Indian Sign Language Converter Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Indian Sign Language Converter Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Indian Sign Language Converter Using Convolutional Neural Networks
C. Image Resizing these regions again. Although the segmentation accuracy is
In digital imaging and graphics, image resizing is done to not 100% in our case, and some regions are marked wrongly,
resize a digital image. We can change the total number of the result provided by the algorithm is sufficient enough to
pixels using image resizing. We have resized each image to a give us a good result while classifying it. Hard labelling has
resolution of 224x224px. We have used python software in been avoided in order to give us a quicker result and for the
order to achieve this. This has been done in order to reduce whole process to be conducted automatically as well.
the computational time as well as to have a uniform dataset to
be used for training.
D. Image Flipping
A flipped image or reversed image is basically the image
that is produced due to the mirror-reversal of the original
image across the vertical or horizontal axis. Image flipping is
done because the webcam automatically flips the images
while capturing it. Hence, flipping across the vertical axis is
required once again to regain the original photo.
After obtaining a good accuracy of 96% in the testing
N 85% Moderate
phase, we further applied the algorithm on 20 real time
images for each sign. Since there were a total of 26 signs, the
total number of real time images taken into consideration
were 20×26=520. O 90% Good
A 95% Good
Q 80% Moderate
B 90% Good
R 75% Poor
C 95% Good
S 85% Moderate
D 85% Moderate
T 75% Poor
E 85% Moderate
U 100% Excellent
F 80% Moderate
V 100% Excellent
G 95% Good
W 95% Good
H 90% Good
X 90% Good
I 100% Excellent
Y 85% Moderate
J 80% Moderate
Z 90% Good
K 75% Poor
TABLE II. CONFUSION MATRIX FOR THE 26 INDIAN SIGN LETTERS segmentation approaches can also be used in order to
completely segment the hand from the rest of the image.
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