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Enterprise Architecture Best Practices in
Large Corporations
Ibrahim Abunadi
College of Computer and Information Sciences, Prince Sultan University, Rafha Street,
Riyadh 11586, Saudi Arabia; [email protected]

Received: 15 August 2019; Accepted: 20 September 2019; Published: 23 September 2019 

Abstract: Enterprise architecture (EA) is an integrated strategy, business, and information systems
approach for analysis, governance, and information technology (IT) alignment. It is a comprehensive
blueprint that requires the careful planning, documentation, and analysis of all the operations of an
organization. Employing EA helps companies achieve strategic goals with the support of business
activities and information systems. However, some large corporations avoid EA frameworks and
methodologies owing to their implementation difficulties or the presence of conflicting frameworks
and business needs. The goal of this paper is to increase large organizations’ awareness of enterprise
architecture best practices (EABPs) and methods of EA framework implementation. Thus, this
research has developed an EABP capability matrix to measure companies’ capacities to implement
EABPs and provided lessons based on how 17 organizations implemented EABPs. Based on an
analytical literature review, the developed matrix includes eight critical EABPs categorized under four
themes: EA framework and methodology, strategic practices, business activities, and information
systems. As practical and theoretical contributions: (1) This inclusive approach was not found in the
EA literature as most past research focuses on only one of these themes. (2) The EA matrix can be
used as a measurement matrix research methodology to measure the extent to which cases adopt
EABPs, making it beneficial to EA researchers and practitioners. (3) EA practitioners can also use it to
practically determine and rectify the weak points of EABPs, thus taking advantage of EA frameworks.
The findings indicate that many large organizations implement EABPs as business-as-usual practices
without EA frameworks and methodologies. However, those that adopt an EA framework use
the open group architecture framework and rely heavily on enterprise resource planning in the
implementation of EABPs.

Keywords: enterprise architecture; large organizations; business process management; enterprise

resource planning; best practices; the open group architecture framework (TOGAF); governance;
IT alignment

1. Introduction
Enterprise architecture (EA) promises great benefits to organizations that seek to improve their
strategies, optimize their business activities, and better utilize information technology (IT). Through
EA’s guiding principles, organizations can more easily achieve their goals and initiatives and implement
critical information systems [1,2]. EA-based business activities can work coherently toward strategic
aims and lead to better organizational outcomes [3]. IT resources can be tracked using EA repositories
and subsequently aligned with business activities to steer a business towards its goals [4]. EA
frameworks thus integrate strategies, business activities, and information systems by providing a
representation of current organizational capabilities and enabling desirable results.
Although EA is widely praised in the relevant literature, its implementation success rate remains
low [1,5–7]. EA’s difficult implementation is attributable to its need for complex maintenance and its

Information 2019, 10, 293; doi:10.3390/info10100293 www.mdpi.com/journal/information

Information 2019, 10, 293 2 of 26

comprehensive coverage of all organizational areas. For successful implementation, EA requires the
continuous documentation and analysis of all activities and resources throughout the organization
while leading a given business to its desired strategic state [8,9].
Understanding organizations’ technological practices that are analogous to enterprise architecture
best practices (EABPs) is critical; this is the starting point at which organizations can begin successfully
implementing EA. Large organizations with greater EABP capabilities are more likely to incorporate EA
frameworks and methodologies [1,10–12]. EABPs are a set of activities that are conducted to enhance
an organization’s strategic fulfillment through business tactics and information analysis. Although
many technology-based business organizational practices (e.g., modeling business processes using
a software) could be placed under the umbrella of EA because it is a comprehensive blueprint for
organizations, certain horizontal (cross-sectional organizational practices) EABPs are essential in the
adequate functioning of EA frameworks and methodologies [13]; this paper focuses on those EABPs.
Horizontal EABPs serve an entire organization and have a strong impact on organizational success
rates in EA implementation. In this research, “EABP capability” is defined as the effectiveness with
which an organization can successfully apply the best practices of EA. Here, large private organizations
are focused on because their commercial nature and complexity demand a greater need to enact EA
frameworks and methodologies. In addition, this study emphasizes on horizontal EABPs, which are
significant in the complete implementation of EA because they are conducted throughout an enterprise.
In contrast, vertical practices (practices applied in one managerial unit or line of business) are outside
the scope of this study [6,8]. Various studies focusing on best practices in EA research, including
EA methodologies, strategic practices, business activities, and information systems practices, have
been conducted. However, little research has combined these aspects, particularly for horizontal
practices within large organizations. Implementing EABPs has many advantages, including directing
organizational efforts toward achieving specific strategic goals, unifying employees’ way of work,
creating the organizational backbone for integrating the use of business processes, and integrating the
organization using horizontal information systems [1,7,9,14,15]. Grounded on previous EA research, a
matrix has been developed and tested in this study to measure an organization’s capacity to utilize
horizontal EABPs. Using this EABP matrix, organizations would be able to determine the shortcomings
in their EABP implementation, leading to better decision-making for top and middle management.
Through multi-case study analysis, the EABPs within 17 large corporations have been examined. This
study investigates the following research questions: (1) What are the critical EABPs that are needed
for the successful implementation of EA? (2) How can EABP capabilities within organizations be
measured? (3) How are EABPs currently implemented in large organizations? Thus, this study will
contribute to the EA literature as follows:

1. Identify the critical horizontal EABPs for the successful implementation of EA.
2. Provide a matrix that can be used to measure the EA capabilities within an organization.
3. Provide insight into how organizations actually implement EABPs.

This paper will proceed as follows. First, an analytical literature review will be conducted to
determine the common horizontal EA practices found in past research. Second, the methodology and
its results will be described. Finally, this study’s findings and conclusions will be discussed.
Information 2019, 10, 293 3 of 26

2. Analytical Literature Review

EA is “an approach for managing the complexity of an organization’s structures, business
environments, and different information systems, and for facilitating the integration of strategy,
personnel, business, data, and IT” [5] (p. 131).
EA research has indicated that EABPs can be categorized as follows [1,7,9]:
1. EA frameworks and methodologies
2. Strategic practices
3. Business activities
4. IT capabilities
The studies sourced to create the above categories were sought using the following search terms:
(“Enterprise Architecture”) and ((“Capabilities,” “Best Practices,” or “Practices”), (“Framework”),
(“Methodology”), (“Maturity”), (“Modeling”), (“Horizontal”), or (“Crosscutting”)). These terms were
applied to several database search engines: ScienceDirect, ProQuest, Taylor & Francis, Web of Science,
Scopus, Google Scholar, Emeralds, IEEE, and ACM. The selected search terms were based on the title,
research keywords, abstract, and research questions. The inclusion criteria were as follows: English
peer-reviewed articles including conference book chapters and journal articles, studies presenting
relevance to the focus and research questions of this paper, repeated papers in different databases
by title or content, non-accessible papers within databases or other search engines, papers published
after 2004 (to focus only on recent developments), and short papers or posters. Thirty-seven papers
were considered after excluding non-matching studies. These papers were reviewed and analyzed
thoroughly for EABPs and the results are discussed in the following sections.

2.1. EA Framework and Methodology

An EA framework is the core horizontal component of an architectural practice. It can be defined
as an instrument that aligns different resources, including IT, with the organization’s current and future
needs [14]. Known EA frameworks, such as Zackman, the open group architecture framework (TOGAF),
federal enterprise architecture (FEA), Gartner, Department of Defense architecture framework (DoDAF),
and treasury enterprise architecture framework (TEAF), were created from various sources and have
been applied to different contexts [16]. An organization’s workflow may change depending on the
adopted EA framework because EA frameworks are like a master plan of business strategies consisting of
various processes and information technologies [17,18]. EA frameworks are beneficial to organizations
because they (1) “[are] well-established solutions to architectural problems of organizations; (2) Help
in documenting architectural design and implementation decisions; and (3) [facilitate] collaboration
and communication between users” [19] (p. 45).
Documentation and implementation in the EA framework is conducted through an EA
methodology [20]. An EA methodology is a horizontal practice that an entire organization implements
for effective decision-making and resource management [21]. It offers the tools required to
guide an organization in documenting and modeling its current state using EA artifacts (shared
organizational documents) and identifying the necessary documents that assist in making business and
technology-related decisions, including resource management [22]. The EA methodology “prepares
a set of methods and practices for developing, managing, and maintaining an EA implementation
project” [23] (p. 927). As an EA framework implementation guide, EA methodologies outline how an
organization transitions from its current (as-is) state to its planned (to-be) state. Some EA frameworks
present a clear and detailed EA methodology, such as TOGAF architecture development method
(ADM), FEA, and DoDAF. Other EA frameworks (e.g., Zachman and TEAF) provide general guides
for the entrepreneurial transition from current to future states [23,24].
Early EA research focused on understanding EA frameworks and methodologies. Nevertheless,
recent studies have considered managing and using technological advancement for the better application
of EA frameworks and methodologies [25]. More emphasis on the horizontal approach of EA has been
Information 2019, 10, 293 4 of 26

found in recent literature. However, this discussion is theoretical, with no clear consideration of the
practical underpinnings within organizations [15]. The additional current organizational advancement
that affected EA research is the evolved business models that now rely more on social media for
marketing, e-commerce for sales, big data analysis for information, and shared economy (industry
4.0) for infrastructure. According to previous studies [26–28], organizations using these technologies
can lose track of information and resources and require higher levels of control, particularly the
horizontal views and control, provided by EA [26,27]. Other studies [15,26] found that with the
availability of advanced information systems and enterprise resource planning (ERP), EA frameworks
and methodologies had a stronger impact on organizations. In the last five years, the number of
publications discussing TOGAF EA frameworks and their organizational adoption, as well as the
decline in the adoption of other frameworks, has increased [25]. This is attributable to the continuous
support and improvements received by this framework from the Open Group, which keeps up with
the current dynamic market and industry changes [29]. In addition, TOGAF is supported by many
commercial off-the-shelf software such as SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in data processing)
ERP, which simplifies its implementation for larger organizations [30]. The discussed publications in
this section focus mostly on the EA frameworks or methodologies and do not seek a rounded approach
to EA practices [6,30–32].

2.2. Strategic Practices

Strategic practices entail any methods, procedures, and tools used to plan and implement
strategies [33]. These practices can range from making strategic plans, formulating strategic statements,
monitoring strategic initiatives, and using strategic tools such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats (SWOT) analysis and balanced scorecards [34]. However, the EA literature has demonstrated
that a shared strategy and effective governance are the most essential factors in EA framework and
methodology implementation.
A strategic statement defines the purpose and future competitive direction of an organization [35].
An organizational strategy is a generic EA practice [36]. An organizational strategy is finalized through
the organizational synergy created by EA integration [37]. The purpose of an EA framework is to
effectively work toward an organizational strategy [32]. Moreover, implementing EA usually starts
with a strategic statement [38], and the EA framework’s purpose and necessary resources are derived
from this statement. However, without a shared and communicated strategy, an EA framework can
have no clear direction [15,39]. As such, a shared strategy is defined here as a purposeful statement
that must be communicated throughout an organization. It is among the most important EABPs.
As an EABP, effective governance is the process of potent self-interorganizational management.
It entails the control of EA frameworks and methodologies as well as major corporate decisions and
resources. Governance is conducted through a board of directors or a governance board; these bodies
guide a corporation toward fulfilling its strategies [23,40,41]. EA is a mechanism of governance that
enables governance boards to view their company’s key as-is performance indicators and resource
deployment in detail, thereby allowing governance board members to determine whether the firm
is working toward its to-be state [2]. Since EA enables holistic as-is views, governance boards can
effectively formulate policies and regulations in accordance with organizational requirements using
EA. Furthermore, EA empowers adopted standards and polices throughout an organization via
structuring and sharing documents with an online repository. By referring to EA-based as-is views,
governance boards can monitor the enforcement of policies and regulations supporting the governance
process [42–44].
EA can affect how a strategy is formulated, analyzed, and executed within an organization [39].
Moreover, the EA framework can shape organizations’ collective thinking, thus affecting how
strategy is created. The EA methodology creates the backbone of organizational governance that
enables systemized analysis and execution of strategic goals [32,37,39]. A recent study discusses the
development in large organizational governance by involving IT as a component requiring its own
Information 2019, 10, 293 5 of 26

strategy [27]. In the study, an increasing need for large organizations to have their own core traditional
strategy that is supported by an IT strategy is observed. EA comes into the picture here, as the
authors discuss [27], by supporting organizations to govern their IT by traditional and IT strategies. A
gap exists in the EA literature because strategy and governance are usually considered individually,
without a deeper understanding of other related EA practices [9,32,37,39,45]. A growing trend in the
EA literature is the discussion on the usage of strategic and governance practices such as strategic
auditing, SWOT analysis, balanced score cards, and competitive advantage [13,39]. This shows that
EA research is streamlining from being a computer and information systems discussion-engrossed
discipline to only a more organizational and strategy-based approach [45]. All of these business tools
were suggested in conjunction with an EA framework for planning as well as an EA methodology as
an arm for the governance and implementation of strategic goals [13,23]. The author [6] discusses that
a strategy can be integrated into an organization’s planning via an EA framework and applied through
information systems and business processes.

2.3. Business Activities

Business functions, operations, procedures, and activities that support the achievement of core
organizational goals are called business activities [46]. Business activities include service provision,
product development, and/or trade [47]. These business activities can be governed and managed
through an EA. The literature defines two essential business activities for the EA to function adequately:
business processes and architectural modeling.
Business processes are the key organizational activities that are corroborated by, integrated with,
and directed toward an enterprise’s strategy. Business processes and EA enhance one another [8,48,49],
and business processes can provide organizational cross-sectional integration that enhances information
interoperability as required by EA documentation [50,51]. A study suggests that one of EA’s major goals
is to integrate and standardize business processes within an organization [52]. EA’s as-is views support
improved business processes by identifying bottlenecks and duplicate processes, which can help
reduce performance issues and financial waste [3,52]. EA frameworks also provide the organizational
blueprint needed to maintain and control business processes according to strategic needs [13,50,53].
Moreover, EA can provide better IT and strategic alignment at the operational level by prioritizing the
use of key resources [13].
Another critical business activity to be conducted throughout an organization is modeling.
Architectural modeling is a significant EABP that depicts cross-sectional representations of an
organization [25]. Multiple tools are usually used for architectural modeling, including the unified
modeling language (UML) 2.0, integrated definition (IDEF), Microsoft Visio, business process
management notation (BPMN) 2.0, ArchiMate, and organizational information charts or graphical
representations of the EA framework [26,54,55]. Through the lens of EA, architectural modeling
provides viewpoints for strategic IT alignment, thereby steering an organization toward its to-be state
while reducing IT costs [56]. Using dashboards, these architectural models provide real-time insights
into an organization’s leadership and governance [51,57,58].
The integration of EA, business processes, and/or architectural modeling is an outlook that has
received only little attention in EA research [25,52]. A recent review [52] of EA and BPM integration
studies found that the literature still lacks a perspective that combines these practices. This study
seeks to fill this gap by creating an EABP matrix and analyzing case studies that combine EA, BPM,
architectural modeling, and other related practices. Löhe and Legner [51] suggest that BPM models
can be implanted into EA to create better documentation for decision-makers only using horizontal
architectural modeling tools such as architecture of integrated information systems (ARIS). Their study
focused on the documentation of BPM models and EA artifacts without considering other related
EABPs [51]. The advancement in horizontal organizational technologies using architectural modeling
(such as ARIS and ArchiMate) enabled stronger organizational mappings [26,59]. Large organizations
have additional need for architectural modeling to be able to view and control various complexities
Information 2019, 10, 293 6 of 26

of processes [3,11]. Yet, architectural modeling using tools, such as ArchiMate, would be misguided
without the structure of an EA and organizational direction guided by a strategy [45,60].

2.4. Information Systems

An information system is “an organized collection of IT, data and information, processes, and
people” [61] (p. 2). EA requires information systems, particularly documentation and resource usage
data. The EA literature analysis has revealed that cloud repositories and resource tracking are the two
critical functions of information systems.
Large organizations often face information overload that can be rectified by knowledge or resource
centers using a centralized cloud repository [62]. This is particularly true for large organizations wherein
information and documentation are in greater demand. Thus, using an online central data warehouse
or cloud repository to store and share documentation across different divisions is necessary for larger
organizations. An online repository can share documentation (including standards and policies),
strengthen collaboration, enable the visualization of information, and enrich data analysis [62,63].
As an EABP, cloud repository documentation (artifacts) is organized based on EA frameworks [64].
Cataloging EA artifacts depends on the given EA framework, which acts as a schema to classify
documents and information to simplify retrieval [51]. Cloud repositories must be continuously
maintained to keep EA artifacts and related information updated, and cloud updates are necessary to
meet both current and future business needs [9,23].
Resource tracking is one of the most critically required technological competencies in larger
organizations. It is defined as the use of information systems (e.g., ERP) for the effective employment
of resources and competencies [65–67]. As an EABP, resource tracking is required to prioritize resource
allocation according to a strategic EA goal. In addition, resource tracking is needed to foresee EA
implementation within different organizational initiatives and projects [68]. An EA sets the rules and
standards for resource tracking and use within an organization; this can reduce expenditures and
avoid wasted efforts [69]. EA frameworks such as Gartner, TOGAF, and FEA have introduced the
resource planning and tracking methods needed for organizational transformation [59,70].
Various tools and techniques have been recently discussed in EA literature for the documentation
of EA artifacts and resource tracking. These include horizontal EA documentation and resource
tracking information systems such as ERP (e.g., SAP) and advanced horizontal modeling tools (e.g.,
ArchiMate and ARIS) [56,59,65–67]. A semi-automated documentation process using a business
process management system (BPMS) has been suggested by Farwick et al. [71]. In their study, they
created a model wherein a BPMS surveys the processes using predefined criteria and then aggregates
the documentation and key performance indicators (KPIs) to be presented on the dashboards for
decision-makers. Regardless of the different advancements of documentation technologies and
resource tracking tools, Banaeianjahromi and Smolander [72] have discussed that the commitment of
top management toward EA documentation processes is a key factor for the continuous successful and
beneficial utilization of the EA repository and resource tracking. However, neither Banaeianjahromi
and Smolander [72] nor other studies in this theme [56,59,71] discuss the role of strategy or governance
for effective resource and documentation utilization.
Table 1 presents distinct EABP categories based on the organizational themes described in the EA
literature. The following section describes the research methodology.
Information 2019, 10, 293 7 of 26

Table 1. Critical enterprise architecture best practices (EABPs) found in the literature.

Theme Practice Supporting Reference

-Adopting an EA framework: using an EA framework to
1. Enterprise Architecture (EA) guide the organization’s planning and operations.
-Using an EA methodology: documenting and
implementing an EA framework.
-Employing a shared strategy: strategic statements,
goals, and practices used to guide the EA, leaders, and
2. Strategic Practices employees of the organization towards a
specific direction.
-Effective governance: using EA to utilize resources and
the workforce towards achieving the organization’s [2,27,43,44]
strategies and goals.
-Implementing business processes: integrating and
3. Business Activities directing key business processes using EA framework.
-Architectural modeling: using EA framework to model
horizontal representations of the organization.
-Documenting material using cloud repositories: using a
centralized online repository that is organized based on
Information 2019, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW [9,23,63,64,72]7 of 28
4. Information Systems an EA framework to store and share documentation and
key information.
- Using technological competencies
-Using technological to track
competencies and and
to track utilize
resources: adopting adoptinginformation
horizontal horizontal information
systems tosystems
optimize the usage of organizational resources in order
the usage of organizational resources in order to reach
to reach predefined EA strategic goals.
predefined EA strategic goals.

3. Methodology
3. Methodology
The research
methodologywas wasconducted
conductedin two phases.
in two Phase
phases. 1 entailed
Phase the testing
1 entailed of the of
the testing EABP
EABP matrix and exploration of the practices within large organizations. The EABP matrix on
and exploration of the practices within large organizations. The EABP matrix is grounded is
EA literature,
grounded onwhich highlights which
EA literature, eight practices; these
highlights practices
eight were weighted
practices; (Appendix
these practices wereB) weighted
and each
(Appendix B)was andevaluated based on these
each organization was weights.
evaluated In based
phase 2,
onthe organizations
these weights. In most capable
phase of
2, the
implementing EABPs were considered for a multi-case study analysis. This analysis allowed
organizations most capable of implementing EABPs were considered for a multi-case study analysis. a detailed
This analysis of established
allowed EABPsinvestigation
a detailed in one of the of
largest and most
established important
EABPs in onecorporations in the
of the largest andregion.
Figure 1 outlines
important the research
corporations in the methodology.
region. Figure 1 outlines the research methodology.

Figure 1. Outline of the research methodology.

Figure 1. Outline of the research methodology.

3.1. Phase 1: Testing of EABP Matrix

Forbes lists the top 100 largest publicly traded corporations in different countries by assessing
them based on profits, assets, annual revenue, and market value [73]. To enable adequate sampling
in this study, the Forbes’ list of the top 100 largest companies in a country was acquired. The country
and organization names are kept confidential for the sake of privacy of the examined organizations.
Since this study focuses on large organizations, the largest corporations on the list were first
considered for sampling. These organizations were contacted through their shared email or phone
number on their websites. Those who did not respond or were not cooperative were excluded from
Information 2019, 10, 293 8 of 26

3.1. Phase 1: Testing of EABP Matrix

Forbes lists the top 100 largest publicly traded corporations in different countries by assessing
them based on profits, assets, annual revenue, and market value [73]. To enable adequate sampling in
this study, the Forbes’ list of the top 100 largest companies in a country was acquired. The country and
organization names are kept confidential for the sake of privacy of the examined organizations. Since
this study focuses on large organizations, the largest corporations on the list were first considered
for sampling. These organizations were contacted through their shared email or phone number on
their websites. Those who did not respond or were not cooperative were excluded from the sample.
The final sample contained 17 organizations from 12 different industries; this satisfies the criteria
of the convenient sampling technique [74]. Snowball sampling is a technique that can pinpoint
information-rich consultants within organizations. In some cases, informants within one organization
would lead to other key participants in other organizations. Thus, snowball sampling was deemed a
suitable sampling method for this paper [75].
Table 2 presents the 17 organizations’ industries and approximate number of employees. Some
organizations specialized in several fields, including education, technology, health, and finance.
Conglomerate companies are those with various lines of businesses in diverse fields (e.g., technology
and finance) or those with different production lines. All the organizations had over 500 employees,
which was a criterion used to confirm the size of the organization [76].

Table 2. Organizational profiles.

Organization Field Approximate Number of Employees Interviewees

Org 1 Conglomerate 66,000 I14, I15
Org 2 Telecommunication 18,000 I2, I3
Org 3 Automobile 5000 I4
Org 4 Food sector 32,000 I5, I13
Org 5 Technology 2000 I6
Org 6 Conglomerate 44,000 I7, I8
Org 7 Financial services 3000 I9
Org 8 Consultancy 1800 I10
Org 9 Health 5000 I11
Org 10 Education 7000 I1
Org 11 Conglomerate 36,000 I12
Org 12 Health 6000 I16
Org 13 Conglomerate 8000 I17
Org 14 Telecommunications 4000 I18
Org 15 Transportation 2000 I19
Org 16 Infrastructure industry 2500 I20
Org 17 Education and consultancy 800 I21

A total of 21 semi-structured interviews were conducted for the 17 organizations. Interviews were
conducted with CEOs (Chief Executive Officer), CIOs (Chief Information Officer), IT managers, and
senior project managers. Only those informants having horizontal knowledge of the organization and
detailed knowledge of their organization’s functions in terms of EA frameworks and methodologies,
strategic practices, internal business activities, and horizontal information systems were selected. Three
approaches were employed to find out whether the informant possessed the relevant knowledge in the
key research areas: snowball sampling (asking current participants about future subjects and their
knowledge), reading about their position in the shared organization documents or professional social
media (e.g., Linkedin), and asking them directly about their knowledge in these areas [75,77,78]. For the
proper evaluation of horizontal EABPs, the largest firms in the sample—Organization (Org) 1, 2, 4, and
11—required two interviews, whereas the other firms required only one interview. Subsequent to the
interviews, shared and online organizational documentation for each of the contacted corporations
was used as secondary data to verify the information. Published reports found on the internet and
Information 2019, 10, 293 9 of 26

news articles about the companies were also useful in confirming the information obtained from
the interviews.
Thus, the interviewees were asked about EABP details as they were conceptually discussed in
the EA literature. The interviews sought to evaluate EABPs within all 17 organizations using the
evaluation matrix in Appendix B; therefore, the questions generally pertained to the companies’ current
EABPs. The interviewer asked details about each EABP to assess the effectiveness of its implementation.
First, interviewees were asked about their company’s typical practices, e.g., “Does your company
have a strategy?” Next, they were asked for details regarding EABPs such as “Has the strategy been
announced?” If the interviewee answered “no” to the second question, EABP implementation was
considered limited compared with the cases outlined in the literature. However, if an interviewee
replied “no” to both questions, then it was determined that their organization employed no EABPs.
Interviewees were also asked to explain more about their company’s EABP usage; for instance, an
interviewee would be asked “How is the strategy communicated to employees across the whole
organization?” A senior project manager from Org 12 stated, “The strategy is announced on our
website; employees receive information about the strategy in their email and we discuss the strategy
with our employees in meetings.” The purpose of such discussions was to evaluate the efficacy of
EABP implementation within all sampled organizations. A few interviewees were unsure of certain
EABP information, such as their firm’s resource tracking practices. However, this information was
found in the reports on the organizations’ website or in published articles about the organization.
The same procedure was followed for all EABPs in the 17 companies. All the data were collected
through electronic notes because many interviewees declined recorded interviews.
The electronic notes from 21 interviews were thoroughly reviewed, analyzed, and summarized in
a tabular form (see Table 6). This analysis aimed to evaluate each organization individually using the
criteria in Appendix B. The outcome of these evaluations is presented in Table 4.
To understand the companies’ EABP capabilities compared with the cases found in the literature,
the interviewers’ notes were thoroughly analyzed for details regarding each EABP. Documents were
also used to verify information about each EABP when needed. The results are detailed in Section 4.

3.2. Phase 2: Multi-Case Study (Org 1 and 2)

A case study methodology enables the examination of a situation in its organic context [79].
Multi-case studies allow a deeper and more comprehensive insight into the phenomena being
studied [80]. Thus, a multi-case study approach can broaden the perspectives on each case and compare
the similarities and differences between organizations [81].
In phase 2, six semi-structured interviews were conducted for Org 1 and 2, with each interview
lasting about 1.5 h. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed. Questions were developed
to collect information regarding the two companies’ EABPs and how they were implemented.
The literature review assisted in developing open-ended questions, which motivated interviewees
to describe EABPs and their applications within their organizational settings. To ensure that the
questions in the interview protocol covered all of the EABPs, they were created based on the definition
of EABPs derived from the literature. Thus, two questions were sometimes needed to cover all the
EABPs. For example, two points were covered by the questions in Appendix A: “Which EA framework
is used the organization?” and “How is it implemented?” These include identifying the used EA
and examining the additional details of its implementation in the organization. All of the interview
questions were influenced by the following studies: [9,13,14,21,37,82]. The interviews were based on a
protocol (see Appendix A); thus, the interviewer followed a semi-structured approach and pre-selected
questions were used as guidelines. This allowed participants to elaborate on topics they knew more
about and removed restrictions during the interview [83]. In addition to interviews, many documents
were used to triangulate and verify the information provided by the interviewees; this enabled more
rigorous data collection [84]. Electronic notes were used as most interviewees refused to record the
interviews. The data in the notes were coded to labels to condense the large volume of text in the data
Information 2019, 10, 293 10 of 26

and to find details about the EABPs within both organizations. The coding was guided by the eight
EABP definitions synthesized from the literature in Section 2. The data was scanned for practices that
are related to EABP definitions. These practices were highlighted and grouped into labels. The labels
were then grouped according to their corresponding EABPs and used to organize thought and logic
while discussing the case studies in phase 2. The labels were also useful to determine the location of
the related quotes while writing the findings of the case study [81,85].
Table 3 shows the interviewees’ managerial positions, which pertain to EA implementation and
maintenance. The table also indicates the experience of each interviewee, including their specific
experience in technology and EA. The interviews presented in Table 3 are in addition to those conducted
in phase 1 (Table 2) for Org 1 and 2. Consequently, different participants were interviewed to acquire
further information about EABPs in Org 1 and 2.

Table 3. Phase 2 participants.

Participants Managerial Position Experience (years) Organization

Interviewee 1 General Manager of Computer Center 20 Org 1
Interviewee 2 Senior Enterprise Architect 17 Org 1
Interviewee 3 Strategic Transformation Officer 11 Org 1
Interviewee 4 ICT (Information Communication Technology) Solution Expert 15 Org 2
Interviewee 5 Enterprise Architect 7 Org 2
Interviewee 6 Enterprise Solution Architect 8 Org 2

Documents were collected internally from organizations’ corresponding departments, online from
their official websites, or from other websites. Table 4 describes the 18 collected documents and the
organizations they are related to.

Table 4. Documents collected in phase 2.

Document Description Organization

The human resources (HR) enterprise architect role document outlines
D1 what an EA framework is in the organization and how it should be Org 1
implemented. The role of the enterprise architect is also described.
Report on the importance of enterprise architecture (EA) in achieving
D2 Org 1
and formulating Org 1’s strategy.
Internal article discussing Org 1’s success in implementing EA and
D3 Org 1
the awards received based on that.
D4 Knowledge sharing report on EA implementation experiences. Org 1
Presentation slides describing the challenges Org 1 faced and how EA
D5 Org 1
can assist in overcoming these challenges.
Report detailing organizational challenges and suggested solutions
D6 Org 1
based on EA and enterprise resource planning (ERP).
Annual reports detailing the role of information technology (IT) and
D7 EA in strategic fulfillment, as well as governance and its relationship Org 1
with EA.
Strategic planning document containing details on EA
D8 Org 1
implementation and maintenance.
D9 Technical document reporting SAP and EA use. Org 1
Document providing information on service-oriented architecture
D10 Org 1
(SOA), the open group architecture framework (TOGAF), and SAP.
Job description of the enterprise architect role and the ICT skills
D11 required for it. It also describes the organization’s current EA status Org 2
and what the job will require.
Information 2019, 10, 293 11 of 26

Table 4. Cont.

Document Description Organization

Internal report discussing the organization’s financial issues and
D12 Org 2
growth challenges and how EA can assist in solving these problems.
Report discussing the implementation of business process
D13 Org 2
management (BPM), EA, and related technologies.
Government report specifying the Org 2’s success in implementing
D14 Org 2
EA and state-of-the-art technologies.
Report on the EA documentation methodologies within
D15 Org 2
the organization.
D16 ICT internal report on Org 2’s technological advances and EA use. Org 2
Technical document specifying the integration of customer
D17 Org 2
relationship management (CRM) with TOGAF and BPM software
Internal report on best practices, such as information technology
infrastructure library (ITIL), project management, and PRojects IN
D18 Org 2
Controlled Environments (PRINCE2), and their roles within the
enterprise architecture.

4. Findings

4.1. Phase 1
The EABP capability matrices in Appendix B and Table 5 were developed and synthesized
following the reviewed EA literature. This study created themes from the literature and EABP criteria
to measure the organizations’ capabilities by following an approach similar to the questionnaire design
in organizational capability or maturity matrix development studies found in information systems
research (see [86,87]). First, the assessment of EABPs is conducted via the EABP evaluation matrix (see
Appendix B). In each of the 17 organizations, interviewees were asked about the practices that existed
in their organization according to the evaluation criteria of the matrix in Appendix B. Literal exact
wording for each criterion was not required as every organization was different in their adoption of the
EABPs; thus, the questions differed according to the situation. The interviews however assured that all
of the criteria were covered. Each score was recorded in the EABP capability outcome matrix in Table 5.
Based on the literature [13,14,21,25,37], the following EABPs counted for four evaluation points
because they were identified as the most important EABPs: announced strategy, effective governance,
EA methodology, and EA framework [14,21,37,82]. The remaining EABPs were allocated only two
evaluation points because they were considered essential but not as imperative as the previous four
EABPs [13,25,88]. Four levels and their corresponding scores (see the “Capability” column in the table
below) were identified in the matrix: low = 1–6, average = 7–12, high = 13–18, and capable = 19–24.
These four scoring levels were adapted from previously published articles [85,89,90].
The mean score for EABP capability between all organizations was 13.12, indicating that most
large organizations in the sample have a high chance of successfully employing EABPs. This is a
sensible outcome because most large organizations are in a greater need of practices that can increase
the cohesion of strategy, business, and technology. However, only 1 of the 17 organizations (Org 1)
fully adopted an EA framework and methodology, and only two organizations (Org 2 and 11) applied
them in limited vertical parts of the organization. Organizations with a high capacity of using EABPs
are more likely to adopt an EA framework and methodology because they already employ the most
critical EABPs.
Information 2019, 10, 293 12 of 26

Table 5. The EABP capability matrix outcomes.

Org EA Method (4) EA Framework (4) Strategy (4) Governance (4) Business Processes (2) Modeling (2) Cloud Repository (2) Resources Tracking (2) Score (24) Capability
1 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 24 Capable
2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 20 Capable
3 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 5 Low
4 0 0 4 4 2 0 2 2 14 High
5 0 0 4 4 2 2 2 2 16 High
6 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 18 High
7 0 0 4 4 0 2 2 2 14 High
8 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 12 Average
9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 Low
10 0 0 4 4 2 2 2 2 16 High
11 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 High
12 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 2 8 Low
13 0 0 0 4 1 1 2 2 10 Average
14 0 0 4 4 2 1 0 2 13 High
15 0 0 2 4 2 2 0 1 11 Average
16 0 0 2 4 2 1 2 2 13 High
17 0 0 4 4 0 2 2 0 12 Average
Information 2019, 10, 293 13 of 26

Organizations that were evaluated as “high” in the EABP matrix are as follows: 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11,
14, and 16. These organizations had better levels of EABP implementation than those with “average”
and “low” scores in the EABP matrix. The interview transcripts showed that the organizations with
“high” scores had a vibrant strategic direction, had effective governance boards, and implemented an
advanced horizontal information system. The strategic direction for these organizations was clear,
and according to the interviewees (I1, I5, I6, I7, I8, I13, II8, and I17), the employees were aware
of organizational strategic plans and the different objectives that can contribute to fulfilling them.
This finding is consistent with the findings of [36–38,91] because a vibrant and well-communicated
strategic direction can lead to better levels of focused change or a higher level of EABP implementation.
Governance boards in these organizations focused on fulfilling organizational strategies and were
data-driven. According to the interviewees, the governance boards facilitated EABP implementation by
removing the barriers obstructing its adoption (I1, I5, I7, I8, I13, and I12). For instance, the governance
boards of Org 4, 6, and 10 conducted a thorough assessment of the policies and technologies that can
hinder the fulfillment of their strategy and implementation of business process management. A key
finding of phase 1 is that all the organizations scoring “high” in the EABP matrix implemented a
horizontal information system that assisted in the incorporation of EABPs within the organizations (I1,
I13, I6, I7, I13, II8, and I17). For example, Org 6 and 11 implemented the SAP ERP information system,
which assisted in resource and employee tracking and enabled better documentation throughout
the organization. Both these organizations employed an EA framework (TOGAF) within the SAP
ERP system for a few departments only (vertically), which in this case lowered the impact of the EA
framework to only a limited number of departments. This finding is consistent with the findings
of [9,23,63,64,88] as a successful implementation of horizontal information systems leading to higher
levels of EABP implementation. Overall, these organizations adopted effective strategic practices and
had advanced technological capabilities but lacked the usage of an EA framework and methodology.
Four organizations were evaluated as “average” in the EABP matrix: Org 8, 13, 15, and 17. These
organizations adopted adequate levels of strategic practices and high levels of architectural modeling.
The strategic direction of Org 8 and 17 was clear and well-communicated, which is considered an
important EABP. Moreover, the governance boards managed the transition of their organizations
toward achieving their strategy by providing the necessary resources (I10 and I21). Although the
governance board of Org 15 was keen to fulfill their strategic objectives, the strategic statement and
goals were not adequately communicated through different employee levels (I19). Org 13 adopted
operational governance of resource policies but lacked strategic direction. Thus, Org 13 did not
effectively adopt EABPs, leading to non-unified and scattered operational efforts. This finding is
similar to previous research [38,82,91] as the lack of strategic practices can impact the successful
implementation of EABPs.
The organizations evaluated as “low” on the EABP matrix were Org 3, 9, and 10. These
organizations lacked strategic direction, organized business processes, and technological capabilities.
In both Org 9 and 12, in providing health services to customers, it was noticed that the senior
management were specialized in medical fields and lacked organizational technology and business
training. This is a common practice in some health service organizations [92–94]. Since the senior
management of both organizations were responsible for creating strategic direction and governance,
EABP implementation in both organizations was affected (I11 and I16). Org 3 adopted fair information
systems EABPs, which supported their sales and services. Nevertheless, it lacked many EABPs,
particularly strategic practices and business activities (I4). Table 6 provides a summary of the eight
EABPs for the organizations evaluated as “high,” “average,” and “low” in the EABP matrix. The two
“Capable” organizations are discussed with additional details in the following section and are therefore
not included in this table.
Information 2019, 10, 293 14 of 26

Table 6. Summary of the used EABPs for the organizations evaluated as “high,” “average,” and “low”.

High Average Low

EABP Org: 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16

Org: 8, 13, 15, 17 Org: 3, 9, 12
Interviewees: I5, I13, I6, I7, I8, I9,
Interviewees: I10, I17, I19, I21 Interviewees: I4, I11, I16
I12, I18, I20
The adoption of an EA framework
horizontally is lacking, except the No EA architecture was adopted No EA architecture was adopted
1. Adopting an EA framework
vertical implementation of in any of these organizations. in any of these organizations.
TOGAF framework.
EA methodology was
No EA methodology practices No EA methodology practices
implemented only vertically
2. Using an EA methodology were implemented in were implemented in
within a limited number
these organizations. these organizations.
of departments.
Strategic direction and statement
were evident in these
These organizations implemented
organizations. The strategic
many strategic EABPs, including a
statement was shared publicly
shared strategic statement and the
through their website or internally
fulfillment of a strategy through
through the intranet and external All of these organizations lacked
3. Employing a shared the implementation of balance
systems. However, some the usage of a clear strategic
strategy score cards, usage of strengths,
organizations lacked other means direction, goals, or objectives.
weaknesses, opportunities, and
of communication for these
threats (SWOT) analysis, and
strategic directions, such as
detailed and shared strategic goals
detailed goals or the
and objectives.
implementation of balance
score cards.
Governance boards sought to
fulfill the strategic direction
through the following:
1. Support: provision of the
Most of these organizations had
needed resources and formulation
governance boards that supported
of enabling regulations
the achievement of organizational Governance board and
and policies.
4. Effective governance goals through procuring the governance practices only existed
2. Monitoring of performance:
needed resources and monitoring in one organization.
most of these organizations used
organizational performance in
key performance indicators (KPIs)
achieving these goals.
mapped with the strategic
objectives to track the progress
toward the fulfillment of
their strategies.
Business processes were adopted
Structured business processes
as a form of structure for these The organizations were lacking in
existed in most of these
corporations. Overall business terms of the adoption and
organizations. These business
process models and detailed awareness of business process.
processes were supported by a
5. Implementing business specific models existed if a Only one organization adopted
horizontal information system.
processes business process was adopted. business processes at the
The information system provided
Some of these organizations also operational levels only without an
modeling and task distribution for
provided business processes adequate awareness and support
the process owners and
related to consultancy services to from senior management.
processes personnel.
other organizations.
Architecture modeling existed in
some organizations. The practices
ranged from using dashboards for Most of these organizations
Modeling was used in only two of
representing models of the adopted architectural modeling
these organizations. The
organizational processes and tools and techniques such as
functionality of architectural
departments to using modeling integrated definition (IDEF),
modeling was similar to that in
6. Architectural modeling tools such as unified modeling BPMN, and UML 2.0. Overall,
“high” and “average”
language (UML) and business architectural modeling was used
organizations. One organization
process management notation in these organizations to follow up
did not adopt any form of
(BPMN) 2.0. Performance of with changes within
architectural modeling.
different processes and the organizations.
departments were tracked using
visual representations.
Information 2019, 10, 293 15 of 26

Table 6. Cont.

High Average Low

EABP Org: 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16

Org: 8, 13, 15, 17 Org: 3, 9, 12
Interviewees: I5, I13, I6, I7, I8, I9,
Interviewees: I10, I17, I19, I21 Interviewees: I4, I11, I16
I12, I18, I20
Some of these organizations used
Only one organization adopted
cloud repositories to share All of these organizations stored
the usage of cloud repositories,
7. Documenting material documentation, policies, and their documentation on the cloud
which was useful in delivering the
using cloud repositories regulations. These organizations to be shared across geographically
sales and marketing statuses for
adopted an “organizational chat” distant branches and departments.
this automobile organization.
model to organize documentation.
Tracking the resources and
Two organizations used
employees using ERPs and
well-known ERP systems to track
horizontal information systems
resources with the strategic
was necessary for these
prioritization of resource usage, Most of these organizations
organizations. Resource tracking
8. Using technological whereas one organization used adopted resource allocation,
was conducted visually using
competencies to track and their own simple in-house system tracking, and prioritization based
dashboards or within drill-in
utilize resources to track resources. Org 15 used on customer needs using different
detailed charts and sheets. Most
their system to only book and off-the-shelf software and ERPs.
of these organizations used
track the usage of different
commercial off-the-shelf ERP
resources without proper
systems such as SAP or
strategic prioritization.
Microsoft Dynamics.

To better understand current EABPs in large corporations, phase 2 focused on the “capable”
organizations evaluated in Table 5 (Org 1 and 2).

4.2. Phase 2: Multi-Case Studies

4.2.1. Case 1 (Org 1)

Org 1 is the largest corporation both in the sample and in the continent. It boasts 66,000 employees
and is an international leader in providing chemical and energy products as well as technology
solutions. The corporation originally focused exclusively on chemicals and energy, but its strong
investment in technological research and development enabled it to provide technology solutions to
other public and private enterprises.
Org 1 faced many difficulties in managing its documentation and resources. It also struggled to
achieve its strategies and meet its goals. Interviewee 1 said “There was no public model for classifying
electronic records and every department did their own documentation procedure as an ad-hoc activity.
This has created many inconsistencies and difficulties in sharing and archiving documents.”
Files about documentation, software, hardware, and configuration management were unstructured
and non-standardized, thereby creating many operational discrepancies between departments.
Although physical records were structured, formal electronic documents were not uniformly organized.
Moreover, departments operated as independent silos with many communication problems and
had trouble completing interdepartmental tasks. Information about such tasks or about corporate
governance lacked accuracy, integrity, and quality. Moreover, sometimes the information was
duplicated because different departments worked on the same or similar tasks. Information re-creation
and loss occurred throughout the corporation, making it difficult to manage and control departments.
Interviewee 2: “Resource apportionment was conducted on an on-demand basis, which did not
allow enterprise-wide effectiveness and resource utilization.”
Since there was no unified configuration management or resource standardization, the software
and hardware resource development, procurement, support, and training costs were high. Different
departments developed or obtained resources abruptly when the need arose, and each one applied
a different setting to their software and hardware, thus acting independently of the firm’s overall
requirements, goals, or strategies.
Horizontal and vertical policies, standards, or guidelines were complex and not standardized;
in other words, the corporation lacked global (horizontal) security policies and standards. Consequently,
the corporation was vulnerable to cyberattacks, which was reported in the media.
Information 2019, 10, 293 16 of 26

To handle many of the previously discussed issues, Org 1’s governance board decided that an EA
was required. After researching the matter, the company’s computer center implemented the SAP
EA framework (SAPEAF). The firm had already horizontally implemented SAP as an ERP system to
link different departments within the corporation, but several resource alignment and documentation
structuring issues were still present. SAPEAF was thus a reasonable EA framework choice because it
could integrate systems outside of the SAP environment under a well-established architecture. SAPEAF
is a commercial extension of the TOGAF framework that also supports transitioning to service-oriented
architecture (SOA) if required [95].
Many organizational entities within Org 1 implemented SAPEAF, but the firm’s computer
center had the most responsibility in doing so. The computer center received an international
award in EA excellence in 2016 for its successful EA implementation. According to Interviewee 1,
“The implementation of SAPEAF has enabled [Org 1] to go through a smoother digital transformation,
which would have been a more lengthy and complex procedure for such a large body.”
Org 1 divides its operations into “upstream,” which includes development and production
procedures, and “downstream,” which includes distribution and merchandizing processes.
After SAPEAF implementation, the turnaround time decreased for upstream partners who participated
in the development and production supply chain. The quality of the firm’s business services increased
in the upstream, and according to Interviewee 2, more than 500 processes were modeled using
ARIS and SAPEAF. The ARIS approach is used for holistic enterprise business process modeling,
governance, and administration [96,97]. The computer center incorporated ARIS into SAPEAF to
facilitate the modeling and governance of business processes. Applying EA enriched both upstream
and downstream processes through EA practices, such as enterprise-wide technology standardization,
enabling reusable services via SOA and software development lifecycle as part of the EA methodology
planning, and documentation of software development projects. SAPEAF enabled Org 1 to focus its
business processes and technological initiatives on serving its strategic goals and global organizational
vision. Org 1 has shared its strategy on their website, and it is also visible through SAPEAF, reminding
employees about it. The firm focuses on using technology, innovation, and business processes to
become a global leader in energy and chemical products. Digital transformation is a crucial part of
this strategy because Org 1 views technology as a catalyst for change and innovation. According to
Interviewee 2 and the annual review reports, technological alignment with business processes and
operations has driven Org 1 to achieve its financial and operational goals for 2018. The governance
board includes more than 12 members with various backgrounds in technology, chemistry, economics,
and finance. The board’s purpose is to oversee the company’s overall performance and monitor its
operations. These activities are supported by EA initiatives, which enable the vigorous review of
operations and open reporting channels. SAPEAF has placed different KPIs into perspective and
under a common structure where they can be systematically tracked. This enables meaningful and
structured data analyses in the context of relevant architectures or perspectives, such as production or
procurement. SAPEAF has also based the firm’s business process architecture on TOGAF and has led
processes to focus on services and reusability according to SOA. The business process architecture
was founded on TOGAF, which is used for highlighting key processes, defining best practices, and
outlining methods of governance and structure for each process [98]. Influenced by SOA, Org 1
frames key processes as services through SAP NetWeaver after being integrated with ARIS. NetWeaver
is a platform for integrating data, processes, and other systems within the SAP environment [99].
Architectural modeling is conducted through ARIS, which sends and receives information to and
from the SAP ERP software; this enables mining, optimization, and automation of processes. ARIS
work-handlers are used to distribute tasks to employees, while process models guide work and link
different departments. For documentation and electronic resource tracking, SAP Ariba is used to
further enable a company’s digital transformation. Compounded with the SAPEAF architecture,
documentation was organized into categories according to the TOGAF architecture, as shown in the
Figure 2 below.
conducted through ARIS, which sends and receives information to and from the SAP ERP software;
this enables mining, optimization, and automation of processes. ARIS work-handlers are used to
distribute tasks to employees, while process models guide work and link different departments. For
documentation and electronic resource tracking, SAP Ariba is used to further enable a company’s
Information 2019, 10, 293
digital transformation. 17 of 26
Compounded with the SAPEAF architecture, documentation was organized
into categories according to the TOGAF architecture, as shown in the Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. TOGAF framework implemented in Org 1, adapted from [29].

Figure 2. TOGAF framework implemented in Org 1, adapted from [29].
Supply chains are managed through e-contracts within the SAP Ariba environment, which is
a form Supply chains are
of electronic managed through
documentation e-contracts
that sets rules of within
conduct thefor
SAPOrgAriba environment,
1’s partners. Datawhich is a
is shared
form of electronic documentation that sets rules of conduct for Org 1’s partners.
between supply chain partners through the Ariba cloud, described by Interviewee 3 as a “cost-efficient Data is shared
trading supply chainSAP partners
Ariba through
is also usedthe forAriba cloud, described
e-sourcing, which is an byelectronic
Intervieweeform 3 of
as tracking
a “cost-
efficient trading
resources on thecommunity”.
cloud. This SAP has Ariba
led toisbetter
also used for e-sourcing,
resource allocation,which
an electronic
with theformEA of
tracking resources on the cloud. This has led to better resource allocation, which
framework, strategic requirements, and the firm’s business needs. The electronic cloud hub within the accords with the EA
SAP strategic
environment hasrequirements, and the
created an effective firm’s business
organizational needs.management
portfolio The electronic cloudfor
system hub within
the SAP environment
allocation and governance. has created an effective organizational portfolio management system for
resource allocation and governance.
4.2.2. Case 2 (Org 2)
4.2.2. Case 2 (Org 2)
Although not the largest organization in the sample, Org 2 is a telecommunications company
focusedAlthough not thestate-of-the-art
on adopting largest organization in the sample,
technologies to serveOrg 2 is a telecommunications
its customers. Similar to Org company
1, Org 2
is on adopting
an industry leader state-of-the-art
in the region; ittechnologies
seeks to provide to servenotits customers.
only Similar to Orgsolutions
customer-to-business 1, Org 2 isbut an
also leader in the region;
business-to-business and itbusiness-to-government
seeks to provide not only ICTcustomer-to-business
solutions using business solutions but also
(BI), big data, cloudand business-to-government
technologies, the InternetICT of solutions using business and
Things, cybersecurity, intelligence (BI), big
other relevant
data, cloud technologies,
techno-business solutions. the Internet of Things, cybersecurity, and other relevant techno-business
The corporation faced two key issues, one of which was its transition from being a government
to acorporation faced
private sector two key issues,
corporation. Although onethis
of which washas
transition its transition from being
been happening for thea last
15 years,
the to a private
company sector suffered
continually corporation.
bureaucracy thisandtransition has beenand
legacy systems happening for the which
infrastructures, last 15
years, the
slowed company
business continually
processes and suffered
customerfrom bureaucracy
request fulfillment.andMoreover,
legacy systems and expansion
its major infrastructures,
which slowed business
internationalization processes an
into becoming andICTcustomer
provider fulfillment.
for severalMoreover,
countries initsthe
and internationalization
many challenges in governinginto becoming an ICT
organizational solution provider
performance for several countries
and documentation. Intensein the region
also arose for Org 2; many local and international organizations entered the region to provide
telecommunication, technology, and consultation solutions to customers, businesses, and governments.
Org 2’s expansion and the rise of its many competitors caused the company financial stress, which
triggered a need for business optimization and greater strategic focus. However, the corporation
possessed outdated systems and infrastructures, lacked standardization, had difficulty governing
operations and resources, and experienced fierce international and national competition, all of which
led to financial issues. Interviewee 5 stated “The local and international telecommunication market
is very competitive, which increases the need for our company to grow returns on investment and
market share.”
Information 2019, 10, 293 18 of 26

The privatization, internalization, and robust competition pressured the company to adopt best
practices that could lead to better governance and optimized operations, documentation, and resources.
Consequently, the firm’s governance board formulated an EA center of excellence. Other centers of
excellence, including strategy execution and project management, existed before the EA center of
excellence. This center decided to adopt TOGAF because it accorded with the corporation requirements.
TOGAF was incorporated into an in-house software called telecom company enterprise architecture
(TCEA). This software was integrated with the Siebel customer relationship management (CRM)
system. Org 2 used Siebel to handle customer requests and increase loyalty management, which is a
necessity in the firm’s competitive industry. TCEA is used to document and track resources according
to TOGAF repositories and methodologies. It is also used to ensure that processes and operations are
strategized and optimized according to a corporation’s goals. Therefore, using Siebel CRM and TCEA
as an EA governance software aligns with a customer-satisfaction-oriented loyalty strategy and is
applicable to the EA of an entire corporation.
As part of their EA methodology, Org 2 has adopted the information technology infrastructure
library (ITIL), which is linked to TCEA and Siebel. ITIL is a library of best practices used in IT services
and organizational business requirements alignment. It is used to standardize documentation about
technology–business alignment practices, services, processes, and procedures within the company [100].
Customer requests, or “incidents” as they are called in Org 2, go through Siebel and get documented in
the micro-view through ITIL. Next, the requests are placed in a macro perspective through TOGAF
(or TCEA). Power BI is a Microsoft business analytics tool that creates aggregations, dashboards, and
visualizations for an organization [101], and this tool receives feeds from Siebel, TCEA, and other
processes. Its views are created according to TOGAF and the organization’s strategy. Org 2’s centers of
excellence and EA center handle Power BI; however, the final yearly, monthly, and sometimes daily
reports and dashboards are also viewed by upper management and the governance board. Interviewee
6 said “After applying the TOGAF framework via TCEA, we were able to structure our strategy and
clearly determine responsibilities which fall under these structures. Additionally, TCEA allowed for
upper management’s higher levels of control over our processes; they are able to shape these processes
and steer them towards the realization of our goals and strategy.”
Org 2’s strategy is divided into multiple clusters: (1) digitalization of internal operations
and higher dependency on data; (2) improving overall performance and efficient resource use;
(3) providing a leading customer experience; and 4) planning measured service expansion and
market-penetration—this strategy is highlighted on their website. Their KPIs are also set within the
TCEA environment and structured according to the strategy cluster. This has enabled top management
to monitor the outcomes of each strategic goal periodically or, if necessary, in real time. The process
architecture designed within ARIS classifies processes into three categories: core, management, and
supporting. ARIS is integrated with TCEA to structure processes according to TOGAF. Moreover,
information from these processes is retrofitted into their respective locations conferring to the TOGAF
framework, which is helpful for governance and performance monitoring. Interviewee 4 said “ARIS is
used in our organization as a business process management system, which conducts itself as an ERP
system in terms of connecting the enterprise.”
The firm initially conducts architectural modeling through a piece of software called Bizagi, while
the storage of process architecture and all mature models is conducted through ARIS. Bizagi is an
enterprise business process modeling tool with three versions: Modeler, Studio, and Engine [102].
However, Org 2 relies on Bizagi for BPMN modeling only while ARIS manages the storage of process
models, development of process applications, monitoring, simulation, automation, and process mining.
Furthermore, resource allocation and tracking are both conducted through ARIS, which guides the
strategy and TOGAF framework. The project management office (PMO) conducts resource planning
and performance tracking using the Power BI, ARIS, and TCEA dashboards. The PMO applies
the PRojects IN Controlled Environments (PRINCE2) method for project and resource management.
PRINCE2 is part of TCEA and structures projects for different TOGAF architectures.
Information 2019, 10, 293 19 of 26

5. Discussion and Conclusions

There is a gap in the EA literature identifying the most critical horizontal EABPs for the successful
implementation of EA. This is of specific importance in large organizations with complex processes
and difficulties in enacting change. Only two studies, [9] and [23], had a scope close to that of this
study. However, both only focused on EA methodology practices concerning the documentation of
an as-is organizational situation. This research has pursued a broader approach by considering the
horizontal EABPs that the literature has identified as most critical: EA framework, EA methodology,
shared strategy, effective governance, business processes, architectural modeling, cloud repository, and
resource tracking. Based on the outcome of this research, it is recommended that large organizations
adopt these EABPs; doing so would increase strategy, business, and technology alignment and
eventually lead to EA framework and methodology implementation.
This research has significantly extended the EA literature. First, it identified the EABPs required
for large organizations to successfully implement EA. Second, based on the reviewed literature, an
EABP capability matrix was developed to help determine a firm’s current EA capability status. Third,
this research has shown in the first phase of the findings that most organizations have high EABP
capability but do not adopt any known EA frameworks. Finally, a multi-case study (phase 2) approach
was used to understand how EABPs are implemented within EA-capable organizations. Results
showed that 2 of the 17 studied organizations (Org 1 and Org 2) were able to successfully implement
an EA framework and methodology because they were also effective in applying EABPs.
Unlike Org 1, which focused on supply-chain efficiencies, Org 2 focused more on customer
intimacy. According to [103], organizations should focus on one of three strategic directions: operational
excellence, customer intimacy, or product leadership. Previous analysis demonstrated that Org 1
focused on production and supply-chain optimization and therefore adopted a strategy of operational
excellence; meanwhile, Org 2 focused more on the customers and enforced a customer intimacy strategy.
Compared with Org 1, Org 2 lacks greater awareness of EA. Although EA awareness is not
necessarily widespread throughout Org 1, its employees understand and utilize EA more than Org
2’s employees. This can be attributed to the recent EA implementation in Org 2 in comparison with
Org 1, which implemented EA four years before Org 2. It is also noted that Org 2’s employees are
more aware of EA’s benefits, which stems from upper management. Org 1’s understanding of EA’s
importance comes from employees specializing in technology, such as those working in the computer
center. Org 1’s computer center has a centralized and high-level impact on the organization because
it is a chemicals production company and does not specialize in technology. Org 2 does not have a
centralized unit implementing EA, but its EA center of excellence and other units, including the project
management center of excellence, manage EA implementation and governance.
Note that both organizations use TOGAF as the core EA on which all their strategies, organizational
structures, and operations rely. Org 2 has a stronger focus on technological standards, such as ITIL
and PRINCE2. Org 1 uses expensive software like SAP with less in-house development. In contrast,
Org 2 develops software internally and TOGAF is built into their TCEA software, which is used as a
repository and performance management tool. Org 2 only uses Siebel as comprehensive CRM software,
integrating and organizing it based on TOGAF. This approach is more customized to Org 2’s needs
because their TCEA is developed internally and TOGAF is tailored according to the firm’s business
requirements. Org 1 uses the built-in features of commercial software for EA.
It is recommended for large organizations to use the EA framework with customization and link
it to technology, as the analysis of multi-case studies has shown. This finding is not widely discussed
in the EA literature because, in reality, the findings show that EA framework implementation is linked
with software systems. Note that when horizontal systems such as ERP and CRM are integrated with
EA frameworks, they assist in monitoring the organizational performance and strategic-technology
alignment. The usage of ERP and CRM did not significantly improve performance, as the case
studies show. Usage of EA framework and methodology improved the performance of the two large
organizations in terms of operations, production, and customer service. Technological standards and
Information 2019, 10, 293 20 of 26

practices such as ITIL and configuration management enable better unification of EA documentation
practices and software development, which is especially important in large organizations. Moreover, EA
methodology provides the model and standardized method of documentation for large organizations.
Both aspects of EABPs (EA framework and methodology) are not broadly used in large organizations,
with the only exceptions of the two analyzed organizations. On the contrary, the adoption of a shared
strategy is found to be one of the most used practices in large organizations. Realization of a strategy
is conducted through an EA framework, as the phase 2 findings indicate. However, it is noticeable that
organizations divide and categorize their strategies with a strong focus on technology, which is an
important component of EA. Adopting an EA framework is recommended because it enables better
categorization of KPIs and different performance indicators. This categorization also facilitates the
aggregation of different KPIs, which is necessary for governance within large organizations. Business
processes, as a model of improvement, management, and control of processes, are not extensively
adopted in large organizations, as shown by the matrix [104]. However, it is a highly recommended
practice for large organizations because it assists in the standardization of business activities and
documentation. Working under an EA framework, these business processes become more purposeful
and reusable, as indicated by the findings of phase 2. Both organizations depended on a BPMS for the
management and modeling of business processes, which is a successful practice in improving the quality
of processes. According to the case studies, architectural modeling facilitated detecting bottlenecks
and problematic processes. Modeling is not a common practice within large organizations, as shown
by the matrix. However, it is important for the successful implementation of the EA framework
and methodology because it provides transparency in overviewing the organizational structure and
business processes. Although cloud repositories can be considered as a nonessential feature for large
organizations, they are imperative for EA framework and methodology. It is a recommended EABP
because large organizations use it for sharing the EA framework and methodology documentation.
Moreover, cloud repositories assist large organizations in their digital transformation by being a
common ground for electronic documentation and resource management. Project management in
alignment with an EA framework is a recommended practice for resource management, which could
lead to better strategic outcomes.
Theoretically, this study combined the strategic, business, and technological perspectives of
EA that, to the best of the researcher’s knowledge, has not been presented in EA research. This
theoretical perspective is a synthesis of viewpoints focusing on distinct EA: methodological, strategic,
or technological. The inclusive perspective is practical because organizations have to consider EA
practices from all of these viewpoints. This practical study showed what the 15 large organizations
lacked for the successful implementation of EABPs using the EABP matrix. Moreover, it discussed
the successful EABP implementation in two large organizations using a multi-case methodology.
The study also discussed how the two large organizations successfully integrated EABPs, reaping the
benefits of EA.
This study only focused on horizontal practices and did not discuss vertical EABPs; therefore, EA
research can be further extended by focusing on vertical EABPs. Another limitation of this study is that
only large organizations were analyzed and the EABP matrix was designed to measure the capability
of only large organizations. Future research could therefore test the matrix on small to medium-sized
organizations to broaden its applicability to smaller organizations. However, studying EABP literature
that is more relevant to small and medium-sized enterprises is recommended. Qualitative research
has its limitation on generalizability; thus, this paper calls for upcoming research to adopt the EABP
matrix to other large organizations. Other methods such as quantitative study might be used to create a
questionnaire based on the analysis and outcomes of this study. The sample of the largest organizations
in this study was limited to one only country, which is another limitation; future studies might consider
organizations from multiple countries to obtain a more diverse perspective.
Information 2019, 10, 293 21 of 26

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Acknowledgments: The author would like to thank the editor in chief, Willy Susilo, the three anonymous referees
and the journal administrators for their support and feedback.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

Appendix A : Interview Protocol

• Purpose of the organization, size, and structure.
• Which EA framework is used in the organization? How is it implemented?
• How is the EA methodology implemented?
• What kind of software assists in EA implementation and methodology?
• What is your strategy and how does EA help in its fulfillment? *
• What is the role of governance boards with regard to EA?
• Do you implement BPM and how is this related to EA? *
• Do you use architectural modeling? What kinds of tools are used? How does this assist in the
EA methodology? *
• Do you use a cloud repository for your documents? How is it used in the EA framework
and methodology? *
• How do you track resources? How do you optimize the performance of resources? What is the
contribution of EA to this? *

* During the interview “you” and “your” referred to the organization.

Appendix B : EABP Evaluation Matrix

Evaluation Criteria
Average Level of EABP
EABP High Level of EABP Adoption Low Level of EABP Adoption
Weight: (4–3) Weight: (0)
Weight: (2–1)
The strategic adoption of an EA
The EA framework operationally
1. Adopting an EA framework framework is evident, and it is
exists; however, it is only applied No EA framework is adopted.
[14,15,19,25,26] horizontally implemented
vertically in some departments.
throughout the organization.
EA methodology tools and
EA methodology tools and
artifacts exist, and they are used EA methodology practices are not
2. Using an EA methodology artifacts are only used vertically or
horizontally to assist in planning, conducted vertically
[20,21,23,24] within a limited number
decision-making, and or horizontally.
of departments.
resource management.
A strategic statement exists, and it Although a strategic statement
3. Employing a shared No strategic statement, goals, or
is adopted horizontally exists, it is not communicated well
strategy [32,36–39] objects exist.
throughout the organization. throughout the organization.
Governance boards directed the Governance boards existed but
organization toward achieving with weak or nonexistent
4. Effective
their strategy. Moreover, they involvement in directing the No governance boards existed.
governance [2,27,43,44]
oversaw performance and organizations through planning
managed regulation resources. and resources.
Business process models exist and
are used to identify areas of
5. Implementing business Business process models exist but
improvement in organizational No business process structure or
processes with vertical or limited
operations. Business processes are integration exists.
[13,48–51] cross-department integration.
used to horizontally integrate
different functional departments.
Information 2019, 10, 293 22 of 26

Evaluation Criteria
Average Level of EABP
EABP High Level of EABP Adoption Low Level of EABP Adoption
Weight: (4–3) Weight: (0)
Weight: (2–1)
Architectural modeling is
Different tools, software, and
conducted within only IT or other
methodologies exist to
6. Architectural modeling departments without the No architectural modeling
horizontally map organizational
[25,54,56,58] cross-cutting adoption of methodologies or tools exist.
departments, processes,
modeling tools
and operations.
and methodologies.
A documentation central cloud Different departments have their
No documentation repositories
7. Documenting material using repository is horizontally adopted own repositories and these
exist, and documents are stored
cloud repositories with visual representations, repositories are not fully
only on paper or other means such
[9,23,63,64,72] cataloging, or indexing for integrated with other
as email.
document retrieval. organizational entities.
Horizontal information systems or
ERPs are used to track the
8. Using technological Resource tracking is only used
performance and usage of
competencies to track and utilize vertically or within a few linked No resource tracking or
resources. These information
resources departments without clear prioritization exists.
systems are used to prioritize
[56,59,68,70] strategic prioritization.
resource allocation according to
strategic needs of the organization.

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