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The document provides details about an urban location called the Bloody Eagle tavern in the town of Languard.

The Bloody Eagle tavern is a run-down establishment in the Shambles district run by a half-orc named Fruen.

The Bloody Eagle tavern is actually a front for the Shadow Masks thieves' guild and is used for planning and conducting illicit activities like theft, kidnapping, and murder.






Standing deep in the Shambles the ramshackle Bloody Eagle tavern has seen much better days. Run by the perpetually unlucky and gloomy
half-orc Fruen the place is famed for its miserable staff and grumpy customers. Few newcomers or outsiders visit the Bloody Eagle and that’s
just how Fruen and her customers like it—for the Bloody Eagle is a front for the Shadow Masks thieves’ guild. Every night, thefts, kidnappings
and murders are plotted (or toasted) in the tavern’s dingy taproom. Here also stolen items change hands far from the tax collector’s gaze. If
you have illicit business, the Bloody Eagle is the place to go.

Even the smallest town has more locations than all but the most diligent and time-rich GM could ever hope to detail and design. To make
matters even worse, when an adventuring party gets to a town or city, the characters often have the irritating habit of going off exploring.
What’s a GM to do? Designed specifically for you, the busy GM, this urban locale is designed to help you bring depth and flavour to your
characters’ next urban adventure. This Urban Locale is designed for use with City Backdrop: Languard, but is designed to be easily inserted
into virtually any town or city.


Design: Creighton Broadhurst A mini-eventure is akin to a normal encounter, but does not
Development: Creighton Broadhurst (normally) feature violence or physical challenges. Instead, a mini-
Art: William McAusland. Some artwork copyright William eventure focuses on the use of social skills and role-play to resolve
McAusland, used with permission. the challenges, or events, therein. Most mini-eventures take place
in an urban locale. Mini-eventures are an excellent change of pace
CONTENTS and can be used as filler between adventures or as situations in
which characters who have invested in social skills can shine. They
Credits ....................................................................................................1 are also perfect for players who enjoy role-playing.
Contents .................................................................................................1
What’s a Mini-Eventure? .......................................................................1
Using this Mini-Eventure ................................................................1 This supplement provides everything you need to run a short,
The Bloody Eagle ..................................................................................2 flavoursome eventure. As well as presenting an in-depth look at a
The Offering ....................................................................................2 locale this supplement also present several tables for use during
Notable Folk ....................................................................................2 play. Roll on any or all of them as often as desired to create
Patrons..............................................................................................2 interesting, engaging situations. These tables include:
Notable Things for Sale .................................................................3
Opportunities & Complications ....................................................3 • Notable Things for Sale: Some illicitly gained items are
Whispers & Rumours ......................................................................3 surreptitiously offered for sale in the Bloody Eagle.
OGL V1.0A .............................................................................................4 • Opportunities & Complications: Fate often throws
opportunities and complications at adventurers.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
• Whispers & Rumours: Many rumours, half-truths and
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any
outright lies circulate among the Bloody Eagle patrons.
means, without the prior permission in writing of Raging Swan
Press or as expressly permitted by law.

©Raging Swan Press 2020.

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The characters are not the only folk in the Bloody Eagle. Many of
A ship’s figurehead—a rampant eagle with wings outstretched— the tavern’s regulars are members of, or affiliated with, the
looms over this tavern’s door, casting its shadow into the muddy Shadow Masks. Use this list, to determine who the characters meet
street. Flecked with peeling, weather-worn paint the once-proud while drinking at the Bloody Eagle:
eagle has seen better days. In many ways, it reflects the faded
fortunes of the Bloody Eagle’s owner, Fruen the Unlucky (CN 1. Cyanae Kaniateir (NE male elf spy) plays on people’s
female half-orc bandit captain). preconceived notions that elves are good folk. Handsome,
Once a wealthy merchant widely suspected of being a charming and skilled at deceit he is an accomplished conman
smuggler, Fruen has fallen on hard times. Both her ships lie willing and able to take new customers “under his protection”.
wrecked beneath Hard Bay’s storm-tossed waves, and she is all Not everyone survives his protection. He dresses well and
but bankrupt. All that remains of her fortune is the figurehead that enjoys the fi ner things in life.
gives the establishment its name and the tavern itself (which she 2. Neega (NE half-orc female thug) doesn’t understand or
purchased with the last of her dwindling wealth). practise subtlety or tact; she prefers solving problems with
In truth, Fruen is not as poor as she makes out. Her business her fi sts or trusty dagger. A bruiser and a drunkard, Neega is
had become deeply in debt to the Shadow Masks. Hiding her coarse, crude and a bully. Sometimes she serves as the
wealth on an isolated island far out in Hard Bay she wrecked her tavern’s bouncer. She crops her greasy black hair short and
vessels and hoped the Shadow Masks would forget about her. wears dirty leathers which show off her impressive physique.
Sadly, they did not and now force her to run the Bloody Eagle— 3. Usko “the Sly” (NE male human spy) believes he is a genius
one of their many fronts in the Shambles—to pay off her debt. and has given himself “the Sly” an an epithet. Sadly, for Usko
while he is clever he is not as clever as he thinks he is. For
THE OFFERING Usko, nothing is ever his fault, and he has a reputation as a
whinging whiner among the other patrons.
The Bloody Eagle's provender is basic and low quality:
4. Varma Vuolle (CE female human spy) revels in anonymity.
She is a cunning and clever burglar who makes elaborate
• Drink: Ale 4 cp, weak ale 2 cp, wine (pitcher) 2 sp.
plans and carries out extensive reconnaissance before
• Food: Grilled fi sh or fi sh stew 3 sp, yesterday’s fi sh stew 1 sp.
undertaking a job. Her thorough preparations makes her a
N O TA B L E F O L K formidable thief. Varma always has an eye to how Varma
profi ts; those working with her have a short life expectancy.
All the Bloody Eagle’s staff are in the Shadow Masks’ pay. 5. Kaisu Ikitiera (N middle-aged female human assassin) works
on behalf of several different thieves and can procure most
• Fruen the Unlucky (CN female half-orc bandit captain) things given enough time and a big enough budget. She is
projects a dejected fi gure to the world. She still wears faded skilled and discrete. Retired from active thievery, Kaisu enjoys
fi nery, and was once wealthy. Fruen was a child of the streets an easy life living off commissions. Few people are as well
and has many friends among the seedy clientele frequenting connected as Kaisu, in Languard’s underworld.
the Bloody Eagle. She dreams of the time when her service 6. Erkki Arpia (N middle-aged male human guard) works as an
with the Shadow Masks is complete, and she can (secretly) informant for the city watch, and is terrifi ed he will be
reclaim her lost treasures. Fruen is dark-haired, muscular and discovered. (See Opportunities and Complications #5 and #6
prone to taking our her frustrations on new customers. for more about Erkki). Consumed with nervous energy, Erkki
• Indyere Shortstep (NE male halfl ing thug) desperately wants is stick-thin and is always in motion. An alcoholic, he is often in
to become a Shadow Mask enforcer and be feared the taproom; most of the regulars discount him as a harmless
throughout the underworld. He is mean, vicious and moody. simpleton and drunkard.
Forced to work here, his plan is not going well, and he is
frustrated. He thinks adventurers are idiots for going
anywhere near Gloamhold and steals from them whenever RUNNING THIS EVENTURE
possible. He’s also not above a little bit of “light murder” if he
can get away with it.
A Night at the Bloody Eagle can be nothing more than an
interlude between adventures. However, if the characters seek a
certain recently stolen item or a contact with the Shadow Masks,
I N Y O U R C A M PA I G N the Bloody Eagle is the perfect place to visit.
You can either plan events ahead of time or just “wing” the
The Bloody Eagle is location S2 on the City of Languard map, whole mini-eventure using the tables herein to facilitate play.
but is easily added to almost any fantasy town or city. The (These tables could form the basis of repeated visits to the
Bloody Eagle is best located in a slum or other rundown district Bloody Eagle as long as you keep track of what results the
into which the rule of law does not often extend. characters have already experienced).
N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE He sits down with the party, plonks the item on the table and
demands payment in full. Minutes later, his actual contact
Some stolen items are surreptitiously offered for sale in the enters the taproom...
Bloody Eagle’s taproom. Luckily for morally flexible buyers, many 4. Two thieves fall to loudly arguing over the proceeds from
sellers will haggle, if customers are reluctant to pay full price. Roll their last score. Quickly, things get out of hand and a brawl
on the list below, to determine what notable items are for sale: ensues. This could be a genuine argument or might be a
distraction for a murder, abduction or theft. The characters
1. Fine Clothes (10 gp): This creased bundle of fi ne clothes is could even be the target.
cut in the latest fashion, and the sort of thing a well-to-do 5. Fruen is in a foul mood—her legendary bad luck has struck
merchant would wear. The clothes come with a free hemp again and a cask of ale has soured. She is looking for any
sack and need a good wash. opportunity to take it out on someone; to her, the characters
2. Fine Rapier (300 gp): This perfectly balanced rapier is a fit the bill perfectly.
nobleman’s weapon. Observant characters note a crest or 6. A drunk merchant, Antero Kaivas (NG middle-aged male
sigil has been scratched off the weapon’s pommel. human veteran), new in Languard has made a horrible
3. Secret Map (10 gp): This hastily scrawled map purports to mistake and wandered into the wrong part of the city. He
show several clandestine ways into the city. The map is wildly might be drunk, but he is not an idiot. He knows, he’ll likely
inaccurate and will likely result in the person using it getting need help to escape the Shambles with his purse (and life).
incredibly frustrated or arrested. He recognises the characters as adventurers and approaches
4. Young Parrot (25 gp): Perched in a silver gilded cage this them for help; he could be a useful contact as he is master of
small parrot has a wide vocabulary and uses it voraciously to his own caravel—Wavedancer.
insult and upset all nearby. The seller tries to sweeten the deal
by swearing the parrot is the progeny of Pluck—the fabled WHISPERS & RUMOURS
feathered companion of Vilimzair Aralivar the well known
legendary pirate captain and bard without equal. Many rumours, half-truths and outright lies circulate through the
5. Ring of Protection (2,000 gp): Arcane symbols of protection Bloody Eagle’s taproom. (Some or all of the rumours below may
decorate the outer band of this thick gold ring. Tiny fl ecks of be false, as you decide.) Characters chatting with folk may learn
diamond and ruby decorate the ring which is clearly of some or all of the rumours below:
dwarven artifi ce.
6. Manor House Deeds (1,000 gp): This ancient scroll is the 1. Fruen isn’t as poor as she makes out. She’s got gold hidden
(genuine) deed to a ruined manor house in the wild hills to somewhere. Many people have looked for it, but no one has
the north of Dunstone. The manor house is beyond Ashlar’s yet found it.
claimed bounds and close to the hereditary hunting grounds 2. There is much for sale at the Bloody Eagle for those with coin,
of several savage bands of orcs. Clearing the manor, fortifying and the right attitude. Almost anything can be procured for
it and dwelling therein could spawn a whole series of the right price including things deemed illegal by the duke
adventures for a stout band of heroes. and his servants. Kaisu Ikitiera (see Patrons #5 for more
details) is the person to see.
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S 3. The Shadow Masks might control Languard’s underworld, but
even they won’t venture into the Wrecks. There, the odious
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere. and duplicitous takolen rule supreme.
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll 4. The wizard Sohvi Ilma (NE female human mage) recently
once on this list, to determine which the characters find: returned from an expedition into Gloamhold. All her friends
died there, but she brought back several curiously wrought
1. The watch rarely—if ever—come to the Bloody Eagle, but golden torcs; the lone adventurer’s treasure should be easy
sometimes they send spies and informants to watch over pickings for someone.
events therein. Once such fellow—Erkki Arpia (“Patrons” #6; N 5. The tavern’s eagle figurehead is cursed. Since she purchased
middle-aged male guard)—takes an interest in the characters. it, Fruen has experienced nothing but grief and bad luck.
He watches the party and follows them when they leave the She’s tried to sell the figurehead several times, but it always
tavern. Depending on their subsequent actions, the party reappears above the tavern’s door the next morning. Some of
could become persons of interest to the watch. the patrons snigger at her bad luck, behind her back.
2. As #1 above, but Erkki realises his cover has been blown and 6. The clergy at the Great Forge (the centre of Abarin’s faith in
that the Shadow Masks are onto him. In desperation, he Ashlar) recently took possession of a stoutly locked chest said
latches on to the characters and tries to use them as cover to to contain a small supply of fabulously rare and valuable star
escape the Shambles. Consequently, the characters may be metal—perhaps mithral or even adamantine. It would be a
accosted by group of thugs as they leave the Bloody Eagle. brave thief indeed who dared to steal it.
3. A dim-witted thief, Ilja Mieho (CN male human spy), mistakes
one of the characters for his contact. Ilja has something to sell
(roll on ”Notable Things for Sale” to determine what he has).


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System Reference Document: ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Gloamhold Campaign Guide. ©Raging Swan Press 2017; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
City Backdrop: Languard. ©Raging Swan Press 2017; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
A Night at the Bloody Eagle. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.

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