Student Name: Sarah Jackson Iwu Supervisor: Dr. Mccracken Grade Level: 4

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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies--2018
Student Name: Sarah Jackson
IWU Supervisor: Dr. McCracken
Grade Level: 4th

This lesson will introduce how transportation systems are used in supporting the growth of Indiana as well as
differentiating between the past and present types of transportations systems. Using this knowledge students will
better understand how the past has impacted them today.
“I can understand how the change of various types of transportation systems has impacted the growth of Indiana.”
A. Goals:
a. Students will understand the differences between transportation in the colonial times and
transportation now.
b. Students will gain knowledge on how the change of transportation has helped the development of
B. Objectives:
a. After completing this lesson, students will be able to categorize transportation systems into their
time period
b. At the end of this lesson, students will know how to identify different types of transportation based
on their characteristics
C. Standards:
a. Time, Continuity and Change
b. 4.3.9: Explain the importance of major transportation routes in the exploration, settlement and
growth of Indiana and in the state’s location as a crossroad of America
II. Management Plan
A. Materials
a. Popsicle sticks
b. Paper
c. Skewers
d. Cardboard boxes
e. Transportation worksheet
f. “A day in the life of a colonial sailmaker”
g. “A day in the life of a colonial black smith”
h. “A day in the life of a colonial wheel maker”
i. “A day in the life of a colonial paper printer”
j. Writing prompt worksheet
k. Posters
l. Markers
B. Time:
a. Anticipatory set: 5 minutes
b. Intro and explanation: 5 minutes
c. Stations: 10 minutes each
d. Transitions: 30 seconds
e. Closure: 10 minutes
C. Space
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
a. Anticipatory set:
i. Once the pieces are passed out the students will use up the whole room to walk around
and find their matches and group together back on the carpet.
b. Lesson:
i. Each station will be separated around the room at various tables and desks
ii. At the end of the rotations the students will come back to the front of the room
c. Closure:
i. The grand conversation will be held in the front of the room and students will stand and
discuss as needed
D. Behavior:
a. Students are expected to be respectful of the teacher, engaged and follow the class rules
throughout the lesson
b. Students are expected to participate in the class discussions
c. Students should follow directions and the order of the groups when rotating
d. If students do not follow the rules and have to be reminded multiple times, then they will get a
verbal warning to redirect their attention.
III. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners
 Blake, a curious, highly verbal, and rambunctious boy with behavior disorders who received special
education services in elementary school.
a. The rotations and various activities will help him because it is not something that needs focus for
a certain amount of time. By keeping the rotations going and the activities engaging, Blake will
be able to focus his energy to that.
 Irma, a charming but shy Latina child who was served as an at-risk student with Title 1 supports in
elementary school.
a. By placing the students in groups, I will make sure she is in a group with a friend as well as
someone who can help her understand the various activities. Being in a group will help her work
on her social skills as well and help her gain more communication skills.
 George, an inquisitive, resourceful student with traumatic brain injury who received special education
services in elementary school. Short term memory is impacted but improving.
a. Giving him a shorter writing prompt and more time on things if needed will help him gain the full
experience without overwhelming his brain. He may need more guidance on certain activities as
well, so I will place him in a group with friends who will help.
 Anna, a bright, energetic young woman with cerebral palsy who was above average academically and
received Section 504 accommodations. She does use a motorized chair with a battery and the chair
measures 2.5 feet wide by 3 feet long.
a. I will make sure the stations and groups are spread out enough for her to move around and give
her the opportunity to build her knowledge and do the activities. Putting her in a group where her
peers can help her will benefit her as well.


IV. Anticipatory Set/ Staging the Question [Compelling Question]
 Compelling question: How has transportation impacted the development of Indiana over time?
 We are going to be looking at this question throughout our unit to help guide us in our thinking.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
 Okay class I am going to hand each of you a puzzle piece that will create a four-piece puzzle. Once you
find your match, come stand up in the front with your partners and talk about why you think they are
matches, while you wait for further instruction. When I say go, you can get up, walk around the room
and find your matching piece.
 The puzzle pieces that I pass out will have various pieces from a type of transportation on it from the
colonial times and from now. The puzzle pieces will only fit to the correct one, so if students still do not
understand, as long as their puzzle fits together they will build their understanding later.
 I will have the groups planned ahead of time in order to get the students interacting with others outside
of their friend group, but this will not be mentioned while passing out the pieces.
 Horse, wagon, rubber tires and a steering wheel
 Wood, sail, iron, and coal
 Steam, steel nails, gas/fuel, and a wheel axel
 Spruce wood, paper, engine, and a headset.
 Once they have found their group and completed their puzzle, I will ask the students to discuss with
their groups about why they think their pieces relate
 Now that you have found your group and completed your puzzle, discuss with your team why you think
all of these pictures might relate to one another.

V.Purpose: By looking into the past it will help us better understand the present and future. Today we will be looking
at transportation in the colonial times to assist us in recognizing how it aided in the growth of Indiana.

VI.Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) Supporting Question/ Explicit Teaching

 Supporting questions to ask during the lesson
o How has time changed the type of transportation being used?
o How has time changed or eliminated various occupations that were needed for types of
o Why does time play a big part in the development of Indiana?
 In today’s lesson the students will be participating in stations in order to get a better understanding of
transportation over time.
 Each group that came together during the anticipatory set will stay together through each station.
 Okay, now with the group that you ended up with, you will be walking through different stations during the
lesson together. Each station will help you gain more information about how and why your pieces relate to
each other.
 At station number one, after you read how the settlers used wagons, you will make your own covered wagon.
There are supplies and the article on the tables ready for each student to have and make one.
 At the second station there is a worksheet that will have you compare and contrast the various types of
transportation from different time periods.
 At the third station you will read different books about occupations from the colonial times. You will take
guided notes on that job and get a better understanding of every-day life during the colonial times.
 At the last station you are going to put together your understanding of the occupation you read about. There
is a writing prompt at the table, and you will spend time putting yourself into the shoes of that person and
writing a diary as that person.
 Station one will have all the supplies needed for each student to make one covered wagon and a short
article explaining the uses of the covered wagons. Each wagon consists of a piece of paper, popsicle sticks,
an empty cake mix box, and two skewers. The students will glue each of the parts together, construct their
own wagon and make it unique to themselves. This station will help them visualize what the wagons looked
like and why it was constructed the way it was back in colonial times.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
 At station two the students will build their knowledge on the past and present transportation systems.
Instead of just learning about the differences of the matches that they found in their puzzle pieces, they will
look at all four types of transportation. By learning more about the differences and filling out the worksheet
they will learn how transportation was used in the colonial times and why it has changed over time now.
 Station three involves the students digging deeper into their transportation puzzle pieces and looking at
the occupations involved in those types of transportations. They will be able to read about each of the
occupations but are encouraged to find the one that closely relates to their puzzle pieces. This will help
build their background knowledge and guide their thinking into what the transportation system is that they
 The fourth station will be one where they can apply their knowledge from the past stations and put
themselves in the shoes of a person from the colonial times. There will be four different prompts depending
on which book they read in the previous station and which occupation interested them the most. For the
group that starts at station four with no previous knowledge, they will be given brief descriptions on the
occupations so that their writing time is not used up by reading. Then once they read at station 3, they are
free to go back and fix any of their writing that they want to.
 At the end of each station the students will put what they have done at their desk and move to the next
 At the end of the rotations, students will meet back up at the front of the room in their groups and with
their puzzle pieces.
VII. Check for understanding.
 While back on the rug after the rotations are finished, each student will participate in a grand conversation.
They will discuss what was difficult about the stations, and what they enjoyed. As well as what they learned
and how this helped them get a better understanding the differences between the colonial times and now.
 The various questions that I will ask will prompt them to think deeper into the relationship between their
puzzle pieces now and what it means.
 What station was your favorite and why?
 What activity was more difficult than the others and why?
 What occupation stood out to you the most?
 How did that occupation relate to a type of transportation?
VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure
 After the grand conversation the students will move back to their groups and discuss what they think their
puzzle pieces have in common. Posters will be provided, the students will tape their pieces to the poster
and then explain and write what transportation system they have, and then present it to the class for better
 I will give them the time they need to discuss what transportation system they have.
 Now I want you to discuss in your groups what transportation system you think your puzzle resembles. Take
the pieces and glue them on the poster, then write about why you think they relate. We will present them and
use these as references throughout the year.


 Formative:
o The worksheet during the station will help the students become familiar with the types of
transportation being used. This will also help them understand the differences between
transportation in colonial times and now.
o The writing prompt will get the students to put themselves in the shoes of a colonial worker and
they will show their knowledge of the difference between the past and present.
o The closure activity will show the teacher how the group works together as well as shows their
understanding of the transportation
 Summative:
o A check for understanding will happen at the end of the unit to assess their comprehension on this
content area.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
K-6 3.b)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Were the students able to make connections?
8. How can we grow this lesson up, or grow it down?
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
IWU Supervisor:
Grade Level:
Compelling Question:

Heading Student uses the provided template

for Social Studies content.
Template Student includes all of the
information in the template heading.
Audit Trail Student includes a list of dates and
methods for communicating with
cooperating teacher.
Rationale Statement of rationale for the
learning experience and
environment in this lesson.

Goals The lesson plan contains

objectives that connect goals and
standards with lesson activities
Standards and assessments.

Each objective should include

the following: Conditions;
Desired learning; Observable
behavior; and Accuracy (as



Management A. Materials:
Plan B. Time:
C. Space:
D. Behavior:
E. Technology: (as
Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set is clear and
direct and focuses students’
attention on the lesson.

Purpose The statement of purpose is clearly

connected to the content of the
lesson and is presented in terms that
are easily understood by students.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Plan For

Adaptation to Instructional opportunities are

Individual provided in this lesson. The
Differences and opportunities are developmentally
Diverse Learners appropriate and/or are adapted to
diverse students.

Early Finishers
Exceptional Needs-
Lesson Candidates demonstrate
Presentation for understandings, capabilities and
Social Studies practices associated with the
central concepts and tools in
Civics, Economics, Geography,
and /or History within a
framework of inquiry.

Lesson The candidate’s lesson

Presentation demonstrates an understanding of
developmentally appropriate

The candidate’s lesson includes

both modeling and guided practice.

The lesson presentation includes

relevant activities that encourage
student participation and critical

Check for The lesson plan includes a plan and

Understanding the means to check for student
understanding of the lesson. A
[CFU] provision is included to reteach all or
part of the lesson to all or part of the

Review Learning Lesson closure relates directly to the

Outcomes and/ or lesson purpose and/or objective.

Plan for
Competent 3

Formal and A plan for formal and informal

Informal assessment [ mainly
formative]throughout the lesson is
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Assessment included. The assessment strategies
are uniquely designed for the

Reflection and The lesson plan includes all required

Post-Lesson self-answer questions.

A lesson plan with elements that do to meet A competent lesson plan earns a An outstanding lesson plan
the competent level will receive a score of score of 34-37/40. earns a score of 38/40-40/40
33 /40 or lower

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