Murail Winter Fragments
Murail Winter Fragments
Murail Winter Fragments
Macintosh Computer
Midi Interface
Reverberation unit
Cl Vc
Fl Vn 6
hp hp
Winter Fragments
interface MIDI
carte-son 8 voix
Macintosh out
7 8
hp hp
3 4
Technical instructions for video playing synchronized
with live executions of «Bois flotté» and «Winter Fragments»
MIDI keyboard
copy files
provided on DVD-R
MIDI dispatch onto internal hard disk:
MIDI (or connection MIDI
QuickTime movies
interface 1 interf.1 –> interf.2 interface 2
by MidiThru) (≤4 and ≤5 GB each)
+ Max Patch and/or
Stand Alone
PowerMac G4 PowerMac G4
used for MUSIC used for VIDEO
733 Mhz mini / system 9.2
SW: MAX/MSP 4.05 mini some of the MIDI instructions
(«movie» objects required) dedicated to electronic sounds
will make Max adjust the video
reading to preset time-codes
of the QuickTime movies
Caution : no test have been done any additional
GeForce or
using G4ʼs capable of PCI graphic
dual-screen display. additional Radeon main
display graphic card display
output output
Desktop and Menubar have to be
displayed on the monitor (≥ 640 x 480)
connected to additional display output.
The QuickTime movies provided are adaptations of the original movies released by Accord/Universal on DVD
«Tristan Murail / vidéos Hervé Bailly-Basin». They are composed of 31 (Bois flotté) or 45 (Winter Fragments)
sequences. Every sequence ends smoothly by fading out to a still picture, that is also the frame on which the
next sequence will fade in. The still picture fullfills the screen a little before the «theoric» end, as indicated on
the score, of the current musical passage. Waiting for the next MIDI instruction to be considered by the Max
patch, the video runs on with the still picture for a while (extending the sequence up to 25% of its duration), as
if it were «waiting» for the musicians in case they play noticeably slowly. The next MIDI instruction will make
the video reading «jump» to the first frame of the following sequence – and so on.
A large amount of live performed MIDI instructions allow the video to be regularly synchronized with
the music execution. Besides, thanks to the fadings and common still pictures, no break will be seen between
the sequences : the video appears as continuous, just like the music it «accompanies».
Software development: Philippe Moënne-Loccoz – Collectif & Cie / Musiques Inventives dʼAnnecy - 2002