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Dic 8 212573 PDF
Dic 8 212573 PDF
Comorbidity in social anxiety disorder: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
Ahmet Koyuncu MD1, Ezgi İnce MD2 , Erhan Ertekin MD2 , Raşit Tükel MD2
1Academy Social Phobia Center, Atatürk Mah. İkitelli Cad. No:126 A/Daire:6 Küçükçekmece/Istanbul, Turkey;
2Department of Psychiatry, Istanbul Medical School, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
Koyuncu A, İnce E, Ertekin E, Tükel R. Drugs in Context 2019; 8: 212573. DOI: 10.7573/dic.212573 1 of 13
ISSN: 1740-4398
REVIEW – Comorbidity in social anxiety disorder drugsincontext.com
for clinicians to choose the most appropriate options for The comorbidity between SAD and MD may lead to several
treatment. In this review, we will focus on major psychiatric diagnostic difficulties. It is important to acknowledge that
comorbidities that can be encountered over the course of there might be overlapping symptoms between the two
SAD, and how comorbidity affects diagnosis and treatment of disorders. For example, social withdrawal might result from
SAD, in the light of currently available information. A literature fear of embarrassment in SAD, but it might also be found
search was conducted in PubMed with the following terms: in patients with MD, usually as a mood-related, temporary
‘social anxiety disorder’, ‘social phobia’, ‘comorbidity’, ‘major phenomenon.46 Fear of negative evaluation is the cornerstone
depression’, ‘bipolar disorder’, ‘anxiety disorders’, ‘obsessive- of diagnosing SAD, while individuals with MD may also be
compulsive and related disorders’, ‘avoidant personality concerned about being negatively evaluated by others
disorder’, ‘diagnostic difficulties’, ‘treatment’. References because they feel that they are bad or not worthy of being
from the articles derived from the literature search were also liked. In contrast, individuals with SAD are worried about being
investigated. Only original articles, brief reports, review articles, negatively evaluated because of certain social behaviors or
and case reports/series that were published in English language physical symptoms.1 More importantly, social anxiety can be
were considered for the review. misinterpreted in society as a personality trait such as shyness
rather than a disorder; whereas, the onset of major depression
is generally more acute and marked.16 Therefore, it is possible
Mood disorders to overlook SAD in the presence of comorbid depression.29,45,47
Population-based studies have shown that mood disorders are Overlooking one disorder over the course of the other might
common in patients with SAD.4,5,9–11,15,19,21,22 The difficulties leads to inadequate treatment of the symptoms, which might
in diagnosis and/or treatment derived from comorbidity of be misinterpreted as treatment resistance.29 According to
commonly encountered mood disorders will be discussed in Dalrymple and Zimmerman (2007), almost 75% of patients
detail later. are willing to accept treatment for social anxiety in addition
to treatment for MD, only when asked frankly. Patients with
SAD and major depression major depression should be carefully assessed in terms of
MD is the most frequently observed comorbid disorder in social anxiety, particularly when shyness or a more persistent
clinical studies with comorbidity rates ranging between 35 social withdrawal is suspected.47 On the other hand, depression
and 70%,33–37 and it may influence several disease-related should not be forgotten when the diagnosis of SAD is made
outcomes. Patients with SAD who have comorbid MD have because this comorbidity can lead to dramatic outcomes
higher SAD severity, increased risk of relapse, and decreased such as increased risk for suicide or a more rapid decline
functionality.20,37–39 Especially, lack of social support may in functioning, besides leading to a need for change in the
cause more severe depressive episodes and higher probability treatment plan such as prioritizing behavioral activation.
of suicide in patients with SAD.40 On the other hand, SAD
comorbidity is also prevalent in patients with MD, to the degree It is also possible that SAD and MD comorbidity will lead to
that approximately 20–30% of patients with MD also have several therapeutic challenges. Interestingly, although SAD and
comorbid SAD.19,41–43 In a study of 255 patients with major MD have such high comorbidity rates and clinical presentation
depression, Fava and colleagues reported that the prevalence is more severe, placebo-controlled studies are very limited
of comorbid anxiety disorders and particularly SAD were 50.6 and most patients with comorbidities have been usually
and 27%, respectively. In the same study, the presence of an excluded from medication trials.32 In only one double-blind
anxiety disorder was related to earlier onset of MD.44 placebo-controlled study on the treatment of this comorbidity,
vortioxetine was found to be more effective in alleviating
As for the age of onset, symptoms of SAD generally emerge symptoms of both SAD and MD when compared to placebo.32
at an earlier age than comorbid mood disorders do,5,19,45 such None of the other antidepressants with efficacy in SAD have
that SAD predated comorbid mood disorders in 69% of the been studied in placebo-controlled trials to demonstrate
patients.5 As reported by Stein and colleagues (2001), the risk their efficacy in SAD patients with comorbid MD. In an open
of developing MD is increased 3.5 times in patients with SAD.26 study conducted with MD patients, treatment with citalopram
In another follow-up study, the risk for subsequent MD was showed improvement in symptoms of both MD and comorbid
approximately two times (relative risk ranges between 1.49 and social anxiety.48 In both studies, MD was reported to have
1.85) higher in patients with SAD than in healthy controls.25 improved earlier than social anxiety. More studies are needed
In other studies, the presence of SAD in patients with MD to evaluate the most appropriate treatment options for SAD
increased the risk of subsequent development of depressive patients with MD.32
symptoms and suicide attempts.10,13,19,24–26 There may be
several explanations why major depression follows SAD in those Some authors suggested that cognitive behavioral therapy
cases. Belzer and Schneier (2004) proposed that SAD might (CBT) can be recommended as a treatment of choice in SAD
contribute to the development of major depression through patients with comorbid MD.49 However, the results of studies
stressful life events such as job loss, educational difficulties, showing how the presence of depressive symptoms affects CBT
peer problems, and despair due to poor social functioning.40 outcome in patients with SAD are contradictory.50 Two studies
Koyuncu A, İnce E, Ertekin E, Tükel R. Drugs in Context 2019; 8: 212573. DOI: 10.7573/dic.212573 2 of 13
ISSN: 1740-4398
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reported that patients with SAD who have higher depressive Considering the presence of atypical depression in patients with
symptoms seemed to benefit less from CBT, especially in the SAD leads to increased symptom severity and more disability,63
short term.51,52 Other studies found that the presence of MD atypicality of depression that is overlooked may cause treatment
at the beginning of the treatment did not interfere with the challenges. As atypical depression includes symptoms such
outcomes of CBT in patients with SAD,53–56 although symptoms as Leiden paralysis and over sleeping, it may be difficult for
of SAD exacerbated during long-term follow-up in one study.54 patients to perform exposure tasks. On the other hand, if the
presence of SAD is missed, it is less likely for patients to be
In general, both CBT and antidepressant medications are
referred for a therapy that may be beneficial, such as exposure
effective in both conditions, suggesting that they are effective
therapy. In addition, therapy options to improve IPS, which is a
in the case of comorbidity as well. However, this has not been
shared symptom, can be emphasized in these patients. Earlier
extensively studied in trials with high evidence base. Current
findings from treatment studies proposed that monoamine
evidence regarding to the treatment of comorbid SAD and MD
oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) were highly effective in both
seems insufficient and inconsistent. Therefore, there is a need
disorders.68 However, after SSRIs and serotonin–norepinephrine
for comprehensive studies that assess the efficacy of available
reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been introduced and proved
treatment options as well as for comparative studies that guide
to be effective in both disorders, they become the preferred
clinical decision to select better treatment options among
agents because of their milder side-effect profile.
antidepressant alone, CBT alone, or combination treatment of
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and CBT. Another
point is that considering SAD typically predates comorbid SAD and bipolar disorder
disorders, early treatment of SAD might prevent subsequent The rates of bipolar disorder (BD) comorbidity in patients with
development of comorbid depression.4 SAD range between 3.5 and 21%.34–37 Only a few studies have
investigated how bipolar disorder comorbidity affects patients
with SAD. Perugi and colleagues (2001) indicated that patients
SAD and atypical depression
with SAD who have comorbid MD or BD have higher symptom
Patients with MD who have atypical features constitute a
severity, higher rates of other anxiety disorder comorbidities,
specific subgroup of depressed patients who have drawn
and lower functioning than those without mood disorder
considerable interest with regards to SAD comorbidity. Various
comorbidity.36 In another study, atypical depression, total
studies demonstrated the connection between SAD and
number of depressive episodes, and post-traumatic stress
atypical depression.42,57–63 Rates of atypical MD are especially
disorder (PTSD) comorbidity were higher in the SAD+BD group
higher in the generalized type of SAD than in nongeneralized
than in the SAD+MD group. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
type.64 Alternatively, patients with atypical depression showed
(OCD) comorbidity was higher in SAD+BD than in patients with
higher SAD comorbidity than other patients with MD.42,62 In
SAD who have no comorbid mood disorder.37
a study investigating the impact of atypical MD comorbidity
on SAD, Koyuncu and colleagues found that 77.1% of mood Another important point in the relationship between SAD
episodes (either unipolar or bipolar) included atypical features and bipolar is the risk hypomanic/manic switches observed
among individuals with comorbid MD and SAD.63 In the same during the treatment of social anxiety.35 In one of the studies,
study, the atypical MD group had higher SAD and depression 32 patients with SAD were treated with MAOIs and 14 of
severity and lower functioning than patients with SAD+MD the 18 patients remitted with antidepressant treatment
without atypical features and SAD alone. In addition, age at switched to hypomania.69 It was argued that patients with
onset of SAD was earlier in patients with atypical MD.63 SAD who switched might belong to the bipolar spectrum,
and antidepressant treatment might uncover an underlying
Moreover, there are some common features between SAD
bipolarity. Holma and colleagues (2008) also reported that SAD
and atypical depression such as interpersonal sensitivity (IPS).
comorbidity might increase the risk of hypomania/mania in MD
It is included in diagnostic criteria for atypical depression,1
patients who were treated with antidepressant medications.70
and it is a core feature related to SAD.65,66 The overlap in SAD
Valença and colleagues (2005) mentioned a subgroup of SAD
and atypical depression criteria, specifically IPS, may account
presenting with an explicit hypomanic episode while receiving
for the high rates of comorbidity.67 Because IPS is a shared
antidepressants treatment. In this study, patients with SAD
feature between the two disorders, it may lead to difficulties
and BD-2 patients were found to be similar in terms of past
in differential diagnosis. Assessing cautiously whether IPS is a
depressive episodes, alcohol abuse, suicide, and family history
long-standing personality trait as in SAD or a mood-episode-
of BD.71 It is important for clinicians to be aware of comorbidity
limited phenomenon is important for accurate diagnosis in
rates of SAD and BD, as BD may be commonly missed and may
both atypical depression and SAD patients. Second, it is also
lead to inappropriate treatment choice.
important to consider other symptoms that accompany IPS
while differentiating between SAD and atypical depression. On the other hand, there are more studies assessing SAD
For example, the presence of other symptoms such as comorbidity in patients with a primary diagnosis of BD and
hypersomnia, hyperphagia, and mood reactivity suggests the reported rates range between 7.8 and 47.2%.6,38,72–81 Kessler and
diagnosis of atypical depression.1,46 colleagues (1994) reported in the National Comorbidity Survey
Koyuncu A, İnce E, Ertekin E, Tükel R. Drugs in Context 2019; 8: 212573. DOI: 10.7573/dic.212573 3 of 13
ISSN: 1740-4398
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Koyuncu A, İnce E, Ertekin E, Tükel R. Drugs in Context 2019; 8: 212573. DOI: 10.7573/dic.212573 4 of 13
ISSN: 1740-4398
REVIEW – Comorbidity in social anxiety disorder drugsincontext.com
Koyuncu A, İnce E, Ertekin E, Tükel R. Drugs in Context 2019; 8: 212573. DOI: 10.7573/dic.212573 5 of 13
ISSN: 1740-4398
REVIEW – Comorbidity in social anxiety disorder drugsincontext.com
discussions are ongoing, the diagnostic distinction of APD and SAD is the most common anxiety disorder comorbidity in
SAD remained unchanged in DSM-5, acknowledging that there eating disorders (ED), and its rates were detected as high as
is a great deal of overlap between the two disorders, as much 60%.151,152 In contrast, ED comorbidity is only slightly more
as that they may be alternative conceptualizations of the same prevalent in patients with SAD compared to healthy controls.23
or similar conditions.1 SAD is hypothesized to play a part in the development of ED as
it emerges earlier.153
APD is particularly overlapping with generalized type of
SAD125 and comorbidity rates range between 22 and 89% in Separation anxiety disorder (SEPAD), such as specific phobia,
earlier studies.42,126–130 In more recent population-based and is a disorder that generally begins earlier than SAD, and
clinical studies, comorbidity rates were found to be moderate, comorbidity between them are expected.154 Studies evaluating
around 32–48% of the patients with APD appeared to have the relationship between these two disorders found that the
both conditions at the same time.14,118,121,131–134 There seems rates of comorbid SAD in child and adult SEPAD patients are
to be a shared genetic vulnerability between the two disorders, 33.4 and 34.5%, respectively.155 Silove et al. (2010) examined
family studies reported that SAD patients with APD have 520 outpatients in an anxiety clinic and reported the rates of
higher rates of first degree relatives with SAD.135 Reichborn- comorbid adult SEPAD as 14% in SAD patients.156
Kjennerud and colleagues (2007) investigated 1427 female
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), another
twin pairs and found that genetic features of both SAD and
childhood disorder that extends over adulthood, is an
APD are similar.133 After following up the same twin pairs for
overlooked condition that has high rates of comorbidity
10 years, it was concluded that the environmental risk
with SAD.31 Only recently increasing evidence suggests that
factors for the two disorders were highly correlated but
the relationship between the two disorders is closer than
that was thought before. Several studies found high rates
As for the effect on clinical picture, patients with SAD+APD (up to 60–70%) of childhood ADHD comorbidity, especially
had higher levels of anxiety, higher rates of comorbidity, and predominantly inattentive type, in adults with SAD.67,157,158 In
decreased functionality compared to the patients with SAD al addition, follow-up studies showed that the lifetime prevalence
one.42,121–123,127,130,132,137–141 Several studies conducted on this of SAD among ADHD patients is higher compared to healthy
comorbidity reported that anxiety and avoidance scores of controls.159 In treatment studies investigating patients with SAD
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale were higher in SAD patients with plus ADHD comorbidity found that ADHD medications such
APD than those without APD.137,141,142 In a study by Lampe et al. as methylphenidate or atomoxetine could effectively improve
(2015), the rates of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicidal symptoms of both disorders at the same time.160–163 According
attempt were higher in SAD+ADP group than in SAD without to a developmental hypothesis, SAD may be etiologically linked
APD group.134 to ADHD in a subgroup of patients, and thus SAD may develop
secondary to ADHD.31 In other words, ADHD can be considered
Even if it has still been debated whether they should be
as a vulnerability factor for later development of SAD.31 Further
considered as a single disorder, several pharmacological and
studies are needed to investigate this relationship.
psychological treatment (e.g. benzodiazepine, SSRIs, MAOI)
studies conducted on SAD and APD comorbidity have shown
that treatments were effective on symptoms of both SAD Conclusions
and concurrent APD to some degree.143,144 There are studies
reporting that SAD+APD yielded worse treatment outcomes Comorbidity is very common in SAD, particularly in
such as less likelihood of remission, higher symptom severity, generalized subtype, and its lifetime prevalence has reached
and lower functioning at the end of the treatment145–147 when up to 90%. These high rates bring the validity of the
compared to SAD alone. CBT for SAD seems to be a useful comorbidity concept into question, suggesting that SAD
approach for alleviating the symptoms, but an emphasis on may be a vulnerability factor for later development of
avoidance and inclusion of social skills training have been accompanying disorders. In fact, SAD generally begins
proposed for patients who have comorbid SAD and APD.148 earlier than the comorbid disorder in many cases, except
specific phobia, ADHD, and separation anxiety disorder. SAD
particularly increases the risk of subsequent development of
Other psychiatric conditions major depression, alcoholism, and suicide. On the other hand,
SAD comorbidity is expected to be higher in patients with
The rate of PTSD is found to be 3.2–16% in patients with
other psychiatric disorders such as OCD, PTSD, and ED and
SAD;11,22,23,37 however, in veteran and community studies,
childhood disorders such as ADHD.
PTSD and SAD were reported to be frequently comorbid
conditions.149 Zayfert and colleagues (2005) found that SAD Comorbidity affects several SAD-related outcomes, because
comorbidity rate was 43% in primary PTSD patients; whereas, it increases the chances to observe higher symptom severity,
PTSD comorbidity rate was 7% in primary SAD patients.150 In more treatment resistance, and lower functioning compared to
these studies, PTSD with SAD had higher guilty feeling and comorbidity free conditions. Comorbidity also leads to earlier
childhood abuse than those without SAD. treatment-seeking behavior in patients with SAD.
Koyuncu A, İnce E, Ertekin E, Tükel R. Drugs in Context 2019; 8: 212573. DOI: 10.7573/dic.212573 6 of 13
ISSN: 1740-4398
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Additionally, the presence of comorbid disorders is associated studies. As comorbidity is more of a rule than an exception,
with difficulties in diagnosis and treatment; therefore, a comprehensive studies are needed to identify the best
thorough diagnostic examination is necessary to differentiate treatment solutions for patients who have SAD and another
other psychiatric conditions. Evidence is limited concerning psychiatric disorder. In addition, follow-up studies investigating
the treatment of patients with SAD who have comorbidities, causal relationship between SAD and comorbid disorder are
because these patients are often excluded from the treatment warranted.
Contributions: Ahmet Koyuncu contributed to the design, literature search, acquisition and interpretation of the findings, drafted the
manuscript, and gave final approval. Ezgi İnce contributed to the design, literature search, acquisition and interpretation of the findings, drafted
the manuscript, and gave final approval. Erhan Ertekin contributed to the design, critically revised the manuscript, and gave final approval. Raşit
Tükel contributed to the design, critically revised the manuscript, and gave final approval. All named authors meet the International Committee
of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this article, take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, and have
given their approval for this version to be published.
Disclosure and potential conflicts of interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. The International Committee
of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Potential Conflicts of Interests form for the authors are available for download at
Acknowledgements: None.
Funding declaration: The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and publication of this article.
Copyright: Copyright © 2019 Koyuncu A, İnce E, Ertekin E, Tükel R. Published by Drugs in Context under Creative Commons License Deed CC
BY NC ND 4.0 which allows anyone to copy, distribute, and transmit the article provided it is properly attributed in the manner specified below.
No commercial use without permission.
Correct attribution: Copyright © 2019 Koyuncu A, İnce E, Ertekin E, Tükel R. https://doi.org/10.7573/dic.212573. Published by Drugs in
Context under Creative Commons License Deed CC BY NC ND 4.0.
Article URL: https://drugsincontext.com/comorbidity-in-social-anxiety-disorder:-diagnostic-and-therapeutic-challenges
Correspondence: Ahmet Koyuncu, Academy Social Phobia Center, Atatürk Mah. İkitelli Cad. No:126 A/Daire:6 Küçükçekmece/Istanbul,
Turkey. [email protected]
Provenance: invited; externally peer reviewed.
Submitted: 1 November 2018; Peer review comments to author: 11 December 2018; Revised manuscript received: 21 February 2019;
Accepted: 22 February 2019; Publication date: 2 April 2019.
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Koyuncu A, İnce E, Ertekin E, Tükel R. Drugs in Context 2019; 8: 212573. DOI: 10.7573/dic.212573 13 of 13
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