Lista Verbelor Neregulate
Lista Verbelor Neregulate
Lista Verbelor Neregulate
the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is
writes a letter.
Simple Present Active: Rita
is writing a letter.
Present Progressive Active: Rita
For example, only one of the following sentences is correct. Which one?
Some verbs can be followed by the -ing form or the infinitive without a
big change in meaning: begin, continue, hate, intend, like, love, prefer,
propose, start.
• It started to rain.
• It started raining.
• I like to play tennis.
• I like playing tennis.
Verb combination (Infinitive vs -ing form)
put off
We delayed launching the product because of technical problems.
It's not worth repairing the camera. It would be cheaper to buy a new
4. Passive forms
There are passive forms of the -ing form and the infinitive. The passive form of
the -ing form is made with being + past participle (e.g., being done):
There are a number of verbs that can take a direct object and to + infinitive.
common examples are:
Many of the words listed above can be used to report what people say
The verbs make and let are followed by an object and the bare infinitive
(e.g., go, work,see)
She wanted to go home, but her boss made her stay until the work was
• We use let when we talk about being given permission for something.
The verb of perception (see, watch, notice, hear, listen, feel) are followed by
bare infinitive or by -ing form (present participle).
• If we want to say that we heard or saw the whole action from beginning
to end, we usually use bare infinitive
• If we want to say that only saw or heard part of the action, we use -
ing form
Some verbs can be followed by either -ing form or the infinitive and the
meaning of the verb changes. Here are some common examples:
I remember sending them the cheque. I sent and I can remember now that did it.
I remembered to send them the cheque. I remembered, and then I sent it.
I will never forget meeting the President. I met him, and he impressed me.
I won’t forget to give her your message. I have made a note of it, and I will give it
to her when I see her.
We have stopped dealing with that firm. We used to deal with them, but we don't
deal with them any more.
I regret saying that I was not interested in I said I was not interested in the work,
the work. and I now think that was a bad mistake.
I regret to say that we will not be able to I am sorry that I have to say this.
give you a contract.
If the printer doesn’t work, try turning Do this and see what happens.
everything off and then starting again.
When the verb like means enjoy, it’s followed by the -ing form. However, the
expression would like (want to) is followed by the infinitive.
The word to can be part of infinitive (I want to see you). However, in the
following examples, to is a preposition, so it is followed by the -ing form:
Mixed examples
A. Forma – verbele care urmează altor verbe au una dintre formele: INFINITIV + to sau
forma în -ING (vezi şi Lectia 15/16). Verbele se împart în patru categorii principale:
1. verbe care pot fi urmate numai de INFINITIV + to:
We agreed to meet at noon.
3. verbe care pot fi urmate fie de un INFINITIV + to fie de forma in -ING fără a
înregistra o modificare de sens:
I see Harry has started to play golf again. (= în general)
I see Harry has started playing golf again. (= în general sau numai în
momentul de faţă)
4. verbe care pot fi urmate fie de INFINITIV + to fie de forma in -ING dar cu o
schimbare majoră de sens:
I forgot to go to the bank yesterday. (= Nu m-am dus.)
I have forgotten going to the bank yesterday. (= Nu-mi amintesc să fi
B. Utilizare.
1. INFINITIVUL + to se foloseste de obicei după:
appear arrange
learn manage
seem promise
I can’t afford to buy a new car now.
I fail to see the point you are making.
We can’t promise you to be there by 8 o’clock.
•după verbe complexe: carry on, end up, give up, go round, keep on, put off, set
You carry on talking while I eat my lunch.
Frank is always trying hard to give up smoking.
3. se pot folosi atât INFINITIVUL + to cât şi forma in -ING fără diferenţe de sens
după verbele: begin, continue, hate, like, love, prefer, start:
I began to play chess three years ago. SAU: I began playing chess three
years ago.
Mike loves to drive fast cars. SAU: Mike loves driving fast cars.