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MS Learning & Consulting

its all about technology

Core Java 1.8

Presented By Muhammed Shakir

email : [email protected] fb :

Functional Programming

➤ One of the core features added to Java 1.8 is functional programming.

➤ The ability to write code (functions) as objects. Nothing new but the style has changed

➤ Anonymous classes out

➤ Lambda expressions in

➤ Functional programming is a term that means different things to different people.

➤ At the heart of functional programming is thinking about your problem domain in terms of

➤ immutable values and

➤ functions that translate between them

➤ Excellent article Kris Jenkins :


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-1

Lambda Expressions Functional Interfaces

➤ Working with functional interfaces

➤ OOTB functional interfaces in 1.8

➤ Your own functional interface

➤ Providing implementation of functional interface with anonymous


➤ Enter lambda - providing implementation of functional interface

with lambda expression

➤ About @FunctionalInterface


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Lambda Expressions


➤ Create a new project

➤ Get the code of the class mentioned in the footer

➤ Fill in the blank

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-1

Lambda Expressions Spotting a lambda in a haystack

➤ java.util.function.Function<T, R>

➤ Different types of functional interfaces

➤ Some functional interface - no parameter but there is a return value

➤ Some - there is a parameter but no return value

➤ Some - returning and accepting specific types

➤ Lets explore some of the OOTB functional interfaces : BiFunction,

Predicate, UnaryOperator, BinaryOperator

➤ 1.8 replete with libraries with APIs taking parameters of type Function

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-1

Lambda Expressions


Write lambda expressions for all the functional interfaces

listing in the Ch1App1OOTBFunctionalInterfaces class

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-1

Introducing & Working With Streams

➤ What are streams !

➤ Streams v/s Collections

➤ Getting started with streams

➤ Basic operations with streams

➤ Filter, Map, Ordering, Parallelism

➤ Common Pattern - Reduce

➤ Finding & Matching

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams What are streams !

➤ The most important core library changes are focused around the
Collection API and its new addition - streams.

➤ Streams allow us to write collections-processing code at a higher level of


➤ External iteration over a collection is taking an iterator and iterating

over it

➤ Internal iteration is using a Stream to iterate over the collection. It

does not return an iterator to your code. It is the stream the iterates
over the collection and hence - internal iteration

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Streams v/s Collections

Streams Collections

Streams do not contain data. It is Collections are containers of data

provides a reference that iterates over the
collection internally

Streams can process the elements of a The default iterator of Collection is

given Collection in parallel. sequential only.

Streams does not allow modifying the Collections do not provide a rich API to
underlying data-structure. It provides process the data. The API(s) are rich in
rich API to process the data - filter, map, traversing, adding, removing, getting.
sort, reduce etc. The implementations may be different


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Stream Operations - filter & map


Go to Collection interface and check - it has a new default methods called

stream()& parallelStream. Lets get started

➤ Unfold the expression into code snippet

➤ Write an SOP and run the program

➤ After filter, add a map to convert name to upper case - use a

Function<? extends String, ? extends R>

➤ Write an SOP in filter too and run the code

➤ Change the order of operations and see results - First do

mapping and then filter.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Stream Operations - filter & map

➤ Each element is processed one after the other

➤ The element ordering is dependent on how the source

provides data

➤ Set may provide data in a different order


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Stream Operations - filter & map


➤ Add Thread.currentThread().getName() to the SOP(s)

➤ Run the code and make note of the thread name

➤ Change from stream() to parallelStream() and now run.

Make note of thread name now

➤ Try to process the stream again and see the exception you


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Case Study Model


➤ You will find this package with model classes -

➤ Understand the Employee class, HealthPlan & Dependent.

➤ Make note of a class called HealthData along with its static


➤ We will be making heavy use of these classes in this training.


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Stream Operations - max & min


➤ Find employee with least dependent

➤ Make note of the get method. min is actually terminal

➤ Min returns an Optional. Optional value is like an alien. We will

discuss more later.

➤ Min & Max needs Comparator. Comparator has comparing function

which takes a function as argument. Finally write one-line min or max
Function<Employee, Integer> f1 = x -> x.getDependentList().size();
Function<Dependent, Integer> f2 = x -> x.getName().length();

Comparator<Employee> c1 = Comparator.comparing(f1);
Comparator<Dependent> c2 = Comparator.comparing(f2);

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Reduce

➤ A common pattern appears. There is boiler plate code here

➤ It can be used for any object. Only the condition changes (the function
of comparing)

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Reduce


The things that differ between implementations of this pattern are the

➤ initialValue and the

➤ combine function.

Run : and see the results


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams


➤ Putting functions together. Once again refer to the HealthData model and
check the fact that employees have health plans and health plan has a name

➤ Any health plan name that starts with “Compre” is considered as

comprehensive health plan

➤ A health plan is associated to State

➤ We want to get all the states that offer comprehensive health plans

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Refactoring the legacy code

➤ Let us get the names of all dependents that are of age greater than 15 of all
given employees. Note that dependents are associated to Employee

➤ Code snippet 1 : check the age of the dependent and add the name of
dependent to the Set

➤ Code snippet 2 : This time you are using stream but still doing the same
thing. Note that what you are doing with legacy kind of code is a good
candidate for filter

➤ Code snippet 3: Use a) filter b) map c) for each. Note that using for each on
dependents again is a good candidate for flatMap

➤ Code snippet 4 : Execute chain of operations on Employee stream to

flatMap, filter, map and then collect

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Introducing & Working With Streams Refactoring the legacy code

empty result

will print “a”

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-2

Lambda Libraries Primitives

➤ In java it will always be a List<Integer> and not List <int>

➤ Integer is an object - although an int takes 4 bytes of memory, an Integer

takes much more as it is an Object

➤ Arrays of numbers is expensive, as each element of a primitive array is just

the size of the primitive, while each element of a boxed array is actually an
in-memory pointer to another object on the Java heap.

➤ There is also a computational overhead when converting from a primitive

type to a boxed type, called boxing, and vice versa, called unboxing

➤ Algorithms that perform lots of numerical operations, the cost of boxing

and unboxing combined with the additional memory bandwidth used by
allocated boxed objects can make the code significantly slower.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Primitives

Only the int, long, and double types have been

chosen as the focus of the primitive specialization
implementation in Java 8 because the impact is
most noticeable in numerical algorithms

If the return type is a primitive, the interface is

prefixed with To and the primitive type, as in

If the argument type is a primitive type, the name

prefix is just the type name, as in LongFunction

If the higher-order function uses a primitive type,

it is suffixed with To and the primitive type, as in

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Primitives


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Primitives


Get the statistics of age of all Dependents of all Employees

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Overload Resolution

The “in IntegerBiFunction” function gets executed following the rule that if there are
several possible target types, the most specific is inferred

has min & max

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries @FunctionalInterface

Just the annotation to make sure that you accidentally do not define
2 abstract methods in an interface that is supposed to be functional

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Interface compatibility & default methods

➤ In 1.8 Collection has new methods like stream() and


➤ This means that if you had your own implementation extending

from ArrayList, it wont compile in 1.8 unless you implement
stream() and parallelStream()

➤ Enter default methods. Now interfaces can have default

implementations of methods. This helps a big way in binary

➤ Check Collection class and default implementations of the

aforementioned two methods

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Defaults & subclassing

➤ If interface Child extends from Parent and Child has an overriding

interface. Now if a class implements Child, the default of Child will

➤ If the class overrides the implementation of default in interface then class


➤ Suppose we had a custom list implementation called MyCustomList and

had implemented a custom addAll method, and the new List interface
provided a default addAll that delegated to the add method. If the default
method in class wasn’t guaranteed to be overridden by this addAll
method, it would break the your custom implementation.


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Defaults & subclassing


Run the through the class and check the code

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Multiple Inheritance

Implementation of DentalInsurance gets executed

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Multiple Inheritance

Duplicate default methods

Compilation error

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Multiple Inheritance

Implementation of default method must in case of duplicates

super syntax

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Multiple Inheritance - The 3 Rules

1. Any class wins over any interface. So if there’s a method with a

body, or an abstract declaration, in the superclass chain, we can
ignore the interfaces completely.

2. Subtype wins over supertype. If we have a situation in which two

interfaces are competing to provide a default method and one
interface extends the other, the subclass wins.

3. No rule 3. If the previous two rules don’t give us the answer, the
subclass must either implement the method or declare it abstract.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Static methods on Interfaces

➤ Stream is an interface and you have Stream.of : Another new language

change that has made its way into Java 8, primarily in order to help library

➤ When there’s a good semantic reason for a method to relate to a concept, it

should always be put in the same class or interface rather than hidden
in a utility class to the side. This helps structure your code in a way that’s
easier for someone reading it to find the relevant method.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Optional


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Lambda Libraries Optional


➤ Change the value of strings to new ArrayList<>() and see the

exception that you get

➤ Make changes to the way the maxLenString is used in SOP to

avoid exception.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-3

Advance Collections & Collectors Method references

Types of method references

Kind Example

Reference to static method ContainingClass::staticMethodName

Reference to an instance method of particular


Reference to an arbitrary object ContainingType::methodName

Reference to a construtor ClassName::new


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Method references


Follow the instructions as illustrated in the class

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Element Ordering

➤ Order in which stream processes each element in the source is dependent

on source.

➤ Elements of ArrayList will be accessed in an order

➤ Elements of HashSet may not be in order

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Enter Collectors


List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(10, 10, 10, 412, 322, 112);

➤ Convert List to Set using Collectors.toSet() and print

➤ Convert to Set using Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new) and print

➤ Convert to Map<Integer, Integer> using Collectors.toMap(Function<T, U> keyMapper,

Function<T, U> valueMapper) and print

Stream<Employee> employees = HealthData.employees;

➤ Get the employee with max Dependents using collect(Collectors.maxBy)

➤ Get the average number of Dependents using collect(Collectors.averagingInt)

to get the average age of dependents

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Partitions


Partition by employee that has dependents and those that does not have

➤ You will Get a Map<Boolean List<Employee>> the result will

be as follows

➤ false = [List of employees with no dependents]

➤ true = [List of employees that has dependents]

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Grouping


Get employees grouped by their Primary HealthPlan in a

Map<HealthPlan, List<Employee>>

➤ Use Collectors.groupingBy and pass a Function<? extends

Employee, ? extends HealthPlan>

Get list of employees by their age groups 25 to 35 and 35 to 45

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Strings


Join the strings. Nothing can be simpler that this

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Composing Collectors

➤<T, A, R> is an interface that represents a mutable

reduction operation

➤ T is the input type

➤ A is the mutable accumulation type

➤ R is the result

➤ provides implementation of many mutable reduction


➤ Accumulates input elements into a mutable result container

➤ Concatenating strings using a StringBuilder; computing summary

information about elements such as sum, min, max, or average

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Composing Collectors

Lets understand the execution of Collectors

Change from TreeSet to MyTreeSet and then see the results

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Composing Collectors


➤ Count the number of employees by primary health plan instead of getting

Map<HealthPlan, List<Employee>> counting is actually a collector -

➤ Get the Set of Employee last names grouped by Health Plan (Do it the neater way -
using groupingBy(keyExtractor, mapper)

➤ keyExtractor will provide the key for grouping

➤ mapper will convert Employee to lastName of employee and collect them all in a

➤ What you finally get is a Map<HealthPlan, Set<String>> where key is the

health plan and value is set of all employees who have opted for that health plan

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector

➤ We will go through a 4 step process of understanding - how to write custom


➤ The objective is not to write a complex Collector but understand the

structure of Collector and standard mechanism of implementing the same

➤ Lets us start with

➤ In java 1.7 we would concatenate string with a prefix & suffix while
running through the loop as shown in code

➤ In 1.8 we can use a to map employee objects to employee

names and then run forEach to do the same

➤ We are essentially REDUCING the stream to one single String.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector

Lets discuss first few code snippets with respect to side-effects while
processing streams in
(Trainer Copy)


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector

➤ For the following, refer to exercises-copy of

➤ Code snippet 1 : shows how to use Stream.reduce(BinaryOperation<String> accumulator) - 1


returns an Optional<String> assuming the stream is of String

➤ Code Snippet 2: shows how to use Stream.reduce(String identity, BinaryOperator<String>

accumulator) - 2 parameters

This returns a String (& not Optional) as the identity can be used to infer that there will
be some value. Even if null is passed identity, it is converted to String

➤ Code Snippet 3 : shows how to use Stream.reduce(U identity, BiFunction<? super String, U>,
BinaryOperator<U> combiner) - 3 arguments

Here the objective is to return a different type other than String. U represents that other
data type


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector


Code Snippet 4

➤ Use a map to map Employee to employee name

➤ Use a reduce operation with 3 arguments as shown in

Code snippet 3

➤ Prefix & Suffix “[“ & “]” respectively and print the reduced

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector

➤ Constructor : Initialize the container…. now your StringCombiner

has a private StringBuilder. The StringCombiner is the container

➤ add : The add function provides the accumulator functionality. It

adds the word in the String to the StringBuilder

➤ merge : The merge function plays the role of a Combiner that merges
the two containers

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector

➤ Use the constructor of StringCombiner in place of identity

➤ Use StringCombiner::add in place of accumulator

➤ Use StringCombiner::merge in place of combiner

➤ The return value of this reducer happens to be StringCombiner

➤ Fire toString method on combiner to get the reduced String

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector

➤ Now the real fun - Go back to StringCombiner and put SOP in merge
function and tell me whether it executes at all in the very first place

➤ Now convert the stream to parallel and tell me what happens

➤ Now it executes the merge (if there is no exception)

➤ So whats happening here ???

Stay Tuned

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector
In case of parallel

stream, each thread will
create a new
1 2


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector

In order for Stream to work “as-expected” with parallelism as well, we must create a custom as expected by the Stream and implement the following methods

➤ supplier() : a factory method that returns the container of the accumulated objects

➤ accumulator() : a function that returns BiConsumer. In our case

BiConsumer<StringCombiner, String>. This function provides the accumulation

➤ combiner() : especially for parallelism to add the objects from one container (on the
left) and another container (on the right) as shown in figures of previous slide

➤ finisher() : a function that transforms the combined objects into one single String

➤ characteristics() : returns characteristics that can be used by Stream to determine

certain properties of Collector

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Refactoring & custom collector

Use the MyStringCollector as the collector and see the results.

Yes - with Parallelism !!!

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Advance Collections & Collectors Collection Niceties

Take a look at Map.computeIfAbsent, Map.computeIfPresent,


computeIfAbsent can help build cache with clean code (no

checking if null)

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-4

Data Parallelism Parallelism v/s Concurrency

➤ Concurrency arises when two tasks are making progress at overlapping time

➤ Parallelism arises when two tasks are happening at literally the same time, such
as on a multicore CPU.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-5

Data Parallelism Why is Parallelism Important

➤ To complete the work faster

➤ To make efficient use of all the cores on the machine

➤ To get max throughput

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-5

Data Parallelism Parallel Stream

➤ Collection.parallelStream()

➤ Stream.parallel()

➤ Uses Forkjoin.commonPool()

➤ The effects of the parallelStream must be as same as sequential

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-5

Data Parallelism Performance

3 important factors that influence parallel streams

➤ Data : small data sets wont yield much of benefit. There is overhead,
split, merge, context switch etc.

➤ Packing : Primitives are faster to operate upon with much less overhead

➤ Number of cores : Usually you do have many cores on each system

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-5

Data Parallelism Performance

Under the hood, parallel streams back onto the fork/ join framework. The fork
stage recursively splits up a problem. Then each chunk is operated upon in
parallel. Finally, the join stage merges the results back together.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-5

Data Parallelism Parallel Array Operations

Pretty Simple

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-5

Lambda Enabled Concurrency Why use non-blocking I/O

➤ With threading model, every time you want to write some data to socket,
you would block the thread that you’re running on.

➤ This approach to I/ O, called blocking I/ O, is fairly common but you will

have to start a significant number of threads on your server in order to
service them

➤ Nonblocking I/ O — or, as it’s sometimes called, asynchronous I/ O —

the methods to read and write data to your chat clients return

➤ The actual I/ O processing is happening in a separate thread, and

you are free to perform some useful work in the meantime.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-6

Lambda Enabled Concurrency Callbacks & Message Passing Architectures

➤ Take a look at following code which has callback in the form of lambdas

➤ With vert.x you implement designs that are essentially non-shared-state design

➤ All communication is done by sending messages over event bus which means that
you don’t need to protect any shared state - so no locks and no

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-6

Lambda Enabled Concurrency Futures

➤ To build up complex sequences of concurrent operations is to use what’s

known as a Future.

➤ Futures cannot be explicitly completed by another thread

➤ Futures cannot be composed elegantly into chain of dependent operations

➤ For e.g : How will you pass the result of one future to the other
without the pyramid doom

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-6

Lambda Enabled Concurrency CompletableFuture


➤ runSequentially : uses Stream

➤ useParallelStream : uses parallelStream

➤ useCompletableFuture : uses CompletableFuture with


➤ useCompletableFutureWithExecutor : uses custom executor service with

10 threads for 10 tasks. Completes faster

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-6

Lambda Enabled Concurrency CompletableFuture

➤ Create one CF with simple supplier task which takes 3 seconds

➤ Create another CF that would take 5 seconds

➤ Create stream of CFs and execute them such that the results are joined and
one does not wait for the other. There can be more than 2 CFs

➤ The total time take will be well within 5.5 seconds

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-6

Lambda Enabled Concurrency CompletableFuture

➤ Create one CF called cf1 with simple supplier task which takes 3 seconds

➤ Create a CF called cf3 that = cf1.thenCompose(x -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() ->

{ x + “ ~ “ + “ cf2”} );

➤ cf3.join to get the results. Take the time stamp and see how much time it takes

➤ thenCompose function executes the CFs sequentially because cf2 may be dependent on the results of

➤ How will the result of cf1 will be used (composed) by cf2, is upto the implementation of cf2 Supplier

➤ cf2 does not kick off till the time cf1 is not completed

➤ cf2 and cf1 may run in different threads but still cf2 will start only after cf1 is completed with its

➤ So essentially this is sequential as cf2 is dependent on the value of cf1

➤ The total time taken for execution is 8+ seconds

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-6

Lambda Enabled Concurrency CompletableFuture

➤ Create one CF called cf1 which takes 3 seconds

➤ Create another CF called cf2 which takes 5 seconds

➤ thenCombine as follows : cf3 = cf1.thenCombine(cf2, (x, y) -> x + “ ~

“ + y)

➤ Note that you are combining the results

➤ cf2 and cf1 executes in parallel

➤ cf2 and cf2 will run in different threads

➤ The total time taken for execution is ~5 seconds

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-6

Lambda Enabled Concurrency CompletableFuture

Using CompletableFuture.allOf

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-6

Lambda Enabled Concurrency Reactive Programming

➤ The concept behind a CompletableFuture can be generalized from single values

to complete streams of data using reactive programming.

➤ Reactive programming is actually a form of declarative programming that lets

us program in terms of changes and data flows that get automatically

➤ You can think of a spreadsheet as a commonly used example of reactive

programming. If you enter = B1 + 5 in cell C1, it tells the spreadsheet to add
5 to the contents of cell B1 and put the result in C1.

➤ In addition, the spreadsheet reacts to any future changes in B1 and updates the
value in C1.

➤ The RxJava library is a port of these reactive ideas onto the JVM.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-6

Java 8 Concurrency FolkJoinPool

➤ ForkJoinPool is the framework introduced in 1.7

➤ Works with its own thread pool with number of threads equal to cores

➤ Work-Stealing algorithm at the heart of it

➤ There are 2 types of Tasks - RecursiveTask and RecursiveAction

➤ RecursiveTask returns a value - public T compute()

➤ RecursiveAction does not return a value - public void compute()

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-7

Java 8 Concurrency FolkJoinPool

➤ An array of String to be
concatenated while converting
each element to uppercase

➤ Split the tasks till the time the

length of array is greater than
THRESHOLD and invoke them

➤ If the length is lesser than

actually compute (don’t split)

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-7

Java 8 Concurrency FolkJoinPool

➤ RecursiveAction does not return a value

➤ A good opportunity to see memory visibility related issues

➤ As such don't use synchronized in compute. It defeats the

purpose of parallelism - contention will be very high

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-7

Java 8 Concurrency Spliterator

➤ More often then not parallelism is to work with data

➤ 1.8 provides splitting of data using a new interface added to java.util is

the Spliterator

➤ Collection interface has been updated to include a new spliterator()

➤ Allow parallel processing of different parts of a Collection

➤ To support parallel traversal of the suitably partitioned parts of

a Collection

➤ FJP can be used with SplitIterator

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-7

Java 8 Concurrency Splititerator

➤ The trySplit method provides the required behavior. try because it may
fail to split and return null

➤ estimateSize returns the estimated elements that will be available when


➤ After splitting the elements may be processed in different threads.

➤ The source must not be changed

➤ To help - trySplit() returns a ‘late-binding’ and ‘fast-fail’ Spliterator

➤ late-binding binds the elements to the Spliterator on first

split, first traversal or first query for estimated size

➤ NOT at the time of the creation of the Spliterator

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-7

Java 8 Concurrency Splititerator

Run the code and see the results

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-7

Java 8 Atomics & Locks LongAdder

➤ LongAdder uses very clever technique to be lock-free and still remain


➤ AtomicLong can be a bottleneck. This uses a compare-and-swap operation,

which – under heavy contention – can lead to a lot of wasted CPU cycles

➤ With increment() method, the implementation keeps an array of counters

that can grow on demand.

➤ When more threads are calling increment(), the array will be longer

➤ LongAdder is a very efficient way to increment a counter from multiple


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-8

Java 8 Atomics & Locks LongAdder

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-8

Java 8 Atomics & Locks LongAccumulator

➤ Allows us to implement a lock-free algorithm in a number of scenarios

➤ LongAccumulator can be created by supplying the LongBinaryOperator and

the initial value to its constructor

➤ LongAccumulator uses the compare-and-swap implementation

➤ It executes an action defined as a LongBinaryOperator, and then it checks if

the previousValue changed. If it was changed, the action is
executed again with the new value. If not, it succeeds changing the value
that is stored in the accumulator

➤ LongAccumulator will work correctly if we supply it with a commutative

function where the order of accumulation does not matter

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-8

Java 8 Atomics & Locks LongAccumulator

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-8

Java 8 Atomics & Locks DoubleAdder & DoubleAccumulator

Only the data types are different. Double has add()method

MS Learning & Consulting

NIO 2.0 File & Directories

➤ The Files class is one of the primary entry points of the java.nio.file


➤ Rich set of APIs for reading, writing, and manipulating files and

➤ The Files class methods work on instances of Path objects

➤ Checking a file or a directory.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 File & Directories

➤ Path instance represents a file or a directory on the file system.

➤ Whether that file or directory it’s pointing to exists or not, is accessible or

not can be confirmed by a file operation.

➤ The file system API provides single line operations for creating files

➤ To create a regular file, we use the createFile API and pass to it a Path

object representing the file we want to create.

➤ All the name elements in the path must exist, apart from the file name,
otherwise, we will get an IOException:

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 File & Directories

➤ Code Snippet 1 : Basic file & directory operations

➤ Code Snippet 2 : Creating files - Files.createFile

➤ Code Snippet 3 : Creating directories - Files.createDirectory

➤ Code Snippet 4: Checking if directory exists - Files.exists

➤ Code Snippet 5: Creating hierarchy of directories - dir.resolve

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 File & Directories

➤ Code Snippet 6: Creating temp files - Files.createTempFile

➤ Code Snippet 7: Tempfiles without prefix & suffix. Extension will be tmp

➤ Code Snippet 8: Temp file in default temp folder

➤ Code Snippet 9: Deleting a file. IOException if does not exist - Files.delete

➤ Code Snippet 10 : Copying files - Files.copy

➤ Code Snippet 11: Moving files - Files.move

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 WatchService - file change notification

➤ File change notification : One way to do this is to poll the file system
looking for changes but this approach is inefficient — it does not scale to
applications that may have hundreds of open files or directories to monitor

➤ Welcome to java.nio.file.WatchService : register a directory (or

directories) with the watch service.

➤ Register types of events you are interested in: file creation, file deletion, or
file modification

➤ The registered process has a thread (or a pool of threads) dedicated to

watching for any events it has registered for

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 WatchService - file change notification

➤ Create a WatchService (watcher) for the file system

➤ Register a directory with the watcher for the events (create, delete,
modify). A WatchKey is returned

➤ Use a loop or (may be in a different thread) to wait for incoming events

➤ On event, WatchKey is signaled and placed in the Watcher’s queue

➤ Get the WatchKey from the queue and. The WatchKey provides the

➤ Retrieve each pending event(s), reset the key and resume waiting for the

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 WatchService - file change notification


Write code print the events (create, modify delete) happening in

your home folder

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 Symbolic links & other file attributes

➤ The java.nio.file.attribute package provides access to file

attributes or metadata, an area that is highly file-system specific.

➤ The package groups together the related attributes and defines a view
of the commonly used ones.

➤ An implementation is required to support a basic view that defines

attributes that are common to most file systems, such as file type, size,
and time stamps.

➤ An implementation may also support additional views.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 Symbolic links & other file attributes


➤ The basic attributes that are common to all file systems is provided by the
BasicFileAttributeView which stores all mandatory and optional visible file attributes.

➤ The attributes are kind of meta-data of the file. You can get

➤ the size of the file

➤ whether it is a directory
➤ is it regular file
➤ whether it is a symbolic link ?
➤ the creation time
➤ modified time
➤ last access time
➤ and a lot more

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 FileVisitor

➤ Operating systems and several third party applications have a file search
function where a user defines search criteria

➤ Should you need to search for all .class files, find and delete .mov files or
find all files that haven’t been accessed in the last month, then FileVisitor
is the solution

➤ With FileVisitor, you can traverse the file tree to any depth and perform
any action on the files or directories found on any branch

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 FileVisitor

➤ FileVisitor interface has 4 methods that you need to implement

➤ FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory (Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs)

➤ FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
➤ FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc)
➤ FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc)

➤ The return value at each stage is of type FileVisitResult and controls the
flow of the traversal

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 FileVisitor

FileVisitResult is an enum of four possible return values for the FileVisitor interface

➤ FileVisitResult.CONTINUE – indicates that the file tree traversal should

continue after the method returning it exits
➤ FileVisitResult.TERMINATE – stops the file tree traversal and no further
directories or files are visited
➤ FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE – this result is only meaningful when
returned from the preVisitDirectory API, elsewhere, it works like CONTINUE.
It indicates that the current directory and all its subdirectories should be skipped
➤ FileVisitResult.SKIP_SIBLINGS – indicates that traversal should continue
without visiting the siblings of the current file or directory. If called in the
preVisitDirectory phase, then even the current directory is skipped and the
postVisitDirectory is not invoked

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 FileVisitor


Checkout the class in your exercise code base

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 Asynchronous I/O

➤ Basic I/O in Java is blocking -- meaning that it waits until it can complete
an operation

➤ NIO's non-blocking I/O is event-based

➤ A selector (or callback or listener) is defined for an I/O channel, then

processing continues

➤ When an event occurs on the selector -- when a line of input arrives, for
instance -- the selector "wakes up" and executes.

➤ All of this is achieved within a single thread, which is a significant contrast

to typical Java I/O

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 Asynchronous I/O

➤ Scholarly articles on multiplexing

➤ Asynchronous Java NIO

➤ High Performance with I/O with Java NIO

➤ How to build a Scalable Multiplexed Server with NIO

➤ Five ways to maximize Java NIO and NIO.2

➤ All in all it is about using fewer threads to serve high number of

concurrent requests

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 Asynchronous SocketChannel


AsynchronousServerSocketChannel and AsynchronousSocketChannel classes

are the key classes used in implementing the server and client respectively.
AsynchronousServerSocketChannel server =;
server.bind(new InetSocketAddress("", 7001));
Future<AsynchronousSocketChannel> future = server.accept();
AsynchronousSocketChannel worker = future.get();

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9

NIO 2.0 Asynchronous SocketChannel


AsynchronousFileChannel is the key classes used

Path filePath = Paths.get(“/path/to/file");

AsynchronousFileChannel fileChannel =, READ,
AsynchronousFileChannel fileChannel =,

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-9


➤ Patterns document reusable templates that solve common problems in

software architecture.

➤ If you spot a problem and you’re familiar with an appropriate pattern,

then you can take the pattern and apply it to your situation.

➤ In a sense, patterns codify what people consider to be a best-practice

approach to a given problem.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-10


➤ A command object is an object that encapsulates all the information

required to call another method later

➤ The command pattern is a way of using this object in order to write

generic code that sequences and executes methods based on runtime


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-10



There are four classes that take part in the

command pattern

➤ Receiver Performs the actual work

➤ Command Encapsulates all the

information required to call the

➤ Invoker Controls the sequencing and

execution of one or more commands

➤ Client Creates concrete command


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-10


➤ The strategy pattern is a way of changing the algorithmic behavior of

software based upon a runtime decision.

➤ The idea is to be able to define a common problem that is solved by

different algorithms and then

➤ Encapsulate all the algorithms behind the same programming interface.


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-10



➤ The strategy pattern is a way of

changing the algorithmic
behavior of software based upon
a runtime decision.

➤ The idea is to be able to define a

common problem that is solved
by different algorithms and then

➤ Encapsulate all the algorithms

behind the same programming

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-10


➤ The observer pattern is a behavioral pattern that can be improved and

simplified through the use of lambda expressions.

➤ In the observer pattern, an object, called the subject, maintains a list of

other objects, which are its observers.

➤ When the state of the subject changes, its observers are notified.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-10


➤ The subject has a function called addObserver which takes an argument of

type Observer

➤ The client creates instances of concrete Observers

(SimpleWeatherForeCastDisplay, ConsolidatedDisplay) which invokes

➤ Note that the Observer can be a functional interface

➤ Using lambdas, you can do away with Concrete Observer classes and pass
lambda expression for e.g.

➤ weatherInfo.addObserver(name -> { implementation of observer });

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-10


➤ A pretty common situation when developing software is having a common

algorithm with a set of differing specifics.

➤ We want different implementations to have a common pattern in order to

ensure that they’re following the same algorithm

➤ Your overall algorithm design is represented by an abstract class which has

a series of abstract methods that represent customized steps in the algorithm

➤ Any common code can be kept in this class.

➤ Each variant of the algorithm is implemented by a concrete class that

overrides the abstract methods and provides the relevant implementation.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-10

DESIGN & ARCHITECTURAL PRINCIPLES Lambda enabled - Domain specific language

➤ A domain-specific language (DSL) is a programming language focused on a

particular part of a software system.

➤ Less expressive than a general-purpose language.

➤ Highly specialized: by trading off being good at everything, they get to be good at


➤ Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and regular expressions are commonly used
external DSLs

➤ Makes your code more succinct and easier to read.

➤ Ideally, code written in a DSL reads like statements made within the problem
domain that it is reflecting.

➤ Check Streams, CompletableFuture, IntegrationFlow in Spring Integration

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-10

Java 8 Compact Profile Overview

➤ Java SE Embedded 8 introduces a new concept called, Compact Profiles, which

enable reduced memory footprint for applications that do not require the entire
Java platform.

➤ The Java SE 8 javac compiler has a new -profile option, which allows
the application to be compiled using one of the new supported profiles

➤ There are three supported profiles: compact1, compact2 and compact3

➤ Usage

➤ The compact profiles feature is useful in small devices.

➤ Smaller storage footprint, compact profiles

➤ Can enable many Java applications to run on resource-constrained devices

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-11

Java 8 Compact Profile Overview

➤ A smaller Java environment would require less compute resources, thus

opening up a new domain of devices previously thought to be too
humble for Java.

➤ A smaller runtime environment could be better optimized for

performance and start up time.

➤ Elimination of unused code is always a good idea from a security


➤ If the environment could be pared down significantly, there may be

tremendous benefit to bundling runtimes with each individual Java

➤ These bundled applications could be downloaded more quickly.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-11

Java 8 Compact Profile Detailed Profile Composition

Each profile includes the APIs of the lower-numbered profiles (compact2 is a

superset of compact1)

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-11

Java 8 Compact Profile Understanding which profile to use

➤ When developing applications for Compact Profiles, you must remember to

only use the APIs found in the specifications for compact1, compact2, or
compact3 profiles. 

➤ To ease in the programming of embedded apps for Compact Profiles, you

can use the "jdeps" tool to see which Java packages are being used inside
your source code after you have written your app. 

➤ The result of running jdeps on your Java app will allow you to see which
Compact Profile runtime you will need to be able to execute your

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-11

Java 8 Compact Profile Using the jdeps tool

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-11

Java 8 Compact Profile Jigsaw project

➤ A formal effort has been underway having the stated goal of providing a
much more modular Java platform. 

➤ Called Project Jigsaw, when complete, Java SE will be composed of a set of

finer-grained modules and will include tools to enable developers to identify
and isolate only those modules needed for their application. 

➤ However, implementing this massive internal change and yet maintaining

compatibility has proven to be a considerable challenge.

➤ Consequently full implementation of the modular Java platform has been

delayed until Java 9. 

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-11

Class Loading Introduction

➤ The class loader delegation model is the graph of class loaders that pass
loading requests to each other.

➤ The bootstrap class loader is at the root of this graph.

➤ Class loaders are created with a single delegation parent and looks for a
class in the following places:

➤ Cache
➤ Parent
➤ Self

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Class loading basics

➤ A class loader first determines if it has been asked to load this same class in
the past.

➤ If so, it returns the same class it returned last time (that is, the class stored
in the cache).

➤ If not, it gives its parent a chance to load the class.

➤ These two steps repeat recursively and depth first.

➤ If the parent returns null (or throws a ClassNotFoundException), then the

class loader searches its own path for the source of the class.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Class visibility

➤ Because the parent class loader is

always given the opportunity to load a
class first, the class is loaded by the class
loader nearest the root.

➤ This means that all core bootstrap

classes are loaded by the bootstrap
loader, which makes sure that the
correct versions of classes such as
java.lang.Object are loaded.

➤ A class loader to see classes loaded by

itself or its parent or ancestors

➤ The classes loaded by its children are

not visible to the parent class loader

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Class visibility & Understanding delegation rules

➤ The bootstrap class loader (also known as the primordial class loader) cannot be
instantiated by Java code.

➤ BootstrapClassLoader class loader loads the core system classes from the boot classpath,
which is normally the JAR files located in the jre/lib directory.

➤ The extension class loader (also known as the standard extensions class loader) is a
child of the bootstrap class loader. Its primary responsibility is to load classes from the
extension directories, normally located the jre/lib/ext directory. This provides the ability
to simply drop in new extensions, such as various security extensions, without requiring
modification to the user's classpath.

➤ The system class loader (also known as the application class loader) is the class loader
responsible for loading code from the path specified by the CLASSPATH environment
variable. By default, this class loader is the parent of any class loader created by the user.
This is also the class loader returned by the ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() method.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading The phases of class loading

Problems relating to class loading can be tracked down to a problem occurring

in one of these phases. Hence, understanding these phases is important

MS Learning & Consulting

Class Loading Common class loading issues & resolving them

➤ ClassNotFoundException : is the most common type of class loading

exception. It occurs during the loading phase.

➤ Thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string

name using:

➤ The forName method in class Class

➤ The findSystemClass method() in class ClassLoader.

➤ The loadClass() method in class ClassLoader.

➤ So a ClassNotFoundException is thrown if an attempt to load a class fail

➤ Resolution : These exceptions are usually simple to fix. You can ensure
that the classpath being used is set as expected
MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12
Class Loading Common class loading issues & resolving them

NoClassDefFoundError : is thrown as a result of a unsuccessful implicit class load.

At the time of compilation class B exists but then removed before execution

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Common class loading issues & resolving them

UnsatisfiedLinkError : Occurs during the resolving stage of the linking

phase when a program tries to load an absent or misplaced native library

Once you understand the class loaders involved in the loading of the library, you can
resolve these types of problems by placing the library in an appropriate location.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Common class loading issues & resolving them

ClassFormatError : The binary data that purports to specify a requested compiled

class or interface is malformed.

This exception is thrown during the verification stage of the linking phase of
class loading.

The binary data can be malformed if the bytecodes have been changed -- if the major
or minor number has been changed.

This could occur if the bytecodes had been deliberately hacked, for example, or if an
error had occurred when transferring the class file over a network

The only way to fix this problem is to obtain a corrected copy of the bytecodes,
possibly by recompiling.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading IllegalAccessException & ClassCastException

➤ Classloader leaks can cause OOME - Perm Space

➤ IllegalAccessExeption : when you try to load a class that is not

accessible out of the package it is defined in

➤ ClassCastException : every one knows this :)

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Custom ClassLoader & LinkageError

➤ loadClass method implements the

delegation model

➤ The method delegates to its parent

class loader before attempting to find
the class itself. This means that it now
The right way of
finds java.lang.Object loaded by the doing it
bootstrap class loader.

➤ The above may still lead to

LinkageError because because the
application is asking the class loader to
load the same class twice, and
loadClass() tries to reload it from

➤ First check in cache

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Custom ClassLoader

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Hot Loading

➤ About hot loading : Updating the byte code in the perm gen directly
using java.lang.instrumentation

➤ JRebel from ZeroTurnAround does the same

➤ Check demo project : instrumentation

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Peer-to-Peer Class loading

➤ Loading of class over the network on nodes in the cluster.

➤ Very powerful mechanism as you do not have to redeploy on all the nodes

➤ This is how it fundamentally works

➤ Your product / framework with a custom class loader will check if class is available on
local classpath and if it was, it will be returned. No class loading from a peer node will
take place in this case.

➤ If class is not locally available, then a request will be sent to the originating node to
provide class definition.

➤ Originating node will send class byte-code definition and the class will be loaded on the
worker node.

➤ This happens only once per class - once class definition is loaded on a node, it will never
have to be loaded again.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Class Loading Peer-to-Peer Class loading - Apache Ignite

➤ The in-memory computing platform

➤ The closures and tasks that you use for your computations may be of any
custom class, including anonymous classes.

➤ In Ignite, the remote nodes will automatically become aware of those classes,
and you won't need to explicitly deploy or move any .jar files to any remote

➤ Such behavior is possible due to peer class loading (P2P class loading), a
special distributed ClassLoader in Ignite for inter-node byte-code exchange.

➤ With peer-class-loading enabled, you don't have to manually deploy your Java
or Scala code on each node in the grid and re-deploy it each time it changes

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-12

Invoke Dynamic Dismantling invoke dynamic

➤ Under the covers, Java 7 version of the platform shipped the

invokedynamic instruction

➤ It laid the foundation for implementing lambda expressions in Java 8,

➤ It also was a game changer for translating dynamic languages into the
Java byte code format

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Invoke Dynamic Method Handles

➤ A method handle is "a typed, directly executable reference to an

underlying method, constructor, field, or similar low-level operation,
with optional transformations of arguments or return values." 

➤ java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup object is a factory for creating

method handles and is used to search for targets such as virtual methods,
static methods, special methods, constructors, and field accessors.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Invoke Dynamic Method Handles

➤ It is dependent on a call site's invocation context and enforces method

handle access restrictions each time a method handle is created.

➤ In other words, a call site (for e.g. if lookup is called from  main() then
main method is acting as a call site)

➤ The lookup object can only access those targets that are accessible to the
call site.

➤ The lookup object is obtained by invoking MethodHandles.lookup

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Invoke Dynamic Fields Methods and Constructors : handles are unified interface

➤ Other than  Method instances of the reflection API, method handles

can equally reference fields or constructors.

➤ Effectively, it does not matter what class member is referenced via a

method handle at runtime as long as its  MethodType

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Invoke Dynamic Performance Metrics

➤ Method handles are often described as being a more performant as the

Java reflection API

➤ Reflection is too much of overhead as it takes objects and has to

determine the right types runtime.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Invoke Dynamic Creating an “invoke dynamic call site”

➤ Call site is the method from where the Method Handle is created.

➤ At runtime, an invokedynamic call site is bound to a method handle by

way of a bootstrap method.

➤ This bootstrap method is executed the first time the JVM encounters this
call site during execution.

➤ The invokedynamic instruction is followed by an operand that serves as

an index into the classfile's constant pool. The value in the constant pool
at this index is a CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic structure. This structure
includes an index into the classfile’s BootstrapMethods attribute, which
ultimately identifies the bootstrap method.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Invoke Dynamic Lambda expressions

➤ Whenever the Java compiler translates a lambda expression into byte code, it
copies the lambda's body into a private method inside of the class in which the
expression is defined.

➤ These methods are named  lambda$X$Y with  X being the name of the

method that contains the lambda expression and with  Y being a zero-based
sequence number.

➤ The parameters of such a method are those of the functional interface that the
lambda expression implements.

➤ The lambda expression is itself substituted by an invokedynamic call site.

➤ On its invocation, this call site requests the binding of a factory for an instance
of the functional interface.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Invoke Dynamic Lambda expressions

➤ As arguments to this factory, the call site supplies any values of the lambda
expression's enclosing method which are used inside of the expression and a
reference to the enclosing instance, if required.

➤ As a return type, the factory is required to provide an instance of the

functional interface. 

➤ For bootstrapping a call site, invokedynamic instruction currently delegates

to the  LambdaMetafactory class which is included in the Java class

➤ This factory is then responsible for creating a class that implements the
functional interface and which invokes the appropriate method that contains
the lambda's body which, as described before, is stored in the original class.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Invoke Dynamic Lambda expressions

➤ In the future, this bootstrapping process might however change which

is one of the major advantages of using invokedynamic for
implementing lambda expressions.

➤ If one day, a better suited language feature was available for

implementing lambda expressions, the current implementation could
simply be swapped out.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Invoke Dynamic Why this matters for dynamic languages

➤ Any language that should be executed on the Java virtual machine needs to be translated to Java
byte code.

➤ And as the name suggests, Java byte code aligns rather close to the Java programming language.

➤ This includes the requirement to define a strict type for any value and before invokedynamic was
introduced, a method call required to specify an explicit target class for dispatching a method.

➤ Looking at the following JavaScript code, specifying either information is however not possible
when translating the method into byte code

function (foo);
➤ Using an invokedynamic call site, it has become possible to delay the identification of the method's
dispatcher until runtime and furthermore, to rebind the invocation target, in case that a previous
decision needs to be corrected.

➤ Before, using the reflection API with all of its performance drawbacks was the only real alternative
to implementing a dynamic language

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Date Time API

➤ Thread-Safe & Mutable : The Date and Calendar classes are not thread safe,
leaving developers to deal with the headache of hard to debug concurrency
issues and to write additional code to handle thread safety. On the contrary
the new Date and Time APIs introduced in Java 8 are immutable and thread
safe, thus taking that concurrency headache away from developers.

➤ API Design & Ease of Use : The Date and Calendar APIs are poorly
designed with inadequate methods to perform day-to-day operations. The new
Date/Time APIs is ISO centric and follows consistent domain models for date,
time, duration and periods. There are a wide variety of utility methods that
support the commonest operations.

➤ ZonedDate and Time : Developers had to write additional logic to handle

timezone logic with the old APIs, whereas with the new APIs, handling of
timezone can be done with Local and ZonedDate/Time APIs.

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Date Time API

➤ LocalDate localDate =;

➤ LocalDate.of(2015, 02, 20);

➤ LocalDate.parse(“2015-02-20”);

➤ LocalDate tomorrow =;

➤ DayOfWeek sunday = LocalDate.parse(“2016-06-12”).getDayOfWeek();

➤ int twelve = LocalDate.parse(“2016-06-12”).getDayOfMonth();

➤ boolean leapYear =;

➤ boolean notBefore =
LocalDate.parse("2016-06-12") .isBefore(LocalDate.parse(“2016-06-11")

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Date Time API

➤ ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of(“Europe/Paris”);

➤ Set<String> allZoneIds = ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds();

➤ ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime.of(localDateTime,


MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

Date Time API

➤ Working with Period

➤ LocalDate initialDate = LocalDate.parse(“2007-05-10”);

➤ LocalDate finalDate =;

➤ int five = Period.between(finalDate, initialDate).getDays();

➤ Working with Duration (Deals with Time)

➤ LocalTime initialTime = LocalTime.of(6, 30, 0);

➤ LocalTime finalTime =;

➤ Java 8 has added the toInstant() method which helps to convert existing Date and
Calendar instance to new Date Time API as in the following code snippet:

➤ LocalDateTime.ofInstant(date.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault());

➤ LocalDateTime.ofInstant(calendar.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault());

MS Learning & Consulting Ch-13

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