Recommendation From Teacher: Instructions

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Arsovska Bojana
last name first name middle name

School city: __________________ School name: __Mitko Pendzukliski

Current class (circle one): 8 9 10 11 12 Other: _______________________________

TO STUDENT: Complete the information at the top of this form. Ask one of your teachers, who knows you well, to complete this form. If you cannot choose a teacher,
you may choose a school director or a teacher from a school you recently attended. This recommendation MUST be filled out in English and returned with your application.

• Give him/her Form 4. • Provide him/her with the instructions and questions translated into the recommender’s native language.
• Ask the recommender to follow the directions below. • Have the recommender’s answers translated into English on to Form 4.
• The translator must complete section 4.9.
• Both the Form 4 and the answers in the local language (if the original is not in English)
must be returned with the application.

TO RECOMMENDER: Please answer the questions and sign this document.Your answers to the questions on this form will be evaluated along with the student’s own
application materials to determine his/her suitability for this scholarship program. Therefore, we ask you to answer each question honestly, carefully and completely. Return
the completed form to the student, who will attach it as part of the application. This form must be filled out in English and have the school stamp.

4.1 Please describe this student’s behavior. How does the student respond to authority? How does he/she relate to peers and participate in group projects
with other students? What talents, interests and skills does this student have that will contribute to an international exchange experience? Please give examples.

Bojana is highly attentive and responds positively to authority. She's cheerful and friendly--easily likeable by

other students. She's a good listener and a follower, but can lead just as well. She's very creative and likes

the artsy subjects best. She's well-mannered and well-spoken, animated and always eager to learn.

I think she would be an excellent addition to the group of exchange students.


4.2 Please comment on the student’s motivation in school and study habits.

Bojana is always motivated to learn and possesses a natural curiosity. She's an A-student and does

well in any subject. I would say she's the trial-and-error type, always willing to try again if something

goes wrong.


4.3 Please evaluate the student’s character in the following categories (check the appropriate boxes):
Personality Traits Excellent Above Average Average Below Average
Maturity  
 
Openness  
 
Leadership  
 
Ability to adapt to new situations  
 
Ability to interact with others  
 
Honesty  
 
Responsibility  
 
Respect for others  
 
Motivation  
 
Curiosity  
 
Knowledge of English (if known)  
 

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________
2020-2021 FORM 4
Arsova Bojana
last name first name middle name

4.4 a. Has the student had any adjustment or disciplinary problems at school?  Yes  No
4.4 b. Has the student missed or repeated a year?  Yes  No
4.4 c. Does the student have a history of continuous or frequent absences from school?  Yes  No
4.4 d. Does the student currently have any special educational needs?  Yes  No
If you answered “yes” to any question, please explain:

4.5 How long have you known this student? 1 year
4.6 In what context do you know this student? I am her English teacher.
4.7 Are you a teacher at the student’s high school?  Yes  No If no, explain:
4.8 Check one of the following and explain below:
 I feel this applicant is ready to become an exchange student.
 I have some reservations about this applicant’s readiness to become an exchange student.
 I do not recommend this applicant.
I think Bojana is mature enough to do this program. She is always ready to tackle any task presented
Please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
to her. Her fun and engaging personality will surely help her make new friends easily. She's open and thoughtful
of other people, as well. If accepted, I think she will do amazingly well and grow even more as a person.




Aksentiev Goran
Name of recommender: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
last name first name middle name
English Teacher
Position of recommender: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Place of work: Mitko Pendzukliski High School Country: NorthMacedonia
Region: Kratovo City/Town: Kratovo

SCHOOL STAMP (if no stamp, please explain):


SIGNATURE OF RECOMMENDER: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________

4.9 This section must be filled out by the translator if the original recommendation is not in English.
I hereby certify that the above English translation is a true and accurate rendering of the original text.

Name of translator: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

last name first name middle name

SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________

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