Nəzrin Hüseynli 103B Test
Nəzrin Hüseynli 103B Test
Nəzrin Hüseynli 103B Test
I was born in Blackburn , in the northwestern part of England and I (to live) there until I (to
leave) home at the age of 18. My parents (to move) to England from India in the 1970s. As a
child I went to the local school and , of course, (to speak) English with a local accent, just like all
the other children. But at home it was very different. We (to live) in an Indian environment , with
a great extended family of uncles and aunts. I think my family really (to influence) me a lot
while I (to grow) up. They often talked about India as "our home" - even though I never (to be)
there before. I always (to think) that growing up in two cultures is a kind of gift, not a
disadvantage. Now that I have a child of my own , I want her to get in touch with her Indian
roots too, so we (to plan) a visit to India later this year.
Mar Lennox’s father was arrested 2 years ago. The judge was fair in all his decisions. When Mar
Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle, everybody said she was the most
disagreeable-looking child ever seen. It was true, too. She had a little thin face and a little thin
body, thin short hair and a sour expression. She had fair hair, and her face was yellow because
she was born in India and had always been ill in one way or another.
III. Point out the verbals or predicative constructions stating their functions:
I have known Fred to be overweight. He has been suffering from obesity for years. One day I
saw him running and I found out that he was fit now. He told me how he overcame his obesity.
He went to a doctor and the doctor advised to run regularly. This said, he tried his best to lose
weight and started running. It was important for him to run everyday. Soon, it became his
favorite sport. Now everybody knows him to be a popular athlete. Fred felt very proud while
talking about his success. Now I am so glad for him to prevent his obesity.
Helen Keller (can) neither see nor hear from the time she was a baby. I (must) say there was
nothing wrong with Helen Keller when she was born. She (to be able to) walk when she was a
year old; she said a few words. But one day the child fell ill. She (must) be very ill. For days she
was laid up with a high fever and soon the parents learned that their darling (may) never see
and hear. She (can) not hear what was said to her and did not know how to talk, she was not (to
be able to) play with other children. Her parents took her to Washington to famous doctors to
find out if they could do something to make her hear and see again, but the doctors could do
nothing. Ann Sullivan who was past twenty found a way to make herself understand. She gave
the child a doll, and taking Helen Keller’s hand she slowly spelled out "d-o-l". The child learnt
for the first time that things (must) have names. By means of the hand language, Helen and her
teacher talked to each other. When Helen was 10 she was determined that she (would) learn to
speak. At the age of 20 Helen Keller passed all the difficult entrance examinations to Radcliffe
College. Helen wrote “The Story of My Life” while she was in college. In her writings and
lectures Helen did everything she (can) to help and encourage others who were blind.
Qoca səyyah çayın kənarında qiymətli bir daş tapmışdı. Ertəsi gün o, başqa bir səyyahla
qarşılaşdı. Səyyah çox ac idi. Qocadan yemək üçün bir şey istədi. Qoca ona yemək vermək üçün
çantasını açanda səyyah qiymətli daşı gördü. Qocadan o daşı ona verməyi xahiş etdi. Qoca heç
bir tərəddüdsüz daşı götürüb səyyaha verdi. Daşı götürən kimi, səyyah sevinclə qocadan ayrıldı.
Ancaq bir neçə gün keçəndən sonra o, yenə qayıtdı. Qocanı tapan kimi daşı ona qaytardı. Səyyah
qocaya: " Mənə verdiyin daşın nə qədər qiymətli olduğunu bilirəm" , - dedi - " ancaq səndə bu
daşdan daha qiymətli bir şey var. Bu daşı sənin gözündə adiləşdirən şey... Onu mənə verə
Exercise 1.
1. Had lived
2. Left
3. Moved
4. Spoke
5. Lived
6. Influenced
7. Was growing
8. Had never been
9. Have always thought
10. Are planning
Exercise 2.
1. Arrested- Verb
2. Fair- Adjective
3. When- Conjunction
4. Her- Pronoun
5. Ever- Adverb
6. Sour- Adjective
7. Fair- Adjective
8. Because- Conjunction
9. In- Preposition
10. Always – Adverb
Exercise 3.
1. Could
2. Must
3. Was able to
4. Must have been
5. Might
6. Could not
7. Wasn’t able to
8. Must
9. Would
10. Could
Exercise 5.
An old traveler had found a valuable jewel at the edge of the river. The next day, he came across
with another traveler. He was so hungry. He asked for something to eat from the old traveler.
When the old man opened his bag to give him something to eat, the other traveler saw the
valuable jewel. He asked the old man to give it to him. The old traveler gave the jewel to him
without any hesitation. Taking the jewel from him, the traveler left the old man joyfully. But
after a few days, he came back again. Finding the old traveler, he gave the jewel back to him. “I
know how valuable the jewel you gave to me is”, - said the traveler to the old man, - “But you
have got something that is more valuable than this jewel. The thing that simplifies this jewel in
your eyes…Can you give it to me?”