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Quenching Hardening Review Paper

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Int. J. Mech. Eng. Autom.

International Journal of
Volume 1, Number 3, 2014, pp. 119-128 Mechanical Engineering
Received: June 2, 2014; Published: September 25, 2014 and Automation

Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A


Rosa Lucia Simencio Otero1, Walker Roberto Otero2, George Edward Totten3 and Lauralice C.F. Canale1
1. Department of Materials Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, São Carlos/SP 13563-120, Brazil
2. Manufacturing Area, Tecumseh do Brasil Ltda., São Carlos/SP 13565-900, Brazil
3. Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Texas A & M University, Seattle, Washington 98103, USA

Abstract: A quench factor, Q, has been derived that quantifies the overall severity of the steel hardening process—quench severity
by interrelating steel hardenability with quenching variables including: the specific quenchant being used, agitation, bath temperature,
etc. In this analysis, quench severity is quantified by a so-called “quench factor” (Q) that is a single numerical value that effectively
indicates the extent to which a given steel can be hardened. This article provides a description of the concept and an overall review of
applications where it has been successfully applied.

Key words: Quench factor, hardening, hardenability, H-value, Q-value, quenchant.

1. Introduction trial and error.

Traditionally, one of the most common numerical
Heat treatment of steel involves heating to an
expressions for quench severity is the Grossmann
elevated temperature to facilitate transformation to
H-value. Grossmann and co-workers following
austenite which is subsequently followed by a
Russell’s earlier published work demonstrated a
controlled cooling process (quenching) to obtain the
correlation of as-quenched hardness of round bars
desired microstructure and properties. The
with calculated cooling times [1-3]. In this work, the
microstructures obtained are cooling-rate dependent.
preference was to use bar diameters instead of radii
Heat treatment is necessary in order to achieve the
and therefore, they defined the term H as
desired hardness, strength, toughness, and other ℎ
important properties. Most finished parts constructed =
from carbon, low-alloy and high-alloy steel are heat where
treat treated before using.  The units of H are usually given as m-1;
Successful hardening depends on the hardenability  h is the interfacial heat transfer coefficient
of the steel composition, geometry of the part, quenching between the hot metal surface and the quenchant with
system and on the heat treating process used. units of (W/m2K);
Improved quenching practices permit the use of less  λ is the thermal conductivity of the steel with
hardenable, less expensive steel to achieve the desired units of (W/mK). In this relationship, it is assumed
properties. The selection and development of these that the change in thermal conductivity with
practices, however, is often arbitrary and dependent on temperature is sufficiently small that it is treated as a
temperature independent constant;
Corresponding author: Rosa Lucia Simencio Otero, Ph.D.,
research fields: steel quenching, lubrication and analytical  Since Grossmann preferred the use of bar diameters
chemistry. E-mail: [email protected]. instead of radii, the value of “2” was introduced in the
120 Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review

denominator. temperature interval of 500-700 °C is often more

This equation reflects the ability of a quenchant to preferred [7];
remove heat from the surface of the steel being  Grossmann H-values only reflect the relative
quenched. The H-value of unagitated water at 18 °C ability of a quenchant to harden steel. They do not
(64 °F) is assigned the H-value of 1.0. However, it is reflect the propensity of the quenchant to cause
important to understand that for vaporizable cracking or increased distortion.
quenchants such as water, petroleum oil, and aqueous To estimate the propensity for cracking or even
polymer solutions that this equation for H-value through-hardening, the total cooling process must be
assumes a linear cooling pathway or Newtonian considered. H-values reveal nothing about thermal and
cooling. However, the heat transfer coefficient varies transformational stress generation from the quenching
substantially over the entire cooling range due to three process.
predominating cooling mechanisms. For unagitated Cooling curve analysis is considered to be one of
water at room temperature, the resulting characteristic the best methods to assess quench severity [8]. One
heat transfer coefficients for each cooling phase have method of interrelating a cooling time-temperature
been reported as: film boiling 100-250 W/m2K; curve with as-quenched steel hardness is to utilize
nucleate boiling 10-20 kW/m2K; and convective QFA (quench factor analysis) [9]. QFA has been used
cooling—approximately 700 W/m2K [4]. Variation of to successfully predict as-quenched hardness for
the H-value throughout the different stages of the carbon steel and a limited number of low-alloy steels
cooling process was reported earlier by Carney and including: AISI 4130 [10], and 4140 [10, 11], 1045
Janulionis [5]. Clearly, when the heat transfer [10, 12] and 5140 [13]. QFA was also used to predict
coefficient can vary so greatly throughout the Jominy hardness as a function of position for AISI
quenching process when using vaporizable quenchants, 4130 [14].
a linear, Newtonian cooling treatment of this process The use of QFA to predict the as-quenched
is inadequate and therefore this is a primary limitation hardness of carbon and low-alloy steel will be
of the use of Grossmann H-values to predict discussed here. The use of quench factors as a
as-quenched steel hardness. single-value parameter alternative to Grossmann
Additional limitations to the use of Grossmann H-values to characterize the relative ability of a
H-values to compare the ability of various different quenching medium and quenching process to harden
quenching media to harden steel include [6]: steel will also be discussed here.
 Grossmann H-values only refer to quench
2. Experimental
severity over a very narrow temperature region
1,300 °F (704 °C) of the steel transformation process. To experimentally determine quench factors, a
Although H-values are intended to indicate the ability Type 304 austenitic stainless steel probe of the desired
of a quenchant to harden steel, they do not account for section sizes, such as bar probes of the desired
the cooling time required to achieve this process. To cross-sectional diameter where the length is at least 4
properly account for cooling time, a correlation times the diameter to approximate an infinite cylinder
between the quenching time-temperature cooling are used. An advantage of QFA is that the material
curve and the steel transformation curve must be used for probe construction is an austenitic stainless
performed. Note: Although the cooling rate at 704 °C, steel probes constructed from such as Type 304
typically referred to as the Jominy Equivalent Cooling austenitic stainless steel can be reused and the cooling
Rate, is traditionally used, the cooling rate over the time-temperature curve database can be used for any
Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review 121

steel alloy where the desired transformation-property Cahn showed that transformations that nucleate
temperature-time property data is available. The heterogeneously often obey the Avrami rule according
probes are instrumented with a Type K spring-loaded to rate laws that could be calculated from isothermal
thermocouple inserted to the geometric center to transformation data [18, 19]. Holloman and Jaffe
assure contact between the thermocouple and steel acknowledged the potential applicability of the
throughout the entire quenching cycle. A ¾ inch Avrami principle but concluded that the agreement
stainless steel tube is TIG welded to one end of the bar between calculation and experiment was imprecise for
to protect the thermocouple from the quenchant and to a plain-carbon steel and a
serve as a handle for transferring the probe. chromium-nickel-molybdenum steel [20]. Kirkaldy
The probes are heated to the desired austenitizing used the Avrami principle and compared the predicted
temperature in an electrically-heated muffle furnace. start of the transformation curve with that observed
The quench tank will contain a sufficient volume, experimentally for nine different steels. Good
often approximately 20 gal. (75 L), to minimize the agreement between the two was found despite
temperature increase upon probe immersion into the uncertainties in the experimental curves and the
quenchant. The quenchant bath temperature is assumptions made to calculate theoretical curves [21].
controlled, usually by the use of in-line heating Umemoto et al. studied effects of section size and
elements and water-cooled copper coils. The austenite grain size on transformation rate in steel and
quenchant velocity is controlled by a variable speed found the additivity rule to be approximately correct
pump. The analog signal from the thermocouple is during step-quenching [22]. Umemoto also applied the
converted to a digital value using an A/D converter additivity rule to the transformation of eutectoid steel
card and a personal computer. The cooling curve and was able to obtain equations describing the
digital time-temperature data is saved for subsequent hardenability H-values that gave similar, but slightly
computational work. lower, than those of Grossmann [23].
Evancho and Staley used the Avrami principle to
3. Discussion
develop an expression describing precipitation
3.1 Quench Factor Correlations kinetics in aluminum alloys. An expression was
derived that could be used to predict strength from the
The quench factor is based on the Avrami or
shape of a continuous cooling curve and the
“Additivity” rule. Scheil first proposed the additivity precipitation kinetics of the alloy being hardened
rule to describe incubation or nucleation during phase [24-26]. The general technology for heat treating
transformation [15]. Avrami continued this analysis aluminum alloys using the quench factor concept was
and showed that, when the nucleation rate is further described by Archambault et al. [27].
proportional to the growth rate, the additivity rule is Generally, long times are required for carbon
applicable [16, 17]. Avrami developed different diffusion in steels at high temperature because solute
expressions to describe the rate of transformation supersaturation is low and, consequently, the
during phase changes depending upon whether there thermodynamic driving force for diffusion is low. At
are few or many nuclei present and upon the type of intermediate temperatures, however, the undercooling
phase growth that occurs. Transformation-rate laws and thermodynamic driving force are high, and the
were derived for transformations that nucleate on time required to achieve a particular amount of
grain boundary surfaces, grain edges, and grain transformation is low, typically a few seconds for
corners. carbon and low-alloy steels. Pearlite nucleation
122 Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review

usually occurs first along grain boundaries because of the quench factor decreases. The critical value is
less lattice strain is necessary, and diffusion rates are the maximum value of the quench factor, Q, that will
higher than within grains. At still lower temperatures, result in the desired hardness or strength and this
diffusion rates decrease and bainite or martensite value can be defined in terms of the maximum
formation begins. Martensite is often the most allowable amount of transformation during cooling.
commonly desired transformation product in many Table 1 provides an illustration of the reciprocal
quenched steels. Quenching must produce sufficiently relationship between as-quenched hardness and the
high cooling rates at elevated temperatures to avoid value of Q for AISI 5140 for seven different
ferrite and pearlite formation and retain carbon in the quenching conditions [13].
austenite until martensitic transformation begins. Quench factors are calculated from digital
A noteworthy advantage of QFA, relative to the time-temperature (cooling curve) data and a CT function
classic Grossmann H-value approach, is that a single
number is obtained that interrelates the cooling rate
produced by a quenchant and the transformation rate
of the alloy as described by the TTP
(time-temperature-property) curve as illustrated in Fig.
1. The TTP curve is the mathematical representation
of the start of a transformation curve that influences a
property such as hardness or strength. In practice, the
quenching conditions for the steel of interest must be
adjusted to achieve the minimum hardness or strength
required by specification.
There is a reciprocal relationship between the
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the method for calculating
quench factor (Q) that is obtained (see subsequent a quench factor which interrelates the cooling
discussion) with both hardness and strength. Typically time-temperature exhibited by the quenchant being
hardness and strength increases as the numerical value analyzed to TTP curve for the steel alloy of interest.

Table 1 Cooling rate, quench factor and as-quenched hardness interrelationship for AISI 5140 with different quenching
Quenchant Probe Quench bath Agitation Cooling rate at Q-factor Predicted Actual hardness
diameter temperature rate (m/s) 700 °C 200 °C hardness HRC
(mm) (ºC) (°C/s) (°C/s) HRC
Water 12.7 48 0.25 162 151 9.2 53.5 53.1
Water 25.4 26 0.25 111 41 29.2 48.4 46.0
Water 38.1 32 0.51 57 20 63.1 40.9 40.5
20% UCON 38.1 48 0.51 33 8 107.4 32.7 33.0
Quenchant E
Conventional oil 38.1 65 0.51 32 7 139.6 27.8 29.5
Accelerated oil 38.1 65 0.51 43 10 88.6 36.0 34.0
Martempering oil 38.1 148 0.51 38 4 125.3 29.9 31.0
Austenitization temperature = 843 °C, Quench probe was Type 304 stainless steel with a thermocouple at the geometric center and
the length was at least 4 times the diameter.
Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review 123

describing the TTP curve which has been derived for indeed be fitted, their physical meaning may be
the alloy of interest [13]. The transformation questionable. Instead, they recommended, when
time-temperature behavior of a TTP curve is usually possible, that the number of K-values being fitted
described with a CT function of the form: should be reduced by using independently reported

C = − K ∗ K ∗ exp 3
 K ∗K 2 
 ( )
4 
∗ exp
 K5 
 
data when known.
T 1 2
 RT K − T 
 4
2 )

 RT 

An incremental quench factor, q, for each time step
in the cooling curve, is calculated from
where Δt
CT = the critical time required to form a constant C
amount of a new phase or reduce the hardness by a where Δt is usually the time step used for computer
specified amount (The locus of the critical time values data acquisition of the experimental cooling curves.
as a function of temperature formed the TTP curve); The incremental quench factor, q, represents the
K1 = constant which equals the natural logarithm of ratio of time an alloy is at the average temperature for
the fraction untransformed during quenching, i.e., the that time step divided by the time required for
fraction defined by the TTP curve which is typically transformation to begin at that temperature (calculated
taken as ln0.995 for these calculations; from the CT function at that same average
K2 = constant related to the reciprocal of the number temperature). The incremental quench factor values
of nucleation sites; are summed over the entire transformation range to
K3 = constant related to the energy required to form produce the cumulative quench factor, Q, according to
T = Ac 3
a nucleus; Q =q = 
K4 = constant related to the solvus temperature; T =M s CT

K5= constant related to the activation energy of When calculating the quench factor for a particular
diffusion; steel, the q-values are summed between the Ar3 and Ms
R = 8.3143 J K-1 mol-1; temperatures for the steel of interest.
T = temperature (K). The cumulative quench factor, Q, reflects the heat
The constants K1, K2, K3, K4, and K5 define the removal characteristics of the quenchant as indicated
shape of the TTP curve. Fundamental values of K2-K5 by the cooling time-temperature curve for the Type
are not generally known. In practice, these values are 304 stainless steel probe for the cross-section size,
calculated from TTP curves by multiple regression quenchant and quenching conditions being analyzed.
analyses [9]. A selection of reported K-constants for It also includes section thickness effects because of
AISI 1045, 4130, and 4140 are provided in Table 2. these influences on the cooling curve are used for
However, Shuey et al. [28] and Tiryakioglu [29] have quench factor calculation. Transformation kinetics are
studied this approach and found that although reflected because the calculation involves the ratio of
C-shaped time-temperature transformation curves can the time the metal was at a particular temperature

Table 2 Summary of published quench factor CT function K-constants for different steels.
Alloy K-Value for CT Function Summation Reference
K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 range (°C)
1045 (Mid-range) -0.00501 0.046500 330 1140 35,000 782-314 [5]
4130 (Low-spec) -0.005 -0.04 500 1200 40,000 801-377 [7]
4130 (High-spec) -0.005 -0.0159 250 1160 58,000 801-377 [7]
4140 (Mid-range) -0.00501 1.48429 350 1140 31,517 791-338 [4]
124 Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review

divided by the amount of time for transformation to agreement, typically within the ±2 HRC unit
begin at this temperature, i.e., the position of the TTP measuring error [30]. Similar excellent agreement has
curve in time. The calculation process is illustrated in been shown using QFA to predict the as-quenched
Fig. 1. hardness for a comparatively low-hardenability carbon
The calculated cumulative quench factor, Q, can be steel, AISI 1045 and a low-alloy AISI 4140 steel
used to predict the as-quenched hardness in steel using which is also shown in Table 4 [10-12].
the following equation: Thus far, examples of the use of QFA for prediction
Pp = Pmin + ( Pmax − Pmin ) exp ( K1Q ) of as-quenched hardness have been shown for higher
where PP = predicted property, Pmin = minimum hardenability steels. The application of QFA for
property for the alloy, Pmax = maximum property for low-hardenability steels such as AISI 1045 was also
the alloy, exp = base of the natural logarithm, K1 = evaluated and the results are shown in Table 5 [30].
ln0.995 = -0.00501, Q = quench factor. The predicted and hardness values agree until the
The solid line in Fig. 2 illustrates the predicted martensite content falls below 50% which is
hardness variation with cumulative quench factor (Q) approximately 32 HRC. The inability of QFA to predict
for cast 4130 steel. The data points shown in Fig. 2 Table 3 Measured and predicted hardnesses at 17
represent measured hardness values at locations in a different positions in a water-quenched AISI 4130 steel
casting1 [30].
quenched part where cooling curves are available.
These data show an excellent correlation between Position in Cooling rate Quench Predicted Measured

hardnesses predicted by quench factor analysis and casting at 1,300 °F factor hardness hardness

measured values. Similar plots of measured hardness (°F/s) (HRC) (HRC)

vs. quench factor values for other steel alloys. 1 205.4 7.2 51.8 52

Quench factors calculated for different alloys may 2 121.7 12.4 50.9 51
be quite different, even if similar section sizes are 3 72.1 18.5 49.9 50
cooled in the same quenchant, because they reflect 4 52.9 25.6 48.8 50
individual transformation kinetics indicated by the CT 5 38.8 33.1 47.7 49
equation that describes the TTP curve for the alloy. 6 31.3 41.5 46.4 47
Comparison of the predicted and actual measured 7 23.8 50.1 45.2 45
hardness obtained for AISI 4130 shown in Table 3 8 19.9 58.7 44.1 42
using quench factor analysis yielded excellent 9 17.0 67.3 43.0 42
10 12.7 86.8 40.7 39
11 9.8 103.1 38.9 38
12 8.1 119.1 37.3 36
13 6.8 134.8 35.8 35
14 5.9 150.1 34.5 34
15 4.8 175.3 32.5 33
16 3.9 197.6 31.0 31
17 3.2 215.6 29.9 30
The reported chemistry for the AISI 4130 steel used for this
Fig. 2 Graphical presentation illustrating the correlation study (%): carbon 0.315; Manganese 0.576; Silicon 0.379;
between predicted and measured hardness of cast 4130 steel Chromium 1.140; Nickel 0.103; Molybdenum 0.244; Copper
as a function of quench factor. 0.125; Vanadium 0.014; Ideal diameter—4.18 in.
Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review 125

Table 4 Comparison of predicted and measured Table 5 Comparison of predicted and measured hardness
hardnesses for two cast AISI 4140 steel alloys1, 2, 3 [10]. values for two castings of AISI 10451, 2, 3.
Steel A hardness Steel B hardness Steel C hardness Steel D hardness
1, 3 2, 3 1,3
Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured
57.3 56 56.5 57 59.8 59 58.0 60
57.1 56 56.3 57 59.0 58 56.9 53
56.7 55 56.0 56 58.4 59 56.2 59
56.3 54 55.6 56 55.7 57 52.7 56
56.2 52 55.6 54 53.4 56 30.2 28
55.2 53 54.8 54 45.7 54 49.8 52
51.6 53 51.6 53 48.0 55 40.4 46
53.8 50 53.6 54 35.4 23 43.8 43
49.7 49 50.0 54 38.2 26 29.0 24
48.6 49 49.0 46 35.8 34 31.0 26
44.6 42 45.5 38 26.3 27 29.3 23
25.6 31 27.5 34 19.1 22 19.7 24
The reported chemistry for the AISI 4140 Steel A used for this 16.9 18 14.6 16
study (%): carbon 0.439; Manganese 0.860; Silicon 0.259; 20.0 19 13.1 18
Chromium 0.878; Nickel 0.076; Molybdenum 0.170; Copper
12.3 18 15.2 18
0.087; Vanadium 0.000.
The reported chemistry for the AISI 4140 Steel B used for this The reported chemistry for the AISI 1045 Steel C used for this
study (%): carbon 0.394; Manganese 0.810; Silicon 0.268; study (%): Carbon 0.480; Manganese 0.834; Silicon 0.281;
Chromium 0.922; Nickel 0.138; Molybdenum 0.196; Copper Chromium 0.052; Nickel 0.035; Molybdenum 0.011; Copper
0.128; Vanadium 0.000. 0.091.
Ideal diameter for steel A = 4.70 in., and for steel B = 4.87 in. The reported chemistry for the AISI 1045 Steel D used for this
study (%): Carbon 0.470; Manganese 0.749; Silicon 0.240;
hardnesses over the entire range of experimental Chromium 0.054; Nickel 0.031; Molybdenum 0.016; Copper
hardnesses shown for AISI 1045 is very difficult to 0.015.
Ideal diameter for steel C = 1.26 in.; and for steel D = 1.12 in.
successfully model by any computational method,
including QFA, because of the extremely rapid Application of quench factors for quenchant
transitions from softer ferritic-pearlitic structures to characterization: Typical examples of the utilization of
martensite. For this reason, predicted hardnesses in the QFA for quenchant characterization will now be
range of 35-45 HRC must be experimentally validated provided. One example is the comparison of the
for low-hardenability steels such as AISI 1045. ability of a fast oil and a slow oil to harden AISI 1045.
This method of describing quench severity is quite Fig. 3 illustrates the effect of section size on the
different from Grossmann H-values which are related ability of a polymer quenchant to harden AISI 1045,
solely to the ability of a quenchant to extract heat and low-hardenability carbon steel. As expected, hardness
not to the transformation kinetics of the steel being decreases significantly with increasing cross-section
heat treated. Thus, quench factors represent a size [31]. For comparison, a relatively slow aqueous
favorable alternative to Grossmann H-factors for polymer quenchant solution was used to harden the
quantifying quench severity since they can be directly same series of cross-section sizes of a low-alloy AISI
related to as-quenched hardness achievable as 4140 steel which is more hardenable than AISI 1045.
described above. The results of this study are shown in Fig. 4 where there
126 Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review

Fig. 3 Illustration of the ability of a relatively fast aqueous Fig. 4 Illustration of the ability of a relatively slow
polymer quenchant to harden different section sizes of AISI aqueous polymer quenchant to harden different section
1045 carbon steel (Polymer quenchant concentration was sizes of AISI 4140 low-alloy steel (Polymer quenchant
10%, bath temperature 90 °F). concentration was 20%, bath temperature 140 °F).

is minimal, but continuous, decrease hardness up to although the potential has been shown.
the maximum 2.0 inch (50 mm) section size quenched
3.2 TTP Curve Availability
in this study [31].
The application of Q-factors would address an One of the reasons for the limited use of quench
important industry shortcoming where a reliable factors up to the present time is the unavailability of
indicator of quench severity, especially as it may TTP curves for the alloy of interest since they have
impact hardness such as head-to-head comparison of not yet been generated. Two methods have been
different quenchants from different suppliers, reported to experimentally generate TTP curves. One
variation of quench severity achievable from a method is to austenitize a number of test specimens of
commercial quenchant and/or quench system and for the alloy of interest. A test specimen could be a
use in industry, national and international product and tensile bar obtained from a forging or casting of the
process specifications is needed. As was shown in Eq. alloy of interest. Typically, the test specimen is
(4), the Q-factor is a single value that is reflective of sufficiently small to assure temperature uniformity
all parameters throughout the cooling process that will during isothermal heat treatment. After
impact as-quenched hardness. These values may be austenitization, the test specimens are transferred
determined in a well-controlled laboratory setting or within approximately 5 s to an agitated molten salt
within an actual load of parts being quenched. In bath composed of potassium nitrate and sodium nitrite
either case, a reusable Type 304 stainless steel probe mixture and maintained within ±5 °C of the desired
is used to obtain the time-temperature cooling curve of isothermal holding time and temperature. After the
the quenching medium. In a laboratory setting, such test specimens have been held at the isothermal
Q-factors may be used to qualify or specify a holding temperature for the desired time, it is
quenchant by quantifying the quench severity relative quenched to room temperature. Cooling rates are
to a reference TTP curve. In a production environment, determined by inserting a Type K thermocouple to the
any variation of the quenching medium due to the geometric center of the test bar and data acquisition
quenchant or the system can be readily quantified and was acquired at the appropriate sampling rate to
monitored over time as a quality control procedure. In provide smooth transformation curves. After cooling,
fact, these potentially very important applications of the test specimens were tested for the property of
QFA have not been adequately investigated to date interest in order to construct a C-curve.
Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review 127

An alternative procedure to determine TTP curves curves for each alloy. However, this is a problem that
experimentally is to computationally model Jominy can be addressed using Jominy curves as described in
data, which may be obtained from experimentally Ref. [7].
determined or calculated Jominy curves for the alloy  One reported example using AISI 5140 steel
of interest. There are a number of references in the showed excellent agreement between predicted and
literature for experimentally determining surface measured hardness [6].
cooling rates as a function of position on a Jominy bar  Selected examples were provided showing the
and correlating them with hardness. One of the earlist utility of the use of quench factors.
references was provided by Weinman et al. [32] and  Further work is required to extend the availability
Pumphrey and Jones [33]. Yazdi et al. more recently of a broader range of TTP curves for more steels.
described the experimental procedure for obtaining
TTP curves from Jominy data for AISI 4130 and the
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quench factor analyses to quantify as-quenched Society for Metals 43 (1951) 480-496.
hardness for carbon and low-alloy steels was [6] G.E. Totten, G.M. Webster, C.E. Bates, S.W. Han, S.H.
Kang, Limitations of the Use of Grossman Quench
Severity Factors, in: Proceedings of the 17th Heat
 The potential use of quench factor analysis to Treating Society Conference Including the 1st
qualify a quenching medium or process or to International Induction Heat Treating Symposium, ASM
effectively monitor variation of quench severity due to International, Materials Park, OH, 1997, pp. 411-422.
[7] G.F. vander Voort, Hardenability, in: Atlas of
either the quenchant or the system was introduced.
Time-Temperature Diagrams for Irons and Steels, 1991,
 The ability of quench factor analysis to ASM International, Materials Park, OH, USA, pp. 73-77.
successfully predict as-quenched hardness usually [8] G.E. Totten, C.E. Bates, N.A. Clinton, Cooling curve
within measurement error has been demonstrated for analysis, in: Handbook of Quenchants and Quenching
Technology, ASM International, Materials Park, OH,
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