Econmics Williamson Model

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Com(semester-II) Applied Economics

Prof. Rachna Mujoo

Williamson’s Model of Managerial Discretion

O.E. Williamson presented his model in the article, ‘Managerial Discretion and Business
Behaviour’ kmpublished in American Economic Review (1963). According to him managers
have the discretion of following policies which further their utility maximization objective,
rather than that of owners. But discretion of managers is limited by the desire of owners to earn
a minimum level of profits. This acts as a constraint on the profit maximizing behaviour of the

Managers utility function comprises the variables as salary, job security, power ,status, position
etc. The profits that satisfy the owners have been conceptualized as follows:

(a) Actual profit Π:

Actual profit is sales revenue less total costs including staff expenditure

(b) Reported Profit ΠR:
This actual profit is reported to the tax authority after deducting managerial emoluments. In
other words it is the difference between actual profit and management slack (nonessential
managerial expenditure)

ΠR = π – M = R = C – S – M
(c) Minimum Profit Π0:
This is indeed the minimum amount of profit (after tax) needed to pay satisfactory dividends to
the shareholders, without which the ‘job security’ of the manager may be at stake. This is
because if shareholders do not get reasonable dividends then either there will be a possibility of
takeover or the top management may be dismissed.

ΠR ≥ π0 +T

Thus reported profits should be sufficient enough cover minimum profit plus the taxation.
(d) Discretionary profit ΠD:
This is also a residue, i.e., the amount of profit left after subtracting the minimum profits and the
πD = π – π0 – T

(e) Discretionary investment, ID:

This is a residue of the amount left from the reported profit after setting aside minimum profit
and meeting the tax obligations. Thus

ID = π R – π0 – T
The difference between discretionary profits and investment arises due to M(management slack
) which is incorporated in the former but not in the latter. Thus

πD = ID+ M

if M=0; then πD =ID as πR = π

The model
According to Williamson, managers are concerned with the goodwill of the firm only to the ex-
tent that it favours their own personal motives and ambitions. He argues that the most important
motive of managers are desires for salary, security, dominance and professional excellence

These can be gained by incurring additional expenditure on staff, managerial emoluments and
discretionary investment. Williamson argues that managers have discretion in pursuing policies
which maximize their own utility rather than seeking the maximization of profits which maxi-
mize the utility of most shareholders (i.e., the owners of the company). The function can be
written as

Um = ƒ(S, M, ID)
where Um = managerial utility, S = monetary expenditure on staff including managerial salary,
M = Managerial slack, absorbed as a cost, and ID = amount of discretionary investment. Apart
from salary directly, managerial power and status in the firm also depend on number of staff
working under him. This being directly related to salary is clubbed with it in the Um function.
Management slack concerns non essential expenditure on lavishly furnished offices, luxurious
company car and the like. Discretionary investment is the amount of funds the managers can use
according to their will. Maximization of the above utility function is subject tominimum profit
Price in the model is P= f ( X, S, e)
That is , P is a function of output, staff expenditure and a demand shift parameter showing
autonomous change in demand. Cost is assumed to be an increasing function of output.
Confining only to a simplified model where M is taken as nil, the mathematical and
diagrammatic illustration has been given in the succeeding paragraphs. Thus
Um= f (S, ID)
Where M=0, and therefore as πR = π
ID = π – π0 – T
Maximise: Um= f [S,( π – π0– T) ]
Subject to: πR ≥ π0 + T

Diagrammatically equilibrium of the firm in Williamson’s model can be shown by

first drawing indifference map for managers based on their utility function. These
ICs show the indifference of managers between staff expenditure and discretionary
profit ( πD = ID ). These curves have the usual properties.

Source:A. Koutsoyiannis, Macmillan

The relationship between discretionary profit and staff expenditure is determined
by the profit function.

Source:A. Koutsoyiannis, Macmillan

With the increase in staff expenditure there is an increase in output and

discretionary profits up to the point of maximum profits, beyond which
discretionary profits tend to decline. Increase in staff expenditure beyond c results
in discretionary profits turning negative.

Source:A. Koutsoyiannis, Macmillan

To find the equilibrium, manager’s indifference map and discretionary profit curve
is brought together. The point of tangency of profit-staff curve with the highest
possible managerial indifference curve at point e shows the equilibrium of the firm.
Since ICs have a negative slope, the equilibrium point will be at the falling part of
profit curve. Thus according to Williamson, there is a greater preference for staff
expenditure by the managers. The staff expenditure here will be greater than that of
a profit maximiser. This model implies higher output, lower price and lower level
of profit than the profit maximization model.

1. A. Koutsoyiannis, Macmillan
2. H.L. Ahuja,Advanced Economic Theory


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