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Nuclear Engineering Department Ion Channeling

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Nuclear Engineering Department

Ion Channeling

Doctor: Neil Abu Ennab

Student Name: Hussain Salah Alomary

Student number: 126682

3.1 GaN and lighting technology..............................................................................................................5
3.1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................5
3.1.2 Theoretical..................................................................................................................................6
3.1.3 Simulation...................................................................................................................................8
3.2 ION CHANNELING AND DECHANNELING IN NATURAL DIAMONDS....................................................8
3.2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................8
3.2.2 Experiment.....................................................................................................................................9
4. Summary...............................................................................................................................................10
5. References.............................................................................................................................................11

With the name of Allah, the most Gracious the
most Merciful “Like for others what you like
for yourself” - Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him)

In this report we will discuss the definition of ion channeling and the effect of it on different
type of materials from semiconductors such as gallium nitride and diamonds, We will drive a
mathematical formula for The atomic screened Coulomb Which will determine the distance
traveled in the lattice and X or Y or Z direction , then we will have an experiment done on
diamond crystal [4].

Ion channeling is the passage of a particle beam (particles travelling in parallel) through open
spaces in materials, e.g., crystal planar(Figure 1.1 A) and axial channels(Figure 1.1 B) or possibly
nanotubes Conventionally, this process is studied in single crystals where a variety of channels,
both with similar and very different geometric and electronic structures are available. The
channeled beam in a crystal travel on a very specific path with a statistical variation. Ion
channeling was discovered by Robinson and Oen in 1963.

Channeling in solid-state physics, the directionally selective penetration of crystalline solids by a

beam of atoms. The effect was predicted in 1912 by the German physicist Johannes Stark. The
directions in which penetration is greatest characteristically are parallel to crystallographic axes,
or planes, and the paths followed by the particles are called channels. For example, heavy
atoms pass almost unobstructed through suitably oriented aluminum crystals, crossing
distances thousands of times those achieved in no channeling directions. The phenomenon is
useful in studies of crystal structure and in atomic, nuclear, and solid-state physics and holds
promise regarding the fabrication of semiconductors.

Before moving to the next chapter, we need to introduce the concept of Rutherford
backscattering spectrometry (RBS) (Figure 1.2) which is an analytical technique used in
materials science. Occasionally referred to as high-energy ion scattering (HEIS) spectrometry,
RBS is used to determine the structure and composition of materials by measuring the
backscattering of a beam of high energy ions (typically protons or alpha particles) imposing on a

Figure 2.1 [1]: Schematic showing planar channels (a), axial channels (b) and random view (c) of a typical crystalline

Figure 2.2 [2]: Rutherford-Backscattering-Spectrometry – RBS

3.1 GaN and lighting technology
3.1.1 Introduction
The production of light has been extremely important since the earliest times of human
civilization. From the use of fire as a light source to the incandescent electric lamp

(demonstrated by Thomas Edison in 1879), The numerous attempts have been done to produce
the 1st LED's that is functional and bright.

In the recent years a very huge development in the LEDs and Semiconductors, we can say that
GaN and its alloys Are a big part of it ,their contribution in the blue ,green and ultraviolet
emitting devices which are essential components of full color displays holy density data storage
systems and range of other applications.

Gallium nitride (GaN) is a very hard, mechanically stable wide bandgap semiconductor. With
higher breakdown strength, faster switching speed, higher thermal conductivity and lower on-
resistance, power devices based on GaN significantly outperform silicon-based devices. Gallium
nitride crystals can be grown on a variety of substrates, including sapphire, silicon carbide (SiC)
and silicon (Si).

All real crystals have defects [Figure 3.1], which are local alterations of atomic arrangement at
the location of a defect. Defects have simple and complicated structures which, in principle, can
be resolved into simple lattice operations like atomic translations and rotations. Defect
structures in semiconductor crystals change their electronic and optical properties strongly.

Figure 3.1 [8]: (a) Annular bright field image of C16CuPc crystal. (b) Annular dark field image of C16CuPc crystal.
(c) Annular dark field image of complex defect region. The stacking fault was observed along the (110) plane and
C16CuPc molecules with irregular orientation were identified in the grain boundary (GB) as a line contrast.

3.1.2 Theoretical

A crystal is a regular arrangement of atoms located at lattice positions in the form of strings and
planes with atomic vibrations increasing with the temperature to understand what really
happens in the grain we need to solve The atomic screened Coulomb potential using
approximate solutions, but given by Lenhard [1], is

Z1 Z 2 e 2 r
V (r )= (1− 2 2 2 )
r √ r +C a
where C=√ 3 is a constant and a is the Thomas-Fermi screening radius of the atom, the
continuum potential due to axial string can be determined using
U ( r ⊥ ) = ∫ V ( r ⊥ , z ) dz
d −∞

which comes out to be

Z1 Z2e2
U ( r⊥ )= ln ⁡¿

The term 1/2 η2is introduced to model thermal vibrations η is the root mean square displacement of
lattice points due to thermal vibrations. The decanalling process is very important in channeling studies.
The condition for a particle to be channeled, as given by Lenhard [48], is ( ϱmin /a) ≥ 1, where ϱmin is the
minimum distance of the closest approach. This condition in terms of incidence angle comes out to be:

θ ≤θc=
√ pv

whereUo is the Coulomb potential at minimum distance of the closest approach and p and v are
momentum and velocity of the penetrating particle.

Now, a planar channel consisting of two closely packed lattice planes as shown in Figure 3.2 is
considered. The particle is assumed to have two-dimensional motion in X-Z plane. If we assume z-
component of a channeled particle velocity as a constant, motion of the particle is given by,

d 2 x p −1 ∂ V ( x )
d x2 2 E ∂ x

where E is the particle energy. Ions entering close to the midplane have considerably different
channeling parameters (wavelength and amplitude) than those entering near planar walls with others
covering the range in between.

Figure 3.2 [1]: A diagram showing the trajectory of a typical planar channeled ion.

3.1.3 Simulation
All the defects found in crystals can ultimately be resolved into lattice translations and
rotations, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are a powerful tool for the analysis of ion-solid
interactions. The MC code (Monte Carlo Channeling Simulation) allows the evaluation of
Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry spectra in the Channeling mode to quantify
implantation damage. How the code works it considers randomly displaced atoms as well as
certain types of extended defects, This code can solve the theoretical part provided with the
necessary information.


3.2.1 Introduction
Detailed measurements are reported of critical channeling angles and minimum yields for light ions
backscattered from good quality natural diamond crystals [figure 3] under various conditions of
temperature and energy. A comparison with the theoretical predictions of Barrett [5] and others [7&8]
reveals excellent agreement, even though diamond represents an extreme case (the ratio of the thermal
vibration amplitude at ordinary temperatures to the Thomas-Fermi screening distance is unusually

Figure 3.2 [4]: Diamond lattice structure.

3.2.2 Experiment
This experiment was done in The Research Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
Africa as follows:

Beams of protons and alpha-particles from the Nuclear Physics Research Unit's 2 MeV Cockcroft -
Walton accelerator and the 6 MV Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator were collimated to about 1/20 of
the expected axial critical angles before striking the diamond sample. Backscattered ions were detected
by a surface-barrier detector and the pulses fed to a multichannel analyzer and sealers. Each energy
spectrum was converted to a "depth spectrum" using the range energy relationship of Zaidins [9],
assuming equal channeled and random stopping powers. "Random" spectra for normalization were
taken while continuously rotating the crystal as suggested by Ziegler and Crowder [10].

Eight specimens for these experiments were selected from forty-two stones of good appearance, using
the criterion that the minimum yield must be amongst the lowest recorded. The diamonds were
prepared either by etching in CO: at 1000°C [11], or by polishing followed by annealing in UHV at 1200°C
and cleaned by ultrasonic agitation in a strong solution of "Contrad" ("Decon 90"). Care was taken to
avoid significant radiation damage [12], planar effects on the axial scans, and axial effects on the planar
scans. Further details of this work will be published soon. Measurements of the same type were
generally made on more than one stone to reveal any specimen dependence, but this was in fact small
once the precautions mentioned had been attended to.

As provided by Derry[4] The simulation matches the experimental data .

4. Summary
The ion channeling effect in material is important an the real life application for it differs from
semiconductors and their contribution in the blue, green and ultraviolet emitting devices which
are essential components of full color displays holy density data storage systems The atomic
screened Coulomb potential is solved numerically as I derived the relations in section 3.1.2 .

we can simulate that what actually happens by using Monte Carlo Channeling Simulation codes
which are random code simulating the lattice of the crustal and flux of chosen radiation Particle
as we saw with dimuons the actual numerical solution using this code matches the
experimental data for more explanation check reference number 4.

I predict that the next few years would be critical for the application in ion channeling, Specially and the
semiconductor industries the GaN Is the silicone of the future as it's better in so many ways And safer to
use as the ratio of the thermal vibration amplitude is less than Traditional semiconductors , graphite
batteries which for the shortness of the report I didn’t Mention is a great ion channeling application,
these kind of batteries give a ratio of 200% better in size to milliamp Hour Ratio comparing to traditional
lithium batteries Which have many problems such as overheating by a huge amount which is reduces
the health of the battery .

5. References
[1] Mukhtar Ahmed Rana, department of physics National University Of Singapore

[2] Dr. Mitsutaka Haruta (presently, in NIMS) and Assoc. Prof. Haruki Kurata (Institute for
Chemical Research) 2012

[3] Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 126, 195107 (2019)

[4] T.E. DERRY, R.W. FEARICK and J.P.F. SELLSCHOP Nuclear Ph), sics Research Unit, University of
the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

[6] J.it. Barrett, Phys. Rev. B3 (1971) 1527.

[7] C. Erginsoy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15 (1965) 360.

[8] S.T. Picraux and J.U. Andersen, Phys. Rev. 186 (1969)

[9] C.S. Zaidins, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 120 (1974) 125.

[10] J.F. Ziegler and B.L. Crowder, Appl. Phys. Lett. 20 (1972) 178.

[ 11] C. Phaal, Industrial Diamond Review (Industr. Diamond Inf. Bureau, London, 1962).

[12] T.E. Derry, R.W. Fearick and J.P.F. Sellschop, these Proceedings, p. 407.


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