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Noiembrie 2009 November 2009

Editia a XVII-a 17th Edition


Hidraulica ; Pneumatica ; Elemente de etansare
Mecanica fina ; Scule ; Mecatronica
Dispozitive si echipamente electronice specifice
Hydraulics ; Pneumatics ; Sealing systems
Fine mechanics ; Tools ; Mecatronics
Dedicated electronic devices and equipment












Conferinta desfasurata sub patronajul Conference held under the patronage of

Ø Ministerul Educaþiei, Cercetãrii þi Inovãrii ØRomanian Ministry of Education,
Research and Innovation


Etienne PIOT - Presedinte CETOP Etienne PIOT - President of CETOP

Elmar DORGELOH - University of Aachen Elmar DORGELOH - University of Aachen
Petrin DRUMEA - INOE 2000 IHP Bucuresti Petrin DRUMEA - INOE 2000 IHP Bucharest
Valentin CISMARU - CCI Valcea Valentin CISMARU - CCI Valcea

Editat de Institutul de Cercetari pentru Hidraulica si Pneumatica din Bucuresti

Camera de Comert si Industrie Valcea
cu sprijinul Asociatiei Nationale Profesionale de Hidraulica si Pneumatica din Romania


SC Hydramold SRL
700050 Iasi, str. D. Mangeron nr. 49

Parker Hannifin Romania

Bucuresti, Bd. Ferdinand nr.27, Sector 2

R S.C. R O M F L U I D S.A.
Str. Cutitul de Argint nr. 14, sector 4 ,
Bucuresti, Romania

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Eng. Gheorghe RIZOIU - CCI Valcea
Ph.D.Eng. Corneliu CRISTESCU - INOE 2000 IHP Bucharest
Lect. Ph.D.Eng. Erol MURAD - “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest


Ph.D.Eng. Mohamed HAJJAM - University of Poitiers - IUT Angouléme Franta

Prof.Ph.D.Eng. Nicolae ALEXANDRESCU - “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest
Eng. Ionel ANDREI - Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation
Prof.Ph.D.Eng. Victor BALASOIU - “POLITEHNICA” University of Timisoara
Prof.Ph.D.Eng. Valeriu BANU - S.M.C. Romania
Prof.Ph.D.Eng. Mircea BARGLAZAN - “POLITEHNICA” University of Timisoara
Prof.Ph.D.Eng. Guido BELFORTE - “POLITEHNICA” University of Torino
Ph.D.Eng. Amadio BOLTZANI - ASSOFLUID - Italy
Eng. Marius BURLANESCU - S.C. HERVIL Ramnicu Valcea
Prof.Ph.D.Eng. Doru CALARASU - “Gh. Asachi” University of Iasi
Eng. Ioan CAMPEAN - S.C. HIDROSIB S.A. Sibiu
Lect. Ph.D.Eng. Constantin CHIRITA - “Gh. Asachi” University of Iasi
Ph.D.Eng. Tudor CRACIUNOIU - S.C. ICTCM S.A. Bucharest
Ph.D.Eng. Iosif COJOCARU - INMA Bucharest
Ph.D.Eng. Corneliu CRISTESCU - IHP Bucharest
Eng. Mircea DANCIU - PARKER HANNIFIN Corporation Romania
Eng. Daniela ENESCU - S.C. HYDAC S.R.L. Romania Ploiesti
Prof.Ph.D.Eng. Gheorghe GHEORGHE - INCDMTM Fine Mechanics Bucharest
Prof.Ph.D.Eng. Vasile JAVGUREANU - Technical Faculty of Chisinau Moldova
PhD.St. Eng. Ioan LEPADATU - INOE 2000 -IHP Bucharest
Eng. Leopold LUPUSANSCHI- S.C. CEROB S.R.L. Bucharest
Prof.Ph.D.Eng. Pavel MACH - Technical University of Praga Cehia
Ph.D.Eng. Daniel MARIN- S.C. General Fluid S.A. Bucharest
Eng. Eduard MILEA - S.C. PROCONS S.R.L. Bucharest
Ph.D.Eng. Adrian MIREA - ROMFLUID Bucharest

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Eng. Ioan MOLDOVEANU - Festo S.R.L.

Ph.D.Eng. Andrei DRUMEA - “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest- CETTI
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Erol MURAD - “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Johann NICOLICI - Technical University of Viena Austria
Eng. Cristian Sen - SUSZI - INDUSTRIAL SRL Constanta
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Petru PATRUT - Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest
Ph.D.Eng. Ion PIRNA- INMA Bucharest
Ph.D.Eng. Mircea PRICOP- S.C. HESPER S.A. Bucharest
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Paul SVASTA - “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest
Ph.D.Eng. Roger J.SPERI - ETNA Industrie - Franta
Prof. Ph.D.Eng.Liviu VAIDA - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Nicolae VASILIU - “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest
Eng. Nicolae TASU - HANSA FLEX Romania
PhD.Eng. Henryk CHROSTOWSKI - Institute of Machine Design and Operation,
Wroclaw University of Technology


Eng. Valentin CISMARU - CCI Valcea

Ph.D.Eng. Petrin DRUMEA - INOE 2000 IHP Bucharest
Lect. Ph.D.Eng. Constantin CHIRITA - “Gh. Asachi” University of Iasi
Eng. Mircea DANCIU - PARKER HANNIFIN Corporation Romania
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Gheorghe - GHEORGHE - INCDMTM Bucharest
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Alexandru MARIN - “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest
Lect. Ph.D.Eng. Erol MURAD - “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest
Eng. Cristian SEN - SUSZI-INDUSTRIAL SRL Constanta
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Paul SVASTA - “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest
Ph.D.Eng. Adrian MIREA - ROMFLUID Bucharest
Eng. Gheorghe RIZOIU - CCI Valcea
Ph.D.Eng. Corneliu CRISTESCU - INOE 2000 -IHP Bucharest

Valentin MIROIU - INOE 2000 -IHP Bucharest
PhD. St. Eng. Iulian DUTU - INOE 2000 -IHP Bucharest
Genoveva CHIRCA - CCI Valcea

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Bogdan RENTEA - CCI Ramnicu Valcea
PhD.St. Eng. Ioan LEPADATU - INOE 2000 -IHP Bucharest



Eng. Peter ABPLANALP - BIBUS -Switzerland

Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Ilare BORDEASU - “POLITEHNICA” University of Timisoara
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Guido BELFORTE - “POLITEHNICA” University of Torino
Ph.D.Eng. Petrin DRUMEA - INOE 2000 - IHP Bucharest
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Nicolae ALEXANDRESCU -“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest
Ph.D.Eng. Corneliu CRISTESCU - INOE 2000 IHP Bucharest
Lect. Ph.D.Eng. Constantin CHIRITA - “Gh. Asachi” University of Iasi
Math. Eng. Gabriel RADULESCU - INOE 2000 - IHP Bucharest
Ph.D.Eng.. Mohamed HAJJAM - University of Poitiers - IUT Angouléme Franta
Prof. Ph.D.Eng.. Vasile JAVGUREANU - Technical Faculty of Chisinau Moldova
Prof. Ph.D.Eng.. Pavel MACH - Technical University of Praga Cehia
Prof. Ph.D.Eng. Johann NICOLICS - Technical University of Viena Austria
Ph.D.Eng. Elmar DORGELOH- University of Aachen

Chief Editor - Ph.D.Eng. Gabriela MATACHE
Editor - Assist. Ana-Maria Carla POPESCU
- Valentin MIROIU
Design & DTP - Valentin MIROIU
Ph.D.Eng. Petrin DRUMEA

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Editia din acest an a salonului de

hidraulica si pneumatica se desfasoara intr-o
perioada de adanca recesiune care se
resimte la toti participantii traditionali atat la
nivelul cifrei de afaceri cat mai ales la nivelul
pregatirii viitorului. Simtim la prietenii nostri o
teama de viitor pe care nu o cunosteam si nu o
mai vazusem la ei, un sentiment de
nesiguranta si probabil cel mai grav o lipsa de
suporti predictibili ai dezvoltarii ulterioare a
afacerilor. Intelegand realitatea situatiei,
organizatorii au decis ca expozitia sa fie
redusa la un minim functional, care sa reduca
cheltuielile, dar sa pastreze utilitatea si ideea
de prezentare a noutatilor tehnice.
Noi consideram ca iesirea din criza se va face si printr-o intensa activitate de inovare, motiv
pentru care am decis sa orientam actiunea spre prezentarea noutatilor cu preponderenta a celor
care pot sprijini imediat activitatea economica. Pentru Romania criza poate jalona un nou inceput in
dezvoltarea economico-sociala cu asigurarea legarii productiei si cercetarii de cerintele actuale, la
nivelul tehnic international. In acest sens majoritatea materialelor tehnico-stiintifice prezentate la
simpozion sunt strans legate de realizari concrete, de bun nivel tehnic si stiintific si care fac apel la
tehnologii accesibile tarii noastre.
Din cele peste 70 de articole acceptate de organizatori peste 50 se refera la cercetarea
aplicativa, la dezvoltarea tehnologica si la inovare, subliniind si in acest fel dorinta noastra de
apropiere de realitatea economica de la noi. Se poate vedea de asemenea larga audienta in plan
national si international a salonului national de hidraulica si pneumatica HERVEX 2009 prin
numarul mare de autori si numarul mare de firme de unde provin acestia.
De asemenea este de remarcat numarul mare de articole scrise de colective mixte din
cercetare si productie subliniind inca o data aplecarea smpozionului spre realitatea economica,
spre productie. Ca urmare a faptului ca numarul specialistilor straini participanti este destul de
important-peste 25- o parte dintre work-shopuri se vor desfasura in limba engleza si vor fi
coordonate de personalitati din Germania, Cehia, Italia si Bulgaria.
Toate noutatile introduse se vor sprijini pe castigurile anilor trecuti cum ar fi tematica,
modalitatile de desfasurare si participarea puternica a beneficiarilor. Sedintele de brokeraj, work-
shopurile pe teme de depoluare sau cele legate de pregatirea specialistilor se desfasoara in
conditiile apartenentei Romaniei la Comunitatea Europeana.
De asemenea trebuie mentionat ca si in acest an salonul se sprijina pe cei trei piloni
traditionali- INOE 2000-IHP, CCIVL si UPB si ca totul se desfasoara sub egida asociatiei
profesionale nationala FLUIDAS si a CETOP.
Multumim tuturor specialistilor care participa atat la expozitie cat si la simpozion cat si tuturor

Va dorim succes si multa sanatate.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


This year's edition of the hydraulic and

pneumatic salon takes place in a deep period
of recess which is being felt by all traditional
participants not only at the business level but
also at the level of future preparation.
We feel at our friends a fear for the
future which we have not known and seen at
them, a feeling of hesitation and probably the
worst, a lack of predictable support of further
development of the business.
Understanding the reality of the
situation, the organizers have decided that the
exhibition would be reduced at minimal
function, which will reduce the costs, but will
keep the utility and the idea of presenting new
We consider that the way out of crisis will take place through an intense innovation activity,
reason for which we have decided to focus the action towards presenting new things, especially
those which can support the immediate economical activity.
For Romania, the crisis may set out a new start in the economical and social development with the
insurance that will be a connection between the production and research at the level of present
requests, on the international technical level.
In this way, the majority of the technical and scientifically materials presented at the
symposium are tight bind by concrete realizations, by a good technical and scientifically level which
makes appeal at accessible technologies in our country.
From over 70 articles accepted by the organizers, over 50 was about the applied research,
about the technological development and innovation, this way underlining our wish for an approach
to ours economical reality.
It may also be seen the wide audience at a national and international level of the hydraulic and
pneumatic national salon HERVEX 2009 through its big number of authors and firms from where
they come from.
Also it's remarkable the amount of written articles by mixed collectives from research and
production, underlining once again the inclination of the symposium towards economical reality and
Considering the fact that the number of foreign specialists participants it's rather important –
over 25 – a part of the work-shops will be held in English and will be coordinated by personalities
from Germany, Czech Republic, Italy and Bulgaria.
All the introduced novelties will be upheld on the past years gain like thematic, ways of
unfolding and the powerful participation of the beneficiaries.
The broker sessions, the work-shops on de-pollution or the one connected to the specialist
preparation take place in the conditions of the Romanian appurtenance to the European
Also, there has to be mentioned that this year the salon is being uphold on three traditional
pylons – INOE 2000 – IHP, CCIVL and UPB and that everything takes place under the aegis of the
national professional association FLUIDAS and CETOP.
We thank-you all the specialists that are participating not only at the exhibition but also at the
symposium and nevertheless the visitors.

We wish you all luck and health.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009
Zygmunt Domagala, Krzysztof Kedzia, Jaroslaw Prokopowicz, Zygmunt Popczyk, 26-30
Zbigniew Pwelski 31-36
Petrin Drumea , Mohamed HAJJAM, Corneliu Cristescu , Aurelian FATU 37-45
Daniel Bratanov, Petre Lucian Seiciu 46-49
Lucian NASCUTIU, Daniel BANYAI, Lucian MARCU, Liviu VAIDA 50-60
Dragos Daniel ION GUTA 61-66
Aurel ZAPCIU 67-71
Victor BALASOIU, lare BORDEASU, Mircea Octavian POPOVICIU 72-75
Patricia Khan, Britta S. Boettcher, Elmar Dorgeloh 76-78
RÃDULESCU Gabriel, RÃDOI Radu, MIHAI Niculaie 79-86
Alexandru Marin, Dan C. Badea, Ioan Plotog 87-96
Cãtãlin STROITÃ 97-103
Nicolae GHERGHEL, Adrian-Constantin HANGANU 104-112
Gabriel RÃDULESCU, Radu RÃDOI, Niculaie MIHAI 113-116
Emilian LEFTER, Luminita-Mirela CONSTANTINESCU, Eugen DIACONESCU 117-123
Andrei DRUMEA, Bogdan LUPU, Iulian DUTU, Alexandru VASILE 124-128
Erol Murad, Tudor Chereches 129-134
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009
Corneliu CRISTESCU, Petrin DRUMEA 135-140
Florian-Petre DAIA, Petre TIRIPLICA, Ion TIRIPLICA, Simona Greta NEMTOIU 141-144
Adrian OLARU, Serban OLARU 145-150
Cosmin Tãmas, Alexandru Vasile, Gaudentiu Vãrzaru, Andrei Drumea 151-153
Petrin DRUMEA, Corneliu CRISTESCU 154-164
Cosmin Tãmas, Victor Vulpe 165-166
Mihai AVRAM, Valeriu BANU, Constantin BUCSAN, Despina DUMINICÃ, Viorel GHEORGHE,
Corneliu CRISTESCU, Petrin DRUMEA 172-175
Petre Lucian SEICIU, Ioan Dan FILIPOIU, Tiberiu LAURIAN, Valentin BARBU 176-181
Gabriel RÃDULESCU, Radu RÃDOI, Iulian DUTU 182-187
Cosmin Tamas, Cristina Marghescu, Ciprian Ionescu 188-191
Erol Murad, Edmond Maican, Alexandru Marin, Cãtãlin Dumitrescu 192-196
Cosmin Tãmas, Cristina Marghescu, Ciprian Ionescu, Norocel-Dragos Codreanu 197-201
M. Blejan,B. Lupu, I. Ilie, A. Fedorov,V. Nica 202-207
Mircea RADULESCU, Ionita NICULAE, Danut ROTARU, Constantin ANGHEL, Adrian MIREA 208-213
Teodor Costinel POPESCU, , LEPADATU Ioan, ION GUTA Daniel 214-221
Britta S. BOETTCHER 222-235
Radulescu Alexandru, Garjoaba Mihu,Toma Alexandra, Bogatu George 236-240
Maria PASCU, Ion COSTACHE, 241-244
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009
Constantin-Nicolae DRAGANESCU, Diana PRUNARU 245-249
Senila Marin, Abraham Bela, Levei Erika, Miclean Mirela, Tanaselia Claudiu, Roman Cecilia 250-255
Marian TOPOLOGEANU, Sebastian RADU 256-258
Lucian STANCIU, Emil VOICU,Iosif COJOCARU, Marius STAN, Alexandru COCIU 259-264
Marin Senilã, Erika Levei, Lãcrimioara Senilã, Marius Roman, Mirela Miclean, Abraham Bela,
Mircea Chintoanu 265-269
Marian TOPOLOGEANU, Radu Catalin TARCA, Sebastian RADU 270-273
Victor-Viorel SAFTA, Erol MURAD, Georgeta HARAGA, Magdalena-Laura TOMA 274-281
Cecilia Roman, Mirela Miclean, Erika Levei, Marin Senila, Claudiu Tanaselia 282-285
Iosif COJOCARU, Nicolae CONSTANTIN,Ion PIRNA,Eugen MARIN, Alexandru COCIU 286-290
Erol MURAD , Victor-Viorel SAFTA , Georgeta HARAGA , Sava ANGHEL 295-299
Mariana Florentina STEFÃNESCU, Radu SAUCIUC, Liliana DUMITRESCU, Grigore NITU 300-307


Stefan ALEXANDRESCU, Costinel POPESCU, Daniel MARIN, Despina DUMINICA 314-318
Pasculete Elisabeta, Condrea Florentina,Mihai Macavescu 319-328
Radu JECU, Ioana-Carmen POPESCU 329-335
Daniel BANYAI, Lucian NASCUTIU, Liviu VAIDA, Lucian MARCU 340-349
Eugen MARIN, Ion PIRNÃ , Iosif COJOCARU, Dragos MANEA, Cristian SORICA 350-355

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Laurentiu VEBER, Catalin DUMITRESCU, Florin GEORGESCU 356-359
Aurel ZAPCIU 360-365
Constantin CHIRITÃ, Daniel CALFA, Corneliu Constantin DUCA, Gheorghe PLESU 366-371
Erol Murad,Cristian Predescu, Gheorghe Rizoiu, Cristian Sima 372-379
Nicolae CONSTANTIN, Iosif COJOCARU, Ion PIRNA,Ion LEU 380-384
Constantin CHIRITA, Gheorghe PLESU, Mircea FRUNZA,Corneliu DUCA, Alexandru COPTU 385-391
Gabriel RADULESCU, Radu RADOI, Iulian DUTU 392-396
Adrian Mirea, ANGHEL Sava 403-405
Adrian Constantin HANGANU, Constantin CHIRITÃ 406-409
Valeriu AVRAMESCU, Roxana GREJDANESCU, Norvegia Elena AVRAMESCU, Gheorghe ORSANU,
Catalin Horia ORSANU, Loredana Theodora PAUN 410-415
Constantin CHIRITÃ, Gheorghe PLESU, Daniel CALFA, Adrian Constantin HANGANU,
Corneliu Constantin DUCA, Dumitru SIRBU 416-422
Adrian ROTARIU, Tiberiu HOMUTESCU,Tudor CHERECHES, Alin-Constantin SAVA 423-429
Adrian ROTARIU, Tiberiu HOMUTESCU,Tudor CHERECHES, Alin-Constantin SAVA 436-441
Adrian MIREA, Catalin Dumitrescu, Florin GEORGESCU 442-448



HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




Institute of Machine Design and Operation, Wroclaw University of Technology
Zygmunt POPCZYK, PhD
Institute of Machine Design and Operation, Wroclaw University of Technology
Cracow University of Technology

CETOP – The European Fluid Power Committee and ISC Area Fluid Power compile, gather, study and
make available the present-day data about the market to its members. The paper presents the global and
European market of machinery and equipment, in particular the hydraulics of hydraulics and its major
shareholders: USA, China, Japan and CETOP member-countries.
The dynamics of the transformations on the global, European markets, also in the countries being significant
in that area has been shown. The abruptness of the sale drop in the hydraulic and pneumatic products has
been related to the drop in the production volume of machinery and equipment, and to the general economic
situation of national economies being in slowdown, recession or crisis. The study of the hydraulics and
pneumatics sector is based on the most recent data; comparisons: January – December 2008 vs. 2007, also
the 1st Quarter 2009 vs. the 1st Quarter 2008.

1. INTRODUCTION Each stage of the industrial demand

The demand for hydraulic and chain (investment goods) produces the
pneumatic products is of a secondary nature demand for manufacturing means, first of all,
in relation to the demand for ready-made the demand for consumer goods created by
machinery and equipment; the size of that the people who are employed in companies,
demand depends on the number of presently and their families. Hence, the issues of
operated machines and equipment units. In demand and supply, of the components such
the marketing science this phenomenon is as fluid power components and assemblies,
called „Derived industrial demand chain”, and systems should be always considered in
demand for a more processed product – the context of the economic development and
closer to a consumption-ready product, it its dynamics, e.g. as expressed by the Gross
produces the demand for products of a lower Domestic Product value and its variations as
degree of processing (Fig. ). well as the level of technology in the given
The demand for components constitutes country, area or sector. This is of utmost
a derivative of the demand for machinery and important since the components used in
consumption, being mainly manufacturing various branches of the machine building
means in the process of broadly understood industry have to be matched to their specificity
consumer goods. The demand for research and requirements.
and development work as well as the
education of personnel constitutes the
derivative of the demand for hydraulic and
pneumatic products. One can state, in a
certain simplification, that is the second
derivative of the demand for ready-made
machinery and equipment, and the third-order
derivative in relation to the general economic
situation and the investment process in

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


The machine building and electro-mechanical industries of the EU member-countries is an
important, since at 45%, shareholder in the global market. More than 156,000 companies employ
ca. 3.2 million employees, the turnover in 2007 amounted to EUR 615 billion. Circa 31% of the
production volume were exported outside the UE. A certain measure of the machine-building
industry can be the number of the employed people therein per 1,000 inhabitants (Fig. ).

Fig.. The share of the employed people in the machine-building industry per 1,000 inhabitants and
in the EU member-countries and regions in 2000 [1].

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The share in the sale value (turnover) of the individual EU member-countries, which amounted
to EUR 636 billion in 2008, is shown in Fig. . It is evident that the turnover values of the first trio:
Germany, Italy and France constitute 2/3 of the European market turnover value.

Fig.. The share of the individual EU member-countries in the machine-building industry

turnover in 2008 – EUR 636 billion [1].

To make a comparison, Fig. 4 shows the 10 major players of the machine-building industry
market, by comparing, simultaneously, the dynamics of their sale turnover values. The comparison
of 2008 vs. 2005 for China: +122% and Russia: +108% seems comprehensible, on the other hand,
the negative values for USA: -10% and Japan: -8% can be explained by the transfer of those
economies towards „high technology”.

Fig.. Main shareholders in the machine-building industry market:

2008 – EUR 1,580 billion, 2005 – EUR 1,290 billion [1].

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Table 1 demonstrates the data about the The main objective of this paper is to show the
production of more significant products of the change occurring in the machine-building
Polish machine-building industry in 2000- industry market produced by - here the proper
2008. The clear growth in the production variant should be selected - economy
mainly applies to products in which the export slowdown, recession or crisis.
share is very high, e.g. passenger cars: 97%, The growth in the production and sales of
refrigerators and automatic wash machines, machinery and equipment in the last decade
gas cookers: above 80%. In those area a changed dynamically, whereby its second half
collapse of the business conjuncture is is characterized by a permanent rise in the
evident although this depends on the market turnover (Fig.5 ).
segment. The crisis did not impair, on the
contrary, it helped, for instance, the
manufacturers of low-powered passenger

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Therefore the collapse of the economic conjuncture on the turn of 2008 and 2009 should not
astonish – the more so as we know the grounds for that fall. A good explanation of those
phenomena can be the course of the economic growth variations as shown in Fig. (GDP) and the
rise in the turnover of the machine-building industry. It is easily noticeable that the drop in GDP
below +2% means the negative values of the growth in the turnover on the machinery and
equipment market.

The dynamics of the machinery and equipment sales in the West-European countries, USA,
China and Japan is presented in Fig. . Only in the case of the forecast 2009 (2009 vs. 2008), we
have to deal with a positive value - this is, obviously, China.

The data about the rise in the GDP in several selected countries and regions (Fig. ) are very
interesting. Here, the coupling with the data as show in Fig. is evident. Only China, India and
Middle-East countries can boast about a positive GDP increment. It should emphasized at this
place that the GDP growth in Poland in the 1st Quarter 2009 amounted to +0.2%.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


The demand for the hydraulic and pneumatic components is tightly inter-related with the
development of individual branches (sectors) of the machine and equipment-building industry. It is
worth comparing Figures 9 and 10 each other in which the relations of orders in 2008 vs. 2007 and
2009 vs. 2008 in the 15 most important sectors of Germany's machine-building industry are
presented. The last two lines specify the data for hydraulics and pneumatics. The information
presented is highly important if it is noticed that the turnover values of the German machinery and
equipment market constitute more than one third of the EU market.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The trends on the US market of cars/vehicles as well as construction and farming machinery,
and in the time period of January 2005 to January 2009, are presented in Figures and ,
respectively. The closer study of the quarterly data shows the seasonal nature on those apparently
so different markets. Obviously, the present-day crisis is well evident here.

The trends on the Japanese market of machine-tools, i.e. machines to produce machines, are
depicted in Fig. . Here, the domestic orders and the export orders, and the corresponding growth
dynamics indexes, have been discriminated.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Over the last decade, the market of products and services has developed and essential
changes in the shares have occurred on it. The hydraulic market turnover has increased by almost
35% and reached the value of EUR 22 billion (Fig. ). Also the shares held by the major participants in
that market have changed: the Chinese share has increased above 7 times while the countries
associated within CETOP are the leader on that market. In that time period, the turnover of the
pneumatics market has changed by 5% only, however, there has followed the diametric change in
the major shareholders. The Chinese share in the pneumatics market has risen almost 15 times.
The shares of USA and Japan has decreased considerably, this follows, however, from the transfer
towards more advanced technologies and the move of machinery and equipment to other
countries (Fig.15 ).

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

To make a comparison, the turnover value on the market of machine hydraulics constitutes ca.
7% of Poland's GDP and 16-18% of the sale value of the global electronics market

Default Paragraph Font;Styl Tekst podstawowy wciæty + 12 pt Wyjustowany Pierwszy

wiersz...;Body Text Indent;The CETOP, European Fluid Power Committee, member-countries
prevail on the European market. 18 associations of manufacturers, distributors,
academic/university centres from 17 countries belong to CETOP. In June 2009, an organization
from the fluid technology branch in the Russian Federation was granted the CETOP
membership. Here, it is worth reviewing the economic potential and R&D capacities in the 17
CETOP member-countries (Table ). In 2007, ca. 550 million people in total were living in those
countries and the average GDP per inhabitant (in current prices) was almost 3 times higher
than in Poland.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The information about the share of the The study of those data clearly bear
individual countries associated within CETOP testimony about the present-day opportunities
in the hydraulics and pneumatics markets in and trends. At this place, a reservation should
2008 is presented in Figures and . Those data be made that there are no data about a very
comprise the so-called domestic sales – this dynamic shareholder in that market – India.
means the own production for the own
domestic market plus the import volume

Fig.16. Share of the countries associated within

CETOP in the hydraulics market of the domestic sale
value in 2008 of EUR 9.9 billion [5].

Fig17.. Share of the countries associated within CETOP

in the pneumatics market of the domestic sale
value in 2008 of EUR 3.3 billion [5].


The market of fluid technology products and
services, as the components market,
constitute a derivative of the final products
market – ready-made machinery and
equipment. Figures to present, in a different
form, the turnover values of the hydraulics and
pneumatics components over the last few
years in Germany, USA, Japan and China, thus
the major players on that market.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Default Paragraph Font;Styl Tekst

podstawowy wciæty + 12 pt Wyjustowany
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Beside the data about the sales of hydraulics
and pneumatics products and services in the
individual years on the domestic markets, the
information on the prevailing trends is very
essential. In agreement between CETOP and
ISC Area Fluid Power, such data are collected,
on a quarterly basis, in companies and
institutions dealing with the production,
maintenance/service, trade, research and
training. Upon processing in the national
organizations, that information is conveyed to
CETOP and, afterwards, it is made available
as collective information – to member-
countries that, in turn, transfer it directly to
companies and institutions.
Presented below are such data showing big
dynamic – turbulence-like - changes on the
machine hydraulics and pneumatics markets
(Figures 25 to 29 ).

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The presented information about the [1] Wiechers R.: EU Mechanical Engineering
machinery and equipment market, in particular 2009. Broken Thread. VDMA International
about the hydraulics and pneumatics market, Fluid Power Summit Hannower Messe
is the result of actions taken by the national Industrie, 21 April 2009.
organizations associated within CETOP and [2] Kienzle H.Ch.: Economic situation of the
agreements made under the International German Fluid Power Industry. VDMA
Statistic Committee Area Fluid Power. The International Fluid Power Summit
considerable part of the information originates Hannower Messe Industrie, 21 April 2009.
from the International Fluid Power Summit [3] U.S. Economic Trends and Fluid Power
Meeting held on 21 April 2009 at the Hannover Production. National Fluid Power
Fair. Association, May 2009.
It seems that the study of that data is possible [4] Fluid Power Industry in Japan. Japan Fluid
from various points of view, depending on the Power Association. Fluid Power Summit
place and situation of the interested party. In Hannower Messe Industrie, 21 April 2009.
each case, for sure, it is useful since it tells us [5] Bolzani A.: Global Fluid Power 1998-2008.
about the past and something about the ISC Area Fluid Power. International Fluid
present-day. As regards the future, it is good to Power Summit Hannower Messe
be aware that fluid technology plays an Industrie, 21 April 2009.
ancillary role in final products. Therefore we [6] Market Prospect of Fluid Power Industry in
will be able to operate well on the hydraulics China. China Hydraulics, Pneumatics and
market only when we have learnt our own Seals Association. International Fluid
position and the opportunities of the other Power Summit Hannower Messe
participants in that market. Industrie, 21 April 2009.
[7] CETOP and ISC area Fluid Power Home
Consumptions. CETOP 09.10.2007,
02.03.2008, 22.05.2009, 14.07.2009.
[8] Economic Magazine. Polish Market No
7(156) 2009.
[9] Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2008.
Central Statistical Office, Warsaw 2008.
[10]Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland
2009. Central Statistical Office, Warsaw

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




Zygmunt Domaga³a, PhD Eng., Wroc³aw University of Technology, [email protected],

Krzysztof Kedzia, PhD Eng., Wroclaw University of Technology, [email protected]
Jaros³aw Prokopowicz, MSc. Eng, Wroc³aw University of Technology, [email protected],
Zygmunt Popczyk, PhD Eng., Wroc³aw University of Technology, [email protected]
A hydraulic prop is a basic element of mechanical wall lining systems. The technical parameters of
hydraulic props and valves are critical for the protection of headings in mines, especially during earth
tremors. This paper presents an analytical method for the evaluation of the dynamic performance of
hydraulic props with valves. The calculation results were compared with dynamic load test results and
were found to be in good agreement with the latter. The proposed method can be particularly useful to
designers and users for the preliminary evaluation of hydraulic props.
1. Introduction
Mechanical wall lining systems used in
earth tremor hazard conditions should be able
to carry dynamic loads. Because of its very
short duration and the fact that it is difficult to
predict where it will occur it is not sufficiently
well understood how an earth tremor acts on
the lining. It is assumed that an earth tremor is
comparable to a mass impact roughly equal to
the propping strength of the lining.
The lining's main propping element is a
hydraulic prop working together with hydraulic
valves: a working valve and a release valve. Fig. 1. Schema of pile-driver test stand with
The suitability of a prop & release valve unit instrumentation: 1 – impact mass, 2 –
for work under dynamic loads is assessed crossbeam, 3 – guides, 4 – manometer, 5 cut-off
through tests on special stands subjected to valve, 6 – circulation switch, 7 – positive-
mass impact. The Central Institute of Mining displacement pump, 8 – fluid tank, 9 – tested
has such a test stand on which hydraulic props prop, 10 – measuring transducers, 11 –
(cylinder diameter up to 0.32 m) with valves measuring-recording equipment.
can be fully tested using an impact mass of up
to 30 tons and a maximum impact energy of 2. Mathematical model
6*106J. A schematic of the test stand is shown The mathematical model was built
in fig. 1. The test consists in impact loading (at assuming a discrete distribution of mass and
different impact energies) a hydraulic prop and elasticity and taking into account the
recording selected parameters such as limitations of the MATLAB-Simulink program
pressure, displacement and stress. used for the calculations.
Because of the high costs of such tests and the
technical difficulties involved in carrying them 2.1. Simplifying assumptions
out there has been an increased interest in The mathematical model was based on
analytical methods. This paper presents an simplifying assumptions representing the
analytical method, based on a discrete actual object with the required accuracy.
mathematical model, for determining the loads
of a hydraulic prop subjected to dynamic The following simplifying assumptions were
loading. made for the release valve:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

? draining side pressure pzl, =const.; 2.2. Mathematical equations describing

? the fluid's density, viscosity and elasticity adopted model
modulus do not change during system
The mathematical model was constructed
for the schematic shown in fig. 2.
? the effect of gravity on the slide in the valve
? The equation of the forces acting on the
is neglected;
hydraulic prop:
? no dry friction occurs between the moving
? no cavitation occurs in the valve, (1)
? the deformation of hydraulic conduits and
components is neglected;
? the effect of finite disturbance propagation
velocity is neglected;
? surface areas A1 and A2 are assumed to be
? motion constraints are imposed on the
servomotor's piston in a range of 0 y ygr;
? motion constraints are imposed on the
valve slide in a range of 0 x xgr.


Fig. 3.Schema of hydraulic prop.

– the force loading the hydraulic prop,

– the viscous friction force.

Fig. 2. Schema of hydraulic prop-release

valve system used for calculations.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

? The equation of the forces acting on the ? The equation of flow through the chamber
valve piston: below the valve head:

3. Comparison of hydraulic prop test

results with simulation results
The mass impact tests were carried out on
the test stand shown in fig. 1 for a hydraulic
prop (cylinder diameter – 0.2 m) with a single
shock absorber and a spring-weighted release
valve with a capacity of 1350 l/min. Hydraulic
fluid pressure versus time for different impact
energies was recorded.
For the above test conditions fluid pressure
graphs were calculated from the relations
presented in sect. 2.2. Exemplary
experimental and calculation pressure graphs
are shown in figs 5 and 6. It is apparent that
there is very good agreement between the
results. Even better agreement between the
experimental and calculation graphs can
obtained by making the mathematical model
more specific. For this purpose one should:
Fig. 4. Release valve. ? make the mathematical model of the
servomotor more detailed,
? take into account leaks between the valve
(2) head and the chamber below it,
? take into account the fluid stream
deviation-the hydrodynamic force
? make the loading force trace and value
more precise,
include the technical parameters provided by
the manufacturer's specifications in the
release valve model.

? The equation of flow through the valve head:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 6. Experimental and simulation

research results.

4. Simulation results
The initial results of the simulations showed
the mathematical model to be correct and
allowing one to investigate wall lining in a
wider parameter range than it would be
possible on a test stand. Therefore a
simulation plan was developed which
a) changing loading force F(t),
b) changing the loading crossbar weight from
2 to 100t,
c) changing the fluid compressibility
d) changing the (propping) pressure in the
servomotor in a range of 28-60 MPa,
e) changing the initial piston rod extension
from 0.15 to 0.5m.
Selected results of the simulations carried
out according to the above plan are presented

Fig. 7. Hydraulic prop pressure traces.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

5. Conclusion References
The proposed method of calculating [1] Stoiñski K.: Mine linings in earth tremor
dynamic loads in hydraulic props equipped hazard conditions (in Polish), GIG,
with a release valve yields results which are in Katowice 2000.
good agreement with the test results and it is [2] Palczak E.: Dynamics of hydraulic
much cheaper and convenient to use since no components and systems (in Polish),
costly test stands need to be built. It can be Zak³ad Narodowy im. Ossoliñskich,
used to assess the suitability of different Wroc³aw, 1999.
hydraulic prop designs to carry dynamic loads
in different service conditions. In order for the [3] Tarnowski W.: Computer simulation
results of such calculations to be reliable, the system SIMULINK and introduction to
adopted hydraulic prop and valve parameters MATLAB (in Polish), Koszalin, 1996.
should be based on the manufacturer's [4] Stryczek S.: Hydraulic drives. Components
specifications. and systems, WNT, Warsaw, 1984.
The method should also be useful in the
design of new linings and in matching
hydraulic props to mining conditions.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




Zbigniew PAWELSKI*

*Vehicle Research Institute Technical University of £ódŸ, 90-924 £ódŸ ul. ¯eromskiego 116,
tel. 48(42)6312392, fax. 48(42)6312398, e-mail: [email protected].

Abstarct: In the work on the hybrid drive constructed at the Technical University of £ódŸ two
conceptions of the hydrostatic drive are studied:
- with the control through a change of the unit absorbing power of the engine taking the energy
from an active-pressure system, i.e. 25-33 [MPa]. This system was applied in a prototype in
which components of Rexroth make were used.
- with the control through the transmission in the hydrostatic drive in a sequential manner in the
variable-speed and parallel power flow transmission, in which the hydrostatic transmission is a
controllable branch.
The funadamental quantities subject to regulation are: the vehicle speed and the parameter
determining the amount of energy accumulated in the accumulator. Thus, there are two
regulators affecting the two quantities. In both prototypes the above-mentioned solutions to the
control systems are under investigation.


In introduced solution hydrostatic
The prototype of hybrid power transmission transmission was used as a power
system is mounted in city bus IKARUS 266, transmission system.
where following components of Rexroth Combutsion engine and connected with it
products. Results, obtained during these tests variable delivery pump, are a part of a
concerned with control and action of energy power transmission with an
accumulators, and observed effects can be intensitycoupling. This pump and high-
fundamentals for further experiments of new pressure accumulators hold working
solutions of hybrid power transmission system pressure in range 20-33 [MPa] and create
of microprocessor control. system with a active pressure. A
governor, that is responsible for this part
of the system, realizes steering: with a
pump elementary volume and with a
angular velocity of the combustion
To making up leakages serves feed
pump. This pump, together with low-
pressure accomulators, has to hold in a
suction line of the pump the pressure, that
prevents the cavitation despite of variable
oil demand.

Fot. 1. Ikarus 266 with hybrid system.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig.1. Power transmission system of hydrobus.

The two main tasks hydrostatic unit, installed Entire dividing angular velocities: ? 1 - of the
on the live axle of the bus, is responsible for pump and ? 2 -of the engine, permits on
are: realization of movement of the vehicle separate optimization of work both: internal-
and recovery of the energy from the braking combustion engine and hydrostatic machines,
proces. When the elementary absorptivity of and by hte way higher efficiency is providet.
the pump is changed, the output moment is The task of the control system of the power
adapted to the load conditions. But working as transmission is providing set values for closed
an engine a stream of oil is taken from the subordinated systems i.e.:
system, and working as a pump, during the * combustion engine - angular velocity ? 1,
braking process, such a stream is formed. Fig.2,
* pump - deflection angle of the disk, Fig.2,
* secondary unit - angular velocity ? 2, Fig.4.

Fig.2. A schematic diagram of the control system of the capacity of the hydrostatic pump

In this solution changing of efficiency of the

pump can be made by: changing its After turning on the “accumulator charging”
elementary volume and changing angular switch, the hydraulic servo-motor moves the
velocity. So projected microprocessor slat of the injection pump and the
regulator, Fig.2, realizes following tasks: servomechanism of the pump moves the keep
* control of the elementary volume of the plate in maximum position. After the given
pump, value of the pressure is reached, servos in
* control of the angular velocity of the injectionn and hydraulic pump are withdrawn.
combustion engine (speed governor).

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig.3. A schematic diagram of the speed governor of the vehicle

Vehicles, in which hydrostatic transmissions
with the energy accumulation are used, are
The main essence of the power transmission characterized by comfort of travelling,
with regulation of the elementary volume of the servicing and low fuel consumption. This kind
engine, is running in the closed system, where of the transmission its recommendet for
the real value of the angular velocity, vehicles moving mostly with not stationary
measured with a rate geerator, is compared speeds, because the advantages of this
with its set value. The set value is providet by a system can be observed mostly during the
driver. Control error, converted by the breaking process and the weight of a vehicle
governor, is an input signal for the main with an hydrostatic transmission can be slight.
automatic controll system of the deflection After road tests of the power transmission with
angle. There is a logic circuit in this governor, the microprocessor control system, full
with what we can have the set signal for a main verification of the system could be made. The
automatic control system elaborated, results showed, that for the average traffic in
according to signals from acceleration and Lodz, there is a possibility of saving 10-12% of
break pedal. The logic circuit follows the the fuel and the toxicity of the exhaust gas can
hierarchy importance, and does not permit on be twice lowered. Further savings in this
simultaneous application of signals from the system are not possible due to the selection of
brake and the accelerator.The superior the hydrostatic maschine, regard to the peak
calculations of the process should show the power and maximum speed of the vehicle.
proper settings of hydraulic subassemblies Savings in the fuel consumption are
and combustion engine, in relation to connected mostly with regeneration of the
efficiencies of all components, but the total energy from the braking process.
efficiency is optimized as well. The wery
special meaning in calculations of the process 2. PROTOTYPE OF PARALLEL POWER
has controlling the power balance, because in FLOW TRANSMISSION SYSTEM
every working ponit, the power required of the
secondary unit, should not be greater than the Gradual gear box with parallel power flow,
one delivered from the engine and hydropneumatic energy accumulators and
accumulator, taking into considerration losses control unit with microprocessor allows to
in the hydrostatic transmission. decrease fuel consumption approx. 25? 35%
and twice increases vehicle dynamics.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

1. Description of product
Work on the construction of the hybrid drive in
a city bus has led to the solution shown in
Fig.1. The main units are: hydropneumatic
energy accumulators and a three-range
variable-speed transmission with a parallel
power flow. The latter consists of: a planetary
transmission with three simple series I, II, III,
two clutches A and B which change over the
ranges of ratio, a hydrostatic transmission with
two machines a and b, and several toothed
gears of constant axes. A change in the ratio in
the hydromechanical variable-speed
transmission is brought about by a change in
the ratio in the hydrostatic transmission. The
following configurations are possible: in range
I-the connection of the hydrostatic
transmission to the remaining part of the
parallel system by means of a constant
transmission at the output, and in ranges II and
III-with the internal connection [1,2]. The
method of connection of the hydrostatic
branch to the mechanical one affects curves of
Fot. 2. Hybrid Variable transmission test rig.
the basic parameters, Fig.1, and the algorithm
of operation of the control system.

The microprocessor control system, Fig.2, for

The construction of the variable-speed the following operating conditions to be
transmission gear-box and the type of the obtained:
energy accumulator have an effect on the I. Standstill
realisation of control of the transmission 1.The control system switched off. No tasks
through control of the hydrostatic are performed in the system. The bus is
transmission. The introduction of a variable- parked in a bus depot or at a terminus.
speed transmission will reduce fuel 2. The control system switched on. Direct
consumption by approx. 12÷16%, and current is supplied to the functional switches
supplementing the transmission with a set of and governors. The valves controlling the oil
energy accumulators will result in a further flow are closed; z1=z2=z3=z4=0.
decrease by 14÷18%. In view of the 3. Charging the accumulators while parking.
functioning of a hybrid drive, an essential Thecharging pump connected to the
problem is the manner of cooperation of combustion engine by means of a constant-
energy sources: the primary - from the ratio transmission, always pumps the oil to
combustion engine, and the secondary - from the low-pressure accumulators through non-
the energy accumulator. The conception of return valve (z1), when the engine is
such cooperation allowing the realisation of running. In the comparator, comp (1) the
any cycle of driving in the city bus verified selection of the maximum pressure values in
experimentally of Rexroth transmission. In the accumulators is made. During the
principle, the combustion engine performs the vehicle standstill (? 2=0) these values are
function of the unit equalising the energy p1=3 MPa and p2=33 MPa; while driving: p1=1
balance. MPa and p2=24 MPa, respectively.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig.1. A schematic diagram of the power transmission system and curre's course
of the basic parameters of the hydrostatic transmission

Until the pressure in the low-pressure II. Driving

accumulator reaches a value of 3 MPa, the 1. The vehicle is powered by a combustion
comparator, comp (2) will not switch on switch engine only ('conventional drive'). Switch
A, thereby the control system is disconnected. (P3) is in the z1=z3=z4=1 position, while
The charging of the high-pressure switch (P4) in z2=0. When valve (z1) is
accumulator can take place when switch P4 is turned-on, it is possible to make up leakage
in the position z2=1. Then, a signal from the in the hydrostatic circuit by means of the
comparator, comp (1), through the switches: low-pressure accumulators and the
A, 5, P4, 4 and 3 engages clutch (9) and sets charging pump, to the value p1min=1 MPa. A
the angular velocity ? s=? M in the combustion signal of the set speed of the vehicle is
engine governor and switches on switch (6), worked out in the unit of control of signals.
while the deflection angle of the disk ?max=18o is The signal thus shaped is sent to adder (11),
given to the secondary governor of hydrostatic in which it is added to the signal from the
machine 'a'. When the value of p2max=33 MPa is brake pedal potentiometer. The signal of
reached in the high-pressure accumulator, the the set speed, through the matching system
comparator, comp (3), disconnects the and switch (4), is also conveyed to the
system. In the combustion engine governor combustion engine governor.
the signal controlling switch (1) is turned off, 2. Hybrid drive. The connections in the control
and the angular velocity ? s=? j is set, whereas systems are the same as described above,
the value of ?=0 is conveyed through switch and switch (P4) is turned on. The phases of
(6) to the deflection circuit of the disk. operations proceed here as in sections I.3

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig.2. A schematic diagram of the controll system for the prototype variable-speed transmission
and hydropneumatic energy accumulators

and II.1; if the pressure in the high-pressure

accumulator is p2>24 MPa, accumulated
energy will be used for the motion of the
vehicle. Below the set value of the
pressure, the comparator, comp (3) will turn 1. Pawelski Z. Napêd hybrydowy dla autobusu
on switches (3) and (5) and send the signal miejskiego. Wydawnictwo Politechniki £ódzkiej,
to the engine governor, thereby allowing the Monografia nr 890, 1996.
interaction of two sources of energy. While 2. Pawelski Z.: Studies of the Speed Governor for
braking there will be a reverse flow of a Variable-Speed Transmission with a Parallel
energy to the high-pressure accumulator; Power Flow. ISATA'98, Paper Nr.98AE009.
the energy will accumulate in the 3.Pawelski Z.: Modelowanie i obliczanie napêdu
accumulator as a result of the operation of hydrobusu. Wydawnictwo Politechniki £ódzkiej,
governor RII. Monografia nr 979, 2000.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Dr. ing. Petrin Drumea1 , Prof. Dr. ing. Mohamed HAJJAM2 ,
Dr. ing. Corneliu Cristescu1 , Assoc. Prof. Dr. ing. Aurelian FATU2

Hidraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute, Bucharest-ROMANIA
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides, Angouleme-FRANCE
[email protected] ,[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The development of an experimental device designed to measure the friction forces
in real hydraulic rod seals has been presented. The first part is dedicated to the presentation of
the device together with the adopted technical solutions and the principle of measurement.
Furthermore, in order to dimension the device force transducer, a preliminary numerical
investigation is developed to predict the friction forces in the seals. Finite element commercial
software and the inverse hydrodynamic lubrication (IHL) theory are used to compute the friction
force variation versus the rod speed, for different fluid viscosities.

Keywords : hydraulic seal, experimental device, numerical simulation, inverse hydrodynamic

lubrication, hydraulic cilinders, tribological behaviour, friction forces, seals.

1. INTRODUCTION In order to evaluate the pressure in the

contact, a first finite element analyses of the
The study of elastohydrodyamic lubrication seal mounting is made. This computation
(EHL) problem in hydraulic elastomeric seals gives the static contact pressure in the contact.
presents great difficulties. Mainly, two different Furthermore, it is supposed that the static
techniques are used: classical EHL theory contact pressure is replaced by the
based on the Reynolds equation coupled with hydrodynamic pressure. This method, called
the elastic behaviour of the seal by the mean the inverse hydrodynamic lubrication (IHL)
of compliance matrix and the inverse theory, presents a very quick alternative in
hydrodynamic lubrication (IHL) theory. evaluating the seal hydrodynamic behaviour.
When the classical EHL theory is used, the However, the results are highly dependant on
Reynolds equation is solved in order to find the the precision of the preliminary finite element
pressure field as a function of the film computation. In order to avoid this problem, a
thickness. Moreover, the pressure field new method that consists in a correction of the
modifies the seal deformation and IHL results by the classical direct theory has
consequently the film thickness. An iterative been presented in reference [14].
process is employed in order to obtain the In order to have a better understanding of the
convergence of the algorithm. Several authors way in which elastomeric seals work and to
employed this method to characterise the validate the different numerical model, the
behaviour of different hydraulic elastomeric development of an experimental device has
seals [1-9]. The second method, employed in been decided. The first part of the paper shows
references [10] to [13], suppose that pressure the design of the test bench. The general
field in the contact is known and the film principle and the technical solutions adopted
thickness is searched. are presented.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2.2. Presentation of the technical solution

It is shown that in order to choose the load and the principle of measurement
sensor, a preliminary numerical investigation
of the seal behaviour is necessary. The main element of the experimental device
is represented by the technical solution found
2 . E X P R I M E N TA L D E V I C E FOR for maintaining under the pressure of the
MEASURING FRICTION FORCES operational fluid the sealings of the cylinder
rod, without generating additional pressure
In order to evaluate the friction forces from the forces on the rod head, which may affect the
sealings of the hydraulic cylinders, was result of the measurements.
projected and realized an experimental The adopted technical solution was the
device. This experimental device is conceived replacement of the rod cylinder head sealing,
purposefully for working by mounting it on a figure 1, with one double sealed guidance
stand which provides operational strokes. bushing, which to contain 2 U type sealings,
fixed with the wings facing one another, see
2.1. The basic requirement taken into figure2.
account at projecting the device The operational fluid is injected between these
two sealing elements, which it strain, in an
At projecting the experimental device were operational system, identical with that of a
taken into account some pre requisites, which hydraulic cylinder running.
would ensure the optimum evaluation- The only problem which appears is that the
measuring of the friction forces from the friction force measured at the end of the rod is
sealings of the hydraulic cylinders. given by the friction forces from the two
The main pre requisites were: sealings, at the same direction of motion of the
- To eliminate as much as possible big rod, one of the simulating the sealing when the
masses in motion, for avoiding the rod gets in the cylinder and the other when it
occurence of the inertial forces; gets out.
- To evaluate precisely the additional
pressure foces which may occur beside
the friction forces from sealings;
- To eliminate the mechanical bindings
which may occur in working;
- To provide fluid supply under various
operational pressures;
- To measure and, if it is the case, to
record the evolution of the friction
forces; Fig. 1 - The rod cylinder head sealing
- To measure and, if it is the case, to
record the operational strokes;
- To measure and, if it is the case, to
record the operational pressure;
- To maintain under fluid pressure the
sealings during the entire working
For reaching all these pre requisites, it was
conceived a scheme of operation which
represented the groundwork for projecting the
experimental device presented below:

Fig. 2- The double sealed guidance bush

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

These 2 friction forces from the 2 sealings are,

probably, not equal for the same direction of
motion of the rod, but surely can be
comparable. That is why it is assumed that the
friction force, between a fitting and a rod,
represent, approximately, half of the force
measured at the rod by the force transducer.
If it is considered the weight Gt of the rod
suspended by the force transducer and the
friction forces from the 2 sealings Ff1 and,
respectively, Ff2, then the force Fm, measured
by the force transducer, will be given by the
relation: Fm = Ff1 + Ff2 + Gt.
Assuming that the 2 friction forces Ff1 and Ff2
are, approximately, equal it may be concluded
that the friction force in a sealing Ff, will be:
Ff = Ff1 = Ff2 = (Fm Gt)/2 (1)
Using these mathematical formulas, can be
determine the friction force values from the Fig. 3 - Schematic representation of
sealings of the rods of the hydraulic cylinders. the experimental device
Note: According to the data from above, it
results that the determining of the
size/capacity necessary for the force
transducer is very significant. Taking this into
account for a proper gauging before projecting
the experimental device, was necessary the
use of the mathematical modelling and
numerical simulation of the process of
sealing the rods of the hydraulic cylinders,
presented below.

2.3. Presentation of the experimental


The experimental device, figure 3, operates

in vertical position, the rod (1) being fixed and Fig. 4 -The used hydraulic cylinder
suspended on the upper bridge of the stand,
by means of a threaded bush (2), by the force
transducer (3), connected at the other side by By mounting the liner of the experimental
the up catching stationary head (4) of the cylinder on the mobile rod of the hydraulic
existing stand. Downside, the rod crosses the cylinder (CHS) of one existing stand, this
double sealed bush (5) assembled by means provides the motion of the cylinder liner
of a nut (6), from the used cylinder, by its liner together with the double sealed bush, up and
(7). The cylinder liner is used just for down. The rod of the cylinder, which passes
supporting the double sealed bush and for through the double sealed bush, is immobile,
making pace necessary for performing the which eliminate the risk of additional inertial
operational strokes of the cylinder rod. force perturbing the force transducer.
Downside, the cylinder liner is connected to In order to eliminating other additional forces
the mobile rod (8) of one the hydraulic cylinder, (of binding, bowing etc) the following
of the existing stand where will be mounted,, conditions must be fulfilled:
by means of a connection part (9) and of a nut
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- Ensure coaxially of the rod and double

sealed bush;
- Measure the friction forces when the
bush goes down.

The experimental device is manufactured

starting from basic components (the cylinder
liner, the cylinder rod etc) of a classical
hydraulic cylinder, produced by REXROTH
Co., with rod diameter of 25 mm and piston
diameter of 40 mm, presented in figure 4.

2.4. The principle of operation of the

experimental device Figure 5: Existing bench test

According to the principle of operation of this

experimental device, implies its mounting on a
vertical stand, available in the laboratory of
INOE 2000 IHP, figure 5. To do this, is
necessary to dismantle the existing device
(DES) and replacement it with the
experimental device. The mounting of the
experimental device (1) on the existing bench
(2), is made according to figure 6. Existing
stand (2), by plant hydraulic own (3), provides
vertical movement in either direction, the
movable rod (4) of the hydraulic cylinder of the
stand (CHS), and, also, the measuring of the
work race through race/ stroke transducer (5 ). Figure 6: Schematic representation
of the new bench test

The measurement of the friction forces is

performed at the downward stroke of the
double sealed bush, for ensuring the
alignment of the rod and the double sealed
bush and, also, for avoiding the occurrence of
unwanted mechanical binding/bowing
During the vertical motion of the bush, the
operational pressure at the double sealed
bush, is continuously provided, through a
hydraulic hose, by an additional hydraulic
installation, shown symbolic in the figure 7,
which consists of a manual pump Pm, which
aspires the oil from the tank T and discharges
under the pressure, by means of the
unidirectional valve Ss, the pressurized fluid
towards the 2 sealings of the bush by the hole
existent between them.

Figure 7: The scheme of the hydraulic and informatics links

of the experimental device

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The pressure circuit is supported by a safety

pressure between the seal and the shaft (or
valve Sp and it is provided with a manometer
rod) once the seal is mounted and
M for reading the value of the operational
pressure and, also, a pressure transducer TP,
Abaqus software has been used to simulate
which allows recording of the pressure values,
the seal behaviour during the mounting. The
by means of a data acquisition board and the
seal is made on rubber material. The stress-
storage and processing on computer of the
strain behaviour of typical rubber materials,
evolution of pressure in time.
shown in figure 8, is elastic but highly
By means of the force transducer TF and of the
nonlinear. This type of material behaviour is
stroke transducer Td, may be acquired and
called hyperelasticity. The deformation of
processed data regarding the evolution of the
hyper elastic materials remains elastic up to
friction forces and the operational stroke.
large strain values (often well over 100%). The
Using a professional software, may be drawn
following assumptions are considered:
the diagrams showing the stroke, pressure
- The material behaviour is elastic and
and friction force variations, versus time and,
also, the variation of the pressure and friction
- The material behaviour is isotropic.
forces, versus stroke..
- The simulation will include nonlinear
The experimental device presented above,
geometric effects.
which is in the stage of execution, will be
A convenient way of defining a hyper elastic
mounted on the previously mentioned stand,
material is to supply the software with
existing in INOE 2000-IHP and will represent a
experimental test data. Figure 9 shows the
real groundwork for the experimental research
stress/strain curve for the seal material,
performed in the field of sealings, leading to
obtained by uniaxial tension test. Normally, in
the validation of the mathematical models
order to completely characterize a hyper-
used for simulating on computer the sealing
elastic material other test data must be
supplied, regarding the biaxial tension test and
the volumetric test. Unfortunately, the uniaxial
tension test is the only data available.
However, considering that the Poisson's ratio
In order to have an idea about the values of the
is 0.49, the finite element (FE) software allows
friction force and leakage that have to be
a polynomial evaluation of the real stress-
measured, a preliminary numerical
strain curve using only the available uniaxial
investigation is developed. The first part
tension data.
concerns the modelling of the seal behaviour
during the assembly that must take into
account the hyper-elastic behaviour of the
seal material and the sealed pressure. The
contact pressure between the seal and the
shaft that result from this first calculus is used
in the second part to predict the seal friction
force and leakage. The inverse hydrodynamic
lubrication (IHL) theory is used to predict the
seal behaviour do not consider the transient
operation conditions but can lead to a good
approximation for the searched seal
functioning characteristics.

3.1 Analyse of seal mounting

Figure 8: Typical stress-strain curve for rubber
First step in modelling reciprocating hydraulic
rod seals is computing the contact static

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The potential contact zones between the seal

and the shaft or housing are meshed with
linear quadrilateral elements that are
recommended for the treatment of contact
problems. Also, the shaft and the housing are
assumed to be rigid. Several simulations have
been realised for a sealed pressure ranging
between 10 MPa and 19 MPa. Figure 11
shows seal geometry after mounting and the
Figure 9: Stress-strain curve by uniaxial tension test static contact pressure between the seal and
the shaft, for three different sealed pressures.
Figure 10 shows the seal geometry and the FE It can be observed that the increase of the
mesh. The geometry is divided in 51536 linear sealed pressure leads to the decrease of the
axysimmetric triangular elements. contact axial length and the increase of the
contact pressure.

Figure 10: Seal geometry and FE seal mesh

Figure 11: a) Seal deformation after mounting b) Comparison of the static contact pressure between
the seal and the shaft, for different functioning hydrodynamic pressures

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3.2 Hydrodynamic simulation Newton-Raphson method is used to solve

equation 5 and obtain the hydrodynamic film
Using the static contact pressure presented in thickness h(x). In order to verify the result,
figure 11 b), the sealing performances (friction equation 2 is solved in the unknown film
force and leakage) are determined using the pressure, starting from the film thickness
inverse hydrodynamic lubrication (IHL) theory. obtained by IHL. The hydrodynamic pressure
First hypothesis is that the lubricant obtained in this way must be identical with the
hydrodynamic pressure replaces the contact initial contact pressure that results from the
static pressure. Classical 1D Reynolds FEM simulation. Otherwise, the FE mesh must
equation is: be refined in order to ameliorate the result
¶ æ ¶pö ¶ h accuracy for the first pressure gradient.
h3 ÷
ç =6U m (2)
x èx ø ¶
¶¶ x The main lines of the numerical algorithm
developed in this paper are presented in figure
where h is the film thickness, U is the shaft 12.
linear speed and µ is the dynamic viscosity of
the fluid. The integration of equation 2 yields to
an algebraic 1D cubic equation in the unknown
film thickness:
h3 ¶
6U ( h h0 )
=- (3)
m x

where h0 represents the film thickness at the
position where the pressure gradient is nil. In
order to solve equation 3 the value of h0 must
be known. The film thickness is searched in a
domain point A where the second pressure
gradient is nil.
By deriving equation 2 and considering that Figure 12: Numerical algorithm
¶ p
0 the film thickness in point A is:

¶ 3.3 Numerical Results
hA = 2 µU / (4)

Knowing hA the value of h0 is approximated by: Figure 13 shows the contact pressure field, the
2 film thickness and the hydrodynamic pressure
h0 = hA obtained for µ = 0.1 Pa.s and U = 0.15 m/s. The
Consequently, equation 3 can be written as: film thickness h is obtained by the IHL theory
aH 3 ( x) -
H ( x) +
0 (5) and then used to compute the hydrodynamic
pressure. It can be seen that the
h( x ) 0 dp h2 hydrodynamic pressure is identical with the
where H ( x) = and a =
h0 6m U dx initial contact pressure which proves the
algorithm convergence.
It is important to call attention to the Several simulations have been made in order
importance of a very precise approximation of to investigate the variation of the friction force
the contact pressure resulting from the FEM and leakage as a function of the viscosity and
analyses. Small perturbations of the contact relative velocity between the seal and the shaft
pressure can induce big perturbations in the (figure 14). The maximum predicted friction
evaluation of the first pressure gradient and force is 180 N for 0.35 m/s and 20 µ = 0.15
consequently give a wrong approximation for Pa.s. The minimum predicted friction force is
coefficient a in equation 5. 24.5 N for 0.1 m/s and µ = 0.01 Pa.s.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 13: Variation of the friction force and leakage Figure 14: Contact and hydrodynamic pressure
with the velocity for two different viscosities fields and film thickness at 19 MPa sealed pressure

The results predict a maximum friction force of Furthermore, the IHL theory is used to
180 N. Considering that the test device load compute the hydrodynamic film thickness in
sensor will measure the friction force of 2 the contact and to evaluate the seal friction
seals, the maximum measured force will be force and leakage. The results permits to
360 N. Moreover, the prediction of the friction choose the appropriate force transducer that
force is based on the hypothesis that the seal must be used on the experimental device.
is functioning in perfect hydrodynamic regime
and for a perfect axysymmetric configuration.
If no-lubricated contact conditions appear, the [1] Nikas, G.K., (2003) “Elastohydrodynamics
friction force can increase. In order to eliminate and Mechanics of Rectangular Elastomeric
this doubt the load sensor must measure loads Seals for Reciprocating Piston Rods,” ASME
up to 500 N. Also, the predicted minimum J. Tribol., 125, pp. 60-69.
friction force is 24.5 N. In order to have a good
[2] N i k a s , G . K . , ( 2 0 0 3 ) , “ T r a n s i e n t
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Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of
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equal to 1 N. Hydraulic Actuators,” Proc. IMechE, Part J:
J. Engineering Tribology, 217, pp. 461-473.
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for Linear Hydraulic Actuators,” Proc.
original experimental device made to analyze
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real hydraulic rod seals during fully transient 217, pp. 365-373.
operation conditions. The device is design to
precisely evaluate the friction force variation in [4] Nikas, G.K., Sayles, R.S., (2004), “Nonlinear
the seals versus time and operational stroke. Elasticity of the Extrusion of Rectangular
The sealing fluid pressure is also precisely Elastomeric Seals and its Effects on
Elastohydrodynamic Numerical Analysis,”
controlled and measured.
Tribol. Int., 37, pp. 651-660.
A numerical simulation of the seal behaviour is
developed in order to evaluate the friction [5] Nikas, G.K., (2004), “Theoretical Study of Solid
forces. A FEM commercial code is used to Back-up Rings for Elastomeric Seals in
simulate the seal behaviour during the Hydraulic Actuators,” Tribol. Int., 37, 689-
mounting and to evaluate the static contact 699.
pressure and width.
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[6] Thomas, S., Blouin, A, Hajjam, M., [11]Kanters, A.FC., Verest, J.F.M., Visscher,
Comportement des joints hydrauliques, (1990), “On Recoprocating Elastomeric
Rapport CETIM n°3, Contrat LMS-CETIM n° Seals: Calculation of Film Thickness Using
781727. the Inverse Hydrodynamic Lubrication
Theory,” STLE Tribol. Trans., 33, pp. 301-
[7] Yang, B., Salant, R.F., (2008), “A Numerical 306.
Model of a Reciprocating Rod Seal with a
Secondary Lip,” STLE Tribol. Trans., 51, pp. [12] Müller, H.K., Nau, B.S., (1998), Fluid Sealing
119-127. Technology: Principles and Applications,
Marcel Dekker Inc., N.Y
[8] Yang, B., Salant, R.F., (2008), “Numerical
Model of a Tandem Reciprocating Hydraulic [13] Nikas, G.K., Sayles, R.S., (2006), “Study of
Rod Seal,” ASME J. Tribol., 130, 032201 pp. leakage and friction of flexible seals for
1-7. steady motion via a numerical
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[9] Yang, B., Salant, R.F., (2008), “Soft EHL 921-936.
Analysis of a Reciprocating Hydraulic Step
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Elastomeric Seals,' ASME J. Tribol., 106, pp.

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Daniel Bratanov*
Petre Lucian Seiciu**

*Materials & Manufacturing Engineering Department, Mechanical And

ManufacturingEngineering Faculty, The University of Ruse, Bulgaria
**Machine elements &Tribology Department, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics
Faculty, “POLITEHNICA” University, Bucharest, Romania

The article is focused on the development of a system for upper and lower limb simultaneous
motion therapy methodology for patients with neuro-motor impairments. The therapy will be driven
by cooperatively working industrial robots using intelligent manner for the identification of the
required physiotherapy motions. This will be achieved by a robotic rehabilitation system called

Keywords: rehabilitation robotics, industrial robots, motion planning, cooperative robots.

Introduction The spastic hemi paresis is normally a result of
a brain stroke, brain injuries, multiple
Among the benefits of the industrial robots is scleroses, brain tumour etc. In that cases are
their ability for quick reprogramming of the recognised not only decreases of the muscle
executed tasks that requires different speeds force, but the tonus of the muscles increases,
and trajectories of the end-effector. This ability causing problematic consequences. The
makes the use of industrial robots in some physiotherapy and the rehabilitation are
areas of the social sphere, like the medicine always a part of the medical treatment process
very effective. The implementation of of the cases related to spastic hemi paresis of
industrial robots in the rehabilitation of the limbs. The aim of this treatment is to
patients suffering from of spastic hemi paresis recover the range of motion of the patients'
will significantly increase the quality of the limbs, to straighten the muscles and provide a
medical treatment and will reduce the hard reduction of the limbs' spasticity.
physical work of the therapists. The limbs rehabilitation is the last, but very
The use of industrial robots in limb's important phase of the recovery process of
rehabilitation has the following advantages: patients with hemi paresis. Thanks to the
? Increase the quality of the motion therapy the people recover fully or
physiotherapy procedure; partially their motor functions, which makes
? Performs rehabilitation exercises that them adequate and independent. The limb
are impossible for the conventional rehabilitation is organised in three basic
therapy; procedures:
? Provides an uninterrupted 1.Passive rehabilitation – those are
rehabilitation cycle; procedures and exercises for stirring that are
? Releases the qualified medical staff performed compulsory with the limb of the
from heavy physical work and allows patient by a physiotherapist. This is a hard
them focus on the domain of the manual work that the medics do in order to stir
problem. the patients;

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2.Active therapy – those are stir procedures This is a feature that is not possible for the
that the patient performs independently. The regular rehabilitation manipulators based on
active therapy is follow-up after the passive hard program of exercises.
therapy for patients with heavy spastic ROBOTHERAPY - a robotised
paresis. For the patients with light degree of rehabilitation system
disability the therapy may start directly with The proposed by the authors
active procedures; ROBOTHERAPY system is focused primarily
3.Active therapy trough resistance – this on the transfer of robotics technologies into
is the last phase of the rehabilitation medical therapy technologies, namely into
procedure of the limbs. The therapy is neuro-ehabilitation. The innovation compared
performed independently by the to the current state of the art in the neuro-
patient following a given exercise rehabilitation and rehabilitation robotics
scheme and using specific equipment suggested by the ROBOTHERAPY is
to straighten the muscles of the constrained. The medicine has one of the
affected limb. hardest requirements towards the robotic
The passive therapy is the most important devices. The robotic systems applied in the
phase of the spastic limb rehabilitation. medical practice have covered strict criteria
Because of the resources that it consumes regarding the safety and accuracy, noise,
could be stated that it reduces the coefficient of electromagnetic fields and other. Most of the
efficiency of the qualified medical personnel. robots working in the medicine are with direct
This type of therapy is an object of many control leaded by the operator with a kind of
systems for rehabilitation automation, but all of haptic devices, exoskeletons etc., especially
them can be assessed as private cases, e.g. the robots involved in the surgery. The idea of
they can perform one, or group of rehabilitation ROBOTHERAPY is to give a level of
procedures without covering the whole autonomy to the robots, providing them the
spectrum of limb's rehabilitation procedures. freedom to do what they are designed for – to
The introduction of robots into this type of perform a given task over a programmed
therapy will position the role of the therapist on trajectory and with desired speed.
the front line as specialists and diagnostics of
the proper recovery treatment and will leave In general the rehabilitation robotic devices
the heavy and unpleasant part of the can be classified as:
rehabilitation work to the robotic systems. ? Systems for rehabilitation of the upper
The medical service covers the largest portion limb;
of the humans' social sphere. In the last years
the robots are entering actively the medicine, ? Systems for rehabilitation of the lower
but they still face difficulties to cover the area of limb;
the rehabilitation. The implementation of ? Systems for rehabilitation of the body.
robots into the rehabilitation and the The systems for rehabilitation of upper limb
adaptation of the existing on the market have the biggest complexity which is a result of
industrial robots for the purposes of the limb the large amount of degrees of freedom and
rehabilitation will improve significantly the the rage of motions they have to deal with. The
quality of the recovery procedures of patients best example for implementation of industrial
suffering from spastic hemi paresis. robots in the rehabilitation of upper limb is the
The ability of the robots to perform in practice coordinated by Budapest University for
unlimited amount of exercise cycles with Te c h n o l o g y a n d E c o n o m i c s p r o j e c t
constant speed and trajectory makes them REHAROB [3] (Fig.1) funded under
extraordinary rehabilitators. The other basic Framework program five (FP5) of the
advantage of the robots towards the existing European Union. Other systems of that kind,
rehabilitation automats is the freedom of the providing a full range of upper limb motions are
therapist to decide on an individual exercise to not known.
a given patient that may require a unique
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The robotised systems for rehabilitation of In order to achieve its aim the
lower limb are with more simple structure. In ROBOTHERAPY system must reach the
most of the cases they work in single plain following objectives:
which makes their programming and 1. The system must be able to provide
respectively their use very easy. Examples of simultaneous upper and lower limb motion
manipulators for rehabilitation of lower limbs therapy for the patient with neuro-motor
are presented in Fig.2. impairments. This will lead to partial
replacement of the physiotherapist in motion
exercises. The physiotherapist will teach and
monitor the therapeutic exercises with
ROBOTHERAPY, meanwhile conducting
motion exercises with another patient. This
new advanced physiotherapy technology will
allow the disabled not to suffer from
inappropriate therapy because of limited
accessibility to physiotherapists all over world.
Three hypotheses proved by the currently
existing upper limb robotised rehabilitation
Fig.1 The robotised upper limb rehabilitation system
REHAROB working in the National Institute for
system REHAROB [3] can be considered as
Medical Rehabilitation in Budapest, Hungary valid for the proposed ROBOTHEPAY system.
Those hypotheses are:
The aim of the project ROBOTISED MOTION
THERAPY WITH COMPLEX AND Hypothesis 1: the robot assisted motion
COORDINATED 3D MOVEMENT FOR therapies increase of the success rate in
UPPER AND LOWER LIMBS - neuro-rehabilitation by 5% with special anti-
ROBOTHERAPY is the development of a spastic patterns.
system for upper and lower limbs Hypothesis 2: repeating of daily motion
simultaneous motion therapy methodology for exercises reduces the total duration of the
patients with neuro-motor impairments. This neuro-rehabilitation by 10%.
therapy will be driven by cooperatively working
industrial robots using the knowledge and the Hypothesis 3: intelligent and robotic support to
experience of the medical staff for the upper limb rehabilitation is cost-effective for
identification of the required physiotherapy the society.
motions. A rehabilitation system with such ROBOTHERAPY contribution to
level of complexity, involving in its operation Community social objectives
three cooperatively working industrial robots
currently is not known. All EU Member States and also the Associated
States are being faced with demographic,
structural, social and technological changes of
major importance, which are likely to have
consequences in a variety of fields:
Financing of social security systems,
employment [4]: society is ageing, due to
increased longevity on the one hand and
declining birth rates on the other. There is an
interdependence between the number of
people in employment and those no longer
active in the labour force: a decreasing
Fig.2 Automated systems for rehabilitation number of active people will have to guarantee
of lower limb the financial and social security for and

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

increasing number of inactive or retired The first step in valid commercial devices is the
people: the ratio of "active/dependent" is 2.9 to existence of the device itself, in concert with
1 at present. However, by 2040 this is the required sales, marketing, training, and
expected to be 1.4 to 1 in OECD. technical support to make it viable.
If used efficiently ROBOTHERAPY may hold It is very early in the product life of the
the increase in the number of disabled with commercial devices discussed above. The
regained capabilities who can become the high cost/usefulness ratio of most
productive member of the society after injury. rehabilitation robots makes their use very
The implementation of such system will not limited. The idea of ROBOTHERAPY to be
increase the unemployment rate, which is the build from industrial robots expresses the
stereotype side effect of automation. Currently basic exploitation target of the proposed
every single European country lacks trained system, namely to built the prototype robotised
physiotherapists. ROBOTHERAPY will not rehabilitation station to the greatest extent
replace but support the physiotherapist, from commercially available equipment, thus
approximately duplicating his/her therapeutic making its manufacture easy and cost
skills. It is estimated that by 2020, 25 % of the effective.
population will be over 65 years of age. The Conclusions
number of people over 80 - particularly at risk ROBOTHERAPY will provide an aid for the
of frailty and dependence - will increase even rehabilitation of patients with stroke or
more [5]. In this context a 300% increase of traumatic brain injury producing a wide variety
people over 80 years old in the period from of neurologic deficits such as hemiplegia,
1960 until 2020 is forecasted. In addition, the hemisensory loss, aphasia etc. The majority of
prevalence of disability and functional the research in rehabilitation robotics [5, 6, 7]
problems in daily life is increasing rapidly due focuses on helping disabled with permanent
to ageing, accident rates and modern health disabilities in daily living. The proposed
technology (due to the fact that this enables ROBOTHERAPY system will create
people to live longer, thereby increasing the rehabilitation equipment for disability
risk of disability and ill- health). It is believed prevention.
that ROBTHERAPY with sufficient market
expansion will be cheaper than the traditional
[1] Dallaway JL, Jackson RD, Timmers PHA (1995)
rehabilitation of the disabled. The use of Rehabilitation robotics in Europe. IEEE Transactions on
advanced robotic techniques and intelligent Rehabilitation Engineering. 3. 35-45.
technologies will result in a better and/or faster [2] Gusztáv ARZ, András TÓTH, Gabor FAZEKAS, Daniel
BRATANOV Development of the REHAROB upper limb
rehabilitation all over Europe. physiotherapy system, RAAD2002, Budapest, Hungary
The robotised therapy may impact upon the
number of people employed in the [3] [4] Employment and People with Disabilities
rehabilitation institutes who needs training for Report of the Special Meeting of the High level Group on
the operation of the ROBOTHERAPY cell. It is Disabilities. Brussels, 15.Oct.1997
considered more important that the [5] Assistive Technology for the disabled and elderly;
regulations and policy options. Report for the European
ROBOTHERAPY cell can be used as a parliament, Scientific and Technical Options
reference laboratory for medical education Assessment (DGXIII - STOA/2929 Luxemburg), 26 pp,
both on graduate and postgraduate level. March 1996.
[6] Resolution of the Honory Council of the HEART project.
Improving the quality of life and health Final joint declaration of the meeting of the Council in
The use of robots to augment manipulation for Madrid, 16-17 October 1995 in the presence of the
minister of Social affairs of Spain and the minister of
people with severe manipulation disabilities Health and Social affairs of Sweden and representatives
has been explored for close to 30 years. Only a of member states. Implementation of the HEART
very small portion of this work has resulted in (Horizontal European Activities in Rehabilitation
Technology) study proposals, requiring action at
viable products. European level.
[7] Ch. Bühler, editor, "Forum for European Rehabilitation
Robotics", Proceedings of the 1st FERR workshop,
Wetter 1995

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



*Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca

1. Adjustment scheme for angular position correct positioning of turbine blades minimizes
of blades of wind turbines the vibration induced in the structure, namely
the applicant rotor camps.
Under the energy issue, the need of Also a suitable position can be brought to a
adjustable the angle blades of wind turbines, speed rotor minimal or null and thus with
derived from the fact that their speed is directly braking systems to ensure the necessary
dependent on the speed of air currents and conditions in case of service or if regular
indirectly (transmission through the inspections.
consumer) the load of wind power at some Looking at above mentioned schemes
point (necessary energy generators currently regulating the angular position of the blades of
in power, that of mechanical energy in the form wind turbines should contain several sub
of speed, torque and power with other types of adjustment.
consumers). From protection point of view, One of the high-efficiency is present in Figure
reliability and endurance that wind power, 1.

Figure 1. Block diagram for automatic compensation the angle of the

blade depending on speed and on vibration level of wind turbine

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

To fully exploit the wind and to protect the This controller provides two control signals
entire system, the turbine speed must be based on which provides a fine adjustment
maintained in an optimal field of values. An too around the blade angle reference values. With
low speed level corresponds to a low energetic this correction to compensate for any dynamic
level(virtually untapped) or make impossible imbalance due to inherent differences
the effective operation of transmission between the rotor blades construction. This
systems and control energy supplied to the system work to minimize vibration levels.
consumer. An excessive speed leads to higher The second control system functions as
levels of vibration, mechanical stress that the automatic system angles by measuring them
above permitted levels of power. A first control with appropriate transducers, comparing with
system is therefore responsible for control signals provided by Fuzzy controllers,
maintaining speed in the optimum value. This process deviations by the regulators and
system of adjustment is relatively slow and regulating the generation of control signals for
does not require a high degree of accuracy adjusting routes. The automatic adjustment of
(not necessary for example to maintain the angles is composed of three circuit
constant speed). This is done with two adjustment.
controllers Fuzzy. The first controller made Thus, adjusting the angle subsystems
correction speed based on wind speed and secondary blades (2 and 3) made a
current speed of the turbine. This controller comparison between the actual blade angle
provides a primary control signal öneed, which is reference and the actual blade angle side and
provide a signal of departure, upon which the
the control signal for positioning the blade no.
necessary correction angle is achieved.The
1 considered as a reference. The second
automatic adjustment of the angles to ensure
controller Fuzzy make angle correction of the
this time, as appropriate behavior in steady
turbine blades 2 and 3, as compared with the
(high positioning accuracy) and a phase
corresponding blade angle reference no. 1,
characterized by a response time as short and
depending on the speed of the turbine and the
without supra-oscillations.
vibration level RMS.

Figure 2. Hydraulic scheme for step change in wind turbines, rotary motors

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

It can briefly cause additional vibration in the

structure of the wind power turbine. Automatic circuits 2 and 3 acting as a tracking
Because the mentioned considerations the system blade angle reference. The items are
plants must be fast enough. They consist of either operated rotary hydraulic motor (Figure
hydraulic circuit controlled resistive (to ensure 2) or linear hydraulic motors (Figure 3).
a superior dynamic behavior), performed
using the proportional servo valves. Circuit no.
1 is considered the reference and control
signal received.

Figure 3. Hydraulic scheme for step change in wind turbines, linear motors

The variant with rotary motors is

advantageous because the blades are 2. Testing by numerical simulations
coupled directly to motor shafts. This type of the blade angle correction of the wind
connection requires radial arrangement of the turbine systems
motors in relation to the axis of the turbine and
therefore increase the dimensions of the a. Simulation of fuzzy controller for the
assembly. The variant with linear motors is turbine blade angle correction to maintain the
more compact because of their positioning speed in a optimum field of values
parallel to the axis of the turbine. The
disadvantage is here that the paddle Fuzzy control system to maintain turbine
movement is broadcast via a gear (possible speed in an optimum field of values is shown
clearance, higher costs). in Figure 4.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 4 Fuzzy system to determine the optimal angle of inclination of the blades

The fuzzification of the input and output

quantities is represented in Figures 5, 6 and 7,
where the functions of states are Gauss type.

Figure 5. Input value fuzzification revolution speed of the turbine [rot/min]

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fuzzy processing base consists of 12 linguistic rules as follows:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

1. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very low) and (wind speed[m/s] is very low) then (angle of rotation[degree] is zero) (1)
2. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very low) and (wind speed[m/s] is low) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is zero) (1)
3. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very low) and (wind speed[m/s] is normal) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is very low)
4. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very low) and (wind speed[m/s] is high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is very low) (1)
5. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very low) and (wind speed[m/s] is very high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is very
low) (1)
6. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is low) and (wind speed[m/s] is very low) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is zero) (1)
7. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is low) and (wind speed[m/s] is low) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is very low) (1)
8. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is low) and (wind speed[m/s] is normal) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is very low) (1)
9. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is low) and (wind speed[m/s] is high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is low) (1)
10. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is low) and (wind speed[m/s] is very high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is low) (1)
11. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is normal) and (wind speed[m/s] is very low) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is very
low) (1)
12. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is normal) and (wind speed[m/s] is low) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is low) (1)
13. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is normal) and (wind speed[m/s] is normal) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is low) (1)
14. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is normal) and (wind speed[m/s] is high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is high) (1)
15. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is normal) and (wind speed[m/s] is very high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is high)
16. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is high) and (wind speed[m/s] is very low) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is low) (1)
17. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is high) and (wind speed[m/s] is low) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is low) (1)
18. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is high) and (wind speed[m/s] is normal) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is high) (1)
19. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is high) and (wind speed[m/s] is high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is high) (1)
20. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is high) and (wind speed[m/s] is very high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is very high)
21. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very high) and (wind speed[m/s] is very low) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is high)
22. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very high) and (wind speed[m/s] is low) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is high) (1)
23. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very high) and (wind speed[m/s] is normal) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is high)
24. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very high) and (wind speed[m/s] is high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is very high)
25. If (revolution speed[rot/min] is very high) and (wind speed[m/s] is very high) then (angle of rotation-[degree] is very
high) (1)

Figure 8. Nonlinear fuzzy function to determine the optimal inclination angle of the blades

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

b. Simulation of fuzzy controller to

compensate the positioning errors of the It has two entries, corresponding to the signals
blades angle depending on the speed from vibration transducers and speed
turbine and the RMS level of vibration transducer, two output corresponding to
control signals for fine compensate the angles
The control system to compensate the of wind turbine secondary blades.
positioning errors of the blades angle
depending on the speed turbine and the RMS
level of vibration is shown in figure 9.

Figure 9. Fuzzy control system for offset angles depending on speed and RMS level of vibration

The fuzzification of the input and output values

are shown in figure 10, 11, 12, 13.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 13. Output value fuzzification - Angle correction of blade number three

In figures 14 and 15 are represented the

nonlinear functions performed by the fuzzy
processor for compensating secondary blade
angle, depending on speed and RMS level of

Figure 14. Nonlinear function for compensating secondary blade angle

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 15. Nonlinear function for compensating number three blade angle

Bibliografie: 7. Eryilmaz B., Improved Nonlinear Modeling

and Control of Electro-Hydraulic Systems,
1. Backe W. - Steuerungs- und Schaltungstechnik, Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
Institut für hydraulische und pneumatische The Department of Mechanical, Industrial,
Antriebe und Steuerungen der RWTH, and Manufacturing Engineering,
Aachen, Germania, 1987. N o r t h e a s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y, B o s t o n ,
2. Backe W. Grundlagen der Ölhydraulik, Massachusetts, August 2000.
Umdruck zur Vorlesung RWTH Aachen, 8. 8. Fees G., Study of the static and dynamic
Auflage, Germania, 1992. properties of a highly dynamic ER servo drive,
3. Backé, W., Servohydraulik, Umdruck zur Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik, No. 1, 2001.
Vorlesung RWTH Aachen, 6. Auflage, 9. Nãºcuþiu L., Giurgea C., Concerning nominal
Germania, 1990. flow and pressure to proportional valves,
4. Bu F., Yao B., Desired Compensation Buletinul ºtiinþific al Universitãþii Politehnica
Adaptive Robust Control of Single-rod din Timiºoara, a V-a Conferinþa Internaþionalã
Electro-hydraulic Actuator, School of de Maºini Hidraulice ºi Hidrodinamica
Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, Timiºoara, octombrie 2000, ISSN-1224-6077.
West Lafayette, IN 47907. 10. Nãºcuþiu L., Deacu L., Vaida L., Raþiu C.,
5. Deacu L., Rãdulescu M., Banabic D., Raþiu Creºterea performanþelor actuatorilor
C., Tehnica hidraulicii proporþionale, Ed. electrodinamici de comandã a aparaturii
Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1989. hidraulice, Lucrãrile celui de-al III-lea
6. Deacu, L., Nãºcuþiu L., Asupra reglajului Simpozion, Metode moderne in ingineria
automat de vitezã a motoarelor hidraulice, echipamentelor hidro, 27-28 sept. 2001, Ed.
Buletin informativ HIDRAULICA, Institutul de Politehnica, ISBN973-8247-45-4, Hidrotim
cercetãri pentru hidraulicã ºi pneumaticã, S.A., Timiºoara, p. 171.
Bucureºti, 1997. 11. Nãºcuþiu L., Lageregelung von hydraulischen
Zylindern der Fertigungsmaschinen mit Hilfe
der Fuzzylogik, Arbeitsbericht, TU
Braunschweig, 2004.

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12. Nãºcuþiu L., Cercetãri ºi realizãri în vederea 15. Va i d a L . , O p r u þ a D . , N ã º c u þ i u L . ,

creºterii performanþelor statice ºi dinamice ale Implementarea pompelor si motoarelor
axelor hidraulice NC, Tezã de doctorat, Cluj- reglabile electro-hidraulice în sisteme
Napoca, 2004. informatizate de conducere a maºinilor,
13. Vaida L., Comanda proporþionalã a pompelor Lucrãrile celui de-al III-lea Simpozion, Metode
reglabile, Tezã de doctorat, Universitatea moderne în ingineria echipamentelor hidro,
Tehnicã Cluj-Napoca, 1999. 27-28 sept. 2001, Ed. Politehnica, ISBN973-
14. Vaida, L.,Nãºcuþiu, L., Deacu, L., Stand 8247-45-4, Hidrotim S.A., Timiºoara, p. 134.
experimental pentru determinarea 16. Zudor E.I., Mihalcz I., Baranyi P., Csibi V.,
caracteristicilor motoarelor hidraulice, Buletin Fuzzy Logic Control Method for a SMA Wire
informativ HIDRAULICA, Institutul de Driven Robot Mechanism, Tenth World
cercetãri pentru hidraulicã ºi pneumaticã, Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Bucureºti, 1999. ISSN/453-7303. Mechanisms, Oulu, Finland, June 20-24,
17. * * * w w w. m a t h w o r k s . c o m , M a t l a b ,
18. ***, Windturbine
19. ***, Wind power solutions

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





Dr. ing. Dragos Daniel ION GUTA*

*INOE 2000 -IHP

Abstract:Simulating the operating regime of the systems or subsystems represents an

important step in design proces. Obtaining some mathematical models, as close as possible to
the physical phenomena that are to be reproduced or improved, helps in making decisions
regarding the way of optimizing them. Benefiting from the means of process identification and
the power of computers, researchers can shorten the application development period in
several domains, by generating a solution that is close enough to reality starting from the
design phase. Introducing computers in supervising and leading processes determination the
change of the technological systems. The high degree of flexibility they offer allows the
“software optimization” of the systems.

Este greu de imaginat in prezent analiza în care x este deplasarea sertarului faþã de poziþia
unui sistem dinamic complex fara a beneficia neutrã de funcþionare; Qm debitul mediu al
de posibilitatea de a modela / simula racordurilor motorului hidraulic; Pm cãderea de
respectivul sistem. Modelarea si simularea presiune pe motorul hidraulic; pS presiunea sursei
sistemelor dinamice sunt tehnici larg utilizate de alimentare, consideratã constantã.
in analiza asistata de calculator a sistemelor,
constituind in acelasi timp un pas important in
procesul de conceptie asistata de sistemele
de calcul.
Simularea numerica a sistemelor
dinamice reprezinta procesul prin intermediul
caruia se obtin, cu ajutorul calculatorului numeric,
informatii despre comportarea in timp a marimilor
caracteristice ale sistemelor. Simularea numerica
a sistemelor dinamice permite obtinerea
informatiilor necesare privind comportarea
acestora pe baza modelelor matematice ce
descriu sistemele respetive. Pentru micsorarea Fig. 1. Sertar distribuitor pilotat Bosch NG 25
timpului necesar dezvoltarii modelelor de simulare
se pot utiliza limbaje de modelare si simulare
Se considerã un distribuitor cu centrul
inchis, cu 4 (cãi) / 3 (poziþii de lucru), cu
1. Modelarea matematica ferestre de distribuþie compuse (fig.2).
Din punct de vedere al teoriei sistemelor Aceasta varianta constructiva corespunde
automate, distribuitoarele hidraulice sunt distribuitorului NG 25 produs de firma Bosch-
amplificatoare mecanohidraulice care Rexroth. Utilizarea distribuitoarelor cu ferestre
transformã deplasarea sertarului în debit. de laminare compuse permite micºorarea
Comportarea unui astfel de echipament în factorului de amplificare in debit in jurul nulului,
regim staþionar poate fi exprimatã prin relaþia: mãrind stabilitatea servomecanismului din
care face parte.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 2.a Sertarul etajului de putere al distribuitorului NG 25 Bosch-Rexroth

Fig. 2.b Geometria ferestrelor de distribuþie ale sertarului principal NG 25

Caracteristicile geometrice ansamblului Variatia ariei orificiilor distribuitorului in

bucºã - sertar sunt: D=2R diametrul sertarului raport cu deschiderea acestuia este
principal; d = 2r - diametrul fereastrelor de prezentatã în figura 3. Domeniul I reprezinta
distribuþie circulare ; a lãþimea ferestrelor de zona in care curgerea se realizeaza prin
distribuþie dreptunghiulare ; b lungimea ferestrele dreptunghiulare (in jurul nulului) iar
ferestrelor de distributie dreptunghiulare. Se domeniul II corespunde curgerii prin cele doua
introduc urmãtoarele notaþii : ferestre de distributie (aria dreptunghiulara ºi
aria cvasieliptica formata prin intersectia a
doua corpuri cilindrice).



Legea de variatie a ariei de curgere in

funcþie de cursa sertarului este:

Fig. 3. Variatia ariei orificiilor în funcþie de deplasarea

(4) relativa dintre sertar si bucsa

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Corespunzãtor acestei curbe, evoluþia 2.Simularea numerica a distribuitoarelor

debitului în funcþie de tensiunea de comandã a cu gradient de arie variabil
pilotului distribuitorului are aspectul din figura Pentru analiza comportarii distribuitoarelor
4. cu gradient de arie variabil s-a utilizat mediul de
programare cu interfaþã grafica AMESIM-

Fig. 4. Variaþia debitului în funcþie de

tensiunea de comanda Fig. 5. Ansamblu bucºa-sertar al distribuitorului NG-25
simulat cu programul AMESIM
Caracteristica de regim staþionar a
distribuitorului este: Pentru elaborarea modelelor de simulare
s-au utilizat simboluri standardizate specifice
sistemelor de acþionare hidraulicã, predefinite
(5) în bibliotecile programului. Datorita structurii
bietajate a distribuitorului analizat au fost
elaborate doua modele de simulare.
Pentru cele doua domenii de functionare,
debitul se calculeazã cu relaþiile :

Factorul de amplificare in debit depinde de
domeniul de funcþionare :

Fig. 6. Caracteristica staticã a etajului

de putere Q(I)
Coeficientul debit-presiune se calculeazã Pentru determinarea caracteristicii statice
cu relaþiile: a etajului de putere a fost realizat un model
relativ simplu, rolul acestuia fiind numai de a
confirma dependenta dintre aria de curgere a
ferestrelor de distributie si pozitia sertarului,
stabilitã mai sus. Caracteristicile funcþionale
(8) ale distribuitorului corespund distribuitorului
4WRLE32V-1000M3X/G24KO/A1M produs
de concernul BOSCH-REXROTH [111].

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Caracteristica obþinutã este prezentatã în

figura 6. ºi indicã legãtura dintre debitul
etajului de putere, Q [l/min] ºi curentul de
comandã al pilotului, I [mA].

Fig. 7. Caracteristica universalã a etajului de putere al distribuitorului,

Q(I, Pm) alimentat la ps=40 bar

Pentru a realiza simularea numericã a

comportarii distribuitorului bietajat a fost
realizat modelul din figura 8. Acesta include
modelul anterior, modelul etajului pilot din
biblioteca mediului de simulare, doua drosele
de amortizare corespunzãtoare circuitelor de
comandã, sursa de presiune, rezervorul si
elementele legãturii de reacþie. Cele doua
drosele dispuse intre distribuitorul pilot si cel
pilotat au un rol esential in stabilizarea
sistemului, evidenþiat ºi de diagramele
obtinute prin simulare. Caracteristicile statice
ºi dinamice ale servovalvei pilot corespund
distribuitorului proporþional de mare vitezã
4WRPEH produs de concernul BOSCH-
Fig. 8. Reþeaua de simulare numericã a distribuitorului NG 25

Fig. 9. Evoluþia deplasãrii sertarului pilotului în

absenþa droselelor de amortizare pentru diferite
semnale de comandã : 20, 40, 60, 80 ºi 100% din Un

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 10. Evoluþia debitului etajului de putere în absenþa droselelor de amortizare pentru
diferite semnale de comandã : 20, 40, 60, 80 ºi 100% din Un

Fig. 11. Evoluþia deplasãrii sertarului pilotului în prezenþa droselelor de amortizare pentru
diferite semnale de comandã : 20, 40, 60, 80 ºi 100% din Un

Fig. 12. Evoluþia în timp a debitului etajului de putere la trepte de comanda

de 20, 40, 60, ºi 80 % din Un

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 13. Rãspunsul distribuitorului bietajat la semnal de comanda sinusoidal cu

frecvenþa de 1 Hz ºi amplitudinea de 25, 50, 75, 100% din Un (10 V)

Fig. 14. Evoluþia debitului etajului de putere la semnal sinusoidal cu frecvenþa de

1 Hz ºi amplitudinea de 25% din Un (în zona in care se modificã gradientul de arie)

3. Concluzii
Deoarece rezultatele simulãrilor 1. BoschRexrothGroup -
numerice corespund informaþiilor furnizate de 2. Catanã, I., Vasiliu, D., Vasiliu, N. Acþionãri
producãtor, modelul dezvoltat cu ajutorul hidraulice ºi electrohidraulice - Aplicaþii. Institutul
programului AMESIM poate fi utilizat pentru Politehnic Bucureºti, 1993.
dezvoltarea unor retele de simulare/modelare 3. Catanã, I., Vasiliu, D., Vasiliu, N. Reglarea
a servomecanismelor ce au in componenta lor maºinilor de forþã. Universitatea POLITEHNICA
distribuitoare cu gradient de arie variabil. Bucureºti, 1995.
4 . C a t a n ã , I . , Va s i l i u , D . , Va s i l i u , N .
Servomecanisme electrohidraulice. Universitatea
POLITEHNICA Bucureºti, 1996.
5. Cãlinoiu, C., Vasiliu N., Vasiliu D., Catanã I.,
Modelarea, simularea ºi identificarea
experimentalã a servomecanismelor hidraulice,
Editura Tehnicã, Bucureºti, 1998.
6. Isbãºoiu, E.C., Georgescu, S.C. Mecanica
Fluidelor. Editura Tehnicã, Bucureºti, 1995.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




Ing. Aurel ZAPCIU

INCDMTM, Sos. Pantelimon 6-8, Bucuresti, E-mail:[email protected]

Abstract: The carrying out of the system helps super-abrasives producers to improve their
technology by offering data on the influence that impurities have on the raw material, on the un-
controlled incensement, on the shape, brightness imperfections, preferential cleavage planes,
on the fragility and, implicitly, on the resistance to compression.
The system offers a new dynamic resistance to compression checking that is aimed at
covering the real demands within the industrial practice.
The checking stand is made up of a body on which the compression mechanism is placed.
This is composed from 2 squeegees (a fixed one and one placed on a mobile skid) that circulate
in opposite senses and are acted by a snail motoreducer. Between the squeegees, syntethic
diamond crystals enter undifferentiated that purge the mobile squeegee that is in contact with a
force cell by means of the skid.
The electrical signal obtained is amplified by means of an acquisition plate and is being
processed by the electronic computer that outputs, by using a dedicated soft, the medium
compression resistance of the controlled diamond crystal lot.

Keywords: Dynamic behavior, compression, extrahard materials.

1. INTRODUCERE cantitatea de granule sparte care se

Sistemul performant pentru verificarea raporteaza la cantitatea de granule intregi.
comportãrii dinamice a materialelor extradure aceasta metoda ofera numai un raspuns
este destinat pentru verificarea celei mai calitativ in ceea ce priveste rezistenta la
importante caracteristici ale diamantelor compresiune.
sintetice si anume rezistenta la compresiune Metoda si instalatia dezvoltata este
in vederea clasificarii cristalelor pe grupe de originala si urmeaza a fi brevetata, timpul
utilizare in functie de materialul de prelucrat. necesar experimentarilor se reduce foarte
mult, este exclusa subiectivitatea prin
2. CUPRINS interventia umana, softul si utilizarea
In prezent la singurul producator de calculatorului electronic ofera o imagine
materiale superabrazive din Romania si obiectiva prin utilizarea spargerii dinamice
Europa centrala si de sud-est, SC RAMI care se apropie de conditiile reale din timpul
DACIA SA Bucuresti, controlul din punct de aschierii folosind scule care inglobeaza
vedere al rezistentei la compresiune al materiale superabrazive.
superabrazivilor se face spargand granula cu Realizarea „Sistemului performant pentru
granula folosind o presa hidraulica, masurand verificarea comportãrii dinamice a
forta de spargere in mod static, rezultatele materialelor extra dure utilizate în industria
unui lot de diamante prelucrandu-se dificil si in materialelor de construcþii ºi a prelucrãrii
timp indelungat si in final incertitudinea de metalelor”, vine în întâmpinarea cerinþelor
masurare este mare. singurului producãtor român de superabrazivi
O alta metoda care se practica pe plan uzina RAMI -DACIA Bucureºti, de a se alinia
european si international consta in spargerea din punct de vedere calitativ la nivelul mondial
unei cantitati de diamante intr-o moara cu bile atins în domeniu.
prin vibrare si masurandu-se procentual
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Sistemul performant pentru verificarea Aceastã calitate este proprie cristalelor

comportãrii dinamice a materialelor extradure friabile.
poate fi utilizat in cadrul fluxului de fabricatie a Prelucrarea sticlei ºi ceramicii necesitã
produselor de tip superabraziv la RAMI DACIA diamante cu tenacitate mai ridicatã ºi cu multe
Bucuresti dar si la fabricantii de produse muchii ascuþite, astfel încât prin indentarea
abrazive, la institute tehnice de invatamant materialului sã provoace pulverizarea ºi
superior pentru incercare si testare de antrenarea acestuia.
materiale de tip abraziv si superabraziv. În ceea ce priveºte debitarea rocilor dure,
Dupa brevetarea instalatiei se poate oferi sau a betoanelor, aceasta are loc în condiþii de
si la export , proiectul aducandu-si astfel sfãrâmare a cristalelor minerale dure dar ºi
contributia la recunoasterea internationala a friabile. Pentru aceasta sunt necesare, în
contributiei romanesti la dezvoltarea acest caz, cristalele cele mai tenace ºi
tehnologiei de masura si control. rezistente la abraziune.
Rezistenta mecanica constituie cel mai Cele enunþate mai sus sugereazã gama
important parametru, stând la baza definirii largã de aplicaþii ce nu pot fi proprii unei
claselor de utilizare a pulberilor de diamant singure categorii de cristale. Programele de
sintetic, funcþie de gradul de tenacitate sintezã au fost profilate special pentru a
(respectiv de friabilitate). Rezistenþa este de satisface toate aceste cerinþe cu privire la
douã tipuri distincte : rezistenþa mecanicã la tenacitate ºi friabilitate.
ºoc (S.U.A.) ºi rezistenþa mecanicã la Fiecare producãtor are caracteristici
compresiune staticã (statele foste C.S.I.). proprii de împãrþire a sorturilor de diamante,
Rezistenþa mecanicã la ºoc, a cãrei funcþie de clase. Producãtorul român, DACIA,
metodologie a fost elaboratã de General este destul de adaptat cerinþelor de proces,
Electric (denumitã FRIATEST) se determinã criteriului de bazã fiind friabilitatea.
prin raportul de spãrturi (ce trec prin sita
granulaþiei nominale) rezultate în urma agitãrii 2.1 Constructia sistemului
unei cantitãþi de pulbere date într-o moarã cu Produsul se refera la constructia unui
bile. stand pentru verificarea rezistentei la
Indicele de friabilitate depinde de compresiune a granulelor de superabraziv
dimensiuni, formã, defecte ºi impuritãþi, iar utilizate in industria materialelor de constructii
indicele de tenacitate este: si a prelucrarii metalelor.
Proiectul reprezinta o lucrare complexa
IT = 100 IF. (1) deoarece presupune cunostinte
Rezistenþa mecanicã la compresiune multidisciplinare de natura fizica-mecanica a
staticã se mãsoarã pentru fiecare granulaþie, comportarii materialelor, cunostinte de
pe minimum 50 granule, iar prelucrarea inginerie mecanica si de automatizare si
datelor se face statistic. informatica prin includerea unui soft
Trebuie subliniat cã sinteza diamantului specializat.
nu urmãreºte exclusiv realizarea de diamante Lucrarea are la baza principiul spargerii
cât mai perfecte ºi tenace. Cerinþele granulelor de material care intra cu o orientare
prelucrãrii prin abraziune impun combinaþii de aleatorie intre valturile unui minilaminor
la caz la caz, în funcþie de caracteristicile asupra caruia se pot regla distanta
materialului de prelucrat. De exemplu, micrometric intre cilindri, forta de spargere
materialele cu duritate mare (c.m.s.) ºi fiind preluata prin intermediul unui traductor de
tenacitate apreciabilã nu pot fi prelucrate cu forta si inregistrata pe un calculator electronic
diamante bloc, acestea consumându-se fãrã urmand prelucrarea statistica a datelor
a putea preleva din material. Acest fapt obligã obtinute si interpretarea lor ( fig. 1, fig. 2a,b, fig.
utilizarea de granule cu cât mai multe colþuri 3)
ascuþite. Acestea se vor rupe repede, oferind Calculul fortei se bazeaza pe relatia:
cât mai multe muchii ºi colþuri vii “pe mãsura F=k. Äx (2)
uzurii”, fiind capabile practic sã se autoascutã.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Unde k este constanta elastica a celulei

de forta
Äx este deplasarea datorata
rezistentei la spargerea cristalului de
diamant sintetic
Programul a fost scris in limbajul C++
folosind mediul integrat Microsoft VC 6.0.
Functiile programului sunt:
- achizitie date primare
- determinare valoare maxima in cadrul
fiecarei perioade - se considera perioada
timpul necesar unei rotatii ;
Figura 1. Stand de incercari la compresiune
- reprezentare grafica a valorilor
- determinarea curbei Gauss
Instalatia se compune dintr-un batiu (1) pe
care se afla mecanismul de compresiune
format din doi cilindri care se rotesc antagonic
prin intermediul unui motoreductor melcat.
Distanta dintre cilindri se poate regla
micrometric cu ajutorul unui surub cu pas fin
plasat in spatele mesei mobile. Granulele de
superabraziv intra intre valturi (2) in mod
aleator in ritm de 1 buc./sec.,este preluat de a)
cilindri si comprimate pana la spargere.
Forta de compresiune impinge partea
centrala a unei celule de forta (4)ce ce
dezechilibreaza o punte Winston . Semnalul
este amplificat de amplificatorul (6),este
preluat de placa de achizitie (7) si prelucrat de
calculator, care face prelucrarea statistica a
rezultatelor ,traseaza curba Gauss si
calculeaza forta medie de compresiune. b)
Standul de incercari se prezinta intr-o Figura 2 a -b Stand de incercari la compresiune
constructie compacta, robusta, foloseste ( vedere partea de antrenare si compresiune)
tehnica informatizata in achizitia si prelucrarea
datelor, interventia factorului uman fiind

Figura 4 Schema bloc a legaturilor

Figura 3 Pagina de achizitii date
intre componentele electronice

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

1. batiu realizat in constructie sudata - modernizarea operaþiilor de control ºi

2. motoreductor de antrenare role din c.m.s. inspecþie;
cu urmatoarele caracteristici : - obiectivizarea operaþiilor de control prin
- putere 0,25 kW automatizarea procesului de control ºi
- turatie. 23 rot/min utilizarea tehnicii de calcul;
3. subansamblu mecanic de antrenare si - reducerea consumurilor energetice ºi
spargere a cristalelor din superabrazivi materiale; reducerea numãrului de rebuturi;
4. celula de forta cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - diminuarea importurilor de aparate
- alimentare curent de excitatie 5 V similare;
- forta max. de masurat 150 daN. -extinderea accesului la informare prin
- sensibilitate 2 mV/ V dezvoltarea sistemului de diseminare de
- eroare de masurare ± 0,5% informaþii;
5. placa de legaturi tip PCLD-8710 -pãstrarea contactului între unitãþi cu profil
6 . amplificator de semnal tip ADAM- 3016 de cercetare-dezvoltare ºi unitãþi cu profil de
7. placa de achizitie tip PCI-1711 producþie.
8. calculator electronic PC minim -procesor 2.4 BIBLIOGRAFIE
600 MHz 1. Coes Jr., L.“Abrasives”, Springer Verlag, 1971
- memorie RAM 128 2. Berman, R.“Physical properties of diamond”,
- soft specific pentru prelucrarea date Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1965
3. Dimitrov ºi colectiv, B.“Ridicarea productivitãþii ºi
2.2 Caracteristici tehnice creºterea eficienþei ºi economice prin utilizarea
superabrazivilor sintetici”, I.N.I.D., 1984
4. Gheorghiu, Z.“Cercetãri privind otimizarea
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ajutorul sculelor cu materiale extradure”, I.C.P.M.F.
Bucureºti, 1991
5. Holliday, L.“Composite Materials”, Elsevier
Publishing Company, New York
6. Marinescu, I. D.“Diamantul ºi aplicaþiile lui”, Ed.
Tehnicã, 1985
7. Martin, J. S.;“Verbrauch an Diamant und CBN
KörnungenJuchem, H. O.steigt stetig”, Industrie
Diamant Rundschun,vol. 23, 1989
8. Smith, N. R.“Industrial Application of the
Diamond”, Hutchinsion of London, 1975
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”,M.I.C.M. D.I.D., 1976
Realizarea ºi aplicarea rezultatelor 10. Balfour, A. M.“Amber Boron Nitride metal
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- adaptãrii activitãþii unitãþilor economice Centre, Berkshire, England, 1990
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-mijloacelor de încercare, mãsurare ºi Electric Company, S.U.A., 1991
analizã ºi implementarea acestora în 12. De Beers Industrial“Product Chart”, Shanon,
producþie pentru a permite evaluarea precisã Conty Clare Ireland, 1991
a caracteristicilor produselor, în condiþiile 13. Juchem, H. O;“Abrasives Boron Nitride und
unui preþ competitiv ºi în condiþiile s e i n e z u h n e m e n d e n C o o l e y, B . A
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performanþelor metrologice cerute de UE.
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Division M 27, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1990
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Praxisergebnisse”, De Beers Industrial
22. *** “Triefus Co”, Catalog de Firmã, Anglia
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Kennametal, 1997
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Victor BALASOIU*; Ilare BORDEASU*; Mircea Octavian POPOVICIU*

“Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania

Tel: (+40256403681); (+0726760207) Fax: (+40256403682),
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

The cavitation phenomena which occurring in hydraulic machinery and hydraulic
equipments ,is for many years a research topic, which lead to great running improvements of
the hydraulic systems. Cavitation occurs in some elements of hydraulic drive devices as a
result of great increases of the flow velocity. In distributors it represents the major limits the
possibility to reduce the flow capacity beyond some values.
The initiation and the development of the cavitation in hydraulic drive systems present some
particularities originated both in the liquid employed (especially mineral oil) and the severe
running conditions. The cavitation erosion is generally not a very stressing factor. On the other
hand, as a result of important modifications in the characteristics of the working fluid, when the
pressure decreases (increasing of the gas and steam content) the running of the system is
heavily disturbed.
Having as a start point in general the definition of cavitation coefficients for the directional
valves with cylindrical spools. For this definition, there were taken into account all the important
aspects of the flow geometry and the elements depending on the fluid nature.
By attentive examinations of the flow through the specific hydraulic resistance it was
established a relation to obtain the cavitation reserve of the system.
Key words :cavitation erosion, distributors, hydraulic systems

1. The cavitation phenomenon in The distributor hydraulic track is

distribution section distributor body - characterized by the distributor body-spool
spool valve valve geometry, and different type of spool
valves geometry. For studying the cavitation
The hydraulic resistance describe regime in hydraulic resistance distributor
hydraulic system elements with diverse body-spool valve , the research had focus to
functional role, and the diversity of type determine energetic spectrum of analyse
construction assures the purpose for their cavitation effect among the hydraulic
role. The majority of hydraulic resistance distribution apparatus [6].
works by strangle the flow vein . From this
reason the cavitation phenomena can occurs
during with increasing speed and the different
pressure values in different points of the
hydraulic resistance.
In hydraulic distribution apparatus, the
cavitation phenomenon occurs in case of
command resistance with small aperture,
where the speed will be increased , and from
Bernoulli equation results that the pressure
drops in the case when exists a big drop of Fig.1. Electrohydraulic distributor
pressure on the command resistance.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In a series of anatomization Numachi The spool-valve distributor its

broach the problem of cavitation inside Venturi characterized by Martin and Wiggert [2] as
tubes and inside the diaphragm to determine being made of several hydraulic resistance,
the cavitation start moment ,by using the which works at high pressure and increasing
relation: speed. The most important is high speed jet
(1) with circular form, which appears at the exit of
adjusting slit through cylindrical room and the
exit circuit of apparatus.(Fig 2). If the jet is free
The initiation and the development of the for small apertures and two-dimensional flow
cavitation inside the hydraulic servo valve with model, it will reach to a value for flow coefficient
cylindrical spool valve is possible due to local Cd of 0.673, and a 69° in ratio with spool-
flowing conditions ,which can occurs by valve axis, calculated by McCloy and Martin in
increasing the speed and lowering the 1973 [3] and Raszga [6].
pressure and it is characterized through the In distributors with cylinder spool-valves
cavitation coefficient [1, 2,3,5,6,7,8]. (fig.1)can be notice two types of incipient
Where: p2 pressure on the strangled cavitation correlated to free or attached jet. In
section , pv the vaporization pressure of the case of attached jet can be notice a cavitation
liquid, v0 the reference medium speed to input. development along wall and the cavitation
Numachi ,starting from the definition relation of bubbles appears due to increased friction
the flow rate coefficient, he determine by tension near to wall, that leads to a liquid break
experimental the coefficient : and appearance of new liquid-gas interface.
For free jet cavitation appears in case
when the pressure from the exit room drops
(2) below a limit value, but it can be also higher
than the value of vaporisation pressure of the
employed liquid.
Where: Ck - flow coefficient in cavitation The development of cavitation in
regime Qk - flow of the cavitation regime ,p1k ,p2k distributors with cylindrical spool-valve can be
input and output pressure in cavitation regime. identified by recording dynamical values,
In figure 1. its shown the flow coefficient in the which are pulsating pressure in the exit room of
commission with the value of the cavitation circular jet, which represent a different noise
coefficient . from the turbulent jet, to be distinguished in
energetic spectrum of measured values.
Martin and Wiggert [4]. Due to
development conditions of phenomenal and
assumed measurements for experimental
appliance. The type of cavitation that appear is
developed cavitation, not a gas cavitation that
appears in other author's works incriminated.
Fig. 2

Fig. 3

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Point out the presence of dissolved air in

10% has a reduced effect due to short time of (8)
existence of cavity in case of cavitation
implosion. But they are responsible whit
forming of air bubble with high dimensions Reporting to section ”x” :
which can affect system dynamics.
2. Determination for general
expression of cavitation coefficient in case
for a distributor with cylindric spool-valve. (10)
If we consider the structure of hydraulic
trace for a distributor with cylindric spool- Similar to cavitation coefficient [1,6,7,8] ,the
valve, in maximum speed assumption, local loosing coefficient signify the energetic
respective lower pressure, appears near to looses which emerge on trace of the hydraulic
minimal section of trace from the adjusting slit distributor with cylindrical spool valve, due to
area. (Point M from fig.3) strong perturbation geometrical structure of
Making use by cavitation coefficient of the speed field of the inner hydraulic trace.
distribution section, ratio to input section we The major loose it take place in adjusting slit
obtain: area with x opening. At the slit output appears
a drown annular jet in the exit room (“A” or “2”) .
In fig. 4 is represented the spectrum of
current lines on the all considered domain,
and in fig. 5 we have represented a detailed
The energetic loses therm can be write flow structure in adjusting split area. Inquiring
starting from the equation of energy transfer, to the energy transfer equation between section
take into account that the hydraulic loses are “0” and “f” the local energetic losses
preponderant due to perturbation of speed coefficient æ0M that appear on hydraulic trace
field. with cylindrical spool valve becomes:
Reference to entrance section we obtain:

The distributor cavitation coefficient became:

The reserved cavitation coefficient in all
matters of connote, marking out the difference
between cavitation coefficient of installation
and the cavitation coefficient of device
(apparatus) hydraulic distributor . Long time
Reporting the difference of pressure between as the value of reserved cavitation coefficient
in and out, we take input section as reference: is positive , the regime of work remain
cavitation free.
In the moment when the value of reserved
cavitation coefficient is null, the working
(6) cavitation regime is incipient , and in one point
from the hydraulic trace the pressure drops
enough to make possible the air bubble
for output section considered as reference: emerge, and the liquid break and the gas
vapour development is high enough .

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3. Conclusion
In this working regime and only now, the value Elaborated documentation about studied
of cavitation coefficient of device is equally phenomenon the cavitation phenomenon in
numeric with value of cavitation coefficient of the hydraulic distributor spool valve ,allow
the distributor , although they differ as analytic knowledge from theoretical research and
relations .From analytic point of view , the experimental ,and offer the based elements for
characterization of free cavitation regime of extend knowledge of phenomenon. To
incipient, developed and industrial cavitation accentuate the existence of cavitation
and super cavitation it is realised. Practical phenomenon inside the acting hydraulic
knowledge of coefficients values is difficult by installation ,which works usually with mineral
using local values characteristic flowing field oil ,and especially in case of distributor with
through distributor spool valve .The all spool valve, it was accomplished by
definition for cavitation coefficient ,in particular experimental way and deduced with numerical
for distributor with cylindrical spool valve ,was way by using calculus software with method of
started from rigorous definition of cavitation finite element. Correlation of experimental
regime and cavitation coefficient. result by Anton I [1], Martin and Wiggert [4, 5]
with indicated numerical results by Th. Gaurer
[3, 5],Toshiyuki [7], Bernd and Muntean [2, 7].
Acknowlegments To determine an analytic numerical relation
The presented work has been supported from even approximated it is necessary if we want
the National University Research Council to describe the initiation and cavitation
Grant CNCSIS-IDEI nr.35/68/2007 and CNMP phenomenon effect in operation of the
1467/21047/2007 distributors with spool valve.
Bibliography :
1. Anton, I. (1985), Cavitatia , Vol II, Ed. Academiei Romaniei, Bucuresti,
2. Bernad, I. S. (2005), Hidrodinamica echipamentelor de reglare pentru actionari hidraulice,
Editura Orizonturi Universitare, Timisoara, pp.156, ISBN: 973-638-249-4,
3. Berg, H. (1968) - Kavitation in erosion korrosion in hidrostatic gertriben, Olhydraulic und
Pneumatik, (22), nr.12, pp.890-896,
4. Gerald,C.F.,Wheatley.P.O.,(1994), Applied numerical Analysis, Edition Hardcover,
ISBN:13.9780201565539, pp.536,
5. Martin, C.S., Medlarz, S., Wiggert,D.C., Brennen, C. (1981), Cavitation Inception in Spool
Valves, Journal Fluids Engineering, ASME, Vol 103 (4), pp564-576, ISSN: 0098-2202,
6. Raszga, C., (1998)..The Cavitation of phenomenal in the distribution of cilynder sertar,
Doctoral Degree Thesis,
7. Toshiuki, H., Cheng, P., Hayashi, S. (1993) Numerical Analysis of Transient Flow Through
a Spool Valve, Reports. Inst. Fluid Sciences, Tohoku Univ, pp.123-133, ISSN:0916287,
8. D. Opruta - Optimizarea constructiva a comportarii statice si dinamice a aparatelor de
comanda a energiei hidraulice, Teza de doctorat, Universitatea Tehnica Cluj- Napoca, 1998.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




Patricia Khan, Britta S. Boettcher, Elmar Dorgeloh
Development and Assessment Institute in Waste Water Technology
at RWTH Aachen University (PIA e.V.), Germany
Following Romania's accession to the The conformity of a construction product with
European Union, numerous areas of the these technical specifications must be
Romanian legislature have been extensively approved of with a certificate of conformity,
adjusted to the European law. It is especially where the following bodies are involved:
important to implement new rules and
standards in the infrastructure domain, in 1. Certification authority
which a very high level of catching up The certification authority is a governmental or
regarding the completion as well as the non-governmental impartial body, which has
necessity of a quality improvement is the necessary competence and responsibility
noticeable. This is why extensive efforts and to issue the certification of conformity.
investments will be necessary to reach the 2. Inspection agency
required European standards. For the The impartial inspection agency overlooks the
immaculate function of the techniques and effectivity of the in-house quality control and
materials required to reach the European administrates the selection and evaluation of
standards, they need to be tested according to construction products on the construction site
European criteria and standards. The or in the factory.
European Union's directives for construction 3. Testing institute
products 89/106/EWG and machinery The impartial testing institute determines the
characteristics and/or the capacity of
2006/42/EG are to be considered prominently. construction products.
The goal of these directives is to remove A system for the certification of conformity
obstructions hindering the joint sale of corresponding to the directive for construction
products does not yet exist for wastewater
products, to relieve the entry to the Single treatment products in Romania. From the
European Market for manufacturers as well as Romanian side, the wish was expressed to set
up such a system in Romania for
to achieve high levels of market transparency.
environmental construction products, with an
According to the construction products emphasis on material testing. Whilst it can be
directive, construction products may only be assumed that the requirements for the setup of
a certification authority and an inspection
brought into circulation if specific technical
agency are satisfied, extensive work remains
specifications are adhered to, which are to be done for the construction of a testing
usually defined within the product-specific, institute.
harmonised European Union's standards.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

This includes the establishment of the In Romania, 5 to 6 million people, which

exact testing areas, the determination of an makes up ca. 50% of the population, still live in
appropriate location and the planning and rural areas despite the land-city migrations of
building of the testing institute. Within the the past few years.
scope of a Romanian-German cooperation, a In these areas, an access to the public
testing institute for environmental construction sewerage systems is often disproportionately
products shall be founded in Romania under expensive and connected with technical
the supervision of the joint venture of the difficulties. Here, decentralised systems seem
Romanian partner IHP and the German to be an appropriate solution. For the
partner PIA e.V.. Whilst the main advantage of most part, they offer the most economical
such a testing institute would be the alternative and can achieve cleaning
accelerated realisation of the European capacities comparable to centralised
building and environmental directives for wastewater treatment plants.
Romania, Germany can expect two positive It is assumed that the testing can be financed
effects in the long run. On one hand, it would through testing assignments. Continual
be ensured that Romanian products would extensions of the testing areas are strived for,
comply with the same quality criteria as in so as to cover the current demand for testing
Germany. environmental construction products. In the
Thus the sale and competition of long run, the construction of a professional
products not adhering to the proper EU- testing institute with diverse testing sites for
standards in Germany can be averted. On the environmental construction products
other hand, the capacity shortage of German according to European standards is planned,
testing institutes, resulting also from the amongst others with a testing field for small
testing of East European products, can be wastewater treatment plants for East
compensated by a Romanian testing institute. European products.
In the countries of Central and Eastern
Europe, the portion of inhabitants living in rural
areas is relatively high.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The foundation shall be realised in the

following steps:
1. Determination of the Testing Areas of the
Te s t i n g I n s t i t u t e f o r E n v i r o n m e n t a l
Construction Products
To determine these testing areas it is essential
to know which legal-political developments are
to be expected in Romania's construction and
environment sector. In this regard, a
perspective plan containing these
developments shall be requested from the
Romanian ministry for construction. On the
basis of this plan, it will be decided which
testing areas appear to make sense in the
future and with which means they can be
2. Localisation of an Appropriate Site for a
Te s t i n g I n s t i t u t e f o r E n v i r o n m e n t a l
Construction Products
The bulk of the tests according to the
harmonised standards for construction
products are conceivably not tied to one
location, so that to what extent the IHP already
has infrastructure to operate tests and which
further measures need to be taken remains to
be clarified.
3. Setup and Operation of the Testing Institute
for Environmental Construction Products
The foundation of a testing institute for
environmental construction products in
Romania shall be based on the preliminary
examinations. The communication on a
political level in Romania is ensured through
the cooperation partner IHP. The first testing
activities will probably initially concentrate on
the testing of watertightness and stability of
small wastewater treatment plant tanks
according to the harmonised standard EN
12566, which is based on the PIA's

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009
Matem. Ing. RÃDULESCU Gabriel*; Drd Ing. RÃDOI Radu*; Ing. MIHAI Niculaie*
*INOE 2000-IHP
This article presents considerations about the technique of linearization of some systems
studied in practice, which are generally nonlinear. There can be found a formulation of stability
requirements for linear systems, criteria and areas of stability, in the end is presented an
application that uses Hurwitz criterion.

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1. Mihai Emilian Popescu - “Stabilitatea si
stabilizarea sistemelor dinamice”, Ed.
Tehnicã, 2009;
2. Marin V., Marin Al. - “Sisteme hidraulice
automate”, Ed. Tehnicã, 1988;
3. Vasiliu N., Drumea P., Vasiliu D., Marin Al. -
"Cercetãri teoretice ºi experimentale
asupra dinamicii amplificatoarelor
electrohidraulice proporþionale",
Conferinþa Naþionalã de Energeticã,
Bucureºti, 1988;
4. Mircea Comes, Andrei Drumea, Adrian
Mirea, Gabriela Matache - „Intelligent
servohydraulic device for the control of the
motion”, ISSE 2001 , Cãlimãneºti
–Cãciulata , România.
5. Rãdulescu, G.,Drumea, P., Marin, Al.,
Matache, G., – Calculul timpului de
rãspuns al sistemului hidraulic al
regulatorului de turbinã – Tehnologii
moderne, calitate, restructurare,
Conferinþa Internaþionalã de Comunicãri
ªtiinþifice TMCR 2001, Chiºinãu
6. Studiul privind tipurile componentelor
mecatronice– realizat de INOE 2000 - IHP
in cadrul lucrarii - Cercetãri avansate în
domeniul componentelor mecatronice de
execuþie în scopul ridicãrii performanþelor
ºi diversificãrii sistemelor utilizabile în
acþionarea electrohidraulicã.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





Alexandru Marin, [email protected] - ALMA ENGINEERING Ltd., Bucharest, Romania

Dan C. Badea, [email protected] - CCMMM, Bucharest, Romania
Ioan Plotog, [email protected] - University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania


The present paper makes a critical analyze of the concept of Total Innovation Management – TIM,
with respect to the novelty of this approach, to its domain of validity and to the present degree of its
implementation in the real economic systems. Consequently, the authors proposed an original and
simple mathematical model for assessing the innovative potential and offered certain practical
correlations between human resources utilization “efficiency” and the number of patent application,
considered as the output of the innovative production. We have also analyzed some specific data
for the Romanian country profile, with the purpose of highlighting the relative strengths and
weaknesses in innovation performance and its main drivers of innovation growth.

Briefly speaking, the three above mentioned

Introduction axis are: activities, people, time-space, all of
these being, in fact, the human and material
The concept of Total Innovation Management resources and the way to organize them for
– TIM is desired to be a very modern and running successfully an economic activity.
comprehensive one (Xu, 2007 and Li, 2008). TIM is defined as the reinvention and
The scientific approach is alike in “mechanics” management of an innovation value network
problems, when the position of a material that dynamically integrates the conception,
particle is identified in a Cartesian reference strategy, technology (including IT base),
system O-xyz by its spatial coordinates. So, a structure and business process, culture, and
first axis regards the innovation in all human people at all levels of an organization. TIM
activities, technological and non-technological aims to enhance the innovation competence of
ones, at the level of strategies, culture, the company, create value for stakeholders,
organization, market etc. The second axis take and sustain competitive advantage (Xu, 2007).
into account the innovation process at the level Without denying the value of this new
of all persons implicated in the specific concept of TIM, mainly drawing on innovation
processes of enhancing firms competences. theory, as well as on two distinct areas of
Third axis considers innovation in every time recent research: core competence theory and
period of activity and at all organization levels complexity theory, there are several difficult to
of a company. In this moment, it is important to implement theoretical and policy implications.
mention that this approach is relative non- As declared in intentions, TIM seems to be a
scientific and not so rigorous, because the “journey”, not a “destination”, towards
variables are empirical and dimensional non- enhanced firm competence, a rather long-
homogeneous ones. term, competence-based management
philosophy for achieving sustainable
competitive advantage involving all people at
every aspect and level of organization at all
time and across all space.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The associated ideas of synergy and The European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS)
holistic approach, well fitted for explaining the has been published annually since 2001 to
sudden transitions and the discontinuities in track and benchmark the relative innovation
the nowadays economical processes, performance of EU Member States. For the
determined us to settle some rationale EIS 2008 (EIS, 2008), the methodology has
evaluations of the major components of the been revised and the number of dimensions
TIM framework. was increased to 7 and it were grouped into 3
Focusing on our geographical area and main blocks covering enablers, firm activities
because Romania became a member of and outputs (see FIG. 1).
European Union since January 2007, we think
is useful to present some factors, that strongly
influence innovation performance.

Fig. 1: Dimensions of innovation performance captured in the eis

It is considered that the above described The patent holder has the legal
dimensions form the core of national authority to exclude others from commercially
innovation performance. In addition, there are exploiting the invention (for a limited time
wider socio-economic factors that influence period). In return for the ownership rights, the
innovation, such as the role of governments, applicant must disclose information relating to
markets, social factors and the demand and the invention for which protection is sought.
acceptance of innovation. These factors and The disclosure of the information is thus an
their relationship with innovation performance important aspect of the patenting system. A
have been explored in various EIS thematic patent is a policy instrument intended to
papers (EIS, 2008). encourage the making of inventions and the
Patents are an intellectual property right subsequent innovative work that will put those
issued by authorized bodies to inventors to inventions to practical use; it is also expected
make use of and exploit their inventions for a to procure information about the invention for
limited period of time (generally 20 years). the rest of the industry and the public
Patents are granted to firms, individuals or generally.
other entities as long as the invention is novel,
non-obvious and industrially applicable.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

By providing a legal framework for Conceptual frame and critical aspects of

protecting inventions, the patent system has the new paradigm of Total Innovation
an important influence on economic Management
performance by stimulating innovation that
increases productivity. Patents are a key TIM is an emerging paradigm that
measure of innovation output, as patent incorporates important contributions from
indicators reflect the inventive performance of earlier research while emphasizing the
countries, regions, technologies, firms, etc. importance of ecosystem thinking (Xu, 2007).
They are also used to track the level of In FIG. 2 we depict the TIM model. From an
diffusion of knowledge across technology ecosystem perspective, TIM not only
areas, countries, sectors, firms, etc., and the emphasizes the synergistic linkage among all
level of internationalization of innovative inherent elements, but also emphasizes that
activities. Patent indicators can serve to all employees are innovators and that
measure the output of R&D, its productivity, innovation is realized in the totality of
structure and the development of a specific time/space of an enterprise and beyond.
technology / industry (Pinheiro-Machado,
2004). Among the few available indicators of
technology output, patent indicators are
probably the most frequently used. The
relation-ship between patents as an
intermediate output resulting from R&D inputs
has been investigated extensively. Patents
are frequently viewed as an output indicator;
however, they could also be viewed as an
input indicator, as patents are used as a
source of information by subsequent inventors
(Varsakelis, 2001 and 2006).
The relation between economic growth
and R&D development is constantly
investigated. Substantial progress has been
made in the calculation and assessment of the
economic growth parameters (Sharma,
However, problems concerning the
calculation or R&D development parameters
are still difficult to solve, particularly regarding
the conception and selection of appropriate
One of the indicators is the innovative
production. Specialists have suggested
different equations for calculation of this
indicator (Maclean, 1993 and Teitel, 1994). In
this paper, we propose another equation for a
similar purpose, with a numerical application
using Romanian data, from the national R&D

Fig. 2: The three levels of

Innovation management

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

So, in FIG. 2, the arrangement of the concepts TIM may be defined as an ecological system
is interesting, but seems rather “far-fetched” (see FIG. 3) directed by strategy innovation. Its
and without original interpretations, i.e.: why function is to accumulate and enhance core
this process develops so and not in another competency to win sustainable competitive
manner, which are the premises for the advantage. This approach brings other
appearance of certain sudden transitions etc. “miracle” concepts, as: synergy, eco-systems,
Without being as “the fox with the grapes”, we “every worker is innovative …”, innovation
consider this type of approach as “a socialist process is continuous in time and space,
competition”, where the activities, in our case inside and in the “activity perimeter” of every
the innovative ones, are “freely consented by company. Again, every thing is “acting global,
all workers and according to a superior labor fully integrated and broadly comprehensive”,
conscience, specific for a new employed man this fact being possible in a large scale
type …”. This concept is probably valid only in economy, but at the level of SME-s it's validity
the Chinese economical and political system. is doubtful.

Fig. 3: The framework of tim

TIM relates to innovation in all organizational Here, we observe an interesting combination
sectors, all employees and covers all time and between the notions of institution,
space dimensions. Each element plays a key organization, market, technology, innovative
role in the practice of TIM and is an integral persons / mechanisms / instruments, all
part of the TIM framework (see FIG. 4). The all- grouped in “intuitive” and very general
elements innovation, as FIG. 5 shows, can be schematics, where, if we change the subject of
described as creating synergy between the the analyze from the innovation process to the
technological (mainly product, process, and environmental protection, with the consequent
portfolio) and non-technological (mainly adaptations, the presented systematizations
market, organization, and institution) areas in are perfectly valid.
an organization through effective tools and
facilitating mechanisms that encourage and
regulate innovation by every employee.

Fig. 4:Constituents of the framework of tim

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 5: All-elements innovation of tim

To describe in detail, the ''4-W'' (when, where, what, whole) model is used for analysis of the all-
time/space aspect of TIM (see FIG. 6). The differences between the analyzes done in FIG. 5 and 6
correspond to the variables: the replacement of “elements” with “time/space” and the spatial
disposal: “pyramid” becomes a “sphere”.

Fig. 6: All-time/space innovation of tim

The linkage of TIM to strategy innovation is illustrated in Fig. 7. Due to the increasingly turbulent
and uncertain environment that enterprises face, strategy should remain relatively stable but avoid
rigidity. As the internal and external environments change, the enterprise's strategy should be
adjusted in a timely manner and kept in a dynamic balance. Through TIM implementation, dynamic
competences, including organizational skills, technologic competence, environment adaptation,
and all employees' knowledge and skills, will be improved and better feedback will promote
strategy innovation.

Fig. 7: The linkage of tim to strategy innovation

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The only element, comprised in the b) many inventions are not patented
scheme from FIG. 7, valid from the point of because they do not fulfill the conditions or
view of automation theory is the presence of inventors may protect the inventions using
“feedback”, destined to correct the associated other methods, such as secrecy, lead time,
process errors. Again, the formulations are etc.; c) propensity to patent differs across
excessively general, without any practical countries and industries; d) differences in
“elements”. It could be very interesting to patent regulations make it difficult to compare
assess how many SME's would be capable to them across countries; and e) changes in
implement such a complex functional patent law over the years make it difficult to
organization. Maybe besides these analyze trends over time.
evaluations there are serious, well established Nevertheless, in the absence of a
case studies - grounded on realistic “perfect” innovation output indicator, patent
economical data bases, but the way of indicators are the best available indicators of
presenting these diagrams doesn't prove at all innovation output.
a pragmatic approach to the issue. For the calculation of every country's
In order to establish how necessary is innovative production, S. Teitel (Teitel, 1994)
the TIM approach, for what companies (SME's uses the following variables:
or large ones) is applicable and which are the N – Number of innovations per resident
means and methods to maximize the of a country;
innovation potential of our national R&D S – Human resources (every country's
system, we propose to make a quantitative total number of researcher);
and qualitative analyze of the innovative E – R&D expenses;
production in our country. In this first stage, we Y – National income per capita;
use a very simple approach, grounded on an P – Number of inhabitants.
original simple calculus formula and Also, S. Teitel considers that the
considering that only patent indicators are innovative production depends on human
sufficient for characterizing the innovative resources and the research expenses,
potential. following the next relation:
Procedure and computing methodology
for the evaluation of the Innovative N = N (S, E) (1)
Potential More explicitly, the equation may be
written as below:
Like any other indicators, patent indicators are N = N 0 Sa Eb (2)
associated with some advantages and
disadvantages. The advantages of patent where: a ?0 ; b ?0 (positive constants)
indicators are: a) patents have a close link to
and N0 represents the initial number of
inventions; b) patents cover a broad range of
technologies on which there are sometimes innovations per resident of a country. The
few other sources of data; c) the contents of above relation draws attention on the human
patent documents are a rich source of factor, which can affect the innovative
information (on the applicant, inventor, production.
technology category, claims etc.); and d) Similar, in his study, C.J.J. Maclean
patent data are quite readily available from (Maclean, 1993) presents a linear correlation
patent offices. between the annual budget (X) and the annual
However, patents are subject to certain number of publications (p):
drawbacks: a) the value distribution of patents p = uX (3)
is skewed as many patents have no industrial
application (and hence represent no value for where: u ?
0 is a positive constant.
the society) whereas a few of them are of This equation points out the influence of
substantial value; financing upon the scientific (innovative)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The authors of the present paper where: N is the number of patent

propose a model based on the human factor applications, f is the financing, in € and c is the
and the specific financing of the innovation number of researchers.
process. The specific financing, ö, is a complex
The specific financing (f /c) is the ratio factor, as, on one hand, it depends on the
between funds earmarked for R & D (f) and the policy decision – making and, on the other
total number of researchers (c). hand, it is influenced by the responsiveness of
If we denote: the human factor active in R&D system. By
f /c = ö, (4) means of the coefficient “b”, the specific
financing determines the innovative
then we can write the relation: production.
N = bö (5) Using Romanian data (Annual Report – OSIM
and Romanian Annual Statistics, 2007), we
indicate the correlation between the number of
patent applications (N) and the specific
financing (f /c), as it is shown in FIG. 8.

Fig. 8: Correlation between the number of papent applications and the specific financing

With the aid of FIG. 8, we can evaluate and consequently, the dimension equation can
the value of coefficient “b”, by approximating be written as follows:
through linear interpolation the variation of the [b] = {[N] / [f]}x [c], (9)
parameter N with the ratio f /c, the
corresponding interrupted straight line having corresponding to another form of the relation
a negative slope, calculated with the following (6):
relation: b = (N / f) x c (10)

b = tgá = (N0 –N) / (ö – ö0) = ÄN / Äö (6) An interesting idea is to reformulate

previous equation:
If we make the dimensional analysis of b = (N / c) x (c2 / f) (11)
the equation (6), we obtain:
[b] = [ÄN] / [Äö] = Number of inventions / where, we can introduce another significant
Currency / Number of researchers m (7) variable:
N/c=ð , (12)
[b] = (Number of inventions / Currency) x
Number of researchers (8)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

ð being the innovative performance of the

Equation (11) combined with equation
(12) becomes:
b = ðc2 / f (13)

From equations (13) and (5), we obtain:

N = (ðc2 / f) ö (14)

Finally, equation (14) can be written as:

N = (ð ö / f) c2 (15) m = current value x 10-6; c = current value x 104;
N = current value x 103
If we are noting:
Fig. 9: Time evolution in romania of annual values
ðö/f=m (16)
for parameters “m”, “n” and “c”
N = m c2 (17)
From 1993, till 2006 we observe a
The factor “m”, from the equation (17), has the continuous decrease of the number of
significance of a human resources utilization researchers “c”, process associated to the
“efficiency”. difficult period of transition, with a favorable
This factor can be expressed also like tendency of stabilization after year 2000. The
below: number of patent application “N” varied
m = (ð / f) x (f / c) (18) differently, stabilizing and having a positive
tendency after 1996 till 2002, followed by
The innovative productivity of another decrease and stable period, with very
researchers (ð) is a qualitative effect, which small diminishing tendency up to 2006,
represents the specific production of strongly influenced by the specific legislation
inventions done by a scientific researcher, i.e. for financing the innovation, with provisions
his / her creative work intensity. more or less favorable in different time periods.
The number of employed researchers The Romanian factor “m“ was 3,62 x 10-
(c) is the result of the effort made by society as , in the year 2001 and in 2006 the
a whole and depends on financing capabilities corresponding value became 2,44 x 10-6. In the
of the society to sustain research activities. same period, the financing per researcher
It is known that productivity means the capita decreased from 46.315 € / capita to
ratio between the effects and the effort made in 28.945 € / capita [4] and the same tendency
a particular work. was observed for the number of researchers
The principle goal of the R&D activity is “c”. These evolutions are perfectly correlated,
to generate, as an effect, a certain level of a comparison between the variations of
innovative productivity, while society makes parameters “m” and “N” showing highly similar
efforts to sustain this effort, by means of taxes - evolutions. This fact proves the high
public funding. Thus, it seems logical to “sensitivity” of the human resources utilization
consider that the factor “m” of the equation N = “efficiency” - “m” and sustains our option for
mc 2 represents the human resources using this parameter for analyzing the
utilization “efficiency”, associated to R&D innovation potential, in direct connection with
activity. the outputs of this process, respectively in our
In FIG. 9, we follow a time evolution in study: the number of patent application “N”.
Romania of the annual values for the Romania is one of the growth leaders
parameters “m”, number of patent application among the Catching-up countries, with an
“N” and number of researchers “c”. innovation performance well below the EU27
average but a rate of improvement that is one
of the highest of all countries (EIS, 2008).

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Relative strengths, compared to the The Romanian country profile is

country's average performance, are in highlighting the relative strengths and
Innovators and Economic effects and relative weaknesses in innovation performance and its
weaknesses are in Finance and support and main drivers of innovation growth. The detailed
Throughputs. Over the past 5 years, Finance data tables are available from the INNO
and support and Throughputs have been the Metrics website (http://www.proinno-
main drivers of the improvement in innovation and detailed information
performance, in particular as a result from on policy measures and governance is
strong growth in Public R&D expenditures available at the INNO Policy Trend Chart
(18%), Private credit (17,4%), Broadband website (http://www.proinno-
access by firms (24,3%), Community, some relevant key
trademarks (36%) and Community designs figures being given in FIG. 10, for the year
(44,3%). Performance in Firm investments 2008 (EIS, 2008).
and Innovators has increased at a lower pace.

Fig. 10: Relevant innovation key figures in romania, for the year 2008
Conclusions management systems, altogether with
important changes in the mentality of the
The paradigm of TIM stresses the synergies people implicated in innovative processes.
between the technological and non- Analyzing statistical data for SME's and
technological elements of innovation. for large companies, we proposed to obtain an
Furthermore, it proposes an extension to the original simple mathematical model for
portfolio innovation management view and assessing their innovation capacity, in the first
offers a more dynamic, and integrative, stage by using only one commonly accepted
theoretical framework for the field of criteria: the number of patents. Consequently,
innovation management. It takes the time and we formulated certain practical correlations
space dimension of innovation management between human resources utilization
into account and also holds the view that all “efficiency” and the number of patent
people are innovators. The paradigm of TIM application, considered as the output of
provides a basis for an upgraded, more innovative production.
unified, and better-attuned view of the core Relative to S. Teitel's and Maclean's
issues of the innovation management field. equations, the method proposed by the
For this moment, in our opinion TIM is authors of the present paper to evaluate the
more a “wishful thinking”, than a reality, innovative potential is more “sensitive”. Our
especially for SME's. The TIM approach is goal was to identify certain correlations
more adequate for large companies, but the between the innovative potential of a country,
new global economy system and the context with a case study for Romania, and the
of the present crisis offers new opportunities number of researchers, which proves the
for taking certain valuable elements and necessity and usefulness of a strategic policy
implementing them in all modern in R&D human resources.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Finally, the new proposed equation [7] Varsakelis, N.C. (2001, August). The impact
may be also useful for comparative analyses, of patent protection, economy openness and
concerning the evolution of the innovative national culture on R&D investment: a cross-
output of different countries, in the context of country empirical investigation, RESEARCH
various national policies. POLICY, Vol. 30, Issue 7, 1059-1068.
In out future work we intend to create a more [8] Xu, Q.R., Chen, J, Xie, Z.S., Liu, J., Zheng,
complex mathematical model characterizing G., Wang, Y. (2007). Total Innovation
the innovative processes and their Management: a novel paradigm of innovation
performance, by taking into account more management in the 21st century, JOURNAL
parameters, as presented in FIG. 10 and OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, Vol. 32,
running a “sensitivity analyze” for some case Issue 1-2, 9-25.
studies in Romania and abroad. [9] Maastricht Economic and social Research
and training centre on Innovation and
References Technology (2009, January). EUROPEAN
I N N O VAT I O N S C O R E B O A R D 2 0 0 8 ,
[1] Li, Z.W. (2008). The impact of government
efforts, economy openness & [10] x x x (2007). Annual Report - OSIM,
informationalization on R&D investment: An Bucharest, Romania.
empirical investigation in China, [11] x x x (2007). Romanian Annual
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH WEST Statistics, Bucharest, Romania.
(WLICSMB), 686-689.
[2] Maclean, J.J.C. (1993). The publication
productivity of international agricultural
research centers, Scientometrics, Vol. 28,
Issue 3, 329-348.
[3] Pinheiro-Machado R., Oliveira, P.L. (2004).
A comparative study of patenting activity in US
and Brazilian scientific institutions,
Scientometrics, Vol. 61, Issue 3, 323-338.
[4] Sharma, S., Thomas V.J. (2008,
September). Inter-country R&D efficiency
analysis: An application of data envelopment
analysis, Scientometrics, Vol. 76, Issue 3,
[5] Teitel, S. (1994, January). PATENTS,
Scientometrics, Vol. 29, Issue 1, 137-159.
[6] Varsakelis, N.C. (2006, September).
Education, political institutions and innovative
activity: A cross-country empirical
investigation, RESEARCH POLICY, Vol. 35,
Issue 7, 1083-1090.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




1 1 1 1
Mircea BÃRGLÃZAN , Ilare BORDEAªU , Mircea POPOVICIU , Victor BÃLêOIU ,
1 2
Lucian MÃDÃRAS , Cãtãlin STROIÞÃ

Universitatea “Politehnica” Timiþoara

Abstract: The analysis has as a purpose to notice the elements that can produce incidents
during the running of the regulating apparatus of bulb turbines. The analyzed regulating device
has a robust construction. Although, a critical element is the connecting rod which can produce
two types of incidents: a) the detachment from the joining bolt of the regulating ring and b) the
uncontrolled modification of the length during the running. The kinematical analysis of the
guide vane regulating apparatus shows that the connecting rod fulfills a three-dimensional
movement of great amplitude. If the Grower washers suffer cracks the three screws, which
connects the metallic sphere with the bolt of the regulating ring, are unscrewed. This fault can
lead, in certain cases, to important damages of the regulating apparatus parts. There were
made recommendations regarding the reliability increase of the system.

Key words: bulb-type units, conical guide vane regulating apparatus, reliability, kinematical

1. Introduction
In comparison with the ordinary axial This apparatus consists from the following
machines the bulb-type units creates some important elements:the guide vane
difficulties of design and running. As a result of servomotors with the afferent rods, the
some operation observations it was made a regulating ring with the joining bolts, the
demand to analyze the guide vane regulating connecting rods, the cranks and the guide
apparatus with the purpose to notice the vanes.
elements that can produce exploitation In Figure 1 is presented a longitudinal cross
problems. section through the guide vane apparatus in
During this analysis it resulted that a which it can be seen: the guide vane, the
critical element is the connecting rod, which crank, the joint crank- connecting rod, a small
can produce the following incidents: a) the part of the regulating ring with the inclined
detachment from the joining bolt of the vane in which is fastened the connecting rod
regulating ring and b) the uncontrolled joint bolt.
modification of the length during the running. In Figure 2 it is presented the view of a
There have been made regulating apparatus segment, seen from
recommendations regarding the necessary inside the bulb. One guide vane is presented in
interventions upon the connecting rod in order both the extreme positions: completely closed
to increase the running safety. and completely open. The regulating device is
actuated with two servomotors placed inside
2. The Analyzed Guide Vane Regulating and at the lower part of the bulb. On the
Apparatus regulating ring are welded 16 vanes inclined at
For bulb-type units the guide vane- 60º (Figure 1). The joining bolts are mounted
regulating device has a conical shape. on these vanes.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The connecting-rod presented in Figure 3,

is a complex detail having the following main
parts: the left thread link ring (1), the right
thread link ring (2), the lids (8, 9), the
antifriction spherical bushings (10) and the
joint bolt (11). Besides the transmission of the
maneuvering force, the connecting rod fulfills
two other important functions.
The first is represented by the spatial
movement of the connecting rod, realized
through the sliding of the bushings (10) over
the metallic spheres (6, 7). These sliding allow
the necessary spatial movement of the
connecting rod in order to maintain the center
of the sphere (6) in the movement plan of the
regulating ring, concomitantly with the rotation
Fig. 1. Longitudinal cross section through the guide
of the link ring eyes (1, 2) in such a manner that
vane apparatus the center of the sphere (7) has the possibility
to remain in the rotation plane of the crank.

Fig. 2. Inner view of the regulating apparatus

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig.3. The guide vane connecting rod

The second function of the connecting rod The shearing bolt is a cylindrical piece
is to close the dimension chain. This function is manufactured from steel (OLC 45), heat
fulfilled only in the assembling periods and is treated, with a diameter of 50 mm and provided
carried out as follows: after assembling all the with two shearing cross sections. These
involved details in the closed position the shearing sections are realized by cutting two
connecting rod is put in its normal position. notches at 60º (stress raisers) that reduces the
The lengths of the connecting rod being diameter till 40 mm. If a massive solid object is
adjustable through the rotation of the sleeve caught between two consecutive guide vanes
(3), provided with left/right thread, the and the regulating apparatus is moved towards
dimensional chain is closed in an easy way. closing, these guide vanes cannot effectuate
The crank is also a complex element, the movement. As a result, the oil pressure
composed from 26 individual pieces. The most increases in the hydraulic actuating system
important are: the proper crank, the inner together with the acting force delivered to the
cover plate, the outer cover plate, the shearing crank. If this force exceeds with 40…50% the
bolt and the joint with the connecting rod (the normal value of the tension, the notched
spherical arm 7 in the Figure 3). The leading sections resistance is exceeded and the
part played by the crank is to move the guide shearing bolt will be fractured. In this way the
vane at the right angle demanded by the bounds between the proper crank and the
turbine. This movement is obtained as a result cover plates are interrupted. The cover plates
of the force delivered by the connecting rod. can follow the movement imposed by the
Supplementary the crank has also two regulating ring but in the same time the proper
secondary functions: a) the protection against crank and the guide vane are not obliged to
the deterioration of the guide vane in the follow this movement.
eventuality when a great solid object gets Possibility to actuate the guide vanes even
between two consecutive guide vanes and b) if the shearing bolt is fractured. The designer
the possibility to rotate the guide vane in the offered the possibility to move the guide vane
opening direction even if the shearing bolt is toward opening even when the shear bolt is
fractured by the external forces. These two fractured. When the regulating ring is moved
supplementary functions will be analyzed toward opening the body of the massive
separately. support enter in the 120º clearance provided in
Guide vane protection. In order to fulfill the crank arm (Figure 2) and allow the
this function the crank is realized from three actuation of the system crank/guide vane. The
distinct parts: the proper crank, the inner cover movement towards closing is not possible and
plate and the outer cover plate (Figure 1). the guide vane can occupy casual positions
These three parts are bounded together by dictated by hydrodynamic forces with the
three types of bolts: the shearing one, the restriction given by the position of the massive
massive support and two slender supports. support.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3. Possibilities for casual events

The shaft of the joining bolt (11) and the
metallic sphere (6) are united by three
threaded screws „M 16x35 group 5” (12)
secured with Grower washers (13). For two till
four guide vanes, namely for those placed at
the lower part of the bulb, when the Grower
washers are out of use the monolith (11)-(6) is
compromised. As a result of the vibrations and
without the Grower washers, all the M16x35
bolts get unscrewed and finally fall at the
bottom of the bulb. Under the influence of
gravity the assembly formed by the left thread
Fig. 4 Detail of the left thread link
link ring (1), the antifriction bushing (10), the lid
(8) and the metallic sphere (6) can slide over
In the literature [1] the Grower washers
the cylindrical journal of the bolt (11). For an
are recommended till the group 8.5. Because
easy assembling the fitting between the
the used screws are in the group 5 they enter
metallic sphere (6) and the cylindrical journal
in the recommended interval. In [2] it is
of the bolt (11) is H7/g6. Consequently the
specified: “The Grower washer is a spitted
minimum clearance of the sphere is zero and
one, manufactured from spring steels and in
the maximum clearance is 0.03 mm. The
disassembled state the branches are in a far
joining bolt journal minimum clearance is
off position. This elastic washer is put between
0.013 and the maximum is 0.062. This means
the part and the nut and is compressed by
that the minimum clearance of the assembly is
screwing the nut so that the sharp end
0.013 mm and the maximum is 0.065 mm. The
penetrates both in the part and the nut. In this
length of the journal being 54 mm, the
way the unscrewing of the nut is prevented.
maximum inclination in the first moment can
Although, this method does not offer an
reach a hexadecimal minute.
absolute assurance, so the assembly must be
verified periodically.” In [3] is mentioned: “ The
The total mass of the parts subjected to unscrewing of the hexagonal head bolt can be
gravitations is about 19.914 kg. Taking into prevented by passing a wire through their
account the inclination of the thread link ring, heads.” In the literature there are presented
the force in the direction of the journal axis is also other safety solutions as for example split
approximately 9,75 N, and can gradually plates applied to the screw head. This solution
rotate the metallic sphere in the antifriction is difficult to be applied in our condition
bushing and finally the connecting rod fall from because the lack of space (the free end of the
the joint. Evidently, this process is a slowly plate must be fastened by a distinct screw).
one, especially the unscrewing of the tree Upon our opinion, ensuring this very
M16x35 bolts. An extremely critical important bond only with Grower washers
circumstance is the fact that, during the does not offer the necessary confidence and
periodic inspections, the intermediate phases the detachment of the bond regulating ring-
of the detachment are very difficult to be connecting rod, in peculiar conditions, can
observed. generate important injuries followed by
Even the lost of the Grower washers expensive repair works. The fact that in this
cannot be observed at the periodical area were fond washer fragments leads to the
inspections. From discussions with the conclusion that after the heat treatment they
inspection personnel resulted that they found are in some cases to fragile so, they can crack
fragments of Grower washers in the bulb and fall from the joint. Consequently, the
interior but they cant say if these fragments bound can be detached by unscrewing of the
result from the assembling period or from the three threaded screws.
running period.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

A rough analysis of the probability for the

connecting rod to go out from the regulating 4. Kinematics analyses
mechanism can be realized simply, by Analyzing the constructive solution in
examining the possibility of inclining the right Figures 1, 2, and 3 it can be observed that
link ring in the distance between the crank during the movement from the position
plates. It resulted that the inclination of the complete closed to complete open the guide
connecting rod overcame 6º, which allow the vanes imposes a three-dimensional
metallic sphere (6) to go over the superior end movement of the connecting rod. In order to
of the joint bolt journal (11). Taking into account determine the correlation between the
the gravity of such a situation it was decide to servomotor piston position „ä” and the guide
analyze carefully the connecting rod vanes position „ã” the kinematical analyzes of
kinematics, which will be presented as a the guide vane regulating apparatus is
distinct chapter. necessary. The kinematical scheme can be
Another possible malfunction is generated seen in Figure 5. The apparatus presents itself
by the rotation of the whole assembly sleeve as a three-dimensional articulated
(3) - securing nuts (4, 5) as a result of the quadrilateral ABCD with the cylindrical
vibrations. If the distance between the axes of articulations A and D and spherical ones B and
the sphere (6) and the bolt (7) increases, the C. The articulations A and D allow the rotation
respective guide vane will be heavily pressed around the guide vane axis respectively
on the adjacent vanes, which leads to the around the servomotor axis. The
deterioration of the tightness rubber cords. unchangeable rotational axis passes through
When the rotation is in the contrary direction the points A and D. The extremities B and D
(the length of connecting rod is reduced), in are mobile and perform evolutions on arcs of
the closed position of the regulating circle. These arcs of circles are placed on
mechanism, it remains a clearance between different space planes and form the á dihedral
the vanes and important leakages can occur. angles. The case analysis, in conformity with
In the other positions of the regulating Figure 4, leads to the data presented in Table
apparatus, the hydrodynamic field is 1.
perturbed and the hydraulic efficiency of the Table 1
turbine is reduced.

AB BC BD r á å ö OAˆ B
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [°] [°] [°] [°]
500 500 2130 1880 60 -10 70 90

ã is the current angle for a random

intermediate position
With the hypothesis of normal angles:

it is successively determined
Figure 5. The kinematical scheme (4)
of the guide vane regulating apparatus

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

From Ä Bx C x ,N rectangular with Bx Nˆ C x =

MN (11)
result sinw
= wˆ= Bx Cˆ x N where
Bx C x
with Bx C x =
ˆ can be computed from:
the angle d
AB(1 - cos g
) sin a
result sin w = (5)
BC (12)
In this way it can be determined w ˆ , angle
made by the connecting rod with the crank the arc length is:
plane of rotation in a position marked by the
index x. From (6) result hat at the extremities (13)
of the servomotor piston stroke there are
obtained the extreme values of the angle ù for with the substitution ã = ö it results:
the positions ã = 0 and not ã = å and DN=1965,5 mm
respectively ã = ö. By replacing the numerical
values for the analyzed case it was obtained mm
w g=j =17,23°. For the detachment of the z = 2164, 417 mm
cylindrical journal (11) from the metallic sphere
(6) (see Figure 3) is necessary a rotation angle x = 319, 685 mm
ø = 5,906° measured in figure 3. Because,
w g
=j >y such a detachment becomes
possible if there are not taken special
measures to maintain the journal (11) The regulating ring circumferential stroke
bounded to the metallic sphere (6). is , can be approximately computed from:
For the movement of the guide vanes
from the position complete close ã = å to the
position complete open it correspond both an
angular movement and a stroke of the piston,
which can be computed as follows. An accurate value can be obtained in a
The radius of the regulating ring is: way similar with that used for the point “n” and
the point “O” and finally the stroke can be
(6) computed from:


BN = MN ctg á=AB (1-cosã) cos á (9)

In this way, we reach to the conclusion that
the spatial movement of the connecting rod
(10) allows the detachment from the joining bolt if
the Grower washers do not play their role.
The point C x fall at the intersection of two
4. Solutions for an increased reliability
circles, one with the radius CD and the center
From the analysis carried out on the
in D and the other with the radius NC x and the
conical guide vane regulating apparatus
center in N. In an orthogonal system having D
results that for the solution adopted by the
as origin, the coordinates of the point (x, z) are
designer the deterioration of a low cost piece
noted DO after Dx and DN after Dz (Figure 4),
(the Grower washer) can lead,
it results:
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

in favorable situations, to the detachment of It was also recommended for the future a
the connecting rod from the regulating ring. In careful examination of the guide vane
such a situation the respective guide vane has apparatus also from other points of view,
a free movement under the action of the especially the reliability of the tightness, the
hydrodynamic forces. The connecting rod, behavior of the journal bearings, the behavior
which remains bounded to the crank, follows a of the crank details.
chaotic movement generated by the guide
vane, perhaps amplified as the result of the Conclusions
articulation. 1. The analyzed guide vane apparatus has
If by misfortune, the free end of the a robust construction.
connecting rod is blocked by an other part 2. The assurance of the bound between the
there are possible great damages as for connecting rod and the joining bolt only by
example: the fracture of the shearing bolt or Grower washers does not offer complete
the push of the crank into that of the guide confidence although this solution is in general
vane situated in the proximity with the accepted in most references.
possibility to blocking up both guide vanes. As 3. The kinematical analysis of the guide
a consequence, occur important deterioration vane regulating apparatus shows that the
of some parts of the regulating apparatus. connecting rod fulfills three-dimensional
Even if the detachment of the connecting movements of great amplitudes. If the Grower
rod is a slowly process it has the great washers suffer cracks the three screws, which
disadvantage of not being easy to be seen, at connects the metallic sphere with the bolt of
the regular inspections. The deterioration the regulating ring, are unscrewed. This fault
becomes evident only when the injury is so can lead, in certain cases, to important
great that the running of regulating apparatus damages of the regulating apparatus parts.
is impossible. 4. There were proposed two alternative
Consequently there were proposed, for solutions: the assurance by passing a wire
the connections of the regulating apparatus through the heads of the joining screws or the
parts, two supplementary safety measures. assurance with Nord-Lock washers.
The first, extremely economical and efficient, 5. The solution adopted by the beneficiary
is that found in [3]: “passing a wire through the to prevent the uncontrolled modifications of
heads of the joining screws”. As an experiment the rod length, by welding a strip along it, is
it was proposed also the more elegant solution considered adequate.
to use Nord-Lock washers [4]. Those washers 6. The careful examination of the guide
have the following advantages: assures vane apparatus also from other points of view,
maximum security for the bounding subjected especially the reliability of the tightness, the
to vibrations, they are not influenced by behavior of the journal bearings, the behavior
temperature and technical lubricants do not of the crank details is recommended in the
influence the blocking function. To avoid future.
corrosion effects there were proposed the
stainless steel washers (A4, AISI 316). References:
1. M. Gafiþanu º.a.: Organe de Maºini vol I, Ed. Tehnicã,
For preventing the uncontrolled Bucureºti, 1999, p.191
modifications of the connecting rod lengths it 2. C. Severineanu: Organe de Maºini, Ed. Did. ºi Ped.,
Bucureºti, 1965, p.159
was proposed to maintain the extremely 3. Gh. Manea: Organe de Maºini, Vol I, Ed. Tehnicã,.
simple but efficient solution proposed by the Bucureºti, 1970, p. 355
exploitation team, namely the welding of a 4. N. N. Kovalev: Ghidroturbinî, Maºghiz, Moskva,
metallic strip to bound the important fifth parts 1961, p. 224
of the connecting rod (see the figure 3): the left 5. M. Bãrglãzan, Turbine hidraulice ºi transmisii
hidrodinamice, Ed. Politehnica, Timiºoara, 1999, p.142
link ring (1), the sleeve (3), the nuts (5 and 6) 6.S. A. Granovski, a. o. Construcþii i rasciot ghidroturbin,
and the right link ring (2). Izd. Maºinostronie, Leningrad, 1974, p162
7.G .A. Svinarev, Gorizontalnîe capsulnîe ghidroturbinî
osevogo tipa, Izd. Naucova Dumca, Kiev, 1969, p. 152

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Prof. univ. dr. ing. Nicolae GHERGHEL - Universitatea Tehnicã „Gheorghe Asachi“ din Iaºi
Cercet. ?t. III drd. ing. Adrian-Constantin HANGANU - Universitatea Tehnicã „Gheorghe Asachi“ din Iaºi

In the context of research on the systemic approach to hydraulic drive of the technological devices
to solve problems of quality in the field, and considering the conceptual graph model [19], systemic
vision [20] and hierarchical description [22], previously developed for the hydraulic component of
the technological devices, and also the purpose for which charts are used, in the paper, presented
standard diagrams of multiple causes ─ unique effect, type Ishikawa, structured by components of
the process and on the developed actuation force.
Keywords: causes ─ effect diagrams, technological devices, hydraulic
1. SCURTE CONSIDERAÞII ASUPRA 1.2. Clasificare. Tipuri ºi variante de
DIAGRAMELOR CAUZÃ ─ EFECT diagrame cauzã ─ efect
Analiza diagramelor cauzã ─ efect,
1.1. Definiþie
În literatura de specialitate ºi în standarde prezentate în literatura actualã de Controlul
[1], [2], [4] … [17], [24], [25], [27] … [45], se dau calitãþii [1], [2], [4] … [17], [24], [25], [27] …
diferite definiþii sau descrieri ale diagramelor [45], ne-a condus la o clasificare unitarã, pe
cauzã ─ efect. Niciuna din aceste definiþii nu baze ºtiinþifice, a diagramelor cauzã ─ efect,
reflectã, însã, esenþa acestui tip de diagrame, care a fost publicatã iniþial în anul 1998 [14].
în raport cu alte tipuri de diagrame utilizate în Unele dezvoltãri ulterioare au fost
ºtiinþã, tehnicã etc., ºi nu are gradul de publicate în lucrãrile [15] ºi [16]. În tabelul
generalitate corespunzãtor variantelor de 1, prezentãm ultima versiune a clasificãrii
diagrame posibile. Pe baza analizei ºi sintezei diagramelor cauzã ─ efect. Clasificarea ia în
acestor definiþii, în lucrarea proprie [18], se considerare tipurile/ variantele de diagrame
considerã cã diagramele cauzã ─ efect pot fi introduse ºi teoretizate în lucrãrile [14], [15],
definite ca o formã specificã de diagramã cu [16] ºi [18] ºi în alte lucrãri în curs de
dreptunghiuri, sãgeþi ºi cuvinte, care redactare.
evidenþiazã, în mod sintetic, cauzele (factorii, 2. Elaborarea unor diagrame standard
condiþiile, parametrii) posibili, care cauze multiple ─ efect unic pentru
influenþeazã efectele, sau efectele posibile ale acþionarea hidraulicã a dispozitivelor
cauzelor, sistematizate pe categorii (grupe, tehnologice
clase, familii) majore ºi subcategorii, ºi relaþiile
între acestea, precum ºi ierarhia acestora. - Þinând seamã de modelul grafic
De asemenea, în aceeaºi lucrare [18], se conceptual ºi de viziunea sistemicã, elaborate
considerã cã diagramele cauzã ─ efect pot fi pentru acþionarea hidraulicã a dispozitivelor
tehnologice [19], [20], precum ºi de scopul
asimilate cu „diagramele de idei“, referitoare la pentru care se utilizeazã diagramele,
cauzele posibile ale efectelor sau la efectele considerãm cã, pentru acþionarea hidraulicã a
posibile ale cauzelor, în care ideile sunt dispozitivelor tehnologice, este oportunã
exprimate prin cuvinte ºi sãgeþi. elaborarea unor diagrame standard cauze
multiple ─ efect unic, de tip Ishikawa,
structurate pe componente (verigi,
subsisteme) ale procesului (sistemului) ºi pe
componentele forþei de acþionare dezvoltate.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Tabelul 1. Clasificarea generalã a diagramelor cauzã ─ efect

- Conceptul de diagrame „standard“

(generalizate, de referinþã) a fost introdus, de
cãtre autor, în lucrãrile [15] ºi [16] ºi dezvoltat
în lucrarea [18]. Diagramele „standard“ se
deosebesc de diagramele primare (iniþiale,
brute), sau chiar de diagramele finale, prin
acurateþe, rigoare, cizelare, claritate, prin
faptul cã iau în considerare cauze/ factori
validaþi/ confirmaþi prin cercetãri teoretico-
experimentale, prin terminologia ºtiinþificã ºi
tehnicã unitarã, riguroasã, prin gradul ridicat
de încredere.

- Diagramele cauze multiple ─ efect unic

(diagramele CM ─ EU) pun în relaþie, în
aceeaºi diagramã, multiplele cauze ale unui
efect unic [14], [18].

- Cele mai cunoscute, dintre acestea, sunt cele

sub formã de „os (schelet, spinare) de peºte“,
„arbore“, „fluviu“, de tip Ishikawa. Aceastã
formã este, totuºi, destul de liberã. S-au impus
diverse variante de diagrame Ishikawa, care
se diferenþiazã, în ce priveºte structura, prin
modul în care se structureazã (organizeazã,
sistematizeazã) cauzele/ factorii, în funcþie ºi
de scopul pentru care se utilizeazã

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- În literatura de specialitate ºi în standarde, se Prin generalizarea acestor forme ºi þinând

prezintã diferite schematizãri/ simbolizãri ºi seamã de cele de mai sus, precum ºi de
forme generale (simplificate/ iniþiale; contribuþiile proprii privind cauzele, factorii ºi
dezvoltate) ale diagramelor cauze multiple efectele, s-a propus, pentru aceastã variantã
─ efect unic, de tip Ishikawa, structurate. de diagrame cauze multiple ─ efect unic, o
formã generalã publicatã iniþial în lucrarea
[15]. Ultima variantã a acesteia este datã în fig.
1 [18].

Fig. 1. Forma generalã propusã pentru diagramele cauze multiple ─ efect unic, tip Ishikawa,
structurate pe componente ale procesului [15], [18]

- Acestei variante de diagramã cauzã ─ efect îi - În general, pentru ca o astfel de diagramã sã

corespunde, în limbaj matematic, funcþii de fie utilã, eficace, cauzele/ factorii trebuie sã fie
funcþii de forma [14], [15], [18]: evidenþiaþi cu un grad de detaliere mai ridicat.
y = y (x1, x2, …), (1) În principiu, pe baza surselor enumerate în
în care: x1 = x1 (x11, x12, …); x11 = x11 (x111, x112, …); lucrarea proprie [18] ?i redate sintetic în
…; organigrama propusã în fig. 2, s-au identificat
E = E (C1, C2, …), cauzele ºi factorii posibili, care s-au pus în
(2) relaþie cu efectele.
unde: C1 = C1 (C11, C12, …); C11 = C11 (C111, C112,
…); …;
E = E (M1, M2, …), (3)
în care: M1 = M1 (M11, M12, …); M11 = M11 (M111,
M112; …); … etc.

- În cazul în care, dintr-o astfel de diagramã, se

iau în considerare numai cauzele
fundamentale ºi controlate, aceste funcþii
constituie forma generalã implicitã a modelului
matematic ce trebuie elaborat, a ecuaþiei de
regresie [14], [15].

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 2. Surse, cãi, modalitãþi, metode, tehnici, demersuri, proceduri de identificare a cauzelor/ factorilor

- În ansamblu, pentru elaborarea diagramelor, - Diagrama standard cauze multiple ─ efect

s-a aplicat metodologia proprie „25E“ (în 25 de unic, de tip Ishikawa, pentru acþionarea
etape), publicatã în lucrarea [18]. hidraulicã a dispozitivelor tehnologice,
S-au elaborat, astfel, diagramele standard structuratã pe componente ale forþei de
cauze multiple ─ efect unic, de tip Ishikawa, acþionare dezvoltate, este prezentatã în fig. 4.
pentru acþionarea hidraulicã a dispozitivelor
tehnologice, structurate pe componentele
(verigile, subsistemele) acþionãrii hidraulice a
dispozitivelor tehnologice ºi pe componente
ale forþei de acþionare dezvoltate.

- Diagrama standard cauze multiple ─ efect

unic, de tip Ishikawa, pentru acþionarea
hidraulicã a dispozitivelor tehnologice,
structuratã pe componentele (verigile,
subsistemele) acþionãrii, este datã în fig. 3.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 3 ─ Diagrama standard cauze multiple ─ efect unic, de tip Ishikawa, pentru
acþionarea hidraulicã a dispozitivelor tehnologice, structuratã pe componentele acþionãrii.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 4 ─ Diagrama standard cauze multiple ─ efect unic, de tip Ishikawa, pentru
acþionarea hidraulicã a dispozitivelor tehnologice, structuratã pe componentele for?ei dezvoltate.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3. IMPORTANÞA ªTIINÞIFICÃ ªI - Diagramele standard cauze multiple ─ efect

APLICATIVÃ A DIAGRAMELOR unic, elaborate pentru acþionarea hidraulicã a
STANDARD CAUZE MULTIPLE ─ EFECT dispozitivelor tehnologice, prezentate în
UNIC PENTRU ACÞIONAREA lucrarea de faþã, alãturi de diagramele
HIDRAULICÃ A DISPOZITIVELOR standard cauzã unicã ─ efecte multiple,
TEHNOLOGICE pentru acþionarea hidraulicã a dispozitivelor
- Diagramele standard cauze multiple ─ efect tehnologice [24], conceptele „schemã de
unic, elaborate pentru acþionarea hidraulicã a strângere dezvoltatã“ ºi „schemã de acþionare
dispozitivelor tehnologice, ca orice diagramã a dispozitivelor tehnologice“ [23], modelul
de acest gen, prezintã importanþa ºtiinþificã ºi grafic conceptual al acþionãrii hidraulice a
aplicativã cvasiunanim recunoscutã. Pot fi dispozitivelor tehnologice [19], viziunea
utilizate, aplicate, în investigarea, sistemicã asupra acþionãrii hidraulice a
identificarea, evidenþierea cauzelor efectelor dispozitivelor tehnologice [19], descrierea
considerate, în [14], [18]: ierarhicã a acþionãrii hidraulice a dispozitivelor
─ controlul calitãþii în sens larg ─ tehnologice [22], metodologia de concepþie-
planificarea (concepþia-proiectarea, proiectare creativã a acþionãrii hidraulice a
prescrierea, specificarea), controlul, dispozitivelor tehnologice [21], constituie
asigurarea, îmbunãtãþirea calitãþii ─, respectiv fundamente ale „abordãrii sistemice a
acþionãrii hidraulice a dispozitivelor
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─ clasificarea proceselor/ produselor; profesionale, la nivelul cel mai înalt, în
─ conducerea discuþiilor/ dezbaterilor; domeniu.
─ investigarea nivelului tehnologic al
─ întocmirea diagramelor Pareto pentru BIBLIOGRAFIE
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dimensionale/ geometrice la prelucrarea Improvement. Bul. Inst. Politehn. Iaºi, tomul
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27. Ishikawa K., Guida al controlle di qualita.
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produselor. Bucureºti: Ceres, 1987.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Matem. Ing. Gabriel RÃDULESCU *; Drd Ing. Radu RÃDOI*;

Ing. Niculaie MIHAI *

*INOE 2000-IHP

Abstract: The article presents three types of fluids preamplifiers: pneumatic nozzle
pallets preamplifier, pneumatic power preamplifier and hydraulic mobile nozzle
preamplifier. It presents the role, composition, characteristics and calculation formulas
of their operating parameters.

Rolul preamplificatoarelor: este de a

transforma un semnal slab (proporþional
electric sau pneumatic în semnal de
comandã) în cadrul servosistemelor de
1 Amplificatorul pneumatic ajutaj-paletã
(Fig 1)
Amplificatorul se compune din trei pãrþi Fig 1
distincte: R1 - rezistenþa pneumaticã fixã;
(1) Ansamblul ajutajului care conþine diuza R2 - rezistenþa pneumaticã variabilã
de calibrare R1 ºi ansamblul de
rezistenþe R2; R2' U R2" (
R2 = h)
(2) Consumatorul; ¯¯

(3) Paleta oscilantã. fix variabil

Semnal de ieºire Pe, semnalul
de intrare h(å)

Fig 2 (a) reprezintã un circuit pneumatic de

întârziere de ordin I. În ipoteza curgerii
laminare se aplicã analogia
electropneumaticã Fig 2 (b)
Ecuaþia circuitului de întârziere:

ï =
V 1 dpe a
ï (
a 1 +a
2 )
× × + pe = pa í
RT a
1 + a
2 dt a
1 +a2 ï a1
Fig 2 ï
î + a
S-a considerat patm @
0 2 1

ó - constanta de timp; (V - volumul incintei; R

constanta aerului; T temperatura absolutã; K coeficientul de divizare al presiunii pa în
á1, á2 coeficienþi de debit pentru rezistenþele raport cu R1 ºi R2 . Constructiv camera de
R1 ºi R2). legãturã are V mic deci ó se poate neglija, deci:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Caracteristica staticã pe = f(h) în condiþiile

neglijãrii capacitãþilor ºi patm @
0 este puternic
considerând cã în regim staþionar Qc = 0
cãzãtoare, neliniare.
(incintã închisã):
Alimentarea amplificatoarelor din
construcþia aparatelor pneumatice de
automatizare la presiunea 1,4 bar.
La h =0Þ R= ¥
Caracteristica este redatã de Fig 3.

În practicã se delimiteazã o zonã liniarã

AB pe caracteristica staticã unde se stabileºte
punctul optim de funcþionare.

Fig 3

2. Amplificatorul pneumatic de putere (Fig 4)

Principiul constructiv este cel al divizorului
a) Convertorul electro-pneumatic ELA 104 se
de presiune format din rezistenþele R1 ºi R2 tip
compune constructiv din: Corpul exterior în
bulã cilindru. Modificarea divizorului se face
camerã superioarã (E) se gãseºte membrana
prin deplasare în sus ºi jos a bilei sub acþuinea
(M) de suprafaþã Sef având o întãriturã
membranei elastice (M) care este acþionatã de
centralã, în camera inferioarã (G) se gãseºte
pi. Existã relaþia:
bila (B) care la bazã se sprijinã iar sus este
împinsã de centrala schimbându-i poziþia în
raport cu ajutajul (D).

Pe baza caracteristicii pe =pi )
se pune în
evidenþã coeficientul de amplificare în

Fig 4

b) Studiu experimental al amplificatorului

pneumatic de putere
Schema utilizatã conform Fig 5 (amplificatorul
ELA 140) în care:
FR1, FR2 filtre reductoare;
M1 M2 M3 manometre;
A amplificator de putere;
C(EE) camerã închisã (element execuþie) Fig 5

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- Se ridicã pi la 0,3 bar (pe < 0) ºi se scade - La presiunea pa =1,4 bar se fac citirele
în trepte cât mai mici pânã la 0 bar manometrelor modificând „h” cu micrometrul
[þinând cont de panta negativã a (m);
caracteristicii pe = f(pi)]; f(
- Se reprezintã grafic pe1 =h) f(
; pe 2 =h);
- Se reprezintã grafic ºi se pe 2 =f( pe1 )
. Se concluzioneazã privind
calculeazã amplificarea de rezultatele.
presiune în zona liniarã a
caracteristicii, cu relaþia:
Amplificatorul hidraulic cu ajutaj mobil
Schema semiconstructivã (Fig 7)
prezintã urmãtoarele categorii de date:
c) Caracteristicile statice ale - Componenta constructivã (Fig 7 a): (1)
amplificatorului ajutaj paletã combinat cu un magneþi permanenþi, (2) armãturã mobilã,
amplificator de putere (Fig 6) (3) bobine, (4) bucºe arc, (5) injector, (6)
suport tijã de reacþie, (7) diuze, (8) tije de
reacþie, (9) receptor-distribuitor jet,
(10) element filtrant.
- Detalierea constructivã a injectorului
(Fig 7 b) cu dimensiunile caracteristice: linj
braþul injectorului, d0 diametrul ajutajului, Lz
întrefierul injector-receptor;
- Date numerice corespunzãtoare
gamelor de presiuni uzuale (Fig 7 c)

Fig 6
AAP amplificator ajutaj-paleta;
AP amplificator de putere

Fig 7

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- Condiþii constructive: poziþia (2) fãcutã

din fier fãrã remanenþã, poziþia (9) din material ;
cu rezistenþã înaltã la eroziune (eventual
metaloceramic), poziþia (4) din bronz cu - Coeficientul de amplificare al
beriliu, poziþia (10) fineþe de filtrare > 10 ìm. preamplificatorului:
Observaþie: Fig 7 consideratã ca atare, ;
poate constitui servovalve cu douã etaje:
motor de cuplu ºi etaj amplificare cu ajutaj În general coeficientul de amplificare
mobil. sistemului cu ajutaj mobil se exprimã prin:
- Condiþii de funcþionare
a) puterea semnalului electric de

b) Pentru determinarea puterii hidraulice
de ieºire:
Se considerã de referinþã datele
corespunzãtoare al etajului de amplificare Bibliografie:
(sertar bucºe) al servovalvelor cu 1. Catanã I., Marin Al. - "Sinteza sistemelor de
preamplificare duzã paletã pentru calculul comandã a convertoarelor electrohidraulice cu
debitului: reacþii funcþionale", Congresul Internaþional de
Ciberneticã ºi Sistemicã, Bucureºti, 26- 31
- Cursa maximã a sertarului Cmax = 0,5 mm;
August 1996;
- Pragul de insensibilitate Pi = 1%; 2. Dupont E.P. - “Friction Modelling in Dynamic
- Frecvenþa de lucru f = 50 Hz; Robot Simulation”, Proceedings of the 1990
- Diametrul sertarului D = 20 mm; IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, Cincinnati, Ohio,1990;
- Acoperirea sertarului este datã de:
3. Marin V., Marin Al. - “Sisteme hidraulice
automate”, Ed. Tehnicã, 1988;
4. Vasiliu N., Drumea P., Vasiliu D., Marin Al. -
-Viteza sertarului este (x deplasarea "Cercetãri teoretice ºi experimentale asupra
sertarului) dinamicii amplificatoarelor electrohidraulice
proporþionale", Conferinþa Naþionalã de
Energeticã, Bucureºti, 1988;
, în care: 5. Mircea Comes, Andrei Drumea, Adrian Mirea,
Gabriela Matache - „Intelligent servohydraulic
device for the control of the motion”, ISSE 2001
, Cãlimãneºti Cãciulata , România.
6. Rãdulescu, G.,Drumea, P., Marin, Al.,
Matache, G., Calculul timpului de rãspuns al
sistemului hidraulic al regulatorului de turbinã
Tehnologii moderne, calitate, restructurare,
rezultã: ; Conferinþa Internaþionalã de Comunicãri
ªtiinþifice TMCR 2001, Chiºinãu
- Debitul de comandã: 7. Studiul privind tipurile componentelor
mecatronice realizat de INOE 2000 - IHP in
; cadrul lucrarii - Cercetãri avansate în domeniul
componentelor mecatronice de execuþie în
- Presiunea de referinþã pr = 70 bar; scopul ridicãrii performanþelor ºi diversificãrii
sistemelor utilizabile în acþionarea
- Puterea hidraulicã: electrohidraulicã.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Prof. PhD. eng. Emilian LEFTER, lect. PhD. eng. Luminita-Mirela CONSTANTINESCU,
Conf. PhD. eng. Eugen DIACONESCU
University of Pitesti

The paper presents a stand with hybrid operation supplied by a hybrid electric source, made up of
electric cell batteries and a fuel cell. The stand allows the study of the hybrid solutions having
applications in the field of car manufacturing

1. Introduction The way was thus opened, and the

After nearly 170 years since its following step is to be taken, i.e. developing
invention (in 1834), the electric vehicle, EV – efficient, up-to-the-task power sources. In fact,
overshadowed by the A Ford – seems to be this process is currently under way.
heading towards a durable variant. The hybrid electrical car variant is a
There were several, constant attempts convenient bridge to the purely electrical
at reconsidering the EV, at higher intensities variant, an already accepted compromise,
when oil crises were about. which provides:
Thus, in 1976, after the initial shock, ? the car manufacturers, a respite to
that of the 1973-1974 periods, an R-D choose the technology suitable for an
programme was launched in the USA, meant infrastructure capable of rapidly developing;
to demonstrate the potential of the EV. ? the oil suppliers, a period of relative
The battery has, over the years, calm, determined by the still existent market,
represented an impediment to the process of since the passage to the next car variant does
gaining acceptance for the EV. not occur abruptly;
The Toyota Prius, launched in 1997, ? a temperate attitude from the oil
becomes the first commercial hybrid car, and suppliers;
an example to the truth there is always a way to ? a dynamic course of R-D in the domain
solve a problem. That way obviously reflects a of the sources of energy: the electric batteries
certain stage of evolution – in that case, the and/or the hydrogen fuel cell;
prospects opened, on the one hand, by power ? a way to render economic life more
electronics, the magnetic materials and the dynamic, and open new horizons.
technology of the motors, and, on the other In 2006, the American president Bush
hand, by the successes marked in the launched [2] the Advanced Energy Initiative
technology of the new electric batteries. The (AEI) at the meeting of the states of the union,
researches in the field of the electrochemical and in 2007 he reiterates his support for
sources have been given new impetus by accelerating the research in the field of the
mobile phone technologies, and the electric batteries for hybrid electric vehicle
production of portable electric tools. After the (HEV), and plug electric hybrid vehicle
first successes in the field of the mobile (PHEV). The target proposed was the vehicle
phones, the danger of appears of the blocking having autonomy of 40 miles when operating
cause by the crisis of cadmium – as the NiCad in the purely electrical system.
batteries represented the batteries specific to President Obama [3] continues to support
the initial stage of mobile phones. The that program, including, in February 2009, the
immediate investment in R-D directly led to additional sum of $787 billions as incentives
developing the Ni-MH variant and then, the for the new PHEVs. During his election
lithium variants [1]. campaign, he promised that, as a result of the
above incentives, in 2015 there would be 1
million cars capable of traveling 150mpg, cars
that would be made in America.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In [3] there is the presentation of a scenario Though staunch supporters of the combustion
from a 2007 study of the Pacific Northwest pile, as Jeff Siegel points out [6], Honda will
State Department Laboratory of Energy, also opt for the variants powered by batteries,
where, if 84% of the car fleet were supposed to orienting themselves towards the Ni-Li ones,
be PHEVs, and had a course of 33miles/days, which can take in 3.5 times more energy than
the fuel consumption would be reduced by the the Li-Ion variant, and intends to manufacture
equivalent of 52% of the oil imported, cars variants having a 40-200 miles' autonomy.
alongside with a decrease in gas emissions of And the examples can be continued.
circa 27%. The research in the field of power One can safely state that the activity in
batteries is funded through substantial grants, this specific field is still incipient, so in 2020, the
having credit facilities. number of the electric cars registered will be
Under the circumstances, the big car insignificant, i.e. circa 3% [3] as Berger
manufacturers announce several Roland, Strategy Consultants in Stuttgart,
programmes of launching hybrid variants. Germany, shows.
GM are to launch on the market, in 2010, the In order to make the prototypes of such
Chevy Volt, a PHEV with 40 miles autonomy in cars, the study on laboratory models can prove
purely electrical operation. useful, as many of the systems specific to
Nissan are to launch, in 2010, a 100% those variants require laboratory testing. Along
electric EV, which they are going to sell by these lines, we have personally concerned
2012, as well as a parallel hybrid. The electric ourselves with working out solutions of
car will have an engine produced by Nissan, functional models of systems of hybrid
and an 80kW inverter. The batteries used are operations and hybrid electrical sources,
Li-Ion stratified, placed under the floor. For the applicable to cars.
year 2012, they plan to produce a City Car, an In the material below the presentation will be
LCV, and in the perspective, a Crossover [4]. In done of a number of preoccupations in this
the same quoted material, Renault proposes field pursued by researchers at the University
to build, in 2011, the electric variant of Kangoo of Piteºti.
and an electric Sedan, and for the year 2012 – 2. The conception of building the stand
an urban EV.
Nissan Motor Co, Ltd, NEC
Corporation, and its subsidiary NEC TOKIN
Corporation have formed a joint-venture
company: Automotive Energy Supply
Corporation (AESC), which has been
operational since 2008 [4].
Toyota has made, after the Prius
variant, the second variant, New Prius, which
has better performance. For instance, the
electric engine has: the rotation – from
6,500rpm to 13,900rpm; power – from 50kW to
60kW; mass – from 109kg to 80kg, and, in
perspective, they plan to produce a PHEV with
a 12.4mile autonomy [5] by using the Li
Honda, through their hybrid variants
Insight, can be considered an already
recognized producer in the car variants with an
engine assisted by an electric motor – in this
particular case, a 10kW one.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009








HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Hence, if the engine is capable, another

car can be modeled, observing relation (9), on
condition the flywheel does not exceed the
safety values of the angular speed allowed by
the material of the flywheel. Basically, the
highest weight in influencing the new angular
speed is held by coefficient kV.
Modeling the resistances to running,
the resistance of the air, and the slope
resistance, is done by means of a generator
with separate excitation. Its power should be:



With the data presented above, the following

values are obtained for the three terms of the
above relation: 405.616W; 1315.0324W;
For our model, we did not take into
consideration the resistance to the slope,
hence with the first two terms our generator
should have the power:

We chose a 2kW generator. Taking into
account its efficiency rate, its power can cover
the job.
The ratio between the angular speeds
of the flywheel and that of the wheel results
from relation (3):



HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Considering that the retrievable energy must 3. The hybrid driving system
be superior to the value 1,450J, since the The driving system is made up of two power
rotation ratio under 10p rad/sec is too low, the sources: an electric engine/motor (M), and a
retrievable energies will be given by the engine/motor (E), with the possibility for each
values of ÄW, given in the table. of the sources to operated separately, or
It is apparent that, if the efficiency of the jointly, in keeping with the principle expounded
retrieval is low, there is hardly any justification in Figure 4.
for the whole of the retrieval installation.
Taking into account that we have
mounted, on the shaft of the flywheel, a torque
transducer, and the adjustment of the power
for the shaft of the flywheel, PV(i), is done by
regulating the excitation current of generator
GE1 that the latter drives, that excitation
current will be regulated in such a way that the
intended torque is obtained at the shaft of the
flywheel. Through the checking of the torque,
we have eliminated the necessity for the
efficiency of the engine to be known.
Thus, the model of the car is that
presented in Figure 3

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


The power split device, projected and built, is a symmetrical differential mechanism.
The principle schema of the stand is presented in Figure 5.

The engine has an access at both ends of the Between the summator and the engine is
outlet shaft. At one end, it is coupled, through inserted a CVT. The engine was replaced with
an electromagnetic clutch, a GE1 generator. a more powerful one. At the outlet from the
The other end of the engine is coupled with the summator there is a two-speed gearbox.
power split device-summator- Ó, through the The new variant allows the complete
clutch Ae2 and the electromagnetic brake F1. automatization of the stand, as well as the
The electric motor M is connected to the carrying out of the standard tests.
second entry of the differential mechanism Ó. A
mechanic clutch A allows to system to be 3.2 Hybrid electric power supply
uncoupled from the flywheel. A gearbox CV
allows changing the gears. The flywheel In the schema of electric power supply
operates generator GE2, whose excitation is two basic sources are provided: a compound
programmable, as its aim is to model the car's of batteries of accumulators, BA (16 batteries
advance resistances. x 12V, 24Ah) made of lead and capsulated,
The system of electromagnetic clutches Ae1, mounted within a electric fan, a fuel cell, FC
Ae2 and the electromagnetic brakes allow of 8 kW, with a voltage ranging between the
making the combinations necessary for the limits 47-76V, having the work current within
building of the mass-production hybrid variant, the limits 0-170A.
the hybrid parallel one, the operation only with
the engine, the operation only with the electric
3.1 The hybrid CVT variant
The hybrid variant is in the preparatory stage
equipped with a gearbox of continuous
variable transmission (CVT), it will have the
structure in Figure 6.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Through switch a1 a compound of 6 batteries of 4. Conclusions

accumulators can be coupled in parallel with The current research base at
pile FC, and with a2 is connected BA, across University of Pitesti allows conducting tests on
the main voltage terminals. One should not both hybrid operation systems, and electric
connect a1 and a2 at the same time. supply systems. The equipping of the stand
The main load of those sources is with efficient, up-to-date elements allows
represented by the driving motor stand M. conducting further studies focusing on the
In the electric schema appear another most appropriate structures of both the
two electric generators: GE1 and GE2. GE1 can operation systems, and the electric power
operate when the engine is in operation either systems.
when a series hybrid is simulated, or when the
latter fails to work in the economical points, 5. References
and its coupling is necessary. [1]. Lefter, Emilian, Alimentarea cu energie
GE2 being driven by the same shaft the electrica a automobilelor, , Ed. Mediamira,
2006, Cluj-Napoca
flywheel is on, plays two roles – that of a
generator used to recover the braking energy,
and that of a brake for the modeling of the
advancing resistance of the car. A switch a,
operated at the same time as the brake pedal,
introduces the retrieval circuit that uses an
ultracapacitor 110F, 48V.
The hybrid electric power supply
system picture is presented in figure 8.

Fig. 8

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




Andrei DRUMEA, Bogdan LUPU, Iulian DUTU, Alexandru VASILE
Universitatea “Politehnica” Bucuresti, UPB-CETTI
Tel:+40 21 3169633, Email: [email protected]
Institutul de Cercetari pentru Hidraulica si Pneumatica INOE2000-IHP,
Tel: +40213363991, Email: [email protected]

1. Introducere
Metodele clasice de monitorizare a Sistemul cuprinde urmatoarele
parametrilor tehnologici impun cablarea elemente:
senzorilor si traductoarelor la consola de - senzori radio inteligenti – un astfel de
monitorizare, solutia prezentand multe sdispozitiv este practic un ansamblu modul
dezavantaje legate de mediul impropriu inteligent de comunicatie radio plus un modul
cablarii, complicatii constructive produse de de masurare.Valoarea digitala a masuratorii
includerea unor trasee de cablu in tuburi este preluata de la modulul de masurare,
metalice sau scoaterea sistemului din clasa evaluata conform anumitor criterii de
de precizie pentru care a fost proiectat din plauzibilitate (se face o verificare de incadrare
cauza utilizarii de cabluri lungi intre senzori intre limitele de masurare prestabilite) si in
sau traductoare si unitatile de final este comunicata in reteaua radio
procesare/monitorizare. In plus, inteligenta.
monitorizarea prin cablu necesita costuri Modulele de masurare sunt senzori de
semnificative ale cablarii. masurare a presiunii, temperaturii sau
Alternativa este reprezentata de senzorii debitului, vitezei, acceleratiei fluidului(apei)
inteligenti care comunica prin radio si sau a umiditatii, temperaturii si concentratiei
formeaza o retea; senzorii sunt realizati sub aerului. In general sunt reprezentate de
forma unor module de comunicatie identice traductori simpli conectati la o unitate de
atasate unor module de masurari specifice conversie analog-digitala, sau instrumente de
diferitilor parametri de monitorizat: debit, masura cu iesire digitala.
presiune, temperatura, deplasare, forta etc. Modulele de comunicatie radio asigura
Structura sistemului este ilustrata in figura 1. comunicatia radio asigura transferul local de
date si formeaza practic reteaua radio.
- modul concentrator de date cu
interfata de comunicatie la distanta – asigura
legatura retelei radio inteligente cu exteriorul,
printr-o tehnologie de comunicatie ce permite
utilizarea protocolului TCP/IP ( standard
pentru transmisia de date prin Internet) –
telefonie GSM, retea cablata Ethernet etc.
- sistem de calcul aflat la distanta, care
realizeaza monitorizarea, prelucrarea,
interpretarea si stocarea datelor.
Datorita simplitatii in utilizare si testare
accentul cade in prezenta lucrare pe senzorii
de temperatura si umiditate, a caror testare si
utilizare nu este conditionata de plasarea lor
Fig.1 Structura retelei radio de monitorizare intr-o anumita instalatie.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2. Aspecte hardware ale sistemului de

senzori radio

Tab.1 Masurarea temperaturii si umiditatii cu senzorul propus si cu un etalon

Un exemplu de senzor radio inteligent este cel
de temperatura si umiditate. Modulul de
masurare este prevazut cu afisaj cu cristale
lichide (fig.2) pentru a asigura simultan si citire
locala a parametrilor masurati si consum
redus de energie. Elementul sensibil a fost
plasat intr-o teaca metalica prevazuta la capat
cu o sita metalica fina(fig.3)

Fig.2 Modul de masurare a

temperaturii si umiditatii

In urma testelor efectuate se constata

ca precizia senzorului testat este suficienta
pentru aplicatia dorita – monitorizarea
temepraturii si umiditatii aerului.
Modulul de comunicatie radio foloseste
banda ISM 2.4GHz si protocolul IEEE
802.15.4 ce permite implementarea simpla a
unei retele de senzori radio de consum redus.
Fig. 3 Elementul sensibil Antena este realizata direct pe cablajul
in teaca metalica imprimat (fig.4) si permite realizarea de
legaturi radio sigure pe distante de ordinul
Pentru efectuarea verificãrilor specifice zecilor de metri.
ale prototipului modului de mãsurare a Comunicatia la distanta este asigurata de un
temperaturii ºi umiditãþii, acesta s-a montat modul GSM/GPRS plasat pe placa
împreunã cu ansamblul de mãsurare etalon ( concentratorului de date (fig.5). Pentru
produs Rotronic, precizie 1% pentru umiditate simplitate se foloseste un protocol serial
si temperatura) într-o incintã de aproximativ simplu si comunicatie GSM, dar
0,2 m³ avându-se în vedere simularea cât mai microcontrolerul concentratorului permite
fidelã a condiþiilor reale de funcþionare. În implementarea protocolului TCP/IP necesar
tabelul 1 sunt date mãsurãtorile specifice comunicatiei GPRS..
modulului de mãsurare a temperaturii ºi
umiditãþii în raport cu etalonul.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- senzori de presiune a apei;

- senzori de temperatura, destinati
masurarii temperaturii apei distribuite;
- senzori de debit, necesari pentru a
contoriza debitul de apa livrata;
- senzori de umiditate si temperatura,
utilizati pentru monitorizarea umiditatii relative
si a temperaturii mediului in care este instalata
reteaua de distributie.
Prin intermediul unui protocol de
comunicatie implementat la nivelul bus-ului
serial si utilizind tehnologia de comunicatie
GSM se realizeaza transferul de date intre
concentratorul de date din reteaua radio si
sistemul de calcul aflat la distanta.
Aplicatia (fig. 6) este construita pe baza
Fig.4 Modul comunicatie radio mai multor module:
modulul de monitorizare a conexiunilor
din reteaua radio (zona de monitorizare a
retelei si a conexiunilor dintre senzori);
modulul de inregistrare a datelor (zona
de selectie a parametrilor inregistrati si tabelul
de date);
modulul de vizualizare on-line a datelor
prelevate de la senzori (zona de afisare a
elementelor constitutive ale retelei si zona de
vizualizare on-line).

Fig.5 Concentrator de date cu modul GSM

3. Aspecte software ale sistemului de

senzori radio
In paralel cu dezvoltarea si testarea
senzorilor radio a fost dezvoltata o aplicatie
Windows in mediul RAD Delphi destinata
monitorizarii in timp real a retelei radio.
Senzorii prezenti în retea pot masura
patru tipuri de parametri functionali. Intrucat
destinatia initiala a sistemului a fost
monitorizarea parametrilor din punctele de Fig.6 Fereastra principala a aplicatiei de monitorizare
distributie a apei si energiei termice, aplicatia
suporta patru tipuri de senzori:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Elementele constitutive ale aplicatiei c.zona de selectie a parametrilor inregistrati

sunt: In aceasta zona pot fi selectati parametrii
a.zona de afisare a elementelor constitutive ai caror valori mãsurate vor fi înregistrate in
ale retelei. tabelul de date. Zona de selectie a parametrilor
Zona contine elementele constitutive ale inregistrati este corelata cu tabelul de date.
retelei monitorizate. Acestea sunt prezentate
intr-o structura arborescenta, senzorii fiind
afisati dupa numele lor in retea. Zona de
afisare a elementelor constitutive ale retelei
este corelata cu zona de vizualizare on-line si
cu zona de monitorizare a conexiunilor din

Fig. 9 Zona de selectie a

Fig. 7 Structura
arborescenta a retelei
d. zona de monitorizare a conexiunilor din
In aceastã zona poate fi vizualizata
structura retelei si conexiunile dintre senzorul
selectat in structura arborescenta si ceilalti
senzori din retea. Senzorii sunt figurati prin
intermediul unor pictograme sugestive. Zona
este corelata cu zona de afisarere a
b.zona de vizualizare on-line elementelor constitutive ale retelei.
Zona este coreltata cu zona de afisare
a elementelor constitutive ale retelei si contine
informatii cu privire la senzorul selectat din
structura arborescenta:
-info - numele de identificare a senzorului in
-identif. - codul de identificare a senzorului in
-valoare - ultima valoare receptionata de la
-[u.m.] - unitatea de mãsura pentru
parametrul receptionat de la senzor Fig. 10 Structura retelei si conexiunile
dintre senzori

e. tabelul de date
Stocarea si prelucrarea datelor se face
cu ajutorul unei baze de date ale carei
inregistrari sunt afisate in fereastra
Fig. 8 Zona de monitorizare a „Tabel date” prezentata in figura urmatoare:
senzorului selectat

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 11 Tabelul cu datele prelevate de la senzori

Inregistrãrile se fac pe baza datelor 7. Bibliografie

primite de la senzori si in corelatie cu [1] "Embedded control handbook – Vol. 1",
parametrii selectati pentru inregistrare in zona Microchip Inc., 1997.
de selectie a parametrilor inregistrati. [2] Lutz Bierl, “Das grosse MSP430 Praxis
Ca organizare, baza de date principala Buch”, Franzis, 2004.
contine urmatoarele campuri: Index ( numarul [3] Chris Nagy, “Embedded system design
de ordine al inregistrarii curente), Parametru using the TI MSP430 series (Embedded
(tipul parametrului inregistrat), Nr_senzor Technology series)”, Newnes, 2003.
(identificatorul senzorului în cadrul retelei), [4] A. Drumea, P. Svasta, “Universal Electronic
Valoare (valoarea parametrului inregistrat), Module for Industrial Control Based on System
Unitate_masura si Data. on Chip Device”, International Spring Seminar
Aplicatia descrisa a fost testata cu on Electronics Technology ISSE2007, May
succes impreuna cu senzorii de temperatura 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
si umiditate prezentati anterior.

6. Concluzii
Utilizarea microcontrolerelor moderne
asigura dimensiuni reduse si consum scazut
de energie in aplicatiile de monitorizare si
Retelele actuale de senzori radio ofera
performante similare solutiilor cablate dar la o
flexibilate net superioara si un cost
Completarea retelei de senzori radio
cu optiunea de acces de la distanta dublata de
aplicatii de monitorizare si prelucrare de date
se poate realiza foarte usor cu ajutorul
tehnologiilor de comunicatie GSM/GPRS si a
bazelor de date SQL.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Erol Murad (*), Tudor Chereches (**)

Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucureºti (**) Academia Tehnicã Militarã

To achieve convective dryers with small production capacity, movable in harvesting areas of the
products to be dried is necessary to increase energy independence, reduce the energy impact and
to manufacture at competitive prices. Consideration was paid to the typical structure of automatic
control systems of convective dryers and components were chosen to obtain minimum energy
consumption. There were chosen electronic components as well as unconventional pneumatic
components, the selection criterion being minimizing energy consumption.

1. Aspecte generale S-au utilizat conceptele de bazã ale

Uscarea reprezintã un procedeu eficient automatizãrii cu cost redus, a minimalizãrii
economic ºi ecologic pentru pãstrarea consumului de energie ºi nu în ultimul rând al
principalelor produse agricole vegetale, fructe eficienþei economice.
ºi legume. Cu un proces de uscare optim se
obþin produse cu potenþial nutritiv ridicat, 2. Marimile ce trebuie masurate pentru
uniform uscate ºi cu consumuri energetice conducerea automata a proceselor de
specifice reduse. uscare
Conducerea automatã a procesului de Pentru controlul automat optimal al
uscare este necesarã pentru a se obþine procesului de uscare trebuie sã se mãsoare în
regimul de lucru optim. La uscãtoarele cu timp real urmãtoarele mãrimi:
capacitate de producþie micã, sub 10 m2 -temperatura Tai a agentului de uscare în
suprafaþã de casete, preþul sistemului de domeniul 20..70 ºC,
conducere automatã poate dubla costul -umiditatea relativã ai a agentului de uscare în
instalaþiei ºi deci determinã reducerea domeniul 30..80 %,
funcþiilor de conducere automatã cu -cantitatea de apã Mapã eliminatã prin uscare
repercursiuni asupra calitãþii produselor finale.
In figura 1 este prezentata schema bloc a
Aceste uscãtoare pot fi deplasate uºor la locul
unei instalatii de uscare convectiva, care
de recoltare a produselor ce se vor usca ºi ca
utilizeaza ca agent termic apa calda, în care
urmare este necesar un nivel mare de
sunt puse în evidenta traductoarele si
independenþa energeticã, precum ºi o
elementele de executie necesare.
fiabilitate ridicatã.
Pentru reglarea automatã a temperaturii în
Instalaþiile de uscare consumã multã
procesul de uscare elementul de execuþie este
putere termicã ºi circa 8% energie electricã
robinetul de reglare RR1 iar mãrimea de
pentru ventilator ºi automatizare. Pentru
execuþie este puterea termicã introdusã în
independenþã energeticã puterea termicã se
proces prin debitul de apã caldã.
poate obþine local din biomasã, aspectul critic
Pentru reglarea umiditãþii relative a agentului
fiind consumul de energie electricã.
de uscare elementul de execuþie este o baterie
In aceastã lucrare se analizeazã
de clapete, acþionatate de elementul de
variantele de utilizare a diferitelor tipuri de
acþionare EA1, cu care se modificã proporþia
traductoare ºi elemente de execuþie,
dintre debitul de agent reciculat ºi cel de aer
electronice ºi pneumatice, ca modalitate de
reducere a consumului de energie electricã în
sistemul de conducere automatã.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Obiectiv urmãrit constã în reducerea senzori de umiditate de tip rezistiv cu o bunã

consumului energetic al sistemului de precizie, cu insensibilitate ridicatã la compuºi
conducere automatã. Ca urmare se vor chimici organici ºi care au gabarite ºi
analiza soluþii ºi principii constructive care se consumuri de energie foarte mici.
caracterizeazã prin consumuri foarte mici de Un exemplu edificator îl reprezintã traductorul
energie electricã ºi de aer comprimat. de temperaturã ºi umiditate absolutã, tip HT-
Un aspect esenþial luat în considerare 961 produs de Ohmic Instruments, USA.[ ]
constã în faptul cã procesele de uscare sunt Acest tip de traductor mãsoarã temperatura în
procese termice lente cu viteze foarte mici de domeniul -20..+70 ºC, umiditatea absolutã în
variaþie a mãrimilor caracteristice. domeniul 2..130g/m3; are o ieºire pentru
temperaturã yT[1, 5] Vcc ºi o ieºire pentru
3. Alegerea traductoarelor umiditatea absolutã y [1, 5] Vcc cu un consum
In prezent conducerea automatã a de numai 16 mW. Un alt aspect semnificativ
proceselor se face cu PLC-uri de ultimã este cã are un gabarit foarte redus: diametrul
generaþie care au un consum foarte mic de de 12 mm ºi lungimea de 80 mm, ceea ce îl
energie electricã ºi au posibilitãþi foarte largi de face uºor de poziþionat în spaþii mai restrânse.
cuplare la diferite tipuri de traductoare ºi Pentru optimizarea procesului de uscare
elemente de execuþie. este necesara masurarea continua a masei de
In conducerea proceselor de uscare mãrimile apa extrasa în timpul procesului de uscare.
determinante sunt temperatura ºi umiditatea Pentru reducerea costurilor de producþie a
agentului de uscare. Uzual se mãsoarã uscãtorului mãsurarea se face pentru un
umiditatea relativã in a agentului de uscare eºantion reprezentat de una sau mai multe
precum ºi temperatura acestuia, iar în PLC se casete de uscare suspendate pe un traductor
calculeazã valoarea umiditãþii absolute Xa care de forþã. Pentru simplificarea constructivã
intrã în modelul de conducere a procesului. traductorul trebuie dispus în camera de uscare
Traductoarele de acest tip, cu care se mãsoarã la temeperaturi ºi umiditãþi ridicate. In lucrãrile
simultan temperatura ºi umiditatea relativã [] ºi [] s-au analizat aceste aspecte ºi s-a
sunt alimentate la 24 Vcc cu un consum de dezvoltat un traductor de forþã pneumatic,
minim 40mA, ceea ce duce la un consum de neconvenþional, care este adaptat condiþiilor
1W. Un aspect des întâlnit este sensibilitatea de funcþionare din uscãtoarele convective ºi
senzorului capacitiv de umiditate la compuºii necesitã numai 63mW putere electricã ºi 5mW
chimici organici care sunt preluaþi de agentul putere pneumaticã.
de uscare ºi recirculaþi. Acest aspect conduce In figura 2 este prezentatã schema bloc a
la utilizarea de filtre speciale, scumpe, cu acestui tip de traductor. El este format dintr-o
duratã de utilizare redusã, precum ºi la celulã de sarcinã pneumaticã, un bloc de
creºterea semnificativã a timpului de rãspuns. conducere alimentat cu energie electricã ºi
Recentele dezvoltãri din domeniul pneumaticã ºi un convertor presiune-tensiune
microelectronicii au dus la realizarea de cu ieºirea yF[1, 3] Vcc

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In figura 3 este prezentatã schema funcþionalã Considerând cã o ºarja medie de uscare are o
a dispozitivului de mãsurare a masei de apã duratã de 6 ore ºi se pot realiza maxim 3 ºarje
extrase în timpul procesului de uscare în care pe zi rezultã un necesar de energie electricã
s-a utilizat traductorul pneumatic de forþã din de numai 1,8 Wh/zi, sau o energie electricã de
figura 2. Traductorul are o ieºire pentru masa 6,5 kJ. Aceastã energie se poate stoca într-o
mãsuratã yM[1, 3] Vcc. baterie de miniacumulatoare Li-Cd care se pot
Rezultã cã varianta analizatã necesitã reîncãrca în timpul zilei cu un panou
pentru funcþionarea traductoarelor o putere fotovoltaic.
electricã medie de 80 mW ºi o putere medie
pneumaticã de 5 mW, ceea ce constituie mai
puþin de 100 mW în total.

4. Alegerea elementelor de execuþie Elementul pneumatic de acþionare cu

Pentru reducerea consumului de energie, membranã, cu simplã acþiune, EPAM
a gabaritelor ºi a preþului se pot utiliza acþioneazã clapetele CA1 ºi CA2 pentru agent
elemente de execuþie cu acþionare recirculat ºi pentru aer exterior.
pneumaticã. S-a avut în vedere specificul Camera sub presiune este legatã prin
proceselor de uscare în care coeficientul de rezistenþa R3 la douã distribuitoare D3 ºi D4
recirculare a agentului de uscare scade care primesc semnalele de comandã u3 ºi u4
continuu, precum ºi faptul cã puterea termicã care compun mãrimea de comanda u
necesarã scade continuu în timpul unei ºarje elaboratã de algoritmul tripoziþional de
de uscare. Aceste aspecte permit realizarea conducere a buclei de reglare a umiditãþii
de mari simplificãri constructive ºi funcþionale. absolute a agentului de uscare.
In figura 4 este prezentat elementul de
acþionare EA1 pentru clapetele camerei de

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

La începerea unui ºarje debitul de aer Pentru a se reduce durata totalã de

exterior are valoarea cea mai mare pentru a acþionare a distribuitoarelor se regleazã
compensa debitul evacuat cu umiditatea rezistenþa R3 pentru ca un ciclul de evacuare
extrasã. In acel moment se introduce aer sã fie de maxim 2..3 s.
comprimat în EPAM prin D4, se deschide CA2 Utilizând un produs realizat de SMC,
ºi se închide CA1. In timpul derulãrii electrodistribuitorul tip SJY312MT5M-M3 care
procesului de uscare scade debitul de apa consumã numai 0,1W, rezultã pentru o
extrasã ºi se micºoreazã ºi debitul de aer comandã un consum maxim de 0,3 J. Pentru
exterior, ceea ce duce la evacuari succesive un numãr de circa 100 comenzi pe durata unei
de cantitãþi de aer din EPAM în exterior prin ºarje rezultã un consum de 30 J sau 8,4 10-3
D3. Rezultã cã într-o ºarjã de uscare se Wh pe ºarjã, sau 2Wh/zi. Pentru reglarea
consumã aer comprimat doar pentru puteri termice necesare procesului de uscare
umplerea iniþialã, ulterior aerul din camera se variazã debitul de apã caldã care intrã în
sub presiune fiind evacuat treptat în schimbãtorul de cãldurã. Pentru variaþia
atmosferã. Ca urmare rezultã cã se consumã debitului de apã caldã se va utiliza un robinet
energie doar pentru comanda distribuitorului de reglare cu tub flexibil ºi cu acþionare
D3. pneumaticã, a cãrui schemã funcþionalã este
prezentatã în figura 5.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Tubul flexibil este presat de o rolã cu care se Compresorul, cu un randament de 40%,

variazã secþiunea de trecere a apei calde. Rola trebuie sã producã o putere pneumaticã de
este presatã pe tub printr-un sistem de pârghii maxim 20 mW, consumând o putere electricã
cuplat la elementul pneumatic de acþionare cu de 50 mW.
membranã EPAM în care este montat arcul de Insumând puterile necesare rezultã cã
revenire. este necesarã o putere electricã de circa 3 W.
La începerea sarjei de uscare necesarul Dacã se ia în considerare un coeficient de
de putere termica este maxim si se comanda incertitudine de 0,33 rezultã un necesar de 4
ridicarea rolei prin introducerea de aer W putere electricã maximã. Pentru a asigura
comprimat în EPAM, ceea ce duce la aceastã putere electricã 20 ore de funcþionare
comprimarea arcului de revenire si marirea pe zi este necesarã energie electricã de
sectiunii de trecere a apei calde. 80Wh.
In desfãºurarea procesului de uscare Randamentul de utilizare a
necesarul de putere termicã scade continuu, miniacumulatoarelor este de minim 70% ceea
algoritmul PID de reglare al temepraturii dã ce face necesar acumularea zilnicã a unei
comenzi u5 pentru evacuarea în exterior a unei energii de 115 Wh produsã de un panou
mase de aer astfel ca rola sã apese mai mult fotovoltaic.
pe tub reducând debitul de apã caldã. Bateria de miniacumulatoare trebuie
Ca ºi la elementul de execuþie pentru asigure ºi funcþionarea într-o zi noroasã ºi ca
reglarea umiditãþii se constatã un consum urmare trebuie sã aibã o capacitate de stocare
foarte mic de energie electricã ºi de minim 10 Ah la 12 Vcc
nesemnificativ de energie pneumaticã. Pentru perioada de uscare, lunile mai-
Energia pneumaticã, aer comprimat la octombrie, se poate conta pe o iluminare
maxim 100 kPa, se poate stoca într-un medie de 13 W. Se pot utiliza panouri solare
rezervor flexibil de maxim 5 dm3 care se care debiteazã la o iluminare medie o putere
încarcã cu un mini compresor cu membranã de 20 W la 12 Vcc.
alimentat din bateria de miniacumulatoare.
Pentru un consum redus de energie ºi o Concluzii
fiabilitate ridicatã se pot utiliza compresoarele Pentru realizarea de uscãtoare
de la tensiometrele medicale portabile. convective cu consum minim de energie
electricã în vederea obþinerii unei
4. Alimentarea cu energie independenþe enrgetice ridicate, s-au analizat
Pentru alimentarea cu energie se poate variante de utilizare a traductoarelor ºi a
utiliza un panou fotovoltaic mobil, de elementelor de execuþie, de tip electronic ºi
dimensiuni miciºi cu ecran de protecþie din pneumatice neconvenþionale cu consumuri
sticlã foarte reduse de energie pentru realizarea
Consumul de energie electricã se poate sistemului de conducere automatã.
estima prim însumarea consumurilor de la Este de remarcat cã utilizarea
traductoare, elemente de execuþie compresor traductorului de masã ºi a elementelor de
ºi PLC. execuþie de tip pneumatic neconvenþional,
In calcul s-au luat în considerare PLC- precum ºi a PLC-urilor recente, necesitã o
uri de ultima generaþie cu consumuri foarte putere electricã de doar 4W. Acestã putere
reduse. Un exemplu sunt PLC-urile tip este asiguratã de o baterie de
ALPHA2 produse de Mitshubisi în 2008. miniacumulatoare cu capacitatea de 10Ah la
Pentru uscãtorul analizat este necesar tipul 12 Vcc.
AL2-14MR-D alimentat în 24 Vcc ºi care Se constatã ca pentru realizarea unui
consumã în medie 1 W. Traductorul de consum minim de energie este necesarã
temperaturã ºi umiditate realtivã consumã 16 utilizarea tuturor variantelor de energie,
mW. Traductorul de masã consumã 63 mW, iar electricã ºi pneumaticã, utilizând elemente cât
cele douã elemente de execuþie 160 mW. mai bine adaptate la specificul instalaþiei

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

References: [5]. Murad E., Haraga G., Bulearcã M.,

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Processes, in Computerized Control Systems, Bucureºti 12-14 noiembrie 2009
Mittal ed., pp 295-316. [6]. Murad E., Predescu C., Rizoiu G., Sima C.,
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G., Optimizarea instalaþiilor de uscare destinate zonelor montane, HERVEX 2009,
convectivã a legumelor ºi fructelor alimentate Cãlimãneºti 18-20 18-20 noiembrie 2009
cu energie termicã produsã din biomasã [7]. Murad E., Maican E., Marin A., Dumitrescu
agricolã; INMATECH-2007, Bucureºti, mai C., Dinamica traductoarelor pneumatice cu
2007 consum redus de energie pentru mãsurarea
[3]. Murad E., Mãsurarea parametrilor forþelor în procese lente, HERVEX 2009,
procesului de uscare a produselor ceramice Cãlimãneºti 18-20 noiembrie 2009
cu traductoare pneumatice neconvenþionale, [8]. Radcenco V., Alexandrescu N., Ionescu
HERVEX 2007, pp 160-163 E., Calculul ºi proiectarea elemenelor ºi
[4]. Murad E., Chercheº T., Traductoare schemelor pneumatice, Editura Tehnicã,
pneumatice neconvenþionale cu consum Bucureºti, 1985
redus de energie pentru mãsurarea forþelor din [9]. Mujumdar A. (editor), Handbook of
instalaþii agricole ºi în industria alimentarã, Industrial Drying, CRC Press, NewYork, 2007
HERVEX 2008, Cãlimãneºti 15-17 noiembrie [10]. *** Catalog Ohmic Instruments Co.
2008 USA, 2009
[11]. *** Catalog SMC, 2009
[12]. *** Catalog Motorola 2008

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





PhD. eng. Corneliu CRISTESCU, PhD. eng..Petrin DRUMEA ,

Hydraulic and Pneumatics Research Institute- INOE 2000-IHP Buchaest, ROMANIA,
[email protected], [email protected]

The paper presents a hydraulic system used to recovering of the kinetic energys of the motor
vehicle, in the braking phase. This saved energy is used in the acceleration phases, in order to
increasing energy efficiency of the motor vehicles propulsion systems. All the system is conceived
like a mechatronics system, for the medium and heavy motor vehicles and contains a hydro-
mechanic subsystem, an electronics subsystem and an informatics subsystem. The
implementation of the recovering system on one motor vehicle transforms it in a hybrid vehicle and
leads to decreasing of the fuel consumption and to reduce the gas emissions.
Keywords: hydraulic system, hybrid systems, energy recovering, road vehicles.

1. Introduction The main objectives of the hybrid

The development of road transport has systems are the recovering kinetic energy of
a strong impact on the environment, global the road motor vehicles and reducing the
warming of the planet and the resources of fuel consumption and, also, the reducing of the
fossil fuels. environment pollution.
In order to reduce these effects, In this respect, the Hydraulics and
manufacturers of motor vehicles considers pneumatics Research Institute-INOE 2000-
that a radical solution to improve the situation IHP, together with its partners: the Politechnica
is changing the propulsion of vehicles by University from Bucharest, INCDMF, INMA
promoting hybrid propulsion systems, and ROMFLUID, were involved in the
considered as a future solution for a development of a research project, which aims
substantial reduction in fuel consumption and to recover kinetic energy, during braking road
pollutant. vehicles, by developing a hybrid thermal-
Typical, the kinetic energy of the motor hydraulic system, and use it in the starting
vehicle, accumulated in the accelerating phases of motor vehicles. The project was
phase, in the braking phase is converted in the conducted under the Excellence Research
thermal energy which is, normally and Program and funded by National Authority for
irremediable, wasted in atmosphere [1]. To Scientific Research..
reduce the fuel consumption and to limit the Based one a vast documentation on the
emission of motor vehicle, the manufacturers INTERNET, regarding the technical realization
have developed less polluting vehicles and in the recovering energy field, where studied a
reduced fuel consumption. In this category, lot of technical solutions which allow the
are, also, vehicles with hybrid propulsion designing, manufacturing and testing one
systems The propulsion systems which have functional model and where made the
in addition to a conventional internal necessary measuring in order to demonstrate
combustion engine, at least one capable of the functionality, efficacy and efficiency of the
providing torque to the wheels car and recover functional model .
some of the kinetic energy, are known as
hybrid Regenerative Systems.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2. The presentation of the hydraulic recovery system, is the capturing and

system for energy recovering storing of the lost energy in the braking phases
The hydraulic system for energy at the medium and heavy motor vehicles.
recovering represents the main physical The method consists in using one mechanic
product, resulting from the finalization of the and hydraulic module, which is able to
maintained research project. The aim of the capture and to convert the kinetic energy into
hydraulic system is the recovering the kinetic the hydrostatic energy and, also, storage and
energy, in the braking phase of the medium
and heavy motor vehicle. The technical reuse it for acceleration and starting of the
problem, which is solved by the hydraulic vehicles, figure1.

Fig. 1 The conceptual model of the kinetic energy recovery system

In the following, is presented a Romanian The hydraulic power is transmitted, to the

technical solution for an energy recovery breech wheels, through the one torque and
system, which is based on a hybrid system rotation transducer (TMR) and one Cardan
compound by a mechano-hydraulic module
and, also, an existing system with thermo- axle. The hydraulic machine can be
engine and mechanical transmission, all connected, in parallel, anywhere in the
conceived as a mechatronics system.. driveline, but, generally, is mounted between
gearbox and differential mechanism.
2.1 The conceptual model of the energy The main part of the recovery system is the
hydraulic machine with variable geometrical
recovery system volume [2], [3], that can work both as a pump,
The hydraulic recovering system of the kinetic in the braking process, and, also, as a
energy was designed to be implemented on hydraulic motor, in the starting process of the
one Romanian automotive, well-known as motor vehicle. The hydraulic machine is acted
ARO 243 type, which has a 4x4 driving through one gear box transmition, being
assisted by an electro-hydraulic system,
system. In the conceptual model of the kinetic which is interfaced with the subsystems for
energy recovering system, figure 1, it braking and acceleration of the vehicle, all
distinguishes the Diesel engine MD, the controlled by a processor.
gearbox CV and the gear transmission to the The operation of the recovery system has
front wheels, through one torque transducer needed a lot of sensors and transducers, for
(TMR) and one Cardan axle. It can see the monitoring and controlling the evolution of
parameters [4].
mechanical transmission to the hydraulic
machine/unity UH, the tank for low pressure
LT and the storing system for height pressure,
which is compound of the two hydraulic and
pneumatic accumulators AC1 and AC2.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2.2 The block diagram of the Data from the transducers are transmitted
mechatronic recovery system within the serial communication line [4]. The
The kinetic energy recovering system was electronic module is equipped with a console
developed in a mechatronics conception, which allows visualization and modification of
which is considerate as being the unique the functional parameters.
capable technology to manage, in very short The mechatronic system contains:
time, the transient working regimes, in the mechanical and hydraulic subsystem,
braking and accelerating phases, in order to electronic subsystem for command and
integrate the interaction of the some hydro- control and, also, the informatic subsystem for
pneumatic components,into the mechatronic data management, which allows the
ensembles, figure 2. measurement and control for all system
The energy recovery system, figure 2, through parameters. The interface between the first
the three basic mechatronic subsystems, two subsystems is the subsystem of sensors
assure the control and monitoring for and transducers, which provide information on
mechanic and hydraulic parameters, allows the evolution of the main parameters of the
data acquisition from the transducers for system.
moment/couple, temperature, flow and

Fig. 2 The block diagram of the mechatronic system for recovering kinetic energy

This component defines the mechatronics The main command output size is swivel angle
basis for the system design and development. of the block of pistons of the hydraulic machine,
The mechatronic system is working on the which determines the variation of the flow and,
basis of dedicated software, which allows on the other hand, the running regime like
monitoring and recording of the evolution of pump or motor, in function of the braking or
output sizes and the control parameters of the accelerating regime.
system. The electronic module calculates the
hydraulic power at the hydraulic machine, as a 2.3 Some theoretical results obtained by
product between pressure and flow, and
transfers it through a serial communication line modeling and simulation
to the system. The system is equipped with a In order to optimise the main
Lap Top or PC computer, control the input constructive and functional features, the main
functional parameters, and the visualization of components of the system were selected from
the measured output parameters. the theoretical results obtained from the
mathematical modelling and the computer
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

simulation work, [5]. It was necessary to know

the dynamic behaviour of the experimental
hybrid motor vehicle, in braking phase and
where elaborated a mathematical modelling
and a simulation program [6]. After the
simulation, where obtained a lot of variation
diagrams for the interesting parameters,
presented in the next figures. For example, in
the figure 3 is presented the kinetic energy
variation during the braking process and in the
figure 4 the vehicle braking velocity variation.

In the figure 5, are presented the gas volume

variation, which is in continuous decreasing
process and the oil volume variation, which is
in increasing process. In the figure 6, is
presented the pressure variation in the
storage accumulators battery. In the figure 7 is
presented the braking stroke variation and in
the figure 8 is the accumulators flow variation
The diagrams from figure 5 illustrate the
accumulating hydrostatic energy, which
create the condition to use this energy in
acceleration phases. The variation of others
parameters were obtained, also, by
mathematical modelling and computer
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2.4 The main physical modules of the the battery of accumulators in the figure 11; the
energy recovering system electronic and informatics systems are
The main physical modules, which compound presented in figure 12. In the figure 13 is
the energy recovery system, are presented in presented the inside the control panel and in
the next figures: the hydro-mechanic module in figure 14 is presented the out side the control
the figure 9, the hydraulic central in figure 10; panel

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The implementation of the recovering system REFERENCES

on one motor vehicle transforms it in a hybrid [1]. M. Untaru, V. Cîmpian, C. Hilohi, V.
vehicle and leads to decreasing of the fuel Vãrzescu, „Construcþia ºi calculul
consumption and to reduce the gas emissions. automobilelor” (Construction and calculation
Before the implementation on the motor of car). Editura Tehnicã, Bucureºti, 1974.
vehicle, in order to develop the experimental [2]. N. Vasiliu, Daniela.Vasiliu, I. Seteanu, V
research, the main modules of the mechatronic . Rãdulescu, „Mecanica Fluidelor ºi sisteme
system, for the recovering braking energy, hidraulice”( Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic
where subjected on the laboratory testing, in systems), Editura Tehnicã, 1999.
order to verify the main functional parameters. [3]. V. Marin, Al. Marin, „Sisteme hidraulice
automate-construcþie reglare exploatare”
3. Conclusions (Automatic hydraulic systems. Construction,
The paper presents the possibility to design, installation, operation)., Editura Tehnicã,
manufacturing and implementing the energy Bucureºti, 1987.
recovery systems on motor vehicles. [4]. C. Calinoiu, “Senzori si traductoare”
From the above, can say that the hydraulic (Sensors and transducers), vol. I, Editura
systems for energy recovering are good Tehnicã, Bucuresti, 2009..
solutions in order to increasing of energy [5]. N. Vasiliu, P. Drumea, Daniela Vasiliu,
efficiency of the road vehicles. Computer simulation of an electrohydraulic
The adopted technical solution allows system. In Modelling and simulation, 1992, pp.
extrapolation to different sizes of vehicles, for 669-673.
medium and heavy vehicles, and can be [6]. C.Cristescu, „Recuperarea energiei
mounted on vehicles both new and old motor cinetice la franarea autovehiculelor”
vehicles, in an action for the rehabilitation or (Recovery of kinetic energy from vehicle
upgrading them. braking), Editura AGIR, Bucuresti, 2008.
Hydraulic and electrical components, are
available on the market and allow realization, in
good conditions, of the kinetic energy recovery

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Brevet de Inventie Nr. 120423


Patent no. 120423
Florian-Petre DAIA*, Petre TIRIPLICA* ,

*SC HIDROELECTRICA SA - Sucursala Hidrocentrale TG-JIU

Str. Prelungirea Vasile Alecsandri nr. 1 ,TG JIU , Jud. GORJ , Fax 0253 218 670

Abstract: The installation represents the materialization of a new operational concept and
a modern constructive solution of the Underpressure Oil Group attached to the hydraulic
It is based on an innovative operational concept which mean that the functions which
control the pneumo hydraulic dimensions and the control functions of the operational
elements are provided by an automatic setup system and it is performed with the newest
hydraulic and pneumatic components which ensure high safety and reliability.
The hydraulic components are mounted on an integrated hydraulic plate, the pneumatic
components are placed in a compact pneumatic case and the automatic setup system is in
an electric panel which provides the supervision and control of the operations. All these
make from the pneumo hydraulic installation a compact equipment which works properly
and regularly.
The new concept mean an undertaking of all the tasks implying a proper operation and
supervision of the Underpressure oil group and by the operations performed are provided
the following things:
- The operational parameters set by the user are memorized
- Are started up the operational functions at the set parameters
- The main hydraulic and pneumatic dimensions are monitored
- There is provided a sound and-or light warning when the system does not work properly
and the operational parameters are exceeded
- The operational parameters and main events occuring are memorized in real time
- The data is transferred from the memory by means of operational interfaces to a PC for an
ulterior study.
The new and modern solution uses part of the old structure :
- The air and oil buffer accumulator
- The electropumps which pump up the oil
- The oil reservoir
- The connection to the high pressure compressed air installation (for the first filling with air
of the buffer accumulator)
This solutions uses, for an additional supply with highly pressurized air (after the first filling
of the accumulator) a high pressure compressor of low power and volume which reduces
the4 consumption of electricity during operation.
For this purpose the authors realized an installation which provides high safety and
reliability being possible to monitor on line the operational parameters by integrating in the
SCADA system at the level of hydroelectric power station.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Noutate special in Hidroenergetica, la centralele

hidroelectrice in scopul asigurarii fluidului de
Reprezinta un concept modern de actionare a lucru (ulei sub presiune) pentru actionarea
turbinelor , realizat cu componente hidraulice turbinelor hidraulice .
si pneumatice de ultima generatie , la care Este pretabila folosirii in orice domeniu
functiile de comanda ale elementelor de industrial , in care in procesul de productie
executie sunt asigurate de un Automat este necesar ulei sub presiune pentru
Programabil (AP) actionarea diferitelor organe ale
In functionarea automata instalatia echipamentelor mecanice .
pneumohidraulica poate asigura trei regimuri
de functionare distincte , prin setarea Realizari pina in prezent
parametrilor , dupa cum urmeaza :
? Functionare prin controlul presiunii de aer ; Instalatia brevetata de catre autori , a fost
? Functionare prin controlul nivelului de ulei ; aplicata in modernizarea instalatiilor GUP din
? Functionare combinata prin controlul cadrul CHE ale SH Tg-Jiu si functioneaza fara
presiunii de aer si nivelului de ulei . probleme in urmatoarele instalatii :
Parametrii de functionare nu sint prestabiliti si o CHE Tismana - HG 1
pot fi setati independent ca valoare minima si o CHE Tismana - HG 2
maxima , atit pentru presiunea aerului cit si o CHE Motru - HG 2
pentru nivelul de ulei . Realizarea celor trei instalatii s-a facut in baza
Schema hidraulica este universal functionala , Avizului CTA HIDROELECTRICA , Nr. 22 /
fiind pretabila pentru toate tipurile de turbine 2002 si a Avizului UCM Resita Nr. 182 / 212 /
printre care turbinele Francis si Kaplan . 10.05.2002 .
Punerea in functiune a instalatiei Solutia brevetata de noi , este apreciata ca o
pneumohidraulice , de la nivelul de ulei si solutie moderna pretabila pentru
presiunea de aer “zero” se face in secventa automatizarea centralelor, care
automata , fara supraveghere . functioneaza fara probleme cum este
Asigura posibilitatea testarii independente a specificat in studiul intitulat “Solutii pentru
echipamentelor componente , prin comenzi partea electrica si de automatizare in
manuale cum ar fii : centrale”, elaborat de SC Hidroelectrica SA ,
? pornire electropompe ; prin ing. Mortu Stefan .
? pornire electrocompresor ; Sub egida Ministerului Educatiei , Cercetarii si
? completare si descarcare presiune de aer Tineretului-Autoritatea Nationala de
din accumulator ; Cercetare Stiintifica a selectat inventia
? introducere sau golire ulei din noastra pentru participarea la Salonul
acumulatorul aer-ulei . International al Inventiilor, Tehnicilor si
Elimina condensul din aerul sub presiune , prin Produselor Noi de la Geneva - Elvetia ,
filtrarea acestuia si purjarea automata . editia a 36-lea in standul rezervat Romaniei .
Asigura monitorizarea on-line a parametrilor Salonul International al Inventiilor , Tehnicilor
de functionare si inregistrarea evenimentelor si Produselor Noi de la Geneva - Elvetia s-a
aparute in instalatia pneumohidraulica . desfasurat in perioada 02-06.04.2008 in
Poate fi integrat cu usurinta in sisteme de tip cadrul expozitiei PAL EXPO Geneva , unde au
SCADA . participat autorii instalatiei brevetate .
Prezentarea lucrarii la acest eveniment , in
Domeniul de aplicare standul amenajat pentru Romania , s-a facut
printr-un poster de prezentare editat sub sigla
Instalatia pneumohidraulica de actionare a SC Hidroelectrica SA , Sucursala
servomotoarelor aparatului director si Hidrocentrale Tg-Jiu si SC 'HIDROSERV' SA
paletelor rotorului turbinelor Kaplan si Francis PORTILE DE FIER SA cit si prin pliante de
cu automat programabil, este folosita in prezentare realizate de autori in limba
franceza si engleza .

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Lucrarea a fost prezentata si domnului dr. inventicii, organizat in cadrul Salonului

Ionel Nicu Sava, ambasadorul României la INNOVA, desfasurat in perioada 13-15
Berna in timpul vizitei efectuate cu ocazia zilei noiembrie 2008, editia a 57-lea in standul
ROMANIEI din cadrul Salonului de Inventii . rezervat Romaniei .
In urma deliberarii juriului international , format Prezentarea lucrarii la acest eveniment , in
dintr-un numar de 78 specialisti pe diferite standul amenajat pentru Romania , s-a facut
domenii de activitate , lucrarea noastra a printr-un poster de prezentare editat sub sigla
obtinut o Medalie de Argint in cadrul Clasei A , SC Hidroelectrica SA, Sucursala
intitulata Mecanica-Motoare-Masini-Utilaje- Hidrocentrale Tg-Jiu si SC 'HIDROSERV' SA
Procedee industriale-Metalurgie ce a ce PORTILE DE FIER SA cit si prin pliante de
reprezinta un succes atit pentru noi cit si prezentare realizate de autori in limba
pentru unitatile pe care le-am reprezentat la franceza si engleza .
Salonul Inventiilor . In urma deliberarii juriului international
De asemenea Ministerului Educatiei , lucrarea a obtinut o Medalie de Argint in
Cercetarii si Tineretului Autoritatea Nationala cadrul Clasei 11, intitulata Energetica si un
de Cercetare Stiintifica a selectat inventia Premiu special din partea Salonului
noastra pentru participarea la Concursul international al inventatorilor din Polonia,
International Bruxelles - EUREKA dedicat IWIS.

Autorii ,



HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




Adrian OLARU*, Serban OLARU**

*Machines and Manufacturing Systems **Technical Department

University Politehnica of Bucharest Romsys
Bucharest, Romania Bucharest, Romania
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The paper showed the assisted research of one magnetorheological damper and
the influences to the dynamic behavior of the industrial robots. The research contents the
assisted theoretical simulation of the new mathematical model, the parameterization of the
known characteristics of the magnetorheological damper and the assisted establish of the
influences of the model coefficients to the characteristics parameters. In the assisted
experimental research was established the values of all coefficients of the proper
mathematical model to assure the concordance between the experimental and the theoretical
characteristics. By knowing the real mathematical model of the damper was possible to
develop the new matrix -vector form of the force- moment and the research of the global
dynamic behavior of the industrial robot with proper smart damper system.

Keywords: assisted research; magnetoreological damper; mathematical model; LabVIEW

instrumentation; industrial robot.


The paper describes one new

mathematical model of the The virtual instrumentation presented in the
magnetorheological damper (MRD) and one paper, are special for these determinations
new method to establish, after the assisted where assure one small cost and one short
experimental research, all coefficients of the time of the research. The paper contains the
mathematical model and finally the new assisted research of the MRD to know some
proper validated model. The research has dynamic characteristics of the damper, like
been made in the Dynamic Behaviour Robots force versus velocity and force vs.
Laboratory from IMST Faculty, University displacement, and finally to determine the
“Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania. In the damper energy and decreasing the
research, we used the didactical arm type transmission of the vibration between the floor
robot and one proper MRD, mounted between to the tool center point (TCP) of the robot. In
the base and the end effector of the didactical the paper was researched the structure of one
robot. In the paper was researched one didactical arm type robot with U profile of the
complex damper model with many functional arms. The experimental research has been
and constructive parameters [1, 2, 3, 5]. Bouc- made by exciting, with the electromagnetic
Wen modified model [4, 5] was the choose exciter, the robot base modulus and by data
complex mathematical model completed by acquisition of the exciting force, damper force,
new four polynomial expressions of the third acceleration of the base and end-effector
order and with new form of the histeresys modules and the displacement of the TCP. For
parameter with some important frequencies that on used one experimental setup
from the experimental Fourier spectrum. The presented in the paper.
virtual LabVIEW created apparatus for these
theoretical and experimental research, is
generally, it is possible to use in many others
mechanical applications.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

By compare the experimental and
theoretical research on conclude that the
mathematical approached model was the
Bouc- Wen modified model (Duke, Spencer et
al., 1997) completed by new four relations of
the third order for the internal rigidity, damper
and new form of the hysteresis parameter.
With the complex mathematical model with Figure 1. Mechanical model of the MR-damper
many parameters (18 parameters of the Bouc- based on the Bouc-Wen model (Dyke et al., 1998).
Wen model, with new 19 parameters of the
proper equations) was possible to
approximate better, by the numerical k0, k1 are the non linear internal rigidity of the
MRD, [N/m] depending of the current intensity i
simulation of the characteristics, the [A]; c0 and c1 are the internal viscous damping
experimental dynamic damper parameters of the MRD [Ns/m]; á is the internal
characteristics. The mathematical model was parameter what have non linear evolution and
established using the mechanical Bouc-Wen depend of the magnetic variable field
model, fig.1 and the experimental research. (electrical intensity); parameter â characterize
the gain of increasing of the damping force
The new four equations, for the internal versus velocity; x 0 is the perturbation
parameter of the rigidity, viscose damper displacement [m]; is the hysteresis parameter;
coefficient, were introduced because these ä 0i is the hysteresis parameter for each
parameters are not constant, his dynamic frequencies from the Fourier spectrum; õi is the
evolution are polynomial. More, the hysteresis frequency from the Fourier spectrum; öi is the
parameter is not constant in all frequency phase in each frequencies.
domain, it is function of the Fourier frequency
spectrum. For that, the mathematical model III. ASSISTED THEORETICAL
was completed by one periodical function of RESEARCH
the hysteresis parameter with the more
important frequencies from the Fourier With the presented mathematical model was
spectrum determined by experimental created the virtual LabVIEW instrumentation
research. for the assisted theoretical analyze of the
The complex mathematical model of the influences of the functional or constructive
Bouc-Wen damper, completed by the new MRD parameters and coefficients versus the
relations is: dynamic characteristics. It was studied the
evolution of the damper force versus velocity,
damper force vs. displacement, the periodical
damper force vs. time, damper energy and
displacement vs. time. In the theoretical
assisted research all these characteristics
were being show comparative for the different
values of all 37 coefficients. In this paper is
present for the first time the assisted on-line
method to choose these coefficients with
virtual instrumentation by compare these
(1) characteristics with the experimental. The icon
of the virtual LabVIEW instrument for the
where f is the damping force [N]; x and y are theoretical research is presented in fig.2.
the primary, respectively the secondary Some of the comparative results are being
displacement variables [m]; z is the internal show in the figures 3-4 and the parametric
history dependency variable of the MRD [m];
characteristic in fig.6.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

From the theoretical research was possible to

determine how some coefficients of the
mathematical model influence the parameters
of the force vs. velocity characteristic, fig.6.
After the analyze of the numerical simulation
we can remark the followings: the change of
the current intensity determines the change of
the parameters p1, p2, p6, p7; the change of
the perturbation displacement xa determines
the change of the parameters p3, p5; the
Figure 2. Icon of the virtual LabVIEW instrument for change of the internal coefficient ã determines
the theoretical assisted Bouc-Wen modified model the change of the parameters p3, p5; the
change of the magnitude of the vibration x
determines the change of the parameters p7,
p8, p9; the change of the global rigidity k1
determines the change of the parameters p3,
p4, p5, p7; the change of the damping force
gain â determines the change of the
parameters p3, p6, p7; the change of the
hystheresis term ä determines the change of
the parameters p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p9; the
change of the internal coefficient of the second
order á2 determines the change of the
parameters p3, p6, p7; the change of the
internal coefficient of the first order á1
Figure 3. The damping force vs. velocity characteristic determines the change of the parameters p3,
of the researched magnetorheological damper
p6, p7, p9; the change of the viscose damping
when was changed the intensity from 1.2 to 1.5A
parameter of the second order c02 determines
the change of the parameters p3. All the
coefficients of the mathematical model were
changed and were analyzed the influences to
the parametrical force vs. velocity damper
characteristic [1, 2]. To approximate better the
real behaviour on used one virtual LabVIEW
instrument, fig.5, to simulate one complex
input acceleration signal with 10 frequency
components, different phase and magnitude.

Figure 4. The MRD's characteristics: damper force

vs. velocity, displacement, time, velocity vs. time
in the case when was changed ä from 20000 to 5000

Figure 5. Virtual LabVIEW instrument for the

simulation of the complex acceleration signal

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 6. The parametric characteristic of

the damping force vs. velocity of the MRD Figure 7. The experimental research set up


For the determination of some important

characteristics of the MRD joints in to the
structure of the didactical robot, on used one
experimental setup presented in figures 6 and
7. Now, in the world, more and more is Figure 8 Magneto rheological damper
necessary to use the LabVIEW with inductive transducer
instrumentation to assure the data acquisition
and the virtual simulation of the dynamic
behaviour. The experimental stand contains
the following components: didactical arm type
robot; the electromagnetic exciter type 11075
from RFT Germany; connector type CB-68 LP
from National Instruments USA; acquisition
board type PCI 6224M from National
Instruments USA; function generator type
POF-1 from KABID Poland; amplifier type LV
102 from MMF Germany for the generator;
personal computer from Taiwan; inductive
displacement transducer type 16.1 IAUC
Romania; accelerometer type 601A01 SN
30711 from IMI USA; Hottinger apparatus type
KWS/T-5 from Germany and proper MRD. The
Figure 9. The FFT of the experimental global dynamic
experimental research has been made by compliance and the transmissibility between the base
exciting the base of the didactical robot with and end-effector of the didactical robot
the periodical excitation force and by data
acquisition of the excitation force, damper FFT of the compliance and transmissibility
force of the MRD, acceleration of the base and are necessary to accomplish the mathematical
end- effector modules and of the displacement model with the magnitude and frequency
of the end- effector. The velocity was parameters. After analyze of the experimental
determined by the derivation of the characteristics we can remark that the real
displacement signal. Were determined the hystheresis characteristic have many
FFT of the dynamic compliance of the robot, oscillations because the oscillations of the
transmissibility between the base and the end- damper forces and of the didactical robot
effector and the transfer function of the structure, fig.8. For this reason exist the
damper. differences between the hystheresis of the real
and simulate characteristics, see fig.9.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

V. ASSISTED VALIDATION OF THE MODEL where: f(i) will be the damper force depending
After the comparison of the real and
simulate characteristics fig.10, results the real of the magnetic field applied on the MRD
values of all coefficients of the model. spools. With this new form of the known
relation [1] will be possible to control on-line
the evolution of the active force, the vibration
of the robot structure and finally to obtain one
transfer of the vibration in to the higher
frequency domain, fig.12. This real validated
mathematical model will be used in the
optimization of the global dynamic behaviour
of the robot by applying the smart MRD system

Figure 10. The comparison between the theoretical VI. OPTIMIZATION OF THE DYNAMIC
and experimental force vs. velocity characteristics BEHAVIOR OF THE INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS
The real mathematical model of the proper
MRD what determine the similar allure of the The final form of the force- moment matrix
vector will be used in on-line optimization of
characteristic will be: the dynamic behavior of the industrial robot
and open the way to develop the smart damper
system. One of this intelligent damper system
created with LabVIEW instrumentation, the
data acquisition board PCI 6224M from
National Instrument and accelerometers it is
show in fig.11. The smart damper system
applied to the robot structure contains: the
sensor (accelerometer), the control soft
(proper virtual LabVIEW instrument), the
control hard (connector, acquisition board, the
amplifier and the electrical link to the
magnetorheological damper spools) and the
actuator (the proper MRD).

(2) By apply the smart damper on the robot

structure we obtained the increase of the some
slow frequencies and moving them to the high
VI. NEW MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR THE frequency field, see fig12.
The new mathematical model of the matrix-
vector form of the force- moment in all robots
joints will be:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure11. Didactical smart damper system

applied on the robot structure

Figure 13. The real and Fourier spectrum

durring some movements


After the analyze of the results, we can do
the following conclusions: the assisted method
of the research of the MRD open the way to
optimize the global dynamic behaviour of the
Figure 12. The Fourier spectrum after application
of the smart damper on the robot structure
industrial robots by on-line application of the
smart MRD. We can see that by changing, on-
line, the intensity of the current, i will be
Other way to increase the slow frequencies possible to change the characteristics of the
was the input in to the movement of one control damper and finally the dynamic behavior. The
delay in one phase or in the change of the assisted method and the virtual LabVIEW
direction, see fig.13. With this delay we instrumentation are generally, we can apply in
obtained to move the first slow frequencies 1, many other mechanical applications. The
2, 3, 4 Hz to the higher 4, 5, 6, 7 Hz. By future work will be the assisted research of the
applying the delay together with the smart robot by using the proper mathematical model
damper we obtained the Fourier optimal for the MRD.
spectrum where the important (with the big
magnitude) slow frequency is 20 Hz, compare REFERENCES
with the first frequency of the case with aero [1] Olaru, S., Oprean, A., Olaru, A. (2008).Assisted
damper, 4Hz see fig.14. research of the new Bouc-Wen rheological damper,
Proceedings of OPTIROB 2008, (Ed.) Olaru, A., pp.
143- 152, ISBN 978-973-648-784-2, Predeal, may
2008, Bren, Bucharest.
[2] Olaru, A., Olaru, S. (2006). Research of the industrial
robots viscose global dynamic damper coefficient with
LabVIEW instrumentation, Proceedings of CAX'2006,
(Ed.)Mikolajczyk T., pp. 73- 81, ISBN 978-83-89334-49-
7, Bydgoszcz, nov. 2006, Akademia Techniczno-
Rolnicza, Bydgoszcz.
[3] Choi, S.-B. & Lee, S.-K.(2001) A Hysteresis Model
for the Field-Dependent Damping Force of a
Magnetorheological Damper, Journal of Sound and
Vibration 245(2), pp.375-383.
[4] Dyke, S.J., Spencer, B.F. Jr., Sain, M.K. & Carlson,
Figure 14. Fourier spectrum of the arm type didactical J.D.(1998) An experimental study of MR dampers for
robot transfer function for the following cases: seismic protection, Smart Mater. Struct, 7, pp.693-703.
a- movement in up direction with MRD, [5] Sinan, B., Dynamic modeling analysis of motorized
b- movement in up direction with aero damper spindles for optimizing the spindle cutting performance,
Proceedings of the Conference 19-th, Manchester
Editor Institute of Science and Technology, 2005, pp.89-
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Cosmin Tãmaº, Alexandru Vasile, Gaudenþiu Vãrzaru, Andrei Drumea
Universitatea Politehnica Bucureºti,
Facultatea de Electronicã, Telecomunicaþii ºi Tehnologia Informaþiei
Centrul de Electronicã Tehnologicã ºi Tehnici de Interconectare
[email protected]

1. Introducere
Aparatul cercetat ºi realizat face parte
din categoria echipamentelor de mãsura
destinate laboratoarelor pentru studierea
comportãrii circuitelor pasive la diferite
frecvente ºi nivelele de semnal, putând fi
utilizat insã cu succès ºi în cazul circuitelor
active. Simplitatea ºi costul mic al
echipamentului îl poziþioneazã în zona
aplicativã de costuri reduse, construcþia lui
putând fi realizatã în serie chiar ºi de cãtre un
începãtor în lucrul cu componente SMD
(surface mountain devices). Aparatul este
proiectat sã lucreze într-un domeniu de la 0 la
60 MHz. Spre deosebire de aparatele Figura 1. Schema bloc a Wobbler-ului
profesionale de mii de euro, cel realizat
prezintã avantajul unei rezoluþii mai bune de 1 Analizând schema bloc din figura 1,
Hz , citirea fãcându-se cu mare uºurinþã cu sistemul este compus din blocul generator de
ajutorul markerilor de pe ecran sau prin semnal vobulat, realizat in jurul circuitului
plasarea cursorului mausului in punctul dorit. AD9851 (Analog Devices), blocul de
Un exemplu concret îl reprezintã demodulare ºi amplificare, construit cu un
echipamentul HP4396B (Agilent) care costã amplificator operaþional ºi un convertor ADC
câteva mii de euro, pe care nu poate fi TLC549.
vizualizatã caracteristica decât sub forma unui Blocul generator de semnal: este
ac foarte îngust. Caracteristica unui filtru construit pe baza circuitului AD9851, un
SSB, care este de 3-4 KHz nu este analizatã sintetizor digital direct, ce poate genera prin
de aparat deoarece nu coboarã sub 300 de procedee digitale un semnal analogic
KHz. La generatoarele actuale de tip DDS sinusoidal cu o rezoluþie de ordinul zecimilor
asemãnãtoare cu cel realizat, putem baleia pe de micro-Herti . Acest circuit DDS (vezi
întreg ecranul chiar la benzi de 1 KHz. schema bloc din figura 2) este alcãtuit dintr-o
unitate matematicã de control, un acumulator
2. Schema bloc de fazã (in esenþã un numãrãtor) care
Aparatul a fost realizat practic în cadrul comandã un convertor de tip
UPB-CETTI ºi este folosit pentru studierea amplitudine/frecvenþã, însã semnalul ºi de
circuitelor pasive (circuite cuplate RLC, filtre aceastã datã este tot unul digital. Pentru
ceramice, sau realizarea filtrelor de bandã obþinerea semnalului analogic se foloseºte un
foarte îngustã, Q de ordinul 104 folosind convertor pe 10 biþi Digital/Analogic care oferã
componente tip cristale cu cuarþ procurabile informaþia analogicã. Bineînþeles în urma
din comerþ la preþuri modice). Realizarea conversiei digital/analog semnalul trebuie
Wobbler-ului are la bazã schema bloc din filtrat folosind un Low Pass Filter (Filtru Trece
figura 1. Jos).

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figura 2. Schema internã

a generatorului DDS

3. Functionare realiza un prag cât mai mic de detectie) si

amplificate de etajul realizat cu un amplificator
Vobularea semnalului se realizeazã
prin comanda primitã din PC de cãtre unitatea
DDS. Pentru comunicaþie, existã un pin de Rezultatul este convertit în semnale digitale
clock (pentru sincronizarea datelor intre PC si pentru a putea fi afisate de cãtre calculator.
unitatea matematicã din DDS), pinul de date Comunicatia cu calculatorul este realizatã prin
(se trimit bidirectional, atât datele cat ºi folosirea portului paralel, în felul acesta fiind
adresele, care pot fi sub forma de 8 biþi, date evitate nivelele diferenþiale (ca in cazul
transmise paralel sau pe un singur bit de date comunicatiei seriale RS 232), interfatarea fiind
(transmisie serialã). O altã comandã este realizatã direct cu calculatorul. Blocul
Frequency_Update (pinul care dã comanda generator de semnal contine si un amplificator
de reînprospatare a bufferului dupã ce de semnal, care realizeazã o amplificare în
informaþiile de la PC au intrat în registrul de tensiune necesarã în cazul circuitelor pasive
date al circuitului DDS). Circuitul este astfel în care prezintã o anumitã atenuare. De
permananþã interogat ºi comandat de catre asemenea pentru circuitele care necesitã un
PC pentru generarea semnalului vobulat. semnal mic, a fost inclus si un atenuator în
Acest bloc reprezintã partea de generare a scalã, având diferite valori predefinite: -40, -
semnalului, fiind partea de emisie din partea 20, 0 dBm, raportatã la semnalul de referinþã
calculatorului. La capãtul opus se aflã modulul de 1mW/50 ohmi.
de recepþie, cel care preia informaþia de la 4. Realizarea prototipului
circuitul aflat sub testare ºi o trimite mai Aparatul funcþioneazã cu ajutorul unui
departe calculatorului pentru afiºare pe ecran soft de calculator specializat, vizualizarea
si feedback pentru DDS. datelor ºi a rezultatelor finale realizându-se tot
Blocul de conversie Analog/Digital este pe ecranul PC-ului (vezi figura 3). În figura 3
realizat în jurul convertorului TLC549 produs este prezentatã caracteristica unui filtru de
de Texas Instruments, un convertor pe 8 biþi, bandã foarte îngustã realizat cu un cuarþ.
cu transmisie de date serialã. Acest circuit Programul are de asemenea
preia semnalele care sunt demodulate cu posibilitatea de a salva datele obþinute sub
ajutorul unei diode cu germaniu (pentru a forma unei imagini de tip jpg utilã în diverse
alte aplicaþii / prezentãri.

Figura 3. Interfaþa graficã de

comandã ºi afiºare a Wobbler-ului

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Figura 4 – Rezultatul grafic din figura

3 sub forma unui fiºier jpg
Prototipul cu alimentare independentã la
reþeaua electricã de 230Vac, a fost multiplicat
într-o producþie de serie micã la UPB - CETTI
(vezi figura 5) care se conecteazã la orice PC
cu performanþe modeste prin intermediul
portului paralel.

Fig. 5- Produsul final

In figura 6 este prezentat aparatul cu modul

de realizare practica internã .

Fig. 6 - Realizara internã a produsului

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Dr. ing. Petrin DRUMEA* and Dr. ing. Corneliu CRISTESCU*

*Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute- INOE 2000-IHP Bucharest, ROMANIA,

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In the paper are presented the capabilities of scientific research and technological
development of INOE 2000 IHP in the field of hydraulics, pneumatics, centralized lubrication,
sealing, mechatronics, servo control and ecology and it is emphasized the importance of the
development of test and research laboratories, including their accreditation. There are
presented the main laboratories created and developed within the institute for providing the
research infrastructure required for participating at the European research programs, on one
hand, and, on the other hand, for adapting the activity developed by the institute to the needs of
the fields industry which confronts with imply high quality standards for the manufactured
products, in the developing a competitive economy.

Keywords: Hydraulics and pneumatics, research and development, testing laboratories,

testing procedures, research infrastructure, research laboratories.

1 GENERAL PRESENTATION OF THE The main sections of the institute's research

- Division of servo techniques, electronics and
The Hydraulics & Pneumatics Research mechatronics;
Institute (IHP) from Bucharest - Romania is a - Division of basic hydraulics;
research, design and production unit in the - Division of special equipment.
field of hydraulics and pneumatics a In the current research, besides the
subsidiary of the National Institute of theoretical aspects needed to be clarified in
Research & Development for Optoelectronics the institute to pay particular attention to
- INOE 2000. The institute, holding over 50 experimental research designed to confirm
years of experience in its activity fields: the theoretical research, or showing certain
hydraulics, pneumatics, servo-commands, performance of the components or for the
mechatronics and ecology, and is structured equipment which are investigated.
on research-development divisions, research Therefore, in the institute were developed 10
and test laboratories as well as one micro research laboratories, specialized care needs
manufacturing and service base. To conduct for each area of activity of the institute,
these activities, the institute has a section of assuring thus the research infrastructure
prototypes. needed to operate within national and
IHP personnel are highly qualified manpower, European research.
while its divisions hold an adequate Meanwhile, in order to meet the needs of
endowment consisting of cutting-edge market operators, from the hydraulics and
devices, electronic equipment and automatic pneumatics fields, which face special
adjustment and control systems and, also, the requirements in terms of ensuring product
monitoring and recording on-line system in quality, the institute, in collaboration with
order to watch the evolution of the main RENAR, obtained already, certificate of
functional parameters. accreditation for 2 test laboratories and soon
for the third test laboratory.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2 RESEARCH COMPARTMENTS 2.3 Division of servo techniques,

PRESENTATION electronics and mechatronics
The main sections of the institute's research
are: This division has specialists in servo valves,
- Division of basic hydraulics; proportional hydraulics devices, control
- Division of special equipment; electronics devices, electro-hydraulic control
- Division of servo techniques, electronics and systems and automation of the complex
mechatronics. equipment that include hydraulic and
Further, this will be presented each research pneumatic devices. By combining mechano-
compartment hydraulic equipment with electronic systems
and implication of the software programs in
2.1 Division of basic hydraulics control and adjustment of the process
complex, mechatronic systems can be
created. This division coordinates the activity
This division has specialists in general use of three laboratories:
hydraulic and pneumatic equipment (valves, 1. Laboratory of the mechatronics and
directional control valves, throttles, regulators, robotics;
cylinders, rotary motors and hydraulic and
pneumatic driving installations). This division 2. Laboratory of Electro-hydraulic control
designs and develops presses and other equipment;
devices used for environmental protection, 3. Laboratory of Electronics equipment.
extrication equipment as well as mechano-
hydraulic systems for disabled persons. 3. RESEARCH L A B O R AT O R I E S
This division coordinates the activity of four PRESENTATION
Developing capacities for scientific research
1. Laboratory of General Hydraulic; and technological development of INOE 2000-
2. Laboratory of Fluid Mecanics; IHP in the fields of hydraulic, pneumatic,
centralized lubrication, seals, servo-
3. Laboratory of Hydrostatic Transmissions; commands, mechatronics and ecology has
4. Research laboratory for Tribology and led to the creation, in the institute, a current
lubrification equipments. research infrastructure, which allows research
activities on national and European programs.
In order to create conditions for experimental
2.2 Division of special equipment research, in the institute were established 10
research laboratories, oordonate by the
This division has engineers specialized in departments of research, mentioned above,
design, development and technical support for which covers all areas of institute specific
sealing equipment and devices, for the activities.
pneumatics devices and equipments, for the
irrigation systems and, also, in design of power 3.1 The Research Laboratory for General
generating systems through non-conventional Hydraulics
methods. This division coordinates the activity
of three laboratories: The Research Laboratory for General
1. Laboratory of Sealing Systems; Hydraulics, figure 1 a and b, is intended to
2. Laboratory of Pneumatic equipment; develop both applicative research works and
3. Laboratory of Environmental Protection; experimental verifications of hydraulic
equipments [1,2].

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The laboratory is endowment with stands to - checking interior and exterior tightness at
be equipped with data acquisition, with hydraulic cylinders;
transducers for pressure, flow, temperature, - checking functional scheme and feature
speed, moving. differential pressure - flow at directional control
This endowment make successful research valves;
work and experimental verifications for - checking adjustability and determination of
hydraulic equipments. In laboratory are features flow - stroke at throttles.
achieved applicative researches regarding
the processes and phenomena which appear
in operation of typical elements and
equipment in the field of the hydraulics drives
and the hydraulics machines (pumps and
engines), flow adjustment devices, pressure
adjustment equipments, distribution elements
and auxiliary equipments (filtration and oil
conditioned, etc.)
Also, in laboratory are made experimental
verifications and static and dynamic functional
testing of the specifical elements and
equipments of field, such as:
- checking volumic efficiency of pumps with a)
radial pistons and geared pumps;
- checking adjustability and obtaining the
adjustment pressure at pressure restriction
- checking the internal flow losses in the
restrictive sense at way valves;

3.2 The Research Laboratory for Fluid


The research Laboratory for Fluid Mechanics, b)

figura 2a si b, is intended the following: Figure 1 - The Research Laboratory for General Hydraulics
- measuring contamination of working fluids
used in industrial fluid power applications;
- measuring characteristics of working fluids - checking equipment for measuring pressure
used in industrial fluid power applications in fluid power systems;
(viscosity, temperature); - measuring the speed of drainage in pipes of
- measuring flow in circular pipes under circular section;
pressure with different types of devices (flow - measuring switching forces in some
sensors, flow transducers, diaphragms, etc.); distribution equipment;
- determining the average rate of leakage in
pipes of circular section

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

a) b)
Figure 2 - The Research Laboratory for Fluid Mechanics

3.3 The Research Laboratory for

Hydrostatic Transmissions

In the Research Laboratory for Hydrostatic

Transmissions, figure 3 a si b, are made
researchs in the field of hydrostatic
transmission, in order to optimize them with a
view to functional and energetic efficiency.
Also, the laboratory performs a range of
verification and functional tests, static and
dynamic parameters for the determination of
transmission and functional evaluation of their a)
performance [1,2]. The laboratory is proficient
in the field of rotating hydrostatic transmission,
with or without recovery systems for energy,
which are included in fixed equipment
(industrial) and mobile equipment (hauled
vehicles and motor vehicles), including their
subsystems, for which the following verification
functional tests are performed :
- verifications and functional tests, static and
- simulations of specific schemes of work for b)
various equipments;
Figure 3 - The Research Laboratory
- tests for determining performance for Hydrostatic Transmissions
parameters of various sub-components of the
equipment that use a hydrostatic transmission equipments centralized lubrication, that are
for actuation or propulsion power. important for the security of technological
systems. Laboratory performed a range of
3.4 The Research Laboratory for checks and functional tests, static and
Tribology And Lubrication Equipments dynamic. The laboratory has modern
equipment, appliances and devices of the
The Research Laboratory For Tribology latest generation, technical computing
And Lubrication Equipments, figure 4 a si b, performance, pumping electro-hydraulic
is meant for research in the general field of groups, and aggregates of lubrication, oil
tribology, especially for the systems and filtration units, devices for measuring and
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

recording parameters functional, stand proof

of specific equipment Centralized lubrication.
In the laboratory there is an electro-
mechanical-hydraulic testing device for
bearings and radial sealing, enables the
development of research for industrial
Also, a second device, an electro-mechanical-
hydraulic device, allows the experimental
research of the frontal bearings and sealing for
industrial applications.
The laboratory has a number of functional a)
panels, for the main systems of centralized
lubrication, namely for volume dosing
systems, progressive dosing systems, the
lubrication systems with two lines, the
recirculation system, the micro lubrication
systems and spray lubrication systems..
These functional panels materializing, small
scale, the lubrication systems of the machines
and technological equipment from the
industry, and can be used for testing for
specific lubrication components, for the
training activities in the lubrication field, and, b)
also, for functional demonstrations of the
main/based lubrication systems. Figure 4 - The Research Laboratory For Tribology
And Lubrification Equipments
3.5 The Research Laboratory for Sealing
In the Research laboratory for Sealing
Systems, figure 5 a and b, are being
conducted the research in the field of sealing
elements and working fluids.

The main directions of the research are:

- research on influences and compatibility
between the application and technical
possibilities of sealing elements, relationships a)
between profiles, seats, fluids, working speed,
material, roughness, pressure, temperature,
- research on the use of novel sealing
materials, new sealing profiles, sealing under
conditions imposed by non-typical parameters
(pressure, working speed, non-standardized
size), sealing without contact, sealing with
magnetic fluids [1];
- research on development of sealing required
by European environmental standards and b)
solutions for environmental action systems in Figure 5 - The Research Laboratory for Sealing Systems
the event of damage.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3.6 The Research Laboratory for

Pneumatic Equipment

The Research Laboratory for Pneumatic

Equipment, figure 6 a si b, is intended to carry
out research and applied activities in the fields
of [1]:
A. Classic pneumatics
B. Intelligent pneumatics
C. Fields of interference with other research
areas of high priority at present where
pneumatics is involved (medicine, robotics,
Areas of regulation and assessment of the
categories of laboratory tests carried out: 1.
European Community Directive 97/23/EC -
Pressure Equipment
2. European Community Directive 98/37/EC -
Industrial Machinery

3.7 The Research Laboratory for

Environmental Protection

The research directions of the Laboratory,
figure 7 a and b, are:
Figure 6 - The Research Laboratory
- monitoring water quality of irrigation sources for Pneumatic Equipment
with data transmission via GSM; - technical
solutions to capitalize rainfall water for
irrigation in greenhouses; - stand for testing in laboratory conditions
- system for measuring parameters of air modular laser systems (hydraulic servo
pollution in samples from air infested with mechanism for adjusting position with laser
exhaust gases (i monitoring micro station type feedback), which contains two servo cylinders:
Environment SA - France for CO, NO, NO2, one that simulates random profiles of uneven
NOx, optical analyzer for powder in ground, the other (upon which are mounted
suspension, portable, type DUST TRAK 8520 modular system components), which
- TSI (USA); SO2 analyzer (Environment SA - simulates operation of the navvy equipment
France) blades during the automatic operation when
performing leveling in accordance with an
- installations of drop irrigation, with automatic optical reference plane, horizontal or inclined);
operation, for greenhouses;
- hydraulic measurements to determine
testing systems for soil and water quality several specific sizes (roughness, wall
- monitoring the chemical structure of thickness, flow of absorbing drain pipe,
groundwater in areas vulnerable to pollution; hydraulic parameters of pump stations,
temperature (water, air), the depth of phreatic
- modular laser systems for the actuation of the
operating parts in navvy equipment type water.
DOZER and GRADER, to perform leveling
with controlled slope automatic;

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

a) b)
Figure 7 - The Research Laboratory for Environmental Protection

3.8 The Research Laboratory for

Mechatronics And Robotics

This Research Laboratory Of The

Mechatronics And Robotics, figure 8 a si b,
is design for research upon the electro-
hydraulic and electro-pneumatic control
equipments for improving the static and
dynamic performances using a special device
for detection and sensors that can be a)
controlled with micro controller systems.
Another activity orientation of this is laboratory
is the development of the intelligent direction
actuated with pneumatic and hydraulic
devices and the development of the
pneumatic and hydraulic control systems of
robots and the development of the intelligent
sensors design for the hydraulic and
pneumatic actuation.

3.9 The Research Laboratory for Electro-

hydraulic control equipment
Figure 8 - The Research Laboratory for
The research laboratory of Electro-hydraulic
Mechatronics And Robotics
control equipment [3], figure 9 a and b, is
equipped with testing stands for electro-
hydraulic devices as follows: 2. Testing stand of electro-hydraulic
equipment in static operating scheme at low
1. Testing stand of electro-hydraulic
flow and Pmax 325 bar,Vg = 18ccm / rev;
adjustment elements in static and dynamic
Pmax = 315 bar
operating schemes, with maximum flow 120
l/min and maximum pressure 315 bar. The types of equipment under tests are:
electrically actuated distributors RD 6, Pmax =
The types of equipment under tests are:
315 bar and hydraulic valves RD 6, Pmax =
electro-hydraulic servo valves, hydraulic
315 bar
proportional directional control valves and
hydraulic proportional valves

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

a) b)
Figure 9 -The Research Laboratory for Electro-hydraulic control equipment

3.10 The Research Laboratory for

Electronics equipment

In the electronics laboratory, figure 10 a and b

work is carried out on more specific plans:
design scheme electronic / electrical
computer-assisted; layout simulation, layout
implementation specific electronic modules,
computer-assisted, assembly and test
electronic modules, blocks electric automation
logic with relays or programmable logic for low
voltages. Closely with the laboratory work of
electronic equipment is held in the laboratory a)
robotics and mechatronic elements, both
providing support for research work
developed in the laboratories of IHP.
Regarding the laboratory facilities of electronic
equipment, this equipment consists recent of
which include: soldering stations and rework
component THD and SMD; Osciloscoape with
2 or 4 channels - a working analog or digital,
variable voltage sources stabilized; generator
signal standard and with the possibility of
arbitrary wave.
Also, the laboratory of electronic equipment
has software for design, simulation and b)
realization layout electronic modules.
Figure 10 - The Research Laboratory
for Electronics equipment
LABORATORIES PRESENTATION Until now, have been accredited three testing
laboratories, namely:
In order to connect the Institute to industry - The Testing Laboratory for hydraulic
needs, in pneumatic and hydraulic fields, equipment for high and medium pressure;
which face special requirements to ensure - The Testing Laboratory for hydraulic
product quality economic development in the equipment for high pressure adjustments;
context of competition, in collaboration with - The Testing Laboratory for lubrication system
RENAR, the Institute has started the and equipment.
accreditation of testing laboratories.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

4.1 The Testing Laboratory for hydraulic

equipment for high and medium pressure

The Testing laboratory for hydraulic

equipment for medium and high pressure of
INOE 2000 - IHP, figure 11 a and b is
dedicated to functional tests that will lead to
achieving realistic characterization of
performances of tested equipment [1,2]. The
specialized stands are equipped with cutting
edge devices, the generation of working fluid
is performed by modern pumping modules; a)
control and distribution equipment is included
in the data acquisition system so that the
working parameters can be adjusted directly
by the user from within the testing application.
Monitoring of functional parameters is
performed using the data acquisition system
that includes modern transducers to
determine pressure, flow, displacement, data
acquisition boards, and computing machinery.
The specific testing applications are
developed using TestPoint platform. It should
be pointed out that to meet the requirements of
European directives, the functional tests on b)
hydraulic equipment are performed in Figure 11 -Testing Laboratory for
accordance with the prescriptions inside the hydraulic equipment for high and medium pressure
harmonized European standard EN SR 982
which establishes security requirements - Hydraulic distributor - functional testing of the
related to hydraulic and pneumatic actuation working schema;
systems and their components. - Pressure valves - adjustment attempt, the
characteristic curve.
The equipment which can be tested n the
accredited tests are: 4.2 Testing Laboratory for hydraulic
- Hydraulic cylinders - testing of attempt equipment for high pressure adjustments
tightness interior / exterior;
The testing laboratory for hydraulic
- Distributing the drawer - the feature
equipment for high pressure adjustments,
differential pressure- flow;
figure 12 a and b is designed to test the
- Vo l u m e t r i c p u m p s w i t h c o n s t a n t
devices, components and equipment used in
displacement, lock in open circuit-
fluid power field [1,2]. It is equipped with: three
determination of the functional parameters in
testing stands equipped with devices and the
the permanent working regime, pressure,
testing annex, high precision MCAs, sensors,
transducers and data acquisition systems. The
- Electro-hydraulic servo valve- the
stands can perform tests (for batch or
determination of static characteristic;
endurance tests) on:
- One-way valves - the internal flow loss;
- hydrostatic rotating machinery (pumps and
- Throttles-adjustmentand attempt to
determine the feature race-flow;
- hydraulic cylinders;
- Batteries hydro-pneumatic body - testing to
- adjusting and control systems (valves,
pressure resistance;
directional control valves, throttles, etc.).
Various devices
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

a) b)
Figure 12 - Testing Laboratory for equipment for high pressure adjustments

4.3 The Testing Laboratory for lubrication

systems and equipment

Testing laboratory of lubrication system and

equipment figure 13 a and b following checks
and perform functional test [1,2]::
- determination of the internal flow losses
within the meaning of the restrictive effect of
- checking adjustability and realize the
pressure setting relays pressure;
- determination of the volume efficiency from
the gear pumps;
- determination of the internal losses flow from
the progressive dosages
- checking adjustability and realize the
pressure regulating valves to limit pressure
from the lubricating systems.
Verification and determinations shall be made
according to procedures developed under the
requirements of the standard [5] and data
sheets of products subject to tests, using the
laboratory facilities, including measuring
devices and transducers calibrated by
National Institute of Metrologie. Testing
Laboratory for the systems and equipment b)
lubrication, is in the final phase of accreditation Figure 13 - The Testing Laboratory for
, when is expected The certificate of lubrication systems and equipment

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In article is presented research infrastructure [1] Avram, M., Acþionãri Hidraulice ºi
of the institute INOE 2000-IHP, especially for Pneumatice. .Echipamente ºi sisteme clasice
the experimental research, which consists of ºi mecatronice. Editura Universitarã,
10 research laboratories and 3 testing Bucureºti, 2005.
laboratories, the lasts being already [2] Sisteme hidraulice de acþionare ºi reglare
accredited RENAR. automatã V.Marin, R.Moscovici, D. Teneslav,
Besides the 3 research departments, Editura Tehnicã 1981.
presented above, the 10 research laboratories [3] Vasiliu, D., Vasiliu, N., Catana, I. Transmisii
is the research institute base, which allows to hidraulice volumice, vol II. Reglarea masinilor
operate both on national research programs, hidraulice volumice. Editura Tehnica,
as well as European programs. Bucuresti, 1997.
The 3 testing laboratories accredited to date, [4] Tudor, I. TRIBOLOGIE, Editura Universitãþii din
are the Institute interface with industry, which Ploieºti, 2001.
the institute will be conected with the [5]Standard SR EN ISO/CEI 17025:2005.General
operators in the hydraulics and pneumatics, requirements for the competency of the test and
face with special requirements to ensure sampling labs.
product quality,on the competitive economic

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Cosmin Tãmaº, Victor Vulpe
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti,
Facultatea de Electronica, Telecomunicatii si Tehnologia Informatiei
Centrul de Electronica Tehnologica si Tehnici de Interconectare
[email protected]

1. Introducere Pentru sincronizarea perfectã a comenzii de

Sistemul de pornire lentã este destinat tip sinusoida completã, este prevazut un bloc
echipamentelor industriale de mare putere, de « detector trecere prin zero » care
monofazate sau trifazate, acolo unde este realizeazã detecþia fazei ºi atunci când
necesarã acþionarea unui motor electric la aceasta se aflã in zona de zero (trecerea de la
momentul iniþial cu o vitezã micã, o alternanþã pozitivã la alta negativã ºi invers)
preîncalzirea ºi incãlzirea unui cuptor dupã este generat un impuls dreptunghiular care
anumite praguri de temperaturã, etc. comandã una dintre porþile de intrare ale
Circuitul este comandat ºi controlat cu microcontrolerului. În acest mod
ajutorul unui microcontroler din familia microcontrolerul se poate sincroniza ºi poate
Microchip PIC16F676, putând fi setate diferite calcula cu exactitate frecvenþa reþelei
niveluri de protecþie la supracurent ºi respective. În mod uzual reþeaua din
supratensiune. Romania prezintã o tensiune de 230Vca între
oricare dintre cele trei faze ºi Nul, ºi o
2. Funcþionare frecvenþã teoretica de 50Hz. În realitate,
Pornirea lentã (Soft – Start) se bazeazã abaterile pot fi mai mari, frecventa putând sã
pe alternarea numãrului de sinusoide varieze cu ordinul herþilor, fãrã a lua în discuþie
complete aplicate sarcinii. În felul acesta sunt ºi variatia tensiunii. În acest scop se face
eliminate perturbaþiile spectrale care apar în aceastã detecþie a trecerii prin zero.
cazul variaþiei amplitudinii (modalitatea La intrarea dispozitivului este plasat un
clasicã de variaþie a puterii). Schema bloc este transformator de curent, cu ajutorul caruia
prezentatã in figura 1. realizeazã protecþia la supracurent. În
varianta actualã au fost implementate patru
praguri de curent ce pot fi în permanenþã
selectate prin intermediul celor doua butoane (
pragul de 1A, 5A, 10A sau 20Amperi) .
Blocul de comunicaþie cu exteriorul
este un bloc de tip serial, legatura fizicã cu
calculatorul putându-se realiza prin portul
serial clasic RS232 sau portul USB . Prin
acest mod de comunicaþie, sarcina poate fi
comandatã ºi controlatã de la distanþã; se
poate defini un program software de comandã
Fig. 1 – Schema bloc a dispozitivului «Soft Starter»
având mai mulþi parametri sau, intregul
dispozitiv « SoftStarter » poate fi integrat într-
un lanþ mai complex (de exemplu sistem de
Schema bloc din figura 1 ilustreazã modul
incãlzire, sistem complex pneumatic ºi
general de realizare a SoftStart-ului.
actionãri mecanice, etc), fiecare unitate fiind
Elementul de decizie este reprezentat de
comandatã individual printr-un port serial.
unitatea microcontroler PIC16F676 [1].
Comanda sarcinii este prezentatã sub forma
schematicã în figura 2.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Starea de funcþionare corectã este

semnalizatã de Led-ul Verde, sau starea de
Avarie de cel Roºu. Aprinderea simultanã a
Led-urilor semnalizeazã selectarea unei
anumite trepte de putere.

3. Produsul final
In figura 3 este prezentat produsul final
“SoftStarter” in versiunea 2.1 dezvoltat ºi
realizat în cadrul UPB - CETTI.

Figura 2 – schema etajului de comandã de putere

Microcontrolerul comandã partea de

putere (reprezentatã prin triacul de tip
BTA26/800 [3] ) cu ajutorul unui optocuplor
(MOC3081 [2]), care are integrat un detector
de trecere prin zero. În felul acesta, pe lângã
comanda iniþialã primitã de la primul detector
de trecere prin zero este realizatã ºi a doua
verificare a poziþiei frontului, repectiv Figura 3 ( A si B) – produsul “Soft-Starter”
comanda se face numai pe alternanþe versiunea ST02.01
complete (pozitive sau negative). În acest Versiunea actualã SoftStarter ST02.01
mod se eliminã mare parte din perturbaþiile ce permite comanda sarcinii atat monofazate cât
apareau la comanda sarcinii folosind în fond ºi a celei trifazate. Produsul a fost construit
alternanþe incomplete (variind amplitudinea). într-o cutie standard folosite in tablourile
Prin folosirea optocuplorului în partea de electrice. Este proiectat sã postã fi folosit într-
comandã, a transformatorului de curent în un sistem de sine stãtãtor, însã, opþional
partea de detecþie a curentului maxim ºi a poate fi realizatã ºi conexiunea cu PC-ul
transformatorului de alimentare, este realizatã pentru realizarea unor funcþii suplimentare de
separarea completã a dispozitivului de joasã control continuu al procesului , de monitorizare
tensiune (inclusiv comunicaþia cu PC-ul) de pe ecranului PC-ul al datelor în timp real
cea de înaltã tensiune. provenind de la mai multe asemenea aparate,
Ultimul bloc este cel al comenzilor ºi etc. Codul sursa a fost dezvoltat în C++ [4]
semnalizãrilor optice/acustice. Existã douã permiþând astfel o flexibilitate ºi portabilitate
butoane, unul Verde care permite pornirea mãritã, sistemul putând fi cu mare usurinþã
aparatului , însã, pentru a evita pornirea adaptat în funcþie de cerinþe.
accidentala trebuie menþinut apasãt timp de 3
secunde. Pentru oprirea aparatului este 4. Bibiografie
necesarã acþionarea butonului Roºu (care [1] - documentatie
actioneazã instant) . Din cele doua butoane, la PIC16F676
pornirea aparatului se poate realiza ºi [2]
selectarea treptei de puere în care va M.html
funcþiona sarcina (respectiv treapta curent de [3] -informatii BTA26/600
protecþie, la care se acþioneaza autoprotecþia) [4] - documentatie
prin apãsarea simultanã a celor doua butoane programarea in PIC C Compiler C++
un anumit timp.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Mihai AVRAM, Valeriu BANU, Constantin BUCªAN, Despina DUMINICÃ,

Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucureºti

Pneutronics has appeared naturally as a result of a synergetic binding between three fields:
pneumatics – electronics –informatics. Pneutronic systems are based on the advanced theories control: the
process signals become data flux which must be processed real-time using a control strategy developed
after the process has been modeled and simulated as a whole. In this way pressures and flows can be
controlled, the same as the actuator's movements, speeds, forces, torques and so on. The informational and
energetic fluxes can be digital or analogical; same can be said for the sensors.

1. INTRODUCTION The problem that has not been solved yet

properly is precise positioning in any point of
Based on such configuration with a certain the working range. In this context, a research
level of intelligence, a pneutronic system project [2] that intends the developing of a
becomes more stable, precise and has a number of modular rotary and linear
quicker response. pneumatic units' prototypes with accurate
Today and its future potential puts pneumatics positioning is currently deployed at the
in a well deserved place in industry. In a recent National Research and Development Center
book [1], some of the most important for Mechatronics, in the frame of
specialists evaluates, providing strong “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest.
arguments, the bright future development for
this field. To ensure this success, the main 2. GOALS AND STATE OF ART OF THE
disadvantages of the working fluid must be PROJECT
diminished though research: low viscosity and
high compressibility. Those are the main The main goal of the project is the building of
barriers that stand against building advanced three variants of pneutronic positioning units,
precise pneumatic systems. based on an original concept. Innovations
As shown before, more and more applications appear in the miniaturized and modularized
demand precise positioning, some only in construction, in integration of the command
specific points, and others in any point of the electronics into mechanical structure, in the
working range. There are different approaches software that controls the unit, which is easy to
for those situations. For the first category there use, highly adaptable. Further, dedicated
are several existing solutions; all depends in applications will be designed and
how many stop are needed. The stop points manufactured for the above pneutronic
can be the ends of the working range or systems.
intermediary points, marked by mechanical Project's secondary objectives are the
stop mechanisms. Once the stop points following:
number rises, the positioning becomes more ? raising the level of knowledge in the field of
and more difficult. There are several special accurate pneumatic systems designed in an
motors that can deal with this problem, but mechatronic approach - the electronic
they had a low penetration into the market. components being integrated into the
mechanical structure and governed by

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

? theoretical and practical research regarding

the structure of pneutronic units; identifying
the proper original structures which will be
? designing and manufacturing the
experimental models - experimental testing -
designing and manufacturing prototypes -
patenting solutions.
At the beginning of the design stage, three
principle solutions were considered:
? A positioning unit, which has among the
usual equipments (rotary or linear pneumatic
actuator, a positioning sensor, proportional
distribution equipment) sensors which monitor
the perturbation factors;
? A incremental positioning unit with a special
custom design motor, which enables the
incremental movement of the load. The
position sensor is no more a crucial
component, thus the unit can work without it in
a open loop fashion. Fig.1. Variant I - Connection diagram
? A pneumo-hydraulic positioning unit that
assures the position control by using a
hydraulic circuit governed by a proportional
valve; in this way the liquid flow is accurately
controlled. The unit speed is controlled
rigorously and full stop is achieved by blocking
the hydraulic circuit.
Based on these principle solutions, a number
of original designed positioning units were
already built and can be found in the laboratory
of Accurate Driving Systems and Robotics
from the Chair of Mechatronics and Precision
Mechanics, “POLITEHNICA” University of
Bucharest. Control algorithms and software
are currently developed and implemented, in
order to assure increased positioning

3. VARIANT I - PNEUTRONIC Fig.2. Variant I – Physical Model (Model I)

PERTURBATION FACTORS The following notations were used: MPL
– Linear pneumatic motor; Tp – Position
A first variant of pneutronic positioning unit sensor; DP1, DP2 – Proportional pneumatic
was based on a design that included sensors direction control valves 3/2; DF – Braking
for the monitoring of perturbation factors. device; Sd 1 , Sd 2 – Unlockable speed
The connection diagram of this variant is controllers with pilot check valves; TPa, TP1 –
presented in figure 1. The developed Pressure sensors; GP – Modular air
experimental model is presented in figure 2. filter/regulator; R, R1 – Pneumatic pressure

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

DC, DC1 – Classical pneumatic direction

control valves; A1, A2 – Electrical amplifiers; A
– Electronic adapter used for the supply and
control of the two proportional magnets
included in the construction of the two
classical pneumatic direction control valves; S
– Electrical power source.
The pressure regulator R1 allows the
independent adjustment of the pressure
installed on the control circuit of the
unlockable speed controllers.
In the STOP phase, the classical
distribution control valves DC and DC1 (fig. 3)
find themselves in the preferred position in
which the incorporated braking device is
locked and the control signal of the check Fig.3. Variant II – Connection Diagram
valves is null. The programmed position is
thus maintained. In order to displace the load, The construction and functioning of the
the magnets of the two valves DC and DC1 custom design stepper motor can be
have to be supplied as well as one of the two understood from figure 4, where its virtual
proportional magnets integrated in the model is presented. As shown in the exploded
construction of the proportional direction view, the distribution block 1 features a switch
control valves DP1 and DP2. Due to the fact board and three electro distributors (one for
that the only one magnet is supplied, the flow each phase). The cam followers 2 are directly
section inside the other valve is equal to the connected to the pistons (execution
nominal section. elements). The motor includes also the
cylinder block 3, the rotor 4, consisting of a
multiple cam and the exit shaft, and the cover 5
4. VARIANT II – INCREMENTAL with included bearing for the shaft.


A second variant of pneutronic

positioning unit featured a special custom
design motor, enabling the incremental
movement of the load.
The connection diagram of this variant is
presented in figure 3. The following notations
were used: MPPP – Pneumatic stepper motor;
D1, D2, D3 - Proportional pneumatic valves 3/2;
C1, C2, C3 – Pneumatic microcylinders with
profiled rod; C – Cam; P – The pitch thread of
the transformation mechanism.

Fig.4. Variant II – Virtual Model of the Stepper Motor

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The physical model based on these The following notations are used: MPHL
designs is presented in figure 5. The following - Linear pneumo-hydraulic motor; DHP –
subassemblies can be noticed: the translation Proportional hydraulic valve; DPC – Classic
unit (positions 1…6), the modular air pneumatic valve; Tp - Position sensor; GPA -
filter/regulator 7, of type AW30-F03DE, Modular air filter/regulator.
manufactured by SMC, and the control unit, Starting from this design, three
that contains the electronic unit 8 experimental models were physically built.
(programmable controller CPM2A-30, In the case of the first one, labeled Model
manufactured by OMRON) and the panel on III.1 and presented in figure 7, the linear
which control knobs 9 are placed. pneumo-hydraulic motor was obtained by
putting the pneumatic driving cylinder with
incorporated position sensor CE1B40-500 in
parallel with the control hydraulic cylinder
The classical pneumatic direction control
valve SY5440-5LOU-02 was mounted directly
on the sleeve of the pneumatic motor.
The hydraulic control subassembly
consisted of the hydraulic motor with bilateral
rod and the hydraulic proportional throttle 4
WREE 6 EA08-2X/G24K31/A1V, mounted on
the connection way between the two motor
Fig.5. Variant II – Physical Model (Model II) chambers using the support S.
The two subassemblies (pneumatic and
5. VARIANT II – INCREMENTAL hydraulic) were mounted with the two
PNEUTRONIC POSITIONING UNIT longitudinal axes parallel on the common
WITH CUSTOM DESIGN MOTOR support S. A flange union B was used for the
stiffening of the two rods.
A third direction of research was focused The whole assembly was mounted on a
on the development of an accurate pneumo- base plate PB.
hydraulic unit controlling the position via a Specialized I/O modules manufactured
hydraulic circuit governed by a proportional by National Instruments allowed the
valve. The connection diagram for this solution interfacing with the PC.

Fig.7. Variant III – Physical Model (Model III.1)

Fig.6. Variant III – Connection Diagram

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The Model III.2, shown in figure 8, differs 6. CONCLUSIONS

from the previous due to the fact that the rods
of the pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders are
mounted in continuation and coupled via a All the developed experimental models
special system SC that includes a spherical were subjected to various tests, in order to
joint for the compensation of contingent monitor their functioning and to establish the
deviations caused by non-coaxiality. main functional parameters.
The third experimental model, presented The behavior of the variants I and II
in figure 9 and labeled Model III.3, features an corresponded to the design specifications, fact
original construction of pneumo-hydraulic that recommended them for further
motor integrating a incremental position development.
sensor. The hydraulic flow control is achieved The tests showed that, in the case of the
via a proportional hydraulic equipment DHP variant labeled Model III.1, an eccentric
driven by an electronic amplifier AE, both resistant force created by the hydraulic control
manufactured by Festo. Specialized I/O circuit subjected the guideways of the two
modules connected to the system via the motors to serious efforts, leading to the
connection strip R allow as previously the jamming of the mobile assembly. In the case of
interfacing with the PC. Model III.2, the coaxial mounting of the two
rods helped to avoid this phenomenon. Even if
the rods of Model III.3 were also mounted in
parallel, stiffening via flange unions B1 and B2
was possible due to their bilateral
construction, thus correct mounting allowed
appropriate functioning.
Consequently, only variants I, II, III.2 and
III.3 proved to be valid. Further research will
tackle the developing of original control
algorithms and software in order to increase
the positioning accuracy.

Fig.8. Variant III – Physical Model (Model III.2) REFERENCES

[1] Vogel, G. (editor), “L'univers fascinant de la

pneumatique”, Hope International
Communications, Freiburg, 2003.
[2] Research Project no.71-090/2007
“Modular rotary and linear pneumatic
units”, 2007-2009.
[3] Avram, M., “Hydraulic and Pneumatic
Actuation – Classical and Mechatronic
Equipment and Systems” (in Romanian),
Editura Universitarã, Bucharest, Romania,
[4] Belforte, G., Bertetto, A.M., Mazza, L.,
“Pneumatico – curso complete”, Techniche
Nuove Publishing House, Milano, Italy,

Fig.9. Variant III – Physical Model (Model III.3)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Dr. ing. Corneliu CRISTESCU* and Dr. ing. Petrin DRUMEA*

*Hydraulic and Pneumatics Research Institute- INOE 2000-IHP
Bucharest, Romania
[email protected] ,[email protected]

Abstract: In this paper it is presented the importance of the lubrication systems and
equipments for providing reliability and optimum functionality of the machines and equipments
and it is mentioned the imperative need for providing and maintaining quality and
performances of the lubrication parts and systems. It is presented the new laboratory for testing
lubrication systems and equipments from INOE 2000 IHP which is going to be accredited soon
as well as the methodologies and the test stand.

Keyword: testing laboratory, lubrication systems, accredited laboratory, quality standards

collecting data from the lubrication system
The lubrication equipments have known in the which are then displayed and processed. The
latest years a special development, as a result display of the functional parameters
of understanding the need for lubrication in the (pressures, flows, speeds, time, etc.) may be
industrial processes and of applying ney made by means of classical elements or by
concepts of tribology. The progress recorded means of modern computers.
in the wear, friction and lubrication calcula The main lubrication systems are:
have led to new cocepts regarding the - The recalculating lubrication system
lubricant transport systems at the lubrication the lubricant after lubricating the area
point, which, beside the principle scheme where appears friction turns back to the
must allow a precise dosage in terms of system. In this way the lubricant can
volume, frequency and time. In these recalculate, being provided a minimum
situations are taken into account from the consumption.
beginning the real needs of the equipment and - The lubrication system with total loss, -
the operational circuits are dimensioned for the lubricant is sent periodically or
each lubrication point. permanently in the area effected by
A lubrication system represents a complex friction, which means that it can not be
structure, capable to transport the lubricant in recovered
the friction and wear area and, eventually, to - The individual lubrication system - the
carry it back to the storage basin. Beside this lubricant is sent to a single friction
the system provides the refreshening, point
cleaning and maintaining the lubricant at a - The centralized lubrication system the
normal temperature. lubricant is sent in two or more friction
points in the same time
By means of specific elements must be - The specialized lubrication system in
provided a lubrication control and monitoring this case lubrication is performed using
of the way the system works. Monitoring the physical phenomena like: capillarity,
work of a lubrication system consists of a set of adherence, centrifugal force, gravity
techniques and means which provide

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

At present the most commonly used are the 1. Test the adjustability and provide the
centralized systems which have been adjustable pressure at the pressure
continuously modernized in what regards relays used in the circuits of centralized
dosage and electronic control of the lubrication
lubrication processes. The most popular types 2. Determine the internal flow losses in
of centralized lubrication are: the systems with the meaning of flows at unidirectional
simple line, with two lines, with multiple lines, valves used in the circuits of
with volumetrically dosage, with progressive centralized lubrication
dosage, with spraying and recirculation. 3. Determine the tightness of the
In the last years have appeared some progressive dosimeters used in the
specialized companies which produced circuits of centralized lubrication
modern parts for the transport, dosage and 4. Determine the volumetric flow at
automation of the lubrication processes, pumps with tooth wheels, used in the
which are on sale in Romania, these replacing circuits of centralized lubrication
either the worn parts of the old installations or 5. Test adjustability and provide the
the entire installations. adjustable pressure at the valves which
In order to maintain the standard operational limit pressure used in the circuits of
parameters of the machines and equipments it centralized lubrication
is necessary to provide and maintain the The document of reference which represented
quality of performance of the lubrication parts the groundwork for elaborating the technical
and systems, which must be checked and methodologies used at tests has been the
accredited periodically, according to the standard SR EN ISO/CEI 17025: 2005 (1)
European standards existent in the field. which specifies the general requirements for
Due to this fact INOE 2000 IHP pursued to get having the competence to perform these tests,
the accreditation for a laboratory for testing after standardised and non standardised
lubrication apparatus, equipments and methods and also after methods developed in
installations, which to be authorised and the lab. This standard has been used in the
ambled to issue test reports, according with development of the management and quality
the standards in use. systems and also of the administrative and
technical work of the lab. For developing the
2 T H E A C C R E D I TAT I O N O F T H E quality system has been used also the
LABORATORY FOR TESTING OF THE standard SR EN ISO 9001:2001 Systems for
COMPONENTS AND LUBRICATION quality management Requirements (2)
EQUIPMENTS All the tests and check ups are performed on
the test stand, as is shown in figure1, which is
The accreditation of the laboratory for testing placed the laboratory.
lubrication systems and equipments has been In what follows will be presented the object of
made just for certain tests necessary to be the procedures and their referential
made for some key component parts of the groundwork and also some significant results.
lubrication systems, for which have been
elaborated adequate methodologies, in 2.1. Test adjustability and provide the
accordance with the national and European adjustable pressure at the pressure relays
standards in the field. used in the systems of centralized
The key component parts of the lubrication lubrication
systems which have been tested are: the tooth
wheel pumps, pressure relays, the direction The procedure aims to determine the
valves, progressive dosimeters and the valves conditions and method of checking
limiting the operational pressure in the adjustability and providing the adjustable
lubrication systems which use oil. For pressure at the pressure relays used in the
checking and trying these components have systems of centralized lubrication. The tests
been elaborated the following 5 technical are performed on the test stand purposefully
procedures: purchased, figure.2, from the laboratory.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

This test is made for the lubrication

equipments which use oil as lubricant.

Figura 2 Test perfomed at the pressure relays

Figure 1 Test stand

Beside the general standards mentioned [1] si

[2], for elaborating the technical methodology
have been also used other standards for
hydraulic drives, especially for determining
the methods of measurement [3], the general
conditions of quality [4] and the special
technical conditions of quality [5].

2.2 Determine the internal flow losses in

the restrictive meaning of flow at
unidirectional valves used in the systems
of centralized lubrication
Figure 3 Ttest the direction valves
The procedure is used for determining the
conditions and the best method for checking
the internal flow losses. The tests are
performed on the test stand purposefully
provided in the laboratory figure 3. As before
for elaborating the technical methodology
have been used also other standards of
hydraulics for determining the methods of
measurement [3], for general conditions of
quality [4] and for special technical conditions
of quality [5].

2.3 Determine tightness at progressive Figure 4 Test the dosemeters

dosimeters used in the systems of
centralized lubrication
For determining tightness at progressive
The procedure is used for determining the dosimeters used in the circuits of centralized
conditions and the method for checking lubrication, the laboratory is using an original
tightness for progressive dosimeters. The method, purposefully elaborated and which
tests are performed on the test stand which is takes into account the standards in use.
purposefully provided in the laboratory, figure [3,4,5].
4, and are applied at equipments which use
mineral oil as lubricant.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2.4 Determine the volumetrically output at 2.5. Test adjustability and provide
pumps with tooth wheels used in the adjustable pressure at the valves limiting
circuits of centralized lubrication pressure used in the circuits of centralized
The procedure is used for determining the
conditions and the method to be used for The procedure is used for determining the
determining the volumetrically output at conditions and best method to be used for
pumps with tooth wheels [6], used in the testing adjustability at the valves limiting
circuits of centralized lubrication. pressure in the circuits of centralized
The tests are performed on the test stand lubrication. The tests are performed on the test
purposefully provided in the laboratory, figure stand purposefully provided in the laboratory
5. of INOE 2000 IHP, figure 6.
The test methodology which represents the
subject of this paper, it is applied to the
lubrication equipments which work with
mineral oil.


From the information presented above results

very explicitly that our institute, INOE 2000-
IHP disposes of the conditions required for
testing lubrication elements, systems and
Figure 5 Test pumps equipments. The technical procedures have
already been elaborated for the 5 components
and we are expecting to get soon the
accreditation certificate from RENAR, for
working in accredited conditions, in order to
comply with the needs of the beneficiaries
from the field.
For INOE 2000-IHP, the laboratory for testing
the lubrication systems and equipments will
represent a real interface with the industry
lubrication equipments.

Figure 6 Test pressure valves

[1] Standard SR EN ISO/CEI 17025:2005. General requirements for the competency of the test
and sampling labs
[2] Standard SR EN ISO 9001: 2001 - “Quality management systems Requirements”
[3] Standard STAS 9817-80: “Hydrostatic drives. Main parametersi. General methods of
[4] Standard. STAS 8533-85: “Hydrostatic drives. Hydrostatic drive elements General
conditions of quality”.
[5] STAS 8536-85: “Hydrostatic drives. Apparatus. Special technical conditions of quality.”
[6] STAS 8536-85: “Hydrostatic drives. Apparatus. Special technical conditions of quality.”

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





Petre Lucian SEICIU*, Ioan Dan FILIPOIU*

Tiberiu LAURIAN*, Valentin BARBU*
*Machine Elements and Tribology Department
POLITEHNICA University Bucharest
313, Spl. Independentei, sect. 6, Bucuresti, ROMANIA
[email protected],

Abstract: - The proper design of a mechatronic system for recovery of the locomotory disabled
persons (SIMESIM) have to take into account the state-of-art theretical aspects of the human
walking. There aree are two main theories that are to be taken into account: “The Six
Determinants Of Gait” (SDG) theory “The Inverted Pendulum Analogy” (IPA) theory. Both
theories explain human walking but have shortcomings that may be resolved through a new
theory: “The Dynamic Walking Theory” DWT. These theories describe more or less appropriate
walking of healthy persons. The theoretical aspects presented are to be considered at the
design of a mechatronic system for the locomotory disabled persons. The paper presents also
a state-of-art mechatronic system for recovery of the locomotory disabled persons: SIMESIM

Key-Words: - mechatronic system, locomotory disabled persons, rehabilitation.

1. Introduction VR has the capacity to simulate reallife tasks

while providing the means to better measure
Walking is one of the most important features and evaluate the patient's performance. VR
of humans. Therefore the scientific study of also provides real-time data collection from the
the human movement is mandatory both for its sensors attached to the patient's body.
theoretical understanding and for medical These data are used for the requested
purposes. feedback and for recording in databases for
Walking failure leads to serious problems in future evaluation.
fulfilling the most common daily activities such The modern rehabilitation methods were used
as stair climbing, sidewalk walking and street only in the last period at a small level, due to a
crossing leading in time to total loss of the limb lack of equipments.
control. The designing and assembling of the state-of-
The mechatronic technology and virtual reality art mechatronic system (MS) presented in this
in rehabilitation proved to be promising paper lead the authors to the conclusion that a
research directions. more thorough scientific study of the walking is
Several scientists showed that training reduce needed in order to improve MS functioning.
disabilities provoked by stroke, even if the
rehabilitation takes place in the chronic phase 2. Theoretical aspects
(several months after the date of the stroke).
Theoretically, prolonged and intensive Human walking is theoretically explained by
rehabilitation is needed to treat poststroke two prevailing, but contradictory theories. The
patients but the real life situation is different for first theory called “The Six Determinants of
most of them. Gait” (SDG) aims to minimize the energetic
This is why virtual reality (VR) is a technology cost of locomotion by reducing the vertical
suitable for rehabilitation therapy. displacement of the body centre of mass
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The second theory called “The Inverted

Pendulum Analogy” (IPA) suggests that
walking is a movement combination of two
pendulums: the inverted pendulum for the
stance leg and a direct pendulum for the swing
leg. Walking efficiency is considered for these
two theories in order to design properly the
mechatronic system.
According to the SDG theory, the cost of
transport depends on the relative proportions
of single and double support. Double support
is more costly than single support.
Fig. 1 The Six Determinants of Gait (Kuo, 2007)
The six determinants of gait theory (Saunders,
Inman, & Eberhart, 1953) is based by the
model in which the gate is fragmented in six
different phases due to the relative position of
the legs. For example, one of the
determinants is the stance phase knee
flexion. The main idea is that vertical and
horizontal displacements of the body center of
mass (COM) are energetically costly. This
leads to a set of kinematic features that help to
reduce the COM displacement. Motions such
as flexion of the knee during the stance phase
and rotations of the pelvis are therefore
coordinated so as to reduce displacements of Fig. 2 Simple Walking SDG Model
the COM (as seen in Fig. 1) so that it follows a
flat trajectory.
The inverted pendulum theory states that the
The analysis is made with a simple walking stance leg is relatively straight and supports
model presented in fig.2. COM moves r the COM. The COM moves in a pendular arc,
r rvCOMat with no mechanical work needed to sustain the
constant height h with constant speed .
The two legs produce the forces F1 and 2 . The motion (Fig. 6).
geometric variables are the height h of the The simple walking IPA model presents a
COM, the step length s, and the moment arm different approach than SDG theory (Fig. 7). In
of body weight about the knee r, all normalized this case, the COM is supported by a
by leg length. Fx and Fy are the reaction forces weightless leg acting as an inverse pendulum
in the horizontal and vertical directions for the during single support. The stance leg the
F1 stance leg remains fairly straight during single
single support. is the vertical force of the
trailing leg during double support. support (SS), so little knee torque is needed to
The most economical flat COM trajectory is support body weight. In midpoint the ground
achieved with single support dominating the reaction force is directed from the center of
step and with an instantaneous double pressure to the COM. Along the whole length of
support phase. The dimensionless positive the SS line, the COM velocity is directed
work rate is (Kuo et al., 2007) perpendicular to the ground reaction force and
no work is performed on the COM, which may
s2 ×
f be transported along the pendular arc with no
WR = (1) energy input. At the same time, the swing leg
4 ×4 - s2 moves like a pendulum and this leads to the
conclusion that the energy-conserving
properties of both require no work.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

This is in direct conflict with the SDG

theory. The pendulum analogy therefore
offers multiple explanations for why
walking should cost no energy
whatsoever, and not why it costs any
energy at all. It is therefore necessary to
consider how walking deviates from
pendulum behavior, and whether this
deviation might cost energy.

Fig. 3 The Inverted Pendulum (Kuo, 2007) Fig. 4 Simple Walking STS Model

This model offers a strategy for reducing

energy expenditure to zero which is not logical Other values of cet = 0.0003 for real models
since it doesn't explain the actual energy cost (Collins et al., 2005) are presented in table 1
of walking.
In fact the IPA model can be considered only a Cornel biped Deft robot MIT learning biped
start model for a realistic energy efficiency 0.2 5.3 10.5
walking analysis. A more realistic model is the Table 1. Estimated cost of transportation
step-to-step (STS) model, presented in Fig. 4. for various robots
This model states that the energetic cost
occurs only in step-to-step transitions. Of the two important walking theories, the
The IPA theory states that the dimensionless authors use the SDG theory to compute the
positive work rate is (Kuo et al., 2007) work efficiency, the results being used for the
1 2 2 mechatronic system design.
WR = f ×
× s (2) The design also must take into account some
8 cinematic particularities that result from the
Where s is the step length and f is step use of a special developed crank-
frequency, normalized by the natural reciprocating rod mechanism.
frequency of the leg.
The theoretical lower limit for the cost of 3. The Mechatronic System
transport (Collins et al., 2005) in walking
models is c mt =0 . This can be achieved by
The paper presents the mechatronic system
swaying the upper body with springs in such a for the rehabilitation of locomotor disabled
manner as to totally eliminate the collision persons. The system is based on a basic
losses. Without swaying the upper body, a training gait at which there were added several
motion that would have significant energetic sub-systems necessary for a complex and full
cost in humans, a rough lower bound on recovery.
energetic cost can be estimated from the The importance of the research consists in
point-mass small-angle model developing a state-of-art mechatronic system

cet c ³
³ J
(s )
s- v
2 2
able to respond to the utmost complex
mt requirements. For example, in addition to the

2× l2
d× normal walking movement (limbs opposition),
where J is the collision reduction factor, which the system allows, for the first time, a tandem
is 1/4 for push-off before heel-strike, s ˜ 0.4 m (skier) movement: simultaneous movement of
is the step length , s f˜ 0.2 m is the foot length, the side limbs (right hand-leg and left hand-
l ˜ 0.8 m is the leg length, v = 0.4 m/s is the leg).
average velocity, and g ˜ 10 m/s2 is the gravity In this respect, the system is designed and
constant. developed based on the latest achievements
Another dynamical model (Kuo et al., 2002) of human movement science, mechanisms
find out that cet =0.0003 theory, medical science and IT.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 5 SIMESIM (mechanical part). Fig. 6 The Hardware System Architecture

The system has several important parts: The system is elaborated to act in different
mechanical, electronic, measurement, ways based on personalized programs for
control. each individual case, being adapted to each
The mechanical part (main rig) is presented as patient even during the recuperation period of
a CAD view in figure 5. It is composed of: time.
1 - the patient positioning frame; 2- the feet In all cases, basis elements of above
driving module; 3 - the hand guiding system; mentioned intelligent systems consist
4 - the oscillating lift mechanism (harness, primarily of the following:
pulleys and a winch). - Data retrieval and command
Figure 6 presents the hardware system transmittal system (SCADA)
architecture for three different recuperation - Real-time database
processes. - Batch database
The hardware interfaces are: - Infrastructural leveling interfaces
* serial communication interface between PC - End-user interfaces
stand and converter; The system frame has two operating types
* serial communication interface between (regimes): automated (computer driven) and
converter and controller stand; local (manual).
* process interface between controller stand
and stand transducers and working elements. Figure 7 presents the software system
Unified signals are brought by in the local architecture.
screen. The main software interfaces are:
The stall automated/informatics driven - Communication Interface between real-time
solution is based on an open hardware- database and high level batch processing
software architecture that will allow further database;
development of the current research, at - Communication Interface between levels
minimum costs. MODBUS Protocol components installed on
This simulation system interacts through the PC (OPC - for the Master Hub Server) and
sensor devices and driving mechanisms with communication software MODBUS on the
the human body in order to obtain an optimum Controller (for the Slave Hub).
recuperation both from quality and from
duration process point of view.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 7 The Software System Architecture

Fig. 8. Dialog graphic screen.

The system presents also several Batch The Real-time Database Interface is done
Database Interfaces: through user friendly dialog graphical screens
- main batch database operating screen; like the one presented in Fig. 8.
- patient ID entering screen;
- patient rendering-back screen for biometric 4. Conclusions
data entering;
- biometric data screen; Of the two important walking theories, the
-patient browsing screen for file authors use the SDG theory to compute the
completion/checking etc. work efficiency, the results being used for the
The system has real-time database and batch mechatronic system design.
database. The cost of transport can be estimated easily,
The system presents an end-user interface but the results vary largely from one
that is updated and reloaded every time it is application to another. The authors aim to
used. reach low cost of transport values with the
newly designed MS.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Filipoiu, I. D.; Seiciu P. L.; Laurian, T. & Carutasu,

N. (2007). SIMESIM The Mechatronic System
For Neuro-Motor Disabled Persons, In.: DAAM
International Scientific Book 2007, Katalinic, B.
(Ed.), pp. 387-398, DAAAM International
Publishing, ISBN: 3-901509-60-7, Vienna
Kuo, A. D. (2002). Energetics Of Actively Powered
Locomotion Using the Simplest Walking Model,
Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering, ASME,
Vol. 124, Issue 1, February 2002, pp. 113-120,
ISSN: 0148-0731
Pictures SIMESIM present state
Seiciu, P. L., Laurian, T., Filipoiu, D., Special
Training Gait for Locomotion Disabled Persons,
European Workshop On Movement Science,
The design also must take into account some Sportverlag Strauß, 2006, p. 216.
cinematic particularities that result from the Seiciu P. L., Filipoiu I. D., Laurian T., Alionte C. G,
use of a special developed crank-reciprocating Barbu V., Monitoring Equipment for Patients
rod mechanism.The gait trainer enables Using SIMESIM Mechatronic System,
severely disabled patients the repetitive Mecatronica, 2/2007, ISSN 1583-7653, pp.56-
practice of a physiologic walking movement. 59. 40-43.
Seiciu P. L., Filipoiu I. D., Laurian T., SIMESIM -
SIMESIM will allow locomotory disabled Sistem mecatronic pentru recuperarea
subjects to practice the gait-like movement persoanelor cu handicap locomotor, Simpozion
without overstressing therapists. The device naþional VIASAN-CEEX 2008, 28-30
simulates the phases of gait, supports the septembrie 2008, Sinaia, Romania.
subject's weight according to their abilities, Seiciu, P. L., Filipoiu, I. D., Laurian, T., Theoretical
and controls the body movement in the vertical Aspects Related to the Design of a Mechatronic
and horizontal directions. System for Recovery of the Disabled Persons,
Video analysis of gait and the kinesiological Proceedings of the “9th WSEAS International
EMG will be used to assess the pattern of Conference on Automation & Information (ICAI
movement and the corresponding muscle '08) ”, Bucharest, Romania, June 24-26, 2008,
activity. Walking on the gait trainer is ISBN 978-960-6766-77-0, ISSN 1790-5117,
published by WSEAS Press, pp. 230-235.
characterized by a symmetrical, sinusoidal Seiciu, P. L., Laurian, T., Filipoiu, I. D., Parvu F.,
movement. In summary, the new gait trainer New Design Aspects of a Locomotory
generates physiological gait-like movement Rehabilitation Mechatronic System, Annals of
which is important for the restoration of walking DAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of the 19th
ability. International DAAAM Symposium, ISSN: 1726-
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5. References 1242, editor B. Katalinic, Published by DAAAM
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Collins, S.; Ruina, A.; Tedrake, R. & Wisse M. Zajak, F. E.; Neptune, R. R. & Kautz, S. A. (2002).
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no. 5712, February 2005 p. 1082-1805, ISSN: Vol.16, Issue 3, December 2002, pp. 215-232,
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901509-58-5, Zadar, Croatia, 24-27 . October
2007, DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





*INOE 2000 -IHP

The paper presents a few types of complex mechatronic driving systems such as: sequential driving
of a jointed arm, speed control in rotary motion, driving of a motion bridge and primary and secondary
regulation in rotary motion and also their functional characteristics.

Sistem de acþionare secvenþial tip „braþ
Categoria sistemelor mecatronice articulat”
complexe priveºte sisteme în care acþionarea
se face cu mai multe motoare liniare sau Sistemul descris de fig. 1 este de tip „braþ
rotative comandate secvenþial electric, în articulat”, având trei centre de rotaþie
tandem sau cu reglare secundarã în trepte sau acþionate, douã cu motoare liniare ºi unul cu
continuã. motor oscilant fig. 1 b.

Fig. 1

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

1. Motor termic; 2. Pompa variabilã; 3. Pompa auxiliarã; 4. Supapa de presiune;

5. Filtru 10...15 m; 6. Supapa de siguranþã secþiunea de intrare a sistemului de distribuþie
7. Baterie de distribuitoare; 8. Drosele de cale; 9. Supapa deblocabilã pilotatã;
10,11. Cilindrii diferenþiali; 12. Motor oscilant; 13. Filtru retur 25...40 m
14. Schimbãtor cãldurã; 15. Electroventilator; 16. Senzor temperaturã

Caracteristicile funcþionale sunt:

- Motopompa are ca motor primar un
motor Diessel rapid cuplat cu o pompã
variabilã comandatã de un regulator de
vitezã electric proporþional ºi care
hidraulic este alimentat de o pompã
auxiliarã coaxialã celei principale
- Comanda „braþului articulat” se face
printr-un distribuitor baterie în 8 canale
cu centru deschis, pilotat electric, care
are în componenþã o secþiune de
intrare care conþine supape de
suprapresiune, trei secþiuni de
distribuþie ºi o secþiune de ieºire. 1. Pompã variabilã cu pistoane axiale;
- Sistemul de comandã electric al 2. Servomotor reglare volum geometric;
braþului este indiferent ca ordine de 3. Distribuitor proporþional; 4. Traductor cursã
funþionare, dar schema hidraulicã servomotor;5. Traductor presiune;
impune acþionarea în ordinea înserierii 6. Regulator electronic; 7. Potenþiometru;
secþiunilor de distribuþie. 8. Redresor; 9. Duza;
- Volumul geometric al pompei principale 10. Distribuitor scurtcircuitare
ilustrat de fig. 2 poate fi comandat în
Fig. 2
buclã închisã cu un distribuitor
proporþional sau redus la zero prin o Alternanþa alimentãrii motorului lent
poziþia preferenþialã a servomotorului sau rapid
(2) acþionându-se distribuitorul electric o Alternanþa conectãrii motoarelor la
(10). sistemul de transmisie mecanic al
Sistem de acþionare în miºcare rotitoare cu - Secþiunea a IV- a (poz. 17, 18, 19) este
gamã mare de variaþie a turaþiei sistemul hidromecanic de acþionare compus
din motoarele propriu zise, ambreiajele de
Fig. 3 reprezintã schema hidraulicã în circuit cuplare ºi angrenajele conice de
închis a unui sistem de variaþie a turaþiei cu transmisie.
reglare primarã continuã ºi reglare secundarã - Sistemul de automatizare are douã bucle
în trepte conform diagramei din fig 3 b. o Controlul corelaþiei comandã - unghi de
Caracteristicile sistemului:
basculare pompã (4)
- Panoul hidraulic al sistemului antrenat de
o Controlul corelaþiei unghi de basculare
motor printr-o cutie de distribuþie are în
componenþã pompa principalã (4) al cãrui pompã (4) - turaþie finalã mecanism
dispozitiv de reglare este detaliat de fig. 4, - Parametrii hidraulici: presiuni comandã 7
pompa dublã auxiliarã cu accesoriile de Mpa, acþionare 18 Mpa; putere 2,2 kW (la
protecþie ºi filtrare rad
w max =
1,4 ºi cuplu 18 daNm)
- Secþiunea a II a a schemei (poz. 5, 6, 7) sec
asigurã protecþia ºi rãcirea circuitului închis - Recomandarea în utilizare: mecanisme
- Secþiunea a III a (poz. 8,9) este sistemul de funcþionând în gamã largã de viteze
distribuþie care asigurã unghiulare la puteri mici (N ~ 100 kW)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


- Presiuni: comanda 7 Mpa
acþionare 18 MPa
- Gama turaþie: 1...80 gr/sec
- Precizia: D a ~ 10 -
...100 gr


1. Motor electric 24 Vcc; 2. Pompã dublã; 3. Distribuitor proporþional; 4. Pompã

variabilã; 5,6,7. Dispozitiv împrospãtare protecþie; 8. Distribuitoare electrice
schema 04 N; 9. Distribuitor electric schema 02; 10. Distribuitor electric
schema 01; 11. Rãcitor; 12. Filtru retur; 13. Filtru presiune; 14. Supapã
presiune comandã directã; 15. Filtru aspiraþie; 16. Supapa de presiune
cu conectare electricã; 17. Motor rapid; 18. Motor lent; 19. Ambreiaje

Fig. 3

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Sistem de acþionare în miºcare de

rotaþie a unei punþi motoare

Fig. 4 prezintã schematizarea

sistemului de acþionare în punte în
circuit închis cu reglarea primarã a
vitezei, comandat cu servovalvã cu
urmãtoarele caracteristici:
- Secþiunea de generare compusã din o
pompã cu pistoane axiale cu volum
geometric reglabil cu acþionare
hidraulicã ºi comandã prin servovalvã
ºi o pompã auxiliarã înglobatã a cãrui
debit este divizat de un ventil de
prioritate cu favorizarea circuitului de
- Secþiunea de protecþie îndeplineºte
funcþiile de protecþie la suprasarcinã
ºi cavitaþie ºi funcþia de rãcire
a@ 20% din fluidul de lucru prin aportul
pompei auxiliare ºi care parcurge
circuitul filtrare - rãcire
- Secþiunea de comandã a cuplãrii
motoarelor la roþi prin acþionarea
hidraulicã a ambreiajelor înglobate în Fig. 4
reductoarele planetare în regimul
o La acþionarea controlerului care Componenþa hidraulicã: 1. Reductoare
comandã servovalva pe oricare din planetare cu ambreiaj încorporat acþionat
circuitele A sau B se stabilizeazã hidraulic (i = 20...25, M ˜ 400...500 daN); 2.
presiunea care este selectatã de (7), Motoare rapide 40...63 cm3/rot cuplate cu
iar electromagnetul S este alimentat traductoare de turaþie; 3. Distribuitor electric;
ºi cupleazã hidraulic contra arc 4. Releu presiune; 5. Acumulator 3 dm3; 6.
ambreiajele (1.1) ºi (1.2) permiþând Supape de sens; 7. Supapa de selectare;
transmiterea puterii 8,9,10. Dispozitiv împrospãtare protecþie; 11.
o În cazul când S nu este alimentat Ventil de prioritate; 12. Supape de presiune;
arborii mecanismelor de la ieºirea 13. Pompa reglabilã; 14. Servovalva cu douã
reductoarelor planetare se pot roti etaje; 15. Filtru 5...10 m; 16. Filtru de retur
datoritã unor cupluri exterioare 25...40 m; 17. Rãcitor; 18. Ventilator; 19.
sistemului fãrã a antrena motoarele Traductor de temperaturã.
(de exemplu în cazul remorcãrii)
- Utilizãri posibile: punte motoare pentru Componenþa electronicã: I. Sumator; II.
utilaje mobile cu restricþie în circulaþia Amplificator - adaptor; III, IV, IX, X.
rutierã Amplificator de cuplare; XI. Generator de
rampã; VI. Convertor tensiune - curent; V,
VIII. Regulator PI; XII. Potenþiometru pentru
valoare nominalã.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Sistem de acþionare în miºcare de rotaþie cu Sistemul funcþioneazã ca regulator de putere

reglare continuã primarã ºi secundarã conform relaþiei ( q1 +q2 )
×pL = ct care ca
funcþie este echivalentã unui regulator de
Fig. 5 prezintã un sistem în circuit închis cu putere care în principiu la o presiune de
reglarea turaþiei proporþional electric realizând lucru pL ce corespunde unui debit
urmãtoarele funcþii: QL = q1 pentru care produsul pL QL
ni ×
- Generatorul are pompã cu pistoane este mai mare sau egal cu puterea maximã,
axiale (tip A4V) cu pompã auxiliarã curentul (i) comandã S2 astfel ca pc sã
înglobatã cu reglare hidraulicã, comandatã scadã, ceea ce conduce la scãderea
hidraulic proporþional volumului geometric al pompei.
- Pompa auxiliarã debiteazã prin supapa - Sistemul de protecþie asigurã evitarea
de prioritate spre circuitul de rãcire ºi suprapresiunii, a cavitaþiei ºi permite
circuitul de comandã al pompei principale evacuarea unei cantitãþi de fluid de lucru în
- Circuitele de lucru A, B ºi circuitul de vederea rãcirii sistematice
comandã sunt monitorizate ca nivel de - Motorul variabil posedã un sistem propriu
presiune de traductorii de presiune (1) ºi (2) de reglaj proporþional electric în care S1 este
fig 5 d care convertesc presiunile PA,B ºi PC în alimentat astfel ca sã realizeze
tensiunile electrice care intrã în caracteristica q ®
n i1
subansamblul (3) în care sunt amplificate,
modulate ºi convertite în curentul (i) care se
aplicã electromagnetului S2.

Fig. 5

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


[1] R. Ionescu º.a. - Roboþi industriali - MEC, 1996

[2] Vasiliu N., Catanã I. - Transmisii hidraulice ºi electrohidraulice vol. I Maºini hidraulice
volumice - Ed. Tehnicã, Bucureºti, 1998
[3] Ionescu, D.Gh. - Lecþii de termodinamica fluidelor vâscoase - Ed. Tehnicã, Bucureºti
[4] Backe W. Servohydraulic RTWH, Aachen, 1984
[5] Wesswls A.C.E. Mynett J.K., Kostense J.K., Prins J.E. -Modern laboratory techniques
Delft University of Technology, Delft hydraulic publications, 1989
[6] Guillon M. - L'asservirssement hydrauliques et electrohydrauliques
[7] Johnson J. - Electrohydraulic servosistems. Industrial Publishing Company, Cleveland,
[8] Keller G.R. - Automatique. Hermes, Paris, 1993

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Cosmin Tamas, Cristina Marghescu, Ciprian Ionescu
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti,
Facultatea de Electronica, Telecomunicatii si Tehnologia Informatiei
Centrul de Electronica Tehnologica si Tehnici de Interconectare
[email protected]

1. Introducere Structura ceramicã include pe lângã senzorul

Sistemul studiat are la bazã un senzor de temperaturã ºi circuitul desenat necesar
de presiune capacitiv realizat în tehnologie funcþionãrii AD7745, pentru a se obþine o
LTCC (senzorul are la bazã o membranã influenþã parazitã minimã externã asupra
deformabilã care se deformeazã datoritã senzorului de mãsurã.
diferenþei de presiune ceea ce are ca efect
modificarea valorii capacitãþii). Aceastã
tehnologie, având la bazã ceramica prelucratã
termic la temperaturi joase (acronimul LTCC
provenind din limba englezã - Low
Temperature Co-fired Ceramic) a devenit în
prezent unele dintre cele mai studiate ºi
cercetate tehnologii, având în vedere
principalele calitãþi de material ale
ceramicii in microelectronicã mai ales in
zona frecvenþelor înalte (ordinul zeci si
sute de GHz).

2. Principiul de funcþionare al sistemului

de achiziþie Figura 1–Sistemul de achiziþie destinat
Capacitatea senzorului este senzorului capacitiv
monitorizatã în permanenþã (vezi figura 1) de
2. Funcþionarea senzorului
cãtre sistemul realizat in jurul circuitului Analog
Devices AD7745. Pe lângã citirea capacitãþii
acest circuit dispune ºi de un senzor de Pe plan internaþional, piaþa este
temperaturã integrat având o bunã stabilitate, dominatã de senzorii de presiune realizaþi în
sistemul oferind astfel pe lângã informaþiile siliciu. În unele aplicaþii, senzorii de presiune
legate de senzorul capacitiv studiat ºi o realizaþi în tehnologia straturilor groase
referinþã în temperaturã. Comunicaþia cu reprezintã o alternativã. O variantã de
microcontrolerul se realizeazã prin intermediul realizare mai nouã a senzorilor de presiune
protocolului „I2C”. Citirea datelor prelucrate în ceramici o reprezintã tehnologia LTCC (Low
final de cãtre microcontroler sunt afiºate pe un Temperature Cofired Ceramic). În comparaþie
mic LCD, însã pentru realizarea unor studii de cu senzorii pe bazã de materiale
lungã duratã (de ordinul zilelor sau lunilor) a semiconductoare, senzorii ceramici au
fost prevãzutã ºi o conexiune opþionala prin dimensiuni mai mari, sunt mai robuºti ºi au o
USB cu PC-ul, pentru stocarea datelor, senzitivitate mai micã dar pot funcþiona pe un
generarea de grafice ºi, respectiv, de tabele domeniu mai larg de temperaturã .
cu valorile înregistrate.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Cei mai mulþi senzori aflaþi pe piaþa Neglijând câmpul de margine capacitatea se
funcþioneazã pe principiul piezorezistiv. Acest poate calcula cu:
fapt se datoreazã senzitivitãþii relativ ridicate ºi
ieºirii de semnal proporþionale cu presiunea (2)
pe un domeniu larg de valori. Impedanþa de
ieºire este micã, având avantajul protecþiei la Au fost utilizate urmãtoarele notaþii : y(r)
perturbaþii. Senzori capacitivi pe de altã parte deformaþia la poziþia r de la centru atunci când se
au o senzitivitate intrinsecã mult mai mare aplicã presiunea P, E modulul de elasticitate
decât cea a senzorilor piezoelectrici. Pe de (Young), í coeficientul Poisson, t grosimea
altã parte senzorii capacitivi sunt mai sensibili diafragmei ºi RD raza diafragmei. C(P) este
la temperaturã dar au un consum redus de valoarea capacitãþii când se aplicã presiunea P. Este
energie. Dezavantajul major al acestora este posibil sã se rezolve analitic integrala (2) prin
capacitatea micã ce trebuie mãsuratã, înlocuirea y(r) din (1). Pentru simplificare se
impedanþã mare de ieºire ºi rãspunsul introduce un parametru adimensional =y0/D0 ºi se
neliniar. Capacitatea micã a acestora îi face schimbã variabila din r în x :
susceptibili la efecte parazite. (3)
Majoritatea senzorilor ceramici în tehnologia
straturilor groase au ca element sensibil o Aceasta conduce la:
diafragmã deformabilã. Deformarea este
produsã de presiunea aplicatã ºi apoi este
convertitã într-un semnal electric prin (4)
modificarea caracteristicilor unor componente
realizate în straturi groase. Tehnologia LTCC Respectiv,
oferã posibilitatea de a realiza structuri
tridimensionale (3D) care constau dintr-o
diafragmã circularã susþinutã la margine. (5)
Structurã de bazã a unui asemenea senzor
constã din doi electrozi, unul fiind fix iar celãlalt Aceste ecuatii sunt valabile în cazul
lipit de diafragmã, vezi figura 2. Valoarea aplicarii presiunii pe latura de sus.
capacitãþii este determinatã de distanþa dintre Se constatã cã mãrimea de ieºire este
electrozi, suprafaþa electrozilor ºi natura influenþatã de permitivitatea mediului - år, raza
dielectricului utilizat. electrozilor - Re, distanþa dintre electrozi fãrã
deformare - D0 ºi evident de deformarea y(r).
Câteva din caracteristicile de material
sunt prezentate în tabelul 1:

Tab. Proprietãþile materialelor pentru

substrat LTCC

Figura 2 Construcþia senzorului de presiune capacitiv

Presiunea ce se aplicã diafragmei

produce o deformare elasticã. Deformarea
poate fi calculatã cu relaþia (1) preluatã din
teoria plãcilor deformabile:


HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Referitor la realizare, senzorii prezentaþi

au fost realizaþi la institutul Jozef Stefan din
Ljubljana în cadrul unei cooperãri bilaterale
dintre acesta ºi UPB-CETTI.
Un exemplu de realizare este prezentat în
figura 3 :

Figura 4- Schema bloc a circuitului AD7745

La baza funcþionarii circuitului AD7745

se aflã generatorul de semnal dreptunghiular
si convertorul sigma-delta. În figura 5 este
prezentat în mod simplificat principiul de
mãsurã al capacitãþii : generatorul de semnal
dreptunghiular (excitaþia) încarcã
Figura 3. Variante de realizare a) patru structuri
b) o singurã structurã cu spaþiu pentru plasarea condensatorul C x , iar modulatorul
circuitului de mãsurã AD7745. eºantioneazã datele primite de la
4. Funcþionarea sistemului de calcul
Semnalul furnizat de senzorul capacitiv
este prelucrat de sistemul de achiziþie prin
intermediul circuitului AD7745. Schema bloc a
acestui circuit este prezentatã în figura 4.
Acesta este in esenþã un convertor de mare
rezoluþie de tip capacitate-semnal digital (la
bazã se aflã un convertor analog-digital de tip
sigma/delta, având rezoluþia de 24 biþi ºi 21 de
biþi efectivi) cu performanþe ridicate, liniaritate
foarte ridicatã ±0.01% ºi acurateþe foarte bunã Figura 5 Principiul de mãsurã a capacitãþii
±4 fF (deci se ajunge la mãsurarea nivelelor de
femto 10-15 Farazi). Circuitul mai conþine ºi o
referinþã de tensiune ºi un senzor de Sistemul de achiziþie a fost realizat
temperaturã (rezoluþie de 0.1°C). folosind un microcontroler Microchip
Comunicarea circuitului cu exteriorul se PIC16F73. Acesta conþine o unitate de control
realizeazã prin interfaþa I2C, cu o unitate de al magistralei i2c (necesarã comunicãrii cu
control a semnalului (construitã în jurul circuitul AD7745), un convertor ADC pe 10 biþi,
circuitului PIC 16F73) unde are loc prelucrarea un oscilator calibrat intern, memorie
semnalului ºi transmiterea informaþiilor EEPROM, etc. Funcþionarea programului se
externe cãtre un afiºor LCD si/sau spre PC bazeazã pe folosirea unei rutine de calibrare a
pentru înregistrarea ºi memorarea datelor pe senzorului ºi citirea permanentã a datelor, atât
termen îndelungat prin protocolul USB. a celor furnizate de cãtre senzorului de
presiune capacitiv cât ºi de cel de

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Valoarea in semnal hexazecimal este sistemului pe un termen îndelungat ºi

convertitã in semnal în baza zece iar apoi sunt realizarea unor grafice, ca întreg sistemul sã
aplicate o serie de corecþii, in final valorile sunt rãmânã conectat la PC , comunicaþia fiind
afiºate pe un afiºaj LCD. Existã posibilitatea, realizatã printr-un circuit FTDI FT232R
atunci când se doreºte monitorizarea (convertor Seria-USB).
4. Mãsurãtori
În urma mãsurãtorilor au rezultat urmãtoarele valori ale capacitãþii :
Tab. Valorile capacitãþii rezultate în urma mãsurãtorilor

5. Mulþumiri [4] C. Ionescu, P. Svasta, C.Marghescu, M.

Aceastã lucrare a fost realizatã în urma Santo Zarnik, and D. Belaviè, “Study on
optimization of capacitive pressure
activitãþilor desfãºurate în cadrul CETTI, în sensorusing coupled mechanical-electric
cadrul proiectului de cercetare bilateralã analysis”, ISSE 2009 Proceedings, Brno,
Republica Cehã, Mai 13-17, 2009.
Dezvoltarea de senzori ºi traductoare de [5] C. Ionescu, P. Svasta, C.Marghescu, M.
presiune avansate (DAPST) desfãºurat cu Santo Zarnik, and D. Belaviè, ”The Design
sprijinul Autoritãþii Naþionale pentru Cercetare and Improvement of LTCC-based
Capacitive Pressure Sensors Employing
ªtiinþificã (ANCS). Finite Element Analysis”, EMPC 2009
Proceedings, Rimini, Italia, Iunie 15-18
6. Bibliografie [6] Cristina Marghescu, Darko Belaviè, Marina
[1] S. Beeby, G. Ensell, M. Kraft, N. White, Santo Zarnik, Ciprian Ionescu,Paul Svasta,
“MEMS Mechanical Sensors”, Artech House, Marko Hrovat, Sandi Kocjan, Igor
2004, Cap.6. Lipušèek, ”Evaluation of a Ceramic
[2] D. Belaviè, M. Santo Zarnik, M. Jerlah, M. Capacitive Pressure Sensor in Different
Pavlin, M. Hrovat, S. Maèek, “Capacitive Media”, MIIDEM Conference 2009, 45th
thick-film pressure sensor: material and International Conference on
construction investigation”, Proceedings of Microelectronics, Devices and Materials,
the XXXI International Conference of IMAPS Postojna,Slovenia, Septembrie 9-11, 2009.
Poland 2007, Rzeszóv, Krasiczyn, Polonia, [7] ***, PIC16F73 Datasheet,
pp. 249-253, Septembrie 23-26, 2007. // PIC16F73/4/6/7
[3] D. Belaviè, M. Santo Zarnik, S. Maèek, M. Datasheet (4/1/2003)
Jerlah, M. Hrovat, M. Pavlin, “Capacitive [8] ***, AD7730 Datasheet,
pressure sensors realized with LTCC
technology”, Proceedings of the 31st files/Data_Sheets/AD7730_7730L.pdf
International Spring Seminar on Electronics [9] ***, MPXA6115A Datasheet,
Technology (ISSE 2008), Reliability and life-
time prediction, Piscataway: IEEE, Budapest, ata_sheet/MPXA6115A.pdf
Hungary, 7-11 Mai, 2008. pp. 271-274, 2008. [10]
nfo/products/ltcc.html // low temperature co-
fired ceramic (LTCC) materials

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





Erol Murad *, Edmond Maican*, Alexandru Marin*, Cãtãlin Dumitrescu **

Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucureºti (**) INOE 2000-IHP
For measuring forces with slow variation was created a pneumatic transducer at which were applied the
concepts of reducing energetic consumption and keeping low costs for the automatic system. This kind of
unconventional pneumatic transducer does not require a special source of pressurized air the consumption
being extremely low which simplifies structure, use and cost of this device. The power consumed is very low
which represents a very positively ecological aspect.
In the paper is presented a model and a simulation software for studying the dynamic behavior of this
transducer and also the results of the tests performed with this software.

1. Aspecte generale 2. Modelul dinamic al traductorului

In multe procese din agriculturã ºi din Schema principialã a traductorul de forþã

industria alimentarã trebuiesc mãsurate forþe pneumatic este prezentatã în figura 1.
ºi greutãþi care variazã lent în timp.
A fost studiatã o familie de traductoare
pneumatice, compacte, simple, ieftine, fiabile
ºi nu în ultimul rând cu un consum foarte redus
de energie la o precizie de mãsurare foarte
bunã, ne afectatã de histeresis ºi de
temperatura mediului în care funcþioneazã.
Utilizarea aerului comprimat la presiuni reduse
nu este periculoasã, este perfect ecologicã ºi Fig. 1 Schema funcþionalã
necesitã, în varianta studiatã un cosum foarte
redus de energie. Acest tip de traductoare se Schema funcþionalã detaliatã a sistemului
pot utiliza ºi în mediile EX deoarece nu de mãsurare pneumatic studiat este
prezintã pericol de explozie.[1,5,6] prezentatã în lucrarea [6].
Familia de traductoare are valori nominale In timpul funcþionãrii poziþia Ht a tijei
în domeniul Fmn{20, 400}N, cu trei suprafeþe traductorului poate varia între Htmin ºi Htmax cu
efective ale membranelor Sef{10, 20, 40}cm2 la revenire spre Htmed (fig.2).
trei presiuni de alimentare pal{25, 75, 140) kPa.
In aceastã lucrare s-a studiat funcþionarea
capului de serie, traductorul cu Sef=10 cm2,
alimentat la pal=25 kPa ºi cu valoarea
nominalã a forþei de mãsurat de Fmn=20 N.
Pentru modelarea traductorului, pentru
validarea stucturii ºi funcþionalitãþii, precum ºi
pentru determinarea comportãrii dinamice ºi a
consumului de aer comprimat s-a realizat un
program de simulare în mediul de simulare Fig. 2 Celula pneumaticã de sarcinã
MEDSIMFP10 dezvoltat în FeePascal.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Pentru dezvoltarea modelului întregului sistem de mãsurare s-a utilizat schema bloc prezentatã
în figura 3.
Sistemul se compune din cinci componente: celula de sarcinã, traductorul de poziþie, algoritmul
de conducere, blocul elementelor de execuþie ºi convertorul presiune-tensiune.

Fig. 3 Schema bloc a sistemului pneumatic de mãsurare forþã

Elementul principal, celula de sarcinã, are (1)

la intrare urmãtoarele mãrimi: forþa de
mãsurat Fmas, greutatea Gem echipamentului
mobil, forþa de inerþie Fi a maselor reduse Mred
la tijã ºi debitul masic de aer Dam. La ieºire se unde: (2)
obþin presiunea de mãsurare pmas ºi cursa tijei
Din traductorul de poziþie ies trei - pentru variaþia volumului din camera de
semnale binare ypj, ypm ºi yps corespunzãtoare mãsurare Vm(t):
pozitie tijei în Htmin, Htmed ºi Htmax.
Aceste semnale binare se aplicã (3)
algoritmului de conducere care elaboreazã
mãrimile de comandã ui ºi ue corespunzãtoare
- pentru deplasarea Ht(t) a tijei ºi a
introduceri sau evacuãrii de aer în celula de
echipamentului mobil:
Elementele de execuþie EEi ºi EEe, sunt (4)
compuse din distribuitoare de tip 3x2 în serie
cu rezistenþe pneumatice variabile. In funcþie
de mãrimile de comandã ui sau ue se poate Traductorul de poziþie are ieºiri binare care
introduce un debit Dmi în camera de sunt definite similar cu cea pentru poziþia
medie Htmed :
mãsurare, sau se poate evacua un debit Dme
din camera de mãsurare.
Pentru cuplarea la sistemele de conducere
automatã presiunea de mãsurã pmas este unde: este eroarea de poziþionare (mm).
Deoarece se studiazã dinamica
convertitã în 0-5V, variantã adoptatã
traductorului în regimuri lente se face ipoteza
deoarece consumã mai puþinã putere
cã procesele termodinamice sunt de izoterme.
Distribuitoarele pneumatice sunt cu
Modelele dinamice utilizate pentru
acþionare electromagnecticã, au timpi de
funcþionarea celulei pneumatice de sarcinã
deschidere ºi închidere foarte reduºi, sub
sunt [6]:
20ms, care a fost neglijaþi în modelul realizat.
- pentru presiunea de mãsurã pmas:
In rezistenþele pneumatice curgerea
aerului este în regim subsonic ºi ca urmare s-a
utilizat pentru calculul debitului masic un
model de forma [2,7]:
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


unde: Kdm este un coeficient global de debit,

în care este inclus ºi distribuitorul;

unde pint (t) ºi pev(t) sunt presiunile la intrare ºi

la evacuare;
- =1,4 coeficient adiabatic.
Pentru a se pãstra caracterul izoterm al
procesului s-au reglat rezistenþele pentru a se
obþine debite mici. S-au calculat valorile
necesare coeficientului de debit Kdm pentru a
se obþine un debit, în condiþii medii, de 1 cm3/s Fig. 4 Rãspuns la un semnal de intrare constant
atât la umplere cât ºi la golire.
Cu modelul prezentat anterior s-a In figura 5 este prezentat rãspunsul
dezvoltat un program de simulare, traductorului la un semnal de intrare rampã
DINTRFRPN5.PP, în mediul software de crescãtoare cu o pantã de +0,2 N/s.
simulare procese MEDSIMFP10. Se constatã cã dupã stabilizarea regimului de
Pentru a se determina comportarea funcþionare presiunea de mãsurã pmas variazã
dinamicã a traductorului pneumatic de forþã s-
strict proporþional cu Fmas(t), fãrã ºocuri la
au utilizat semnale de intrare specifice pentru
schimbãrile de sens de deplasare a tijei.
procese lente: pantã lent crescãtoare, pantã
Modificarea poziþiei tijei se face datoritã
lent descrescãtoare, variaþii periodice cu
creºterii forþei mãsurate, ceea ce produce
frecvenþã redusã.
comprimarea aerului din camera de mãsurare
ºi coborârea tijei. Când s-a ajuns la Htmin
3. Experimente cu modelul de simulare
algoritmul de conducere aplicã o comandã
In figura 4 este prezentat rãspunsul ui=1 elementul de execuþie EEi prin care se
traductorului la un semnal de intrare constant introduce în camera de mãsurare un debit
Fmas(t)=15N. Acest experiment s-a realizat masic Dmi care, sub presiune constantã egalã
pentru un timp total de simulare de 20s pentru cu pmas, determinã ridicarea tijei pânã la Htmed
a se observa în detaliu cum funcþioneazã când ui=0. Dacã în continuare forþa de mãsurat
traductorul în perioada de iniþializare a creºte se va repeta secvenþa anterioarã.
perioadei de mãsurare, de la cuplarea la PLC Acest comportament s-a obþinut prin
la stabilizarea semnalului de mãsurã, pmas(t). reglaea debitului mediu de intrare la 1 cm3/s.
Intrarea în regim normal este reprezentatã de Ca urmare pentru secvenþa simulatã se
saltul variabilei Reg de la valoarea 0 la 1. constatã un consum foarte mic de aer Vcons=18
Se observã cã tija traductorului rãmâne Ncm3, ceea ce corespunde unui nivel ridicat de
sprijinitã pe corpul celulei de sarcinã pânã independenþã în alimentarea cu energie
când presiunea din celulã egaleazã presiunea pneumaticã.
de mãsurare; apoi de produce ridicarea Pentru procese mai rapide se poate
echipamentului mobil pânã la poziþia medie modifica reglajul rezistenþei de intrare R1
Htmed. In acel moment se considerã cã pentru a se mãrii debitul umplere în vererea
traductorul este normal funcþional creºterii vitezei de urmãrire a variaþiei mãrimi
de mãsurat Fmas.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In figura 7 este prezentat rãspunsul

traductorului la un semnal de intrare oscilant
periodic cu o perioadã de oscilaþie Tosc=30s, o
amplitudine Aosc=8N ºi o medie Fmed=10N.
Se constatã cã dupã perioada de
stabilizare a regimului de funcþionare, circa 5
secunde, presiunea de mãsurã pmas urmãreºte
precis variaþia forþei de mãsurat Fmas(t) , fãrã
ºocuri la schimbãrile de sens de deplasare a
tijei. Poziþia tijei oscileazã între Htmin ºi Htmax cu
revenire în Htmed.

4. Estimarea consumurilor energetice

Fig. 5 Rãspuns la o rampã crescãtoare La funcþionarea în regimul oscilant
periodic s-a consumat din sursa de alimentare
pneumaticã 83 Ncm3 în 100s, adica circa 3
Ndm3/h, valoare foarte micã care confirmã cã
se poate realiza cerinþa de independenþã în
alimentarea cu energie pneumaticã.
Traductorul de poziþie nu consumã putere
electricã deoarece este realizat cu relee reed
acþionate de un magnet permanent montat pe
Microelectrodistribuitoarele pneumatice
moderne au un gabarit ºi un consum extrem
de mic de energie electricã [8,9].
Un astfel de electrodistribuitor, produs de
SMC, este de tipul SJY312MT5M-M3 care
Fig. 6 Rãspuns la o rampã descrescãtoare este acþionat în 24 Vcc cu numai 0,1W; are un
coeficient de debit de 0,9 dm3/sbar ºi o
In figura 6 este prezentat rãspunsul perioada de cuplare/decuplare de 10 ms.
traductorului la un semnal de intare rampã Intr-o perioadã de oscilaþie a forþei de
descrescãtoare cu o pantã de -0,2 N/s . mãsurat se efecueazã douã comenzi, ue ºi ui
Se constatã cã dupã stabilizarea regimului de circa 4 s, deci se consumã 0,8 J. Intr-o orã
de funcþionare presiunea de mãsurã pmas sunt 120 perioade de oscilaþie ºi se consumã
variazã strict proporþional cu Fmas(t) , fãrã ºocuri 96 J/h energie electricã, ceea corespunde
la schimbãrile de sens de deplasare a tijei. unei puteri electrice medii continue de 0,0267
Modificarea poziþiei tijei se face datoritã W.
scãderii forþei mãsurate ceea ce produce In structura sistemului de mãsurare
destinderea aerului din camera de mãsurare ºi analizat un alt consumator de energie
ridicarea tijei. Când s-a ajuns la Htmax algoritmul electricã este convertorul presiune-tensiune,
care a fost selectat din clasa micro. Astfel
de conducere aplicã o comandã ue=1
convertorul Motorola tip MPXV5100, este
elementul de execuþie EEe prin care se
alimentat cu 5Vcc ºi consumã în medie 7 mA,
evacueazã din camera de mãsurare un debit
deci o putere de 35 mW. El are un volum de 4
masic Dme care, sub presiune constantã,
cm3 ºi o masã de 4g. [10]
determinã coborârea tijei pânã în Htmed când
ue=0. Dacã în continuare forþa de mãsurat
scade se va repeta secvenþa anterioarã.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Insumând toate consumurile de energie Este necesar ca în viitor sã se continue

electricã rezultã o putere necesarã de 63 mW. cercetãrile în vederea optimizãrii constructive
Aceastã valoare foarte micã, împreunã cu ºi funcþionale a familiei de traductoare, pentru
consumul foarte redus aer comprimat, 3 creºterea preciziei de mãsurare, precum ºi a
Ndm3/h la 25 kPa, adica circa 5 mW putere adaptivitãþi la condiþiile variate cerute de
pneumaticã, confirmã cã traductorul sistemele care se automatizeazã
corespunde cerinþelor impuse pentru utilizare
în sisteme autonome cu consum minim de Bibliografie
energie. [1]. Alimov O.D., Gohberg M.,
Pnevmoprivod i pnevmo-avtomatica c
nestandartnami shemami, Ed. ILIM, Frunze,
[2]. Avram Mihai, Acþionãri hidraulice ºi
pneumatice, Editura Universitarã ,Bucureºti
[3]. Feidt Michel Louis, TERMODINAMICA
ºi optimizarea energeticã a sistemelor ºi
proceselor, Editura BREN, Bucureºti, 2001
[4]. Murad Erol, MEDSIMFP10, Mediu
suport software simulare sisteme,
FreePascal-v2.1.4, UPB, 2008
[5]. Murad Erol, Mãsurarea parametrilor
procesului de uscare a produselor ceramice
cu traductoare pneumatice neconvenþionale,
Fig. 7 Rãspuns la un semnal oscilant periodic HERVEX 2007, Cãlimãneºti 14-16 noiembrie
5. Concluzii [6]. M u r a d E r o l , C h e r c h e º T u d o r,
Pentru mãsurarea forþelor cu variaþie Traductoare pneumatice neconvenþionale cu
lentã s-a elaborat un principiu ºi o soluþie consum redus de energie pentru mãsurarea
constructivã pentru un traductor pneumatic la forþelor din instalaþii agricole ºi în industria
care s-au aplicat conceptele de minimalizare a alimentarã, HERVEX 2008, Cãlimãneºti 15-
consumului energetic, de independenþã 17 noiembrie 2008
energeticã ºi de elemente de automatizare cu [7]. Radcenco V., Alexandrescu N.,
cost redus. Acest tip de traductor pneumatic Ionescu E., Calculul ºi proiectarea elemenelor
neconventional nu necesita o sursã specialã ºi schemelor pneumatice, Editura Tehnicã,
de aer comprimat, consumul într-un regim Bucureºti, 1985
oscilatoriu cu 120 perioade /h, este extrem de [8]. *** Catalog SMC, 2009
mic, circa 3 Ndm3/h ºi 5 mW energie [9]. *** Catalog FESTO, 2009
pneumaticã. Consumul de energie electricã [10]. *** Catalog Motorola 2008
este ºi el foarte redus fiind necesarã o putere
electricã de numai 63 mW.
Din experimentele simulate rezultã cã
datoritã debitelor reduse de umplere ºi golire a
camerei de mãsurare se obþin forþe de înerþie
neglijabile, deci un regim de funcþionare fãrã
ºocuri ºi timpi morþi, cu o precizie mare de
mãsurare. Aceste rezultate atestã cã
traductorul de forþã analizat corespunde
cerinþelor de utilizare în sisteme autonome
care impun un consum minim de energie. .

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Cosmin Tãmaº, Cristina Marghescu, Ciprian Ionescu, Norocel-Dragoº Codreanu
Universitatea Politehnica Bucureºti, Facultatea de Electronicã, Telecomunicaþii si Tehnologia
InformaþieiCentrul de Electronicã Tehnologicã ºi Tehnici de Interconectare-
[email protected]
1. Introducere 2. Principiul de funcþionare al
ansamblului senzor-sistem de mãsurã
Lucrarea prezenta se refera la un
sistem complex de masura al senzorilor Pentru acest studiu a fost aleasã o
realizati în configuratie punte Wheatstone. Pe structurã realizatã în tehnologie LTCC în
piata actuala, din punct de vedere constructiv straturi groase folosind efectul piezorezistiv
senzorii se pot clasifica în mai multe categorii: (constând dintr-o membrana deformabilã în
în functie de substratul pe care sunt realizati jurul cãreia se afla o punte de rezistoare
distingem senzori realizati pe structuri de conform principiului Wheatstone, apãrând un
siliciu (cei mai multi, usor de realizat deoarece dezechilibru de curent atunci când membrana
folosesc o tehnologie foarte bine este pusa in miºcare datorita diferenþei de
implementata si studiata, pot fi integrati pe presiune). Acest nou material având ca suport
aceeasi placheta pe care deja exista ceramica prelucratã termic la temperaturi
componente semiconductoare, realizând joase (acronimul LTCC provine din limba
astfel un senzor complex care ofera direct engleza - Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic)
informatia prelucrata, filtrata într-un format a devenit în prezent una dintre cele mai
digital), senzori realizati în tehnologia studiate ºi cercetate tehnologii, datoritã
straturilor subtiri, straturilor groase, etc. În principalelor calitãþi de material ale ceramicii în
functie de principiul de functionare, exista microelectronica mai ales in zona frecvenþelor
senzori care se bazeaza pe deformarea unei înalte (ordinul zeci si sute de GHz).
diafragme/membrane, iar captarea informatiei Schema bloc a sistemului este prezentatã în
legate de aceasta miscare poate fi realizata figura 1; senzorul se aflã pe o structurã de
utilizând diferite principii deja cunoscute: ceramicã LTCC, iar dispozitivul de conversie ºi
efectul piezorezistiv (pe suprafata membranei prelucrare a datelor (realizat cu circuitul
se construieste o punte Wheatstone de Analog Devices AD7730) citeºte variaþiile
rezistoare), efectul capacitiv (se creeaza o tensiunii, însã acesta parte de prelucrare se
capacitate variabila chiar în structura mobila, aflã in exteriorul senzorului. Mai departe,
astfel încât deplasarea membranei sa fie primul circuit de conversie este ºi el separat de
proportionala cu marimea furnizata de senzor restul sistemului de prelucrare ºi afiºare
- capacitate), electromagnetic (deplasarea construite folosind un microcontroler
membranei conduce la variatii ale inductantei Microchip PIC16F73. Comunicaþia intre primul
- efectul Hall), piezoelectric (se foloseste o circuit de conversie aflat in proximitatea
structura de cuart, careia membrana îi aplica o senzorului ºi partea de prelucrare de date se
forta F, astfel încât apare efectul piezoelectric realizeazã folosind protocolul I2C.
deja studiat), optic (se foloseste fibra optica Microcontrolerul interogheazã permanent
pentru a detecta miscarea membranei).
circuitul AD7730, iar informaþiile obþinute sunt
prelucrate ºi afiºate pe un LCD. Exista
posibilitatea utilizãrii unei interfeþe de USB
pentru conectarea la PC pentru obþinerea unor
înregistrãri pe termen mai lung, salvarea
datelor obþinute, etc.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Majoritatea senzorilor ceramici în

tehnologia straturilor groase au ca element
sensibil o diafragmã deformabilã. Deformarea
este produsã de presiunea aplicatã ºi apoi
este convertitã într-un semnal electric prin
modificarea caracteristicilor unor componente
realizate în straturi groase. Tehnologia LTCC
oferã posibilitatea de a realiza structuri
tridimensionale (3D) care constau dintr-o
diafragmã circularã susþinutã la margine.
Elementele sensibile sunt rezistoarele în
straturi groase, pe lângã care au fost depuse
douã rezistoare care nu sunt supuse
deformãrilor. Acestea au rol în echilibrarea
Figura 1 – sistemul de achiziþie destinat
senzorului piezo-rezistiv
punþii, prin ajustarea lor.
Ca ºi în cazul senzorilor ceramici clasici,
elementele sensibile, adicã rezistoarele sunt
3. Principiul de funcþionare ºi plasate în regiunile cu deformaþie maximã care
realizare al senzorilor piezorezistivi se aflã în partea centralã ºi aproape de
Pe plan international, piata este marginea diafragmei circulare. Douã
dominata de senzorii de presiune realizati în rezistoare sunt supuse la întindere iar douã la
siliciu. În unele aplicatii, senzorii de presiune compresiune. Layout-ul este astfel ales încât
realizati în tehnologia straturilor groase rezistoarele sã poatã fi conectate electric la o
reprezinta o alternativa. O varianta de punte Wheatstone prin conexiunile externe.
realizare mai noua a senzorilor de presiune Atunci când se aplicã presiune, diafragma se
ceramici o reprezinta tehnologia LTCC (Low deformeazã ºi induce deformaþii în
Temperature Cofired Ceramic). În comparatie rezistoarele în straturi groase ºi ca urmare,
cu senzorii pe baza de materiale tensiunea de la ieºirea punþii variazã.
semiconductoare, senzorii ceramici au
dimensiuni mai mari, sunt mai robusti si au o
senzitivitate mai mica dar pot functiona pe un
domeniu mai larg de temperatura .
Cei mai multi senzori aflati pe piata
functioneaza pe principiul piezorezistiv. Acest
fapt se datoreaza senzitivitatii relativ ridicate si
iesirii de semnal proportionale cu presiunea
pe un domeniu larg de valori. Impedanta de
iesire este mica, având avantajul protectiei la
Senzori capacitivi pe de altã parte au o
senzitivitate intrinsecã mult mai mare decât
cea a senzorilor piezoelectrici. Pe de altã
Figura 2. Construcþia senzorului de
parte senzorii capacitivi sunt mai sensibili la presiune piezorezistiv.
temperaturã dar au un consum redus de
energie. Dezavantajul major al acestora este
capacitatea micã ce trebuie mãsuratã,
impedanþã mare de ieºire ºi rãspunsul
neliniar. Capacitatea micã a acestora îi face
susceptibili la efecte parazite.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Tab. 1. Proprietãþile materialelor pentru 4. Funcþionarea sistemului de mãsura

substrat LTCC Dupã cum a fost scris si in introducere,
sistemul de mãsurã este compus din doua
blocuri separate: blocul de conversie si
interfaþare cu senzorul aflat in proximitatea
senzorului (folosind circuitul AD7730) si blocul
de prelucrare de date, afiºare si comunicaþie
USB (folosind microcontrolerul Microchip
Schema bloc a circuitului de conversie este
prezentata in figura 3.

Referitor la realizare, senzorii prezentati

au fost realizati la institutul Josef Stefan din
Liubliana în cadrul unei cooperari bilaterale
dintre acesta si UPB-CETTI.

Figura 3 – schema bloc a circuitului de mãsurã AD7730 in curent continuu

Pentru descrierea funcþionalã a acestui Permite selectarea realizãrii

circuit se va urma o detaliere a blocurilor mãsurãtorii dintre patru variante ale tensiuni
funcþionale. „MUX” reprezintã un multiplexor de intrare unipolare sau patru variante bipolare
analogic, capabil sa accepte semnale în limita +10mV ~ +80mV. „AC Excitation
diferenþiale. Controlul sau este realizat printr-o Clock” este blocul de excitaþie în cazul utilizãrii
interfaþã seriala. Acest bloc genereazã unei mãsurãtori in curent alternativ. In felul
semnalul analogic multiplexat pentru partea acesta sunt eliminate erorile caracteristice de
de Buffer. Convertorul DAC pe 6 biþi realizeazã curent continuu. „Register bank” este zona
o tensiune programabilã de offset pentru a fi unde sunt reþinute toate informaþiile legate de
adãugatã sau eliminatã în lanþul de mãsurã, în calibrãrile software dorite de cãtre utilizator.
felul acesta permiþând o scalare corectã a Modulul de conversie sigma-delta
mãsurãtorii in funcþie de domeniul real de realizeazã cuantizarea si eºantionarea
mãsurã. ”PGA” este blocul cu amplificare semnalului analogic, având o rezoluþie de 24
programabilã, unul dintre cele mai sensibile biþi utilizabili. Schema bloc a acestui modul de
etaje pe lanþul analogic. conversie este prezentata in figura 4.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Microcontrolerul utilizat este un circuit

PIC16F73, care conþine intern atât magistrala
hardware I2C, cat si convertor AD necesar
pentru realizarea anumitor mãsurãtori cu alþi
senzori pentru obþinerea etalonãrii. De
exemplu, in paralel se realizeazã si citirea unui
Figura 4 – schema bloc a convertorului
alt senzor in tehnologie clasica (pe siliciu,
fabricat de Freescale) care furnizeazã ca
informaþie o tensiune proporþionalã cu
Eºantioanele semnalului analogic sunt presiunea. In felul acesta, se ia ca valoare de
injectate în amplificatorul diferenþtial alãturi de referinþã senzorul industrial Freescale si se
semnalul obþinut drept feedback de la poate compara cu rezultatul obþinut de la
convertorul DAC. Diferenþa acestor semnale senzorul experimental in tehnologie LTCC.
este integratã in domeniul timp, apoi aplicata Poza circuitului de comunicaþie este
etajului comparator. Ieºirea comparatorului prezentata in figura 5. (5A displayul LCD
furnizeazã semnal buclei de reacþie negativa ataºat montajului, 5B vederea TOP a
pentru a realiza minimizarea diferenþei de montajului).
semnal. Datele digitale astfel rezultate in urma
comparãrii, reprezentând tensiunea de
intrare analogica sunt conþinute în trenul de
impulsuri de la ieºirea comparatorului. Acest
ºir de valori sunt convertite în cuvinte de date
folosind filtrul digital. Frecvenþa de
eºantionare a buclei de modulaþie este mult
mai mare decât banda semnalului de intrare.
Urmeazã blocul de filtrare digitala de semnal,
reprezentat de douã filtre distincte. Primul
este un filtru FIR trece jos. Frecvenþa de tãiere
si rata de ieºire a acestui filtru sunt
programabile. Al doilea etaj de filtrare are trei
moduri diferite de operare. Modul normal (un
filtru FIR trece-jos), modul al doilea (Fast Figura - 5A (circuit comandã)
Step) în care se face detecþia rapidã la
trecerea fiecãrui pas de cuantizare a
semnalului analogic de intrare, ºi al treilea
mod (Skip Mode) în care acest filtru este
scurtcircuitat, rãmânând doar primul bloc de
Comunicaþia cu microcontrolerul se
realizeazã folosind interfaþa spi (I2C). O
particularitate a acestui circuit o reprezintã
selectarea frontului de ceas pe care se face
citirea datelor folosind un pin de comanda
(POL); daca Pol este legat „High” (Vdd), atunci
se va considera semnal de clock fiecare front
crescãtor, si analog, daca POL este legat
‚Low” (Gnd) se va considera frontul
descrescãtor. Figura 5B – vedere Top amplasare componente

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In figura 6 este prezentat senzorul LTCC (6A si 6. Bibliografie

6B) si senzorul de referinþã produs de
Freescale (figura 6C). [1] Marina Santo Zarnik, Darko
Belavic, Kazimierz P. Friedel, Artur
Wymyslowski, „Finite-Element Analysis of a
Piezoresistive LTCC Pressure Senzor”,
Conference Proceedings, Timisoara,
SIITME 2003, pp 69-73
[2] ***, PIC16F73 Datasheet, // PIC16F73/4/6/7
Figura 6 (A, B)–senzor LTCC piezorezistiv Top si Datasheet (4/1/2003)
Bottom Structura multiplã de cercetare (4 senzori ) [3] ***, AD7730 Datasheet,
[4] ***, MPXA6115A Datasheet,
ata_ sheet/MPXA6115A.pdf
Figura 6C - senzor [5]
Freescale (MPXA6115)
nfo/products/ltcc.html // low temperature
co-fired ceramic (LTCC) materials
5. Multumiri

Senzorii prezentaþi au fost realizaþi la

institutul Jožef Stefan din Ljubljana în cadrul
unei cooperãri bilaterale dintre acesta ºi
UPB-CETTI. Mulþumim Ministerelor cercetãrii
din cele douã þãri pentru sprijinul financiar.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



M. Blejan1), B. Lupu1), I. Ilie1), A. Fedorov1) and V. Nica1)

Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute, INOE2000, Bucharest, Romania
[email protected]

Abstract: Blending is one of the main processes developed for obtaining homogenous wines,
with important complementary qualities. By means of an informatics system it is realized the
right dosage on the base of a blending recipe determined by an expert system using data from
initial analyses, for obtaining a high quality product. Wines are tasted by a group of authorized
experts that will make the eventual rectifications. The expert system undertakes these
indications and improves the blending recipe. In the end is obtained an expert open system
which will be able to acquire in time necessary data for blending wine sorts specific for each
producer. The article presents an experimental model of an informatics system for producing
blended wines which will be tested for showing its performance and usefulness in the
technological process of producing blended wines.

1. Introduction
The experimental model of the installation
for producing blended wines is conceived as
an informatics system which receives at entry
the measured or appraised parameter values
of the wine sorts, which compose the blending
recipe, and provides at exit by means of an
automatic scale an amount of wine
corresponding to the desired sort of blended
Figure 1 shows the functional block scheme Fig.2 Subsystem for determining blending recipes
of the experimental model and the Figure 2
shows the structural and functional scheme of The expert system determines, on the base
the subsystem for determining the blending of the characteristics of the wine sorts used
recipes. and the characteristics of the standard wine,
the blending recipe. This blending recipe is
applied to a gravimetric batcher which
processes it by blending the wines composing
the recipe obtains in a bin the blended wine. It
is possible to induce a feedback reaction by
comparing the blended wine with the standard
wine, improving in this way the blending

2. General Module Description

The electronic module is build based on a
Fig.1 Functional block scheme general purpose PIC16F877A microcontroller,
of the experimental model made by Microchip. Few of the main
characteristics of this type of microcontroller
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- RISC architecture with 35 instructions The communication with the electronic scale
with one word length (14 bits); and the informatics system is assured by a
- the instructions are executed within a RS232 serial bus that implements the
machine cycle except the jump MODBUS communication protocol into which
instructions which need two machine the electronic controller is “master”.
cycle as execution time. Constructively, the electronic module is
- the maximum operation speed is 200 designed in hybrid technology, through hole
ns per instruction cycle; and SMD, on two printed circuit boards,
- the program memory is a flash memory placed into a plastic case with DIN rail
with the capacity of 8096 instructions; fastening. The electrical connections for the
- the data memory (RAM) has 386 bytes; control electro valves and for the power supply
- the parameters memory (EEPROM are made using screw terminals, and the
data memory) consists in 256 bytes. connection to the RS232 serial bus is made,
The PIC16F877A microcontroller has a conforming with the RS232 standard, using a
large variety of integrated peripherals such as: DB9 type connector.
- a 8 bit timer and two 16 bit timers; The electronic module is made from the
- two Capture/Compare/PWM modules stabilized power supply, analogical input
with the speed of 12,5 ns in Capture circuits, analogical output circuits, digital input
mode, 200 ns in Compare mode and circuits, digital output circuits, a local interface
the maximum PWM resolution of 10 and in-circuit programming (ICSP).
- synchronous serial communication 3.1. The regulated power supply
port with SPI support (Master mode) The regulated power supply receives on the
and I2C; input terminal the module's supply voltage,
- USART communication port with rippled DC voltage within the range of 9...36 V,
address detection; providing on the output terminal a regulated
- brown-out detection circuit for Brown- voltage of 5 V with current limitation at 0,5 A.
out Reset (BOR); The power supply is based on the LM2574-05
- 8 channels 10 bits analog to digital integrated circuit (LM2574-05 is a “step-
converter; down”/buck converter commutation regulator
- two analog comparators; type).
- programmable voltage reference. The switching power supply solution has
been chosen because it offers advantages
3. Functional Description regarding high efficiency, wide field of output
The electronic controller is used to obtain voltage, small printed boards, reliability and
the blending recipe by gravimetrical dosage of others.
wines into the collecting container using the
dosage recipe assumed from the data base 3.2. The analogical circuits
implemented at the level of the informatics The analogical input circuits allow the
system and basing on the weight information connection of four transducers with 4..20 mA
for the collecting container provided by the output current, powered through 2 or 3 wires.
electronic scale or by the weight meter Each input has a two terminal connector:
throughout the measuring amplifier; the supply and the input current signal which
dosage is successively made by assuming enters the electronic module. A
from each wine container the necessary current/voltage converter is placed onto the
quantities to realize the recipe. input signal, that changes the 4..20mA current
The wine quantities assumed into the range into the 1..5 V voltage range. This
collecting container are inspected by the voltage is applied by one analog input of the
electronic controller using electro valves analog to digital converter with successive
placed on the circuits between the wine approximations integrated into the
containers and the collecting one. microcontroller.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 3 depicts a typical analogical input The logical signal, width modulated,
circuit. present at the output of the PWM module is
applied to a first order low pass filter endowed
with an output buffer, which is built with
operational amplifier in repeater connection.
The output of the low-pass filter is the analog
output signal of the electronic module. In other
words, the PWM signal, with constant period
and duty cycle proportional with the contained
Fig.3 Analogical input circuit
information, is converted into analog signal
using the first order low-pass filter.
The input voltage signal is available into the Every analog output is endowed with a two
microcontroller as a 10 bits integer numeric terminal connector at which ground and user
value. The analog to digital converter is desired range analogical output signal are
configured to function with a 5V reference connected.
voltage; so, the range 0..(5-5/1024=4,995) V Figure 4 depicts the typical analogical
will the converted into numeric values within output.
0..1023 range. The current signal supplied by
the transducer will be converted into numeric
values corresponding to 1..5 V range
respectively 1024/5 = 205 ... 1023; the
obtained resolution on transducer's working
range is 1023-205 = 818 divisions. To improve
the resolution of the signal read from the
transducer is used the “circular buffer”
mediation technique which contains the last
20 pieces of the signal; in this mode, a Fig.4 Analogical output circuit
resolution of 10.000 divisions onto
transducer's measurement range of analog
inputs is obtained. 3.3. The digital circuits
By removing the R24 resistor, which The digital input circuits can read the state
represents the current to voltage converter, of micro contacts, stroke limiters, level
the analogical input accepts voltage signals indicators a.o.
from transducers.
The analogical output circuits allow users to
interface the electronic module with various
modules which accept at the input voltage or
current signals. Depending on the application,
the user can configure the two analog outputs
for numeric values calculated for the
transducers connected at the analog inputs or Fig.5 Digital input circuit
for indirect measured values. The electronic
module's analogical outputs use the two Figure 5 shows the schematic of a digital
Capture/Compare/PWM modules integrated input circuit. The external connector offers two
into the microcontroller; these modules are pins, input pin and ground pin. In normal
programmed in the PWM mode allowing a functional conditions, when the switch
width modulated signal with 0 V and 5 V levels connected at the digital input is triggered, the
to be obtained, the duty cycle's resolution of 10 state LED lights up and the corresponding bit
bits (1024 values) and a frequency of 19.53 into the microcontroller port register is being
kHz for the output signal. reseted.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The digital output circuits can control

The electronic module has a header type
electro hydraulic devices like distributors,
connector, used for programming the
electro valves and other.
microcontroller, ICSP header (In Circuit Serial
Figure 6 shows the schematic of a digital
output circuit.
The microcontroller operates with a clock
The digital output consists of a high-side
generated by a 20 MHz quartz oscillator which
switch BTS409 capable to power the electro
corresponds to an execution period of 200 ns
hydraulic element, supplying it with 2A current.
for one instruction.

4. Program Description

The control program, written in the flash

memory of the microcontroller, has been
developed using the programming language
Fig.6 Digital output circuit ANSI C. The program consists in a initializing
sequence of the integrated peripherals in the
3.4. The communication interface microcontroller, the main loop which consists
The serial communication allows, using in a state machine implementing the
some corresponding level adaptors, the functionality of the electronic module and the
communication with the electronic module interrupt treating routine, which realize: analog
using serial communication standards RS232, acquisition, the real time clock, the
RS485 and RS422. actualization of the output circuits and
The communication connector endows the handling of the emission/reception buffers for
internal 5V DC regulated power supply, used serial communication.
to power the level adaptor needed for the The PIC16F877A microcontroller, which is
communication standard, RX and TX TTL level contained in the electronic module, manage
signals, the transmission line (module output) the interrupts generated by various
and the receiving line (module input); for the peripherals when certain events occur, by
multipoint communication lines an adaptor's saving into the hardware stack of program
working state between receiving and counter and deviating the instruction
transmission regime selection signal is sequence execution at a fixed program
needed. memory location: 0x004 address, where the
The working regime selection signal is a programmer inserts the interrupt handling
TTL level signal called DIR (direction). code and as last instruction, reti (the return
3.5. The local interface from interrupt instruction); the reti instruction
The electronic module is endowed with a continues the program execution from its
local interface that includes an alphanumerical interrupt point by recalling from stack the
LCD display with two rows of twenty program counter. There is to mention that at
characters each and background light, and a the beginning of interrupt handling routine, the
four keys input terminal (OK used to save the possibility of another interrupt occurring the
value or to select a menu, UP used to interrupt routine execution, is deactivated; the
increment the value or to navigate into the possible interrupt will be memorized and
menu, DOWN used to decrement the value or handled later. A typical interrupt routine
to navigate into the menu, ESC used to exit contains the main program context saving, the
the value editing mode or to exit from the generated interrupt source identification, the
menu). determination of the event that generated the
The local interface is used to supervise the interrupt, handle of the respective interrupt,
functionality of the electronic module; the recalling the context of the existing situation at
same thing can be made also over the interrupt moment and return from interrupt into
communication bus. normal flux of execution.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The implemented interrupt routine handles The analog to digital converter interrupt
the interrupts generated by the following handling routine implements the next duties:
peripheral equipments integrated into the - Fetching the conversion result for the
microcontroller: current analog input.
- the 16 bits timer TMR1, is used for 1 ms - The current analog input analog signal
clock generation. In the initializing numeric filtering.
sequence, TMR1 is configured to - Establishing the analog input that will be
increment at a 200 ns delay (instruction handled at the next interrupt as current
clock) and the interrupt generation when analog input.
an overflow event occurs (the TMR1 - The analog to digital converter interrupt
content passes from the 0xFFFF value initialization by resetting the ADIF
to the 0x0000 value); in the interrupt interrupt flag.
routine the content of the timer is set to The main execution loop contains a state
t1ms value which allows the overflow machine which implements the electronic
event to occur with 1 ms delay (0xFFFF module functionality.
t1ms) x 200 ns = 1 ms; When needed, local control loops can be
- the analog to digital converter is closed by implementing them into the software
configured to generate a interrupt when of the microcontroller and into its main
the conversion's result is available; then, execution loop.
after taking over the conversion's result,
the next readable analog input is 5. Experimental Results
- the USART module is configured to The electronic module provides the control
generate interrupts when a character of pumps and electroventils involved in the
has been transmitted / received; the technological process of blending, the
transmission of a character activates the receiving of data referring at weight from the
pass to the next character to be automatic scale device as well as the interface
transmitted from the transmission buffer, with the expert system for determining the
when the receiving of a character means blending recipes.
the receiving buffer actualization with the The architecture of the communication
received character. The ending of the software and data base are integrated in the
transmission is signaled to the interrupt informatics system type “distributed multitier
routine by the presence of a 0 ASCII applications” which means multilevel
code in the transmission buffer; the distributed applications (Figure 7). In order to
transmission ending is signaled to the obtain new improved performances to the
main program by setting the TXIE bit beneficiary informatics system will be added a
(transmission interrupt enable) to 0 new informatics level -the “mechatronic tier”.
value. There is to mention that there are
two pointers, one at the transmission
buffer and one at the receiving buffer,
that marks the current character,
received or to be transmitted.

The 1 ms interrupt handling routine has the

next duties:
- The update of the real time clocks used
for processes in time synchronization.
- The analog to digital conversion start.
- The 1 ms interrupt initialization by
Fig.7 The architecture of the computerized system
loading into TMR1 the t1ms value and type distributed multitier applications
resetting the T1IF interrupt flag.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The mechatronic equipment for gravimetric

batcher, presented in Figure 8, is one of the
applications in which the “mechatronic tier” is
integrated in the classical architecture of the
“distributed multitier applications”.

[1] Ionescu G, Dobrescu R. “Transducers for
industrial automations”, vol I, Technic Press,
Bucharest 1985, pp.181-183
[2] M.Ciugudean, V.Tiponut “Linear integrated
circuits. Applications”, Facla Press, Timisoara
Fig.8 The experimental model of the gravimetric [3],
batcher of the informatics system used in the [4]
process of production of blended wines. mal/uml. htm

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




eng. Mircea RADULESCU*, eng. Ionita NICULAE**,
eng. Danut ROTARU**, eng. Constantin ANGHEL ***, ph.d.eng. Adrian MIREA ****
INOE 2000 - IHP

Abstract: The paper presents three mechatronic systems of driving, adjusting and control of
pressure-flow parameters in some hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, that were realized in
INNOVATION PROGRAM by SC HERVIL SA together with its partners - INOE 2000 - IHP,
INCDMTM and SC ROMFLUID SA. All three systems are based on electromechanical
apparatus which have new constructive and functional solutions.

Taking into account the current guidelines Figure 1 presents the prototype of the
which require working parameters of the mechatronic adjustment and control system of
mechanisms operated to be established by the hydraulic pressure. It consists of:
mechatronic systems, and also the use of proportional normally open high flow valve,
proportional elements as simple and electronic control unit (which compares the
constructive but more reliable, SC Hervil SA actual pressure in the system with the required
together with its partners (INOE 2000 - IHP, pressure and depending on the result,
INCDMTM and SC ROMFLUID SA) has commands the valve's electromagnet) and a
realised in INNOVATION PROGRAM three pressure transducer with operating field
mechatronic systems of driving, adjusting and 0…250bar and current output 4...20mA,
control of pressure-flow parameters in some connected to the electronic control unit. Valve
hydraulic and pneumatic equipment: a is mounted on a base plate through which the
mechatronic system for adjustment and hydraulic pressure, tank and the consumer are
control of the hydraulic pressure with connected to the valve. The pressure
proportional normally open high flow valve, a transducer is mounted on the base plate, in a
mechatronic system for regulating the circuit connected to the consumer, to detect
pneumatic pressure acting with a proportional pressure in the system as close to the valve.
normally open valve with electrohydraulic
command and a system for regulating the flow
through the power supply frequency variation
of a double electromagnetic pump.

nominal diameter: DN6
maximum pressure: 200bar
nominal flow: 20l/min
voltage power: 220V
pressure sensor: 0-250bar Fig.1

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The proportional normally open high flow valve At this moment, the distribution spool 6 is
used in this system has a constructive and placed in a median position to distribution
functional solution that is a novelty - patent sleeve equal opening communication slits of
No.121971/ 30.09.2008. It is presented in figure the hole A(C) to P and T, making the pressure
2, and it is composed of a body 1, which has in the hole A(C) depending directly
attached to it a proportional force proportional to the electromagnet's 8 force,
electromagnet 8 and inside are mounted: the and therefore to the current supply.
distribution spool 6, which has an axial hole At current growth, the electromagnet's 8 force
drainage collection, command plunger 2, increases, which moves on the distribution
distribution sleeve 4, initial position spool 6 to the left, making it grow the pressure
establishing spring 7. Also in body 1 are made in the circuit A(C), until the command plunger
holes: P who links to external sources of 2 restores again in a position of balance the
pressure, T who links for return to the fluid distribution spool 6, but at the increased value
reservoir and A(C) who links for consumer of the pressure.
circuit. In the body 1 is performed the duct b, If you decrease the command current, the
through which the regulated pressure in the electromagnet's 8 force also decreases, the
consumer circuit can reach the surface of plunger 2 moves to the right the distribution
command piston 2. Position of the distribution spool 6, making the communication A(C) to T,
sleeve 4 is determined by the bushes 3 and 5 the pressure in A(C) starting to decline until
which are fixed in the package with distribution the electromagnet's 8 force is balanced by the
sleeve 4 in the body 1, they are also intended force made on the plunger 2.
to bring the working fluid on shoulders of the The distribution spool 6 is repositioned in
distribution spool 6, through some own interior equilibrium to distribution sleeve 4, but at a
ducts. lower pressure in the hole A(C). Thereby
proportionality between the pressure of
hydraulic circuit C and the command current of
the valve is achieved.
If on the response pressure circuit b is inserted
a pressure sensor, electrically connected to an
electronic control unit, the system is in closed
loop with auto adjustment.
This hydraulic device can control and adjust
the pressure proportional at the hole A(C),
with an applied command current of the
electromagnetic force, regardless of the flow
Fig.2 High Flow Valve's Section
and pressure installed in the hole P.
Mode of operation:
In the initial situation, fluid is fed to the hole P
from which it penetrates through the interior Proportional normally open high flow valve
ducts of the bush 3 and finding the distribution used has the following advantages:
spool 6 moved at maximum to the left because - Has small size and large flow transfused
of the spring 7, go in hole A(C) to a consumer - Balancing the electromagnetic force and
through distribution sleeve 4, the path to the feedback from the controlled pressure is
hole T being closed by the same distribution independent of area crossing flow valve
spool 6. - Has a simple construction and easy to run
Due to external loads, the hydraulic powered from the technology, because the bushes in
consumer enhances the pressure at hole A(C) which the distribution spool slides is made of
to a value that is applied on the command sections
plunger 2, moves the distribution spool 6 to the - Low price cost.
right, balancing the electromagnet's 8 force,
which is predominant.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Experimental results:

Fig.3 Pressure-flow chart Fig.4 Hysteresis chart

The prototype of the mechatronic system for

driving, adjusting and control of pneumatic
pressure is presented in figure 5. It consists of:
a proportional pneumatic valve with
electrohydraulic command, electronic
command unit (which compares the actual
pressure in the system with the required
pressure and depending on the result,
commands the valve's electromagnet) and a
pressure transducer with operating field Fig.5
0…10bar and current output 4...20mA,
connected to the electronic control unit. The FEATURES
valve is connected to the air pressure source nominal diameter: DN6
through a compressed air hose. The pressure maximum pressure: 6 bar
transducer is connected at the valve with a T regulated pressure: 0…5,8 bar
body, in order to detect the pressure as close voltage supply: 220V
to the valve. pressure sensor: 0-10bar

Pneumatic valve with electro-hydraulic

command whose constructive and functional
solution is a novelty (patent application no.
A/00098/2006) is presented in fig.6

Valve consists of the following: a lower body 1,

having a hole for air entry i and for the air exit e,
which communicates with an air chamber b,
between that is located a valve adjustment
with the rod 2, pressed on its seat by a spring 3
an elastic membrane 4 in permanent contact
with the valve rod 2, fixed between lower body
1 and upper body 6, with screws 5. In the
upper body 6 is located a room full of oil,
closed by a piston 7 with seal and a filler plug

Fig.6 Pneumatic valve's section

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

On the upper body 6 is a force electromagnet Valve, has the following advantages:
9, fixed with set screws 10, whose rod is -constructive and technological simplicity
permanently in contact with the plunger 7 - silent and low cost price
thanks to the spring 8. At the hole i is attached -provides high stability at adjusting and a
a source of compressed air, and at the exit hole proper proportionality
e the pneumatic consumer is attached. Valve
is commanded using an electronic device, Experimental results:
which feed the power, with adjustable
intensity, the electromagnet 9. At zero
electricity supply, electromagnet 9 does not
provide any force on the plunger 10, which
does not exert any pressure in the oil chamber
a. Membrane 4 is not pressed on the valve rod
2, which remains closed and makes that at the
exit hole e, so in the air chamber b, the
pressure to be zero.
I n c r e a s i n g t h e c u r r e n t s u p p l y, t h e
electromagnet 9 creates a force proportional
with the current, resulting through the piston 7
an oil pressure in the chamber a, which applied Fig.7 Pressure-flow chart
on the membrane 4, makes the valve 2 to
open. At this time the hole e, so in the air
chamber b, the pressure increases to balance
the oil pressure in the chamber a. On further
increase in current supply, the oil pressure
increases making the valve 2 to increase its
opening by the membrane 4, with the
immediate reaction of air pressure increase in
the hole e to balance the oil pressure. If electric
current command decreases, the force on the
piston drops, the oil pressure is reduced, valve
2 is reducing its opening and the air pressure
at the hole e reduced accordingly, until a new
balance with the oil pressure is established. Fig.8 Hysteresis chart

Figure 9 presents the prototype of the

mechatronic system for flow controlling and
adjusting. It consists of: electromagnetic
pump with two chambers, electronic control
block (which compares the actual flow of the
system with the required flow and depending
depending on the result changes the feed
frequency of the pump coil) and a flow sensor
electrically connected to electronic command
unit. The flow transducer is connected to the FEATURES
exit hole of the pump through a hose. maximum pressure: 1,5bar
nominal flow: 1-15l/min
voltage supply: 220V
flow sensor: 0-18 l/min

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Electromagnetic pump with two chambers is When powering the electric coil 2, the core 3
based on a new constructive and functional is sliding to the left moving in the direction the
solution (patent application No.A/00097/2006). elastic membranes 4, obliging the one on the
In figure 10 is presented a longitudinal section left to evacuate a dose of fluid in hole b through
through the pump. The pump consists of a valve 8, and that of right to aspire a dose of fluid
tubular cylindrical body 1, inside which is an from hole a via valve 9.1. When the supply
electric coil 2 and a sliding core 3, on whose power stop powering the coil 2, the spring 7
ends are fixed the elastic membranes 4, which moves the core 3 on the initial position and
close two compression chambers, one determine the left membrane 4 to aspire a
consisting of a fixed armature 5 and the dose of fluid from the hole a through valve 9,
aspiring cover 10, and the other consists of and the right membrane 4 to evacuate a dose
fixed armature 6 and the exhausting cover 11. of fluid in hole b through the valve 8.1. Supply
On the sliding core 3 is a return spring 7. The power frequency is variable by an electronic
admission of the fluid into the two compression device external to the pump, which makes the
chambers is done through the valves 9 and flow of evacuated fluid to depend directly on
exhaustion is done through valves 8. All the oscillation frequency of the sliding core.
package is tight with bolt studs 12 and 13.

Pump, has the following advantages:

- pumping flow is double
- the flow surging theoretically does
not exist
- by adjusting the supply power
frequency of the electromagnetic
Fig.10 Electromagnetic pump's section coil, the pumping flow can be
- very compact construction

Experimental results:

Fig.11 Flow-frequency chart Fig.12 Hysteresis chart

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Electronic command unit Electronic control circuit is built around a

Electronic command unit of the mechatronic PIC18F4520 microcontroller - S which is
systems has been developed based on the interconnected to a 4x4 character keyboard
needs arising from the design stage and and a 4x16 character alphanumeric display for
changes occurring during the experiments of viewing and entering working parameters to
the main functional blocks. work. Power circuit was produced using
The scheme includes four specific modules MOSFET transistors with very low Ron
that are: SUM110N04 type for increasing efficiency and
* Power supply reducing power losses. Was also provided
* The UC with microcontroller, keypad and optical isolation of the power circuit from the
display command circuit to minimize interference due
* PWM power circuit to unwanted switching current through the
* Conditioning and identification analog PID inductive load.
The unit's block diagram is illustrated in figure 13:

Fig.13 Command's Unit Block Diagram

Pressure is measured with a transducer with

4-20mA current output type which, after
conversion into a voltage is applied to error
amplifier and a circuit analogical PID
identification with specific parameters that Compared to the existing knowledge, the
could be adjusted by means of some project has achieved three mechatronic
potentiometers. The circuit is provided with systems for regulating and controlling the
jumpers who can stop the adjustment loop in working parameters "pressure-flow" using
order to establish the open loop response and completely new construction solutions,
the process identification. Power supply is considered more efficient and cheaper, which
classical, made with a transformer with two can successfully compete with similar
separate involution for providing galvanic products of famous companies in hydraulic
insulation. and pneumatic equipment with remote
Bibliography: command. Because of the simplifying
1. Marin, V., Marin, Alex. Automatic hydraulic constructive solutions of hydro-pneumatic
systems. Construction, adjustment and execution elements and the completion of
exploitation Technical Publishing house hydro-pneumatic automatic control of working
Bucuresti, 1987. parameters these systems have the
2. Oprean A., s.a. “Actionari si automatizari advantage of low cost and a high performance
hidraulice. Modelare, simulare, and reliability that will make possible the
incercare”, Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti, successful competing similar products of
famous companies in the equipment hydraulic
3. Patent No. 121971/ 30.09.2008
4. Patent application No. A/00097/2006
and pneumatic field.
5. Patent application No. A/00098/2006

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

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Fig.4- Model de simulare în AMESim a standului de anduranþã cu recuperare de energie.

Cuplarea ºi decuplarea circuitului hidraulic În modul de lucru "decuplat" se seteazã

al motorului volumic rotativ se realizeazã prin semnalul de excitaþie al cuplajului la valoarea
intermediul distribuitorului hidraulic, iar "0", pentru întreruperea legãturii mecanice
presiunea în sistem se prescrie din supapã. dintre motorul electric ºi motorul hidraulic. Se
Cele douã regimuri de funcþionare a creºte apoi presiunea în sistem astfel încât sã
sistemului sunt cu motorul hidraulic cuplat (cu se obþinã la arborele motorului hidraulic aceaºi
recuperare de energie) ºi cu motorul hidraulic vitezã de rotaþie ca în cazul motorului
decuplat (fãrã recuperare de energie). hidraulic"cuplat". Astfel se pot compara
În modul de lucru "cuplat" se dã semnal cuplurile la arborele motorului electric, în cele
"1" la cuplaj ºi se seteazã supapa normal douã regimuri de funcþionare, în aceleaºi
închisã pentru valoarea de 30 bar. condiþii de încãrcare a maºinilor volumice
4. Rezultatele simularii dinamicii
sistemului în AMESim

În graficul din fig.5 se observã cã momentul În graficul din fig.6 se observã ca momentul la
motorului electric scade dupã ce ce turaþia arborele ataºat reductorului scade dupã ce turaþia
motorului hidraulic devine egalã cu turaþia motorului hidraulic devine egalã cu turaþia
motorului electric (dupã 0,1 s). motorului electric (dupã 0,1 s).

Fig.6- Variaþia în timp a cuplului la arborele reductorului;

Fig.5- Variaþia în timp a cuplului motorului electric,
ME decuplat /cuplat la MH.
decuplat/cuplat la motorul hidraulic.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

În graficul din fig.7 se observã timpul dupã care În fig.8 se observã variaþia presiunii în nodul
turaþia motorului hidraulic devine egalã cu turaþia pompã-supapã-distribuitor.
motorului electric (0,1 s, "cuplat", respectiv 0,4 s, În fig.9 se observã variaþia debitului prin
"decuplat" la motorul electric). pompã, motorul hidraulic ºi supapa normal închisã

Fig.7- Variaþia în timp a turaþiei motorului hidraulic, Fig.8- Variaþia presiunii în nodul pompã-supapã-
decuplat/cuplat la motorulelectric. distribuitor.

Fig.9- Variaþia debitului în nodul pompã-supapã-distribuitor.

5. Rezultatele încercãrilor de laborator Puterea hidraulicã generatã de pompã (Ph),

Caracteristicile ridicate experimental [3] sunt în care: Ph- puterea hidraulicã (W); Vp- capacitatea
prezentate în fig.10...fig.13. pompei (cm3/rot; n-turaþia pompei (rot/min); P-
S-au mãsurat: presiunea pe refularea presiunea pe refularea pompei (bar); ç p -
pompei- p (bar); intensitatea curentului electric pe ramdamentul pompei (-); 612- factor
o fazã, absorbit de motor-I (A) ºi turaþia motorului adimensional.
electric. Vp ×n× p
S-au calculat: puterea hidraulicã generatã de (24)
Ph =
pompã-Ph (W); puterea absorbitã de motorul h
p ×
electric- Pa (W); puterea utilã generatã de motorul
electric- Pu (W) ºi puterea mecanicã generatã de Puterea absorbitã de motorul electric- Pa (W),
motorul hidraulic- Pmh (W). în care: Pa- puterea absorbitã (W); U-
S-au utilizat urmãtoarele relaþii de calcul: tensiunea de fazã (V); cosö=0,71.

Pa =
3U ×

cos j (25)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Puterea utilã generatã de motorul electric- Pu Puterea mecanicã generatã de motorul

(W), în care: Pa- puterea absorbitã (W); çme- hidraulic- Pmh (W), în care: Pmh- puterea
randamentul motorului electric. mecanicã (W); Vm- capacitatea motorului.
Pu =
Pa ×
h (26) Vm ×
m (27)
me Pmh =

Fig.10- Grafic de variaþie a curentului absorbit de Fig.11- Grafic de variaþie a turaþiei motorului electric,
motorul electric, funcþie de variaþia presiunii din funcþie de variaþia presiunii din sistem.

Fig.12- Grafic de variaþie a puterii hidraulice generatã Fig.13- Grafic de variaþie a puterii electrice
de pompa volumicã, funcþie de variaþia presiunii din absorbite de motorul electric funcþie de variaþia
sistem. presiunii din sistem.

6. Extinderea principiului recuperãrii motor electric cu un capat de arbore ºi o

de energie la standurile de anduranþã a transmisie cu roþi dinþate cu raport de
cilindrilor hidraulici transmisie 1:1. În schemã tija cilindrului de
probare (poz.6) se cupleazã (poz.8) la tija
În fig.14 se prezintã schema de principiu cilindrului hidraulic 7, iar cãmãºile fiecãruia din
pentru un stand, care funcþioneazã cu recuperare cei doi cilindri hidraulici sunt prins într-un
de energie ºi se poate utiliza pentru anduranþa
motoarelor hidraulice liniare. Celor douã maºini
cadru rigid închis.
volumice reglabile, pompã (poz.2) ºi motorul Supapa de presiune (poz.4.1), reprezintã
(poz.3), li se regleazã capacitãþile astfel încât supapa de siguranþã pentru pompa reglabilã,
capacitatea pompei sã fie cu 10 % mai mare decât iar supapa de presiune (poz.4.2), reprezintã
capacitatea motorului. elementul de reglare a sarcinii pentru cilindrul
Aceste maºini volumice sunt antrenate de sarcinã.
simultan de motorul electric poz.1. Antrenerea Supapele de sens (poziþiile 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 ºi
simultanã se poate realiza fie folosind un motor 9.4) permit, alternativ, admisia ºi evacuarea
electric cu douã capete de arbore, fie folosind un uleiului în ºi din camerele de volum variabil ale

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

cilindrului de sarcinã, iar supapa de sens Semnificaþia notaþiilor din fig.14 este
(poz.9.5) permite alimentarea motorului urmãtoarea: 1-motor elelctric cu turaþie
hidraulic, atunci când pompa evacueazã la constantã; 2- pompã volumicã reglabilã; 3-
rezervor. motor volumic reglabil;4.1, 4.2: supape de
Eficienþa energeticã a sistemului se reglare presiune; 5-distribuitor hidraulic 4/3; 6-
produce pe douã cãi: cilindru hidraulic de probã; 7-cilindru hidraulic
-la comutarea distribuitorului hidraulic 4/3
de sarcinã; 8-cuplaj; 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5-
(poz.5), prin supapa 4.2 trece numai diferenþa
supape de sens; 10-rezervor.
de debit dintre debitul furnizat de pompã ºi cel
admis de motorul hidraulic;
7. Concluzii
-motorul hidraulic produce un moment
mecanic, care se adunã cu cel produs de
Cercetãrile teoretice ºi experimentale
motorul electric, ceea ce face ca acesta din
asupra modelului demonstrativ de stand
urmã sã absoarbã mai puþin curent din reþea în
pentru anduranþa maºinilor volumice rotative,
timpul probei de anduranþã a cilindrului de
care funcþioneazã pe principiul recirculãrii
puterii hidrodinamice, au pus în evidenþã
importante economii de energie, în
urmãtoarele condiþii:
a) în general, sistemele de acþionare
hidraulice, folosite ca standuri de anduranþã a
maºinilor volumice rotative, dacã se
realizeazã pe principiul cuplarii la axul
aceluiaºi motor electric a douã maºini
volumice, o pompã ºi un motor, cu capacitatea
pompei mai mare cu cca. 10 % faþã de
capacitatea motorului, pot conduce la
economisiri de energie electricã de cca.
30...35 %;
b) cuplarea celor douã maºini volumice la
Fig.14- Schemã de principiu stand de anduranþã, cu acelaºi motor electric se face utilizând un
recuperare de energie, pentru motoare hidraulice liniare. motor electric cu douã axe sau un motor
electric cu un ax ºi o transmisie cu roþi dinþate
cu raport 1:1;
BIBLIOGRAFIE c) d a c ã u n m o t o r e l e c t r i c e s t e
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hidraulice ºi pneumatice, vol.I, Editura: TEHNICÃ, probele de anduranþã pentru cele douã maºini
2005, ISBN: 973-31-2248-3, pg.287-292; volumice rotative de la punctul a), la presiunea
[2] AMESim Software Suit; de încercare "p", în varianta motor hidraulic
[3] TEODOR COSTINEL POPESCU, IOAN "decuplat" faþã de motorul electric, atunci
LEPADATU, DRAGOS DANIEL ION GUTA, acelaºi motor electric poate realiza probele de
Experimental research activies regarding the anduranþã la o presiune de încercare de minim
reduction of energy compsuntion at endurance "2p", în varianta motor hidraulic "cuplat" la
test stands of rotary voliumetric machines, motorul electric;
d) întârzierea "ajutorului" dat de motorul
PNEUMATICS 2009, Wroclaw, 7-9 October, ISBN hidraulic motorului electric este de aprox. 0,1s
978-83-87982-34-8, pg. 303-310. de la pornirea motorului electric;
e) aplicaþia se poate extinde ºi la
standurile de anduranþã a maºinilor volumice

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




*Development and Assessment Institute in Waste Water Technology
at RWTH Aachen University (PIA e.V.), Germany

1. Introduction However, the operation costs are higher for the

The quality of flowing waters in Germany has pump stations of the pressure mains than for
improved greatly in the past years. A reason the transportation of water by gravity [6].
for this is the increase of the degree of Sewers are made mainly of concrete or
connection of the population to the sewer reinforced steel concrete. Vitrified clay pipes
system and to wastewater treatment plants. In are used for aggressive wastewaters. Further
all of Germany, the degree of connection of the possible realisations are pipelines made of
population was 96% in 2004, whereas it was brickwork, fibre cement pipes, steel pipes and
90% in 1991 and 79.5% in 1983 [1, 2]. This plastic pipes, which are increasingly employed
development shows how the water pollution in the sewage system domain [7].
control concepts of the federal and state Municipal sewage systems can encompass
governments since the 80ies combined with one or more networks. The joint collection and
the according public interest achieved the high discharge of wastewater and surface water is
municipal sewage disposal standard [3]. called a combined sewer system. In separate
Wastewater is the discharge water changed in systems, both waters are gathered and
its quality by domestic, industrial, agricultural discharge separately. For financial reasons,
or other use during dry weather (wastewater) combined sewer overflows are built instead of
such as the collected surface water from built having extremely large sewer cross sections.
or paved areas (surface water) [4, 5]. These relieve the system of maximum
hydraulic loads either through intermediate
2. Centralised Wastewater Treatment storage and subsequent treatment of the
2.1. The Sewer System collected wastewater or through partial
The wastewater is mainly transported from its treatment and an overflow structure into
source to a wastewater treatment plant with an receiving water. [6]
underground sewage system. The majority of
the sewer network is constructed as a gravity 2.2. Wastewater Quantity
pipeline, i. e. the wastewaters flow into the On average, the amount of wastewater for
sewage systems vented by street or domestic Central and Western Europe is approximated
outlets by gravity. The water level in the to be 100 250 litres per person and day [8].
pipelines varies in dependence of the volume Additionally, further inlet sources into the
of water discharge. Parts of the pipelines are sewer system such as the industrial and trade
constructed as pressure mains and are filled wastewater, surface water, agricultural
completely with wastewater without wastewater, dump seepage water and
ventilation. To overcome the rising, extraneous water have to be considered.
wastewater is pumped upwards. For the same Extraneous water sources into the sewage
discharge amounts, pressure mains need systems occur, for example, through leaks in
smaller cross sections than gravity pipelines, the system and thereby immersing ground
which results in lower investment costs for the water, illegally via faulty connections and
sewage system. through other diffuse sources.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The source areas and quantity of wastewater

has been comprised for a sewage treatment
plant of the Ruhrverband (Germany, North
Rhine-Westphalia) in 1986:
Source Wastewater Quantity in
liter per person per day [l/(p*d)
Domestic wastewater 150
Trade and industrial wastewater 50
Polluted wastewater 240
Agricultural wastewater 1
(incl. liquid manure, silo seepage)
Leachate from land fills 1
Extraneous water (incl. water losses) 98
Sum 540

Table 1: Source areas of treated wastewater in Ruhrverband sewage treatment plants

(average values from 1986) [9]

2.3. Wastewater Components

The wastewater components are categorised affect the cleaning capacity, for example
into the element groups depletion materials, absorbable organic halogen compounds
nutrients, micropollutants and impurities. (AOX) or heavy metals.
Elevated oxygen consumption by the Impurities are substances which hinder the
components of the waters is dangerous for the cleaning process of a sewage treatment plant.
natural self-purification process. These Especially high amounts of vegetable and
depletion materials can exist in an inorganic animal fats such as oils in course dispersion
and in an organic form. Inorganic, impair the function of different aggregates.
spontaneously oxygen depleting materials are They can clog machinery and ventilation
usually of trade or industrial origin. Ammonium systems and cause worse microbial
is an exception. It is created by the bacterial degradability due to their low solubility,
decomposition of urea and proteins. The hydrophobic character and reduced bio-
organic materials are on the other hand availability of the wastewater. [10]
contained in a large variety within domestic
wastewater in the form of hydrocarbons, 2.4. Wastewater Treatment
carbohydrates, alcohols, aldehydes, organic There are mechanical, biological and chemical
acids, fats, oils, waxes, peptides and proteins. processes for wastewater treatment. In large
The nutrients are necessary for the production sewage treatment plants, the process steps
of cell matter. The supply of a number of are connected consecutively, so as to reduce
important elements is necessary for this, e.g. the carbon, sulphur and nitrogen compounds,
carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, pathogenic germs such as organic and
phosphor, sulphur, potassium, magnesium, inorganic pollutants in municipal wastewater
sodium, calcium, chlorine and elements of to a minimum. Hereby, the eutrophication and
enzymes and coenzymes. the contamination of the waters with germs
Micropollutants in the sense of wastewater and pollutants are avoided. [11]
treatment are the substances and compounds Below, the different process steps for the
which impair the activity of the microbial treatment of municipal wastewater are listed:
activated sludge biocenosis and hence also

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Table 2: Process steps for the treatment of municipal wastewater [6]

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Representation of the minimum standard of A recycling of the sludge's nutrients as a

wastewater treatment steps in a typical fertiliser for the agriculture is only possible with
municipal wastewater treatment plant with extensive ecotoxicological analyses of the
activated sludge processes: sewage sludge. Pollutants would otherwise
During the first mechanical treatment step, enrich themselves in the earth and/or in
coarse particles are held back with a screen agricultural plants and thereby reach the
and sieve such as smaller particles with a grit humans' nourishment.
chamber. After sedimentation of the Sludge treatment processes are used to
undissolved, mainly organic substances in the reduce the organic fraction, to transform and
primary settlement tank, the aerobic, mineralise pollutants at least partially and to
biological wastewater treatment occurs. eliminate or deactivate pathogenic germs.
Biomass is suspended in the aeration tank. Besides the so-called sewage sludge
Large-surface activated sludge floccules are stabilisation, there are disinfection and further
formed, which are made up of bacteria, chemical/physical/thermal treatments. The
organic and inorganic material. Oxygen is following intentions are to be achieved, fully or
brought into the tank over an aerator. The partially, depending on utilisation, dumping or
metabolism activities of the bacteria in the combustion of the sewage sludge: volume
aerobic environment allow the extraction of the reduction, biological stability, water content
organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphor reduction, smell reduction, fuel value increase
dissolved in the water. Nitrogen compounds and inertisation. [6, 11]
are nitrified. The wastewater with the now
chemically bound oxygen is fed into the anoxic 3. Decentralised Wastewater
part of the aeration tank. Because the Treatment
concentration of dissolved oxygen is very low If wastewater accumulates in areas with low
there, the nitrate is decomposed into population densities, where a connection to
elementary nitrogen (denitrification). the centralised sewer system is not possible,
Precipitants and flocculants are added to the decentralised wastewater disposal
wastewater if the phosphor concentration possibilities in form of on site wastewater
needs to be reduced further chemically than treatment are a good alternative. The
possible with a purely biological process. decentralised wastewater treatment as small
During the final sedimentation, the sludge wastewater treatment plants is a substantial
floccules settle at the bottom of the tank. The component of the sewage disposal in Europe
clean water discharge over the edge of the and its importance will increase in the future.
tank is fed to the receiving water, mostly into Small wastewater treatment plants are
running water. [11] domestic or property sewage treatment plants
Besides the activated sludge treatment, with a purely domestic wastewater
biological contactors, trickling filters and accumulation of maximal 8 m³/d, which
membrane processes can be used for the correspond to a capacity of up to 50 population
biological treatment of wastewater. equivalents. The beneficiary of the premises is
responsible for the wastewater disposal and all
2.5. Sewage Sludge Treatment the according rules for a small wastewater
The primary sludge settled in the grit chamber treatment plant.
and the primary settlement tank is next treated On the market, small wastewater treatment
with secondary sludge from the final plants exist in different models. In principle, the
sedimentation tank. Ca. 1 2% of the treated same treatment methods are applied to small
wastewater is accumulated as sludge. On sewage treatment plants as for large plants.
average, two thirds of the solid content of First, the wastewater is mechanically pre-
sewage sludge consists of organic material. treated, too. Solids are held back in single or
The raw sludge consists of a reactive mixture, multicompartment septic sedimentation tanks
also containing organic and inorganic and in multicompartment digestion tanks.
pollutants and germs.
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The flow velocity of the wastewater is hereby A time-controlled aeration interval creates
reduced so far, that the solids have enough aerobic and anaerobic phases, so that the
time to sink to the bottom of the tank. In the decomposition of organic pollutant in the
digestion tanks, there are also anaerobic wastewater is possible (see 2.4). Activated
(bound oxygen is not present in dissolved or sludge floccules are formed, which are
undissolved form) conversion. separated from the wastewater through
For a stable operation of the biological stage, sedimentation in the final clarification tank.
especially of the biological film system, a good The purified wastewater flows off above. The
solid retention is of great importance. A correct settled sludge is fed back into the aeration tank
and timely disposal of faecal sludge can avoid as return activated sludge or abstracted from
a solid discharge to a large extent. The the system as excess sludge. Excess sludge is
mechanical preliminary treatment is followed created by the reproduction of
by the biological treatment step. The organic microorganisms during biological degradation
compounds contained in the wastewater processes. If more activated sludge than
undergo a decomposition process, which necessary is present, the sludge is fed from
occurs mainly through microorganisms in the final to the primary treatment tank, stored
combination with dissolved oxygen for aerobic there and then disposed of with the faecal
processes and then without oxygen for sludge removal. [13]
anaerobic processes, just as in large sewage
treatment plants. Thereby, inorganic
compounds and biomass are produced by
conversion processes. The last treatment step 3.1.2. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
is the final clarification. The cleaned Plant
wastewater is separated from the carried SBR plants are a special form of aeration
activated sludge floccules by sedimentation plants. The oxygen of this activated sludge
and subsequently fed into running water or led process is fed through technical aeration
in ground water by seepage. device, which creates a mixing as well as an
Small wastewater treatment plants exist in aeration.
many models and designs. They can As opposed to pure aeration plants, the
constructed as single tank systems with an separation of the sludge-water-mixture does
integrated pre-treatment or also as a two or not occur in a separate clarification tank. The
multi-tank system with external pre-treatment. following treatment steps run after each other
[12, 13]. in the same reactor:
In the following, the most conventional 1) Charge of the reactor tank
biological treatment steps are described [12, 2) Turnover and aeration
13]: 3) Sedimentation of the sludge
4) Clear water drainage
3.1. Activated Sludge Treatment 5) Excess sludge drainage
For the activated sludge treatment, the During the final treatment phase, there is no
wastewater is mixed with activated sludge and aeration or mixing. The purified wastewater is
aerated. The aeration occurs through pumped off above. Excess sludge is also
technical aggregates. Subsequently, the pumped into the pretreatment and disposed of
purified water is separated from the sludge with the faecal sludge removal. A sludge
sterically or chronologically. [13] recirculation is not necessary.
3.1.1. Aeration Plant During the individual treatment steps 2 to 5, the
For the activated sludge treatment in the reactor of the SBR plant is not allowed to
aeration tank, the biological wastewater r e c e i v e w a s t e w a t e r. T h e i n c i d e n t a l
treatment through microorganisms takes wastewater can be stored in the pre-treatment
place. tank or in a separate tank. [13]

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Fig. 1 Sketch of the functional components of an aeration system [14]

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Fig. 2 Sketch of the functional components of a SBR plant [14]

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3.1.3. Activated sludge plant with

membrane separation (MBR)
Membrane filtration is a special form of an
aeration plant and is currently the most
innovative technology on the market. Besides
the technical aeration devices in the aeration
tank for the wastewater treatment according
to the activated sludge treatment, there are
membranes integrated in the place of a
clarification tank, which separate the purified
wastewater from the sludge. The submerged
membrane unit consists of filter modules with
a pore size of only few thousandths of a
millimetre, a pump for the production of a
pressure difference for the filtration and a
blower for the aeration, respectively for self-
cleansing of the membranes. Due to the very
small pore size of the membrane, an
extensive disinfection of the purified
wastewater takes place. The membrane filter
is to be rinsed in regular intervals, so as to
prevent the so-called fouling, i.e. clogging of
the membrane. Regular excess sludge is fed
into the pre-treatment tank, from where it can
then be disposed of. [13]

Fig. 3 Sketch of the functional components of a membrane aeration plant

(MBR) [14]

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3.2. Fixed Film Process

In the fixed film process, a biological
wastewater treatment with microorganisms
takes place, which grow on a carrier material
and thereby form a biological film. The carrier
material can be employed submerged or “dry”.

3.2.1. Fixed Film Reactor

In fixed film reactors, the carrier material
usually consists of plastic bodies fixed in the
tank, so that they are immersed in the
wastewater at all times. For the degradation of
organic pollution in the wastewater, the
attached bacteria require oxygen. This oxygen
is fed by a diffused air aeration, which is placed
beneath the fixed bed. This way, the oxygen
supply and the mixing are ensured.
Additionally, the up-streaming air causes the
dead microorganisms to break away from the
carrier material and to be carried into the final
sedimentation tank. The separation of the
activated sludge/wastewater mixture takes
place due to the settling of the sludge by
gravity. The purified wastewater flows off
above. The settled sludge is fed into the
primary sedimentation tank, where it is stored
and disposed of with the faecal sludge
removal. [13]

Fig. 4 Sketch of the functional components of a fixed film reactor [14]

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3.2.2. Fluidised Bed Reactor

This small sewage treatment plant only differs
from the fixed film reactor in the form of the
carrier material. Whilst the carrier material for
the biology is set in the fixed film reactor, it
floats freely in the wastewater of the fluidised
bed reactor's aeration tank. The
microorganisms adhere to small, mobile
plastic bodies which serve as the carrier
material. The oxygen supply and mixture is
ensured by a blower. [13]

Fig. 5 Sketch of the functional components

of a fluidised bed reactor [14]

3.2.3. Biological Filter Plant The dead microorganisms are washed away
A biological filter plants' biofilm carrier medium by the wastewater passing through and fed to
is made of lava slag, accordingly moulded the final sedimentation tank as sludge. The
plastic particles or fixed film. The trickling filter activated sludge is separated from the
bottom is trickled vertically by the pre- wastewater by sedimentation. The purified
cleansed wastewater, which is spread evenly wastewater flows off above. The settled
over the filter's surface. For the degradation of sludge is fed into the primary sedimentation
organic pollution in the wastewater, the tank, stored there and disposed of with the
bacteria require oxygen. This oxygen is fed faecal sludge removal. The clean water in the
through an aerator (stack effect). With time, final sedimentation tank needs to be
the thickness of the biofilm will increase and recirculated, i.e. added to the trickling filter
the bacteria at the bottom of the tank will die repeatedly, because the desired cleaning
because of an insufficient oxygen and nutrient effect will not be achieved by a single run-
concentration. through. [13]

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Fig. 6 Sketch of the functional components of a biological filter plant [14]

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3.3 Rotating Biological Contactor

Rotating biological contactors are based on a Dead microorganisms are washed away by
combination of activated sludge processes the horizontally flowing wastewater in the tank
and fixed film processes. Rotating biological and fed into the final sedimentation tank.
contactors are roller-shaped plastic discs, Therefore, a technical aeration installation is
which rotate around their horizontal axes. The not necessary. The principle of the primary
centre of the axis is on the water level, so that and the final treatment corresponds to the
the disc alternates between the wastewater biological film process. [13]
and air.

Fig. 7 Sketch of the functional

components of a rotating
biological contactor [14]

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3.4 Constructed Wetlands

Constructed wetlands are soil filters with The necessary aeration depends on the type
growing plants. The soil is made of sandy of wastewater feed and the plants. The plant
gritty materials, which shall ensure sufficient cover of the soil is made of marsh plants, such
water permeability, and is separated from the as different kinds of reed beds. The roots of the
natural surroundings. The biological plants cause a loosening of the ground and an
wastewater treatment results from the oxygen supply. The cleaned wastewater is
microorganisms living in the soil, which form a caught in drain pipes and fed into the sampling
biological film there. Depending on the shaft (control shaft), before it is led in the
construction type, the pre-treated wastewater discharge system or the ground water. [13]
flows through the filter horizontally or

Fig. 8 Sketch of the functional components of a

constructed wetland [14]

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3.5 Pond Systems

The biological wastewater treatment in pond Bibliography:
systems is done by microorganisms, which
are attached to the pond walls and floor as well [1] European Waste Water Catalogue
as floating freely in the pond. For the [2] Statistisches Bundesamt, Fachserie 19
degradation of organic pollution in Umwelt, R. 2.1 Öffentliche Wasserversorgung und
wastewater, bacteria require oxygen. One Abwasserbeseitigung (1991, 2004)
differentiates between aerated and non- [3] ATV-Information, Zahlen zur Abwasser- und
aerated ponds. In the case of non-aerated Abfallwirtschaft, 1996
[4] Deutsches Gesetz über Abgaben für das
pond systems, the oxygen is absorbed over
Einleiten von Abwasser in Gewässer
the water surface. In the case of aerated pond (Abwasserabgabengesetz AbwAG)
systems, the oxygen is fed through technical [5] Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN-Blatt 4045:
aeration constructions. In the range of Abwassertechnik Grundbegriffe
domestic wastewater treatment, non-aerated [6] G. Kayser: Gewässerschutz, Skript zur
pond systems are applied prominently. The Vorlesung im Studiengang „Ökologie und
pond systems must be closed off to the natural Umweltschutz“, Fachhochschule Zittau/Görlitz,
soil. The wastewater flows through the pond October 2006
and is gathered at the other end in a drain [7] W. Hosang, W. Bischof: Abwassertechnik, B.G.
system. Afterwards, the cleaned wastewater is Teubner Stuttgart, Leipzig, 1998
carried into the surface and ground water via a [8] different authors on behalf of the DWA and the
university of Weimar, Siedlungswasserwirtschaft
control shaft. The enclosing with a fence is
im ländlichen Raum - Teil Abwasserentsorgung,
necessary for pond systems. Furthermore, Universitätsverlag Weimar, April 2007
there should be no broadleaf trees in the close [9] P. Koppe, A. Stozek: Kommunales
surroundings, because foliage can burden the Abwasser, Vulkan-Verlag Essen, 1999
pond. [13] [10] B. S. Delewski, diploma thesis:
Abwasserbehandlung in der Binnenschifffahrt,
4. Conclusion Fachhochschule Aachen, September 2002
It can be established that centralised and [11] L. Tennhardt, dissertation: Potenzial
decentralised solutions for the technical technischer Abwasser- und
wastewater treatment are equal in cleaning Klärschlammbehandlungsverfahren zur
efficiency. In remote areas, a cost-intensive Elimination endokrin aktiver Substanzen, TU
Dresden, 2004
sewer network connection to a far away
[12] D. Verschitz, diploma thesis: Untersuchungen
municipal sewage treatment plant is probably zur Anwendbarkeit von Prüfverfahren nach EN
not purposeful. In this case, decentralised 12566 für Kleinkläranlagen, Fachhochschule
wastewater concepts can be good solutions, Aachen, 2007
also for the retention of water and nutrients. [13], October
However, decentralised systems are more 2009
susceptible to greater fluctuations of [14] L. Sonntag, Prüf- und Entwicklungsinstitut für
wastewater amount and composition. Abwassertechnik an der RWTH Aachen (PIA) e.V.,
Therefore, the decision between a centralised 2007
or decentralised wastewater treatment
solution can not be made on principle. During
the planning for a region, the specific
conditions are to be inspected exactly,
especially taking into account a sustainable
water economy.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Ing. Radulescu Alexandru, dr. Ing. Garjoaba Mihu, ing. Toma Alexandra, ing. Bogatu George
S.C. OVM ICCPET S.A. Oskar von Miller - Institut de Concepþie Cercetare Proiectare
Echipamente Termoenergetice
Calea Rahovei 266-268, cod 050912, Bucureºti sector 5 - România
Tel: +40 21 405.77.50, Fax +40 21 405.77.77 -

1. INTRODUCTION The minimum modification of the conventional

liquid burners is a condition for a good
Vegetable oils can be used in heating, economical efficiency
cogeneration and transport applications, The feasibility of the vegetable oils
substituting conventional fuels. They are utilization is based on the Romanian
promoted by UE Directives as renewable agricultural potential that could sustain an
fuels. Crude vegetable oils production and industrial biofuels production.
processing have low costs and low energy The first investigations and
consumption. The good energy balance experiments concerning to some indigenous
combined with a good CO 2 balance crude vegetable oils properties have
recommends crude vegetable oils as demonstrated the possibility of the utilization
economical-ecological biofuels for energy for heating systems and electricity generation.
generation. This is a way to develop a From our country's cultures the most
renewable energy source in order to ensure significant sources with respect to the
the energy supply security and to reduce agricultural potential are sun-flower, corn
greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, germs, rape and soy. In addition bastard
especially with decentralized production and saffron oil was been proposed by an
distribution, this way could have a positive agricultural society to be tested.
impact on economics and employment for The evolution of the agriculture lands
rural communities. with oleaginous plants in Romania is given in
The paper focuses upon the possibility figure 1. The current crops are about (1 1.6)
to burn crude vegetable oils for stationary t/ha (fig. 2), but the climate of our country and
applications, both industrial and domestic. The soil quality are favorable to obtain high crops,
electric and heat generation using crude e.g. for rape of about (2.5 3.5) t/ha (Romanian
vegetable oil as fuels enlarges the application annual statistic reports).
field of these instead of transport utilization In comparison with the traditional liquid
until now. The experimental researches have fuel, vegetable oils are characterized by
been done on 2 MW boiler.. slightly higher viscosity, high ignition point,
The main target of the research is to very low sulphur content, and a comparable
determine the quality and performances of heat value. These typical properties impose
these oils combustion in steam and hot water complex research in order to obtain
generator with a large scale of output. economically-ecologically performance of the
future burning technologies, without major
modifications of the energy producing

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Five types of crude vegetable oils with a For most vegetable oils the viscosity is
possible stationary energetic utilization were slightly higher than lower fuel oil. In order to
tested to determine their characteristics: rape have a good atomization and efficient burning
seed, soy bean, sun flower, corn germs and the heating is one of the measures that enable
bastard saffron oils. The characteristics of burners to run on vegetable oil.
rape seed and sun flower oils are shown in Taking into consideration this aspects
table 1, in comparison with lower fuel oil. preliminary atomization and ignition tests were
made. The ignition of the oil droplet blasted in a
natural gas flame was first studied and then
the combustion of an atomized jet in a boiler
furnace. The experiment has demonstrated a
stable ignition for all kinds of vegetable oils for
a atomizing pressure of (1 1.5) MPa. For
these ignition and combustion tests the
vegetable oil was not preheated. Due to their
higher viscosity, the rotary cup atomization
method was adopted.
A remarkable property of vegetable oil is the
low sulfur content, which reduces
drastically the SOx emission and the
necessity of catalyst.
Others properties refer to the content of water,
phosphorous and ash, carbon residue,
contamination, oxidation. A high
contamination can block filters and
atomization systems that impose filtering
measures. A water-vegetable oil emulsion,
Table 1. Characteristics of some vegetable oils and
despite a difficult stability, can be favorable for
fuels usually employed in electricity and heat burning.

The results show that in comparison with

lower fuel oil the two kinds of vegetable oil do
not differ too much in terms of density and
lower calorific power. Vegetable oils are
characterized by a higher Ignition Point that
could make more difficult the ignition but it is
favorable for transportation and handling that Fig. 3. Characteristics of some vegetable oils
begin safer (figure 3). and liquid fossil fuels

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Based on the vegetable oil characteristics and

preliminary tests on ignition and combustion a
new stage of the research was completed, the
combustion of a mechanical atomizing jet, by
aid of a pump, in a 55 kW boiler furnace.


In case of simple mechanical injectors

without swirl chamber, the fineness of grinding
is influenced by nozzle design and its
functioning conditions (atomizing pressure).
Thus, it is necessary to consider the following:
-liquid flow rate (by increasing the outlet
velocity or injector inlet pressure the droplet
dimension decreases). Further more, the
droplets become more homogeneous;
-the increase of nozzle outlet diameter leads
to larger droplets;
In order to ensure a suitable atomization, for
simple mechanical injectors, the ratio
between the channel length and nozzle
diameter is recommended in range of (4 ÷ 6).
For analytical calculus of maximum particle
dimension resulted from atomization, the
following expression may be used:

In the atomized liquid jet there are droplets

with diameters varying from 0 to dmax,
meaning that the atomization process is poly-
dispersed. The medium droplet diameter
dmax is insufficient to characterize their
dispersion within the jet, because for the same
medium diameter there are possible several
droplet distributions.
Thus it is necessary to take into consideration
the distribution characteristic by droplet
dimensions, in order to appreciate the
atomization uniformity.
Based on double logarithmic network
Rosin-Ramler-Benner, grinding analysis
method can be used to study the distribution
uniformity considering the droplets

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The good design of rotary cup burner

allowed a cold startup of the boiler without
supplementary conventional fuel (natural
gas), with a good performance of atomization,
even without fuel preheating (the temperature
of cold oil was 20 C). For the oil preheated at
50 C, the maximal droplet diameter was 120
m, and the average on was 70m. (dmax=120 m ºi
dmed=70 m).
a. In table 2 are shown the experimental
test results.

Table 2. Combustion results for crude sun flower

oil and low fuel oil


a.Rotary cup burner

b.Mechanical atomizing burner
Fig. 5.
During tests, the vegetal oil (sunflower and
rape) flow-rate was in range of 6085_kg/h,
corresponding to a thermal power of 6501000
The experimental researches were completed
In figure 6 are shown in parallel a flame of
and validated by means of numerical modeling
natural gas and a flame of rape seed oil and
an simulation techniques. In figure 7 is
natural gas, obtained in the same furnace.
visualized the field of NO emission in the pilot
furnace burner. The maximum is situated on
the main flow-stream line of the furnace. The
vegetal oil combustion in rotary cup burners
was a success that recommends the solution
a. to the future users.


a.Natural gas flame

b.Natural gas + rape seed oil flame
Fig. 6.
Fig. 7. Mass fraction of NO for rape seed oil burning

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

. CONCLUSIONS For an oil factory, the average oil for energy

use could be about 10000 t/year, meaning a
In order to asses the economical efficiency 2400000 Euro/year savings in comparison
of the project, both the agricultural potential with diesel fuel use and 1800000 Euro/year
regarding oil plant crops and the vegetal oil with light liquid fuel combustion.
industry have been analyzed. For a consumer with a annual
The local use of vegetal oil as fuel by the oil consumption of 10000 tones, buying the oil
producers leads to an energy cost lower than directly from the factory, the saving is 70000
those obtained by fossil fuel combustion. Euro/year versus diesel fuel and 52500
Thus, next costs are announced (VAT Euro/year in comparison with light liquid fuel.
included): For a residential user with a annual oil
consumption of 2000 kg, the saving can reach
? Vegetal oil, delivery price for oil factory: the value of 1080 Euro.
1.05 Euro/kg Thus, the use of vegetal oils in energy
? Vegetal oil obtained by cold pressing by purposes can develop especially by extending
the producer: 0.74 Euro/kg; suitable crops, the land reserve of the Country
? Diesel fuel: 1.16 Euro/kg (at fuel allowing a production of 2.5 millions tones of
pump); oil plant seeds.
? Light liquid fuel: 1.1 Euro/kg .
Taking into account of the low heat ratio
between vegetable oil and diesel fuel of 0.96,
the following equivalent prices of the vegetal
oil have been computed:
? Vegetal oil, delivery price for oil factory:
1.09 Euro/kg ;
? Vegetal oil obtained by cold pressing by

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Dr. Ing. Maria PASCU*


* Director Strategii ANIF Bucuresti, [email protected]

** Sucursala teritoriala Dunare-Olt, Unitatea de administrare Valcea

SECTORUL DE ÎMBUNÃTÃÞIRI FUNCIARE - amenajãrile pedoameliorative pe

DIN JUDEÞUL VÂLCEA terenurile saraturate, acide ºi pe
nisipuri, pe terenurile poluate, inclusiv cu
Amenajãrile de îmbunãtãþiri funciare reziduuri petroliere cu haldele de la
cuprind urmãtoarele categorii de lucrãri: exploatãrile miniere, pe alte terenuri
- îndiguiri ºi regularizãri ale cursurilor neproductive, cuprinzând ºi lucrãrile de
de apã de interes local prin care se nivelare modelare, de scarificare, de
asigurã, în principal protecþia terenurilor afanare adâncã, rigole ºi ºanþuri de
ºi a oricãror categorii de construcþii scurgere a apei, araturile în benzi cu
împotriva inundaþiilor, surse locale de coame, udãrile de spãlare a sãrurilor,
apã ºi emisari pentru scurgerea apelor; aplicarea de amendamente, precum ºi
- amenajãri de irigaþii ºi orezãrii prin care îngrãºãminte, în scopul valorificãrii
se asigurã aprovizionarea controlatã a pentru agriculturã ºi dupã caz pentru
solului ºi a plantelor cu cantitãþile de apã silviculturã.
necesare dezvoltãrii culturilor ºi creºterii - perdelele forestiere de protecþie a
producþiei agricole. Aceste amenajãri terenurilor agricole ºi plantaþii pentru
cuprind lucrãri de captare, pompare, combaterea eroziunii solului;
transport, distribuþie ºi evacuare aa apei - alte soluþii tehnice ºi lucrãri noi,
ºi dupã caz, lucrãri de nivelare a rezultate din activitatea de ceercetare.
terenului; Realizarea amenajãrilor de îmbunãtãþiri
- amenajãrile de desecare ºi drenaj, funciare la nivel naþional are loc pe baza
care au drept scop prevenirea ºi programelor ºi strategiei sectoriale, iar la nivel
înlãturarea excesului de umiditate de la local, conform nevoilor autoritãþilor publice
suprafaþa terenului ºi din sol, în vederea locale, ale persoanelor juridice sau fizice
asigurãrii condiþiilor favorabile de interesate, pe baza programelor zonale ºi
utilizare a terenurilor. Aceste amenajãri locale de amenajare a teritoriului.
cuprind lucrãri de colectare, de transport Proiectarea, executarea ºi exploatarea
ºi de evacuare în emisar a apei în exces; amenajãrilor de îmbunãtãþiri funciare se fac în
- lucrãri de combaterea eroziunii corelare cu lucrãrile de gospodãrire a apelor,
solului ºi de ameliorare a terenurilor hidrotehnice, silvice, de gestionare a cãilor de
afectate de alunecãri , prin care se comunicaþie, în acord cu interesele
previn, se diminueazã sau se opresc proprietarilor de terenuri cu documentaþiile de
procesele de degradare a terenurilor. urbanism ºi de amenaajare a teritoriului,
Aceste amenajãri cuprind lucrãri pentru þinând seama de cerinþele de protecþie a
protecþia solului, regularizarea scurgerii mediului.
apei pe versanþi, stingerea formaþiunilor Administraþia Naþionalã a Îmbunãtãþirilor
torenþiale, stabilizarea nisipurilor Funciare îºi desfãºoarã activitatea la nivel de
miºcãtoare; amenajare de îmbunãtãþiri funciare, prin
sucursalele sale ºi Unitãþile de Administrare
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Unitatea de Administrare Vâlcea face parte - irigaþii suprafaþa amenajatã 10937 ha;
din cadrul Sucursalei Teritoriale Dunãre-Olt cu - desecare-drenaje suprafaþã amenajatã
sediul la Craiova. 13031 ha;
Din punct de vedere morfologic judeþul Vâlcea - combaterea eroziunii solului suprafaþã
se situeazã pe linia Subcarpaþilor Getici, pe amenajatã 65102 ha.
dealuri puternic fragmentate de numeroase Inventarul fizic al lucrãrilor de îmbunãtãþiri
vãi adânci cu caracter torenþial. funciare, la nivelul judeþului Vâlcea, structurat
Relieful se caracterizeazã printr-o energie pe tipuri de lucrãri se prezintã astfel:
mare, exprimatã prin diferenþa de nivel de
peste 450 m (de la 750 m la 300 m). Irigaþii
Formele de relief care se întâlnesc frecvent 15 staþii de pompare se regãsesc în 6
sunt culmile înguste ºi versanþii puternic amenajãri situate în localitãþile: Budeºti, N.
înclinaþi, neuniformi ca urmare a proceselor Bãlcescu, Galicea Olanu, Drãgoieºti,
fizico geologice de pantã care au generat Mihãeºti, Bãbeni, Marcea, Ioneºti, Prundeni,
corniºe de desprindere, valuri ºi alte forme Drãgãºani, Voiceºti, ªtefãneºti;
specifice alunecãrilor de teren.
Versanþii cultivaþi au pante de 15-35 %, dar Desecare
sunt ºi suprafeþe cu pante de 30-70 % ocupate Amenajãrile de desecare se regãsesc în 6
îndeosebi de arborete, sau pajiºti naturale amenajãri gravitaþionale în localitãþile:
semistabilizate. În afara acestora, apar Mihãeºti, Bãbeni, Ioneºti, Prundeni, Voiceºti,
numeroase izvoare ºi zone cu exces de ªtefãneºti, Galicea, Olanu, Drãgoieºti,
umiditate. Lalosu, Fãureºti, Diculeºti ºi o staþie de
Judeþul Vâlcea ºi judeþele limitrofe Gorj, Dolj, evacuarea apei prin pompare în localitatea
Argeº, Olt, ocupã primele locuri în þarã în ceea Galicea.
ce priveºte gravitatea fenomenelor de
degradare acceleratã a terenurilor agricole Combaterea eroziunii solului
prin eroziune, alunecãri de teren ºi inundaþii. Lucrãrile se regãsesc în 42 de amenajãri, de
Judeþul Vâlcea, se situiazã pe primul loc. pe suprafaþa judeþului, din peste 70 de
Din punct de vedere al eroziunii de suprafaþã, localitãþi.
judeþul Vâlcea se clasificã pe locul 5 pe
þarã, cu o valoare medie de 12 t/ha/an iar din Din punct de vedere administrativ Unitatea
punct de vedere al eroziunii în adâncime pe de Administrare Vâlcea este structuratã pe
locul 4 cu o valoare medie de 8,5 t/ha/ an. Din 10 zone compuse din amenajãri
punct de vedere al alunecãrilor de teren, hidroameliorative.
judeþul Vâlcea ocupã locul I, cu o valoare Prezentãm cele 10 zone administrative cu
medie de 4,8 t/ha/an. principalele amenajãri din componenþã, dupã
Suprafaþa totalã de teren afectatã de aceste cum urmeazã:
fenomene active este de 38720 ha, din care:
-eroziune de suprafaþã 13200 ha; Zona 01. Rm Vâlcea Ocnele Mari cu
-alunecãri de teren 3700 ha; amenajãrile;
- eroziune de adâncime 21820 ha. - Amenajarea complexã irigaþii desecãri
Acestea, în prezent, nu au lucrãri de stopare a Mihãeºti- Bãbeni cu suprafaþa de 1616 ha.
lor. - Amenajarea de CES Acumulare Rm. Vâlcea
Judeþul Vâlcea, dispune de o suprafaþã cu suprafaþa de 1730 ha;
agricolã de 242.457 ha, din care 90.870 ha Zona 02. Pãuºeºti Maglaºi- Olãneºti cu
sunt amenajate prin lucrãri de îmbunãtãþiri amenajarea CES BH Olãneºti cu suprafaþa de
funciare (irigaþii, desecãri, combaterea 3998 ha;
eroziunii solului- CES). Zona 03. Govora-Mihãeºti cu amenajãrile:
Suprafeþele ocupate de principalele categorii - CES BH Govora 4158 ha:
de lucrãri sunt urmãtoarele: - Completãri CES Mihãeºti Bãbeni 729 ha;
- Zona 04. Costeºti Bãbeni cu amenajarea
CES BH Bistriþa cu suprafaþa de 7072 ha.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Zona 05. Horezu Sirineasa cu amenajarea - OUAI LUNCA OLTUL OLANU;

CES BH Luncavãþ cu suprafaþa de 7076 ha; - OUAI PICÃTURA GALICEA;
Zona 06. Olteþul Superior cu amenajarea - OUAI VALEA OLTULUI ORLEªTI
CES BH Olteþ Sub. Horezu cu suprafaþa de PRUNDE.
2334 ha;
Zona 07. Olteþul Mijlociu Zãtreni- Bãlceºti Amenajãrile de desecare ºi combaterea
cu amenajarea CES BH Olteþul Mijlociu cu eroziunii solului sunt de utilitate publicã,
suprafaþa de 11419 ha; rãmânând în administrarea statului, pentru
Zona 08. Cerna Firtãþeºti Lalosu Fãureºti care se alocã fonduri cu scopul de întreþinere
cu amenajãrile: ºi repararea lor.
- Desecare Fãureºti Lalosu- 1924 ha; În anii 2006-2008, s-au realizat lucrãri de
- CES BH Cerna cu o suprafaþã de 3720 ha; întreþinere ºi reparaþii în amenajãrile de
Zona 09. Bucºani Cioroiu cu amenajãrile: desecare ºi CES dupã cum urmeazã:
- Amenajare Complexã Bucºani-Cioroiu 7326 I. În anul 2006 unitatea a avut la activitatea de
ha; întreþinere ºi reparaþii un plan de 1.000000 lei,
- CES Bucºani Cioroiu cu suprafaþa de 4075 structurat pe amenajãri ºi tipuri de lucrãri.
ha; II. În anul 2007 unitatea a avut la activitatea
Zona 10 Cãlimãneºti - Drãgoieºti cu de întreþinere ºi reparaþii un plan de 751.158
amenajãrile: lei, structurat pe amenajãri ºi tipuri de lucrãri.
- Amenajarea Complexã Olanu-Drãgoieºti- III. În anul 2008 unitatea a avut la activitatea
1494 ha; de întreþinere ºi reparaþii un plan de 1741448
- Amenajarea Complexã Galicea 736 ha; lei, structurat pe amenajãri ºi tipuri de lucrãri.
- Amenajare irigaþii Budeºti 484 ha; Pentru anul 2009 au fost planificate lucrãri de
- Amenajare irigaþii N. Bãlcescu-410 ha; reparaþii în urmãtoarele amenajãri
- Amenajare desecare Trepteanca Cungrea hidroameliorative:
Mare 455 ha; Desecare Olanu Drãgoieºti, în comunele
- CES BH Topologul Inferior 3493 ha. Olanu ºi Drãgoieºti;
- Amenajare CES Aninoasa Bercioiu 1354 CES BH Olteþul Mijlociu, în comunele Tetoiu ºi
ha. Zãtreni;
Amenajãrile de irigaþii au fost reabilitate CES BH Luncãvãþ în comunele Sirineasa ºi
parþial între anii 2001-2004 suprafaþa repusã Oteºani;
în funcþiune fiind de 7500 ha ºi 9 staþii de CES Topologul Inferior în comuna N.
pompare, în localitãþile Budeºti, Olanu, Bãlcescu;
Galicea, Marcea, Ioneºti, Prunddeni, CES BH Cerna în comunele Stãneºti,
Drãgãºani, Voiceºti, N. Bãlcescu. Mãciuca, Valea Mare, Lãdeºti ºi Roieºti.
Conform Legii 138/2004 amenajãrile de irigaþii Valoarea lucrãrilor de reparaþii planificate a se
nu mai sunt de utilitate publicã trecând în executa în anul 2009 se ridicã la 900.000 lei,
domeniul privat al statului, urmând a fi predate iar ca sursã de finanþare repartizatã pentru
comunitãþilor locale prin înfiinþarea de acest an avem numai 90.000 (aproximativ 5%
Organizaþii ale Utilizatorilor de Apã pentru din realizatul anului 2008 ).
Irigaþii (OUAI). Menþionãm cã existã o planificaare a
Acþiunea de înfiinþare a OUAI-urilor pe lucrãrilor de reparaþii pe amenajãri ºi
teritoriul judeþului Vâlcea în localitãþile cu localitãþi pânã în anul 2010 inclusiv, lucrãri
amenajãri de irigaþii este în desfãºurare. La care au fost deja licitate ºi pentru care
aceastã datã s-a finalizat înfiinþarea a ºase existã surse foarte mici de finanþare.
- OUAI CÃLINA; Investiþii
- OUAI LUNCA OLTULUI DRÃGOIEªTI; În anul 2008 s-a finalizat lucrarea finanþatã din
- OUAI LUNCA SÂMNICULUI; fonduri SAPARD la obiectivul de investiþii
„Mãsuri de prevenire ºi combaterea
alunecãrilor de teren” în localitatea

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Pãuºeºti Maglaºi cu o valoare de 4476759 Studiile sus amintite au fost depuse la Centrala
lei ºi cu urmãtoarele capacitãþi fizice: 270 ha ANIF, urmând a fi promovate în funcþie de
cu lucr[ri de CES, cu 5.3 km amenajãri ravene resursele financiare acordate judeþului Vâlcea.
active. Douã din aceste studii (zona Buneºti
Tot în anul 2008 au început lucrãrile de Stoieneºti ºi Alunu) au fost deja avizate în
investiþii în localitatea Berislãveºti la obiectivul Consiliul Tehnico-Economic al ANIF în luna
„Lucrãri de prevenire ºi combaterea iunie 2008, iar în anul 2009 a mai fost
alunecãrilor de teren în zona Berislãveºti, promovat „Completãri lucrãri de CES BH
judeþul Vâlcea” pe o suprafaþã de 284 ha ºi Olteþul Mijlociu, Zona Roºiile ºi Tetoiu, Judeþul
cu o valoare de 1259174 lei, care au fost Vâlcea.”
finalizate la data de 30.09. 2009. La aceastã datã Unitatea de Administrare
Obiectivul „Consolidarea terenurilor Vâlcea are în lucru elaborarea a douã Note de
alunecate în zona Mosoroasa” Olãneºti cu fundamentare privind stoparea ºi combaterea
o valoare de 6500000 lei ºi o suprafaþã fenomenelor de alunecãri a terenurilor
amenajatã de 385 ha care avea un termen de agricole, în localitãþile:
finalizare 31.01. 2009 nici nu a început - Muiereasca, în satele Andreeºti, Gãvãneºti,
datoritã neînþelegerilor apãrute între pe o suprafaþã de 25 ha;
constructor ºi proiectant nu a început. - Runcu pe o suprafaþã de 110 ha.
Lucrãrile la obiectivul de investiþii din zona De asemenea se lucreazã la o Notã de
Mosoroasa se vor relua în urma aplicãrii fundamentare privind reabilitarea ºi
legislaþiei referitoare la achiziþile publice în modernizarea lucrãrilor din BH Govora,
luna noiembrie 2009. perimetrele Cacova, Dobriceni.
În privinþa terenurilor agricole degradate în Având în vedere cele prezentate mai sus, vã
urma fenomenelor de alunecãri de teren, informãm cã strategia ANIF RA pentru ducerea
specialiºtii din cadrul Unitãþii de Administrare la îndeplinire a misiunii de administrare,
Vâlcea au identificat ºi monitorizat suprafeþele exploatare, întreþinere ºi reparare a
afectate de pe raza judeþului, în anii 2006- amenajãrilor de îmbunãtãþiri funciare s-a
2009, fiind elaborate studii de prefezabilitate elaborat ºi se actualizeazã continuu, þinând
privind „Mãsuri de prevenire ºi combatere a seama de importanþa fiecãrui obiect de
alunecãrilor de teren” în localitãþile: activitate, de necesitãþile ºi evenimentele
Stoeneºti ºi Buneºti 73 ha, Mãldãreºti 541 ha, produse de factorii distructivi, de tipul
Alunu 2005 ha, Roºiile ºi Tetoiu 207 ha, calamitãþilor naturale, care au o dinamicã
Pietrari ºi Tomºani 80 ha. aleatorie funcþie de schimbãrile climatice ºi a
factorilor de mediu.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Ing. Prof. Constantin-Nicolae DRAGANESCU*, Ing. Diana PRUNARU*

*S.C. Electroputere Craiova
Abstract :The present paper shows that the equipment for irrigations is a component part of
the land improvement and its efficiency depends on solving the report between soil- water-
plant- climate. Taking the exemple of the flow is a water main irrigation canal, the necessary
quantity of ozone is calculated for the depolluation of sodium nitrites. At the end of the paper an
equipment generating ozone is briefly presented, equipment proposed by the authors and
protected by OSIM Bucureºti (State Office For Inventions And Trademarks )- Romania.

1. Irigaþile ºi raportul sol- apã- plantã-climã Nocivitatea acestor nitriþi constã în aceea cã
Lucrãrile agricole de amenajare a irigaþiilor aceºtia se combinã chimic cu radicalii liberi
aparþin domeniului de interes naþional, rezultaþi în procesele biologice ce se
deoarece sunt parte importantã a lucrãriilor de desfãºoarã în celulele ºi þesuturile umane.
îmbunãtãþiri funciare. Atunci când amenajãrile Radicalii liberi sunt « resturi « ale chimismului
de irigaþii deservesc suprafeþe mari de culturi arderilor din corpul uman- sub formã de atomi
agricole, ele constituie amenajãri în sisteme sau grupuri de atomi care au un element de
de irigaþii. Eficienþa irigaþiiilor însã, se justificã valenþã liber ºi prin covalenþã se combinã ºi cu
ºi depinde de modul în care prin acestea, sunt nitriþii sau cu alte substanþe din chimismul
dirijate optim relaþiile din sistemul sol-apã- organismului uman. Astfel de combinaþii ale
plantã-climã. Adicã de înþelegerea proceselor radicalilor liberi aglomereazã celulele ºi
privind pãtrunderea,înmagazinarea, miºcarea þesuturile umane, determinând dereglarea
ºi pierderea apei din sol, a consumului de respiraþiei intracelulare, dereglând procesele
acumulare ºi spãlare a sãrurilor din sol. vitale de hrãnire a celulei, etc.
Referindu-ne la acest ultim aspect, Caracteristica fundamentalã a acestor
concluzionãm cã este necesar ca apale combinaþii ale radicalilor liberi, este aceea cã
folosite la irigaþii, nu trebuie sã aducã în solul au o viaþã lungã ºi foarte lungã, iar legãturile lor
irigat,constituenþi chimici dãunãtor, respectiv chimice sunt foarte greu de distrus de
poluanþi. Printre acestia, se numãrã ºi nitriþii, procesele imune sau autoimune existente în
care sunt sãruri ale acidului azotos ºi chimic celula umanã. De acea, chimismul
rezultaþi prin pierderea unui atom de oxigen, combinaþiilor radicalilor liberi umani,
de cãtre azotaþi. determinã boli foarte grave ( leucemie,
În sol, nitriþii ajung fie prin apele freatice (de la cancer).
zotaþii folosiþi în exces ca îngrãºãminte Concluzie: nitriþii din ape, trebuiesc distruºi,
agricole, sau din apele menajere ale populaþiei înainte de a ajunge în corpul uman.
sau a celor provenite de la fermele zootehnice
sau avicole) fie din apele folosite pentru irigaþii. 3. Ozonul ca depoluant.
Ozonul(O3) este forma alotropicã de existenþa
2. Nocivitatea nitriþilor pentru fiinþa umanã a oxigenului, în naturã. Se cunosc cel puþin 18
NITRAÞII (ex: NH4NO3; KNO31; NaNo3.) reacþii chimice, în urma cãrora rezultã ozonul:
care ajung în sol aºa cum am arãtat mai sus, Reacþia generalã care descrie obþinerea
sunt levigaþi ºi duºi în apa izvoarelor ºi aºa ozonului direct din axigen, este urmãtoarea:
ajung în organismul uman unde sunt 3O2 ? 2O3, iar reversibilitatea reacþiei aratã
transformaþi în NITRIÞI, de cãtre flora acea propietate caracteristicã a ozonului ºi
bacterianã intestinalã. anume cã este foarte instabil.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Folosirea ozonului ca depoluant se datoreazã Revenim la calculul nostru rezultã ca pentru

capacitãþii sale de puternic oxidant. Este cantitatea de 41,700kg de ozon consumatã
folosit nu numai pentru depoluarea apelor într-o secundã, este necesarã cantitatea de
uzate menajere sau industriale ci ºi pentru energie electricã de 1234kwh
potabilizarea apelor consumate de marile Având în vedere cã irigarea zi-noapte,
aglomerãri umane. Avantaje: agent oxidant dureazã cam 60 zile pentru un an agricol ºi
ecologic, putere mare de oxidare(timp de raportând la recolta obþinutã în condiþii de
reacþie foarte scurt) ; nu necesitã operaþii de irigare intensã, se considerã consumul de
depozitare fiind produs la locul utilizãrii, nu energie necesarã depoluãrii de nitriþi ca
produce compuºi secundari halogenaþi; nu acceptabilã din punct de vedere al costurilor
are gust ºi miros specific ºi îmbogãþeºte lucrãrilor agricole.
totodatã apa cu oxigen. Dar sãnãtatea oamenilor care se hrãnesc cu
Pe cale industrialã se produce folosind alimente fãrã azotiþi nu se poate exprima în
oxigenul din aerul atmosferic, trecându-l kwh consumaþi pentru depoluare ci în ani de
printre doi electrozi alfaþi la o diferenþã de viaþã sãnãtoasã.
potenþial de 15 - 20Kv.
5.Monitorizarea calitãþii apelor
4.Exemplu de calculul a cantitãþii de ozon În România, se monitorizeazã strict calitatea
necesar depoluãrii nitriþilor de Natriu, apelor conform HG188/2002 (reactualizatã )
mãsuraþi în apele unui canal magistral de care stabileºte norme legale pentru condiþiile
irigaþii. de descãrcare în mediul acvatic a apelor
Autorii unui tratat de irigaþii(1) menþioneazã cã uzate. Dar ºi in cazul irigaþiilor(ape descãrcate
dimensiunile uzuale ale unui canal magistral în solurile agricole ) se impune a se efectua
de irigaþii, are secþiunea unui trapez isoscel mãsurãtori asupra apei folosite în acest scop.
cu dimensiunile: baza micã (fundul canalului) Cum o parte din canalele magistrale din
=4 m; baza mare =8 m; înãlþimea de la bazã, la sistemul naþional de irigaþii (exemplu :
luciul de apã = 2,5m sistemul Sadova-Bechet Rast ; Sadova-
Deci secþiunea ocupatã de apã S=15m. Dãbuleni-Corabia) sunt alimentate cu apã din
Aceiaºi autori menþioneazã viteza de 1m/sec Dunãre trebuie menþionat cã efectiv se
ca fiind o vitezã medie de curgere a apei în desfãºoarã zilnic asemenea mãsurãtori,
canalele magistrale de irigaþii. pentru apele Dunãrii.
Debitul de apã vehiculat prin secþiunea Pentru comentarii asupra numãrului mare de
canalului este D=SxV= 15M3/sec indicatori de calitate mãsuraþi se prezintã mai
Presupunem cã mãsurãtorile calitãþii apei jos un Buletin de Analizã conþinând
folosite la irigaþii ºi vehiculate prin canalul de asemenea mãsurãtori, fãrã a devoala
mai sus, au determinat a concentraþie de rezultatele mãsurãtorilor. (Observaþii:
azotiþi de Natriu de 2mg/dm3. Necesarul Rezultatele cantitative ale masurãtorilor
deozon pentru depoluarea cantitãþii de nitriþi trebuiesc cunoscute nunai de persoane
mãsuraþi se calculeazã astfel : autorizate legal).
Conform reacþiei chimice:
NaNO2+O3=NaNo3+O2, fiecare mg de
azotiþi de Natiu consumã 0,695mg ozon. Deci
dacã la 1mg azotit de Na se consumã 0695mg
ozon, la 2mg azotit se consumã 1,39mg
ozon. Calculând cantitatea de azotit de Na din
cei 15000kg apã, rezultã 30000 mg azotit de
Natriu. Cantitatea totalã de ozon consumatã
este de 41,700kgO3 (consumatã într-o
secundã). Autorii lucrãrii (2) aratã cã pentru
producerea unui gram de ozon consumul
specific de energie, este 20Wh.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Mãsurãtorile au fost efectuate de organele

abilitate de la Direcþia Apelor Jiu-Olt ºi din folosesc ca sursã de tensiune un
observarea conþinutului numeroºilor transformator de înaltã tensiune, autorii
indicatorilor de calitate mãsuraþi rezultã cã considerã cã este mai puþin costisitoare
România monitorizeazã strict calitatea apei întreþinerea instalaþiei care foloseºte maºina
Fluviului Dunãrea, respectând normele UE din electricã de inducþie ºi este mai uºor de
domeniul apelor. exploatat. Instalaþia propusã de autori este
protejatã printr-o Cerere de Brevet la OSIM
6. O instalaþie de produs ozon propusã de Bucurºti, iar autorii cautã colaboratori pentru
autori, foloseºte o masinã electricã de construirea modelului instalaþiei ºi apoi a
inducþie cu bobinaje modificate, din gama de instalaþiei propriu-zise.
puteri standardizate.Spre deosebire de
instalaþiile clasice de produs ozon care
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

7. Concluzii
7.1. Depoluare cu ozon, de nitriþi existenþi în
apele folosite la irigaþii (concomitent se distrug 8. Bibliografie
ºi alþi poluanþi fizico-chimici ºi biologici) este
beneficã pentru sãnãtatea populaþiei; 8.1. I. Pleºa ºi colectiv
7.2. Deoarece s-au contruit instalaþii eficiente Exploatarea sistemelor de irigaþii- Ed.Ceres-
de produs ozon- acesta este folosit cu totalã Bucureºti- 1989
8.2. D.Robescu ºi colectiv
siguranþã sanitarã la depoluarea apelor uzate
Controlul automat al proceselor de epurare
sau pentru potabilizarea apelor ce a apelor uzate- Ed Tehnicã- Bucureºti-2008
alimenteazã marile aglomerãri umane ;
7.3. Calculele cantitãþilor necesare de ozon ca
depoluant sunt simple ºi sigure ;
7.4. Calitatea apelor din România este strict
monitorizatã conform normelor naþionale ºi
ale UE ;
7.5. Autorii propun o instalaþie industrialã
pentru produs ozon folosind o maºinã
electrica de inducþie ºi cautã coloaboratori
pentru construirea modelului ºi respectiv a
instalaþiei propriu-zise.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Senila Marin, Abraham Bela, Levei Erika, Miclean Mirela, Tanaselia Claudiu, Roman Cecilia
INCDO INOE2000, Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, 67 Donath, 400293,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Tel: +40-264-420590, Fax: +40-264-420667, [email protected]

Due to human activities, global scale pollution of the environment has increased significantly in the
last two centuries. With the increasing influence of anthropogenic factors on water sources, the water quality
assessment has an important role. Laboratory for Environment Analysis (LAM) from Research Institute for
Analytical Instrumentation is accredited according to the SR EN ISO/CEI 17025:2005, by Romanian
Accreditation Association and has all the required resourced for quality analysis of environmental samples.
Analytical techniques used in the Laboratory for Environment Analysis for water quality determination are:
Gas Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography, Ion Chromatography, Flame or Furnace Atomic Absorption
Spectrometry, Inductively Coupled Optical Emission Spectrometry, UV/VIS Spectrophotometry, pHmetry,
Potentiometry, Conductometry, Titrimetry and Gravimetry.
At ICIA we recognize that our analyses are important part of our customers business and the results
are used to make health and safety decisions with no adverse effect on human health and the environment.
Key words: Water quality, LAM, Environmental pollution

INTRODUCTION One of main problem for this type of

Water pollution is a complex process pollution is the high toxicity of these wastes.
which leads to changes in water composition, Pollution with nutrients (nitrates, phosphates)
aquatic flora and fauna damage, and may lead causes the eutrophication of waters due to the
to an inappropriate water quality state for increase the algae population, which
economical or recreational use, being decomposes quickly, using high amounts of
dangerous for human health [1, 2]. Water oxygen [3, 4].
pollution with organic substances is caused by Quality control of chemical
domestic wastewaters, cellulose, paper and measurements and assessment of their
food industry sewages and agriculture. In validity in accordance with ISO/IEC
aquatic media the waste is degraded by 17025:2005 Standard represent prominent
bacteria, thus, a high amount of organic waste targets of the Co-operation for Analytical
determines high bacterial growth that use Chemistry in Europe (EURACHEM) as an
oxygen and further cause death of fish and answer to ever higher demands of regulatory
other aquatic life forms. Pollution with toxic authorities and clients. Considering also the
substances originates from industrial sources trend of economic globalisation, the issue of
and especially from chemical, mining and confidence and approval of measurement
smelting industry.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

results including the testing reports becomes The Institute provides for customers
more pregnant. The principal factors involved precisely measured environmental values,
in the achievement of this goal are targeted expert knowledge and competence to
standardisation, accreditation and mutual broaden their knowledge, secure decisions or
recognise. optimise procedures and proceedings. This
Quality control (QC) procedures of offers confidence in making decisions, cost
analysis are related with the quality assurance of
efficiency and outstanding results. The
samples or lots of particular samples and include:
analysis of certified reference materials (CRMs), targeted involvement of ICIA as a neutral,
contaminated samples, duplicates and blanks as competent partner is a support in complex
well as charts for quality control.
decision making processes.
METHODS AND TECHNIQUES APPLIED IN The activity directions of the Institute are:
LAM ? Research-design in the following fields:
The Research Institute for Analytical environments, health, clean technologies, bio-
Instrumentation, ICIA, was established 20 energy, biomass, spectrometry and analytical
years ago, having as main activity the instrumentation.
research, design and realization of analytical ? Technology Transfer aiming to consolidate
laboratory instruments, as well as the and development, of a national network of
elaboration of analytical methods for a large technology centers in the fields of
range of samples types. Together with the environment, medical instrumentation,
development of the Institute and following the alimentation and nonconventional energies,
requests on expertise in various fields, these aiming at both the valorification of the R&D
preoccupations have extended towards results in the above mentioned fields and at
research and development projects, the long term socio-economic development of
programs on environment, health, the country, by strengthening the SMEs
technological modernizations and clean segment;
Chemical Analyses in the Laboratory for
technologies. Environmental Analyses, which was
The Institute holds a remarkable endowment accredited with SR EN ISO/CEI 17025:2005
that corresponds to the multidisciplinary reference by the Romanian Accreditation
character of research, design and specific Association (RENAR). In the Laboratory, one
execution of its working teams. The Institute has implemented the documents of the Quality
has several research laboratories in System, according to the SR EN ISO/CEI
chemistry, analytical chemistry, spectroscopy 17025:2001 referential. The Laboratory
as well as design, mechanic and electronic possesses all the necessary resources for
execution workshops. This structure allows performing quality analyses: climatized
the tackling of a project on the whole, from the rooms, measurement instruments and
research stage up to the prototype elaboration equipments that are metrological tested and
stage. The institute have implemented and calibrated; quality reagents; quality assurance
certified Quality System for the whole ICIA methods for the analysis results; highly
activity, according to ISO 9001:2000. qualified and experienced personnel in the
field of environmental analyses.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In the laboratory the following parameters are potentiometry, conductometry, titrimetry,

gravimetry, Gas Chromatography with Flame
determined from water, air, soil and vegetable Ionization Detector, Electron Capture
samples: Detector, Thermal Conductivity detector and
? Anorganics Ammonia nitrogen, Mass Spectrometry.
Nitrates, Nitrites, Total nitrogen, Bromides, Water analyses are done by several
Cyanides, Chlorides, Fluorides, Phosphates methods. The most common types of
Total Phosphorus, Sulfates, Sulfurs, measurements are gravimetric, volumetric,
Sulfocyanides, Arsenic, Boron, Metals electrochemical and optical. Instrumental
(Cadmium, Mercury, Lead, Iron, Total methods are becoming increasingly popular,
Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Nickel, and instrumentation is getting "smarter" and
Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Tin, Antimony, easier to use with the inclusion of
Aluminum, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, microprocessors. In the simplest case, a
Calcium, Cobalt, Lithium, Magnesium, sample may just be placed in an instrument
Molybdenum, Potassium, Silica, Silver, and a result read directly on a display. More
Sodium, Strontium, Titan, Vanadium, often some physical separation technique or
Zirconium). chemical procedure is needed before a
? Organics Total Organic Carbon (TOC), measurement is made, in order to remove
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), Total interferences and transform the analyte into a
Hydrocarbon Content, Volatile Hydrocarbons, form which can be detected by the instrument.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), For gravimetric analysis we use
Phenols, Chlorophenols, Chlorobenzenes, analytical balances sensitive to 0.1 mg (220A
Absorbable Organic Halides (AOX), Volatile SCS, Precisa Instruments AG, Switzerland)
Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, or 0.01 mg (XA 60/220, Radwag, Czech
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB), Republic) with direct digital readouts. The
Organochlorine Pesticides. volumetric analysis (titration) use a well-
Generals Acidity, Akalinity, pH, Conductivity, defined chemical reaction to measure the
C B O 5 , C C O - C r, C C O - M n , A n i o n i c amount of a standard solution needed to react
Detergents, Hardness, Suspended Matters,
Dissolved Oxygen, Petroleum Products, Total with certain amount of the sample. For the
solids dried at 105oC, Sedimentable Solids, volumetric analysis along with the classical
Petroleum ether-extractable substances. burettes our institute has an automatic
Analytical techniques used in the Laboratory
for Environment Analysis for water quality potentiometric titrator (809 Titrando,
determination are: Ion Chromatography (IC), Methrom, Switzerland). Electrochemical
Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry measurements involve placing electrodes in a
(FAAS) , Graphite Furnace Atomic
water sample and measuring either an
Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS),
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission electrical potential (voltage) or a current,
Spectrometry (ICPOES), Inductively Coupled which is related to the concentration of
Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS), Atomic
Fluorescence Spectrometry (AFS), Ultraviolet
and visible spectrophotometry, Fourier
Transform Infrared Spectrometry, pH-metry,
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Depending on what they are designed to implemented: Solid Phase Extraction

measure, electrodes can be simple pieces of (SPE), Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME)
metals (Au, Ag, Pt) or they may be elaborate and Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) with
systems with semi-permeable membranes multiple advantages (simple and fast, solvent
and several internal electrodes and filling free methods). A continuous flow of an inert
solutions. The instrumentation is able to read gas, such as argon, helium, or sometimes
out directly in concentration units, after nitrogen, carries the evaporated mixture
calibration, using one or more standard through the column. The substances are
solutions of known concentration. Our institute detected as they exit the column, usually by a
has an oxygenmeter (INOLAB 740, WTW, technique that converts them into ions
Germany), a pHmeter (3340, JENWAY, UK) (electrically charged atoms or molecules). The
and three portable multiparameters with ions are quantified by different detectors. In our
electrodes for pH, conductivity and oxygen institute the organic compounds from
measurements (Multi 350i, WTW, Germany). environmental samples are determined by
Spectrophotometry involves measuring the GC-FID 7890A, GC-ECD 6890N, GC-MS
intensity of a color in a solution and relating it to 5975B, GC-TCD 3000A from Agilent
the concentration of the analyte. While some Technologies, USA.
analytes are already colored, most of these For the determination of drugs and
analyses require the analyst to add some hormones from environmental and food
chemical reagents to a sample to produce a samples we use high performance liquid
characteristic color. In our institute for the chromatography coupled with mass
spectrometric determinations in the UV VIS spectrometer (LC/MS 3200 Qtrap, Applied
range a Lambda 25 Perkin Elmer Biosystems, USA) that can function as triple
Spectrometer while in the IR range the quadrupole or ionic trap. The ionization of the
SPECTRUM BX II FTIR spectrometer from analyte is achived by electrospray ionisation
Perkin Elmer is used. (ESI) or atmospheric pressure chemical
In gas chromatography, the mixture of ionization (APCI) in function of the analyte
substances is injected into a capillary column, volatility.
made of an inert material like glass, silica or The ion chromatography (IC 761 Compact,
Metrohm, Switzerland) is used to determine
stainless steel. The columns are usually charged inorganic or organic substances. The
contained in an oven, which may be mobile phase is an aqueous solution while the
programmable to raise the temperature at a stationary phase is made up of an ion
exchange resin. The detectors usually
controlled rate over time. The sample has measure electrical conductivity, although UV
usually been extracted into an organic solvent absorption can also be used. This technique
and concentrated by evaporation as a can be used to measure the concentrations of
several important inorganic anions, such as
pretreatment step. Additionally other new
fluoride, sulfate, phosphate, and nitrate all in
sample pretreatment methods have been one analysis.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

For the determination of metals in water ICPOES is generally superior in

samples the institute has an Atomic Emission accuracy, precision, free from interferences
Spectrometers with Inductively Coupled and dynamic range to other analytical
Plasma (ICP-OES Optima 5300DV Perkin instrumentation. A multi-elemental solution
Elmer) and an Inductively Coupled Plasma can be analyzed in 1 min therefore; large
Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS ELAN DRC II volumes of data can be generated very fast.
Perkin Elmer). Both ICPOES and ICPMS ICPMS offers much advantages than the other
techniques use inductively coupled plasma as techniques, including two of its most attractive
source but different analytical principles lead features — the rapid multielement capabilities
to different analytical performances. of ICPOES, combined with the detection limits
Approximately 70 elements form the periodic of GFAAS [11-14].
table can be analyzed using ICPOES Strengths of the ICP-MS technique
technique. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass include: Wide elemental coverage - virtually
spectrometry has even better performance all elements can be measured by ICP-MS,
than ICPOES, in multielement analysis and including alkali and alkaline earth elements,
ETAAS regarding detection limits. Wide transition and other metals, metalloids, rare
dynamic domain (7 orders of magnitude for earth elements, most of the halogens and
ICPOES and 9 orders of magnitude for some of the non-metals; high sensitivity and
ICPMS) make these methods suitable for low background signals combined give very
determining concentration on various low detection limits, fast analysis times [15].
domains, of trace and ultra trace levels [5-8]. The cost of instrumentation, operation,
In the laboratory, the microwave acid and maintenance for ICP-MS are generally
digestion is performed in order to determine higher than those for ICP-OES, leading to
the trace and ultratrace elements in a wide higher cost per determination.
variety of environmental samples. The In the literature there are a high number of
applications for these analytical techniques,
instruments utilized are: microwave digestion
including their coupling with other techniques
systems OY Analytical (Texas, USA) and for chemical speciation. Preparation and pre-
Berghoff (Germany) with 12 Teflon vessels concentration methods for samples with low
and pressure control device. The advantages metal concentrations that are below detection
limit with normal setup are presented in a high
of microwave digestions on classical number of papers [16-18].
digestions are: reduced analysis time,
reduced sample and reagents volumes, References
volatile elements are retained in the system, 1. Vasilescu I. D. “Mediul si economia”,
reduced corrosion equipment, lower detection Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, R.A.,
limits and sensitivity, process safety Bucureºti, 1997
enhancement [9, 10]. 2. Roman C., Abraham B., Levei E., Senila M.,
Miclean M., Tanaselia C., ProEnvironment,
2009, 2, 114 - 117

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3. Dutu M. “Ecologie- filosofia naturala a vietii”, 14. Senila M., Roman C., Konradi E., Frentiu T.,
Ed. Economica, Bucureºti, 1999 Cordos E., A 33-a Conferinþa Internaþionalã a
4. Visan S., Cretu S., Alpopi C. - “Mediul Societãþii Slovace de Inginerie Chimicã,
inconjurator- poluare si protectie”, Ed Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 22-26 May 2006
Economica, Bucureºti, 1998 15. Gurleyuk H., Brunette R.C., Howard C.R.,
5. Montaser A., Golightly D.V., Inductively Schneider C., Thomas R., Spectroscopy,
Coupled Plasmas in Analytical Atomic 2005, 20, 24-29
Spectrometry – Second Edition – VCH 16. Pizarro I., Gómez M., Cámara C., Palacios
Publishers New York, 1992 M.A., Anal. Chim. Acta, 2003, 495, 85–98
6. Becker J.S., Trends in Anal. Chem., 2005, 17. Simpson L.A., Hearn R., Merson S.,
24, 243-254 Catterick T., Talanta, 2005, 65, 900–906
7. Bacon J.R., Greenwood J.C., Van Vaeck L., 18. Fan Z.F., Hu B., Jiang Z.C., Spectrochim.
Acta, 2005, 60B, 65-71
Williams J.G., J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2003, 18,
8. Senila M., Abraham B., Konradi E., Roman
C., Cordos E., A 33rd International Conference
of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering,
Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 22-26 May 2006.
9. Walas, S.; Wojtowicz, M.; Mrowiec, H.;
Zegar, W., Intern. J. Environ., 2004, 84(13),
10. Tuzen, M., Microchem. J., 2003, 74(3),
11. Houk R.S., Fassel V.A., Flesch G.D., Svec
H.I., Gray A.L., Taylor C.E., Anal. Chem., 1980,
52, 2283 – 2289
12. Thomas R., Spectroscopy, 2001, 16, 26-
13. Perkin-Elmer, Guide to inorganic analysis,

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



*SC ICTCM SA Bucuresti

**SC SEBA Industrial SRL Bucuresti

Abstract: This paper contains some aspects regarding the reduction of the negative impact
generated by the economically activity over the environment by implementing technologies
and equipments for achieving fuel products of high performance, as pellets, with the goal of the
ecological capitalization of wastes with energetic potential.
Key words: pellets, wastes, valorification, tehnology, equipment

INTRODUCERE Unul din marile avantaje ale

producatorului roman de peleti in concurenta
Reglementãrile cuprinse în legislaþia UE cu producatorii europeni este intinderea mare
in domeniul ecologic, si anume de a se a suprafetelor forestiere din tara noastra.
valorifica deºeurile lemnoase rezultate in Astfel, nu se pune problema ca pentru a
urma prelucrãrilor primare si secundare, se fabrica peleti sa se defriseze paduri. PENTRU
poate respecta si prin plasarea unor utilaje de PRODUCTIA DE PELETI NU SE TAIE
compactare staþionare inserate in fluxul NICIODATA VREUN COPAC.
tehnologic specific care sa transforme aceste Bogatele paduri ale României pot asigura
deseuri in peleti la agenti economici din materia prima pentru producerea de peleti
domeniu. dupa cum urmeaza :
Peletii din lemn sunt un combustibil relativ ? lemnul de slaba calitate rezultat în urma
nou aparut care raspunde noilor cerinte de curatarii acestora;
utilizare a energiei "curate" si regenerative. ? lemnul rezultat în urma taierilor programate;
Peletii se produc prin presarea ? deseurile (rumegus, talaj) rezultate în
rumegusului rezultat la gatere, din tocatura de urma prelucrarii acestuia în industria de
lemn a copacilor din doborâturi de vânt si în profil.
general din deseurile rezultate în urma La export peletii se vând cu cca. 190-200
prelucrarii lemnului. EURO/tona, iar cheltuielile de productie sunt
Producerea peletilor, de obicei nu de cca. 30 EURO/tona. Nu se cunosc pana in
necesita aditivi sau lianti datorita rasinilor prezent cazuri de alergie provocata de
existente în mod natural în materia prima de arderea sau de depozitarea peletilor in
baza. apropiere.
Alinierea tarii noastre la cerintele
ecologice ale standardelor de calitate UE 2. TEHNOLOGIA DE REALIZARE A
impune recuperarea aproape totala a PELETILOR
deseurilor din materiale lemnoase, precum si
valorificarea lor integrala. In Romania , Reglementarile cuprinse in legislatia UE
politica si strategia recuperarii si reciclarii privind ecologia mediului referitoare la
deseurilor din materiale lemnoase se valorificarea aproape integrala a deseurilor din
realizeaza prin CNRM Comisia Nationala materiale lemnoase impune o tehnologie de
pentru Recuperarea Materialelor din cadrul prelucrare a acestor deseuri in vederea unei
Ministerului Economiei si Finantelor. valorificari eficiente.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

FLUXUL DE FABICATIE pentru productia Sunt cunoscute diferite sisteme de

de peleti porneste de la rumegusul rezultat in transportoare mecanice, cu racleti, cupe sau
procesul de prelucrare al lemnului ca materie benzi, transportoare pneumatice sau sisteme
prima si parcurge urmatoarele faze pâna la de transport prin vibratie.
distribuirea acestora catre beneficiari, dupa Stocarea reprezinta o faza importanta in
cum urmeaza : orice flux tehnologic pentru corelarea
? Pregatirea materialelor; functionarii in mod continuu a diferitelor
? Transportul; echipamente tehnologice. Sunt cunoscute
? Stocarea; diferite solutii de stocare verticale sau
? Uscarea; orizontale prevazute cu diferite sisteme de
? Macinarea; extractie si dozare a materialelor depozitate.
? Peletizarea; Uscarea materialelor granulare
? Racirea; lemnoase, se realizeaza cu echipamente de
? Ambalarea; ultima generatie, in flux continuu si cu sisteme
? Depozitarea / distribuirea. complet automatizate, utilizand pentru
In continuare este prezentate succint producerea energiei termice necesare tot
cuprinsul fiecarei faze; dupa cum urmeaza : biomasa, respectiv rumegusul.
Pregatirea materialelor pleaca de la Macinarea materialelor granulare
conceptul de baza ca in fluxul tehnologic de lemnoase este o operatie necesara pentru
fabricatie al peletilor se utilizeaza materialul obtinerea unei anumite dimensiuni constante
numai sub forma de rumegus . si omogene pentru a fi utilizate in masinile de
Pentru transformarea in rumegus a fabricatie a peletului. Aceasta operatie se
materialelor, care se gasesc sub diferite poate realiza cu ajutorul morilor cu ciocanele.
forme, ca de exemplu, deseuri de lemn Alegerea unei mori cu ciocane pentru
rezultate din fabricatia cherestelei sau macinare se face pe baza mai multor criterii ca
fabricatia mobilei cu elemente masive, tipul materialului, sortimentatia, gradul de
resturile ramase de la exploatarile forestiere, umiditate , capacitatea, etc. Fiecare tip de
busteni, crengi, cioate, frunze, sau resturi de la moara cu ciocane necesita la randul ei
culturile agricole exista diferite tipuri de sisteme speciale de alimentare si evacuare
tocatoare cu disc sau cu tambur, mobile sau pentru a fi integrata in fluxul de fabricatie,
stationare, precum si morile cu ciocane personalizate de specialistii nostrii de la
specifice pentru macinarea materialelor departamentul de proiectare pentru fiecare
umede, in vederea obtinerii granulatiei linie tehnologica in parte.
necesare pentru utilizarea materialelor in Peletizare reprezinta operatia de
fluxul de fabricatie. Deasemenea in operatia transformare in combustibil a materialelor
de pregatire a materialelor este inclusa si special pregatite de echipamentele
sortarea care este o operatie foarte importanta componente ale fluxului tehnologic de
pentru materialele granulare lemnoase ce se fabricatie.
gasesc in tara noastra, ca rezultat al Aceasta operatie se realizeaza prin
proceselor tehnologice de prelucrare a masei extrudere adica prin trecerea fortata si in mod
lemnoase. Firmele specializate livreaza o continuu a unei cantitati foarte mari de
serie de sortatoare stationare sau mobile, fie material printr-un orificiu foarte mic.
montate in containere, ce pot fi amplasate in Alegerea tipului de masina de peletizare
exterior, fie cu utilizare numai pe spatii precum si a sistemelor de alimentare, mixare
interioare, avand ca optionale diverse sisteme si conditionare a materialului la intrarea in
de separare magnetica. masina trebuie sa se faca in baza unor
Transportul materialelor pregatite pe multiple criterii ce tin seama pe lânga
fluxul tehnologic se realizeaza cu diferite capacitate dorita de tipul, sortimentatia si
sisteme in functie de starea materialelor pe umiditatea materialului dar si de modul de
flux precum si de capacitatea liniei de pregatire in echipamentele utilizate anterior
fabricatie. introducerii in masina de peletizat.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Racirea dupa operatia de peletizare, este Depozitarea este operatia necesara in

operatia obligatorie in fluxul tehnologic de special pentru clientul final,inainte ca peletul
fabricatie datorita temperaturii ridicate a sa fie utilizat pentru alimentarea centralelor
produsului finit la iesirea din matrita de termice respective. Sunt cunoscute diferite
extrudere. sisteme de depozitare functie de exigentele
Temperatura de iesire poate ajunge la 90 clientului.
1000 ceea ce produce deteriorarea produsului Printre firmele care pot asigura
finit daca va fi in continuare stocat sau echipamentele specifice fiecarei operatii se
ambalat la aceasta temperatura. Sunt numara si SC SEBA Industrial SRL Bucuresti
cunoscute diferite sisteme de racire in current cu care institutul nostru colaboreaza foarte
de aer de capacitate diferite functie de bine.
productia ce se doreste a se realize.
Ambalarea produsului finit se realizeaza 3. Concluzii.
in saci de plastic cu greutatea incepand de la Prin implementarea tehnologiilor de
10 15 kg si pâna la 25 kg functie de realizare a peletilor si realizarea
necessitate. De asemenea se mai utilizeaza si echipamentelor specifice se va aduce o
amblarea in saci mari din material special cu contributie importanta la reducerea poluarii
greutatea de 500 1000 kg pentru uzul mediului prin valorificarea deseurilor de
industrial al acestor combustibili. Sunt rumegus.
cunoscute diverse masini de ambalat in pungi
de plastic si sisteme de sigilare a pungilor atat
in variant semiautomata cat si in varianta
complet automatizata cu roboti de preluare si
pozitionare pe paleti a sacilor cu peleti.

4. Bibliografie

[1] Linii de fabricatie peleti.;

[2] Linii de fabricatie peleti.;
[3]Linii de fabricatie peleti.;
[4] Linii de fabricatie peleti.;
[5] Contract PNCDI nr. 251

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Dr. ing. Lucian STANCIU*, Dr. ing. Emil VOICU*, Prof. on. dr. ing. Iosif COJOCARU*,
ing. Marius STAN*, Alexandru COCIU**

* INMA Bucureºti
** INCDA Fundulea

Abstract: For applying this technology is required a corn cob reaper with 2 lines, including
detachment and chopping with a single roller, adapted for a towed furrow combine, for
harvesting corn cobs before ripening, of a Corn-Cob-Mix-CCM.The equipment works with
tractors having the power of min.65 HP. The corn cob reaper adapted for the furrow combine
CTF contributes at the diversification of the range of machines for harvesting furrows,
according to the actual trends in what regards the increasingly animals brreding.
Key words: use corn cobs before ripening

-pierderile de ºtiuleþi de porumb în stare
Dezvoltarea ºi rentabilizarea producþiei de precoacere de la recoltare pânã la
agroalimentare, creºterea volumului ºi calitãþii administrare la animale sunt minime;
producþiei agricole prin diminuarea pierderilor -cheltuielile pentru depozitare ºi
din sectorul zootehnic se pot realiza numai administrare sunt reduse, iar necesarul de
prin perfecþionarea ºi modernizarea maºinilor forþa de munca este mic;
ºi echipamentelor tehnice utilizate ºi prin -pierderile de substanþe nutritive sunt
creºterea gradului de mecanizare a lucrãrilor minime, eliminându-se riscurile vremii
din cadrul tehnologiilor de recoltare ºi nefavorabile,în cazul staþionarii porumbului
conservare a furajelor sub forma unui furajer pe câmp.
amestec de boabe ºi ciocãlãi ºi a porumbului În cadrul diferitelor tehnologii de recoltare
zaharat pentru uz uman. În þarã, acest lucru a ºtiuleþilor de porumb în faza de precoacere
este posibil numai prin realizarea unor noi producãtorii de echipamente agricole,
tipuri de maºini ºi echipamente tehnice folosesc îndeosebi urmãtoarele variante:
specializate, cu fiabilitate ridicatã ºi costuri de -recoltarea ºtiuleþilor cu combina în câmp
exploatare scãzute, care sã asigure aplicarea ºi tocarea, mãrunþirea ulterioarã în fermã;
unor tehnologii de recoltare ºi conservare a -recoltare ºi tocare simultanã direct în
plantelor furajere cu parametri tehnico- câmp.
economici superiori. Un concept relativ nou, aratã cã
Conservarea porumbului pastã prin amestecul de boabe ºi bucãþi de ciocãlãi-CCM
însilozare reprezintã pãstrarea nutreþurilor (Corn-Cob-Mix) este din ce în ce mai utilizat ca
verzi, menþinerea valorii nutritive a acestora la sursã mare de energie pentru creºterea
un nivel ridicat în lipsa aerului ºi la o umiditate bovinelor ºi porcinelor, reducând dependenþa
cuprinsa între 60...70% ºi are urmãtoarele de concentrate. Fermierii care introduc 70-
avantaje: 75% porumb siloz în raþia zilnicã aratã cã nu
-însilozarea ºtiuleþilor de porumb sub existã o nevoie realã mai mare de surse de
formã de amestec boabe ºi ciocãlãi realizeazã fibre pentru tampon de stomac CCM poate
un nutreþ foarte valoros din punct de vedere oferi aceasta, constituind în acelaºi timp un
nutritiv; stoc de impuls cu energia necesarã.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Din punct de vedere al metabolismului

animalelor nu exista nici o diferenþã în ceea ce 2. DESCRIEREA AGREGATULUI CTF-C2
priveºte gestionarea regimului CCM, 2.1 CARACTERISTICI FUNCÞIONALE ªI
comparativ cu porumbul siloz, costurile de
producþie fiind similare.
Agregatul format din combina tractatã de
Recoltarea cu combina tractatã de furaje
recoltat furaje CTF echipatã cu culegãtorul de
CTF la care se ataºeazã culegãtorul de
ºtiuleþi C2 ºi remorca pentru tocãturã este
ºtiuleþi, executã concomitent cu detaºarea
prezentat în figura 1.
ºtiuleþilor si tocarea tulpinilor lãsând pe sol o
miriºte înaltã ºi resturi vegetale, excelente
pentru promovarea unor prelucrãri ecologica
la culturile ulterioare. Conform previziunilor
specialiºtilor din agriculturã, miriºtea
Fig. 1 Vedere lateralã al culegãtorului de ºtiuleþi C2
constituie mulci care ajutã la minimalizarea în agregat cu combina tractatã de furaje CTF în lucru
riscurilor de eroziune a solului peste iarna.

Culegãtorul C2 este compus dintr-un

cadru pe care se monteazã cele douã
secþii de detaºare-tocare, un melc
transportor, o transmisie ºi învelitorile
secþiilor cu vârfurile aferente.

Principalele caracteristici constructive si funcþionale sunt:

Tipul culegãtorului..............................................................................purtat pe combina de recoltat furaje

Acþ la combinã prin transmisie cu lanþ
Tipul aparatului de detaº valþuri rotitoare cu cuþite
Nr. rânduri recoltate, mm........................................................................2 rânduri (700 mm între rânduri)
Numãrul valþurilor pe secþii.......................................................................................................................1
Numãrul cuþitelor pe valþ, buc..................................................................................................................40
Frecvenþa de rotaþie a valþurilor, min-1...................................................................................................800
Frecvenþa de rotaþie a lanþurilor de transport ºtiuleþi min ....................................................................255
Viteza de lucru, km/h...........................................................................................................................2,2-7

2.2 Descriere funcþionalã

În procesul de lucru combina se

deplaseazã lateral dreapta faþã de tractor ªtiuleþii de porumb, recoltaþi de
(poziþia proþapului spre dreapta) asigurând culegãtorul C2 sunt preluaþi de valþurile de
deplasarea culegãtorului cu toatã lãþimea de alimentare ale combinei de furaje care îi
lucru în lan. împinge cu vitezã constantã spre toba de
Acþionarea organelor de lucru ale tocare. Aici, datoritã cuþitelor tobei ºi a
combinei ºi ale culegãtorului se realizeazã de contracuþitului, ºtiuleþi sunt fragmentaþi (tocaþi)
la priza de putere a tractorului, cu turaþia de ºi aruncaþi prin conducta de evacuare a
540 rot/min prin intermediul unor transmisii materialului, într-un mijloc de transport
cardanice prevãzute cu un cuplaj de protecþie (remorcã) care se deplaseazã paralel cu
la suprasarcinã. combina sau este tractat de combinã.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Reglarea lungimii de tocare a furajului se

realizeazã prin schimbarea poziþiei roþilor de
lanþ montate pe axele exterioare ale cutiei de
distribuþie care conduce la modificarea turaþiei
(vitezei periferice) a celor patru valþuri de
alimentare ºi obþinerea mai multor trepte de
lungimi de tocare cuprinse între 8,5-35 mm.
Aspecte ale lanului de porumb în care s-au
3. INCERCARI ÎN CONDIÞII DE efectuat încercãrile, hibrizii de porumb utilizaþi
LABORATOR-CÂMP ºi schema de amplasare a experimentelor
3.1 Condiþii de lucru sunt prezentate în figurile 2 ºi 3.
Încercãrile în conditiile de laborator câmp
ale culegãtorului pentru recoltarea ºtiuleþilor
de porumb ºi obþinerea de amestec boabe
ciocãlãi (Corn-Cob-Mix), ataºat combinei
tractate de recoltat furaje CTF, în agregat cu
tractorul de 65 CP s-au efectuat pe terenurile Fig. 2 - Aspectul lanului de porumb în care
s-au executat încercãrile ºi tipurile de hibrizi
experimentale ale INMA Bucureºti ºi la o fermã de porumb din parcele
din cadrul INCDA Fundulea pe parcele
reprezentative ca producþie.

Fig. 3 Schema de
amplasare a experimentelor -
I.N.C.D.A Fundulea 2009

3.2 Indici calitativi de lucru ºi pierderile de material la recoltat porumb ºtiuleþi sunt
determinaþi în urmãtoarele condiþii:

- tractorul folosit U650

- turaþia motorului 1800 rot/min
- turaþia prizei de putere 540 rot/min
- umiditatea medie a plantelor 62%
sunt prezentaþi în tabelul 1.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Tabelul 1 - Valorile indicilor calitativi de lucru ºi ale pierderilor de material

Denimirea indicelui UM Valoarea determinatã
Numãrul de rânduri recoltate buc 2
Distanþa între rânduri mm 700
Producþia la ha (ºtiuleþi) t/ha 11.86
Înãlþimea de tãiere (miriºtea) mm 160-550
Viteza de lucru Km/h 2.8-2.95
Pierderi de material totale % sub 3

Pierderi sub formã de: % 0.35

-ºtiuleþi cãzuþi pe sol
Repartizarea lungimii tocaturii pe clase
Gradul de tocare a tulpinilor s-a
de lungimi (înãlþimea de tãiere Ht = 200mm)
determinat pentru tulpinile de porumbului
dupã detaºare ºtiuleþilor iar repartizarea pentru un reglaj teoretic de 20 mm precum ºi
tocãturii pe diferite lungimi de tocare este un eºantion de tocãturã realizat de toba de
prezentatã în tabelul 2. tocare a combinei sunt prezentate în figura 4.

Tabelul 2- Lungimea de tocare a tulpinilor de porumb

Fig. 4 Repartizarea lungimii tocãturii pe clase

ºi un eºantion de tocãturã realizat de toba de tocare a combinei

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3.3 Indicii energetici determinaþi:

momentul la priza de putere, turaþia prizei de Pentru determinarea acestor indici s-a
putere, forþa de tracþiune, forþa de apãsare pe folosit metoda tensometricã utilizând
proþap, puterea pentru tractarea combinei ºi computer cu pachet de programe ºi SOFT.
pentru acþionarea în timpul lucrului sunt
prezentaþi în tabelul 3. Tabelul 3 - Valorile indicilor energetici

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Indicii de exploatare ai culegãtorului C2

pentru recoltarea ºtiuleþilor de porumb în
vederea obþinerii unui amestec boabe ciocãlãi
CCM (Corn-Cob-Mix), montat pe combina
tractatã de recoltat furaje CTF, în agregat cu
tractorul de 65 CP, cu remorca pentru
materialul recoltat cuplatã în spatele combinei
s-au determinat în aceleaºi condiþii în care au Fig. 4 - Vedere frontalã a agregatului tractor +
fost determinaþi indicii calitativi de lucru. combinã tractatã de recoltat furaje CTF cu culegatorul
În figurile 5 ºi 6 sunt prezentate aspecte din de ºtiuleþi C2 + remorca de furaje, în lucru
timpul lucrului ºi ale miriºtei de porumb dupã
recoltare, în zona unde s-au efectuat
Indicii de exploatare au fost determinaþi în 4
zile consecutive dupã stabilirea reglajelor ºi a
regimului optim de lucru, iar valorile lor sunt
prezentate în tabelul 4.

Analizând datele din tabelul 4 rezultã

Fig. 5- Vedere a miriºtei de porumb dupã recoltare
? Capacitatea orarã de lucru din timpul
efectiv (Wef ) a avut valoarea 4,621 t/h (0,39
Culegãtorul constituie o noutate pe plan
ha/h) pentru viteza de lucru de 2,8 km/h ºi de naþional, fiind conceput pentru promovarea
4,483 t/h (0,409 ha/h) pentru viteza de lucru de unei noi tehnologiei de recoltare a ºtiuleþilor
2,95 km/h. în faza de precoacere ºi obþinerea unui
? Capacitatea de lucru orarã de amestec de boabe ciocãlãi ( Corn-Cob-Mix)
performanþã a fost de 3,35t/h (0,282 ha/h), în vederea însilozãrii.
rezultând un coeficient de folosire a timpului Av â n d î n v e d e r e c o m p l e x i t a t e a
schimbului de 0,694 problemelor legate de aplicarea acestei noi
? Coeficientul siguranþei tehnologice a tehnologii se impune elaborarea unor
avut valoarea de 0,976 care aratã cã organele tehnologii inovative pentru recoltarea ºi
de lucru ale culegãtorului au lucrat însilozarea biomasei vegetale obþinute din
corespunzãtor, însã cu unele înfundãri furaje de porumb, în vederea îmbunãtãþirii
cauzate de ruperea vârfurilor de tulpini de calitãþii nutritive a hranei ºi a sãnãtãþii
porumb (când umiditatea acestora a fost animalelor.
peste 50%) odatã cu detaºarea ºtiuleþilor
conducând la creºterea masei vegetale Bibliografie
transportatã de echipament spre fluxul 1. Voicu E. „Dinamica ºi energetica
tehnologic al combinei de furaje. Acest agregatului, tractor combinã tractatã pentru
fenomen dispare în cazul unui lan de porumb recoltat furaje”, Ed. Terra Nostra, Iaºi 2009
cu umiditate de 40…45%. 2. Stanciu L. Gangu V., Pirna I., Cojocaru I.
? Consumul specific de motorinã a „Studii ºi cercetãri privind vibraþiile la
echipamentele de recoltat porumb dotate cu secþii
fost de 1.183 l/t corespunzãtoare vitezei de cu un singur valþ de detaºare a ºtiuleþilor ºi tocare a
2,8 km/h ºi de 1.121 l/t pentru viteza de lucru tulpinilor”. INMATEH Numãrul 2/2006
de 2,95 km/h. 3. Mãniºor, P.,º.a. „Tehnologii ºi utilaje noi
pentru prepararea furajelor de volum”, Ed.Ceres,

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Marin ªenilã, Erika Levei, Lãcrimioara ªenilã, Marius Roman, Mirela Miclean,
Abraham Bela, Mircea Chintoanu
INCDO-INOE 2000, Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, 67 Donath, 400293,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail: [email protected]

Metals bioavailability in river waters from a small region situated in NW of Romania, Certej
catchments, strongly affected by mining activities, was studied. The study regarding metals
bioavailability of was performed using a simple but very efficient mean of speciation in water: the
technique of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT). The principle of the method was verified using
solutions with known concentrations.
Dissolved metals DGT, metals in colloids and in metals particulate from water were determined.
Only a small part from total concentration of Mn is in dissolved form (bellow 5%), an important
amount is in particulates. In case of Fe, around 50% from total metals content are in dissolved form,
and a low part is in particulates. Similar distribution as in case of Mn has Zn, a small part being in
dissolved form. In case of Ni and Cu, around 30 - 50% from total contents is in dissolved form. In
case of Co and Cd, the dissolved DGT form is in low percent (bellow 5%), even if filterable content
are around 50% or higher.
Key words: DGT, speciation, water quality, metals, river waters, mining activities

Introduction different purposes, including: in situ

measurements, monitoring (time averaged
The Certej catchment is situated in the concentrations), speciation (labile inorganic
Metaliferi Mountains belonging to the and/or organic species), bioavailability
Southern Apuseni Mountains in the Western (effective concentration) (Davison at al 1994,
Carpathians in Romania. It covers a relatively Gimpel et al 2003, Tusseau et al 2003, Zhang
small area of 78 km2 (Figure 1). The Certej et al 1995, Zhang et al 2000, Zhang et al 2001,
river, 18 km long, is a tributary to the Mures Scally et al, 2003). The device is deployed in
river which flows into the Danube. The the water for a fixed period of time and than the
average water discharge in the river not mass of accumulated trace metals in the
gauged is estimated to about 0.8 to1 m3s-1. binding layer is measured. Knowing the
The technique of diffusive gradients in diffusion layer thickness, the mean
thin films (DGT) is used for in-situ measuring of concentration in solution during deployment
labile trace metal species in sediments and can be calculated using Fick's first law of
surface waters. DGT can be used for many diffusion.
F = D dC/dx (1)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

where: D is the diffusion coefficient and dC/dx F = M / At (5)

is the concentration gradient. Equating (3) and (5) and rearranging:
If diffusion coefficients of ions in the gel are the C = Mg / DtA (6)
same as in water, the flux is given by equation
where C is the bulk concentration of an ion and C' demonstrates that the concentration in the bulk
its concentration at the boundary between the solution can be calculated from the known values
binding layer (resin-gel) and the ion permeable of g, D and A, the measured deployment time, t, and
layer (diffusive gel): accumulated mass, M. This feature of DGT
whereby concentration is calculated from defined
F = D (C-C') / (g + ) (2) quantities make it ideal for in situ use as there is no
requirement for calibration.
If the free metal ions are in rapid
equilibrium with the resin, with a large binding The DGT method can be used also for
measuring of fluxes in water sediments and
constant, C' is effectively zero providing the resin soils (Allan et al 2007, Ruello et al 2008) or
is not saturated. In well stirred solutions the to predict the accumulation and availability of
metals to plants (Zhang et al 2001, Roulier et
boundary layer thickness, , is negligibly small
al, 2008).
compared to the thickness of the diffusive layer, g:
Experimental part
F = D C/g (3)
In practice the DGT device is deployed for a fixed Sampling
time, t. On retrieval the resin-gel layer is peeled off The in situ monitoring was performed in
and the mass of the accumulated ions in this layer is June 2007, by placing the DGT devices for two
measured. The ions in the resin-layer are eluted days in Certej river water. Three stations were
with a known volume, Ve, of solution 1M HNO3, in selected for the DGT devices deposition (C1,
the case of metals bound to Chelex. The C2 and C3). The sampling points are
concentrations of ions in the eluent, Ce, are than presented in figure 1. On each station, three
measured by a spectrometric technique. The ratio DGT devices were deposited and the mean of
of the eluted to bound metal is known as the elution the three parallel measurements was
factor, fe. Values of fe of 0.8 have been reported. calculated.
Taking the elution factor into account the On the place, pH was measured by a
accumulated mass of ions in the resin-layer can be pH meter (WTW Multiline) and a sample for
calculated: heavy metals was filtered through 0.45 µm
cellulose acetate filter by using a syringe.
M = Ce (Vg + Ve) / fe (4) Samples for dissolved and total heavy metals
where Vg, the volume of gel in the resin layer, is were filled in polyethylene bottle containing
often negligibly small. The measured mass, M, can the necessary volume of nitric acid suprapure
be used to calculate the flux through the known to get a pH of 2.
area of the device, A:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 2. DGT deployment devices

Syringes with mountable filter holders

containing 0.45 µm cellulose acetate filter from
Sartorius were used for water filtration on the

Fig. 1 Certej River catchment,

sampling stations and mining sites
Instrumental determinations for metals
Materials were done using an ICP-MS ELAN DRC II,
All reagent used were of analytical Perkin-Elmer with reaction cell for reducing the
grade (suprapure nitric acid). Ultarpure water interferences.
was used obtained using a Millipore system. An OI Analytical Microwave digestion
Merck chemicals had the following qualities: unit was used for samples digestion for total
32 % (m/m) HCl and 65 % (m/m) HNO3 both metals determination. pH was measured by a
puriss p.a. Argon from Gaz SRL Cluj-Napoca, pH meter (WTW Multiline).
Romania (5.0 quality) was used as plasma
support gas. Results and discussions
Stock multielement solutions of 1000 ? The method principle was verified in the
g mL containing Cu, Zn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cd and lab using a synthetic solution with 0.2 µg l-1
Mn from Merck were used. from each metal that was measured in the
DGT deployment units from DGT Research field. Good recoveries ranged between 0.85 -
Ltd Lanchester, UK were used. A plastic base
(2.5 cm diameter) loaded with resin gel, 1.0 were obtained for all metals.
diffusive gel and filter with an outer sleeve over On the field, acidic pH in all sampling
it to leave a 2.0 cm diameter window. Ion- stations was measured: 3.9 in C1; 4.2 in C2,
exchange resin layer Chelex-100, 4 mm
thickness; diffusive gel DGT cross-linker with 4.9 in C3.
open pore (allylglycidylagarose) 8 mm Total, total dissolved and labile DGT
thickness; membrane filter of 0.145 mm concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cd and
thickness were used. The used devices are
presented in figure 2 Mn were measured simultaneously by ICP-
MS. The total and total dissolved
concentrations were measured directly by
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Dissolved metals are metals measured

using the DGT method. The metals content in
colloids was calculated as differences between
metals in filtrate water using 0.45 µm cellulose
acetate filter. The metals content in particulates
was calculated as differences between metals
in unfiltered waters and metals in filtered
The obtained results for Cu, Zn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cd
and Mn are presented in figures 3, 4 and 5. The
metals were represented in different graphs
due to the different orders of magnitude.
Fig. 5. Metals distribution in dissolved form,
in colloids and in particulate in Certej river
(dis = DGT; col = filtrate – DGT; part = total -
filtrate (0.45µm))

In case of Co and Cd, the dissolved

DGT form is in low percent (bellow 5%), even if
filterable content are around 50% or higher.
Ve r y h i g h c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f
manganese, iron, zinc, copper and cadmium
Fig. 3 and fig. 4. Metals distribution in dissolved
were found in filtered and unfiltered waters
form, in colloids and in particulate in Certej river
clearly indicate an input of AMD. All analysed
(dis= DGT; col= filtrate – DGT; part = total -
metal concentrations go far beyond the
filtrate (0.45µm))
European quality standards in rivers. Certej
The dissolved for of metals are River inputs of heavy metals into Mures River
considered with a high bioavailability for the are substantial, although the water discharge
aquatic system. in Mures River is about 20 to 50 times larger
Only a small part from total than in Certej River.
concentration of Mn is in dissolved form The relative high concentrations of
(bellow 5%), an important amount is in metals in filtered samples are due to colloidal
particulates. In case of Fe, around 50% from particles with size bellow 0.45 microns.
total metals content are in dissolved form, and
a low part is in particulates. Similar distribution
as in case of Mn has Zn, a small part being in
dissolved form.
In case of Ni and Cu, around 30 - 50%
from total contents is in dissolved form.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Conclusions 5. Roulier J L, Tusseau-Vuillemin M H,

Our study demonstrates that DGT Coquery M,. Geffard O and Garric J (2008)
technique can be applied in waters with low Measurement of dynamic mobilization of trace
pH, but a decreasing of recoveries was metals in sediments using DGT and comparison
observed at pH below 4. with bioaccumulation in Chironomus riparius: First
The DGT-labile species of Mn, Zn, Co results of an experimental study, Chemosphere,
and Cd amounted to 5–10% of the total 70, 925-932
dissolved concentrations, Fe, Ni and Cu to 40- 6. Ruello ML, Sileno M, Sani D, Fava G
80%. These demonstrate that not all amounts (2008), DGT use in contaminated site
of metals in waters filtered by 0.45 microns characterization. The importance of heavy
filter are in dissolved, bioavailable form, and metal site specific behaviour, Chemosphere,
also demonstrate that DGT techniques is a 70, 1135-1140
very efficient mean for in-situ speciation. 7. Scally S, Davison W, Zhang H (2003), In
A strong pollution of Certej River with situ measurements of dissociation kinetics and
heavy metals can be observed. In the labilities of metal complexes in synthetic solutions
sampling stations from Certej the pH values using DGT, Env. Sci. Technol., 37, 1379-1384
ranged between 3.9 – 4.9 indicate a strong 8. Tusseau-Vuillemin M, Gilbin R, Taillefert
impact of acid mining drainages. M (2003), A dynamic numerical model to
characterize labile metal complexes collected with
References diffusion gradient in thin films devices Env. Sci.
1. Allan IJ, Knutsson J, Guigues N, Mills GA, Technol., 37, 1645-1652
Fouillac AM, Greenwood R, (2007) Evaluation of 9. Zhang H, and Davison W (2001), In situ
the Chemcatcher and DGT passive samplers for speciation measuements. Using diffusive
monitoring metals with highly fluctuating water gradients in thin films (DGT) to determine
concentrations, J. Environ. Monit., 9, 672-681 inorganically and organically complexed metals,
2.Davison W, and Zhang H (1994), In situ Pure Appl. Chem., 73, 9-15
speciation measurements of trace components in 10. Zhang H, Davison W (2000), Direct In Situ
natural waters using thin-film gels, Nature, 367, Measurements of Labile Inorganic and Organically
546-548 Bound Metal Species in Synthetic Solutions and
3. Davison W, Zhang H and Miller S (1994) Natural Waters Using DGT, Anal. Chem., 72,
Developing and applying new techniques for 4447-4457
measuring steep chemical gradients of trace 11. Zhang H, Davison W, and Grime GW
metals and inorganic ions at the sediment-water (1995), New in situ procedures for measuring trace
interface. Mineral. Mag. , 58A, 215-216 metals in pore waters. Dredging, Remediation, and
4. Gimpel J, Zhang H, Davison W (2003), In- Containment of Contaminated Sediments. ASTM
situ trace metal speciation in lake surface waters STP 1293, p 170-181
Zhang H, Zhao F J, Sun B, Davison B, McGrath S P
using DGT, dialysis and filtration, Env. Sci. (2001), A new method to measure effective soil
Technol., 37, 138-146 solution concentration predicts Cu availability to
plants, Env. Sci. Technol., 35, 2602-2607

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Prof. Radu Catalin TARCA**
ing. Sebastian RADU***

*SC ICTCM SA Bucuresti;

**Universitatea din Oradea
***SC SEBA Industrial SRL Bucuresti.

Abstract: This paper contains some aspects regarding the reduction of the negative impact
generated by the economically activity over the environment by implementing technologies and
equipments for achieving fuel products of high performance, as pellets, with the goal of the
ecological capitalization of waists with energetic potential.

Key words: pellets, waists, capitalizing, technologies, equipments


The production and usage in full blast of pellets The average forest cut realized between 200-
resulted from pressed sawdust appeared in 2005 was 13.000.000 m3/year. It results
the second part of the last century like so: 550.000 m3/year of wood transformed in
In the 1970 years, is built the first production sawdust, and a large quantity of chips and
unit in Brownsville SUA. other waist products.
In 1983 in the USA is sold the first residential The regulation presented in the UE legislation
heating station on pellets. in the ecological field, like capitalizing the
In the 1990 years in Sweden started the wooden waists resulted from the firs and
industrial production of wood pellets as fuel.. second processes, can be realized by placing
In 1996 there are over 20 heating station some stationary compaction equipment,
manufacturers and over 80 pellet inserted in the technological flow specific for
manufacturers. Already over 1.000.000 tones the economical agent from this field.
of pellet heat the houses in North America. The wooden pellets are a pretty new fuel
appeared as a new request of using “clean”
2. INTRODUCTION and recycling energy. These represent an
alternative source to a more clean home
Allaying our country to the ecological heating, and as a result of the classical fuel
requests imposed by the UE environment price adjustment to the European prices soon
standards, and achieving the commitments in Romania it will be a more economical and
made by Romania from the beginning of the affordable solution.
negotiation process at Chapter 22 of the The pellets are produced by pressing sawdust
community acquisition, requires total resulted at the saw mill, from wood hash of the
elimination of waists. trees put down by the wind and generally from
Romania, according to the official records, has waists resulted after wood processing.
a surface with forests of approximately 6.300 The pellet production, usual doesn't require
thousand ha, representing approx. 275 from additive and binders due to the resins naturally
the entire country surface. The Romanian existing in the raw materials.
forest fund is about 0,30 ha/ inhabitant.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

We cannot neglect this last source of raw

material. Every year a forest produces
thousand of tones of wood material which, by
Alignment to the ecological requirements of
natural causes, without human intervention,
the environmental quality standards of the UE
reaches the forest floor; for example old trees,
requires almost total retrieval of wood material
landslides or very strong winds. In conditions
waists, and their full recovery. In Romania, the
that more and more forest surfaces are given
politic and the strategy of waists recovery and
back to private owners and the European
recycling from wood materials is
legislation is quite drastic in terms of
accomplished by CNRM - The National
environmental standards, it's clear that the
Commission for the Material Recovery from
owners will want to steal a win from forest
the Financial and Economical Ministry.
ownership, becoming suppliers of raw
One of the great advantages of the Romanian
material for the pellet manufacturers.
pellet manufacturer in competition with the
All these are in quantities higher than the
European producers is the large area of
necessary for covering the country necessary
forests in our country. So, we cannot talk of
and presently there are not used almost none.
forest clearing as to produce pellets. FOR THE
It's estimated that 1.000.000 m3 can replace
approximately 180.000.000 liters of
conventional fossil fuel.
The rich forests of Romania can assure the
The low carbon dioxide emission means that
raw material for producing pellets as it follows:
the environment isn't affected, a proof being is
? low quality wood resulted from its
the non-inclusion between the polluting
substances, by the and can be used for
? the wood resulted from the scheduled
heating with help of the heating stations with
automatic supplying.
? waists (sawdust, chips) resulted after
The estimated consumption of pellets in
wood processing in the industry.
Europe for the period 2000-2008 and the wood
pellets price in the period 2002-2003 is
presented in the chart/table below:

The export price of pellets is around 190-200 4. PELLETS M A N U FA C T U R I N G

EURO/tone, and the production costs are TECHNOLOGY
approx. 30 EURO/tone. There haven't been
reported cases of allergy provoked by pellet Regulations contained in the UE
burning or storing environmental legislation regarding the nearly
full recovery of the wooden waists impose a
processing technology of these waists for an
efficient recovery. This technology includes:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- at first o manual sorting, the unwanted weighting and packing pellets. Schematic the
materials are removed, for example: metal technological flow comprises the following
objects, stones, etc. ( derived accidentally); main equipments: Mill with hammers;
- an mechanical sifting operation, with the Pneumatic conveyor; Sawdust drying
opportunity to select only the wooden waist installation (stove-dryer); Conveyor with snail;
with the optimum grain for the process of Conditioning unit; Pellet pressing module;
making pellets; Pellet evacuation conveyor; Pellet elevator;
- a operation of pelleting the wooden waists; Cooling Unit; Vibrating jigger; Conveyor with
- packing in plastic bags, cases, metal or wood snail; Pellet elevator; Exhausting unit; Pellet
containers etc., for an efficient manipulation, weighting machine, Automat packing machine;
storage and transport. This operation bring Electrical installation.
to: Following this technological flow, for a complex
a) an efficient manipulation of the pellet bale fabrication line, we can see the following base
in the waste storage area and beyond it's components: the mincing and storing module;
limits.; the sawdust drying-storing module; the pellet
b) possibility of storing the bales vertically. ; pressing module; the automat weighting and
c) efficient packed waste transportation to the packing module.
consumers ( a reduction of the mean of To realize a minimum fabrication flow, in a
transportation of 5-25% for the same project financed from the research funds, it will
quantity of waists ); be executed the experimental design of the
d) growing the pellet quality by avoiding the pellet pressing module, the conveyor with snail
contact with different contaminants during and the sawdust drying installation (stove-
transportation. dryer).
Technological flow for the pellet production The foreseen results after realizing these
consists in: mincing and storing the wet equipments will have the following minimum
sawdust; drying and storing the dried sawdust; general technical characteristics:
pressing the sawdust to achieve the pellet;
a) the experimental design of the pellet pressing module (fig.1).
- the pressing mold diameter: .................................................................. 500mm;
- the operating engine power: .................................................................. 15 kW;
- the pressing roll diameter: ................................................................... 230 mm;
- weight: ................................................................................................. cca. 1400 kg;
- pellet diameter: ....................................................................................... min 6 mm;
- pellet length: .................................................................................. max. 45 mm;
- productivity: .............................................................................. cca. 200kg/ora;
- gauge: .............................................................................. cca.1400x900 x1700mm.

Fig.1. The experimental design of the pellet pressing module.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

b) conveyor with snail.

- lenght: .....................................................................................................cca.2500mm;
- diameter: .................................................................................................cca 150 mm;
- rotation speed ....................................................................................... adjustable;
- operating engine power: ...........................................................................0,37kW.

c) sawdust drying instalation.

- stove
- operating engine power:........................................................................... 0,37 kW;
- gauge: ...................................................................................cca.2000x900x2100mm.

- dryer
- operating engine power: ...........................................................................1,5 kW;
- fan power: .................................................................................1,5 kW/3000rot/min;
- gauge: .................................................................................. cca.2400x750x1000mm.


By implementing technologies and [1] Linii de fabricatie peleti.;

equipments for achieving fuel products of high [2] Linii de fabricatie peleti.;
performance, as pellets, an important [3] Linii de fabricatie peleti.;
contribution to reduce the negative impact [4] Linii de fabricatie peleti.;
generated by the economically activity over [5] Contract PNCDI nr. 251
the environment will be achieve.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Victor-Viorel SAFTA (*), Erol MURAD (*), Georgeta HARAGA (*),
Magdalena-Laura TOMA (*)
(*) Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucuresti

The sieving equipments are technological objects of the wastewater treatment plants
which ensure the separation of the large suspended solids (branches, leaves, papers, plastic-
textile-metallic materials, garbage) carried by the wastewater stream at the surface or inside of
it. In the paper it is presented an advanced algorithm for the determination of the main
parameters, dimensional, kinematics, dynamics and energetic of a sieving equipment with
cylindrical screen.
Keywords: waste water treatment plant, large suspended solids, sieving equipment and
dimensioning algorithm.

1. Introduction
To the entrance of the preliminary diameter of the cylindrical drum screen
treatment in the wastewater treatment plants between 600 3000 mm. Every dimensional
there are foreseen sieving equipments which step may be provided with drum screens with
remove from the wastewater the large the bar spacing between 0,5 6 mm. The typo
suspended solids, such as branches, leaves, dimensional series ROTAMAT Ro2 is
papers, plastic-textile-metallic materials, designed to process a wide range of influent
garbage which are carried by the wastewater flows of wastewater between 25 2250 dm3/s.
stream, inside or at the surface. The modern In the figure 1 is presented the basic diagram
sieving equipments for wastewater are of the sieving equipment ROTAMAT Ro2.
complex units which firstly separate the large
suspended solids from the wastewater, and
then extract the water from the retained
material, compact and evacuate them in
closed containers. The most of the modern
sieving equipments have an automatic
working process which ensures a precise,
safe and hygienic functioning.
In the paper it is presented an advanced
algorithm for the determination of the main
parameters, dimensional, kinematics,
dynamics and energetic of a sieving
equipment with cylindrical screen.
The algorithm is conceived for
implementation in practice of the sieving
equipments like ROTAMAT Rotary Drum Fine
Screen Ro2 framed by Huber Edelstahl, Fig. 1 Basic diagram of the sieving equipment
Germany [2]. The sieving equipments ROTAMAT Ro2
ROTAMAT Ro2 are made in a typo
dimensional series with 12 steps of the

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Based on this algorithm it was

2. Advanced Algorithm for Optimal
accomplished an interactive program that
Dimensioning of the Sieving Equipment
allows a rapid and convenient the
with Cylindrical Drum Screen
determination of the values of all the
In order to select the optimal dimensional
parameters of the sieving equipment.
step from the typo dimensional series
Thus it can be analyzed easily different
ROTAMAT Ro2 for a certain value of the
constructive alternatives of the sieving
wastewater influent flow and for the
equipment in order to find the optimal
determination of the dimensional, kinematics,
dynamics and energetic parameters of the
For the easy identification of the sieving
main ensembles of thewaste water sieving
equipment parameters, in table 1 is given their
equipment in this situation, it was conceived
complete list, the symbols how they are
an advanced algorithm [1]. The structural
encountered in the algorithm basic diagram
diagram of this algorithm is presented in figure
and as the case stands their characteristic

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HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

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HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 2 The structural diagram of the algorithm

Table 1

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HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Based on the presented calculus
The waste water sieving equipments with algorithm, it was realized an interactive
cylindrical screen are modern equipment with program which allows a very fast and
an automatic working process which assures comfortable determination of the main
a safe, precise and hygienic exploitation and parameters values needed at the sieving
which requires only circumstantial supervision equipment designing. Due to the simplicity
and maintenance assistance when it is and rapidity of the program utilization, it can be
necessary. analyzed a multitude of constructive
In the paper it is presented an advanced alternatives in order to find the optimal
algorithm for the determination of the main alternative.
parameters, dimensional, kinematics,
dynamics and energetic of a sieving Re f e r e n c e s
equipment with cylindrical screen that 1. Safta V.V., Toma Magdalena-Laura Elemente
constitutes a very useful instrument for the de proiectare a echipamentelor ºi instalaþiilor din
designers in this sphere. treapta mecanicã a staþiilor de epurare a apelor
uzate, Editura Printech, Bucureºti, 2003.
2. *** ROTAMAT Rotary Drum Fine Screen Ro2
Brochure of HUBER-EDELSTHL (Germany)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Cecilia Roman, Mirela Miclean, Erika Levei, Marin Senila, Claudiu Tanaselia
Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, 67 Donath, 400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40-264-420590, Fax: +40-264-420667, E-mail: [email protected]

The mining and the metal processing activities from the North-Western Romania seriously affect
the water quality of the Somes hydrographical basin with transboundary consequences. This paper
presents the heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn) concentration in the water and tailing samples collected
along the Somes river and from sedimentation ponds, in North-Western Romania. The
concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, zinc in water samples were analyzed using inductively
coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, after appropriate sample treatment. The obtained results
showed that heavy metals concentration were higher than the maximum admissible concentrations
imposed by Romanian legislation, therefore a continuous monitoring along with the application of
bioremediation technologies in the area is mandatory.

Key words: heavy metals, pollution, water, tailing, Somes


Mining activities generate significant 2.1 Description of the sampling areas

amounts of waste [2]. In the upper part of During the sampling campaign in
Somes hydrographical basin, the high summer 2007, we have collected water and
amounts of tailings generated during tailing samples from sedimentation ponds
centuries of mining have been poorly (active or closed) and tailing dams (some of
managed. Mine wastewater and tailings are them, totally unorganized and improperly
known to have significant environmental managed).
effects due the high acid generating potential Three sampling sites were selected in
and release of important heavy metals the upper part of Somes hydrographical basin,
concentration. The erosion of waste dumps North-Western Romania, every of them
and tailing deposits and their accidental failure situated near old mining activities districts: 1.
in extreme meteorological conditions can Anies tailing dam (8 tailing samples), 2. Valea
generate local or regional scale pollution [3, 6]. Mare tailing dam (6 tailing samples), 3.
The mobilization of heavy metals present in Glodului Valley tailing dam (9 tailing samples).
tailing dams is increased by acid mine The sampling site is presented in
drainage, a chemical phenomenon due to the Figure 1.
sulphur oxidation of metal-sulphide minerals 2.2 Sample collection
by atmospheric oxygen, generating a powerful Samples of tailing (an approximate
leaching agent causing the secondary release amount of 5 kg) were collected from the
of heavy metals present in tailings [5]. superficial horizon (20 cm) of the dams.
The objective of the study was to The collected tailing samples were
assess the heavy metal contamination from thoroughly mixed; air dried in a clear room to
mining activities in the upper part of Somes avoid contamination and then divided into
hydrographical basin, NW Romania. representative sub-samples, grounded to
pass through 2 mm and then 250 m sieve,
performed by an automatic sieve shaker,
Retsch PM100, Germany.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Water samples for metal analysis were filtered All labware were previously washed in
using 0.45 µm pore-diameter cellulose nitrate diluted nitric acid and rinsed with ultrapure
membrane and acidified to pH=2 with water (Millipore from a Direct Q UV 3 Millipore
ultrapure grade 65 % nitric acid and stored at 4 system) to prevent contamination and were
°C. The samples for anion analysis were also sealed individually in polyethylene bags to
filtered (0.45 µm) and stored at 4 oC until avoid contamination during field sampling
analysis. campaign.
The analysis of water pH was carried
out in the field, with a portable WTW MultiLine
P4 Universal Pocket Meter (WTW Germany).

Figure 1. Sampling site

2.3 Chemical analysis In order to determine the metals contents, the
2.3.1 Determination of pH in tailing samples water samples were digested on a sand bath,
The pH was measured in a 1:2.5 (m/v) by adding 5 ml of 65 % HNO3 at 100 ml sample.
tailing to water ratio using a Jenway 3340 ion After cooling, the solution was filtered and
meter (USA). diluted to 100 ml with ultrapure water.
The concentrations of Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn
2.3.2 Determination of heavy metals content
were determined by Inductively Coupled
The heavy metal contents in tailings
Plasma Mass Spectrometry, ELAN DRC II,
were determined after aqua regia digestion
Perkin Elmer, USA, with external standard
[4]. Aqua regia generally dissolves all metals
in the residue except those in silicates, the
All relevant ICP-MS spectrometer
percentage extracted varying between 60 and
operating parameters (power level, gas flows,
100%, depending on the metal [1]. An amount
sample uptake rate and positioning of the
of 1 g sample (250 m) was weighted,
plasma torch in the front of the optical
introduced into the reaction flask and
interface) are controlled by the software.
maintained at room temperature for 16 h with
Thus, optimum operating conditions can be
21 ml of 12 M HCl and 7 ml of 15.8 M HNO3.
easily selected. The detection limits for metals
The mixture was then heated under reflux determination in ICP-MS following the aqua
conditions for 2 h. The solution was filtered regia extraction were 0.005 mg/kg for Cu, 0.04
and diluted to 100 ml with 0.5 M HNO3. for Pb, 0.01 for Zn, 0.005 for Cd.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2.3.3 Determination of anions

Anions (F-, Cl-, NO3- and SO42-) were
determined using a Compact IC Metrohm ion
chromatograph, with a conductivity detector,
with a Metrosep Supp 5 column for the
separation of major anions. The injection
volume was 20 l, and the flow rate was 6.0
ml/min. The obtained detection limits were
0.03, 0.08, 0.09, and 0.05 mg/l for F-, Cl-, NO3-
and SO42-, respectively.


The metals concentrations from tailings
are shown in Table 1 and from the
wastewaters in Figure 2.
Metal concentrations in water from
sedimentation ponds are assessed against
those in Romanian Order no. 352/2005,
(Ministry of waters, forests and environment
protection), required for industrial and urban
wastewaters discharged in natural receivers,
as comparison.
The obtained results for waters showed
that mean concentrations of Pb were 63.8,
14.7 and 24.3 times higher than the reference
value, respectively, for the three studied sites.
The mean Cu concentrations were 62.7, 261.2
and 61.2 times higher than reference value for
every site. The average values for Zn were:
910, 472 and 306 mg/l, respectively, and for
Cd: 13.4, 3.1 and 2.4 mg/l, respectively.

TABLE 1. Heavy metals concentrations from Figure 2. The mean metal concentrations in
tailing samples wastewaters (MAV-maximum admissible value)
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In Table 2 are shown the obtained mean The lowest levels were observed for fluorides
concentrations for fluorides, chlorides, nitrates and the highest for sulfates. The
and sulfates. A large variation in the concentrations of sulfates were exceeding the
concentrations of major anions was observed. maximum admissible values for 7, 6.4 and 2.1
times, for the studies sites, respectively.

The pH values varied between 2.8 and 7.5, REFERENCES

with a mean value of 4.96 and the standard
error of mean of 1.72. The low pH values may [1] Burt, R., Wilson, M.A., Keck, T.J.,
increase the solubility and mobility of metals, Dougherty, B.D., Strom, D.E. and J. A.
raising the risk of metal contamination in the Lindahl (2003) “Trace element speciation in
nearest water courses, groundwater and selected smelter-contaminated soils in
agricultural fields. Anaconda and Deer Lodge Valley,
Montana, USA”, Advances in
4. CONCLUSIONS Environmental Research, 8, 51-67.
[2] Conesa, H.M., Faz A. and R. Arnaldos
Mines and tailing impoundments, in (2007) “Initial studies for the
each phase from prospecting to exploitation, phytostabilization of a mine tailing from the
or even in closing or conservation stage, have Cartagena-La Union Mining District (SE
a negative environmental potential, affecting Spain)”, Chemosphere, 66, 38-44.
the waters, soils, vegetation, fauna, causing [3] Dudka, S. and D. C. Adriano (1997)
even landscape modification. Even closed, “Environmental impacts of metal ore
some mines and tailing deposits from the area mining and processing: a review”, Journal
represent a continuous pollution source of the of Environmental Quality, 26, 590-602.
environment. [4] Ilwon Ko, Ahn, J.S., Park, Y.S. K. W. Kim
The great number of tailing (2003) “Arsenic contamination of soils and
impoundments and decantation ponds in sediments from tailings in the vicinity of
Somes area determines the pollution of Myungbong Au mine, Korea”, Chemical
surface waters with heavy metals. Speciation and Bioavailability, 15, 67-74.
Technological accidents at these sites could [5] Pagnanelli, F., Moscardini, E., Giuliano, V.
have a violent impact on the whole and L. Toro (2004) “Sequential extraction of
hydrographic basin, with transboundary heavy metals in river sediments of an
consequences. abandoned pyrite mining area: pollution
detection and affinity series”,
Environmental Pollution, 132, 189-201.
[6] Salomons, W. (1995) “Environmental
impact of metals derived from mining activities:
processes, predictions, preventions”, Journal
of Geochemical Exploration, 52, 5-23.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Prof. on. dr. ing. Iosif COJOCARU*, Dr. ing. Nicolae CONSTANTIN*,
Prof. dr. ing. Ion PIRNA*, Dr. ing Eugen MARIN* Alexandru COCIU**

**INCDA Fundulea

Abstract: The new mechanisation soil work technolgy concentrates on mellowing and deep
airing of scarce soils and also nourishing them with nutrients. This may be applied on about
19.8% from the overall cultivated land from Romania. Its application at high quality standards,
low energy consumption and low costs has imposed a new technical equipment with high
quality constructive and operational parameters, purposefully created for wheeled tractors of
180-240 HP equipped with 5 active bodies, reversible knive and chisel type and 2 clod crushers
with claws on which is mounted an equipment for administering non soluble nutrients. The new
equipment named DECOM FERTI reaches working depths of max.40 cm at soil levelling and of
60 cm max. At soil work from arable substratum, the work width being of about 2.5 m and the
operational capacity of 1.56 ha-h. It administers nutrients with levels ranging from 50 to 250
Key words: technical equipment, soil mellowing and airing, administer nutrients

Noua tehnologie de mecanizare a lucrãrii

solului în substratul arabil este specificã
1. CONSIDERAÞII GENERALE solurilor grele si tasate, afectate alternativ de
România se confruntã cu un grad de exces si deficit de umiditate precum si altor
deteriorare a calitatii solului prin fenomene de categorii de soluri care prezinta limitari ale
eroziune, acidificare, alcalinizare, exces de capacitatii de productie determinate de
umiditate sau seceta, saraturare, compactare salinizare, alcalinizare, poluare etc. Aplicarea
etc. Principalul proces de degradare a solului, ei la un nivel calitativ corespunzãtor cerinþelor
prin extensie ºi impact socio-economic îl agropedologice, la un preþ de cost cât mai
reprezintã eroziunea prin apã, care împreunã scãzut ºi cu un consum redus de energie
cu alunecãrile de teren cuprind peste 7 mil. ha impune asigurarea unor utilaje cu parametri
teren agricol. Al doilea factor ca importanþã în constructivi ºi funcþionali superiori.
degradarea solului este excesul periodic de
umiditate care afecteazã 3,8 milioane ha 2.1. Destinaþia ºi domeniul de utilizare
teren agricol ºi 0,6 milioane terenuri
Echipamentul tehnic DECOM-FERTI
forestiere, iar excesul de seceta frecventã se
(figura 1), este de tipul purtat pe ridicãtoarele
manifestã pe aprox. 7,1 milioane ha de teren
hidraulice ale tractoarelor de 180-240 CP pe
agricol ºi 0,2 milioane ha teren silvic. Un rol
important în degradarea fizicã a solului îl roþi, categoria a III-a, SR ISO 730-1+C1:2000
ocupã compactarea antropicã a solului ºi ºi este destinat a executa decompactarea ºi
formarea crustei. Compactarea este întâlnitã aerarea în profunzime a solurilor deficitare,
pe cca. 1,3 mil. ha arabil ºi se datoreazã în concomitent cu administrarea de elemente
principal greutãþii ºisau folosirii prea frecvente nutritive ºi eliminarea stratului impermeabil de
a utilajelor agricole, cu deosebire în condiþii de sol (hardpanul) dintre stratul ºi substratul
umiditate nepotrivitã a solului, fie pe soluri arabil. Se utilizeazã toamna pe soluri
prea uscate, fie pe soluri prea umede. degradate aflate pe terenuri plane sau cu
pantã pânã la 6°.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Roata de reglare a adâncimii de lucru

asigurã reglarea þi limitarea adâncimii de
lucru a organelor active de lucru.
Echipamentul de administrat elemente
Fig. 1. Echipamentul tehnic DECOM-FERTI nutritive se compune din urmãtoarele
ansambluri principale: lada cu sistemul de
2.2. Descrierea constructivã ºi funcþionalã administrare a elementelor nutritive; tuburi
Echipamentul tehnic DECOM-FERTI se de administrat elementele nutritive; instalaþia
compune din urmãtoarele ansambluri hidraulica; reductor; platforma ; scara.
principale: ºasiu; organe active cu cuþite daltã
reversibilã ºi cuþite speciale pentru eliminarea Reglaje
hardpanului; tãvãlugi cu gheare; roatã de - reglarea paralelismului cadrului cu
reglare a adâncimii de lucru ; echipament de suprafaþa solului în plan transversal se face
administrat elemente nutritive greu solubile. prin aducerea la aceeai lungime a braelor
ªasiul asigurã prinderea echipamentului în verticale, reglabile, de susinere a celor doi
trei puncte la tiranþii ridictorului hidraulic ai tirani laterali ai ridicãtorului hidraulic al
tractorului ºi amplasarea celor 5 organe tractorului;
active (formate fiecare dintr-un suport de bazã - reglarea paralelismului cadrului cu
pe care se monteazã cuþitul tip daltã suprafaþa terenului în plan longitudinal se
reversibilã, cuþitul vertical ºi douã cuþite tip face prin lungirea sau scurtarea tirantului
«L») de afânare adâncã a solului din substratul central al ridicãtorului hidraulic al tractorului;
arabil. - reglarea adâncimii de lucru se face prin
Tãvãlugii cu gheare asigura mãrunþirea ºi o fixarea suportului roþii metalice într-o poziþie
uºoarã nivelare a solului prelucrat de cãtre corespunztoare adâncimii de lucru dorite
organele active, fiind amplasaþi în spatele corelatã cu poziþia tãvãlugilor cu gheare;
acestora. Ei se prind de ºasiu prin intermediu - reglarea normelor de administrare a
unor pereþi laterali ºi a unui paralelogram elementelor nutritive se efectueze continuu,
deformabil putându-se regla pe verticalã la cu un reductor ºi un hidromotor.
diferite distanþe faþã de organele active.


3.1. Caracteristici constructive

- Tipul tractat
- Tractor necesar, CP 180-240
- Latimea de lucru, m 2,5
- Nr.organe de afanare 5
- Distanta ntre organele de afanare, mm 510
- Tipul organelor de afânare : - cutit dalta reversibila
- « L » stg.- dreapta
- cutit vertical
- Nr. tavalugilor de nivelare-maruntire 2
- Diametrul tavalugilor nivelare-maruntire, mm 500
- Capacitatea lãzii de îngrãºãminte, dm3 300
- Elemente nutritive administrate : îngrãºãminte chimice solide, superfosfat, complexe,
azotat de amoniu, uree, nitrocalcar etc.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- Dimensiuni de gabarit, mm
- Lungime 1765
- Latime 2400
- Inalþime
- în lucru 1865
- în transport 2165
3.2. Caracteristici funcþionale
- Adâncimea de lucru, cm:
-afanare adanca max 60
-cizelat max 40
- Viteza în transport, km/h 4-8
- Normele de administrare a elementelor nutritive, kg/ha 50÷250
- Normele de administrare a fosforului ºi potasiu, kg/ha 70÷120


Încercrile de casã ºi în condiþii de câmp-
laborator ale echipamentului tehnic DECOM-
FERTI s-au efectuat în cadrul Sediului SC
MAT SA Craiova ºi pe terenurile agricole ale
Societãþii Agricole CRINA Bãrcãneºti, Jud. Olt
în agregat cu tractorul ZIMBRU de 195 CP din
fabricaþia SC MAT SA Craiova. In figura 2 este
prezentat Echipamentul tehnic DECOM-
FERTI (stânga) Echipamentul tehnic DECOM
(dreapta) în agregat cu tractorul ZIMBRU.

Fig. 2. Echipamentul tehnic DECOM-FERTI

ºi Echipamentul tehnic DECOM in agregat cu tractorul ZIMBRU

Determinarea gradului de afânare a

S-au fãcut mãsurãtori ale distanþelor
dintre riglã ºi câmp, la distanþe din 10 în 10 cm.
Principalul indicator calitativ de lucru, la
S-au executat 2 profiluri pentru fiecare
lucrarea solului în substratul arabil îl
reprezintã gradului de afânare a solului.
Gradul de afânare a solului s-a determinat prin
Gradul de afânare a solului s-a calculat în
mãsurarea coordonatelor diferitelor puncte
%, cu relaþia:
faþã de un sistem de referinþã (fig. 3), constând
într-o riglã aºezatã deasupra câmpului pe doi i=
þãruºi. Rigla a fost aºezatã orizontal cu ajutorul Gas= å

unei nivele cu bulã de aer ºi a fost orientatã i=

1 1
perpendicular pe direcþia de înaintare a n

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

în care:
h1 =dimensiunea mãsuratã într-un
anumit punct de la riglã la suprafaþa solului,
înainte de trecerea maºinii;
h2 = dimensiunea mãsuratã în acelaºi
punct de la riglã la suprafaþa solului dupã
trecerea maºinii;
n = numãrul de mãsurãtori efectuate.

La încercãrile din perioada august- septembrie

2009, echipamentul tehnic DECOM-FERTI a
Fig. 3. Aspect din timpul determinãrii ordonatei h1 realizat lucrãri de calitate, cu indici calitativi de
lucru ºi energetici corespunzãtori, în limitele
prevãzute de cerinþele agrotehnice -indici
prezentaþi în diagrama din figura 4:

Fig. 4. Variaþia indicilor de lucru ai echipamentului tehnic DECOM-FERTI

Echipamentul a avut o bun stabilitate în plan orizontal si vertical.

Principalii indici calitativi de lucru þi energetici realizaþi sunt:
- gradul de afânare, % Gas=19,4÷22,5% la 25÷30 cm
Gas=15,3÷18,6% la 50÷60 cm
- adâncimea de lucru, cm 50-60 la scarificarea solului
25-35 la subsolajul solului
-viteza de lucru medie, km/h 6,3 la scarificarea solului cu trei organe active
6,1 la subsolajul solului cu cinci organe active
-capacitatea de lucru medie, ha/h: 1,61 la scarificarea solului cu trei organe active
1,56 la subsolajul solului cu cinci organe active
-consumul de combustibil mediu, l/ha 23,00 la scarificarea solului cu trei organe active
22,50 la subsolajul solului cu cinci organe active
- normã de administrare elemente nutritive, kg/ha 50÷250

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

În urma încercrilor au rezultat urmtoarele 6. BIBLIOGRAFIE
avantaje ale folosirii Echipamentului tehnic
1. Cojocaru Iosif, ºi col -.Studii ºi cercetãri privind
DECOM-FERTI, destinat tractoarelor de 180 - tehnologia de lucrare a solului fãrã rãsturnarea
240 CP: brazdei ºi metodologia de experimentare a unui
- poate lucra în toate tipurile de sol, la Cizel la înfiinþarea culturilor de cereale pãioase -
umiditatea optimã sau redusã a solului la care Simpozion organizat de ASAS în colaborare cu
se obþine un grad maxim de afânare a AOSR, 1999;
acestuia 2. Cojocaru Iosif, ºi col - Tehnologie ecologicã de
- poate executa lucrarea solului (scarificarea subsolaj ºi lucrarea solului în sistem conservativ ºi
în orizontul B1) în substratul arabil echipat cu realizarea unui echipament tehnic de mare
trei organe active de lucru ºi distanþate între productivitate - lucrãrile Sesiunii ºtiinþifice
INMATEH 2004-II, Bucureºti, 2004
ele la 100 cm ºi subsolajul solului (afânarea în
3. Kolozsvari Constantina, Constantin N. -
orizontul A2 ) echipat cu cinci organe active de Echipament pentru afânarea adâncã a solului,
lucru ºi distanþate între ele la 51 cm MAS 220. Revista “Mecanizarea Agriculturii”,
- administreazã elemente nutritive între norma nr.10/2005, Bucureºti
minima de 50kg/ha ºi norma maxima de 250 4. Canarache, A. º.a. - Cercetãri ºi rezultate
kg/ha privind parametri agrofizici ºi hidrofizici optimi ai
- pãtrunde uºor în sol, pânã la adâncimea fertilitãþii solului. În: Rev. Cereale ºi plante tehnice,
maximã, spaþiul parcurs de agregat în acest nr. 10, 1989.
timp este de cca. 0,50 m 5. Bârcã, Gh. - Noi utilaje ºi tehnologii pentru
-are o bunã stabilitate în poziþia de lucru, atât lucrarea solului fãrã rãsturnarea brazdei. În
în plan vertical, cât ºi în plan orizontal, pentru Lucrãrile Simpozionului Probleme de
întreaga gamã de adâncimi de lucru realizate mecanizarea agriculturii, vol. II, Universitatea
- asigurã o bunã afânare a solului, fãrã Tehnicã Timiºoara, 1991
întoarcerea, inversarea sau amestecarea
orizonturilor de sol.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009







Abstract: The ecological systems are open, interconnected or self adjustable. In the structure
of each system there are 2 main factors: an abiotic one (climatic, physical, chemical,
pedological, geographical and geological) and a biotic one (referring at plants, animals, social
and psychological factors). The ecological systems having a dynamic character in permanent
change, are self adaptable, being able to provide ecological stability.

Sistemele ecologice sunt deschise, În legãturã cu procesul de urbanizare, se

interconectate sau autoreglabile. În pune problema utilizãrii raþionale a
componenþa fiecãrui sistem, existã doi factori suprafeþelor cu vegetaþie din zona ruralã,
fundamentali: un factor abiotic (climatic, fizic, incluzând ºi terenurile cultivabile. Conform
chimic, pedologic, geografic ºi geologic) ºi un datelor statistice, suprafaþa acoperitã de
factor biotic (referitor la plante, animale, factori vegetaþie din zona ruralã în anul 1700 a fost de
socio-psihologici). Sistemele ecologice având circa 3-4 milioane km2, pentru ca în anul 1900
un caracter dinamic ºi în continuã sã ajungã la 15-18 milioane km2.
transformare, sunt capabile de autoreglare, În figura 1, se prezintã schimbãrile
putând sã asigure echilibrul ecologic. survenite din punct de vedere al tipului de
Un ecosistem cuprinde organismele vii vegetaþie, în zona ruralã, în perioada 1700-
specifice ºi substanþele abiotice cu care 1900.
interacþioneazã, sensul de bazã, constând în
faptul cã toate organismele vii sunt într-o
legãturã naturalã.

Dezvoltarea durabilã se poate defini prin

realizarea cerinþelor a patru condiþii [1]:
- resursele energetice nu trebuie extrase
mai repede decât refacerea lor pe glob;
- substanþele produse de societate, nu
trebuiesc realizate mai repede decât pot fi
distruse de naturã ;
- spaþiile verzi nu trebuie diminuate,
deoarece ele contribuie la regenerarea naturii;
- într-o societate a dezvoltãrii, pentru Fig 1- Schimbãri în tipurile de vegetaþie
necesitãþile de bazã, trebuie sã se recurgã la din zona ruralã
resurse cât mai eficiente, distribuite ºi
utilizate cât mai raþional.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Se constatã cã, pãºunile au crescut de la Totodatã 2,4 miliarde de persoane, nu au

aproximativ 500 milioane km2 în anul 1700 la acces la îngrijire sanitarã.
aproximativ 3100 milioane km2 în anul 1990. În 2002 GCRW (General Comment on
Totodatã se constatã o modificare a zonei the Right to Water) a reuºit sã elaboreze
urbane, deoarece în anul 2000 circa jumãtate dreptul la apã. Se mai menþioneazã cã,
din populaþia mondialã a locuit în oraºe, evoluþia culturalã redusã a femeilor ºi
îndeosebi, în apropierea resurselor de apã. participare restrânsã a acestora la viaþa
De asemenea, se menþioneazã cã o parte socialã, determinã ca acestea sã nu contribuie
din populaþia globului îndeosebi în Asia nu la luarea deciziilor. De altfel, diferenþa dintre
are acces la apã curentã. bãrbaþi ºi femei în aceste þãri are un impact
I N T E R R E L A Þ I A D E Z V O LTA R E negativ atât de mare, încât depãºeºte
DURABILÃ - MANAGEMENTUL APEI inegalitatea dintre comunitãþi.
Din datele existente, rezultã cã, pe plan ROLUL LEGISLAÞIEI ªI AL
mondial, 263 de râuri traversezã douã sau trei INSTITUÞIILOR
þãri. Volumul de apã transportat în aceste Asigurarea pe viitor a unui mediu suficient
condiþii, reprezintã circa 60 % din apa potabilã de curat impune necesitatea elaborãrii unei
de pe glob, fiind accesatã de circa 40 % din legislaþii efectiv internaþionale privind mediul
populaþia mondialã. înconjurãtor.
În legãturã cu cele menþionate se pun, în Aceasta va sublinia obligativitatea
principiu, trei probleme. protecþiei globale comune din partea tuturor
- În primul rând faptul cã aceste situaþii statelor, asigurâdu-se o politicã cu caracter
sunt de tipul transfrontalier ºi din punct de internaþional, referitoare la o dezvoltare
vedere al relaþiilor diplomatice ºi durabilã cu efecte practice reale.
administrative, implicã multe þãri. Legislaþiile naþionale trebuie sã fie
- În al doilea rând, pentru asigurarea unei pregãtite sã execute prevederiile legii
dezvoltãri corespunzãtoare din punct de internaþionale a mediului, asigurând, totodatã
vedere ecologic, ceea ce intereseazã toate implementarea acestei legislaþii.
þãrile implicate, se impune evitarea
conflictelor între þãri. ROLUL CERCETÃRII ªTIINÞIFICE
- În al treilea rând, trebuie sã se asigure ªI PRIORITÃÞI ÎN TEHNOLOGIA R & D
un consens, privind recomandãrile de Se ºtie cã energia existã sub diferite
soluþionare a problemelor ecologice, bazate forme ºi se transformã, continuu, dintr-o
pe modele matematice care se referã la formã în alta . Evoluþia degradãrii mediului
criteriile necesare a fi alocate care servesc reprezintã un proces care nu poate fi definit
þãrile cu relaþii transfrontaliere. în mod riguros. Din acestã cauzã, calea care
Pentru soluþionarea din punct de vedere trebuie urmatã pentru limitarea acestei
ecologic, a problemei complexe a apei degradãri capãtã, inevitabil conotaþii politice
transfrontaliere, se impun urmãtoarele ºi economice, mai puþin bazate pe consideraþii
mãsuri: ºtiinþifice.
- de stabilit cine dispune de rezervele de Prioritãþile de cercetare ºi dezvoltare
apã ºi în ce mãsurã sunt implicate criteriile identificate de misiuni de experþi, referitoare la
politice sau legislaþia în vigoare; managementul integrat al apei în mediul rural,
-în al doilea rând dincolo de aspectele au fost consolidate prin selectarea de R & D
politice ºi legislative, se pune problema în zonele prioritare menþionate în cel puþin
managementului apei pe plan naþional; douã rapoarte de þarã.
- în al treilea rând apa constituie o Tabelul 1 prezintã lista consolidatã a
necesitate în ceea ce priveºte fertilizarea. tehnologiei ºi prioritãþile de cercetare,
Astãzi la nivel global, 1,1 miliarde de dezvoltare pentru cinci þãri, precum ºi
persoane nu au acces la apã potabilã, din relevanþa acestora în cadrul strategiilor de
care 63 % locuiesc în Africa. conservare ºi îmbunãtãþire a calitãþii apei pe
durata 1991-1992.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Tabelul 1
Prioritãþile de R & D

Influenþã puternicã ° Influenþã redusã

REFOLOSIREA ªI DISPUNEREA combinarea volumelor cu grade diferite de apã

DRENAJULUI PENTRU AGRICULTURÃ salinã, ºi de stocare a apei saline în bazine de
Presiunea asupra resurselor de apã a evaporare înainte de reutilizare.
condus la regândirea posibiltãþilor de Întrucât, epurarea apelor uzate urbane a
refolosire a apei de drenaj pentru agriculturã. avut o lungã tradiþie de analizã, de revizuire ºi
O serie de metode sunt acum disponibile, de stabilire a standardelor, tratarea ºi
de exemplu utilizarea ciclicã de apã dulce ºi reutilizarea apei de irigare a primit o atenþie
folosirea relativ scãzutã /moderatã de apã relativ mai micã.
salinã, la diferite etape de creºtere a culturilor,

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

RESPONSABILITÃÞI ALE Pânã la sfârºitul anului 1991, construcþia

ORGANIZAÞIILOR GUVERNAMENTALE a 150 de baraje mari a fost finalizatã ºi pusã în
(Studiu de caz pentru Turcia.) circulaþie pentru un singur scop sau pentru
cereri multifuncþionale, cum ar fi cele de
Organizaþii pentru lucrãri hidraulice cu irigare, de energie, de controlul inundaþiilor ºi
importanþã de stat (LHS), care rãspund de al ofertei interne de apã. Cele mai multe dintre
planificarea, proiectarea, exploatarea, ele sunt umplute cu pãmânt sau baraje din
construcþia ºi întreþinerea sistemelor de anrocamente, cu o capaciatae totalã de
irigare ºi drenare, de protecþie împotriva depozitare de 78.000 milioane m3. De
inundaþiilor, de investigaþii de cercetare, asemenea, 53 baraje sunt în construcþie.
planificare, programare. Investiþia totalã în LHS, sisteme de irigare,
baraje, este estimatã la 5.600.000 dolari SUA,
Direcþia generalã de servicii rurale la nivelul preþurilor din 1991.
(GDR) este responsabilã pentru dezvoltarea O problemã majorã a multor sisteme de
ºi utilizarea eficientã a terenurilor ºi irigare este raportul scãzut de irigare, adicã
resurselor de apã de cãtre agricultori, de raportul dintre terenurile amenajate ºi cele
construirea, întreþinerea, repararea ºi efectiv irigate, în cadrul unui sistem.
exploatarea de drumuri rurale, de alimentarea Media naþionalã a raportului de irigare
cu apã, energie electricã ºi instalaþii de este de 64 % - 72 %, la nivel regional este de
canalizare pentru sate, amenajarea (88 % - 22 %), iar fluctuaþiile anuale sunt (59 %
terenurilor slab productive (scheletice, acide, - 76%).
alcaline ), pentru a le aduce într-o condiþie
potrivitã pentru agriculturã, pentru pregãtirea
ºi efectuarea de lucrãri agricole de dezvoltare,
cum ar fi irigarea pe fermã, instalaþii de
drenare, canale, nivelare teren, consolidarea
terenului, drenaj superficial, îmbunãtãþirea
infrastructurii, planificarea construcþiei ºi BIBLIOGRAFIE
exploatãrii mici instalaþii de pompare mici 1- Drãgan G., -,,Componente ale
(asigurând pânã la 500 l/s, sau irigarea dezvoltãrii durabile”, ISBN 978- 973- 27-
culturilor pe suprafeþe sub 1000 ha), 1682-3;
construcþii ºi clãdiri de operare, ateliere de ISBN 978- 973- 720- 185 -0, Editura
lucru, laboratoare, staþii de cercetare ºi alte Academicã Românã, Editura AGIR, Bucureºti,
facilitãþi. 2008.
2- x x x - ,,Integrated rural water
Ministerul Agriculturii ºi Afacerilor management,, Proceedings of the Technical
Rurale este format din 13 direcþii generale din Consultation on Integrated Rural Water
care Direcþia Generalã de organizare ºi de Management, 15-19 march 1993, Rome, FAO,
aprovizionare este responsabilã pentru 1993.
serviciile agricole extinse. O altã Direcþie
Generalã de întreprinderi agricole este
responsabilã pentru producerea de bunuri ºi
servicii pentru a fi utilizate în agriculturã de
cãtre agricultori.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Erol MURAD *, Victor-Viorel SAFTA *, Georgeta HARAGA *, Sava ANGHEL **

(*),Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucuresti (**) INOE 2000 -IHP

Abstract: The actual corn kernels burners are power supplied by helicoid carriers with variable
revolution, which represents a very performant solution but also very expensive which requires
corn kernels already peeled and sorted. For a safer and continuous operation was created a
dosimeter which can use corn which was not sorted as well. From the performed tests in the
range of revolutions of 2...10 rot-min it resulted a very good and even distribution, the average
of a dose during the entire measuring interval is of 4,882 g-dose with max.variations of 0,2 g-
dose.The process of dosing corn kernels has a stochastic character and in these
circumstances was reached an average variation of 7,4% during the entire interval of
revolutions, with a maximum of 9,5% very close values for a process like this ( with a stochastic
character ) The average square deviation is in the range 3,55...7,24% which indicates a very
low dispersion of the mass of doses.

1. Aspecte generale din totalul producþiei de porumb boabe.

In prezent porumbul este încadrat în [3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15]
categoria culturilor energetice, cu un raport Pentru a se asigura alimentarea cu boabe
energie utilã/energie consumatã egal cu opt, de porumb cu un debit controlabil s-a conceput
deci cu rentabilitate economicã ºi ecologicã un dozator de porumb boabe de tip rotativ
evidentã. In 2007, pe plan mondial s-au acþionat cu un motoreductor cu motor de
consumat 480.000 tone porumb boabe curent continuu, pentru a se regla uºor ºi
energetic pentru producerea de energie precis debitului de alimentare prin variaþia
termicã ºi electricitate. Porumbul energetic se turaþiei rotorului de dozare.
poate produce oriunde sunt condiþii S-au facut foarte multe teste, facilitate de
agrotehnice minimale nefiind limitatã faptul ca peretele frontal al dozatorului a fost
producþia din considerente de calitate, fiind fãcut din pexiglas transparent de înaltã
încadrat la utilizãri industiale ºi nu se duritate, ceea ce a permis o foarte bunã
afecteazã siguranþa alimentarã. observare a procesului, fotografierea ºi
Dozatorul trebuie sã asigure o bunã filmarea acestuia. Dozatorul de boabe de
constanþã a masei dozelor la o turaþie porumb s-a testat funcþional un numãr mare de
constantã, sã nu se blocheze, sã nu se ore pentru a se constata siguranþa în
înfunde ºi sã permitã o variaþie a debitului de funcþionare ºi a se face reglaje ºi ajustãri
alimentare într-un domeniu suficient de larg pentru mãrirea siguranþei în funcþionare ºi a
pentru a se acoperi necesitãþile de putere stabilizãrii masei dozate. In acest scop s-a
termicã cerute de la arzãtor. organizat ºi realizat un program de încercãri, la
Din încercãrile efectuate cu agregate turaþii variabile pentru a se determina cãt mai
termice în care se arde porumb boabe s-a precis performaþele de dozare.
constatat ca agregatul cel mai solicitat cu cele Rezultatele încercãrilor au aratat cã
mai multe probleme tehnice ºi de exploatare dozatorul asigurã o funcþionare continuã,
este transportorul cu melc utilizat aproape în sigurã ºi o foarte bunã constanþã a debitului de
toate agregatele realizate. alimentare cu boabe de porumb a arzãtorului.
S-au produs blocãri, de spargeri ºi de Aceste rezultate au dus la concluzia cã
înfundãri, ceea ce a impus utilizarea unei dozatorul conceput corespunde scopului
mase de porumb boabe curaþate ºi presortate, propus ºi a fost montat pe standul de ardere
operaþiune care creºte preþul combustibilului porumb boabe care a fost incercat funcþional
ºi reduce considerabil masa utilizabilã cu bune rezultate.[1,2]
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2. Dozatorul de porumb boabe

Dozatorul a fost proiectat pentru un debit
de alimentare de 2kg/h. Pentru a se asigura o
funcþionare continuã de minim o orã la sarcina
maximã buncãrul de alimentare al sistemului
de dozare are un volum util Vb :
D 2 (kg.bp / h) ×
1 ( h)
al n
V =× 1,2 = × 3 dm3
1,2 =
b r 3
vbp 0.8 (dm / kg.bp ) (1)
Debitul discretizat de alimentare cu boabe
de porumb Dabp este
Dabp =
Da ln × 127(
N abp / 60 = bp / min ) (2) Fig. 1 Alveolã dozator porumb boabe

Debitul de dozare volumic Dav maxim este: Motorul de curent continuu al dozatorului
este alimentat de la sursa de tensiune
=Dal max ×
rbp =
n ( ) (3)
26,7 cm / min
stabilizatã cu reglaj continuu ºi protecþie la
Dozatorul este de tip alveolar, cu dozare supracurent. Tensiunea de alimentare ºi
discretizatã, în care, pentru un coeficient de curentul absorbit se mãsoarã cu douã
umplere de maxim de 0,7, intrã în medie 13 multimetre numerice de 2000 div.
boabe. Rezultã cã frecvenþa de descãrcare Pentru calcularea turaþiei axului
este de 10 alveole/min. Pentru acurateþea dozatorului s-a utilizat un cronometru de
încercãrilor s-a utilizat o singurã alveolã precizie cu care s-a mãsurat timpul pentru 10
activã, ceea ce duc la o turaþie maximã de 10 rotaþii complete. Realizarea capacului
rot/min. dozatorului din plexiglass transparent de
Rotorul de dozare se alimenteazã dintr-un înaltã duritate a permis o foarte bunã
strat de boabe menþinut la un nivel constant observare a fenomenelor de preluare a masei
prin unghiul de taluz natural. Pentru a se de boabe de porumb, precum ºi fotografierea
realiza taluzul de alimentare, în buncãr, s-a ºi filmarea procesului de dozare la diferite
introdus un perete despãrþitor cu o prelungire turaþii.
reglabilã pe înãlþime. In figura 2 este prezentatã fotografia
La încercãri s-a folosit o singurã alveolã standului realizat pentru încercarea
pentru o mai bunã observare a fenomenelor, dozatorului de boabe de care au
precum ºi pentru creºterea preciziei de fost efectuate experimentele planificate.
mãsurare a masei dozelor (Fig.1).
Sistemul de acþionare al dozatorului, cu
motor de curent continuu, poate asigura
variaþia turaþiei în domeniul 2..35 rot/min ceea
ce ar corespunde la o variaþie a debitului de
alimentare în domeniul 1,2...10,5 kg.b.p/h,
acoperitor pentru capacitatea de ardere a
arzãtorului încercat.

3. Standul de încercare a dozatorului

S-a realizat un stand pentru încercarea
dozatorului de porumb boabe prin fixarea
dozatorului, împreunã cu sistemul sãu de
acþionare, deasupra unui cântar electronic de Fig. 2 Stand dozator
mare precizie, eroarea absolutã = 0,01 g, cu de porumb boabe
cap de scalã la 2000 g.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Se constatã cã dozatorul de porumb

boabe, în varianta constructivã proiectatã, la
turaþie constantã, realizeazã o bunã constanþa
a debitului de alimentare, functioneazã
continuu ºi sigur cu porumb boabe nesortat o
lungã duratã de timp, corespunzând scopului
pentru care a fost realizat, asa cum se vede din
figura 3.
4. Rezultatele încercãrilor
S-au realizat teste pentru 5 turaþii diferite
ale dozatorului: 2, 4, 6, 8 ºi 10 rot/min. Pentru
fiecare turaþie a axului dozatorului s-au Fig. 3 Proces de dozare boabe de porumb
realizat câte 10 probe a câte 10 doze fiecare.
Fiecare probã a fost cântãritã cu un cântar
electronic de înaltã precizie. Abaterea medie patraticã sigma, are
S-a efectuat o analiza statisticã a valori în intervalul 3,55..7,24 % ceea ce indicã
rezultatelor încercãrilor pe teste ºi pentru o foarte micã dispersie a maselor dozelor, deci
toate încercãrile. In continuare, sunt o precizie ridicatã a procesului de dozare. Un
prezentate rezultatele obþinute pentru indicator important este eroarea medie, care
principalele mãrimi care definesc calitatea se constatã cã are o valoare medie de 4.26 %
procesului de dozare. ºi variazã în domeniul 2,87..5.67 % ceea ce
In tabelul 1 sunt prezentate rezultatele este extrem de redus pentru un proces de
prelucrãrii primare a datelor experimentale, dozare în care s-a utilizat porumb nesortat, cu
referitoare la masa dozelor, pe tot intervalul de un mare coeficient de varianþã dimensionalã.
încercare. S-au calculat urmãtorii indicatori Se poate constata cã procesul de dozare
statistici: media, abaterea medie patraticã, cu aceastã variantã secþiunii alveolei ºi cu
varianþa, eroarea medie ºi asimetría. Se preluarea bobelor de porumb dintr-un strat
constatã o foarte bunã constanþã a masei limitat de taluzul natural este precis, relativ
dozelor. puþin afectat de turaþia rotorului dozatorului,
În tabelul 2 sunt prezentate rezultatele ceea ce permite simplificarea algoritmilor de
prelucrãrii statistice a erorilor absolute a conducere optimalããa procesului de ardere a
dozelor faþã de medie, pentru aceiaºi boabelor de porumb, proces caracterizat
indicatori statistici. printr-un timp mort mare, datorat acumulãrii de
In tabelul 3 sunt prezentate rezultatele masã din corpul arzãtorului, necesarã pentru a
prelucrãrii statistice a erorilor absolute a se obþine puterea termicã necesarã.
dozelor faþã de medie, pentru aceiaºi
Din literatura de specialitate, precum ºi în
indicatori statistici.
cea de brevete se constatã o foarte micã
Se constatã cã media erorilor absolute
cantitate de informaþie referitoare la
este foarte aproape de zero ceea ce duce la
conducerea procesului de ardere a boabelor
concluzia cã experimentul a fost realizat în
de porumb.
codiþii identice pentru toate probele.
Firmele producãtoare de agregate termice
Se mai poate trage concluzia cã procesul
în care se arde porumb boabe nu dau nici o
de dozare este un proces stohastic afectat de
informaþie privind algoritmii de conducere,
factori aleatori care se datoresc diversitãþii
aceºtia fiind întradevãr extrem de importanþi în
dimensionale ale masei de boabe de porumb.
realizarea unor performanþe dinamice
Chiar ºi în aceste condiþii se constatã cã
corespunzãtoare în conducerea procesului de
varianþa are o valoare medie de 7,4% pe
ardere. Pentru a se realiza un model al
întreg intervalul de turaþii mãsurat, având un
corelaþiei masã dozã turaþie dozator s-au
maxim de 9,5%, valori foarte strânse pentru
efectuat prelucrãri ale datelor cu regresii
un proces în care este inclus un material de
liniare ºi neliniare.
origine biologicã.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Rezultatele sunt prezentate în figurile 2.7 dar normal pentru un proces în care intervine
ºi 2.8. Se constatã cã relaþia parabolicã puternic caracterul aleator al dimensiunilor
reprezintã mai bine procesul de dozare cu un boabelor de porumb nesortate.
coeficient de corelaþie de 0,822, nu prea mare,
Tabel 1 Masã doze

Tabel 2 Erorile absolute

Tabelul 3 Erorile relative

Fig. 2.7 Relaþie liniarã

masã dozã-turaþie dozator

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 2.8 Relaþie parabolicã

masã dozã-turaþie dozator

5. Concluzii 5. Un indicator important este eroarea

S-a realizat un dozator de boabe de medie, care are o valoare medie de 4,26 % ºi
porumb care preia doza dintr-un strat liber variazã în domeniul 2,87..5,67 % ceea ce este
limitat superior de taluzul natural, ceea ce extrem de redus pentru un proces de dozare în
eliminã posibilitãþile de blocare a rotorului sau care s-a utilizat porumb nesortat, cu un mare
de spargere a boabelor de porumb. Standul de coeficient de varianþã dimensionalã.
încercare pentru dozatorul de boabe de
porumb, este dotat cu o sursã reglabilã de Bibliografie
[1]. Murad E., Safta V., Haraga G,. Arzãtoare
tensiune, aparate de mãsurare tensiune ºi moderne de porumb boabe - caracteristici, performanþe
intensitate curent, cântar electronic de înaltã economice ºi eclogice, Salonul regional de Cercetare
precizie, cronometru digital. VEST HERVEX 2008, Cãlimãneºti, 12 -14 noiembrie
S-au efectuat încercãri pentru domeniul 2008
[2]. Murad E., Safta V., Haraga G,. Porumbulcultura
de turaþii 2..10 rot/min, suficient pentru
energetica; Simpozion Protectia Mediului Bucuresti,
necesitãþile standului de încercare a UPB, ISB, 21 noiembrie 2008
arzatorului de boabe de porumb. [3]. Brevet de invenþie US 2007/021521 A1, Apparatus
Din prelucrarea datelor experimentale s-a and method for combustion (corn)
constatat ca: [4]. Brevet de invenþie US 2007/0157858 A1; High
efficiency bio-fuel pellet and grain furnace
1. Media unei doze pe tot intervalul de
[5]. Brevet de invenþie US 2007/0137538 A1, Granular
mãsurare este de 4,882 g/dozã cu variaþii biomass burning heating system
maxime de ± 0,2 g/dozã, ceea ce aratã o foarte [6]. Brevet de invenþie US 2006/7004084 B1, Corn
bunã constanþã a procesului de dozare. burner
2. Media erorilor absolute este foarte [7]. Brevet de invenþie FR 2002/2826103 A1, Foyer de
poele a mai
aproape de zero ceea ce duce la concluzia cã
[8]. Brevet de invenþie US 7318431 B1, Biomass
experimentul a fost realizat în condiþii identice burning stove and method
pentru toate probele. [9]. * * * Manualul inginerului din industria alimentarã,
3. Procesul de dozare este un proces Editura Tehnicã, Bucureºti, Vol. I, 1997, Vol. II, 1999
stohastic afectat de factori aleatori care se [10]. *** CORN FURNCE SCF 050, User Manual,
Even Temp, Waco, NE
datoresc diversitãþii dimensionale ale masei
[11]. *** CORN STOVE models
de boabe de porumb. Chiar ºi în aceste condiþii 2100/4100/7100, User Manual, Nesco Inc., Cookevile,
se constatã cã varianþa are o valoare medie de TN.
7,4% pe întreg intervalul de turaþii mãsurat, [12]. *** MAGNUM 6500/7500 CORN/WOOD
având un maxim de 9,5%, valori foarte strânse PELLET FURNACE, User Manual, American Energy
System INC.
pentru un proces în care este inclus un
material de origine biologicã. 6033, User Manual, United State Stove Comp
4. Abaterea medie patraticã sigma, are [14]. *** CORN & PELLET MULTIFUEL STOVE
valori in intervalul 3,55..7,24 % ceea ce indicã 6033/6039T, User Manual, United State Stove Comp.
o foarte micã dispersie a maselor dozelor, deci [15]. *** GBU070 PELLET/CORN FURNACE,
User Manual, Pinnacle Stove Sales Inc.
o precizie superioarã a procesului de dozare.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




Dr. Ing. Mariana Florentina ªTEFÃNESCU1
Ing. Radu SAUCIUC2 Ing. Liliana DUMITRESCU2
Ing. Grigore NIÞU
UPB, Facultatea de Inginerie Mecanicã ºi Mecatronicã

The present paper present technologies and small size installations for sorting
compressing, washing and separating plastic food wraps wastes produced by food industry.

Trebuie menþionat de la început cã existã o

gamã diversã de echipamente pentru
realizarea reciclãrii deºeurilor tip ambalaje
Din studierea echipamentelor ºi liniilor de
reciclare existente pe piaþa mondialã a
rezultat cã nu existã în acest moment nicio
linie destinatã unor capacitãþi mici de
reciclare a ambalajelor alimentare ºi care
sã cuprindã toate echipamentele necesare,
Fig. 1.1.
respectiv compactor, maºinã pentru Sortare „negativã” pe bandã
mãrunþit, instalaþie pentru spãlare deºeuri
ºi instalaþie pentru uscare.

1.1 Echipamente pentru sortare

Sortarea sau inspecþia se realizeazã fie în
vederea balotãrii deºeurilor, fie pentru intrarea
în echipamentele de mãrunþire. Sortarea este
primul pas în procesul de reciclare. De sortare
depinde întregul proces de reciclare. De
aceea trebuie sã i se dea o mare atenþie.
Procesul de sortare se desfãºoarã la locul de
colectare a deºeurilor, pentru cantitãþi mici Fig. 1.2.
(întreprinderi mici), sau la centrele de Sortare „pozitivã”pe bandã
reciclare, pentru cantitãþi mari de deºeuri.
Sortarea poate fi fãcutã în mai multe moduri: La sortarea „negativã” operatorul alege de pe
manual, automat sau combinaþia lor. bandã tot ceea ce considerã cã nu este
container PET, lucru înºelãtor în cazul
Sortarea manualã amestecurilor de containere PET ºi PVC,
Se sorteazã prin recunoaºtere vizualã ºi se LDPE. Se pot sorta în aceastã variantã deºeuri
îndepãrteazã tot ce este altceva decât care au un debit de pânã la 500 kg/orã.
ambalaj alimentar de tipul containerelor PET, Operatorul care realizeazã o astfel de sortare
foliilor etc. În cazul sortãrii containerelor PET, nu poate sorta mai mult de 150 kg/orã.
sortarea pe bandã transportoare poate fi
„negativã” (Fig. 1.1) sau „pozitivã” (Fig. 1.2).
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

În cazul sortãrii „pozitive”, fiecare operator Gradul de sortare creºte dacã sortarea
alege de pe banda transportoare containerele automatã este precedatã de o sortare
PET, le examineazã ºi le depune pe altã manualã.
bandã transportoare care le duce la Firma TiTech Visionsort AS este pionier în
granulator. Ceea ce rãmâne pe prima bandã e sortarea automatã a deºeurilor municipale.
considerat gunoi .În aceastã variantã de Tehnologia TiTech PolySort care sorteazã
sortare fiecare operator poate mânui între 80 PET, PET-G, PE, PP, PS, EPS, ABS,PVC (Fig.
ºi 100 kg de PET-uri pe orã, operaþia este mai 1.3) se bazeazã pe sortarea în infraroºu de pe
înceatã, dar mai sigurã. bandã ºi combinã mai multe tehnici pentru
mãrirea eficienþei (Fig. 1.4).
Sortarea automatã
Oricât de atent ar fi un operator nu poate sã-ºi
pãstreze acelaºi grad de vigilenþã. În acest
caz se recurge la sortarea automatã. Aceasta
este un sistem care foloseºte radiaþii infraroºii,
spectroscopia de înaltã rezoluþie (NIR),
detectoare cu radiaþii X, analiza imaginii,
detectarea cu ajutorul a mai multe canale a
metalelor. Primele au avantajul de a
recunoaºte diferite tipuri de materiale plastice
(PET, PS, PA, PVC etc.), în timp ce Fig. 1.3.
Tehnologie de sortare automatã bazatã pe
detectoarele cu radiaþii X pot scana ºi sortarea în infraroºu pe bandã
îndepãrta numai deºeurile alimentare din

Fig. 1.4. Tehnici pentru mãrirea eficienþei în tehnologia TiTech

PELLENC Selective Technologies (PST)

sorteazã pe douã direcþii sau pe trei direcþii
(Fig.1.6). Cantitatea de sortare este de 2 400
kg/ orã. Nivelul de puritate al sortãrii este de
90-98 % ºi eficienþa de 90-96 %. Capacitatea
de sortare este între 2 ºi 10 tone/ orã.

Fig. 1.6.
Tehnologia PST de sortare pe douã direcþii

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 1.8.
Fig. 1.7. Tehnologia de separare ºi sortare S&S Varisort
Tehnologia PST de sortare pe trei direcþii
S&S oferã ºi o adoua tehnologie de sortare
d u p ã c u l o a r e a P E T- u r i l o r, n u m i t ã
Tehnologia de separare ºi sortare S&S
SPEKTRUM (Fig.1.9).
(Separation and Sorting Technology
GmbH), prezentatã în Figura 1.8, folositã în
Schönberg (Germany) este un procedeu
automat de sortare a materialelor plastice tip
PET sticlei ºi metalelor. Varianta Varisort
separã ºi sorteazã containerele PET întregi.
Foloseºte la sortare tehnologia în infraroºu ºi
are o puritate de separare de 99,5 %.

1.2 Echipamente pentru compactare


Compactarea deºeului colectat este o Fig. 4.9.

operaþie care uºureazã depozitarea, Varianta S&S SPEKTRUM, de sortare dupã culoare
transportul ºi operaþiile ulterioare, procedurã
necesarã în cazul deºeurilor alimentare care Compactarea filmelor alimentare
ocupã un volum mare. Echipamentele care Procedeul de micºorare a volumului de
realizeazã aceastã micºorare de volum sunt: ambalaje alimentare tip folie (Fig.1.10) prin
compactoarele ºi presele. vacuumare este utilizat de Firma SANKO
SHOJI LTD ºi are o ratã de compresie de
1:50. Se obþin baloþi prismatici uºor de
depozitat ºi transportat.

a) b)

Fig. 1.10. Sistem de compactare prin vacuumare ASSHU-KUN

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Aceeaºi firmã practicã micºorarea volumului de mirosurile ºi riscul biologic, previn apariþia
ambalaje prin balotare rotundã (Fig. 1.11). Baloþii insectelor ºi viermilor, îmbunãtãþesc igiena
au diametrul de 40 cmm ºi înãlþimea de 60 cm. locului ºi, ceea ce este important pentru
Echipamentul are senzor foto pentru detectarea deþinãtor, reduc costurile prin recuperarea ºi
disfuncþiunilor de balotare, este nezgomotoasã ºi
vânzarea deºeurilor recuperabile.
uºor de manevrat.
Rezultatul compactãrii Pet-urilor cu ajutorul
Prese pentu compactare ºi ambalare preselor este reprezentat prin baloþi (Fig.
Compactoarele ajutã nu numai la menþinerea 1.12).
curãþeniei, dar reduc semnificativ poluarea,
minimizeazã spaþiul de depozitare, reduc

Fig. 1.12.
Fig. 1.11. Balotare rotundã Balot rezultat din compactarea realizatã cu
ajutorul preselor
In Tabelul 1.1 .sunt prezentate prese verticale
ºi orizontale de micã ºi medie capacitate cu
caracteristicile lor funcþionale .
Tabel 1
Agri-mac V55 Vertical Baler

- pentru volume mici de materiale

- operare hidraulicã
- forþa de presare 2tone
1 - baloþi de pânã la 75kg
- timpul unui ciclu: 15s
- greutate: 205 kg

Model XP 300 - greutate balot 20-50 kg

- acþionare hidraulicã
- presiunea de lucru 0,5 MPa
- grad de compactare 85-90%
- timpul ciclului 10-20s
2 - nivelul de zgomot 57-60 dB
- diametru Ø: 450 mm
- greutate 100kg
- aprobat de Comunitatea Europeanã (CE)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

TCG -TL-100 Dual Chamber

- suprafaþa de lucru 686×490 mm2
Compacting Unit
- forþa de apãsare 1,5 tone
- timpul ciclului 40s
3 - rata de compactare 5:1
- conþine patru containere de reciclare
cu capac, în fiecare se pot compacta
95 de containere PET

Perforator-aplatizor pentru butelii PET

Compactor MRE

- complet automatizat
5 - capacitate: 4 tone/orã

1.2 Echipamente pentru mãrunþire

Mãrunþirea este realizatã cu ajutorul
t o c ã t o a r e l o r, m o r i l o r c u c u þ i t e s a u
granulatoarelor. Procesele de mãrunþire se pot
realiza prin procedeul uscat ºi umed.
Ca ºi în cazul echipamentelor de sortare ºi
compactare, sunt prezentate numai
echipamentele de serie micã ºi medie, s-a
realizat selecþia prezentatã în Tabelul 1.2.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Tabel 2
Moarã cu ciocane Alpine Omniplex

- îºi poate modifica caracteristicile

(puterea, gradul de mãrunþire etc.)
1 prin schimbarea rotoarelor profilate

Wet Type Granulator

- granulator de tip umed

- instalaþia taie ºi spalã materialul
mãrunþit în acelaºi timp
2 - poate fi echipat (dupã cum apare ºi în
figurã) cu sistem de uscare

Tocãtor cu un singur arbore

- este destinat ambalajelor subþiri, tip

- din cauza presurizãrii electrice are
3 un zgomot redus

Shredder STG-400
- motor electric de 261 kW
- 26 de cuþite pe rotor
- 12 cuþite
- turaþia arberelui rotor: 125-
140 rot/min
5 - lungimea rotorului 2400 mm
- diametrul cuþitului mobil: 635 mm

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

1.2 Echipamente pentru spãlare, În acest caz instalaþia de spãlare are ºi o

separare ºi uscare suflantã pentru aer. Spãlarea „sutã la sutã” nu
În instalaþiile destinate reciclãrii deºeurilor Tocãtura rezultatã din containere PET are o
operaþiile de spãlare, separare ºi uscare nu se densitate mai mare decât a apei ºi anume,
realizeazã întotdeauna separat, ci sunt aproximativ 1, 4 g/cm3.
grupate într-un echipament multifuncþional. Instalaþia pentru reciclarea containerelor PET,
Astfel, operaþia de spãlare are ºi un sistem de prezentatã în Figura 1.13, conþine o instalaþie
intensificare a operaþiei care ajutã ºi la de spãlare cu o putere de 7,5 kW, o instalaþie
realizarea separãrii: flotaþia. Flotaþia se de clãtire cu 2 melci cu o putere de 2×3 kW, o
bazeazã pe principiul migrãrii spre suprafaþã a unitate de uscare cu o putere de 11 kW ºi o
particolelor solide, cu densitatea mai micã unitate de uscare cu o putere de 24 kW +4 kW.
decât a lichidului de spãlare, înconjurate de Curentul de apã ( 4 m3) este adus de o pompã
bule de aer. Pariculele mai grele vor rãmâne la cu o putere de 4 kW.
baza incintei de spãlare.

Fig. 1.13. Instalaþie pentru reciclarea containerelor PET

O linie completã de tocare, spãlare,
centrifugare, uscare ºi recristalizare PET-uri
cu capacitatea de cca.500 kg/orã (Fig. 1.14),
care se compune din :
-1 moarã de tocat flacoane PET tip Moreto
(Italia )
-1 unitate de spãlare-producþie Ungaria
-1 centrifugã-producþie Ungaria
-1 uscãtor tip Moreto (Italia)
-1 unitate de recristalizare PET tip Piovan
(Italia ).
Gama ºi diversitatea sistemelor de spãlare nu
se ridicã la acelaºi nivel cu cele ale
echipamentelor de compactare sau mãrunþire.
Firma BONHOMIE Enterprise a conceput un Fig. 1.14.
sistem de spãlare ºi uscare a ambalajelor tip Linie completã de tocare, spãlare, centrifugare,
folie (film) ºi corpuri cave (injecþie-suflare). uscare ºi recristalizare PET-uri
Instalaþia cuprinde un „tanc” de spãlare, o
pompã pentru alimentarea cu apã sub
presiune ºi o suflantã pentru intensificarea
procesului de spãlare ( Figura 1.15 ºi Tabelul 3

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Alegerea sistemului de separare depinde de

tipul tocãturii (naturã, dimensiuni) ºi de
costurile fiecãrei metode.
În timpul operaþiei de spãlare, fiecare particulã
din materialul tãiat ia cu el o parte din apa de
spãlare. Centrifugele sunt unele dintre cele
mai eficiente instalaþii atât de spãlare cât ºi de
Fig. 1.15.
Sistem de spãlare ºi uscare

Tabel 3. Caracteristicile sistemului de spãlare ºi uscare din Fig. 1.15

Tabel 4. Modalitatea de alegere a lichidului de spãlare pentru separare


Sistemele de spãlare, separare ºi uscare sunt

integrate în instalaþiile de reciclare a Sunt rare sisteme individuale pentru
ambalajelor pentru deºeurile alimentare. realizarea independentã a acestor operaþii.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


The paper presents the methods of use of waste waters produced in live stock farms, the calcula for the
amounts of water and fertilizers needed for cultures and the safe waste water use norms. The details
presented are part of the watering technology which uses waste waters which must be followed strictly for an
efficient use of animals dejections and preserving the environment safety.
1. Introducere La irigarea prin aspersiune, lichidul
Dejecþiile lichide zootehnice de la este dispersat cu intensitate grosierã, medie
complexele de bovine sunt considerate sau finã, cu o uniformitate satisfãcãtoare, bunã
îngrãºãminte organice tradiþionale utilizate în sau foarte bunã, funcþie de tipul dispozitivului
gospodãria sãteascã. Lichidul de bãligar de distribuþie, presiunea la acesta ºi diametrul
conþine 92-97 % apã, poate fi uºor transportat duzei. Irigarea prin aspersiune cu ape epurate
prin conducte, fiind un îngrãºãmânt complex are urmãtoarele avantaje: pot fi mecanizate ºi
de potasiu , azot ºi fosfor. automatizate toate etapele de administrare;
Înainte de a fi utilizat lichidul cleios de poate fi utilizatã în cazul unui microrelief
bãligar se dilueazã cu apa în proportie de 1:2, complicat, asigurã o uniformitate mai bunã de
1:5 sau 1:10, formând apa uzatã. Lichidul repartizare a apei uzate; oferã posibilitatea de
cleios de bãligar este pe larg utilizat în a efectua udãri cu norme mici.
Germania, China, Japonia, Franþa, Canada, Indicii calitativi ai udãrii la udarea prin
S.U.A. ºi alte þãri. aspersiune cu apã epuratã sunt: intensitatea
Se aplicã codul de bune practici ploii, fineþea ploii, norma de udare ºi
agricole ºi Planul de implementare pentru uniformitatea distribuþiei.
Directiva 91/676/EEC privind protecþia apelor Intensitatea medie orarã se determinã dupa
împotriva poluãrii cauzate de nitraþii proveniþi relaþia (1):
din surse agricole, [7,8,9,10]. Trebuie utilizate (1)
cele mai adecvate materiale, tehnici,
tehnologii ºi practici care sã conducã la
unde: Q-debitul aspersorului, l/s;
eliminarea sau la reducerea acumulãrii
F-suprafaþa udatã, m2.
deºeurilor sau a altor poluanþi [1,2,3,4,5,6].
La distribuþia lichidului de cãtre aspersor,
2. Metode de distribuþie a apelor suprafaþa udatã este:
uzate zootehnice la culturile agricole
Distribuþia apelor uzate zootehnice la (2)
culturile agricole se realizeazã cu instalaþii de unde: R - raza de udare în m.
udare prin aspersiune, brazde ºi subteranã
[2,5,11]. Raza de udare a aspersorului la udarea
Pe terenurile accidentate, se folosesc cu ape epurate este mai micã decât la udarea
cisterne pentru împrãºtiere ºi instalaþii de cu apa curatã, conform relaþiei (3):
udare prin aspersiune. Dimensiunile maxime
ale particulelor din compoziþia apei uzate nu
trebuie sã depãºeascã 1/3 din diametrul duzei
dispozitivului de distribuþie. Se preferã duze
elastice din cauciuc pentru a se deforma în unde: RB - raza de acþiune a dispozitivului de
cazul blocãrii cu particule grosiere. udare cu apã curatã, m;
W-umiditatea solului de la suprafaþã, în % .
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Din analiza formulelor rezultã cã, la Udarea pe brazde cu ape epurate, se

irigarea cu ape epurate intensitatea ploii ºi aplicã pe suprafeþe mai mari, la culturile
raza aspersorului trebuie sa fie mai mare agricole prãºitoare semãnate la distanþe mai
decat la irigarea cu apã convenþional curatã. mari ºi la ierburile/ culturile semãnate la
La udarea prin aspersiune, norma de udare se distanþe mici.
determinã cu relaþia: Cerinþele la care trebuie sã rãspundã
(4) udarea pe brazde sunt urmãtoarele:
unde: t - timpul de udare, min. -sa conducã reziduurile cãtre terenul
Alegerea intensitãþii admisibile se de irigat prinr-un sistem închis;
efectueazã funcþie de dimensiunile picãturilor, -sã nu admitã scurgerea apelor
care la udarea cu ape epurate variazã de la reziduale de pe terenul irigat;
1,0 la 1,5mm. La udarea cu apã curatã, -sã permitã mecanizarea procesului de
diametrul picãturilor variazã de la 0,5 la 1,0 udare;
mm. Se lucreazã cu diametre mai mari la -sã se administreze norme de udare
udarea cu apã epuratã pentru a reduce precise;
pierderile prin evaporaþie ºi a poluãrii mediului. -sã nu polueze apele de suprafaþã.
La irigarea prin aspersiune cu ape epurate, Udarea prin brazde înclinate trebuie
pierderile de azot pot fi de 15 % organizatã astfel încât curentul de apã sã
iar pierderile de fosfor ºi potasiu pot fi ajungã la capãtul aval al brazdei fãrã a
neglijabile deversa. Înclinarea brazdei în acest caz
Cercetãrile experimentale au arãtat cã trebuie sã fie 0, 2 %-2 % iar debitul 0,05-1,5 l/s.
pentru udare trebuie folositã apã epuratã Pentru a organiza irigarea prin brazde
diluatã, cu concentraþia mai mare de 92 %. La este necesar sã se calculeze urmãtoarele
o normã de udare de 150-200 m3/ha, pe elemente: lungimea brazdei, debitul de udare
solurile cu permeabilitate mare se pot forma ºi durata udãrii. Aceste mãrimi sunt incluse în
bãltoace din cauza vitezei de infiltrare reduse ecuaþia:
a apelor epurate, fenomen ce favorizeazã
poluarea localã a terenurilor ºi scurgerile de (5)
De aceea dispozitivul de distribuþie al unde:
instalaþiei de udare trebuie sã aibe o - m = norma de udare pentru ca apa sã ajungã
intensitate micã sau mijlocie la capãtul brazdei, m3/ha ;
- L= lungimea brazdei, L = 50....150 m;
Toleranþa la uniformitate la udarea prin - b = lãþimea intervalului dintre rânduri, m;
aspersiune nu trebuie sã fie mai micã de 70 % - g = debitul de apã necesar pentru udarea pe
pentru a realiza o fertilizare satisfãcãtoare a brazde, m3/h;
culturilor. - lãþimea activã de absorbire a apei din
Principalele dezavantaje ale udãrii prin brazdã, m;
1 1
aspersiune cu ape epurate sunt urmãtoarele: iar: f med = 0,1gnp ·3· 6 (6)
-se produce poluarea aerului cu
aerosoli ºi mirosuri neplãcute ce se pot
rãspândi pe distanþe de pânã la 1000 m; unde:
-se pierde o parte din apã ºi substanþe - n = coeficient determinat de acumularea apei
nutritive prin evaporare (pierderile de azot pot în brazdã;
fi ºi de 15%); - parametrii curbei de infiltrare;
-se înrãutãþesc proprietãþile masei - timpul de parcurgere a apei în brazda,
verzi din cauza reziduurilor ce ajung pe în ore.
aceasta ºi necesitã o udare de spãlare cu apã Irigarea prin brazde adânci ºi late se
curatã; efectueazã pe pante mici de 0,001....0,002.
-sunt necesare cheltuieli energetice Distanþa între rânduri trebuie sã fie min. 70 cm
mari pentru udarea la presiune mãritã. iar lungimea de 40....120 m.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Elementele tehnice ale udãrii prin Substanþele organice amelioreazã

brazde se determinã pe baza relaþiei: structura solurilor, mãresc porozitatea ºi
qt =mLb (7) permeabilitatea pentru apã a solului. În urma
udãrii cu ape epurate sporeºte procentul de
Lungimea brazdei se calculeazã cu relaþia: humus în sol ºi se îmbunãtãþeºte calitatea
(8) solului. Se poate obþine un spor de recoltã
comparativ cu al altor metode de udare ºi se
îmbunãtãþeºte calitatea produselor agricole.
- h3 = înãlþimea apei în brazdã, h3 - Irigarea prin metoda subteranã cu ape
0,05....0,10 m; epurate poate fi utilizatã ºi în agricultura
- i = panta medie a brazdei, i = 0,002....0,007 ecologicã, pentru protecþia apelor de
O altã metodã de udare prin care se suprafaþã /freatice.
aplicã apele uzate este udarea subteranã. 3. Calculul necesarului de apã ºi de
Metoda prevede infiltrarea apelor îngrãºãminte la culturile agricole
epurate în zona radicularã, la adâncimea de Pentru a optimiza corelaþia dintre
60 cm, prin galerii tip cârtiþã, tuburi de cantitatea de substanþe nutritive existente în
ceramicã ºi masã plasticã, poroase sau sol ºi necesarul de substanþe chimice pentru
perforate. În acest caz, 70 % din apa epuratã obþinerea producþiei dorite, normele de udare
este valorificatã de plantele din culturã iar trebuiesc calculate pentru fiecare element:
restul se infiltreazã în sol ºi completeazã azot, fosfor, potasiu.
rezerva de umiditate. Norma anualã (m3/ha) de irigare cu ape
Solul, prin capacitatea sa de absorbþie, epurate se calculeazã pornind de la cantitatea
asigurã epurarea completã a apelor reziduale de element nutritiv ce urmeazã sã fie extrasã
din zootehnie. Acesta absoarbe substanþele din sol de cãtre plantã pentru a realiza
gazoase, coloidale ºi cele dizolvate în apele producþia doritã, utilizând formula:
uzate. Substanþele absorbite sunt
descompuse pânã la compuºi chimici simpli. (9)
Aceºti compuºi îmbogãþesc complexul
absorbant ºi sunt asimilaþi de plante. unde:
Microorganismele patogene si ouãle de - E = cantitatea de substanþã nutritivã
helmiþi ajunse în sol cu apele epurate, în necesarã plantei pe unitatea de suprafaþã,
condiþii anaerobe se neutralizeazã. kg/ha;
Astfel, solul, apele freatice ºi mediul - Kp = coeficientul de pierderi ale elementelor
ambiant în ansamblu, nu este poluant. nutritive în timpul pãstrãrii ºi încorporãrii;
La instalaþiile artificiale de epurare nu - K i = coeficient de pierderi în timpul
este posibilã curãþirea completã a apelor încorporãrii;
uzate de substanþele organice, agenþi - µ = conþinutul de elemente nutritive în apele
patogeni ºi microorganisme. De aceea este uzate, %;
nevoie de o curaþire secundarã a apelor uzate - ß = coeficientul de asigurare a solului cu
înainte de udare. substanþe nutritive.
Prin metoda subteranã se aplicã doza Coeficientul de folosire de cãtre plante
optimã de ape uzate. Acestea îºi pierd a substanþelor nutritive din apele uzate este:
coloraþia ºi mirosul, concentraþia de sãruri se 0,7-pentru azot; 0,6-pentru fosfor ºi potasiu.
reduce cu 30-70 %, sãrurile de amoniu, azotul
total ºi fosforul sunt absorbite în proportie de
99 %, sãrurile de potasiu sunt absorbite în unde:
proporþie de 85-99 %, ºi substanþele organice - Kpas = pierderi în timpul pãstrãrii;
poluante în proporþie de 98-100%. - Kinc = pierderi în timpul încorporãrii.
Sãrurile sunt absorbite de sol ºi
descompuse de microorganisme, contribuind
la ameliorarea indicilor hidrofizici ai solurilor.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Pierderile din timpul pãstrãrii sunt: Cu formula (9), se calculeazã norma anualã
0,15...0,30 pentru azotul total; 0,05...0,10 de aplicare a apelor epurate pentru fiecare
pentru potasiu ºi 0,05...0,15 pentru fosfor. culturã din asolament la fiecare element
Pierderile în timpul încorporãrii sunt: pentru biogen. Din toate cele trei rezultate obþinute
azot prin metoda aspersiune-0,15 , prin prin calcule se ia norma minimã.
scurgere la suprafaþã 0,06 iar pierderile de Norma de ape epuratã folositã la
fosfor si potasiu nu se atestã. fiecare udare se calculeazã prin împãrþirea
Coeficientul de asigurare a solului cu normei anuale la numãrul de udãri, care pot fi
substanþe nutritive este 1,2; 1,0; 0, 8 pentru de umectare-fertilizare sau numai de
categoria de asigurare redusã, medie si înaltã. fertilizare.
Suprafaþa F a terenului supusã irigãrii Nu este indicatã aplicarea unor norme
se calculeazã cu relaþia: anuale de ape epurate, în care cantitatea de
azot total sã depãºeascã 300 kg/ha. Dozele
(11) de îngrãºãminte obþinute se folosesc ulterior
pentru repartizarea suprafeþelor din
asolament ºi la alcãtuirea regimului de udãri
unde: de umectare- fertilizare.
- Q = debitul anual, m3/an; 4. Stabilirea regimului de irigare cu
- M = norma de irigare cu ape uzate, cm/an; ape uzate
- C = numãr de sãptãmâni; Regimul de irigare al culturilor agricole
-H = norma de udare cu ape uzate, cu apã ºi reziduuri trebuie sã þina cont de
cm/saptamana; regimul de irigare a fiecãrei culturi din
- Oc = precipitaþiile anuale, cm/an. asolament, de particularitãþile pedologice ale
Cantitatea de azot anualã N, în kg/ha, fiecãrui teren, precum ºi de condiþiile de
se calculeazã dupã ecuaþia bilanþului azotului: organizare a muncii, efectuarea operaþiilor de
lucrãri ale solului dupã udare cât ºi a
celorlalte lucrãri. Regimul de irigare se
unde: determinã pentru un teren din asolament,
- Ba =cantitatea de azot extrasã din sol de ocupat cu diferite culturi ºi capãtã un aspect de
cultura, kg/ha; grafic al regimului de irigare sau grafic de
- Pa = cantitatea de azot pierdutã din sol prin hidromodul (consum specific).
denitrificarea azotului, kg/ha; Graficul are pe axa absciselor durata de
- Da = cantitatea de azot ce ajunge în apele udare iar pe axa ordonatelor consumul
freatice, kg/ha. specific de apã uzatã,
La clasificarea solurilor dupã gradul de
asigurare cu substanþe nutritive se þine cont de Alcãtuirea graficului este precedata de
trei indici: conþinutul de forme mobile de fosfor, executarea urmãtoarelor calcule:
potasiu schimbabil ºi azot uºor hidrolizibil. 1. Se calculeazã suprafaþa necesarã
Dacã reziduurile se dilueazã cu diferite feluri pentru utilizarea completã a apelor epurate în
de ape epurate, la calcularea normei anuale irigaþie, þinând cont de condiþiile locale de
trebuie sã se þinã cont ºi de cantitatea de amplasare a complexului zootehnic. Pentru
substanþe nutritive conþinute în acestea. aceasta se alege tipul asolamentului ºi se
Norma anualã de folosire a apelor repartizeazã suprafeþele pe care vor fi folosite
epurate se obþine astfel: se calculeazã apele epurate pentru fiecare culturã ºi pentru
cantitatea de substanþe nutritive extrasã din fiecare element, cu formula:
sol de cãtre plante pe o perioadã de 1 an, din
rotaþia asolamentului pentru fiecare culturã la (13)
cele trei elemente biogene: azot, fosfor ºi

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

unde: Pentru a spori eficienþa filtrãrii naturale

- Va = volumul anual de apã uzatã, m ;
a apelor epurate în sol se udã fracþionat de
- Mci =norma de ape uzate datã la cultura 3..5 ori în decursul unei perioade de vegetaþie,
pentru fiecare element : azot, fosfor ºi atunci când plantele au cea mai mare nevoie
potasiu, m3/ha; de substanþe nutritive.
Pe terenurile cu ierburi anuale, prima
- Ä = cota suprafeþei ocupatã de cultura din
udare de fertilizare trebuie facutã în faza de
înfrãþire ºi se administreazã o jumãtate din
Drept suprafaþa de calcul pentru
volumul anual de ape epurate. Cealaltã
udarea cu ape epurate a fiecãrei culturi din
cantitate de ape epurate se administreazã în
asolament, se iau valorile maxime ale celor
faza de formare a paiului ºi de înflorire.
trei rezultate de la elementele biogene.
Pe terenurile cu ierburi multianuale,
Aceastã suprafaþã se coreleazã cu
apele epurate trebuie administrate primãvara
productivitatea sezonierã calculatã a tehnicii
devreme, când începe vegetaþia iar mai târziu
de irigare ºi suprafeþele terenurilor ºi
dupã fiecare coasã. Pe terenurile cu culturi
asolamentelor proiectate.
cerealiere prima udare se realizeazã înainte
In cazul cã, sursa de udare are rezerve
de semãnat iar urmãtoarele în perioada de
suficiente ºi suprafeþe bune de irigat care pot
vegetaþie ale plantelor când au 4-7 frunzuliþe,
garanta consumul de apã calculat, se admite
cu o sãptãmânã pânã la înspicare ºi la
mãrirea suprafeþei calculate prin valorificarea
înflorire. De obicei apele epurate se
apelor epurate în scopul : asigurãrii plantelor
administreazã în amestec cu apa curatã iar
cu 50..70 % din necesarul de îngrãºãminte
norma de udare în acest caz este:
prin folosirea apelor epurate iar restul prin
încorporarea îngrãºãmintelor minerale; (17)
crearea unei baze furajere sigure pentru
complexul zootehnic; folosirea în irigaþii a unde:
întregului volum de ape epurate în anii cu - m = norma de udare cu apã curatã ºi epuratã,
precipitaþii. m3/ha.
2. Prin metodele existente se 3. Se alege tehnica de irigare sau udare, se
calculeazã norma de irigare Mir, care în cazul elaboreazã schemele tehnologice de
apelor epurate este: exploatare ºi schemele tehnologice de
debitare a apei curate ºi epurate de la staþiile
de pompare sau de la sursele de apã
4.Se calculeazã consumul specific
- Map = norma de udare cu apã curatã, m3/ha;
(hidromodulul) pentru debitarea apei curate ºi
- Man = norma de udare cu apã uzatã, m3/ha. epurate, dupã formula :
Daca norma anualã de apã uzatã
acoperã ºi deficitul de apã din sol avem relaþia: (18)
Relatia (14) mai poate fi scrisã ºi astfel:
- t = perioada de irigare, în zile;
(16) - 86,4 = coeficientul de transformare, care ia
în calcul numarul de secunde în 24 de ore.
unde: Durata perioadei de irigare pentru
numãrul de udãri cu apã curatã ºi tehnica de irigare, se calculeazã cu relaþia:
respectiv uzatã;
norma de udare cu apã curatã ºi
respectiv uzatã.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

unde: Bibliografie
- Fn = suprafaþa netã a terenului, ha; [1] Buzea, I., Trandafir, St., Moteanu, Fl.,
- ÓQ = suma cantitãþilor de apa de la instalaþiile Mecanizarea lucrãrilor de administrat
ce funcþioneaza simultan pe acelaºi teren, l/s; îngrãºãminte ºi amendamente, Editura
- Kzi = randamentul timpului de funcþionare al Agrosilvicã, Bucureºti, 1968;
instalaþiei în 24 de ore; [2] Moteanu, Fl., Maºini noi pentru fertilizarea
- â = coeficientul ce indicã durata funcþionãrii culturii agricole în timpul vegetaþiei, ICPA,
instalaþiilor pe zi, Biblioteca Agricolã, Bucureºti, 1982;
[3] Costache, N., Luca, G., Mecanizarea
(20) lucrãrilor de chimizare în agriculturã, Editura
Ceres, Bucureºti, 1982;
unde: [4] Candelon, Ph., Les machines agricoles,
- t = numarul orelor de funcþionare ale vol. I; Materials de preparation et de
instalaþiei, în 24 de ore. fertilisation de sols, Paris, Bailliere,1981;
Valoarea q se calculeazã separat [5] Buzea, I., Lungu, Gr., Mecanizarea aplicãrii
pentru apã curatã ºi apã epuratã. îngrãºãmintelor, Editura Ceres, Bucureºti,
Udarea fiecãrei culturi se deseneazã 1974;
pe grafic în formã de dreptunghi, având pe [6] Scripnic, V.,Babiciu, P., Maºini agricole,
ordonatã hidromodulul ºi pe abscisa timpul de Editura Ceres, Bucureºti, 1979;
udare. Desenarea graficelor începe de la [7] Cod de Bune Practici Agricole – Ministerul
cultura udatã de cele mai multe ori, având o Apelor ºi Protecþiei Mediului, Bucureºti, 2002;
duratã mare a udãrilor. Dacã udãrile a douã [8] Planul de implrmentare pentru Directiva
sau mai multe udãri coincid, ordonatele Consiliului 91/676/EEC, privind protectia
hidromodulului se cumuleazã iar apelor impotriva poluarii cauzate de nitratii
dreptunghiurile parþial sau în întregime se proveniti din surse agricole;
suprapun unul peste altul. [9] Ordinul nr.296/11.04.2006 al Ministerului
5. Concluzii Mediului ºi Gospodãririi Apelor;
Valorificarea dejecþiilor lichide [10] Ordinul nr.216/13.04.2005 al Ministerului
zootehnice de la bovine este necesarã Agriculturii, Pãdurilor ºi Dezvoltãrii Rurale;
pentru: reducerea poluãrii apelor, solului ºi [11] Biolan, I. ºi colaboratorii – Pompa
aerului; fertilizarea culturilor agricole ºi dozatoare, Brevet RO nr. 102 887.
suplimentarea cantitãþilor de apã la culturile
agricole aflate în vegetaþie.
Cunoaºterea tehnologiei de
administrare a apelor epurate este o cerinþã
importantã pentru o valorificare eficientã a
apelor uzate.
Lucrarea prezintã metodele de
distibuþie a apelor epurate prin aspersiune,
brazde ºi udare subteranã, indicatorii tehnici
de control ai procesului ºi elementele
regimului de irigare.
La udarea prin aspersiune,
intensitatea udãrii ºi raza de acþiune sunt mai
mari decât la irigaþia cu apã curatã.
Pierderea de azot la irigaþia prin
aspersiune cu ape epurate poate sã ajungã
la 15 %.

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HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


Authors: Ph.D.Eng. Pasculete Elisabeta, Dipl.Eng. Condrea Florentina,

Dipl.Eng.Mihai Macavescu S.C. OVM ICCPET S.A. , Rahovei avenue, no. 266-268,
Phone: 0040 21 405.77.50; Fax 0040 21 405.77.77, Postal Code 0138, OP 69
Bucharest, Romania
As a readily renewable fuel, biomass may become a significant component in the global
sustainable energy mix as fossil fuel resources begin to deplete. In addition, biomass utilization can
expedite mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration cycles and promote
"green" industries with associated growth in rural economies. Biomass integrate a variety of
resources, including wood materials and also, wastes resulted from industrial processes of
processing the timber, energetic crops, agricultural and agroalimentary wastes, natural manure
and organic parts from municipal solid wastes, wastes from individual farms and mud from waste
The gasification process in general is used to convert many chemical compounds that
contain carbon such as wood waste and agro-residues, to a syngas that is made up of carbon
monoxide and hydrogen. One of the uses of this syngas is as fuel to produce steam or electricity.
Another use is as a basic chemical building block for many users in the petrochemical and refining
industries. Gasification raises the value of low-value feedstocks by transforming them to
marketable products and fuels.
The paper describes the performance and operational experience on an high efficiency, low
tar, waste biomass gasifiers developed at OVM –ICCPET , in the field of low environmental impact
energetic equipments using biomass waste. There are presented two gasifiers realized within
national research projects , one of 100 kw th and the second of 300 kw th producing combustible
gas usable in thermal purpose, respectively hydrogen rich one.

KEY WORDS: waste biomass; gasification; combustion gas; hydrogen

1. INTRODUCTION The combustible gas mixture, known as

“producer gas”, typically contains carbon
The main environmental advantage of monoxide (20% - 22%), hydrogen (12% -
using biomass waste for energy production 15%), nitrogen (50% - 54%), carbon dioxide
consists in reducing the polluting elements (9% - 11%) and methane (2% - 3%).
associated with conventional energy The overall thermal efficiency of this
production. process is more than 75%.
Gasification of solid fuels is a method of The producer gas has relatively low
converting them to (gaseous and, to a lesser calorific value, ranging from 1000 to 1100
extent, liquid) fuel products, that can be used kcal/Nm3 (5500 MJ/Nm3).
either as "clean" fuels (achieving low pollutant Depending on the way of heating,
emission levels and increased energy gasification methods can be classified as:
efficiency) or as feed-stock, primarily to the autothermal, allothermal and cycling.
chemical industry (synthesis gas). In order to Depending on the contact gas solid
achieve the gasification of solid fuels, heating there are four methods: fix bed, fluidized bed,
them at high temperatures in the 900-1300oC circulating fluidized bed and molten metal.
range is required, in the presence of a suitable Depending on the ways in which the
gaseous gasification agent (in most cases gasifying agent enters the gasifier for fix bed
steam or -more rarely- carbon dioxide or there are four methods: updraft, downdraft,
hydrogen), the pressure being either ambient crossdraft and two stage gasifier.
or elevated up to several decades
atmospheres [1-3].
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Depending on the gasification medium: - research regarding the chemical processing

air, oxygen, steam, steam-air, steam-oxygen of the gaseous products obtained by co-
and hydrogen. gasification producing high methane content
Depending on the used raw material: gas, used as urban gas;
coal, biomass, oil coal, organic waste. - research of energetic use of biomass/coal
Depending on the heat support: direct produced gas by allothermal co-gasification,
contact, autothermal, cyclic, (using heat in fluidized bed, 100 kW using thermal pipes
bearer, through contact surface, serpentry, (developing researches).
The mixed gas production has crossed a 2. Conception, design, construction and
series of development phases that consist in: testing of:
- mixed gas production in revolving - based on own research results, design
grate reactors; drafting for four reactors with 1600 – 2500
- mixed gas production in reactors of kcal/h in revolving grate using lignite
the first generation : Lurgi, Winkler, - a gasification unit of 0,1 MWth in fluidized bed
Koppers-Totzek. with steam and air as gasification agent,
- mixed gas production in reactors of running at 2 bar pressure using high content
the second generation . These reactors of ash and moisture coals, but with high
represent developed versions of the 3 reactivity;
processes in the first generation , as well as - a gasification unit of 1,2 MWth in fluidized bed
reactors using first generation hybrid with steam and air as gasification agent,
processes of those or embedding the reactors running at atmospheric pressure and
where the processes of gas production takes pneumatically coal supplied;
place in phases. - a gasification unit of 1,2 MWth in fluidized bed
- mixed gas production in reactors of with steam and oxygen as gasification agent,
the third generation . These reactors that running at 6 bar pressure. A 90% H2 + CO +
operates as allothermal reactors receive CH4 content gasifier gas was obtained;
energy from nuclear reactors, by recovery. - designing theme for a demonstrative
The new concept of biomass industrial 10 MWth installation of fluidized bed
gasification installations are gasification
gasification under pressure (10 bar);
concepts, different from those which
- agricultural biomass gasification plant - fuel
characterize the common gasifier already on
gas usable in thermal purposes - 300 kWth.
the market and which have been first
developed for coals gasification.
The researches in the gasification
field in OVM – ICCPET have started about
35 years ago.1. For the process research
the following actions were performed:
Based on the analysis of the principals
- defining the self-thermal gasification
types of gasification processes (figure 1) as
process parameters of the different types of
well as the possibilities applicable to a large
coals (lignite, non-agglutinant pitcoal, soft
range of agricultural and wooden biomass,
coal) by tests performed on a laboratory
OVM – ICCPET has adopted its own
technical solution
- fluidized bed gasification simulation
- researches on a agricultural biomass
gasification plant - fuel gas usable in an
internal combustion engine (developing

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 1. Diagram of principal gasification methods:

a) fix bed; b) fluidized bed; c) entrainment bed

OVM – ICCPET solution: - reliable one and the installations based on

a) fixed bed gasifier : i) the material particles this method, are easy to operate;
have no relative movement one towards the - the gasogene gas has a low content of tar.
other; ii) the bed crosses up to down the - the moisture level of the material, required by
reactor through different temperature areas this method is properly to the natural dried
where the processes take place: drying, agricultural waste, which does not make
pyrolysis, reduction, oxidation; iii) the necessary an additional technological stage;
gasification agent is introduced at the bed's - the content of solid particles in gas is
base and the resulted gas crossing the gasifier significantly reduced in relation with the gas
down to up; resulted from the fluidised bed gasifiers.
b) this type of process has the disadvantage of Figure 1. Diagram of principal gasification
pyrolisis sub-products appearance (tars, methods:
phenols) in the gasifier gas, condensable a) fix bed; b) fluidized bed; c) entrainment
volatile products on the way, a version of fixed bed.
Thus the reversed fixed bed was BIOMASS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A FUEL
chosen: i) the material circulates in parallel GAS USABLE IN THERMAL PURPOSES.
flow with the gasifier gas; ii) the resulted The gasifier using air as gasification
volatile substances in the material pyrolysis agent, was designed and constructed to
area are cracked in the oxidation area. The recycle various types of agricultural waste.
reversed bed term aims the reactants The gas is considered poor and can be used to
circulation meaning, modified toward the one produce warm air and domestic hot water. This
of the fixed bed as well as the oxidation and gas was used as fuel into a furnace for a
reducing areas reversing. seeds drying plant while this is operating one
The advantages of the OVM-ICCPET spring and one autumn month and as fuel into
solution: the boiler of a administrative buildings of a
- fix bed downdraft gasification method is a large private farm (600 ha) for production of hot
very simple; water.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3.1. Raw material

The used raw material (figure 2) in the
experimental gasification unit is the
agricultural waste from crop harvesting at the
farm of 600 ha with corn and sunflower
cultures. Table 1 presents the tehnical si
elemental analysis of used biomass [4]. The
raw material is grinded in the harvesting
process and then is stored. While storage
takes place their natural drying.

Figure 3. The gasification unit scheme of the

agricultural waste

Figure 4. The gasification experimental plant

3.3. The technical solution for burning

An updraft -type gasifier can be easily
fitted to a circulating-type dryer. A gasification
Figure 2. Raw material: Corn cob
fuel burner was designed for utilising farm
wastes as heat source for drying cereals. This
burner can be operated easily by the farmer,
3.2. The installation for agricultural easily maintained and repaired. Because of
biomass gasification contents the the low calorific value of the gas and the
following components (figure no. 3,4): burning characteristics of the cereals drying
? feed hoper unit, it was chosen the solution with swirl
? gasifier, composed by: drying body; burner with tangential admission of the air into
pyrogenation body; oxydo – reduction the body of the installation, the devices for
body; grate; ash collector intensifying the swirling of air and air-gas
? cyclone; mixture (directing palettes at the entrance of
? connection cyclone-gasifier section; the air into the burner unit and at the exit of the
? exhausting gas equipment ; air-gas mixture from the burner) and devices
? the furnace of the cereals drying agent for flame stabilization (non-streamlined
production unit; ceramic element at the exit of air-gas mixture
from the burner).

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Because of low pressure of the outlet 4. GASIFIER FOR HYDROGEN RICH

gasogene gas, it was decided to execute an GAS GENERATION
ejector for gas admission: the necessary air for
the burning process has a proper pressure Biomass is considered as a viable
and the velocity ensured by the air ventilator alternative solution for hydrogen obtain,
and the construction of burner itself. intending the intensification and extension
through modern technologies and equipments
of biomass use. Biohydrogen is the same as
3.4. Technical characteristics of the
hydrogen except it is produced from a
gasification unit of the waste agricultural biomass feedstock. This is done using
gasification of the biomass and then reforming
the produced methane, or alternatively, this
Thermal power …………… Pt = max. 300 KW
might be accomplished with some organisms
Gas flow ……………………… Qgaz = max. 75 that produce hydrogen directly under certain
Nm3/h conditions. Hydrogen or hydrogen-rich gas
Calorific value of gas ………QII = 4,074 produced from biomass could be readily used
MJ/Nm3 in most of the present natural gas or petroleum
Gas compozition H2 = 14,2%; CO =16,8 %; derived hydrogen energy conversion devices
CO2 = 15%; CH4 = 0,8%; O2 = 7,8%; and also in advanced systems such as fuel
N2 = 45,2% cells to produce electricity.
Exit gas temperature ...................150-200oC Hydrogen is currently produced in large
Agricultural biomass flow … Dbio = max. 40 Kg quantities via steam reforming of
Inlet biomass moisture…… 10 – 11 % hydrocarbons over a Ni catalyst at ~800°C.
Maximum size of the shredded biomass.......... This process produces a syngas that must be
....50 mm further processed to produce high-purity
Air flow for the gasification process …… hydrogen. The syngas conditioning required
.... 40 Nm3/h for steam reforming is similar to that which
Air temperature…… Enviroment temperature would be required for a biomass gasification
derived syngas; however, tars and particulates
3.5. Results. Tests for agricultural biomass are not as much of a concern. To raise the
gasification were performed. The operating hydrogen content, the product syngas is fed to
parameters of the gasifier were been one or more water gas shift (WGS) reactors,
measured and stored with an aquisition and which convert CO to H2 via the reaction:CO
storage data system especialy created for this +H2O → H2 +CO.
purpose. During the tests 4-6 gas samples
were taken for each temperature level. Table 2
shows the test results. Only the most
representative results are presented.

Table 2
The average composition of the gas obtained through the agricultural waste gasification

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The gas stream leaving the first WGS - Biomass bunker -has a capacity of about 250
stage has a CO content of about 2%; in a kg.
second stage this is reduced further to about - Biomass dosing feeding system is driven by
5000 ppm. The remaining CO can be removed a 24 V DC engine powered y an adjustable
by a pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) system. source order to ensure the necessary speed.
OVM ICCPET realized an experimental - Gasification reactor consisting of: drying
gasification laboratory plant and effected zone (area); oxidation and pyrolysis zone;
gasification tests for determination of the air, steam distribution section; reduction
process parameters influence on the raw gas zone ; gas/solid separator composed of two
enriched in hydrogen obtained through cone parts.
biomass gasification. It has been effected - Cyclone
gasification tests for various biomass wastes - Dosing ash evacuation is driven by a 24 V
[5-7]. DC engine.
4.1. The gasification unit of biomass is - The steam feeding system is made of a pipe
composed by the following equipments (figure heated by an electric resistance. Water is
5, 6): pumped by an adjustable peristaltic pump,
evaporated and heated at an adjustable
- The air/oxygen mixture feeding system
assures the necessary air/oxygen preheated
at an adjustable temperature controlled the
same way as the steam.
- Oil burning starting system assures the
process ignition and is stopped after the
biomass firing.
- Air flows are calculated by measuring the
pressure drop from diaphragms, air pressure
and temperature. All the transducers are
powered by a 24 V DC fix source.
- The data acquisition system consists of
analog-digital convertors with 4-20 mA input,
12 bits output. The system is connected to a
computer by a RS232 comunication system.
Figure 5. The technological schema of the biomass The aquired data are shown on the screen in
gasification experimental installation numerical and graphical form and stored in
an EXCEL compatible file through a
dedicated software.The gas analysers:
TESTO 350 XL is endowed with a CO2
infrared cell and a dilution module in order to
increase the CO measurement range; 500
Model is a hydrogen analyzer; GA 2000 is a
biogas analyser (CO2, CH4, O2).

4.2.Feed stock
The gasifier was tested with two types
of wooden and agricultural waste biomass:
deciduous tress sawdust; and sorghum
(figure 7). These were characterized (Table 3
– 4 ) by: the technical analysis, the elementary
Figure 6. The Gasification Pilot Plant analysis, the heating value.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 7. Beech and sorghum pellets

Table 3.
Fresh cropped deciduous tress and sorghum sawdust analyse

Table 4.
The technical and elementary analysis of the pellets used in the gasification experiments

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

4.3Characteristics of gasification installation

4.4. Result and disscusion

1) The experiments aimed to establish the functioning conditions of the gasification reactor and to
determine the influence of the gasification agent composition on the gasifier gas quality. The
gasifier gas was drawn and analyzed every 30 minutes along one experiment.
- The increase of the oxygen content in the gasification agent leads to the increase of the
compounds content that gives heating value to the gasifier raw gas: CO , H2 , CH4.
- In the same time, we noticed the increase of the carbon dioxide content in both cases.
In table 5 the obtained gas composition is presented synthetically for different compositions
of the gasification agent by medium value of the most representative tests.

Table 5. Experiments' results for the different gasification agents; the feedstock used –deciduous trees
sawdust (1)/ and sorghum (2) pellets; *)dry gas composition

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2. Regarding the influence of the temperature on the gasification process, respectively on the
produced gas composition, in table 6 the compositions of the gasogene gas obtained in the process
at different working temperatures are presented
( ex. figure 8).

Figure 8. The temperature evolution during biomass gasification process

Table 6. The results of the gasification experiments regarding the influence of temperature on the
obtained gas composition. Raw material: sawdust pellet. team capacity: 3kg/hour

1) Medium values for the respective system.

The high temperature influence: the increase of CO and H2 components share while the
CH4 content easily decreases, accordingly, the increase of the obtained gas heating value.
The movement to the right of the water gas forming reaction equilibrium and of the
Boudouard reaction equilibrium can explain the increase in the CO and H2 content and, in the same
time, the decrease of the CO2 content.
C + H2O CO + H2
C + CO2 2CO
The gas composition obtained at temperatures under 850oC was inadequate from the point
of view of the components that interest, CO and H2 respectively.
In the figures 9 and 10 the obtained gas composition is presented, at sawdust beech,
respectively sorghum gasification, at process temperatures of 875- 950oC for different oxygen
concentrations in the gasification agent. The nitrogen diminution in the gas, takes place in the
same time with the increase of the other gaseous components.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

5. CONCLUSIONS The gasification laboratory plants has

The technologies "energy from wastes" presented a stable operational manner, fact
and “biomass for energy" are the only that contributed also to the results'
renewable energy resources that directly reproductibility.
compete with fossil fuels, therefore the 6. REFERENCES
coming developments in innovating 1. Francis Lau, 2001, “ Biomass Gasification, a
processes, technologies and systems might Sustainable Clean Energy Source,” Paper presented at
support biomass to penetrate the solid fuel the USChina. Clean Energy Technology Forum,
market. The agricultural and/or wooden Beijing, China, August 29-31, 2001
2. Basagianis A.C., Vergkios X.E. – “Production of
biomass gasification for the generation of hydrogen from biomass via steam reforming of bio-oil”,
treatable gas in order to generate Proceeding International Hydrogen Energy Congress
combustible gas or hydrogen rich gas is and Exhibition IHEC, 2005, Istanbul.
worldwide level a process to be researched at 3. Tsamba Alberto Julio – “Biomass Gasification for
the pilot and demonstrative level. One of the S u s t a i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t ” ,
processes of gasification applicable to a raw 4. E. Pasculete, F. Condrea Realizare prototip
stock that does not raise special issues experimental de gazeificare ºi teste de punere în
regarding the installation feeding is the fixed funcþiune, cod 2016/2-S1-2005, 2005, Bucureºti
bed process that, if modified by reversed bed, 5. E. Pasculete, F Condrea, Cercetari in vederea
also solves the issue of condensable volatile pregatirii bazei materiale pentru teste si experimentari
de gazeificare, purificare gaz, separare si stocare
substances in the gas subject to the treatment hidrogen, Lucrare SC OVM ICCPET SA, Cod 84/2-S1-
subsequent phases. The tests performed at 2006, iulie 2006.
laboratory plant The tests conducted at 6. E. Pasculete, F. Condrea, Experimentarea solutiilor
OVM ICCPET on the 100 kWth and the 300 privind pregatirea si gazeificarea biomasei, prelucrare
gaz brut, separare si stocare hidrogen, Lucrare SC
kWth gasifiers system at varying load OVM ICCPET SA, Cod 84/3-S1-2006, noiembrie 2006.
conditions, for wooden and/or agricultural 7. E. Pasculete, F. Condrea, Cercetari pentru
biomass gasification, has have proved the definitivarea pe baza experimentala procedeelor,
feasibility of the adopted technical solutions metodelor, tehnicilor optime de obtinere de hidrogen
referring to the used equipments and prin gazeificarea biomasei, Lucrare SC OVM ICCPET
SA, Cod 84/4-S1-2007, mai 2007.
materials indicated.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Eng. Radu JECU* & Eng. Ioana-Carmen POPESCU** (Ph. D. Candidate)

*Technological Information Centre for Mineral Resources CIT-CENTIREM,

**Research and Development National Institute for Metals and Radioactive
Resources INCDMRR Bucharest - Romania

Considering the mineral resources current sate in Romania and the global and European
political and economic situation, the Technological Information Centre for Mineral Resources
CIT-CENTIREM an integrant part of National Network for Innovation and Technological
Transfer ReNITT - and compartment of the Research and Development National Institute for
Metals and Radioactive Resources INCDMRR Bucharest - Romania proposes the creation of a
regional partnership in technological transfer and innovation for South-Eastern Europe in order
to solve the problemes faced by the mineral resources sector.

1. Brief presentation of the The main objective of the project was to

Technological Information Centre for provide technological services and facilities in
Mineral Resources order to promote the competitivity increasing
CIT CENTIREM and the sustainable economic development of
The Technological Information Centre for the mineral resources sector in Romania, by
Mineral Resources CIT CENTIREM is an the foundation and setting in operation of an
autonomous entity without juridical organization for technology transfer in the field
personality, constituted inside the Research - Innovation and Competitivity Centre for
and Development National Institute for Metals Mineral Resources CENTIREM. The mission
and Radioactive Resources INCDMRRR of this entity was defined by the development
Bucharest Romania. As a member of the of the technological information activities for
National Network for Innovation and rhe economic agents, knowledge transfer and
Technological Transfer ReNITT, it acts for the quality management in order to increase the
sustainable economic and social competitivity of the enterprises working in the
development of the Romanian mineral field of mineral resources.
resources sector by creating and developing The main activities carried out by CENTIREM
the innovative framework, which introduces between 2001-2004 within the project's
the total quality system and human resources framework were as follows:
development and provides the full access to - elaboration and tutoring of the training course
the technological performance. The setting up intitled “Fundamentals of innovation and
of the centre constituted the main target of a technology transfer in mineral resources” at
project financed by MENER Programme - a the Faculty of Geology of the University from
part of the First National Research, Bucharest. It was published by Electra
Development and Innovation Plan, according Publishing House from Bucharest.
to the contract no.021/2001.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- design of a magazine on innovation and According to the Decision no. 9116 /

competitivity in mineral resources field - 26.10.2005 released by the President of the
entitled “Bulletin CENTIREM”, respectively National Authority for Scientific Research CIT
elaboration of the business plan and issuing its CENTIREM was authorized for 5 more years
first number in October 2003. as entity of national infrastructure for
- technical programme to create and set in innovation and technological transfer.
operation the CENTIREM's website, On 2005 CIT CENTIREM submitted a project . proposal entitled “Technological Services for
- elaboration of a data bank named Mineral Resources INFOREM”, which was
CEOFREM, which was focused on the declared winner on 25.10.2005.
achievement of a virtual market for products,
services and technologies in the field of 2. An overview of mineral resources field's
mineral resources, where the buyers and current state
sellers were able to meet, negotiate and do The mineral resources exploitation activity in
commercial transactions. post communist Romania known a significant
The CEOFREM data bank was conceived as decreasing of its volume followed by the output
an integrated „business to business” diminution and unemployment increasing.
collaboration platform, where the subscribed The mining perimeters became poverty poles
members, such as firms, companies, and were declared under-privileged zones.
organizations, experts to share interests and Despite the fact that the sub-branches
cooperate on-line. In order to achieve this data divergently evolved the extractive industry still
bank, CENTIREM performed an inquire on remains among the stagnant branches of the
research marketing, a documentation national economy.
concerning the cooperation and business Under this context the mineral resources
opportunities and became member of World industry owns a low internal competitivity and
Trade Point Federation. productivity, determined by the low reliability of
On 2004 Research and Development National some equipments and setups beside the non-
Institute for Metals and Radioactive correlation of their capacities within the flow
Resources INCDMRRR has initiated the legal sheet and the power-consuming feature of the
procedure to certify CENTIREM as an entity of activity.
the national infrastructure for innovation and The negative evolution of mining sector is
technologic transfer. The Certificate no. explained by the depletion of resources as well
7/01.07.2004 was released following the as the exploitation depth's increasing, which
Education and Research Minister's Order determines the low yield of the activity,
no.414109/28.06.2004 and from now on including losses, which claim financial support
CENTIREM was authorized to work as a form the state budget.
centre for technological information named Presently the main condition to increase the
CIT CENTIREM. quality and efficiency of mineral resources
On October 2004 CIT CENTIREM participated industry is represented by the elimination of
on the competition launched by the National technological gaps as the material
Programme for support of innovation and endowments and development of
technological transfer infrastructure informational and technological transfer
INFRATECH, with the project entitled: infrastructure concerns in order to develop the
“Development of CIT CENTIREM's absorption capacity for the scientific and
infrastructure”. As winner of this competition, technological knowledge and of innovation
the project allowed the development of the capacity in the economic field.
infrastructure of rhe centre between 2004- The research and development activity in
2005 in order to achieve technological mineral resources field had a negative
services projects. dynamics beginning with 1995. The reduced
number of research scientists active in this
area speaks for itself.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The low financial support on the state's behalf - Copper is mined mostly in two districts: the
determined the migration of research north-west, from mines in Baia Mare, Baia
scientists in other fields of activity and the Sprie, Cavnic and Lesul Ursului, and the
RDIs units technical endowment's south-west, from major mines at Moldova
obsoloscence. RDI activities in the mining Noua, Rosia Montana and Rosia Poieni. The
sector and for mineral reosurces's ore grade is generally low, with the major
capitalization are carried out only in some producing mines (Moldova Noua and Rosia
universities or commercial societies with Poieni) containing ore grading only about
private capital. 0.35% of Cu or less. Concentrates from these
Some relatively recent experiences from areas are smelted and refined at Baia Mare
some mining exploitations point out that the and Zlatna.
existent resources still own a high exploitation - Lead and zinc are produced from
potential in effective conditions by providing underground mines in the Baia Mare, Baia
the access at new exploitation technologies Borsa, Certej, and Rodna districts. They are
and procedures, which may be stimulated by low-grade ores, grading 0.4-1.0% of lead and
the development of some elements of 0.6-1.2% of zinc, with associated copper
industrial and RDI infrustructure elements. (0.35%), antimony, bismuth, cadmium, gold
Drastic decreasing of RDI's contribution to the and silver. Due to the complex mineralogy of
modernization of the mineral resources the lead and zinc ores, concentrates produced
industry determined among others the from them are uneven. Metal recovery in
decreasing of: RDI results' dissemination, concentrate ranges between 50% and 75% for
technological transfer weight, development of lead and zinc.respectively. The smelting and
required infrastructures. refining of lead and zinc from domestic and
As a consequence, only a few enterprises imported ores and concentrates are carried
launched in production new technologies and out at the Imperial Smelter at Copsa Mica and
products. Now the main concerns of the RDI at the Romplumb SA Smelter at Baia Mare.
units are related on increase the quality and - Romanian gold resources are mainly
efficiency of the mineral resources industry, concentrated in Transylvania's Golden
respectively to reduce the technological gaps Quadrilateral, a major gold-mining region
and to develop the informational and comprising the cities of Baia de Aries, Brad,
technological transfer infrastructures in order Sacarimb and Zlatna. Gold production in this
to increase the absorption capacity for region was reported to be about 140,000
technical and scientific knowledge by ounces in 1996. The Rosia Montana opencast
economy as well as to enlarge the innovation and the Brad underground gold mines belong
potential in this field. The conservation, to the joint venture between Gabriel
closure and ecological reconstruction of areas Resources of Canada and the state-owned
affected by mining activity are also important mining company MINVEST S.A. Deva.
objectives for the RDI entities. Feasibility studies on developing the Rosia
Montana mine and reprocessing tailings from
3. Representative mineral resources fields both mines have been undertaken. Rosia
and specific problems Montana's output is reportedly between
The mineral resources field from Romania is 10,000 and 12,000 ounces per year. The gold
mainly focused on exploitation of copper, lead, deposits at Cetate and Carnic were evaluated
zinc, gold, coal, uranium and industrial at 45 million tons of ore, graded 1.7 g/ton of
minerals. silver and 2.46 million ounces of gold.
The mineral resources and the areas from Another potential area for gold exploration is
which they are extracted are described as the Bucium intrusive complex in the Metaliferi
follows: Mountains. Since 1999, the Australian-
Romanian joint venture company Aurul SA
(now SC Transgold SA) has processed gold
from old tailings in the Baia Mare region.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The precious metal treatment plant is - Romania also has an extensive output of
designed for a throughput capacity of 2.5 industrial minerals. Barite, bentonite,
million tons per year. diatomite, feldspar, graphite, gypsum, kaolin
- Major coal deposits are located in the Jiului and limestone among others, are mined at
valley, with recoverable coal reserves about 50 deposits throughout the Carpathian
estimated at 3,980 million tons in 1996. region. The modernization of Romania's
Parallel to the overall economic slump, coal economy and infrastructure has increased the
production has experienced a sharp decline in demand for many of these commodities. The
recent years. Less than 10% of the coal privatization of mining companies producing
produced in Romania is bituminous and the industrial minerals is more advanced than that
remainder is lignite coal. of other sectors of the mining industry.
- Prospecting for uranium in Romania was Romania has identified the principal areas in
initiated in the 1950s. Since then, some 13 the industrial sector, which includes the mining
deposits and 9 occurrences have been and metallurgical industries, in which urgent
discovered in three major uranium provinces: action is needed:
t h e We s t e r n C a r p a t h i a n s ( A p u s e n i - the renewal of existing production units to
Mountains), the Banat Mountains and the respond to energy, mineral raw material and
Eastern Carpathians. The Apuseni and west environmental constraints;
Banat Mountains have a good uranium - the adoption of non-polluting production
potential, since they include the deposits of processes and technologies at the national
Bihor and Avram Iancu, and Ciudanovita, level;
Dobrei and Natra, respectively. Rocks in the - support for existing industries through the
Eastern and Middle Carpathians, such as introduction of emission-reducing equipment
Crucea, Botusana and Tulghes, also host and
uranium deposits. technologies;
Underground mining technology has been - the establishment of a national integrated
used in all of the deposits, with the exception monitoring system for environmental quality.
of the Banat Mountains deposits, where The next few exemples will point out the
opencast mining was used. The extracted ore emergency of an effective action plan.
used to be shipped abroad for processing, as 1. Many mining wastewater treatment
there were no such facilities in Romania. Many plants are currently in a bad state, operating
uranium deposits are now depleted, as, for manually with obsolete and ineffective
example, the high-grade Baita Bihor (1.13- technologies. The Herja mine water treatment
1.26% of U), Ciudanovita, Dobrei North and plant in Maramureº County, which belongs to
Nastra deposits. REMIN S.A., illustrates this situation. It has a
A total of 15,557 tons of uranium of known simple system featuring three decantation
conventional resources is reported from ores pools with very old decanters and pumps,
with an average uranium content of 0.11% of working with minimum efficiency. The 144
U, and 4,970 tons of U of hidden resources. mechanical filters (in wood) are outdated,
Three mining plants are in operation: E.M. needing urgent replacement by modern and
Banat, E.M. Bihor and E.M. Crucea. In 1997, effective ones.
they produced 150,000 tons of ore, with an 2. The main environmental issue in coal
average mining recovery of 80%. mining (located in Jiului Valley) is the
According to estimates by the International inefficient treatment of the huge volume of
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Romania wastewaters due to outdated technology and
produces 100 tons of U annually. In Romania, equipment in the water treatment plants.
all uranium-related exploitation activities are 3. In Romania (mainly in the Carpathian
carried out by stateowned companies, under region), a surface of about 1,000 ha is
the coordination of the Uranium National contaminated with natural radioactive
Company S.A. elements. There are over 150 deposits
containing 6 million m3 of waste rocks from

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

uranium mining operations and two tailing The so-called National Companies are
ponds containing 6 million tons of waste from enterprises that continue to be owned and
uranium-ore processing. Because of the operated by the state, but which are able to
improper environmental management of these lease or sell some assets in order to increase
sites (located in the Apuseni and Banat profitability. The mining and mineral industries
Mountains and Eastern Carpathians) a lot of belong to this category.
environmental problems occur. Also relevant to the industry are:
Other inventories of hot spots have been - Law 645/2002 for the approval of GED
conducted by the International Commission 34/2002 on integrated pollution prevention,
for the Protection of the Danube River reduction and control, adopting into Romanian
(ICPDR) for the entire Danube Basin (Danube legislation the IPPC Directive and creating a
Basin Analysis/WFD Roof report 2004), and favorable framework for new clean technology
also for the Tisza river catchment area - the transfer (BAT- Best Available Techniques) in
region in which the greatest impact of the the most important sectors of
mining industry is recorded. According to the industry/agriculture;
ICPDR, there are 53 industrial and mining hot - MEWM Decision no. 1144 / 2002 established
spots in the Romanian Danube river basin, 26 the register for emitted pollutants from
of them being classified as of high priority. activities that come under GED 34/2002, art. 3,
alin. (1), lit. (g) and (h) on integrated pollution
4. Romanian legislation concerning the prevention,
mining policy reduction and control, and the modality to
The main strategic document regarding report them;
industry in Romania is “The Industrial Policy of - Government Decision no. 189/2002
Romania” and the “Action Plan for the regarding approval of the introduction of the
Implementation of the Industrial Policy of ecological label.
Romania”. - Law on Environmental Protection specifically
Other important policy documents for the adopts the “polluter pays” principle and the
industry domain are: concept of risk assessment. The Law also
- The Strategy for the Mining Industry for 2004- identifies a national system of monitoring and
2010 (approved by GD 615/2004) sets out rules governing water, air and soil
- “Romania's revised position paper, Chapter quality. Environmental impact studies are
15 - Industrial policy”, through which Romania required for new projects or for altering
accepts the acquis communautaire on this existing ones. Also, the Law on Environmental
domain. Protection includes sections regarding the
The legislative framework comprises: mineral industry, describing the obligations on
- Mining Law no. 85/2003 new and former owners to restore
- Norms for applying the Mining Law no. environmental quality, and establishing
85/2003 procedures for monitoring the quality of the soil
- Petroleum Law no. 238/2004 and subsoil, including plans for territorial
The modern rules for the management of development, exploratory drilling, geologic
mineral resources are established through and hydrogeologic prospecting, and mining.
these laws. Obligations are provided Most of the above considerations were
regarding ecological reconstruction and the incorporated in the National Environmental
obtaining of environmental Protection Strategy and the National
agreements/permits, and it is stipulated that Environmental Action Plan (NEAP).
such activities cannot be carried out in The NEAP was based on the premise that
protected areas. much of the environmental degradation in
The government also decided to close Romania is the result of inappropriate
unprofitable operations, including state- economic and related policies. It was assumed
owned enterprises such as coal-mining that market liberalization, privatization and
companies, and planned to cut subsidies to other reforms would penalize the excessive
the mining sector.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

use of energy and other resources, reducing Thus the proposed partnership is focused on:
environmental damage. These gains would be - technical assistance for industrial
reinforced by the effects of market-driven enterprise at the application of new technologires;
industrial restructuring, which would shift - stimulation of international cooperation,
production from inefficient plants towards reimbursable and non-reimbursable funds
more efficient and less polluting ones. Priority
- assistance of RTD organizations in their efforts
areas that the NEAP identified for immediate to fulfill the industrial beneficiaries'
action were the reducing of emissions of lead requirements in the area, for the reasearch
and other heavy metals from the mineral results' transfer;
industry and the minimization of water - support of RDI programmes by carring out
contamination by heavy metals and other toxic studies and enquiries concerning science's
substances. Nevertheless, the NEAP's policy and the mineral resources development
implementation has been hampered by delays strategy;
in launching the economic reforms on which it - increasing the awarness and information
was based, especially those concerning degree concerning the innovation, quality, and
privatization and market liberalization. technological transfer concepts by the
The main obstacle/barrier to environmental development and implementation of educative
friendly industry and energy activities is the fact pregrammes;
that the concept of the sustainable management of - dissemniation actions using ITC technologies
mineral resources and related mechanisms are and other specific manifestation.
not yet well understood in Romania and are In order to accomplish all these objectives
neglected by high-level decision makers. It is still CENTIREM is authorized to perform the
assumed that only after economic development following services:
and stability have been achieved will it be possible a ) Te c h n o l o g i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n s e r v i c e s ,
to pay attention to environmental issues such as technological audit, technological forecasting
clean production and investments in and awarness.
environmental improvements. b) Consulting and assistance services concerning
the intellectual property rights' exploitation.
5. What about the TTI partnership ? c) Assistance and legal advice services on
We briefly presented the current state of the national, European and international
mineral resources sector from Romania and the legislation.
main economic difficulties faced by it. CENTIREM d) Assistance services to obtain funds under the
was founded and it is determined to act as a key framework of some national and international
element with signinficant impact in its specific field R&D programmes.
of activity. We do consider that the Romanian e) Identify partners from the academic and
expertise, the results of the other South-Eastern research fields.
European countries in industry, RTD and TTI f) Providing access to specialized databases.
(technological transfer and information) beside the g) Information on the national, regional and local
actual economico-political state both continental priorities.
and global may constitute the premisses for the h) Services for the organization of conferences,
occurrence of a regional partnership in the field of scientific events and specialized exhibitions.
i) Services for editing magazines and specialty
innovation and technological transfer focused
on mineral resources sector. j) Information services on intellectual property.
This partnership aims to constitute an innovation The CENTIREM's fields of activity are:
and technological transfer organization/network a) Information and technological awarness,
focused on mineral resources sector in Balkan elaboration of essays, reports, analyses and
region. studies for the technological information of
The main objective of the proposed partnership is SMEs.
to cooperate in order to provide technological b) Documentation through the access to the data
services aimed to support the sustainable basis, elaboration of specialized reports to
economic development in the mineral resources support the decisions.
field from Sout-Eastern Europe. c) Selective or complete translation of works,
documentations concerning new technologies
or products, scientific papers, etc.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

d) Support for refreshing courses, organizing The contribution of CENTIREM at the

of traning courses on intellectual property proposed partnership will be focused on the
and methods of information. following directions:
e) Editing of specialized publications, editing - increasing the science and technology
and printing of magazines, handbooks, information's dissemination potential
books in the field of technological - development of informational
knowledge. partnership.
f) Technological audit, achievement of - Increasing the technological
expertise and technological audit studies documentation degree.
for setting of performance and - Increasing the technological absorption
opportunities. potential of economic agents
g) Councelling and assisstance for the - Refreshing courses for innovative
elaboration of projects C - D, advice on human resources.
specific methodologies and the - Increasing of SMEs' number, where
technological level of the field. new technologies are implemented.
h) Advice on intellectual property, advice on - Total quality managemnt's introduction.
the exploitation of intellectual property - Development of innovative
rights. informational networks.
i) Development of feasibility studies and - Introduction of innovation and
business plans for investment in SMEs. technological transfer principles in education.
j) copies of documentary materials, - Increasing the public information on
magazines, etc.., providing xerox services science and technolgy.
and copies of documentary materials,
magazines, brochures, leaflets and others.

Emilian Burdusel - National assessment of the national policy, legislative and institutional
frameworks related to the Carpathian convention Romania (Document produced under the
project “Support for the implementation of the Carpathian Convention” financed by the Italian
Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and implemented by the REC in partnership with

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




* Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi”Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial
Management Iasi, Romania,
e-mail: [email protected]
** Hydramold Company,Iasi, Romania, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstarct. The refloating operations involves high cost, equipment lifting/ pulling heavy, human
effort and also depends on many factors: the depth of the river, the degree of pollution of water,
weather conditions, possibilities for the location equipment, refloating methodology. This article
presents a complex hydraulic equipment maded by Hydramold for refloating Transilvania ship from
Danube river, Comercial Port of Galati.

Key words: refloating ship, hydraulic equipment, drawing, technological

Table 1
1. Introduction
Technical Characteristics
The refloating naval craft is surgery
that aims to raise technological vessels to the
bottom of rivers and their restoration afloat or
removing wrecks and cleaning of rivers, river
for shipping traffic on the sector reinsurance
The refloating operations involves high
cost, equipment lifting/ pulling heavy, human
effort and also depends on many factors: the
depth of the river, the degree of pollution of
water, weather conditions, possibilities for the
location equipment, refloating methodology
Also, surgery refloating ship is complex
because it requires preparation and
operations, and namely: the firing of the
chains binding wreck, wreckage cutting into
two or more segments depending on its
length, anchoring equipment drawing etc.

2. The mechanical structure of the

hydraulic drawing equipment

2.1. Technical characteristics

The technical characteristics of the

hydraulic drawing equipment are presented in
Table 1.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The hydraulic drawing equipment consist the 2.3. Hydraulic drawing systems
following base parts:
a) hydraulic power module; Consist the following components (Fig. 3).
b) hydraulic drawing systems. ? chassis – made in welded construction
is composed of two heavy, linked together
2.2. Hydraulic power module by side-members. This subset is formed as
a support for sled pulling head and ears
The hydraulic power module (Fig. 1) mounted at the rear of the chassis is made
provide the necessary working pressure for catching hydraulic cylinders. The chassis is
hydraulic drawing systems and consist the fitted with lugs for anchoring drawing
following components: systems, his structure to allow downloading
of force, strains of which are exclusively in
the elastic. The bottom of the chassis is
plated with tin, thus ensuring a better
shooter stability during operation;
? head drawing – made in welded steel
construction, coupled with being on the
chassis plaque clearance and is related to
the two hydraulic cylinders for operating the
connecting bolts. Head drawing is mounted
balanced bolt with which the training is done
Fig. 1 – Hydraulic power module by pulling the chain. Drawing on the chassis
sliding head is driven by two hydraulic
? support framework – made of two
cylinders. The motion to advance causes,
welded constructions (the upper framework
by closing automatic balanced bolt, chain
and the lower framework) coupled together by
pull, and the motion to withdraw latch opens
screws. The lower framework serves as
automatically, the chain remains stuck in
support for two variable displacement pumps
the latch housing mounted (bolt fix), and
and hydraulic oil reservoir and the upper
occurs as the head of drawing and
framework serves as support for switchboard
preparation of withdrawal it to a new
and front panel devices and is provided with
drawing phase;
ears hanging to manipulation;
? chain guide stand – placed at the rear
? hydraulic oil reservoir – with
of the chassis and is designed to guide and
manholes for cleaning and inspection,
properly oriented chain entering the system
absorption flanges for the pumps, oil lever
indicator, vent plug and oil drain plug;
? hydraulic cylinders – are articulated
? power panel – consist all electrical
on the chassis mount through bolts and
stick their head is coupled by bolts of fire.
? control panel – displays all working
Hydraulic cylinders made successive
parameters (Fig.2);
movements of drawing with a speed VAT >
? control and regulation valves.
0.32 [m/min];
latch fixed – is to block the withdrawal
phase chain drawing head movement
allowing him by drawing system in the phase
advance of the head fire.

Fig. 2 – Control panel

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 3 – Hydraulic drawing systems

Keeping working temperature of fluid is

ensured by a hydraulic cooling circuit
consisting of a electro-pump water and a heat
change. Switch ON / OFF electro-pump is
automatically depending on the oil
temperature from reservoir, or manually from
the panel display of functional parameters.

3. Operating modes

According with hydraulic diagrams (Fig.

4) the hydraulic drawing equipment can
operate in three modes of working.

3.1. Automatichal “Cutting” operating mode.

Requires work in tandem to the two drawing

systems (running motion of advance and the
other motion to withdraw) and thus moving
forward-back chain one race than 2 m. During
this procedure can be done to curtail the Fig. 4 – Hydraulic diagram
movement of one fictitious load on the route
shooter chain running race withdrawal. This is 3.2. Automatically “Synchronous Speed”
achieved by mounting the circuit advance to operating mode
the second pulling. Chokes valves of sense to
curtail the movement of cylinders in the Involves displacement of both synchronous
movement of withdrawal. The return drawing systems, with a maximum gap of 5
movement of hydraulic cylinders to end mm. Synchronizing movement is monitored by
position is achieved automatically through the PLC entering the electrical design structure
commands received from PLC. that receives signals from the displacement
transducers mounted on each drawer.
Drawing hydraulic equipment is mobile and
can be built in the interest of the beneficiary.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

3.3. Manual operating mode 4. Conclusion

Involves attending the following steps: 1. Because the equipment is built on modules
? starting the pump M3 by pressing this is ensure a high mobility and can be
control circuit pump and achievement in the moved quickly and placed in any place of work.
circuit to operate pressure preset; 2. Depending on the tonnage of the refloating
? starting the pump M1 (M2) on the ship, the number of the drawing systems can
remote control and is expected to enter their vary, their supply hydraulic oil pressure is only
normal working arrangements (motor drive making a single hydraulic pressure module.
is coupled to the "Ä"); 3. In the case of the heavy diving ships,
? to make the cylinders advance replaces the successful use of floating
switches switch the GROUP 1 COMMAND cranes for refloating.
(GROUP 2 COMMAND) from the remote
control on the ADVANCE position;
? to make the cylinders return switches
2 COMMAND) from the remote control on
the RETIRED position.
In Fig.5 is presented the scheme to plant
lubrication and lubrication mode.

Fig. 5 – Plant lubrication schemes

DIAGRAM is presented in Fig. 6.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



*Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca

1. Description of adjustment scheme

The achievement of an adaptive behavior for A substitute version for torque measurement
hydraulic transmissions of the aeolian can be realizable by measuring the pressure
systems for energy production, requires both difference at the rotary hydraulic motor. In this
the use of sensors corresponding of the used case too, the solution is less efficient but with
parameters (number of revolutions, flow rate, financial advantages.
torques) and a complex adjustment, able to
quickly compensate for any change of the a. The pump control system
external disturbances (wind speed, variations The pump control system is accomplished by
of load). In the following we will refer to the controller C1 (figure 1). It contains a Fuzzy
systems of automatic adjustment specific to processor C1.1, with is done the flow
hydraulics transmission that have as load adjustment of the pump at the instantaneous
electric generators (because of the complexity requirements by the Aeolian power-plant. The
of maintaining a constant rpm respective a Fuzzy processor have two inputs,
frequency of 50 Hz). corresponding to the turbine speed,
The structure of the automatic adjustment respectively to the command of the
system is shown in Figure 1 and it correspond displacement. The output of the processor
to the hydraulic transmission shown in Figure drive directly the adjustment system of the
2. The subsystem C1 makes flow adjustment pump's displacement. At change of wind
of the pump P1, who is drive by the impeller, at speed and/or the change of the command for
the instantaneous flow requirements. This displacement modification, the processor
adaptation is done according to wind speed provides the necessary control signal, and via
and the command given by the subsystem C2. the adjustment system C1.2 is corrected the
The latter is responsible for maintaining size of flow. The adjustment system is made
constant speed of the oil hydraulic motor MH1, by: one regulator, plant (servo valve
respectively at the consumer, in condition of positioning actuator variable displacement
load variation (fluctuations of electricity pump) and an flow transducer or in the case of
consumption). Subsystem C1 is subordinate the indirect adjustment an stroke transducer
to the system C2. The adjustment system is for the positioning cylinder. By the adjustment
equipped with a transducer for measuring system is compared the value of necessary
speed and torque to the rotary hydraulic motor flow with the real value on transducer. The
MH1. A less efficient version, but with financial comparison result is the error signal which is
advantages, is that who use for gauging an applied to the controller for processing. The
displacement transducer for measuring the output signal of the controller will directly
stroke of the linear positioning cylinder. The control the servo-valve for the variable
flow rate measuring is done in this case displacement pump.
indirectly. In this situation are not taking in
account the internal leakages of the pump.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 1 The adjustment diagram of the hydraulic transmission

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 2 Diagram of the adaptive hydraulic transmission

with variable displacement pump, fixed displacement motor
and resistive command

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

b. The control system of the hydraulic From this point of view fuzzy systems can
rotary motor work with scaled sizes, important qualitative
aspect of the function being performed here
The control system of the hydraulic rotary and will ultimately achieve a single rescale of
motor is made by the controller C2. It contains the signal.
the Fuzzy controller C2.1 that provides Another important argument for using fuzzy
command signal for the displacement systems modeling is the uncertainty of
variation of the pump based on the information weather conditions, often judged statistically.
on speed and torque. If the speed of hydraulic It is therefore difficult to integrate in simulation
rotary motor varies, for example, due to systems, models of the atmosphere that are
changes in electrical energy consumption, the very complex and ultimately lead to undue
processor will command the increase or economic complication of adjustment
decrease of the pump displacement in systems.
accordance with the direction of error Finally it should be pointed out that the
variation. The automatic adjustment of speed functions performed by processing fuzzy, are
system C2.2 consist of a controller, plant dependent on experimental work, experience
(servo valve hydraulic rotary motor - load) and gained through observation and testing.
revolution transducer respectively torque Therefore, adjusting the best of these systems
transducer. Like structure adjustment system will be in the experimental part.
possesses: global feedback loop appropriate
to revolution speed and a secondary a. Simulation of Fuzzy controller C1.1
appropriate to torque feedback. This feedback
can be achieved by measuring the pressure Fuzzy controller generates control signal for
drop on the hydraulic motor as torque controlling the flow at the pump, depending on
measurement developed by the hydraulic the speed of wind turbine which drives the
motor. pump, that the control signal of the unit
volume, dependent by the mechanical
2. Simulation of control systems for parameters.
hydraulic transmissions Fuzzy system (Figure 3) has two inputs and
one output, and the base consists of 12
To simulate the control systems of hydraulic linguistic rules.
transmission it was used programming
environment Matlab-Simulink. Numerical
simulations were done for fuzzy processors
performing transmission system adapting at
changes in atmospheric conditions
respectively at variation of mechanical
parameters from the consumer, and for
adjusting path for the flow, revolution speed
and torque.
Remarkable advantage of using fuzzy
processor, is primarily the simplicity of
calculation, and use a computer system based
on rules and similar assessments of biological
systems. Also, we can remember here the
advantage to use physical quantities, which
not infrequently ill conditioned systems are
operating as such in hydraulics, where the
ratio of highest and lowest values is very high,
which both can lead to significant errors in the
processing and large computing times. Figure 3. Fuzzy processing system
to control the pump flow
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

For the fuzzification of the input quantities

were chosen like member functions, the
trapezoidal type (four functions for revolution
speed and three for adjustment of
displacement). This functions are figured in
figure 4 and 5.

Figure 4. Input value fuzzification revolution speed of the turbine [rot/min]

Figure 5. Input value fuzzification displacement command [cm3]

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

For the fuzzification of the output values were

chosen Gauss type member functions (figure

Figura 6.Output value fuzzification voltage for servo control [V]

Fuzzy processing base consists of 12 linguistic rules as follows:

1. If (revolution speed is very low) and (volume command is low) then (servo comand is normal) (1)
2. If (revolution speed is very low) and (volume command is normal) then (servo comand is high) (1)
3. If (revolution speed is very low) and (volume command is high) then (servo comand is high) (1)
4. If (revolution speed is low) and (volume command is low) then (servo comand is normal) (1)
5. If (revolution speed is low) and (volume command is normal) then (servo comand is high) (1)
6. If (revolution speed is low) and (volume command is high) then (servo comand is high) (1)
7. If (revolution speed is high) and (volume command is low) then (servo comand is low) (1)
8. If (revolution speed is high) and (volume command is normal) then (servo comand is low) (1)
9. If (revolution speed is high) and (volume command is high) then (servo comand is normal) (1)
10. If (revolution speed is very high) and (volume command is low) then (servo comand is low) (1)
11. If (revolution speed is very high) and (volume command is normal) then (servo comand is low) (1)
12. If (revolution speed is very high) and (volume command is high) then (servo comand is normal) (1)

Figura 7. Nonlinear fuzzy function for flow control

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

After processing was obtained fuzzy nonlinear a. Simulation of Fuzzy controller C2.1
function shown in Figure 7.
Fuzzy controller C2.1 generates control signal
for displacement control of the pump,
For member functions was chosen both for depending on speed, respectively on torque to
input and output the Gauss type functions. the consumer. Fuzzy system has two inputs
(figure 9 and 10). and one output, (figure 8) and the base
consists of 11 linguistic rules.

Figure 8. Fuzzy system for engendering the control signal of the displacement

Figure 9. Input value fuzzification torque

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 10. Input value fuzzification revolution speed error

Figure 11. Output value fuzzification displacement

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

1. If (torque is low) and (speed-error is negative) then (displacement is normal) (1)

2. If (torque is low) and (speed-error is zero) then (displacement is normal) (1)
3. If (torque is low) and (speed-error is pozitive) then (displacement is low) (1)
4. If (torque is medium) and (speed-error is negative) then (displacement is high) (1)
5. If (torque is medium) and (speed-error is zero) then (displacement is normal) (1)
6. If (torque is medium) and (speed-error is pozitive) then (displacement is normal) (1)
7. If (torque is high) and (speed-error is negative) then (displacement is high) (0.5)
8. If (torque is high) and (speed-error is zero) then (displacement is high) (0.5)
9. If (torque is high) and (speed-error is pozitive) then (displacement is normal) (0.5)
10. If (torque is high) then (displacement is high) (1)
11. If (abatere-turatie is negativa) then (displacement is high) (1)

Figura 12. Nonlinear fuzzy function for displacement control

After processing was obtained fuzzy nonlinear

function shown in Figure 12.

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creºterii performanþelor statice ºi dinamice ale 15. * * * w w w. m a t h w o r k s . c o m , M a t l a b ,
axelor hidraulice NC, Tezã de doctorat, Cluj- Fuzzytoolbox
Napoca, 2004. 16. ***, Windturbine
17. ***, Wind power solutions

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Eugen MARIN* , Ion PIRNÃ* , Iosif COJOCARU* , Dragoº MANEA*, Cristian SORICA*

* INMA Bucharest

Abstract: Compared to the construction of machinery for hoes plants existent today in
manufacturing and exploitation, the construction of technical equipment has some new
solutions on the sowing stations, which are equipped with new distribution devices, vertical
distributing discs with holes of different sizes which may change slightly depending on the crop
sown, that it can achieve the sowing of many hoes crops and in order to allow work under
different conditions of soil preparation, the sowing stations are equipped with double disk
plows. Dependent upon the sowing and the distance between rows, transmission (for seeds,
fertilizers and granular insecticides), stands markers behind and support wheels can be
mounted on the frame bar equipment both between stations and outside their sowing the same
line, that allows a variety of schemes for sowing, for crops that require distance between rows
and crops that require little distance between rows, while allowing free access and technical
Keywords: technology, sowing, technical equipments, hoeing plants.

However, it is easier, safer, low weight at a

1. INTRODUCTION lower price and which has simple and easy
Modern crop establishment and hoes made adjustments being adapted to the needs
plant fertilization prevent degradation of soil of beneficiaries. By adopting the optimal
structure by incorporating direct solid chemical solutions in conceptual design parameters to
fertilizers and insecticides in the form of ensure superior quality work, safety in the
granules. For this purpose are used exploitation and transport, enhanced
specialized machinery which have in their reliability, maintenance and simple made
composition distribution systems of seeds, adjustments it will help increase the
solid chemical fertilizers and insecticides. competitiveness of the machinery required on
Agricultural machine-building companies in market helping this way strengthening the
the EU made enormous efforts to improve innovative capacity of MAT Craiova society
seed distribution systems, solid chemical and to strengthen its contribution to creating
fertilizers and insecticides in granular form to new products.
achieve superior work quality parameters. In 2. DESTINATION AND DESCRIPTION
accordance with the overall strategy of the OF DESIGN
company MAT SA Craiova through research Machinery (Fig. 1) designed for
and development in partnership with INMA mechanization technology of hoes plant crop
Bucharest was developed a new machinery is used for sowing many hoes crops (grain by
for sowing, weeding and fertilizing plants grain sowing for maize, sunflower, beans,
distributed in the form of micro insecticides. It sugar beet and forage, sorghum, cotton, etc.,
contains new solutions in terms of seed or in nests with 2-3 seeds for melons,
distribution system and distribution device in cucumbers, zucchini, etc..) and allows
the form of micro insecticides. working in a variety of schemes and sowing
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 1. Equipment for sowing and fertilizing hoes

plant crops provided with sowing stations endowed Fig. 4. Seed distributor
with disk plows and devices with distribution of Sowing discs are made of steel and are
insecticides in granular form
fitted with holes to distribute seed. Depending
on the variety of seed sowing holes discs are
It is comprised from the following major different diameters from 2.5 to 5.5 mm. Discs
subassemblies: framework, wheel drive left- can be changed easily without recourse to any
right support, air, vacuum, Department of utensil. To eliminate losses from seed or
sowing, fertilizer box, foot bunker, foot boxes, vacuum chamber is provided a disk lowland
micro, seed transmission, markers of left and gaskets. To allow working in different
behind right, the shareholders tracers , micro conditions of soil preparation for sowing
boxes, foot parking plows fertilizers and micro, stations are equipped with double disk plows
intermediate gear, transmission and micro (Fig. 5).
fertilizers and Cardan transmission.
Department of sowing (Fig. 3) is
mounted on the frame bar via a system of
articulated rods and plates which are attached
to a square pipe with two clamps. The sections
are provided with boxes sowing seed
distribution device for pneumatic, double disc
coulter, compaction wheel and chain
Fig. 5. Double disc coulter

Hope fertilizer has prismatic form with

angles of flow for all types of fertilizers. The
hope is provided at the bottom, with three slots
for draining-feed fertilizer distributors. Under
these slots are vending fertilizer type grooved
cylinder (Fig. 6).

Fig. 3. Department of sowing

The distributor of seeds (Fig. 4)

completely new skeleton is made of two
rotating disc between sowing
interchangeable. Fig. 6. Hope fertilizer provided with fertilizer
distributors type with grooved drum

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

They acquire and distribute fertilizers To eliminate the surplus of grain (which is
through flexible tubes to the skate shares. The incidentally) is a fixed scraper covering up to
volume of fertilizer distribution device one third of the disc hole. To this end there is a
evacuated to a rotation of grooved cylinder is correlation between the diameter of the hole
dosed with high accuracy because of the layout on disk, the diameter of the holes and
potential regulation length grooved with the scarper position. Also, the left wheel support
aid of a tuning screw. and drive forward movement through the
Seed transmission (Fig. 7) is to forward transmission chain axes distributing chemical
movement of the seed distribution devices. fertilizers crates and boxes of micro solid.
The transmission includes a manual Fertilizer distributors in the box are the type
transmission chain that serves to regulate the with grooved drum. They acquire and
standard of seed per hectare. Rotational distribute fertilizers through flexible tubes to
movement of the discs of the seed distribution skate shares. The volume of fertilizer
apparatus takes place via a chain distribution device evacuated to a rotation of
transmission. grooved cylinder is dosed with high accuracy
because of the potential regulation length
grooved with the aid of a tuning screw.
Fertilizers and micro transmission (Fig. 9)
is to forward movement in appliances
distribution of chemical fertilizers and granular
distribution microgranulelor devices.

Fig. 7. Seed transmission

Fig. 9. Broadcast fertilizers and micro
3. OPERATION Dispensers distributed micro grooved cylinder
In making the move to the tractor PTO, the type insecticides in the amount set through
blower, trained by shaft transmission shaft and flexible tubes to the skate shares. Adjusting
belt type poly V, creating a depression that is the rules of fertilizer (ammonium nitrate, urea,
transmitted through pneumatic tubes to nitrocalcar, superphosphate, complex, etc.)
absorb the vending of sowing divisions. and micro is made according to agro-technical
Because of air depression, seed in food rooms requirements and the type of chemical
are retained on disk vending outlets. The fertilizers and micro used, by appropriate
movement of technical equipment, wheel choice of wheels in the transmission chain of
support and drive forward movement right technical equipment. The skate shares as
through the transmission chain to distributors gutter running some of sowing depth and
axes, revolving disk, sending seed to the sowing the drain side are placed fertilizers and
channels opened by double disk shovels. insecticides as micro. The compacting wheels
Each hole of the disk set only one seed due to close channels and compact soil on the sides
limited space around the hole. of the row sowing. Management of technical
equipment in the field is made after traces of
markers on the ground.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


The main technical and functional characteristics are presented in Table 1.
Table 1

Precision machinery running sowing grain-grain the following main crops: corn, sunflower,
castor, soya, beans, sorghum, sugar beet, cotton. It provides the following densities of sowing
(Table 2).
Table 2

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Machinery running sowing under schemes

of Figure 10. Operating Indices
In experiments in operating conditions,
conducted over an area of 52 hectares,
machinery had throughout the good behavior,
under these conditions the values of the
coefficient of safety achieved in service
between 0.984% 0.981% ... which are plotted
in Figure 11, yielding an average of 0.983%
and values of the hourly work capacity during
the exchange, W07 of between 1.4 ... 1.49 ha /
h which are plotted in Figure 12, yielding an
average of 1.46 ha / h.

Fig.11. Graphical representation of the coefficient of safety

in operation,, K4

Fig. 10. Scheme sowing

Fig. 12. Graphical representation of the hourly work capacity during exchange, W07

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Hoes plant machinery for sowing, fertilizers 1. Creating a new technical equipment to market
and insecticides in the form of micro demand for sowing and fertilizing crops sown hoes
distributed the following advantages over provided with sections of disk plows and
equipment with distribution of insecticides
similar equipment in use:
microgranulated, contract 12 concluded by S.C.
- Allows for a diversity of schemes sowing, the MAT S.A. INMA Bucharest to Craiova and
crops that require distance between rows, and Bucharest Politehnica AMCSIT INNOVATION
for those requiring small distance between Program
rows; 2. Eugen Marin, Trâncã Dan-Constantin,
- Allows working with different conditions of soil “TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MODERN
preparation for sowing seed because fitting TECHNOLOGY ESTABLISH AND FERTILIZED
sections with double-disk type plows; CROPS WEEDING BY COMPANIES IN EU”,
Magazine of Agriculture Mechanization no.
- Ensure access, facilitate and reduce time to 4/2008, pg. 11…22, ISSN 1011-7296, Bucharest
change discs distributors and technical 3. Eugen Marin, Dragoº Manea, Livian Victor
assistance to transmission to seeds, fertilizers Andrei, Valentin Cãtãlin ªtiucã, EQUIPMENT FOR
and granular insecticides as support wheels; CROP SOWING AND WEEDING PROVIDED
- Has a simplified construction because new FERTILIZED WITH SECTIONS RESEMBLING
solutions chosen which gives realization of CUTTER DISC AND APPARATUS FOR
technologically easy, safe operation,
MICROGRANULATED, Magazine of Agriculture
maintenance, adjustment simple and Mechanization no. 5-6/2009, ISSN 1011-7296,
operated by a single controller (tractor); Bucharest
- Ensures operator safety by meeting the 4. OSIM a patent application no.:
essential safety requirements. A/00664/28.08.2009, Machinery for sowing plants
hoes, fertilizers and insecticides in the form of
micro distributed, Authors: Marin Eugen, Cojocaru
Josif, Sorica Cristian Marian-INMA Bucharest,
Andrei Livian Victor-SC MAT S.A. Craiova

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





- ing. Laurentiu VEBER - SC Prestcom SA Focsani

- ing. Catalin DUMITRESCU - INOE 2000 – IHP Bucuresti
- ing. Florin GEORGESCU - INOE 2000 – IHP Bucuresti

The vast majority of industrial activities and services carrying out requires mechanical lifting operations,
transportation, storage of various products; for performing these activities in good conditions, technical
means used must ensure adequate performance, but also a high reliability.
Hydraulic drives were imposed in this area because large forces developed, compact dimensions, with easy
handling; because of possible use in conditions of safety and reliability of the high working pressures, are
registered and a corresponding increase in performance of lifting equipments.

1. INTRODUCERE Cele mai importante mijloace de ridicat

cu actionare hidraulica sau pneumatica sunt
Echipamentele de ridicat sunt utilizate cricurile, platformele ridicatoare si
in cele mai diverse sectoare ale activitatii transpaletele. Intrucit, dupa cum s-a aratat
economice, intrucit majoritatea bunurilor – anterior, ele sunt indispensabile activitatilor
materii prime, produse intermediare sau finite industriale sau de prestari servicii, in dotarea
- pe toata durata ciclului de viata, de la firmelor si pe piata interna exista un mare
fabricatie si pina la scoaterea din uz, necesita numar de astfel de produse; particularitatile
operatiuni de transport, depozitare, montaj, pietei romanesti – intreprinderi de mici
instalare. Datorita acestei varietati de domenii dimensiuni, fara o specializare stricta a
de utilizare, exista un mare numar de solutii, productiei, sume reduse destinate achizitiilor
atit din punct de vedere functional, cit si al de mijloace tehnice, etc. – au condus la
performantelor. urmatoarea situatie:
Cea mai simpla si des intilnita solutie - nu exista o acoperire suficienta cu
pentru echipamentele de ridicat este utilizarea mijloace de ridicat
ca sursa de energie a unui fluid sub presiune - multe din produsele utilizate in
(lichid sau gaz). Nivelul presiunilor de lucru a momentul de fata, desi sunt relativ noi,
crescut constant, ajungindu-se astazi ca prezinta deficiente legate de calitate, avind o
presiuni de ordinul 630...700 bar sa fie curent fiabilitate redusa; aceste produse sunt de
folosite, presiunile maxime de lucru putind regula fabricate in tari asiatice, de catre
ajunge la unii fabricanti pina 2500...3000 bar fabricanti obscuri, si oferite la preturi reduse
sau chiar mai mult. - desi exista pe piata romanesca oferte
In ceea ce priveste utilizarea ale firmelor consacrate in domeniul
actionarilor pneumatice la mijloacele de mijloacelor de ridicat si transportat, preturile
ridicat, nivelul de presiune le recomanda sunt greu accesibile pentru majoritatea
pentru sarcini mai reduse sau, in cazul in care firmelor care ar putea utiliza aceste produse
se doreste ridicarea de sarcini mari, se - inexistenta unui producator national
utilizeaza solutii specifice, cum ar fi cricurile de de astfel de echipamente, care sa asigure o
tip “perna” sau “airbag”, cu unul sau mai multe calitate inalta si un pret adaptat pietei
elemente active; cu surse de alimentare Luand in considerare toate aceste
proprii, aceste cricuri pot utiliza presiuni de aspecte, SC PRESTCOM SA Focsani, firma
pina la 200 psi (14 bar). din categoria IMM, avind o activitate
productiva in sfera aparaturii hidraulice, s-a

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

orientat catre fabricarea de mijloace de ridicat

de tip cricuri hidraulice, pentru sarcini de 2, 5
si respectiv 10 tf. Nivelul ridicat al presiunilor
de lucru, care duce la o constructie compacta
si cu gabarit redus, a impus colaborarea cu o
unitate specializata in actionarile hidraulice;
astfel, proiectarea produselor a fost realizata
in colaborare cu INOE 2000-IHP Bucuresti.
2 . P R E Z E N TA R E A S O L U T I I L O R

La ora actuala exista mai multe tipuri de cricuri

hidraulice, cu diverse mecanisme de Figura 1 – Schema hidraulica a cricurilor de 2,
actionare, toate avind la baza forta produsa respectiv 5 tf
intr-un cilindru hidraulic, in care se instaleaza
o presiune ridicata; forta data de aceasta Cricul pentru sarcina de 2 tf
presiune este transformata in forta de ridicare – caracteristici constructive si functionale
cu ajutorul diverselor mecanisme, sau se Partea hidraulica de actionare, care asigura
aplica direct sarcinii de ridicat. Fluidul de lucru forta utila, este alcatuita dintr-un bloc cu
este de obicei uleiul hidraulic mineral aditivat, aparate, conform cu schema de mai sus, si un
iar pentru ridicare se utilizeaza o pompa cilindru hidraulic cu simpla actiune: revenirea
hidraulica cu actionare manuala sau se face cu ajutorul unui arc, la care se poate
mecanica. Tipurile principale de cricuri adauga greutatea sarcinii.
hidraulice sunt: Blocul cu aparate este realizat din
- cilindru hidraulic, cu una sau mai multe trepte semifabricat turnat sau laminat, in functie de
- cric hidraulic tip “butelie” sau “gheara” posibilitatile fabricantului; in acest caz s-a ales
- cric hidraulic tip “crocodil” solutia fabricatului laminat, care poate fi
Gama de cricuri hidraulice ce se doreste a fi aprovizionat cu usurinta de pe piata interna.
produsa de firma PRESTCOM se compune Blocul de aparate contine:
din 2 cricuri de tip ''crocodil”, pentru sarcini de - supapa de presiune directa, avind Pmax
2, respectiv 5 tf, si 1 cric de tip cilindru hidraulic reglabila pina la 1000 bar, de tip ''cartus'',
cu 2 trepte, pentru sarcina de 10 tf. etansarea fiind de tipul bila pe scaun
Cricurile de tip crocodil - pompa manuala de tip plunjer
Aceste cricuri sunt des utilizate in activitatile - droselul de descarcare (sau robinetul pentru
de reparatii auto, cind sunt necesare coborire), care permite curgerea fluidului din
interventii locale la autoturisme, care nu cilindru la rezervor, cind se doreste coborirea
necesita ridicarea intregului ansamblu; sunt sarcinii sau pur si simplu indepartarea cricului
deasemenea utilizate in atelierele de reparatii (dupa asigurarea sustinerii sarcinii prin alte
ale anvelopelor, pentru demontarea rotilor de mijloace).
pe autovehicule, dar si in alte tipuri de ateliere Solutia utilizarii aparaturii hidraulice de tip
mecanice, unde sunt manevrate sarcini ''cartus'' a fost aleasa de firma producatoare
corespunzatoare. Prezinta o actionare datorita unor avantaje specifice:
usoara, de regula manuala cu o pirghie, si o -posibilitate de executie in cadrul firmei,
foarte buna sprijinire a sarcinii pe durata datorita complexitatii medii si dotarii
utilizarii, avind totodata gabarit si greutate corespunzatoare
reduse; deplasarea este usurata de rotile -siguranta in functionare
montate la extremitatile suprafetei de contact. -posibilitate de reparare si inlocuire usoara
Indiferent de marimea sarcinii ridicate, Cilindrul hidraulic este inglobat in rezervorul
schema hidraulica de actionare este comuna; cu ulei.
o varianta a acesteia este prezentata in figura

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Caracteristicile functionale principale: Presiunea maxima de lucru se situeaza la

-diametrul pistonului: 30 mm aceeasi valoare de 1000 bar.
-diametrul tijei: 22 mm In figura 4 este prezentata constructia
-cursa pistonului: 68,3 mm ansamblului hidraulic boc de aparate – cilindru
Mecanismul de ridicare de tip paralelogram, hidraulic, iar in figura 5 varianta executata in
permite o cursa verticala de 145 mm; pe colaborare de SC PRESTCOM SA si INOE
masura ridicarii sarcinii, cele 4 roti pe care se 2000 – IHP.
sprijina cricul – din care 2 rotative - permit o
deplasare pentru pozitionare optima sub
sarcina ridicata.
Ansamblul bloc hidraulic – cilindru este
prezentat in figura 2, iar in figura 3 este
prezentata realizarea fizica, la nivel de model

Figura 4 – Cilindrul hidraulic de actionare si

blocul de aparate din componenta cricului de 5 tf

Figura 2 – Cilindrul hidraulic de actionare si blocul

de aparate din componenta cricului de 2 tf

Cricul de tip cilindru hidraulic cu

sarcina de 10 tf

In cazul in care se doreste deplasarea

pe verticala a unor sarcini mari, la o cursa
mare, se apeleaza la solutia cilindrilor
hidraulici cu una sau mai multe trepte, dupa
cum se poate vedea in exemplul din figura
Cricul pentru sarcina de 5 tf urmatoare.
Are o constructie asemanatoare cu cel de 2 tf,
50% din repere fiind comune cu cele ale
variantei anterioare; aceasta usureaza
integrarea in fabricatie in cadrul firmei si
aprovizionarea cu reperele care nu pot fi
produse la nivelul SC PRESTCOM SA.
Diferentele se observa la dimensiunile
produsului, dar si la cilindrul hidraulic si la
cursa pistonului:
-diametrul pistonului: 40 mm
-diametrul tijei: 35 mm
-cursa pistonului: 107 mm Figura 6 - Sistem de repunere pe sine cu cilindru
-cursa pe verticala a mecanismului de ridicare: hidraulic cu 2 trepte (LUKAS)
244 mm
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In acest caz se utilizeaza o pompa manuala REFERENCES

separata, cu un rezervor care sa asigure
umplerea camerelor treptelor cilindrului, iar
legatura se face cu un furtun flexibil de inalta 1.Oprean, A., Ionescu, Fl., Dorin, Al. - Acþionãri
presiune, prevazut cu cuple rapide. hidraulice. Elemente ºi sisteme, Editura Tehnicã,
Aceasta este si solutia adoptata de 1982.
firma PRESTCOM pentru ridicarea sarcinilor 2.Chirita, C., Calarasu, D. - Actionarea hidraulica
de pina la 10 tf. a masinilor unelte. Editura PANFILIUS, Iasi, 2002,
Principalele caracteristici: ISBN 973-85195-2-7.
-tipul cilindrului: telescopic in 2 trepte, cu 3.Avram, M., - Acþionãri Hidraulice ºi Pneumatice.
cilindri hidraulici de tip plunjer si revenire sub Echipamente ºi sisteme clasice ºi mecatronice.
Editura Universitarã, Bucureºti, 2005.
ISBN 9737787-40-4.
-cursa maxima pe treapta I, respectiv II: 206 4.Alãmoreanu, M., Tiºea, T. – Maºini de ridicat,
mm, resp. 224 mm Editura Tehnicã, Bucureºti, 1996
-cursa totala: 430 mm - Prospecte ºi cataloage ale firmelor: NIK
-sarcina maxima: 10 tf Hydraulic, ENERPAC, POWER TEAM, LUCAS,
-presiunea la sarcina maxima: 630 bar HAWE, PARKER, SIMPLEX, HYDRAMOLD,
-sistem dublu de rezemare / ghidare a tijelor, NORCO, MASADA, MATJACK, MILWAUKEE,
care sunt cromate dur pentru cresterea SIEPA
rezistentei la uzura si protectie contra oxidarii - Colecþia revistei OIL HYDRAULIK UND
-placa de sprijin la partea inferioara, pentru PNEUMATIK
cresterea stabilitatii.
-etansari de inalta calitate, rezistente la
presiuni de pina la 700 bar.


Utilizarea presiunilor ridicate poate duce la

obtinerea de produse din gama
echipamentelor de ridicat cu gabarit si mase
reduse, dar impune totodata o calitate a
fabricatiei corespunzatoare; pe linga o calitate
a suprafetelor corespunzatoare, sunt
necesare sisteme de etansare performante,
rezistente la uzura si care sa lucreze la
presiuni ridicate. In acest caz, s-a considerat
oportuna achizitionarea acestora de la
producatori consacrati, pentru toate cele 3
variante de mijloace de ridicat.
Totodata, solutiile tehnice si de fabricatie
trebuie sa asigure producerea la un pret
competitiv, tinand seama de celelalte
echipamente de pe piata. Firma SC Prestcom
SA Focsani dispune de toate conditiile de
realizare a acestor produse de calitate
superioara – dotare tehnica, personal cu
bogata experienta in actionarile hidraulice si
tehnologii de fabricatie – putind deveni un
producator consacrat pentru acest tip de

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009






Sos. Pantelimon nr. 6 ÷ 8, sector 2, 021631, Bucuresti, ROMÂNIA
E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected];

The installation for checking up the tightness of the bill chairs has as main functional principle
the change of pressure in a close system consisting of the bill chair, the electronic vacuum
device with pressure sensor and electrovalve. For a perfect tightness of the system there must
be maintained constant a vacuum of 0,64 bars for at least 3 sec.
The operational cycle must provide the tightness measurement in 3 different positions of the
ball on the chair. The ball chair is considered functional according to the quality standards if in
all the 3 positions the tightness is perfect.
The system for checking up the tightness of the ball chairs has the following structure:
- System for generating vacuum with filter and afferent valves
- Automatic set board for running the cycle of measurement of the tightness
- Modular cradle made of Bosch profiles of 30x30 mm
- Data acquisition and processing system
- Switches, cables
The economic efficiency of this system may be proven by the following arguments:
- The results of the present research study may be applie in a strategic field like oil
- May support the optimum use of the oil resources
- May generate an increase in labor productivity
- The quality of the ball chairs influences positively productivity in the oil extraction field by
using innovative materials, reducing times of unprogrammed stops with about 40-50%
increasing implicitly production
It is considered that the development of this system might be beneficial both for the
manufacturers of ball chairs as well as for the beneficiaries of these products:
- The quality of products will increase by eliminating scraps
- It is created the perfect groundwork for exports
- The business profit will increase with 20%
The pollution with oil products will be reduced significantly by increasing tightness of ball chairs.

In ultimele decenii datorita dezvoltarii din Cresterea etanseitatii scaunelor cu bile din
domeniul materialelor dure si extradure s-au carburi metalice sinterizate conduc la
impus realizarea scaunelor cu bile de la eliminarea opririlor neprogramate ale utilajelor
pompele de foraj din carburi metalice de foraj si pompare crescand randamentul in
sinterizate, foarte rezistente la uzura exploatare si productivitatea muncii la
mecanica si chimica. schelele petroliere.
Realizarea lor a fost posibila datorita utilizarii Pe plan mondial se contureaza in ultima
cu succes a finisarii cu ajutorul materialelor perioada tendinta de dezvoltare a unor
bazate pe pulberi de diamante sintetice in materiale sinterizate cu densitate redusa fata
tehnologii de lepuire, netezire. de cele conventionale pe baza de carburi de

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Pe langa densitatea redusa, aceste materiale sunt elemente constructive de inalta

prezinta si alte caracteristici imbunatatite- tehnicitate , solicitate in industria petroliera,
rezistenta la temperaturi ridicate , rezistenta la atat de constructorii de pompe de extractie de
coroziune si la uzura abraziva si eroziva- care adancime , cat si de utilizatorii acestora,
fac posibila utilizarea lor atat in procesele cu respectiv schelele petroliere de extractie a
solicitari intensive dinamice sau de uzare din titeiului.
domeniul energetic, nuclear, militar, etc. La instalatiile de extractie, bilele din carburi
Scaunele cu bila care realizeaza aceste metalice sinterizate (cms), sunt componente
caracteristici au in componenta lor un continut ale unui ansamblu cu functii de supapa de
crescut de carbura de titan. Scaunele cu bila sens unic (fig.1 ), din cadrul pompei de

Figura 1 Scaun cu bila

Din figura de mai sus se remarca precizia si Alegerea uneia sau alteia din tehnicile de
gradul foarte inalt de prelucrare , conditii verificare si masurare calitativa si cantitativa a
geometrice foarte greu de obtinut. etanseitatii se face tinand seama de cazul
Pentru incercarea la etanseitate se are in concret al dispozitivului (aparatului ) pe care
vedere relizarea unei metode si tehnici care sa dorim sa-i verificam etanseitatea .
corespunda standardelor interne si Etanseitatea este determinata prin
internationale datorita domeniului caruia i se masurarea ratei de pierdere a gazului.
adreseaza. Pentru un gaz (aer) pierderea etanseitatii
Normativele britanice care au fost poate fi convenabil exprimat de variatia
preluate in acest domeniu sunt: presiunii in timp in conditii specifice. Pentru
SR EN 1779:2002/A1:2004 Încercarea testari, pierderea etanseitatii poate fi
de etanseitate. Criterii de alegere a metodei si exprimata ca o rata de scurgeri in unitati de
a tehnicii gaz pierdute ( Pascali.mc3/s).in conditii de
SR EN 13184:2003/A1:2004 Încercarea temperatura si presiune specificate.
de etanseitate. Metoda prin variatia presiunii De exemplu o rata de pierderea presiunii
SR EN 13185:2003/A1:2004 Încercarea de 5 x 10-4 este acceptata pentru aerul
de etanseitate. Metoda cu gaz trasor comprimat in cilindrul unui compresor-
SR EN 1593:2002/A1:2004 Încercarea corespunde unei variatii a presiunii de 5000Pa
de etanseitate. Tehnica prin emisia de bule intr-un volum de 10 l in 24 de ore sau 0,5 l
pierduti masurati la presiunea atmosferica.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

O rata a pierderilor de 10-10Pa.m3/s este

normala pentru un stimulator cardiac, ce (4)
corespunde unei pierderi de 1 cm3 la 30 de ani.
Urmatorii factori au cea mai mare importanta in
- natura si presiunea gazului Din cele prezentate mai sus reiese ca
- temperatura de lucru pierderile de etanseitate masice pot fi
Masa gazului de testare este determinata in exprimate ca pierderi de presiune .
orice punct al aplicatiei cu legea gazului ideal Standardul descrie tehnicile de
determinare a ratelor de scurgere de-alungul
marginii unei piese izolate, supuse unei
diferente de presiune. Tehnicile sunt bazate
pe evaluarea schimbarii masei de gaz din
piesa testata .
Schimbarea volumului piesei (datorita
schimbarilor de temperatura si presiune din
timpul testului) trebuie luata in considerare.
Totusi in unele aplicatii industriale aceasta
schimbare (variatie) este atat de mica incat
poate fi neglijata. Astfel,marea parte, partea
principala a acestui standard considera
volumul ca fiind o constanta in timpul testului.
Pierderea de masa este Ecuatia gazelor ideale determina relatia
dintre masa, presiune, temperatura si
(1) volumul de gaz continut in volumul liber
interior al piesei. In unele circumstante, una
sau mai multe variabile pot fi constante si
unde subscriptorii 1,2 se refera la gazul de
astfel schimbarea masei poate fi , de
testare la inceputul si la sfarsitul testului
exemplu dedusa prin monitorizarea presiunii
tinand cont de umiditatea relativa, vaporii de
sau schimbarii presiune – temperatura din
apa pot fi considerati a se comporta ca un gaz
interiorul piesei testate.
ideal, atunci expresia de mai sus devine:
Testarea la etanseitate a scaunelor cu
bile se va face la temperatura ambianta
(2) influenta variatiei de temperatura se va
considera neglijabila.
Incercarea la etanseitate folosind
Pierderea masica poate fi convertita ca un
metoda gazului trasor este mai dificil de aplicat
volum pierdut in conditii standard ps , Ts
datorita costurilor mari legate de aparatura
necesara si anume aparatura sensibila la
gazul trasor (spectrometru de masa),
amplasarea acesteia de cealalta parte a
marginilor piesei de controlat
Datorita faptului ca etanseitatea trebuie
masurata in 3-4 pozitii ale bilei pe scaunui ei ,
aceasta trebuie rotita, lucru care impune ca
(3) accesul la bila sa fie liber.
Incercarea la etanseitate folosind
metoda emisiei de bule este mai mult o
unde Ät este durata testulu rata scurgerii, metoda de incercare calitativa care aduc
exprimata ca procent de pierdere(masa, aceleasi dezavantaje ca si metoda cu gaz
presiune) trasor, piesa fiind in imersie in lichidul de
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Necesitatea verificarii etanseitatii in diverse Sistemul pentru verificarea etanseitatii

pozitii ale bilei fac aceasta metoda greu de scaunelor cu bile (figura 2.1)are urmatoarea
utilizat alcatuire:
Studiind metodele de verificare a etanseitatii - sistem de producere a vidului cu
scaunelor cu bile, se constata ca metoda cea electrovalvele aferente si vacuumetru
mai usor de aplicat este metoda variatiei electronic(1)
presiunii. - dulap de automatizare cu automat
In conditiile obisnuite de incercare diferenta de programabil pentru realizarea ciclogramei de
temperatura din timpul testului este neglijabila masurare a etanseitatii, cu sistem de achizitie
datorita timpului scurt de mentinere la vacuum si inregistrare a datelor (2)
si ca atare temperatura se considera - batiu in constructie modulara din profile tip
constanta. Bosch 30 x 30 mm.(3)
Gazul folosit este aerul care in conditiile de
purificare asigurate se poate asemana gazului
ideal si deci se pot aplica formulele de calcul
din termodinamica.
Diferenta de presiune la care este supus
ansamblul scaun- bila nu produce deformatii
care sa afecteze forma reperelor si sa
contribuie la interpretari eronate a rezultatelor.
Instalatia de verificarea etanseitatii scaunului
cu bila are la baza modificarea de presiune
intr-un sistem inchis format de scaunul cu bila ,
vacuumetrul electronic cu senzor de presiune
si electrovalva. Sistemul ca sa fie considerat
etans trebuie sa mentina constant un vid
masurat de 0,64 bari, timp de minim 3 Figura 2. Instalatia de verificare a
secunde. etanseitatii scaunului cu bila
Acesti parametri – presiune si timp respecta La pornirea sistemului electrovalvele sunt
normativul american din domeniu si anume in pozitie normal inchisa. In prima faza se
API 11 AX , folosit de cel mai mare producator deschide electrovalva de izolare (4) si
de utilaj petrolier din lume COOPER porneste pompa de vid (6 –fig.3) In momentul
CAMERON, normativ adoptat si de PCC cand se atinge vidul cerut de 0,64 bari,
Sterom SA Campina, unul din utilizatorii senzorul de vid din vacuumetru comanda
instalatiei de verificare a etanseitatii inchiderea (4)si deschiderea electrovalvei de
Realizarea ciclogramei de lucru se face cu aerisire (3) prin intermediul automatului
automat programabil iar inregistrarea datelor programabil din dulapul de automatizare
cu inregistrator cu banda de hartie. .Dupa temporizarea de 3 secunde se citeste
Ciclograma de lucru trebuie sa asigure presiunea pe vacuumetru si se inregistreaza
masurarea etanseitatii in 3 pozitii diferite ale pe banda de hartie. Se deschide (4) si se
bilei pe scaun. Scaunul cu bila se considera roteste bila pe scaun in alta pozitie. Se inchide
admis calitativ daca in cele 3 pozitii se asigura (3) si se reia ciclul de masurare pentru noua
etanseitatea. pozitie a bilei pe scaun. Se procedeaza in
Caracteristici tehnice acest mod in 3 pozitii diferite ale bilei si daca in
- sistemul trebuie sa asigure etanseitate la un cele 3 masuratori nu se modifica presiunea , se
vid de 0,64 bari considera ca scaunul cu bila asigura
- timpul de mentinere a vidului 3 secunde etanseitatea.
- automatizare cu automat programabil Pentru o buna vizibilitate , vacuumetrul se
- masurare vid cu vacuumetru electronic afla fixat pe placa de baza langa scaunul cu
- inregistrarea datelor pe banda de hartie bile de verificat (figura 3)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Crateristici tehnice ale instalatiei

Cracteristici constructive ale pieselor
material: cms, sorturi destinate pieselor de
uzura (G30; NG15);
gama dimensionala:Ø 19,05 ÷ Ø 42,88 mm;
precizie de executie:
tolerante: ± 0,015 mm
abatere de la sfericitate: 0,250 – 1,000 ìm
calitate de suprafata: Ra < 0,025 · 10-3 mm.
Caracteristici ale parametrilor tehnologici de
vacuum de verificare la etanseitate 0,64 bari
timp de mentinere la vacuum 3 secunde , bila
se verifica in minim 3 pozitii
Caracteristici constructive ale produsului:
caracteristici mecanice:
Figura 3 Sistemul de producere a vidului
realizare vid: cu pompa de vid de capacitate
1 – stut de racordare intre traseul vidat cu 35 l/ min, pentru un vid de 15 microni (0,020
vacuumetru si scaunul cu bila mbar)
2 – furtun rigid din pvc caracteristici mecatronice:
3 – electrovalva de aerisire- pentru controlul vidului:
4 - electrovalva de izolare ? senzor de vid cu precizie de masurare 0,1
5 - filtru %
6 – pompa de vid tip RL2- capacitate ? vacuumetru electronic de afisare pentru
35l/min, motor 0,16 kW , alimentare 220 V temporizare
Electrovalvele sunt de tip normal inchis, ? automat programabil ce controleaza si
actionate de magnet tip solenoid cu timp de electrovalvele
raspuns 10 ms.

Figura 5. Interior dulap de automatizare

1- inregistrator tip TRM10C pentru
Figura 4 Placa de baza cu scaunul cu bila inregistrarea datelor pe banda de hartie.
si vacuumetrul electronic 2- sigurante
3- automat programabil
4- releu electronic

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Concluzii Bibliografie
Realizarea echipamentului pentru SR EN 1779:2002/A1:2004 Încercarea
verificarea etanseitatii scaunului cu bile de la de etanseitate. Criterii de alegere a metodei si
pompele de extractie petrol se poate utiliza si la a tehnicii
verificarea etanseitatii la diverse incinte inchise SR EN 13184:2003/A1:2004 Încercarea
folosindu-se acelasi soft. de etanseitate. Metoda prin variatia presiunii
Eficienta economica a aplicarii SR EN 13185:2003/A1:2004 Încercarea
rezultatelor cercetarii tin de domeniul strategic de etanseitate. Metoda cu gaz trasor
care il reprezinta industria petroliera, de SR EN 1593:2002/A1:2004 Încercarea de
valorificarea eficienta a resurselor de petrol, de etanseitate. Tehnica prin emisia de bule
productivitatea muncii in domeniu. Aparatul
este unicat, realizat folosind tehnica de varf,
elimina interventia operatorului in citirea si
interpretarea rezultatelor.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




“Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University of Iaºi, Department of Machine Tools, e-mail: [email protected]
Hydramold Company, Iasi, Research Department, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This work presents a concept of mobile machine, UEMA type, developed within the research
program INOVARE 2008, based on research contract no. 213 / 26.09.2008, in a partnership between 2
national companies and 2 national research institutes under the direct leadership AMCSIT of Bucharest.
Key words: interchangeble, mobile machine.

2. The Necessity of Making a Local

1. Introduction
Mobile Machine
Regardless of specialization in
In Romania, it does not exist a local
agriculture, construction or demolition
manufacturer for a mobile machine like this
companies worldwide have these goals: speed
and that these machines are imported. Thus,
in execution, adaptability regardless of activity,
it is necessary to manufacture a mobile
simple handling of materials, intensive and
machine UEMA in order to perform quality
sustained work, minimizing the times
intelligence works at a small price at
operations of loading/unloading,
To these are added the following
transportation, lifting and transfer of specific
restrictions: reducing the work area, reducing
materials from different industries.
the dimensions of equipment and machinery,
The novelty UEMA product derived from:
reducing the noises, vibrations and harms,
a. meet the requirement of beneficiaries
increase the price steel and other materials,
to have a custom machine, equipped with the
more low fuel consumption, lower costs for
equipments of the high productivity, contains
maintenance, repair and storage of machinery
proprietary solutions, using simultaneous
and equipment, efficiency works as the
commands, view the operations and
objectives become the global strategies.
The solution came from the manufacture
b. is equipped with quick coupling work
of multipurpose machines on the structure of
specific machine, compatible and operational
c. is provided with control systems,
with appropriate work equipments, easily
monitoring and damage preventions;
coupled to a carrier mechanism. Many issues
d. is equipped with monitored systems
of cost, small size, strength and precision,
functioning and operation functions of the
have been solved by using hydraulic
mobile machine, optical and acoustic
transmission of movements.
permanent surveillance;
e. eliminating uncontrolled intervention
of the operator;
f. compact design which ensure easy
portability, by modules, of multifunctional
g. levels pollution below the allowed
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Using the product provides the following

a. lower cost price by 22% compared to
similar products from manufacturers surveyed;
b. minimum operating costs through
efficient heat engine fitted which has reduced
fuel consumption;
c. high reliability using the highest
generation components;
d. ergonomic control station with heating
system, air conditioned and pressurized cabin; Fig. 1 – UEMA level equipments:
a – first level; b – second level; c – third level;
e. c u s t o m e q u i p m e n t o f h i g h d – fourth level.
f. monitoring system operation and
functions, warning and protection against
UEMA mobile machine is done in a modular
structure, whose description is made on sub-
g. monitoring during the lifetime of
equipment, protection;
1. the standard machine: frame
h. ensuring the operator training at the
welding, heat engine, clutch, gearbox, engine
delivery equipment.
deck rear, steered front, control station,
cockpit, steering system, brake system,
3. UEMA Mobile Machine Structures
hydraulic system, electrical installation,
systems monitoring of operations and
3.1. The Equipment Levels
functions, defenders protection;
Wanting to provide clients a powerful machine,
2. the front equipment: blade digging -
our specialists propose 4 levels of equipment
cranes rear leveling, made in welded structure,
for UEMA mobile machine:
with quick coupling system, the tilt left/right
i. first level – standard machine (blade
system, the lifting mechanism with hydraulic
digging - cranes rear leveling) with back
cylinders and associated pipes;
equipment (fork mechanical for: plant debris,
3. back drive equipment: riding system,
manure, round bales) (Fig.1,a);
rotation systems of the arm, arm, fixed or
ii. second level – standard machine
telescopic handle, quick coupling mechanism
(blade digging - cranes rear leveling) with back
of hydraulic equipment and the hydraulic
equipment (bucket for light materials)
installation, all sub-assemblies mentioned
made in welded structure;
iii. third level – standard machine (blade
4. work equipment back are
digging - cranes rear leveling) with back
multifunctional, interchangeable, made in
equipment (cranes for wood) (Fig.1,c);
welded structure, with quick coupling systems
iv. fourth level – standard machine (blade
on the carrier mechanism.
digging - cranes rear leveling) with back
equipment (stacker) (Fig.1,d).
3.2. Technical Characteristics

The technical characteristics of UEMA mobile

machine relating dimensional, functional and
operating parameters on the standard
machine and the work equipments, with
delivery in two versions: standard or optional
(Table 1)..

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Table 1
Technical characteristics of standard machine

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009
Table 2
Technical characteristics of equipments

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Outline dimensions of a mobile machine type UEMA are given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 – Outline dimensions for UEMA mobile machine

(second level equipped).

4. Operation
Joystick-type controls are electrically
Operation of equipment is done from active and all equipment working car (with two
cockpit. Control station has two desks: or three double commands). Operator acts as – for travels direction of mobile levers for action: turning and lifting/lowering
machine, where are the commands for front arm, lifting/lowering handle / work equipment
equipments; and the function of closing/opening scoops, or
II. other – is disposed toward the other control equipment installed.
back of the cockpit. Separate is level for wedging and
Operator's seat is rotated and fastened to interchange ability of work equipments.
one of two control panels in the cabin.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Coupling and decoupling of equipment REFERENCES

is done by operator from cockpit, without the
help of another person. 1.* * * Studiu ºtiinþific ºi tehnic al solutiilor
Hand commands are on the gear lever, pentru utilaj mobil UEMA, Etapa I,
clutch and brake service, safety and parking. Program 5 Inovare, Contract de
Finantare 213/2008, H y d r a m o l d Iaºi,
5. Conclusions Noiembrie 2008.
2. www.caterpilar.usa.
1. Multifunctional UEMA mobile is a 3. www.danfoss.den.
machine loaded with propagation growing 4.
field of agriculture, forestry, livestock farm or 5.
construction and will cause the evolution of 6.
manufacturing equipment to forces, moments 7.
of inertia, speed and higher pressures, the 8.
closer monitoring the process parameters that 9. www.terex.usa.
decide the quality. 10.
2. The latest innovations multifunctional
machine focused on the need for the
equipments of high productivity work with
proprietary solutions, quick coupling systems
for work equipment, uses simultaneous
commands, monitors the operation and
functions of mobile equipment, optical and
acoustic surveillance, permanent.
3. Handling technology, agricultural products
and construction materials, require individual
work equipment hydraulic power that can be
executed successfully by the manufacturer
specializing in hydraulic power, Hydramold

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Erol Murad ),Cristian Predescu), Gheorghe Rizoiu*), Cristian Sima***,

(*),Univ. POLITEHNICA Bucuresti , (**)C.C.I.VL., (***) Marvior Expert SRL

In the paper it is presented a structural and energetic study of the use of bio mass as the only source of
energy for mobile, autonomous power created for high lands. It was chosen a steam system of co
generation with one level turbine which powers an alternator. The turbine is supplied from a steam tank
where is burnt the gas produced by transforming into gas the biomass by means of TLUD method in a
moduled gas producing.
Were studied 2 dryers USCMER with 4 and 10 m2 holders which require minimum changes for connecting
at the gas producing system. It was found that may be reached total power out turn of min.58% at gas
producing coefficients of 1-22 with a null balance of CO2 in conditions of complete power autonomy,
which proves the energetic economic and ecological efficiency of the studied systems.

1. Introducere Lucrarea are ca obiectiv analiza

In prezent, datoritã pericolului încãlzirii structuralã ºi energeticã a unei instalaþii de
globale continue se pune din ce în ce mai uscare convectivã, mobilã, independentã
accentuat problema reducerii emisiei de CO2 energetic, destinatã zonelor montane.
în atmosfera terestrã. Acest aspect se va studia în continuare
Acest deziderat se poate realiza prin din punct de vedere al utilizãrii biomasei ca
reducerea utilizãrii combustibililor fosili ºi sursã unicã de energie nepoluantã ºi
producerea de energie din surse regenerabile, ecologicã, larg disponibilã în zonele montane
cu bilanþ nul sau negativ de CO2: termo-solarã, cu vegetaþie spontanã, pentru alimentarea
foto-solarã, eolianã, hidro, biomasã, geo- instalaþiilor de uscare de capacitãþi mici de
termicã. uscare [7,9,10].
In multe regiuni de deal ºi montane flora Pentru a se produce o concentaþie
spontanã produce o mare diversitate de fructe, redusã de CO ºi de particule materiale (PM) s-
ciuperci etc. cu o mare valoare nutritivã ºi a ales varianta de gazeificare a biomasei cu
medicinalã ºi care se pot valorifica ºi prin procedeul Top Lit Up-Draft, denumit TLUD, la
uscare în zonele de recoltare. care procesul de ardere este cuplat direct la
In prezent, din considerente tehnologice ieºirea din procesul de gazeificare [2,9,13, 15].
ºi economice, se cere deplasarea capacitãþilor
de deshidratare spre zonele de recoltare 2. Producerea de energie termicã ºi
pentru a se reduce costurile de transport ºi electricã din biomasã
manipulare a produselor agricole fragile. Se
tinde spre o decentralizare a operaþiunilor de Pentru producerea de energie electricã
uscare, ceea ce necesitã realizarea cu în mod uzual se utilizeazã gazul, denumit în
prioritate a uscãtoarelor de capacitãþi de continuare gazgen, produs de gazogene
producþie mici ºi mijlocii, uºor de deplasat ºi pentru alimentarea motoarelor cu ardere
amplasat în zonele de interes. internã m.a.s. sau m.a.c.. S-au fãcut încercãri
In multe situaþii aceste zone de interes de utilizare a motoarelor cu ardere externã de
sunt izolate, nu au acces la reþeaua de energie tip Stirling care au arãtat cã pentru o eficienþã
electricã ºi ca urmare se pune problema energeticã ridicatã preþul acestor tipuri de
independenþei energetice a instalaþiilor de motoare devine mare ºi neeconomic.
uscare, adicã a producerii de energie termicã In ultimii zece ani, pentru sistemele de
ºi electricã cu mijloace proprii. cogenerare de puteri mici, s-au cercetat,
proiectat ºi realizat sisteme de cogenerare cu

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

motoare cu abur cu piston sau turbine cu Pentru a se obþine o reducere completã

acþiune. Acestea sunt cu motoare cu ardere a carbonului din biomasã rezultând în final
externã care pot utiliza arzãtoare de biomasã numai circa 1% cenuºã trebuie sã se reducã
sau de gazgenla presiune atmosfericã. pierderile de cãdurã prin peretele reactorului
Datoritã însã randamentului redus al motorului pentru a se menþine în frontul de pirolizã
cu abur aceste sisteme energetice sunt temeperatri de peste 900 oC. [13] ºi[15].
eficiente numai în regim de cogenerare Acest tip de procedeu a fost dezvoltat ºi
energie electricã ºi termicã. Din acest punct de utilizat la sobele de pregãtire a hranei în zone
vedere uscãtorul convectiv reprezintã un izolate, funcþionând foarte bine cu o mare
utilizatorul aproape ideal deoarece raportul varietate de biomasã localã. Un exemplu
de energii necesare electricã/termicã este mai remarcabil prin performanþele energetice ºi
mic de 1/15 [4,11,12,14,16,17]. ecologice este soba portabilã produsã de
Modulul termic TLUD, prezentat în PHILIPS, în care ventilatorul este alimentat cu
figura 1, este alimentat cu aer de un ventilator energie electricã produsã de un
axial acþionat de un motor electric, de curent termogenerator cu semiconductoare, montat
continuu, cu turaþie variabilã. Biomasa este sub grãtar, fiind un exemplu tipic de gererator
introdusã în reactor ºi se sprijinã pe un grãtar termic cu independenþã energeticã.
prin care trece, de jos în sus, aerul primar
pentru pirolizã ºi gazeificare. Procesul de
pirolizã rapidã are loc în stratul, frontul,
incandescent de pirolizã care coboarã
continuu consumâd biomasa din reactor. Din
piroliza rapidã rezultã gaze ºi gudroane.
Gudroanele trec prin stratul de cãrbune
incandescent, circa peste 700ºC, sunt cracate
þi reduse total datoritã cãldurii radiate de
frontul de pirolizã ºi de flacãra dispusã
Gazele rezultate, denumite gazgen, se
amestecã cu aerul secundar de ardere,
preîncãlzit de peretele reactorului, introdus în
zona de ardere prin orificiile dispuse la partea
superioarã a reactorului. Amestecul, cu
turbulenþã ridicatã, arde cu flacãrã la gura
superioarã a modulului la temperaturi de circa
Pentru reglarea puterii termice Fig.1 Schema funcþionalã a modului TLUD
necesare instalaþiei de uscare debitele de
3. Uscãtor convectiv cu cazan de abur
aerul primar ºi secundar sunt variate cu douã
alimentat cu biomasã
clapete, cuplate mecanic, sau prin variaþia
Deoarece consumul de energie termicã
turaþiei ventilatorului.
este mult mai mare de cât cel de energie
Procedeul TLUD, la un exces optim de
electricã, pentru scopul propus, s-a conceput
aer pentru gazeificare de 25% nu consumã în
un uscãtor convectiv care sã funcþioneze cu
totalitate carbonul din biomasã, rãmânând la
un raport de energii electricã/termicã cât mai
terminarea procesului de gazeificare a ºarjei
cenuºã ºi circa 20% cãrbune vegetal. In
S-a conceput o instalaþie de uscare
zonele montane acest carbune rezidual încins
convectivã cu schimbãtor de cãldurã (SC) apã
ar putea produce incendii.
caldã/aer ºi ventilator acþionat electric, la
240Vca, cu turaþie fixã., corespunzãtoare unei
viteze optime de 2 m/s a agentului de uscare.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Modulul energetic este format dintr-un S-au ales aceste tipuri de uscãtoare
cazan de abur la 0,7 bar în care se arde deoarece USCMER-10/20 are o capacitate de
gazgen-ul produs de unul, sau mai multe, producþie dublã comparativ cu USCMER-4/8,
module TLUD alimentate cu biomasã împreunã acoperind un domeniu de capacitãþi
lemnoasã localã, mãrunþitã sub 50mm. Aburul de producþie de 20..100 kg material de uscat
produs este trimis în SC unde se pe o ºarjã, domeniu în care se încadreazã ºi
condenseazã ºi încãlzeºte agentul de uscare. loturile de material de uscat recoltate zilnic în
Condensul este trimis înapoi în cazan cu o zonelor montane.
pompã de condens. Astfel se eliminã pompa Aceste uscãtoarele fac parte dintr-o
de circulaþie, iar pompa de condens la 0,7 bar familie de uscãtoare convective în care se
consumã foarte puþinã energie. Instalaþia este utilizeazã acelaºi tip de casetã, cu
alimentatã cu energie electricã din reþeaua dimensiunile 0,7 m x 0,45 m x 0,20 m.
monofazatã de 240Vca.

Fig.2 Schema bloc a uscãtorului alimentat cu energie termicã din biomasã

In figura 2 este prezentatã schema bloc Caseta a fost proiectatã optimal pentru ca
a unui uscãtor convectiv, din seria USCMER, uscãtoarele sã fie cât mai compacte, cu un
alimentat cu energie electricã de la reþeaua de raport volum uscãtor la suprafaþã casete
240Vca ºi cu biomasã pentru energia termicã, minim.
pe a cãrui structurã s-a dezvoltat varianta de Se observã ca raportul Pen/Ptmed este
utilizare în zonele montane izolate. de 1/10 ceea ce indicã cã aceste uscãtoare
In timpul uscãrii unei ºarje în instalaþie pot funcþiona eficient economic cu un sistem
intrã aer din exterior pentru ardere ºi pentru energetic de cogenerare.
compensarea debitului de agent de uscare
umed evacuat, precum ºi biomasã pentru
producerea de energie termicã.
Din instalaþie ies: debitul de agent de
uscare umed evacuat ºi gazele arse evacuate
din cazanul de abur.
In tabelul 1 sunt prezentate datele
tehnice ale uscãtoarelor analizate pentru
utilizare în zonele montane: USCMER-4/8 ºi

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Tabel 1 Caracteristici tehnice uscãtoare convective

Tabel 2 Regimul de funcþionare al uscãtoarelor alimentate cu biomasã

In tabelul 2 sunt prezentate datele 240Vca ºi cu biomasã pentru energie

de funcþionare ale uscãtoarelor din termicã, referinþã pentru analiza
familia USCMER alimentate cu energie comparativã cu regimul de
electricã de la reþeaua monofazatã de independenþã energeticã.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Cazanul cu abur este alimentat cu Turaþia turbinei este reglatã cu un robinet

energie termicã de la module TLUD cu de reglare RR2 care variazã debitul de abur cu
diametrul reactorului DR=210 mm ºi o înãlþime care întrã în turbinã în funcþie de sarcina
de HR=700 mm. In modul, la o încãrcare, intrã convertorului de tensiune. Aburul rezidual, la
un volum de 24 dm3 biomasã lemnoasã 0,5 bar, este trimis în SC, printr-o supapã de
mãrunþitã sub 50mm sau pelete. In funcþie de sens, unde se condenseazã contribuind la
consumul orar specific maxim (kg/m2h) s-au creºterea randamentului general de
determinat numãrul de module necesare. cogenerare.
Pentru o funcþionare uºor de controlat ºi Reglarea temperaturii agentului de
cu emisii reduse se impune o valoare maximã uscare la intrarea în camera de uscare se face
de Chs=100 kg/m2h. Din aceastã condiþie cu robinetul de reglare RR1, care modificã
rezultã cã este necesar un modul la debitul de abur care se introduce în SC printr-o
USCMER-4/8 ºi douã module la USCMER- supapã de sens ºi se însumeazã cu debitul de
10/20. abur rezidual al turbinei.
Din bilanþul energetic realizat rezultã cã Utilizarea aburului la presiuni mari
aceastã structurã a instalaþiei de uscare pentru alimentarea SC, care funcþioneazã la
poate asigura o funcþionare continuã cu pelete presiune atmosfericã, duce la scãderea
timp de 12 ore fãrã realimentare. Deoarece randamentului general ceea ce face necesar
aºchiile au densitate mai micã perioada de utilizarea a douã secþiuni de cazan cu presiuni
realimentare cu acest tip de biomasã este de de lucru diferite, montate în serie pe traseul
circa 6 ore, timpul mediu de uscare a unei gazelor de ardere [1].
ºarje. In prima secþiune la o temperaturã mai
mare a gazelor de ardere, se produce abur
4. Sistem cogenerativ cu turbinã de abur supraîncãlzit pentru acþionarea turbinei.
Pentru producerea de energie electricã Secþiunea este alimentatã cu porþii reduse de
ºi termicã s-a utilizat un sistem de cogenerare condens de o pompã de dozare controlatã de
cu abur de joasã presiune 6..10 bar produs presiunea aburului la intrarea în RR2.
într-un cazan de abur încãlzit cu gaze de In a doua secþiune se produce abur la 0,7
ardere de la unul sau mai multe module TLUD. bar, care este trimis spre SC. Alimentarea cu
Cazanul de abur este de tip flach, cu maxim condens se face cu o pompã de dozare
4..5 g apã în circuitul de evaporare pentru controlatã de presiunea aburului la intrarea în
evitarea destinderilor necontolate. Aburul RR1.
produs alimenteazã o turbinã de abur cu Reglarea puterii termice care intrã în
acþiune monoetajatã, numitã ºi cu impuls, cu cazan se regleazã din regimul de funcþionare
mai multe duze de expandare, duze deschise a modulelor TLUD în funcþie de eroarea de
continuu pentru evitarea creºterilor reglare a temperaturii agentului de uscare.
necontrolate de presiune în cazan [4], [5] ºi In figura 2 este prezentatã schema bloc a
[14]. uscãtorului convectiv echipat cu sistemul
Turbina acþioneazã un alternator cu energetic de cogenerare prezentat anterior.
ieºirea de 24Vcc la turaþii în domeniul
8000..10.000 rot/min, pentru a se reduce
greutatea ºi gabaritul, ceea implicã un
randament mai scãzut al turbinei.
Alternatorul încarcã bateria de
acumulatoare, necesarã pentru pornirea
instalaþiei, care alimenteazã un convertor
24Vcc/240Vca la care este cuplatã instalaþia
electricã a uscãtorului.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig.3 Schema bloc a uscãtorului cu independenþã energeticã

In tabelul 3 este prezentat rezultatul Pentru ca studiul sã redea cel mai

rulãrii programului de simulare a funcþionãrii defavorabil regim de funcþionare al sistemului
uscãtoarelor din familia USCMER, alimentate analizat, s-au ales pentru randamentele
cu energie provenitã integral din biomasã. energetice ale elementelor sistemului valorile
S-a calculat necesarul de putere minime, valori cunoscute din expolatarea
electricã Pen pentru întrega instalaþie, putere curentã a sistemelor simulare. Acestã
datã de convertorul de tensiune alimentat în abordare a condus la obþinerea de
timpul funcþionãrii de la alternator, iar la randamente totale de 58%, relativ mici pentru
pornire din bateria de acumulatoare. un regim eficient de cogenerare. În
In timpul unei ºarje de uscare puterea exploatarea curentã este foarte pobabil ca
electricã necesarã este constantã ceea ce randamentul total de cogenerare sã se
face ca puterea mecanicã cerutã de la turbina apropie sau sã depãºeascã 70%. Valoarea
cu abur sã fie constantã. Acest aspect indicã micã a randamentului total se datoreºte în
cã regimul de funcþionare al generatorului de mare parte proceselor de conversie a
energie electricã este constant, ceea ce face biomasei în energie.
face mai eficientã o optimizare funcþionalã, Procedeul de gazeificare TLUD a fost
constructivã ºi economicã a acestui ales deoarece la consumuri orare specifice
subansamblu. Debitul de abur rezidual al reduse, sub 100 kg/m 2 h, genereazã
turbinei este constant ºi ca atare se simplificã concentraþii foarte mici de CO ºi PM, în
algoritmul de reglare automatã a temperaturii concordanþã cu cerinþele ecologice actuale.
agentului de uscare prin reglarea numai a Un alt avantaj al gazogenelor TLUD este
puterii termice preluatã de secþiunea faptul cã ele se realimenteazã rapid în ºarje,
cazanului care funcþioneazã la 0,7 bar. au o perioadã foarte scurtã de pornire ºi
In bilanþul energetic nu s-a facut o puterea termicã produsã se poate regla
distincþie între cele douã surse de abur, eficient prin controlul debitului de aer de
deoarece acesta s-a realizat în funcþie de gazeificare Dag. Aceste aspecte au condus la
puterile necesare la ieºire ºi de randamente. conceptul de modul TLUD care a fost adoptat
ºi în acest studiu [3],[7] ºi [13].

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Tabel 3 Regimul de funcþionare al uscãtoarelor cu sistem de cogenerare

Mãrime U.M.
4/8 10/20
Putere electricã necesarã uscator Peu kWt 0.29 0.80
Putere electricã acþionãri gazogen+arzãtor W 40.00 100.00
Putere electricã automatizare gazogen W 20.00 20.00
Putere necesarã instalaþie uscare Pen kWt 0.35 0.92
Randament convertor 24Vcc/240Vca 0.92 0.92
Putere electricã consumatã la 24 Vcc kW 0.38 1.00
Putere electricã nominala alternator de 24Vcc kW 0.50 1.25
Randament alternator 0.85 0.85
Putere mecanicã turbina abur kW 0.59 1.47
Randament turbina abur (minim) 0.30 0.30
Putere termicã consumatã de turbinã kW 1.96 4.90
Randament recuperare energie abur ieºit din turbinã 0.90 0.90
Putere termicã rezidualã ieºire turbinã Wt 1.24 3.09
Randament mediu cazan abur (minim) 0.8 0.80
Randament minim TLUD 0.80 0.80
Putere termicã nominalã cazan abur kWt 8.73 21.81
Putere minimã cazan abur kWt 1.96 4.90
Putere minimã uscare % din Ptn % 15.44 15.44
Putere calorificã inf. biomasã (20% umid) MJ/kg 15.00 15.00
Putere calorificã pelete (10% umid) MJ/kg 20.00 20.00
Consum orar mediu biomasã kg/h 1.47 3.68
Consum orar maxim biomasã kg/h 3.27 8.18
Consum orar mediu pelete kg/h 1.02 2.89
Consum orar maxim pelete kg/h 2.45 6.14
Putere termicã medie intrare în instalaþie kW 6.13 15.33
Coeficient cogenerare Pen/Ptn 1/23 1/22
Randament general minim cogenerare % 57.88 58.17
Nr. ore utilizare zilnic h 12.00 12.00
Consum zilnic biomasã kg/zi 17.66 44.16
Densitate aºchii kg/dmc 0.30 0.30
Densitate pelete kg/dmc 0.70 0.70
Volum alimentare modul TLUD dmc 24.00 24.00
Masã aºchii în modul alimentare kg 7.20 7.20
Masã pelete în modul alimentare kg 16.80 16.80
Numãr module TLUD active 1.00 3.00
Putere termicã maximã modul TLUD kW 10.91 9.09
Consum orar specific biomasã kg/mp.h 94.47 78.73
Consum orar specific biomasã kg/mp.h 70.85 59.05
Perioadã medie alimentare module cu aºchii h 4.89 5.87
Perioadã medie alimentare module cu pelete h 11.41 13.70

S-au luat în considerare douã variante Acest combustibil este cel mai ieftin, se obþine
de alimentare cu biomasã: local în zona de recoltare a produselor de
A. Biomasã lemnoasã recoltatã local, uscat ºi nu necesitã transport. Aceastã
uscãturi cãzute, crengi uscate etc., tocatã în opþiune este consideratã ca biomasa de bazã
bucãþi cu lungimi mai mici de 50mm, cu o pentru uscãtoarele utilizate în zonele
umiditatea sub 25%. Iniþial, biomasa se montane deoarece sistemul de cogenerare
recolteazã ºi se toacã, apoi este lãsatã la poate alimenta un mic tocãtor electic la
uscare naturalã cel puþin 3 zile însorite pânã 240Vca, cu care se poate realiza o
ajunge la 20% umiditate. independenþã realã.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Un aparent dejavantaj funcþional constã în Astfel creºte perioada de utilizare a instalaþiei,

perioada mai scurtã, de circa cinci ore, de recuperându-se mai rapid investiþia iniþialã.
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modul poate funcþiona fãrã realimentare 12 heat of an internal combustion engine in a motor vehicle,
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alimentat cu energie termicã produsã din legumelor ºi fructelor alimentate cu energie termicã
biomasã prin procedeul de gazeificare TLUD. produsã din biomasã agricolã; INMATECH-2007,
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HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





dr. ing. Nicolae CONSTANTIN*, Prof.on.dr. ing. Iosif COJOCARU*

Prof.dr. ing. Ion PIRNA*, ing.Ion LEU**

* INMA Bucuresti
**MAT Craiova

Abstract: The harrow with autonomous disks develops a new and performant mechanization
technology which includes soil works, like clearing land of weeds and-or preparing germinal
beds on fresh plough lands or on unploughed lands where are created summer autumn
cultures. The technology may be applied at an adequate standard, low costs and energy
consumption, comparing with that performed by classic harrows with disks, for wheeled
tractors of 120 220 HP. The new equipment named GD 4 reaches work depths of 6-8 cm at
clearing soils and of 10-14 cm at preparing germinal beds on fresh ploughed land or
unploughed lands, the width being of 4 m and the working capacity of about 3 ha-h.
Key words: technical equipment, clering soil and preparing germinal beds, autonomous disks,
compact structure

1. CONSIDERATII GENERALE mãrirea duratei campaniei de lucru ºi la

executarea unui pat germinativ
Aproximativ 37% din suprafaþa agricolã a necorespunzãtor în condiþii cu umiditate
þãrii este ocupatã de solurile cu culturi ce se scãzutã ale solului. În acest context, se
înfiinþeazã vara-toamna, restul fiind teren urmãreºte promovarea unei grape cu discuri ºi
arabil destinat culturilor de primãvarã. Dacã organe (suplimentare) de mãrunþire, destinatã
pentru înfiinþarea culturilor de primãvarã tractoarelor de puteri mari, în vederea
existã utilaje agricole (combinatoare C2,6; perfectionãrii tehnologiei de dezmiriºtit ºi
C3,9; CPGC4 etc) pentru pregãtit terenul în pregtit patul germinativ pe arãturi proaspete în
vederea semãnatului, în schimb pentru cele care se înfiinþeazã culturile de varã-toamnã.
destinate înfiinþãrii culturilor de varã-toamnã, Lucrãrile solului executate de grapele cu
gama de maºini agricole existentã nu este discuri grele sunt caracterizate prin rezultate
corespunzãtoare sau este insuficientã. bune de mãrunþirea, amestecarea ºi
Plantele semanate sau plantate pe un pat mobilizarea solului, realizate în condiþii de
germinativ corespunzator se dezvolta mai umiditate scãzutã a solului. Din punct de
bine decât plantele la care patul germinativ vedere constructiv ºi funcþional graplele cu
este asezat pe bulgari care îngreuneaza discuri prezintã avantajul de a trece uºor peste
(întrerup capilaritatea) patrunderea apei la eventualele obstacole ce apar în procesul de
radacinile plantelor. La ora actuala, pregatirea lucru, iar organele active, de tip discuri sferice,
unui pat germinativ pe araturi de vara-toamna, au un grad scãzut de uzurã, ca urmare a
la noi în tara, se executa cu grape cu discuri faptului cã solicitãrile în procesul de lucru sunt
usoare (în majoritatea cazurilor) destinate distribuite pe toatã lungimea tãiºului.
tractoarelor de 65 CP, cu combinatoare
specializate sau cu grape grele aduse din 2. U T I L A J E A G R I C O L E N O I I N
import, destinate tractoarelor de puteri mari. TEHNOLOGIILE DE LUCRARE A SOLULUI
Pregatirea patului germinativ cu grape cu
discuri usoare conduce la un consum ridicat Noua tehnologie de mecanizare cuprinde
de combustibil, la cresterea fortei de munca, lucrarea solului prin dezmiriºtit ºi/sau pregtit
patul germinativ pe arãturi proaspete sau pe
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

teren nearat în care se înfiinþeazã culturile de Lucreazã în agregat cu tractoarele pe roti

varã-toamnã. Arãturile trebuiesc grãpate de de 120-220 CP prevãzute tiranþi ºi/sau cu
îndatã ce au fost efectuate deoarece acestea bara de tractiune categoria a III-a SR ISO
se întãresc, nu se pot mãrunþi ºi cresc 730-1+C1 :2000;
pierderile de apã prin evaporaþie. Prelucrarea
arãturilor cu grapele cu discuri se executã 2.2. Descrierea constructivã þi
diagonal pe direcþia brazdelor pentru a netezi funcionalã
coamele acestora. Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4 este
Þinând seama ca în prezent în România un utilaj agricol tractat ºi/sau purtat pe tiranþii
se fabrica tractorul de 195CP, iar unii fermieri laterali (categoria a III-a SR ISO 730-1+C1
au importat tractoare de 100-240CP, a aparut :2000) ai tractoarelor de 120-220 CP pe roþi.
ca necesara realizarea ºi introducerea în
fabricatie la agenti economici interesati, a
unor utilaje, care în prezent se aduc din
import, pentru tractoarele din aceasta gama.
În acest sens au fost realizatã ºi încercatã
grapa cu discuri independente destinat
tractoarelor de mare putere, tip GD-4, care are
o constructie mult redusa fata de cele ale
grapelor cu discuri.

Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4 este

de tip purtat pe ridictoarele hidraulice ale
tractoarelor de 120-220 CP pe roi, categoria a
III-a STAS 11022-91. Grapa se compune din
urmãtoarele ansambluri principale: ºasiu;
baterii cu discuri (fatã+spate); tren de
transport; tãvãlugi de nivelare ºi mãrunþire;
instalatie hidraulicã.

2.1. Destinaþia þi domeniul de utilizare

Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4 Fig.1 Vedere lateralã a grapei Gd4
executã la o singurã trecere: -pozitie de lucru ºi de transport
§ dezmiriºtirea;
§ pregãtirea patului germinativ pe arãturi
proaspete sau pe teren nearat în care se
înfiinþeazã culturile de varã-toamnã, în
vederea semãnatului cerealelor pãioase ºi a
plantelor prãºitoare la adâncimi de lucru
cuprinse între 10÷14 cm.
Se utilizeazã vara-toamna (în anumite
situaþii primãvara) pe araturi proaspete, în
toate tipurile de sol aflate pe terenuri plane
sau cu pantã pânã la 60. Arãturile trebuiesc Fig. 2 Vedere din spate a grapei Gd4
grãpate de îndatã ce au fost efectuate -pozitie de transport
deoarece acestea se întãresc, nu se pot
mãrunþi ºi cresc pierderile de apã prin Sasiul grapei are în componenþã bara ºi
evaporaþie. Prelucrarea arãturilor cu grapele proþapul de tracþiune, cadru central ºi douã
cu discuri se executã diagonal pe direcþia cadre laterale pe care se monteazã bateriile cu
brazdelor pentru a netezi coamele acestora discuri, trenul de transport ºi tãvãlugii de
mãrunþire ºi nivelare a solului.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Proþapul de tracþiune 4. ÎNCERCÃRI ÎN CONDITII DE CÂMP-

ºi bara de tracþiune sunt LABORATOR SI DE EXPLOATARE
realizate în variantã Încercrile în condiþii de casã, câmp-
sudatã din þeavã pãtratã ºi laborator ºi de exploatare s-au efectuat în
plãci groase din tablã. Ele agregat cu tractorul ZIMBRU (T195), s-au
se fixeazã de cadru cu efectuat în iulie- octombrie 2009, în
ajutorul unor bolþuri, ºaibe conformitate cu procedurile specifice de
ºi ºplinturi. încercare PSpI-01.10.29 "Încercarea grapelor
cu discuri" þi PSpI-01.00.33 "Determinarea
Cadrul central al grapei este o construcþie indicilor energetici pentru agregatele
sudatã, din þevi pãtrate, sub forma unui agricole".
dreptunghi, rigidizat cu plãci de întãrire. Pe La încercãrile din perioada de var-
pãrþile laterale ale cadrului sunt sudate patru toamnã, grapa cu discuri independente GD-4,
lagãre pentru montarea cadrelor laterale, iar figura 3, a realizat lucrãri de calitate, indici
în zona centralã sunt sudate douã lagãre calitativi de lucru ºi energetici corespunzãtori.
pentru fixarea trenului de transport.

Bateria cu discuri (fatã+ spate) are în componenþã o

semibaterie centrala ºi douã semibaterii laterale, care se
rabat, pe verticalã, pentru pozitia de transport. Fiecare
semibaterie se fixeazã pe cate o teava patrata prin
intermediul unor flanºe si inele din cauciuc. Bateriile sunt din
formate discuri crenellate, lagãre cu rulmenþi, ax de fixare ºi
brat de susþinere. Discurile au diametrul exterior de 660 mm ºi
sunt executate din tablã manganoasã.
Trenul de transport al grapei este conceput pentru
deplasarea grapei pe drumurile publice ºi are în componenþã
un cadru sudat ºi douã roþi cu pneuri.
Tãvãlugul de mãrunþire ºi nivelare se monteazã în spatele
bateriilor cu discuri cu scopul de a mãrunþi, nivela ºi reaºeza
suplimentar solul prelucrat de bateriile grapei. Pentru
transport, tãvãlugii se pliazã în plan vertical panã se
încadreazã în gabaritul de transport de 3 m.


3.1. Caracteristici dimensionale þi constructive
- Tipul grapei tractatã
- Tractor necesar, CP 120-220
- Lãþimea de lucru, m max.4
- Lãþimea de gabarit în transport, m 3,0
- Nr. discurilor 32
- Distanþa între discuri, mm 220

3.2. Caracteristici funcþionale

- Adâncimea de lucru, cm: 10 - 14
- Viteza în transport, km/h 4-8

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 3. Aspect din timpul lucrului

cu grapa
cu discuri independente GD-4

Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4 a

prezentat o bunã stabilitate în plan orizontal þi Fig. 4. Variaþia indicilor calitativi de lucru
vertical. Variaþia indicilor calitativi de lucru cu cu unghiul de atac
unghiul de atac este prezentatã în diagrama
din figura 4.
Gradul de mãrunþire a solului, Gm [%] 5. CONCLUZII
Principalul indicator calitativ de lucru, al Din analiza datelor obþinute la încercãri au
grapei îl reprezinta gradului de mãrunþire a rezultat urmãtoarele concluzii:
solului. Pentru determinare s-a delimitat o - Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4
probã de sol cu dimensiunile de 1m x 1m pentru tractorul de 120÷220CP pe roþi a fost
(folosind rama metricã ºi adâncimea egalã cu realizatã cu douã baterii paralele ºi cu organe
adâncimea de lucru a grapei). Din proba suplimentate de mãrunþire, cu lãþime de lucru
respectivã s-a separat fracþiunile de pãmânt de 4 m;
cu dimensiuni mai mici de 50 mm de bugãrii ºi - Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4 se
cu dimensiuni mai mari de 100 mm. Gradul de utilizeazã vara-toamna (în anumite situaþii
mãrunþire reprezintã proporþia în greutate a primãvara) pe arãturi proaspete, în toate
fracþiunilor de sol cu mãrunþire satisfãcãtoare, tipurile de sol aflate pe terenuri plane sau cu
respectiv cu dimensiunile bulgãrilor de maxim pantã pânã la 60
50 mm, raportatã la masa totalã a probei de - Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4
pãmânt, calculatã cu ajutorul relaþiei: executã la o singurã trecere:
§ dezmiriºtirea;
§ pregãtirea patului germinativ pe arãturi
proaspete sau pe teren nearat în care se
înfiinþeazã culturile de varã-toamnã, în
unde: Mci - greutatea mãsuratã a bulgãrilor de vederea semãnatului cerealelor pãioase ºi a
sol cu dimensiunea maximã convenþionalã plantelor prãºitoare la adâncimi de lucru
mai mici de 50 mm din proba de sol luatã, [kg]; cuprinse între 10÷14 cm
Mti - greutatea mãsuratã a întregii probe - Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4
de sol luatã, [kg]. este robustã, simplã din punct de vedere
constructiv þi funcþional, este uþor de
Cântãririle s-au fãcut cu un cântar portabil,cu
manevrat, întreþinut þi exploatat în procesul de
o eroare relativã admisibilã de 1%.
Principalii indici calitativi de lucru þi energetici
realizaþi sunt:
- gradul de mãrunþire al solului Gms=75,21...80,25%;
- gradul de încorporare în sol a resturilor vegetale Gv=95,23-96,61%;
- gradul de afânare Gas=20,15...26,27%;
- adâncimea medie de lucru amed =10,23…14,25 cm ;
- lãþimea medie de lucru Bmed =3,82…3,96 cm ;
- viteza de lucru Ve=6,75...7,20 km/h;
- capacitatea de lucru la timpul efectiv Wef=2,75...2,88 ha/h;
- consumul de combustibil Q=7,32...8,49 l/ha.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4 a

- Grapa cu discuri independente GD-4
realizat lucrãri de calitate, cu un grad ridicat de
este de tip tractatã sau purtatã, operaþia de
mãrunþire a solului þi de îngropare a resturilor
cuplare putând fi executatã de cãtre un singur
vegetale. Coeficienþii de siguranþã tehnicã þi
om (mecanizatorul);
tehnologicã au înregistrat valori ridicate,
nefiind necesari timpi pentru remedierea
defecþiunilor de exploatare.

1. Cojocaru Iosif, ºi col - Noi soluþii tehnice în concepþia grapelor cu discuri. Revista "Mecanizarea
agriculturii", nr.7 Bucureºti, din 2000
2. Popescu Traian, Cojocaru Iosif, Constantin Nicolae, Toanchina Petre, Buciu Florian,
Maican Constantin - Studii si cercetari privind realizarea unei familii de grape cu discuri usoare
purtate pentru tractoarele de 30, 45 si 65 CP pe roti, INMA Bucuresti, 1993
3. Popescu Traian Contribuþii tehnice ºi experimentale privind îmbunãtãþirea organelor de
lucru de la grapele cu discuri. Teza de doctorat ASAS-Bucureºti, 1982
4. Dranafield P. ºi alþi Influenþa adâncimii, viteza de lucru ºi a unghiurilor de aºezare a uneltelor
pentru lucrat solul asupra mãrimilor care compun rezistenþa solului, Jurnal Agricultural,
Engineering Rosearch, nr.3, 1964
5. Hann M. J., J. Giessibl, - Force Measurements on Driven Discs, Journal of Agricultural
Engineering Research, 1998, volume 69, number 2, 149 - 157;
6. Kolozsvari Constantina, Constantin N. - Echipament de lucrat solul prevãzut cu discuri ºi
organe suplimentare de mãrunþire ºi nivelare destinat tractoarelor de mare putere Revista
“Mecanizarea Agriculturii”, nr.3/2006, Bucureºti.
7. A.ªandru, M. Bãdescu, L.ªandru,“ - Reducerea consumului de energie prin folosirea raþionalã
a agregatelor agricole”, Editura Scrisul Românesc, Craiova, 1982.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Constantin CHIRITA*, Gheorghe PLESU*, Mircea FRUNZA**,

Corneliu Constantin DUCA*** and Alexandru COPTU*

*Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iasi, Romania

** National Inventics Institute, Iasi, Romania
*** Hydramold, Iasi, Romania

Abstract. The paper describes a new technology for “T” shapes manufacturing through
hydroforming using high pressures in to a mould controlled with two “digital” hydraulic axes.
The technology solves one of the main problems regarding the diminution of the thickness the
material, through a proportional compensation of the shape with two normal high pressure
valves acting like hydraulic axes.

Key words: hydroforming, high pressure, hydraulic, tubes, axes

1. Introduction
To avoid the diminution of the thickness of the
The paper relates to a new technology for “T” tube walls the pistons are moving one to each
shapes manufacturing through hydro-forming other with a controlled speed and force. In the
using high pressures into a mould controlled faze 3 the tube take the final form. Next a very
with two proportional hydraulic axes. The high pressure is applied for a couple of
technology solves one of the main problems seconds to calibrate the sheet of billet to his
regarding the diminution of the thickness the final form. In the faze 4 the inside pressure is
material, through a proportional decreased with a controlled slope to avoid the
compensation of the shape with two collapse of the new manufactured piece.
proportional hydraulic axes. After that both pistons are retracted and the
The hydroforming processes involves the mould is opened to relieve the oil from inside
deformation of a sheet of billet under the the tube.
forces results from a pressure which is applied The process seems to be simple but the main
under control to the active surfaces. problem is to control the speed, distance and
In the past the old technologies are bounded, force of the pistons as well as the deforming
for hidroformation, to the maximum pressures process is making at approximately constant
till 30 MPa. The evolution of the hydraulic volume and the walls of the piece are kept at a
systems allow to use for this technology higher desired thickness.
pressures between 70 to 150 MPa and This kind of control on a single direction is
sometimes even higher. named proportional hydraulic axe.
The principle of tubes hydroforming is showed Normally this proportional axe is not new and is
in the figure 1. Faze 1 a tube is introduced and developed with proportional hydraulic valves.
fixed in to a mould. Two pistons with a special In our case proportional valves can not be
sealing system fix the tube at the required used due to high pressure from the system,
position and seal it. A special liquid is their max pressure limit is up to 32 Mpa.
introduced in the tube till the pressure of 20 25 To find a solution to our problem we imagine a
MPa. At this point, regarding the material of digital system which copy the behaviour of the
the tube starts the deformation processes. proportional valve and make all desired
functions with two high pressure valves,
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

a National Instruments data acquisition and

command interface and a computer.
The construction of the mould is posted in
figure 2. We can see the frame of the press,
the two actuators used for proportional axes,
two actuators used to close the mould and to
compensate the action of the internal
pressure of the liquid, and the scheme of the
hydraulic equipment.
In the figure is posted also the principal piece
of the system, the pressure multiplier. This
equipment will be described in detailed in the
following chapters.
The fluid used for the process can be extreme
pressure hydraulic oil or water combined with
corrosion inhibitors.

2. Experimental installation

In the first step all laboratory installation use

hydraulic oil but in the industrial engineering
stage where high volumes of liquids are used
is preferable to use water.
Fig. 1. Tube hydroforming fazes

Fig. 2 The principle of tube hydroforming

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The mould has a superior plate and an inferior

one fitted with elements including the
connectors to the hydraulic equipment.

In the figure 4, 1 is the mould inferior plate, 2 is

the guiding system for the pounces 6, 3 are two
nuts for the pounces, 4 is a restraining block, 5
are the guiding columns, 7 is a hydraulic
actuator with the role of create a contra force
for the ”T” shape of the sheet of billet and 12 is
the “T” shape manufactured with this

Fig. 3 Hydroforming mould for “T” tubes

Fig. 4 The assembly of the Inferior plate of the

Hydroforming mould for “T” tubes

In the figure 5 is presented the hydraulic After the insertion of the tube in the mould, the
diagram of the experimental laboratory cylinder is extended till the contact with the
equipment. As is presented in the diagram the middle part of the tube. From this moment to all
system is powered by a hydraulic pump hydroforming process the valve D4 is closed.
assisted by a limitation pressure valve which At this stage the valves D3 and D6, our two
control the pressure in the principal circuit. hydraulic axes, seal the tube by moving the
At this point a second valve D1 directs the oil to two elements 6 from the picture 4 into the
the distribution area where we find 4 valves. mould and throw the open extremity of the
Valve D5 is used for open and close the mould tubes.
via hydraulic actuator of the 70 t press. Valve The next step is to connect the elements 6 to
D5 is controlling the position of the small the oil source and to introduce inside the tube a
internal cylinder from the “T” part of the mould. pressure till the value of approximately 22
This cylinder has the role to create a MPa. At this pressure the deformation process
restraining force which controls the speed of is starting and for compensation is necessary
the deforming process. At the beginning of the to compress the tube with the elements 6. This
hydroformation process the starting position of is the moment where we fund a solution to
the cylinder is retracted. replace the proportional hydraulic axes with a
high pressure valves controlled by a National
Instruments interface to a computer.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig.5 Hydraulic diagram of the experimental equipment

Top plate Down plate

Fig. 6 Mould for tube hydroformnation

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Fig. 7 Sheet billet tube and the “T” hydroformating element

Continuing to press the tube the inside Also the speed of rising to the final form is very
pressure will grow up to 150 200 MPa till the important because a material must have the
tube is deforming to final form. At this point a time to flow and to change the form at constant
very high pressure is applied to the tube for volume.
calibration. The main characteristics for the high pressure
Another important think is related to hydraulic equipment are posted in figure 7. We
decompressing the tube. A quick degreasing can observe that the equipment working at
of the pressure in the tube makes the form to constant power and at 1.5 Kw and assure 6
collapse. So opening the inside circuit will be a l/min till 13Mpa and 0.5 l/min at 70 Mpa.
challenge in order to preserve the gated form.

Fig. 7 Static working characteristic for high pressure hydraulic equipment

Technical Characteristics of the main high pressure unit:

? Max. pressure: first step 110 [bar]
second step 700 [bar]
? Oil flow first step 6 [l/min]
second step 0,5 [l/min]
?Oil volume 20 [l]
?Gear Pomp, geometrical volume 4 [cm /rot]
?Pressure gauge AV 0 ÷ 1000 [bar]
?Aspiration filter 90 [µm]
?Oil type TELLUS T46

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Fig. 8 Variation of the cupping pressure according to the radius of active mould

Active mould radius, may take values in the 2. It is a question regarding the influence of the
range (5 ÷ 8) g, when is necessary without liquid temperature to the deforming process
cupping process to be influenced obviously. but this also will be included in a future
Under 5g value is not recommended as rm research.
take values, whereas the flow of material over 3. One of the most important parameter of the
the active edge mould is difficult and may show process is the speed and the force developed
cracks or even break the material. by the sealing elements, the hydraulic
proportional axes. The first experiments
4. Conclusion shows that to the level at 5 Hz which is the
maximum speed of reaction of the high
1. The new technology is still experimental and pressure hydraulic valve from the command
the final working parameters will be circuit, we can synchronize the speed of the
communicated after the period of sealing elements at a constant force
experimental research. generated by the pressure multiplier from the

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

system. This limit at this point is 3 cm / min for 4. A limitation appears in the hydroforming
the speed of the sealing elements which is process regarding the radius of the 90
satisfactory for our laboratory experimental degrease corner of the “T” shape. This
equipment. Larger moulds required more limitation is at 5 times of the material thickness.
deforming speed and this problem will be a Smaller radius means higher pressure and at
subject for future researches. 150 Mpa the minimum radius is 3 times
thickness material.


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PIPE JOURNAL, March 5, 2001
2. Ahmetoglu, M. and Altan, T., - Tube hydroforming: state-of-the-art and future trends, J.
Mater. Process. Technol. 98 (2000), pp. 25-33.
3. Ahmetoglu, M., Sutter, K., Li, X.J. and Altan, T., - Tube hydroforming: current research,
applications and need for training, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 98 (2000), pp. 224-231.
4. Aue-U-Lan, Y., Ngaile, G. and Altan, T., - Optimizing tube hydroforming using process
simulation and experimental verification, Journal of Materials Processing Technology
146 (2004) (1), pp. 137-143.
5. Aue-u-lan, Y., Strano, M., and Altan, T., -“Determination of Flow Stress and Formability
of Tubes for Hydroforming,” THF/ERC/NSM/00-R-11, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, 2000.
6. Aydemir, A. and de Vree, J.H.P. et al., - An adaptive simulation approach designed for
tube hydroforming processes, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 159 (2005), pp. 303-310.
7. Chen, J., Xia, Z. and Tang, S., - Corner fill modeling of tube hydroforming, Proceedings of
the ASME, Manufacturing in Engineering Division, vol. 11 (2000), pp. 635-640.
8. Dohmann, F. and Harti, C., - Hydroforminga method to manufacture light weight parts, J.
Mater. Process. Technol. 60 (1996), pp. 669-676.
9. Dohmann, F. and Hartl, C., - Hydroforming-applications of coherent FE-simulations to
the development of products and process, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 150 (2004), pp.
10. Dohmann, F. and Hartl, Ch., - Tube hydroforming-research and practical application, J.
Mater. Process. Technol. 71 (1997), pp. 174-186.

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Ing. Gabriel RADULESCU* Radu RADOI* Iulian DUTU*

* INOE 2000 - IHP
Abstract: The paper presents an automatic electrohydraulic system used for making bars from
special alloys, the system being provided with a PID regulator which allows the regulation of the
parameters during the manufacturing process. The system may work in a continuous cycle,
controlling the back and forth strokes, the displacement speeds in both ways, the time terms in
intermediary positions. The scheme allows a setting of the working table in the desired position,
a controlled speed and it maintains it in this position for a certain pre set time. The speed control
will be reached by a prompt of an increasing-decreasing linear displacement with pre set slope.

1. INTRODUCERE Realizãrile actuale în domeniul

mijloacelor de producþie industrialã au la baza
Sistemul electrohidraulic automat pentru module electronice, realizate dupã ultimele
fabricarea produselor lungi din aliaje special, tehnologii, ce încorporeazã microcontrolere
dotat cu sistem electronic de comandã ºi dedicate ºi care permit controlul unui numãr
reglare, permite controlul parametrilor de mare de parametri ai proceselor.
fabricaþie (vitezã, lungime, timp, forþã) astfel
încât cresc performanþele procesului, 2. BLOCURI FUNCÞIONALE
crescând considerabil ºi calitatea produselor
rezultate. Sistemele de automatizare impun o
Existã producãtori care dispun de prelucrare primarã a semnalelor de comandã ºi
tehnologii performante în ceea ce priveºte a semnalelor mãsurate, aceastã prelucrare
realizarea compoziþiilor chimice, dar au constând în principal în interfaþarea electricã cu
neajunsuri importante la sistemele mecanice elementul de acþionare, respectiv cu elementul
de acþionare. Astfel produsele se realizau, la de mãsurã ºi interfaþarea cu linia de
instalaþiile vechi, cu sisteme mecanice sau comunicaþie spre sistemul de control ierarhic
hidraulice cu elemente de comandã pe bazã superior. Realizarea practicã a acestor
de relee, care creau probleme deosebite în echipamente presupune integrarea într-un
ceea ce priveºte uniformitatea parametrilor grad cât mai mare a electronicii în
geometrici (gâtuiri, ovalitãþi, abateri de la echipamentele de reglare.
forma profilului) precum ºi ruperi ale Blocurile ce intrã în componenþa
produsului (bare de diferite profile) în timpul sistemului electrohidraulic de reglare automatã
procesului, fiind foarte greu de realizat cu aparaturã proporþionalã de comandã sunt
produse cu lungimea de 6 metri. redate în figura 1.

Figura 1

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Elementul de comandã electrohidraulic automat sau interfaþa cu calculatorul de

este o unitate constructivã distinctã dispusã proces). Informaþia de la traductor trebuie sa
pe calea de transmitere a comenzilor de la fie adusã cu ajutorul schemei de mãsura
sistemul de conducere cãtre proces. Acest electronice, la o formã cât mai avantajoasã
element este cuplat la intrare cu regulatorul pentru transmiterea la distanþã, de regulã sub
electronic (servocontrolerul), iar la ieºire cu forma unui semnal unificat în tensiune
procesul prin intermediul dispozitivelor de (0…10V sau -10…+10V), respectiv curent
acþionare hidraulice. O particularitate a (2...10mA sau 4...20mA). Aceastã conversie
acestui element este caracteristica este realizatã de blocuri electronice
proporþionalã curent-debit, curent-presiune, adaptoare.
sau curent-forþã, obþinutã prin utilizarea unor Elementul de execuþie, în cazul descris
convertoare liniare electromecanice. aici este o masã mobilã, pe care este fixatã
Elementul electrohidraulic utilizat în aceastã menghina de prindere a produsului ce iese din
instalaþie este un distribuitor hidraulic cuptorul de elaborare, ce culiseazã pe
proporþional cu urmãtoarele caracteristici: ghidajele fixate pe un cadru metalic fixat pe
- domeniul curentului de comandã: 200 podea. Aceasta este antrenatã în miºcare de
800 mA tija unui cilindru prins pe cadrul metalic de sub
- rezistenþa ohmicã a convertorului masã. Menghina este acþionatã de un al II-lea
electromecanic: cca 20 cilindru fixat pe masã. Bacul opus celui
Servocontrolerul electronic utilizat în acþionat de cilindru poate fi reglat astfel încât
acest sistem de automatizare are rolul de a sã se asigure centrarea barei în lungul axei de
face legatura între operator ºi cele douã cãi tragere.
spre proces, cea informaþionalã ºi cea de
Principiul de funcþionare este urmãtorul:
Un amplificator regulator de tip PID
comparã tot timpul tensiunea care reprezintã
Sistemul mecanohidraulic de tragere se
mãrimea mecanicã executatã cu o tensiune
compune din cilindrul de strângere - 1 fixat la
de referinþã UR care reprezinta mãrimea
un capãt prin suportul 9 cu organele de
mecanicã prescrisã. Atâta timp cât cele douã asamblare - 35 ºi 36 iar la celãlalt capãt pe
tensiuni vor fi diferite, amplificatorul de eroare suportul transversal stânga - 18, tija cilindrului
va da, la ieºirea sa, o tensiune de comandã fiind cuplatã mecanic pe suportul bacului 6, ce
care transformatã în curent cu ajutorul unui poate fi echipat cu douã tipuri de bacuri - 7 ºi 8
convertor tensiune-curent, acþioneazã ºi care se ghideazã în ghidajul fix - 2. Simetric
elementul de comandã hidraulic în sensul pe suportul transversal dreapta - 20 este fixat
egalãrii celor douã tensiuni, producându-se în mecanismul ºurub - 15 antrenabil cu mânerul -
final obþinerea unei mãrimi mecanice efectiv 16 blocabil pe poziþie - 21 ºi piuliþa - 13.
egalã cu cea prescrisã. Intrucât la concepþia ºi ªurubul - 15 este cuplat cu suportul bac 3 care
execuþia acestui sistem sunt luate toate poate fi echipat cu douã tipuri de bacuri 4 ºi 5 ºi
mãsurile ca el sa fie stabil atât din punct de ghideazã în celãlalt ghidaj fix 2. Suporþii
vedere static cât ºi dinamic, se obþine astfel o transversali 18 ºi 20 sunt fixaþi pe suportul de
acþionare precisã a sistemului. bazã 12 ºi solidarizaþi prin coloanele 19 care
Servocontrolerul are rolul efectiv de a poate deplasa în raport cu ºasiul liniei de
controla în bucla închisã deplasarea, control turnare ghidat de bucºele 30 pe coloanele 17.
care este esenþial pentru funcþionarea corectã Cilindrul de tragere 11 solidar cu placa de
ºi precisã a deplasãrii unui motor hidraulic ºasiu 47 prin suporþii 9 ºi 10 are tijã cuplatã cu
liniar ºi care constituie reglajul automat placa de bazã 12. În vederea din B se vãd
principal. sistemul de tije, suporþii ºi came 46 care
Traductorul de poziþie este cuplat la acþioneazã contactori d elimitã de cursã.
intrare cu procesul iar la ieºire este conectat
la dispozitivul de automatizare (regulatorul

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figura 2

Figura 3

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figura 3 schematizeazã sistememul Alimentarea cu presiune este întreruptã

electrohidraulic de comandã în care o alternativ pe circuite atunci când nu este
electropompã dublã 4 avînd în derivaþie cîte o utilizatã prin supapele de deconectare 6.
supapã de conectare electricã 5 alimenteazã Rãcirea uleiului din instalaþie se
prin filtrul 6 distribuitoarele proporþionale 3 pe realizeazã automat cu ajutorul unui regulator
intrãrile cãrora sunt montaþi traductorii de de temperaturã.
presiune 11. Cele douã ramuri de presiune
sunt independente hidraulic ºi alimenteazã
circuitul de alimentare al cilindrului de
strângere 1 cuplat cu bacul mobil prin
intermediul traductorului de forþã 12 ºi circuitul
de alimentare al sistemului de avans 2 cuplat
cu suportul de bazã 12 figura 2 ºi prin
intermediul acestuia cu traductorul de cursã
13. Menþinerea temperaturii fluidului de lucru Figura 4
se face prin schimbãtorul de cãldurã 9
alimentat prin electroventilul 8 comandat de Cele douã miºcãri au direcþii perpendiculare,
termometrul cu contacte 10. strângerea 0y ºi tragerea pe 0x astfel:

4. FUNCÞIONAREA SISTEMULUI s: strângere barã

a: avans menþinând strângerea
Blocul electronic asigurã funcþionarea d: desfacerea
maºinii în ciclu continuu, controlând cursa de r: retragerea menþinând desfacerea
avans, cursa de retragere, vitezele de
deplasare în cele douã sensuri, precum ºi Reglaje iniþiale ale instalaþiei
timpii de aºteptare în poziþiile prescrise. - stabilirea poziþiei iniþiale a mesei (punctul
Schema permite aducerea mesei de lucru în de zero)
poziþia prescrisã, cu o vitezã de asemenea - stabilirea vitezei de revenire în poziþia
controlatã ºi o va menþine în aceastã poziþie un iniþialã
timp prestabilit. Controlul asupra vitezei se va - acceleraþia de plecare a cilindrului mesei
obþine prin aplicarea unei comenzi de La apãsarea butonului START ciclu se
deplasare liniar crescãtoare/descrescãtoare executã urmatoarele operaþii:
cu panta presetabilã. Comanda de deplasare 1. se acþioneazã cilindrul de strângere;
va fi obþinutã de la un programator secvenþial 2. se aºteaptã un timp de cca o secundã
ºi va fi ciclicã. Între cele douã comenzi se va (reglabil);
prevede o pauzã necesarã acþionãrii unui 3. se comandã retragerea cilindrului mesei
sistem hidraulic de prindere a materialului . spre poziþia stabilitã (in domeniul 0…20mm)
Controlul deplasãrii se face cu un ºi cu viteza aleasã (în domeniul
amplificatorul regulator de tip PID. 0,1…20mm/s);
Ciclograma de funcþionare a instalaþiei 4. se opreºte cilindrul la atingerea poziþiei
este de forma celei prezentate în figura 4. prescrise (S1) ºi se aºteaptã un timp reglabil
Strângerea comandatã de distribuitorul (in domeniul 0…10s);
proporþional 3.1. 5. se comandã înaintarea cilindrului mesei
Tragerea se face cu vitezã comandatã de spre poziþia stabilitã (în domeniul 0…20mmm)
distribuitorul proporþional 3.2 iar mãrimea cu viteza stabilitã (în domeniul 0,1…20mm/s);
cursei este controlatã de traductorul de cursã 6. se opreºte cilindrul la atingerea valorii
10 ºi suplimentar, prin doi contactori acþionaþi prescrise (S2) ºi se aºteaptã un timp reglabil
de came montate pe suport bazã 12 - fig. 3, se (în domeniul 0…30s);
limiteazã cursa extremã. 7. se dã comanda de eliberare pentru cilindrul
de strângere;

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

8. se aºteaptã un timp de cca o secundã

9. se comandã miºcarea cilindrului mesei spre
poziþia iniþialã (S0) cu viteza stabilitã de PV0
10. se reia ciclul.
Existã posibilitatea de a comanda manual
secvenþele de mers inainte, respectiv inapoi a
cilindrului mesei, prin acþionarea push-
butoanelor corespunzatoare, dacã se trece
selectorul MANUAL/AUTOMAT pe poziþia
În figura 5 se poate vedea o imagine a
instalaþiei. Figura 5


[1] Roboþi industriali ºi manipulatoare N. Alexandrescu, D. Drimer, A. Oprean º.a., Editura

Tehnicã Bucureºti 1985
[2] Acþionãri hidraulic ºi pneumatice Mihai Avram, Editura Printech 2000
[3] Tehnica reglãrii automate Dumitrache I., Editura Didacticã ºi Pedagogicã, Bucureºti 1980
[4] Tehnica hidraulicii proporþionale Deacu L., Banabic D., Rãdulescu M.M., Raþiu C., Editura
Dacia Cluj-Napoca 1989
[5] Sisteme hidraulice de acþionare ºi reglare automatã V. Marin, R. Moscovici, D. Teneslav,
Editura Tehnicã 1981
[6] Sisteme hidraulice automate-construcþie, reglare, exploatare Marin V., Marin Al., , Editura
Tehnicã Bucureºti ,1987
Lucrãri de cercetare realizate în Institutul de Cercetãri pentru Hidraulicã ºi
Pneumaticã Bucureºti I.H.P.
[1] Cercetãri privind realizarea axelor hidraulice;
[2] Introducerea principiilor mecatronicii în realizarea ºi utilizarea echipamentelor ºi
sistemelor hidraulice ºi pneumatice.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




“Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University of Iaºi, Department of Machine Tools, e-mail: [email protected]
Hydramold Company, Iasi, Research Department, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This work presents a concept of mobile machine, UEMA type, developed within the research
program INOVARE 2008, based on research contract no. 213 / 26.09.2008, in a partnership between 2
national companies and 2 national research institutes under the direct leadership AMCSIT of Bucharest.
Key words: interchangeble, mobile machine.

2. The Necessity of Making a Local

1. Introduction
Mobile Machine
Regardless of specialization in
In Romania, it does not exist a local
agriculture, construction or demolition
manufacturer for a mobile machine like this
companies worldwide have these goals: speed
and that these machines are imported. Thus,
in execution, adaptability regardless of activity,
it is necessary to manufacture a mobile
simple handling of materials, intensive and
machine UEMA in order to perform quality
sustained work, minimizing the times
intelligence works at a small price at
operations of loading/unloading,
To these are added the following
transportation, lifting and transfer of specific
restrictions: reducing the work area, reducing
materials from different industries.
the dimensions of equipment and machinery,
The novelty UEMA product derived from:
reducing the noises, vibrations and harms,
a. meet the requirement of beneficiaries
increase the price steel and other materials,
to have a custom machine, equipped with the
more low fuel consumption, lower costs for
equipments of the high productivity, contains
maintenance, repair and storage of machinery
proprietary solutions, using simultaneous
and equipment, efficiency works as the
commands, view the operations and
objectives become the global strategies.
The solution came from the manufacture
b. is equipped with quick coupling work
of multipurpose machines on the structure of
specific machine, compatible and operational
c. is provided with control systems,
with appropriate work equipments, easily
monitoring and damage preventions;
coupled to a carrier mechanism. Many issues
d. is equipped with monitored systems
of cost, small size, strength and precision,
functioning and operation functions of the
have been solved by using hydraulic
mobile machine, optical and acoustic
transmission of movements.
permanent surveillance;
e. eliminating uncontrolled intervention
of the operator;
f. compact design which ensure easy
portability, by modules, of multifunctional
g. levels pollution below the allowed
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Using the product provides the following

a. lower cost price by 22% compared to
similar products from manufacturers surveyed;
b. minimum operating costs through
efficient heat engine fitted which has reduced
fuel consumption;
c. high reliability using the highest
generation components;
d. ergonomic control station with heating
system, air conditioned and pressurized cabin; Fig. 1 – UEMA level equipments:
a – first level; b – second level; c – third level;
e. c u s t o m e q u i p m e n t o f h i g h d – fourth level.
f. monitoring system operation and
functions, warning and protection against
UEMA mobile machine is done in a modular
structure, whose description is made on sub-
g. monitoring during the lifetime of
equipment, protection;
1. the standard machine: frame
h. ensuring the operator training at the
welding, heat engine, clutch, gearbox, engine
delivery equipment.
deck rear, steered front, control station,
cockpit, steering system, brake system,
3. UEMA Mobile Machine Structures
hydraulic system, electrical installation,
systems monitoring of operations and
3.1. The Equipment Levels
functions, defenders protection;
Wanting to provide clients a powerful machine,
2. the front equipment: blade digging -
our specialists propose 4 levels of equipment
cranes rear leveling, made in welded structure,
for UEMA mobile machine:
with quick coupling system, the tilt left/right
i. first level – standard machine (blade
system, the lifting mechanism with hydraulic
digging - cranes rear leveling) with back
cylinders and associated pipes;
equipment (fork mechanical for: plant debris,
3. back drive equipment: riding system,
manure, round bales) (Fig.1,a);
rotation systems of the arm, arm, fixed or
ii. second level – standard machine
telescopic handle, quick coupling mechanism
(blade digging - cranes rear leveling) with back
of hydraulic equipment and the hydraulic
equipment (bucket for light materials)
installation, all sub-assemblies mentioned
made in welded structure;
iii. third level – standard machine (blade
4. work equipment back are
digging - cranes rear leveling) with back
multifunctional, interchangeable, made in
equipment (cranes for wood) (Fig.1,c);
welded structure, with quick coupling systems
iv. fourth level – standard machine (blade
on the carrier mechanism.
digging - cranes rear leveling) with back
equipment (stacker) (Fig.1,d).
3.2. Technical Characteristics

The technical characteristics of UEMA mobile

machine relating dimensional, functional and
operating parameters on the standard
machine and the work equipments, with
delivery in two versions: standard or optional
(Table 1)..

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Table 1
Technical characteristics of standard machine

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009
Table 2
Technical characteristics of equipments

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Outline dimensions of a mobile machine type UEMA are given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 – Outline dimensions for UEMA mobile machine

(second level equipped).

4. Operation
Joystick-type controls are electrically
Operation of equipment is done from active and all equipment working car (with two
cockpit. Control station has two desks: or three double commands). Operator acts as – for travels direction of mobile levers for action: turning and lifting/lowering
machine, where are the commands for front arm, lifting/lowering handle / work equipment
equipments; and the function of closing/opening scoops, or
II. other – is disposed toward the other control equipment installed.
back of the cockpit. Separate is level for wedging and
Operator's seat is rotated and fastened to interchange ability of work equipments.
one of two control panels in the cabin.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Coupling and decoupling of equipment REFERENCES

is done by operator from cockpit, without the
help of another person. 1.* * * Studiu ºtiinþific ºi tehnic al solutiilor
Hand commands are on the gear lever, pentru utilaj mobil UEMA, Etapa I,
clutch and brake service, safety and parking. Program 5 Inovare, Contract de
Finantare 213/2008, H y d r a m o l d Iaºi,
5. Conclusions Noiembrie 2008.
2. www.caterpilar.usa.
1. Multifunctional UEMA mobile is a 3. www.danfoss.den.
machine loaded with propagation growing 4.
field of agriculture, forestry, livestock farm or 5.
construction and will cause the evolution of 6.
manufacturing equipment to forces, moments 7.
of inertia, speed and higher pressures, the 8.
closer monitoring the process parameters that 9. www.terex.usa.
decide the quality. 10.
2. The latest innovations multifunctional
machine focused on the need for the
equipments of high productivity work with
proprietary solutions, quick coupling systems
for work equipment, uses simultaneous
commands, monitors the operation and
functions of mobile equipment, optical and
acoustic surveillance, permanent.
3. Handling technology, agricultural products
and construction materials, require individual
work equipment hydraulic power that can be
executed successfully by the manufacturer
specializing in hydraulic power, Hydramold

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




Ph.D. Adrian Mirea* , Eng. ANGHEL Sava**
Performing sealing at high pressures in aggresive environments remains a constant concern of
scientific research in the field. In the ferruous metallurgy the conditions of operation of the hydrraulic
installations are extremely hard, this meaning high pressures and temperatures, difficult work
conditions, dust and hot iron dross. The technological processes from this field are in non
interrupted flux and do not allow any stop of the equipment during work. Due to these factors
sealings must ensure a great safety during operation.
Problema obtinerii etansarilor pentru Familia de etansari din panzate care se
presiuni inalte si medii agresive constituie o executa in prezent pentru siderurgie
preucupare constanta a cercetarii . In industra corespunde functional si la conditiile extreme
siderurgica sunt conditii dure de functionare dar sunt prea rigide si desii sunt prevazute cu
pentru instalatiile hidraulice, respectiv presiuni sisteme de strangere a etansarii pot apare
inalte, temperaturi ridicate si conditii dure de pierderi de lichid de lucru in repaus sau sub
lucru, praf, zgura fierbinte. Procesele presiune .
tehnologice din siderurgie sunt continuu si nu
permit interventii la utilaje in timpul functionarii,
de aceea etansarile trebuie sa asigure un inalt
nivel privind siguranta in exploatre. Prin
colaborarea noastra in timp cu specialistii de
la Sidex Galati s-a castigat o mare experenta
in proiectarea executia si exploatarea a doua
familii de etansari ; familia de etansari de tip T
formate din elastomer si plastic si familia de
etansari din panzate. Fig. 2 Etansari panzate conform firmei SIMRIT
Familia tip T executata in anii 90 a corespuns
functional dar datorita temperaturilor ridicate si
in special a zgurei fierbinti care se lipea de tija
cilindrilor ducea la deteriorarea inelelor din
plastic a etansarilor.

Fig. 3 sectiune prin pachetul de etansari produs


Fig. 1 Etansarea tip T formata din un inel de cauciuc

si doua inele din duramid (plastic)
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Apare nevoia de dezvoltare a unei noi Panza se impregneaza prin frictiune

familii care sa indeplineasca performatele sau gumare cu cauciuc.
celor doua familii de etansari si anume sa fie Natura elastomerului cu care se impregneaza
elastice pentru a prelua jocurile mari din trebuie sa fie aceeasi cu a elastomerului care
ghidaje si sa poata rezista la fel de bine ca se foloseste la vulcanizarea finala.
etansarile panzate la conditiile dure de Pentru obtinerea semifabricatului din
functionare . panza impregnata , se croieste o suprafata de
panza care trebuie sa corespunda atat ca
forma suprafetei cat si ca greutate cu sablonul
specific etansarii . Panza este roluita pe un
sablon cilindric cu directia firelor de urzeala si
bateala la 45 de grade si apoi este introdus in
matrita de vulcanizare , in cazul nostru se face
o prevulcanizare care are rolul ca prefabricatul
sa pastreze forma zonei panzate a garniturii .
In timpul presarii se fac mai multe aerisiri prin
deschiderea matritei si reluarea presarii .
Cantitatea de panza impregnata este
Fig. 3 Etansari compuse conform firmei SIMRIT calculata in asa fel incat sa umple golul
matritei si sa elimine , in exterior , o cantitate de
cca 1% din cauciucul folosit la impregnare.
Nu se accepta eliminarea panzei din matrita
Astfel se obtine un semifabricat complect cu o
bavura usor de indepartat iar panza nu face
contact cu uleiul.
Deoarece panza are alt coeficent de
contractie fata de amestecul de cauciuc pentru
realizarea garniturii finale se utilizeaza o
matrita complexa la care sau luat in
consideratie coeficentii de contractie si in
urma experimentarilor se vor stabilii variatia
Fig. 4 Ansamblu de etansare produsa de coeficentilor in profilul garniturii .
- vulcanizarea garniturii
Tehnologia de vulcanizare a etansarilor dupa incalzirea matritei se pozitioneaza
compuseare urmatoarele faze de lucru : semifabricatul din panza prevulcanizata in
- Pregatirea amestecurilor de matrita , apoi se complecteaza cu amestec de
vulcanizare vulcanizare calculat sa depaseasca cu cca 3%
Amestecurile de vulcanizare sunt elaborate de volumul matritei . Se introduce matrita in presa
firme de specialitate . Amestecurile de si se face presarea cu intreruperi pentru
vulcanizare difera in functie de conditiile de aerisire , una sau doua . In timpul vulcanizarii
utilizare a etansarii ( mediu de lucru se dezvolta in structura amestecurilor , gaze
temperaturi , presiuni ). Fiecare firma are care trebuiesc eliminate. . Nu se admite ca
retete de amestecuri pe care le livreaza sub semifabricatul din panza sa fie antrenat in
forma de amestec complet , gata de utilizare zona de inchidere a matritei , unde sa patrunda
care trebuie pastrat la temperaturi joase sau in bavura care se formeaza .
amestec incomplect, si care inainte de Dupa vulcanizare se extrage garnitura se
utilizare se complecteaza prin adaugarea raceste si se debavureaza. In timpul
componentelor de vulcanizare pe un valt. debavurarii nu se admite sectionarea zonei
- Pregatirea prefabricatului panzat panzate pentru a nu permite uleiului sa
Panza utilizata la etansari trebuie sa adere la patrunda intre straturile de panza .
cauciucul etansarii.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Proiectul privind realizarea de ansambluri BIBLIOGRAFIE:

de etansare si a tehnologiei producerii
acestora trebuie sa rezolve probleme de 1. Burenin V.V.// Proizvodstvo i ispolizovanie
cercetare despre care avem cunostinta ca elastomerov: Inform. sb. M.: |NIITEneftehim,
exista sau care vor apare in timp , legate de 1993. No 9. pag. 25-31.
profilul etansari , materialele folosite , 2. Burenin V.V., Dronov V.P. - Manjetnîe
tehnologia vulcanizarii , calitatea produselor uplotnenia podvijnîh soedinenii. Obzornaia
obtinute etc . informaþiia M.:|INTIHIMNEFTEMA}, 1981. -
In continuare enumeram cateva probleme 44 pag.
rezolvate in cadrul proiectului : 3. Cauciuc ºi materiale plastice-Culegere de
- Alegerea unei panze cu mare aderenta informaþii faptice.
la elastomer , care sa fie impregnata prin frictie 4. ”Materiale plastice”, Nr.1-6/1996
cu elastomer compatibil cu elastomerii folositi 5. ”Kauciuc i rezina”, Nr. 1-6/1995, Nr.1-
la obtinerea etansarilor de inalta performanta 5/1996
din actionarile hidraulice . Impregnarea prin 6. ”Plaste und Kautchuk”(R.D.G.), Nr.1-
frictie presupune existenta a doua calandre 12/1990
care se rotesc unul fata de altul cu viteze 7. Drãghici, I., º.a.-Suspensii si amortizoare.
diferite ,panza fiind intre calandre, iar Editura Tehnicã, 1970
elastomerul este introdus prin frictie intre 8. A.OPREAN º.a -Acþionãri si automatizãri
firele panzei , obtinandu- se o aderenta hidraulice E.T. 1989
superioara procedeului de gumare. La 9. T.Volintiru, Gh.Ivan -Bazele tehnologice ale
gumare elastomerul adera la panza si se prelucrãrii elastomerilor E.T. 1974
efectuiaza pe o parte sau pe ambele parti a 10. Colecþia de reviste „ Hydraulics
panzei . Pneumatics”
- Obtinerea unui profil de etansare 11. Colecþia de reviste „ Machine Design”,
compusa care sa permita realizarea periodicals a penton Publication USPS.
tehnologica a etansarii , pozitionarea zonei 12. Deteriorarea etanºãrilor în sistemele
panzate in zona de extrudare a locasuluii de hidraulice - cauze ºi forme de apariþie
etansare , evitarea migratiei panzei din zona Dipl. -Ing. Helmut Weiss – Busak + Shamban
de extrudare a etansarii. GmbH Co, Stuttgart
- Vulcanizarea elementelor de etansare 13 . Andi-Cristian Adrianescu
compuse in matrite in conditii de precizie Strategii in cresterea fiabilitatii sistemelor
dimensionala ceruta , tinand cont de hidraulicede actionare ce compun
coeficentii de contractie diferite a celor doua autovehiculele militare
materiale panza si elastomerul. 14. Cataloage , Cd -uri , Programe de
prezentare de la firmele SIMRIT , PARKER ,

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009




*Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi”, Faculty of Machine Manufacturing
and Industrial Management Machine Tools and CuttingTools Department Systems Engineering
of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Department Iasi, Romania - e-mail:[email protected]

Abstract. Hydraulic bolt tensioning is the most convenient method for obtaining
simultaneous tightening. Results on actual application may vary depending on the
dimensions and tolerances of the components, the quality of the tensioning tooling, and
the implementation procedure. The article presents three cases: simultaneous tightening
of 100 %, 50 % and 25 % of the bolts.

Key words: tensioning, linear elasticity, initial stresses, hydraulic

1. Introduction 2. Simultaneous tightening of the bolts

2.1. Simultaneous tightening of 100% of
Simultaneous tightening consists in the bolts
tensioning several bolts, or even all of the
bolts, of an assembly at the same time [1]. This is the most accurate and quickest
Hydraulic bolt tensioning is the most method: all the bolts are tightened at the
convenient method for obtaining simultaneous same time (Fig. 1). However, it requires as
tightening. Results on actual application may many tensioners as there are bolts.
vary depending on the dimensions and Therefore in our example, 16 tensioners
tolerances of the components, the quality of would be required, including the necessary
the tensioning tooling, and the implementation hoses and hydraulic connections.
procedure [2] [3] [4]. A particular application
can, if necessary, be examined in greater
detail [1].
Hydraulic bolt tensioners can generally be
used on assemblies which were not initially
designed to be tightened with tensioners,
provided that it is possible to use bolts with a
sufficient protrusion on top of the nut.
Nonetheless, it is strongly recommended to
make allowance for the use of bolt tensioners
from the beginning of the assembly design Fig. 1 – Simultaneous tightening of 100% of the bolts
process: under such circumstances, the full
benefits of the method can be achieved [1]. Where: A is dispersion in the average value of
Bolted assemblies specifically designed to the residual tension obtained after tightening,
be tightened with bolt tensioners are in relation to the desired residual tension: < ±
particularly suited to the stringent 1%; B – total dispersion in all residual tension
requirements of applications requiring a high values after tightening, in relation to the
level of quality and safety, and they are average value: ± 3%.
optimised for dimensions and weight [1] [3] [4]. The tightening operation is quite simple:
each bolt is capped by a tensioner. All the
tensioner oil-feed lines are connected to a
common source of high-pressure oil. All the
bolts are simultaneously stretched (preferably
in two steps) to the required load.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In our example: Fo residual load = 210 kN The tightening process requires two
for a hydraulic load Fh = 241.5 kN, using rounds of tightening on the first half of the bolts
HTB27 Hydramold tensioners pressurised to (which we call “even”) and at least one round
10 MPa. on the second half (which we call “odd”) which
This method provides excellent tightening means three and possibly four tightening
homogeneity over all the bolts. We know from rounds.
experience that the previously described Assuming that during the first round we
uncertainties are significantly reduced: apply a hydraulic load of 241,5 kN to the even
- the uncertainty on the Fh/Fo ratio is bolts, and settle to a residual load of 210 kN.
reduced to +/-1%; A first round on the second half of the bolts -
- the uncertainty on the hydraulic load the odd bolts - obtains the same residual load
depends on the tensioners only, and is of 210 kN. However, tightening the odd bolts
therefore reduced to +/-1%; releases some of the load taken by the even
- the uncertainty in the nut clamping ones, and reduces the load by 10%, to an
moment is +/-2%; average tightening value of 188.75 kN.
The resulting dispersion in the tightening A second tightening round is thus required
loads of the different bolts will be as low as 3%. to bring the load back to 210 kN. However, this
second step will once again cause the second
half to loosen by approximately 6%, reducing
2.2. Simultaneous tightening of 50% of the tightening load to 197.5 kN.
the bolts If this level is acceptable, the tightening
operations can stop at this point. However,
In this case, every other bolt is tightened in sometimes the second half requires a second
one step, (Fig. 2), so that the number of round to bring residual load back up to 210 kN.
tensioners required is halved. In our This round will affect the first lot by
example, only eight tensioners are required approximately 3%, for an average residual
with the necessary hoses and hydraulic tightening value of 3%, which is often perfectly
connections. acceptable.
The load homogeneity is not as good as in
the case of 100% simultaneous tightening, but
the variation remains within an acceptable
range of +5%/-7%.
In many applications this deviation can be
considered as acceptable.
Naturally, the intervention time is longer
than in the preceding case.

2.3. Simultaneous tightening of 25% of

Fig. 2 – Simultaneous tightening of 50% of the bolts the bolts

Where: A is Dispersion in the average value of In this case, only one bolt in four is
the residual tension obtained after tightening, tightened at each step (Fig. 3). The number of
in relation to the desired residual tension: tensioners required is one-fourth the total
+1%/-3%; B – dispersion in all residual tension number of bolts, namely four in our example.
values after tightening, in relation to the Each set of four bolts will need at least four
average value: +5%/-7%. tightening steps, which means that sixteen
steps are required to guarantee acceptable
load homogeneity.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig. 3 – Simultaneous tightening of 25% of the bolts Fig. 4 – Simultaneous tightening of 100% of
the bolts with individualhydraulic tensioners connected
to a single oil feed
Where: A is Dispersion in the average value of
the residual tension obtained after tightening,
in relation to the desired residual tension:
+1%/-5%; B – dispersion in all residual tension
values after tightening, in relation to the
average value: +6%/-10%.
The first set of bolts (say numbers 1, 5, 9
and 13) is first tightened with a residual load of
210 kN, but then will lose 20%, 30% and finally
35% of the load (136.25 kN) while the
neighbouring sets are successively tightened.
Four rounds are required before the first
set remains within 5% of the nominal load after Fig. 5 – Simultaneous tightening of 100% of the bolts
adjustment of its neighbours. The load is then with individual hydraulic tensioners connected to a
199.5 kN. If this variation is compatible with single oil feed
the application, we may stop the operations at
this stage. However, the load homogeneity is
obviously not as good as in the case of 100%
simultaneous tightening. The level of variation
will lie within the range +6%/-10%.
One more round on the first set of bolts will
bring the variation within the range 5%/-8%.
Clearly, the use of control means such as
smart washers can reduce the uncertainties
described above.
Since there are more rounds, the
intervention time increases proportionally.

3. Practical Applications Fig. 6 – Simultaneous tightening of 50% of the bolts

with individual hydraulic tensioners connected to a
single oil feed
Simultaneous tightening with individual
tensioners connected to a single oil feed (Fig.
4, 5 and 6) and simultaneous tightening with
monobloc ring (Fig. 7):

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

- tightening and measuring operations can be

partially or fully automated;
- compatible with a wide variety of bolt
materials (stainless steel, titanium,
composite materials ...).
4. In addition, hydraulic bolt-tensioning also
- use with a wide range of bolt sizes: 5 to 500
Fig. 7 – Simultaneous tightening of 100% of the bolts - easy adaptation due to modular design,
with hydraulic monobloc ring - greater homogeneity due to excellent
4. Conclusion efficiency (very important for
simultaneous tightening),
1. We have already seen that this tightening - easy implementation of simple measuring
process presents important, even decisive, methods, in particular the “smart
advantages: washer”, which directly measures the
- great homogeneity in tightening all the bolts final tightening load.
of the assembly;
- straightforward implementation; Acknowledgements. The authors
- short process times. would like to thank Prof. Alexandru M a r i n for
2. Tightening with a hydraulic bolt tensioner the support and constructive comments and
preserves the condition of the components, also to the staff of the AMCSIT.
no matter how many successive tightening
and untightening operations occur (Fig. 8). REFERENCES

1. H a n g a n u A et al., Modular & flexible

threaded assembly hydraulic
equipment for mounting in central
hydropower. PNCDI II - INOVARE
research contract, number 150, stage
1, 2008.
2. *** Norme AFNOR NF E 25-030. French
Standard, 1984.
3. *** Les assemblages vissés - Conception et
Fig. 8 – Tightening with a hydraulic bolt tensioner montage. Guide CETIM, 2001.
preserves the condition of the components, 4. *** Systèmes mécaniques: Théorie et
no matter how many successive tightening and dimensionnement. Editions Dunod, Paris -
untightening operations occur France, 1992.
3. Hydraulic bolt-tensioning offers the following
- no “parasite” torsion stress in the bolts;
- high load precision simply by controlling the
hydraulic load;
- fast, safe and easy operation;
- the integrity and the reliability of threads and
bearing surfaces are maintained;
- readily compatible with simultaneous
tensioning of all the bolts in an assembly
(or even several assemblies);

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(C2H5OH)2NH +
(C2H5OH)2NCO(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7CH3 +
H 2O (1)

The ODT product offers many useful

properties for AF fluid like increasing viscosity,
emulsifying corrosion inhibition and
O-ppg and O-mpg are two esters of acid oleic
O with Ppg poly propylene glycol, short chain
polymer of Mpg mono propylene glycol of
formula: CH3-CHOH-CH2OH.
H20 - the water in some circumstances is an
useful additive to enhance the viscosity and
reopecticity of the fluid.
Figure 2. Equipment for finishing Beside of those main components can used
by abrasive flow machining
also another minor additives.
Abrasive materials used in these preliminary
samples of AF are for the beginning only
By repeatedly extruding the media from one
cylinder is pushed into the other, and abrasive
!Alumina, aluminum oxide Al2O3, fine power
action is produced as the abrasive media
enter in a restrictive passage and travel grains of 3 - 70m;
through or across the work piece. !Silicone carbide, SiC, fine power grains of 6
The machining action is similar to a grinding or - 63m;
lapping operation as the abrasive media !Silica, silicium dioxide SiO2, fine power
gently polish the surfaces or edges [4]. grains of 48m;
When there is forced into a restrictive
passage, the polymer carrier increases the The hardness values of abrasive powders
medium's viscosity. used are very high in the Mohs scale:
This holds the abrasive grains rigidly in place Al2O3 - 9, SiC - 9 and SiO2 - 9.
and abrade the passages only when the The highest value in this scale is the hardness
abrasive fluid is in thicken viscosity state. 10 for the diamond.
In the next extended research we intend to
4. Abrasive fluids' materials use also other abrasive materials in order to
In this project, a main aim is to obtain suitable increase the value of the nanofinishing work.
fluids using ecological, safe and efficient Using the chemicals and materials presented
materials. above we tried to obtain several abrasive
Keeping these criteria there were used the fluids for AFM method.
following chemicals and materials. The mixture of these components, in different
Fluid component: ratios, is obtained under high stirring.
O - oleine contain mainly oleic acid with The effect of great interest is the reopecticity
formula: CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)COOH; of the AF viscous resulted fluid.
ODT - diethanolamide of oleic acid containing The reopecticity is crucial for nanofinishing,
about 20% TEA - thriethanolamine because it means the increase of viscosity of
N(C2H5OH)3 with OD amide, resulting from the fluid under mechanical force; the abrasive
reaction of condensation of D- dietanholamine grains abrade only in this viscous state where
HN(C 2 H 5 ) 2 with oleic acid, with water they hold rigidly in place.
The viscosity of the fluid returns to initial state
elimination as follows:
when it exits the restrictive passage.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The preliminary abrasive fluid obtained In Table 1, there was used as the main
considering the above stated principles are component the carboxyamide OD with TEA-
presented the next two tables. triethanolamine added ODT and in the Table 2
was used as main component the ester O-
Table 1. Abrasive fluids (AF), on ODT base PPG.

Table 2. Abrasive fluids (AF), on O-PPG base

The next samples of AF show a different

composition because both main
components ODT and O-PPG were used
in all samples and only one abrasive;
calcined alumina with finest grain of 2,9-
These samples are presented in the Table
3. It must notice that the ester O-mpg
(mono propylene glycol is very similar with
the previous O-ppg (polypropylene glycol)
used in samples of Table 1 and Table 2 and
is easier to obtain a reproducible chemical
structure. Table 3. Abrasive fluids (AF), on Odt and Mpg base

Characteristic of abrasive fluids (AF) After separation the sample returns to the
Due to the complexity of the AF samples their initial state. The homogeneity is good by visual
characterization is very difficult as well as the observation but in the future a better
correlation of the fluids'composition with the microscopic analysis of structures will be
efficiency in the nanofinishing process. correlated with the nanofinishing process.
In this preliminary work the main * Viscosity
characteristics of the samples were Viscosity is also a parameter difficult to
determined as follows: determine it, because, as it was before
* Stability and the homogeneity explained, it is variable during homogenization
The stability is good in time, between several due the reopecticity. The values given in the
weeks to several months, when the sample tables 1-3 for initial viscosity are only
does not present the phases separation. approximated.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

In spite of the preliminary character of the

* Viscosity dependence with the temperature obtained results, they reveal many possible
Viscosity dependence with temperature is formulations for the abrasive fluid
also very important, because it has to be as compositions. This will allow us to choose the
small is possible. The most of samples are most suitable abrasive fluids for any specific
quite stable with the temperature increasing application.
until 700C when they became more fluid but Between the most important applications of
after, they return to the initial values by the AFM process, there are the following: the
decreasing the temperature. finishing and the trimming of the critics
* Reopecticity components of the hydraulic systems, the
Reopecticity is a mechanical property of the trimming of the distributors, used in the craft
fluids and represents the increasing of the fluid area, the edges filleting and polishing in only
viscosity under mechanical pressure [3], it one operation for the bearings pockets, the
depends essentially of the mechanical trimming and the polishing of the bodies for
parameters of the AFM machine and so can be Diesel engines injectors, the finishing of the
evaluated quantitative during de nanofinishing parts made for the surgical implants, the hard
process. layer of fragile materials removing, the
polishing of the active sides of the dies, the
5 Conclusions polishing of the turbines for aircrafts' engines,
By applying the finishing technology with
reopectic mediums, they can be processed 6 References
simple or complex surfaces of the parts, which [1] Research regarding the achievement of the
are made from materials with high hardness, work mediums for the nanofinishing process by
in the conditions of time and processing costs using the abrasive flow machining with reopectic
mediums- Contract CEEX -REOFIN 296/2006,
Also, the nanofinishing by abrsive flow [2] Petri, K. L., Billo, R.E., Bidanda, b., Neural
machining with reopectic work mediums network process model for abrasive flow
involves: the surfaces' quality growing by operations, Journal of Manufacturing Systems,
reducing the roughness, the diminution of the Vol. 17, No.1, 1998.
deviation from the shape and also the relative [3] Perry, K.E. Abrasive Flow Machining Method
position of the surfaces and the improvement and Tooling, Patent USA.
of the loadings state in the superficial layer. [4] Ionescu. N., Special technologies, U.P.B.,

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Constantin CHIRIÞÃ*, Gheorghe PLEªU *, Daniel CALFA** ,Adrian Constantin HANGANU**,

Corneliu Constantin DUCA** and Dumitru SIRBU*

Submitted: * Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi”

Accepted: Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management
Iasi, Romania,
e-mail: [email protected]
** Hydramold Company,
Iasi, Romania,
e-mail:[email protected]

Abstract. This article presents a modern technology for refloating stranded ships by using a
complex hydraulic equipment drawing.
Key words: refloating ship, hydraulic equipment

1. Introduction - towing ships lowtonnage using tugs

- return and refloat by inflating the inflatable
The refloating naval craft is surgery that aims balloon mounted inside of the ships (Fig.3).
to raise technological vessels to the bottom of
rivers and their restoration afloat or removing
wrecks and cleaning of rivers, river for
shipping traffic on the sector reinsurance bad.
The refloating operations involves high cost,
equipment lifting / pulling heavy, human effort
and also depends on many factors: the depth
of the river, the degree of pollution of water,
weather conditions, possibilities for the
location equipment, refloating methodology
Also, surgery refloating ship is complex
because it requires preparation and
operations, and namely: the firing of the chains Fig.1 The refloating ships with naval cranes
binding wreck, wreckage cutting into 2 or more
segments depending on its length, anchoring
equipment drawing etc.

2. Technologies for refloating stranded


According to those mentioned above, as

technologies for refloating ships, are used:
- anchoring, lifting and putting on barges with
the naval cranes (Fig.1);
- drawing on the shore with pulling equipment
Fig.2 The refloating ships with puller equipment

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fig.3 The refloating ships used inflatables balloons

In the following, Hydramold company experts

presents a method of refloating stranded ship
based on wreck mechanical cutting and
pulling on shore of segments sectioned, using
a hydraulic drawing equipment.

3. Hydramold's methodology for

refloating stranded ships
3.1. The mechanical cutting of the stranded

According with hydraulic diagrams (Fig.4) the

hydraulic drawing equipment can operate in
three modes of working:
- automatically „cutting” operating mode;
- automatically “synchronous speed”
operating mode;
- „manual” operating mode.

3.1.1. Automatichally “Cutting” operating


Requires work in tandem to the two drawing

systems (one running motion of advance and
the other motion to withdraw) and thus moving
forward-back chain one race than 2 m. During
this procedure can be done to curtail the
movement of one fictitious load on the route
shooter chain running race withdrawal.

Fig.4 Hydraulic diagram

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

This is achieved by mounting the circuit

advance to the second pulling. Chokes valves
of sense to curtail the movement of cylinders in
the movement of withdrawal. The return
movement of hydraulic cylinders to end
position is achieved automatically through
commands received from PLC.

3.1.2. Automatically “Synchronous Speed”

operating mode

Involves displacement of both synchronous

drawing systems, with a maximum gap of 5
mm. Synchronizing movement is monitored by
the PLC entering the electrical design
Fig.5 Cylinders withdrawn, tensioner chain initiation
structure that receives signals from the - balanced latch in the closed position (blocking
displacement transducers mounted on each chain), fixed latch free -
drawer. Drawing hydraulic equipment is
mobile and can be built in the interest of the

3.1.3. Manual operating mode

Involves attending the following steps:

? starting the pump M3 by pressing control
circuit pump and achievement in the circuit
to operate pressure preset;
? starting the pump M1 (M2) on the remote
control and is expected to enter their normal
working arrangements (motor drive is
coupled to the "Ä");
? to make the cylinders advance switches Fig.6 Pulling devide in the intermediate position,
switch the GROUP 1 COMMAND (GROUP tensioning chain initiation
- balanced latch in the closed position (blocking
2 COMMAND) from the remote control on chain), fixed latch free, retaining claw chain in
the ADVANCE position; position tilt -
to make the cylinders return switches switch
COMMAND) from the remote control on the
RETIRED position.

3.2. Drawing on the bank of the vessel

segments sectioned

Removing the shore of the segments of the

vessel is being sectioned using port crane or
hydraulic equipment using the same drawing.
If recourse to the second removal procedure
systems work synchronized firing of 300 tf.
In figures 5-8 is given stages of a race to Fig. 7 Hydraulic cylinder in end position, chain
achieve full drawing (complete cycle of a tension, firing sequence 1
drawdown) of a hydraulic cylinder. Is then - block retaining claw chain, chain fixed latch blocked
repeats this cycle. (blocking chain), balanced latch in the open position -
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

4. The mechanical structure of the

hydraulic drawing equipment
4.1. Technical characteristics

The technical characteristics of the hydraulic

drawing equipment are presented in Table 1.

The hydraulic drawing equipment consist the

following base parts:
a) hydraulic power module (Fig.8);
b) hydraulic drawing systems (Fig.10).
Fig.8 Hydraulic cylinders are withdrawn, the chain
remains tense
- block retaining claw chain, chain fixed latch blocked
(blocking chain), balanced latch in the open position - Table 1
Technical Characteristics

2.2. Hydraulic power module

The hydraulic power module provide the

necessary working pressure for hydraulic
drawing systems and consist the following

? support framework made of two

welded constructions (the upper
framework and the lower framework)
coupled together by screws. The
lower framework serves as support for
two variable displacement pumps and
hydraulic oil reservoir and the upper
framework serves as support for
switchboard and front panel devices
and is provided with ears hanging to
Fig.8 Hydraulic power module

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

? hydraulic oil reservoir with manholes for

cleaning and inspection, absorption flanges
for the pumps, oil lever indicator, vent plug
and oil drain plug;
? power panel consist all electrical
? control panel displays all working
parameters (Fig.9);
? control and regulation valves.

2.3. Hydraulic drawing systems Fig.9 Control panel

? head drawing made in welded steel

Consist the following components (Fig.10) construction, coupled with being on the
? chassis made in welded construction is chassis plaque clearance and is related to
composed of two heavy, linked together by the two hydraulic cylinders for operating the
side-members. This subset is formed as a connecting bolts. Head drawing is mounted
support for sled pulling head and ears balanced bolt with which the training is done
mounted at the rear of the chassis is made by pulling the chain. Drawing on the chassis
catching hydraulic cylinders. The chassis is sliding head is driven by two hydraulic
fitted with lugs for anchoring drawing cylinders. The motion to advance causes,
systems, his structure to allow downloading by closing automatic balanced bolt, chain
of force, strains of which are exclusively in pull, and the motion to withdraw latch opens
the elastic. The bottom of the chassis is automatically, the chain remains stuck in the
plated with tin, thus ensuring a better latch housing mounted (bolt fix), and occurs
shooter stability during operation; as the head of drawing and preparation of
? sliding support chain is articulated on the withdrawal it to a new drawing phase;
head drawing and keep the chain in the ? chain guide stand placed at the rear of the
proper position so that passage through the chassis and is designed to guide and
blocking device to make in optimal properly oriented chain entering the system
conditions (without twisting it at the blocked drawing;

Fig.10 Hydraulic drawing systems

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

? hydraulic cylinders are articulated on the Keeping working temperature of fluid is

chassis mount through bolts and stick their ensured by a hydraulic cooling circuit
head is coupled by bolts of fire. Hydraulic consisting of a electro-pump water and a heat
cylinders made successive movements of change. Switch ON / OFF electro-pump is
drawing with a speed VAT > 0.32 [m/min]; automatically depending on the oil
? fixed latch is to block the withdrawal phase temperature from reservoir, or manually from
chain drawing head movement allowing the panel display of functional parameters.
him by drawing system in the phase The ADVANCE - WORKING PRESSURE
advance of the head fire. DIAGRAM is presented in Fig.11.

Fig.11 Advance-Working Pressure Diagram

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

4. Conclusion

1. Because the equipment is built on modules REFERENCES

this is ensure a high mobility and can be
1. C h i r i t a C., Actionari electrohidraulice. Ed.
moved quickly and placed in any place of
Satya, 2000.
work. 2. C h i r i t a C., C a l a r a s u D., Actionarea
2. Depending on the tonnage of the refloating hidraulica a masinilor unelte. Ed. Panfilius, 2001.
ship, the number of the drawing systems 3.
can vary, their supply hydraulic oil pressure
is only making a single hydraulic pressure
3. In the case of the heavy diving ships,
replaces the successful use of floating
cranes for refloating.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009



Gl. Bg(r) Tudor CHERECHEª **

Col. drd. ing. Tiberiu HOMUTESCU *
Lector univ. Adrian ROTARIU **
Lt. asist. univ. drd. ing. Alin-Constantin SAVA **
*SPP, Academia Tehnica Militara, MNA PRODCOM**

The grenade throwers with high-low pressure chamber, named grenade throwers with 2 pressure
chambers or working on the principle of the gas motion, belong to the class of weapons working due
to gas flow. The gas generated as a result of the powder combustion in the combustion chamber
(the high pressure chamber) are moving through some orifices to the low pressure chamber where
they increase the speed of the grenade. The theoretical studies focused on this kind of systems
include the modelling of the black powder flow and of the combustion products during kindling and
combustion. The interaction of the incandescent flux with a 2 phase flow in the loading chamber it is
taken into consideration. Were performed experimental studies focused on the working of the
detonating primers in the open air and on the throwing loads from the cartridge. It was found the
impact of the characteristics of the detonating primer upon the combustion of the throwing loads.
The theoretical model was tested comparing it with the experimental data. The theoretical and
experimental tests make possible the optimum choice of the best detonating prime for starting the
operation of throwing the load. The combustion of the gun powder during firing with a weapon is a
complex phisical and chemical process. During it, takes place a very fast conversion of the kinetic
energy of the gun powder in thermal gas energy then in kinetic energy of motion of the grenade,gun
powder and barrell.


Calculul termodinamic constã în determinarea ARDERE
temperaturii gazelor de ardere, în momentul
realizãrii echilibrului chimic ºi a celorlalte Ipotezele care stau la baza calculului
mãrimi asociate: compoziþia ºi presiunea temperaturii teoretice de ardere sunt:
gazelor de ardere. Se deosebesc trei - produºii de ardere principali (CO2, CO,
temperaturi de ardere: H2O, H2, ºi N2), secundari (H, OH, NO, O2, ºi
- temperatura calorimetricã, care este O) ºi combinaþi (NH3, CH4), sunt consideraþi
temperatura pe care ar avea-o gazele de gaze perfecte;
ardere dacã întreaga energie degajatã prin - reacþia este izocorã ºi izentropicã;
ardere serveºte la încãlzirea gazelor, - toatã cãldura de reacþie serveºte la
temperaturã calculatã în capitolul întâi al încãlzirea produºilor de ardere.
referatului; La temperaturi înalte ºi presiuni joase se
- temperatura teoretica de ardere, care tine formeazã o micã cantitate de produºi de
seama de procesul de disociere al gazelor de disociere sau produºi secundari, cum sunt
ardere; OH, H ºi NO. La temperaturi foarte înalte, apar
- temperatura reala de ardere care ia în ºi O2, O ºi N, dar în cantitãþi foarte reduse. Între
considerare si pierderile termice prin peretii produºii principali ºi produºii secundari se
bombei manometrice. stabilesc urmãtoarele echilibre chimice:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Constantele de echilibru K1(T), K2(T), ..., K6(T) se calculeazã cu ajutorul urmãtoarelor relaþii:

Variaþiile în funcþie de temperaturã ale

constantelor de echilibru sunt
reprezentate în figurile 1-4:

Fig.1 - Variaþia cu temperatura a constantelor

de echilibru K1, K2, K3

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Cantitatea din fiecare produs de în care cu n CH4 ºi n NH3 s-au notat cantitãþile de
disociere nH , nOH , ..., nN , variazã cu produºi intermediari.
temperatura ºi este determinatã de Valorile constantelor de echilibru K7(T)
constantele de echilibru ale reacþiilor de ºi K8(T) se calculeazã cu relaþiile:
disociere. Scriind pentru fiecare reacþie de
echilibru legea acþiunii maselor, se obþine
urmãtorul sistem:

Cantitãþile de produºi de combustie ce se

formeazã la o anumitã temperaturã trebuie sa
satisfacã legea conservãrii masei pentru
fiecare specie atomicã, deci:

în care V [cm3/g] este volumul specific al

amestecului produºilor de combustie.
La temperaturi sub 2500 [K] ºi presiuni
ridicate, devin semnificative încã douã unde:
reacþii de echilibru, între produºii principali
ºi cei intermediari:

Aplicând ºi pentru aceste reacþii legea

acþiunii maselor rezultã ecuaþiile

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În aceastã lucrare se prezintã un

algoritm pentru calculul temperaturii teoretice
a gazelor rezultate în urma arderii în tubul

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HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


1 2 3 4
Institutul Naþional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Optoelectronicã (INOE 2000)- Filiala
Institutul de Cercetãri pentru Hidraulicã ºi Pneumaticã Bucureºti,
[email protected]
- Universitatea de ªtiinþe Agricole ºi Medicinã Veterinarã Iaºi
[email protected]
- Institutul Naþional de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Îmbunãtãþiri Funciare <ISPIF> Bucureºti
[email protected]

Abstract: The irrigation arrangements are conceived, designed, realized and exploited as
ecological engineering works, flexibly dimensioned depending on the change in time of some
climatic elements found by studies.
The researches were performed in a representative region of Romania, involving digging and
irrigation works on drained land. The experimental field has a surface of 4 ha and it is located in
the meadow research worksite of INCDIF Baneasa, Giurgiu county.
The dimensioning of the regularization network with double action is made using the concept of
maximum capitalization of the phreatic water inside the plot, being defined the intervals of
variation of the phreatic level for realizing drainage/discharge-irrigation and storage of water in
the plot.
The method of capitalizing land results from the selection of the plant depending on the best
location of the phreatic level.
In Romania the irrigated land with economic efficiency is estimated at 3,5 millions ha. In what
regards the irrigation method, about 80% of the land surface is suitable for sprinkling. The
lowest price is that of the watering installation which is manually moved. The watering position
may be parallel or perpendicular on the direction of the sector delivery pipe. The selection of a
watering position may depend on the value of its reliability. The watering installation is
composed of elements of distribution (sprinklers) which are serially connected.

Key words: subirrigation, land improvements, plants, phreatic location, sprinkler.

Una dintre caracteristicile etapelor actuale ºi

de perspectivã privind dezvoltarea economicã Pentru a se încadra în dezvoltare durabilã ºi
a societãþii constã în necesitatea utilizãrii ca urmare a schimbãrilor climatice
raþionale a resurselor naturale, ca urmare a preconizate, agricultura va creºte solicitarea
decalajului tot mai pronunþat dintre caracterul de tehnologii ºi echipamente noi pentru
limitat al acestora, variaþia uneori anualã ºi valorificarea mai eficientã a apei de irigaþie
dinamica cerinþelor. În acest context, buna [8,9,10].
gospodãrire a apei prezintã o importanþã Orice domeniu de activitate - ºi îndeosebi cel
deosebitã în condiþiile în care resursele de apã tehnic, în care se înscriu ºi hidroamelioraþiile -
ale României sunt relativ reduse. este pretabil ºi accesibil modernizãrilor
Amenajãrile de irigaþie se concep, (soluþii, materiale, echipamente, tehnologii,
proiecteazã, realizeazã ºi exploateazã ca etc.), corespunzãtor unor cerinþe noi,
lucrãri naturalist- inginereºti, dimensionate generate în special de progresul tehnologic.
flexibil în raport cu modificarea în timp a unor
elemente climatice, furnizate prin studii.
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

MATERIAL ªI METODÃ Din motive economice, tehnologia modernã nu

foloseºte produse cu F < 20 % .
1) Folosirea apei freatice în incinta Numãrul de avarii în unitatea de timp se
Gostinu-Greaca-Argeº defineºte prin funcþia de risc (?(t)).
Durata probabilã de funcþionare fãrã avarie t
Amenajãrile de îmbunãtãþiri funciare din este inversul funcþiei de risc ºi reprezintã
aceastã zonã a României sunt constituite din durata medie între douã avarii consecutive.
îndiguiri ºi irigaþii pe fond desecat-drenat. Durata t mare implicã risc mic.
Factorii cauzali implicaþi în accentuarea
duratei ºi intensitãþii excesului de umiditate (2)
sunt de naturã dinamicã (creºterea nivelului
freaticului ca urmare a punerii sub presiune a Elementele componente ale unei instalaþii de
acviferului de cãtre Dunãre), staticã udare sunt conectate în serie iar instalaþiile se
(complexul de suprafaþã cu granulometrie conecteazã în paralel la conducta de
finã, microrelief depresionar) ºi tehnologicã alimentare.
(reþeaua absorbantã cu distanþa între drenuri
Creºterea componentei hidrice pânã la starea 1) Poziþia optimã a nivelului freatic în scopul
de excedent, în astfel de situaþii, conduce, folosirii bivalente a reþelei de drenaj
dacã nu se iau mãsurile tehnice În dimensionarea reþelei cu dublã funcþionalitate
corespunzãtoare, la o evoluþie a se pleacã de la conceptul de valorificare cât mai
geosistemului de la morfosistem cãtre mult a apei freatice în interiorul parcelei ºi de
hidrosistem. Locaþia de desfãºurare a stocare a surplusului în sensul de irigat pe reþeaua
de evacuare, pentru a putea fi reutilizat prin
cercetãrilor este în perimetrul Institutului irigarea de la suprafaþa solului.
Naþional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Cunoscând legea de variaþie a umiditãþii
Imbunãtãþiri Funciare < ISPIF > baza solului deasupra nivelului apei freatice, se pot
Bãneasa, (fost ICITID Bãneasa), aflat în stabili în funcþie de proprietãþile hidrofizice ale
Lunca Dunãrii, în incinta Gostinu- Greaca tipului de sol ºi ceilalþi factori cauzali
Argeº, judeþul Giurgiu. (temperatura aerului, precipitaþii, consumul
Câmpul experimental are suprafaþa de 4 ha ºi plantei), care este adâncimea necesarã a
este amplasat la 6,3 km de Dunãre, în centrul nivelului freaticului, astfel ca umiditatea pe
depresiunii interioare a zonei de luncã. Acesta stratul fiziologic activ de sol (SFAS), sã fie între
face parte dintr-o amenajare de desecare- capacitatea de apã în câmp (CC) ºi plafonul
drenare realizatã în intervalul 1968-1970. minim de declanºare al udãrii (Pmin ).
Suprafaþa interioarã este de 1484 ha, iar a
Sursa principalã care contribuie la formarea
zonei de luncã de 2472 ha.
excesului de umiditate este reprezentatã în
principal de freatic ºi în secundar de
2) Fiabilitatea grupului de instalaþii
Reþeaua absorbantã este reprezentatã de
2.1.) Considerente matematice privind
tuburi riflate, pozate la adâncimea de 1,0 1,2
m ºi la distanþa de 20 -25 m. Colectarea apei
se face în canale deschise sau drenuri
Suma dintre funcþia de fiabilitate F (t) ºi funcþia
colectoare .
de defiabilitate D(t) este 1. Din aceastã
Modelul matematic specific condiþiilor
condiþie rezultã cã F (t) 1 ºi D(t) 1.
hidrogeologice din Lunca Dunãrii se bazeazã
Fiabilitatea individualã Ft reprezintã:
pe urmãtoarea corelaþie dintre umiditatea
(1) solului pe o anumitã adâncime a SFAS ºi
factorii determinanþi:
În cazul particular cu ? = constant, Ft are
urmãtoarele valori extreme: la t = 0 rezultã (3)
Ft =1 ºi la t = ? rezultã Ft = 0.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

unde :
U = umiditatea medie a solului pe un anumit - realizarea irigaþiei :
interval de timp ºi pe o anumitã adâncime Hf = (Hf)Pmin (5)
(H), exprimatã în % din greutate;
CO, Cs = coeficientul de ofilire ºi capacitatea - intervalul optim de reþinere a apei în parcela
de saturaþie a solului pe adâncimea H, în % de drenaj, folosind diverse soluþii ºi procedee
din greutate; tehnice:
e = baza logaritmilor naturali; (Hf)Pmin< Hf (Hf)CC (6)
Hf = adâncimea nivelului freaticului faþã de
cota terenului ca medie pe un anumit În fig. 1, se prezintã pentru un studiu de caz,
interval de timp, exprimat în metri; graficul de variaþie al umiditãþii solului,
c = parametru însoþit de semnul minus, deasupra nivelului freaticului, în funcþie de
determinat printr-un set de 21 tipuri de variaþia decadalã a freaticului ºi a temperaturii
ecuaþii de regresie, funcþie de unul dintre aerului, în intervalul aprilie-iunie. Poziþia
factorii climatici sau biologici. adâncimii nivelului freatic se alege în funcþie
de tipul plantei ºi de modul de valorificare al
Intervalele de variaþie ale nivelului freatic sunt apei.
urmãtoarele: De asemenea, la stabilirea tipului de plantã se
ia în connsideraþie ºi intensitatea diurnã a
- realizarea funcþiei de drenaj evacuare: fotosintezei specific categoriilor de plante
(Hf)CS Hp< (Hf)CC (4) (tab.1), influenþând efectul de fixare al CO2 din

Figura 1 Graficul Ud= f(Hfd, Tdcalc) pentru H=0,50 m (aprilie-iunie)

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Fotosinteza reprezintã un proces unic în Se menþioneazã cã, un hectar de pãdure,

lumea vie, prin care plantele sintetizeazã filtreazã anual aproximativ 18-20 milioane m3
compuºi organici, din dioxidul de carbon ºi aer, reþinând circa 80 tone de praf, absorbind
apã, în prezenþa luminii ºi a clorofilei. 4450 tone CO2 ºi producând aproximativ 3300
Intensitatea fotosinteticã maximã se tone de oxigen. Cantitatea menþionatã de
înregistreazã în perioada din an în care oxigen, acoperã necesarul pentru 45
radiaþia fotosintetic activã este mai mare ºi în persoane, revenind la 222 m2 pentru o
frunzele de pe partea însoritã a plantei. persoanã. Un copac stocheazã 6 kg carbon
Intervalul de variaþie al intensitãþii diurne a iar o pãdure 6,5 tone per ha. Într-un parc de
fotosintezei sunt prezentate în tabelul 1, dupã mãrime obiºnuitã, de 200 ha, copacii purificã
Burzo ºi colab (2005). zilnic, 22 kg praf, 4 kg de NO2, 2,7 kg de SO2 ºi
0,22 kg de CO (monoxid de carbon).
Tabelul 1
Intensitatea diurnã a fotosintezei
Planta Intensitatea diurnã fotosintezã
[mg CO2 / dm /h] [t/ ha /an]
Heliofile 20 - 40 17520 -35040
Orez 27 23652
Pomi fructiferi, arbuºti 11- 35 9636 - 30660
Culturi câmp 12-24 10512 - 21024
Conifere 5-18 4380 - 15768
Viþa de vie 5-9,17 4380 – 8033
Legume 1,61-2,84 1410 - 2488

2. Fiabilitatea sistemelor
Fp= F1 F2 F3 ... U Fn (10)
2.1.) Fiabilitatea sistemelor de elemente
conectate în serie Fp= (1- F1) · (1- F2) ... (1- Fi) ... (1- Fn) (11)
În acest caz, fiabilitatea sistemului cu elemente în
serie (Fs), reprezintã intersecþii (produse) ale Dacã: F1 = F2 = Fn = F0 atunci :
fiabilitãþii elementelor componente, având forma
urmãtoare: 1- FP = (1- F0)n sau FP = 1- (1- F0)n (12)
Fs= F1·F2·F3 ... Fn (7)
De exemplu, pentru un sistem compus din
Dacã fiabilitatea elementelor componente ale
sistemului (tronsoane de conducte cu / fãrã
douã elemente (n = 2), rezultã urmãtoarea
aspersoare ) este egalã (F1 = F2 ... Fn = F0 ), atunci : fiabilitate la conexiunea în paralel:
FS = F0 n (8) (13)
1- Fp= (1- F1)(1- F2) = 1- F1- F2+F1F2
De exemplu, dacã sistemul include douã elemente
(n = 2) ºi fiecare element are F0 = 0,9, atunci Dacã cele douã elemente au aceiaºi fiabilitate
fiabilitatea va fi FS = 0,81. ( F1 = F2 = F0) , atunci fiabilitatea sistemului ºi
Dacã ?1=? 2... = ?0 ºi n = 2, atunci: durata de funcþionare fãrã avarie sunt
conform relaþiilor urmãtoare:
Fp= 2F0 - F02 (14)
De asemenea, relaþia t S= 0,5·t 0 semnificã cã,
durata de funcþionare fãrã avarie a sistemului (15)
este mai redusã cu 50 % decât a unui element.
2.2.) Fiabilitatea sistemelor de elemente Dacã riscul individual este acelaºi (?1= ?2 = ?0 ),
conectate în paralel. atunci durata de funcþionare fãrã avarie al
sistemului este conform relaþiei urmãtoare:
Fiabilitatea reprezintã o reuniune a fiabilitãþii
elementelor componente sau un produs al (16)
defiabilitãþilor individuale:
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Se constatã cã fiabilitatea în paralel mãreºte Varianta B

cu 50 % durata de funcþionare fãrã avarie a DB = DA DC DD
douã elemente. Riscul individual (?0) este de
10-3 zile iar fiabilitatea individualã (F0) este
FB = 3 F05 - 3 F010 + F015
2.3.) Elemente specifice tehnicii de udare 3 3 1
S-au analizat douã scheme cu instalaþii de tB = - +
5l 10l 15l
udare neuzate, frecvent folosite în producþie,
caracterizate prin urmãtoarele elemente: Rezultã: tB = ×1000 = 365 zile = 1 an
metoda de udare prin aspersiune, cu o 30
conductã de udare pentru fiecare instalaþie, cu A mai rezultat cã, legãturile în serie sunt mai
mutare manualã, echipate cu 3 sau 5 defavorabile decât cele în paralel.
aspersoare/instalaþie, cu echidistanþa între
aspersoare de 36 m, cu diametrul conductei
de udare de 100 mm ºi distanþa între ele de 36 CONCLUZII
Alimentarea instalaþiilor de udare se face de la - Dimensionarea reþelei de regularizare cu
dublã funcþiune se face pentru situaþia de
hidrantul conductei distribuitoare de sector,
valorificarea maximã a apei freatice în interiorul
pozate subteran. parcelei.
Variantele de schemã de instalaþii sunt cu - Exploatarea amenajãrii de subirigaþie se
conducte de udare poziþionate în paralel, face în funcþie de trei intervale principale de
echipate în acelaºi mod (cu câte 15 variaþie ale nivelului freatic pentru realizarea
aspersoare de acelaºi tip / variantã). funcþiei de drenaj-evacuare, a celei de
Aspersorul are mecanism de rotaþie cu ºoc subirigaþie ºi a reþinerii optime a apei în parcelã.
mecanic, este prevãzut cu ajutaj cu Ø 18 mm, - Intervalul de variaþie al intensitãþii diurne a
distribuie debitul de 5,5 dm3/s la presiunea de fotosintezei în funcþie de planta de culturã, se
3 bar ºi are raza de acþiune de 36 m. Au fost prezintã în tab. 1.
analizate douã variante (A ºi B), dupã cum - Modul de valorificare al terenului propus se
face prin alegerea plantei în funcþie de poziþia
optimã a nivelului freatic ºi de cantitatea de CO2
-varianta A: 5 instalaþii, cu 3 aspersoare /
instalaþie ºi lungimea de 108 m / instalaþie, - Din punct de vedere al fiabilitãþii grupului de
având suprafaþa udatã pe poziþie de 0,39 ha; echipamente de udare prin aspersiune, se
-varianta B: 3 instalaþii, cu 5 aspersoare / recomandã varianta A (5 instalaþii, 3 aspersoare
instalaþie ºi lungimea de 180 m / instalaþie, pe instalaþie, lungimea instalaþiei de 108 m),
având suprafaþa udatã pe o poziþie de 0,65 ha. care are lungimea instalaþiei mai micã cu 50 %
Elementele de udare (aspersoarele ºi decât în varianta B (3 instalaþii, 5 aspersoare,
tronsoanele de conducte) sunt legate în serie. lungimea instalaþiei de 180 m).
- Instalaþia de udare se recomandã sã aibã
2.4. R e z u l t a t e o b þ i n u t e p r i v i n d lungimea determinatã printr-un calcul tehnico-
fiabilitatea economic, luându-se în considerare pe lângã
fiabilitatea ºi a elementelor specifice calitãþii
Defiabilitatea sistemului compus din instalaþii
udãrii la aspersiune.
conectate în paralel, în cele douã variante - Schemele de udare cu conexiuni paralele
este: sunt mai favorabile decât cele în serie.
Varianta A
DA = D1·D2·D3·D4·D5

3 6 9 12 15
sau FA= 5·F0 - 10 F0 + 10 F0 5 F0 + F0
Rezultã: ?A = 752 zile 2 ani

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

BIBLIOGRAFIE [7] Nicolescu C., Adam M., Grosu M, 1994 - Model

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Fiziologia plantelor legumicole, editura rational use of irrigation water”, în „Lucrãri
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Bucureºti, p.154 - 155 Ion Ionescu de La Brad Iaºi, CD, 2005.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





Gl. Bg(r) Tudor CHERECHEª **

Col. drd. ing. Tiberiu HOMUTESCU *
Lector univ. Adrian ROTARIU **
Lt. asist. univ. drd. ing. Alin-Constantin SAVA **
*SPP, Academia Tehnicã Militarã, MNA PRODCOM**

The calculation of the gas flow value during the displacement of the missile in the barrell represents
a complex problem because the phenomenon has a non isothermal and turbulent character
leading to changes of the permanent operational environment. In the present paper will be studied
the motion of a 76 mmm caliber missile in the gun barrell, finding the specific of the powder gas
generated as an effect of the combustion and also the variation of the missile speed depending on
time. In the approached model the flow will be considered axial symmetrical, in motion, non
isothermal, compressible and turbulent. For simulating and calculating the flow the model has been
implemented in a commercial calculum software with finite volumes, named FLUENT.

Introducere necorespunzãtoare sau chiar la rateuri

Sistemele de armament cu þeavã sunt de tragere. Odatã produsã iniþierea, se
sisteme termodinamice complexe ce au drept stabileºte combustia autosusþinutã,
scop lansarea unor tipuri de muniþii: proiectile, caracterizatã de cãtre transformarea rapidã a
rachete etc cu viteze controlate ºi abateri pulberii în gaze sau amestec de particule gaz-
minime faþã de o traiectorie teoreticã calculatã, solid cu evoluþia simultanã a presiunii ºi
astfel încât acestea sã producã efectele dorite cãldurii. Creºterea presiunii face ca proiectilul
(distrugeri, neutralizãri incapacitãri etc) asupra sã se deplaseze accelerat în þeavã. Începutul
unei þinte date aflatã la o distanþã cunoscutã. miºcãrii depinde de forþa de desertizare
Acest scop trebuie sã fie atins pãstrând (pentru proiectilele sertizate) ºi de forþa de
siguranþa totalã a personalului ºi angajare în ghinturi (cand se trage cu o þeavã
echipamentelor aflate în vecinãtatea gnintuitã). Pe mãsurã ce proiectilul se
sistemului de armament ºi necesitã o deplaseazã în þeavã, volumul liber din spatele
cunoaºtere cât mai bunã a fenomenelor acestuia este umplut cu un amestec de gaz-
gazodinamice care se desfãºoarã în þeavã, din solid (pulbere). Parametrii curgerii din þeavã
momentul iniþierii pulberii pânã la pãrãsirea determinã parametrii curgerii la gura þevii de
gurii de foc de cãtre proiectil. foc, astfel condiþiile balisticii interioare fiind de
Miºcarea proiectilului în þeava gurii de o importanþã deosebitã în aprecierea
foc este produsã de cãtre combustia unei fenomenelor ce au loc ulterior. Deoarece
încãrcãturi de pulbere dispusã în camera de combustia în sistemele de armament nu
încãrcare. Iniþierea pulberii implicã utilizarea implicã aport exterior de carburant sau oxigen,
unor dispozitive mecanice, dispozitive pulberile de azvârlire trebuie sã conþinã în
electrice sau altor tipuri, proiectate astfel încât structura lor ambele elemente.
sã asigure o iniþiere completã ºi eficientã,
deoarece o iniþiere parþialã poate duce la
fluctuaþii nedorite ale presiunii gazelor
generate ºi implicit la viteze de azvârlire

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Combustibilii utilizaþi în sistemele clasice de În figura 1b se prezintã curgerea în

armament cu þeavã sunt în stare solidã ºi sunt þeavã la un moment ulterior iniþierii pulberii,
produºi în bucãþi cu o geometrie bine definitã, când vp ≠ 0. Se poate observa schematic
cum ar fi, de exemplu, sfere, cilindrii, elemente amestecul fazelor si modul de evoluþie a
tubulare etc. Debitul masic pe timpul combustiei.
combustiei ºi, implicit curba presiunii în funcþie
de timp depind de viteza de ardere ºi de aria 2. Descrierea modelului propus
suprafeþei totale instantanee. Deplasarea unui proiectil în þeavã se
calculeazã conform ecuaþiilor balisticii
1. Aspecte ale fenomenelor gazodinamice interioare formulate în cazul unei guri de foc
în sistemele de armament cu teava ghintuite, proiectilul având în þeavã o miºcare
Curegerea gazelor în þeavã în balistica de rototranslaþie. În studiul de faþã vom
interioarã este un fenomen destul de complex considera proiectilul un solid rigid ce prezintã
care include turbulenþe, arderea de gaz- numai miºcare de translaþie în lungul axei de
particule sau gaz-fragmente de pulbere, unde simetrie a þevii. Modelul propus asimileazã în
de presiune etc. De exemplu figura 1 prezintã miºcarea de translaþie ºi energia consumatã
anumite etape ale curgerii gazelor în þeavã. pentru rotaþia acestuia. În scopul simulãrii cât
Figura 1a prezintã camera de încãrcare cu mai precise a fenomenului tragerii se va
sistemul de iniþiere montat în partea de dinapoi considera cã proiectilul este propulsat de cãtre
ºi proiectilul dispus în tubul cartuº având vp = 0. un gaz compresibil generat în funcþie de timp,
Sistemul de initiere produce gaze similar ca variaþie în timp cu gazele de pulbere
fierbinti la o presiune ridicata care împreuna cu ce iau naºtere pe timpul tragerii ale cãror
particulele solide incandescente sunt caracteristici au fost determinate prin trageri în
propulsate spre încarcatura de pulbere de bomba balisticã. În funcþie de presiunea
azvârlire producând initierea acesteia. gazelor exercitatã asupra proiectilului, acesta
Odatã iniþierea având loc, variaþia îºi începe miºcarea de translaþie în þeavã,
fluxului de masã a gazelor ºi presiunea localã, viteza variind în funcþie de presiunea calculatã
împreunã cu permeabilitatea macroscopicã a pe partea posterioarã a acestuia. Având în
încãrcãturii de pulbere, determinã procesul vedere faptul cã rezolvare acestei probleme
iniþial de combustie în camera de încãrcare. presupune un volum extrem de mare de
Densitatea de încãrcare, tipul pulberii ºi forma calcule simularea s-a realizat în 2D, pe un
acesteia, modul de dispunere a pulberii în model axial simetric.
tubul cartuº joacã un rol important în Figura 2 prezintã modelul fizic realizat
combustia încãrcãturii de azvârlire. utilizând software-ul de preprocesare
GAMBIT. Dimensiunile þevii ºi proiectilului
respectã valorile sistemului de armament
calibru 76 mm.
Pentru rezolvarea problemei propuse
s-a folosit pentru întreg domeniul de analiza o
mesa triunghiulara, diferentiata în functie de
importanta zonei si de amplitudinea
a. înainte de iniþierea pulberii de azvârlire fenomenelor produse. Astfel pentru zona
camerei de încarcare, unde are loc initierea si
combustia pulberii, deplasarea elementelor
de pulbere si a proiectilului, presiuni având
valori de peste 2000 bari s-a preferat o mesa
b. pe timpul combustiei pulberii ºi foarte fina (0.8 mm), dar fara a mari în mod
deplasãrii proiectilului în þeavã nejustificat timpul de rezolvare a problemei.
Pentru zona din fata a proiectilului s-a folosit o
Figura 1 Reprezentarea schematicã a curgerii mesa având o dimensiune de 4 mm.
gazelor în sistemele de armament cu þeavã

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figura 2 - Model fizic simulat

În figura 3 este prezentat un detaliu al camerei de încarcare în care poate observa
dispunerea sistemului de initiere (a) si elementele de pulbere (b).
Elementele de pulbere care se pot observa în figurã sunt elemente echivalente alese astfel
încât masa totalã a pulberii sã fie respectatã.
Legea de combustie a pulberii, temperatura de combustie, modelul deplasãrii elementelor
de pulbere în þeavã, modelul deplasãrii proiectilului precum ºi proprietãtile gazului utilizat sunt
introduse folosind fiºiere UDF (user define function).

Figura 3 Detaliu în zona camerei de încãrcare

3. Ecuaþiile ce guverneazã fenomenul

Problema ce urmeaza a fi rezolvata
consta într-o curgere compresibila, turbulenta
si axial simetrica. Ecuatia continuitatii este
data de:

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figura 4 Rezultatele obþinute prin simulare numericã

5. Concluzii Totodatã modelul propus contribuie la

Un model de evaluare numericã a rezolvarea problemei directe a balisticii
fenomenului tragerii cu un sistem de interioare determinându-se caracteristicile
armament calibru 76 mm a fost implementat gazului de pulbere generat prin combustie
utilizând un software comercial de calcul cu precum ºi variaþia presiunii gazelor ºi vitezei
volume finite, FLUENT. proiectilului în funcþie de timp.

Coeficienþii utilizaþi au fost obþinuþi prin Bibliografie
trageri experimentale în bomba balisticã sau
evaluaþi prin prisma experienþei coautorilor în 1. POWELL, E. G., Wilmot, G., HAAR, L.,
domeniu. KLEIN, M. (1979). Equations of State and
Lucrarea de faþã deschide calea spre Thermodynamic for Interior Ballistics
noi studii privind balistica intermediarã a Calculations, Progress in Astronautics and
gurilor de foc ºi evaluarea undelor de ºoc Aeronautics, 139, (Interior Ballistics of Guns)
generate pe timpul tragerilor cu sistemele de AIAA, New York
armament cu þeavã. 2. FLUENT, I. (September 2006). Fluent 6.3
User's Guide
3. K. Jamsa dr., L. K. (2003). C si C++
Manualul Fundamental de programare in C si
C++, Bucuresti, Editura Teora, 973-601-911-X

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009





Ph.d eng Adrian MIREA – SC ROMFLUID SA Bucharest

Eng. Catalin Dumitrescu – INOE 2000 – IHP Bucharest
Eng. Florin GEORGESCU – INOE 2000 – IHP Bucharest

Renewable energy is derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly. In its
various forms, it derives directly from the sun, or from heat generated deep within the earth.
Included in the definition is electricity and heat generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower,
biomass, geothermal resources, and biofuels and hydrogen derived from renewable resources.
While most renewable energy projects and production is large-scale, renewable technologies are
also suited in private household. In our country, the use of renewable energy is in an incipient stage,
with a small amount of energy produced from solar radiation, although of geographically benefit
from favorable conditions.
That's why it is considered that there are very good conditions in the country for production
and marketing systems for electricity and heat production using solar radiation. The company SC
ROMFLUID SA Bucharest is one of those who wish to develop systems to produce heat using flat
solar panels, made by an own solution. At the end of a research work, the company has established
a technical solution for the production of DHW for a family of 3…4 persons. Starting from this basis,
can develop applications for a greater number of people using thermal energy for heating or
combining them with other heat sources, conventional or based on other types of renewables.

1. Introduction From the end of 2004 to the end of

The "solar energy" refers to energy that 2008, solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity
is collected from sunlight. Solar energy can be increased sixfold to more than 16 gigawatts
applied in many ways, including to: (GW), wind power capacity increased 250
- generate electricity using photovoltaic percent to 121 GW, and total power capacity
solar cells. from new renewables increased 75 percent to
- generate electricity using 280 GW. During the same period, solar
concentrating solar power. heating capacity doubled to 145 gigawatts-
- generate electricity by heating trapped thermal (GWth), while biodiesel production
air which rotates turbines in a Solar updraft increased sixfold to 12 billion liters per year
tower. and ethanol production doubled to 67 billion
- generate hydrogen using liters per year. Amounts of energy from
photoelectrochemical cells. renewable sources by category and the share
- heat water or air for domestic hot of energy from these sources in total energy
water and space heating needs using solar- produced, are shown in figure 1
thermal panels.
- heat buildings, directly, through
passive solar building design.
- heat foodstuffs, through solar ovens.
- solar air conditioning

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

2. Instalations for obtaining solar

thermal energy

Objectives of this paper consist in

presenting possible schematic diagrams to be
applied in solar thermal installations, as well as
results achieved during testing stage.
Installation under tests is based on 2 thermal
solar panels, wherein a special fluid is heated;
this one conveys heat to cold water by means
of a serpentine pipe in a monovalent solar
boiler. This installation was designed to meet
the requirements for DHW of a 3 - 4 person
Figure 1 - Renewable energy and
total energy, at end of 2008 The first type of instalation is designed
only for obtain domestic hot water, 100% in the
For producing thermal energy from solar warm season, and partial in the warm season.
radiation are necessary the use of solar
thermal collectors. The water heated in this The installation for heating water ACM
way can be used as domestic hot water but with the hydraulic scheme presented in figure 2
also as a means of heating residences, makes the fluid from the solar panel flow to a
reducing the consumption of common fuels. serpentine placed inside the special solar
Romania benefits by excellent boiler (5) for solar installations. The fluid which
geographical conditions in order to collect flows through the serpentine of the boiler
solar radiation, having a level of solar radiation generates the heat received from the solar
for most of the country regions which rises panel to the cold water from the boiler heating
above 1250…1350 kWh/m2/year, in some it. The flow is realized by means of a pump type
areas from its south reaching 1450…1600 WILO ST purposefully designed for solar
installations. The actuation of the pump is
kWh/m2/year; by comparison, Germany, which
performed by means of a controller (3) type
had at the end of 2008 over 10 millions m2
Deltasol AX which compares the temperature
where solar collecting panels were mounted,
values supplied by the two temperature
with power output amounted to some 7300
sensors, one placed in the hottest point of the
megawatts, has an annual average quota of
installation at the upper edge of the solar
solar radiation from 876 to 1250 kWh/m2/year. panel, respectively in the coldest point - on the
Some other values in European cities are: bottom of the solar boiler (6). The controller
Liege – 840, Hamburg – 870, Munich– 950, activates the pump as long as between the 2
Madrid – 1400, Seville – 1470 kWh/m2/year. points there is a difference of temperature
Taking these reasons into account, the higher than 2....16 K adjustable, at the lowering
company SC ROMFLUID SA Bucharest of this difference below the fixed threshold, the
started to produce solar thermal installations pump is set off and the thermal transfer stops.
based on plane collecting panels developed
according to its own constructive solutions that This kind of controller is the simplest
can be used to produce domestic hot water one from the 3 integrated in the schemes
(DHW) and also can be used in combination having 2 inputs of temperature sensors and
with classic home heating systems; the basis has a small price.
of putting these systems into manufacturing For all variants, the fluid consists of a
was represented by the results of scientific mixture of water/propylene glycol in a
research carried out during 2007-2009, while proportion of 60/40 or 45/55 depending on the
developing a project within the framework of minimum environmental temperature during
INOVARE Programme. the cold seasons, the mixture 45/55 being
active up to – 26 C.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

on the thermal system and the sensor 15) on

the solar boiler and another sensor 8) placed
on the solar panel. The data from the 3 sensors
are compared two by two by a solar controller
type DeltaSol BS with 3 inputs of sensors
which can control more output devices. In this
case in the circuit is integrated a second pump
14) similar with the first, which provides the
flow between the thermal system and boiler.
The pumps work like in the previous case as
long as between the 2 points there is an
adjustable temperature difference of

Figure 2 - Installation for producing

domestic hot water

The flow pump is integrated in a solar

installation 2) which includes hydraulic
components necessary for the system to work
efficiently – direction valve on return,
manometer, safety valve, installation filling
and washing taps, flowmeter (which measures Figure 3 - Installation for producing domestic
the amount of energy produced) On the solar hot water all the year round
panel can be fixed the controller too. For this
kind of solar station just the return (the The solar station includes additionally to the
direction from the boiler serpentine to the previous variant 2 thermometers placed on the
panel) passes through the station. 2 directions turn, return which are both passing
through the solar station in this case.
The installation also includes a mixing
valve 4) which limitates the DHW temperature, The third variant figure 4 allows in
an automatic air vent 7), a vessel of addition to the previous, the water heating from
expansion specific for the solar installations the return of a classic home central heating
9), a filter 10) and filling and emptying taps 11). installation, reducing in this way the role of the
The second variant figure 3 represents thermal heating system and implicitly of the
a solar installation integrated to a system fuel consumption for this purpose are added 2
which provides hot house water all the year temperature sensors S3 and S5 on the
round, the thermal energy supplied by the hydraulic scheme which compare the water
solar panel being supplemented during the temperatures from the upper side of the boiler
periods when it is not enough with additional with 2 serpentines with the one from the return
thermal energy for heating the water from the of the heating installation. If the temperature of
boiler from a classic heating system (central the water from the boiler is higher, a motorized
heating, boiler with gas or solid fuel etc.). In valve with 3 inputs 15) allows the input of this
this case it is used a boiler with 2 serpentines water in the return circuit of the heating
through the second passing the water heated installation, reducing the amount of energy
in the thermal power system the 2 needed. The temperature controller 3) is type
temperatures are compared by means of 2 ES allowing the connection of the 5 sensors
sensors placed in the 2 points the sensor 12) and the control on 3 outputs.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

All the components of the installations are purposefully designed for solar systems.
For respecting the normatives regarding the maximum temperature of the water supplied for
avoiding the risk of an overheated water over 600 C it was mounted an automatic mixing valve in all
the schemes 4); this allows mixing hot water from the boiler with cold water.

Figure 4 - Installation for producing domestic hot water and heating

3. The realised installation

The first scheme was materialiazed into an installation for producing DHW. The installation
was connected to the cold water supply network, at the entry in the solar boiler and at its exit was
linked to the existent consumers, initially supplied with hot water by an electric boiler as it is shown
in figure5.

Figure 5 – Diagrame for connection of the solar instalation with the classic source for DHW producing

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The solar circuit includes the 2 panels 5) Figure 6 shows the energy meter tip
grouped in series, the solar boiler 1) with plain Kampstrup 401, which allows the
curve, the pumping unit which includes the measurement of temperature (input – output),
pump 2) the manometer 11) for displaying the flow, total produced energy, etc; in figure 7 is
operational pressure, the pressure valve 7) presented the solar boiler.
and the expansion tank 8). Beside these there
are also isolation taps, mounted on tour and
The electropump 2) is controlled by the
solar controller 12) which is constantly
making a difference of temperature between
the sensor S1 mounted at the exit from the
group of solar panels and the sensor S2
mounted on the solar boiler. When this
difference exceeds a fixed threshold, ranging
between 2...16 K is prompted the supply of the
As it may be seen from fig. 5 the hot
water generated by the installation DHW goes
out on top of the solar boiler under the Figure 6 – The energy meter
pressure of the cold water from the common
supply network, it is mixed with cold water from
the network for impeding overheated water to
flow on taps and goes into a classic electric
boiler, as cold water which must be reheated. If
the temperature of the water coming from the
solar boiler is higher than the one of the electric
boiler, this does not start. If the temparature is
lower the water heating is made reaching a
range of temperatures equal with the
difference betwen the desired one and that
obtained in the solar boiler.
In both cases it is reached a good
saving of electric energy, depending on the
temperature obtained in the solar boiler and Figure 7 - The solar boiler
the needs.
For measuring the quantity of energy it
4. Results was produced a consumption cycle consisting
of 10 sections of 20 l each with a 200 l overall,
In order to test performances of this during a 10 hours interval between 8 am and 6
installation, we measured thermal energy pm starting from a temperature of 55oC. After
quantity resulted, by means of an energy the 200 l were consumed it was continued the
meter – position 9), figure 5; simultaneously consumption until the drop of temperature till
we measured input and output temperatures 55oC, measuring the overall amount of hot
of solar fluid, input and output temperatures of water used. The temperature of the heated
water inside this installation, as well as water was measured at the mixing tap fixed on
temperature decrease inside the solar boiler 55oC. The results are shown in the graphic
over a 48 hour period, with no energy supply from figure 8.
from the panels and without any DHW The test was performed in May 2009.
compsumption. The average entry temperature of the
cold water was of 21oC.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Figure 8 – Diagrame for DHW produced in warm season

The solar radiation measured during the entire test performing was of:
Table 1 - Solar power in time, in warm season

The measurement of the quantity of water produced in the cold season

For measuring the quantity of energy was simulated a consumption cycle consisting of 10
sections of 10 l each with a 100 l overall during an interval of 5 hours starting from a temperature of
40oC. After consuming the 100 l it was continued the consumption until the temperature decreased
to 40oC, being measured the total amount of hot water used. The temperature of the heated water
was measured at the mixing tap fixed on 40oC The results are shown in figure 9.
The test was performed in March 2009.
The average entry temperature of the cold water was of 9oC.

Figure 9 – Diagrame for DHW produced

in cold season
The values of the solar radiation measured at the end of the test were of:
Table 2 - Solar power in time, in cold season

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

The drop of temperature in the solar boiler was REFERENCES

of about 5oC in 48 h as it may be seen in the
following graphic: [1]. RENEWABLES GLOBAL STATUS
REPORT – 2009 update
[2]Armin Temessl, Werner Weiss – Instalaþii
solare – Proiectarea ºi construcþia instalaþiilor
solare, MAST Publishing House – 2008.
[3]. Duffie, J.A & Beckman, W.A – Solar energy
thermal proces –John Wilei &sons Publishing
House, 1974
[4]. Îndrumar de eficienþã energeticã pentru
clãdiri – IP Consult Grup, Brãila, 2003
[5]. Catalogues ROMSTAL, BUDERUS,
Figure 10 – Temperature decreasing in
solar boiler, in 48 hours

5. Conclusions
Results presented prove that this
installation, which uses 2 solar panels, each
one with an area of about 2 m2, meets the
requirements for DHW of a 3-4 person family,
to a percentage of 100% during hot season
and 50% during cold season; undertaking
several changes, this installation can also be
combined with other sources of generating
DHW or house heating sources, with
significant savings.
Last but not least this method for
producing thermal energy is completely non
aggresive for the environment which involves
positive effects upon its safety and good
preservation and also upon the saving of fossil
fuel resources.

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


A Bogatu, George
pg. 236
Abraham, Bela
pg. 250, 265 Bogatu, Lucian
pg. 167
Alexandrescu, Stefan
pg. 314 Bordeaşu, Ilare
pg. 72, 97
Anghel, Sava
pg. 295, 403 Brabie, Gheorghe
pg. 366
Avram, Mihai
pg. 167 Bratanov, Daniel
pg. 46
Avramescu, Norvegia Elena
pg. 410 Bucsan, Constantin
pg. 167
Avramescu, Valeriu
pg. 410 Bucur, Daniel
pg. 430
Badea, Dan C.
pg. 87 Calfa, Daniel
pg. 336, 366, 397, 416
Banu, Valeriu
pg. 167 Cherecheş, Tudor
pg. 129, 423
Banyai, Daniel
pg. 50, 340 Chintoanu, Mircea
pg. 265
Barbu, Valentin
pg. 176 Chiriţă,Constantin
pg. 336, 366, 385, 397, 406, 416
Balasoiu, Victor
pg. 72, 97 Chrostowski, Henryk
pg. 14
Barglazan, Mircea
pg.97 Cociu, Alexandru
pg. 259, 286
Biolan, Ilie
pg. 291, 430, 308 Codreanu, Norocel-Dragoş
pg. 197
Blejan, Marian
pg. 202 Cojocaru, Iosif
pg. 259, 286, 350, 380
Boettcher, Britta S.
pg. 76, 222

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Constantin, Anghel Dumitrescu, Catalin

pg. 208 pg. 192, 356, 442

Constantin, Nicolae Dumitrescu, Liliana

pg. 286, 380 pg. 300

Constantinescu, Dutu, Iulian

Luminita-Mirela pg. 124, 182, 392
pg. 117
Coptu, Alexandru
pg. 385 Fatu, Aurelian
pg. 37
Costache, Ion
pg. 241 Fedorov, Alexandru
pg. 202
Cristescu, Corneliu
pg. 37, 135, 154, 172 Filipoiu, Ioan Dan
pg. 176
Frunză, Mircea
Daia, Florian-Petre pg. 385
pg. 141
Diaconescu, Eugen
pg. 117 Garjoaba, Mihu
pg. 236
Domagała, Zygmunt
pg. 26 Georgescu, Florin
pg. 356, 442
Dorgeloh, Elmar
pg. 76 Gheorghe, Viorel
pg. 167
Constantin-Nicolae Gherghel, Nicolae
pg. 245 pg. 104

Drumea, Andrei
pg. 124, 151 H

Drumea, Petrin Hajjam, Mohamed

pg. 37, 135, 154, 172 pg. 37

Duca, Corneliu Constantin Hanganu, Constantin Adrian

pg. 336, 366, 385, 397, 416 pg. 104, 336, 406, 416

Duminica, Despina Haraga, Georgeta

pg. 167, 314 pg. 274, 295

Homutescu, Tiberiu
pg. 423

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

I Macanescu, Mihai
pg. 319
Ilie, Ioana
pg. 202 Manea, Dragoş
pg. 350
Ion Guţă, Dragoş Daniel
pg. 61, 214 Marcu, Lucian
pg. 50, 340
Ionescu, Ciprian
pg. 188, 197 Mardare, Florica
pg. 291
Ioniţă, Niculae
pg. 208 Marghescu, Cristina
pg. 188, 197
Marin, Alexandru
Jecu, Radu pg. 87, 192
pg. 329
Marin, Daniel
K pg. 314

Kędzia, Krzysztof Marin, Eugen

pg. 26 pg. 286, 350

Khan, Patricia Mădăras, Lucian

pg. 76 pg. 97

L Miclean, Mirela
pg. 250, 265, 282
Laurian, Tiberiu
pg. 176 Mihai, Niculaie
pg. 79, 113
Lefter, Emilian
pg. 117 Mirea, Adrian
pg. 208, 403, 442
Lepadatu, Ioan
pg. 214 Murad, Erol
pg. 129, 192, 274, 295, 372
Levei, Erika
pg. 250, 265, 282 N

Leu, Ion Necula, Carmen

pg. 380 pg. 308

Lupu, Bogdan Nascutiu, Lucian

pg. 124, 202 pg. 50, 340

M Nemtoiu, Simona Greta

pg. 141
Maican, Edmond
pg. 192 Nica, Victor
pg. 202
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Nicolescu, Constantin Popoviciu, Mircea Octavian

pg. 291, 430, 308 pg. 72, 97

Niculae, Nicusor Predescu, Cristian

pg. 308 pg. 372

Niţu, Grigore Prokopowicz, Jarosław

pg. 300 pg. 26

O Prunaru, Diana
pg. 245
Olaru, Adrian
pg. 145 R

Olaru, Serban Radulescu, Alexandru

pg. 145 pg. 236

Orasan, Catalin Horia Radu, Sebastian

pg. 410 pg. 256, 270

Orasanu, Gheorghe Rădoi, Radu

pg. 410 pg. 79, 113, 182, 392

P Rădulescu, Gabriel
pg. 79, 113, 182, 392
Pascu, Maria
pg. 241 Rădulescu, Mircea
pg. 208
Pawelski, Zbigniew
pg. 31 Rizoiu, Gheorghe
pg. 372
Păun, Loredana Theodora
pg. 410 Roman, Cecilia
pg. 250, 282
Pirnă, Ion
pg. 286, 350, 380 Roman, Marius
pg. 265
Pleşu, Gheorghe
pg. 366, 385, 397, 416 Rotariu, Adrian
pg. 423
Plotog, Ioan
pg. 87 Rotaru, Dănuţ
pg. 208
Popczyk, Zygmunt
pg. 14, 26 S

Popescu, Ioana-Carmen Safta, Victor-Viorel

pg. 329 pg. 274, 295

Popescu, Teodor Costinel Sava, Alin-Constantin

pg. 214, 314 pg. 423

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Sauciuc, Radu Tiriplica, Petre

pg. 300 pg. 141

Seiciu, Petre Lucian Toma, Alexandra

pg. 46, 176 pg. 236

Sima, Cristian Toma, Magdalena

pg. 372 pg. 274

Sîrbu, Dumitru Topologeanu, Marian

pg. 416 pg. 256, 270

Sorica, Cristian
pg. 350 Ţ

Stan, Marius Ţarcă, Radu Cătălin

pg. 259 pg. 270

Stanciu, Lucian V
pg. 259
Vaida, Liviu
Stroiţă, Cătălin pg. 50, 340
pg. 97
Vasile, Alexandru
Szadkowska, Jolanta pg. 124
pg. 14
Vărzaru, Gaudenţiu
Ş pg. 151

Şenilă, Lăcrimioara Veber, Laurentiu

pg. 265 pg. 356

Şenilă, Marin Voicu, Emil

pg. 250, 265, 282 pg. 259

Şovăială, Gheorghe Vulpe, Victor

pg. 291, 430 pg. 165

Ştefănescu, Mariana Florentina Z

pg. 300
Zapciu, Aurel
T pg. 67, 360

Tămaş, Cosmin
pg. 151, 165, 188, 197

Tănăselia, Claudiu
pg. 250, 282

Tiriplica, Ion
pg. 141

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


A INCDA Fundulea
pg. 259, 286
pg. 87 ICCPET - OVM
pg. 236, 319
pg. 241 INCDO-INOE 2000, ICIA
pg. 250, 265, 282
CCIVL pg. 410
pg. 372
CCMMM pg. 291, 430, 308
pg. 87
pg. 329
Cracow University of Technology pg. 67, 208, 360
pg. 14
Institute of Machine Design and Operation,
E Wroclaw University of Technology
pg. 14, 26
Electroputere Craiova
pg. 245 Institutul National de Inventica, Iasi
pg. 385
General Fluid S.A. pg. 259, 286, 350, 380
pg. 314
INOE 2000 -IHP
H pg. 37, 61, 79, 113, 124, 135, 154, 172,
182, 192, 202, 208, 214, 291, 295, 300,
HERVIL S.A. 308, 314, 356, 392, 403, 430, 442
pg. 208, 300
Hidrocentrale TG-JIU Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides,
pg. 141 Angouleme-FRANCE
pg. 37
pg. 336, 266, 285, 416 M

I Marvior Expert SRL

pg. 372
ICTCM SA Bucuresti
pg. 256, 270, 410 MAT Craiova
pg. 380
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

MNA PRODCOM Univ. Tehnica „Gheorghe Asachi” Iasi

pg. 423 pg. 104, 336, 366, 385, 406, 416


PRESTCOM Vehicle Research Institute -Technical

pg. 356 University of £ódŸ
pg. 31
Wroc³aw University of Technology
ROMFLUID S.A pg. 14, 26
pg. 208, 403, 442

RWTH Aachen University (PIA e.V.),

pg. 76, 222

SEBA Industrial SRL Bucuresti

pg. 256, 270

SPP, Academia Tehnicã Militarã

pg. 129

Universitatea din Oradea

pg. 270

Universitatea din Pitesti

pg. 117

pg. 46, 87, 124, 129, 145, 151, 165, 167,
176, 188, 192, 197, 274, 295, 300, 314,

Univ. Politehnica Timisoara

pg. 72, 97

University of Ruse
pg. 46

pg. 430

Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca

pg. 50, 340

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


A Bogatu, George
pg. 236
Abraham, Bela
pg. 250, 265 Bogatu, Lucian
pg. 167
Alexandrescu, Stefan
pg. 314 Bordeaşu, Ilare
pg. 72, 97
Anghel, Sava
pg. 295, 403 Brabie, Gheorghe
pg. 366
Avram, Mihai
pg. 167 Bratanov, Daniel
pg. 46
Avramescu, Norvegia Elena
pg. 410 Bucsan, Constantin
pg. 167
Avramescu, Valeriu
pg. 410 Bucur, Daniel
pg. 430
Badea, Dan C.
pg. 87 Calfa, Daniel
pg. 336, 366, 397, 416
Banu, Valeriu
pg. 167 Cherecheş, Tudor
pg. 129, 423
Banyai, Daniel
pg. 50, 340 Chintoanu, Mircea
pg. 265
Barbu, Valentin
pg. 176 Chiriţă,Constantin
pg. 336, 366, 385, 397, 406, 416
Balasoiu, Victor
pg. 72, 97 Chrostowski, Henryk
pg. 14
Barglazan, Mircea
pg.97 Cociu, Alexandru
pg. 259, 286
Biolan, Ilie
pg. 291, 430, 308 Codreanu, Norocel-Dragoş
pg. 197
Blejan, Marian
pg. 202 Cojocaru, Iosif
pg. 259, 286, 350, 380
Boettcher, Britta S.
pg. 76, 222

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Constantin, Anghel Dumitrescu, Catalin

pg. 208 pg. 192, 356, 442

Constantin, Nicolae Dumitrescu, Liliana

pg. 286, 380 pg. 300

Constantinescu, Dutu, Iulian

Luminita-Mirela pg. 124, 182, 392
pg. 117
Coptu, Alexandru
pg. 385 Fatu, Aurelian
pg. 37
Costache, Ion
pg. 241 Fedorov, Alexandru
pg. 202
Cristescu, Corneliu
pg. 37, 135, 154, 172 Filipoiu, Ioan Dan
pg. 176
Frunză, Mircea
Daia, Florian-Petre pg. 385
pg. 141
Diaconescu, Eugen
pg. 117 Garjoaba, Mihu
pg. 236
Domagała, Zygmunt
pg. 26 Georgescu, Florin
pg. 356, 442
Dorgeloh, Elmar
pg. 76 Gheorghe, Viorel
pg. 167
Constantin-Nicolae Gherghel, Nicolae
pg. 245 pg. 104

Drumea, Andrei
pg. 124, 151 H

Drumea, Petrin Hajjam, Mohamed

pg. 37, 135, 154, 172 pg. 37

Duca, Corneliu Constantin Hanganu, Constantin Adrian

pg. 336, 366, 385, 397, 416 pg. 104, 336, 406, 416

Duminica, Despina Haraga, Georgeta

pg. 167, 314 pg. 274, 295

Homutescu, Tiberiu
pg. 423

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

I Macanescu, Mihai
pg. 319
Ilie, Ioana
pg. 202 Manea, Dragoş
pg. 350
Ion Guţă, Dragoş Daniel
pg. 61, 214 Marcu, Lucian
pg. 50, 340
Ionescu, Ciprian
pg. 188, 197 Mardare, Florica
pg. 291
Ioniţă, Niculae
pg. 208 Marghescu, Cristina
pg. 188, 197
Marin, Alexandru
Jecu, Radu pg. 87, 192
pg. 329
Marin, Daniel
K pg. 314

Kędzia, Krzysztof Marin, Eugen

pg. 26 pg. 286, 350

Khan, Patricia Mădăras, Lucian

pg. 76 pg. 97

L Miclean, Mirela
pg. 250, 265, 282
Laurian, Tiberiu
pg. 176 Mihai, Niculaie
pg. 79, 113
Lefter, Emilian
pg. 117 Mirea, Adrian
pg. 208, 403, 442
Lepadatu, Ioan
pg. 214 Murad, Erol
pg. 129, 192, 274, 295, 372
Levei, Erika
pg. 250, 265, 282 N

Leu, Ion Necula, Carmen

pg. 380 pg. 308

Lupu, Bogdan Nascutiu, Lucian

pg. 124, 202 pg. 50, 340

M Nemtoiu, Simona Greta

pg. 141
Maican, Edmond
pg. 192 Nica, Victor
pg. 202
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Nicolescu, Constantin Popoviciu, Mircea Octavian

pg. 291, 430, 308 pg. 72, 97

Niculae, Nicusor Predescu, Cristian

pg. 308 pg. 372

Niţu, Grigore Prokopowicz, Jarosław

pg. 300 pg. 26

O Prunaru, Diana
pg. 245
Olaru, Adrian
pg. 145 R

Olaru, Serban Radulescu, Alexandru

pg. 145 pg. 236

Orasan, Catalin Horia Radu, Sebastian

pg. 410 pg. 256, 270

Orasanu, Gheorghe Rădoi, Radu

pg. 410 pg. 79, 113, 182, 392

P Rădulescu, Gabriel
pg. 79, 113, 182, 392
Pascu, Maria
pg. 241 Rădulescu, Mircea
pg. 208
Pawelski, Zbigniew
pg. 31 Rizoiu, Gheorghe
pg. 372
Păun, Loredana Theodora
pg. 410 Roman, Cecilia
pg. 250, 282
Pirnă, Ion
pg. 286, 350, 380 Roman, Marius
pg. 265
Pleşu, Gheorghe
pg. 366, 385, 397, 416 Rotariu, Adrian
pg. 423
Plotog, Ioan
pg. 87 Rotaru, Dănuţ
pg. 208
Popczyk, Zygmunt
pg. 14, 26 S

Popescu, Ioana-Carmen Safta, Victor-Viorel

pg. 329 pg. 274, 295

Popescu, Teodor Costinel Sava, Alin-Constantin

pg. 214, 314 pg. 423

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

Sauciuc, Radu Tiriplica, Petre

pg. 300 pg. 141

Seiciu, Petre Lucian Toma, Alexandra

pg. 46, 176 pg. 236

Sima, Cristian Toma, Magdalena

pg. 372 pg. 274

Sîrbu, Dumitru Topologeanu, Marian

pg. 416 pg. 256, 270

Sorica, Cristian
pg. 350 Ţ

Stan, Marius Ţarcă, Radu Cătălin

pg. 259 pg. 270

Stanciu, Lucian V
pg. 259
Vaida, Liviu
Stroiţă, Cătălin pg. 50, 340
pg. 97
Vasile, Alexandru
Szadkowska, Jolanta pg. 124
pg. 14
Vărzaru, Gaudenţiu
Ş pg. 151

Şenilă, Lăcrimioara Veber, Laurentiu

pg. 265 pg. 356

Şenilă, Marin Voicu, Emil

pg. 250, 265, 282 pg. 259

Şovăială, Gheorghe Vulpe, Victor

pg. 291, 430 pg. 165

Ştefănescu, Mariana Florentina Z

pg. 300
Zapciu, Aurel
T pg. 67, 360

Tămaş, Cosmin
pg. 151, 165, 188, 197

Tănăselia, Claudiu
pg. 250, 282

Tiriplica, Ion
pg. 141

HERVEX Noiembrie 2009


A INCDA Fundulea
pg. 259, 286
pg. 87 ICCPET - OVM
pg. 236, 319
pg. 241 INCDO-INOE 2000, ICIA
pg. 250, 265, 282
CCIVL pg. 410
pg. 372
CCMMM pg. 291, 430, 308
pg. 87
pg. 329
Cracow University of Technology pg. 67, 208, 360
pg. 14
Institute of Machine Design and Operation,
E Wroclaw University of Technology
pg. 14, 26
Electroputere Craiova
pg. 245 Institutul National de Inventica, Iasi
pg. 385
General Fluid S.A. pg. 259, 286, 350, 380
pg. 314
INOE 2000 -IHP
H pg. 37, 61, 79, 113, 124, 135, 154, 172,
182, 192, 202, 208, 214, 291, 295, 300,
HERVIL S.A. 308, 314, 356, 392, 403, 430, 442
pg. 208, 300
Hidrocentrale TG-JIU Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides,
pg. 141 Angouleme-FRANCE
pg. 37
pg. 336, 266, 285, 416 M

I Marvior Expert SRL

pg. 372
ICTCM SA Bucuresti
pg. 256, 270, 410 MAT Craiova
pg. 380
HERVEX Noiembrie 2009

MNA PRODCOM Univ. Tehnica „Gheorghe Asachi” Iasi

pg. 423 pg. 104, 336, 366, 385, 406, 416


PRESTCOM Vehicle Research Institute -Technical

pg. 356 University of £ódŸ
pg. 31
Wroc³aw University of Technology
ROMFLUID S.A pg. 14, 26
pg. 208, 403, 442

RWTH Aachen University (PIA e.V.),

pg. 76, 222

SEBA Industrial SRL Bucuresti

pg. 256, 270

SPP, Academia Tehnicã Militarã

pg. 129

Universitatea din Oradea

pg. 270

Universitatea din Pitesti

pg. 117

pg. 46, 87, 124, 129, 145, 151, 165, 167,
176, 188, 192, 197, 274, 295, 300, 314,

Univ. Politehnica Timisoara

pg. 72, 97

University of Ruse
pg. 46

pg. 430

Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca

pg. 50, 340


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