Palladium Courses Spring
Palladium Courses Spring
Palladium Courses Spring
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CLSF 6 Parent and Child Yoga *NEW* CLSF 11 Rock Climbing for Parents and Children
Explore the yoga poses through parallel play that imi- Parent/guardian with child of ages 5 years and older
tate the movements of animals. Children will learn learn how to versa climb, treadwall, and boulder. In-
focus and self control using their imaginations to troduction to basic climbing with emphasis on safety,
model all kinds of animal behavior using interactive strength, and conditioning. Children’s harnesses and
games and imagery. Also, Children will learn the vo- helmets are provided. Sneakers required.
cabulary of basic human anatomy and types of move-
ments. Location: Coles Rocks/Level SC
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Minimum Enrollment: 6
CLSC 3 Competitive Diving for Children Maximum Enrollment: 12
This class is for children ages 8-12 who have com-
pleted CLSC 1 Diving for Children and are interested CLSC 6 Swimming Advanced Beginner for
in developing skills required for entry-level competi- Children— Level II Primary Skills
tive diving proficiency. Initial attention will focus on Prerequisite: Successful completion of CLSC 5 Be-
board work and mastery of basic dives in the forward, ginning Swimming for Children—Level I or equivalent
back, reverse and inward directions. Students will experience. Introduction to primary water safety skills
take part in individual goal setting and video enabled including bobbing, orientation in deep water, and the
instruction. Progress reports and personal video his- flutter kick on the front and back sides. American Red
tory will be provided to each participant at the conclu- Cross Certification Level II issued on successful com-
sion of each 5 session term. pletion of skills progression. Pool depth is 4 feet.
Sec. 1 Sat. 11:00-11:55 a.m. C,D Sec. 1 Sun. 10:00-10:55 a.m. C,D
CLSC 4 AquaKids
For ages 6-16. Whether helping a child overcome
fear of water, perfecting stroke technique, or condi-
tioning for your child, a WSI-certified instructor will
structure each lesson based on your child’s specific
needs. These lessons are most effective when used
in conjunction with a child’s group swim class. This
instructional program does not include solo lap lane
space. Lessons are scheduled by appointment at mu-
tually convenient times. Pool depth is 4 feet.
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Fee: $45.00
CLSC 20 TaeKwonDo for Children
Sec. 1 Sat. 1:00-1:55 p.m. C,D For children ages 5-13. Non-contact traditional TaeK-
wonDo for children. Children learn the importance
Minimum Enrollment: 8 of physical exercise while developing coordination,
Maximum Enrollment: 24 concentration, and self-control. Traditional martial
arts techniques are taught, allowing your child to earn
higher belt ranks, improving their confidence and self-
CLSC 12 Basketball for Children esteem.
Children of ages 7 to 14 learn to play this popular
team sport. Learn ball handling and shooting skills Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
along with simple offensive and defensive plays
while developing coordination, agility, and stamina. Instructor: Jonathan Chin
Location: Coles Field House Court No. 1/Level FH Fee: $75.00 per child
Instructor: Don Wongprapam Sec. 1 Sun. 11:00-11:55 a.m. (CD) (ages 5-9)
Sec. 2 Sun. 9:00-9:55 am (CD) (ages 10-16)
Fee: $65.00 per child
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Sec. 1 Sat. 12:00 -12:55 p.m. (CD) (ages 5-8) Maximum Enrollment: 18
Sec. 2 Sat. 1:00-1:55pm (CD) (ages 9-16)
CLSC 21 Team Sports
Minimum Enrollment: 8 Students will learn modified forms of various sports,
Maximum Enrollment: 20 which will teach them the skills needed for future
sports participation. Through these activities, stu-
CLSC 14 Fencing for Children dents will develop gradual mastery, which will boost
Children of ages 7 to 10 learn the basic skills of duel- confidence and competence. Kickball, whiffleball,
ing, sword combat, and play. Learn to follow the dis- soccer, volleyball, basketball, and racquet sports will
ciplined progressions and honor code of the sport. be introduced and explored. Ages 5-8.
Protective clothing and safe, blunted weapons are
provided. Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
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Fees: $100.00 for two 30-minute sessions Fees: $150.00 for three 30-minute sessions
$200.00 for four 30-minute sessions $300.00 for six 30-minute sessions
$450.00 for nine 30-minute sessions
Special Programs
CLS 99 Empower Very intense personal instruction for those individuals
Learn to take even better care of yourself living with who need special attention to have their fitness level
or after cancer through the benefits of exercise and privately assessed and workouts closely supervised.
making smart food choices. Sessions are scheduled Our expert staff members help you to define your fit-
at mutually convenient times after the late registration ness goals and design a balanced program to
period. For more information, call 212-998-2018. This achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively. This
course is not available to Coles Community Mem- is not a program for injury rehabilitation. Sessions are
bers. scheduled at mutually convenient times after the late
registration period. Subscribers are given Fitness
Location: Various Counts privileges for one quarter and future ability to
purchase Fitness Counts. This course is not available
Instructor: Joel Kaye to Coles Community Members.
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FIT Programs
A program designed for your convenience to accom-
modate flexible schedules and to facilitate mass indi-
vidual participation in various combinations of
classes. With the purchase of any of these program
offerings, which allow you to take any class within the
package, you may also attend our FIT classes which
are available to you Monday-Thursday when there
are no regularly scheduled classes. Please see the
calendar for days marked FIT. This is for the Aca-
demic Year only. There are no FIT packages for the
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Fee: $40.00
Minimum Enrollment: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 24
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Fee: $50.00
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20
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Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. D CLS 170 American Red Cross Community
Minimum Enrollment: 10 This comprehensive CPR course provides American
Maximum Enrollment: 20 Red Cross-certified training for use with adult, infant,
and child victims in a variety of emergency situations.
Learn how to reduce the risk of injury or death by
PLD 137 Swimming/Advanced—Stroke Re- properly identifying breathing and cardiac emergen-
finement cies and administering the appropriate CPR meas-
ures. Also learn when and how to use the emergency
Location: Palladium Pool medical service (EMS) and how to reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease. This course is indispensable
Instructor: Roger Almeida for all adults and teenagers who may be called on to
assist others in an emergency. Certification is mailed
Fee: $50.00 to home address within four to six weeks of course
Sec. 1 Sun. 5:00-5:55 p.m. (CD)
Location: Coles Team Meeting Room/Level FH
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20 Instructor: Lisa Quirk
Fee: $65.00
CLS 140 Swim for Aerobic Fitness
Prerequisite: Ability to swim eight continuous lengths Sec. 5 Tues. 2/8, 2/15 6:00-9:55 p.m. C
of the pool (200 meters) using the front crawl stroke Sec. 6 Sun. 2/6, 2/13 9:00 a.m.-12:55 p.m. C
with no time limit. Students learn how to improve
rhythm, coordination, and timing of their front crawl Sec. 7 Tues. 4/5, 4/12 6:00-9:55 p.m. D
while developing sufficient strength and endurance to Sec. 8 Sun. 4/3, 4/10 9:00 a.m.-12:55 p.m. D
swim one-half mile (16 laps of the pool) by the end of
the course. Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 6
Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N
Fee: $60.00
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20
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CLS 176 American Red Cross First Aid and CLS 210 Ballet/Beginner
Safety Classes consist of an introduction to the form with
This advanced course provides complete first aid and basic barre work and movements. Body alignment is
safety skills. Learn how to identify and care for a vari- stressed. No previous dance experience is neces-
ety of medical emergencies including severe bleed- sary. Leotards are recommended and ballet slippers
ing, shock, musculoskeletal injuries, and other sud- are required.
den, undiagnosed illnesses. Candidate must bring
proof of CPR certification and his or her participant Location: Coles Dance Studio B/Level L
manual to class. Fees for textbook and materials are
included in the registration fee. Certification is mailed Instructors: Eddie Limoncelli, Tiffany Harris
to home address within four to six weeks of course
completion. Fee: $50.00
Location: Coles Team Meeting Room/Level FH Sec. 1 Mon. 12:30-1:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 3 Sun. 2:30-3:25 p.m. (CD)
Instructor: Lisa Quirk
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Fee: $65.00 Maximum Enrollment: 20
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PLD 218 Hustle Swing Dance CLS 222 Club Salsa, Cha Cha and Latin
Learn this smooth, hot- and playful partner dance Dance
derived from disco and transformed to enable you to No dance experience is necessary. Students learn
dance at Webster Hall or Club 54. Learn and some of the basic moves of the “hot” club dances.
master diva walks, single and double turns, shadow Classes focus on salsa (mambo), merengue,
turns, New York walks, and more. This class will give chacha, and hustle. Singles and couples are wel-
you great styling and a great cardio workout. come.
Gain self-confidence to become a great dancer.
Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level N
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B
Instructor: Joy Prentice
Instructor: Ricardo Villa
Fee: $65.00
Fee: $65.00
Sec. 2 Sun. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 1 Sun. 5:00-5:55 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 26
Minimum Enrollment: 10 Maximum Enrollment: 50
Maximum Enrollment: 50
PLD 223 Salsa/Mambo on 2/Beginner
CLS 220 Beginning Ballroom Dance Learn to dance this Afro-Caribbean–New York-based
No dance experience is necessary. An introduction to salsa, “Mambo on 2, New York Style.” This is a non-
the basic steps of five popular couple dances: foxtrot, stop and intense practice course designed to give
swing, tango, waltz, and rumba. Students learn pat- you the confidence and skills to go out and enjoy
terns, rhythm, partnering techniques. Singles and dancing. Students will learn musicality, styling,
couples are welcome. mambo shines, Cuban motion, single and double
turns, simple and advance footwork patterns in a
Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level N high, intensity cardio format. Class is designed to
tone and strengthen your core muscles.
Instructor: Joy Prentice
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B
Fee: $65.00
Instructor: Ricardo Villa
Sec. 1 Sun. 6:30-7:25 p.m. (CD)
Fee: $65.00
Minimum Enrollment: 26
Maximum Enrollment: 50 Sec. 1 Sun. 6:00-6:55 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 26
CLS 221 Hot Ballroom Maximum Enrollment: 50
This class will introduce you to the basics in bachata, PLD 224 Salsa/Mambo on 2/Intermediate
chacha, East Coast swing, merengue, and salsa Show time. This intense partner work class will de-
dancing. You will learn to recognize and be velop your skills to dance with a partner. You will
familiar with the music for each dance. learn how to lead and follow different patterns when
dancing with a partner in a salsa party. This class is
Location: Coles Dance Studios A & B/Level L loaded with a lot of combinations of turns, traveling,
spins, dips, lifts, and fun. Prepare to expand your
Instructor: Jason Lee comfort zone, burn a ton of calories, become more
socially confident, and meet new people.
Fee: $65.00
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B
Sec. 1 Fri. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD)
Instructor: Ricardo Villa
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 50 Fee: $65.00
Minimum Enrollment: 26
Maximum Enrollment: 50
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Fee: $45.00
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25
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Minimum Enrollment: 10
CLS 253 Hip-Hop Dance/Intermediate Maximum Enrollment: 20
Prerequisite: CLS/PLD 252 Hip-Hop Dance/Beginner
or equivalent experience. Get your feet wet. Fall up CLS 318 Kendo
and get down. Take your hip-hop dance skills to the Kendo, “the way of the sword,” is the martial art of
next level. Challenge yourself with energetic dance Japanese fencing. The goal of kendo is to discipline
combinations that incorporate all technical and free- one’s character through the application of the princi-
style aspects of hip-hop. Sneakers, jazz shoes, or ples of the sword. A physically and mentally challeng-
jazz sneakers are required. ing activity that combines strong cultural values with
sporting elements, kendo brings together cardio ac-
Location: Coles Dance Studio B/Level L tivity, precision drills, speed exercises, and medita-
tion. No experience is necessary. Equipment, a bam-
Instructors: Pavan Thimmaiah, Kimberly Kircher boo sword called a shimai, is available for purchase
at $21.00.
Fee: $45.00
Location: Coles Dance Studios A & B/Level L
Sec. 2 Sun. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD)
Instructor: Prof. David Fitch
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25 Fee: $75.00
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Martial Arts
CLS 300 Aikido/Beginner
“Way of harmonizing energy.” This Japanese martial
art blends attacks into throws and rolls using an ex-
tension of “ki,” natural energy.
Fee: $60.00
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 30
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Fee: $75.00
CLS 335 TaeKwonDo/Intermediate—
Sec. 1 Tues. 7:30-8:55 p.m. (CD) Advanced
Sec. 2 Wed. 8:30-9:55 p.m. (CD) Prerequisite: CLS 334 TaeKwonDo/Beginner, yellow
Sec. 3 Sun. 4:00-5:25 p.m. (CD) belt, or equivalent experience. Students are taught
the forms necessary to test for high yellow and
Minimum Enrollment: 10 green belts. Focus is also on beginner- to intermedi-
Maximum Enrollment: 25 ate-level kicking combinations, sparring theory, and
self-defense applications.
Fee: $60.00
Minimum Enrollment: 15
Maximum Enrollment: 25
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Fee: $90.00
CLS 340 Relaxation and Meditation
Learn stress reduction techniques and explore path- Sec. 2 Thurs. 7:00-8:25 p.m. (CD)
ways to inner calmness and peace. In this class, we
will practice various traditional meditative techniques Minimum Enrollment: 10
to channel and focus energy, incorporating the use of Maximum Enrollment: 40
various breath patterns: sound; gentle and restorative
yoga postures; hand positions to activate pressure
CLS 343 Vinyasa Yoga
points; and mental visualizations. Specific medita-
Prerequisite: 1 year of yoga experience. Experience
tions may focus on releasing fear, anxiety or tension;
a fluid and vigorous style of yoga and intense stretch-
recharging and renewing energy; and increasing clar-
ing where the poses are synchronized with breath in
ity and mindfulness. a series of Sun Salutations.
Location: Coles Wrestling Room/Level FH
Location: Coles Wrestling Room/Level FH
Instructor: Victoria Mason
Instructor: Sarah Clark
Fee: $65.00
Fee: $90.00
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 11:30a.m.-12:25p.m. C,D
Sec. 2 Sat. 1:00-2:25 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Maximum Enrollment: 40
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Instructors: Julia Keefer, Dyan Tsiumis CLS 404 Prime Timer Fitness
Prerequisite: Participation in a regular exercise regi-
Fee: $55.00 men three times a week for the last six months. Don’t
get older, get better. Age is not relevant. If the adage
Sec. 1 Wed. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD) “you are only as old as you feel” applies to you, this
Sec. 2 Thurs. 7:30-8:25 p.m. (CD) class is your dream come true. Improve your fitness
Sec. 3 Sat. 11:00-11:55 a.m. (CD) foundation toward new levels of performance and
Sec. 4 Sun. 4:30-5:25 p.m. (CD) physical health.
Sec. 5 Mon & Wed 7:30-8:25 pm (CD)
Location: Exercise Prescription Annex/Level L
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 30 Instructor: Joel Kaye
Fee: $50.00
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20
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Fee: $55.00
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25
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Sec. 1 Wed. & Fri. 9:30-10:25 a.m. C,D Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 5:30-6:25 p.m. C,D
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Fee: $75.00 (includes access to CLS 426 Fitness *NOTE: Students who select this option must be tak-
Counts for current quarter) ing academic courses during the summer or must
purchase a Coles summer membership.
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 7:35-8:30 a.m. C,D FITNESS COUNTS WORKOUT SCHEDULES
Sec. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C,D Mondays 8:30-11:30 a.m.
12:30-7:30 p.m.
Minimum Enrollment: 10 Tuesdays 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Maximum Enrollment: 25 1:30-6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays 8:30-11:30 a.m.
1:30-7:30 p.m.
Thursdays 7:35-11:30 a.m.
1:30-6:30 p.m.
Fridays 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
1:30-5:30 p.m
*Saturdays & Sundays 9:00-11:00 a.m.
1:00-3:00 p.m.
5:00-7:30 p.m.
*NOTE: The Exercise Prescription Room is closed on
weekends during the summer session.
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Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 40
PLD 433 Weight Training for Women
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25
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Minimum Enrollment: 5
Maximum Enrollment: 25 CLS 520 Squash/Beginner
No previous racquet experience is necessary. Intro-
duction to the basics of squash: grip, strokes, serves,
Racquet Sports strategies, rules, and etiquette. Proper athletic attire,
including non-black-soled sneakers and goggles, is
CLS 508 Badminton required. Players must provide squash racquet and
Learn to play this fast-moving international racquet double yellow-dot balls.
court game. Skills, drills, and game strategies are
taught along with etiquette and the rules for singles Location: Coles Squash Courts/Level SC
and doubles. Badminton racquets are required.
Instructors: Catherine Shih, Bilal Qayyum
Location: Coles Field House Courts 1 & 2/Level FH
Fee: $60.00
Instructor: Kathleen White
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 6:00-6:45 p.m. C,D
Fee: $50.00 Sec. 2 Sat. 9:45-10:30 a.m. (CD)
Location: Coles Racquetball Courts Nos. 9, 10, 11/ Location: Coles Squash Courts/Level SC
Level FH
Instructors: Catherine Shih, Bilal Qayyum
Instructor: Larry Pender
Fee: $60.00
Fee: $50.00
Sec. 2 Sat. 10:30-11:15 a.m. (CD)
Sec. 2 Wed. 6:00-6:45 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 8
Minimum Enrollment: 8 Maximum Enrollment: 12
Maximum Enrollment: 12
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Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 10
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Fee: $60.00
Minimum Enrollment: 7
Maximum Enrollment: 14
CLS 638 spinning- REVolution
REVolution is the next generation of indoor cycling.
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The combination of intense ride workouts and core how to move over the wall by vertical moves and
exercises to improve lateral and rotational movement/ traverses. Footwork, handwork, body position, and
stability makes for a challenging and functional work- body movement are all important to floating over
out. Cycling experience is recommended. rocks. In addition to basic climbing skills, learn how to
use the ropes, harnesses, and belay devices. A Top
Location: Coles Exercise Prescription Room/Level L Rope Certification Test may be taken at the end of
the course. Certification entitles you to belay any
Instructor: Marcus Overton climbing partner at Coles Rocks.
Sec. 1 Fri. 12:30-1:25 p.m. (CD) Instructors: Hunt Beaty, Aaron Apple
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