Haryana Cinemas Rules Act
Haryana Cinemas Rules Act
Haryana Cinemas Rules Act
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Part I
1. Title. - (i) These rules may be cited as the Punjab Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1952.
(ii) They shall come into force on the first day of November, 1952.
2. Definitions. - In these rules, unless there is any thing repugnant in the context:-
(i) the 'Act' means that Punjab Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1952;
(ii) 'auditorium' means that portion of the building occupied by the audience or spectators during a cinematograph
(iii) 'Electric Inspector' means an inspector appointed by the [Haryana] Government under section 36 of the Indian
Electricity Act, 1910;
(iv) 'enclosure' means that portion of a place licensed under section 5 of the Act in which the cinematograph apparatus
is erected;
(v) 'Executive Engineer' in relation to the licensing of any place for cinematograph exhibitions, means the officer holding
charge of that division of the Public Works Department (Buildings and Roads Branch) in which the place is situated;
(vi) 'exit' includes an emergency exit and any entrance usable by the public as an exit;
(vii) 'fire-resisting material' means :-
(a) burnt brickwork, cement concrete and reinforced brickwork or cement concrete having a minimum cover of one inch;
(b) terra cotta blocks securely, bounded, provided that no side or web thereof is less than one and a half inches in
(c) stone, tiles, solid gypsum blocks, marble, iron, steel, copper, asbestos or zine; or
(d) such other material as the Executive Engineer may approve;
(viii) 'Government' means the Government of the State of [Haryana];
(ix) 'touring cinematograph' means a cinematograph apparatus which is so adopted and constructed so that it can be
taken from place to place for the purpose of giving cinematograph exhibitions;
(x) 'touring cinematograph of the safety class' means a touring cinematograph in which an incandescent lamp is used
for the projector;
(xi) 'Adult' means a person who has completed his eighteenth year.
Part II
Procedure in granting Licences
3. (i) Licences granted under section 5 of the Act shall be either [for a period of three years] or temporary.
(ii) [A three years] licence shall only be granted subject to the provisions of section 5 of the Act and in accordance with
the provisions of the rules in Part III in respect of a building permanently equipped for cinematograph exhibitions. It shall
be valid for [three years] from the date of issue and shall be renewable on the application of the licensee.
[Provided that in the case of a three year's licence the place licensed under the Act shall be inspected annually by the
Executive Engineer as well as by the Electrical Inspector to Government, [Haryana] on the payment of the fees as
prescribed in schedule to rule 16.].
[(iii) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (iv) and the rules in Part IV, a temporary licence may be granted in any town or
village for exhibition by means of a touring cinematograph for an aggregate period not exceeding six months in one
calender year]:
Provided that for a town to village [----] with a population of more than [five thousand] according to the latest official
cons in any other district the aggregate period may be extended by another six months in the same calendar year :
Provided further that in calculating the aggregate period in respect of any town or village the period for which a licence
to the same or other touring cinematograph has been granted within five miles of the outer limits of such town or village
shall be taken into account.
[(iv) No licence to touring cinematograph shall be granted for such a place where there is a permanent cinema;
Provided that such a licence may be granted for such a place for a period not exceeding in the aggregate three months
on special occasions such as fair and religious gatherings or to meet a particular temporary need.] 4. Licences, whether
[for a period of three years] or temporary, shall be in form A annexed to these Rules and shall be subject to the
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conditions and restrictions set forth therein and to the provisions of these rules. 5. (i) Every application for the grant or
renewal of a licence shall be in writing and shall be signed by the applicant.
(ii) Applications for the grant as distinct from the renewal of [a three years] licence shall be accompanied by;-
(a) full particulars regarding the ownership of, and all rights in, the premises and in the cinematograph apparatus to be
used therein;
(b) complete plans, elevations and sections in duplicate, of the premises and all erections or buildings thereon drawn
correctly to the scale of one-eighth of an inch to one foot and showing the width of all stairways and the number of
steps in each, the width of corridors, gangway and doorways, the height of the cinematograph and of the plant for the
generation or conversion of electrical energy;
(c) a site plan in duplicate a separate sheet drawn to the scale of one-fortieth of an inch to one foot showing the position
of the premises in relation to any adjacent premises and to the public thorough-fares upon which the site of the
premises abuts, and the arrangements proposed for the parking of motor cars and others vehicles;
(d) specifications of the various materials proposed to be used in the construction of the buildings.
(iii) The cardinal points of the compass shall be shown on the plans and the plans shall be so coloured as to distinguish
the materials used in the construction of the buildings.
(iv) Application under sub-section (ii) of this rule [shall subject to the condition mentioned in Rule 31A be submitted] to
the licensing authority before any alteration necessary for the adaptation of the premises for cinematographic exhibition
are taken in hand, or in the case of a new building, before its construction is begun.
[The work shall not be commenced unless the Executive Engineer certifies that the proposed construction, addition or
alteration of the premises is in accordance with these rules and the buildings bye-laws of the local authority, if any].
(v) The licensing authority may require an applicant for a temporary licence to furnish such plans of the premises and
such specifications as he may consider necessary.
6. An application for the renewal of [a three years] licence shall be made at least [three months] before the date of the
expiry of the old licence : Provided that if the application for renewal is made after the prescribed date the licensing
authority may nevertheless renew the licence on payment of the fee chargeable for a new licence. 7. (i) If on an
application for renewal of a license the licensing authority does not for any reason, before the date of the expiry of
licence, either renew and return the licence or refuse to renew the same, he may grant a temporary permit in Form B
annexed to these rules. Provided that the temporary permit shall cease to be valid and shall be surrendered to the
licensing authority on the applicant receiving his duly renewed, or on his receiving an order refusing to renew the
(iii) The temporary permit shall during the period of its validity be deemed to be a licence for the purposes of these
(iv) A fee of ten rupees shall be levied for the grant of such temporary permit, provided that if in the opinion of the
licensing authority the grant of this permit has not been necessitated by the negligence of the license, the fee or a
portion of it may be remitted.
8. (i) The licensee shall be responsible for compliance with the provisions of these rules and with conditions of his
licence, for the maintenance of the licensed premises at all times and in all respects conformity with the standards
prescribed by these rules, and for taking all necessary measures, before any cinematograph exhibition is commenced,
to ensure the safety of the public and his employees against fire and other accidents.
(ii) The licensee or some responsible person nominated by him in writing for the purpose shall be in general charge of
the licensed premises and cinematograph during the whole time that any exhibition is in progress.
9. (i) Before granting or renewing [a three years] licence [the licensing authority shall within a period of seven days of
the receipt of the application of the licensee],-
(a) can upon the Executive Engineer to examine the structural features of the building and report [within a period of one
month] whether the rules relating thereto have been duly complied with.
(b) call upon the Electric Inspector to examine the cinematograph and the electrical equipment to be used in the
building and to report [within a period of one month] whether they comply with the requirements both of these rules and
of the Indian Electricity Act, 1910, and of such of the rules made thereunder as are applicable, whether all reasonable
precautions have been taken to protect spectators and employees from electric shock and to prevent the introduction of
fire into the building through the use of electrical equipment, and whether the prescribed fire-extinguishing appliances
have been provided, are in working order and suitable for the purpose for which they are intended.
(ii) Defects revealed by such inspections shall be brought to the notice of the applicant or licensee and of the licensing
authority, who may refuse to grant or renew the licence unless and until they are remedied to his satisfaction.
10. The licensing authority or any officer [authorised by him in writing] in this behalf may at any time enter a place which
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he has reason to believe is being used or is, intended to be used for the purpose of cinematograph exhibitions, in order
to satisfy himself that all the provisions of the Act, the rules framed thereunder and the conditions of the licence are
being complied with. 11. (i) The Electric Inspector or any officer specially appointed to assist him in this behalf may at
any time enter and inspect any place licensed under section 5 of the Act.
(ii) Defects revealed by such inspections shall be brought to the notice of the licensee and shall also be reported to the
licensing authority.
12. (i) The licensing authority may, if he considers necessary by general or special order, authorise a medical officer to
inspect the sanitary condition of any of the places which have been licensed by him under section 5 of the Act and such
officers may visit all parts of the premises for purposes of inspection at any time.
(ii) Defects revealed by such inspection shall be brought to the notice of the licensee and also be reported to the
licensing authority.
13. The licence and the plan and description, if any, attached thereto shall be produced on demand by the licensing
authority or by any officer authorised by him or by these rules to enter a place licensed under section 5 of the Act.
Alterations and Repairs
14. (i) No addition to or alteration of any portion of any premises licensed under section 5 of the Act, necessitated by
fire, any other calamity or any other cause shall be made without the sanction of the licensing authority.
(ii) The licensee shall give notice in writing to the licensing authority of his intention to make any such addition or
alteration, and such notice shall be accompanied by complete plans, elevations and sections and specifications of the
work proposed to be executed, drawn up in duplicate in the manner prescribed in rule 5, provided that in the case of
premises for which a temporary licence has been granted such plans and specifications shall be furnished as the
licensing authority may consider necessary.
(ii) The work shall not be commenced until the consent of the licensing authority has been obtained, and the licensing
authority shall not give his consent unless the Executive Engineer certifies that the proposed addition or alteration is in
accordance with these rules.
(iv) No addition to or alteration of any part of the cinematograph and its appurtenances or of the lighting or other electric
arrangements shall be made without the sanction of the licensing authority.
The licensee shall give notice in writing to the licensing authority of his intention to make any such addition or alteration,
and the licensing authority shall not give sanction thereto unless the Electric Inspector or an officer deputed by him
certifies that the addition or alteration is in accordance with the provisions of these rules. 15. Notice in writing shall be
given to the licensing authority of intention to carry out repairs or re-decorations necessitating the use of scaffolding
cradles or plant giving full details of the position thereof, if it is intended that the public shall be admitted while such
scaffolding, cradles or plant are in position or in use. If the licensing authority shall so require, the premises shall be
closed to the public until the work has been completed and the scaffolding, cradles and plant removed.
16. (1) The fees shown in the Schedule to these rules shall be charged for the grant and renewal of licences and for
inspections. [These fees shall be deposited in a Government treasury before applying for the grant and renewal of
licences and for inspections.].
(See Rule 16)
Table of Fees
1. For the grant of a three years licence 1350 Rupees 2. For renewal of a three years licence 900 Rupees 3. For a
temporary licence for each week or part of a week 15 Rupees Provided that in the case of commercial firms,
concerns and institutions, for exhibiting films of propagate sale of their products, a fee of 150 Rupees per week or 30
Rupees per day, as the case may be, shall be charged. 4. For the grant of a duplicate of a three years licence ... 30
Rupees 5. For an inspection by the Executive Engineer for the grant or renewal of a licence-
(i) For the First inspection ... 75 Rupees and;
(ii) For any subsequent inspection that may be necessary, such sum not exceeding 150 Rupees as the licensing
authority may determine.
6. For an inspection by the Electric Inspector for the grant or renewal of a three years licence :-
(i) For the first inspection. 75 Rupees and;
(ii) For any subsequent inspection that may be necessary, such sum not exceeding 150 Rupees as the licensing
authority may determine.
7. For an inspection by the Electric Inspector of a touring cinematograph :-
(i) For the first inspection. 45 Rupees
(ii) For any subsequent inspection that may be necessary, such sum not exceeding 45 Rupees as the licensing
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for residential purposes or for the preparation or sale of food or drink, except as the licensing authority may by written
order permit. 21. External walls. - (i) The building shall have external or party walls of brick, mud, stone, corrugated
iron or concrete.
(ii) Where the building is in close proximity to another building, it shall be separated therefrom by walls and structures of
fire-resisting materials in a manner to be approved by the licensing authority and no openings in the walls or in any part
of building such as may be liable to communicate fire shall overlook the neighbouring building.
(iii) Any opening in the building overlooking an adjacentment site upon which an inflammable structure is erected or
upon which inflammable material is stored shall be protected to the satisfaction of the licensing authority.
22. Structural requirements. - (i) All floors, galleries, tiers, posts, columns, joints, trusses, stairways and landings in
the building shall be of fire-resisting material.
(ii) Partition shall be made of fire-resisting material or of wood not less than 1¾ inch thick and certified by the Executive
Engineer to be hard wood.
[(iii) The building shall have a roof. All ceilings and panelling shall be made of fire-resisting material or from compressed
or synthetic material treated against flaming which has been certified by the Executive Engineer to be suitable for the
purpose intended.].
(iv) All floors including galleries, landings and corridors with their supports shall be capable of supporting a static load of
one hundred pounds per square foot and, as in alternative loading, every step or landing shall be strong enough to
support a point load of three hundred pounds placed in any position.
(v) Where the first tier or gallery extends over the stalls, the height between the floor of the stalls and such tier or gallery
shall not in any part be less than 10 feet; the height between the floor of the highest part of the gallery and the lowest
part of the ceiling over the same shall not in any part be less than 12 feet, the height between any tier and the tier
ceiling above it shall, in no case, be less than 8 feet.
23. Drainage. - (i) The building and the compound, if any, shall be adequately drained to the satisfaction of the
licensing authority.
(ii) Except with the written consent of the licensing authority the lowest floor of the building shall not be constructed at a
lower level than that at which it can be effectively drained by gravity.
24. Accommodation. - (i) The total number of spectators accommodated in the building shall not exceed 20 per
hundred square feet of the area available for sitting and standing or 20 per 133 ½ square feet of the overall area of the
floor space in the auditorium.
(ii) A notice showing the number off spectators permitted by the conditions of the licence to be admitted to any one part
of the buildings shall be exhibited at a prominent place either at the entrance of the building or in the auditorium.
25. Seating. - (i) The seating in the building shall be arranged so that there is free access to exits. [ [(Explanation 1)]. -
The seats in each alternate row shall be staggered in a manner that the line or vision is not obstructed and that the
angle of vision does not exceed 35 degree.] [(Explanation 2.) - The step of the floor of the auditorium shall have
average gradient of 1" in 18" except in case of cinemas built before 1st February, 1958.] [(Explanation 3.) - In the case
of cinemas with dual inclined slopes in the floors of the auditorium, the rear stop shall be 1" in 18" while the front incline
shall be 1" in 24.]
(iii) The rows of seats shall be so arranged that there is a clear space of not less than 12" between the back of one seat
and the foremost portion of the seat arm or frame behind, measured between perpendiculars.
(iv) All seats, except those in private boxes, shall be securely fixed to the floor, and if battened together or made in
links, the complete link shall be firmly attached to the floor,
(v) [The minimum distance between the cinematograph screen and the front row of seats shall be;
(i) equal to the width of the screen subject to a minimum of 25 feet in case of cinemas equipped with screens up to 30
feet wide; and
(ii) equal to ¾ th of the width of the screens subject to a minimum of 30 feet in case of cinemas fitted with screens
exceeding 30 feet in width.
Note. - The space between the screen and the front row of seats shall be left vacant according to the width of the
screen installed irrespective of the consideration whether the whole or only a part of the screen is made use of.]
(vi) [The lower edge of the picture as a projected on the cinematograph screen shall be at a height varying from 5'-6" to
7' above the level of the floor of the auditorium at the front row of seats depending upon the length of the auditorium.]
(vii) [(a) Every row of seats in the auditorium shall be assigned a specific distinguishing mark such as 'A', 'B', 'C' and so
on and every seat in each row shall be serially numbered. The serial number shall be inscribed at a prominent place on
the seat in such a manner that the seat can be easily located.
(b) The Licensee shall ensure that on every ticket which any booking clerk issues for any cinematograph exhibition a
separate seat number is marked.
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The Purchaser of the ticket shall be entitled to occupy the seat bearing the serial number marked on the ticket. The
serial number of the seat shall be marked on that portion of the ticket which is to be retained by the purchaser so that it
can be produced for inspection in case of any doubt or one demand.] [25A. (1) The licensee or his agent shall not sell
to a purchaser more than eight tickets for the same show. (2) In addition to the opening of the booking office for the sale
of tickets at least half an hour before the start of each show the licensee shall make adequate arrangements for
advance booking of seats in the auditorium for all shows and for that purpose keep the booking office open from 10
A.M. to 1.30 P.M. and again from 4 P.M. to 5.30 P.M. daily. Explanation. - For the purposes of this rule, the expression
'show' means a cinematograph exhibition.] 26. Gangway. - (i) Gangway not less than 44 inches wide shall be provided
in the building as follows :-
(a) Down each side of the auditorium.
(b) Down the centre of the seating accommodation at intervals of not more than 25 feet.
(c) Parallel to the line of the seating so as to provided direct access to exists : Provided that not more than one
gangway for every 10 rows shall be required.
(ii) All gangway, exits and the treads of steps and stairways shall be maintained with non-slippery surfaces.
(iii) Druggets, matting and floor covering if provided in gangways, shall be securely fastened to the floors.
(iv) The exits and the gangways, and passages leading to exits shall be kept clear of all obstructions other than rope
barriers provided in accordance with sub-rule (vi). On no account shall extra seats be placed in the gangways or
spectators be allowed to stand in the gangways at the time of performances in such a way as to block or effectively
reduce their width.
(v) If steps have to be inserted in a gangway or passages there shall be not less than 3 steps at any one place. The
treads shall not be less than 15" wide and shall be uniform width and height.
(vi) Rope barriers in gangways or elsewhere shall be fitted with clips or fastenings which will part in the centre on slight
pressure and shall not trial on the floor.
(vii) Guards rails not less than 3 feet 6 inches above floor level shall be provided on the parapet at the foot of gangways
in galleries where the incline of the gangway exceeds 15 degrees.
27. Stairways. - (i) There shall be at least 2 stairways each not less than 4 feet wide to provide access to any gallery or
upper floor in the building which is intended for use by the public.
(ii) The treads and risers on each flight of stairs shall be of uniform width and height. The treads shall not be less than
11 inches wide and the risers shall not be more than 7 inches high.
(iii) There shall be no winders.
(iv) A continuous hand rail shall be fitted to each side of stairways.
(v) No stairways shall discharge into a passage or corridor against or across the direction of exit.
28. Exits. - (i) Every public portion of the building shall be provided with an adequate number of clearly indicated exits
placed in such positions and so maintained as to afford the audience ample means of safe and speedy egress.
(ii) In the auditorium there shall be at least one exit from every tier, floor or gallery for every 100 persons
accommodated or part thereof :
Provided that from every upper floor or gallery these shall be not less than two exits: Provided further that an exit on or
by way of a stage or platform shall not be reckoned as one of the exits required by this rule.
(ii) Every exit from the auditorium shall provide a clear opening space of not less than 7 feet high and 5 feet wide.
(iv) Exits from the auditorium shall be suitably spaced along with both sides and along the back thereof, and shall
deliver into two or more different thoroughfares or open spaces from which there are at all times free means of rapid
(v) Every passage or corridor leading from an exit in the auditorium to a final space of exit from the building shall be of
such width as will in the opinion of the licensing authority, enable two persons who are likely to use it in an emergency
to leave the building without danger of crowding or congestion. At no point shall any such passage or corridor be less
than 5 feet wide, and it shall not diminish in width in the direction of the final place of exit.
(vi) The combined width of the final place of exits from the building shall be such that there are at least 5 feet of exit
width for every 100 persons that can be accommodated in the building.
(vii) All exit doors shall open outwards and shall be so fitted that when opened they do not obstruct any gangway,
passage, corridor, stairway or landing.
(viii) All exit does not doors through which the public have to pass on the way to the open air shall be available for exit
during the whole time that the public are in the building and during such time shall not be locked or bolted.
(ix) All exits from the auditorium and all doors or openings (other than the main entrance) intended for egress from the
building shall be clearly indicated by the word "EXIT" in block letters, which shall not be less than seven inches high
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and shall be so displayed as to be clearly visible in the light as well as in the dark.
(x) All other doors or opening shall be so constructed as t be clearly distinguishable from exits. They may be indicated
by the words "No thoroughfare" arranged as illustrated in figure below, but notices bearing the words "No Exit" shall not
be used in any part of the building.
No Thoroughfare
29. Pay boxes, Check boxes, etc. - Pay boxes, check boxes and attendants' seats shall be fixed in such positions in
the building that they will not obstruct means of exit and any mirror, pictures notices or advertisements shall be attached
to or hung upon they walls in position in which they will not be likely to cause obstruction to exits and shall be fixed flat
against the wall or kept clear of the headline, i.e., 7 feet above the floor. 30. Clock room accommodation. - (i)
Provision shall not be made in the corridors, passages and stairways of the building for hanging hats and cloaks.
(ii) Where cloak rooms are provided they shall be so situated that the persons using them will not interfere with the free
use of any exit.
31. Ventilation. - (i) The building shall be provided with efficient means of ventilation direct to the open air.
(ii) Unless the auditorium is air-conditioned [or air cooled] the means of ventilation shall take the form of natural
ventilation and power-driven exhaust fans suitably located and of adequate size for the purposes intended.
(iii) Where natural ventilation is provided by windows of skylights which have to be darkened or obscured, free
permanent top ventilation shall be arranged by means of ridge or ceiling ventilators. The clear opening of such
ventilators shall not be less than I square foot for every 10 persons that can be accommodated.
[(iv) There shall be a time gap of not less than twenty minutes between two cinematograph shows. The duration of an
interval in a cinematograph show shall be not less than ten minutes. During the gap between two shows and the
interval in a show all doors and ventilators shall be kept wide open and all exhaust and other fans will be worked at top
speed so that the whole of the auditorium shall be flushed with air completely].
[31A. Air conditioning and air cooling. - (1) In town having a population of more than fifty thousands, the auditorium
shall be air-conditioned within a period of [six years]: Provided that during this period of [six years], till such time the
auditorium is not air-conditioned, the auditorium shall be air-cooled : [Provided further that when the air-conditioning/air-
cooling system is not working due to any unavoidable reason the auditorium shall be provided with proper air-circulation
through exhaust fans.] (2) In towns having a population of more than ten thousand but less than fifty thousand, the
auditorium shall be air cooled, within a period off three months, provided that the licensing authority may, keeping in
view the setting capacity of the auditorium and climatic conditions, require the auditorium to be air conditioned within a
period of six months from the date of receipt of notice by the licensing authority. (3) A new license shall not be granted
unless the auditorium is air conditioned or air cooled as the case may be.] 32. Sanitary provisions. - (i) The building
and compound, if any, shall be kept free from effluvia arising from drain, privy or other nuisance.
(ii) Separate latrines and urinals shall be provided for each sex. The latrines shall be cleaned or flushed immediately
before and after each performance and shall be washed with phenyl or other sanitary fluid at least twice a day.
[(iii) The licensee shall also make arrangements to provide drinking water to the cinema goers.]
33. Parking arrangements. - (i) Such arrangements shall be made for the parking of motor cars and other vehicles in
the vicinity of the buildings as the licensing authority may require.
(ii) No vehicle shall be parked or allowed to stand in such a way as to obstruct exits or impede the rapid dispersal of the
persons accommodated in the building in the event of fire or panic.
34. Fir precautions. - (i) Fire-extinguishing appliances suitable to the character of the building and of a pattern, class
and capacity approved by the licensing authority shall be provided as prescribed by him. These appliances shall be
disposed to his satisfaction so as to be really available for sue in case of fire in any part of the building.
(ii) There shall always be sufficient means of dealing with fire readily available within the enclosure, and these shall
include a damp blanket, a portable chemical fire-extinguisher and two buckets of dry sand.
(iii) All fire-extinguishing appliances shall at all times be maintained in proper working order, and available for instant
use, and all chemical fire- extinguishers shall be capable of withstanding a pressure of not less than 250 lb. per square
(iv) During an exhibition all fire-extinguishing appliances shall be in charge of some person or persons specially
nominated for this purpose. Such persons need not be employed exclusively in looking after the fire appliances, but
they must not be given any other work during an exhibition which would take them away from the building or otherwise
prevent them from being immediately available in case of danger or alarm of fire.
(v) The building shall be provided with an efficient lightning conductor.
Enclosure, Cinematograph, Lighting, Etc.
35. Enclosure. - The cinematograph apparatus shall be placed in an enclosure of substantial construction, the
dimensions of which shall be such that when the cinematograph apparatus and other necessary fittings are installed
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therein there is sufficient space to allow the operator or operators to work freely. 36. (i) The enclosure shall be placed
outside the auditorium.
(ii) It shall be entirely self-contained and shall house only the cinematograph apparatus, fire appliances and such
controlling apparatus as must on necessity be placed therein.
[37. There shall be only one entrance to the enclosure which shall not communicate with any part of the building to
which the public have access.] [38. The enclosure and any fittings covering openings thereto shall be made of fire-
resisting material.] 39. Proper and efficient means of ventilation shall be provided in the enclosure in such a manner
that there shall be no communication with any part of the building to which the public is admitted through the medium of
such means of ventilation. 40. The number of openings in the front of the enclosure shall not exceed two projection
openings, each not more than [36] square inches in area and one inspection opening not more than 36 square inches in
area for each cinematograph apparatus or projector. All such opening shall be equipped with screens so operated that
only one projection opening and one inspection opening can remain open at any one time and that all opening can be
automatically closed from convenient positions both from inside and outside the enclosure. 41. No non-synchronous
machine shall be placed in or operated from the enclosure without the written permission of the licensing authority. 42.
No person other than a qualified operator employed by the licensee and holding a certificate granted by the Electric
Inspector or an apprentice duly authorised by the licensee under rule 89 shall be allowed to enter or be in the enclosure
while an exhibition is in progress. 43. Where a manager or a proprietor holds an operator's certificate, a second
qualified operator must be engaged who shall remain on duty in the enclosure during the whole period of exhibition. 44.
No inflammable article shall unnecessarily be taken into or allowed to remain in the enclosure, no smoking shall at any
time be permitted within the enclosure, and no naked light shall be used therein.
Projector, Apparatus and Films
45. Cinematograph projectors shall be placed on film supports constructed of fire-resisting material and shall be
provided with a metal shutter which can be readily inserted between the source of light and the film gate. This shutter
shall immediately be dropped in the event of an accident to the cinematograph apparatus or stoppage of the film and
shall only be raised when the film is in motion for the purpose of projection. 46. The film gate shall be massive
construction, and shall be provided with ample heat-radiating surface. The passage for the film shall be sufficiently
narrow to prevent flame travelling up wards or down-ward from the light opening. 47. Cinematograph projectors shall be
fitted with two metal film-boxes of substantial construction, to and from which the film shall be made to travel. The film
boxes shall be made to close in such a manner, and shall be fitted with film-slots so constructed as to prevent the
passage or flame into the interior of the box. 48. Film spools shall be driven by means of chains, a gears, or belts of fire
resisting material and films shall be wound thereon so that the wound film shall not at any time reach or project beyond
the edges of the flanges of the film spool. 49. The rewinding of films shall not be carried on in the enclosure while an
exhibitions is in progress. 50. During an exhibition all films when not in use shall be kept in closed metal boxes. 51. Not
more than 200 Ib. of [inflammable] Cinematograph film shall be stored in the premises to which this licence relates,
unless a specific licence has been obtained from the Chief Inspector of Explosives in India as required by the
Cinematograph Film Rules, 1948.
Winding Room
52. (i) A separate room shall be provided for the rewinding of films which shall be constructed throughout of fire-
resisting materials.
(iii) All fittings and fixtures in the winding room shall be constructed of fire-resisting materials and the entrance shall be
provided with self- closing close-fitting door and shall not communicate directly with the enclosure, the auditorium or
any part of the building to which the public are admitted.
Lighting and Electrical Installation
53. No illuminant other than-electric light shall be used in the building. 54. (i) Provision shall be made for adequate
illumination of the auditorium and the exits therefrom to the outside of the building including passages, corridors
landings and stairways, the notices indicating the position of exits, and all parts of the building to which the public are
(ii) During the whole time the public are present in the building the lighting for purposes other than the illumination of the
auditorium shall be in operation sufficiently to enable the public to see clearly the way out.
55. The auditorium shall be provided with two independent lighting circuits taken from two different and independent
sources of supply in the building or place licensed for exhibition. One circuit (hereinafter referred to be the general
lighting circuit) which must not enter the enclosure, may, include all exit signs and the lighting of all part of the building
to which the public are admitted and shall be connected to the main source of supply in the building; and the other
circuit (hereinafter referred to as the emergency lighting circuit) shall be used exclusively for the lighting of the
auditorium and shall be controlled from a convenient position within the enclosure and shall be connected to the second
independent source of supply, as distinct from that used for the general lighting circuit. Before the commencement of
each exhibition, it shall be ascertained by the operator, that the independent source of supply provided for the
emergency circuit is in satisfactory order and the supply from the same is available for immediate use in case of
emergency. 56. (i) The emergency lighting circuit shall supply not less than three lamps arranged so as to avoid, as far
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incharge shall satisfy himself that all cables, leads, connections and resistances as also the fire extinguishing
appliances in the enclosure are in the proper working order.
(ii) The resistances, if not under constant observation, shall be inspected at least once during each performance. If any
fault is detected, current shall be immediately switched off and shall remain switched of until the fault is removed.
88. The operator incharge shall not allow the film to travel through the machine at a greater speed than one hundred
feet a minute. 89. An apprentice duly authorised by the licensee may be allowed within the enclosure. Such apprentice
shall be not less than 16 years of age and shall not be permitted to operate the cinematograph except in the presence
of the operator incharge. 90. No person shall operate a cinematograph or be within the enclosure while under the
influence of liquor or any other intoxicant. 91. Every person who holds a licence under section 5 of the Act shall furnish
the licensing authority with a list of operators employed by him and whenever any operator is engaged by him, he shall
furnish the licensing authority and the Electric Inspector with particulars regarding him before he is allowed to
commence work.
Part VI
Appeal under sub-section (3) of section 5 [and sub-section 4 of section 7-A] of the Act.
92. An appeal under sub-section (3) of section 5 [and sub-section 4 of section 7-A] of the Act shall be preferred by the
aggrieved person to the State Government in the Home Department within 30 days of the communication to him of the
decision of the licensing authority.
Part VII
Miscellaneous Conditions
93. The licensee shall comply with all the rules made under the Act. [94. In addition to such directions as may, from
time to time, be issued under sub-section (4) of section 5 of the Act and the condition specified in the foregoing rule, the
licences, whether [for a period of three years] or temporary, shall be subject to the conditions set forth hereunder] :
(i) No fire work shall be used as an adjunct to cinematograph exhibition.
(ii) Save as the licensing authority may by written order permit, no loudspeaker, gramophone, band, drum, bell, horn,
whistle, siren or musical instrument of any kind shall be employed or allowed to be used as an advertisement or to
attract attention in or outside the licensed place, nor shall any device be employed which is designed or serves to
deliver the entertainment to persons outside the licensed place.
(iii) No poster, advertisement, sketch, synopsis, or programme of a film shall be displayed, sold or supplied either in or
any where outside the licensed place which is likely to be injurious to morality or to encourage or incite to crime or to
lead to disorder or to offend the feelings of any section of the public or which contains offensive representation of living
(iv) Omitted vide Haryana Government notification published in Haryana Government Gazette, Legislative Supplement
Part III, dated 24.3.1972.
(v) The licensee shall not, without the permission of the licensing authority, assign, sublet, nor otherwise transfer the
licence or the licensed place or the cinematograph, nor shall be licensee, without permission as aforesaid, allow any
other person during the period of currency of the licence to exhibit the film in the licensed place.
(vi) If any accident occurs in a licensed place and such accident results in personal injury or is likely to have resulted in
personal injury or loss of life the licensee shall give notice in writing of such accident to the licensing authority and the
Electric Inspector to Government, [Haryana] within 24 hours of its occurrence; and if the accident results in loss of life
the notice shall be given by an express telegram to be confirmed in writing within 24 hours of the occurrence of the
accident. Pending an inspection or investigation by the Electric Inspector to Government, [Haryana.] [or any officer
specially appointed to assist him in this behalf, the licensee shall not interfere with or remove from the seen of the
accident any electrical or mechanical apparatus, wiring, furnishing etc., which may have been involved in the accident.]
[(vii) The licensed premises shall not be used for any purposes other than an exhibition by means of cinematograph,
without the prior permission, in writing, of the District Magistrate.].
(viii) The licensee shall not display, or cause to be displayed any photographs, picture or poster which depicts or
represent or purports to represent a scene shot which has been excised from any film under the orders of the Central
Board of Film Censors or the Central Government.
[(ix) No person the age of 18 years shall be admitted to any show commencing before 3.00 P.M. except on Sunday, a
holiday notified by the Haryana State Government or any other day on which Educational Institutions are closed.]
Provided that this prohibition shall not apply to the admission of children below the age of five years."
[Part VIII]
Special Provisions Relating to Drive-in-Cinemas
95. Definitions. - (1) In this part unless the context otherwise requires :-
(a) drive-in-cinema means a cinema with an open air theatre premises into which admission may be given normally to
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persons desiring to view the cinema while sitting in motor cars. In case where an auditorium is also provided in a drive
in-cinema premises, persons other than those desiring to view the cinema while sitting in motor cars, can also be
admitted. Such drive-in-cinemas may have a capacity to accommodate not more than one thousand cars;
(b) 'Motor car' means a motor car as defined in clause (16) of section 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (Central Act IV
of 1939).
(2) The provisions of this part shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in other parts of
these rules. (3) The provisions applicable to three years license in these rules shall apply mutatis mutandis to drive-in-
cinemas. 96. Fee for licenses. - Fees for a drive-in-cinema license shall be as follows :-
Capacity of
the theatre License fees
number of for one year
motor cars
Not more
Rs. 1000
than 100
More than
Rs. 2000
97. Special provisions relating to the construction of drive-cum-cinema. - (1) A drive-in-cinema shall have a road
frontage on a public thorough fare upon which the site of such cinema abuts and in such frontage there shall be a
suitable provision for entrance and exit for motor cars. At the entrance, sufficient space shall be provided for the motor
cars waiting to enter the premises. The space shall be sufficient to hold atleast 1/5 of the total capacity of the motor
cars in the drive-in-cinema and atleast two separate entry bays with ticket booths shall be provided for the entry of such
cars into the area. A minimum of two gates for exit for motor cars shall be provided where the cinema is constructed to
accommodate more than 600 motor cars. The width of each of the entrance and exit gates shall not be less than four
metres. (2) On the boundaries of the drive-in-cinema, either a compound wall of fire-resisting material with a height of
not less than two metres above the level of the ground adjoining the wall within the compound shall be constructed or
the whole compound shall be surrounded by a bearded wire fence and a hedge of bushes. (3) The entrance and exit
areas shall be adequately lighted by flood lights. (4) The lateral limitation of the spectator area shall be confined to an
angle of 37 50 with respect to the centre line of the screen. (5) The rows of motor cars facing the screen shall be
provided in the form of an are of a circle with its centre at a distance of 0.6x breadth of the screen, at the back of the
screen, on the centre line. (6) The width of one day accommodating motor vehicle in a row facing the screen shall be
not less than 10 meters. (7) The distance between the screen and the front row of vehicles shall not be less than 1.5
times the width of the picture on the screen. (8) A clear passage of not less than 10 metres in width shall be provided
on either side the spectators., area - (9) In all the row of motor cars, the wrong of the motor cars shall stand higher than
the rear to ensure that from the rear a complete view of the screen is visible. (10) The size of the picture projected on
the screen shall be as specified below, namely:-
Height 11
for 200 to
metres Width
1. 25 metres
Bottom 6
cars :-
Height 13
for 401 to metres Width
600 30 metres
motor Bottom 7
cars metres above
the ground.
Height 19
for 601 to metres Width
1,000 43 metres
motor Bottom 3
cars metres above
the ground.
(11) The screen should be so located that it is not lighted by sunset or by the evening twilight. It shall be constructed
with concrete material or steel frame. (12) The screen shall be so constructed as to with stand wind velocity of 160
kilometres per hour or a pressure of 120 kilograms per square metre. The screen shall, be inclined slightly forward. The
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maximum inclination shall be 8 degree with vertical axis. (13) The screen or a part thereof shall not be visible from road
side. (14) Red warning lights shall be mounted at the highest, point of the screen and flood lights to light the spectators
area shall be mounted over it. (15) The motor cars baby shall be of uniform width of 12 metres or 10 metres and 8
metres width alternately. (16) Loud speaker poles shall be provided to serve one motor car each on either side. The
distance between the two poles a row shall be not less than 6 metres. The poles for loud speakers shall not be
embedded in a complete base and shall have a light over than so as to indicate their position. The light shall be at the
side of the poles turned away from the screen which shall also illuminate the row and place number : Provided that in
any case the distance between any two motor cars standing alongside in the same row shall not be less than two
metres. (17) The projection room shall be located in a closed building in the centre of the premises. Such projection
room may be part of the structure accommodating public toilet canteen, kitchen, shops and other such amenities.
Sufficient care shall be taken to see that the light from these structures does not fall on or obstruct the proper viewing of
the projection. Where car bays are provided at the back of the projection room also, the area shall be so elevated that
proper view is obtained of the screen.
[Part IX]
Special Provisions Relating to Video-Cinemas
98. Definitions. - (1) In this part unless the context otherwise requires 'Video-Cinema' means any place wherein an
exhibition of moving picture or series of pictures is given by means of a video cassette recorder/player or any such
similar instrument or device. (2) The provisions of this part shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained in other parts of these rules. 99. Grant of video-cinema Licence. - The licence for a video-cinema will only
be granted for a period not exceeding one year subject to the provisions of Section 5 of the Act : Provided that a casual
licence for video cinema for a period not exceeding seven days may be granted by the licensing authority in respect of
any place for public exhibition of films after satisfying himself about the fitness of the apparatus, censor certificate of the
films and the suitability of the place. 99A. Form of licence. - Licence for a video-cinema shall be in form C and shall be
subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth therein and the provisions of these rules. 99B. Fees for Licences. -
Fees for granting video-cinema licence shall be as under:-
(a) for the grant of one year licence ...Rs. 500/-
(b) for renewal of licence ...Rs. 400/-
100. Seating arrangements and other conditions for exhibiting video films. - (1) Seating arrangement shall be as
follows :-
(i) Seating in the building shall be so arranged that there is free access to the exits.
(ii) The space available for each person shall not be less than :-
(a) 70 centimetre where backs are provided;
(b) 60 centimetre where backs are not provided;
(c) 50 centimetre where arms are provided; and
(d) 45 centimetre where arms are not provided.
(iii) The rows of seats shall be so arranged that there is a clear space o not less than 30 centimetre between the back of
one seat and the foremost portion of the seat arm or frame behind it, measures between perpendiculars.
(iv) All seats shall be securely fixed to the floor.
(v) The minimum distance between the video-screen or television and the front row of seats shall not be less than 2.40
metres and no person shall be admitted within such space.
(vi) Every row of seats in the auditorium shall be assigned a specific distinguishing mark such as A, B, C and so on and
every seat in each row shall be serially numbered. The serial number shall be inscribed at a prominent place on the
seat in such a manner that the seat can be easily located.
(vii) The licensee shall ensure that on every ticket which any booking clerk issues for any video shows a separate seat
number is marked. The purchaser of the ticket shall be entitled to occupy the seat bearing the serial number marked on
the ticket. The serial number of the seat shall be marked on that portion of the ticket which is to be retained by the
purchaser so that it can be produced for inspection in case of any doubt or on demand.
(2) The television set or screen for exhibition of video films shall be kept all appropriate height so as to be visible to the
viewers sitting in the last row. (3) Video films shall not be exhibited in a totally dark room or auditorium. A dim light
approximately of 25 to 60 watts bulb, shall be kept on throughout the exhibition of films. The bulb shall be placed at
right angles to the line of vision of the public. (4) The size of the screen used for video exhibition shall not be less than
52 centimetres. 101. Application of certain provision of the existing rules. - The provision of rules 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 to 15,
17 to 24, 25(A), 26 to 31(A), 32, 33, 34, 54, 55, 56, 58 to 71 and Parts V, VI and VII of the existing rules shall mutatis
mutandis apply to this part.
Form A
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[A three years]/Temporary-------licence under section 5 of the Punjab Cinemas Temporary (Regulation) Act, 1952 The
building/place known (a)------------------------------------------------------------- situated at
(b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- within the town
of---------------------------------------------------------------------------- in the district
of------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is licensed under section 5 of the Punjab Cinemas
(Regulation) Act, 1952, as a place where exhibitions by means of a cinematograph may be given. This licence has
been granted to (c)------------------------------------------------------ and shall remain in force until
the----------------------------------------------------------- provided that the said (c)-------------------or any person to whom with the
consent of the licensing authority the licence is transferred continues to own or manage the cinematograph used in the
said (a)---------------------------------------------------- This licence is granted subject to the provisions of the Punjab Cinemas
(Regulation) Act, 1952, and of the rules made thereunder, and to the conditions set forth in the Schedule below :-
(a) Name of building etc.
(b) Name of street or mohalla.
(c) Name of Licensee.
Schedule of Conditions
1. All buildings or other regulations for observance at places public amusement imposed by municipal by-laws or by any
other law or by rules under any other law for time being in force, shall be strictly complied with. 2. Strike out, when not
applicable, the words in brackets, - vide, Rule 18 Exception (ii). - The licensed building/place shall be maintained in
all respects in strict conformity with the rules contained in Part III/IV of the Public Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1952
(save as provided in the exemption certificate appended hereto). 3. The following fire appliances shall be provided, viz.
- (The licensing authority will enter here the number of the fire appliances of various kinds which are considered
necessary and state where they are to disposed, - vide rule 34). 4. (This condition may be omitted in the case of
temporary licenses. - The number of persons admitted at any one time into any part of the licensed building/place
shall not exceed the number specified below as the number of persons who may be accommodated in such part :- (The
licensing authority will here enter the number of persons who may be admitted into the several parts of the building,
having special regard to the provisions of rule 24). 5. No fireworks shall be used as an adjunct to a cinematograph
exhibition. 6. Save as licensing authority may by written order permit, no loudspeaker, gramophone, band, drum, bell,
horn, whistle, siren or musical instrument of any kind shall be employed or allowed to be used outside the licensed
building/place as an advertisement or to attract attention, nor shall any device be employed which is designed or serves
to deliver the entertainment to person outside the licensed building/place. 7. The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to
be exhibited any film other than a film which has been certified as suitable for unrestricted public exhibition or for public
exhibition restricted to adults and children in arms below the age of three, by an authority constituted under section 6 of
the Cinematograph Act, 1918 (II of 1918), and which, when exhibited, displays the prescribed mark of that authority and
has not been altered or tampered with in any way since such mark was affixed thereto. 8. No poster, advertisement,
sketch, synopsis or programme of a film shall be displayed, sold or supplied either in or anywhere outside the licensed
building/place which is likely to be injurious to morality or to encourage or incite to crime or to lead to disorder or to
offend the feelings of any section of the public or which contains offensive representations of living persons. [9. At least
48 hours before any film is exhibited, the licensee shall supply a synopsis of the contents of the film to the District
Magistrate of the District in which the place licensed under the Act is situated and the synopsis shall indicate on its title
page whether the film has been granted 'U' or 'A' certificate; Provided that the District Magistrate may, for reasons to be
recorded in writing, relax the provisions of this cause and accept in lieu of a proper synopsis, a hand bill giving a brief
account of the film.] 10. The licensee shall, when and so often as Government may require exhibit free of charge or on
such terms as regards remuneration as Government may determine, films and lantern slides provided by Government :
Provided that the licensee shall not be required to exhibit any entertainment films or lantern slides the exhibition of
which taken more than 15 minutes in all, or exhibit films or slides unless they are delivered to him at least 24 hours
before the entertainment at which they are to be shown is due to begin. 11. The licensee shall not, without the
permission of the licensing authority, assign, sublet or otherwise transfer the licence, the licensed building/place or the
cinematograph, nor shall the licensee, without permission as aforesaid, allow any other person, during the period of
currency of the licence, to exhibit films in the licensed building/place. 12. If any accident occurs in a licensed place, and
such accident results in personal injury or is likely to have resulted in personal injury or loss of life, the licensee shall
give notice in writing of such accident to the licensing authority and the Electric Inspector to Government [Haryana],
within 24 hours of its occurrence; and if the accident results in loss of life the notice shall be given by an express
telegram to be confirmed in writing within 24 hours of the occurrence of the accident. Pending an inspection or
investigation by the Electric Inspector to Government, [Haryana] or any officer specially appointed to assist him in this
behalf the licensee shall not interfere with or remove from the scene of the accident any electrical or mechanical
apparatus, wiring, furnishing, etc., which may have been involved in the accident. 13. The licensee shall not admit to
any performance any person whose ticket therefor has been purchased otherwise than from an authorised booking
clerk at the licensed place or from an agent whose name and place of business have been notified in advance to the
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District Magistrate and who has been approved by the District Magistrate as a suitable person to be appointed as agent
for the sale of tickets. 14. The licensee will not exhibit or permit to be exhibited in the place in respect of which this
licence is given, to any person who is not an adult, any film which has been certified by an authority, constitute under
section 6 of the Cinematograph Act, 1918 (II of 1918) as suitable for public exhibition restricted to adults.
Note. - This condition shall not be construed as prohibiting the exhibition of a film, in respect of which 'A' certificate has
been granted to children in arms below the age of three.
15. No advertisement slides relating to sexual diseases and medicines to correct sexual disorder, or purporting to assist
the childless in begetting children etc., shall be exhibited through slides in cinema halls. 16. Posters and pictorial
publicity material pertaining to cinematograph films which are a gross misrepresentation of the film itself and which
even when not clearly obscene objectionably suggestive, shall not be displayed in cinema halls. 17. Film shall be stored
(i) in a storage shed constructed of suitable uninflammable materials; the doors and ventilators may be of wood, and
shall open outwards, or
(ii) in a tent, placed on private ground and separated by a distance of not less than 25 feet from any dwelling house,
other building, highway, street, or public place.
18. The storage shed shall not form part of, or be attached to any building in which any person resides or works or
where persons assemble for any purpose unless it is separated therefrom by a substantial floor or partition. 19. The
storage shed, if in any building, shall not be situated under any stair case or under any other means of exit likely to be
required to be used for escape in case of fire. 20. The storage shed shall be adequately ventilated near the ground level
and also near or in the roof. All ventilators shall be fitted with metal grids or similar suitable protection on the outside
face of the wall and a layer of No. 16 mesh brass or other non-corroding metal wire gauze on the inside face of the wall.
21. Film shall be kept in a securely closed fire-resisting receptacle. 22. The storage shed or tent shall not be used for
any other purpose. 23. (i) All operations connected with examination, repairing, cleaning, waxing and rewinding of film,
shall only be carried out in the examination room which shall not be used for any other purpose and shall be separated
from the storage shed by a partition.
(ii) The examination room shall be constructed of fire-resisting materials only and well ventilated to the outside air.
(iii) Not more than two rolls of film only shall be opened for examination at any one time per examiner and not more
than 10 rolls in all shall be under examination or repair at any one time.
24. All film waste and scrap in the examination room shall be placed immediately in a strong metal receptacle fitted with
a tight hinged lid and marked 'Film Waste' and kept under water until disposed of. The contents of the drums shall be
disposed of at frequent intervals by burning under adequate precautions or in such other manner as may be prescribed
by the licensing authority. 25. No alterations shall be carried out in the storage shed or examination room without the
previous sanction in writing of the licensing authority. Such alterations so sanctioned shall be shown on an amended
plan to be attached to this licence. 26. No two sheds for the storage of film shall adjoin each other or be in the same
building. 27. Adequate precautions shall at all time be taken for the prevention of accidents by fire or explosion and no
smoking, fire or articles capable of causing fire to film shall he permitted at any time within the licensed premises. 28.
The furniture and other articles shall be so arranged as to afford free egress to person in the room in the event of fire.
29. There shall be kept posted upto date in large characters in the room;
(i) full instructions as to the action to be taken in case of fire, and
(ii) full directions as to the means of escape from the room in case of fire.
30. Free access to the licensed premises shall be given at all reasonable times to any Magistrate or any Police Officer
not below the rank of a Sub-Inspector of Police deputed by the District Magistrate or the Superintendent of Police or the
Electrical Inspector, and every facility shall be afforded to such officer for ascertaining that the rules and conditions are
duly observed. 31. Any accident, fire or explosion occurring within the licensed premises which is attended with loss of
human life or serious injury to persons or property shall be reported immediately to the nearest Magistrate or to the
Officer-in-charge of nearest Police Station and by telegram or telephone where such means of communication are
available. 32. If the Licensing Authority calls upon the holder of a licence by a notice in writing, to execute any repairs to
the licensed premises which are in the opinion of such authority necessary for the safety of the premises the holder of a
licence shall execute the repairs within such period, not being less than one week from the date of receipt of notice, as
may be fixed by the notice. 33. (a) All lights in storage shed or examination room shall be at the ceiling and of the fixed
type. They shall be fitted with substantial, outer protecting vapour proof globes and equipped with keyless sockets. All
switches, fuses, plugs, sockets, electric meters and distribution boards, shall be installed outside the storage shed or
examination room. All frames shall be effectively earthed.
(b) All electric wiring and equipment shall conform to the Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings framed
by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. All electric wiring shall be in gas-tight screwed conduits which shall be
electrically and mechanically continuous throughout, and effectively earthed outside the building.
(c) Portable electric lights on extension cords shall not be used in any storage shed or examination room.
[34. The licensed premises shall not be used for any purpose other than an exhibition by means of a cinematograph,
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without the prior permission in writing, of the District Magistrate.] [35. The licensee shall not display, or cause to be
displayed any photographs, pictures or posters which depict or represent or purport to represent a scene or short which
has been excised from any film under the orders of the Central Board of film Censors or the Central Government.] [36.
(i) There shall be prominently exhibited at each public entrance whenever the premises are open to the public a notice
indicating in tabular form and in clear bold letters and figures :-
(a) the tile of each film to be shown on that day, other than tailors and advertisement films;
(b) the approximate times of commencement of each such film;
(c) whether each such film has received an "A" or "U" certificate from the Central Board of Film Censors; and
(d) whether persons below the age of 18 years other than children below the age of 3 years will be admitted or nor.
(iii) The nature of any certificate received in respect of film from the Central Board of Film Censors shall be clearly
indicated by the letters "U" or "A" in any advertisement of the film displayed at the premises.]
[37. No person below the age of 18 years shall be admitted to any show commencing before 3.00 P.M. except on
Sunday a holiday notified by the Haryana State Government or any other day on which Educational Institutions are
closed. Provided that this prohibition shall not apply to the admission of children below the age of five years.] [38. No
licence shall hold more than four shows daily; provided that on Sundays, fifth show during day time may also be held.
The licensing authority, may, however, for reasons to be recorded in writing, prohibit the holding of the fifth show on
Sundays for any number of days in the interest of law and order.] [39. The licensing authority, may however, for reasons
to be recovered in writing, in the interest of law and order, prohibit any show for any number of days.].
Form B
Temporary permit for exhibition under the Punjab Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1952
Whereas-------------------------------------------------------------(full name and address) has applied for the renewal of his
licence and the said licence has been retained in my office pending disposal of his application, he is hereby permitted
temporarily to exhibit films in------------------------------------(here enter description of premises) under the Punjab Cinemas
(Regulation) Act, 1952, for the period of---------------from this date, subject to the provisions of rule 7 of the Punjab
Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1952. Date the-------------- day of----------------198
[Form C]
One year licence under Section 5 of the Punjab Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1952. The building/place known as (a)
[name of building etc.].....situated at (b) [name of street or mohalla]......within the town of......in the district of .......is
licensed under Section 5 of the Punjab Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1952, as a place where exhibitions by means of a
video Cassette recorder/player or any such similar instrument or device may be given. This licence has been granted to
(c) [name of licensee]......and shall remain in force until the......provided that the said (c) [name of licensee].....or any
person to whom with the consent of the licensing authority the licence is transferred/continues to own or manage the
video cassette recorder/player or any such similar instrument or device used in the said (a) [name of building etc.]......
This licence is granted subject to the provisions of the Punjab Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1952, and of the rules made
thereunder, and to the conditions set forth in the Schedule below :-
Schedule of Conditions
1. All building or other regulations for observance at places of public amusement imposed by municipal bye laws or by
any other law of by-rules under any other law for the time being in force, shall be strictly complied with. 2. Strike out,
when not applicable, the words in brackets, - vide Rule 18 Exception (ii) The licensed building/place shall be maintained
in all respects in strict conformity within the rules contained in Part III/IV of the Punjab Cinemas (Regulation) Rules,
1952 (save as provided in the exemption certificate appended hereto). 3. The following fire appliances shall be
provided, viz :- (The licensing authority will enter here the number of fire appliances of various kinds which are
considered necessary and state where they are to disposed. - vide rule 34). 4. (This condition may be omitted in the
case of temporary any licenses). The number of persons admitted at any one time into any part of the licensed
building/place shall not exceed the number specified below as the number/of persons, who may be accommodated in
such part :- (The licensing authority will enter here the number of persons who may be admitted into the several parts of
the building, having special regard to the provisions of rule 24. 5. No fire work shall be used as an adjunct to a video
cassette recorder/player or any such similar instrument or device. 6. Save as the licensing authority may by written
order permit, no loudspeaker, gramophone, band, drum, bell, horn, whistle, siren or musical instrument of any kind shall
be employed or allowed to used outside the licensed building/place as an advertisement or to attract attention, nor shall
any device be employed which is designed or serves to deliver the entertainment to persons outside the licensed
building/place. 7. The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to the exhibited any film other than a film which has been
certified as suitable for unrestricted public exhibition or for public exhibition restricted to adults and children in arms
below the age of three, by an authority constituted under section 6 the Cinematograph Act, 1918 (II of 1918) and which,
when exhibited, displays the prescribed mark of that authority and has not been altered to tampered within any way
since such mark was affixed thereto. 8. No poster, advertisement, sketch, synopsis or programme of a film shall be
displayed, sold or supplied either in or anywhere outside the licensed building/place which is likely to be injurious to
morality or to encourage or incite to crime or to lead to disorded or to offend the feelings of any section of the public or
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which contains offensive representations of living persons. 9. At least 48 hours before any film is exhibited, the licensee
shall supply a synopsis of the contents of the film to the District Magistrate of the District in which the place licensed
under the Act is situated and synopsis shall indicate on its title page whether the film has been granted a 'U' or 'A'
certificate : Provided that the District Magistrate may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax the provisions of this
clause and accept in lieu of a proper synopsis, a hand bill giving a brief account of the film. 10. The licensee shall when
and so often, as Government may require exhibit free of charge or on such terms as regards remuneration, as
Government may determine, films and lantern slides provided by Government : Provided that, the licensee shall not be
required to exhibit at one entertainment film or lantern slides the exhibition of which take more than 15 minutes in all, or
to exhibit films or slides unless they are delivered to him at least 24 hours before the entertainment at which they are to
be shown is due to begin. 11. The licensee shall not, without the permission of the licensing authority, assign, sublet or
otherwise transfer the licence the licensed building/place or the video Hall, nor shall the licensee, without permission as
aforesaid, allow any other persons, during the period of currency of the licence, to exhibit films in the licensed
building/place. 12. If any accident occurs in a licensed place, and such accident results in personal injury or is likely to
have resulted in personal injury or loss of life, the licensee shall give notice in writing of such accident to the licensing
authority and the Electrical Inspector to Government, Haryana, within 24 hours of its occurrence; and if the accident
results in loss of life, the notice shall be given by an express telegram to be confirmed in writing within 24 hours of the
occurrence of the accident. Pending an inspection or investigation by the Electrical Inspector to Government, Haryana,
or any officer specially appointed to assist him in this behalf the licensee shall not interfere with or remove from the
scene of the accident any electrical or mechanical apparatus, wiring furnishing, etc. which may have been involved in
the accident. 13. The licensee shall not admit to any performance of any person whose ticket has therefore been
purchased otherwise than from an authorised booking clerk at the licensed place or from an agent whose name an
place of business have been notified in advance to the District Magistrate and who has been approved by the District
Magistrate as a suitable person to be appointed as agent for the sale of tickets. 14. The licensee will not exhibit or
permit to be exhibited in the place in respect of which this licence is given, to any person who is not an adult, any film,
which has been certified by an authority constituted under section 6 of the Cinematograph Act, 1918 (11 of 1918) as
suitable for public exhibition restricted to adults.
Note. - This condition shall not be construed as prohibiting the exhibition of a film, in respect of which an 'A' certificate
has been granted, to children in arms below the age of three.
15. No advertisement slides relating to diseases and medicines to correct sexual disorder, or purporting to assist the
childless in begetting children etc., shall be exhibited through slides in video halls. 16. Posters and pictorial publicity
material pertaining to video films which are a gross mis-representation of the film itself and which even when not clearly
obscene are objectionably suggestive, shall not be displayed in video hall. 17. The storage shed shall not form part of
or be attached to any building in which any person resides or works or where persons assemble for any purpose unless
it is separated therefrom by substantial floor or partition. 18. The storage shed, if in any building, shall not be situated
under any staircase or under any other means of exit likely to be required to be used for escape in case of fire. 19.
Adequate precautions shall at all time be taken for the prevention of accidents by fire or explosion and no smoking fire
or articles capable of causing fire to film shall be permitted at any time within the licensed premises. 20. The furniture
and other articles shall be so arranged as to afford free access to persons in the room in the event of fire. 21. There
shall be kept posted upto in large characters in the room :-
(i) full instructions as to the action to be taken in case of fire; and
(ii) full directions as to the means of escape from the room in case of fire.
22. Free access to the licensed premises shall be given at all reasonable times to any Magistrate or any Police officer
not below the rank of Sub- Inspector of Police deputed by the District Magistrate or the Superintendent of Police or the
Electrical Inspector and every facility shall be afforded to such officer for ascertaining that the rules and conditions are
duly observed. 23. Any accident, fire or explosion occurring within the licensed premises which is attended with loss of
human life or serious injury to persons or property shall be reported immediately to the nearest Magistrate or to the
Officer in Charge of nearest Police Station and by telegram or telephone where such means of communication are
available. 24. If the licensing authority calls upon the holder of a licence by a notice in writing, to execute any repairs to
the licensed premises which are in the opinion of such authority necessary for the safety of the premises the holder of a
licence shall execute the repairs within such period, not being less than one week from the date of receipt of notice, as
may be fixed by notice. 25. All electric wiring and equipment shall conform to the regulations for the electric equipment
of building framed by the Institution or Electrical Engineers. All electric wiring shall be in gas tight screwed conduits
which shall be electrically and mechanically continuous through on and effectively earthed outside the building. 26. The
licensed premises shall not be used for any purpose other than an exhibition by means of a video cassette
recorder/player of any similar instrument or device without the prior permission, in writing of the District Magistrate. 27.
The licensee shall not display, or cause to be displayed any photographs, pictures, or posters which depict or represent
or purport to represent a scene or shot which has been excised from any film under the order of the Central Board of
Film Censors or the Central Government. 28. (i) There shall be prominently exhibited at each public entrance whenever
the premises are open to the public a notice indicating in tabular form and in clear bold letters and figures :-
(a) the title of each film to be shown on that day, other than tailor and advertisement films;
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