Contavan Gal

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Character Alkaline stabilizer for peroxide bleaching

Chemical character Organic chelate forming compounds based on hydroxycarboxylic acids

Appearance Clear, yellowish liquid

Ionic character Anionic

pH-value of a
10 % solution 3.0 - 4.0

Specific weight
at 20 °C Approx. 1.14

Stabilities CONTAVAN GAL is stable to concentrations of chemicals usually

applied for peroxide bleaching.

The product is not sensitive to frost.

The above given values are product describing data. Please consult the ‘delivery specification’ for binding product
specifications. Further data about product properties, toxicological, ecological data as well as data relevant to safety can be
found in the safety data sheet.


CONTAVAN GAL is a non-surface active stabilizer for alkaline peroxide bleaching. The product gives non-
foaming bleaching liquors and can be applied for bleaching procedures with and without silicate of soda.

CONTAVAN GAL has excellent peroxide stabilizing properties in the presence of catalytic heavy metals such as
iron, copper and manganese.

Application technique

Diluting instructions

CONTAVAN GAL can be mixed with cold and warm water at any ratio

Fields of application

CONTAVAN GAL is suitable for discontinuous and continuous bleaching procedures such as pad-steam-
processes and immersion bleaching processes.

® =registered trade mark

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Another special application of CONTAVAN GAL is on continuous pretreatment plants when silicate-free recipes
are used.

CONTAVAN GAL allows for excellent peroxide stability especially on fabric without hardness and ensures a very
high DP level by best efficiency of the peroxide.

Recipe Proposals

Peroxide cold bleach on grey fabric (starch-sized fabric)

0 - 2 g/l HEPTOL SF4

0 - 2 g/l KOLLASOL OCE
5 - 10 g/l CONTAVAN GAL
0 - 10 ml/l Silicate of soda
5 - 40 g/l NaOH 100 %
20 - 60 ml/l Peroxide 35 %
0 - 5 g/l Persulphate

Liquor pick-up: 80 - 100 %

Impreg. temperature: 20 - 30 °C
Bleaching time: 24 h at room temperature

Pad-Steam Bleach (combi steamer) on desized fabric

5 - 10 g/l CONTAVAN GAL

4 - 15 g/l NaOH 100 %
20 - 60 ml/l Peroxide 35 %

Liquor pick-up: 100 - 130 %

Impreg. temperature: 20 - 30 °C
Bleaching time: 10 - 25 min at 103 °C saturated steam

Pad-Roll Bleach on desized fabric

0 - 2 g/l HEPTOL SF4

0 - 2 g/l KOLLASOL OCE
6 - 8 g/l CONTAVAN GAL
5 - 10 ml/l Silicate of soda
5 g/l NaOH 100 %
20 - 30 ml/l Peroxide 35 %

Liquor pick-up: 100 %

Bleaching temperature: 98 °C
Bleaching time: 60 - 120 min

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Bleaching on apparatus and Jet machines at 95 - 110 °C

1.0 - 1.5 % CONTAVAN GAL

0.5 - 1.0 % FELOSAN NDA
1.5 - 3.0 % NaOH 100 %
2.0 - 10.0 % Peroxide 35 %

Liquor ratio: 1 : 10
Bleaching time: 30 - 60 min

We reserve the right to modify the product and technical leaflet.

Our department for applied technique is always at your service for further information and advice.

Our technical advice and recommendations given verbally, in writing or by trials are believed to be correct. They are neither
binding with regard to possible rights of third parties nor do they exempt you from your task of examining the suitability of our
products for the intended use. We cannot accept any responsibility for application and processing methods, which are beyond
our control.

Edition: April 2007

CHT Germany GmbH
Postfach 12 80, 72002 Tübingen, Bismarckstraße 102, 72072 Tübingen, Germany
Telephone: 07071/154-0, Fax: 07071/154-290, Email: [email protected], Homepage:

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