Table of content
01. Introduction
02. Daily Safety Toolbox Talk COVID-19 & Stand Downs
03. Site-Specific COVID-19 Daily Compliance
04. Helical Self-certification Plan
05. CLEANING & Decontamination Plan
06. No-Congregation Rule-Social Distancing
07. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
08. Hand washes Stations
09. Personal Hygiene
10. Temperature Screening
11. Mandatory Reporting
12. Guidelines in the Event a Person On-Site Tests Positive
For Coronavirus
13. Attachments
To spearhead our planning and response efforts, we have established a site COVID-19 plan,
monitoring state requirements and guidelines, information sharing, implementing protocols,
reducing exposure to the virus, and supporting our teams and operations. These guidelines are to
ensure the safety of everyone on site.
i) All site offices will be configured to ensure compliance with social distancing guidelines
(1) Locate people in remote locations on the job as much as possible.
(2) Allow room for required visitors without encroaching on 6’ rule.
ii) All project meetings will be performed virtually as to minimize those on
the project site.
iii) Project Managers, Assistant Project Managers, Project Engineers and all
Project Services Group team
members are working from remote areas and are to stay away from the project
iv) All critical on-site meetings (defined as Foreman Meetings, Daily Stand-up Meetings,
Toolbox Talks) will be held outside or in large meetings rooms that can accommodate the team
while respecting the 10-person meeting limit and 6’ separation rule.
b) Work activities requiring multiple personnel will be limited where/when feasible. Where not
feasible, the following rules must be followed:
i) Workers will need to wear eye protection.
ii) Workers will need to wear gloves.
iii) Workers will need to wear face masks.
c) Non-essential visits to the job site are discouraged.
i) Anyone requesting access to the job site must go through temperature screening.
d) Added signage will be created and installed in both English and possible in Hindi that relay
COVID-19 “No-Congregation” guidelines at highly visible areas throughout the site, including
entrance gates, trailers, etc.
e) Sample No-Congregation signage is included as Attachment E.
a. gloves
b. A face mask, covering, surgical mask or N95 mask
c. Safety glasses
d. Reflecting Visit
e. Safety Shoes
Putting on gloves:
● Gloves are the last element of PPE to be applied.
● Extend the hands into the gloves and extend the gloves to cover the wrist of the gown or
Tyvek suit when applicable.
● Tuck the cuffs of the gown securely under each glove. (If gown or Tyvek Suit are not
being worn pull gloves to cover over wrist)
● Adjust for comfort and dexterity.
9. Personal Hygiene
a) Workers will be reminded daily at the morning Toolbox Talk to follow proper personnel
hygiene rules throughout the day including:
13. Attachments:
A. Toolbox Talk COVID-19 Prevention
Daily Report Temperature
C. COVID-19 Posters
Attachment A
Toolbox Talk COVID-19 Prevention
Toolbox Talk
This guidance is based on what we currently know about COVID-19 as provided by the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath – similar to influenza or a bad cold.
● Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based
hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water is not available.
● Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
● Sneeze and cough into your sleeve.
● If you use a tissue, discard immediately and wash your hands afterward.
● Where possible, wear gloves when interacting with high-touch areas. Do not touch your
face with gloved hands. Take care when removing gloves. Ensure you wash your hands
after removing gloves.
● Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
● Stay home when you are sick
● Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. If you do not
have a tissue, cough into the inside of your elbow, covering your mouth and nose
● Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
● CDC Guidance online provides information how to protect yourself
All employees are advised to discuss any travel plans with their supervisor prior to making any
reservations. Employees will also need to consider the following restrictions on their ability to
return to work should they travel for personal or business purposes.
If you are sick, we ask that you stay home. For the safety of all our employees and clients -
Please immediately communicate with your manager or supervisor if you have fever, cough or
difficulty breathing. In addition, if you have a Co Worker or employee displaying these
symptoms, please alert your superintendent and safety manager.
● The affected person should seek medical care as appropriate and stay away from others.
● Employees will not return to our job sites or offices until they show no signs of illness or
fever, without the use of a fever reducing medicine.
Name Signature
Attachment B
Pre-Start Self-Certification Questionnaire & Daily
If workers are observed exhibiting signs that are consistent with the above
symptoms, they should leave immediately.