Oil and Gas: Process Instruments For Reliable Measurements

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Oil and Gas

Process Instruments for reliable

Original Bourdon® by Baumer – just rely on our
technological advantage.
Sophisticated and proven products, top precision and expert The demanding requirements of the industry in terms of func-
consultancy – Baumer meets all these demands in every respect. tionality and material call for dependable and ultra-precise sensor
Our broad product portfolio provides optimally suited, depend- solutions which ensure proper operation even under extreme
able solutions, which provide a one-stop solution to meet your conditions – and the Baumer sensors match them all. Thanks to
individual requirements. Our longstanding expertise, practical our in-depth application knowledge we provide hands-on and
insights and technological supremacy give you the control you application-specific solutions to enhance the efficiency of your
need to maximize production and equipment performance and to manufacturing processes in compliance with stringent and trace-
reduce downtime and maintenance to a minimum. ability demands.
Operating worldwide and present across the globe, we are
always close to provide you with competent on-site support. The In partnership with you, we are collaborating towards innovative
customer is at the very heart of our services, and our level of approaches to find just the right solution for your application.
commitment is characterized by taking swift and effective action Baumer sensors will dependably monitor any process with utmost
to respond to our customers’ needs. precision – for man, machine and the environment.

Bourdon is a registered trademark in France, N 1696288.

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Process Instrument solution for every production process 4
Drilling Onshore and Offshore 6
Production 8
Secondary recovery and well services 10
Refineries 12
Transportation 14
Storage 16
Water treatment 18
EPC Contractor Business 20
Our References 23

For more information please visit:


www.bourdon.baumer.com | 3
Process Instrument
solutions for every
production process.
It is a long way from crude oil to the end product. Baumer as a
trusted partner and industry expert knows about the ­demands
of each exploration and production process and will support you
throughout all project stages with absolutely r­ eliable, high-perfor-
mance sensor technology. Whether it comes to dependable process
control in drilling and oil production, to reliable moni­toring of the
refining process or to transport and storage in compliance with the
prevailing standards – you can always rely on the top-grade quality
of Baumer Original Bourdon® Process Instruments.
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Reliable results even under extreme conditions
Bourdon stands for more than 160 years of expertise in measuring technology. The patented, original Bourdon
Tube by the French engineer Eugène Bourdon firmly branded the company history and is still the essential compo-
nent of precise mechanical pressure measuring instruments. Bourdon’s measurement principle became very well
accepted, and the name Bourdon established itself as a synonym for pressure gauges all over the world. Today
many companies produce and sell pressure gauges, but only Baumer produces under the original Bourdon® brand. 




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Prepared for any requirement.

Multi or single pole – Temperature Blow out preventer BOP

measurement in various application
MEX8 – mechanical pressure gauges for
T02 – Thermocouple assembly with ­pressure measurement
protecting tube
Stainless steel housing and sensing element
Single/double protecting tube
„„ Suitable for aggressive atmospheres
Flanged/screwed connection
„„ and fluids
Assembly with KER 710 or KER 610 tube
„„ Resistant to transient overpressure
for high temperature application Panel mounting and other dial diameters
Available with various element sizes
„„ available
from 0.5 mm Fillable with dampening fluid
Various options available for connections
„„ Conforms to EN837-1 and PED97/23/CE
and sheath diameters Atex EC II 2 GD
Enclosures (head) – IP 65, IP 66, IP 67,
IP 68, IIA, IIB, IIC etc.
Transmitter output 4 – 20 mA (optional)
„„ Quick connection safety gauge
Reliable and consistent output under
extreme conditions
OD connection for double compression fitting
For corrosive gasses and liquids

R02 – RTD assembly with N-U-N connection Class 1 according to EN 837-1

Safety version S3 according to EN 837-1
Mineral insulated cable
„„ Option: liquid-filled for applications with
Elements – Pt 100, Pt 500, Pt 1000 etc.
„„ pulsations or vibrations
Spring loaded construction for better contact
„„ Option: case material 1.4404 (316L) for
with thermowell aggressive atmosphere
„„Available with various element sizes from 3 mm
Various options available for connections and
sheath diameters
Enclosures (head) – IP 65, IP 66, IP 67,
IP 68, IIA, IIB, IIC etc.
Transmitter output 4 – 20 mA (optional)
Reliable and consistent output under
extreme conditions
Nipple-Union-Nipple Extension

6 | www.bourdon.baumer.com
Drilling Onshore
and Offshore.
Onshore and offshore drilling is a difficult challenge for
both man and machine. Explosive gases, strong vibra-
tions, extreme weather conditions and a salty, corrosive
atmosphere impose extremely demanding requirements
for technology. Only robust and reliably functioning
equipment can ensure safety here.

MPx6 series – safety pressure gauges for A strong partner to meet your
­pressure measurement greatest challenges
Safety pattern gauge with solid front and
blowout back For several decades Original Bourdon® has been
Special materials for aggressive media and
„„ a leading supplier to the Oil and Gas industry. With
environments the broad product portfolio in the field of Process
– Polypropylene or phenol housing Instrumentation, Baumer provides solutions to
– Stainless steel or Monel sensing elements
industry-specific ­requirements.
Over pressure protection up to 130 %
Adjustable zero point
Fillable with dampening fluid or dashpot
„„ conformity

Process skids
MEX3 panel mounted
Stainless steel housing and sensing element
(Monel available)
Suitable for aggressive atmospheres and
Resistant to transient overpressure
Dial diameters 63 mm
Fillable with dampening fluid
Conforms to EN837-1 and PED97/23/CE Atex

www.bourdon.baumer.com | 7
Reliability and precision – vital features of sensor
technology in the field of Oil and Gas extraction. Our
sensors hold up in environments where corrosive
and aggressive materials are present and provide the
required certifications for hazardous areas. Whether
the installation has high pressure or high temperature,
our sensors will meet your requirements, as our robust
devices use the required compatible materials.

Designed to withstand high pressure and high tem-

peratures, easy to read and extremely ­robust – Original
Bourdon® Process Instruments provide reliable
operation in the most difficult situations.

Temperature measurement on FPSO

TBI/TBHI – bimetal temperature gauges with
AGF ­thermowell
Temperature range from –70 to +600 °C
Class 1 accuracy up to +250 °C
135 % over temperature protection
Every angle construction
Stabilized pointer for increased resistance
against vibrations
„„ Zone 1 certification

Baumer complies with norms and a­ pprovals

Our excellence in product quality has won us recognition with prestigious ­certification from many different regulatory bodies.

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Worldwide certified quality.

Triphasic separators – separation of oil, Pressure, level and flow measurement in

water and gas v­arious processes
Pressure measurement using stainless steel MFT – Differential pressure gauge
MEX5 – pressure gauge with D820 chemical
Low differential and high static pressure
Sensing element in stainless steel,
Suitable for corrosive atmospheres and fluids
„„ Monel or Hastelloy
Resistant to transient overpressure
„„ Can be fitted with chemical seal
Fully welded process connection
Fillable with dampening fluid
Conforms to EN837-1
„„ and PED97/23/CE Wellhead
„„ EC II 2 GD
MPx6 series – safety pressure gauges for
­pressure measurement
Safety pattern gauge with solid front

PBMN – intrinsically safe pressure transmitter and blowout back

for electronic pressure measurement on the Special materials for aggressive media

choke manifold and environments

– Polypropylene or phenol housing
Measurement of vacuum, absolute or
„„ – Stainless steel or Monel sensing elements
gauge pressure Over pressure protection up to 130 %
Piezoresistive silicon technology
„„ Adjustable zero point
External adjustment of zero and span
„„ Fillable with dampening fluid or
as standard dashpot option
Highly resistant to severe process conditions
„„ NACE conformity
ATEX ll 1 G/D Ex ia llC T5 or T6

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Always a step ahead.

Gas lift, water and steam injection Wellhead control panel

MIX7 – pressure gauge for pressure WPG3 – All stainless steel welded pressure
­measurement on pumps and compressors gauge (63 mm)
Resistant to transient overpressure
„„ Suitable for well head control panel
Excellent accuracy
„„ application (onshore and offshore) for
Various pressure ranges and
„„ control, monitoring and safety of Oil and
connection types Gas production wells
Fillable with damping liquid
„„ Fully laser-welded panel to case
„„ EC II 2 GD Suitable for aggressive atmospheres
and fluids
Liquid-filled for applications with pulsations
and vibrations
PBMN – intrinsically safe pressure transmitter Conforms to EN 837-1
for electronic pressure measurement on the Available case material 1.4401 (AISI 316) for
choke manifold aggressive atmosphere
Measurement of vacuum, absolute or
gauge pressure
WPG5 – All stainless steel welded pressure
Piezoresistive silicon technology
gauge (100 mm)
External adjustment of zero and span
as standard Suitable for well head control panel
Extremely resistant to severe
„„ application (onshore and offshore) for
process conditions control, monitoring and safety of Oil and
ATEX ll 1 G/D Ex ia llC T5 or T6
„„ Gas production wells
Fully laser-welded panel to case
Suitable for aggressive atmospheres
and fluids
Liquid-filled for applications with pulsations
and vibrations
Conforms to EN 837-1
Available with material 1.4401 (AISI 316)
for aggressive athmospheres

10 | www.bourdon.baumer.com
recovery and
well services.
Extreme durability and high precision: Whether
onshore or offshore, in pressure, level or temperature
measuring – Original Bourdon® offers products with
anti-corrosion coating to ensure impermeability and
sealing capabilities throughout the entire service
life of the product.

Temperature measurement in
harsh environments
T02 – Thermocouple assembly with
protecting tube
Single/double protecting tube
Flanged/screwed connection
Assembly with KER 710 or KER 610 tube
for high temperature application
Available with various element sizes
from 0.5 mm
Various options available for connections and
sheath diameters
Enclosures (head) – IP 65, IP 66, IP 67,
IP 68, IIA, IIB, IIC etc.
Transmitter output 4 – 20 mA (optional)
Reliable and consistent output under
extreme conditions

R02 – RTD assembly with N-U-N connection

We make the best even better
Mineral insulated cable
Elements – Pt 100, Pt 500, Pt 1 000 etc.
Original Bourdon® expertise in Process Instruments
Spring loaded construction for better contact
with thermowell with a large selection of products developed to
„„Available with various element sizes from 3 mm date, has been repeatedly verified by our satisfied
Various options available for connections
„„ customers. We meet your needs for high quality
and sheath diameters solutions when it comes to measuring of tempera-
Enclosures (head) – IP 65, IP 66, IP 67,
„„ ture, level or pressure even in the most demanding
IP 68, IIA, IIB, IIC etc.
Transmitter output 4 – 20 mA (optional)
Reliable and consistent output under
extreme conditions
Nipple-Union-Nipple Extension

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Original Bourdon® by Baumer sets the stan

Hydrogen compressor for distillate Smart transmitters to separate

hydroc­racker corrosive media
MEP5 – safety pressure gauge for pressure D9xx series – chemical seals
measurements Suitable for process pressure transmitters
Safety pattern gauge with solid front and full
„„ Different wetted part materials available
blowout back High temperature applications
Wetted parts in stainless steel or Monel
„„ up to +  400 °C
Special compensating diaphragm ensures
„„ Complete assembly with flushing ring and
high accuracy drain/vent valves
Available with threaded connection
„„ Pressure rating up to class 2 500
Baffle wall blowout back to prevent personal
„„ Pressure range from 10 mbar to 420 bar
injury of the operator NACE conformity
S3 safety standard according to EN 837-1
„„ Heat tracing optional on flanges and
„„ conformity capillaries

Utilities, cogeneration plant, other utility

pumps, water decantation and desulphuriza-
tion, filter survey
MX7 – Differential pressure gauge
Bellows sensing elements
For corrosive process fluids and atmospheres
Fillable with dampening fluid
„„ stainless steel casing
Can be fitted with chemical seal
Radial or parallel connection

12 | www.bourdon.baumer.com
In refineries thousands of measuring instruments for
both pressure and temperature must meet one basic
requirement: zero failure! Original Bourdon® has been
a leading supplier to the Oil and Gas industry, con-
tinuously improving and expanding our portfolio for
several decades. Whether it comes to temperature or
pressure – Original Bourdon® temperature instruments
and safety pressure gauges with improved protection
of operator and environment provide customized solu-
tions for all measuring tasks.


Pressure, level and flow measurement in

v­arious processes
MFT – Differential pressure gauge
Low differential and high static pressure
Sensing element in stainless steel,
Monel or Hastelloy
Can be fitted with chemical seal

Unique production methods

Baumer continues the tradition of the famous Bourdon® tube, adding on cutting-edge production and quality
methods. All steps are monitored and documented by the Baumer Traceability System BTrace®, a unique
method in order fulfilment within the Baumer production system. Closely intertwining the methodologies of
Lean Management, MUDA and KAIZEN, BTrace® creates added value for the customer in terms of cost
efficiency, reliability, traceability and reproducibility.

www.bourdon.baumer.com | 13
All over the globe, pipelines are the preferred means of
transporting liquids or gases from their point of origin
to the point of distribution. Explosion-proof Original
Bourdon® sensors comply with the relevant standards
to ensure safe processes in pipeline operation, from
pipeline control and pumping on to compressor
stations and delivery terminals.

Pipeline monitoring
MPx6 series – safety pressure gauges for
pressure measurement
Safety pattern gauge with solid front and
blowout back
Special materials for aggressive media and
– Polypropylene or phenol housing
– Stainless steel or Monel sensing elements
Over pressure protection up to 130 %
Adjustable zero point
Fillable with dampening fluid or
dashpot option
„„ conformity

First-class solutions for extreme

Temperature control in water and waste
conditions water treatment
Highly available and reliable systems have been RT2E – switch
developed to guarantee that the strict requirements Compact temperature switch
for the transportation of liquids and gases are met Good vibration resistance,
to monitor the movement of different fluid composi- Measuring ranges: –40 … +350 °C
tions. Original Bourdon® Process Instruments are Stem 9.5 mm (rigid or with capillary)

used for leak detection and location, temperature ATEX II2 GD Ex d IIC T5 or T6

tracking, pump monitoring and operations improve-


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We are measurably better.

Fluid pressure monitoring Pumping station

MEP5 – safety pressure gauge for pressure RP2E – pressure switch
Resistant to transient overpressure
Safety pattern gauge with solid front and full
„„ Various process and electrical connectivity
blowout back options
Wetted parts in stainless steel or Monel
„„ Large range of micro switches with different
Special compensating diaphragm ensures
„„ power ratings
high accuracy „„Suitable to fit with chemical seals
Available with threaded connection
„„ ll 2 G/D Ex d llC T5 or T6
Baffle wall blowout back to prevent personal
injury of the operator
S3 safety standard according to EN 837-1
„„ Pipeline monitoring in control cabinets
„„ conformity
X910 – explosion-proof pressure transmitter
for electronic pressure measurement
Measurement of vacuum, absolute or
Various temperature application gauge pressure
TRANSBAR® ceramic technology
TSF – gas filled thermometer
Zero adjustment as standard (±10 % of
Temperature range from –200 to + 800 °C
„„ range)
Accuracy class 1
„„ „„Various electrical connectivity options
Flexible system with fix stem or capillary tube
„„ ll 2 G/D Ex d llC T5 or T6
Wide range of diameters: 63, 80, 100, 160 and
250 mm
All stainless steel design
Electrical contacts available

www.bourdon.baumer.com | 15
Protecting people and the environment has absolute
priority when dealing with Oil and Gas. When measur-
ing pressure, temperatures and fill levels, instruments
must guarantee reliable processes in hazardous areas
with most demanding standards and ratings.

Pressure gauge for corrosive gases and liquids Pressure gauge for corrosive gases and liquides
MEX5 – pressure gauge MEP5 – safety pressure gauge for pressure
Suitable for corrosive atmospheres and fluids
Resistant to transient overpressure
„„ Safety pattern gauge with solid front and
Fully welded process connection
„„ full blowout back
Fillable with dampening fluid
„„ Wetted parts in stainless steel or Monel
Conforms to EN837-1
„„ and PED97/23/CE Special compensating diaphragm ensures
„„ EC II 2 GD high accuracy
Available with threaded connection
Baffle wall blowout back to prevent personal
injury of the operator
„„ safety standard according to EN 837-1
„„ conformity

Accuracy and safety for meeting your

TSF – gas filled thermometer
Temperature range from -200 to +800 °C
Storage is necessary to meet seasonal and other Accuracy class 1

fluctuations in demand. For operating storage Flexible system with fix stem or capillary tube
Wide range of diameters: 63, 80, 100, 160 and
reservoirs pressure, temperature and level monitor-
250 mm
ing is essential. In aquifer storages, for instance,
All stainless steel design
the original hydrostatic pressure must be exceeded Electrical contacts available
in order to push the water back. Thanks to accurate
and safe instruments, Baumers Original Bourdon®
meets customer expectations and provides
on-demand solutions.

16 | www.baumer.com
Strong partner with strong profile.

Temperature measurement in Pipeline monitoring in control cabinets

harsh environment
X910 – explosion-proof pressure transmitter
T02 – Thermocouple assembly with for electronic pressure measurement
protecting tube
Measurement of vacuum, absolute or
Single/double protecting tube
„„ gauge pressure
Flanged/screwed connection
„„ TRANSBAR® ceramic technology
Assembly with KER 710 or KER 610 tube
„„ Zero adjustment as standard (±10 % of range)
for high temperature application „„Various electrical connectivity options
Available with various element sizes
„„ ll 2 G/D Ex d llC T5 or T6
from 0.5 mm
Various options available for connections and
sheath diameters D9xx series – chemical seals
Enclosures (head) – IP 65, IP 66, IP 67,
Suitable for process pressure transmitters
IP 68, IIA, IIB, IIC etc.
Different wetted part materials available
Transmitter output 4 – 20 mA (optional)
High temperature applications up to + 400 °C
Reliable and consistent output under
Complete assembly with flushing ring and
extreme conditions
drain/vent valves
Pressure rating up to class 2 500
Pressure range from 10 mbar to 420 bar
R02 – RTD assembly with N-U-N connection
NACE conformity
Mineral insulated cable
„„ Heat tracing optional on flanges and
Elements – Pt100, Pt 500, Pt 1000 etc.
„„ capillaries
Spring loaded construction for better contact
with thermowell
„„Available with various element sizes from 3 mm
Various options available for connections and
sheath diameters
Enclosures (head) – IP 65, IP 66, IP 67,
IP 68, IIA, IIB, IIC etc.
Transmitter output 4 – 20 mA (optional)
Reliable and consistent output under extreme
Nipple-Union-Nipple Extension

www.bourdon.baumer.com | 17
Global network of experts.

Pressure gauge for corrosive gases and liquides Pressure control in water and waste water
treatment plants
MEX5 – pressure gauge
RPPN – switch
Suitable for corrosive atmospheres and fluids
Resistant to transient overpressure
„„ Pressure switch for low and high pressure
Fully welded process connection
„„ Adjustable setpoint(s) and deadband
Fillable with dampening fluid
„„ Measuring range: –50 … 0 mbar to
Conforms to EN837-1
„„ and PED97/23/CE 60 … 600 bar
„„ EC II 2 GD Overpressure/static pressure: max. 800 bar
Excellent repeatability
IP 66

Quick connection safety gauge

TBI/TBHI – bimetal temperature gauges with
AGF ­thermowell
OD connection for double compression fitting
For corrosive gasses and liquids
Temperature range from –70 to +600 °C

Class 1 according to EN 837-1

Class 1 accuracy up to +250 °C

Safety version S3 according to EN 837-1

135 % over temperature protection

Option: liquid-filled for applications with

Every angle construction

pulsations or vibrations Stabilized pointer for increased resistance


Option: case material 1.4404 (316L) for

against vibrations
aggressive athmospheres ATEX
„„ Zone 1 certification
Thermowell in all variation available

18 | www.bourdon.baumer.com
Water treatment.
Water is used in all phases of production in the Oil and
Gas industry and is an essential component for the
process of extraction and treatment. It is also used in
large quantities for refining and the production of
petrochemicals for cooling water, ballast water and
steam generation. Waste and contaminated water
must be treated before release to meet international
standards for its discharge and to safeguard the
environment. With its complete range of pressure and
temperature gauges Original Bourdon® by Baumer is
one of the leaders when it comes to optimum efficiency
and performance in water treatment facilities.

Manifold valves, fiting and tubing

AMFD – Pressure accessory
2, 3 or sways
Up to 420 bar
Sustainable water treatment
Process temperature + 200 °C
„„ protecting the environment
Full stainless steel
Various types available
„„ The increasing use of water for the production of
Oil and Gas is creating the need for progressively
more complex water treatment facilities. Environ-
Temperature control in water and waste
mental legislation is imposing restrictions on water
water treatment plants
discharge standards and is becoming ever more
RTNY – switch stringent. With its innovative and precision mea-
Compact temperature switch
„„ surement products, Baumer is effectively support-
High vibration resistance
„„ ing its customers to meet these standards, reduce
Measuring ranges: –40 … + 350 °C
energy consumption and to implement environmen-
Stem 9.5 mm (rigid or with capillary)
tally sustainable processes.
ATEX EEX ia IIC T5 or T6

www.bourdon.baumer.com | 19
EPC Contractor Business –
Original Bourdon by

Baumer is a competent
partner in every stage
of the project.
Mission Statement.
We, the Competence Center for EPC projects, bring in our profound
know-how and long-year expertise to contribute to the success of
our partners and to create added value for our customers by
following our principles:

Breadth and depth of products and services

We bid, supply and execute all orders from EPC customers and accounts with engineering
approaches for new plant setups, mandatory plant modification, refurbishments and plant

Quality and precision

We support commercial and technical contracts with special requirements in the form of
certificates and approvals, testings, on third-party-products, inspections, spare parts, etc.

Focus Industries
We serve industries as Oil and Gas, Energy, Water Treatment, Metal, Mining, Cement,
Petrochemical/Chemical Pharmaceutical and Infrastructure.

Standardized and customized measurement solutions

Our objective is to provide consultative approach to all EPC contractors, consultancies and
enduser in deciding and selecting right solution.

Technology leadership
We as an organization adopt latest industry standard practices and update our dedicated
portfolio constantly to meet customer and industry requirements.

Modern production practices and methods

We are always focusing on modern production practices and lean philosophy across the
company and will continue investing to provide world class quality within our BTrace®
operation methods.

www.bourdon.baumer.com | 21
Global project management
close to your business.
Safety and reliability are key qualities which can never be offering customized and innovative solutions, strong knowledge
compromised in Process Instrumentation. Our proven business in project management and trusted partnership in focused
model for EPC projects is based on our core competencies of industry segments.

Meeting your criteria: our innovative EPC wheel

Project requirements &




Overall project

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Our References.
Customer satisfaction is the best recommendation for a company.
Worldwide, our clients have been trusting in our competence and experience for years.
With our values we create a thread that runs from development through production to
contact with our customers. At Baumer we are proud of our partnership with our clients.
Get your own idea of the diversity of our work and find our complete reference list at

Excerpt of our project list:

Project name Market Country EPC End-user Materials

Sadara-Hydrogen Peroxide Chemicals Saudi Arabia Jacobs Belgvi N.V Sadara Chemcial Company PG,Seals
Project and Solvay S.A JV
Pata Petrochemical Petrochemcial India Engineers India GAIL Ltd PG, Seals, TG, TW
Complex – II Limited
SRDC Phase – II Oil and Gas Oman Larsen&Tubro PDO-Oman PG, Seals, TG, TW

Indian Synthetic Rubber Chemicals India Toyo Engineering Indian Oil Corporation PG, Seals, DPG
Ltd Limited Limited
IOCL-Package B Petrochemical India Punj lloyd Indian Oil Corporation PG, Seals, DPG
Booster Pump, DS-160 Oil and Gas Kuwait SAIPEM, Italy PG,Seal,DPG,TG,TW PG, Seals, DPG,
Moho Nord FPU Hull Oil and Gas Congo Hyundai Heavy TOTAL E&P Congo PG,Seals
Industries, Korea
Optara project Optara project Belgium Tecnicas Reunidas, Total Raffinaderij PG, DPG, process
Spain Antwerpen N.V. seals, TG/TW
Optara project Optara project Belgium Tecnicas Reunidas, Total Raffinaderij Antwer- Process seals c/w
Spain pen N.V. YKO transmitters
EEP2 Ethylene plant EEP2 Ethylene plant Egypt Toyo Engineering Ethydco PG, DPG
Corp Ltd / ENPPI
Kaltim-5 Fertilizer Project Kaltim-5 Fertilizer Project Indonesia Toyo Engineering PT. Pupuk Kalimantan PG, DPG, TG/TW
Korea Ltd Timur
Total RN DG05 ISBL Project Total RN DG05 ISBL Project France Tecnicas Reunidas, TOTAL France Process seals c/w
Spain PG&Yko PT
Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation and Algeria Technip France Sonatrach PG, TG/TW
Adaptation – Algiers Adaptation – Algiers
Refinery Refinery
Assil and Karam Gas Assil and Karam Gas Egypt ENPPI BAPETCO PG, TG/TW
Development Project Development Project
Jubail Export Refinery Jubail Export Refinery KSA Dayim Punj Lloyd, Satorp PG, DPG, TG/TW,
Project – Pack Project – Pack Al Khathlan, process seals c/w
2A/5A/5C/6/9 2A/5A/5C/6/9 Technip, Rotary YKO P/T
Tatweer Water Tatweer Water Bahrain VWS Veolia Tatweer Petroleum PG
Treatment&High Pressure Treatment&High Pressure Oil and Gas
Injection Plant Injection Plant

www.bourdon.baumer.com | 23
Worldwide presence.

Africa America Asia Europe Oceania

Algeria Brazil Bahrain Austria Australia
Cameroon Canada China Belgium New Zealand
Côte d’Ivoire Colombia India Bulgaria
Egypt Mexico Indonesia Croatia
Morocco United States Israel Czech Republic
Reunion Venezuela Japan Denmark
South Africa Kuwait Finland
Malaysia France
Oman Germany
Philippines Greece
Qatar Hungary
Saudi Arabia Italy
Singapore Malta
South Korea Martinique
Taiwan Netherlands
Thailand Norway
UAE Poland
For more information
about our worldwide Serbia
locations go to: Slovakia
www.bourdon.baumer.com Slovenia

United Kingdom

Represented by:

Bourdon-Haenni GmbH

Bodenseeallee 7
0x/16 No. 11xxxxxx

DE-78333 Stockach
Technical modifications

Phone +49 (0)7771 6474 400

Fax +49 (0)7771 6474 401

[email protected]

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