Recording Phone Call On Iphone
Recording Phone Call On Iphone
Recording Phone Call On Iphone
Phone Call on an
By: Professor Maurer, Lillie Michael, and
Ashley Churchill
Recording a phone call to your voicemail box
*Only use this option if you are calling someone you know or someone who you could easily
explain the steps to!
1. Call the interviewee on your cell phone and ask permission to record the phone call
2. Have the interviewee select add call on his/ her cell phone
3. Interviewee should then dial your number or find your number in their contacts
4. After the person has dialed your number and added you to the call, let the phone ring all
the way until you hear the voicemail message. ***Do not answer the phone call*** IT HAS
5. Once the voicemail message is finished and you heard the beep you can click merge calls,
and the entire phone call will be recorded into your voicemail box
6. End call as normal, and then the audio will appear in your voicemail box (this step may
take a moment)
***Try to practice with your roommate or friend before the interview, as sometimes your
voicemail box may be full or other issues may arise.
Using Your Voicemail as Audio Files
*To use this option you must have access to two devices: either two
phones, a phone and an IPad, a phone and a laptop, or some other
***Make sure the two devices are close enough together that you can
hear a clear audio of the phone discussion. One way to do this, is to do a
test run with another person before you do the real interview.
Recording Audio on a Mac
Source Options:
- Make & Record Call **This is the source you will mainly will want to use!
9. Once you are done with your call the phone recording will be
saved on the app under “profile” (this is also where you can view
the text transcription).
10. *Make sure you are NOT on speaker creates a lag!
Example of what will appear before the app
number calls you!
**This is a screen moves fast!
Editing Your Interview After it is Recorded