Communication, Advocacy and Partnership (Cap) Legislators' Engagement Programme Activity Outcome Role Budget Item Total Budget

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Legislators’ Engagement Programme

Activity Outcome Role Budget Item Total Budget

1. Consultation Legislators have an UNICF-CNLU to Logistics for half day 30 x 1000 = 30000
meeting with overall understanding approach meeting Experts
Legislators of of children’s issues Speaker’s Honorarium/Travel
/rights, situation/data, Office/Committe Venue, AV etc of experts =
key committees
causes, interventions e equipment 20000/
and developing and their role refreshments, Photo/video etc =
a roadmap UNICEF team to materials 15000/
/action plan Legislators prepare a support with Facilitator/Experts Total= 65000/
Roadmap for action agenda, 30 persons
(for one -two years) presentations involvement

CNLU to support
with facilitation,
material and

2. Roundtable Legislators have Thematic experts Venue, meals, AV Per Roundtable

meetings (2-3) insights into from equipments meeting (40 persons)
with legislators implementation of UNICEF/agencie Kit/stationery = 40x1000 = 40000
s RP (1-2) Travel / Local Travel etc =
on key priorities schemes on ground,
DSA 5x3000 = 15000/
community feedback CNLU to support Photo/ videography Experts Honorarium =
to help them in taking with logistics and Documentation 20000
actions material Miscellaneous Photo/Documentation
= 15000
Total = 90000x3 =

3. Field visits of Legislators have UNICEF to Logistics: 2-3 days 10 legislators (within
Legislators insights into identify area for Travel state)
(within implementation of field visit and Boarding/lodging Travel = 10x 5000x3
develop itinerary Kit/stationery = 150000/
Bihar/other schemes on ground,
(with programme Photo/ videography Photo/video etc =
state community feedback sectors and GoB Documentation 15000x3 = 45000/
to help them in taking counterparts) Miscellaneous Total = 195000/
coordinate with
legislators and
organize logistics

4. Knowledge
4.1. Ongoing Legislators have CNLU team with Hiring of Short-term 25000/
information available UNICEF inputs Consultant for
support to to raise issues in the Research analysis
members of House and also raise and documentation.
committees awareness in
Editing, Designing
(advocacy community
material/policy Printing/photocopyin
briefs/factsheets g
Process and results
4.2. Reporting and Costs
captured in reports Report writer/ editor
for dissemination and translation,
of the above
sustained advocacy Design and layout
5. Interface of Legislators listen to 2,00,000/
Legislators with and understand the
adolescents perspectives of
adolescents to inform
n and monitoring

5.1. Internship 5,000 per student

with Legislators

Campaign and Community Awareness

Activity Outcome Role Budget Head Total Budget

1. Celebration of CRC as an anchor CRC will play Consultation with 40,000/-
30 Years of in celebrating 30 the role of the NGOs (by 2nd
CRC Years of CRC anchor along Week of June
(Celebration will with UNICEF 2019)
Theme: End Violence be throughout the support.
Year) Food, Kit,
CRC will conviene 75,000/-
and will provide Rallies,
technical resource Awareness
to different Programme
stakeholders to through talks,
exrecute the competition, etc.
planning od
celebration almost
in every district of
2. In Schools (2 School Children CRC will play 50,000/-
Blocks of Patna will have basic the role of the
and 2 Blocks of understanding of anchor along
Vaishali) POCSO Act, JJB with UNICEF
through Legal Act. support in
Services collaboration
Authority. with BALSA.
1. - -

2. To frame and - Will create a cadre of child rights and child - UNICEF’s support in
teach an sensitive lawyers and academicians - Getting technical support for framing
optional - will create a cadre of child rights and child the curriculum
Course in sensitive judges and other officials - getting technical experts/organizing
Child Rights, compulsory internships/organizing
as part of the Symposium
University - teaching, evaluation by CRC
Curriculum faculties (Annexure (i) is the
proposed syllabus and scheme of the

3. Out Reach - create awareness and sensitivity regarding - UNICEF’s support in getting
Pogrammes children related issues among the target Material, Placards, posters etc.
population - UNICEF support in tie up with
- support legal access through BLSA, CNLU NGOs and Technical Expert)
Legal Aid Cell - BLSA support in commuting and
other logistical support
- To be conducted by the
CRCstudents’ members and Faculty
Advisors (Annexure (ii) is the
schedule of outreach programme for
the coming 6 months and Annexure 3
is the rules regarding the
involvement of the students in the
Child Rights Centre)

Trainings and Capacity Enhancement

Activity Outcome Role Budget

Inducti UNICEF’s role  Travel to Resource Persons
on in arranging (03 x 04 x 20000) = 2,40,000
Traini technical  Lodging and Food for the Resource Persons
ng of experts/logistic (03 x 12 x 3000)= 1,08,000
CWC by BLSA  Lodging, Food, Breakfast etc. for the participants
Memb Venue- CNLU during the training (200 x 1000 x 03)= 6,00,000
ers Honorarium (7000 x 12)= 84,000
{50x4 =200} CRC to prepare  Local transportation (3000x12)=36000
resource kit  Banner, Photo, Stationery, Documentation etc. lump
 Resource Kit (700 x 200)= 1,40,000
2. Traini UNICEF’s role  Travel to Resource Persons
ng of in arranging (04 x 20000) = 80,000
ADJ I technical  Lodging and Food for the Resource Persons
{38} experts/ (04 x 03 x 3000)= 36,000
Logistics/Venue  Lodging, Food, Breakfast etc. for the participants
- Bihar Judicial during the training (45 x 1000 x 03)= 1,350,00
Academy  Honorarium (8000 x 04x2)= 64,000
CRC to prepare  Local transportation (3000x2)=6000
resource kit  Banner, Photo, Stationery, documentation etc. lump
 Resource Kit (1200 x 50)= 60,000

3. Traini UNICEF’s role  Travel to Resource Persons

ng of in arranging (02 x 20000) = 40,000
SPPs technical  Lodging and Food for the Resource Persons
(38) experts/ (02 x 03 x 3000)= 18,000
Logistics/Venu  Lodging, Food, Breakfast etc. for the participants during
e- Bihar the training (45 x 1000 x 02)= 9,00,00
Judicial  Honorarium (7000 x 02x2)= 28,000
Academy  Local transportation (3000x2)=6000
CRC to prepare  Banner, Photo, Stationery, documentation etc. lump
resource kit sum=20000
 Resource Kit (700 x 50)= 35,000
4.Orient UNICEF’s role  Travel to Resource Persons
ation in arranging (02 x 20000) = 40,000
Traini technical  Lodging and Food for the Resource Persons
ng of experts/logistic (02 x 03 x 3000)= 18,000
Legal by BLSA  Lodging, Food, Breakfast etc. for the participants during
Aid Venue- CNLU the training (90 x 1000 x 02) = 180,000
Clinic Team  Honorarium (8000 x 02x2)= 32,000
(38x2 = 76) CRC to prepare  Local transportation (3000x2)=6000
resource kit  Banner, Photo, Stationery, documentation etc.
 Resource Kit (700 x 80)= 56,000
Refres UNICEF’s role  Travel to Resource Persons
her in arranging (02 x02x 20000) = 80,000
Traini technical Lodging and Food for the Resource Persons(02 x 05 x
ng of experts/ 3000)= 30,000
JJBs Logistics/Venu  Lodging, Food, Breakfast etc. for the participants during
Memb e- Bihar the training (125 x 1000x02)= 250,000
ers Judicial  Honorarium (8000 x 02x4)= 64,000
(57x2 = 114) Academy  Local transportation (3000x4)=12000
CRC to prepare  Banner, Photo, Stationery, documentation etc. lump
resource kit sum=20000
 Resource Kit (300 x 120)= 36000

6. Two UNICEF’s role  Travel to Resource Persons

Days in arranging (04 x02x 20000) = 160,000
Refres technical  Lodging and Food for the Resource Persons
her experts/logistic (04 x 05 x 3000)= 60,000
Traini by BLSA  Lodging, Food, Breakfast etc. for the participants during
ng of Venue- CNLU the training (200 x 1000x02)= 400,000
CWC  Honorarium (8000 x 02x4)= 64,000
Memb CRC to prepare  Local transportation (3000x4)=12000
ers resource kit  Banner, Photo, Stationery, documentation etc. lump
(50x04 = 200) sum=20000
 Resource Kit (300 x 200)= 60000


Activity Outcome Role Budget Items Total Budget

1. Collection, - Frame UNICEF to provide  Travel to Resource person who will
study and certificate, technical /logistic/ Resource participate in training Prog
review of diploma, financial support in Persons will also be engaged for
child rights Masters level organizing expert  Lodging and this work. Only
curriculum course structure meet for framing the Food for the Honorarium will be paid
introduced – duration, courses and Resource @ per day Re 7000/ only.
by other nature (full curriculum Persons 7000x3= 21000+ 20000
universities time/part  Honorarium (doc)=41000
and propose time/distance) Venue- CNLU  Local
curriculum course material, Patna transportation
for different structure of the  Banner, Photo,
kinds of course, Stationery,
courses to evaluation, fee documentation
be offered etc. lump
by CNLU, sum=20000

2. Bi Monthly - Disseminate Financial support Printing @ Rs 30* 500=

News Letter information on from UNICEF Rs. 15000 * 6= 90,000
activities of the Designing Rs. 360 per
CRC Content, editing by page (360* 15=5400 * 6=
- Increase the CRC student Rs. 32400
networking members and
between the faculty and Total= Rs.122400
various coordinator and
stakeholders advisors
- Assist in publication by CRC
duplication of
3. Theme - Will provide - assist in 75000* 2 1,50,000/-
based Bi authentic and identifying
Annual scholarly contributors
Journal material on - calling for
various child articles, review
rights issues in of articles,
Bihar editing and
- an easily publication by
accessible CRC
resource pool
for improving
upon the
existing child
4. Action - will identify the - UNICEF 25000/
Research most apparent support in
On functioning of problems in the identifying
CWC functioning of sample, access
CWC which and data
may require collection
further - Research to be
investigation carried out by
the CRC with
assistance from
5. Action - will identify the - UNICEF 25000/
research on most apparent support in
functioning problems in the identifying
of JJB functioning of sample, access
CWC which and data
may require collection
further - Research to be
investigation carried out by
the CRC with
assistance from
6. Documentat - Content - UNICEF to 25000/
ion of creation provide
Social - organize and modalities for
Investigatio classify the
n Report information in documentation
SIR and
- Provide easy accessibility to
access to SIR the reports
- Set credible - CRC to
standards for document with
SIR help of student
members and
the faculty
coordinator and
7. Documentat - Identify good UNICEF
ion of Best practices of JJB support in
Practices of - Share good sampling,
JJB practices of the access and data
JJB collection

8. Study on the Examine the extent

working of to which special
special courts in Bihar are
courts under “Child-Friendly”
the POSCO Examine whether
Act, 2012 in the special courts
Bihar rare structurally and
8.1. Interviews procedurally
with judges, compiled with the
prosecutors, POSCO Act and
lawyers, Rules
officers, Identify gaps and
NGOs, challenges I the
DCPO, functioning for the
LPO, IO, special courts
Identify good
8.2. Consultatio
practices that can be
n with adopted by special
stakeholders courts to ensure a
on the child friendly trial
findings of
the study

9. Study on It will focus on the

working of working of JJ
Juvenile system in Bihar
Justice which will provide
Board in alandscape on the
Bihar functioningof
juvenile justice ins.
And will outline
issues and challenge
to the child
protection system

It will also provide

towards strenghting
juvenile justice
system in Bihar

10. Study on This report will

effective combine analysis of
disposal of reporting, disposal
JJB in Bihar and pendency of
Juvenile cases and
identification of
challenge that
impede effective
disposal of cases in
juvenile justice
boards in Bihar
Administrative/Managerial and HR support

Serial Support Required Purpose Nature of Support Budget

1 Appointment of two - Take care of day to - Assist in selection Centre Coordinator
full time coordinators day functioning of the and financial Programme Coordinator
of the CRC centre support to retain the Documentation
- Facilitate the full-time coordinator Accounts Consultant
fulfillments of the - Centre Coordinator CRC Students Member
proposed activities of - Programme Office Staff
the CRC (Annexure 4 Coordinator
for Terms of - Documentation
Reference) /Translation Work
- Accounts Consultant
of the Centre
For CRC students’
Office staff
2 Office Running - To meet day to day Rs.10,000/- p.m
Expenditure work
- Stationaries
- Refreshment of
- Printouts/Xerox/
- Miscellaneous
- Crockery
- Electric Kettle etc
3 Travel of Coordinators Vist to offices for - Rs. 5000/- p.m
of CRC meetings/ surveys/
conferences (Local)
4 Honorarium to faculty - Compensation for time - One overall 5% of the total Budget will be
coordinator and faculty and research work coordinator with divided in all the faculty
advisors five coordinators coordinators/advisors and staffs
with one subject like involved in the work of CRC.
training, research,
support with
legislators etc.
5 Coordination cost @ - Compensation to the - 5% of the total Budget
5% of the Budget to the University
6 Internship programme Students from Law , Social May – June-July Rs.5000 per student
at CRC office Science Background
Nov- Dec-Jan

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