1.1. Background of The Study

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1.1. Background of the Study

• The background of the study should present the actual incidents, gaps, and the
problem experienced.
• This section may provide ideas which caused the researcher to undergo this particular
• You must stablish the need for conducting this study.
• The last paragraph in your background should state the statement of the problem.
• Follow the inverted triangle approach in presenting your introduction (Start from
general to specific and more specific).

1.2. Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to design and develop <insert your study/title>.
Furthermore, this study aims the following specific objectives.
1. To design ________________________
2. To fabricate/develop ______________________
3. To evaluate _________ in terms of functionality and efficiency.

1.3. Significance of the Study

This portion notes the contribution of the proposed study either to a body of scientific
knowledge, to practitioners in the area of the research or to any other group which will
benefit from the results.
• Why is it important for the study to be conducted?
• Who will benefit from it?
• What benefits could be derived from the study?

The study about the design of <title> will be beneficial and will have significant
contributions to the following:

The Company. (Explain/discuss)

Researcher. (Explain/discuss)

Operators/Workers. (Explain/discuss)
1.4. Scope and Limitations of the Study

• Included in this portion are the boundaries like geographic, population, time and
variables to be discussed.
• If certain weakness/shortcomings of the study are perceived by the researchers, these
must be noted in this section.

The study covers...<general objective here>. Furthermore, the study aims to <specific
objectives here>. Its purpose is in the hope of <WHY?> <detailed discussion of the
coverage of the study>. The study will be conducted on <WHEN? at WHERE?>.
Due to design constraints, this study does not cover… <what are the things you will
not include intentionally (BOUNDARIES to reduce amount of time spent in certain areas).
Out of the scope of the study>.

1.5. Conceptual Framework

• In your Conceptual Framework make sure to explain thoroughly the relationship of

inputs to process and to the output in the conceptual framework.
• Use proper format for labeling figure for the paradigm / framework.
• Use the title of the study as output in the framework.

1.6. Definition of Terms

• Alphabetical order
• Define the term how it is use in your study/ Define words operationally
• Do not copy paste from dictionary

• <Term here>
<This is where the definition should be placed>
• <Term here>
<This is where the definition should be placed>

1.7. Acronyms
Arrange the acronyms in alphabetical order.
2. Review of Literature and Related Studies

• This chapter is designed to identify and enumerate several researches related to the
present study.
• This includes a number of citations from magazines, journals, newspapers, case studies,
theses, research papers and other reliable literature sources.
• This chapter highlights local literatures, foreign literatures, local studies and foreign
• Present this unit thematically.
• Present relevant literatures and studies, use IEEE format for citing sources of
• Summarize and synthesize reviewed literature and studies.
• No figure/photo/diagram/table must be seen in RRL, if you need to show the figure place
it in the appendix while you mention or refer to it in your discussion.
• Make sure to use proper level heading and level heading format for all sections of the
• Use paragraph form, no bulleted discussion.


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3. Methods and Procedures
3.1. Research Design
In your RESEARCH DESIGN discuss research and development as your study
required research to gather data relative to the design, and the development stage is all
about construction of the prototype to simulate results of the design procedures. Discuss
HOWs and WHYs of the R and D research design.

3.2. Research Environment

For the RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT make sure to discuss WHO, WHAT,
WHEN, WHERE, involved/ relative to / pertaining to the objectives of your study.

3.3. Procedures
3.3.1 Data Gathering and Analysis
Discuss the data and analysis methods you will use in your study. Discuss
thoroughly and be specific on your discussion.

3.3.2 Design
Discuss the different design considerations you will use in your paper.
Discuss thoroughly and be specific on your discussion.

3.3.3 Fabrication
Discuss the different fabrication considerations you will use in your output
like process and materials. Discuss thoroughly and be specific on your discussion.

3.3.4 Testing and Evaluation

Under evaluation present the likert scale, and other item you used in the
evaluation such as weighted mean, survey questionnaires (just discuss briefly
what was the survey is intended for) All statistical treatment necessary for the
sampling and for the analysis of results should be mentioned and discussed.

3.4. Design Concept

The tools and concepts should be presented on how it will be used in the study, do
not just copy paste the meaning and description.

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