Direct & Digital Marketing MKT 510 Marketing Glossary: Advertising
Direct & Digital Marketing MKT 510 Marketing Glossary: Advertising
Direct & Digital Marketing MKT 510 Marketing Glossary: Advertising
MKT 510
Marketing Glossary
Promotion of a product, service, or message by an identified sponsor using paid-for
An advertisement which is designed to have the appearance of an editorial. Advertorials
are normally labelled as "Advertising" or "This is an advertisement". Similar in practice
to an infomercial.
Affiliate marketing
A form of marketing or advertising used on the internet. Companies that sell products
or services online link to relevant sites. The advertising on the other or 'affiliate' sites is
paid for according to results. Also called Pay for Performance Program.
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action: a model describing the process that advertising or
promotion is intended to initiate in the mind of a prospective customer.
Ambient media
Originally known as 'fringe media', ambient media are communications platforms that
surround us in everyday life - from petrol pump advertising to advertising projected
onto buildings to advertising on theatre tickets, fast food container lids to milk bottles,
cricket pitches or even pay slips.
Ambush marketing
A deliberate attempt by an organization to associate itself with an event (often a
sporting event) in order to gain some of the benefits associated with being an official
sponsor without incurring the costs of sponsorship. For example by advertising during
broadcasts of the event.
Artificial intelligence
The use of computers to successfully perform tasks that humans can do - also called
machine intelligence.
Blog is a contraction of Web log. An internet publishing device allowing an individual or
company to express their thoughts and opinions. Businesses can use blogs as a
marketing communication channel. These are typically written in a conversational style
and focused on a specific subject.
Cold mailing
Using a rented or compiled list to mail or email people or organisations who have not
asked for information about your products or services.
Cold calling
Telephoning or calling at the door of people or organisations who have not asked for
information on, or expressed an interest in, your products or services.
The act of a user clicking on an internet advertisement or a link that opens another
website page.
Loss of clients within a particular time frame – possibly to competitors. Also called rate
of attrition.
Creative process by which written content is prepared for advertisements or marketing
Contextual marketing
An internet marketing term. In its simplest form contextual marketing shows a user
adverts based on terms for which they have searched. More advanced applications pull
adverts based on the content of a website being viewed, or on an individual’s browsing
Concept boards
Visual and/or verbal stimulus presenting an idea for a product, service or advert.
Confusion marketing
Controversial strategy of deliberately confusing the customer. Examples are alleged to
be found in the telecommunications market, where pricing plans can be so complicated
that it becomes impossible to make direct comparisons between competing offers.
Content marketing
The process for creating and distributing relevant material, in any format, to your target
audience with the express aim of engaging with the audience to drive a profitable
Digital disruption
Change that occurs due to the development and introduction on new technologies or
business models that have a major effect on existing goods and services. Recent
examples include AirBnB, Netflix, Spotify and Uber.
Digital marketing
Marketing of goods and services though digital channels to reach consumers. Channels
may include the internet, social media, mobile phones and electronic billboards as well
as digital Radio and TV. The key difference to traditional marketing is the ability to
receive real-time analysis of the campaign through the digital channel.
Direct mail
Delivery of an advertising or promotional message to customers or potential customers
by mail.
Direct marketing
All activities which make it possible to offer goods or services or to transmit other
messages to a segment of the population by post, telephone, email or other direct
Marketing metrics
Measurements that help with the quantification of marketing performance, such as
market share, advertising spend, and response rates elicited by advertising and direct
Marketing strategy
The set of objectives which an organisation allocates to its marketing function in order
to support the overall corporate strategy, together with the broad methods chosen to
achieve these objectives.
Ethical marketing
Marketing that takes account of the moral aspects of decisions.
Focus groups
A tool for market research where small groups of customers are invited to participate in
guided discussions on the topic being researched.
Big Data
Gathering and storing large amounts of information. Sometimes considered as the 3Vs:
Volume, Velocity and Variety.
Native advertising
Native advertising is the new term for “advertorials,” advertisements
disguised as editorial content.