Efficiency ...................................................................................................... 9-6
9.4.4 Overall Control Efficiency .......................................................................................... 9-7
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Table of Contents
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 2-1. Illustration of alternative methods to determine equipment leak emissions from
routine monitoring data. ................................................................................................................ 2-8
Figure 7-1. Typical refinery wastewater treatment system. ....................................................................... 7-1
Figure 7-2. Typical refinery wastewater collection system process drainage areas. ................................. 7-4
Figure 7-3. Simplified drawing of a constituent mass balance in a biological treatment unit. .................. 7-7
List of Tables
Table 1-1. Summary of Pollutants and Emission Sources Inclusion in a Petroleum Refinery’s
Emission Inventory ....................................................................................................................... 1-3
Table 2-1. Summary of Equipment Leak Emission Estimates .................................................................. 2-2
Table 2-2. Equipment Leak Rate for Petroleum and SOCMI Equipment Componentsa ........................... 2-4
Table 2-3. Screening Ranges Emission Factorsa ...................................................................................... 2-11
Table 2-4. Median Equipment Leak Component Counts for Small Model Processesa............................ 2-15
Table 2-5. Median Equipment Leak Component Counts for Large Model Processesa............................ 2-16
Table 2-6. Refinery and SOCMI Average Component Emission Factorsa .............................................. 2-17
Table 2-7. Concentration of HAP in Refinery Process Unit Streamsa ..................................................... 2-18
Table 3-1. Summary of Typical Hierarchy of Storage Tank Emission Estimates ..................................... 3-1
Table 3-2. Default Control Efficiencies for Different VOC Control Devices ........................................... 3-4
Table 3-3. Default Emissions Factors for Petroleum Refinery Storage Tanks .......................................... 3-5
Table 4-1. Summary of Typical Hierarchy of Stationary Combustion Source Emission Estimates.......... 4-2
Table 4-2. Molar Exhaust Volumes and Molar Heat Content of Refinery Fuel Gas Constituents ............ 4-5
Table 4-3. Summary of Emission Factors for Boilers and Process Heaters Firing Various Fuels .......... 4-13
Table 4-4. Summary of Emission Factors for Internal Combustion Engines Firing Various Fuels ........ 4-19
Table 4-5. Summary of Emission Factors for Combustion Turbines Firing Various Fuelsa ................... 4-23
Table 5-1. Summary of Typical Hierarchy of Process Vent Emissions Estimates .................................... 5-1
Table 5-2. Default Size Distribution for Filterable PM from CCU ........................................................... 5-6
Table 5-3. Default Ratio of Metal HAP Composition of CCU Finesa ....................................................... 5-8
Table 5-4. Organic HAP Emissions Factors for CCU Catalyst Regenerator Vent .................................. 5-10
Table 5-5. Emissions Factors for Delayed Coking Unit Decoking Operations ....................................... 5-16
Table 5-6. Emissions Factors for CRU Catalyst Regeneration Vent ....................................................... 5-18
Table 5-7. Emissions Factors for Sulfur Recovery Plants ....................................................................... 5-21
Table 5-8. Emission Factors for Asphalt Blowing (U.S. EPA, 1995a) .................................................... 5-23
Table 5-9. Asphalt Blowing – Nonmethane Volatile Organic Compounds Speciationa .......................... 5-23
Table 5-10. Summary of Emissions Factors for Controlled Asphalt Blowing ........................................ 5-24
Table 5-11. Summary of Emissions Factors for Controlled Coke Calcining........................................... 5-25
Table 5-12. Default Emissions Factors for Blowdown Systems.............................................................. 5-27
Table 5-13. Default Emissions Factor for Vacuum Producing Systems .................................................. 5-28
Table 6-1. Summary of Flare Emissions Estimate Methodologies ............................................................ 6-2
Table 6-2. Flare Energy Consumption-Based Emission Factorsa .............................................................. 6-5
Table 6-3. Emission Factors for Soot from Flares ..................................................................................... 6-5
Table 6-4. Flare General Emission Factorsa............................................................................................... 6-8
Table 7-1. Summary of Wastewater Treatment Emission Estimates ......................................................... 7-2
Table 7-2. Critical Inputs and Chemical Properties Specific to Wastewater Collection System
PDA Air Emission Calculations ................................................................................................... 7-5
Table 7-3. Critical Inputs, Variables, and Chemical Properties Specific to Primary Weir Air
Emission Calculations................................................................................................................... 7-5
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Table of Contents
Table 7-4. Critical Inputs, Variables, and Chemical Properties Specific to Oil-Water Separators
Air Emission Calculations ............................................................................................................ 7-5
Table 7-5. Critical Inputs, Variables, and Chemical Properties Specific to DAF Air Emission
Calculations .................................................................................................................................. 7-6
Table 7-6. Critical Inputs, Variables, and Chemical Properties Specific to Equalization Tank Air
Emission Calculations................................................................................................................... 7-6
Table 7-7. Critical Inputs, Variables, and Chemical Properties Specific to Biological Treatment
Unit Air Emission Calculations .................................................................................................... 7-8
Table 7-8. Model Process Unit Characteristics for Petroleum Refinery Wastewatera ............................. 7-10
Table 7-9. Refinery Wastewater Contaminant Concentrations as a Ratio to Benzene ............................ 7-10
Table 7-10. Default Mass Emission Factors for Refinery Wastewater Collection and Treatment
Systems ....................................................................................................................................... 7-11
Table 8-1. Summary of Cooling Tower Emissions Estimation Methodologies ........................................ 8-2
Table 8-2. Data Requirements for VOC or Speciated VOC Emissions, Methodology Ranks 1
and 2.............................................................................................................................................. 8-3
Table 8-3. Data Requirements for Speciated Compound Emissions, Methodology Rank 3 ..................... 8-9
Table 8-4. Data Requirements for Speciated Compound Emissions, Methodology Rank 4 ................... 8-11
Table 8-5. Methodology Rank 5 Default Emission Factors ..................................................................... 8-11
Table 8-6. Data Requirements for VOC or Speciated VOC Emissions, Methodology Rank 5 ............... 8-12
Table 9-1. Summary of Loading Operations Emission Estimates ............................................................. 9-2
Table 9-2. Data Requirements for VOC or Speciated Emissions, Methodology Rank 1 or 2 ................... 9-3
Table 9-3. Saturation Factorsa .................................................................................................................... 9-5
Table 9-4. VOC Emission Factors for Marine Vessel Loading of Gasoline at Marine Terminalsa ........... 9-6
Table 9-5. Capture Efficiencies for Vapor Collection Systemsa ................................................................ 9-7
Table 9-6. Sample Calculation Methodology Rank 4—Summary of Emissions (When Property
Data Are Not Available) ............................................................................................................. 9-10
Table 10-1. Default Values for Fugitive Dust Emission Estimates ......................................................... 10-1
Table 12-1. Control Device Efficiency and Multiplier Factors for Control Device Malfunctions .......... 12-2
Table 12-2. Values of k for Various Gasesa ............................................................................................. 12-4
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Table of Contents
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Draft Version 3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Draft Version 3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Draft Version 3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Draft Version 3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
1. Introduction
This Refinery Emissions Protocol document is intended to provide guidance and instructions to petroleum
refinery owners and operators and to federal, state, and local agencies for the purpose of improving
emission inventories for the petroleum refining industry. This document presents a hierarchy of emission
measurement or estimation methods for various petroleum refinery emission sources and provides a
listing of pollutants for which emissions are anticipated for each source type.
For each emission source, the various emission measurement or estimation methods specific to that
source are ranked in order of preference, with “Methodology Rank 1” being the preferred method,
followed by “Methodology Rank 2,” and so on. Refinery owners and operators and other inventory
developers are requested to use the highest ranked method (with Methodology Rank 1 being the highest)
for which data are available. Methodology Ranks 1 or 2 generally rely on continuous emission
measurements. When continuous measurement data are not available, engineering calculations or site-
specific emission factors (Methodology Ranks 3 and 4) are specified; these methods generally need
periodic, site-specific measurements. When site-specific measurement or test data are not available,
default emission factors (Methodology Rank 5) are provided.
In the development of this Refinery Emissions Protocol document, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) reviewed available source test data to verify or refine existing emission factors and
develop new emission factors for sources that currently do not have default emission factors. EPA also
provided guidance on characterizing and quantifying emissions associated with start-up, shut-down, and
malfunction events. The “peer review draft version” (Version 1) of the Refinery Emissions Protocol
document was posted on the EPA Web site ( on January
7, 2010, for initial public comment. Public comments were received from three different commenters. A
special version of this Refinery Emissions Protocol document was then developed specific to the EPA’s
2011 information collection request (ICR) for the petroleum refining industry (Version 2). This “version”
(Version 3) of the Refinery Emissions Protocol document provides updates to certain emissions factors
and methodologies developed using the additional test data collected as part of the 2011 ICR. While
efforts have been made to coordinate the revisions of this Refinery Emissions Protocol document with the
updates to the emissions factors in AP-42 (U.S. EPA, 1995a) and WebFIRE (the internet version of the
Factor Information Retrieval (FIRE) data system), this Refinery Emissions Protocol document may
include additional methodologies and emissions factors that are not included in AP-42, particularly for
hazardous air pollutants (HAP). The EPA website (
should be checked prior to preparing an emissions inventory to ensure the most recent Refinery Emissions
Protocol document is used.
1.1 Completeness
Emission estimates should be provided for each emission source at the refinery, including ancillary
sources and non-refinery process units. While this Refinery Emissions Protocol document attempts to
identify and provide methodologies for each emission source at a typical petroleum refinery, there may be
certain sources located at the refinery that are not specifically addressed within the Refinery Emissions
Protocol document. Additionally, there are sources included in this Refinery Emissions Protocol
document for which no emission data are available to provide default (Methodology Rank 5) methods. It
is the EPA’s policy that emission estimates should be provided for every emissions source known to be
present at a facility, even when emissions factors are not specifically included in AP-42 or this Refinery
Emissions Protocol document (U.S. EPA, 1995a).
Similarly, emission estimates should be provided for each pollutant (except for greenhouse gases [GHGs],
which are required to be reported under the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Rule [Final
Rule, 74 FR 56260]) emitted from a given emission source. Table 1-1 provides a listing of the pollutants
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
expected to be emitted by various sources described in this protocol document. Filled circles indicate
compound/emission source pairings for which emissions are expected to occur and for which emissions
estimates should be developed. Hollow circles indicate pairings for which data may be reported (if the
chemical is present or if data are available to speciate to that extent), but the inventory can be deemed
complete without these estimates. In general, overall VOC emission measurement methods via EPA
Methods 25, 25A-E, or 305 are preferred for reporting VOC emissions. Speciated VOC emissions should
also be reported when that data are available; however, speciation of VOC emissions is not required.
While emission estimates are desirable for every compound/emission source pairing where there is a
filled circle in Table 1-1, nothing in this Refinery Emissions Protocol document should be construed to
require additional sampling or analyses in order to provide these emissions estimates. Rather available
data, supplemented with engineering analyses (following the guidance provided in this Protocol, where
applicable), may be used to provide the desired speciation.
Some criteria pollutants, such as PM10 or PM2.5 have special reporting nomenclatures to indicate the
fraction of the particulate matter (PM) emissions that are filterable or condensable (see PM Emission
Inventory Nomenclature text box). Other criteria pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), are often
determined or regulated as a combination of chemicals. For example, nitrogen oxides (NOx), is the sum of
NO2 and nitric oxide (NO) emissions. The inclusion of these additional nomenclatures or groupings in
Table 1-1 is not intended to suggest that these compounds are criteria pollutants, but that these
“pollutants” should be included in the refinery emission inventory.
Although a complete PM emissions inventory includes PM emissions that are 10 µm in diameter or less, some
measurement methods also collect PM particles that are greater than 10 µm in diameter. The following
nomenclature is used to designate PM emissions that include PM greater than 10 µm in diameter:
PM-PRI: “Primary” PM emissions of any particle size. PM-PRI = PM-FIL + PM-CON.
PM-FIL: Filterable (or front-half catch) portion of the PM emissions of any particle size.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
Process Vents
Stationary Combustion
Fluid Coking Unit
Equipment Leaks
Vacuum Systems
Product Loading
Sulfur Recovery
Cooling Towers
Delayed Coking
Hydrogen Plant
Coke Calcining
Reforming Unit
Storage Tanks
Asphalt Plant
Number or
Code Substance
Criteria Pollutants
7439-92-1 Lead ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
PM10-FIL Filterable PM ≤ 10 µm ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○
PM25-PRI PM ≤ 2.5 µm ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○
PM-CON Condensable PM ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○
Volatile organic
VOC ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Specific VOC Constituents (Compounds listed below plus those listed under “Volatile Organic HAPs”)
74-85-1 Ethylene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
74-86-2 Acetylene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
74-98-6 Propane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
115-07-1 Propylene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
463-49-0 Propadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
106-97-8 n-Butane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
75-28-5 Isobutane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
106-98-9 1-Butene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
107-01-7 2-Butene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
115-11-7 Isobutene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
Process Vents
Stationary Combustion
Fluid Coking Unit
Equipment Leaks
Vacuum Systems
Product Loading
Sulfur Recovery
Cooling Towers
Delayed Coking
Hydrogen Plant
Coke Calcining
Reforming Unit
Storage Tanks
Asphalt Plant
or Pollutant
Code Substance
590-19-2 1,2-Butadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
109-66-0 n-pentane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
78-78-4 2-Methylbutane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
287-92-3 Cyclopentane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
591-95-7 1,2-Pentadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1574-41-0 1-cis-3-Pentadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
2004-70-8 1-trans-3-Pentadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
591-93-5 1,4-Pentadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
591-96-8 2,3-Pentadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
598-25-4 3-Methyl-1,2-butadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
78-79-5 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
542-92-7 Cyclopentadiene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
110-82-7 Cyclohexane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
108-87-2 Methylcylcohexane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
25551-13-7 Trimethylbenzene(s) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
75-07-0 Acetaldehyde ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
107-02-8 Acrolein ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
62-53-3 Analine ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
71-43-2 Benzene ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
74-83-9 Bromomethane ○ ○ ○ ○
106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
75-00-3 Chloroethane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
Process Vents
Stationary Combustion
Fluid Coking Unit
Equipment Leaks
Vacuum Systems
Product Loading
Sulfur Recovery
Cooling Towers
Delayed Coking
Hydrogen Plant
Coke Calcining
Reforming Unit
Storage Tanks
Asphalt Plant
or Pollutant
Code Substance
67-66-3 Chloroform ○ ○ ● ○ ○
74-87-3 Chloromethane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
98-82-8 Cumene ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ○ ○ ● ○ ○
78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropene ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
111-42-2 Diethanolamine ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
50-00-0 Formaldehyde ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ● ●
67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ○ ○ ○ ○
110-54-3 n-Hexane ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
67-56-1 Methanol ● ● ○ ○
100-42-5 Styrene ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
1,1,2,2- ○ ○
79-34-5 ○ ○ ●
127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ○ ○ ● ○ ○
108-88-3 Toluene ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ○ ○ ● ○ ○
79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ○ ○ ● ○ ○
121-44-8 Triethylamine ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
540-84-1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
Process Vents
Stationary Combustion
Fluid Coking Unit
Equipment Leaks
Vacuum Systems
Product Loading
Sulfur Recovery
Cooling Towers
Delayed Coking
Hydrogen Plant
Coke Calcining
Reforming Unit
Storage Tanks
Asphalt Plant
or Pollutant
Code Substance
95-47-6 o-Xylene ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
108-38-3 m-Xylene ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
106-42-3 p-Xylene ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Semi-volatile and Non-volatile Organic HAPs (except dioxins, furans, and polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs])
205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthenePOM ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ●
191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylenePOM ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ●
Bis(2-ethyl hexyl)
117-81-7 ○ ● ● ○
91-58-7 2-ChloronaphthalenePOM ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ●
108-39-4 m-Cresol ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
95-48-7 o-Cresol ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
106-44-5 p-Cresol ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
53-70-3 ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ●
84-66-2 Diethyl-phthalate ○ ● ● ○
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
Process Vents
Stationary Combustion
Fluid Coking Unit
Equipment Leaks
Vacuum Systems
Product Loading
Sulfur Recovery
Cooling Towers
Delayed Coking
Hydrogen Plant
Coke Calcining
Reforming Unit
Storage Tanks
Asphalt Plant
or Pollutant
Code Substance
57-97-6 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a) ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ●
anthracene POM
193-39-5 ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ●
56-49-5 3-MethylchloranthrenePOM ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ●
108-95-2 Phenol ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
132-64-9 Dibenzofurans ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
Process Vents
Stationary Combustion
Fluid Coking Unit
Equipment Leaks
Vacuum Systems
Product Loading
Sulfur Recovery
Cooling Towers
Delayed Coking
Hydrogen Plant
Coke Calcining
Reforming Unit
Storage Tanks
Asphalt Plant
or Pollutant
Code Substance
39001-02-0 Furan: 8F k
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Polychlorinated biphenyls
1336-36-3 ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○
Metal HAPs
7440-36-0 Antimony ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7440-38-2 Arsenic ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7440-41-7 Beryllium ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7440-43-9 Cadmium ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7440-48-4 Cobalt ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7439-92-1 Lead ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7439-96-5 Manganese ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7439-97-6 Mercury ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7440-02-0 Nickel ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7782-49-2 Selenium ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
7782-50-5 Chlorine ● ●
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
Process Vents
Stationary Combustion
Fluid Coking Unit
Equipment Leaks
Vacuum Systems
Product Loading
Sulfur Recovery
Cooling Towers
Delayed Coking
Hydrogen Plant
Coke Calcining
Reforming Unit
Storage Tanks
Asphalt Plant
or Pollutant
Code Substance
7723-14-0 Phosphorus ○ ○ ○
7664-41-7 Ammonia ○ ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○ ○
74-84-0 Ethane ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
7440-39-3 Barium ○ ○ ○ ○
7440-50-8 Copper ○ ○ ○ ○
7439-98-7 Molybdenum ○ ○ ○ ○
7440-62-2 Vanadium ○ ● ● ○
7440-66-6 Zinc ○ ○ ○ ○
Carbon dioxide, methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide are GHGs expected to be emitted from petroleum
refineries, but are not listed in this table. The Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Rule (74
FR 56260) requires detailed GHG emission reporting from a variety of industry sectors and emission
sources, including petroleum refineries and stationary combustion sources (40 Code of Federal
Regulations [CFR] Part 98, Subparts Y and C, respectively). Consequently, this Refinery Emissions
Protocol document focuses primarily on criteria and toxic air pollutants (i.e., the pollutants listed in
Table 1-1). Emission estimates for GHG will be calculated and reported according to the methodologies
and requirements in the GHG reporting rule. Note that the “tiers” used in 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart C are
listed in opposite order from the “ranks” used in this Refinery Emissions Protocol document. That is, the
Tier 4 method for stationary combustion sources is equivalent to Methodology Rank 1 for combustion
sources in this protocol document; the Tier 3 method is equivalent to Methodology Rank 2, and so on.
While Table 1-1 is intended to provide a comprehensive list of pollutants for each emission source for
which emission estimates should be provided, there may be pollutants released from some sources for
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 1—Introduction
which we have little or no information. If there is credible information that emissions of other pollutants
are released from a given emission source (e.g., from a source test that was conducted on a particular
process unit), then emission estimates for these additional pollutants should also be provided for that
process unit, even if Table 1-1 does not include a bullet for that pollutant/emission source combination.
Appropriate metadata (data about the data) should be maintained to assist data users with assessing the
accuracy of the reported emissions. QA/QC and other metadata records should also be maintained to
allow verification of the reported emissions, although this information does not need to be reported unless
specifically requested. For measured emissions, these metadata include manufacturer’s design
specifications for accuracy, initial calibrations, periodic calibration checks, and other QA/QC procedures
used to ensure the accuracy of the measurement device(s). For source tests used to develop site-specific
emission factors, the metadata include results of field and laboratory blanks, duplicate analyses, method
detection limits, isokinetic and cyclonic flow checks (if applicable), and key process operating data (e.g.,
throughput, temperature, material processed). For some pollutants, there may be different methods by
which the emissions can be determined. For example, VOC emissions may be determined using a “total
organics” method (e.g., using EPA Method 25, 25A through 25E, or 305) and subtracting any non-VOCs
present or by speciating individual VOCs and summing the emissions of these compounds to determine
the overall VOC emissions. When reporting VOC emissions, therefore, it should be clearly indicated how
the emissions were determined. If the emissions are determined as TOC or from a TOC measurement, it
must be indicated how the emission are being reported, i.e., “as methane” (or “as” whatever compound
was used to calibrate the total organic analyzer). These metadata assist users of the inventory data and
help to ensure that the inventory data are correctly used when performing subsequent analyses.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
2. Equipment Leaks
Equipment leaks are small emission sources that occur throughout the process area of the refinery from
various equipment components and connections that develop leaks that allow process fluids to escape into
the atmosphere. Leaks are typically identified using EPA Method 21 (via an organic vapor analyzer
[OVA]) or using optical leak imaging techniques; other remote sensing techniques can also be used to
identify leaks. Although direct measurement methods provide the most accurate means of quantifying
equipment leak emissions, few, if any, refineries have or will implement direct measurement of
equipment leak emissions. Instead, mass emissions for several types of equipment can be estimated using
correlation equations that relate mass emissions to leak concentrations that are obtained using an OVA. In
the absence of concentration measurements, mass emissions can also be estimated using the number of
equipment components and emission factors. Typically, these procedures estimate either total organic
compound (TOC) or non-methane organic compound mass emissions. To estimate either total VOC or
constituent-specific emissions, the process streams being monitored must be characterized at least to the
point of identifying the typical VOC concentration.
The most common optical leak imaging technique at this time uses passive infrared spectral imaging at a
wavelength that is strongly absorbed by the gas of interest to produce a real-time video image of the
emission plume. Although this technology is very useful for quickly and easily identifying the presence of
leaks, particularly large leaks, it has not yet been developed to the point of being able to quantify
emissions. Therefore, it must be combined with other techniques as described below to quantify
emissions. Other remote sensing techniques include Differential Absorption Light Detection and Ranging
(LIDAR) and Solar Occultation Flux. These techniques measure either the volumetric or mass
concentrations of a compound or mixture of compounds in a vertical cut through a plume. Combining
these data with wind speed can be used to estimate mass flux. However, these remote sensing techniques
are not yet approved by EPA as a method of quantifying emissions from equipment leaks or any other
sources. Furthermore, because the measurement is conducted some distance downwind from a source, the
techniques alone are not practical for identifying specific leaking equipment components. When
appropriate, we will update this document to include methodologies for any optical leak imaging or other
remote sensing techniques that develop to the point of being able to quantify equipment leak emissions.
Table 2-1 summarizes the hierarchy of equipment leak emission estimation techniques. The methods are
ranked in terms of anticipated accuracy. Within a given measurement method (or rank), there may be
alternative methods for determining the constituent-specific emissions; these compositional analysis
methods are also provided in order of accuracy. It is anticipated that each refinery will use a mixture of
different methods. For example, Methodology Rank 2a for equipment leaks may be used for certain
components and Methodology Rank 2b for equipment leaks may be used for other components that are
monitored using Method 21, depending on the availability of equipment-specific or process-specific
concentration profiles for a given component or group of components. Additionally, Methodology Ranks
4 or 5 for equipment leaks may be used to estimate emissions from other components that are not
routinely monitored.
The remainder of this section provides additional details and guidance regarding the ways to implement
these methods. Most of the methods outlined in this section are based on the revised equipment leak
protocol developed specifically for the petroleum refinery industry. For more information regarding the
way in which the correlations were developed, please refer to EPA’s document, Protocol for Equipment
Leak Emission Estimates (U.S. EPA, 1995b).
For heavy liquid leaks (e.g., fuel oil, heavy gas oil, residual fuel oil, bitumen) that create a pool or puddle
of liquid, emissions from the accumulated liquid pool should be estimated using the methods for spills in
Section 12, Malfunctions, of this Refinery Emissions Protocol document in addition to using the methods
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
presented in this section to estimate the emissions that occur at the leaking component. The spill
methodology is needed in these cases for several reasons. First, for some refinery heavy liquids, the low
volatility of heavy liquids will result in a relatively low OVA reading using EPA Method 21, even with
large visible leaks, so that the equipment leak methodologies are expected to understate the potential
emissions from the pooled material. Second, emissions from the pooled material will be dominated by the
more volatile components of the heavy liquid, and the spill methodology will more accurately assess the
speciated emissions from the pooled material. Finally, the spill methodology will better account for the
dimensions and duration of the liquid pool, which can be affected by the clean-up measures used.
In the bagging method, the leaking component or leak opening is enclosed in a “bag” or tent. An inert
carrier gas (e.g., nitrogen) is conveyed through the bag at a known flow rate. Once the carrier gas attains
equilibrium, a gas sample is collected from the bag, and the TOC concentration of the sample is
measured. That collected gas can also be analyzed for individual compound concentrations. The mass
emission rate is calculated from the measured concentrations of the bag sample and the flow rate of the
carrier gas. Although bagging techniques are useful for the direct measurement of larger leaks, bagging
may not be possible for equipment components that are inaccessible, unusually shaped, or very large, and
it is a relatively slow process (i.e., only two or three samples per hour).
High-volume samplers are essentially vacuums that capture all of the emissions from a leaking
component to accurately quantify leak emission rates. Leak emissions and a large-volume sample of the
air around the leaking component are pulled into the instrument through a vacuum sampling hose. High-
volume samplers are equipped with dual hydrocarbon detectors, which measure the concentration of
hydrocarbon gas in the captured sample and the concentration of ambient hydrocarbon gas. Sample
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
measurements are corrected for the ambient hydrocarbon concentration, and a mass leak rate is calculated
by multiplying the flow rate of the measured sample by the difference between the ambient gas
concentration and the gas concentration in the measured sample. Chemical speciation of the leak, using
vacuum canisters or similar methods, can be used to apportion the TOC emission rate to individual
constituents. High-volume samplers measure leak rates up to 0.23 cubic meters per minute (m3/min),
which is a rate equivalent to 330 cubic meters per day (m3/day), and can be used to quantify 10 to 20
sources per hour. Leak rates greater than 0.23 m3/min must be measured using bagging techniques (U.S.
EPA, 2003).
While bagging or high-volume sampling are more accurate than other equipment leak emission estimate
methods, they are time consuming and impractical for routine screening of the large number of equipment
components present at a refinery. However, some directed inspection and maintenance programs use, for
example, optical imaging techniques to identify leaking components and then use high-volume sampling
to quantitate the limited number of leaks identified. While these methods are more common at oil and gas
production operations, they could also be applied at some refineries for certain sources. As the emission
rate measured by the high-volume sampler (or bagging method) will be more accurate for that specific
leak than emission estimates developed using any of the lower-ranked methodologies, the high-volume
sampling (or bagging) results should be used for that specific leak if high-volume sampling (or bagging)
is conducted.
Many refineries or monitoring specialists use software programs that directly record the TOC reading (or
screening value) for each component. Many of these software programs will directly calculate the TOC
emissions for each component using the screening value correlations and will even calculate component-
specific emission rates when composition data are entered for the components. The TOC rates calculated
by the correlation equation (and the default zero and pegged emission rate values) include non-VOC
organic compounds, primarily methane and ethane. The uncertainty of the correlations for any single
measurement may be as much as a factor of 3 higher or a factor of 10 lower than the actual emissions for
that component, but when summed over thousands of components, the uncertainty in the cumulative total
emissions is expected to be much less. For example, based on Monte Carlo simulations of 100 leaking
components and using an uncertainty of plus or minus a factor of 10, the uncertainty in the cumulative
emissions is approximately plus or minus a factor of 1.4. The advantage of Methodology Rank 2 for
equipment leaks is that it is not based on a presupposed distribution of equipment leaks, as are the lower
ranked methodologies. Consequently, Methodology Rank 2 for equipment leaks is much more accurate
than any of the lower ranked equipment leak emission estimation methods.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
Table 2-2. Equipment Leak Rate for Petroleum and SOCMI Equipment Componentsa
c The “other” equipment type was developed from instruments, loading arms, pressure relief devices, stuffing
boxes, vents, compressors, dump lever arms, diaphragms, drains, hatches, meters, and polished rods. This
“other” equipment type should be applied to any equipment other than connectors, flanges, open-ended lines,
pumps, or valves.
d The light liquid pump factors can also be applied to compressors, pressure relief valves, agitators, and heavy
liquid pumps.
When an optical gas imaging camera is used to identify leaks, the emissions can be quantified under
Methodology Rank 2 (or Methodology Rank 1 for certain components) only if both of the following
conditions are met: (1) the equipment is monitored in accordance with the procedures in §63.11(e), and
(2) all leaks identified by the camera are monitored before repair using Method 21 or are measured using
high-volume sampling or bagging methods. For equipment found to be leaking when monitoring with the
camera, either the subsequent Method 21 screening values in the applicable correlation equation should
be used to estimate the emissions (Methodology Rank 2) or the leak rake rates measured via the high-
volume sampling or bagging method (Methodology Rank 1) should be used, as applicable. For all
equipment not found to be leaking when monitoring with the camera, emissions should be estimated
using the screening values obtained when conducting the annual Method 21 monitoring required by
§63.11(d)(7) in the applicable correlation equations.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
process stream composition can be estimated on a refinery-wide basis (e.g., one concentration profile for
the entire refinery, which is Methodology Rank 2c for equipment leaks). Methodology Rank 2c for
equipment leak emissions is very easy to implement in that the TOC emissions can be aggregated for all
components first, and then the chemical-specific emissions can be calculated from the cumulative TOC
emissions. However, this method greatly reduces the accuracy of the chemical-specific emission rates.
With the automated software programs that are now available for logging equipment leak readings and
calculating equipment leak emissions, most refineries should be able to implement Methodology Rank 2a
or 2b for equipment leaks.
The correlation equations for equipment leaks provided in Table 2-2 provide emissions in terms of TOC
(including methane and ethane). To calculate the emission rate for VOC (i.e., to exclude methane and
ethane), use Equation 2-1.
EVOC = Emission rate of VOC for a specific type of equipment (kilograms per year [kg/yr])
ETOC = Emission rate of TOC for a specific type of equipment (kg/yr)
WFVOC = Average weight fraction of VOC in the stream (typically TOC minus methane and
WFTOC = Average weight fraction of TOC in the stream.
Table 1-1 in Section 1, Introduction, lists the specific organic compounds that should be included in an
inventory of equipment leak emissions. Either of the following equations (Equation 2-2a or Equation
2-2b) is used to speciate emissions for specific organic compounds from a single equipment piece:
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
The first time an LDAR program is implemented, the emission estimates from the component screening
measurements should be used as the emission rate for the facility (or an individual component or set of
components) for all periods prior to the screening measurements (i.e., the portions of the inventory year
prior to the screening measurements). However, most equipment components at a refinery are expected to
be monitored for leaks on a routine basis (i.e., monthly, quarterly, or semiannually) as part of an ongoing
LDAR program. Leaks greater than a certain threshold are required to be repaired within certain time
frames (although many LDAR programs allow some repairs to be delayed). After repairs are made, the
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
repaired components should be re-screened to verify that the leak has been repaired and to provide a new
starting emission rate for that component. During the next routine monitoring period, new screening
values will be determined for each component, providing new instantaneous emission rate estimates for
each component. The variations in component emissions during the year need to be accounted for when
developing annual emission estimates for equipment components that are routinely monitored. Figure 2-1
illustrates the three acceptable methods for estimating annual emissions from routinely (monthly,
quarterly, semiannually) monitored equipment components.
The mid-period method assumes that the initial reading represents the emission rate for the first half of
the period between monitoring events and that the subsequent reading represents the emission rate for the
second half of the period between monitoring events. When a leak is detected for subsequent repair, the
“leak” monitor reading is used from the time the leak is detected to the time it is repaired (i.e., re-
screened). The modified trapezoid method assumes that the mass leak rate changes linearly between any
two monitoring points, except for periods between leak detection and repair; the leak monitor reading is
used from the time the leak is detected to the time it is repaired (i.e., re-screened). The average period
method uses the arithmetic average emission rate of two adjacent instantaneous emission rate estimates
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
(except for periods between leak detection and repair) for the emission rates between the measurement
periods. As in the mid-period and modified trapezoid method, the average period method uses the leak
monitor reading from the time the leak is detected to the time it is repaired (i.e., re-screened). In all of
these alternatives, it is important that the emission rate be determined for each component and each
monitoring event before extrapolating the emissions to the intervening periods. It is invalid to average the
monitored screening values first and then to calculate the emission rate based on the average screening
Mathematically, the calculated emissions for periods wholly within the inventory year will be identical
regardless of the alternative selected. Provided that one can elect the “inventory year period” to start and
end with a monitoring event, then the method selected is immaterial. The only difference in the annual
emissions determined using the three alternative methods for routinely monitored components will occur
if emissions must be determined for a specific time period (e.g., a calendar year), and the emissions
determined for an intervening interval (between monitoring events at the end of one year and start of the
next year) must be parsed between the two years. While there can be differences in the annual emissions
calculated using these different methods for a particular component, these differences will tend to cancel
out when emissions are summed over a large number of components. Therefore, it is only important that
there is consistency in the application of the selected method (i.e., all components use the mid-period
method or all components use the modified trapezoid method or all components use the average period
If the equipment is taken out of service (e.g., no process fluid is in the piping at the location of the
specific component), the emission rate for that component can be assumed to be zero for the time period
the equipment in out of service. If the process unit is not operating, but fluid remains in the components,
then no correction for operating hours should be made. There can be some differences in the emissions
calculated for the operating periods between monitoring intervals when the components are out of service,
but these differences are expected to be small. Again, consistency in the application of the selected
method is of key importance.
When emission inventories are required for a set calendar year, there are also some practical matters to
consider when selecting an annual estimation method for components, especially when components are
monitored semiannually or less often. The midpoint method has the advantage of not relying on the
subsequent year’s first semiannual monitoring if the last semiannual monitoring event for the inventory
year occurred in October or later. If the last semiannual monitoring event for the inventory year occurred
prior to October, then the subsequent year’s first semiannual monitoring would likely occur in March or
earlier, so that the inventory could be developed in a timely fashion, even if the subsequent year’s
monitoring data are needed to complete the inventory for the current year. Similarly, for annual
component monitoring, the midpoint method would not require the subsequent year’s monitoring results
if monitoring occurred in July or later. On the other hand, the application of either the modified trapezoid
method or the average period method requires the subsequent year’s monitoring data, regardless of when
that monitoring event occurs; the modified trapezoid method is further complicated in that interpolation is
required to correctly account for emissions between two inventory years. If allowed, an “equipment leak
year” (like a fiscal year) could be established based on the typical timing of the monitoring events, so that
the emissions for that equipment leak year can be determined based entirely on whole monitoring periods.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
Example 2-3: Calculation for Annual Emissions Using the Midpoint Method
The following monitoring data for a pump were recorded (Columns 1 and 2). The correlation
equation from Table 2-2 for pumps is used (i.e., 5.03E-05×SV0.610) to calculate the emissions
rate in Column 3 when the OVA reading is greater than zero, and the default zero rate is used
when the OVA reading is zero. The hours between intervals were calculated; half of the hours
were assigned to the first reading, and half were assigned to the second reading, except for
periods before repair, which were assigned the “leak” emission rate.
2 TOC Emission 5
1 OVA Reading Rate 4 TOC Emissions
Date and Time (ppm) (kg/hr) Hoursa (kg/period)
January 2, 8:00 a.m. 200 1.27E-3 32+372 0.51
February 2, 8:00 a.m. 300 1.63E-3 372+336 1.15
March 2, 8:00 a.m. 280 1.56E-3 336+372 1.10
April 2, 8:00 a.m. 22,000 2.24E-2 372+74 9.99
April 5, 10:00 a.m.b 150 1.07E-3 323 0.35
May 2, 8:00 a.m. 140 1.02E-3 323+372 0.71
June 2, 8:00 a.m. 200 1.27E-3 372+360 0.93
July 2, 8:00 a.m. 180 1.19E-3 360+372 0.87
August 2, 8:00 a.m. 500 2.23E-3 372+372 1.66
September 2, 8:00 a.m. 45,000 3.47E-2 372+241 21.27
September 12, 9:00 a.m.b 0 2.4E-5 239.5 0.006
October 2, 8:00 a.m. 0 2.4E-5 239.5+372 0.015
November 2, 8:00 a.m. 0 2.4E-5 372+360 0.018
December 2, 8:00 a.m. 200 1.27E-3 360+372 0.93
January 2, 8:00 a.m. 250 1.46E-3 372-32 0.50
Annual Totals 8,760 40.0 kg/yr
a Each emission rate applies over half of the hours since the previous screening and over half of the hours
until the next screening. For example, the results from the July 2 measurement apply to half of the hours
since the June 2 measurement and to half of the hours before the next measurement on August 2. The
July 2 measurements occur 30 days (720 hours) after the June 2 measurement and 31 days (744 hours)
before the August 2 measurements. Therefore, the July 2 results apply to 732 hours during the year
(720/2 + 744/2 = 732).
b Indicates special Method 21 measurement reading to verify repair.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
The uncertainty of the leak rates calculated using the screening ranges emission factors for any single
measurement may be a factor of 10 or more. Although this methodology is intended to account for
reduced emissions gained by an LDAR program, the underlying default leak rates are based on the
distribution of leaks prior to the implementation of an LDAR program. This method is expected to be
biased high for facilities that have implemented an LDAR program, especially an LDAR program with
leak action levels less than 10,000 ppmv. First, the implementation of any LDAR program is expected to
alter not only the prevalence of leaks, but the relative magnitude of leaks above the action level (i.e., the
average component leak rate for components with screening values of 10,000 ppmv or more).
Furthermore, if an LDAR program uses a 1,000 ppmv leak action level, the relative magnitude and
number of leaks with screening values between 1,000 ppmv and 10,000 ppmv is expected to be much less
than for facilities that use a 10,000 ppmv screening level or do not have an LDAR program. The
distribution of leaks is also affected by the monitoring frequency, so components that are monitored
quarterly are expected to have a different leak frequency distribution than components that are monitored
annually. As such, the emissions estimated using Methodology Rank 3 for equipment leaks is expected to
be an upper-range emission estimate of equipment leak emissions. The accuracy of this method is
dependent on the level of LDAR program used; the more frequent the monitoring and the lower the leak
action level is, the more likely this method will be to significantly overestimate emissions (by as much as
a factor of 10 to 50, based on data from Lev-On et al. [2007]).
The leak/no-leak factors presented by Lev-On et al. (2007) were evaluated for facilities that use an optical
gas imaging camera to identify leaks as a potential Methodology Rank 3 for equipment leaks. However,
for the same reasons the screening ranges emission factors presented in Table 2-3 are expected to
overestimate actual emissions for facilities that have implemented a stringent LDAR program, the
leak/no-leak factors presented by Lev-On et al. (2007) are expected to underestimate the emissions from
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
facilities that only use an optical gas imaging camera. The leak/no-leak factors presented by Lev-On et al.
(2007) are based on a distribution of leaks for refineries that used quarterly monitoring with a leak
definition of 1,000 ppmv. Most optical gas imaging cameras have leak detection sensitivities much higher
than this level. As such, the distribution of leaks by screening range is expected to be much different than
the baseline distribution used to develop the leak/no-leak factors for optical imaging cameras. Until
leak/no-leak factors are available for a more representative distribution of leaks, there is no acceptable
Methodology Rank 3 for quantifying emissions using an optical gas imaging camera.
ETOC = FG × × N G + FL × × N L (Eq. 2-3)
ETOC = Emission rate of TOC for a specific type of equipment (kg/hr)
FG = Applicable emission factor for specific type of equipment type with screening values
greater than or equal to 10,000 ppmv (kg/hr/source)
FL = Applicable emission factor for specific type of equipment with screening values less
than 10,000 ppmv (kg/hr/source)
WFTOC = Average weight fraction of TOC in the stream
WFm = Average weight fraction of methane in the stream
NG = Equipment count (specific equipment type) for sources with screening values greater
than or equal to 10,000 ppmv
NL = Equipment count (specific equipment type) for sources with screening values less than
10,000 ppmv.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
ETOC,annual = Annual emission rate of TOC for a specific type of equipment (kilograms per year
ETOC = Emission rate of TOC for a specific type of equipment (kg/hr)
H = Operating hours per year (hr/yr).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
connectors) in the new source performance standards (NSPS) or Petroleum Refinery Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT) I rules. Facility- or process-specific component counts
(Methodology Rank 4 for equipment leaks) should be used when these data are available. Methodology
Rank 4 is preferred over default component counts (Methodology Rank 5 for equipment leaks) because
these defaults may not account for facility-specific factors (e.g., control of pressure relief valves).
Default component counts (Methodology Rank 5 for equipment leaks) are dependent on the size of the
refinery and the process units present. The median (default) equipment component counts for small
refineries (those less than 50,000 barrels per calendar day [bbl/cd]) 1 and large refineries (greater than
50,000 bbl/cd) as presented in EPA’s document, Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of
Benzene (U.S. EPA, 1998a), are presented in Tables 2-4 and 2-5, respectively.
For both Methodology Ranks 4 and 5 for equipment leaks, default emission factors per component for
uncontrolled or unmonitored components must be used. It is assumed that these components are not
monitored because emissions from monitored components should be estimated using a higher ranked
methodology (Methodology Rank 1, 2, or 3 for equipment leaks). The default emission factor per
component for uncontrolled or unmonitored components is provided in EPA’s document, Protocol for
Equipment Leak Emission Estimates (U.S. EPA, 1995b). These emission factors for refinery and SOCMI
components are summarized in Table 2-6.
Barrels per calendar day is the amount of crude that a refinery can process under usual operating conditions and is
expressed in terms of actual capacity during a 24-hour period (i.e., actual annual capacity divided by 365 days). The
other typical capacity measure, barrels per stream day (bbls/sd), is the maximum number of barrels of crude that a
refinery can process within a 24-hour period when running at full capacity.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
Table 2-4. Median Equipment Leak Component Counts for Small Model Processesa
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
Table 2-5. Median Equipment Leak Component Counts for Large Model Processesa
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
SOCMI Emission
Refinery Emission Factor Factor
Equipment Type Service (kg/hr/source)b (kg/hr/source)c
Valves Gas 0.0268 0.00597
Light liquid 0.0109 0.00403
Heavy liquid 0.00023 0.00023
Pump sealsd Light liquid 0.114 0.0199
Heavy liquid 0.021 0.00862
Compressor seals Gas 0.636 0.228
Pressure relief valves Gas 0.16 0.104
Connectors All 0.00025 0.00183
Open-ended lines All 0.0023 0.0017
Sampling connections All 0.0150 0.0150
Note: kg/hr/source = kilograms per hour per source
a Source: U.S. EPA, 1995b.
b The refinery emission factors are for non-methane organic compound emission rates.
d The light liquid pump seal factor can be used to estimate the leak rate from agitator seals.
If a process stream contains no ethane, the non-methane organic fraction is equal to the VOC fraction,
which means the emission factor can be used without the correction ratio noted above, and the equation
simplifies to Equation 2-6:
Two guidelines when correcting the “FA” term when applied to refineries are as follows:
The correction should only be applied to equipment containing a mixture of organics and
The maximum correction for the methane weight fraction should not be greater than 0.10, even if
the equipment contains greater than 10 weight percent of methane. (This reflects the fact that the
equipment for which the average refinery emission factors in Table 2-6 were developed typically
contained 10 weight percent or less of methane).
When using Methodology Ranks 4 and 5, speciated emissions are calculated using the same procedures
described in Section 2.2.1 of this document. Preferably, facility- or process-specific compositional
analyses would be available to develop constituent-specific emission estimates. When facility-specific
data are not available, average stream compositions presented in Table 2-7 should be used. The average
stream compositions presented in Table 2-7 were calculated based on the Petroleum Environmental
Research Forum (PERF) refinery process stream speciation study (API, 2002).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 2—Equipment Leaks
The annual emissions from the valves in the stream are calculated using Equation 2-4 (with ETOC
replaced by EVOC).
Xylenes (total)
Process Unit
Crude/Atmospheric 0.01 4.3 0.05 0.9 1.7 2.0 0.63 0.12 0.63 0.25 0.06
Vacuum distillation - 0.01 0.003 0.003 0.04 0.04 0.02 - 0.02 0.12 0.09
Coking 0.04 2.5 0.75 0.42 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.12 0.7 0.28 -
Hydrocracking 0.025 1.9 1.0 1.3 2.7 2.7 0.7 0.09 1.3 0.20 -
Catalytic cracking/FCCU 0.012 1.0 0.3 1.0 3.3 4.9 1.1 0.10 1.9 0.72 0.43
Catalytic reforming/CRU 0.009 2.8 0.25 6.3 17.4 17.6 3.9 0.42 5.9 0.87 -
Hydrotreating/ - 1.9 - 0.37 1.7 1.9 0.37 0.07 0.4 0.25 0.22
Hydrode sulfurization
Alkylation 0.22 1.6 25 0.03 2.0 0.08 - - - - -
Isomerization - 3.2 0.01 0.5 0.6 0.15 - - - - -
Polymerization - 0.5 0.7 1.2 - 1.8 1.2 0.09 - - -
a Source: API, 2002.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 3—Storage Tanks
3. Storage Tanks
Storage tanks (which are also sometimes referred to as storage vessels) are used in refineries for storing
and dispensing various liquids used in the refining process. These various liquids are typically organic
liquids, also known as petroleum liquids, which are a mixture of hydrocarbons, such as gasoline and
crude oil. Depending on the specific design and construction of the tank and the characteristics of the
petroleum liquids, storage tanks may emit significant levels of VOC and HAP during typical operation,
venting, and tank filling or dispensing.
The basic designs for storage tanks include horizontal and vertical fixed-roof tanks, external floating roof
tanks, internal floating roof tanks, and domed external floating roof tanks. Chapter 7.1 (Organic Liquid
Storage Tanks) of EPA’s Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42) provides detailed
descriptions of the characteristics specific to each tank type (U.S. EPA, 1995a [some sections were
updated in 2006]).
The emission estimation methods for storage tanks are presented in Table 3-1. These methods are ranked
according to anticipated accuracy. There are three primary estimation methods: (1) direct measurement,
(2) tank-specific modeling, and (3) default tank emission factors. Direct measurements can only be taken
from storage tanks that are covered and vented to a control device. Tank-specific modeling can be
accomplished with emission equations, such as those presented in AP-42 or by computer-based models
designed to implement these equations (e.g., TANKS v4.09D; U.S. EPA, 2006). Most refinery owners
and operators will have sufficient data to use the tank-specific modeling approach and this method should
be used for most refinery storage vessels. In rare cases when tank-specific data are not available,
engineering estimates can be made using actual or estimated production quantities and default emission
factors. For the purposes of the refinery ICR, all storage tank emission estimates should be developed
using Methodology Ranks 1 or 2.
Rank Description Application Data Requirements
1 Direct measurement Covered and vented Constituent concentration and flow rate
storage tanks
2 Tank-specific modeling All petroleum liquid storage Tank type, tank dimensions, stored liquid
tanks properties and constituent concentrations,
tank condition/fitting information, throughput
3a Default tank modeling Common petroleum liquid Site-specific crude throughput, specific
storage tanks product production rates
3b Default tank modeling Common petroleum liquid Crude throughput and production capacities
storage tanks (from the U.S. Energy Information
Administration or other similar source)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 3—Storage Tanks
For some control devices, such as flares, thermal oxidizers, or carbon adsorption systems, it may be
possible to measure the concentration of the gas upstream of the control device and estimate the emissions
using an assumed control device efficiency (for more details on these types of methods, see the discussion
at the end of Section 3.2 below; Section 4, Stationary Combustion Sources; and/or Section 6, Flares).
This method is also recommended as a means to estimate storage tank emissions when the emissions from
the storage tank(s) are routed to a control device that also serves other refinery emission sources. In this
case, the concentration and flow rate of the storage tank off-gas can be measured prior to combining the
stream with other non–storage tank emissions. The resulting constituent mass flow rates can be corrected
for the control device efficiency using the methods described in Chapter 6 (Flares) to estimate the
emissions associated with the storage tank(s) that are released to the atmosphere.
There are other direct measurement methods that have been used to measure emissions from storage tanks
even when the emissions from the tank are not vented (i.e., DIAL [Differential Absorption LIDAR]
techniques); however, these methods do not provide continuous monitoring and have additional
limitations (requiring consistent wind direction, etc.). Therefore, at the present time they are not
recommended as primary techniques for annual emission estimation.
If direct measurement methods are used, emissions from the tank during degassing, cleaning, or drained
idle periods may or may not be included, depending on how these gases are vented. If these gases are
routed to the same control device as used during normal operations, the measured emissions will account
for these periods. If these emissions are not monitored using direct measurement methods, the emissions
from the tank during degassing and cleaning should be estimated separately using the methods provided
in Section 11, Startup and Shutdown, of this Emissions Protocol Document.
Key things to consider when estimating emissions from storage tanks (whether using the AP-42 equations
directly or when using TANKS v4.09D or other software packages) include:
1. Each tank should be modeled individually using site-specific conditions. There may be instances in
which a set of tanks have identical properties and materials and very similar throughputs so that the
emissions from a single storage tank can be modeled and used as the emissions for each tank in the
set. However, this approach should be limited to situations where the tanks, contents, and
throughputs are effectively identical. In all other cases, it is recommended that individual tank data
be entered into the TANKS program (or other similar software), and the emission results for
individual tanks be reported.
2. Each tank should be modeled based on the vapor pressure and composition of the material stored in
the tank. The TANKS model has default vapor pressure and composition for certain streams;
however, these defaults should not be used unless the default parameters have been specifically
evaluated and determined to adequately represent the stored liquid. For example, it is possible that a
specific gasoline default stream (where different defaults are available for different Reid vapor
pressures) will match well the gasoline stored in certain tanks, but it is less likely that the single
crude oil default in TANKS will match the crude oil stored in the crude oil tanks.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 3—Storage Tanks
3. For the internal floating roof tank, the external floating roof tank, and the domed external floating
roof tank, the tank fittings should be selected to represent the specific characteristics of each
individual storage tank. You should not use the “default” fitting settings when using TANKS
v4.09D, particularly for the type and control for guide poles. The default fitting settings should be
reviewed and revised to properly account for the number and control status of the specific tank’s
4. The storage tanks should be modeled using monthly parameters, including average monthly
measured tank liquid temperatures, when available. In TANKS, selecting the city will set the
meteorological data that will be used in the calculations. Even if you select the monthly calculation
option, the liquid temperature remains at the annual average. As such, the TANKS program will not
adequately account for the monthly variations in emissions. Also, for intermediate process tanks
with floating roofs that store liquids that are generally warmer than ambient temperature, TANKS
will underestimate the emissions. 1 Therefore, for storage tanks with throughputs that vary
significantly with the seasons and floating roof tanks that store warm process fluids, the equations in
Chapter 7.1 of AP-42 should be used directly to more accurately estimate the annual emissions.
5. Special calculations should be performed to account for tank roof landings, tank degassing, and tank
cleaning, and these estimates should be included in the final annual emissions reported for each tank.
The TANKS model does not currently contain algorithms for estimating emissions from tank roof
landings. These emissions should be estimated separately for each landing event using the methods
provided in Section of the 2006 update of Section 7.1 of AP-42. Tank degassing emissions
can be calculated using the liquid heal method described in Section 11, Startup and Shutdown, of
this Refinery Emissions Protocol document.
6. Emission estimates should be calculated and reported for individual pollutants. The TANKS
program typically provides total hydrocarbon emission estimates, but can also provide estimates for
individual pollutants.
7. Maximum hourly average emission rates for each tank should be calculated based on the reasonable
worst-case (high emission rate) situation for a given storage tank, which will generally correspond to
the emissions while the tank is actively filling. Factors that should be considered are the volatility of
the material stored, the filling rate, the bulk liquid and ambient air temperature, and the wind speed.
Higher emissions will occur when these parameters are at their highest values. Note that the TANKS
program is primarily designed to estimate long-term, annual average emissions and cannot be easily
manipulated to estimate the maximum hourly emission rate. Also note that the maximum hourly
average emission rate should not be based on the tank’s degassing emission estimate.
For fixed-roof tanks that are vented to a control device, but for which flow and composition data are not
measured (i.e., data are not available to use Methodology Rank 1for storage tanks), the pre-control
emissions from the fixed-roof storage tanks can be estimated using the appropriate equations for fixed-
roof storage tanks presented in Chapter 7.1 of AP-42 (U.S. EPA, 1995a). The post-control device
emissions are then estimated from the pre-control emission estimates and the efficiency of the control
device using Equation 3-1.
The TANKS program includes an algorithm for calculating emissions from heated tanks, but it is only applicable to
tanks with horizontal or vertical fixed roofs.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 3—Storage Tanks
CD eff
E i = E unc ,i × 1 - (Eq. 3-1)
Ei = Emission rate of pollutant “i” (tons/yr)
Eunc,i = Projected emission rate of pollutant “i” assuming storage tank or unit does not have an
add-on control device (tons/yr)
CDeff,i = Control device efficiency Feff for pollutant “i” (weight percent). See Table 3-2 for
default control efficiencies for various control devices.
Table 3-2. Default Control Efficiencies for Different VOC Control Devices
Control Device
Control Device Pollutants Efficiency
Refrigerated Condenser All VOC constituents Variable based on
constituents and
Thermal oxidizer All VOC constituents 98%
Catalytic oxidizer All VOC constituents 98%
Carbon adsorption VOC constituents other than those listed in table note b 95%
Constituents listed in table note b 0%
a The control efficiency of a condenser should be determined based on the operating conditions of the condenser
and composition of the vent stream following the methods Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Chemical
Manufacturing Facilities (EIIP, 2007, Section 4.2.3)
b The following compounds have extremely low adsorptive capacities on activated carbon: acetaldehyde,
acetonitrile, acetylene, bromomethane, chloroethane, chloromethane, ethylene, formaldehyde, methanol, and vinyl
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 3—Storage Tanks
Table 3-3. Default Emissions Factors for Petroleum Refinery Storage Tanks
When facility-specific production data are available, these data should be used with the default emissions
factors to estimate emissions. When these data are not available, crude distillation capacity and
production capacities, as presented in the Refinery Capacity Report 2009 (EIA, 2009), can be used to
estimate these production rates as follows:
The crude oil processing rate can be assumed to be the atmospheric crude oil distillation capacity.
If a refinery does not have atmospheric crude distillation columns, then the sum of the vacuum
distillation and coking capacities can be used as the crude oil processing rate.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 3—Storage Tanks
The aromatics production capacity is provided in the Refinery Capacity Report 2009 (EIA, 2009);
however, the specific aromatics produced cannot be determined. As a default assumption, equal
production of benzene, toluene, and xylenes can be assumed.
Heavy distillate production can be estimated as the sum of lube oil production, asphalt
production, and coke production.
Light distillate production can be estimated as 60% of the difference of the crude oil processing
rate minus the aromatics and heavy distillate production (0.6 × [Crude − Aromatics − Heavy]).
Middle distillate production can be estimated as 40% of the difference of the crude oil processing
rate minus the aromatics and heavy distillate production (0.4 × [Crude − Aromatics − Heavy]).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
In addition to refinery fuel gas, some petroleum refineries also produce petroleum coke. The petroleum
coke produced by a coking unit is generally referred to as green petroleum coke or fuel grade coke. Some
refineries may use green petroleum coke as fuel in boilers to produce steam or electricity. Green
petroleum coke is expected to contain relatively high concentrations of sulfur and metals when compared
with other fuels used at a refinery. Green petroleum coke may be purified in a calcining unit for use in
industrial applications, most often as anode material in the manufacture of aluminum. Consequently,
calcined petroleum coke is often referred to as anode grade coke. Emissions from coke calcining are
described in more detail in Section 5.6.3, Coke Calcining, of this Refinery Emissions Protocol document.
Alternatively, green petroleum coke may be gasified with steam and either air or oxygen (O2) to form a
low (using air) to medium (using O2) heating value synthesis gas (or syngas) for subsequent use as a fuel
gas. There are no direct emissions from the coke gasification process; emissions from the combustion of
syngas can be estimated using the methods provided in this section.
Table 4-1 summarizes the hierarchy of emission estimation methods for stationary combustion sources.
Each refinery may use a combination of different methods, such as Methodology Rank 1 for criteria
pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and NOx, and Methodology Rank 2 or 3 to estimate emissions of
organic or metal compounds. Different methodologies may be used for each combustion source for each
pollutant based on the type of monitoring data available for each source (e.g., Methodology Rank 1 may
be used for estimating NOx emissions for one combustion source for which continuous emission
monitoring systems (CEMS) data are available, while Methodology Rank 4 may be used to estimate NOx
emissions for another combustion source at the same facility where no CEMS data or emission test data
are available). It is also important to note that the selection of Methodology Rank 3A or Methodology
Rank 3B will depend on factors such as whether the pollutant being estimated has a reduced form (e.g.,
reduced sulfur compounds form SO2 when oxidized) that can be continuously monitored, the variability
of the combustion source, and the date of the most recent stack test. The remainder of this section
provides additional detail and guidance regarding the implementation of these methods.
A complete inventory for combustion sources will include emission estimates for PM, SO2, NOx, VOCs, 1
and carbon monoxide (CO). Depending on the fuel combusted, a complete inventory will also include
Total hydrocarbon [THC] may be estimated as a surrogate for VOC.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
emission estimates for hydrogen sulfide; metals, including but not limited to arsenic, chromium, mercury,
lead, and selenium; organic compounds, including but not limited to benzene, formaldehyde, 1,3-
butadiene, and naphthalene and other polycyclic organic matter; and dioxins and furans. It is important to
note that this list is not exhaustive; if there is evidence that a combustion source at a refinery emits a
pollutant (e.g., site-specific emission test data for an additional compound or a relevant emission factor
for an additional compound), an emission estimate should be included in a complete inventory, even if
that pollutant is not specifically identified in this document.
Table 4-1. Summary of Typical Hierarchy of Stationary Combustion Source Emission Estimates
There are many sources that describe emission methodologies for combustion sources, particularly boilers
and internal combustion sources, including Chapter 2 in the Emission Inventory Improvement Program
Technical Report Series (ERG, 2001), 2008 Emissions Inventory Guidelines (TCEQ, 2009), and A
Customized Approach for Quantifying Emissions for the Electric Power Generation Sector in Mexico
(The United States–Mexico Foundation for Science, 2008). These documents include many examples and
sample calculations for liquid and solid fuels and should be consulted for more information if needed. In
addition, the American Petroleum Institute (API) has posted a Compendium of Greenhouse Gas
Emissions Methodologies for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on their Web site. While this document is
focused on estimating GHG emissions, it contains information on how to estimate combustion gas flows
and how to estimate emissions from various types of combustion sources, and it includes useful
conversion factor discussions and examples.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
instruments are not affected by stack conditions, maintenance and replacement are generally simpler, and
the cost is lower than with an in-situ CEMS, although extra costs are incurred for the sampling and
conditioning system for an extractive CEMS (Levelton Consultants, 2005).
The pollutant concentration recorded by a CEMS is generally on a concentration basis, such as parts per
million. The CEMS may also include a diluent monitor (e.g., O2) for correcting the concentrations to a
fixed excess air concentration. For in-situ CEMS, these measurements are made at stack conditions so
that the concentrations would be determined on a “wet basis.” That is, the concentrations are based on the
total amount of gas, including water vapor. For extractive CEMS, the gas is often conditioned to remove
water vapor before analysis, so the concentrations are commonly determined on a “dry basis.” Gas flow
measurements are made at stack conditions, so the flow rate will be in terms of actual gas volume on a
wet basis. If the gas composition is determined on a dry basis, then a moisture content measurement is
needed to convert the flow rate to a dry basis (or convert the composition to a wet basis) so that both
measurements are on the same basis, and many gas flow monitors contain temperature and pressure
monitors to allow conversion of the flow to standard conditions for this purpose. It is important to note
that care must be taken to ensure that the gas and flow measurements are made on the same basis and in
the same terms as the permitted limits, if applicable, or that appropriate ancillary measurements are made
to perform the necessary unit conversions.
The following general equation (Equation 4-1) is used for determining a mass emission rate from CEMS:
(C ) MWi To Pn
∑ (Q ) × [1 − ( f ) ]× 100%
Ei = i n
× × × × M N × K (Eq. 4-1)
n H 20 n
n =1 Po
Ei = Emission rate of pollutant “i” (tons per year [tons/yr]).
N = Number of measurement periods per year (e.g., for hourly measurements, N = 8,760).
n = Index for measurement period.
(Q)n = Volumetric flow rate for measurement period “n” (actual cubic feet per minute [acfm]).
If the flow rate meter automatically corrects for temperature and pressure, then replace
“To ÷ Tn × Pn ÷ Po” with “1.” If the pollutant concentration is determined on a dry basis
and the flow rate meter automatically corrects for moisture content, replace the term
[1-(fH20)n] with 1.
(fH2O)n = Moisture content of exhaust gas during measurement period “n,” volumetric basis
(cubic feet water per cubic feet exhaust gas).
(Ci)n = Concentration of pollutant “i” in the exhaust gas for measurement period “n” (volume
%, dry basis). If the pollutant concentration is determined on a wet basis, then replace
the term [1−(fH20)n] with 1.
MWi = Molecular weight of pollutant “i” (kilogram per kilogram mole [kg/kg-mol]).
MVC = Molar volume conversion factor = 849.5 standard cubic feet per kilogram mole
(scf/kg-mol) at 68°F (528°R) and 1 atmosphere (atm).
To = Temperature at “standard conditions” (528 °R).
Tn = Temperature at which flow is measured during measurement period “n” (°R).
Pn = Average pressure at which flow is measured during measurement period “n” (atm).
Po = Average pressure at “standard conditions” (1 atm).
MN = Minutes per measurement period (minutes per measurement period “n”). This term can
be calculated by dividing 525,600 minutes per year (min/yr) by the number of
measurement periods per year (“N”).
K = Conversion factor = 2.2046/2,000 (tons per kilogram [tons/kg] = 0.0011023 tons/kg.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
A CEMS records multiple measurements per hour; the frequency depends on the pollutant being
measured and the type of CEMS. For example, a CEMS monitoring benzene concentration using gas
chromatography may only sample and record a measurement every 15 minutes, while a CEMS
monitoring SO2 concentration may record a measurement every minute. These individual measurements
can be used to calculate annual emissions in two ways. The most common method is for the CEMS to
average the measurements within each hour and develop 8,760 hourly average concentrations and flow
rates that can be summed. Example 4-1 demonstrates the calculation of NOx emissions for 1 hour for a
combustion unit firing refinery fuel gas based on an hourly average concentration and flow rate. This
method is best suited for measurements that are fairly consistent and stable over the course of an hour.
The other method is to determine the emission rate for each recorded measurement based on the
concentration and flow rate for that measurement. In other words, if the CEMS records measurements
every minute, then the emission rate is determined per minute and hourly emissions are determined by
summing the 60 applicable emission rates; if the CEMS records measurements every 5 minutes, then the
emission rate is determined for each 5-minute interval and hourly emissions are determined by summing
the 12 applicable emission rates. This method may be more accurate than hourly averages if the
combustion source’s flow rate varies significantly within an hour.
Rounded to two significant figures, the hourly emissions are 0.11 tons/hr.
If the combustion source did not operate the entire hour, multiply the hourly emissions by the
fraction of the hour that the unit operated (e.g., if the unit operated for 30 minutes, then
emissions for this hour would be 0.1075 tons/hr × 0.5 = 0.054 tons/hr).
If the combustion source operated steadily and continuously for an entire year and the
emission rate remained perfectly constant over that year, annual emissions would be
0.1075 tons/hr × 8,760 hours per year (hr/yr) = 940 tons/yr.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
EPA Method 19 includes many equations that can be used to calculate emissions depending on moisture
measurements and whether pollutant concentrations and O2 or CO2 content are measured on a wet or dry
basis, and each equation uses one of three different types of F factors. The calculation of the different F
factors is described in Section 12.3.2 of Method 19. In lieu of this calculation, Table 19-2 of EPA Method
19 includes default F factors for some common types of fuel that could be used; however, F factors for
refinery fuel gas are not included in Table 19-2.
Refinery fuel gas generally includes many different components; therefore, one equation that can be used
to calculate the F factor in this situation is an adapted version of Equation 19-16 in EPA Method 19 for
multiple fuels. In Equation 4-2, the dry F factor, Fd, is calculated assuming both the pollutant
concentration and the O2 content are measured on a dry basis:
∑ ( X i × MEVi )
Fd = K × in=1
(Eq. 4-2)
∑ ( X i × MHCi )
i =1
Fd = Volume of combustion components resulting from stoichiometric combustion per unit
of heat content (dry standard cubic feet per million British thermal unit [dscf/MMBtu])
K = Conversion factor, 106 (Btu/MMBtu)
n = Number of fuels or fuel components
i = Index for fuels or fuel components
Xi = Mole or volume fraction of each component in the refinery fuel gas
MEVi = Molar exhaust volume (dry standard cubic feet per mole [dscf/mol])
MHCi = Molar heat content (British thermal units per mole [Btu/mol])
Table 4-2 includes values for the molar exhaust volume and molar heat content for common constituents
of refinery fuel gas. It is important to note that these calculations are based on the higher heating value of
the fuel gas (referred to as gross calorific value in EPA Method 19).
Table 4-2. Molar Exhaust Volumes and Molar Heat Content of Refinery Fuel Gas Constituents
Constituent MEVa (dscf/mol) MHCb (Btu/mol)
Methane (CH4) 7.28 842
Ethane (C2H6) 12.94 1,475
Hydrogen (H2) 1.61 269
Ethene (C2H4) 11.34 1,335
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-2. Molar Exhaust Volumes and Molar Heat Content of Refinery Fuel Gas Constituents
The F factor can be used to calculate emissions in one of two ways. In the first option, the F factor, the
amount of fuel combusted, and the heat content of the fuel can be used to calculate the volumetric flow
rate of the exhaust gas, (Q)n, using the following equation.
Qn = Fd × Q f × HHV × (Eq. 4-3)
(20.9 − %O2d )
Qn = Volumetric flow rate for measurement period “n” (dry standard cubic feet per minute
Fd = Volume of combustion components per unit of heat content (dscf/MMBtu)
Qf = Volumetric flow rate of fuel (dscfm)
HHV = Higher heating value of fuel (million British thermal units per standard cubic foot
%O2d = Concentration of O2 on a dry basis (percent)
Once the volumetric flow rate is known, emissions can be calculated using Equation 4-1 as in
Methodology Rank 1 for stationary combustion sources. It is important to note that when using the F
factor method as indicated here, the exhaust gas flow rate will be in units of dry standard cubic feet per
minute, so the temperature and pressure correction terms are not needed. A moisture correction term is
not needed when the concentration measurement is also made on a dry basis. If the concentration
measurements are made on a wet basis, then they must be corrected to a dry basis by dividing by the
[1−(fH20)n] term.
In the second option, the F factor can be used to calculate an emission factor (Equation 4-4) that can then
be multiplied by the higher heating value of the fuel to estimate emissions (Equation 4-5).
EFi = C d Fd (Eq. 4-4)
(20.9 − %O2d )
EFi = Emission rate of pollutant (pounds per million British thermal unit [lb/MMBtu])
Cd = Pollutant concentration, dry basis (pounds per standard cubic foot [lb/dscf])
Fd = Volume of combustion components per unit of heat content (dscf/MMBtu)
%O2d = Concentration of O2 on a dry basis (percent)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Ei = Emissions of pollutant “i” (pounds per hour [lb/hr])
EFi = Emission rate of pollutant (lb/MMBtu)
Qf = Volumetric flow rate of fuel (dscfm)
60 = Conversion factor, minutes per hour
HHV = Higher heating value of fuel (MMBtu/scf)
Example 4-2 demonstrates the calculation of an F factor based on a fuel analysis for refinery fuel gas.
Examples 4-3 and 4-4 demonstrate the first and second options, respectively, to estimate emissions using
the F factor. As previously mentioned, if the result of a calculation is an hourly emission estimate, then
the calculation process should be repeated for each hour in the year, or 8,760 times. For example, the
hourly pollutant and O2 concentrations from the CEMS should be used in Equation 4-4 to calculate an
emission factor for each hour in the year. That emission factor and the hourly measurements of the fuel
flow rate should then be used in Equation 4-5 to determine the hourly emissions for each hour in the year.
The sum of all of those hourly emission estimates is the annual emission estimate.
Fd = 106 × [(0.44 × 7.28) + (0.04 × 12.94) + (0.06 × 1.61) + (0.01 × 11.34) + (0.2 × 18.61) + (0.03
× 17.01) + (0.17 × 24.28) + (0.01 × 22.67) + (0.04 × 0.85)] ÷ [(0.44 × 842) + (0.04 × 1475) +
(0.06 × 269) + (0.01 × 1335) + (0.2 × 2100) + (0.03 × 1947) + (0.17 × 2717) + (0.01 × 2558)
+ (0.04 × 0)]
= 106 × 12.55 ÷ 1425
= 8,809 dscf/MMBtu
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Finally, Equation 4-5 should be used to calculate the hourly emissions (the fuel flow rate is
500 dscfm, or 30,000 dscf/hr [500 dscfm × 60 minutes per hour (min/hr)])
If the combustion source operated steadily and continuously for an entire year and the
emission rate remained perfectly constant over that year, then the annual emissions would be
1.6 lb/hr × 8,760 hr/yr ÷ 2,000 lb/ton = 7.0 tons/yr.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
As mentioned in the introduction to Section 4, Methodology Rank 3A for stationary combustion sources
is considered a more accurate method of emission estimation than Methodology Rank 3B for stationary
combustion sources for certain pollutants, namely SO2, particularly if the concentration of the compound
of interest in the fuel and the fuel flow rate are continuously measured. This may also be the case if the
available source tests are not recent or if the combustion unit’s operation varies significantly enough that
there are concerns about the accuracy of applying an emission factor developed at one set of operating
conditions. For example, a test of NOx emissions from a process heater performed at high capacity may
not apply when the process heater is firing at a lower rate. As the heater firing rate decreases, the operator
increases the oxygen content to ensure stable operation, and this increase in oxygen content may lead to
higher concentrations of NOx.
Equation 4-6 is a general equation used to determine a mass emission estimate from fuel analysis data for
gaseous fuels (for fuel analysis of liquid and solid fuels, see the documents referenced in the introduction
to Section 4).
Ei = (Q f )(C f )
MW (Eq. 4-6)
where (assuming gaseous fuel):
Ei = Emission estimate of pollutant “i” (lb/hr)
Qf = Fuel flow rate (scf/hr)
Cf = Content of pollutant in fuel (lb/scf)
MWi = Molecular weight of pollutant emitted (pounds per pound mole [lb/lb-mol])
MWf = Molecular weight of pollutant in the fuel (lb/lb-mol)
As previously explained, to calculate yearly emissions, this type of calculation must be repeated for each
hour in the year, or 8,760 times. Also, as described in Example 4-1, if the combustion source did not
operate for part of an hour, then the emission estimates for that hour should be multiplied by the fraction
of the hour that it did operate.
If the compound concentration is measured in parts per million or as a percentage rather than pounds per
cubic feet, then Equation 4-7 will be needed. Equation 4-7 provides a methodology for calculating
compound-specific conversion factors such as the values shown in Table 19-1 of EPA Method 19 for NOx
and SO2.
Cf =
(Cc )× (MWi )
(Eq. 4-7)
K × 385.3
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Cf = Content of pollutant in fuel (lb/scf)
Cc = Volumetric concentration of pollutant in fuel (ppm or percentage)
MWi = Molecular weight of pollutant “i” emitted (lb/lb-mole)
K = Conversion constant: 106 if units of Cc are ppm; 102 if units of Cc are a percentage
385.3 = Conversion constant for ideal gases (standard cubic feet per pound mole [scf/lb-mol])
Convert the concentration of sulfur in the fuel to the correct units using Equation 4-7:
Cf =
(Cc )× (MWS )
K × 385.3
Cf = (160) × (32) ÷ (106) ÷ (385.3)
Cf = 1.33 × 10-5 lb/scf
Then, use Equation 4-6 to calculate the hourly mass emissions:
E SO2 = (Q f )(C f )
If the combustion source operated steadily and continuously for an entire year and the
emissions rate remained perfectly constant over that year, then the annual emissions would be
0.80 lbs/hr × 8,760 hr/yr ÷ 2,000 pounds per ton (lb/ton) = 3.5 tons/yr.
Generally, one source test consisting of three runs is performed at a specific set of conditions, and the
results for each run can be averaged to determine an emission factor that is assumed to apply at all heat
input rates. Example 4-5 demonstrates a sample emission factor calculation based on one test with three
test runs. Section 5.1.2 of this document, Methodology Ranks 3 and 4 for Catalytic Cracking Units, also
provides details on calculating one emission factor based on three test runs. That section also includes a
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
detailed description of the ways in which source tests and analyses for PM may need to be handled
differently than other pollutants.
A more complex methodology for developing a correlation rather than one emission factor is provided in
Section 2.1.2 of A Customized Approach for Quantifying Emissions for the Electric Power Generation
Sector in Mexico (The United States–Mexico Foundation for Science, 2008). Section 2.1.2 provides a
detailed explanation of a methodology for developing a correlation between NOx emissions and heat input
to the source (fuel use multiplied by heat content of fuel) that is based on EPA’s Optional NOx Emissions
Estimation Protocol for Gas-Fired Peaking Units and Oil-Fired Peaking Units (40 CFR Part 75,
Appendix E). This methodology allows the operator to account for lower mass emissions per heat input
for lower operating loads. The methodology calls for stack measurements at three load levels, ideally
50%, 75%, and 100% firing rates. The test results at each firing rate are used to calculate an emission
factor in units of mass per heat input (or mass per amount of fuel combusted, assuming a constant heat
content of fuel). Following the development of this correlation, hourly emissions can be calculated based
on hourly measurements of fuel combusted and calculations of the heat content of the fuel (or constant
heating value of the fuel). Section 2.1.2 also includes a detailed set of sample calculations in Exhibit 2.1-3
to demonstrate this procedure.
In addition, the American Petroleum Institute (API), in conjunction with the Western States Petroleum
Association (WSPA), has conducted emission source tests of combustion sources and has compiled
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
emission factors that may be used for refinery combustion sources if AP-42 does not include an
applicable emission factor (Hansell and England, 1998). Separate emission factors were developed for
different combustion sources based on the type of source and fuel used. Appendix D presents the full data
analysis summary for combustion sources of interest as presented in Hansell and England’s Appendices A
and B (1998), including the California Air Resources Board (CARB) emission factor rating; the mean,
median, maximum, and minimum emission factors; number of tests analyzed; standard deviation;
uncertainty; and percent of test run results at or above the detection limit.
The following tables present the recommended emission factors for a variety of metals and organic
compounds. The emission factors in these tables are either the applicable emission factors as presented in
AP-42 or the mean emission factors compiled by Hansell and England (1998). (Additional details on the
rating and quality of these emission factors are located in the original document for AP-42 emission
factors and in Appendix D for the emission factors compiled by Hansell and England (1998).) Emission
factors for boilers and process heaters using various fuels are presented in Table 4-3. Emission factors for
reciprocating internal combustion engines using a variety of fuels are presented in Table 4-4. Emission
factors for combustion turbines using a variety of fuels are presented in Table 4-5.
To use any of these emission factors appropriately, the refinery must monitor or keep records of the
amount of fuel combusted or the heat input.
It is important to note that the bold italic emission factor values in Tables 4-3 through 4-5 from Hansell
and England (1998) are based on method detection limits and are likely biased high. Additional data are
needed to develop accurate emission factors for the compounds that were below the method detection
limits (RTI, 2002). The footnotes to Tables 4-3 through 4-5 explain any differences if a recommended
emission factor is derived from another emission factor.
It is also important to note that this document does not include emission factors for refinery combustion
sources combusting either green or calcined petroleum coke. In addition, while emissions from the
combustion of syngas (gas produced by coke gasification) can be estimated using the methods provided in
this section, this document does not include emission factors for syngas as a fuel. Emission factors for
these fuels will need to be developed from future emission testing and analysis.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-3. Summary of Emission Factors for Boilers and Process Heaters Firing Various Fuels
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-3. Summary of Emission Factors for Boilers and Process Heaters Firing Various Fuels (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-3. Summary of Emission Factors for Boilers and Process Heaters Firing Various Fuels (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-3. Summary of Emission Factors for Boilers and Process Heaters Firing Various Fuels (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-3. Summary of Emission Factors for Boilers and Process Heaters Firing Various Fuels (continued)
b Source: Hansell and England, 1998, unless otherwise specified.
c Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a, AP-42 Section 1.4, Table 1.4-4. Emission factors were provided for natural gas combustion sources. Values converted from lb/106
h Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a, AP-42 Section 1.3, Table 1.3-11. Emission factors were provided specifically for residual oil (No. 6 oil) fired boilers. Values
hexavalent chromium emission factors for gas turbines are between 10 and 15 percent of the total chromium emission factor, and the hexavalent chromium
emission factor for boilers firing fuel oil is about 30 percent of the total chromium emission factor (based on detection limits, which are expected to overstate
hexavalent chromium emissions), so 20 percent is a conservative (reasonable high-end) estimate for hexavalent chromium emissions from refinery fuel gas.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-4. Summary of Emission Factors for Internal Combustion Engines Firing Various Fuels
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-4. Summary of Emission Factors for Internal Combustion Engines Firing Various Fuels (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-4. Summary of Emission Factors for Internal Combustion Engines Firing Various Fuels (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-4. Summary of Emission Factors for Internal Combustion Engines Firing Various Fuels (continued)
b Bold italic values indicate that all test runs were below detection limit.
c Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a, AP-42 Section 3.3, Table 3.3-2. Emission factors are for uncontrolled sources. Emission factors preceded with a less than symbol
are based on method detection limits. Note that these emission factors are for diesel engines up to 600 hp. Emission factors for diesel engines greater than
600 hp can be found in AP-42 Section 3.4.
d Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a, AP-42 Section 3.2, Table 3.2-1. Emission factors are for uncontrolled sources.
e Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a, AP-42 Section 3.2, Table 3.2-2. Emission factors are for uncontrolled sources. Emission factors preceded with a less than symbol
h The emission factor for total PAH in U.S. EPA, 1995a, Table 3.2-2 is 2.7E-05 lb/MMBtu.
i The emission factor for total PAH in U.S. EPA, 1995a, Table 3.2-3 is 1.4E-04 lb/MMBtu.
j Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a, AP-42 Section 3.2, Table 3.2-3. Emission factors are for uncontrolled sources. Emission factors preceded with a less than symbol
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-5. Summary of Emission Factors for Combustion Turbines Firing Various Fuelsa
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-5. Summary of Emission Factors for Combustion Turbines Firing Various Fuelsa (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Table 4-5. Summary of Emission Factors for Combustion Turbines Firing Various Fuelsa (continued)
b Bold italic values indicate that all test runs were below detection limit.
c Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a, Section 3.1, Table 3.1-4 and Table 3.1-5. Emission factors are based on an average distillate oil heating value (HHV) of 139
MMBtu/103 gal.
d Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a, Section 3.1, Table 3.1-3. Emission factors are based on an average natural gas heating value (HHV) of 1,020 Btu/scf at 60°F.
e The emission factor for total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) is 4.0E-05 lb/MMBtu.
g Hexavalent chromium is assumed to be twenty percent of the total chromium emission factor for the hexavalent chromium emission factor. The hexavalent
chromium emission factors for boilers firing fuel oil is about 30 percent of the total chromium emission factor (based on detection limits, which are expected to
overstate hexavalent chromium emissions) and 18 percent of the total chromium for oil-fired utilities (U.S. EPA, 1998c), so 20 percent is expected to be a
reasonable approximation for hexavalent chromium emissions from distillate oil-fired combustion turbines.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 4—Stationary Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
5. Process Vents
There are a variety of processes and equipment at petroleum refineries that may release pollutants directly
into the atmosphere through process vents. Many of these process vents may be controlled using a flare,
thermal incinerator, or other air pollution control techniques. This section describes the key process vents
and emissions estimation procedures considering controls. At some facilities, the process gases may be
routed to the refinery’s fuel gas system rather than directly to a control device to the atmosphere. These
gases would then be combusted with the fuel gas in either a stationary combustion unit (process heater or
boiler) or in a flare. As such, emissions from these gases are expected to be included in the emissions
estimated for stationary combustion sources (see Section 4) or for flares (see Section 6). The methods in
this section should be used for process vent gases other than those recovered into the refinery’s fuel gas
system. Particularly, this section provides methods for estimating the emissions associated with catalytic
cracking units (CCUs), coking units, CRUs, sulfur recovery plants, and other process vents (e.g., from
hydrogen (H2) plants, asphalt blowing stills, coke calcining units, blowdown system, and vacuum
generating units).
Table 5-1 summarizes the general hierarchy of process vent emissions measurement or estimation
methods, which are ranked in terms of anticipated accuracy. Within a given measurement method (or
rank), there may be alternative methods for determining the constituent-specific emissions. Methodology
Ranks 1 and 2 for process vents (i.e., the use of CEMS) have been previously described in Section 4,
Stationary Combustion Sources. Although Section 5 will note these methods, where applicable, for
individual process vents, Section 4 should be reviewed for sample calculations and other important
considerations when using CEMS to determine mass emissions rates.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
The CCU catalyst regenerator vent releases a wide variety of pollutants, including PM, SO2, NOx, carbon
monoxide (CO), VOC, metal HAP, organic HAP, and ammonia. As a by-product of the cracking
reactions, coke is deposited on the catalyst particles. The coke reduces the activity of the catalyst, and the
spent catalyst that is returned from the CCU reactor is regenerated continuously by burning off coke in
the CCU catalyst regenerator. There are two basic types of CCU regenerators: complete combustion
regenerators and partial combustion regenerators. In a complete combustion regenerator, the regenerator
is typically operated at approximately 1,200°F to 1,400°F with excess O2 and low levels (< 500 ppmv) of
CO in the exhaust flue gas. In a partial (or incomplete) combustion regenerator, the regenerator is
typically operated at approximately 1,000°F to 1,200°F under O2-limited conditions and relatively high
levels (1% to 5%) of CO. Prior to exiting the regenerator, catalyst particles entrained with the flue gases
are initially removed by internal cyclone separators and returned to the regenerator catalyst bed for
recirculation to the reactor.
On a routine basis, a small portion of the circulating catalyst, commonly referred to as equilibrium
catalyst (E-cat), is removed from the system and fresh catalyst is added to maintain catalyst activity and
replace catalyst lost or removed from the system. Various other additives may also be included with the
catalyst additions to reduce NOx or SO2 emissions or promote complete combustion (thereby reducing CO
emissions). Although the CCU vent is the primary emissions source associated with the CCU, fugitive
dust emissions associated with handling the fresh catalyst or spent E-cat should also be calculated and
included in the emissions inventory for CCU systems.
After the flue gas exits the CCU regenerator, a variety of energy recovery or emissions control systems
may be used to reduce pollutant releases. For a complete combustion CCU, a waste heat boiler is often
used to recover the latent heat of the flue gas. The energy recovery system also serves to cool the flue gas
prior to PM or other add-on control systems. The most common control systems for CCU are electrostatic
precipitators (ESP) or wet scrubbers. For a partial combustion CCU, the first control system is typically a
CO boiler used to combust the CO in the flue gas to CO2 and recover the heat of combustion and latent
heat of the flue gas (typically by producing steam).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
may be used. If multiple tests have been conducted on the CCU and no significant modifications have
been made on the CCU or its control system, then an arithmetic average of the emission factors should be
used to estimate annual average emissions. If modifications have been made on the CCU or its control
system, the most recently performed source test should be used to develop the site-specific emissions
factor. To estimate maximum hourly emissions, the highest emission factor developed from the individual
runs should be used along with the maximum capacity (or coke burn-off rate) of the CCU.
Although site-specific emissions factors can be developed for PM, VOC, organic HAP species, or metal
HAP species using source test data, there are some unique nomenclature and reporting practices for PM
emissions that deserve additional guidance. Additionally, a quasi Methodology Rank 4 for CCU metal
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
HAP emissions estimates based on a site-specific PM emissions rate has been developed and requires
additional explanation. The following subsections discuss additional guidance on providing a complete
PM emissions estimate and on estimating metal HAP emissions from PM source test information.
EPA Methods 5, 5B, and 5F are the most commonly used test methods for measuring PM emissions from
CCUs. A typical Method 5 sampling train consists of a sampling probe, a heated line and filter, and a
series of impingers that are kept in an ice bath. Method 5, 5B, or 5F sampling measures PM that is
contained in the sampling probe and filter, which is often referred to as the “front-half” or “filterable” PM
catch. PM that condenses in the impinger section of the sampling train is often referred to as the “back
half” catch or the “condensable” PM.
One of the main differences between EPA Methods 5, 5B, and 5F is that the sampling line and filter are
maintained at 250°F for Method 5 compared to 325°F for Methods 5B and 5F. Although generally not
used for the CCU, there are other EPA test methods for PM. EPA Method 17 is similar to Method 5,
except that the filter in the Method 17 sampling probe is within the stack so that the “filterable” PM
content is measured at the stack temperature. EPA Method 201 is similar to Method 17, except that there
is also a cyclone or other sizing device to remove particles greater than 10 µm in diameter prior to the
filter so that Method 201 determines PM10-FIL directly. EPA Method 201A, formerly EPA Other Test
Method 27 (OTM 27), is similar to EPA Method 201 sampling at stack temperature, but uses a series of
cylones to filter out, in succession, particles greater than 10 µm and 2.5 µm in diameter. The particle
catch from the second cyclone can be used to determine the PM emissions that are less than 10 µm in
diameter but greater than 2.5 µm in diameter. The “filterable” catch from EPAMethod 201A is a direct
measure of PM2.5-FIL. Therefore, EPA Method 201A provides a means to directly determine PM-FIL,
PM10-FIL, and PM2.5-FIL. PM CEMS, if used, generally measure only the filterable PM (i.e., PM-FIL).
Any of the Method 5, 17, or 201 variant methods describe only the procedures to determine the front-half
or filterable PM catch. EPA Method 202, formerly EPA Other Test Method 28 (OTM 28), uses a dry
condensing chamber followed by liquid impingers and specifies the procedures to determine the mass of
condensable PM (i.e., PM-CON). Although Method 202 generally references the use of Method 17 (or
201 or 201A) sampling trains, it may also be used in conjunction with EPA Methods 5, 5B, or 5F. As the
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
To summarize, PM CEMS and EPA Methods 5 (including 5B or 5F) and 17 provide a measure of PM-
FIL; EPA Method 201 provides a measure of PM-FIL and PM10-FIL; and EPA Method 201A provides a
measure of PM-FIL, PM10-FIL, and PM2.5-FIL. EPA Method 202 provides a measure of PM-CON. One
important caveat to this is that, in Method 5F, ammonia sulfate particulates are determined and subtracted
from the total PM catch to determine the non-sulfate PM emissions. Although the non-sulfate PM value
may be used for compliance purposes (for the Petroleum Refinery NSPS or for Refinery MACT II),
emissions reported for the inventory should include the total filterable PM catch. That is, the total PM
catch before subtracting the sulfate PM emissions should be used to determine PM-FIL for the purposes
of reporting for the emissions inventory. The sulfate particulate PM should be considered to be 100% PM
fine (i.e., PM2.5). Additional guidance on typical CCU particle size distributions is provided in the
following subsection.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
If metal HAP emissions tests are performed, then site-specific metal HAP emissions factors should be
determined (using the methods provided in Section 5.1.2, Methodology Ranks 3 and 4 for Catalytic
Cracking Units,) and used directly to assess metal HAP emissions rates as a Rank 4 method. However,
few facilities are expected to have performed metal HAP speciation emissions tests for their CCU. On the
other hand, nearly all facilities have their equilibrium catalyst (i.e., the catalyst within the CCU,
commonly referred to as “E-cat”) tested regularly for certain metal contaminants to monitor catalyst
activity and replacement needs. Some facilities also have their CCU fines tested occasionally for metal
HAP concentrations.
If a facility has a site-specific PM emissions factor, then either CCU fines or E-cat analysis can be used as
a means to calculate a site-specific HAP emissions rate using the methodology described in this section.
This Methodology Rank 5A for CCU metal HAP emissions estimates is expected to be more
representative than a default emissions factor, but not as good as a directly measured HAP-specific
emissions factor. This method involves using the site-specific (non-sulfate, if available) PM emissions
rate, and estimating the concentration of metal HAP on the emitted PM based on the concentration of
metal HAP on the CCU fines or E-cat using the procedures provided in this section. This method is not
applicable for mercury (Hg) because it assumes the metals are associated with the catalyst particles and
are not in the vapor phase.
If metal HAP concentrations of CCU fines are available, then these data should be used (preferentially to
E-cat data) to estimate the metal HAP concentration of the emitted PM. It is assumed that the emitted PM
has the same metal HAP concentration as the CCU fines. If metal HAP concentrations for CCU fines are
not available, then the metal HAP composition of the emitted PM can be estimated as 80% of the E-cat
It is expected that CCU fine or E-cat concentration data will be available for nickel (Ni) and vanadium
because these are the primary metals that poison CCU catalyst activity, but concentration data may be
available for other metals as well. Table 5-3 lists metal HAP generally present in CCU fines. If the
concentrations of these metal HAP are not determined for the CCU fines or E-cat, then they should be
estimated using the measured Ni concentration and the concentration ratios for these other metal HAP as
provided in Table 5-3.
Equation 5-1 is a basic equation used to calculate annual metal HAP emissions based on the annual PM
emissions rate and CCU fines metal HAP concentrations.
Ei = PM −FIL × (Eq. 5-1)
1,000,000 mg/kg
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
Ei = Emissions rate of metal HAP “i” (tons/yr)
PM-FIL = Filterable PM emissions rate from site-specific PM emissions factor; if EPA Method
5F is used, then use PMnon-sulfate rather than PM-FIL (ton/yr)
Ci = Concentration of metal HAP “i” on the CCU fines (milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg])
= 0.8 × CE-cat,i, if only E-cat concentration are available
= CNickel × (factor from Table 5-3), if other metal HAP concentrations are not available
Note that Ei = ENickel × (factor from Table 5-3) when other metal HAP concentration data are not
available. If vanadium concentrations are available but nickel concentrations are not, the nickel
concentration should be calculated by dividing the vanadium concentration by the default ratio for
vanadium in Table 5-3, and the calculated nickel concentrations and the default ratios in Table 5-3 then
used to project the concentrations of other metal HAPs.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
Although total chromium emissions have been found above detectable concentrations in the CCU
regenerator vent, very few tests have been performed to determine Cr+6 emissions. The few tests that have
been performed have not found Cr+6 above detection limits, but the detection limits have been comparable
to the detected total chromium emissions. Emissions of Cr+6 from coal-fired power plants indicated that
Cr+6 emissions were 11 percent of the total chromium emissions (U.S. EPA, 1998c). Based on these
limited data, it is recommended that, for the CCU vent, Cr+6 emissions be estimated as 10% of the total
chromium emissions. Thus, in the example calculation provided, Cr+6 emissions would be estimated to be
0.0026 tons/yr.
Emissions of Hg should be estimated for the CCU; however, Hg emissions are not expected to be
correlated with the PM emissions because very little, if any, of the Hg emissions are expected to be
particulate bound. Mercury emissions are more likely correlated with the CCU throughput or coke burn-
off rate. Thus, Hg emissions should be estimated independently of other HAP metals. If Hg emissions
data are available based on source test data for the site, then the source test data can be used, as a
Methodology Rank 4 for metal HAP emissions estimates, to develop a site-specific emissions factor.
Otherwise, Hg emissions should be estimated using a default (Rank 5B) emissions factor rather than
using this Rank 5A method.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
Table 5-4. Organic HAP Emissions Factors for CCU Catalyst Regenerator Vent
Emissions Factor Emissions Factor
CAS No. Compound (lb/MMbbl)a (lb/klb coke burn-off)b
Volatile Organics
75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 20 0.0013
67-64-1 Acetone 2.4 1.6E-4
107-02-8 Acrolein 1.0 6.6E-5
71-43-2 Benzene 18 1.1E-3
74-83-9 Bromomethane 2.1 1.4E-4
106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene 0.033 2.0E-6
100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.24 1.6E-5
50-00-0 Formaldehyde 260 0.016
75-09-2 Methylene chloride 6.7 4.4E-4
108-95-2 Phenol 8.7 5.7E-4
108-88-3 Toluene 3.5 2.1E-4
75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 2.4 1.6E-4
1330-20-7 Xylene 3.2 2.1E-4
Semivolatile and Nonvolatile Organics(excluding dioxin/furans)
83-32-9 Acenaphthene 0.0033 2.2E-7
208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 0.13 7.8E-6
120-12-7 Anthracene 0.10 6.7E-6
56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.00052 3.8E-8
50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.011 7.1E-7
205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.0035 2.4E-7
192-97-2 Benzo(e)pyrene 0.00045 3.3E-8
191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.0046 3.1E-7
207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.0026 1.8E-7
218-01-9 Chrysene 0.0033 2.3E-7
53-70-3 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.0042 2.8E-7
206-44-0 Fluoranthene 0.093 6.1E-6
86-73-7 Fluorene 0.037 2.4E-6
193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.0044 3.0E-7
91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.026 1.8E-6
91-20-3 Naphthalene 1.0 7.0E-5
85-01-8 Phenanthrene 0.24 1.6E-5
129-00-0 Pyrene 0.0031 2.2E-7
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
The emission factors presented in Table 5-4 are based primarily on the emission data collected to support
the Refinery MACT 2 rule; however, emissions factors for hydrogen cyanide and mercury were updated
based on source tests conducted in response to EPA’s 2011 ICR for the petroleum refining industry.
While there appear to be slight differences in how outlier and non-detect values were handled, the
emission factors in Table 5-4 agree well with the average emission factors developed by Bertrand and
Siegell (2002).
Based on the lack of data for PAH and furan emissions, the emissions estimates for these compounds
have high uncertainties, likely an order-of-magnitude either high or low. The California Air Resources
Board (CARB), with EPA’s support, conducted an emissions source test at a complete combustion FCCU
(without a post-combustion device). The only dioxin isomer detected in all runs was octachloro-dibenzo-
p-dioxin (OCDD); octachloro-dibenzo-furan (OCDF) and heptachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (hepta-CDD)
were detected in one run. All dioxin/furan quantities that were detected were detected at levels below the
method quantitation limit for the analysis. All polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) isomers were below
detection limits. This additional source test was not included in the development of the Petroleum
Refinery MACT II emissions factors, but it confirms low emissions of dioxins/furans and PCBs from the
CCU catalyst regenerator vent.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
in Section 4, Stationary Combustion Sources. Nearly all new coking units being built at refineries are
delayed coking units, which are discussed further in Section 5.3.
Fluid coking units have several similarities to a CCU. The coking unit contains a burner section and a
reactor section. In the burner section, heat for the coking reaction is supplied by burning a portion of the
coke that is produced. In the reactor, fine coke particles are produced as a result of the thermal cracking
process. Prior to exiting the coking unit, coke particles entrained with the flue gases are removed by
internal cyclone separators and recovered as a product, with a portion of the produced coke recycled to
the burner section. The coke burner is operated with limited air—enough to combust the diverted coke (to
provide heat for the coking reaction)—but limited enough to prevent O2 from getting into the reactor
section. The exhaust gas from the coking unit burner has high levels of CO, which is typically combusted
in a CO boiler to recover the latent heat of the CO. The CO boiler also acts to combust any organics
entrained in the flue gas. The gas may then be further processed to remove PM or SO2 in the flue gas. The
fluid coking unit vent releases a wide variety of pollutants, including PM, SO2, NOx, CO, VOC, metal
HAP, organic HAP, and ammonia.
Special considerations should be taken to estimate the amount of total sulfur compounds present in fuel
gas generated from the fluid coking unit. Coking units have been found to produce appreciable quantities
of methyl mercaptans and other reduced sulfur compounds that are not as efficiently removed from sour
gas as is H2S. Consequently, SO2 emissions from fuel gas combustion devices receiving fuel gas
generated from a fluid coking unit should account for this additional sulfur that is not measured by H2S
monitors (see Section 4, Stationary Combustion Sources, for further details).
Note also that fluid coking units, in particular, may have significant fugitive PM emissions from the
handling of the produced coke. Methodologies for these fugitive PM emissions are described in Section
10, Fugitive Dust Sources.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
and purge organics in the coke matrix. After the coke drum is sufficiently cooled, the drum is opened and
the coke is removed from the vessel using high-pressure water. Once the coke is cut out of the drum, the
drum is closed, and prepared to go back online. A single coke drum is typically on-line receiving oil for
14 to 18 hours and then off-line for cooling and decoking for 14 to 18 hours, so a complete cycle time is
approximately 28 to 36 hours.
During the reaction process, the delayed coking unit is a closed system. When the coke drum is taken off-
line, the initial steaming process gas is also recovered through the unit’s product distillation column. As
the steaming cycle continues, the gas is sent to a blowdown system to recover the liquids. The gas is
typically sent to a flare, a flare gas recovery system, or the refinery’s gas plant for further
processing/recovery. Near the end of the steaming process, a vent is opened to allow the remaining steam
and vapors to be released into the atmosphere prior to draining and opening the drum. This atmospheric
vent is commonly referred to as the delayed coking unit steam vent. Emissions from the delayed coking
unit steam vent are primarily CH4 and ethane, but include a variety of volatile and semi-volatile organics.
Although Section 5 primarily addresses the process vent emissions from a given source, fugitive
emissions are also released from the delayed coking unit when the coke drum is drained, opened and the
coke is cut from the drum. During the draining process, hot water (and potentially super-heated water) is
discharged from the coke drum to an open drainage pit, where steam and organic contaminants are
released from the draining water. Some facilities begin draining immediately upon opening the
atmospheric vent while others wait for the steam released during the venting process to subside before
draining the coke drum. Draining the coke drum early in the venting cycle reduces the amount of
emissions that are released from the vent but increases the amount of emissions released in the drainage
area. Because the emissions from the delayed coking unit steam vent is dependent on the timing of water
draining and because a complete emissions inventory is desired, the calculation methodologies and
emission factors presented in this section for organic constituents are intended to account for the
emissions from the entire decoking process operations (venting, draining, drum opening, and coke
cutting). If emissions are estimated based on site-specific measurements or tests conducted only on the
coke drum steam vent, these data should be used to calculate site-specific emissions factors in units of
pounds per 1,000 pounds (lb/1,000 lb) steam for the coker steam vent, as discussed in Section 5.3.2,
Methodology Rank 3 and 4 for Delayed Coking Units. If only pollutant mass emissions rates are available
for the coker steam vent, then a separate analysis should be conducted to estimate the emissions during
the draining and coke cutting processes as discussed in Section 5.3.3, Methodology Rank 5 for Delayed
Coking Units.
PM emissions from the coke cutting operations and subsequent coke storage and handling facilities
should be estimated using the methodologies described in Section 10, Fugitive Dust Sources. The cutting
water will absorb some hydrocarbons, so this water will also become a source of organic emissions;
therefore, organic emissions from impoundments, ponds, or open tanks used to store the cutting liquids
should be estimated using the methodologies described in Section 7.2.5, Equalization Tanks. That is, the
organic emissions methodology presented in this section are expected to include the emissions that occur
during the active draining process as liquid drops from the coke drum vessel and is diverted to the coke
pit. Subsequent emissions from the water stored in the coke pit or other vessels is not considered in the
methodologies presented in this section. The appropriate methods presented in Section 7 of this Refinery
Emissions Protocol document should be used to estimate the emissions from these ancillary sources.
As with fluid coking units, special considerations should be taken to estimate the amount of total sulfur
compounds that are present in fuel gas generated from delayed coking units. Coking units have been
found to produce appreciable quantities of methyl mercaptans and other reduced sulfur compounds that
are not efficiently removed from the sour gas as H2S. Consequently, SO2 emissions from fuel gas
combustion devices receiving fuel gas generated from a delayed coking unit should account for this
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
additional sulfur that is not measured by H2S monitors (for more detail, see Section 4, Stationary
Combustion Sources).
The mass of steam generated and released per decoking cycle can be estimated as follows:
Msteam = Mass of steam generated and released per decoking cycle (pounds per cycle; lbs/cycle).
fConvLoss = fraction of total heat loss that is due to convective heat loss from sides of the coke drum
vessel (unitless). Use the default value of 0.10.
Mwater = Mass of water in the coke drum vessel prior to at the end of the cooling cycle prior to
atmospheric venting (lbs/cycle).
Cp,water = Heat capacity of water (British thermal units per pound per degree Fahrenheit;
Btu/lb/°F). Use the default value of 1.0 Btu/lb/°F.
Mcoke = Typical dry mass of coke in the delayed coking unit vessel at the end of the coking
cycle (lbs/cycle).
Cp,coke = Heat capacity of petroleum coke (Btu/lb/°F). Use the default value of 0.265 Btu/lb/°F.
Toverhead = Temperature of the delayed coking unit vessel overhead line measured as near the coke
drum vessel as practical just prior to venting the atmosphere (°F). If the temperature of
the delayed coking unit vessel overhead line is less than 216 °F, use Toverhead = 216 °F
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
ΔHvap = Heat of vaporization of water (British thermal units per pound; Btu/lb). Use the default
value of 960 Btu/lb.
The typical dry mass of coke in the coke drum vessel can be calculated based on coke production
quantities per cycle. Alternatively, it can be estimated based on the typical coke drum outage as follows:
π × D2
M coke = ρ bulk × (H drum − H outage )×
(Eq. 5-3)
ρbulk = Bulk coke bed density pounds per cubic feet; lb/ft3). Use the default value 42.2 lbs/ft3.
Houtage = Typical distance from the top of the coking unit vessel and the top of the coke bed (i.e.,
coke drum outage) at the end of the coking cycle (ft).
The mass of water in the coke drum vessel can be calculated based on the typical water height in the coke
drum while accounting for the volume of coke particles present. Assuming the water completely covers
the coke bed, the mass of water in the coke drum can be estimated as follows:
π × D 2 M coke
M water = ρ water × (H water ) × − (Eq. 5-4)
4 ρ particle
ρwater = Density of water at the coke drum temperature (lb/ft3). The default value for the density
of water at 220 ºF is 59.5 lbs/ft3
Hwater = Typical distance from the bottom of the coking unit vessel to the top of the water level
at the end of the cooling cycle just prior to atmospheric venting (ft).
ρparticle = Particle density of petroleum coke (lb/ft3). Use the default value 84.3 lbs/ft3.
The annual mass emissions of a pollutant can be estimated using Equation 5-5. Methodology Rank 3 for
delayed coking units is to use site-specific test data for the coker steam vent to determine site-specific
pollutant emissions factors in units of pounds per 1,000 pounds (lbs/1000 lb) steam for use in Equation 5-
5. If site-specific emissions factors are not available, Methodology Rank 4 for delayed coking units is to
use the default emissions factors presented in Table 5-5 (those provided in units of lbs/1000 lb steam).
Typically, all coking drums for a given delayed coking unit will have similar size and operational
characteristics, so Equation 5-5 can be applied once considering all decoking events for the delayed
coking unit. If the coke drums have different sizes or operating characteristics, Equation 5-5 should be
used separately for each coke drum.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
EmFDCU,i = Emissions factor for delayed coking units for pollutant “i” from site-specific test data
(Rank 3) or from Table 5-5 for Methodology Rank 4 for delayed coking units (pounds
per 1,000 pounds (lbs/1000 lb) steam).
Table 5-5. Emissions Factors for Delayed Coking Unit Decoking Operations
The draining emissions can be estimated using the methodologies described in Section 7.2.2, Primary
Weirs (to model the initial drop and cascading of water to the drainage pit); however, the Henry’s law
constants used for the calculation should be adjusted to the temperature of the drain water. The
temperature adjustment input for the weirs model in RWET does not adjust the Henry’s law constant and
appropriate Henry’s law constants for the average temperature of the drained water should be entered into
the site-specific properties section of the Chemical Properties sheet to properly account for the high
temperature of the drain water. Temperature dependent Henry’s law constants can be determined using
the data and methods presented by Sander (1999). Although the precise increase is constituent specific, in
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
the absence of temperature-specific Henry’s law coefficients, the Henry’s law constant for compounds in
the drain water can be estimated to be 10 times greater than the Henry’s law constant reported at 25 ºC.
Emissions from opening and decoking the coke drum can be estimated using the methods presented in
Section 11.1, Gaseous Process Vessel Depressurization and Purging provided that the coke drum
contents are sufficiently cooled so that minimal additional steam generation occurs during the coke
cutting process. If significant quantities of steam are generated during the coke cutting process, the
method in Section 11.1 will underestimate the total emissions. Default volume fractions of pollutants in
the coke drum gas for use with Equation 11-1 are provided in Table 5-5.
During regeneration, there are several potential atmospheric vents. Although the location of the emission
points might vary depending on whether catalyst regeneration is continuous, cyclic, or semi-regenerative,
there are three times or locations during the regeneration process that emissions can occur regardless of
the regenerator type. For continuous regeneration, venting occurs from three distinct vents as follows:
(1) the initial depressurization and purge vent; (2) the coke burn pressure control vent; and (3) the final
catalyst purge vent. For cyclic and semi-regenerative units, the initial depressurization and purge vent is
often a distinct release point, but the coke burn and final catalyst purge emissions are commonly released
at different times during the regeneration cycle from a single atmospheric vent.
The initial depressurization and purge cycle removes the hydrocarbons from the catalyst prior to CRU
catalyst regeneration. The vent gases from this initial purge may have high levels of organic HAP such as
benzene, toluene, xylene, and hexane. The gases generated from the initial depressurization and purge
cycles are typically vented to the refinery fuel gas system or directly to a combustion device (e.g., flare or
process heater). The coke burn cycle is typically the largest (in terms of gas volume) emissions source of
the overall catalyst regeneration cycle. The primary HAP contained in the CRU coke burn vent are
hydrogen chloride (HCl) and chlorine (Cl2), which are produced when the water formed during
combustion leaches chloride atoms from the CRU catalyst. The final purge and reduction cycle removes
O2 and any remaining chlorination agent from the system and reduces the catalyst prior to returning the
CRU catalyst to the reforming process or bringing the unit back online. The vent gases from this final
purge may have low levels of the chlorinating agent (usually an organic HAP such as trichloroethene or
perchloroethene) and residual HCl or Cl2 remaining in the system. The final purge gases are typically
vented into the atmosphere or to the refinery fuel gas system depending on the O2 content of the purge
gases (safety considerations restrict the venting of O2-containing gases to the refinery fuel gas system).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
diameters. All of these factors make traditional source testing difficult. Most of the available data are for
HCl and Cl2 emissions from uncontrolled coke burn vents (20 data points are available for HCl emissions;
10 data points are available for Cl2). A few data points were available for a limited number of organic
chemicals. These data are compiled in the Background Information Document (BID) for the proposed
Petroleum Refinery MACT II rule (U.S. EPA, 1998b). During the Petroleum Refinery MACT II project,
CARB, with funding assistance from EPA, conducted a source test of a continuous CRU catalyst
regenerator coke-burn vent for dioxins/furans, PCBs, and PAHs. The results from this source test, which
were not available at the time for inclusion into the Petroleum Refinery MACT II BID, were used to
develop emissions factors for these compounds. Additionally, a total hydrocarbon (THC) 1 emissions
factor was developed based on test data submitted in response to the EPA’s 2011 ICR. The resulting
emissions factors for the coke burn emissions are presented in Table 5-6. These emissions factors are
normalized by the CRU process throughput and are assumed to apply equally for all types of CRU
The most prevalent control device used in association with the coke-burn vent is a wet scrubber. The
dioxin/furan emissions source tests and the volatile organics were performed on a system controlled by a
wet scrubber. Because of the limited solubilities of these chemicals and the scrubbing medium
recirculation rate used for wet scrubbers on this vent stream, the scrubber is assumed to have limited
effectiveness at reducing the emissions of these chemicals. Therefore, the same emissions factor is
recommended for these chemicals for both controlled and uncontrolled CRU. Wet scrubbers are used to
reduce the emissions of HCl and Cl2. The wet scrubbers used for these vents were characterized into two
classes: single-stage scrubbers and multiple-stage scrubbers. Single-stage scrubbers are estimated to
reduce HCl and Cl2 emissions by 92%, and the multiple-stage scrubbers are estimated to reduce HCl and
Cl2 emissions by 97%.
As most emissions from the purge cycles are vented to the refinery fuel gas system or a flare, emissions
from this source were not covered separately in this section; these emissions are presumably included in
the refinery fuel gas combustion sources (process heaters and boilers) or flares emissions estimates. No
data are available to characterize the small portion of venting that occurs directly into the atmosphere
from these purge cycles, but these emissions should be characterized and reported in the inventory.
Emissions Factor
CAS No. Chemical Name (lb/1,000 bbl)a
1746-01-6 Dioxin toxic equivalents (TEQ)b 5.7E-09
1336-36-3 Total polychlorinated biphenylsc 2.6E-06
91-20-3 Naphthalene 3.5E-05
91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 1.3E-06
208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 3.0E-08
83-32-9 Acenaphthene 4.3E-08
86-73-7 Fluorene 2.0E-07
85-01-8 Phenanthrene 6.1E-07
120-12-7 Anthracene 9.1E-08
206-44-0 Fluoranthene 1.0E-07
129-00-0 Pyrene 1.5E-08
Total hydrocarbons may be used as a surrogate for VOC.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
Table 5-6. Emissions Factors for CRU Catalyst Regeneration Vent (continued)
Emissions Factor
CAS No. Chemical Name
(lb/1,000 bbl)a
56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 9.0E-10
218-01-9 Chrysene 2.9E-09
205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.5E-09
207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 7.5E-10
192-97-2 Benzo(e)pyrene 2.9E-09
193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 1.7E-09
53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 7.8E-10
191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 4.0E-09
71-43-2 Benzene 0.004
108-88-3 Toluene 0.0096
1330-20-7 Xylene 0.007
THC Total hydrocarbonsd 0.24
7647-01-0 Hydrogen chloride 4.2e
7782-50-5 Chlorine 0.23e
Notes for Table 5-6.
a Emissions factor in pounds pollutant emitted per 1,000 barrels of catalytic reforming unit process
b Dioxin TEQ = toxic equivalents to 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin used for risk analysis; specific
propane basis.
e Emissions factor for uncontrolled coke burn vent; controlled emissions should be estimated based on the
efficiency of the control device for these pollutants. Single-stage scrubbers (including direct caustic
injection) are estimated to reduce HCl and Cl2 emissions by 92%, and the multiple-stage scrubbers are
estimated to reduce HCl and Cl2 emissions by 97%
The primary HAP components of the final sulfur plant vent are carbonyl sulfide (COS) and carbon
disulfide (CS2). These HAP components are by-products of the SRU and tail gas treatment unit (TGTU)
reactions; COS may also be a product of incomplete combustion from a thermal oxidizer. Unreacted H2S
may also be released during the process. Sulfur recovery plant vents are commonly controlled by a
thermal oxider to oxidize unreacted H2S or H2S in sweep gas from the sulfur pits to SO2. Some sulfur
recovery plants use reducing controls and thus emit H2S rather than SO2. The sulfur plant sour gas feed
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
may also contain small amounts of light organics. Therefore, it is important to account for the
hydrocarbons in the sulfur recovery plant feed when estimating emissions from the sulfur recovery plant,
particularly from Lo-Cat® or other sulfur recovery plants that may have atmospheric vents without
thermal destruction.
When the sulfur recovery plant is in operation, the sulfur plant vent flow rate is fairly small so that the
SO2 emissions from the sulfur recovery plant are also relatively small. If the sulfur recovery plant must be
taken offline due to an upset or malfunction, the sour gas may be temporarily directed to a backup sulfur
recovery unit or directed to a flare or the thermal oxidizer. If the sour gas in these cases is sent to a flare
or thermal oxidizer, the SO2 emissions can be very large. As such, it is critical to include accurate
accounting of SO2 emissions during startup, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) events associated with the
sulfur recovery plant.
Given the high uncertainty expected in engineering/mass-balance calculations for sulfur recovery plants,
site-specific emissions factors may be as or more useful than using an engineering/mass-balance approach
for calculating emissions from sulfur recovery plants, particularly sulfur compound emissions. Site-
specific emissions factors are also recommended for reductive tail gas treatment units not followed by an
incinerator and for non-Claus sulfur recovery plants. Evaluation of light hydrocarbons should be
addressed in these systems. For example, Lo-Cat® systems use an oxidation tank in which H2S is
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
chemically oxidize to SO2. Any light hydrocarbons entrained in the sour gas are expected to be released in
the vent from the oxidation tank. The emissions from this oxidation tank should be characterized and
reported for the sulfur recovery plant.
b Total hydrocarbons may be used as a surrogate for VOC. Total hydrocarbons are presented on an as propane
c Values estimated as 50 times the controlled SRU emissions factor.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
(i.e., natural gas in addition to that used to produce hydrogen) must be supplied to the SMR furnace to
provide the necessary heat for the SMR reaction. A water–gas shift (WGS) reaction is then conducted in a
second series of catalytic reactors to convert the CO and steam to CO2 and H2. Finally, the CO2 is
removed from the H2 product using either a liquid absorption, membrane filtration, or pressure swing
absorption (PSA). There are various H2 plant vents depending on the configuration of the H2 plant. The
primary vent from the H2 plant is from the SMR furnace. The PSA off-gas vent is often fed to the SMR
furnace, so the PSA off-gas will be combusted and emitted along with combustion furnace emissions
from the SMR furnace stack. For units that use liquid adsorption, there is typically a separate high CO2
vent stack from the regeneration of the adsorption liquid (unless the CO2 is captured as a byproduct).
Condensed water from the water-gas shift reactors is often returned to the boiler feed water system after
stripping or deaerating the CO2 from the water. The deaerator vent typically contains methanol and
hydrocarbons; however, no default emission factors are available at this time for the hydrogen plant vent
deaerator vent. The deaerator vent may also be directed to the SMR furnace for hydrocarbon emissions
control. After review of data obtained from the EPA’s 2011 ICR, a NOx emissions factor of
0.081 lb/MMBtu was developed for the SMR furnace.
Overall PM and TOC emissions factors for asphalt blowing are provided in Section 11.2 of AP-42 (U.S.
EPA, 1995a); these emission factors are also presented here in Table 5-8.
Tumbore (1998) provided an additional summary and evaluation of emissions from controlled asphalt
blowing. Some key findings from this review were:
The AP-42 emission factors do not address emissions of SO2, which are usually the largest
emissions from the process. For gas fired control systems, H2S resulting from the asphalt blowing
reaction accounted for 70 to 80 % of the SO2 emissions, with the remainder attributable to
entrained or condensed oil.
The AP-42 emission factors do not address emissions of HCl, which are important when ferric
chloride is used as a catalyst in the process.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
Table 5-8. Emission Factors for Asphalt Blowing (U.S. EPA, 1995a)
Tumbore (1998) provided an additional summary and evaluation of emissions from controlled asphalt
blowing. Some key findings from this review were:
The AP-42 emission factors do not address emissions of SO2, which are usually the largest
emissions from the process. For gas fired control systems, H2S resulting from the asphalt blowing
reaction accounted for 70 to 80 % of the SO2 emissions, with the remainder attributable to
entrained or condensed oil.
The AP-42 emission factors do not address emissions of HCl, which are important when ferric
chloride is used as a catalyst in the process.
The Emission Inventory Guidebook 2006 (EMEP/CORINAIR, 2006) provides the following speciation
profile for organic emissions from asphalt blowing (see Table 5-9). Although not specified, it is assumed
that this speciation profile in Table 5-9 represents uncontrolled asphalt blowing emissions.
Compound % Weight
Ethane 6.0
Propane 18.8
Butanes 30.5
Pentanes 17.2
Hexanes 8.4
Heptanes 9.8
Octanes 7.4
Cycloparaffins 1.9
Benzene 0.1
a As reported by EMEP/CORINAIR, 2006.
In addition, API and the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) conducted emissions source tests
of petroleum refining sources and have compiled emissions factors for controlled asphalt blowing
(Hansell and England, 1998). The average emissions factors are presented in Table 5-10. These factors
are recommended for estimating speciated emissions from controlled asphalt blowing units.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
Table 5-11. Summary of Emissions Factors for Controlled Coke Calcining (continued)
indicate that all test runs were below detection limit; underlined values indicate that more than 75% of the test
runs were below the detection limit.
b Source: Hansell and England, 1998.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
AP-42 (U.S. EPA, 1995a) contains default emission factors for uncontrolled blowdown systems as well as
blowdown systems that recover the vapors for destruction in a flare. For systems controlled by a flare, the
measurement methodologies provided in Section 6, Flares, should be used preferentially over these
default emission factors, but these factors may provide an estimate of the portion of the flare’s emissions
originating from blowdown gases. The AP-42 default emission factors for blowdown systems are
provided in Table 5-12. For blowdown gases that are vented to control device other than a flare, use the
methodologies for direct process vent measurement provided in this section, if appropriate data are
available. If appropriate data are not available, use the emission factors for “blowdown systems with
vapor recovery and flaring” in Table 5-12 for blowdown vents controlled with a thermal oxidizer,
catalytic oxidizer, or similar combustion control system; for other control systems, use the uncontrolled
blowdown default THC emissions factor provided in Table 5-12 and adjust for the efficiency of the
control device using the default control efficiencies provided in Table 3-2 (Section 3, Storage Tanks).
Emissions Factora
(lb/103 barrel of refinery
Process Description Pollutant feed) Rating
Uncontrolled blowdown Total hydrocarbonsb 580 C
Blowdown System with Carbon monoxide 4.3 C
vapor recovery and flaring
Nitrogen oxides 19 C
Sulfur dioxide 27 C
Total hydrocarbonsb 0.8 C
a Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a.
Total hydrocarbon may be estimated as a surrogate for VOC. (Overall, less than 1 weight % of total hydrocarbon
emissions is methane.)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 5—Process Vents
and assuming the gases are saturated (in equilibrium) with the condensed liquid. If the emissions are
controlled, a control device efficiency correction can be used to estimate the controlled emissions.
Emissions Factora
(lb/103 barrel
Process Description Pollutant of vacuum feed) Rating
Vacuum producing system Total hydrocarbonsb 50 C
on vacuum distillation
column, uncontrolled
a Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a.
b Total hydrocarbon may be estimated as a surrogate for VOC. (Overall, less than 1 weight % of total
hydrocarbon emissions is methane.)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 6—Flares
6. Flares
Flares are point sources used at petroleum refineries to destroy organic compounds in excess refinery fuel
gas, purged products, or waste gases released during startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions. Most flares
have a natural gas pilot flame and use the fuel value of the gas routed to the flare to sustain combustion. If
the heating value of the flare gas falls below certain values (for steam or air assisted flares, typically 300
British thermal units per standard cubic feet [Btu/scf]), then natural gas may be added to the flare gas to
maintain the appropriate heating value for good combustion. Emissions from flares consist of a fraction of
the hydrocarbons in the flare gas (e.g., CH4, CO, VOC, and specific organic HAP) that are not combusted
in the flare; SO2 resulting from the oxidation of sulfur compound impurities, such as H2S, in the gas
stream; and CO2 from the combustion process. Flares are also expected to produce NOx emissions and
may produce PM (soot) if combustion conditions are not adequate. A complete emissions inventory will
include estimates for all these compounds (the specific organic HAP will vary based on the composition
of the gas being flared).
Accurate estimates of emissions from flares are difficult to obtain because they do not lend themselves to
conventional emissions-testing techniques, and only a few attempts have been made to characterize flare
emissions. Therefore, to date, there are limited direct emissions test data for flares. Recent developments
in testing protocols, such as the DIAL technique, provide a direct emissions measurement technique for
flares. However, DIAL measurements provide only a snapshot in time. Unless the flow and composition
of the flare gas is highly stable, inaccuracies build as these measurements are extrapolated to annual
emission rates. Continuous monitoring of the gas stream prior to combustion in the flare is generally the
most accurate means of assessing flare emissions. One difficulty with this approach is that flare gas
composition and flow are highly variable, and the monitors are calibrated to detect compositions or flows
within a certain range or span, so if the flow or composition is outside the instrument’s range, then
inaccuracies in the measurement data result. In addition, because the monitors are evaluating the stream
of gas going to the flare, assumptions must be made regarding flare efficiency to determine the emissions
following combustion. Engineering calculations are another methodology that can be used to assess
certain release events. For example, if a pressure relief valve on a tank opens, then the volume of gas
released can be calculated based on the pressure inside the tank, the pressure outside the tank, the cross-
sectional area of the valve opening, and the duration the valve is open (see Section 12,
Malfunctions/Upsets, in this Refinery Emissions Protocol document). Product knowledge of the tank
liquid composition can be used to calculate the equilibrium vapor space composition, which is assumed to
be the composition of the gas vented. Some emission factors are available, but these have high
uncertainty. EPA concludes that direct measurement methods are best used to develop site- or flare-
specific emission factors or to verify the combustion efficiency of a specific flare under certain
conditions; however, they are not particularly useful in developing an emissions inventory for flares.
Table 6-1 summarizes the hierarchy of flare emissions estimation techniques. Within a given
measurement method (or rank), there may be alternative methods for determining the constituent-specific
emissions; these compositional analysis methods are provided in order of accuracy. Each refinery will
likely use a mixture of different methods. For example, Methodology Rank 1 for flares may be used for
events that are directly monitored and are fairly routine releases, but Methodology Rank 4 for flares may
have to be used to estimate emissions for unusual events if the concentration of a particular pollutant or
the flow rate exceeds the range of the monitoring system employed. The remainder of this section
provides additional detail and guidance regarding the implementation of these methods.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 6—Flares
As noted above, direct measurement methods are available and can be used to confirm the efficiency of a
flare. If efficiency information is available for a specific flare at a refinery under certain conditions, that
information should be used to estimate emissions for that flare where appropriate. For other flares,
Section 13.5 of Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors notes that the flare combustion efficiency
for properly operated flares is at least 96.5%, which is equivalent to a destruction efficiency of 98% (U.S.
EPA, 1995a).
Most gas composition monitors measure the concentration on a volume basis (and generally on a dry
basis), although some will provide the concentration on a mass basis. Most flow monitors measure
volumetric flow rate in actual cubic feet. Many flow monitoring systems are equipped with temperature
and pressure monitors to automatically convert the flow to standard conditions. If the gas composition is
determined on a dry basis, which is typical for extractive monitoring systems, then it is important to also
correct the flow to be on a dry basis. The total volumetric flow of the pollutant can be converted to a mass
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 6—Flares
emission rate using the molecular weight of the pollutant and/or the ideal gas law, as appropriate. An
emissions estimate can be calculated using Equation 6-1, which is a variation of Equation 4-1 for CEMS:
(Q )n × [1 − ( f H 20 ) ]× To Pn (Ci,n × PMN i,n ) MWi
Ei = ∑ n T × × K eff × × × K (Eq. 6-1)
n =1 n Po 100% MVC
Ei = Emission rate of pollutant “i” (tons per year [tons/yr] or tons per event [tons/event]).
N = Number of measurement periods per year or per event (e.g., for hourly measurements,
N = 8,760 to calculate annual emissions).
n = Index for measurement period.
(Q)n = Volume of gas sent to the flare for measurement period “n” (actual cubic feet [acf]). If
the flow rate meter automatically corrects for temperature and pressure, then replace
“(T)o ÷ (T)n × (P)n ÷ (P)o” with “1.” If the pollutant concentration is determined on a
dry basis and the flow rate meter automatically corrects for moisture content, replace
the term [1-(fH20)n] with 1.
(fH2O)n = Moisture content of exhaust gas during measurement period “n,” volumetric basis
(cubic feet water per cubic feet exhaust gas).
To = Temperature at “standard conditions” (520 °R or 528 °R).
Tn = Temperature at which flow is measured during measurement period “n” (°R).
Pn = Average pressure at which flow is measured during measurement period “n” (atm).
Po = Average pressure at “standard conditions” (1 atm).
Keff = Factor to account for the efficiency of the flare. Keff is equal to the flare combustion
efficiency Feff for pollutants created by combustion, such as SO2. Keff is equal to one
minus the flare destruction efficiency (1 – Feff) for pollutants in uncombusted gas, such
as VOC, reduced sulfur, and specific HAP.
Ci,n = Concentration of pollutant “i” or the appropriate precursor to pollutant “i” in the gas
sent to the flare for measurement period “n” (volume %, dry basis). If the pollutant
concentration is determined on a wet basis, then replace the term [1−(fH20)n] with 1.
PMNi = Precursor mole number (use a value of 1 for estimating emissions of pollutants that are
not not fully combusted). For example, for CS2 as a precursor to make SO2, the
pollutant mole number would be 2 because one mole of CS2 will yield 2 moles of SO2
when combusted.
MWi = Molecular weight of pollutant “i” (kilogram per kilogram mole [kg/kg-mol]).
MVC = Molar volume conversion factor (standard cubic feet per kilogram mole [scf/kg-mol])
= 836.6 scf/kg-mol at “standard conditions” of 60°F (520°R) and 1 atmosphere (atm)
= 849.5 scf/kg-mol at “standard conditions” of 68°F (528°R) and 1 atm.
K = Conversion factor = 2.2046/2,000 (tons per kilogram [tons/kg] = 0.0011023 tons/kg.
As explained in Section 4-1, a continuous monitor records multiple measurements per hour, and the
individual measurements can be used to calculate annual emissions in two ways. For a flare, the selection
of an hourly average approach or heavier reliance on individual measurements will depend on the
duration of the flare’s operation (particularly for flares that operate only intermittently) and the process
unit generating the gas being flared.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 6—Flares
the surrogate and the pollutant. For a flare, the most likely pollutants to be estimated using Methodology
Rank 2 for flares are SO2 and specific HAP. A continuous monitor for H2S can be used to estimate SO2
emissions similar to the process described for Methodology Rank 1, but because H2S is only one of
several sulfur compounds potentially present in the flare gas, it is important to periodically characterize
the total sulfur content of the gas so as not to underestimate SO2 emissions from the flare. For example,
periodic sampling of the flare gas can be performed to determine the total sulfur content of the flare gas,
which can be used in conjunction with the H2S monitoring data to determine an average total sulfur-to-
H2S ratio of the flare gas. This average total sulfur-to-H2S ratio, expressed in SO2 equivalence, can be
used to adjust the H2S concentration measured by the continuous monitor to provide a more accurate and
complete assessment of SO2 emissions from the flare. Similarly, sampling can be used to determine the
relative concentration of specific HAP present in the flare gas. These sampling data can be used in
conjunction with total hydrocarbon monitoring data to estimate HAP emissions from the flare. As with
the Methodology Rank 1 for flares, the generation or destruction of pollutants in the flare will depend on
the flare combustion efficiency. As mentioned previously, the current default flare combustion efficiency
for properly operating flares is 96.5 %, which correlates to a destruction efficiency of 98% (U.S. EPA,
Ei = Emission rate of pollutant “i” (lbs/yr or lbs/event).
N = Number of measurement periods per year or per event (e.g., for hourly measurements,
N = 8,760 to calculate annual emissions).
n = Index for measurement period.
Qstd,n = Volume of gas sent to the flare for measurement period “n” (scf). If the flow meter
does not output flow at “standard conditions,” the Qstd,n can be calculated using the first
four terms within the summation of Equation 6-1. Note: the “standard conditions”
used for the volume of gas must match the “standard conditions” at which the heating
value of the gas is determined.
LHVn = Heating value of gas being flared during measurement period “n” on a lower heating
value (LHV) basis (MMBtu/scf). (Heating value for flares is usually determined on a
lower (net) heating value (LHV) basis whereas heating value for process heaters and
boilers are usually determined on a higher heating value basis.)
EFi = Emission factor for pollutant “i” (lb/MMBtu).
Values for “EFi” are presented in Tables 6-2 and 6-3 below. It is important to note that both sets of
emission factors are intended for use with properly operating flares meeting the criteria of 40 CFR 60.18;
therefore, the flare efficiency is already included in these emission factors. It is also important to note that
the number of components for which emission factors are available is limited because these emission
factors are based on general combustion characteristics and limited emission tests. For example, the
emission factors for NOx are generally based on the amount of nitrogen in the air during combustion, so if
there are constituents containing nitrogen in the fuel gas, such as ammonia, additional calculations are
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 6—Flares
needed to account for all NOx emissions (based on Methodology Rank 2 for flares, particularly if flow
rate is monitored continuously.)
The emission factors in Table 6-2 are values found in Section 13.5 of EPA’s Compilation of Air Pollutant
Emission Factors (U.S. EPA, 1995a, also known as AP-42) and are based on recent testing of flare
performance using passive Fourier transform infrared spectroscopyspectroscopy, extractive sampling, and
DIAL, as well as considering data from previous EPA testing on flares. These emission factors should be
used with LHV heat content measurements.
Emission Factora
Pollutant (lb/106 Btu, LHV basis) Representativenessb
Additional emission factors for soot (i.e., PM) are also provided AP-42; however, the soot factors
provided in units of concentration in the flare exhaust stream. These factors have been converted to
heating value-based factors to allow calculation of soot (PM) emissions using Equation 6-2. To calculate
the soot (PM) emissions from flares, each measurement period would be assigned a flare operation
category based on the amount of smoke generated by the flare during that measurement period, so the
appropriate emission factor could be applied. It should be assumed that all flare soot is fine PM
Nonsmoking flares 0 0
Lightly smoking flares 40 0.027
Average smoking flares 177 0.12
Heavily smoking flares 274 0.19
a Source: U.S. EPA, 1995a; reported as micrograms per liter (µg/L) in flare exhaust.
b Calculated from concentration using F-factor method on a dry basis, assuming 3% O2 in exhaust
gas stream.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 6—Flares
Example 6-1: Calculation of CO Emissions from a Flare with Continuous Monitors for
Flow Rate and Heating Value
Calculate hourly emissions from a refinery flare given:
– The flare is used to control routine emissions from one source at the refinery, so emissions
can be estimated using the hourly average flow rate and heat content measurements
– The average flow rate to the flare rate during a certain hour is 250 scfm
– The lower heating value of the flow to the flare during that hour is 900 Btu/scf, or 9E-04
MMBtu/scf (900 Btu/scf × 1E-06Btu/MMBtu)
∑ (Q × LHVn × EFCO )
ECO = std , n
n =1
For routine or planned releases from flares not equipped with a continuous monitor, the refiner should
know the quantity and composition of the gas being released. If the gas is excess fuel gas that has been
amine-treated and mixed in a central drum, then the H2S concentration of the gas being flared should be
the same as the concentration going to any fuel gas combustion device (e.g., process heater, boiler) at the
refinery. (As noted previously, it is important to note that H2S may not be the only reduced sulfur
compound contributing to SO2 emissions.) Alternatively, if a fuel gas combustion device has an
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 6—Flares
instrument for measuring SO2 emissions, then the SO2 emissions from the flare can be calculated based on
the quantities of gas being combusted in the fuel gas combustion device and the flare. If the efficiency of
that fuel gas combustion device and the flare are not the same, then an efficiency correction may be
needed. (This method would account for all sulfur from the flare since SO2 emissions would be measured
directly.) As another example, if a refiner is emptying a tank and combusting the vapors, VOC and HAP
emissions can be calculated based on the composition of the tank contents and the size of the tank.
For emergency flares and flares with flare gas recovery systems (or otherwise equipped with water seals
intended to prevent gases from going to the flare during normal operations), an alternative method of
estimating flow rate for non-routine flaring events is to monitor the pressure drop across the flare water
seal drum. A limited number of flow measurements can be made at different flare gas and water seal
differential pressures (or water heights) to develop a flow rate correlation with the measured pressure
drop. The water seal differential pressure or water height is routinely measured to determine the flow to
the flare. Alternatively, the pressure in the flare line can also be monitored using a direct pressure monitor
installed at the final liquid knock-out drum prior to the water seal. Concentrations of specific compounds
are estimated by sampling and analysis of the flare gases (preferred, if possible) or calculations based on
the composition of the gases in the process unit(s) contributing to the flaring event. Emissions are then
calculated using those concentrations, the calculated flow rate, and an assumed flare efficiency. Some
refiners that use this method for flares with a flare gas recovery system also monitor the recovery system
to ensure that gases are not sent to the flare during normal operation.
Methodology Rank 6 for flares includes emission factors for HAP that were developed for the Petroleum
Refinery Source Characterization and Emission Model for Residual Risk Assessment (RTI, 2002) based
on the State of Louisiana’s title V permit applications data. The original emission factors presented in
RTI’s document (2002) were based on arithmetic averages. However, the arithmetic average is
occasionally skewed by one high estimate. The log-mean average emission factors from the State of
Louisiana’s title V permit applications data were calculated and are provided in Table 6-4. These
emission factors yield a cumulative emission estimate from all flares (not per flare) for the refinery based
on the total refinery crude capacity in barrels per calendar day (bbl/cd). It is uncertain how the permit
application estimates were developed and whether these estimates include SSM events, but it is likely that
these factors would not include emissions released during significant SSM events. As such, these
emission factors are very general and are not recommended unless no other information is available.
Refineries are expected to have more source-specific information for estimating flare emissions, but these
factors may be used for the purposes of modeling or for general emissions estimates.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 6—Flares
Emission Factor
CAS Number Component (tons/yr/bbl/cd)
Example 6-2 shows the calculation of emissions from flares at a refinery with a given crude capacity.
E C6 H 6 = Cap × EFC6 H 6
EC6H6 = (100,000) × (9E-06)
EC6H6 = 0.9 tons/yr
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
Wastewater collection systems differ among facilities, but they generally include drains, manholes,
trenches, lift stations, sumps, junction boxes, and weirs. As water passes through each of these system
components, emissions may occur by volatilization of organic compounds at the water/air interface.
The overall objectives of wastewater treatment at refineries are to: (1) equalize flow and pollutant load by
buffering flow surges in large tanks, (2) separate free and emulsified oils and solids from the wastewater
by oil/water separators and flotation unit operations (e.g., dissolved air flotation [DAF], induced air
flotation [IAF], dissolved nitrogen flotation [DNF]), and (3) oxidize organic molecules and remove or
transform nutrients through biodegradation. Figure 7-1 shows a typical full-scale refinery wastewater
treatment scheme.
Sludge Clarifier
Wastewater Slop Oil Tank Sludge to Coker,
In Land Treatment,
or Disposal
Return to
Crude Polishing Pond
Tanks or treatment units upstream of any benzene removal or destruction systems (e.g., stream strippers,
enhanced biodegradation units) at most petroleum refineries are regulated under BWON (Benzene Waste
Operations NESHAP) and thus should be covered and vented to appropriate control devices. Equalization
tanks, oil/water separators, and flotation units typically fall into this category; however, in the event these
units are not covered because they do not contain high benzene quantities, emission estimation methods
are presented in this Refinery Emissions Protocol document. Biological treatment units are typically the
first uncovered process in the wastewater treatment system and thus the first air emission source.
Table 7-1 lists the emission estimation methods for wastewater treatment systems. The methods are
ranked according to anticipated reliability. There are three primary estimation methods: (1) direct
measurement, (2) predictive modeling, and (3) engineering estimates. Direct measurements can only be
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
taken from process units that are covered and vented to a control device. Predictive modeling can be
accomplished using analytical equations, such as those presented in AP-42, by using computer-based fate
and transport models (e.g., WATER9, TOXCHEM), or by using the simplified refinery wastewater
emission tool (RWET) presented in this Refinery Emissions Protocol document. Engineering estimates
can be made using emission factors based on crude throughput or wastewater load.
Although there are direct measurement methods for uncovered units (i.e., off gas collectors and open path
optical methods such as DIAL), these methods do not provide continuous monitoring data. Therefore,
these methods are not recommended as primary techniques for emission estimations, but are reasonable
for predictive modeling validation.
AP-42 presents a variety of emissions equations for estimating air emissions from various waste water
treatment systems (U.S. EPA, 1995a). There are various computer-based fate and transport models (e.g.,
WATER9 and TOXCHEM), that implement these equations for specific wastewater treatment units and
that support the development of system-wide wastewater collection and treatment emissions estimates.
Although successful use of the available predictive models has been demonstrated, reporting facilities
have expressed concerns regarding complexity, user friendliness, and accuracy; therefore, a simplistic
refinery wastewater emission tool (RWET) has been developed as part of this document to address these
issues and provide more accurate comparisons among refineries. RWET was designed to help the user
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
identify critical model inputs for each process unit, recognize variables and constants that may be site-
specific, and calculate air emissions and constituent effluent concentrations. Additionally, constituent
effluent concentrations from a treatment unit can be used as inputs for the next downstream unit when
processes are linked in a series (e.g., oil-water separator effluent data equals input data for the DAF unit).
The “Critical Inputs” section of the refinery wastewater emission tool includes data that is required to
estimate air emissions from the specific process unit. The “Variables with Default Values” section
includes inputs that may be site-specific or unknown to the user. Default values are taken from AP-42, but
they can be changed if more accurate data are known or determined. The Chemical Properties sheet
contains the best available chemical, physical, and biodegradation information on the 30 organic HAP
listed in the Petroleum Refinery MACT I. However, if more accurate or site-specific data are available,
then these data can be inserted in the Site-Specific Table on the Chemical Properties sheet, and the model
will override the default values. Detailed instructions for use and application are provided in the refinery
wastewater emission tool.
Since reliable variables to estimate emissions for all volatile organic compounds (VOC) are not available,
air emission estimates for compounds not listed in the MACT I can be made using surrogate compounds.
Butane is the surrogate compound used for C2 – C4 VOC and octane for C4 – C9 in the refinery
wastewater emission tool. Air emission estimates for compounds not listed and considered non-volatile
(e.g., > C9 and Henry’s law constant > 10-3 atm-m3/gmol) can be made using the Compound A, B, or C
rows in the tool. The following list of chemical, physical, and biological degradation properties for each
compound are required to reliably estimate air emissions:
1. Molecular weight
2. Vapor pressure
3. Henry’s law constant
4. Diffusivity in water
5. Diffusivity in air
6. Octanol-water partitioning coefficient
7. Maximum biorate constant
8. Half saturation biorate constant
The calculations used in RWET and variable definitions are based on those presented in AP-42 and on
peer-reviewed journals and are presented in detail in Appendix B, Wastewater Treatment System
Equations, of this Refinery Emissions Protocol document. RWET is available for free at the following
EPA website:
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
furthest most drain for the typical or worst-case assessment, respectively), one sump, and a lift station.
Each of the model drainage system components may be identified as either controlled or uncontrolled.
Components meeting the requirements for controlled drainage components in BWON are considered
controlled components. The drainage components do not necessarily have to be subject to BWON to be
considered controlled, only that the specified controls are used (e.g., water seals for drains, gasketed
manhole covers, or drainage systems vented to a control device).
For each PDA, the wastewater generation rate and pollutant concentration at the point of generation
(POG) are needed to determine the pollutant load to the system. Model drainage components, constituent
load, and control efficiencies are then utilized within RWET to estimate air emissions for a given PDA.
The emissions from each PDA are then combined to obtain the total for the wastewater collection system.
More details of this method are presented in Appendix B, Wastewater Treatment System Equations.
Table 7-2 lists the critical inputs, variables with default values, and chemical properties specific to
wastewater collection system PDAs.
As previously stated, RWET utilizes model drainage system components to ease the complexity of
estimating air emissions from collection systems. However, if system components (e.g., lift stations,
junction boxes, and sumps) vary greatly from those described in the Best Available Control Technology/
Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (BACT/LAER), site-specific air emissions can be determined from the
procedures described in Appendix B, Wastewater Treatment System Equations.
Process Drainage Area
Junction Sewer
Sewers Drain Risers
Open Trench
To Wastewater
Figure 7-2. Typical refinery wastewater collection system process drainage areas.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
Table 7-2. Critical Inputs and Chemical Properties Specific to Wastewater Collection System
PDA Air Emission Calculations
If an oil-water separator is covered except for the effluent weir, air emissions can be calculated by using
the methods described in Section 7.2.3 (primary weirs) and the associated sheet in RWET.
Table 7-4. Critical Inputs, Variables, and Chemical Properties Specific
to Oil-Water Separators Air Emission Calculations
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
treatment efficiency, resulting in units that are difficult to characterize. Multiple fate and transport
mechanisms are often involved in the ultimate removal of a specific compound. As seen in Figure 7-3,
biodegradation, volatilization, adsorption, hydrolysis, and photo degradation are common mechanisms in
wastewater treatment that may compete against each other. Additionally, biological systems are dynamic
in nature, resulting in shifts in the dominant fate mechanism. Therefore, it is important to obtain and use
site-specific variables when estimating emissions to obtain accurate results.
Constituent Out
Constituent Out
Treatment Unit (Wastewater)
Figure 7-3. Simplified drawing of a constituent mass balance in a biological treatment unit.
The two primary classes of biological treatment units are suspended-growth and attached-growth systems.
Suspended-growth systems maintain the biomass (flocs) in suspension by mechanical or aeration devices
where biodegradation occurs. Examples of suspended-growth systems include activated sludge, aerated
lagoons, sequencing batch reactors, and membrane bioreactors. Attached-growth systems establish
biofilms on fixed surfaces where biochemical reactions occur. Examples of attached-growth systems
include trickling filters, rotating biological contactors, and fluidized-bed reactors. Regardless of the type
of biological treatment used, the biochemical reactions are generally the same, with the oxidation of
organic compounds and ammonia forming new cells, CO2, and water.
To maintain the health of the microorganisms and ensure adequate biologically mediated oxidation of the
organic compounds and ammonia, O2 must be introduced into the system. There are two basic methods
for aerating wastewater: (1) introducing air or pure O2 into the wastewater through diffusers or other
devices, and (2) agitating the water to increase surface area and promote the gaseous exchange with the
atmosphere. However, the mechanisms that increase dissolved oxygen concentration in the water also
increase the emission rate of organic constituents through increased volatilization. The volatilization rate
can be affected by the wastewater surface area, turbulence, and temperature; hydraulic retention; water
depth; concentration and physical properties of the organic constituents (e.g., volatility, diffusivity,
inhibitory mechanisms); and atmospheric conditions.
As previously mentioned, the biological treatment unit will most likely be the first uncovered process in
the wastewater treatment system and potentially the greatest source of air emissions. Table 7-7 lists the
critical inputs, variables with default values, and chemical properties specific to biological treatment unit
air emission calculations.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
Although these methods have been successfully used to estimate biodegradation rates, there are concerns.
Specifically, it is argued that dosing the bioreactor with only one constituent of interest yields inaccurate
biodegradation rates compared to those dosed with a mixture of compounds commonly encountered by
the microorganisms. Preferential biodegradation, degradation by-products, and co-metabolism are
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
important factors to consider when determining biodegradation rates that are not addressed in the
recommended methods. Yerushalmi and Guiot (1998) reported biodegradation rates of benzene and
toluene that were 62.9 and 16.4 times greater, respectively, when used as the sole substrate, versus a
mixture of organic compounds. It is recommended that the constituent of interest be dosed in the
appropriate ratio with organic compounds found in the real-world system (as described in Appendix C).
Additionally, the methods do not distinguish between biodegradation, hydrolysis, and adsorption. Rather,
the results of the BOX test are a summation of the three primary fate mechanisms common to aerated
bioreactors. This fact is important to consider when assessing all the fate mechanisms involved in
compound degradation.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
Table 7-8. Model Process Unit Characteristics for Petroleum Refinery Wastewatera
b All flow factors were derived from Clean Air Act Section 114 questionnaire responses
d This flow factor is given in gallons per million cubic feet (gal/MM ft3) of gas production
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
Table 7-10. Default Mass Emission Factors for Refinery Wastewater Collection
and Treatment Systems
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 7—Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
Use the factors in Table 7-8 and the density of water (ρwater = 8.34 lb/gal) to estimate the total
wastewater flow rate and benzene loading rate.
(A) (B) (C) = A×B (D)
Average Wastewater Wastewater Benzene (E) = C×ρ×D/106
Process Unit Throughput Flow Factor Flow Concentration Benzene Mass
or Operation (bbl/cd) (gal/bbl) (gal/cd) (ppmw) Flow (lb/cd)
Atmospheric 100,000 2.9 290,000 21 50.8
Vacuum 50,000 3 150,000 12 15.0
Catalytic 20,000 1.5 30,000 106 26.5
Catalytic 40,000 2.4 96,000 13 10.4
Alkylation 10,000 6 60,000 3 1.5
Product 60,000 2.9 174,000 24 34.8
Tank 180,000 0.02 3,600 188 5.6
Totals 803,600 144.7
Use the factors in Table 7-9 to estimate the mass loading rate of other compounds and the
BWON-compliant emission factors in Table 7-10 to estimate the annual emissions.
(A) (C) (D) = B×C×365/2000
Mass Ratio from (B) = A×144.7 Emission Factor Annual Emissions
Compound Table 7-9 Mass Flow (lb/cd) from Table 7-10 (tons/yr)
Hexane 3.5 506.5 0.55 51
Benzene 1.0 144.7 0.25 6.6
Toluene 3.34 483.3 0.19 17
Xylene 3.57 516.6 0.21 20
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
8. Cooling Towers
Cooling water is used in refineries in heat exchange systems and condensers to cool or condense various
product streams. The cooling water for a closed-loop recirculation system may be sent to a cooling tower,
where it is cooled to near ambient temperature for reuse, and then is returned to the process or to
refrigeration units for additional cooling. The cooling water for a once-through system may be cooled and
sent to a receiving waterbody. This section focuses on cooling towers because these are used
predominately in the petroleum refining industry. Some refineries use once-through cooling systems
(emission estimates for once-through cooling systems can be estimated using essentially the same
techniques used for cooling towers).
Organic HAP and VOC are picked up by cooling water when leaks occur in heat exchangers or
condensers. Product on the high-pressure side leaks through cracks in the exchanger and contaminates the
water. Organic HAP, VOC, PM10, and chlorine are subsequently emitted from the water into the
atmosphere due to stripping (i.e., active air and water contact) in the cooling tower and drift loss. Large
emissions on the order of tons per year can occur for low levels of contamination or concentration
because refineries use large volumes of cooling water. Generally, CH4 or other GHGs are not significant
pollutants for cooling towers; however, if the cooling water is used on a high CH4 process stream, then
CH4 emissions can be calculated using the same methods presented in this section for calculating volatile
hydrocarbon emissions from cooling towers. The cooling tower emission estimates require information on
the cooling water flow rate and the composition of the process stream in the heat exchanger or in the
condenser or refrigeration units. These emission estimates are also dependent on the type of heat
exchange monitoring system used.
Table 8-1 summarizes the hierarchy of cooling tower emission estimation techniques. The methods are
ranked in terms of anticipated reliability. Within a given measurement method (or rank), there may be
alternative methods for determining the constituent-specific emissions; these compositional analysis
methods are also provided in order of reliability. Multiple methods are provided for volatile organic HAP
and VOC, while one method is provided for PM10, chlorine, and heavy organic HAP. Cooling towers may
service more than one process and have multiple cooling water return lines. The monitoring performed
on different cooling water return lines may differ for return lines leading to a single cooling tower. The
methods described in this section can be applied to individual return lines (if the flow rate of each line is
known) so that the total emissions from a cooling tower may be calculated as the sum of the emissions
estimated for each return line. Different return lines to a single cooling tower may use different rank
methodologies based on difference in the monitoring conducted on the individual return lines.
The remainder of this section provides additional detail and guidance regarding the implementation of
these methods. In general, annual emissions from cooling towers should account for the full operating
time of the cooling tower on an annual basis. Annual cooling tower emissions can be estimated using the
measured concentrations for each monitoring period (whether the measured concentration constitutes a
leak or not) and summing emissions over all monitoring periods or can be estimated using emission
factors for the full annual operating time of the cooling tower. Hourly emissions should be estimated
based on the highest hourly emission rate for the cooling tower; when default emission factors are used,
the hourly emissions should be determined based on the highest recirculation rate experienced for that
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
1 Air stripping simulation using Appendix P, Speciation of collected gas samples with EPA TO-
Modified El Paso method (speciated VOC) a 14 or TO-15 methods, with EPA Method 18, or
Water recirculation rate with a portable (not handheld) gas
chromatograph/flame ionization detector
5 AP-42 emission factor for VOC, PM10, and Process-specific, service-specific concentrations
chlorine Process-specific average concentrations
Water recirculation rate Site-specific refinery average stream
OR concentrations
Material balance Default process compositions
a Source: TCEQ, 2003.
b Source: U.S. EPA, 1996.
The data necessary to implement Methodology Ranks 1 and 2 for cooling towers include speciated air-
stripped compounds concentration, operating parameters of the air-stripping apparatus, and the cooling
water flow rate. Table 8-2 summarizes the data requirements for Methodology Ranks 1 and 2.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
Table 8-2. Data Requirements for VOC or Speciated VOC Emissions, Methodology Ranks 1 and 2
Rank Data That Must Be Collected The Way in Which Data Are Obtained
Rank 1— Speciated air-strippable VOC concentration Periodic Appendix P testing results using
speciated VOC measured in the stripped air (ppmv) an air-stripping column apparatus, followed
emissions by TO-14A, TO-15, EPA Method 18, or
Sample water flow rate of the apparatus, Measurements during Appendix P testing
stripping air flow rate of the apparatus,
pressure in the air-stripping column
apparatus chamber, and the temperature of
stripping chamber
Cooling water flow recirculation rates Continuous measurements from pump flow
(gal/min) rate curves, rotameters, or similar methods
Length of time of the monitoring period Assume the measured concentration has
(hours) occurred for half of the time period since
the last sampling date; if a leak occurs,
then add the time period it takes to repair
the leak
Rank 2—VOC Air strippable VOC concentration measured Periodic Appendix P testing results using
emissions in the stripped air (ppmv) an air stripping column apparatus, followed
by FID
Sample water flow rate of the apparatus, Measurements during Appendix P testing
stripping air flow rate of the apparatus,
pressure in the air-stripping column
apparatus chamber, and temperature of
stripping chamber
Cooling water flow recirculation rates Continuous measurements from pump flow
(gal/min) rate curves, rotameters, or similar methods
Length of time of the monitoring period From dates of monitoring events
For cooling towers servicing process streams with multiple components, it is best to determine speciated
compounds for air-strippable compounds from the cooling water. For cooling towers servicing process
streams with single components, using the FID analyzer is likely adequate. Equation 8-1 should be used
to calculate the concentration of the air-strippable components in the cooling water from the concentration
detected in the stripped air outlet:
C Air ,i * MW * P * PC * bstripairflow
CWater ,i = (Eq. 8-1)
R * (T + 273) * a samplewaterflow * ρWater
CWater,i = Concentration of air strippable compound “i” in the water matrix (parts per million by
weight [ppmw])
CAir,i = Concentration of compound “i” in the stripped air (parts per million by volume [ppmv])
MW = Molecular weight of the compound (grams per mole [g/mol])
P = Pressure in the air-stripping column apparatus chamber (inches [in.] of Hg)
PC = Pressure conversion factor (0.03342 atmospheres per inch [atm/in.] of Hg)
bstripairflow = Stripping air flow rate of apparatus (milliliters per minute [mL/min])
R = Universal gas constant (82.054 milliliters-atmospheres per mole-Kelvin [mL-atm/mol-K])
T = Stripping chamber temperature (°C)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
When using the El Paso method (TCEQ, 2003), the calculated concentration of the compounds in the
water matrix represents the concentration that was stripped and does not represent the total concentration
of the compounds in the water matrix prior to stripping. As such, this calculated water concentration is
referred to as the “strippable pollutant concentration” in the cooling water. In general, when estimating
the total VOC based on the FID analyzer, use the molecular weight (MW) of the calibration gas.
Typically, CH4 is used for the calibration, so the MW for CH4 (16 g/mol) would be used to estimate the
total VOC concentration in the water and the emission rate (reported “as CH4”). Even when a different
calibration gas is used, one may need to use the MW for CH4 in the event a leak threshold is defined in
units of ppmw or ppmv as CH4.
In general, when the process stream is a single component, then the concentration on a CH4 basis from the
FID can be converted to specific compounds that are expected to be leaking by accounting for C. For a
multi-component process stream, it is better to determine speciated compounds using a portable GC/FID,
TO-14A, TO-15, or Method 18. For portable GC results, in addition to calibration with a standard
compound (CH4 or propane), the response factor of the unit should be determined for typical compounds
expected in the air-stripped stream. For speciated compound results from an off-site laboratory, the
concentration in the water for specific compounds can be estimated using the MW for the respective
compound (e.g., benzene MW is 78 g/mol). These speciated concentrations (calculated using the
compound-specific MW) should be used when estimating emissions for the purposes of an emissions
inventory. However, it is important to note that for specific regulatory purposes, these concentrations
must be converted to a CH4 basis (using the MW of CH4) for comparison to a leak definition threshold
that is on an “as CH4” basis, as shown below in Example 8-1.
Example 8-1: How to Compare Speciated Concentration Results with Leak Definitions
That Are Defined as Methane
A facility conducts El Paso monitoring that provides speciated results, but, for regulatory
purposes, these concentrations must be converted to a CH4 basis for comparison to a leak
definition for the stripping air that is on a CH4 basis.
Given: Speciated El Paso monitoring found hexane concentration in the stripped air of 5
ppmv. What is the concentration “as methane?”
In this example, hexane concentration in the stripped air is 5 ppmv. The following equation
should be used to convert this concentration to CH4 basis:
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
Equation 8-2 should be used to estimate emissions for air strippable total VOC from the cooling water:
CWater ,i min lb 1 ton
Ei = 6
× FlowCoolingWater × 60 × 8.34 × H Year × (Eq. 8-2)
10 ppm hr gal 2000 lb
Ei = Emissions of air strippable pollutant “i” from the cooling water (tons)
FlowCoolingWater = Flow rate of cooling water (gallons per minute [gal/min])
60 = Unit conversion for minutes per year (min/yr)
8.34 = Density of water in pounds per gallon (lb/gal)
1/2000 = Unit conversion for tons per pound (tons/lb)
HYear = Length of time of the monitoring period or the length of time a leak occurs (hr)
When Cair,i is based on total VOC results from an FID analyzer (Methodology Rank 2 for cooling towers),
pollutant “i” is simply VOC.
When Cair,i is based on GC analysis results for individual species (Methodology Rank 1 for cooling
towers) or based on site-specific or default species composition data (Methodology Rank 2 for cooling
towers), pollutant “i” will be the individual pollutant.
If monitoring or sampling events occur regularly or periodically (i.e., quarterly or monthly), then
concentration measurements for consecutive monitoring events can be used to estimate the average
emission rate during the intervening period by assigning each concentration measurement to half of the
time period between monitoring/sampling events. If significant concentrations of organics are detected in
the cooling water (i.e., a “leak” is detected), then the measured concentration is also attributed to the time
span from when the leak was discovered until the time when it was repaired. This method is analogous to
the “midpoint” method used to annualize equipment leak emissions when periodic monitoring is used. As
with equipment leaks, the “modified trapezoid” or “average period” methods could also be used to
annualize emissions from cooling towers when periodic monitoring of the cooling water is performed (see
Section 2.2.2, Calculating Annual Average Equipment Leak Emissions, in this Refinery Emissions
Protocol for additional details).
When monitoring or sampling is not conducted regularly or periodically, any measured concentration
should be used to calculate the average emission rate from the cooling tower, assuming the concentration
is constant for the entire year. In this situation, if the concentration measurement suggests a leak that is
subsequently repaired, then use the initially determined “leak” concentration for the entire reporting year
up to the time when the leak was repaired.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
Thus, the 5 ppmv hexane concentration in the air stream translates to 0.34 ppmw “strippable”
hexane in the cooling water.
Next, the emissions must be estimated for the period between the first and second quarterly
monitoring events. The exact timing of the monitoring events should be recorded and used,
but from the information given (quarterly monitoring), we assume the monitoring events
occur 91 days (2,184 hours) apart. One can use either the midpoint, modified trapezoid, or
average period emission rate. Using the modified trapezoid or average period method and
noting the effective water concentration of the first monitoring event is 0 ppmv hexane, the
emissions between the first and second monitoring event is:
Ei ,1 =
(0.34 − 0) 2 * 32,000 gal * 60
* 8.34
* 2,184 hr *
1 ton
= 2.97 ton Hexane
10 min hr gal 2000 lb
Similarly, the emissions for the period from the second quarterly monitoring event and the
leak repair is estimated. This period is given as 45 days (or 1,080 hours).
0.34 gal min lb 1 ton
Ei , 2 = 6
* 32,000 * 60 * 8.34 * 1,080 hr * = 2.94 ton Hexane
10 min hr gal 2000 lb
As these are the only measurable emissions for the year, the annual emissions would be
calculated as Ei = Ei,1 + Ei,2 = 2.97+2.94 = 5.91 tons, which is 5.9 tons when rounded to two
significant figures.
Note: The advantage of the midpoint method is that it uses the same leak concentration for the
period between the leak being detected and repaired as the “half” period prior to the
monitoring event. Consequently, the time period from the monitoring event and leak repair
can be added to the “half” period prior to the monitoring event (91 days÷2 = 1,092 hrs) to
calculate a total duration of the leak and calculate the cumulative emissions in one step as
* (1,092 + 1,080 ) hr *
0.34 gal min lb 1 ton
Ei = 6
* 32,000 * 60 * 8.34 = 5.9 ton Hexane
10 min hr gal 2000 lb
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
Example 8-3: Calculation for VOC Emissions Using Methodology Rank 2 for Cooling
Given: The cooling tower with a water recirculation rate of 25,000 gal/min is monitored
quarterly using El Paso stripping column (same stripping column properties as in Example
82) and a VOC concentration in the stripped air of 14 ppmv (as CH4) is measured on
February 1, 2009. The leak was repaired on March 4, 2009 (31 days later). All previous and
subsequent monitoring events found VOC concentration in the stripped air of 1 ppmv. What
is the annual emissions of VOC from this cooling tower in 2009? If the process fluid contains
10 wt% benzene and a total light (strippable) organic content of 80%, what is the annual
emissions of benzene from this cooling tower in 2009?
Solution: Equation 8-1 is used to calculate the concentration of air strippable VOC in the
water as CH4. The water concentration corresponding to the stripping air concentration of 14
ppmv is:
g atm ml
14 ppmv * 16.04 * 29.9 in.Hg * 0.03342 * 2500
mole in.Hg min
CWater ,VOC = = 0.179 ppmw VOC as CH 4
ml − atm ml g
82.054 * (32 + 273) * 125 *1
mole − K min ml
In the same manner, the water concentration corresponding to the stripping air concentration
of 1 ppmv is: 0.0128 ppmw as CH4 (0.179/14).
Because the leak was identified during the first quarterly monitoring event, the method used to
estimate emissions between monitoring intervals (i.e., the midpoint, modified trapezoid, or
average period method) will yield slightly different results for 2009, although the total
emissions across both 2008 and 2009 will be identical. The modified trapezoid method is the
most complicated, requiring interpolation to determine the effective leak rate on January 1,
2009, before the emissions between Januaruy 1 and February 1 can be calculated. We
generally recommend the midpoint method due to its ease of use, but the same method should
be used for all cooling towers and all inventory years.
Using the midpoint method, the water concentration of 0.179 ppmw as CH4 is present for 62
days (or 1,488 hour) in 2009 (from Jan. 1 to March 4, 2009). The emissions during this period
0.179 gal min lb 1ton
EVOC ,1 = 6
* 25,000 * 60 * 8.34 * 1,488hr * = 1.67 ton VOC
10 min hr gal 2000 lb
For the remainder of the year (8760 – 1488 = 7,272 hrs), the emissions are:
0.0128 gal min lb 1ton
EVOC , 2 = 6
* 25,000 * 60 * 8.34 * 7,272hr * = 0.58 ton VOC
10 min hr gal 2000 lb
Therefore, the 2009 VOC emissions from this cooling tower are 1.67 + 0.58 = 2.25 tons VOC.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
Example 8-4: Calculation for Speciated HAP Emissions using Methodology Rank 2 for
Cooling Towers
Given: The cooling tower in Example 83 serves a process unit whose process fluid contains
10 wt% benzene and a total light (strippable) organic content of 80%. What is the annual
emissions of benzene from this cooling tower in 2009?
Solution: In Example 83, theVOC emissions were calculated to be 2.25 tons in 2009. To
determine the mass emissions of benzene, the mass of benzene per mass of VOC stripped in
the El Paso column must be calculated. In this example, 80 percent of the process fluid is
expected to be strippable organics. The remaining 20 percent may be either inorganic
compounds, like H2 or N2 that are stripped but are not detected by the organic analyzer, or
heavier organics that do not strip appreciably in the stripping column. While more detailed
calculations could be performed for compounds that may marginally strip, for the purposes of
speciating volatile emissions, it is assumed these non-volatile compounds are not stripped.
Benzene represents 10% of the total mass of fluid leaking into the cooling water. Since the
total strippable organic content of fluid leaking into the cooling water is 80 percent, the mass
fraction of benzene per mass of strippable VOC is 0.1/0.8 or 0.125.
Therefore, benzene is expected to contribute 12.5 percent of the total strippable VOC
concentration or 0.28 tons benzene (0.125 tons benzene per ton VOC × 2.25 tons VOC).
Cooling water typically has low concentrations of components and large volumes of flow rate, so direct
water sampling typically requires analysis for low-level concentrations. A common method used for
cooling water sampling is Method 8260B. In this method, the sample is introduced into a gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) system, the GC column is temperature programmed to
separate the components, and the components are detected with MS. The results from the method are the
concentrations of components in the cooling water. Typically, two cooling water samples are taken to
estimate the emissions: one sample before and one sample after the cooling water has been exposed to the
atmosphere. The change in the component concentration of the cooling water multiplied by the cooling
water recirculation rate provides the quantity emitted into the atmosphere for the duration of the leak.
The data necessary to implement Methodology Rank 3 for cooling towers include speciated compounds
concentration in the cooling water and the cooling water flow rate. Table 8-3 summarizes the data
requirements of Methodology Rank 3.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
Table 8-3. Data Requirements for Speciated Compound Emissions, Methodology Rank 3
Rank Data That Must Be Collected The Way in Which Data Are Obtained
Rank 3— Speciated compounds concentration Periodic sampling results using Method 8260B,
speciated measured in the inlet cooling tower return including a measurement prior to exposure to the
emissions line (ppmw) atmosphere
Speciated compounds concentration Periodic sampling results using Method 8260B,
measured in the outlet cooling water including a measurement after exposure to the
(ppmw) atmosphere
Cooling water flow recirculation rates Continuous measurements from pump flow rate
(gal/min) curves, rotameters, or similar methods
Length of time of the monitoring period Assume the measured concentration has
(hours) occurred for half of the time period since the last
sampling date; if a leak occurs, then add the time
period it takes to repair the leak
The change in the component concentration in the cooling water before and after being exposed to the
atmosphere is used, along with the cooling water recirculation rate, to estimate the emissions from the
cooling water. The following equation (Equation 8-3) can be used to calculate the emissions of
components from the cooling water. It is important to note that it is assumed that the water make-up rates
offset any drift loss and blowdown loss; therefore, flow “in” to a cooling tower is the same as flow “out”
and can be determined based on the water recirculation flow rate, regardless of where this measurement
takes place.
As shown in Equation 8-4, the total emissions from the cooling water are the sum of all component
species emitted and can be summed specifically for VOC or organic HAP:
ETotal = ∑ Ei (Eq. 8-4)
i =1
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
E i ,1 =
(0.22 − 0.08) × 55,000 gal × 8.34
× 60
= 3.85 lb/hr
10 min gal hr
Ei,2 =
(0.32 − 0.10) × 55,000 gal × 8.34
× 60
= 6.05 lb/hr
10 min gal hr
The average hourly emissions rate during the year can be calculated as the arithmetic average
of these two hourly estimates, which is 4.95 lb/hr [(3.85+6.05)/2]. The annual emissions are
then calculated based on the operating hours as: 4.95 lb/hr × 8,000 hours × 1 ton/2,000 lbs =
19.8 tons of xylene.
The maximum hourly emissions of xylene are calculated using they highest net measurement
concentration and the maximum recirculation rate as follows.
E i ,max =
(0.32 − 0.10) × 65,000 gal × 8.34
× 60
= 7.16 lb/hr
10 min gal hr
The data necessary to implement Methodology Rank 4 for cooling towers include speciated compounds
concentration in the cooling water and the cooling water flow rate. Table 8-4 summarizes the data
requirements of Methodology Rank 4.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
Table 8-4. Data Requirements for Speciated Compound Emissions, Methodology Rank 4
Rank Data That Must Be Collected The Way in Which Data Are Obtained
Rank 4— Speciated compounds concentration Periodic sampling results using Method
speciated measured in the inlet cooling tower return 8260B, including a measurement prior to
emissions line (ppmw) exposure to the atmosphere
Cooling water flow recirculation rates Continuous measurements from pump
(gal/min) flow rate curves, rotameters, or similar
Length of time of the monitoring period Assume the measured concentration has
(hours) occurred for half of the time period since
the last sampling date; if a leak occurs,
then add the time period it takes to repair
the leak
The component concentration in the cooling water before being exposed to the atmosphere is used with
the cooling water flow rate to estimate the emissions from the cooling water. The following equation
(Equation 8-5) should be used to calculate the emissions of components from the cooling water:
(C ) lb min 1 ton
Ei = × FlowCoolingWater × 8.34 × 60 × H Year ×
i , In
(Eq. 8-5)
10 gal hr 2000 lb
Ci,In = Concentration of component “i” in the cooling water prior to exposure to the
atmosphere (ppmw)
Equation 8-5 is equivalent to Equation 8-3 with Ci,Out set equal to zero. Thus, the calculations performed
for Methodology Rank 4 for cooling towers is essentially identical to those for Methodology Rank 3 for
cooling towers. Equation 8-4 can be used to calculate the total VOC or total organic HAP emissions from
the cooling water.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
To estimate HAP emissions, refineries should use site-specific information on the composition of process
streams cooled in heat exchangers and condensers if available. Process-specific concentrations, process-
specific average concentrations, or site-specific refinery average stream concentrations should be used
when available. If these data are not available, then the default average refinery process stream
compositions given in Appendix A, Average Stream Compositions, Table A-1, may be used to speciate
the VOC and generate HAP emissions estimates.
The data necessary to implement the Methodology Rank 5 for cooling towers include the AP-42
uncontrolled VOC emission factor, the cooling water flow rate, and the process stream composition.
Table 8-6 summarizes the data requirements of Methodology Rank 5.
Table 8-6. Data Requirements for VOC or Speciated VOC Emissions, Methodology Rank 5
Rank Data That Must Be Collected The Way in Which Data Are Obtained
Rank 5—estimated AP-42 uncontrolled emission factor for Not applicable
speciated cooling towers of 6 pounds of VOC per
emissions million gallons of water
Process stream composition data Measurement/sampling of process stream
composition, engineering knowledge of
process composition, or default average
composition for the industry
Cooling water flow recirculation rates Continuous measurements from pump
(gal/min) flow rate curves, rotameters, or similar
Operating hours (hours) Use operating hours of cooling tower or
assume continuous operation (8,760
hr/yr, non-leap year)
The following equation (Equation 8-6) should be used to estimate VOC emissions:
min 1 ton
EVOC = EFUnc × FlowCoolingWater × 60 × H Year × (Eq. 8-6)
hr 2000 lb
EFUnc = Uncontrolled emission factor for cooling towers from AP-42 (Section 5.1)
= 6.0 pounds of VOC per 106 gallons of cooling water (lb/MMgal).
The following equation (Equation 8-7) should be used to estimate the emissions for a particular species
min 1 ton
Ei = EFUnc × WtFraci × FlowCoolingWater × 60 × H Year × (Eq. 8-7)
hr 2000 lb
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
WtFraci = Approximate weight fraction of component i in the cooling water
Site-specific TDS concentration in the cooling water should be used when available (Methodology Rank
5A for PM from cooling towers). When direct TDS monitoring is not conducted, AP-42 (U.S. EPA,
1995a) recommends that the TDS be estimated from TDS concentration of the makeup water times the
“cycles of concentration ratio” of a monitored parameter (Methodology Rank 5B for PM from cooling
towers). The cycles of concentration ratio is the concentration of a monitored parameter (such as
conductivity, calcium, chlorides, or phosphate) in the cooling tower recirculating water divided by the
concentration of that measured parameter in the makeup water. Alternatively, Methodology Rank 5B for
PM from cooling towers can use a direct correlationof a monitored parameter to TDS concentration. For
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
example, it is commonly suggested that the Equation 8-8 be used to estimate TDS concentration from
conductivity measurements.
The correlation factor is dependent on the specific electrolytes present and the total concentration of
electrolytes. At low conductivity (<1,000 µmho/cm), CFTDS = 0.5. The correction factor increases with
increasing TDS concentrations. A site-specific correction factor or curve should be used based on paired
measurements over the range of typical measured conductivity values. Otherwise, the default correction
factor of 0.67 should be used.
Once the the TDS weight fraction is determented, the PM10 emissions corresponding to the TDS
measurement value is calculated using Equation 8-9.
min 1 ton
E PM 10 = EFDrift × WtFracTDS × FlowCoolingWater × 60 × H Period × (Eq. 8-9)
hr 2000 lb
EPM10 = Emissions of PM10 during the measurement period (tons or tons per period)
WtFracTDS = Weight fraction of TDS (Note, 1,000 ppmw = 0.001 wt fraction)
HPeriod = Number of hours associated with the monitored TDS concentration (hrs).
If no data are available to estimate TDS concentration in the cooling water, then the default average PM10
emission factors provided in Table 8-5 (which are based in the TDS fraction from AP-42, Table 13.4-2)
should be used. These default PM10 emission factors represent Methodology Rank 5C for PM from
cooling towers. Emissions of PM10 are calculated using Equation 8-10, which is essentially identical to
the calculation for total VOC emissions.
min 1 ton
E PM 10 = EFPM 10 × FlowCoolingWater × 60 × H Year × (Eq. 8-10)
hr 2000 lb
EFPM10 = Default emission factor for PM10 from cooling towers from Table 8-5.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
Example 8-7: Calculation for Annual PM Emissions Using Methodology Rank 5B for
PM from Cooling Towers
Given: A cooling tower with a water recirculation rate of 25,000 gal/min is sampled monthly
for TDS. What are the annual emissions of PM10? If the highest recirculation rate is 30,000
gal/min, what is the maximum hourly PM10 emissions rate?
Solution: Using the site-specific TDS fraction, the operating hours associated with each TDS
concentration period can be determined using the midpoint method as shown in the following
table (Column 3). Equation 8-9 is applied to each concentration period to calculate the
emissions of PM10 for that period (Column 4). The sum of the emissions in Column 4 yields a
total annual emissions of 22.7 tons (or 23 tons rounded to 2 significant digits).
2 3 4
1 TDS Concentration Hours Assigned to Emissions (tons for
Date (ppmw) TDS Concentration concentration period)
Jan 10 (startup Jan 1) 360 240+300=540 0.25
February 4 520 300+336=636 0.33
March 4 780 336+372=708 0.70
April 4 1,100 372+360=732 1.03
May 4 1,260 360+372=732 1.18
June 4 2,300 372+360=732 2.15
July 4 3,500 360+372=732 3.27
August 4 5,500 372+372=744 5.22
September 4 4,600 372+360=732 4.29
October 4 1,700 360+372=732 1.59
November 4 2,100 372+624=996 2.67
December (shutdown Dec 1 0 744 0.00
- not operating in December)
Total 8,760 22.7 ton
The maximum TDS concentration (5,500 ppmw) and the maximum cooling water recirculation
rate of 30,000 gal/min is used in Equation 8-9 to calculate the maximum hourly PM10 emissions
rate as follows:
1,700 lb drift 5,500 lb TDS gal min
E PM 10 = 6
× 6 × 25,000 × 60 = 14 lbs/hr PM 10
10 gal 10 lb water min hr
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 8—Cooling Towers
Example 8-8: Calculation Using Methodology Rank 5C for PM from Cooling Towers
Given: A forced draft, cross-flow cooling tower with a water recirculation rate of 25,000
gal/min in service all year. No TDS concentration data are available. What are the annual
emissions of PM10 emissions?
Solution: Since no TDS measurement data are available, use the default PM10 emission
factors from Table 8-5. The appropriate emission factor for a forced draft, cross-flow
cooling tower is 40.8 lb/MMgal. The cooling tower was operated all year (8760 hours). Using
Equation 8-10, the annual emissions of PM10, EPM10, are calculated as follows:
40.8 lb PM 10 gal min 1 ton
E PM 10 = 6
× 25,000 × 60 × 8,760 hr × = 268 ton PM 10
10 gal min hr 2000 lb
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations
9. Loading Operations
Product or commodity loading emissions occur when vapor is displaced by the product or commodity
when it is loaded into tank trucks, rail cars, and marine vessels (which include both ships and barges). The
vapor may contain constituents from the material previously transported and from the product currently
being loaded. HAP, VOC, and GHG are emitted from loading operations. Emission from loading
operations should be estimated for all materials loaded into tank trucks, rail cars, and marine vessels such
as final products, intermediates, additives, or wastes. Loading operations also include loading materials
into drums or containers, such as LPG container filling operations or loading waste into drums for off-site
Loading emission estimates require information on the quantity of material loaded annually, the
component composition of the material loaded and the vapor pressures of the components, the loading
procedure, the type of vessel being loaded, and the effectiveness of the capture system and the controls
used. Emissions from gasoline loading racks are regulated under the Petroleum Refinery MACT I (40
CFR Part 63, Subpart CC) and are limited to 10 milligrams of TOCs per liter of gasoline (Subpart CC
references Subpart R, which references some requirements for 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart XX). Emissions
from marine vessel loading operations for crude, gasoline, and other products are also regulated under the
Petroleum Refinery MACT I (Subpart CC references the Marine Vessel Loading MACT in 40 CFR Part
63, Subpart Y) and are subject to a 97% emission-reduction requirement for existing sources and 98%
emission-reduction requirement for new sources.
Emissions from loading operations may be reduced by using submerged loading or bottom loading.
Additionally, emissions from loading operations may be captured and controlled using a vapor collection
system and an add-on air pollution control device. Vapor balancing may be used as an alternative to add-
on controls to reduce emissions from loading operations. If an add-on air pollution control device or a
vapor balance system is used to capture and control emissions, then capture and control efficiencies
should be included in the emission estimate.
Control devices used for loading operations typically include thermal or catalytic incinerators, adsorption
systems, scrubbers, and flares. Vapor balancing systems are allowed as an option or an alternative for
marine vessel loading operations under Subpart CC of the Petroleum Refinery MACT I. For loading racks
subject to gasoline loading requirements, typically an EPA Method 25A or 25B performance test is
conducted on the control device to collect outlet TOC concentration data and determine an outlet
emission factor based on the volume of gasoline loaded (i.e., meet the less than 10 milligrams of total
hydrocarbon per liter gasoline loaded [mg/L]). For marine vessel loading subject to requirements under
Subpart CC MACT I, typically, a Method 25 performance test is conducted on the control devices to
collect inlet and outlet TOC concentration data and determine a control efficiency.
Table 9-1 summarizes the hierarchy of loading operation emission estimation techniques. Within a given
measurement method (or rank), there may be alternative methods for determining the constituent-specific
emissions; these compositional analysis methods are also provided in order of accuracy. Methodology
Ranks 1, 2, and 3 for loading operations only apply loading operations that are controlled; uncontrolled
loading operations must estimate their emissions using Methodology Ranks 4 for loading operations. The
remainder of this section provides additional details and guidance regarding the ways in which to
implement these methods.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations
Other properties such as the MW of the liquid, the MW of the vapor, and the vapor pressure of a
multicomponent product or commodity are also often available. When these data are not readily available
at the refinery, data from various references can be used or can be calculated using basic principles. For
instance, property data are available in AP-42, Section 7.1 (Organic Liquid Storage Tanks), in Table
7.1-2 for various petroleum fuels and in Table 7.1-3 for various petrochemicals (U.S. EPA, 1995a).
If the weight composition of a commodity is available but other property data are not, estimates can be
made. Appendix A presents equations that may be used for calculating estimates of the liquid vapor
pressure, the molecular weight of the vapor, and the weight fraction of the vapor given a known liquid
component composition.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations
For gasoline loading activities regulated under Petroleum Refinery MACT I (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart CC
and Subpart R), refineries have conducted periodic EPA Method 18, Method 25A, or Method 25B testing
for speciated hydrocarbons or for outlet nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC); determined the flow
rate based on EPA Method 2A or 2B testing; and measured and recorded the gasoline loading throughput
during the testing. The outlet test results on a mass basis are correlated with the gasoline throughput
during the test to demonstrate that the refinery is meeting the 10 mg/L gasoline emission limitation. The
test data could also be used to estimate the speciated hydrocarbons, total hydrocarbon, CH4, NMOC, or
VOC loading emissions into the atmosphere based on the mass emissions per volume loaded factor
developed during the performance test and the annual quantity of that product loaded. It is important to
note that when NMOC is used, a CH4 emission factor may also be developed. Additional information
about speciation of the gasoline or product either as site-specific information or as defaults may be used
to estimate individual species component emissions.
For marine vessel loading regulated under the Marine Vessel Loading MACT (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart
CC and Subpart Y), refineries have conducted EPA Method 2, 2A, 2C, or 2D flow rate testing and have
conducted EPA Method 25 or 25A testing on the inlet and outlet streams of the control device to
determine control device efficiency. The Marine Vessel Loading MACT requires initial performance
testing of the control device, but it does not require ongoing or periodic testing. The outlet test data, along
with the recorded product throughput during the testing, could also be used to estimate the total
hydrocarbon, CH4, NMOC, or VOC loading emissions per volume loaded factor. This factor and the
annual loading data of the product can be used to estimate emissions. It is important to note that when
NMOC is used, a CH4 emission factor may also be developed. Additional information on speciation of the
gasoline or product either as site-specific information or as defaults may be used to estimate individual
species component emissions.
The data necessary to implement Methodology Ranks 2 and 3 for loading operations include the emission
rate or emission factor (either speciated by component or as total hydrocarbon, CH4, NMOC, or VOC)
and throughput data of the products loaded. Table 9-2 summarizes the data requirements of Methodology
Ranks 2 and 3.
Table 9-2. Data Requirements for VOC or Speciated Emissions, Methodology Rank 1 or 2
Rank Data That Must Be Collected The Way in Which Data Are Obtained
Rank 2— Speciated component emission factor Periodic EPA Method 18 testing results
speciated for a product (milligrams per liter [mg/L]
emissions or lb/gal)
Throughput data by product over the Volume flow rate measurements determined by
time period of interest (gallons or liters) flow meter or pump rates, gallons, or liters
Rank 3— Total hydrocarbon or VOC emission Periodic EPA Method 25 or 25A testing results
VOC or total factor for a product (mg/liter or lb/gal)
Spectiaion profile from measurement data or from
process knowledge
Throughput data by product over the Volume flow rate measurements determined by
time period of interest (gallons or liters) flow meter or pump rates, gallons, or liters
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations
Equation 9-1 should be used to estimate the emissions of each product using emission rates or emission
factors developed from testing.
When ERLi is based on total hydrocarbon, NMOC, or VOC, pollutant “i” is simply the total hydrocarbon,
NMOC, or VOC. When ERLi is based on single pollutant, pollutant “i” will be the individual pollutant.
When ERLi is based on total hydrocarbon, NMOC, or VOC (i.e., Method 25, 25A, or 25B testing),
additional calculations are necessary to estimate individual pollutant emissions. To estimate the emissions
of each pollutant, multiply Equation 9-1 for ELi by the vapor weight fraction of the component “i”, as
shown in Equation 9-2.
E LSpecies = ERLi × Thruput × Wtfrac Species (Eq. 9-2)
ELSpecies = Emissions of component species “i” (lbs)
WtfracSpecies = Vapor weight fraction of component species “i” (fraction by weight)
If the vapor weight fraction of the components are not know, then these concentrations can be calculated
from the product knowledge, i.e., the composition of compounds in the liquid. Appendix A, Average
Stream Compositions, presents the methodology for calculating the vapor phase concentration based on
the liquid-phase composition and the system temperature and pressure. It is important to characterize even
low levels of the most volatile compounds in the liquid, because even low levels of the most volatile
compounds can significantly affect the vapor phase concentration. An example calculation is provided in
Example A-1 of Appendix A.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations Tanker Trucks and Railcars (Any Commodity) and Marine Vessels (Products
Other than Gasoline and Crude Oil)
Equation 9-3 should be used to estimate the uncontrolled emission factor or the emission rate for the
product loaded, in terms of total hydrocarbon or the product:
S × P × MWVap
ERL = 12.46 × (Eq. 9-3)
ERL = Loading emission factor or emission rate for the product (or total hydrocarbon) loaded
(in lb per 103 gallons of liquid loaded)
S = Saturation factor (see Table 9-3)
P = True vapor pressure of liquid loaded (pounds per square inch absolute [psia]) 1
MWVap = Molecular weight of vapors (lb/mol)
T = Temperature of bulk liquid loaded (°R; °F + 460)
True vapor pressure is defined as the equilibrium partial pressure exerted by a volatile organic liquid as a function
of temperature. It differs from the Reid vapor pressure, which is defined as the absolute vapor pressure exerted by a
liquid at 100°F and is a common measure of the volatility of petroleum liquids. For a pure component at 100°F, the
true vapor pressure is equivalent to the Reid vapor pressure.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations
Table 9-4. VOC Emission Factors for Marine Vessel Loading of Gasoline at Marine Terminalsa
EL = Uncontrolled emissions (lb) of commodity
ERL = Loading emission rate (lb/103 gal of liquid loaded)
Thruput = Throughput of commodity (gallons)
As previously discussed, depending on the commodity being loaded, the emission rate ERL could be for
gasoline, crude, or other product. Also as previously discussed, to speciate the emissions for specific
components, the composition or concentration data available (i.e., product-specific, product-specific
average, site-specific product, or default averages) can be used as shown in Equation 9-5.
E LSpecies = ERL × Thruput × WtfracSpecies (Eq. 9-5)
ELSpecies = Emissions (lb) of the component species “i”
WtfracSpecies = Weight fraction of component species “i” in the vapor (fraction)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations
and document the vapor tightness of the vehicles being loaded. For loading racks subject to gasoline
loading requirements, an annual pressure and vacuum certification is required on the tanker truck (e.g.,
using EPA Method 27 in 40 CFR Part 60), a leak test using EPA Method 21 from 40 CFR Part 60 may be
performed on the tanker truck, and a leak check using EPA Method 21 may be conducted on the
terminal’s vapor collection system. In addition, the type of loading conducted (i.e., atmospheric,
pressurized) and type of connection from the tank headspace to the vapor collection system and to the
control device are factors. Typical capture efficiencies assumed for vapor collection procedures and
systems are shown in Table 9-5. Capture efficiency for the vapor collection system can be applied based
on the leak check conducted for the tanker truck, rail car, and marine vessel.
Loading Characteristics and Leak Check Frequency for Tankers Capture Efficiencies
No leak check on tanker 65%
No leak check on tanker 85%
Maintain minimum positive pressure below +3 to +5 inches of water
Annual leak check on tanker per 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart XX (nongasoline) 95%
Semi-annual leak check on tanker per 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart XX (nongasoline) 97.5%
Annual leak check on tanker per 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart XX (gasoline) 98.7%
Vacuum loading, maintaining vacuum less than −1.5 inches of water 100%
Hard-piped bolted, flanged connection from tanker to the vapor collection system
Pressure tank that is U.S. Department of Transportation certified 100%
Hard-piped bolted, flanged connection from tanker to the vapor collection system
Note: Use latest available version if updates to this document have occurred since the cited version.
a Source: TCEQ, 2000.
To estimate controlled emissions from loading, use Equations 9-6 and 9-7 to apply the capture efficiency
and the control efficiency to the uncontrolled emissions:
ECont = ERL × Thruput × [(1 − Capture) + (Capture × (1 − CE ) )] (9-6)
Capture = Capture efficiency of the vapor collection system (fraction)
CE = Control efficiency of the add-on air pollution control device (fraction)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations
Example 9-1: Calculation for Rank 4—When Property Data Are Not Available
Calculate the VOC and HAP emissions for submerged loading of reformulated gasoline into
dedicated-service gasoline transport tank trucks (each with a volume of 8,000 gallons) based
on the following information:
The refinery loads 210 tank trucks per year, with 100 tank trucks loading gasoline at a bulk
temperature of 90°F, 55 loading at a bulk temperature of 77°F, and 55 loading at a bulk
temperature of 40°F. Liquid composition or vapor-phase property data are not available,so the
property data for liquid composition of reformulated gasoline in Appendix A are used (see
Tables A-1 and Table A-2).
First, the vapor pressure of reformulated gasoline and MWVAP must be calculated. In this
example, the weight fraction of the vapor is estimated separately for each loading temperature
following the calculation methodology presented in Appendix A (see Example A-1 and Table
A-2). The vapor pressure for each constituent is determined at the three loading temperatures
using Antoine’s equation and Antoine’s coefficients, such as those provided in Table 7.1-5 of
AP-42 (U.S. EPA, 1995a).
From Example A-1 in Appendix A, at 77°F, the total system vapor pressure is 4.77 psia and
the MW of the vapor, MWGasolineVAP, is 67.49 lb/lb-mol. Similar calculations for loading
gasoline with bulk temperatures of 90°F and 40°F reveal the following (see Appendix A for
further details):
Temperature Vapor Pressure MWGasolineVAP
90°F 6.13 psia 68.08 lb/lb-mol
77°F 4.77 psia 67.49 lb/lb-mol
40°F 2.17 psia 65.79 lb/lb-mol
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations
Example 9-1 (continued): Calculation for Rank 4—When Property Data Are Not
The emissions rates at each temperature are calculated using Equation 9-3:
0.60 × 6.13psia × 68.08
ERGasoline 90 = 12.46 lb − mole = 5.673 lb/10 3 gal
(90°F + 460)°R
0.60 × 4.77psia × 67.49
ERGasoline 77 = 12.46 lb − mole = 4.482 lb/10 3 gal
(77°F + 460)°R
0.60 × 2.17psia × 65.79
ERGasoline 40 = 12.46 lb − mole = 2.135 lb/10 3 gal
(40°F + 460)°R
The emissions at each temperature are then calculated using Equation 9-4:
5.673 lb gal
E Gasoline 90 = × 8,000 × 100 trucks = 4,538 lb gasoline
1,000 gal truck
4.482 lb gal
EGasoline 77 = × 8,000 × 55 trucks = 1,972 lb gasoline
1,000 gal truck
2.135 lb gal
EGasoline 40 = × 8,000 × 55 trucks = 939 lb gasoline
1,000 gal truck
The individual VOC or HAP species at each bulk temperature can be estimated using the
calculated gasoline vapor weight fraction for each species in Equation 9-5:
E LSpecies = EFL × Thruput × Wtfrac Species = E gasoline × Wtfrac Species
See Table 9-6 for the emission estimate summary for individual HAP species.
Finally, total emissions are estimated by summing the emission estimates for each of the three
bulk temperatures. Total gasoline emissions (VOC) are 7,449 lb (4,538 lb + 1,972 lb + 939
lb), or 3.7 tons (7,449 lb ÷ 2,000 lb/ton).
Similarly, total emissions of each of the individual HAP species are estimated by summing the
emission estimates for each of the three bulk temperatures. The results are presented in
Table 9-6.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 9—Loading Operations
Table 9-6. Sample Calculation Methodology Rank 4—Summary of Emissions (When Property Data Are Not Available)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 10—Fugitive Dust Sources
The methodologies outlined in Chapter 13 provide means of estimating PM10 and PM2.5 emissions. These
emissions are all filterable PM so that PM10-PRI = PM10-FIL and PM25-PRI = PM25-FIL. For FCCU
catalyst handling emissions and for petroleum coke handling activities, emission estimates should also be
provided for metal HAP emissions. Concentrations of specific metal HAP are commonly determined for
the FCCU equilibrium catalyst; these concentrations can be used times the PM10 emission rate to
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 10—Fugitive Dust Sources
determine the metal HAP emission rate from FCCU catalyst and E-cat handling (external from the
FCCU). Table 5-3 provides concentration ratios of various metal HAP to nickel on CCU fines. These
concentration ratios can be used to augment the FCCU catalyst and E-cat metal HAP emission estimates
when only nickel concentrations are routinely determined. Compositional analysis of petroleum coke
material or ash should also be determined so that the metal HAP emissions from petroleum coke or ash
handling can be reported.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 11—Startup and Shutdown
Process unit startup and shutdown of one process unit may also affect the emission characteristics of other
units, particularly with respect to the fuel gas system. When a hydrotreater or hydrocracking unit is
shutdown, this often leads to excess hydrogen being added to the fuel gas. This leads to higher NOx
emissions from process heaters. When certain energy intensive units, such as catalytic reforming units,
are shutdown, the refinery may have excess fuel gas, which is subsequently flared. Depending on the
methods used to estimate emissions from combustion sources and flares, these fuel gas fluctuations may
already be fully accounted within the inventories for combustion sources and flares. However, if default
estimates (or site-specific estimates based on source tests conducted under typical operating conditions)
are used, then emissions during these significant fuel gas fluctuation events should be estimated and the
emissions included in the annual emission values.
It is beyond the scope of this protocol document to provide methods of estimating emissions during all
startup or shutdown events. However, the primary emission event during startup or shutdown is expected
to be vessel depressurization and purging (or degassing). Methods are provided in this section to account
for these events are described in this section.
(P + 14.7 ) 528°R
× [VV × f void ]×
Ei = V × × MFi (Eq. 11-1)
14.7 TV MVC
Ei = Emissions of pollutant “i” during depressurization event (lbs/event).
PV = Gauge pressure of the vessel when depressurization gases are first routed to the
atmosphere (pounds per square inch gauge, psig).
14.7 = Assumed atmospheric pressure (pounds per square inch, psi).
TV = Absolute temperature of the vessel when depressurization gases are first routed to the
atmosphere (degrees Rankine, °R).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 11—Startup and Shutdown
Typically, depressurization and purging occurs initially to the refinery fuel gas system or a flare or similar
control device. Combustion of gases purged to the refinery fuel gas system (either directly or via a flare
gas recovery system) should be accounted for under stationary combustion source emissions regardless of
the methodology used for stationary combustion sources. Depending on the methodology used to estimate
the emissions from the flare, these gas flows may or may not be included in the flare emission estimates.
If the flow rate and composition or heating value of the flare gas is measured (Methodology Ranks 1, 2 or
3 for flares), special calculations are not needed because episodic releases to the flare, such as those from
depressurization and purging events, are adequately accounted for. If the flare emission methodology
does not account for these flows (e.g., default factors in Methodology Rank 6 for flares), Equation 11-1
can be used to estimate the mass of gas sent to the flare or other control device (using initial
depressurization temperatures and pressures) and these mass rates can be adjusted by the flare or control
device efficiency to estimate the emissions during the controlled venting period. The use of Equation 11-1
is illustrated in Example 11-1, Gaseous Depressurization Calculation.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 11—Startup and Shutdown
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 11—Startup and Shutdown
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 12—Malfunctions/Upsets
12. Malfunctions/Upsets
Malfunctions or upsets may occur either within the process unit or to a control device used to reduce a
source’s emissions. During malfunction/upset events (hereafter simply referred to as malfunction events),
emissions may be significantly higher than the emissions that occur under normal operating conditions.
Except for the CEMS-based measurements (i.e., Methodology Rank 1), most of the emissions estimation
methods provided in this Refinery Emissions Protocol document characterize the emissions during
normal operating conditions. As such, emissions during malfunction events must be accounted for
separately for each malfunction event and these malfunction/upset emissions must be added to the normal
process emissions to accurately estimate annual emissions.
Because of the myriad of potential malfunction events that could occur, it is impossible to provide
specific guidance for all possible malfunction scenarios. However, because malfunction events are
important to both annual and short-term emissions, the duration and emissions associated with each
malfunction event should be recorded, and these emissions should be included in the annual emissions
reported in response to the ICR.
The following list provides specific events for which malfunction/upset emissions estimates should be
made to accurately account for these emissions. Again, this is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but
rather representative examples. In some malfunction events, such as pressure relief valve opening to a
flare during a system over-pressurization event, the emissions during the malfunction event may be
adequately accounted for by the flare emission methodology (i.e., when using continuous monitoring of
gases is sent to a flare), but in other cases it may not (i.e., when using default factors). As such, emissions
inventory developers will need to evaluate the malfunction events in light of their inventory methods to
determine if it is appropriate to use special malfunction emission calculations. Emission estimates should
be provided for the following malfunction events:
1. Any instance when a control device is bypassed or is not functioning properly.
2. Any instance when the amine scrubbing system and/or sulfur recovery plant is offline or not
operating at normal efficiencies (generally affecting SO2 emission estimates from combustion
sources, flares, and/or sulfur recovery plants).
3. Instances of over-steaming a flare (steam-to-gas ratios exceeding 4) or instances where the flare
operating conditions do not satisfy 40 CFR 60.18 (i.e., inadequate BTU content, exit velocities
exceeding limits). Eighty percent flare destruction efficiencies should be used during periods of
over-steaming; 93 percent flare destruction efficiencies should be used during periods when the
flare operating conditions do not satisfy 40 CFR 60.18.
4. Any instance when a spill or similar emergency release occurs.
Leaks identified as part of a LDAR work practice (for equipment leaks or cooling towers) are not
considered malfunction events, and these emissions are covered using the methodologies presented in
Section 2, Equipment Leaks, and Section 8, Cooling Towers, of this Refinery Emissions Protocol
document. Note, however, the methodology for spills presented in this section can be used for estimating
emissions from equipment leaks that result in liquid puddles. As noted in Section 3, Storage Tanks, of this
Refinery Emissions Protocol document, specific calculations should be made for tank roof landings. The
emissions from tank roof landings are independent of the cause of the landing (intentional or
unintentional), so there is no need to distinguish between landings that occur as a result of a “malfunction
event” or for another reason.
There are three types of malfunction events considered in this section: control device malfunctions;
process vessel overpressurization; and spills.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 12—Malfunctions/Upsets
When there is a malfunction with a control device, the emissions from the source can be estimated based
on the uncontrolled emission factor or by adjusting the controlled emissions based on the control device’s
efficiency. It is important to note that the control device efficiency is often different for different
pollutants. A wet scrubber on an FCCU may be 95% efficient at reducing SO2 emissions, 90% efficient
for PM and metal HAPs, but has no real impact on VOC or NOX emissions. Similarly, oversteaming a
flare that causes poor combustion efficiency will increase VOC and reduced sulfur emissions but reduce
NOX and SO2 emissions. Table 12-1 provides default control efficiencies and correction factors for
certain control device malfunctions. If site-specific emission data are available for the controlled
emissions, then the “uncontrolled” emissions during the control device malfunction or bypass can be
estimated using Equation 12-1.
Eunc ,i = E cont ,i × EM cont ,i × t (Eq. 12-1)
Eunc,i = Uncontrolled emissions estimate from control device malfunction or bypass for
pollutant “i” (kg/event)
Econt,i = Controlled emission rate of pollutant “i” from measurement data or site-specific
emission test data (kg/hr)
EMcont,i = Controlled emission multiplier for pollutant “i” based on the source on control device
from Table 12-1
t = Duration of the event (hr/event).
Table 12-1. Control Device Efficiency and Multiplier Factors for Control Device Malfunctions
Source/Control Device Control Device Emission
Descriptiona Pollutant Classb Efficiencyc (%) Multiplierd
FCCU or FCU/wet scrubber PM, metal HAP 92 12.5
SO2 95 20
FCCU or FCU/ESP PM, Metal HAP 92 12.5
SO2, NOX, VOC, organic 0 1
FCCU or FCU/cyclone PM, Metal HAP 85 6.7
FCCU or FCU/CO boiler CO, VOC, most organic HAP 98% 50
NOX, PAH, Formaldehyde -100% 0.5
FCCU or FCU/SCR NOX 92 12.5
FCCU or FCU/SNCR NOX 60% 1.7
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 12—Malfunctions/Upsets
Table 12-1. Control Device Efficiency and Multiplier Factors for Control Device Malfunctions
Source/Control Device Control Device Emission
Descriptiona Pollutant Classb Efficiencyc (%) Multiplierd
Sulfur plant malfunction with sour SO2 96 – 99.8% 25 - 500
gas sent to flare
H2S 0 – 98% 1– 50
Tail gas treatment malfunction with SO2 95% 20
tail gas sent to flare
H2S 0 – 95% 1 – 20
a Abbreviations:
FCCU = fluid catalytic cracking unit
FCU = fluid coking unit
ESP = electrostatic precipitator
CO boiler = carbon monoxide boiler
SCR = selective catalytic reduction
SNCR = selective non-catalytic reduction
b Pollutant class. Only pollutants affected by the control device are listed. For other pollutants, assume the
control device efficiency is 0% and the controlled emission multiplier is 1.
c Control device efficiency. A negative number indicates a control device that may increase the emissions of a
particular pollutant.
d Controlled emission multiplier. Factor used to escalate the controlled emission factor to account for periods of
control device malfunction = 1/(1-control device efficiency).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 12—Malfunctions/Upsets
Compound k Compound k
Methane 1.30 Air 1.40
Natural gas (methane/ethane) 1.27 Hydrogen 1.40
Ethane 1.22 Nitrogen 1.40
Ethylene 1.20 Oxygen 1.40
Propane 1.14 Carbon monoxide 1.40
n-Butane or Iso-butane 1.11 Carbon dioxide 1.28
Pentane 1.09 Hydrogen sulfide 1.32
Hexane or Cyclohexane 1.08 Sulfur dioxide 1.26
Benzene 1.10
a k = Cp/Cv = ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to the specific heat at constant volume
If the actual vessel pressure is less than the critical vessel pressure, Pvessel°, calculated from Equation 12-2,
then the flow will be subsonic (unchoked). For subsonic flow, first calculate the Mach number of the
discharge flow using Equation 123.
k −1
2 Pvessel
− 1
M= × (Eq. 12-3)
k − 1 Pout
M = Mach number of the discharge flow
Pout = Pressure at the discharge outlet, typically atmospheric (atm).
k × MWt
Ei = C i × A × 6.8087 × 10 4 Pvessel × ) R × Tvessel
k +1
(Eq. 12-4)
M (k − 1)
2 2 ( k −1)
1 +
Ei = Emission rate of pollutant “i” (lb/sec)
Ci, = Concentration of pollutant “i” in the discharged gas (weight fraction)
6.8087×104 = Conversion factor (lb/(ft sec2) per atm)
A = Cross-sectional area of the vent outlet (ft2)
MWt = Molecular weight of gas discharged (lb/lb-mol)
R = Ideal gas law constant = 4.968×104 (lb ft2)/(sec2 °R lb-mol)
Tvessel = Temperature of gas in vessel (°R).
If the vessel pressure is greater than Pvessel°, then the flow will be choked (i.e., limited to sonic flow).
Therefore, M is set to 1, and Equation 12-4 can be used (with M=1) to calculate the mass emission rate
during the discharge.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 12—Malfunctions/Upsets
If the releases are discharged to a flare or other control device (and these discharges are not otherwise
measured), the calculated mass release rates determined using Equation 12-4 must then be adjusted by the
control efficiency to estimate the emissions during the emergency release event.
Equation 12-4 is expressed as an instantaneous emission rate. If the vessel pressure and temperature
remain fairly constant (less than 5% change) during the event, the instantaneous rate can be multiplied by
the duration of the release to determine the total emissions for the event. If the vessel pressure and
temperature vary, Equation 12-4 should be estimated for discrete time intervals and the emissions for each
time interval determined and summed to calculate the total emissions during the event.
1.14 × 23
Ei = 0.9565 × 0.08725 × 6.8087 × 10 4 × 140.5 × ) ×
4.968 × 10 4 × 1,212 2.14
0.14 2(0.14 )
1 +
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 12—Malfunctions/Upsets
12.3 Spills
Generally, it can be assumed that 100% of the compounds spilled are emitted into the atmosphere. For
heavier liquids, the mass transfer correlations for an oil layer (Koil) as provided in Appendix B,
Wastewater Treatment System Equations, Section B.2.1, Oil Water Separators, can be used. Equation 12-
5 can be used to estimate the emissions based on the quantity of material spilled, the area of the spill, and
the time period from when the initial spill occurred to the final clean up:
Ei = ρVC i ,o 1 − e − K oil At / V ) (Eq. 12-5)
Ei =
Emission estimate of pollutant “i” (kg/spill event)
ρ Density of spilled liquid (kg/m3)
V Volume of spilled material (m3)
Ci,o =
Concentration of pollutant “i” in spilled fluid prior to the spill event (mass fraction;
Koil = Mass transfer coefficient for an oil (organic) liquid (m/sec)
t = Duration of the spill (sec)
A = Area covered by the spill (m2).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 13—References
13. References
API (American Petroleum Institute). 2002. Refinery Stream Speciation. API Publication No. 4723.
November 1.
API (American Petroleum Institute). 2009. Compendium of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Methodologies
for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry. August 2009. Available at:
API (American Petroleum Institute) and NPRA (National Petrochemical and Refiners Association). 2010.
Review of the Emission Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries. Letter to Ms. Brenda
Shine, U.S. EPA. March 31.
Bertrand R. R., and J.H. Siegell. 2002. Emission of trace compounds from catalytic cracking regenerators,
Environmental Progress, 21(3)163-167. October.
Bertrand R. R., and J.H. Siegell. 2003. Emission of trace compounds from catalytic reforming units,
Environmental Progress, 22(1)74-77. April.
Coburn, J. 2013. Memorandum from J. Coburn, RTI, to Brenda Shine, EPA/OAQPS/SPPD. Impacts
Estimates for Delayed Cokin Units. September 12
Coburn, J. and M. Icenhour. 2008. Memorandum from J. Coburn and M. Icenhour, RTI, to Brenda Shine,
EPA/SPPD. Preliminary Analysis of Short-term Variability in Storage Vessels Emissions.
December 29.
EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration). 2009. Refinery Capacity Report 2009. Prepared by the
Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC. June 25.
EIIP (Emission Inventory Improvement Program). 2007. Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from
Chemical Manufacturing Facilities. Volume 2, Chapter 16. Prepared by Mitchell Scientific, Inc.
and RTI International. August.
ERG (Eastern Research Group, Inc). 2001. Emission Inventory Improvement Program Technical Report
Series. Volume II, Chapter 2: “Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions
from Boilers.” Prepared for Point Sources Committee Emission Inventory Improvement Program.
Hansell, D., and G. England. 1998. Air Toxic Emission Factors for Combustion Sources Using Petroleum
Based Fuels, Volumes 1 and 2. API Publication 348. Prepared by EER for S. Folwarkow,
Western States Petroleum Association, Concord, CA, and K. Ritter, American Petroleum
Institute, Washington, DC.
Levelton Consultants Ltd. 2005. Emission Monitoring and Reporting Strategy – Summary and
Background. Prepared for Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment and NFPRER
Monitoring and Reporting Team.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 13—References
Lev-On, M., Epperson, D., Siegell, J., and Ritter, K. (2007). Derivation of new emission factors for
quantification of mass emissions when using optical gas imaging for detecting leaks. J Air Waste
Manag Assoc 57( 9):1061-1070
Lucas, B. 2007. Memorandum from B. Lucas, EPA/SPPD, to Project Docket File (EPA Docket No. EPA-
HQ-OAR-2003-0146). Storage Vessels: Control Options and Impact Estimates. August 3, 2007.
Docket Item No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0146-0014.
NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority). 2005. Hydrogen Fact Sheet.
Hydrogen Production–Steam Methane Reforming (SMR). Available at:
Potter, T., and K. Simmons. 1998. Composition of Petroleum Mixtures, Volume 2. Total Petroleum
Hydrocarbon Criteria Working Group Series. University of Massachusetts. Amherst,
RTI (Research Triangle Institute). 2002. Petroleum Refinery Source Characterization and Emission
Model for Residual Risk Assessment. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office
of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. EPA Contract No. 68-D6-
0014. July.
Sander, R. 1999. Compilationof Henry’s Law Constants for Inorganic and Organic Species of Potential
Importand in Environmental Chemistry. Version 3. Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry, Mainz,
Germany. April 8.
SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District). 2004a. Source Test Report 03-194 Conducted
at Chevron/Texaco Refinery, El Segundo, California—Volatile Organic Compound (VOC),
Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Particulate Matter (PM) Emissions from a Coke Drum Steam Vent.
May 14.
SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District). 2004b. Source Test Report 03-197 Conducted
at Conoco-Phillips Refinery, Carson, California—Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Carbon
Monoxide (CO), and Particulate Matter (PM) Emissions From a Coke Drum Steam Vent. July 23.
SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District). 2004c. Source Test Report 03-198 Conducted
at Exxon Mobil Refinery, Torrance, California—Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Carbon
Monoxide (CO), and Particulate Matter (PM) Emissions From a Coke Drum Steam Vent.
March 4.
SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District). 2004d. Source Test Report 03-200 Conducted
at Shell Oil Refinery, Wilmington, California—Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Carbon
Monoxide (CO), and Particulate Matter (PM) Emissions From a Coke Drum Steam Vent. July 1.
TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality). 2000. Air Permit Technical Guidance for
Chemical Sources: Loading Operations.
TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality). 2003. Source Sampling Procedures Manual,
Appendix P, Cooling Tower Monitoring, Air Stripping Method (Modified El Paso Method) for
Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Water Sources. January 31.
TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality). Air Quality Division. 2009. 2008 Emissions
Inventory Guidelines. RG-360A/08. January.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 13—References
The United States – Mexico Foundation for Science. 2008. A Customized Approach for Quantifying
Emissions for the Electric Power Generation Sector in Mexico. Prepared for: SEMARNAT and
CFE. Revision 2, Revised by RTI International for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean
Air Markets Division and Climate Change Division. December.
Tumbore, DC. 1998. The magnitude and source of air emissions from asphalt blowing operations.
Environmental Progress 17(1):53–59.
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1995a. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors.
Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources. AP-42, Fifth Edition. Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1995b. Protocol for Equipment Leak Emission Estimates.
EPA-453/R-95-017. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1996. Method 8260B, Volatile Organic Compounds by
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Revision 2, December. SW-846.
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1998a. Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from
Sources of Benzene. EPA-454/R-98-011. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1998c. Study of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions from
Electric Utility Steam Generating Boilers—Final Report to Congress. Volume 1. EPA-453/R-98-
004a. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 2006. TANKS Emissions Estimation Software, Version
4.09D. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Technology Transfer Network,
Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emissions Factors, Available at
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 2009. Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (Final
Rule). Federal Register: 74 FR 56260. October 30.
URS Corporation. 2008. Source Test Report of the Coker Steam Vent. Prepared for Hovensa, LLC, St.
Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. September 8.
Yerushalmi, L., and S.R. Guiot. 1998. Kinetics of biodegradation of gasoline and its hydrocarbon
constituents. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 49:475−481.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Section 13—References
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix A—Average Stream Compositions
Appendix A
Average Stream Compositions
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix A—Average Stream Compositions
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix A—Average Stream Compositions
Table A-1. Refinery Average Stream Hazardous Air Pollutant Compositions—Default Values
Xylenes (total)
benzene b
Process Units
Atmospheric Distillation 0.01 4.28 0.05 0.86 1.7 1.97 0.63 0.12 0.63 0.25 0.06 0.001
Vacuum Distillation - 0.007 0.004 0.004 0.043 0.020 0.024 0.001 0.020 0.12 0.09 -
Coking Unit 0.04 2.49 0.75 0.42 1.30 1.76 0.70 0.12 0.70 0.28 0.001 0.19
Cat Hydrocracker 0.03 1.86 1.04 1.27 2.72 2.67 1.02 0.09 1.33 0.20 0.001 0.19
FCCU 0.01 0.99 0.29 1.03 3.28 4.90 1.07 0.10 1.92 0.72 0.43 0.14
CRU 0.009 2.75 0.25 6.34 17.44 17.61 3.88 0.42 5.93 0.87 0.001 0.11
Hydrodesulfurization - 1.89 0.0001 0.37 1.72 1.94 0.37 0.07 0.40 0.25 0.22 -
Alkylation 0.22 1.57 25.24 0.03 2.05 0.08 5.0E-5 5.0E-5 5.0E-5 5.0E-5 5.0E-5 0.02
Isomerization - 3.22 0.01 0.51 0.64 0.15 - - - - - -
Polymerization - 0.54 0.73 1.24 1.76 1.18 0.09 - - - -
Aromatics Extract -
Benzene - - - 99.99 0.009 0.002 - - - - - -
Aromatics Extract -
Toluene - - - 0.296 95.61 3.49 2.82 - 0.3 - - -
Aromatics Extract -
Xylenes - - - - - 77.89 16.08 0.59 - - - -
Aromatics Extract -
Heavy Aromatics - - - 5.7 19.36 25.03 3.56 0.965 4.94 0.314 - -
Commercial Jet Fuel - 1.68 0.0006 0.577 0.965 1.22 0.257 0.106 0.815 0.627 0.409 -
Conventional Gasoline 0.0009 2.22 2.94 1.4 c 7.75 6.56 1.490 0.219 3.002 0.415 - 0.0767
Aviation Gasoline - 2.30 - 1.01 7.69 3.37 1.2 0.103 0.5 0.695 - -
Reformulated Gasoline - 1.36 1.10 0.8b 7 7.31 1.26 0.19 2.52 0.21 - -
Diesel Fuel - 0.030 0.007 0.004 0.081 0.241 0.053 0.056 0.349 0.285 0.117 -
Home Heating Oil - - - - 0.108 0.300 0.095 - 0.429 0.453 0.181 -
Solvent-refined Lubes - - - - - - - - - - - -
Crude Oil 05 1.341 0.185 0.312 0.542 0.811 0.186 0.108 0.377 0.139 0.030
Based on Petroleum Environmental Research Forum (PERF) refinery process stream speciation study (API, 2002),
unless otherwise specified.
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene is not a HAP, but it is a prevalent VOC in many refinery streams.
Average benzene content of conventional and reformulated gasoline based on Fuel Trends Resport: Gasoline
1995-2005 (U.S. EPA. Report No. EPA420-R-08-002. January 2008), corrected to weight percent using the
density correction factor of 0.876/0.739 (i.e., 1.16vol%×0.876/0.739 = 1.4wt%; 0.67vol%×0.876/0.739 = 0.8wt%).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix A—Average Stream Compositions
Property Calculations
If the weight composition of a commodity is available but other property data are not, estimates can be
made. For example, if the liquid component mixture and the weight fraction for gasoline are known, then
the vapor pressure of the liquid, the MW of vapor, and the weight fraction of the vapor can be estimated.
The following steps and equations may be used for calculating these estimates:
1. From the weight fraction values in the gasoline (liquid), Equation A-1 should be used to estimate
the number of moles of component “i.”
ni = (Eq. A-1)
2. From moles of component “i” (liquid), Equation A-2 should be used to estimate the mole fraction
of component “i” (liquid).
xi = (Eq. A-2)
3. Equation A-3 should be used to calculate the partial pressure of each component “i” in liquid.
4. To estimate the total pressure of the liquid, Equation A-4 should be used to estimate the average
vapor pressure for the gasoline mixture by summing the partial pressure of each component “i”
PtotalVP = ∑ Pi (Eq. A-4)
5. From mole fraction of component “i” (liquid), Equation A-5 should be used to estimate the mole
fraction of component “i” in the vapor using Raoult’s law.
yi = (Eq. A-5)
6. Equation A-6 should be used to estimate the MW of the gasoline vapor, MWVAP, using the mole
fraction of vapor (yi) and the MW of the pure component “i”(MWi).
MWVap = ∑ y i × MWi (Eq. A-6)
MWVAP = Molecular weight of the vapor (lb/mol)
MWi = Molecular weight of component “i” (lb/mol)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix A—Average Stream Compositions
7. Equation A-7 should be used to estimate the gasoline vapor weight fractions using the gasoline
vapor mole fractions and the MWVAP.
y i × MWi
Wtfracvap = (Eq. A-7)
Example A-1: Calculation of Vapor Pressure and Molecular Weight for Reformulated
Gasoline Loading Example
Calculate the vapor pressure of gasoline and MWVAP for submerged loading of reformulated
gasoline into dedicated-service gasoline transport tank trucks (each with a volume of 8,000
gallons) based on the following information:
The refinery loads 100 tank trucks per year at a bulk temperature of 77°F. Property data are
available for liquid composition of the gasoline only and are provided in Table A-2.
First, the vapor pressure for each constituent is determined at the loading temperature using
Antoine’s equation and Antoine’s coefficients, such as those provided in Table 7.1-5 of AP-42
(U.S. EPA, 1995a).
Using Steps 1 through 7 from this Appendix A, the gasoline liquid mole fraction can be
calculated from the weight fraction or weight percent component composition, the partial
pressure of each component in liquid, and the gasoline vapor mole fraction using Raoult’s law
(see each calculation “step” in the columns in Table A-2).
Step 1. ni =
Step 2. xi =
Step 3. P (i ) = P × xi
Step 4. PtotalVP = ∑P 1
Step 5. y i =
Step 6. MWVap = ∑y
i × MWi
y i × MWi
Step 7. wtfrac vap =
See Table A-2 for the calculations of thee variables. At 77°F, the total system vapor pressure is
4.77 psia and the MW of the vapor, MWGasolineVAP, is 67.4 lb/lb-mol.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix A—Average Stream Compositions
Table A-2. Sample Calculation of Average Molecular Weight and Vapor Weight Fraction a
106-97-8 n-Butane 58.12 35.220 4.7 8.09E-04 7.39E-02 2.60E+00 5.46E-01 3.17E+01 46.99
72-28-5 Isobutane 58.12 13.294 1.7 2.92E-04 2.67E-02 3.55E-01 7.45E-02 4.33E+00 6.42
109-66-0 Pentane 72.15 10.285 3.9 5.41E-04 4.94E-02 5.08E-01 1.07E-01 7.69E+00 11.39
78-78-4 Isopentane 72.15 3.670 7.9 1.09E-03 1.00E-01 3.67E-01 7.70E-02 5.56E+00 8.23
C6 surrogate 86.18 4.094 10.08 1.17E-03 1.07E-01 4.38E-01 9.18E-02 7.91E+00 11.72
C7 surrogate 100.2 1.274 7.21 7.20E-04 6.58E-02 8.38E-02 1.76E-02 1.76E+00 2.61
C8 surrogate 114.23 0.522 3.21 2.81E-04 2.57E-02 1.34E-02 2.81E-03 3.21E-01 0.48
C9 surrogate 120.19 0.039 7.29 6.07E-04 5.54E-02 2.18E-03 4.57E-04 5.49E-02 0.08
Other VOC 100.20 0.884 34.78 3.47E-03 3.17E-01 2.80E-01 5.88E-02 5.89E+00 8.73
nT PtotalVP MW vap
Total 100 0.0109 1.00 4.77 1.00 67.49 100
Weight percents for HAP based on composition provided in Table A-1; weight percent VOC from n-butane to C9 surrogate are based on Composition of
Petroleum Mixtures, Volume 2 of the Total Hydrocabon Criteria Working Group Series. Prepared by T.L. Potter and K.E. Simmons. May 1998.
ISBN 1844940-19-6; n-Heptane was used as the surrogate for the remaining uncharacterized fraction of the liquid gasoline (“other VOC”). Facilities should
use facility-specific data for light VOC (C4 to C6 compounds) concentrations because these significantly impact the calculated vapor-phase composition.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
Appendix B
Wastewater Treatment System Equations
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
K OL ,t × At + K OL ,q × Aq
K OL = (Eq. B-1)
KOL = Overall mass transfer coefficient (m/s)
KOL,t = Overall mass transfer coefficient for turbulent surface areas (m/s)
At = Turbulent surface area = faer A, m2
faer = Fraction of total surface area affected by aeration
KOL,q = Overall mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surface areas (m/s)
Aq = Quiescent surface area = (1-faer) A, m2 (Note: At + Aq must equal A)
A = Total surface area (m2)
The overall mass transfer coefficient for turbulent surface areas based on the two resistance module is:
1 1
K OL ,t = + (Eq. B-2)
l ,t H ′ × k g ,t
kl,t = liquid phase mass transfer coefficient for turbulent surface areas (m/s)
H' = dimensionless Henry's law constant = H/RTH
H = Henry's law constant (atm-m3/mol)
R = ideal gas law constant = 0.00008205 (atm-m3/mol-K)
TH = temperature at which Henry's law constant was evaluated = 298 K.
kg,t = gas phase mass transfer coefficient for turbulent surface areas (m/s)
Similarly, the overall mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surface areas is
1 1
K OL ,q = + (Eq. B-3)
l ,q H ′ × k g ,q
kl,q = Liquid phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surface areas (m/s)
kg,q = Gas phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surface areas (m/s).
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
The mass transfer correlations used in this module to estimate the individual mass transfer coefficients are
the same as those used in the WATER9 emission model developed by EPA. The documentation of these
mass transfer correlations can be accessed from EPA’s Web site at Only the basic equations are provided here. For a
more detailed discussion of these mass transfer correlations, the reader is referred to Chapter 5 of the Air
Emissions Models for Waste and Wastewater report (U.S. EPA, 1994).
Reg = Gas phase Reynolds number = (dimp2 w ρg)/μg
ρg = Density of gas (air) (g/cm3)
μg = Viscosity of gas (air) (g/cm-s)
p = Power number = 0.85 (550 Ptot/Naer) gc,2 / [(62.428ρl )w3 (dimp/30.48)5 ]
gc,2 = Gravitational constant = 32.17 lbm-ft/s2-lbf = 0.03283 gc
Naer = Number of aerators
w = Rotational speed (rad/s)
Scg = Gas phase Schmidt number = μg/(ρg Di,a)
Fr = Froud number = [w2 (dimp/30.48) ]/ gc,2
Di,a = Diffusivity of constituent in air (cm2/s)
MWa = Molecular weight of air (g/mol)
dimp = Impeller diameter (cm)
gc = Gravitational constant = 980 cm/s2
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
For wind speeds less than 3.25 m/s, the following correlation is used regardless of the fetch-to-depth ratio
Di ,l 3
k l ,q = 2.78 × 10 −6 (Eq. B-7)
kl,q = Liquid phase, quiescent surface mass transfer coefficient (m/s)
Di,l = Diffusivity of constituent in liquid (water) (cm2/s)
Dether = Diffusivity of ether in water = 8.5 × 10-6 cm2/s
For windspeeds greater than or equal to 3.25 m/s, the appropriate correlation is dependent on the fetch-to-
depth ratio as follows:
d liq
< 14, (
k l ,q = 1.0 × 10 −6 + a × 10 − 4 U * )( ) b
− 0.5
(Eq. B-8)
a = Equation constant, a = 34.1 for U* > 0.3 m/s; a = 144 for U* < 0.3 m/s
U* = Friction velocity, m/s = 0.01U (6.1 + 0.63U)0.5
U = Wind speed at 10 m above the liquid surface
b = Equation constant, b = 1 for U* > 0.3 m/s; b = 2.2 for U* < 0.3 m/s
Scliq = Liquid phase Schmidt number = μl/(ρl Di,l)
μl = Viscosity of water (g/cm-s)
ρl = Density of water (g/cm3)
F F D 3
For 14 ≤ ≤ 51.2, k l ,q = 2.605 × 10 −9 + 1.277 × 10 −7 U 2 i ,l (Eq. B-9)
d D
d liq liq ether
F Di ,l 3
For > 51.2, k l ,q = 2.611 × 10 −7 U 2 (Eq. B-10)
d liq Dether
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
Table B-1. Model Collection System Components and fe–Henry’s Law Correlation
Default values:
J = 3 (lb/h/hp)
Ocf = 0.83
MWl = 18 (g/mol)
ρl = 1 (g/m3)
Ptot = 0.0264 (hp/m3) ×V
DO2,l = 2.4×10-5 (cm2/s)
Step 2: Calculate the gas phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surfaces (kg,q) as described
in Section B.1.4, Gas Phase Mass Transfer Coefficient for Quiescent Surfaces.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
Step 3: Calculate the overall mass transfer coefficient (K) with the following equation:
(k H ' k g ,q )
K OL =
l ,t
(H ' k g ,q + k l ,t )
(Eq. B-13)
Step 4: Calculate the tank effluent concentration (CL) with the following equation:
QC 0
CL (g / m3 ) = (Eq. B-14)
(K OL A + Q )
Step 5: Calculate the air emissions (N) with the following equation:
N ( g / s ) = K OL C L A (Eq. B-15)
B.2.2 Sumps
Sumps typically collect and equalize wastewater from various collection systems prior to treatment. As
previously mentioned, these components should be covered the vented; however, if uncovered, the
following procedure can be used to estimate air emissions:
Step 1: Calculate the liquid phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surfaces (kl,q) as
described in Section B.1.3, Liquid Phase Mass Transfer Coefficient for Quiescent Surfaces.
Step 2: Calculate the gas phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surfaces (kg,q) as described
in Section B.1.4, Gas Phase Mass Transfer Coefficient for Quiescent Surfaces.
Step 3: Calculate the overall mass transfer coefficient (K) with the following equation:
(k H ' k g ,q )
K OL =
l ,q
(H ' k g ,q + k l ,q )
(Eq. B-16)
Step 4: Calculate the tank effluent concentration (CL) with using Equation B-14:
Step 5: Calculate the air emissions (N) with using Equation B-15:
B.2.3 Weirs
Weirs are typically used in wastewater collection and treatment units as dams, allowing solids to settle in
the quiescent areas. The liquid phase mass transfer coefficients (kl) is determined by Equations B-17a and
17b. The gas phase mass transfer coefficients (kg) is determined using Equation B-18. These liquid and
gas phase mass transfer coefficient equations are based on the work presented by Nakasone (1987) and
Pincince (1991). Air emissions (N) for each pollutant are calculated using equation B-20.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
1 1
Ko = + (Eq. B-19)
l kg K
g K Z
N = 1 − exp − o QCo (Eq. B-20)
s q
First, calculate the gas phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surfaces (kg,q) with Equation B-11.
Next, calculate the overall mass transfer coefficient for oil (Koil) with the following equations:
K oil = k g ,q Keqoil (Eq. B-21)
P * ρ a MWoil
Keq oil = (Eq. B-22)
ρ oil MWa Po
Air emissions are determined from the following equations:
N ( g / s ) = K oil C L ,oil A (Eq. B-23)
( )
C L ,oil g / m 3 =
Qoil Cooil
K oil A + Qoil
(Eq. B-24)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
First, the liquid phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surfaces (kl,q) can be determined by the
method described in Section B.1.3, Liquid Phase Mass Transfer Coefficient for Quiescent Surfaces.
Second, the gas phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surface (kg,q) can be calculated by the
method described in Section B.1.4. Third, the overall mass transfer coefficient (KOL) can be determined
by Equation B-1. Finally, the air emissions (N) can be calculated with the following equations:
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
Step 1: Calculate the liquid phase mass transfer coefficient for turbulent surfaces (kl,t) with
Equation B-4.
Step 2: Calculate the gas phase mass transfer coefficient for turbulent surfaces (kg,t) with Equation
Step 3: Calculate the liquid phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surfaces (kl,q) as
described in Section B.1.3, Liquid Phase Mass Transfer Coefficient for Quiescent Surfaces.
Step 4: Calculate the gas phase mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surfaces (kg,q) as described
in Section B.1.4, Gas Phase Mass Transfer Coefficient for Quiescent Surfaces.
Step 5: Calculate the overall mass transfer coefficient for turbulent surfaces (KOL,t) with Equation
Step 6: Calculate the overall mass transfer coefficient for quiescent surfaces (KOL,q) with Equation
Step 7: Calculate the overall mass transfer coefficient (KOL) with Equation B-1.
Step 8: Calculate the tank effluent concentration (CL) with the following equation:
QC 0
CL (g / m3 ) = (Eq. B-30)
(K OL A + Q )
Step 9: Calculate the air emissions (N) with the following equation:
N ( g / s ) = K OL C L A (Eq. B-31)
For mechanically aerated systems, follow Steps 1 through 7 of Section B.2.5 to determine the overall
mass transfer coefficient (KOL).
For diffused aeration systems, first calculate the average diffused air flow rate Qa,avg (m3/s):
Qa P0
+ Qa
P0 + Pg
Qa ,avg = (Eq. B-32)
Qa = Volumetric flow rate of diffused air (m3/s), at conditions of 1 atmosphere and bulk
liquid temperature
Pg = Blower gauge pressure (lb/in2, gauge)
P0 = Atmospheric pressure (atm) × 14.696 (lb/in2atm)=(lb/in2)
Monteith et al. (1996) reported the effect of turbulence, induced by diffused bubble aeration, on mass
transfer at the water surface. Correlations between the mass transfer of ammonia and VOCs were
established and used to determine KL[NH4]a, kl,ta and kg,ta with the following equations:
3600 × Qa ,avg
K L[ NH 4 ] a = 0.08 + 0.012 (Eq. B-33)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
KL[NH4]a = Ammonium volumetric mass transfer coefficient (hr-1)
3600 = Conversion factor (sec/hr)
At = Turbulent surface area (m2)
Di ,l
k l ,t a = K L[ NH 4 ] a ×
(Eq. B-34)
Dl , NH 4
Dl,NH4 = Diffusivity of Ammonium in water (6.93×10-5 cm2/s)
kl,ta = Volumetric liquid phase mass transfer coefficient (hr-1)
The kl,t values must then be calculated from the kl,ta value with the following equation:
k l ,t a
k l ,t = (Eq. B-35)
3600 × a
kl,t = Liquid phase mass transfer coefficient (m/s)
a = Specific interfacial area based on liquid volume (m-1) = A/V
V = Aeration basin volume (m3)
Hsieh et al. (1992) reported the ratio of kg/kl ranged from 2.2 to 3.6 for diffused aeration systems.
Therefore, kg can be approximated by the following equation:
k g ,t = 3k l ,t (Eq. B-36)
kg,t = Gas phase mass transfer coefficient (m/s)
The KOL,t, KOL,q, and KOL are then calculated by using steps by using equations B-2, B-3, and B-1.
Next, calculate the tank effluent concentration (CL) and the emission rate (N) with the following
C (g / m ) =
[− b + (b
− 4ac )
] (Eq. B-39)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
(K OL A + Qw k abs CWAS ,VSS + Qe ) + Vmax C MLVSSV − C0 (Eq. B-41)
Qi Qi
(K OL A + Qa,avg H ′ + Qw k abs CWAS ,VSS + Qe ) + Vmax C MLVSSV − C0 (Eq. B-43)
Qi Qi
c = − K S C0 (Eq. B-44)
Qw = Wasted activated sludge flow rate (m3/s)
Qe = Effluent flow rate (m3/s)
Qi = Influent flow rate (m3/s)
KS = Half saturation biorate constant (g/m3)
Vmax = Maximum biorate constant (g/s-g biomass)
CMLVSS = Mixed-liquor volatile suspended solids (g/m3)
CWAS,VSS = Wasted sludge volatile suspended solids (g/m3)
kabs = Partition coefficient for organic contaminant (m3/g)
k abs = 1 × 10 −6 f OC K OC (Eq. B-45)
fOC = Weight fraction of carbon in biomass (g C/g) (default value 0.33)
KOC = Organic carbon partition coefficient (g/MgC/(g/ m-3)
1×10-6 = unit conversion (megagrams per gram, Mg/g)
log K OC = log K OW − 0.32 (Eq. B-46)
Follow the procedure in Section B.2.6 to determine the overall mass transfer coefficient (KOL), the unit
effluent concentration (CL), and the emission rate (N). However, variables a, b, and c are determined by
the following equations
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
(K OL A + 0.67C BODi Qi k abs + Qe ) + Vmax C MLVSSV − C 0 (Eq. B-48)
Qi Qi
(K OL A + Qa,avg H ′ + 0.67C BODi Qi k abs ) + Vmax C MLVSSV − C0 (Eq. B-50)
Qi Qi
c = − K S C0 (Eq. B-51)
B.3 References
Hsieh, C., R. Babcock, and M. Stenstrom. 1992. Estimating semi-volatile organic compound emission
rates and oxygen transfer coefficients in diffused aeration. Presented at the 65th Water
Environment Federation Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 20–24.
Monteith, H., W. Parker, and H. Melcer. 1996. Impact of bubble-induced surface turbulence on gas-liquid
mass transfer in diffused aeration systems. Presented at the Water Environment Federation’s
Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, Dallas, TX, October 5–9.
Pincince, A.B. 1991. Transfer of oxygen and emissions of volatile organic compounds at clarifier weirs.
Res. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 63, 114-119.
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1990. Industrial Wastewater Volatile Organic Compound
Emissions—Background Information for BACT/LAER Determinations. EPA 450/3-90-004. Office
of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. January.
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1994. Air Emissions Models for Waste and Wastewater.
EPA-453/R-94-080A. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1995. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors.
Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources. AP-42, Fifth Edition. Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix B—Wastewater Treatment System Equations
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix C—Primer for TANKS Model Users
Appendix C
Primer for TANKS Model Users
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix C—Primer for TANKS Model Users
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix C—Primer for TANKS Model Users
The calculations in the TANKS program are specific to the type of tank, and the results will be highly
dependent on the type of liquid stored. Each individual storage tank should be modeled separately. There
may be instances in which a set of tanks have identical properties and materials and very similar
throughputs so that the emissions from a single storage tank can be modeled and used as the emissions for
each tank in the set. However, this type of “model tank” analysis should be used and generally be limited
to situations in which limited data are available (i.e., if throughput is only measured by product and not by
individual tank, then modeling a group of identical tanks used to store that product may be necessary).
For inventories developed by the petroleum refinery or storage tank operators, it is recommended that
individual tank data be entered into the TANKS program (or other similar software), and the emission
results for individual tanks be reported in the emission inventory. For some uses of the emission inventory
data, specific emission location and source characteristics data are needed. These data become lost or less
accurate when emissions from a group of tanks (e.g., those that would be assigned to the same source
classification code [SCC]) are aggregated when reporting to the emission inventory.
To enter a new tank, first select the tank type from the drop-down menu labeled “Create a New Tank
Record.” There are five basic tank types: horizontal fixed roof tanks; vertical fixed roof tanks; external
floating roof tanks; internal floating roof tanks; and domed external floating roof tanks. Next, fill out the
information in the Identification, Physical Characteristics, Site Selection, Tank Contents, and Monthly
Calculations tabs with the appropriate information. Tables C-1 and C-2 show the required input by tank
orientation. These inputs may either be from a drop-down list based on the TANKS database for location,
tank color, and other tank-specific information or taken directly from process data. In TANKS, selecting
the city will set the meteorological data that will be used in the calculations. After entering all of the
requested data, the tank information can be saved by pressing the Save button at the bottom of the gray
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix C—Primer for TANKS Model Users
Vertical Internal External External
Horizontal Fixed-Roof Floating Floating Floating
Tank Tank Roof Roof Roof
Identification number
Dimensions and Characteristics
Shell height (feet [ft])
Diameter (shell diameter, ft)
Maximum liquid height
Average liquid height
Working volume (gallons)
Turnovers per year
Net throughput (gallons per year
Is tank heated?
Is tank underground?
Self-supporting roof
Number of columns
Effective column diameter
Roof type
Roof fitting category
Tank construction
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix C—Primer for TANKS Model Users
Table C-2. TANKS Inputs by Tank Configuration-Specific Attributes, Site Selection, and Contents
Vertical Internal External External
Horizontal Fixed-Roof Floating Floating Floating
Tank Tank Roof Roof Roof
Tank/Shell/Roof Characteristics
(External) shell/paint color/shade
(External) shell/paint shell condition
Internal shell condition
Rim Seal
Primary seal
Secondary seal
Deck Characteristics
Deck type
Deck fitting category
Breather Vent Settings
Vacuum setting (psig)
Pressure setting (psig)
Roof Characteristics
Height (ft)
Roof paint condition
Site Selection
Nearest major city
Daily average ambient temperature
Annual average maximum temperature
Annual average minimum temperature
Average wind speed
Annual average solar insulation factor
(Btu/(ft × ft ×day)
Atmospheric pressure (pounds of force
per square inch absolute [psia])
Tank Contents
Chemical category of liquid
Single or multi-component liquid
Mixture properties, if applicable
Throughput by month
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix C—Primer for TANKS Model Users
For the internal floating roof tank, the external floating roof tank, and the domed external floating roof
tank, it is possible to define the fitting type to represent specific characteristics of the tanks at your
facility. Using facility-specific tank information will ensure that the calculated emission estimates are as
accurate as possible. The fittings information can be entered under the Physical Characteristics tab by
selecting the View/Add Fittings button and providing the fitting type and status. Table C-3 contains a list
of the different fitting types and status options. Using the information provided in Tables C-1 through
C-3, the tanks program estimates the anticipated emissions specifically for the particular location, tank
type, and process characteristics.
Once a tank is entered, you can use or import that tank as a starting point for adding new tanks. To copy
data from an existing tank to a new tank, select DATA, then TANKS, and then New Record from the
TANKS 4.0 main menu or by selecting the appropriate acronym from the toolbar on the main screen.
Click on the Copy button at the bottom of the tank pop-up screen. Then click on the tank that you want to
copy from a dropdown menu, and then select whether you want to copy just the Tank Data, just the
Liquid Data, or both (“All Data”). Simply opening an existing tank and changing the name does not
create a new tank record, it only renames and replaces the old record.
Because TANKS uses preloaded meteorological data, year-to-year variations in emissions will only result
from differing throughput or tank service (storing different material than in previous years). If
accommodated in other software packages, meteorological data that are specific to the reporting year
should be used because this information will provide more accurate emission values. Studies have
indicated that emissions may vary by up to 25% from year to year depending on the meteorological
conditions for that year (Coburn and Icenhour, 2008). Also, if accommodated in other software packages,
directly measured liquid temperatures or monthly average ambient temperatures should be used for the
bulk liquid temperatures, and these values should be used to calculate monthly average emission rates. In
TANKS, even when using the monthly calculations option, unfortunately the annual average liquid
temperature is still used. As such, unless there are extreme differences in throughputs by month, the
monthly calculation procedures used in TANKS are unlikely to significantly alter the annual emission
estimates. Based on limited model analyses, monthly variations in liquid temperature may be significant
and may influence the annual average emissions if monthly emissions are estimated more rigorously (i.e.,
by accounting for variations in bulk liquid temperature) (Coburn and Icenhour, 2008).
The TANKS program typically provides total hydrocarbon emission estimates. TANKS is also designed
to calculate the individual component emissions from known mixtures and to estimate emissions from
typical refined petroleum products. More than 100 organic liquids are included in the TANKS chemical
database, but it is also designed to analyze other substances based on their chemical properties and the
parameters shown in Table C-4. If you store a component or mixture in the storage tanks and have
available property data (i.e. chemical database inputs), then these can be added to the TANKS program.
In addition to the analysis of individual chemicals, the TANKS program also has the capability to
calculate the characteristics of defined mixtures. When the “Multiple” option is selected for the “Single-
or Multi-Component Liquid” option, and “Full Speciation” is selected for the “Speciation” option, then
the full chemical profile can be created using the “View/Add Components” button. Any defined chemical,
including those defined using the criteria in Table C-4, can be included in the mixture as a component as
long as the percentage of total liquid weight or relative weight is known. With the chemical components
and their relative percentages and/or weights entered, the menu can be closed, and the mixture properties
can be calculated by clicking on the Calculate Mixture Properties button.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix C—Primer for TANKS Model Users
Table C-3. Fitting Type and Status Option Inputs for TANKS Program
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix C—Primer for TANKS Model Users
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Appendix D
Emission Factors from Air Toxic Emission Factors for
Combustion Sources Using Petroleum Based Fuels –
Final Report, Volume 2 – Development of Emission
Factors Using CARB Approach
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Dioxin Acronyms
4D 2378 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
4D Other Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin other.
4D Total Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin total.
5D 12378 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
5D Other Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin other.
5D Total Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin total.
6D 123478 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
6D 123678 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
6D 123789 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
6D Other Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin other.
6D Total Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
7D 1234678 1,2,3,4,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
7D Other Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin other.
7D Total Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin total.
8D Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
Furan Acronyms
4F 2378 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran.
4F Other Tetrachlorodibenzofuran other.
4F Total Tetrachlorodibenzofuran total.
5F 12378 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran.
5F 23478 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran.
5F Other Pentachlorodibenzofuran other.
5F Total Pentachlorodibenzofuran total.
6F 123478 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran.
6F 123678 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran.
6F 123789 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran.
6F 234678 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran.
6F Other Hexachlorodibenzofuran other.
6F Total Hexachlorodibenzofuran total.
7F 1234678 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran.
7F 1234789 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran.
7F Other Heptachlorodibenzofuran other.
7F Total Heptachlorodibenzofuran total.
8F Octachlorodibenzofuran.
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-3a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Boilers Firing Fuel Oil
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-3a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Boilers Firing Fuel Oil
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-3b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Boilers Firing Fuel Oil
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-3b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Boilers Firing Fuel Oil
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-5a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Boilers Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction (NOx)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-5b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Boilers Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction (NOx)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-7a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Natural Gas
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-7b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Natural Gas
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-9a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Fuel Oil
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-9a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Fuel Oil
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-9b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Fuel Oil
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-9b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Fuel Oil
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-10a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (NOx)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-10a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (NOx) (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-10b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (NOx)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-10b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (NOx) (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-12a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-12a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-12b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-12b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Heaters Firing Refinery
Fuel Gas Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction (continued)
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-24a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Gas Turbines with Duct
Burners Firing Natural Gas Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction
Table D-24b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Gas Turbines with Duct
Burners Firing Natural Gas Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-25a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Gas Turbines with
Duct Burners Firing Natural Gas and Refinery Fuel Gas Controlled with
Selective Catalytic Reduction and Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Catalyst
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-25b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Gas Turbines with
Duct Burners Firing Natural Gas and Refinery Fuel Gas Controlled with
Selective Catalytic Reduction and Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Catalyst
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-26a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Gas Turbines with
Duct Burners Firing Natural Gas, Refinery Fuel Gas, and Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction and Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Catalyst
Table D-26b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Gas Turbines with
Duct Burners Firing Natural Gas, Refinery Fuel Gas, and Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Controlled with Selective Catalytic Reduction and Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Catalyst
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-27a. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Gas Turbines with No Duct
Burners Firing Refinery Fuel Gas Controlled with Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Catalyst
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources
Table D-27b. Summary of Data for Emission Factor Development – Gas Turbines with No Duct
Burners Firing Refinery Fuel Gas Controlled with Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Catalyst
Emissions Estimation Protocol for Petroleum Refineries
Version 3 Appendix D—Emission Factors for Combustion Sources