Communication, Advocacy and Partnership (Cap) Legislators' Engagement Programme Activity Outcome Role Budget Item Total Budget
Communication, Advocacy and Partnership (Cap) Legislators' Engagement Programme Activity Outcome Role Budget Item Total Budget
Communication, Advocacy and Partnership (Cap) Legislators' Engagement Programme Activity Outcome Role Budget Item Total Budget
CNLU to support
with facilitation,
material and
3. Field visits of Legislators have UNICEF to Logistics: 2-3 days 10 legislators (within
Legislators insights into identify area for Travel state)
(within implementation of field visit and Boarding/lodging Travel = 10x 5000x3
develop itinerary Kit/stationery = 150000/
Bihar/other schemes on ground,
(with programme Photo/ videography Photo/video etc =
state community feedback sectors and GoB Documentation 15000x3 = 45000/
to help them in taking counterparts) Miscellaneous Total = 195000/
coordinate with
legislators and
organize logistics
4. Knowledge
4.1. Ongoing Legislators have CNLU team with Hiring of Short-term 25000/
information available UNICEF inputs Consultant for
support to to raise issues in the Research analysis
members of House and also raise and documentation.
committees awareness in
Editing, Designing
(advocacy community
material/policy Printing/photocopyin
briefs/factsheets g
Process and results
4.2. Reporting and Costs
captured in reports Report writer/ editor
for dissemination and translation,
of the above
sustained advocacy Design and layout
5. Interface of Legislators listen to 2,00,000/
Legislators with and understand the
adolescents perspectives of
adolescents to inform
n and monitoring
2. To frame and - Will create a cadre of child rights and child - UNICEF’s support in
teach an sensitive lawyers and academicians - Getting technical support for framing
optional - will create a cadre of child rights and child the curriculum
Course in sensitive judges and other officials - getting technical experts/organizing
Child Rights, compulsory internships/organizing
as part of the Symposium
University - teaching, evaluation by CRC
Curriculum faculties (Annexure (i) is the
proposed syllabus and scheme of the
3. Out Reach - create awareness and sensitivity regarding - UNICEF’s support in getting
Pogrammes children related issues among the target Material, Placards, posters etc.
population - UNICEF support in tie up with
- support legal access through BLSA, CNLU NGOs and Technical Expert)
Legal Aid Cell - BLSA support in commuting and
other logistical support
- To be conducted by the
CRCstudents’ members and Faculty
Advisors (Annexure (ii) is the
schedule of outreach programme for
the coming 6 months and Annexure 3
is the rules regarding the
involvement of the students in the
Child Rights Centre)
Inducti UNICEF’s role Travel to Resource Persons
on in arranging (03 x 04 x 20000) = 2,40,000
Traini technical Lodging and Food for the Resource Persons
ng of experts/logistic (03 x 12 x 3000)= 1,08,000
CWC by BLSA Lodging, Food, Breakfast etc. for the participants
Memb Venue- CNLU during the training (200 x 1000 x 03)= 6,00,000
ers Honorarium (7000 x 12)= 84,000
{50x4 =200} CRC to prepare Local transportation (3000x12)=36000
resource kit Banner, Photo, Stationery, Documentation etc. lump
Resource Kit (700 x 200)= 1,40,000
2. Traini UNICEF’s role Travel to Resource Persons
ng of in arranging (04 x 20000) = 80,000
ADJ I technical Lodging and Food for the Resource Persons
{38} experts/ (04 x 03 x 3000)= 36,000
Logistics/Venue Lodging, Food, Breakfast etc. for the participants
- Bihar Judicial during the training (45 x 1000 x 03)= 1,350,00
Academy Honorarium (8000 x 04x2)= 64,000
CRC to prepare Local transportation (3000x2)=6000
resource kit Banner, Photo, Stationery, documentation etc. lump
Resource Kit (1200 x 50)= 60,000