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One of the book writes ‘For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but

the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it’
.Many things can prolong your life, but only wisdom can save it.

In Plato’s Lysis, Socrates once tells to a young Lysis that, without wisdom, he
would be of no value to anyone: he said ‘if you are wise, all men will be your
friends and kindred, cause you will be useful and good; but if you are not wise,
neither father, nor mother, nor kindred, nor anyone else, will be your friends.’

Next is know ledge

what is knowledge

Knowledge is the collection of skills and information a person has

acquired through experience

And then .

Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge

Wisdom and knowledge, both recurring themes in the Bible,

People often speak of ‘knowledge and wisdom’ as though they might be closely
related or even the same thing. So one hypothesis is that wisdom is knowledge,
or a great deal of knowledge. But If wisdom is knowledge, then it has to be a
certain kind of knowledge, or else like learning the phonebook, or the names of
all the rivers in the world, might count as wisdom. And if wisdom is a certain
kind of knowledge, then it is not scientific or technical knowledge, or else
contemporary people would be wiser than even the wisest of ancient
philosophers. Any twenty-first century school-leaver would be wiser than a
Seneca or a Socrates 

The dictionary defines wisdom as “the ability to discern or

judge what is true, right, or lasting.” Knowledge, on the other

hand, is “information gained through experience, reasoning, or

acquaintance.” Knowledge can exist without wisdombut

wisdom cant exist without knowledge, One can be

knowledgeable without being wise.for example but not the

other way around.> Knowledge is knowing how to use a gun;

but wisdom is knowing when to use it and when to keep it


We know that knowledge and intelgence is related to each other ,

Then ,what is the differences between inteligence and wisdom ???

I believe, personally, that in most professional settings. we overvalue

intelligence and we undervalue wisdom. And I think if you look the highly
intelligent people in industry that were making really bad decisions. you begin
to see that the lack of intelligence wasn't really the issue. They just made unwise
decisions that destroyed their companies,
So what is inteligence in more specifc ->
1. What you know
2. our ability to
acquire new knowledge and
3. ability to apply knowledge to
evaluate and analyze
problems and solve them.

traditionally, we think of intelligence

as aligning with normal academics

like your ability to memorize content

for an exam that's coming up,
but you could also have
a creative intelligence,
problem-solving intelligence.
a musical intelligence, or
Lots of different ways
to look at intelligence.
And so, we don't all have the
same type of intelligence,
and sometimes we take an over-favorably
generous view of intelligence overall.
So, in other words, we think
that intelligence is good.
That's another way to say it.
We think, oh, intelligence is good.
But here's an example .
In the science fiction movies
there are the mad
scientist, the evil genius,and etc , they use their
inteligence to do something bad .
do you still think intellogence is good ???

And the next one >

For example
There is a big worldwide company

Lets call it BIG BROSSS company

They have a lot of smart people( EXECUTIVE)) by the

these executives were called the best of the best.

When the top executives

HAVE A meetings,
everything they said was
"incandescently brilliant."

They knew everything, and yet,

after poor decision

they made poor decision

to run the company out of business.

They used their intelligence

to manipulate accounting,
to manipulate perceptions of the value of
their company and fool stock analysts,
they fooled everybody, almost everybody,
with their intelligence.
What they lacked was wisdom.
They didn't consider if
they should do these things,

they just did it.

Just like in Jurassic Park.

They had the intelligence

to clone dinosaurs,
but they never asked if
they should do it or not.

Right now we have the ability to clone,

perhaps, human beings, but should we?

That's a question that
wisdom then begins to ask.

where wisdom steps in.

So, let's turn now to wisdom

what is wisdom in general ???
The book of Proverbs describes wisdom as

better than silver, gold, and jewels.

Much better than just know-how or smarts.
Wisdom is the kind of stuff that you guide your life

It can really give you a good life versus a bad life.

So, let's unpack this more with some

specific definitional content.
Wisdom is putting good judgment,
sound reasoning, and knowledge into practice.

So, wisdom has practice as part of it.

It's not just enough to
know right from wrong, good from bad, but it's to
decisions that apply knowledge.

Wisdom is having the foresight to use understanding

to move
your knowledge and your
understanding to move
toward the best possible
long-term outcomes

Now, wisdom is often very simple.

You don't have to have a
genius-level brain to make wise decisions.

For example in a movie >> call forrest GUmp

The entire movie
was based upon this principle

there is a guy in the movie that had a very low IQ

He didn't well in school.
He wasn't "intelligent."
But he made some very simple decisions
throughout his life that created an
amazing life for him that was
far above his level of intelligence,
and , there are a lot of smart people
all around him making bad life decisions.

So, there's the difference

between wisdom and intelligence.
Wisdom is often very straightforward and
very simple if you're willing to listen.

There are some common

misunderstandings about wisdom because
intelligence and wisdom
get mixed up all the time.

1.People think that more information and data leads

to more knowledge and intelligence, then that
leads to more wisdom.

In fact, some people say there's more knowledge on

the internet now than there's ever been.
Well, there's more web
pages, there's more posts,
there's more, AND , images,
but that doesn't mean it's
knowledge, or even wisdom.
These don't necessarily add up like that and here's
Information, knowledge,
intelligence comes from
a totally different source than wisdom.
You can learn intelligence
and knowledge in school.
You can acquire that.
But they're not teaching you about
how to live your life more generally.
They're not teaching you in
textbooks about wisdom.
So, where can you get wisdom? Or HOW we can get

First of all ->>>> talk to wise people.

These means people who are
a little older than us,
a little more experienced
than us in whatever
>they have made decisions
in their life, wise decisions,
that have helped them
have a good overall life.
So, the first way is
talking to wise people.
Like talk WITH your mother and ask for an advice.
.she has the benefit of experience.
 talking to wise
people,or wise counselors,
is a way to get some wisdom in your life.

And the second main way to get

wisdom is reading the right books.
Now, the right books are not textbooks.
The right books are not
kind of how-to books.
The right books are going
to probably be like this.

A biography books of people that we admire

because in biographies you get to see
how a person's entire
life developed over time
and some of the small decisions they
made early impacted their life later.
Usually you see a lot of
wisdom in books about people
we admire because they have
overcame difficult situations.
They lived through wrong
decisions and bad experiences
but they worked their way out of that,

so there's some wisdom there,

we get to benefit from their experience.
And then, other types of books
like book of Proverbs.

It's literally filled with wisdom on every pages.

Oh and in addition ,this is another perspective of understanding about wisdom.

Before that ,lets hear a story

Once upon a time, the friend of socrates , Chaerephon asked the oracle at Delphi
whether there was anyone wiser than his friend Socrates, and the oracle replied
that there was no one wiser. Socrates was baffled by this news as he found it
very hard to believe that he was the wisest man. Socrates was aware of his own
ignorance; he did not think he was wise., so he decided to find someone who
was wiser than himself .Socrates then questioned a number of men who claim to
be wise person—politicians, generals, poets, craftsmen—and each of them say
‘I am likely to be wiser than him, that I do not think I know what I do not
know.’ From then on, Socrates dedicated himself in seeking out anyone who
might be wise and, ‘if he is not, show him that he is not.’ he made so many
enemies by his questioning until athens people punished him to death

The Bible tells us, ‘When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility
comes wisdom’. Socrates was the wisest of all people not because he knew
everything or anything, but because he knew what he did not know—or,
because he knew the limits that he did know.

And here are some quotes about wisdom from socrates ,confucious , budha and

shakes peare

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. —Socrates

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s own ignorance. —
A fool who recognizes his own ignorance is thereby in fact a wise man. —

But it is no doubt Shakespeare who put it best, ‘The fool doth think he is
wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.’

In conclusion, wisdom is not only about making the

best decisions we make from the experiences we
have had before, but also when we know our limits,
and we know our own ignorance.

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