Swing Versus Snatch
Swing Versus Snatch
Swing Versus Snatch
By Pavel Tsatsouline
Posted on June 2, 2015. 9 Comments.
Are the swing and snatch interchangeable? Or do you have to do both?
David Whitley, Master SFG quipped that “a snatch is a swing that ends up overhead” and a study by
Brandon Hetzler, SFG Team Leader and colleagues confirmed it. The researchers found a similar
mechanical output in both exercises and suggested “using kettlebell snatch and 2-handed swing
exercise interchangeably for the ballistic component of athlete strength and conditioning programs.” In
other words, if you are after power, either drill delivers.
Hetzler, SFG Team Leader swinging and snatching.
If you are a runner and have to pick one or the other, the swing might be a better choice. The above
study observed that it has a greater “horizontal mechanical output” than the snatch. Here is why it
strength of the knee flexors (left) and knee extensors in middle distance runners, from intermediate to
world class. (Myakinchenko, 1983)