Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Significant Learning the Culture Studying Language Feature Studying Human Body
Characteristics Learning culture Study the nature Artifacts Deals with the
from families, of language and include tools, evolution of
peers, institutions, how humans use clothing, and humans, their
and media. it in their decorations. variability, and
Learning how everyday life. Non-portable adaptations to
people in different Closely studies remains, such environmental
places live and those societies as pyramids or stresses. Using a
understand the where language post-holes, evolutionary
world around them.
defines a culture are called perspective, we
They want to know
or society. For features. examine not onl
what people think is
example, in New Archaeologists the physical form
important and the
rules they make Guinea, there is a use artifacts of humans - the
about how they tribe of and features bones, muscles,
should interact with indigenous people to learn how and organs - but
one another. who speak one people lived in also how it
language. specific times functions to allo
and places. survival and
Sample One of the branch of One of the branch of Archeology is focusing Biological anthropology
Research Study anthropology who focused anthropology that studies on studying of human the study of human
on the study of cultural the role of language in the activity through the biological variation and
variation among humans. It social lives of individuals recovery and analysis evolution. There’s a
is in contrast to social and communities. of material culture. Biological anthropologis
anthropology, which Linguistic anthropology Archaeology is often who seek to document a
perceives cultural variation explores how language considered a branch of explain the patterning o
as a subset of a posited shapes communication. socio-cultural biological variation amo
anthropological constant. Language plays a huge role anthropology, but contemporary human
in social identity, group archaeologists also populations, trace the
membership, and draw from biological, evolution of our lineag
establishing cultural beliefs geological, and through time in the foss
and ideologies. environmental systems record, and provide a
through their study of comparative perspective
the past. human uniqueness by
placing our species in th
context of other living