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Name: Aewyn

Class: Rogue 12/Warlock 12

Concept: Drow’s Slave

Next Level:
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Race: High Elf



Characteristic Temporary
Strength 8(-1) Movement
Dexterity 19(+4)
Constitution 12(+1)
Intelligence 16(+3) Initiative +4
Wisdom 8(-1)
Charisma 16(+3)/20(+4)

Hit Points 62 (Hit Dice: 12d6+12)

Armor Class (26)

Saving Throws
Fortitude +4
Reflex +8
Will +7

Base Attack: +9/+4



Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbow,
Shortbow, Rapier, Shortsword, Light Armor


Sneak Attack: +6d6 extra damage upon a successful hit when you flank an
enemy or catch an enemy flat footed (aka whenever they are denied their
dexterity to their armor class.) Ranged attacks only count as sneak attacks
if they are within 30 ft. Enemies immune to critical hits are immune to sneak

Trap finding: Rogues can use the Search skill to find traps be they
mundane or magical. Rogues and only rogues can use the Disable Device
skill to Disarm Traps of mundane or magical nature. Beating the trap by 10
means they know how to disarm the trap without destroying it.

Evasion: If you make a successful Reflex Save against an attack that

normally deals half damage on a successful save, you take no damage
instead. This ability only works when you wear no armor or light armor.

Trap Sense: You gain a +4 dodge bonus to you AC whenever you are
attacked by a trap.

Uncanny Dodge: You retain your Dexterity Bonus to AC even if you are
caught flat footed or attacked by an invisible foe.

Improved Uncanny Dodge: You can no longer be flanked by an opponent

and thus deny a rogue the ability to sneak attack you by flanking you.
However you can be flanked by a rogue if he is five levels higher than you

Improved Evasion: Should you fail a Reflex Save against an attack that
normally deals half damage on a successful save, you take half damage
upon failing the saving throw instead of full damage.


Eldritch Blast: Perform a ranged touch attack of baleful magical energy ray
that deals 6d6 upon a successful hit. This is the equivalent of a 6th level
spell attack It is subject to spell resistance and can be augmented by Spell

Detect Magic: Can detect magic at caster level 12 at will.

Deceive Item: You can take 10 on a Use Magic Device roll whilst under
distraction or being threatened.

Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron

Fiendish Resilience: Once per Day as a free action, you can enter a state
that lasts for 2 minutes. Whilst in this state you gain fast healing 1.

Energy Resilience: You gain resistance five against two of the following.
Resistance: Fire 5 ; Resistance: Acid 5

Imbue Item: You can create magic items without knowing the proper spells
required to make an item. However you must have the correct feat to craft
the item and succeed on a Use Magic Device Check (DC 15+Spell Level
for Arcane Items, and DC 25+Spell Level for Divine Items)

Fey Heritage (Class): You gain a +3 bonus on Will saving throws against
enchantment effects.
Weapon Finesse: Use Dex modifier instead of Strength on attack rolls with
light melee weapons and touch attacks
Point Blank Shot: +1 Bonus to Ranged Attack and Damage within 30ft
Precise Shot: No longer suffer a -4 Penalty to Attack for shooting into a
Spell Penetration: +2 on Caster Level Checks to defeat Spell Resistance
Greater Spell Penetration: +4 on Caster Level Checks to defeat Spell
Fey Skin: Your fey heritage guards you against all weapons except those
crafted from the dreaded cold iron. You gain damage reduction (overcome
by cold iron) equal to 1 + the number of feats you have that list Fey
Heritage as a prerequisite. For a current total of Damage Reduction 2/cold
iron. This stacks with your superior DR.


Common, Elven, Goblin, Gnoll, Drow’s silent tongue

Racial Traits
+2 to Dexterity, -2 Constitution.
Immunity to Magical Sleep Effects and +2 to saves against enchantment
spells or effects.
Low Light Vision: Elves can see twice as well as a human can within
starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor lighting. Elves
can discern color and depth within these conditions.
+2 to Listen, Search and Spot checks. Can automatically make a Search
Roll if you are within five feet of a secret/concealed door
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies: Elves are also proficient in Longsword,
Rapier, Shortbow and Longbow (or Composite versions of said bows.)
Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin, Gnoll, Sylvan

Skills : 44/44 + 111/111 (11 per level) Total Skill Points: 155
(Result = Rank + Ability + Perks + Item - Mobility)

Appraise (Int):
Balance (Dex): 14= 10 + 4 + 0 + 0 - 0
Bluff (Cha): 25 = 10 + 5 + 0 +10
Decipher Script:
Diplomacy (Cha): 25 = 10 + 5 + 0 + 10
Disable Device (Int): 10 = 10 + 0 + 0 + 0
Escape Artist:
Gather Information (Cha): 15 = 10 + 5 + 0 + 0
Hide (Dex): 14 = 10 + 4 + 0 + 0 - 0
Intimidate (Cha): 15 = 10 + 5 + 0 + 0
Knowledge (arcana):
Knowledge (local):
Knowledge (the planes):
Knowledge (religion):
Listen (Wis): 11 = 10 - 1 + 2 + 0
Move Silently (Dex): 15 = 10 + 5 + 0 + 0 - 0
Open Lock (Wis): 15 = 10 + 5 + 0 + 0
Perform (Exotic) (Cha): 20 = 5 + 5 + 0 + 10
Search (Int): 12 = 10 + 0 + 2 + 0
Sense Motive (Wis): 9 = 10 - 1 + 0 + 0
Slight of Hand:
Spell craft (Int): 10 = 10 + 0 + 0 + 0
Spot (Wis): 11 = 10 - 9 + 2 + 0 + 0
Use Magic Device (Cha): 15 = 10 + 5 + 0 + 0
Use Rope:

Invocations Known: 7

Eldritch Spear: (Least) Augments an Eldritch Blast. The range of your

Eldritch Blast increases fro 60 feet to 250 feet.
Beguiling Influence: (Least) +6 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate Checks.
Devil's Sight: (Least) You dark pact grants you be able to pierce the
shadows you have embraced. You gain Darkvision up to your normal range
of vision. Furthermore, you are able to see in magical darkness up to 30
feet for 24 hours.

Eldritch Chain: (Lesser) Augments an Eldritch Blast. Your ray leaps from
your target to another target within 30 ft, up to two times. You make a
ranged touch attack against the other targets and they suffer damage if it
hits. If you miss a target, the eldritch chain attack ends. You cannot target
the same creature twice during a single eldritch chain.
Fell Flight: (Lesser) When you use this invocation, you form a wing like
cape of shadows that grants you flight. You fly equal to your land speed,
with good maneuverability for 24 hours.
Walk Unseen: (Lesser) When you use this invocation you grant yourself
invisibility that lasts for 24 hours or until you make an attack.

Chilling Tentacles: (Greater) Summons 10 foot Large Soul Chilling Black

Tentacles forming within a 20 foot radius that grapple and attack creatures
within the area and any that enter it. They have base attack bonus/grapple
check of +20, when it grapples it can crush and squeeze a creature for 2d6
cold damage and continue to crush the opponent until they escape or the
spell ends. Each creature within this area takes cold damage regardless of
being grappled. Any creature that enters the affected radius is immediately
attacked and they move through the area at half speed. This Invocation
lasts for 12 rounds.


Magic Items
Shortsword of Defending +4: (50,310 gp)
Aewyn's sacred blade has seen better
days but it is as always one of the few
things in the world she can trust. A blade
that can defend those she loves and those
she serves. You can substitute a portion or
all of your bonus to attack and damage
from the sword towards your armor class
as a bonus that stacks with all others. This
can be done as a free action at the start of
your turn and lasts until the next turn.

Damage: To Hit (All Modifiers): +17/+12; Damage 1d6+4 Piercing; Critical:

19-20/x2; Tags: Finesse
Mithril Chain Shirt +4:
(17,100 gp) This armor is
incredibly scandalous in
nature as it looks almost
sheer. Almost like a veil
of beautiful and
diminutive rings of the
luxurious metal. Better to
expose the slave's
shameful body. It barely
covers the breasts,
leaving the sides
tantalizingly free whilst
covering the stomach,
front and upper back.
However it seems to
have a thong and
loincloth of similar make
as it covers the front,
barely able to hide the
pubic mound of the elf whilst her backside is freely exposed. All the better
to slap and fondle... or slip off to
violate the poor girl...

Speed 30ft; Armor Bonus: +8;

Arcane Spell Failure Chance: 10%;
Max Dex Bonus: +6; Armor Check
Penalty: -0 ; Tags: Light
Boots of Speed: (Feet Slot) (12,000 gp)
These knee high boots are made of black
leathers of an unknown animal with soft
felt for the inside. Runes are stitched into
the soles of the feet. They are comfortable
to move in despite the heels. As a free
action, you can click your heels together,
you gain the benefits of the haste spell up
to a maximum of ten rounds per day. You
can end this effect by clicking your heels
together once again. The duration of the
haste effect need not all be used in
consecutive rounds.

Ring of Protection +4: (Ring Slot A)

(32,000 gp) This erotic silver ring has been
intimately pierced into the lovely flesh of
the elvish slave. Attached to her clitoris it
heightens her sensitivity and acts as a
proper tether for a silver chain that is used as a leash to humiliate and
remind her of her new lot in life in the under dark. As she is a valuable
assets and because of the curse that binds her to another she is to be
protected from those that would do her harm in order to undermine the
house. This ring offers continuous magical protection in the form of a
deflection bonus to her Armor Class.
Collar of Erotic Eloquence (Greater): (Neck Slot)
(24,000gp) Appearing as a flexible slave collar of
midnight blue spidersilk held in a frame of mithril,
this simplistic collar has the crest of a famed house
of Erelhei-Cinlu. Marking Aewyn as a slave and
concubine beholden to this house, it makes her
quite adept in ways she is born to serve. This collar
bestows a +10 competence bonus to Bluff,
Diplomacy and Performance (Erotic) skill checks.
Stud of Charisma +4:
(Head Slot) (16,000 gp)
This lovely stud of
platinum is pierced
through the slaves tongue
in order to tantalize her
new masters and to
further degrade her.
However just to be crueler
still it makes her more
appealing to those before
her. Whether she speaks
when ordered or made to serve with her mouth, Aewyn's silver tongue is
put to good use. This jewelry gives her an Enhancement Bonus to her
Charisma Score by +4.


Money Spent: 141,410 / 150,000gp

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