Autumn 2010 Foundation News

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Foundation news

For tenants and customers of Foundation Housing

Carnival Celebrations

Healthy 4Women


Inside... Summer Activities

Asbestos in the home 13

The local approach
How are we doing?
Inspections Update

Autumn 2010
A charitable housing association
Foundation news

The leaves are
Coming soon
to a neighbourhood near you… Celebrations
beginning to
FHA is continuing to increase its
fall once more
housing stock owning more homes
and the nights
in more neighbourhoods.
are drawing
in, so here is The Association has now taken
the latest edition ownership of 43 homes across seven
of Foundation News sites in Leicester from East Midlands
to brighten up your day. Our Housing Association. These were
Carnival report adds colour developed over the last two years
alongside news of our first ever and were the first homes in the City to be built to code level
‘A’ rated support service. Not 3 which means they are more energy efficient. Tenants are
only that but we now have already reporting that this has saved them money.
more estates receiving an ‘A’ These homes come at a total cost of £2.19 million. This is
rating than ever before in this excellent value for money as it improves our ability to meet
year’s estate inspections. housing need and strengthens our balance sheet. We are also
There is advice and help in on site with a new development on Humberstone Lane. This
‘Customers’ Question Corner’ consists of 24 new affordable homes, with 19 for rent and 5
and news of customers taking for shared ownership. The first units will be coming over from
the lead on the ground with October 2010 and range from 2 bed flats to 4 bed houses in a
inspections and at the highest very desirable area.
level of the organisation with The 19 homes for rent will be let through Leicester
the Group Customer Council. Homechoice. Details about this scheme will be available on
We have a double page special or telephone 0116 252 7008.
on ‘Local Offers’, an amazing
opportunity to help shape As part of our 21st anniversary Staff from across East Midlands Housing

Annual report
services for you in your local celebrations, Foundation Housing Group joined in as we supported the
area. There’s never been a Bumpa Crew dance group. They were
came out to support the 2010 definitely one of the most joyful and vibrant
better time to get involved
with Foundation. Letting you know how we're doing... Leicester Caribbean Carnival. dance crews at the festival.
Our best wishes also go to Celebrating its 25th year the The procession started in Victoria Park with
In April, the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) - the body that
our many customers who will regulates all social landlords - introduced a set of national carnival is one of the largest festival a route change through Northampton Street,
have recently enjoyed a happy standards for the homes and services we provide to our tenants. celebrations of its kind in the UK. Granby Street and the High Street before
Eid after the fasting season of making its way back to Victoria Park via King
Ramadan and those preparing In October, we will report back to you on what we are doing to
Street and Regent Road.
for Diwalli and Christmas. make sure we are meeting those standards. Look
out for our special report to tenants called 'How we're doing'. Nearly 5 miles of vibrant colourful costumes
It will be posted to all households in the first week of October. surrounded by over 50 sound systems filled the
Nikki Chawda streets and brought life to the city once again.
You can also let us know how you think we're doing The collection of Caribbean stalls, vendors,
Managing Director
There's a survey at the back of the report for you to fill in and the hundreds of volunteers and around
return to us. If you do, you will be in with a chance to win 80,000 carnival revellers all combined for
£100 in Supermarket vouchers! You’ve got to be in it to win it! a great day out.

2 3
Foundation news

‘A’-nother great rate 4Women 4 health

for our estates!
Foundation has once again carried out its We continue to work together on the remaining
annual formal estate inspections. This year three Estates to bring them up to an A rating.
they have shown that once more we are Why not come and join us on our next round of
continuing to improve our services to you. walkabouts? These are taking place as follows:

Residents, Ward Councillors, Police and other

partner agencies joined officers from FHA to
rate and assess a wide and diverse range of
issues from the cleanliness of the streets to what
tenancy rules have been broken.
Overall, the estate inspections generated a
further two ‘A’ ratings making a total of three St Matthews
‘A’ ratings for estates under FHA management. 5/11/2010 - Starting at 10.00am.
Three other Estates achieved a ‘B’ rating. Meet outside the Neighbourhood Centre This year our 4Women group decided to run a ‘healthy wellbeing’ day
for female service users of Foundation Housing Association.
The estates scoring top marks were; Kirby Frith
Hamilton, Kirby Frith and St. Matthews. 12/11/2010 - Starting at 10.00am. Meet The event included a self defence class, a healthy eating focus and a pampering session.
This is extremely encouraging, not only are more beside the basketball court on Ryder Road The opportunity was also taken to promote the group to more of our service users.
estates achieving an A, but also St Matthews
St Andrews A total of 20 women gathered for the day from across our range of support services,
has maintained the A from last year. including SAFE, mental health, tenancy support and elderly support services. SAFE team
13/11/2010 - Starting at 10.00am.
Meet at beginning of Baysdale Road leader Meena Kumari demonstrated self defence with the help of a trainer with many of
the women then having a go themselves.
Staff from the Leicester General Hospital presented the group with a nutrition class
19/11/2010 -Starting at 10.00am. Meet
before lunch showing the importance of a healthy diet alongside good exercise. After
outside St Peters Court – 4 St Peters Road
lunch FHA staff were on hand to provide makeovers and henna tattoos.
Eyres Monsell
The day was a great success with members telling us:
26/11/2010 - Starting at 10.00am.
Meet at beginning of Caversham Road • It was an excellent day; I wish we had this every month!
• I learnt so much about healthy eating
• I enjoyed the keep fit session – thank you!
Cawston Rd Area

27/11/2010 - Starting at 10.00am. We are really pleased that this group is Domestic Violence
Meet at beginning of Cawston Road providing women with an environment in Support
which to socialise, gain confidence and have a
The Maltings Area voice. We look forward to continuing our work
27/11/2010 -10.45am. Meet at with them and building on this success. orWomen
beginning of The Maltings

4 5
Foundation news

Asbestos in the home

Policy update
Zero tolerance
policy in place
Foundation Housing is here to
For most of us, asbestos is What is asbestos?
Safely managing asbestos
help our customers but also has a Asbestos are a group of
duty to provide a safe and secure one of those things you feel minerals that were widely used What is FHA doing now?
working environment for its staff. worried about finding in your in building materials from the
1950s until the mid 1980s.
• We already have some records of any
asbestos in the homes we manage. We are
FHA now operates a Zero Tolerance Policy home, but you’re probably Asbestos became popular because now carrying out a detailed survey of homes
which states that violent and abusive of its ability to make materials more rigid and
behaviour from customers will not be not sure why. resistant to heat. It was used in things like
to make sure our records are up to date and
to check that in the homes where asbestos
tolerated. FHA will take decisive action to ceiling tiles, bath panels, cold water tanks, is present, we are managing it properly.
protect its staff and those working on its roofing, guttering and drainpipes. We have to
take care with asbestos, because we now know • Over the next four years, our partners Tersus
behalf such as contractors.
that exposure to asbestos fibres can be harmful. will carry out surveys of our homes to make
The policy sets out the types of sure our records are up to date and to check
behaviour it considers unacceptable, that we are safely managing any asbestos in
Why is asbestos harmful?
and this could include: our homes.
When asbestos materials age or become
• When we are ready to carry out surveys
• Violence or threats of violence damaged they can release fibres into the air
in your area, we will write to you and let
• Intimidating behaviour which can be breathed in and potentially
you know that a Tersus surveyor will be
cause damage in the lung. People who have
• Abusive or insulting language including contacting you to make an appointment.
breathed in high levels of the fibres are at risk
excessive swearing of lung disease including cancers. It is usually • During their visit, surveyors will need access
• Derogatory racial or sexual remarks people who have worked with asbestos that are to all parts of your property, including any
most at risk and nowadays those people are roof spaces, garages or outbuildings. The
• Malicious allegations
protected by strict health and safety laws. Surveyors will all carry identity badges and
• Damage to or threats of damage the survey itself is perfectly safe.
to property
It’s true that asbestos can pose health So, should I be worried about asbestos • The Surveyor will be very happy to explain
If a member of staff does feel intimidated risks. But, like gas or electricity in the home, in my home? the survey to you and answer your questions
in any way they have a number of when they visit.
if it is managed properly, it is actually no As long as asbestos containing materials are
sanctions they can use. These range cause for concern. in good order and not disturbed, they will not • We’ll let you know the results of the survey
from terminating a conversation to pose a risk to your health. As your landlord, and whether we need to carry out any work.
FHA has recently joined forces with Tersus - a
ultimately taking legal action against FHA has a duty to make sure your home is
the individual’s tenancy, if the behaviour
specialist asbestos company - to make sure our
safe; and as part of that, we are helping them What do I do if I’m worried about
approach to checking for and safely managing asbestos in my home?
continues and worsens. to make sure that any materials containing
asbestos in your home is top notch.
asbestos are in good order. So, as long as you You can find more information by reading our
We do understand that everyone gets let us carry out our checks to see whether you
We asked one of the Tersus surveyors to tell us asbestos leaflet; available in our offices or on
frustrated sometimes, but we would have asbestos in your property; and then follow the website. You can speak to your housing
a bit more about asbestos and what it might
always ask that our customers treat our mean to tenants. any advice we give you on what to do if we do officer or our customer services team on:
staff and contractors with respect. find asbestos, you can have peace of mind that 0844 892 9000
your health is not at risk.

6 7
Foundation news

A Word from

The Local approach…

the Operations
Over the last few y
FHA has worked with
its customers
to continually improv
e services. For exam
have already seen ple, we
We have divided our housing stock across the
city into 16 different areas. These can be seen So what exactly? management and
improvements in our
rent collection levels
below. Your home will of course sit in one of You may be wondering what this will mean on the this year. We have throughout
worked with members
these areas. If you are not sure which area you ground. Well, it may be that we need to improve Midlands Housing G of East
roup to provide the cu
come in or do not think your home is in the opportunities for customer involvement or have service centre and stomer
introduced an appo
right area then please let us know. a better understanding of the diverse needs of system with TOPS intments
to provide a better
residents where you live. repairs service.
Additionally our su
• Braunstone • North Evington pported housing se
to improve with our SA rvices continue
FE project achievin
• Braunstone • St Andrews rating following an g an ‘A’
assessment in Jun
Frith time to take things e. It is now
• St Matthews to the next level an
• EyRES Monsell Offers project is a d the Local
• West End fantastic opportunity
• Hamilton more closely with ou to work
r customers than ev
• Woodgate er before.
• Humberstone We look forward to
speaking and mee
• Wigston the next few weeks ting with you in
• Kirby Frith to set out, deliver an
local offers. d monitor the
• NothfIELDs • HighfIELDs
The Tenant Services Authority has • Mowmacre Hill • Spinney Hill Alison Morley, Opera
tions Manager
You might decide that there are issues with
asked housing providers up and the quality of the accommodation we provide,
down the country to engage with In the coming weeks we will be contacting perhaps at the point at which new tenants get
their customers to set up ‘Local you to find out what the issues are in their keys. Alternatively there could be issues with Foundation Friends
your area and how we can then adapt how we deliver the repairs service in your area.
Offers’ of service. our service delivery to try and meet those
To help shape and monitor how well we deliver
Perhaps where we provide communal cleaning or the Local Offers our aim is to have a Foundation
This means that whilst we have a set of service needs. We will be contacting you in a landscaping services this needs to be changed or Friend for each area.
promises and standards that we have applied number of different ways including: improved to reflect tenant’s views.
A ‘Foundation Friend’ is someone who:
across the board, there is recognition that one • Postal surveys It could be that there are wider issues in your • Can contact us about any issue relating to
size doesn’t fit all. The needs of our tenants • Telephone calls local area that need addressing such as anti-social your area or estate on behalf of other residents
living in different parts of the city may well be behaviour, or how local agencies and groups
• Door to door visits • Is an extra pair of ‘eyes and ears’ on the ground
different and the way we deliver services should co-operate for the benefit or your community.
• Emails to ensure services are delivered efficiently
reflect that fact. It really is up to you to decide what is most and effectively
• Text messages important, so that together we can then agree
We are therefore now working to develop ‘local’ • Will help us carry out estate walkabouts
versions of our service to make sure they are the local offer or offers that will benefit the needs and inspections
This really is an
relevant to YOU and YOUR community. Of in your area. • Will be entitled to £25 shopping vouchers
excellent opportunity
course you our customers are key to making this to tell us what you Once we have the offers in place, our One Group twice a year
work. We have discussed our approach with the think and what local Customer Council, Foundation Friends and East We have openings for a number of local areas so
One Group Customer Council in September and offers your area needs Midlands Housing Group tenant inspectors will please come forward and get stuck in. It really is
are now presenting it to the wider audience. so don’t miss out! play an important role in making sure we are a great opportunity to help us shape and improve
meeting the local standards we’ve developed with services and hold us to account if we don’t deliver.
you for your area.

8 9
Foundation news

Summer Seas What f

Domestic Violence


activities Happened
Our Floating Support Focus Group continues to benefit from the
Grassroots funding it secured earlier this year. Over the summer
the group took part and enjoyed two day trips together.
A mixture of relaxation and information at Rutland Water in July provided In the third of our series we meet Victoria,
the perfect atmosphere for the group. A guided tour on the Rutland Belle one of our customers receiving support from
gave the story of its creation in the 1970s as well as an insight into the our SAFE team.
wildlife that flourishes there.
So Victoria what inspired you to want to share your story?
In September the group headed east to enjoy a day at Skegness.
When I visited the office I noticed the really nice pictures
Thankfully the weather was kind, which made everybody’s day. As well on the walls but saw there were none of disabled people, so I
as making the most of the sea, members visited Natureland. Highlights wanted to do something about it.
included butterflies, reptiles and a beautiful display of flowers.
So tell us about you.
Both of these trips have helped service users from across our floating
Well, I have Cerebral Palsy which is quite common with around 1 in 400 children
support services to interact with one another, overcome social isolation having this condition in the UK. Often it is a result of complications before or during birth if the brain becomes
and gain confidence. One member had never seen the sea before so it was a truly starved of oxygen which causes damage. For some the effects are mild, for others like me it affects all four limbs
significant experience for her. Additionally the group spent time looking at our approach to delivering as well as my speech. I am a proud disabled lady living in Leicester and am studying English and Maths so that
‘Local Offers’ of service to its customers. Going forward the group continues to comment on and help I can one day become a counsellor for other disabled people. It is not easy being disabled and as an outgoing,
improve the delivery of our services. friendly person I want to be treated like everyone else without being judged for my disability.
So what was it like growing up with your condition?
How are we doing?
It was difficult because there was a lot of misunderstanding about disability; people were often ashamed

and didn’t like to talk about it. As I child I would go to Nottingham for tests to be told I was having my
head measured for a new hat, but I never actually got the hat. It was only as I grew older I figured out
We are still heading in the right direction to deliver continuously T what was going on! Also children could be pretty cruel calling me names. This did make me feel like a
improving efficient and high quality services. bit of an alien and often people spoke down to me. Getting older I began to get stronger in myself and
Please see below for your autumn update. more confident. I decided that I wouldn’t let others get me down as I know the hurdles I have had to
overcome and often still do.
Rent Arrears The percentage of uncollected rent currently stands at 4.73%,
which is lower than reported in our summer edition and closer to our target of 4.5% So how much does your disability affect your day to day life?
It varies from day to day, sometimes I can get lots done and other days the pain in my legs really
Empty homes We are continuing to get our empty properties ready for letting with limits how much I can get around. Crossing the road can be difficult because the lights change so
an average turnaround time of 3.5 days. Our performance in this area is still amongst the quickly. Public transport can be tricky because people often take up the disabled seats on buses.
best in the country. Please don’t do that!
Repairs completion times Our completion times are up slightly to 98.64% and How has the SAFE team been able to support you?
satisfaction levels with repairs are up over 3 percent to 94.57%. They are helping me with a range of issues including my budget, housing, helping me access the
Please keep letting us know what you think about our service so we can keep making it right services and support as well as encouragement with my studies. Their support is helping me to
better for you! keep on the right track!
Women who have been affected by domestic violence and would like to talk to one of the Safe team
in confidence can call Free phone: 0800 0223353.

10 11
Foundation news

f Customers question
Domestic Violence

Policy update

Anti Harassment
A number of our residents have recently approached their Housing Officers about
Policy SAFE team dogs causing a nuisance.

Following changes in the law which take

top of the class! R Our advice is if you are concerned about uncontrolled dogs in your area then the first
port of call is the Leicester City Council dog warden service. If a stray or dangerous

effect in October 2010 Foundation Housing
dog is spotted you should contact them straight away via the Environmental service
has adopted an Anti-harassment policy. The
Line on 0116 2527001. Please provide the location and a description of the dog and
Equality Act 2010 replaces a number of other Our SAFE project has been given an ‘A’ rating
the dog warden will attend as soon as possible.

equality laws such as Race Relations Act by Leicester City Council following a recent
1976 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995. review of the service. If dogs are fouling on a public foot path or on a road you can report this to the same
number and the Leicester City Councils Cleansing Department will respond and
It covers the same groups (i.e. age, Set up in 2009, the service delivers support to up

arrange a clear up of the fouling within 48 Hours.
disability, race, sex, sexual orientation, to 48 women at any one time who are experiencing
gender reassignment, religion or belief, or have experienced domestic violence. The visit We would of course advise all of our customers to ensure that they keep their dogs
marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy which was conducted in June included service user under control at all times. If you are considering getting a dog please write to us first
and maternity) as before. These are now interviews, discussions with staff and managers as to obtain written permission as not all FHA homes are allowed to have a dog.
know as ‘protected characteristics’. well as checks on service user files.
Harassment is defined as: “Unwanted The report from the council stated that SAFE
conduct related to protected characteristics
which has the purpose or the effect of
‘is an excellent service operating at an extremely
high level. It systematically consults with
Customers Inspections
violating an individual’s dignity or creating an stakeholders and service users ensuring that the
intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating
or offensive environment for that person."
service is constantly improving.
The service users evidenced high levels of
take the lead EMHG’s new
Key points of the policy are that FHA has a satisfaction and were able to give numerous Tenant Inspectors,
Customers from across the East Midlands
duty to protect and support its customers examples of how the service improved their having completed
Housing Group are getting access to the
suffering from harassment. Therefore we will: lives. The staff are operating at an extremely high inspections of
most senior levels of the organisation
• Encourage reporting of harassment level being involved in developing the service, four EMHA/FHA
with the Group Customer Council.
• Support people experiencing harassment managing complex cases as well as developing and estates including
delivering training packages to service users and The Council, a key part of our ongoing Beaumont Leys
• Take action against perpetrators of
other agencies.’ work with tenants and service users has and Kirby Frith,are
• Encourage others to support complainants The ‘A’ rating is a first for Foundation Housing as met on three occasions this year. They now moving on to a programme of inspections
and give evidence well as for East Midlands Housing Group as a whole. have covered a wide range of topics from covering empty properties (prior to being let),
• Promote awareness of the diversity of Managing Director Nikki Chawda said ‘This is a really the financial performance of all of the reception areas and communal areas.
residents to both staff and residents excellent result for the project and the organisation as subsidiaries, compared performance with
other providers as well as scrutinising the The group of five residents from East Midlands
• Where possible legal action would be a whole. The team have worked really hard, and with
recent tenant inspectors’ reports. Housing, Foundation Housing and Three Oaks
taken against an FHA tenant the support of colleagues and partner agencies we
Homes are now fully trained and equipped.
• We will offer the victim support and advice are rightly proud of what has been achieved in such
The group provides an excellent They are ensuring that we deliver on our
• We will assist with rehousing if required if a short space of time. It has had a significant impact
opportunity to influence the direction and promises and are helping us to deal with any
the victim is a resident on many women’s lives and made its mark on the
help drive improvements from a customer’s issues that they discover.
domestic violence agenda in the city.’
If you have any thoughts, comments point of view. The group is due to meet at
Women who have been affected by domestic If you would like to learn more about tenant
of concerns about this policy or this the Group Support Centre in Coalville on
violence and would like to talk to one of the inspections or get involved in the Group
subject then please contact us for advice the 30th November 2010.
Safe team in confidence can call Free phone: Customer Council contact Tony Brooks on
on 0116 2544230.
0800 0223353. 0116 2587814.

12 13
Foundation news

Looking back, moving forward Making Ends

As part of our 21st anniversary celebrations, Foundation Housing invited some of its
Introducing… Meet Alert!
founding members to a ‘Local look back lunch’ in August. The event was arranged with Keeping you in the know as to who’s
the help of the African Caribbean Citizens Forum (ACCF) and the team running the As Christmas
who at FHA. In this edition we introduce
summer activities programme at the African Caribbean Centre on Maidstone Road. preparations begin
Catherine Harrogate. Catherine has
please make sure
Forming part of the summer activities programme, young people and FHA staff interviewed some of the been at FHA since July 2009 as part of the
you don’t forget to
pioneers that set up ‘Youth Foundation’ in the 1970s. A vivid picture of the challenges of the era was YourFoundation Mental Health Support Service having
prioritise making your rent
painted alongside some of the struggles and challenges that were overcome to establish the Youth transferred from Carr-Gomm. The service helps those with
payments. If you do have any
Foundation Hostel. In challenging times the group of pioneers managed to dispel cultural misunderstandings, mental health difficulties living in independent accommodation
concerns or difficulties, please
obtain funding and turn a derelict building in to the first hostel for young African Caribbean men. in the community. Catherine told us:
contact us so that we can help
‘We help people facing difficulties managing and sustaining you get through them. We have
Voices rang clear across the afternoon about the continuing need for services and support for the community.
their tenancy which has an effect on their mental health. Along a number of ways to pay to suit
Many felt that issues facing young black people had not changed since those early days. Managing Director
with my colleague Debbie we support 18 people at any one your needs so please call us on
Nikki Chawda updated guests with the FHA journey since it registered with the Housing Corporation in
time. I really enjoy working with my service users and it’s great 2544230 and we will be glad
1989 and its recent successes providing a wide range of housing and support services across the city.
being part of the team at Foundation.’ to help.
For more information contact Catherine Whatever you do, make sure

on 2544230. you don’t lose your home!

Did you know that if Elderly Support Service
you are aged 60 or
over you are eligible
for the One Pass?
Did you know that Foundation Housing has an excellent service
specifically designed to help those who are over 50 living in
Leicester? We provide floating support to older tenants living in
Autumn Wordsearch
The City Council scheme independent self-contained accommodation provided by Leicester Congratulations to Mariam Ibrahim of Brambling Road who found all 13 beach balls and
opens up a range of City Council, any housing association or private landlords. Mr Hancock from Woodshaw Rise who kept his rent up to date and reaped a reward!
citywide concessions for all The housing related support we can provide includes: Keep your account up to date and have a go at our autumn word search for your chance for
those aged 60 and over. some shopping vouchers. We will pull out the winners on the 1st of November
• Helping you to maintain and sustain your current home or help
The Onepass is a bus you to move into a home more suitable for your needs Rain R E T C H P O L X E G D S O L
pass sized wallet which • Assisting you with Housing/Welfare Benefits Harvest O A T Z S U B E B O K X U P E NAME: .........................
includes a quick reference • Assisting you to access services in the community and other November H E I N S B R A M C I U M E A ....................................
guide outlining many services that can help you live independently Warm A P P N C L E V E I O B M R F
of the offers available. • Advice with managing your finances, money management September R C U I A I E S T N C L R U B ADDRESS: ....................
You can save money on and debt issues Cold V R E Z R S Z I P E T C D M L
dining out, shopping in ....................................
• Help to manage your tenancy, assist with any issues and Scarf E E R O F D E X E O O P Z F O
Leicester and discounts on
prevent homelessness Leaf blower S B C L E A V E S M P A T L W ....................................
• Providing an out of hour’s emergency support service Leaves T M S H I N A U T A E T J O E
If you would like to apply Rake R E S E A S O N E G H R P A R
Our Supported Housing Officers visit on a regular basis at a time
for a Onepass visit your O V E C O N K R P L L A F E E ....................................
that works for you. They will support you to maintain your Toffee apple
nearest city council P O N H A N S O L E O K R E S
independence so that you can live the way Season
customer service centre, B N T E A R F O R T E E A M I TEL NO: .......................
that you want to. If you feel that just a little Fall
call 2527000 for U W A R M T R E B M E T P E S
bit of support would go a long way give us a Breeze ....................................
more details. F E L S E L P P A E E F F O T
call today on 0116 2544230. Hat

14 15
Foundation news

Foundation Housing Association

If you would like information in another language, large print, Braille
or audiotape, please contact the Association on 0116 2544230

Contact Us...
For more information about Foundation News, or suggestions for
improving it, please contact us. You can:
Write to: Foundation Housing Association
8 Faraday Court, 40 Conduit Street,
Leicester LE2 0JN Our office hours are
Telephone: 0116 2544230 9am to 5pm Monday,
Email: [email protected] Tuesday, Thursday and
Web: Friday and 9am to 2pm
on Wednesdays.

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