Dominion Voting Software - Voter Fraud

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2004-2009 2016-2019 2020 Nov 11 Nov 13

2010-2015 Nov 3 2020 Nov 12

88 out of 92 

Dominion Voting  Link Dominion Employees 

donate Democrat [138]

Systems formed in  Link (Not  DELIAN Project 

"Dominion-Democrat  Context: Dominion  [135] Dominion Democracy Suite 
software used to tabulate ballots in 
national footprint 
Connections", by  [136]
with the Clinton 
Canada, grew 10,356%  Antrim County, Michigan caused at 
Global Initiative
should be)
map least 6,000 Republican votes to be 
in 5 years. Dominion donated  @rioturning counted as Democrat
Link $25,001 - $50,000 to 
the Clinton Foundation
2/selling_trust_in_dem Dominion 
Link acquired by Staple 
Street Capital...
Dominion contractor Melissa  [Video Link]
With William Kennard 
Mr. Kennard was  Staple Street cofounders
Carone testifying to major 
heading the BOD -- 
Ambassador to the EU for  Managing Director 
Stephen Owens and Hootan 
Yaghoobzadeh were also part  improprieties in Detroit, MI,  [Transcript]
Obama & FCC Chairman  of the Carlyle Group
under Clinton...
of the Carlyle Group
ballot counting, affecting 
thousands of votes.
...and the Carlyle  Docs]

Link Group's major 

investors: George 

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