Casio Picaxe Manual
Casio Picaxe Manual
Casio Picaxe Manual
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© Michael Fenton 2008
PART 1: Creating a Program
To create a new program press then locate the program icon, press ,
press to create a new program. You will then be asked to enter a name for
your program, also you may create a password at this time (WARNING: if you put a
password on your program you will not be able to use the debugger).
store a value into a variable you must use the key, like this:
1->A // Assigns 1 to A
This loop will execute infinitely, Adding 1 to A each time (actually it will stop when
the value of A is greater than 99*10^99 because you will get a mem error).
Here is an example of a For loop; note that it does not take as many lines:
For 1->A to 100 Step 1
//this loop assigns 1 to A then adds 1 to A until it equals 100
Next //Goes back to the start of the loop, adds the step to the
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Anything between the For and next statement will be executed until the expression
evaluates true (A equals 100). By changing the value of Step you can change how
much A is incremented by.
The While loop checks to see if the expression is true then executes the code. After
the code has been executed it returns to the top, checks the expression, and if it is
false jumps out of the loop and continues with executing the program. This is an
example of a While loop.
While 1=1 //1 always equals 1 so the expression always evaluates to
Since the while loop evaluates the expression before executing the code it is
possible that if the expression is false before loop begins (ex: 1=2) then the loop
will never occur, it will just skip right over the code and continue with the program.
Unlike a while loop a Do/LpWhle loop will always execute at least once since it
evaluates the expression after the code has been executed. A Do/LpWhle loop looks
like this.
Do //Start of the Do/LpWhle loop
LpWhle A<100 //Loops while A is less than 100
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Since A is 1 the statement evaluates to true, therefore
is printed. If you replaced the first line with 0->A then the if statement would
evaluate to False, and
would be printed.
An If statement can contain many different things, and can be many lines long,
they are the keystone to making a game, and before going on you should feel
comfortable using them.
The => arrow is also very useful, it is a single line selection statement that takes
up less space but can do less than a normal if/else.
This is the same code as above, except using the => arrow instead of the If
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In general, the best time to use a if statement is when you have at least two lines
of code to be put inside, otherwise use the => arrow.
1100 //caused by
Now we will go through the code and look at what each line does.
Line 1: 0->C
Assigns the value 0 to the variable C
Line 2: For 1->A To 10
Tells the program that you will be looping until A is equal to 10, adding 1 with each
Line 3: For 1->B To 10
Tells the program that you will be looping until B is equal to 10, adding 1 with each
Line 4: A+B+C->C
The current value in A will be added to the current value of B, that value is then
added to the current value of C and then assigned to C.
Line 5: Next
Goes to line 3.
Line 6: Next
Goes to line 2.
Line 7: C
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As you can see, the second loop executes completely for each iteration (loop) of the
first loop.
Nesting also applies to selection statements, you can nest if or => inside each
other as needed.
If A<1
Then if A>0
Then “HI”
End If
End If
A<1 and A>0=>”HI”
Instead of:
The OR operator allows you to specify alternate conditions which are evaluated
independently and if any are true then the entire statement is considered true. This
means you can do this:
If A=1 Or B=1
Then “TRUE”
End If
When this executes it will print TRUE if A or B equals 1.
The NOT operator can also be used in selection statements, though it is not used
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nearly as often. NOT returns False if the statement is true (or 1) and True if the
statement is False (or 0) so:
If Not (A=1)
Then “TRUE”
End If
This will print true if A is any number but 1. In this case the Not statement is used
as an <> (not equal to) statement, but it has other uses. We will cover more on
this later.
You might want to get information from the user. The simplest way to get input
from the user is to use the ? command.
Syntax: ?->(Variable)
Description: this command causes a ? to appear on the screen, execution pauses
until the user enters data and hits , then the data is put into the variable. This
is a good way to ask yes or no questions, with the user having to enter 1 for yes
and 0 for no.
Another way you can use the ? command is to put a prompt before it: “Continue
(1=YES 0=NO)”?->C
This causes the text to be displayed with a ? after it and waits for data.
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While A<>B
A nested loop:
While A<>B
LpWhile A=B
A nested loop is just a loop inside of a loop, just like a nested if. what most people
have trouble with is the execution of nested loops, if you have programming
experience then you will all ready know this but if your new to field take a look at
the sample below:
Lbl 1
1->C //counter var
1->D //counter var
While D<=5 //loops 5 times
Isz D
Isz C
LpWhile C<3 //loops 3 times
Go through this program and see if you can figure out what the output will be, then
look below for the answer.
if you did not get 610 as the output then you made a common mistake. You do not
understand one of the basics of nested loops:
PRIMARY RULE: an inner loop executes fully for each interation (loop) of an outer loop
The break statement: Break terminates execution of a loop and resumes normal
program flow at the end of that loop.
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While A=A //endless loop
Isz A
"ESCAPE FROM THE LOOP" //Break goes to here
While A<>B
LpWhile A=A
//Break goes to here
WhileEnd //loops like normal
As you can see, Break only exits the current loop, and when that loop comes
around again and if Break isn't executed (if it’s in an If statement) then the loop
does not terminate and continues like normal. Get it?
Lbl 1
“First number”? -> A
If Int (A) A
Then Goto 1
“Second number”? -> B
Goto 1
How It Works
We have told the program to take the integer of A and test it against the actual
value of A. If these two don’t equal, then obviously A is not an integer. The next
part of the statement is the Then command, since we said, ‘if they don’t equal, then
go to label 1’. If A is an integer, the program will ignore the Then statement.
The ⇑ symbol is in the PRGM (SHIFT VARS) menu and it means ‘stop the program
and display this result’
Example 2:
Storing data in a list
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The usefulness of the results in the simulation is limited because the outcomes are
not stored anywhere, since the variable S is always changing during each loop. This
is why it is a good idea to store data in lists (sometimes called arrays), where it can
then be analysed later. This is the purpose of this lesson.
In order to store the data in a list, we must first set the dimensions of the list. This
means telling the calculator how many elements there are to be stored.
Since we are using the variable C as the number of simulations, this will be used
as the dimensions of list 1.
Lets set C equal to 5….
C -> 5
Then add the line C -> Dim List 1
The commands Dim and List are found in the LIST menu, which is in the OPTN
menu. Press OPTN, followed by LIST (F1). Just about any action that relates to lists
will be found in this menu.
You will notice that this command has created 5 ‘empty’ elements in list 1. As a
rule, whenever you want data to be stored in a list (during the execution of a
program), you must first create empty elements using the command described
above. This is, if you tried to enter data in position 6, you would receive an error
For 1 -> Z to C
Int (6Ran#)+1 -> M
Int (6Ran#)+1 -> N
M + N -> S
S -> List 1[Z]
How It Works
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When the program first comes to the For statement, it will set Z to 1 and go through
and execute everything on the way to the Next command. This means it will get to S
-> List 1[Z]
and send the value of S (which has been set as M+N) to List 1, row Z, which at the
moment is 1. After this, the program will move on to the next line, which is the Next
command in this case.
Once it gets to the Next command, the program will go back to the For command
and do it again, except Z will now be set to 2. So then the new value of S will be
sent to List 1, row Z, which is now 2. This will continue over and over again until
Notice how having the S -> List 1[Z]
command within the For statement utilises the way Z increases by 1 each time.
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PICAXE circuits
1. Electrical communications:
TTL-level (High=5V and Low=0V), asynchronous serial half-duplex communication,
connects to a PC´s RS-232 COM-port with a MAX232 or equivalent level-converter
The Casio-plug is a standard 2.5mm stereo jack with the following pin-
• Sleeve Ground
• Ring Data to Casio
• Tip Data from Casio
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4. Casio to Picaxe
Place small signal diode 1N4148 (bar toward Picaxe) in series with output TO Casio
inside the 3.5mm stereo plug.
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Goto 2
How It Works
• List 1 and List 2 is created with 255 spaces (rows) assigned to them
• Once the user inputs “1” the Casio displays data values from the PICAXE but
only puts them into LIST 2 (y axis) if the EXIT button is pressed. List 1 is for
plotting the x axis 0 – 255 time intervals.
• From the MENU select STATs (2 on main menu)
• press F1 (GRPH) then F6 (SET) to set up the graphing options.
• Go down to graph type and press F6 to get to other graph types then choose
box (for a box and whisker).
• Press EXIT back to the list (you should be able to see your data in the list),
press F1 to get a box and whisker graph, good for working out mean, upper
quartile and range.
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7. Casio 9750G Plus Code: SEND keystrokes to picaxe ypod to control CASI
Lbl 1
Getkey -> A
If A > 0
Then Int((A-26); 2.5 +0.2) -> A // ; means divided by
Send (A)
Goto 1
How It Works
• CASI has an 08M slave that listens for Casio keystrokes
• CASI 08M interrupts a 14M master with the keystroke
• CASI turns on a L293D motor controller chip to move CASI in the
appropriate direction
• SRF05 sonar range finder prevents obstacle collisions
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Request packet:
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1 : $3A
2-5 $00 $01 $00 $01
6 $00-$09 (BCD 0 and BCD 0-9 (integer part))
7-13 $00-$99 (BCD for 14 digits (decimal part))
14 SignInfoByte. Bit set if...:
bit 7 - Variable has an imaginary part
bit 6 & 4 - Value (real part) is negative
bit 0 - Absolute value of (real part
of) value is 1,0... or more
bits 1, 2, 3 and 5 are always 0 / Low
15 Exponent, 00-99
Exp.: Byte:
+99 99 \
+01 01 -} byte 14 bit 0 = 1 (High) **
00 00 /
-01 99 \
-02 98 -} byte 14 bit 0 = 0 (Low)
-99 01 /
16 Checksum
= $01 + not((sum bytes 1-15)- $3A)
**note: If the variable is (exactly) 0,0
then the exponent is 00 (instead of minus
infinite) but this bit (bit 0 in byte
14) is still low because variable value
is less than 1.
In the Value packet, byte no. 6 is containing the integer part I, always from $01 to
$09 (except if the variable value is exactly 0,0…).
Bytes no. 7 to 13 contain the 14 decimals represented as BCD data.
The exponent EE is represented in byte no. 15 and bit 0 of the SignInfoByte (byte
no. 14).
The sign indicating whether the value is negative or positive is held in bits 6 and 4
of the SignInfoByte.
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Checksum calculation:
As an example let’s show how the checksum of the End packet is calculated. This
value will always remain the same since nothing in this packet changes from time
to time. First we add all the previous 49 bytes. This gives us a sum of $E4 (the
excess carry digits are thrown away). Then we subtract $3A and the result is $AA.
We invert it (=$55) and add $01. The result is $56, which is the checksum-byte;
byte no. 50.
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• When the command is issued the Casio sends an “attention request” byte,
• The external device must reply with a “device present” byte, $13 within 0.5
~ 1 second or a Com ERROR message is displayed
• The Casio sends a Request packet which consist of 50 bytes.
• The external device receives this and confirms with one byte, $06.
• The Casio confirms that it’s ready for a Variable-description packet with $06
• The external device sends a Variable-description packet consisting of 50
bytes. Byte 12 in this packet (variable name) seems to be totally ignored by
the Casio, as the variable is stored under the name indicated in the Request
packet anyway. Still it’s recommended to send back the same name/byte as
received in the Request packet byte 12.
• The Casio confirms that it’s ready (for a Value packet or an End packet,
depending on byte 9 and 11 in the previous packet) with $06
• A Value packet is then sent from the external device. It is still consisting of
either 16 or 26 bytes, depending on whether the variable also contains an
imaginary part (complex number) or not. If the variable is empty this packet
is not sent at all (length: 0 bytes). This means that the actual “Alpha
Memory” variable in the Casio is deleted. This will free 10 (real) or 20
(complex) bytes of memory in the Casio. In calculations the deleted
variable’s value equals zero (0).
• If a Value packet was sent then the Casio confirms (as usual) with $06 (if
the variable is empty there is no Value packet, and this byte is not sent
• To close the communication cycle the external device sends an End packet
of 50 bytes. The end packet is always the same; none of the bytes change
their value.
$15 $13
Request $06
$06 Variable
description packet
$06 Value
$06 End
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• When the command is issued the Casio sends an “attention request” byte,
• The external device must reply with a “device present” byte, $13 within 0.5
~ 1 second or a Com ERROR message is displayed
• The Casio starts to send the Variable-description packet, which consists of
50 bytes.
• The external device receives this and confirms with $06.
• The Casio sends its Value packet, consisting of either 16 or 26 bytes. Packet
length depends on whether the variable also contains an imaginary part
(complex number) or not. If the variable has never been assigned a value
since the last reset of “Alpha Memory” this packet will not be sent at all.
• The external device receives this packet and confirms with $06. (If an empty
variable is sent, then there is no Value packet, and this byte is not sent
• To close the communication cycle the Casio sends an End packet of 50
bytes. The end packet is always the same; none of the bytes change their
$15 $13
Variable $06
description packet
Value $06
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