Instructions For Installation, Operation, Care, and Maintenance
Instructions For Installation, Operation, Care, and Maintenance
Instructions For Installation, Operation, Care, and Maintenance
Instructions for
• Available with 175 psi (12.1 bar) or 300 psi
Installation, Operation, Care, (20.7 bar) Rated Solenoid Valve
and Maintenance • Externally Resettable Clapper
7 to 10 psi (0.5 to 0.7 bar) Pneumatic Supervising • One Main Drain
Pressure with Electric/Electric Actuation Controlled by
a Cross-Zoned Releasing Control Panel
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523
General Listings & Approvals:
The Reliable Model DDX Type D Double Interlock Preaction (Only when used with Reliable Trim Sets.)
system is designed for water sensitive areas that require protec- 1. Reliable’s Type D Double Interlock Preaction Systems
tion from inadvertent water flow into the sprinkler system piping, 2” (50 mm), 2½” (65 mm), 76 mm and 3” (80 mm), 4”
but where a mechanical backup for the electric release is not (100 mm), 165 mm, 6” (150 mm) and 8” (200 mm) are
required. Typical applications for this type of system are libraries Factory Mutual Approved Refrigerated Area Sprinkler
and computer server rooms. Systems for use in refrigerated rooms or buildings. Re-
To release the valve and flow water into a Type D Double Inter- frigerated area sprinkler systems are FM Approved as
lock Preaction System, two events must take place: a fire detec- complete systems. Systems are FM Approved for use
tion device must operate, and the low pressure switch must be with thermal detectors and Class A detector wiring only.
operated by the loss of system air or nitrogen pressure due to 2. Reliable’s Type D Double Interlock Preaction Systems
sprinkler operation (see note 1 below). These two signals must 2” (50 mm), 2½” (65 mm), 76 mm, 3” (80 mm), 4” (100
coexist at the releasing control panel, which only then will ener- mm), 165 mm, 6” (150 mm) and 8” (200 mm) are Un-
gize the normally closed solenoid valve (175 psi (12.1 bar) or derwriters Laboratories, Inc. Listed and UL certified for
300 psi (20.7 bar) rated), causing the water flow into the system. Canada (cULus) in the Special System Water Control
These systems utilize fire detection devices and system air Valve-Double Interlock Type (VLJH) category.
pressure as separate zones (inputs) to a cross-zoned releasing
control panel. The solenoid releasing valve remains closed until Note: Wherever the word “air” is used in this bulletin as a
energized by the releasing control panel. This will occur only reference to the pneumatic pressure source it shall also
when both a fire detection device is operated and the low air mean “air or nitrogen.”
pressure switch has detected sufficient loss of system air pres-
sure generally resulting from the operation of a fire sprinkler.
In the event that the system piping is ruptured, or a sprinkler
System Operation
When set correctly for service, the Model DDX Deluge Valve
is accidentally opened, the low air pressure switch will operate
is hydraulically established to separate the supply water from
and an alarm will sound. The Model DDX Deluge Valve, howev-
the sprinkler system piping. The Reliable Model DDX Deluge
er, will not release water since the solenoid valve remains closed
Valve is shown in both closed and open positions in Fig. 1. In
due since the detection system has not activated.
the closed position, the supply pressure acts on the underside
Conversely, in the event of a false alarm from the detection
of the clapper and also on the pushrod through the pushrod
system, the Model DDX Deluge Valve will not release water pro-
chamber inlet restriction. The resultant force due to the supply
vided air pressure in the system is maintained and the low pres-
pressure acting on the pushrod is multiplied by the mechanical
sue switch is not activated. The requirement for both detector
advantage of the lever and is more than sufficient to hold the
operation and loss of system pressure before the Model DDX
clapper closed against normal supply pressure surges.
Type D Double Interlock Preaction system releases water as-
Whenever the detection system is activated and a low system
sures maximum protection against inadvertent water flow.
air pressure condition coexist, the solenoid valve is energized
At the heart of the Reliable Type D Double Interlock Preac-
open which vents the pushrod chamber to atmosphere through
tion System is the Model DDX Deluge Valve. This deluge valve
the chamber outlet. Since the pressure can not be replenished
is a hydraulically operated, straight-through-design, differential
through the inlet restriction as rapidly as it is vented, the push-
latching clapper-type (see Fig. 1). System maintenance is sim-
rod chamber pressure falls instantaneously. When the pushrod
plified since the deluge valve can be reset extermally without
chamber pressure approaches approximately on-third of the
removing the cover plate. This feature provides a significant
supply pressure, the upward force of the supply pressure acting
system-restoration time advantage. The Model DDX Deluge
beneath the clapper overcomes the lever applied force thereby
Valve has an intermediate chamber and thereby does not re-
opening the clapper.
quire an in-line air check valve. Subsequently, the deluge valve
Once the clapper has opened, the lever acts as a latch, pre-
only requires a single drain connection.
venting the clapper from returning to the closed position. Water
The Reliable Model DDX Type D Double Interlock Preaction
from the supply flows through the Deluge Valve into the sprinkler
System trim set provides all of the necessary equipment for
system piping. Water also flows through the alarm outlet to the
connections to the Model DDX Deluge Valve pushrod chamber
alarm devices.
inlet and outlet ports, a 1¼” (30 mm) main drain on 2” (50 mm),
Resetting the clapper of the Model DDX Deluge Valve is ac-
2½” (65 mm), 76 mm and 3” (80 mm) valve sizes or a 2” (50
complished using the convenient external reset knob on the rear
mm) main drain on 4” (100 mm), 165 mm, 6” (150 mm) and 8”
of the valve. The external reset feature of the Model DDX Deluge
(200 mm) valve sizes, alarm devices, air supply, and required
Valve provides a means for simple, economical system testing,
pressure gauges. This trim set is available in individual (loose)
which is one essential facet of a good maintenance program.
parts, in time-saving, segmented assembled kit forms or fully
The external reset feature does not, however, eliminate another
assembled to the Model DDX Deluge Valve (with or without a
important facet of good maintenance, namely, periodic cleaning
control valve).
and inspection of the internal valve parts.
Fig. 1
A valve body drain is provided in the event that water builds Whenever ambient temperature conditions are high, the water
up due to condensate from the air supply system or water left temperature in the Model DDX Deluge Valve pushrod chamber
inside form system testing. After closing the main supply valve, could possibly increase, thereby increasing the pressure in the
the condensate drain can be opened slightly until the water in- chamber to values exceeding the rated pressure of the system.
side the vale body and main pipe column has drained. See In an indoor installation where standard room temperatures are
the section titled “Draining Excess/Condensate Water from the exceeded, a pressure relief kit may be needed. Pressure relief
System” in this bulletin for the detailed procedure. kit, P/N 6503050001, can be installed into the pushrod cham-
The Model B Manual Emergency Station is included in the Re- ber’s releasing line to limit the pressure to 250 psi (17.2 bar).
liable Type D Double Interlock Preaction System trim sets. It con- Reliable Model DDX Deluge Valve with associated Type D
sists of an aluminum nameplate mechanically attached to a ball Double Interlock Preaction Trims sizes 2” (50 mm), 2½” (65
valve. The valve handle in its OFF position is guarded against mm), 76 mm, 3” (80 mm), 4” (100 mm), 165 mm, 6” (150 mm)
accidental turning to the ON position (and system discharge) and 8” (200 mm) are rated for use at a minimum water sup-
by a nylon cable tie provided with each trim kit. The cable tie is ply pressure of 20 psi (1.4 bar) and a maximum water supply
inserted after the system has been restored for operation. The pressure of 250 psi (17.2 bar) for 2” (50mm), 2½” (65mm), 3”
nylon cable tie is designed to allow, in case of an emergency, (80mm), 76mm and 8” (200mm) valve sizes and 300 psi (20.7
forceful turning of the valve handle to the ON position. As an bar) for 4” (100mm), 6” (150mm) and 165mm valve sizes. Water
alternative to the Model B Hydraulic Manual Emergency Sta- supplied to the inlet of the valve and to the pushrod chamber
tion, the Model A Hydraulic Manual Emergency Pull Box (see must be maintained between 40˚F (4˚C) and 140˚F(60˚C).
Reliable Bulletin 506) is also available and can be provided as
an option.
Fig. 2
Pressurizing Line Connection System Design Considerations
The water supply for the pushrod chamber must be provided The automatic sprinklers, releasing devices, electric releasing
a dedicated connection to the water supply piping. Pressur- control equipment, fire detection devices, manual pull stations,
izing lines for multiple Model DDX Deluge Valve pushrod cham- and signaling devices which are utilized with the Type D Double
bers must never be manifolded together. Each Model DDX Interlock Preaction System must be UL or ULC Listed or FM Ap-
Deluge Valve must have its own pushrod chamber pressurizing proved, as applicable.
line connection. Factory Mutual requires that detection devices in refrigerated
This connection must be made on the supply side of the water areas be of the fixed temperature type. In addition, they must
supply control valve. This can be accomplished by: have a temperature rating lower than that of the sprinklers and
• Using a tapped connection directly below or next to the preferably as low as possible for the given ambient conditions.
main water supply control valve using a welded outlet The Deluge Valve, and all interconnecting piping must be lo-
or the appropriate mechanical fittings. A grooved-end cated in a readily visible and accessible location and in an area
outlet coupling is one way to achieve this; or that can be maintained above 40ºF (4ºC). Note: Heat Tracing
• Using a water supply control valve that has an available is not permitted.
threaded (NPT) supply-side tap design to allow for a di- Pendent sprinklers, other than dry pendents, used on preac-
rect water supply connection to the Model DDX Deluge tion systems shall be installed on return bends per NFPA 13.
Valve’s pushrod chamber. The solenoid valve must be operated and the system super-
Caution: Reliable’s DDX valve is designed with an inlet restric- vised by a listed releasing control panel.
tion built into the pushrod chamber. It is important not to intro-
duce additional restrictions into the direct water supply connec-
System Air Pressure Requirements
In accordance with NFPA 13, Double Interlock Preaction Sys-
tion or the discharge from the pushrod chamber by installing
tems require a minimum of 7 psi (0.5 bar) pneumatic pressure to
additional valves or improperly installing the copper lines used
supervise the sprinkler system. The Reliable Model A Pressure
in the trim of the valve.
Maintenance Device is used to maintain the system pneumatic
Hydrostatic Testing of DDX Valves and DDX pressure between 7 and 10 psi (0.5 and 0.7 bar) where a dry
Systems nitrogen gas supply or a clean, dependable and continuous (24
As required by NFPA 13, fire sprinkler systems with working hours a day, 7 days a week) compressed air source is available.
pressures up to and including 150 psi are to be hydrostatically To adjust the system pneumatic pressure between 7 and 10
tested at a water pressure of 200 psi. Fire sprinkler systems with psi (0.5 and 0.7 bar) refer to Reliable Bulletin 251. The low air
working pressures above 150 psi are required to be hydrostati- pressure alarm switch is factory set to operate between 5 and
cally tested at 50 psi above the system working pressure. In ad- 6 psi (0.3 and 0.4 bar) on decreasing pressure. If necessary,
dition to the hydrostatic tests described above, dry pipe and adjustments can be made by following the manufacturer’s ad-
double interlock preaction systems require an additional low justment procedure as described in the installation and mainte-
pressure air test. nance instructions.
In some cases, hydrostatic testing (in accordance with the Note: The dew point of the air supply must be maintained be-
NFPA 13 requirements noted above) will result in pressures that low the lowest ambient temperature to which the double inter-
exceed the working pressure of the valve and trim kit for the two- lock preaction system piping will be exposed. Introduction of
hour test period. The valve and applicable trim kit have been moisture into the system piping that is exposed to freezing tem-
tested, approved and listed under these conditions and as peratures can create ice blockage, which could prevent proper
such, hydrostatic testing in accordance with NFPA 13 is ac- operation of the sprinkler system. As a minimum, the air supply
ceptable. In addition, the clapper can remain in the closed of air should be taken from the refrigerated area at the lowest
position and the trim kit need not be isolated, as each has temperature. The air supply system must be carefully designed
been designed to withstand hydrostatic testing as required to prevent plugging by frost deposits. Special requirements
by NFPA 13. such as those in FME&R Installation Guidelines for Refrigerated
Hydrostatically testing the valve and trim to pressures Storage may need to be incorporated.
higher than their rating is limited to the hydrostatic test as ref- Each Type D Double Interlock Preaction system is provided
erenced by NFPA 13. It does not address the occurrence(s) with a Reliable Model A Pressure Maintenance Device for indi-
of a “water hammer” effect, which can indeed damage the vidual monitoring of pneumatic pressure and proper operation
valve. A “water hammer” in the water supply piping of the of the system. The Reliable Model A Pressure Maintenance De-
valve can create pressures in excess of the rated pressure vice requires a tank mounted air compressor.
and should be avoided by all necessary means. This con-
dition may be created from improper fire pump settings,
underground construction work, or an improper venting of
trapped air in the water supply piping.
System Electrical Requirements an external reset knob for resetting the clapper without requiring
All releasing and detection devices in Reliable’s Model DDX the removal of the valve face plate. Pushrod chamber design
Type D Double Interlock Preaction System may be operated shall consist of a stainless steel piston/ pushrod and spring as-
and supervised by the PFC-4410-RC Releasing Control Panel. sembly with diaphragm seal secured to the casting through a
An emergency manual pull station should be provided near the pushrod guide constructed of a synthetic engineering plastic
sprinkler riser to facilitate setup of the system. to resist corrosion. Casting shall have a bleeder hole located on
The power supply, the standby emergency power supply, bat- the pushrod chamber for air/water leakage indication. Trip ratio
tery charger, and the rectifier circuitry are all contained within shall be approximately a 3:1 force differential. Deluge valve shall
the Potter PFC-4410-RC Releasing Control Panel. Batteries that be of the straight through design to minimize friction loss. Inlet
provide ninety hours of standby power are required for Factory restriction orifice shall be factory installed into the inlet port of the
Mutual Approved systems. deluge valve pushrod cover plate and not be a separate part of
The Potter PFC-4410-RC Releasing Control Panel can utilize the deluge valve trim. End connection style to be [2” (50 mm)]
either 120VAC or 220VAC. [2½” (65 mm)][76 mm] [3” (80 mm)][4” (100 mm)][165 mm]
Note: [6” (150 mm)][8” (200mm)] grooved, per ANSI/AWWA C606 or
In order for the solenoid valve to maintain a warranty it must flanged per ASME B16.5 or ISO 7005. Deluge valve shall have
remain sealed as it came from the factory. If there are con- a rated working pressure of 250 psi (17.2 bar) for 2” (50mm),
cerns about the valve’s internal components, immediate re- 2½” (65mm), 3” (80mm), 76mm and 8” (200mm) valve sizes
placement is recommended. and 300 psi (20.7 bar) for 4” (100mm), 6” (150mm) and 165mm
Standard Solenoid Valve Specifications: valve sizes and shall be factory hydrostatic tested at 500 psi
Skinner Model 73218BN4UNLVN0C111C2 (34.5 bar) for 2” (50mm), 2½” (65mm), 3” (80mm), 76mm and
Rated working pressure: 175 psi (12.1 bar) 8” (200mm) valve sizes and 600 psi (41.4 bar) for 4” (100mm),
Voltage: 24 VDC 6” (150mm) and 165mm valve sizes.
Power: 10 Watts Deluge valve to be [2” (50 mm)][2½” (65 mm)][76 mm] [3” (80
Current: 0.41 Amps Holding mm)][4” (100 mm)][165 mm][6” (150 mm)][8” (200 mm)] Reli-
Enclosure Coil: NEMA 4X able Model DDX Deluge Valve (Bulletin 519).
Pipe Size: ½” NPT Female Valve trim shall be Type D electric/electric release trim consist-
Cv Factor: 4.0 ing of the following components:
• Hydraulic trim to be galvanized and brass components.
Alternate Solenoid Valve Specifications: All trims and components to be listed/Approved with the
Skinner Model 73212BN4TNLVN0C322C2 Deluge Valve, including associated pressure gauges,
Rated working pressure: 300 psi (20.7 bar) 1¼” or 2” drain connection, alarm devices, alarm test
Voltage: 24 VDC and pushrod chamber connections.
Power: 22 Watts • Electrical two-way, normally closed, pilot operated so-
Current: 0.83 Amps Holding lenoid valve [cULus] [FM Approved] for its intended
Enclosure Coil: NEMA 4X use. The solenoid valve shall be constructed of a brass
Pipe Size: ½” NPT Female body with stainless steel sleeve tube, springs, stop and
Cv Factor: 2.8 plunger, and with ½” female NPT end connections. So-
Type D Double Interlock Preaction Systems lenoid valve shall have a maximum working pressure of
Engineering Specification [175 psi (12.1 bar)] [300 psi (20.7 bar)] and a maximum
2” (50 mm), 2½” (65 mm), 76 mm, 3” (80 mm), 4” (100 mm), ambient temperature rating of 150ºF (66ºC). Power con-
165 mm, 6” (150 mm) and 8” (200 mm) sumption of the integrated coil shall be limited to [10
Model DDX Deluge Valve watts for the 175 psi (12.1 bar) rated] [22 watts for the
Preaction System shall be a Double Interlock Preaction Sys- 300 psi (20.7 bar) rated] and require 24 VDC from a re-
tem utilizing a [2” (50 mm)][2½” (65 mm)][76 mm] [3” (80 mm)] leasing Control Panel listed for such service. Solenoid
[4” (100 mm)][165 mm][6” (150 mm][8” (200 mm)] [cULus shall be a Skinner ½” normally closed solenoid valve
Listed] [Factory Mutual Approved] Reliable Model DDX Deluge [73218BN4UNLVNOC111C2 (175 psi (12.1 bar) rated)]
Valve. Deluge valve shall be a [2” (50 mm)][2½” (65 mm)][76 [73212BN4TNLVNOC322C2 (300 psi (20.7 bar) rated)].
mm] [3” (80 mm)][4” (100 mm)][165 mm][6” (150 mm][8” (200 • Low air pressure switch to indicate loss of air pressure in
mm)] [cULus Listed] [Factory Mutual Approved] hydraulically system piping. Pressure switch shall be [cULus Listed]
operated, differential latching-clapper type valve. Deluge Valve [ FM Approved] and of the bellows activated type en-
construction shall be of lightweight, ductile iron construction with closed in a weatherproof NEMA 4/4X rated enclosure
either a “screw in” stainless steel seat and clapper assembly or incorporating tamper proof screws. There shall be two
drop in bronze seat and clapper assembly. Stainless steel or sets of SPDT (form C) contacts rated 10.0 A @ 125/250
Bronze seat shall have O-ring seals to resist leakage and cor- VAC and 2.5 A @ 6/12/24 VDC. The pressure switch
rosion. Clapper facing shall be pressure actuated, providing a shall have a maximum service pressure rating of 250 psi
limited compression seat for the sealing force between the clap- (17.2 bar) and shall be factory adjusted to operate at a
per rubber facing and the valve seat. Deluge valve shall have pressure of 4 to 8 psi (0.27 to 0.55 bar) with adjustment
up to 15 psi (1.03 bar). Switch shall be provided with a
½” NPT male pressure connection. Low air supervisory
6. switch shall be Potter PS10-2.
• Pressure alarm switch to indicate water flow in system. Optional System Accessories
Pressure switch shall be [cULus Listed] [FM Approved] System Control Valve
and of the bellows activated type enclosed in a weather
Preaction system control valve shall be a slow close, [cULus
proof NEMA 4/4X rated enclosure incorporating tamper
Listed] indicating butterfly type valve with a pre-wired super-
proof screws. There shall be two sets of SPDT (form
visory tamper switch assembly. The valve shall be rated for a
C) contacts rated 10.0 A @ 125/250 VAC and 2.5 A @
working pressure of [300 psi (20.7 bar)]. System control valve
6/13/24 VDC. The pressure switch shall have a maxi-
shall be for a [2” (50 mm)] Gruvlok AN7722-3A Butterfly Valve or
mum service pressure rating of 250 psi (17,2 bar) and
[2½” (65 mm)][3” (80 mm)][4” (100 mm)][6” (150 mm][8” (200
shall be factory adjusted to operate at a pressure of 4
mm] - Reliable BFG-300 Butterfly Valve.
to 8 psi (0,27 to 0,55 bar) with adjustment up to the 15
psi (1,03 bar). Switch shall be provided with a 1/2” NPT Detection System
male pressure connection. Pressure alarm switch shall To initiate actuation of the preaction system’s deluge valve, a
be Potter PS10-2. supplemental electric detection system shall be provided [In-
• Pressure maintenance device for maintaining a con- sert applicable product specification].
stant pneumatic system pressure regardless of pres- Releasing/Control Panel
sure fluctuations in the compressed air (or nitrogen) A releasing/control panel shall be used to operate the preac-
source. The pressure maintenance device shall consist tion system. The releasing/control panel shall be a conventional,
of galvanized trim and brass parts, including a strainer, microprocessor-controlled panel containing two initiating device
a field adjustable air pressure regulator and associated circuits, and waterflow and supervisory inputs. Output circuits
pressure gauge. The pressure regulator shall have an shall include alarm, waterflow, supervisory, and releasing cir-
adjustable outlet pressure range of 5 to 100 psi (0.34 to cuits. Mode of operation shall be set for cross zoned operation,
6.8 bar). The pressure maintenance device shall have a requiring both a detection device input and a low air pressure
working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar). Recommended switch input (sprinkler operation) to energize the solenoid valve,
supervisory pressure shall be 7 to 10 psi (0.5 to 0.7 bar). causing the deluge valve to operate. Releasing/control panel
Pressure maintenance device shall be Reliable Model shall be equipped with a local tone alarm to annunciate loss
A. of AC power, system trouble, circuit trouble, and low auxiliary
Double Interlock Preaction System shall be Reliable Double DC power supply. Panel shall be [cULus Listed] [FM Approved]
Interlock Type D Preaction System, Bulletin 750. and be capable of providing power for compatible detectors
and auxiliary devices used. Audible alarms shall be able to be
Pneumatic Supervisory Pressure Supply Options
silenced at releasing panel. Auxiliary DC power supply shall
Note: See Reliable Bulletins 254 and 251 for complete
consist of (2) 12-volt lead acid batteries of the same ampere-
information on air and nitrogen regulating equipment.
hour rating, providing [60 hours – cULus Listed] [90 hours – FM
Owner’s Air supply
Approved]. Dry contacts shall be provided for remote annun-
Supervisory air supply shall be provided by an owner sup- ciation of alarm, trouble, and supervisory panel signals. Main
plied air system in conjunction with a listed automatic pressure power supply to be a dedicated a 120 VAC / 60 Hz circuit.
maintenance device, capable of maintaining a constant system Technical Data
pressure regardless of pressure fluctuations in the compressed Reliable Double Interlock Type D Preaction Systems, with associ-
air source. ated trim, size 2” (50 mm), 2½” (65 mm), 76 mm, 3” (80 mm), 4”
Compressed Air Supply (100 mm), 165 mm, 6” (150 mm), 8” (200 mm) are rated for use at
Supervisory air supply shall be provided by an automatic tank- minimum water supply pressure of 20 psi (1.4 bar) and maximum
mounted air compressor sized for the capacity of the double supply pressure of 250 psi (17.2 bar) for 2” (50mm), 21/2” (65mm),
interlock preaction system piping, and be capable of restoring 3” (80mm), 76mm and 8” (200mm) valve sizes and 300 psi (20.7
normal air pressure in the system within the time limits specified bar) for 4” (100mm), 6” (150mm) and 165mm valve sizes. Water
by NFPA 13. Unit shall include a motor mounted, oil-less, pis- supplied to the inlet of the valve and to the pushrod chamber must
ton compressor, pressure gauge, pressure switch, check valve, be maintained between 40°F (4°C) and 140°F (60°C).
drain valve and safety relief valve. Single-phase motor shall The following list of technical bulletins pertains to valves and
have internal thermal protection. devices that may be used in this preaction system:
Nitrogen Deluge Valve Reliable 519
Hydraulic Emergency Station
Nitrogen cylinders provided by an approved source shall pro- (Model A)
Reliable 506
vide the nitrogen supply. The nitrogen cylinder pressure shall be Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm Reliable 612/613
regulated and supervised through the use of nitrogen regulat- Pressure Maintenance Device Reliable 251
ing device and low-pressure trim kit. This device shall consist Nitrogen Regulating Device Reliable 254
Releasing/Control Panel Potter #5403550
of a brass, single stage pressure regulator, equipped with high Low Air Pressure Supervisory Switch Potter 5400928
pressure inlet and low pressure outlet gauges, and ¼” copper Waterflow Pressure Alarm Switch Potter 5400928
connection tubing with galvanized ¾” x ¼” reducer bushing.
This kit shall include a low-pressure switch with associated gal-
vanized connection trim. Assembly shall be a Reliable Nitrogen
Regulating Device. This device is to be used in conjunction with
the Reliable Model A Pressure Maintenance Device.
Model DDX Deluge Valve Description 5. Face to face dimensions:
1. Rated working pressure: End
Valve Size: End to End:
Valve & System - 250 psi (17.2 bar) for 2” (50mm), 21/2” (65mm), Connection:
3” (80mm), 76mm and 8” (200mm) valve sizes and 300 psi 2" (50mm), 2½" (65mm),
Groove/ Groove 12½" (318mm)
76mm & 3" (80mm)
(20.7 bar) for 4” (100mm), 6” (150mm) and 165mm valve sizes. Groove/ Groove 14" (356mm)
2. Factory tested to a hydrostatic pressure of 500 psi (34.5 bar) for 4" (100mm) Flange/ Groove 16" (406mm)
2” (50mm), 21/2” (65mm), 3” (80mm), 76mm and 8” (200mm) Flange/ Flange 16" (406mm)
valve sizes and 600 psi (41.7 bar) for 4” (100mm), 6” (150mm) Groove/ Groove 16" (406mm)
and 165mm valve sizes. (Valve only) 6" (150mm) & 165mm Flange/ Groove 19" (483mm)
Flange/ Flange 19" (483mm)
3. End and trim connections: Groove/ Groove 193/8” (492mm)
8" (200mm)
• ANSI/AWWA C606 grooved inlet and outlet Flange/ Flange 21¼" (540mm)
Nominal Outlet Diam- Groove Groove Outlet Face 6. Valve shipping weight:
Pipe Size eter Diameter Width to Groove
Valve Size: End Connection: Weight:
2” 2.375” 2.250” 11/32” 5/8”
2" (50mm), 2½" (65mm),
(50 mm) (60 mm) (57 mm) (9.0 mm) (16 mm) Groove/ Groove 34 lbs (15 kg)
76mm & 3" (80mm)
2½” 2.875” 2.720” 11/32” 5/8”
Groove/ Groove 64 lbs (29 kg
(65 mm) (73 mm) (69 mm) (9.0 mm) (16 mm)
4" (100mm) Flange/ Groove 79 lbs (36 kg)
3.000” 2.845” 11/32” 5/8”
76 mm Flange/ Flange 92 lbs (42 kg)
(76 mm) (72 mm) (9.0 mm) (16 mm)
3” 3.500” 3.344” 11/32” 5/8” Groove/ Groove 95 lbs (43 kg)
(80 mm) (89 mm) (85 mm) (9.0 mm) (16 mm) 6" (150mm) & 165mm Flange/ Groove 122 lbs (56 kg)
4” 4.500” 4.334” 3/8” 5/8” Flange/ Flange 138 lbs (69 kg)
(100 mm) (114 mm) (110 mm) (9.5 mm) (16 mm) Groove/ Groove 148 lbs (67 kg)
8" (200mm)
6.500” 6.330” 3/8” 5/8” Flange/ Flange 197 lbs (90 kg)
165 mm
(165 mm) (161 mm) (9.5 mm) (16 mm)
7. Trim shipping weight:
6” 6.625” 6.455” 3/8” 5/8”
(150 mm) (168 mm) (164 mm) (9.5 mm) (16 mm) 2” (50 mm), 4” (100 mm),
8” 8.625” 8.441” 7/16” 3/4” 2½” (65 mm), 6” (150 mm),
Trim Configuration
(200 mm) (219 mm) (214 mm) (11 mm) (19 mm) 3” (80 mm) 8” (200 mm)
& 76 mm & 165 mm
• Threaded openings Per ANSI B 2.1
Type D Double
• Flange Dimensions 47 lbs (21 kg) 52 lbs (24 kg)
Flange Nominal Bolt Bolt Flange Flange Number
Pipe Circle Hole Outside Thick- of 8. Friction loss (Expressed in equivalent length of Sched-
Type: Size Diameter Diameter Diameter ness Bolts ule 40 pipe, based on Hazen & Williams formula:
ASME B16.5 4” 7½” ¾” 9” 15
/16” 8
Class 150 (100mm) (191mm) (19mm) (229mm) (24mm) Equivalent Length:
Valve Size: Cv
C = 120 C = 100
ISO 7005-2 4” 73/32” ¾” 9” 15
PN16 (100mm) (180mm) (19mm) (229mm) (24mm)
8 2" (50mm) 4.4 ft (1.3 m) 3.1 ft (1.0 m) 101
2½" (65mm) 6.0 ft (1.8 m) 4.3 ft (1.3 m) 236
ASME B16.5 6” 9½” 7
/8” 11” 15
Class 150 (150mm) (241mm) (22mm) (279mm) (24mm)
8 76mm 7.7 ft (2.3 m) 5.5 ft (1.7 m) 241
ISO 7005-2 6” 97/16” 29
/32” 11” 15
/16” 3" (80mm) 12.6 ft (3.8 m) 9.0 ft (2.7 m) 254
PN16 (150mm) (240mm) (23mm) (279mm) (24mm) 4" (100mm) 14 ft (4.3 m) 10 ft (3.0 m) 469
ASME B16.5 8” 11¾” 7
/8” 13½” 1” 165mm 29.4 ft (9.0 m) 20.9 ft (6.4 m) 886
Class 150 (200mm) (298mm) (22mm) (343mm) (25.4mm) 6" (150mm) 29.4 ft (9.0 m) 20.9 ft (6.4 m) 886
ISO 7005-2 8” 115/8” 29
/32” 13½” 1” 12 8" (200mm) 53.5 ft (16.3 m) 38.1 ft (11.6 m) 1516
PN16 (200mm) (295mm) (23mm) (343mm) (25.4mm)
9. Installation position: Vertical
4. Valve Color:
Valve Size Color
2” (50 mm) Black or Red
2½” (65 mm) Black or Red
76 mm Red
3” (80 mm) Black or Red
4” (100 mm) Black or Red
165 mm Red
6” (150 mm) Black or Red
8” (200 mm) Black or Red
3I (65
IN )&
CH (80
MM 76
(1 ) MM
6I 2
(15 2-1 (5
Fig. 3
0M /2 0M
8I & C H )
NC 16 (65
0M )&
M) 3I 7
NC 6 M
H( M
NC (1
H (15 00
M) )
H (20
Testing Detection System Without Operating Repair Procedures - Model DDX Deluge Valve
Deluge Valve The following section provides instructions to correct both
1. Close the valve controlling water supply to the deluge valve conditions:
and open the main drain valve. 1. Disable detection system.
2. Verify that valve supplying hydraulic pressure to the piston/ 2. Shut down the valve controlling the water supply to the Del-
pushrod chamber is open, allowing water to enter the pushrod uge Valve and open the main drain valve. Open the condensate
chamber. drain valve. Close the pushrod chamber supply valve and open
3. Operate the electrical detection system and deplete pneu- the Model B Manual Emergency Station.
matic pressure from the sprinkler system. 3. Remove the Deluge Valve front (handhold) cover and in-
4. Operation of the detection combined with loss of pneumat- spect the seat, clapper, and seal assembly for damage. If in-
ic pressure must result in a sudden drop of water pressure in the spection indicates damage to the seal assembly, replace as
pushrod chamber, as indicated by the pressure gauge on the follows:
hydraulic release trim. 4. Remove the bumpstop nuts and remove the seal assem-
5. Reset the valve per the reset instructions. bly. Install a new seal assembly and thread the bumpstop nuts
onto the threaded studs of the seal assembly. Tighten finger
tight plus ¼ to ½ turn.
5. If inspection indicates damage to the clapper, proceed to
The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection
step 6.
system in proper operating condition. Any system maintenance
6. At the rear of the valve, disconnect the condensate drain
or testing that involves placing a control valve or detection/con-
trim section starting with the elbow connector. Then remove the
trol system out of service may eliminate the fire protection that is
¼” globe valve, followed by the ¾”x¼” reducing bushing. Re-
provided by the fire protection system.
move the retaining rings from the clapper hinge pin, push the
The Reliable Model DDX valve and associated equipment
hinge through the condensate drain opening and remove the
shall periodically be given a thorough inspection and test. NFPA
clapper subassembly. Install a new clapper subassembly in
25, “Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water Based Fire
the reverse order making sure the clapper spacers are in their
Protection Systems,” provides minimum maintenance require-
proper position.
ments. System components shall be tested, operated, cleaned,
7. If the seat is damaged, or it is suspected that the leakage is
and inspected at least annually, and parts replaced as required.
through the seat O-rings, proceed to step 8.
Replace any components found to be corroded, damaged,
8. Using Reliable P/N 6881603000 Seat Wrench for 2”
worn, or non-operable. Increase the frequency of inspections
(50mm), 2½” (65mm), 76mm and 3” (80mm) valve sizes, Reli-
when the valve is exposed to corrosive conditions or chemicals
able P/N 6881604000 for 4” (100mm) valve size, Reliable P/N
that could impact materials or operation of the assembly.
6881606000 for the 6” (150mm) and 165mm valve sizes or
If face plate is removed during maintenance, torque face plate
Reliable P/N 6881608000 Seat Wrench for 8” (200mm) valve
bolts to the following values during re-installation:
size, remove the seat by unscrewing. This will loosen the seat-
• 35 ft-lbs. (47 N-m) for 2” through 4” valves
clapper-mounting ring subassembly. Reach into the valve and
• 70 ft-lbs. (95 N-m) for 6”-8” valves
grasp the seat and remove it from the valve. Then remove the
clapper-mounting ring subassembly from the valve. Visually ex-
Troubleshooting amine all components of the seat-clapper-mounting ring subas-
1. Mechanical sprinkler alarm not operating: This is most likely sembly and replace any component that appears damaged.
caused by a clogged screen in the strainer of the water motor. New O-rings should always be used for reassembly.
Proceed as follows: Remove plug from the strainer. Remove and 9. Reassembly: clean the bore of the valve body. Lubricate
clean the screen. Replace the screen and the plug, and then the bore with O-ring grease. Lubricate and install the O-rings
tighten securely (Ref. Bulletin 613). onto the seat. Lubricate and install the mounting ring O-ring into
2. Water leaking from Ball Drip. This can be caused by either the body (8” (200mm) valve size only). Insert the clapper-mount-
a water column on top of the clapper or a supply water leakage. ing-ring subassembly into the handhold opening of the Deluge
a. Leakage due to water column. This condition is caused Valve using caution to not damage or dislodge the mounting
by leakage past the clapper seal assembly. Be sure the ring O-ring (8” (200mm) valve size only). Align the mounting
clapper seal and seat are free of any type of de-bris or ring so that the Lever is near the pushrod and the mounting ring
damage. If necessary, follow steps below to replace the “ears” are between the tabs of the valve body. Insert the seat
seal assembly and/or seat. into the valve body and through the clapper-mounting ring sub-
b. Supply water leakage. This condition is caused by leak- assembly. Start to tread the seat into the body by hand, then
age past the lower seat O-ring. Follow steps below for in- tighten the seat with the seat wrench until it bottoms out on the
spection and/or replacement of lower seat O-ring. mounting ring. Verify that the seat-clapper-mounting ring sub-
assembly is in the fully down position between the tabs of the
body, and check to see that the lever lines up with the pushrod.
Reassemble the handhold cover and set up the Model DDX
Deluge Valve as per the section “Resetting Model DDX Type D
Double Interlock Preaction System.”
Pushrod Chamber Maintenance - Model DDX
Deluge Valve
A small bleed hole is located on the underside of the pushrod
chamber. Water leakage from the bleed hole can be caused by
a ruptured pushrod diaphragm:
a) Disable detection system.
b) Shut down the valve controlling water supply to the
Deluge Valve. Relieve the inlet pressure by opening the
main drain valve. Close the pushrod chamber supply valve
and open the Model B Manual Emergency Station.
c) Remove the trim at the unions nearest to the pushrod
chamber cover.
d) Take the pushrod chamber cover off by removing the
six retaining screws.
e) Visually inspect the pushrod chamber cover and pis-
ton to determine what could have damaged the diaphragm
and then correct. Install a new diaphragm.
Note: The diaphragm has two different surfaces; it is not
bi-directional and will fail if installed backwards. Roll the
diaphragm so that the smooth surface (the pressure side)
conforms to the inside of the pushrod chamber cover and
the fabric side engages the pushrod.
f) Reassemble the six retaining screws with an installa-
tion torque of 15 foot-pounds in a star pattern.
g) Set up the Model DDX Deluge Valve as per the section
“Resetting Model DDX Type D Double Interlock Preaction
Fig. 4
Model DDX (Screw-In Seat Configuration) Deluge Valves Parts List (Refer to Fig. 5)
Part No.
2" 2½" 3" 4” 6” 8" Part Description QTY. Material
No. 76mm 165mm
(50mm) (65mm) (80mm) (100mm) (150mm) (200mm)
91006011 91006012 91006023 91006013 91006005 91006027 91006007 91006028 Valve Body Groove/Groove
1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 91006045 N/A 91006067 N/A Valve Body Flange/Groove 1 Ductile Iron 65-45-12
N/A N/A N/A N/A 91006035 N/A 91006037 91006039 Valve Body Flange/Flange
2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 95406414 O-ring (Mounting Ring) 1 Buna-N
Ductile Iron 65-45-12
3 71040416 Pushrod Cover Assembly 1
& Brass C360000
91106123 N/A N/A N/A Hex Bolt ½”-13 x 1¼” 6
N/A 95606107 N/A N/A Hex Bolt ½”-13 x 1½” 6
4 Zinc Plated Steel
N/A N/A 91106006 N/A Hex Bolt 5/8”-11 x 1¾” 6
N/A N/A N/A 95606110 Hex Bolt 5/8”-11 x 2” 8
5 91306013 91306014 91306016 91306018 Mounting Ring 1 Stainless Steel CF8 or CF8M
6 91916003 91916014 91916016 91916008 Clapper 1 Stainless Steel CF8 or CF8M
7 92116063 92116064 92116065 92116066 92116068 Access Cover 1 Ductile Iron 65-45-12
8 93416003 93416014 93416016 93416008 Seal Assembly 1 Stainless Steel 304 & EPDM
9 93706003 93706004 93706006 93706008 Access Cover Gasket 1 Buna-N or Neoprene
93722000 93722000 N/A N/A 1
Stainless Steel UNS S31600
10 N/A N/A 93722000 N/A Bumpstop Assembly 2
N/A N/A N/A 93722000 3
11 93916006 Pushrod Guide 1 Acetal
12 93916066 Reset Shaft 1 Brass UNS C36000
13 94106066 Reset Housing 1 Brass UNS C36000
14 94356006 Reset Knob 1 Aluminum 6061
Model DDX (Screw-In Seat Configuration) Deluge Valves Parts List (Refer to Fig. 5)
Part No.
2" 2½" 3" 4” 6” 8" Part Description QTY. Material
No. 76mm 165mm
(50mm) (65mm) (80mm) (100mm) (150mm) (200mm)
15 94506003 94506004 94506016 94506008 Lever 1 Stainless Steel UNS S17400
16 95006414 94006412 95006410 95006410 Striker 1 Aluminum Bronze C95400
17 95106006 Piston 1 Stainless Steel CF8M
18 95276006 Diaphragm 1 EPDM & Polyester
95306267 N/A N/A N/A Retaining Ring, 3/8" Shaft, Lever Pin
N/A 95306267 N/A N/A Retaining Ring, ½” Shaft, Lever Pin
19 2 Stainless Steel 15-7 or 17-7
N/A N/A 95306269 N/A Retaining Ring, 5/8” Shaft, Lever Pin
N/A N/A N/A 95316408 Retaining Ring, ¾” Shaft, Lever Pin
95306268 N/A N/A N/A Retaining Ring, 3/8” Shaft, Hinge Pin
20 N/A 95306267 95306267 N/A Retaining Ring, ½” Shaft, Hinge Pin 2 Stainless Steel 15-7 or 17-7
N/A N/A N/A 95316408 Retaining Ring, 3/4” Shaft, Hinge Pin
21 95406007 O-Ring, Reset Housing ID 1 Buna-N
O-Ring, Reset Housing
22 95406024 2 Buna-N
& Pushrod Guide OD
23 95406407 O-Ring, Pushrod Guide ID 1 Buna-N
24 95406410 95406409 95436126 95406413 O-Ring, Upper Seat 1 Buna-N
25 95406411 95406420 95446226 95406412 O-Ring, Lower Seat 1 Buna-N
26 95506006 Pushrod 1 Stainless Steel UNS S30300
27 95606114 Socket Head Screw, ¼”-20 x 5/8” 6 Steel
Flat Head Socket Cap Screw
28 95606127 1 Steel
/8"-16 x ¾"
95606133 N/A N/A N/A Socket Head Screw #6-32 x ½" Stainless Steel 18-8
29 1
N/A 95606130 95606130 95606130 Socket Head Screw #10-32 x 1" Stainless Steel UNS S31600
30 96016003 96016014 96016016 96016008 Seat 1 Stainless Steel CF8M
96206003 N/A N/A N/A Stainless Steel UNS S30400
31 Hinge Pin 1
N/A 96216086 96216086 96206008 Stainless Steel UNS S21800
96216003 N/A N/A N/A Stainless Steel UNS S17400
32 Lever Pin 1
N/A 96216044 96216047 96216008 Stainless Steel UNS S21800
33 96310003 96906904 96906904 96310008 Clapper Spacer 2 Teflon or Acetal
96406003 N/A N/A N/A Stainless Steel UNS S30400
34 Lever Spring 1
N/A 96406004 96406005 96406008 Stainless Steel UNS S31600
35 96406906 Piston/ Reset Spring 2 Stainless Steel UNS S31600
96906112 N/A N/A N/A Spring Lock Washer, #6 Stainless Steel 18-8
36 1
N/A 96906111 96906111 96906111 Spring Lock Washer, #10 Stainless Steel UNS S31600
95606140 N/A N/A N/A Flat Head Socket Cap Screw Stainless Steel 18-8
N/A 95606139 N/A N/A ¼”-20 x ½” Stainless Steel UNS S31600
37 2
Flat Head Socket Cap Screw
N/A N/A N/A 95606135 Stainless Steel UNS S31600
½"-13 x ¾"
Ordering Information
Model DDX Type D Double Interlock Preaction System
• Size
• End Configuration
• Trim Assembly
• Loose Trim
• Segmentally Assembled
• Fully Assembled no Control Valve
• Fully Assembled with Control Valve
• Optional 300 psi (20,7 bar) solenoid valve
Use this table for ordering valve body only
Valve Size
& Flange Type Color Reliable Part Number
End Connection
Black 6103022000
2” (50mm) Grv/Grv N/A
Red 6103022001
Black 6103022500
2½” (65mm) Grv/Grv N/A
Red 6103022501
Black 6103030000
3” (80mm) Grv/Grv N/A
Red 6103030001
76mm Grv/Grv N/A Red 6103027600
Black 6103040026
4” (100mm) Grv/Grv N/A
Red 6103040030
ASME Class 150 Black 6103040044
4” (100mm) Flg/Grv ASME Class 150 Red 6103040046
ISO PN16 Red 6103040048
ASME Class 150 Black 6103040045
4” (100mm) Flg/Flg ASME Class 150 Red 6103040047
ISO PN16 Red 6103040049
Black 6103060024
6” (168mm) Grv/Grv N/A
Red 6103060030
ASME Class 150 Black 6103060045
6” (168mm) Flg/Grv ASME Class 150 Red 6103060048
ISO PN16 Red 6103060049
ASME Class 150 Black 6103060046
6” (168mm) Flg/Flg ASME Class 150 Red 6103060047
ISO PN16 Red 6103060050
165mm Grv/Grv N/A Red 6103060028
ASME Class 150 Red 6103060051
165mm Flg/Grv
ISO PN16 Red 6103060052
Black 6103080001
8” (200mm) Grv/Grv N/A
Red 6103080003
ASME Class 150 Black 6103080016
8” (200mm) Flg/Flg ASME Class 150 Red 6103080018
ISO PN16 Red 6103080020
Installation Dimensions in Inches (mm)
Nominal Pipe Size
9-1/2 8 9-1/2 12-1/2 8-1/2 8-3/4 9-1/2 9-1/2 5
2” (50mm)
(241) (203) (241) (318) (216) (222) (241) (241) (127)
2-1/2” (65 mm), 9-1/2 8 9-1/2 12-1/2 8-1/2 9-1/4 9-1/2 9-1/2 5
76 mm, & 3” (80 mm) (241) (203) (241) (318) (216) (235) (241) (241) (127)
10-1/2 8 10 14 7 10 11 13 6
4” (100 mm)
(270) (203) (254) (356) (178) (254) (279) (324) (148)
12-1/2 8-1/2 10-1/2 16 7 10-3/4 11 13 6
6” (150 mm) & 165 mm
(318) (215) (267) (406) (178) (273) (279) (324) (148)
13-1/2 11-1/4 9-1/2 19-3/8 3-3/4 11-1/4 12 12-5/8 5-3/4
8” (200 mm)
(343) (286) (241) (492) (95) (286) (305) (312) (140)
Fig. 7
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory
Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for almost 100 years.
Manufactured by
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Recycled
(800) 431-1588 Sales Offices Paper
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax
Revision lines indicate updated or new data.
(914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices Internet Address EG. Printed in U.S.A. 04/20 P/N 9999970441