Palladium Courses Spring

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PARENTS/GUARDIANS AND CLSF 3 AquaTots—Toddler Swimming

Parent/guardian with children of ages 2 to 4 years.
CHILDREN PROGRAMS American Red Cross Infant and Preschool Aquatic
Program Class introduces children to an aquatic envi-
CLSF 1 AquaFamily ronment with parallel play and water games including
For children of ages 2-5 and their parents. These in- some aquatic skills. Each child must be accompanied
dividualized lessons combine learning basic survival by a parent/guardian in the water. It is recommended
swim techniques with a variety of games to enhance that adults have at least beginner-level swimming
your child’s comfort in an aquatic environment. Each skills, and children are required to wear plastic under-
child must be accompanied by a parent/guardian in garments. Pool depth is 4 feet.
the water. It is recommended that adults have at least
beginner-level swimming skills. This instructional pro- Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N
gram does not include solo lap lane space. Lessons
are scheduled by appointment at mutually convenient Instructor: Colleen Piquette
times. Pool depth is 4 feet. Fee: $50.00 per child
Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N Sec. 1 Sat. 3:00-3:25 p.m. C,D
Sec. 2 Sun. 2:00-2:25 p.m. C,D
Instructors: Colleen Piquette, Dan Cordle Sec. 3 Sun. 3:00-3:25 p.m. C,D

Fee: $100 for two 30-minute sessions Minimum Enrollment: 8

$200 for four 30-minute sessions Maximum Enrollment: 12

CLSF 2 AquaBabies—Infant Swimming CLSF 4 AquaNauts—Children’s Swimming

Parent/guardian with children of ages 6 months to 2 Parent/guardian with children of ages 4 to 5 years.
years. American Red Cross Infant and Preschool American Red Cross Infant and Preschool Aquatic
Aquatic Program Class introduces children to an Program Class introduces children to an aquatic envi-
aquatic environment with parallel play and water ronment with parallel play and water games. Each
games. Each child must be accompanied by a par- child must be accompanied by a parent/guardian in
ent/guardian in the water. It is recommended that the water. It is recommended that adults have at least
adults have at least beginner-level swimming skills, beginner-level swimming skills. Pool depth is 4 feet.
and children are required to wear plastic undergar-
ments. Pool depth is 4 feet. Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N

Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N Instructor: Colleen Piquette

Instructor: Colleen Piquette Fee: $50.00 per child

Fee: $50.00 per child Sec. 1 Sat. 2:00-2:25 p.m. C,D

Sec. 2 Sun. 3:30-3:55 p.m. C,D
Sec. 1 Sat. 2:30-2:55 p.m. C,D
Sec. 2 Sun. 2:30-2:55 p.m. C,D Minimum Enrollment: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Minimum Enrollment: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 12

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CLSF 6 Parent and Child Yoga *NEW* CLSF 11 Rock Climbing for Parents and Children
Explore the yoga poses through parallel play that imi- Parent/guardian with child of ages 5 years and older
tate the movements of animals. Children will learn learn how to versa climb, treadwall, and boulder. In-
focus and self control using their imaginations to troduction to basic climbing with emphasis on safety,
model all kinds of animal behavior using interactive strength, and conditioning. Children’s harnesses and
games and imagery. Also, Children will learn the vo- helmets are provided. Sneakers required.
cabulary of basic human anatomy and types of move-
ments. Location: Coles Rocks/Level SC

Location: Coles Wrestling Room/Level FH Instructor: TBA

Instructor: Sara Dixter Fee: $75.00 per child

Fee: $75.00 per child

Sec. 2 Sat. 9:00-9:55 a.m. (CD)
Sec. 1 Sat. 10:30-11:25 a.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 4
Minimum Enrollment: 10 Maximum Enrollment: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 20

CLSF 12 Parent and Child Squash

CLSF 9 Tumble Tots Parent/guardian with children ages 7-15 years learn
Parent/guardian with children of ages 2 to 4 years. the basic skills for playing the game of squash to-
Learn to explore the fundamentals of movement and gether. This activity is a healthy and enjoyable way to
spatial relationships and experience the pleasure of play in all seasons, rain or shine! Proper athletic at-
physical activity. tire, including non-black-soled sneakers and goggles,
is required. Racquets and balls will be provided.
Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH Sneakers required.

Instructor: Mika Keegstra Location: Coles Squash Courts/Level SC

Fee: $65.00 per child Instructor: Daniel Tai

Sec. 1 Sat. 11:00-11:55 a.m. (CD) Fee: $75.00 per child

Minimum Enrollment: 10 Sec. 1 Sat. 2:15-3:00 p.m. (CD)

Maximum Enrollment: 20
Minimum Enrollment: 4
Maximum Enrollment: 8
CLSF 10 Parent and Child TaeKwonDo
Parent/guardian and children ages 5-13. A fun, fam-
ily-oriented martial arts class that focuses on the par- CHILDREN AND YOUTH PRO-
ents’ learning along with their children, creating an
environment of mutual respect and understanding GRAMS
that extends to the home as well as the training envi-
ronment. Balance, strength, flexibility, and focus are CLSC 1 Diving for Children
developed as you and your child learn the techniques This class is for children of ages 7 to 10 years with
of this ancient Korean martial art and Olympic sport. basic swimming skills. Instruction in basic dives along
with water safety education and retrieval skills.
Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
Location: Coles Diving Tank/Level N
Instructor: Jonathan Chin
Instructor: TBA
Fee: $75.00
Fee: $40.00 per child
Sec. 1 Sun. 10:00-10:55 a.m. (CD)
Sec. 1 Sat. 9:00-9:55 a.m. C,D
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20 Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 12

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CLSC 2 Diving for Youth CLSC 5 Beginning Swimming for Children—

This class is for young people of ages 11 to 15 years Level I Water Exploration
with basic swimming skills. Instruction in basic dives American Red Cross beginner swimming. Learn ba-
along with water safety education and retrieval skills. sic swimming skills and safety skills in, on, and
around the water. Children should be at least 5 years
Location: Coles Diving Tank/Level N of age. American Red Cross Certification Level I
issued on successful completion of skills progression.
Instructors: TBA Pool depth is 4 feet.

Fee: $40.00 per child Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N

Sec. 1 Thurs. 6:30-7:25 p.m. C,D Instructor: Colleen Piquette

Sec. 2 Sat. 10:00-10:55 a.m. C,D
Fee: $50.00 per child
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 12 Sec. 2 Sat. 1:00-1:55 p.m. C,D

Minimum Enrollment: 6
CLSC 3 Competitive Diving for Children Maximum Enrollment: 12
This class is for children ages 8-12 who have com-
pleted CLSC 1 Diving for Children and are interested CLSC 6 Swimming Advanced Beginner for
in developing skills required for entry-level competi- Children— Level II Primary Skills
tive diving proficiency. Initial attention will focus on Prerequisite: Successful completion of CLSC 5 Be-
board work and mastery of basic dives in the forward, ginning Swimming for Children—Level I or equivalent
back, reverse and inward directions. Students will experience. Introduction to primary water safety skills
take part in individual goal setting and video enabled including bobbing, orientation in deep water, and the
instruction. Progress reports and personal video his- flutter kick on the front and back sides. American Red
tory will be provided to each participant at the conclu- Cross Certification Level II issued on successful com-
sion of each 5 session term. pletion of skills progression. Pool depth is 4 feet.

Location: Coles Diving Tank/Level N Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N

Instructor: TBA Instructor: Colleen Piquette

Fee: $75.00 per child Fee: $50.00 per child

Sec. 1 Sat. 11:00-11:55 a.m. C,D Sec. 1 Sun. 10:00-10:55 a.m. C,D

Minimum Enrollment: 2 Minimum Enrollment: 6

Maximum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 12

CLSC 4 AquaKids
For ages 6-16. Whether helping a child overcome
fear of water, perfecting stroke technique, or condi-
tioning for your child, a WSI-certified instructor will
structure each lesson based on your child’s specific
needs. These lessons are most effective when used
in conjunction with a child’s group swim class. This
instructional program does not include solo lap lane
space. Lessons are scheduled by appointment at mu-
tually convenient times. Pool depth is 4 feet.

Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N

Instructor: Colleen Piquette

$100 for two 30-minute sessions

$200 for four 30-minute sessions

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CLSC 7 Swimming Intermediate for CLSC 9 Swimming for Children—Level V

Children—Level III Stroke Readiness Stroke Refinement
Prerequisite: Successful completion of CLSC 6 Prerequisite: Successful completion of CLSC 8
Swimming Advanced Beginner for Children—Level II Swimming Advanced for Children—Level IV or
or equivalent experience. Learn front crawl, back equivalent experience. Refine front crawl, back crawl,
crawl, treading water, gliding, and stroke readiness of and breaststroke. Learn sidestroke, dolphin kick,
elementary backstroke. American Red Cross Certifi- breaststroke, and backstroke turns and diving from a
cation Level III issued on successful completion of board. American Red Cross Certification Level V is-
skills progression. Pool depth is 4 feet. sued on successful completion of skills progression.
Pool depth is 4 feet.
Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N
Location: Coles Natatorium/ Level N
Instructor: Roger Almeida
Instructor: Colleen Piquette
Fee: $50.00 per child
Fee: $50.00 per child
Sec. 1 Sun. 1:00-1:55p.m. C,D
Sec. 1 Sun. 12:00-12:55 p.m. C,D
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 12 Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 12

CLSC 8 Swimming Advanced for Children—

Level IV Stroke Development CLSC 10 Swimming for Children—Level VI
Prerequisite: Successful completion of CLSC 7 Swim Skills Proficiency
Swimming Intermediate for Children—Level III or Prerequisite: Successful completion of CLSC 9
equivalent experience. Learn breaststroke, side- Swimming for Children—Level V or equivalent experi-
stroke, scissors kick, wall turns, and elementary div- ence. Learn butterfly, flip turns, and surface dives
ing progressions for beginning water safety tech- and develop cardiovascular endurance. American
niques. American Red Cross Certification Level IV Red Cross Certification Level VI issued on successful
issued on successful completion of skills progression. completion of skills progression. Pool depth is 4 feet.
Pool depth is 4 feet.
Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N
Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N
Instructor: Colleen Piquette
Instructor: Colleen Piquette
Fee: $50.00 per child
Fee: $50.00 per child
Sec. 1 Sun. 11:00-11:55 a.m. C,D
Sec. 1 Sun. 9:00-9:55 a.m. C,D
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Minimum Enrollment: 6 Maximum Enrollment: 12
Maximum Enrollment: 12

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CLSC 11 Water Polo for Children CLSC 15 Youth Fencing

Prerequisite: CLSC 8 Swimming for Children—Level Children of ages 11 to 15 with no previous experi-
IV or equivalent experience. Children need to be ence learn the basic skills of dueling, sword combat,
comfortable in deep water; pool depth is 12'6". and play. Learn to follow the disciplined progressions
Ability to swim 150 meters freestyle and to tread wa- and honor code of the sport. Protective clothing and
ter for three minutes. Ages 8 to 14. Learn to play this safe, blunted weapons are provided.
team water sport. Imagine soccer played with one
hand while swimming and treading water. Learn to Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level N
dribble and pass the ball while swimming the crawl.
Basic strategy and teamwork will be taught while im- Instructor: Charles Copti
proving swimming skills and endurance. The team
sport concepts of offense and defense will be empha- Fee: $65.00 per child
sized in strategy, positioning, and teamwork.
Sec. 1 Sat. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. (CD)
Location: Coles Natatorium Diving Tank/Level N
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Instructor: William Burnett Maximum Enrollment: 20

Fee: $45.00
CLSC 20 TaeKwonDo for Children
Sec. 1 Sat. 1:00-1:55 p.m. C,D For children ages 5-13. Non-contact traditional TaeK-
wonDo for children. Children learn the importance
Minimum Enrollment: 8 of physical exercise while developing coordination,
Maximum Enrollment: 24 concentration, and self-control. Traditional martial
arts techniques are taught, allowing your child to earn
higher belt ranks, improving their confidence and self-
CLSC 12 Basketball for Children esteem.
Children of ages 7 to 14 learn to play this popular
team sport. Learn ball handling and shooting skills Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
along with simple offensive and defensive plays
while developing coordination, agility, and stamina. Instructor: Jonathan Chin

Location: Coles Field House Court No. 1/Level FH Fee: $75.00 per child

Instructor: Don Wongprapam Sec. 1 Sun. 11:00-11:55 a.m. (CD) (ages 5-9)
Sec. 2 Sun. 9:00-9:55 am (CD) (ages 10-16)
Fee: $65.00 per child
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Sec. 1 Sat. 12:00 -12:55 p.m. (CD) (ages 5-8) Maximum Enrollment: 18
Sec. 2 Sat. 1:00-1:55pm (CD) (ages 9-16)
CLSC 21 Team Sports
Minimum Enrollment: 8 Students will learn modified forms of various sports,
Maximum Enrollment: 20 which will teach them the skills needed for future
sports participation. Through these activities, stu-
CLSC 14 Fencing for Children dents will develop gradual mastery, which will boost
Children of ages 7 to 10 learn the basic skills of duel- confidence and competence. Kickball, whiffleball,
ing, sword combat, and play. Learn to follow the dis- soccer, volleyball, basketball, and racquet sports will
ciplined progressions and honor code of the sport. be introduced and explored. Ages 5-8.
Protective clothing and safe, blunted weapons are
provided. Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH

Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level N Instructor: Mika Keegstra

Instructors: Charles Copti Fee: $65.00

Fee: $65.00 per child
Sec. 1 Sat. 10:00-10:55 a.m. (CD)
Sec. 1 Sat. 12:30-1:25 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Minimum Enrollment: 6 Maximum Enrollment: 40
Maximum Enrollment: 20

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CLSC 22 Kids Rocks CLSC 25 Squash for Youth

Prerequisite: CLSF 11 Rock Climbing for Parents and Children of ages 11 to 15 learn and review the funda-
Children or equivalent experience on rocks or rock mentals of squash, including the basic forehand and
walls. Children of ages 7 to 14 improve strength, co- backhand strokes, service and return footwork, ball
ordination, and endurance, practicing on treadwalls. placement and match tactics. Lessons will consist of
Learn a variety of bouldering routes to improve foot- skill building exercises, simple drills, and modified
work and handwork. Learn safety techniques. Ac- match play. Proper athletic attire, including non-
cording to students’ readiness, basic climbing skills, black-soled sneakers and goggles, is required. Rac-
including rope tying and practical experience with quets and balls will be provided.
harnesses and belaying devices, are taught. Chil-
dren’s equipment provided. Sneakers required. Location: Coles Squash Courts/Level SC

Location: Coles Rocks/Level SC Instructor: Daniel Tai

Instructor: TBA Fee: $75.00 per child

Fee: $75.00 per child Sec. 1 Sat. 1:30-2:15 p.m. (CD)

Sec. 2 Sun. 12:00-12:55 p.m. (CD) Minimum Enrollment: 4

Maximum Enrollment: 8
Minimum Enrollment: 4
Maximum Enrollment: 8
CLSC 26 Starts and Turns
CLSC 24 Squash for Children Learn basic competitive swimming skills; including
Children of ages 7 to 10 learn basic skills and modi- race ready starts, turns, finishes and stroke tech-
fied lead up games for squash toward developing nique. There is an emphasis on speed, endurance,
hand-eye coordination, agility, and endurance. Class and proper stroke work through interval training. Stu-
will provide an excellent foundation for playing all rac- dents should be comfortable with all four competitive
quet sports. Proper athletic attire, including non- strokes (fly, back, breast, and free), flip turns, and
black-soled sneakers and goggles, is required. Rac- surface diving. Participants are encouraged to attend
quets and balls will be provided. a home NYU swim meet.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of CLSC 10 or
Location: Coles Squash Courts/Level SC equivalent experience.

Instructor: Daniel Tai Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N

Fee: $75.00 per child Instructor: Will Burnett

Sec. 1 Sat. 12:45-1:30 p.m. (CD) Fee: $50.00 per child

Minimum Enrollment: 4 Sec. 1 Sat. 9:00-9:55 am C,D

Maximum Enrollment: 8
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 12

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Learn to get rid of tension and stress through per-
sonal instruction in deliberate breathing. Focusing on
Adaptive Programs breathing calms, relaxes, and energizes. Sessions
are privately scheduled by appointment at mutually
CLS 97 Abilitation convenient times. This course is not available to
These personal orientation sessions are tailored to Coles Community Members.
assist each student with a disability in understanding
the opportunities in physical training and physical Location: Various
expression available to the student at the Coles
Sports Center. Appointments can be made by calling Instructors: Penny White, Victoria Mason
Gail Stentiford at 212-998-2018. Students who wish
to participate must first register with NYU’s Moses Fees: $100.00 for two 30-minute sessions
Center for Students with Disabilities, 212-998-4980. $200.00 for four 30-minute sessions

CLS 98 One-on-One CLS/PLD 101 Sculpt Express

Designed to encourage mainstreaming and to help Private instruction in personally designed strength
students learn to overcome fear or to manage dis- exercises and aerobic training zone techniques to
abilities through private fitness consultation, coach- achieve leaner muscle mass for a more sculpted ap-
ing, and instruction in the pool or in the gym with sen- pearance. Students have the option to be weighed
sitive professionals in adaptive activities. Sessions and measured for a body composition assessment by
are privately scheduled by appointment at mutually our professional staff. Your personal program tracked
convenient times. For your convenience, registration over five weeks is designed and updated as you pro-
for this course can be done in person or on the tele- gress. Sessions are scheduled at mutually conven-
phone by calling 212-998-2018 during scheduled reg- ient times after the late registration period. Subscrib-
istration periods. Students who wish to participate ers are given Fitness Counts privileges for one quar-
must first register with NYU’s Moses Center for Stu- ter and future ability to purchase Fitness Counts. For
dents with Disabilities, 212- 998-4980. This course is more information, call 212-998-2018. This course is
for matriculated NYU students only. not available to Coles Community Members.

Location: To be arranged individually Location: Various

Instructor: Robin Graham Instructors: Marcus Overton, Steve Herishen

Fees: $100.00 for two 30-minute sessions Fees: $150.00 for three 30-minute sessions
$200.00 for four 30-minute sessions $300.00 for six 30-minute sessions
$450.00 for nine 30-minute sessions
Special Programs
CLS 99 Empower Very intense personal instruction for those individuals
Learn to take even better care of yourself living with who need special attention to have their fitness level
or after cancer through the benefits of exercise and privately assessed and workouts closely supervised.
making smart food choices. Sessions are scheduled Our expert staff members help you to define your fit-
at mutually convenient times after the late registration ness goals and design a balanced program to
period. For more information, call 212-998-2018. This achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively. This
course is not available to Coles Community Mem- is not a program for injury rehabilitation. Sessions are
bers. scheduled at mutually convenient times after the late
registration period. Subscribers are given Fitness
Location: Various Counts privileges for one quarter and future ability to
purchase Fitness Counts. This course is not available
Instructor: Joel Kaye to Coles Community Members.

Fees: $50.00 for one-hour session Location: Various

$100.00 for two-hour session
Instructors: Marcus Overton, Steve Herishen

Fees: $100.00 for two 30-minute sessions

$200.00 for four 30-minute sessions
$300.00 for six 30-minute sessions

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CLS/PLD 103 Gym Partners Classes Available on FIT Days

Private, customized, safe, and efficient programs to
motivate partners to reach shared fitness goals under
Class Instructor Location
the direction of a certified fitness professional. Appro- 12:30-1:25 p.m. Yoga Penny White, Coles
priate for all fitness levels. Sessions are scheduled at Marlie McGovern Wrestling
mutually convenient times after the late registration Room
period. Subscribers are given Fitness Counts privi-
leges for one quarter and future ability to purchase 4:30-5:25 p.m. Boot Marcus Overton Coles
Fitness Counts. This course is not available to Coles Camp Dance
Community Members. Studios

5:30-6:25 p.m. Zoomba Joy Prentice Coles

Locations: Various (Mon., Wed.) Dance
Instructors: Marcus Overton, Steve Herishen
5:30-6:15 p.m. Ab Lab Marcus Overton Coles
Fees: $200.00 for three 30-minute sessions (Tues., Thurs.) Dance
$400.00 for six 30-minute sessions Studios
$600.00 for nine 30-minute sessions
6:30-7:25 p.m. Core Joel Kaye Coles
Aerobics Kerry Ann McNight Dance
CLS 104 Passport to Fitness Counts
Designed to facilitate access to the Exercise Pre- 6:30-7:25 p.m. Step Dyan Tsiumis Palladium
scription facility for those individuals who understand (Wed.) Aerobics Auxiliary
the concept of target heart rate. Submaximal cardio- Gym B
vascular endurance is measured. Test results are
interpreted by exercise professionals, and recom- 6:30-7:25 p.m. Yoga TBA Palladium
(Tues., Thurs.) Auxiliary
mendations for an appropriate exercise program to
Gym B
suit your lifestyle and individual needs are given. One
30-minute consultation is privately scheduled at a 7:00-8:30 p.m. Yoga TBA Coles
mutually convenient time during Fitness Counts (Mon., Wed.) Wrestling
hours (see CLS 426). Subscribers are given Fitness Room
Counts privileges for one quarter and future ability to
purchase Fitness Counts workouts. Medical clear- 8:30-9:55 p.m. Yoga TBA Palladium
ance may be required. Session is scheduled by ( Wed.) Auxiliary
Gym B
appointment at mutually convenient times. This
course is not available to Coles Community Mem-
At registration, on payment for a FIT program, a
sticker is affixed to your Department of Athletics ID
card that will permit you access to your chosen
Location: Exercise Prescription Room/Level L
FIT combination. These FIT programs are not avail-
able to Coles Community Members.
Instructor: Marcus Overton

Fee: $50.00 for one 30-minute session

FIT Programs
A program designed for your convenience to accom-
modate flexible schedules and to facilitate mass indi-
vidual participation in various combinations of
classes. With the purchase of any of these program
offerings, which allow you to take any class within the
package, you may also attend our FIT classes which
are available to you Monday-Thursday when there
are no regularly scheduled classes. Please see the
calendar for days marked FIT. This is for the Aca-
demic Year only. There are no FIT packages for the

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CLS/PLD 105 NYU Platinum FIT CLS 107 Sculpt FIT

This program entitles you to attend any CLS 125 This program entitles you to attend any CLS 205
H2O Aerobics, CLS 205 Zoomba, CLS 340 Relaxa- Zoomba, CLS 405 Aerobics, CLS 406 Step-
tion and Meditation, CLS 342 Kundalini Yoga, CLS Aerobics, CLS 407 Core Aerobics, CLS 412 Boot
343 Vinyasa Yoga, CLS/PLD 350 Yoga, CLS 351 Camp, CLS 415 Pilates, CLS 429 Ab Lab, and CLS
Power Yoga, CLS 354 Iyengar Yoga Level I, CLS 430 Power Abs classes during the academic recrea-
355 Iyengar Yoga Level II, CLS 369 Cardio Kickbox- tion calendar year. Also, on the days marked FIT, you
ing, CLS 405 Aerobics, CLS/PLD 406 Step-Aerobics, may attend the classes available. This program has a
CLS 407 Core Aerobics, CLS 412 Boot Camp, CLS/ limited enrollment depending on registration in other
PLD 415 Pilates, CLS/PLD 429 Ab Lab, and CLS 430 FIT combinations. Sections of recreation courses are
Power Abs classes during the academic recreation subject to cancellation based solely on their individual
calendar year. Also, on the days marked FIT, you number of registrants, not on the FIT program. This
may attend the classes available. This program has a course is not available to Coles Community Mem-
limited enrollment depending on registration in other bers. Not eligible for on-line registration.
FIT combinations. Sections of recreation courses are
subject to cancellation based solely on Fees: Spring (CD)—$175.00
their individual number of registrants, not on the FIT
program. This course is not available to Coles Com-
munity Members. Not eligible for on-line registra- CLS 108 Core FIT
tion. This program entitles you to attend any CLS 205
Zoomba, CLS 407 Core Aerobics, CLS 412
Fees: Spring (CD)—$350.00 Boot Camp, CLS 415 Pilates, CLS 429 Ab
Lab, and CLS 430 Power Abs classes during the aca-
demic recreation calendar year. Also, on the days
marked FIT, you may attend the classes available.
CLS 106 Super FIT This program has a limited enrollment depending on
This program entitles you to attend any CLS 125 registration in other FIT combinations. Sections of
H2O Aerobics, CLS 205 Zoomba, CLS 340-CLS 355 recreation courses are subject to cancellation based
Yoga, CLS 369 Cardio Kickboxing, CLS 405 Aero- solely on their individual number of registrants, not on
bics, CLS 406 Step-Aerobics, CLS 407 Core Aero- the FIT program. This course is not available to Coles
bics, CLS 412 Boot Camp, CLS 415 Pilates, CLS Community Members. Not eligible for on-line regis-
429 Ab Lab, and CLS 430 Power Abs classes during tration.
the academic recreation calendar year. Also, on the
days marked FIT, you may attend the classes avail- Fees: Spring (CD)—$150.00
able. This program has a limited enrollment depend-
ing on registration in other FIT combinations. Sec-
tions of recreation courses are subject to cancellation CLS 109 Yoga FIT
based solely on their individual number of registrants, This program entitles you to attend any CLS 340 Re-
not on the FIT program. This course is not available laxation and Meditation, CLS 342 Kundalini Yoga,
to Coles Community Members. Not eligible for on- CLS 343 Vinyasa Yoga, CLS 350 Yoga, CLS 351
line registration. Power Yoga, CLS 354 Iyengar Yoga Level I, CLS
355 Iyengar Yoga Level II and CLS 415 Pilates
Fees: Spring (CD)—$300.00 classes during the academic recreation calendar
year. Also, on the days marked FIT, you may attend
PLD 106 Super FIT the classes available. This program has a limited en-
This program entitles you to attend any PLD 350 rollment depending on registration in other FIT com-
Yoga, PLD 406 Step- Aerobics, PLD 415 Pilates, and binations. Sections of recreation courses are subject
PLD 429 Ab Lab classes during the academic recrea- to cancellation based solely on their individual num-
tion calendar year. Also, on the days marked FIT, you ber of registrants, not on the FIT program. This
may attend the classes available. This program has a course is not available to Coles Community Mem-
limited enrollment depending on registration in other bers. Not eligible for on-line registration.
FIT combinations. Sections of recreation courses are
subject to cancellation based solely on their individual Fees: Spring (CD)—$200.00
number of registrants, not on the FIT program. This
course is not available to Coles Community Mem-
bers. Not eligible for on-line registration.

Fees: Spring (CD)—$150.00

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PLD 109 Yoga FIT CLS 125 H2O Aerobics

This program entitles you to attend any PLD 350 Off with your sneakers! Take the plunge! Water exer-
Yoga and PLD 415 Pilates classes during the aca- cise facilitates movement and conditioning in a non-
demic recreation calendar year. Also, on the days impact environment. This is a program of continuous
marked FIT, you may attend the classes available. exercises set to music and executed in the water to
This program has a limited enrollment depending on promote endurance and increase strength. Swimming
registration in other FIT combinations. Sections of skills are not necessary; however, participants should
recreation courses are subject to cancellation based feel comfortable in an aquatic environment. (Proper
solely on their individual number of registrants, not on swim attire is required.) Pool depth is 4 feet.
the FIT program. This course is not available to Coles
Community Members. Not eligible for on-line regis- Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N
Instructors: Candy Kugel,
Fees: Spring (CD)—$125.00
Fee: $45.00
Aquatics and Emergency Care
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 7:35-8:30 a.m. C,D
Sec. 2 Mon. & Wed. 7:30-8:30 p.m. C,D
CLS 119 Aquatic Personal Training
Prerequisite: Reference by Coles full-time swim staff. Minimum Enrollment: 10
Private swim lessons designed to maximize swim Maximum Enrollment: 30
skill progress. This instructional program does not
include solo lap lane space. Underwater video cam-
era will be used when appropriate. Lessons are CLS 128 Deep Water Power Works
scheduled by appointment at mutually convenient Prerequisite: Intermediate swimming skills. The ulti-
times. These lessons are not available to Coles Com- mate no-impact workout held in the diving pool is de-
munity Members. signed to enhance your aerobic capacity and improve
your basic strength. It is an excellent workout to reha-
Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N bilitate joint stress injuries by strengthening muscles
and increasing muscular endurance without the per-
Instructors: Dan Cordle, Colleen Piquette, Roger cussive impact of running.
Location: Coles Diving Tank/Level N
Fees: $100.00 for two 30-minute sessions
$200.00 for four 30-minute sessions Instructors: Penny White, Rosemary Camera
$300.00 for six 30-minute sessions
Fee: $65.00
CLS 120 Diving/Beginner
Students learn the fundamental skills progressively Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C,D
through the front, back, reverse inward, and forward Sec. 2 Tues. 7:00-7:55 p.m. (CD)
with one-half twist dives.
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Location: Coles Diving Tank/Level N Maximum Enrollment: 25

Instructors: Scott Donie CLS 129 Water Polo

Prerequisite: Basic swimming skills and confidence in
Fee: $55.00 a deep-water aquatic environment. Learn to play this
exciting sport while exercising at a high intensity
Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 3:00-3:55 p.m. D level. (Proper swim attire required.)
Sec. 2 Thurs. 7:30-8:25 p.m. (CD)
Location: Coles Diving Tank
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 12 Instructor: Will Burnett

Fee: $40.00

Sec. 1 Mon. 8:30-9:25 pm (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 24

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CLS 130 Swimming for the Nonswimmer/ CLS 136 Swimming/Intermediate—Stroke

Beginner Development
Students learn the basic swimming skills, including Prerequisite: CLS 135 Swimming/Advanced Begin-
front crawl and elementary backstroke, as well as ner—Stroke Readiness or equivalent experience.
awareness of safety in, on, and around the water. Competence in front crawl and elementary back-
American Red Cross Certification Level II is awarded stroke is assumed. Students learn basics of breast-
on successful completion of the course. (Proper swim stroke and sidestroke and refine skills in front crawl
attire is required.) Pool depth is 4 feet. and elementary backstroke. American Red Cross
Certification Level IV is awarded on successful com-
Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N pletion of the course. (Proper swim attire is required.)
Pool depth is 4 feet.
Instructors: Colleen Piquette, Slava Santoriello,
Roger Almeida Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N

Fee: $50.00 Instructors: Slava Santoriello, Shannon Riley, Roger

Sec. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C
Sec. 3 Tues. 7:30-8:25 p.m. (CD) Fee: $50.00
Sec. 4 Fri 1:00-1:55 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 5 Sat. 12:00-12:55pm (CD) Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. C
Sec. 6 Sat 3:30-4:25 p.m. (CD) Sec. 2 Wed. 8:30-9:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 3 Sat. 11:00-11:55a.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20 Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20

CLS 135 Swimming/Advanced Beginner—

Stroke Readiness PLD 136 Swimming/Intermediate—Stroke
Prerequisite: CLS 130 Swimming for the Nonswim- Development
mer/Beginner or ability to swim the basic front crawl
and elementary backstroke. Students learn to im- Location: Palladium Pool
prove form and coordination. This course introduces
beginning diving and underwater swimming and re- Instructor: Roger Almeida
views basic reaching rescue techniques. American
Red Cross Certification Level III is awarded on suc- Fee: $50.00
cessful completion of course. (Proper swim attire is
required.) Pool depth is 4 feet. Sec. 1 Sun. 7:00-7:55 p.m. (CD)

Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N Minimum Enrollment: 10

Maximum Enrollment: 20
Instructor: Slava Santoriello, Roger Almeida

Fee: $50.00

Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-1:25 p.m. D

Sec. 2 Thurs. 7:30-8:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 3 Fri. 2:00-2:55 pm (CD)
Sec. 4 Sat. 10:00-10:55a.m. (CD)
Sec. 5 Sat. 4:30-5:25 p.m. (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20

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CLS 137 Swimming/Advanced—Stroke Re- CLS 143 Senior Adult Swimming

finement Students improve their swimming skills. The natural
Prerequisite: CLS/PLD136 Swimming/Intermediate— buoyancy of the aquatic environment enhances
Stroke Development or equivalent experience. Stu- movement and provides ideal exercise conditions
dents review and improve technique for strokes for the older adult.
they know. They are introduced to the butterfly, front
and back flip turns, and surface dives, as well as ba- Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N
sic water safety techniques. American Red Cross
Certification Level V is awarded on successful com- Instructor: Slava Santoriello
pletion of this course.
Fee: $40.00
Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N
Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 10:30-11:25 a.m. C,D
Instructor: Slava Santoriello
Minimum Enrollment: 5
Fee: $50.00 Maximum Enrollment: 20

Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. D CLS 170 American Red Cross Community
Minimum Enrollment: 10 This comprehensive CPR course provides American
Maximum Enrollment: 20 Red Cross-certified training for use with adult, infant,
and child victims in a variety of emergency situations.
Learn how to reduce the risk of injury or death by
PLD 137 Swimming/Advanced—Stroke Re- properly identifying breathing and cardiac emergen-
finement cies and administering the appropriate CPR meas-
ures. Also learn when and how to use the emergency
Location: Palladium Pool medical service (EMS) and how to reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease. This course is indispensable
Instructor: Roger Almeida for all adults and teenagers who may be called on to
assist others in an emergency. Certification is mailed
Fee: $50.00 to home address within four to six weeks of course
Sec. 1 Sun. 5:00-5:55 p.m. (CD)
Location: Coles Team Meeting Room/Level FH
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20 Instructor: Lisa Quirk

Fee: $65.00
CLS 140 Swim for Aerobic Fitness
Prerequisite: Ability to swim eight continuous lengths Sec. 5 Tues. 2/8, 2/15 6:00-9:55 p.m. C
of the pool (200 meters) using the front crawl stroke Sec. 6 Sun. 2/6, 2/13 9:00 a.m.-12:55 p.m. C
with no time limit. Students learn how to improve
rhythm, coordination, and timing of their front crawl Sec. 7 Tues. 4/5, 4/12 6:00-9:55 p.m. D
while developing sufficient strength and endurance to Sec. 8 Sun. 4/3, 4/10 9:00 a.m.-12:55 p.m. D
swim one-half mile (16 laps of the pool) by the end of
the course. Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 6
Location: Coles Natatorium/Level N

Instructors: Slava Santoriello, Shannon Riley

Fee: $60.00

Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 8:30-9:25 a.m. C,D

Sec. 2 Mon. 6:30-7:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 3 Tues. & Thurs. 9:30-10:25 a.m. C,D

Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20

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CLS 176 American Red Cross First Aid and CLS 210 Ballet/Beginner
Safety Classes consist of an introduction to the form with
This advanced course provides complete first aid and basic barre work and movements. Body alignment is
safety skills. Learn how to identify and care for a vari- stressed. No previous dance experience is neces-
ety of medical emergencies including severe bleed- sary. Leotards are recommended and ballet slippers
ing, shock, musculoskeletal injuries, and other sud- are required.
den, undiagnosed illnesses. Candidate must bring
proof of CPR certification and his or her participant Location: Coles Dance Studio B/Level L
manual to class. Fees for textbook and materials are
included in the registration fee. Certification is mailed Instructors: Eddie Limoncelli, Tiffany Harris
to home address within four to six weeks of course
completion. Fee: $50.00

Location: Coles Team Meeting Room/Level FH Sec. 1 Mon. 12:30-1:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 3 Sun. 2:30-3:25 p.m. (CD)
Instructor: Lisa Quirk
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Fee: $65.00 Maximum Enrollment: 20

Sec. 2 Tues. 2/22, 3/1 6:00-9:55 p.m. C

Minimum Enrollment: 6 CLS 211 Ballet/Intermediate Advanced
Maximum Enrollment: 6 Prerequisite: CLS 210 Ballet/Beginner or familiarity
with basic barre and center work. Classes consist of
instruction in movement vocabulary, stressing
Dance alignment and proper technique, with allegro and
adagio work and concentration on grace and preci-
CLS 205 Zoomba *NEW* sion. Leotards are recommended, and ballet shoes
An Aerobic dance based class that combines interval are required.
training resistance training and cardio with Latin
Dance steps and Latin Music. Location: Coles Dance Studio B/Level L

Location: Consult location board Instructors: Eddie Limoncelli

Instructors: Joy Prentice Fee: $60.00

Fee: $45.00 Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C,D

Sec. 2 Sun. 3:30-4:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 5:30-6:25 p.m. C,D
Sec. 2 Fri. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD) Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20
PLD 217 Merengue and Bachata Dance
CLS 209 Broadway Jazz Dance *NEW*
Learn the jazz and ballet techniques that make up
Learn the hottest dances from the Dominical Repub-
this unique dance style. Class includes choreography
lic and Cuba. Class will focus on partner work turns
from actual Broadway productions, complete with
and arm patterns. Students will gain a greater sense
accompanying music.
of musicality and improve their coordination and
Location: Coles Dance Studio B/Level L
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B
Instructor: Alexandra Thorson
Instructor: Ricardo Villa
Fee: $50.00
Fee: $65.00
Sec. 1 Sat. 11:00-11:55 a.m. (CD)
Sec. 1 Sun. 4:00-4:55 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 50

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PLD 218 Hustle Swing Dance CLS 222 Club Salsa, Cha Cha and Latin
Learn this smooth, hot- and playful partner dance Dance
derived from disco and transformed to enable you to No dance experience is necessary. Students learn
dance at Webster Hall or Club 54. Learn and some of the basic moves of the “hot” club dances.
master diva walks, single and double turns, shadow Classes focus on salsa (mambo), merengue,
turns, New York walks, and more. This class will give chacha, and hustle. Singles and couples are wel-
you great styling and a great cardio workout. come.
Gain self-confidence to become a great dancer.
Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level N
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B
Instructor: Joy Prentice
Instructor: Ricardo Villa
Fee: $65.00
Fee: $65.00
Sec. 2 Sun. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 1 Sun. 5:00-5:55 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 26
Minimum Enrollment: 10 Maximum Enrollment: 50
Maximum Enrollment: 50
PLD 223 Salsa/Mambo on 2/Beginner
CLS 220 Beginning Ballroom Dance Learn to dance this Afro-Caribbean–New York-based
No dance experience is necessary. An introduction to salsa, “Mambo on 2, New York Style.” This is a non-
the basic steps of five popular couple dances: foxtrot, stop and intense practice course designed to give
swing, tango, waltz, and rumba. Students learn pat- you the confidence and skills to go out and enjoy
terns, rhythm, partnering techniques. Singles and dancing. Students will learn musicality, styling,
couples are welcome. mambo shines, Cuban motion, single and double
turns, simple and advance footwork patterns in a
Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level N high, intensity cardio format. Class is designed to
tone and strengthen your core muscles.
Instructor: Joy Prentice
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B
Fee: $65.00
Instructor: Ricardo Villa
Sec. 1 Sun. 6:30-7:25 p.m. (CD)
Fee: $65.00
Minimum Enrollment: 26
Maximum Enrollment: 50 Sec. 1 Sun. 6:00-6:55 p.m. (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 26
CLS 221 Hot Ballroom Maximum Enrollment: 50
This class will introduce you to the basics in bachata, PLD 224 Salsa/Mambo on 2/Intermediate
chacha, East Coast swing, merengue, and salsa Show time. This intense partner work class will de-
dancing. You will learn to recognize and be velop your skills to dance with a partner. You will
familiar with the music for each dance. learn how to lead and follow different patterns when
dancing with a partner in a salsa party. This class is
Location: Coles Dance Studios A & B/Level L loaded with a lot of combinations of turns, traveling,
spins, dips, lifts, and fun. Prepare to expand your
Instructor: Jason Lee comfort zone, burn a ton of calories, become more
socially confident, and meet new people.
Fee: $65.00
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B
Sec. 1 Fri. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD)
Instructor: Ricardo Villa
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 50 Fee: $65.00

Sec. 1 Sun. 7:00-7:55 p.m. (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 26
Maximum Enrollment: 50

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CLS 226 Argentine Tango/Beginner CLS 231 Belly Dance/Intermediate

Introduction to the basic elements of Argentine tango Prerequisite: CLS 230 Belly Dance/Beginner or
dancing. Students explore walking, partnering, musi- equivalent experience. This level will build on the
cality, and improvisation in the sensual dance from movement vocabulary mastered in the first level, add-
Buenos Aires. ing more attention to the subtle expressiveness the
music exudes. This level will include use of the veil,
Location: Coles Dance Studios A & B/Level L drum solo choreography, complex hip isolations, and
folkloric stylizations.
Instructors: Jason Lee, Mary Gambardella
Location: Consult location board
Fee: $65.00
Instructors: Jennifer Sears, Tricia Clarke
Sec. 1 Fri. 6:30-7:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 2 Sat. 1:00-1:55 p.m. (CD) Fee: $65.00

Minimum Enrollment: 10 Sec. 2 Sun. 6:30-7:25 p.m. (CD)

Maximum Enrollment: 40
Minimum Enrollment: 10
CLS 228 Argentine Tango/Guided Practice Maximum Enrollment: 20
Private dance lessons for basic and intermediate Ar-
gentine Tango dancers to get tangled-up together.
Build confidence to move from the classroom into CLS 232 Belly Dance/Advanced *NEW*
the city’s late night Tango Salons. Add elegance to Prerequisite: CLS 231 Belly Dance/Intermediate or
the steps you know and learn a new figure each ses- equivalent experience. Building on previously mas-
sion. tered isolations and muscle control, this level ex-
plores more complex musical rhythms, adding intro-
Instructors: Mary Gambardella, Jason Lee ductory finger cymbals for musical development. The
longer class format will include an aerobic component
Fee: $55.00 for one-hour session with advanced drills and an exploration into different
styles of the dance.

CLS 230 Belly Dance/Beginner Location: Coles Dance Studio/Level L

Learn the basic shapes and forms of this unique
dance form while improving body awareness, muscle Instructors: Jennifer Sears
tone, and flexibility. With musical inspiration from the
Middle East, you’ll work up a sweat while firming the Fee: $65.00
torso and refining abdominal control.
Sec. 1 Fri. 4:30-5:25 p.m. C,D
Location: Coles Dance Studio /Level L
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Instructors: Jennifer Sears, Tricia Clarke Maximum Enrollment: 20

Fee: $65.00 CLS 252 Hip-Hop Dance/Beginner

No previous dance experience is necessary. Learn
Sec. 1 Fri. 3:30-4:25 p.m. (CD) the newest dance steps that permeate the American
Sec. 2 Sun. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD) popular culture via MTV and hip-hop clubs. Street-
style dance combinations along with basic jazz move-
Minimum Enrollment: 10 ments. Jazz sneakers are recommended but not nec-
Maximum Enrollment: 20 essary.

Location: Consult location board

Instructors: Pavan Thimmaiah, Dyan Tsiumis

Fee: $45.00

Sec. 4 Sun. 3:30-4:25 p.m. (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25

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PLD 252 Hip-Hop Dance/Beginner CLS 310 Fencing

No experience is necessary to learn sabre skills, from
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B beginner to advanced, and bout procedures. This
historic sport improves agility and develops strength,
Instructor: Alexandra Thorsen balance, and stamina. Equipment is provided.

Fee: $45.00 Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level N

Sec. 1 Sat. 6:00-6:55 p.m. (AB),(CD) Instructors: Steve Mormando

Sec. 2 Sun. 1:00-1:55 p.m. (AB),(CD)
Fee: $50.00
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25 Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 4:30-5:25 p.m. C,D

Minimum Enrollment: 10
CLS 253 Hip-Hop Dance/Intermediate Maximum Enrollment: 20
Prerequisite: CLS/PLD 252 Hip-Hop Dance/Beginner
or equivalent experience. Get your feet wet. Fall up CLS 318 Kendo
and get down. Take your hip-hop dance skills to the Kendo, “the way of the sword,” is the martial art of
next level. Challenge yourself with energetic dance Japanese fencing. The goal of kendo is to discipline
combinations that incorporate all technical and free- one’s character through the application of the princi-
style aspects of hip-hop. Sneakers, jazz shoes, or ples of the sword. A physically and mentally challeng-
jazz sneakers are required. ing activity that combines strong cultural values with
sporting elements, kendo brings together cardio ac-
Location: Coles Dance Studio B/Level L tivity, precision drills, speed exercises, and medita-
tion. No experience is necessary. Equipment, a bam-
Instructors: Pavan Thimmaiah, Kimberly Kircher boo sword called a shimai, is available for purchase
at $21.00.
Fee: $45.00
Location: Coles Dance Studios A & B/Level L
Sec. 2 Sun. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD)
Instructor: Prof. David Fitch
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25 Fee: $75.00

Sec. 1 Sun. 1:00-2:25 p.m. (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Martial Arts
CLS 300 Aikido/Beginner
“Way of harmonizing energy.” This Japanese martial
art blends attacks into throws and rolls using an ex-
tension of “ki,” natural energy.

Location: Coles Wrestling Room/Level FH

Instructor: Mike Jones

Fee: $60.00

Sec. 1 Sun. 3:30-4:25 p.m. (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 30

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CLS 320 Judo CLS 327 Self-Defense

“The gentle way” is the modern-day form of the an- Students learn how to deter physical and nonphysical
cient Japanese jujitsu. There is only one style of Judo assailants through posturing, visual clues, and mak-
KoDoKan practiced all over the world. Learn self- ing noises to blocks, strikes, and releases. Physical
defense, develop confidence, and increase your response strategies are directed toward developing
stamina through this centuries-old martial art. An confidence, control, and street smarts.
Olympic sport since 1964, judo combines throwing
techniques, hold-downs, strangleholds, and armlocks Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
to help you overcome your opponent or attacker in
any situation. Most important, it teaches you how to Instructor: Wilberto Lamberty
fall safely.
Fee: $50.00
Location: Coles Wrestling Room/Level
Sec. 1 Mon. 6:30-7:25 p.m. (CD)
Instructor: Eric Ozawa
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Fee: $100.00 Maximum Enrollment: 25

Sec. 1 Tues. 7:00-8:55 p.m. (CD) CLS 334 TaeKwonDo/Beginner

Improve your strength, flexibility, and overall fitness
Minimum Enrollment: 10 while learning the basic stances, blocks, kicks, and
Maximum Enrollment: 30 punches of this ancient Korean martial art. Stress
release, breath control, meditation, and centering de-
velop along with physical coordination. It doesn’t mat-
CLS 322 Capoeira Afro-Brazilian Dance ter if you don’t think of yourself as an athlete, you can
An Afro-Brazilian martial artform developed in Brazil do TaeKwonDo! Students completing this course are
circa the 1500's, by the African slaves. It blends at- prepared to take a yellow belt test.
tack and defense with flowing, dance like move-
ments, acrobatics, music, instruments and song. It is Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
a dynamic, ritualistic and cultural form of self-
expression which connects participants to Brazil's Instructor: Tim Marmo
rich cultural history. Capoeira guarantees a thorough,
full body workout that insures increased stamina, Fee: $60.00
flexibility, coordination and self-esteem.
Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 6:30-7:25 p.m. C,D
Location: Consult location board
Minimum Enrollment: 15
Instructor: Rossella Fabbri Maximum Enrollment: 25

Fee: $75.00
CLS 335 TaeKwonDo/Intermediate—
Sec. 1 Tues. 7:30-8:55 p.m. (CD) Advanced
Sec. 2 Wed. 8:30-9:55 p.m. (CD) Prerequisite: CLS 334 TaeKwonDo/Beginner, yellow
Sec. 3 Sun. 4:00-5:25 p.m. (CD) belt, or equivalent experience. Students are taught
the forms necessary to test for high yellow and
Minimum Enrollment: 10 green belts. Focus is also on beginner- to intermedi-
Maximum Enrollment: 25 ate-level kicking combinations, sparring theory, and
self-defense applications.

Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH

Instructor: Tim Marmo

Fee: $60.00

Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 7:30-8:25 p.m. C,D

Minimum Enrollment: 15
Maximum Enrollment: 25

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Body/Mind Connections CLS 342 Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, is a 5,000-
year-old authentic system of yoga, exercise, and
CLS/PLD 100 One-on-One Yoga meditation that combines postures (asanas); move-
Learn to get rid of tension and stress through per- ment, sound current (mantra); breath (pranayam);
sonal instruction in deliberate breathing. Focusing on and meditation into powerful sets called kriyas. It is
breathing calms, relaxes, and energizes. Sessions designed to help you build a healthy body, keep in
are privately scheduled by appointment at mutually shape, increase vitality, train your mind to be strong
convenient times. This course is not available to and flexible in the face of stress and change, and de-
Coles Community Members. velop your inner wisdom to help you fulfill your poten-
Instructors: Penny White, Victoria Mason
Location: Coles Wrestling Room/Level FH
Fees: $100.00 for two half-hour sessions
$200.00 for four half-hour sessions Instructor: Debra Clapp

Fee: $90.00
CLS 340 Relaxation and Meditation
Learn stress reduction techniques and explore path- Sec. 2 Thurs. 7:00-8:25 p.m. (CD)
ways to inner calmness and peace. In this class, we
will practice various traditional meditative techniques Minimum Enrollment: 10
to channel and focus energy, incorporating the use of Maximum Enrollment: 40
various breath patterns: sound; gentle and restorative
yoga postures; hand positions to activate pressure
CLS 343 Vinyasa Yoga
points; and mental visualizations. Specific medita-
Prerequisite: 1 year of yoga experience. Experience
tions may focus on releasing fear, anxiety or tension;
a fluid and vigorous style of yoga and intense stretch-
recharging and renewing energy; and increasing clar-
ing where the poses are synchronized with breath in
ity and mindfulness. a series of Sun Salutations.
Location: Coles Wrestling Room/Level FH
Location: Coles Wrestling Room/Level FH
Instructor: Victoria Mason
Instructor: Sarah Clark
Fee: $65.00
Fee: $90.00
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 11:30a.m.-12:25p.m. C,D
Sec. 2 Sat. 1:00-2:25 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Maximum Enrollment: 40

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CLS 350 Yoga CLS 354 Iyengar Yoga Level I

Learn to relieve stress, enhance awareness, and bal- Students practice the fundamental yoga postures in-
ance mind and body through postures, breathing ex- cluding the standing poses and shoulder balance in a
ercises, and meditation. Loose-fitting clothes are re- deliberate and focused manner. Students gain
quired. Yoga mats highly recommended. strength, coordination, flexibility, and a sense of well-
Locations: Consult location board
Location: Coles Fencing Salle B/Level N
Instructors: Penny White, Maura Nolan, Victoria Ma-
son, Kathleen White, Sarah Clark, Amy Coombs, Instructor: Richard Jonas
Sara Dixter
Fee: $70.00
Fees: $75.00 for (A,B,C,D Sections)
$90.00 for ((AB), (CD) Sections) Sec. 1 Mon. 2:30-3:25 p.m. (CD)

Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 7:35-8:30 a.m. C,D Minimum Enrollment: 10

Sec. 2 Mon. & Wed. 8:30-9:25 a.m. C,D Maximum Enrollment: 25
Sec. 3 Mon. & Wed. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C,D
Sec. 4 Mon. 5:00-6:25 p.m. (CD) CLS 357 T’ai Chi Ch’uan for Health
Sec. 5 Mon. 7:00-8:25 p.m. (CD) Students learn the ancient Chinese art of rhythmic
Sec. 6 Mon. 8:30-9:55 p.m. (CD) movement and meditation focusing on balance, flexi-
Sec. 7 Tues. & Thurs. 7:35-8:30 a.m. C,D bility alignment, strength, and full-body coordination
Sec. 8 Tues. & Thurs. 8:30-9:25 a.m. C,D using the fundamentals of the Yang style short form.
Sec. 10 Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C,D Loose-fitting clothes are required.
Sec. 11 Wed. 5:00-6:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 12 Wed. 7:00-8:25 p.m. (CD) Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
Sec. 13 Fri. 8:30-9:55 a.m. (CD)
Sec. 14 Fri. 12:30-1:55 p.m. (CD) Instructors: Sifu Calum Douglas-Reid
Sec. 16 Sat. 11:30 a.m.-12:55 p.m. (CD)
Fee: $75.00

Minimum Enrollment: 10 Sec. 1 Thurs. 2:00-3:25 p.m. (CD)

Maximum Enrollment: 40
Minimum Enrollment: 10
PLD 350 Yoga Maximum Enrollment: 30

Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B CLS 358 Kung Fu

Meaning “inner strength,” kung fu is an ancient Chi-
Instructors: Amy Coombs, Sarah Clark, Maura nese system of self-defense, exercise, and medita-
Nolan, Margaret Ronan tion. The form mimics the fighting movements of ani-
mals and teaches poise, balance, and flexibility.
Fees: $75.00 for (A,B,C,D Sections) Loose-fitting clothes are required.
$90.00 for ((AB), (CD) Sections)
Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level N
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 7:35-8:30 a.m. C,D
Sec. 2 Mon. & Wed. 8:30-9:25 a.m. C,D Instructor: Richard Collier
Sec. 3 Mon. 8:30-9:55 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 4 Tues. & Thurs. 6:30-7:25 p.m. C,D Fee: $75.00
Sec. 5 Wed. 8:30-9:55 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 1 Sun. 1:30-3:25 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 40 Minimum Enrollment: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 25

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CLS 365 Feldenkrais CLS 401 Triathlon Training

Students learn new insights to body awareness Prerequisite: Ability to swim 100 meters and run .5
through soft, gentle movements. This body-mind mile continuously. Join in the excitement of the fast-
method improves posture and increases flexibility. est growing adult sport in the country. Experience
the best physical condition of your life through cross-
Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level L training workout for three sports: swimming, bicycling,
and running. Workouts are conducted in the Natato-
Instructor: Kathryn Adisman, Patricia Eiben rium and Exercise Prescription Room and on the roof
track. You will complete an indoor triathlon (swim .3
Fee: $75.00 mile/bike 12 miles/run 3.1 miles) at the conclusion of
the training program.
Sec. 1 Mon. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD)
Location: Coles Exercise Prescription Room/Level L
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 15 Instructor: Mike Galvan, Jonathan Wells, Kathleen

Individual Fitness Fee: $75.00

Sec. 1 Tues. 7:35-8:55 a.m. (CD)

CLS 369 Cardio Kickboxing
Sec. 2 Wed. 12:30-1:55 p.m. (CD)
Easy to learn with no need to shout, these powerful,
Sec. 3 Fri. 7:35-8:55 a.m. (CD)
rhythmic motions combine martial arts moves to
aerobic music. Students get quick results in improv-
Minimum Enrollment: 6
ing reflexes, body tone, and cardio fitness.
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Location: Coles Dance Studio A/Level L

Instructors: Julia Keefer, Dyan Tsiumis CLS 404 Prime Timer Fitness
Prerequisite: Participation in a regular exercise regi-
Fee: $55.00 men three times a week for the last six months. Don’t
get older, get better. Age is not relevant. If the adage
Sec. 1 Wed. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD) “you are only as old as you feel” applies to you, this
Sec. 2 Thurs. 7:30-8:25 p.m. (CD) class is your dream come true. Improve your fitness
Sec. 3 Sat. 11:00-11:55 a.m. (CD) foundation toward new levels of performance and
Sec. 4 Sun. 4:30-5:25 p.m. (CD) physical health.
Sec. 5 Mon & Wed 7:30-8:25 pm (CD)
Location: Exercise Prescription Annex/Level L
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 30 Instructor: Joel Kaye

Fee: $50.00

Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 9:30-10:25 a.m. C,D

Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20

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PLD 406 Step-Aerobics CLS 410 Hard Core

Go beyond the “basic crunch” with a comprehensive
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B workout designed to strengthen, condition, and tone
the core muscle group and improve overall balance.
Instructor: Dyan Tsiumis A variety of apparatus is used including k-bells, body
bars, Swedish balls, and medicine balls. Calisthenics
Fee: $45.00 and static strength exercises are taught in incre-
mental sets, personalizing your workout to your levels
Sec. 1 Mon. 6:30-7:25 p.m. (CD) of strength, cardiovascular fitness, and muscular en-
Sec. 2 Wed. 6:30-7:25 p.m. (CD) durance.

Minimum Enrollment: 10 Location: Coles Dance Studios A & B/Level L

Maximum Enrollment: 25
Instructor: Marcus Overton

CLS 407 Core Aerobics Fee: $55.00

Feel the flush of functional fitness. Develop strength,
agility, and balance with Dyna Discs, stability and Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. C,D
medicine balls, steps, body bars, and jump ropes. Sec. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 1:30-2:25 p.m. C,D
Circuits include speed/power cuts and multidimen- Sec. 3 Fri. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. (CD)
sional footwork.
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Location: Coles Dance Studios A & B/Level L Maximum Enrollment: 20

Instructor: Kerry Ann McKnight, Joel Kaye

CLS 412 Boot Camp
Fee: $50.00 A high-intensity, low-impact, rigorous workout in
group circuits to build your stamina and strength. Fit-
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 6:30-7:25 p.m. C,D ness and fun all in one!
Sec. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 6:30-7:25 p.m. C,D
Location: Coles Dance Studios A & B/Level L
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 30 Instructor: Marcus Overton

CLS 408 Body Balance: Training for Posture Fee: $55.00

and Function
Faulty posture can be a cause of neck/back pain and Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 4:30-5:25 p.m. C,D
lead to muscle dysfunction. Learn a combination of Sec. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 4:30-5:25 p.m. C,D
exercise techniques designed to restore poor pos-
ture, faulty movement patterns, and balance. After Minimum Enrollment: 10
screening, students are taught appropriate stretches, Maximum Enrollment: 25
resistance exercises, and movement patterns to rem-
edy alignment problems of the neck, shoulders,
hip, and lower back. This course is not appropriate
for injury rehabilitation. Some strength-training ex-
perience is recommended.

Location: Coles Dance Studio/Level L

Instructor: Marcus Overton

Fee: $55.00

Sec. 2 Fri. 1:30-2:25 p.m. (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25

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CLS 415 Pilates Exercise Prescription Program

Learn to stretch safely and efficiently using the tech- Make our gym your fitness haven. Our professional
niques developed by Joseph A. Pilates for the execu- fitness instructional staff will design an individualized
tion of controlled body movements designed to bal- exercise program to help you attain optimal health
ance strength with flexibility. The class improves pos- and fitness. We will help you achieve your health and
ture and makes muscles stronger and more flexible. fitness goals in a highly motivated and structured
This is a mat class only. group-training environment. Through the NYU Exer-
cise Prescription Program, you will be able to man-
Location: Consult location board age your weight better, strengthen the heart and
lungs, increase skeletal muscle strength, improve
Instructors: Victoria Mason, Julia Keefer flexibility, and reduce stress. The heart of the pro-
gram is aerobic interval training. In your personalized
Fee: $60.00 workout, you will be using a combination of tread-
mills, cross trainers, bicycles, stair climbers, and row-
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 7:35-8:30 a.m. C,D ers. The strength training component of your exercise
Sec. 2 Mon. & Wed. 1:30-2:25 p.m. C,D program will consist of weight machines, free
Sec. 3 Tues. & Thurs. 1:30-2:25 p.m. C,D weights, functional strength exercises using physio-
Sec. 4 Tues. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD) balls, Dyna Discs, medicine balls, and body bars.
Sec. 5 Thurs. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD) Exercise really does work when done in a guided,
Sec. 6 Fri. 7:35-8:30 a.m. (CD) professional, motivating atmosphere. Let our fitness
Sec. 7 Sat. 10:00-10:55 a.m. (CD) staff show you how. In addition to the twice-weekly
class sessions, participants may practice their as-
Minimum Enrollment: 10 signed workouts on additional days. Class members
Maximum Enrollment: 30 are encouraged to exercise in the Exercise Prescrip-
tion Room during CLS 426 Fitness Counts sessions
at no extra cost. Please contact the Exercise Pre-
PLD 415 Pilates scription Room at 212-998-2082 with any questions
about the program. Or visit staff in the Coles Lobby
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B purple donut on Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30-
6:25 p.m., during the Coles recreation calendar year
Instructor: TBA to get answers to your questions about fitness and
health. Sign up for one of the following classes.
Fee: $60.00
CLS 420 Circuit Workout
Sec. 1 Sun. 2:00-2:55 p.m. (CD) This body conditioning course will give you a total
body workout. Participants move from station to sta-
Minimum Enrollment: 10 tion becoming familiar with dumbbells, weight ma-
Maximum Enrollment: 30 chines, and exercises to build strength and muscular
endurance. Circuit workout combines 8-10 exercises
CLS 418 Senior Adult Fitness that are completed consecutively. This course is per-
This course is a specially designed exercise program fect for the beginner as well as the advanced partici-
of non-strenuous exercises to maintain flexibility, pant to improve all around fitness.
strength, and aerobic capacity.
Location: Coles Exercise Prescription Annex/Level L
Location: Coles Fencing Salle/Level N
Instructor: Elissa Terry-Pucci
Instructor: Marcus Overton
Fee: $75.00 (includes access to CLS 426 Fitness
Fee: $40.00 Counts for current quarter)

Sec. 1 Wed. & Fri. 9:30-10:25 a.m. C,D Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 5:30-6:25 p.m. C,D

Minimum Enrollment: 8 Minimum Enrollment: 10

Maximum Enrollment: 20 Maximum Enrollment: 20

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CLS 421 Waist Management CLS 424 Super Sculpt

Sensible nutrition plus physical activity equals weight Sculpt your physique with power and speed intervals
loss and a healthy lifestyle. You’ll feel better, too! In on strength and cardio equipment. Increase your
the class, you will receive a personalized exercise muscular strength and endurance through advanced
and diet program from an exercise specialist and a workout techniques, including anaerobic intervals and
registered dietitian. Over a 10-week period, you will plyometric and negative resistance training. Sculpt
be working out on a variety of cardio and strength- the best you.
training equipment in a highly motivated group at-
mosphere. In addition, you will receive the most up- Location: Coles Exercise Prescription Room/Level L
to-date information on diet and exercise.
Instructors: Elise Terry
Location: Coles Exercise Prescription Room and
Annex/Level L Fee: $75.00 (includes access to CLS 426 Fitness
Counts for current quarter)
Instructor: Joel Kaye
Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 6:30-7:25 p.m. C,D
Fee: $70.00 (includes access to CLS 426 Fitness
Counts for current quarter) Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Sec. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 11:30am-12:25 pm C,D
CLS 426 Fitness Counts
Minimum Enrollment: 6 Prerequisite: The completion of CLS 421 Waist
Maximum Enrollment: 16 Management, CLS 422 Cardio Fitness, CLS 423 Ulti-
mate Cardio, or CLS 424 Super Sculpt.
CLS 422 Cardio Fitness These open workout sessions are scheduled on
Fitness and fun. Hard workouts can be a blast. Boost every day the Coles Sports Center is open during the
your cardio fitness to new levels with our advanced fall, spring, and summer semesters, even when there
speed and resistance interval workouts. Make your are no classes. Class members and supervisors pro-
exercise anything but routine with these challenging vide the support to maintain your individual exercise
and varied workouts on treadmills, elliptical trainers, programs. Save the time and bother of registration—
bicycles, stair climbers, and rowing ergometers. join for the semester or the entire year. This course is
not available to Coles Community Members.
Location: Coles Exercise Prescription Room/Level L
Location: Coles Exercise Prescription Room/Level L
Instructors: Marcus Overton, Johnathan Wells, Wil-
liam Komoski Fees: $45.00 per quarter (A,B,C,D)

Fee: $75.00 (includes access to CLS 426 Fitness *NOTE: Students who select this option must be tak-
Counts for current quarter) ing academic courses during the summer or must
purchase a Coles summer membership.
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 7:35-8:30 a.m. C,D FITNESS COUNTS WORKOUT SCHEDULES
Sec. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C,D Mondays 8:30-11:30 a.m.
12:30-7:30 p.m.
Minimum Enrollment: 10 Tuesdays 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Maximum Enrollment: 25 1:30-6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays 8:30-11:30 a.m.
1:30-7:30 p.m.
Thursdays 7:35-11:30 a.m.
1:30-6:30 p.m.
Fridays 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
1:30-5:30 p.m
*Saturdays & Sundays 9:00-11:00 a.m.
1:00-3:00 p.m.
5:00-7:30 p.m.
*NOTE: The Exercise Prescription Room is closed on
weekends during the summer session.

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Strength Training CLS 431 Strength Training Basics

Class emphasizes fundamentals of progressive resis-
tance for strength and toning. A combination of Nauti-
CLS 429 Ab Lab
lus and Universal machines is used. Athletic attire is
Start slowly and progress steadily to tone and
strengthen the abdominal muscles. Work to improve
core strength toward maintaining and improving
stability in the spine. Protect your back from injury. Location: Coles Weight Room/Level FH

Instructor: Elise Terry-Pucci

Location: Consult location board
Fee: $50.00
Instructors: Julia Keefer, Marcus Overton, Rose-
mary Camera, Wilberto Lamberty
Sec. 2 Mon. & Wed. 5:30-6:25 pm C,D
Fee: $50.00
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Sec. 2 Wed. 6:30-7:15 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 5 Tues. & Thurs. 5:30-6:15 p.m. C,D
CLS 433 Weight Training for Women
Minimum Enrollment: 10 This class approaches weight training from an aes-
Maximum Enrollment: 40 thetic point of view. Learn to improve your physique.
Contours, form, and posture are emphasized.
PLD 429 Ab Lab Location: Coles Weight Room/Level FH
Location: Palladium Auxiliary Gym B
Instructors: Elyse Terry, Marcus Overton
Instructor: Dyan Tsiumis, Wilberto Lamberty
Fee: $70.00
Fee: $50.00 Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C,D
Sec. 1 Mon. 7:30-8:15 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 6
Sec. 2 Wed. 7:30-8:15 p.m. (CD)
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Sec. 3 Sat. 10:30-11:15 a.m. (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 40
PLD 433 Weight Training for Women

Location: Palladium Weight Room

CLS 430 Power Abs Instructor: Steve Herishen
Nonstop abdominal exercises specific to core train-
ing, including flexion, extension, and rotation.
Fee: $70.00
Location: Coles Dance Studios A & B/Level L Sec. 1 Fri. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. (CD)
Instructor: Wilberto Lamberty Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Fee: $55.00

Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 8:30-9:25 a.m. C,D

Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 25

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CLS 435 Strength Training for Seniors CLS 512 Racquetball/Intermediate

Improve your muscular strength, bone density, and Prerequisite: CLS 510 Racquetball/Beginner or
stamina through progressive resistance training using equivalent experience. The class covers strategy and
weight machines, free weights, and other forms of more advanced serve and stroke skills. Players
resistance that can be incorporated into home-based must provide racquet and balls.
exercise routines. Enjoy the benefits of greater mus-
cular flexibility, stronger joints, improved posture, bet- Location: Coles Racquetball Courts Nos. 9, 10, 11/
ter coordination, and, most of all, improved vitality. Level FH

Location: Consult Location Board Instructor: Larry Pender

Instructor: Joel Kaye Fee: $50.00

Fee: $50.00 Sec. 1 Tues. 6:45-7:30 p.m. (CD)

Sec. 1 Tues. & Thurs. 10:30-11:25 a.m. C,D Minimum Enrollment: 8

Sec. 2 Wed & Fri 11:30-12:25 p.m. C,D Maximum Enrollment: 12

Minimum Enrollment: 5
Maximum Enrollment: 25 CLS 520 Squash/Beginner
No previous racquet experience is necessary. Intro-
duction to the basics of squash: grip, strokes, serves,
Racquet Sports strategies, rules, and etiquette. Proper athletic attire,
including non-black-soled sneakers and goggles, is
CLS 508 Badminton required. Players must provide squash racquet and
Learn to play this fast-moving international racquet double yellow-dot balls.
court game. Skills, drills, and game strategies are
taught along with etiquette and the rules for singles Location: Coles Squash Courts/Level SC
and doubles. Badminton racquets are required.
Instructors: Catherine Shih, Bilal Qayyum
Location: Coles Field House Courts 1 & 2/Level FH
Fee: $60.00
Instructor: Kathleen White
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 6:00-6:45 p.m. C,D
Fee: $50.00 Sec. 2 Sat. 9:45-10:30 a.m. (CD)

Sec. 1 Fri. 6:00-6:55 p.m. (CD) Minimum Enrollment: 6

Maximum Enrollment: 10
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 20
CLS 521 Squash/Advanced Beginner
CLS 510 Racquetball/Beginner Prerequisite: CLS 520 Squash/Beginner or equivalent
Students learn the strokes and serves to play this experience. Review of basic skills, drills, and strate-
fast-moving sport. Proper athletic attire and white- gies. Proper athletic attire, including non-blacksoled
soled sneakers are required. Players must provide sneakers and goggles, is required. Players must pro-
racquet and balls. vide squash racquet and double yellow-dot balls.

Location: Coles Racquetball Courts Nos. 9, 10, 11/ Location: Coles Squash Courts/Level SC
Level FH
Instructors: Catherine Shih, Bilal Qayyum
Instructor: Larry Pender
Fee: $60.00
Fee: $50.00
Sec. 2 Sat. 10:30-11:15 a.m. (CD)
Sec. 2 Wed. 6:00-6:45 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 8
Minimum Enrollment: 8 Maximum Enrollment: 12
Maximum Enrollment: 12

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CLS 530 Tennis/Beginner CLS 532 Tennis/Intermediate

This course is designed for the person who has never This course is designed for the person who has the
played the game. Class emphasizes basics of grip, ability to rally and serve. Reviews basics with empha-
ground strokes, serve, volley, strategy, scoring, and sis on more advanced strokes and strategy of play.
practice of skills. Individual attention within group Athletic attire is required, including white-soled
structure. Proper athletic attire is required, including sneakers. Players must provide racquet and balls.
white-soled sneakers. Players must provide racquet NOTE: One tennis class per person per quarter. Not
and balls. NOTE: One tennis class per person per eligible for on-line registration.
quarter. Not eligible for on-line registration.
Location: Coles Field House Courts #1 & 2/Level FH
Location: Coles Field House Courts #1 & 2/Level FH
Instructors: Horace Choy, Alana Marcu
Instructor: Alana Marcu
Fee: $80.00
Fee: $80.00
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 10:30-11:25 a.m. C,D
Sec. 1 Fri. 10:30 -11:25 a.m. (CD) Sec. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 8:30-9:25 a.m. C,D
Sec. 3 Tues. & Thurs. 1:30-2:25 p.m. C,D
Minimum Enrollment: 6 Sec. 4 Fri. 8:30-9:25 a.m. (CD)
Maximum Enrollment: 10 Sec. 5 Fri. 1:30-2:25 p.m. (CD)

CLS 531 Tennis/Advanced Beginner Minimum Enrollment: 6

Prerequisite: CLS 530 Tennis/Beginner or equivalent Maximum Enrollment: 10
playing experience. Class reviews the basics, with
emphasis on the serve, the return, and the strategy of CLS 533 Tennis/Advanced
play. Athletic attire is required, including white-soled All basic and auxiliary strokes reviewed for improve-
sneakers. Players must provide racquet and balls. ment of technique. Emphasis on advanced strategy
NOTE: One tennis class per person per quarter. Not and drills for skill improvement. Practice in singles
eligible for on-line registration. and doubles play. Athletic attire is required, including
white-soled sneakers. Players must provide racquet
Location: Coles Field House Courts #1 & 2/Level FH and balls. NOTE: One tennis class per person per
quarter. Not eligible for on-line registration.
Instructors: Horace Choy, Alana Marcu
Location: Coles Field House Courts #1 & 2/Level FH
Fee: $80.00
Instructors: Horace Choy, Alana Marcu
Sec. 1 Mon. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 3 Tues. & Thurs. 9:30-10:25 a.m. C,D Fee: $80.00
Sec. 4 Tues. & Thurs. 11:30am-12:30pm C,D
Sec. 5 Fri. 9:30-10:25 a.m. (CD) Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 8:30-9:25 a.m. C,D
Sec. 2 Mon. & Wed. 9:30-10:30 a.m. C,D
Minimum Enrollment: 6 Sec. 3 Tues. & Thurs. 10:30-11:25 a.m. C,D
Maximum Enrollment: 10 Sec. 4 Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C,D
Sec. 5 Wed. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 7 Fri. 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 8 Fri. 12:30-1:25 p.m. (CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 6
Maximum Enrollment: 10

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Lifetime Sports CLS 602 Golf/Intermediate

Prerequisite: CLS 601 Golf/Advanced Beginner or
CLS 600 Golf/Beginner equivalent experience. This class is an introduction to
Course emphasizes instruction in the fundamentals the “short game,” developing skills critical to scoring,
of the full swing using short and mid-irons. Introduc- such as chipping, pitch and run, putting, the sand
tion to the elements of style as related to the grip, wedge, and the lob shot. Review of the mechanics of
preshot routine, target orientation, and full swing mo- the “part” swing and discussion of appropriate equip-
tion, as well as discussion of the basic rules and eti- ment fittings. Equipment is provided.
quette of the game. Equipment is provided.
Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
Instructor: Justin Bryant
Instructor: Justin Bryant
Fee: $75.00
Fee: $75.00
Sec. 1 Fri. 7:30-8:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 1 Fri. 5:30-6:25 p.m. (CD) Sec. 2 Sun. 2:00-2:55 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 2 Sun. 12:00-12:55 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 8
Minimum Enrollment: 8 Maximum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 10
PLD 635 spinning
CLS 601 Golf/Advanced Beginner
Prerequisite: CLS 600 Golf/Beginner or equivalent Location: Palladium Spinning Room
experience. This class continues instruction in the full
and “part” swing using mid-irons and long irons and Instructors: Barbara Cohen, Rebecca Thomas,
Aviva Starsky, Amanda Schinke
introduces the “short” game of putting, chipping, and
pitching. Equipment is provided.
Fee: $60.00
Location: Coles Mini Gym/Level FH
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 8:00-8:55 a.m. A,B,C,D
Sec. 2 Mon. & Wed. 5:30-6:25 p.m. A,B,C,D
Instructor: Justin Bryant
Sec. 3 Mon. & Wed. 8:30-9:25 p.m. A,B,C,D
Sec. 4 Tues. & Thurs. 5:30-6:25 p.m. A,B,C,D
Fee: $75.00
Sec. 6 Sat. 11:00-11:55 a.m. (AB),(CD)
Sec. 7 Sun. 12:00-12:55 p.m. (AB),(CD)
Sec. 1 Fri. 6:30-7:25 p.m. (CD)
Sec. 2 Sun. 1:00-1:55 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 7
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Minimum Enrollment: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 10
PLD 637 spinning- High Rev
Prerequisite: A highly developed aerobic/anaerobic
base. Spin your way through a challenging circuit of
explosive speed work.

Location: Palladium Spinning Room

Instructors: Barbara Cohen, Jessica Watkins

Fee: $60.00

Sec. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 8:00-8:55 a.m. A,B,C,D

Sec. 3 Sat. 12:30-1:25 p.m. (AB),(CD)

Minimum Enrollment: 7
Maximum Enrollment: 14
CLS 638 spinning- REVolution
REVolution is the next generation of indoor cycling.

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The combination of intense ride workouts and core how to move over the wall by vertical moves and
exercises to improve lateral and rotational movement/ traverses. Footwork, handwork, body position, and
stability makes for a challenging and functional work- body movement are all important to floating over
out. Cycling experience is recommended. rocks. In addition to basic climbing skills, learn how to
use the ropes, harnesses, and belay devices. A Top
Location: Coles Exercise Prescription Room/Level L Rope Certification Test may be taken at the end of
the course. Certification entitles you to belay any
Instructor: Marcus Overton climbing partner at Coles Rocks.

Fee: $60.00 Location: Coles Rocks

Sec. 1 Fri. 12:30-1:25 p.m. (CD) Instructors: Hunt Beaty, Aaron Apple

Minimum Enrollment: 8 Fee: $65.00

Maximum Enrollment: 8
Sec. 1 Mon. & Wed. 12:30-1:25 p.m. C,D
Sec. 3 Tues. 7:30-8:25 p.m. (CD)
Coles Rocks Climbing Center Sec. 5 Sat. 10:00-10:55 a.m. (CD)
Our experienced staff will show you how to move on
the wall and prepare for the belay certification. Shoes
Minimum Enrollment: 4
are available at no charge. Two rockclimbing tread-
Maximum Enrollment: 8
walls are available for use whenever Coles is open.
The climbing wall may be used only during super-
vised hours. No reservation is required and there is
no charge.
CLS 704 Intermediate Climbing
Prerequisite: CLS 702 Basic Climbing/Top Rope Cer-
tification or previous climbing experience. Advance
Mondays 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
your climbing skills and techniques: learn to trust your
3:00-4:30 p.m.
feet doing smears, preserve strength by hanging on
6:30-10:30 p.m.
with layback, match hands and feet, climb in the
Tuesdays 3:00-7:30 p.m.
chimney position, and move past overhangs. Use this
8:30-10:30 p.m.
class to become more comfortable free climbing and
Wednesdays 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
to prepare for Lead Rope Certification and Advanced
3:00-5:30 p.m.
Climbing class.
6:30-10:30 p.m.
Thursdays 3:00-7:30 p.m.
8:30-10:30 p.m. Location: Coles Rocks
Fridays 3:00-5:30 p.m.
7:30-10:30 p.m. (Coles Rock Night) Instructors: Will Hung, Hunt Beaty
*Saturdays 11:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
*Sundays 2:00-8:00 p.m. Fee: $65.00
*Coles Rocks is closed on weekends during summer
Sec. 2 Thurs. 7:30-8:25 p.m. (CD)
Minimum Enrollment: 4
Maximum Enrollment: 8

CLS 702 Basic Climbing/Top Rope Certification

No previous climbing experience is required. Learn

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