Amazing Race
Amazing Race
Amazing Race
A transposition error was made in recording sale and and deposit in the sales journal and cash
receipts journal in april.
2. Shown below is the bank reconciliation for PAASA company for June 2019
Total: 870,000
Data per bank statement for July 2019 contains the ff. data
Total charges including NSF check of 9,400 and Service charge of 5,500 480,000
All of the outstanding checks on June 30 including bank credit were cleared in bank in July
2019. There were outstanding checks of 150,000 and deposits in transit of 190,000 on July 2019
Question: What is the cash balance per ledger on July 31, 2019?
3: Shown below is the bank reconciliation of Ventedues Co. for May 31, 2016
The bank statement for June 2016 contains the following data
Total charges, including NSF of 16,000 and service charge of 800. 192,000
All of the outstanding checks on May 31, 2016 including bank credit were cleared in bank in
June 2016. There were outstanding checks of 150,000 and deposits in transit of 190,000 on
June 2016
A. Share investment of 1M that are very actively traded in the stock market
B. Government treasury bills of 2.65 M with a 10-year term but purchased on December 31 at
which time they had two months to go until maturity
C. Cash of 3.08M in the form of coin, currency, saving account and checking account.
D. Commercial papers of 0.66M with term of nine months but purchased on December 31 at
which time they had three months to go until maturity
Cash restricted for addition to plant and expected to be disbursed next year 1,600,000
What total amount of cash should be reported under current assets at year-end?
3. On December 31, 2019, Riego Steel Company had the following account balances:
Cash in bank- restricted account for plant addition and expected to be disbursed in 2020 1.5M
Treasury bills 1M
*The petty cash fund included unreplenished December 2019 petty cash expense vouchers
5,000 and employee IOU 5,000
* The cash on hand included a 100,000 customer check payable to Riego Steel dated January
15, 2020
* In exchange for a guaranteed line of credit, the entity had agreed to maintain a minimum
balance of 200,000 in the unrestricted current bank account
*The sinking fund is set aside to settle a bond payable that is due on June 30, 2020
What total amount should be reported as cash and cash equivalent on December 31, 2019?
4. Mercy Company reported cash account balance per ledger of 9.5M which included the
following on December 31, 2019:
Saving deposit 1M
*Check of 125,250 in payment of AP was dated and recorded on December 31, 2019 but mailed
to creditors on January 15, 2020
* Check of 375,570 dated January 31, 2020 in payment of AP was recorded and mailed
December 31, 2019
*The cash receipts journal was held open until January 15, 2020, during which time 263,000
was collected and recorded on December 31, 2019
What total amount should be reported as cash and cash equivalent on December 31, 2019?
5. Lopez Company received the bank statement for the month of March. However, the closing
balance of the account was unreadable.
Attempts to contact the bank after hours did not secure the desired information.