Jsa For Drilling.
Jsa For Drilling.
Jsa For Drilling.
Now undertake the JSA and record in the table below. Use prompts on JSA Prompt Sheet and Hazard Checklist PA-HSEC-02-040-002-F03.
Part 3: Contingency Plans. All work fronts will have a first aider c/w a first aid kit. The first aider will be responsible in the event of an
emergency/incident. The first response will then be activating DEL ERP!!!
Part 4: Review. After the job has been completed, JSA leader should note: any hazards, which were identified in the original JSA? Any practices
that need to be captured in the OMS? List action items, changes, and transfer any changes to the Change Management system.
File: 10.30
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
1 Mobilization of equipment / Tools Unauthorised equipment/tools brought out to Before mobilizing any equipment/tools make sure
site that the E &P Personnel got inspected the
equipment. All electrical must be checked and
colour coded.
Unskilled and uninducted personnel starting Ensure that all personnel prior to start the have
the job been inducted in BHP operation and oriented about
the hazard in the job site.
Workers starting the job unfit to work All personnel not fit to work shall not be allowed
to work at the project site.
Workers starting the job without JSA Ensure all the persons take part in the toolbox
meeting discussion. And all the workers must sign
at the backside of the Jsa on daily basis.
2 Drilling machine(Hilti) Hand injury, dust, eye injury Ensure workers are complying with the min. PPE
req. Safety shoes, helmet, safety glass, dust mask
Double face shield must be worn while performing
the job
Loose clothing Ensure that no lose clothing like handkerchief is
worn Brims in case of that is worn
Dust Wetting of soil will be performed to
removed/minimized dust hazards Dust mask must
be worn while performing the job.
Uneven surface/Tripping hazards Ensure that workers accessing the right pedestrian
and watch their steps.
Tools not inspected/damage All tools must be inspected and tagged
Ensure that the righ bit is used and secured by
means of lock.
SIMOPS Other workers/contractors working on the area will
be inform and advised to stop if necessary
Fire No smoking policy shall be implemented
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
Fire extinguisher shall be made available at the
area and ensure that workers are aware of how to
use the fire extinguisher in case of fire.
Unauthorized crossing from construction area All workers will be inform that no trespassing in
to operation area the operation area
3 Drilling in blocks Unskilled Persons Ensure all workers must be trained &toolbox shall
be conducted prior to start the work.
Un Even surface Ensure surface must be smooth prior start to work.
Hand injury Ensure that all workers must wear hand gloves
4 Electrical services Electrical services in wall Ensure that beaware of electrical wiring in walls
5 Demobilization of equipment same Proper house keeping shall be done prior to