Pages - 27 (Exercise 4-6)
Pages - 27 (Exercise 4-6)
Pages - 27 (Exercise 4-6)
four basic patterns. Look at the following examples italics, without changing the meaning.
and discuss how they are formed and what they example: I didn’t drown because my instructor
express. knew how to help me.
example: But for my father’s help, I wouldn’t have Had my instructor not known how to
been able to complete my course. help me, I would have drowned.
‘But for’ is used in third conditional a Could you tell her my address if, by any chance,
sentences and has the meaning of ‘If it you see her.
hadn’t been for’. Should
a Should you happen to see Lucy, tell her to ring b As people were dependent on farming for their
me. livelihood, it’s not surprising that they used
b If you would sit down, I’m sure Mr Peterson will animal behaviour to predict the weather.
see you soon. Given that
c I’ll diet if you will. c You can borrow my bike but you must take care
d You can borrow the money from me as long as of it.
you pay me back. Provided that
e Had I known about the weather conditions, I d Kindly have a seat as I’m sure Mr Johnson won’t
wouldn’t have ventured out. be long.
f Provided that you tell the truth, nothing will If
happen to you. e My advice to you is to get another job.
g You could be a lot thinner now, if you hadn’t If
given up your diet so easily. f I’m not earning much money because I didn’t
h Were the Prime Minister to announce lower tax work hard enough to pass my diploma.
increases, the country would be delighted. If
i You can’t come unless you have an invitation. g I wouldn’t have been able to afford to go to
university except that my grandmother left me
5 If isn’t the only conjunction used in conditional some money.
sentences. Complete the sentences using the But for
following conjunctions. h Climatic changes may, in due course, render
given that on condition that weather lore obsolete.
but for / without even if Were
provided that / as long as suppose/supposing
a lightning tends to strike the
nearest high point, you would do well not to 7 In groups, ask and answer these questions.
stand under a tall tree during a thunderstorm. What will you do if
b you learn to drive better, I won’t a you can’t get home tonight?
be getting in your car again. b you get more homework than you expect?
c you use a sun screen, you c your Internet stops working?
shouldn’t get burnt. d the fire alarm goes?
d the support of my boss, I What would you do if you
wouldn’t have been promoted. e won the lottery?
e you do say you love me, I’m not f lost your mobile?
marrying you. g were on a plane which was hijacked?
f I’ll give you a lift to school you h had the chance to take six months’ holiday?
wash the car for me at the weekend. What would you have done if you’d
g there was an air traffic i been born with a mathematical or musical gift?
controllers’ strike, what would you do? j been given the opportunity to study in the USA?
k been born poor?
st r a n g e b e h avi o u r 27