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Biology for Cambridge IGCSE® BU Rt ted Revision Guide Oxford and Cambridge Geeta sara OXFORD Great Clarendon Strvet, Oxford, OX2 GDP, United Kinglom (Oxford University Press isa department of the University of (Oxford, ft furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and edistion hy publishing worldwide. (Oxford is registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in ‘he UK and in certain ther counties © Oxford University Press 2015, ‘The moral rights ofthe authors have been asserted First ition published in 2009 All ights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, sored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in Any form or by any means, without the prior permission in ‘writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization, Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press. a the address above. ‘You must not ceculate this work in any other form nl you. must impore thir same condition on any acqiter ritish Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available 97m 0-198008720 woos 7654321 Paper used inte production ofthis book is natural recyclable product rade from woed grown in stainable forests. The manufacturing process conforms tothe environmental regulations ofthe country of origin. Printed in Great Britain by Bell and Bain Lil, Glasgow ‘Acknowledgements @ IGCSE isthe registered trademark of Cambridge Intertational Examinations ‘The publisher would like to thank Cambridge International "Examinations for their kind permission to reproduce past paper questions. ‘Cambrige International Examinations bears no responsibility {or the example answers to questions taken from its past question papers which are contained in this publication Unless otherwise indicated, the questions, example answers, ‘mars awarded and conuments that appear in ths book and (CD were writen by the author In examination the way marks ‘would he awarded to answers ike these may be different. The publishers would like to thank the following for ‘perbissions to use their photographs: (Cover image: Gary Vnn/Shutterstocke 155: Ron Pickering: p56: Ru Pickering Geen es (Chapter 1 Four steps to success in examination (Chapter 2 Sample exam cuestion answers Chapter 3 Design an experiment Chapter 4 Dealing with data Chapter § Graphical representation Chapter 6 The variety of life Chapter 7 Cells, tsues and organs Chapter 8 Movement of molecules in and out of cells Chapter 9 Biological molecules and food tests Chapter 10 Enzymes contol biological procassas (Chapter 11 Food and diet in hurnans ‘Chapter 12 Digestion and absorption Chapter 13 Photosynthesis and plant nutrition Chapter 14 Plant transport (Chapter 15 Transport in animals Chapter 16 Defence against disease Chapter 17 Breathing and gaseous exchange Chapter 18 Respiration and the release of energy Chapter 19 Excretion anc osmoregulation Chapter 20 The nervous system and coordination Chapter 21 The aye as.a sense organ Chapter 22 Hormones, the endocrine system and homeostasis Chapter 23 Sensitivity and movement in plants Chapter 24 Reproduction Chapter 25 Reproduction in plants Chapter 26 Germination and plant growth Chapter 27 Human reproduction and growth ‘Chapter 28 DNA and characteristics Chapter 29 Cell division and the human life ole Chapter 30 Patterns of inheritance ‘Chapter 31 Variation and selection ‘Chapter 32 Ecology and ecosystems Chapter 33 The cycling of nutrients Chapter 34 Useful microbes ‘Chapter 35 Human impact on the environment ‘Chapter 36 Farming and foo reduction ‘Chapter 37 Conservation Answers Index Ghapter 7; Four steps to success/in examinations {you have already read about the brain you might Sf. Hsieh deer a renioucb aur gran anne “ints samo eas opto _ ofegeauacarnia jr cers Sativa yl wae put tanto Gf Saenyoodttonry tt weer th carhuty nen pv bese at heen fapouat Newiee paren ae sign nto oeceasgocna pty Stet ot oes creo 1 | REVISION ‘Thee ena ae method of ein that works or everyone. istherore inperart distor the aproac Wat suis you best. Th lowing rls nay serve as gral quieres. {BE PREPARED INTEGRATION IN THE CEREBRUM OF THE BRAIN Co Leaingevaryting ur ‘hela mnt ees your chars of cs, rk il bec more Sesh whl ce Sue concern. Tere reve fen pespe who Ga redee eertirg her gt ler od alldowel nn ‘eraminaion be hen you are wating. reste. vk fer ut an hot Ted than tte shat tear cfs en or ‘PLAN YOUR REVISION TIMETABLE Sto 20ranutes Then 30 back aotherpodctve essen pre, ‘ou reed to pan yar evn timetable some weeks bere the ‘exameton ardmake surest your tine shared stay Deen ‘your abject ‘Onceyou hive dove thi folow it~ don bese vaca. Sik your metab somensere prominent bere you wil ep sein it~ oF ‘nates pu several aroued yout home! KEEP TRACK se cheats andthe relent exaninaton board yas to keep track your progtess Mark of apes you have eed and el ender wih Concerta your ters on on things you ae ss appr th MAKE SHORT NOTES, USE COLOURS Reon soften ore fev when you do somaig active rather tha simply wating rate’al. As you ead ough yout rtes and ‘entooks nae ba pots on kya, books your om Drovety ou could high the paso pages tht ae eer 0 {he spetiavon yu aretalouing, Concerta an undestarcing ‘he eas ther tan stmenor zg he fas, PRACTISE ANSWERING QUESTIONS: REA ‘you fish each opty anseng some questions. Tere are tome this bok tol you ne Copter) You sod aoe Concerted ers vay bard wort imprtar to ve sons ramps pape tt yo ey nwo bet oes youtsel neo relax as to uerk Bll same ese tine mo ar terbooks. au ga contiene you wb able tert are ore (gusts ie, a ou wl te wea Four steps to success in examinations 2 | KNOW WHAT TO DO TEARN THE KEY WORDS ame: he answer vaulted term (rtchorin fr example) carssting ol no mare than afer words. State's vay Sia athough the arsner may be a phrase or srtence Name ard State dated anything adie there's ro red for explanation Define the rei fora mearirg of pati tam ie what Wat is meant by. coer used stead of define List youneedto wt down a nunber of pos each may ony bea single word th no eed fr ep aration Describe: your ase wil sinply say what'shappenieg in a sitar shoun inthe qesior, eg. the temperate incrased inp 25°C — theres mad fr ep onatior ‘Suggest: you wil ed to se yur Lnowlnige and undestanding of ougeal opts toepiain a fet that may be nat you. You Inght ze apencple of engnn actor fo suggest nhat' hopper inanindstal process for samp Teeny be more than one sceplabin ars ois ype of question Explain: the answer wl ben cen prose the fon cf comete serena Yous nea use your knoe ond Urdestardirg of Bologca! ops to write mire out astaterie {athe enna the gusto eatin our ase (Questions its fer ask you to state and explain, and rower often nude he werd because, CCaleulate:aruma’cal arse 10 be obtained sal tom data Given inthe question Ramarbe 2G yur araner tothe correct ruber of significant owes, {ey tao or tree + Gvetie caret unt + Stow our war TN THE EXAMINATION Check that you have the ext question papel hve ate many options sre slabuses so nae sues ou ave the paper you wae expecting, Fea rough he whol pp bel begiring See the qustans you are mos cofertbiewith— theism ‘that os you must ensere the esas inthe nde hy te pte Readthe question cael "ery the key word yr deine). Dea give pif you car’ anaver atof a qleston. The net part may be easter and may roid a cue to ubat you shoud doin the part you tnd ft. Check he ruber of mats cated eadh secon of th questo, Rea dite ram abies and gaps cart Take note of col headngy, bes on axes, scales, ard its wad Keep an eye the Cock perhaps cede you Tina atte youve shed SU oe paper sean "et oe tin wise Dart just st ae ar gant ound the rou. Chek that you avert sed out any eco (or ule quast ars! Mary studs fag! t ok atthe back page ofan exam pape Repeat (Glaatrs to make suettatyoukaventmade an attra eet a Success! | Using this study guide Each section is arranged to help you to learn facts and to understand their importance, at whatever level you are studying! ‘The external assessment of [GCSE Biology (labus number 0610) can be made at two levels ‘At core level you will study only the sections of the syllabus identified as core, and sit two \eriten papers (numbers 1 and 3) as well as taking a practical assessment (Paper 5 or 6) The highest grade which you can be aviarced for core papers is a grade C. ‘Atextended love you will study both the core and the supplement sections in the syllabus The two writen papers are identified as Papers 2 and 4 (you will aso lake Practical Assessment 5.0r 6), and can be awarded up to grade AY What are the differences between care and supplement: Paper 1 and 3 or Paper 2 and 4? The core and the supplement papers ar different in bath the knowledge or facts you need, and in the skils you need to use in applying this knawled. ‘+ What extra knowdedge's required forthe supplement? The kntowledge is quite distinct from the core e.g. mechanism of active transport ‘amino acic sequence and protein structure, DNA structure, limiting factors in photosynthesis, explanation of cholera, detals of immune response, contral of blood slucose, nitrogen cycle "You can fin wht i required forthe supplement in the right hand colurnn of your syllabus, ‘+ What extra skis are required for the supplement? Generally questions on Papers 2 and 4 require deeper understanding of material that is covered in the core £9. chemical digestion, negative feedback, kidney function, advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction. Papers 2 and 4 generally also need more application of knowledge. ‘The diagrams in each chapter af ths sty guide contain alot of facts. Supplement material ‘needed only forthe extended papers is made obvious throughout with a wavy fine so make sure to pay attention to the material that you need to cover. By studying these revision diagrams you should have covered the facts that you need to answer questions on your IGCSE papers. You will do better on these papers if you practise Lusng these fact so, following each of the revision pages, you weil ako fing a series of ‘xarination-style questions. Don't forget: cancidates for the extended papers need to attempt aMfof the questions, Le those with the wavy line and those without it Four steps to success in examinations Crosswords and matching definitions exercises help with vocabulary and with definitions Some candidates may not have English a a firs language and may find some of the specific words in the syllabus challenging — perhaps dificult to define or dificult to spel Crosswords can help with these problems as the corect answers can only be entered if ++ You can recognise the word from its definition, and ‘+ You can spell the word corecty Many of the sections in this revision guide include a crossword as a summary of that part of the sflabus. ‘Other sections in the study quide have "matching definitions” tests to act as summaries ‘These are very useful for checking that you can correctly identify biological tems from their definitions, Answers [At the end of the book are the answers to all ofthese practice questions. As you check your answers against these, make sure that you have included all of the spectic biological words (the best answers include sutabe scientific vocatulary) and, if necessary, the units for any ‘quantities used in caiculations. Ghapter 2; Sample exam question answers: {Qn the folowing pages some sample examination questions are answered, As you study them ty to notice te following key points: ‘© What are you told to do and has the answer done it? Key words to look for are ‘state; describe; explaln; suggest; predict; calculate ‘+ the number of marks offered must be matched by the number of points made ‘© can you recognize what part of the sjllabus is covered ty the question? This will uide you to the likely answer 1+ some questions cover complicate material but actually contain most ofthe information ‘you need to gain full marks! 41. The graoh below shows the volume of air inthe lungs ofa ptson measure over a period of time, rox! dee brea Ireshing in andout roa venting , ing woune sooo some of atin ‘angen? & 8 8 é ° 04 8 2 6 2 am a ~ do be Te a ee oe ime seconds 2. With reference tothe orah calculate bests per mint, the rate of nar treathing between A and B (Show your working} ————_/ “complete beatin eons So 4452 brat in Go seconde e Litt) 6 230525 breaths er minute (2) li. State the volume of al remaining in the lungs after the deep breath our 1500 ean? i Eiplain owe te intercostal muscles ae involved in teathing fom VY tire Biotec. ohms ncrats because ener intercostal mutes ett ar) and i te i de pas, and outa (| mat) a ‘At time D, the person performed one minute of vigorous exercise. be onthe gran Glaria athe E Conte the graph 10 show the persons breathing pattern alter this exercise @ Ii. Explain why the breathing pattern changes after a period of exercise Preaue + Less onjgen requredMess Co, tobe excreted + Fewer, sallower beeats wll be enough {otal 10 marks) J-Don' forge! You wil get 2 mark for correct working even if you rake a mista wth the anon. J-Don't forget the units! J-€xplain is more than describe, an your aneuer bagin wit the word because? Y-Notice this ~ many tudes doit 1=Person should be recovering ‘rom deeper, faster breathing. Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0810 Paper 3 QS June 1998 Y Sample exam question answers 2. a. State three normal functions ofa root ‘ 1 To.ancheor thr plant the so Touabeorb water from the sol 3. Tozabsorb mineral Jor, rem. toe sl, “The diagram below shoves 2 mangrove tree growing in a swamo. Mergrove wee Mutsurace [ee “The roots of the mangrove are specially macified to avercame the fact that aie spaces in ‘the sol are always files with water. In other respects, the roots are normal in structure and function Arrows Q, Rand § represent the rovernent of gases into and out of the tee | So light is avaiable for sco each qua data ho aces wteeawhan ®) Promise b. 1. Name gases @ and R (ai, foreach gas, stata the orocess in the tree which produces ‘ou need bots answers to as_ONOEN : gah fe ar the gat ast rath the proces Gasp evden onde li. Name gas $ and state in which Bid + Poots drt photosyttesize Gass One process. EEO ao Name the unusual response being shown bythe eect oot ofthe te, ove phettropm or negitiveattrople) w ‘Active transport a process which occurs in most plant roots (Sigg why mangrove roots may have cfc in caving Ou th procs Your anewer should refer to some biolagical knaeledge + Active tranapoct requies enecay from respiration _ 7 Boks a obai uch onsgp for aerobic expiration (otal 2 marks) Cambridge Biology 0610 Paper 3 Q2 June 1998 =) Revision guide: Biology 3. The table below shows how three alleles contra the ABO hurman blood group system, 16 Causes the production of antigen A on red blood cells FF Causes the production of antigen B on red blood cells FF Dossnot cause the production of antigens on eblod cls Lroportant information which wil When f and te inhefted together they are equal in ther effet. When P isinerited —/) DF use ater in the question with either or Pit is recessive. [Acdear instruetion ~ 0 need — i 2. (Comolete the diagram below by fling in the blank circles to show the possiole for any explanation here inheritance ofthe ABO blood group system in Wr anc Ws Shah's chien. Mesa is sta At mais Fecuction divin) ‘only one of each pair of alleles fom te diploid gare can be paced to any single areas haploid gamete [A fertilisation two haploid iors gametes fuse fo for a diploid stdin gore b. When and phenotyoe. Nai o-borinandi Linger No or (Bale) ne term phenotype Tp any enlaraten “Te total of he features of characterises of ano erie determined by ~Gij J ne X or ¥ chromosome & L_ What the probability ofthe oldest chile being fernale? Carved ne le gael 50% or Yor bin? | There are equch ruber of K and Y gametes li Whats the probability of the eldest child being female with blood group 8? % (being female) x (Deng B) = 4 oF 25% or tin 4 4. Somatines a patient needs ablood transfusion. tis very important thatthe) NN: nat, a5 this means bod given tothe patient oes nat contain any antigen which & not inthe 4in§ or 20% patiots own fe blood cals. Which parent can donate blood safe to any of the possible children? (otal 5 marks) 4 Sample exam question answers Select the correct term from the list below and verte it in the box next tits description. ™ allele dominant gene genotyge_-~ heterozygous horozyaous phenoyee rosie re form of a ere that ahrye har fete , when itis present td 2 form of a gers that codes for on ofa mae fair convasing fetues an ogni having mo ctr foms of pene or a paral este beteozyaous tho alk that an mais has i ts chromosome. spomne @) ‘Two red flowered plants were crossed. The seeds produced were germinated and gre¥7 into 62 white flowered plants and 188 re flowered plas |. Which flower colour is controlled by the recessive form of the gene? ite (foe nthe 2 ‘is i Using the symbols Rand r, construct genetic iagrar to exlsin the rel ofthis ros. fats tad ad Gwetpe ® cme © © ©@ ong @|o eae Opp e thenonpe 2 i nd vite ; — @ Hi One of the white lowered offspring was crossed wth are flowered offspring, (Predict) the two possible ratios of red and white flowered plants that their seeds Sac teh pl rat ret anid wei foivese pants tet the seeds | [NY red (fr parent is hemoeygous ~ FE) 1 ‘a died: white (fre arent is hetenonygous ~ Re) ) otal 11 mars) Cambridge Biology 0610 Paper 2.05 June 2005 ‘ any clear ineteuction f You cait gett wrong if jou ute this quae font forget to ge tne reniolpes using your biological sovledge ology oO 5. The diagram below shows a food wel from the Antarctic. iter a>AN, iss L porn 58 fous Gabester Alone Gia) otha source of ere orf web, eee tere, = Wit inthe names of organisms to form a complete food chain Killer whale z eat ea a ae png 4 etl 7 Noe Theres concetn that pollution ofthe environment may change the breeing round ofthe Adie penguin. Giate and ‘and the Ros eal breed tes succesfull) opuation could rite ecawe tere would Ross seal be fener leopard seals to act as predators jan organism in this food web that is both a secondary and a tertiary {no need for explanation ‘iy ate il cone) and fic (ertiary) {count the rurber of steps {—anust begin withthe (9) produces J two pieces of information the effect this might have on the populations of the Leopard seal | needed ~ can you lin them vit the word becauee? ia (otal 7 marks) ro] Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 2.96 June 2005 Sample exam question answers ‘ 6. The graph below shoves the heart rate and the cardiac output. The cardiac outputs the ‘volume of blood pumped out ofthe heart each minute, enact Id permite >) EEE a @ 8 1 120 10 ert te bts per mnt ai. What f the cardiac output ata heart rate of 100 beats per minute? read direct (end 8d? pee rte Faecal So the grag it (Baise te increas in cardiac ouput when the heart rateinceases trom) do fret ee unt Jo 99 bast perme % 4 ‘means thee same. as S2he2, dm? per minute (1) | eaeahat’ (or ‘wor ot’) Ti Determine the increase n carciac outout when the heart rate increases from 100 to 120 beats per minute we Gag Sasi ee dm? par minute i) bb. Which chamber ofthe heart pumgs blood into the aorta. left venice Il. The upper and lower chambers on each side of the heart are separated by valves State the funclion of these valves. 4 prevent the backflow of Blood (rom veil to atria), ii Cambridge I6CSE Biology 0610 Paper 2.Q7 November 2005, Ghapter 3; Design an experiment ‘An experiment is designed to test the validity of a hypothesis and involves the collection of data, a (ecpeitnapeasnitmaes) L 4 (Keawet eons | | i | (Sedo fae eth of tre can be wsedto | | Semana, | Sennen | variable ‘Thelght ers canbe varied by | rnc nemo “he coe ofrmeasrr equine il alt | pons Getatyteaige = / he enerireie sis the npat (independent variable, ) | continuous variable } sane ey raipect except the ‘routvorble rot conged bt ‘Slepteonstart, ‘con! lows contnaan ‘ato unknown variable 'sresporsble fay observed charges therespartng ‘arabe, hep oat te experimen fale test. ‘There are other variables that must) Dincagcmied stat, rence ey | | | Soeemirars | | metas ont | Carsestnfnct Seria rte | | ent ns | Se | ed Nenber fleas (set) ent ac of thas fad vals could infer he otcome becuse there | beescertiierestone hy ea of them ccudbe an pail. | ‘repeat 's petonned when te experinener suspects tha isleauing deta as bee obtained trough operaa et "Means of ses of sue iii te enc of any Single sit, ard therefore rece te efecto any Yom’ or rama dt. The we of meaner: te aby ff data how orient you me abot the oes x Ghapter 4: Dealing with data May involve a number of steps 1. Organization of the raw data (the information which you actualy collect during your investigation), 2. Manipulation of the data (converting your measurements into another form). and 3. Representation of the data in graphical or other form, Steps 1 and 2 usually invohe preparation of a table of results Rave data: nut varie May often ive ys inet hand cure Preset eg, bal er Irate orbits min” INDEPENDENT or NPUT | DEPENDENT or VARIABLE, awuLareD oats, VARIABLE eg.teMrg | OUCOMEeg OKYGEN Given | eg. RATE OF OXYGEN our em PRODUCTION cn! prin Column heading hou ‘rela name of variable ard untseg- temperature Cor Deri rom he aw date. ‘emperatue'n 13 readings ofa atcone ‘afb are ake, the maar Wet wodey wee mepare e or My ene an 20.00 Units should always be in eee ‘helps oui tele Bormann: meee ra Sapient 2635 oes recom ey sanfcat gees ent | 3095 eB gmn terse 0 Taman re shad bean « Btveruntase Inermatve tus imp ro? a ‘effect of (varablein LH {Sur on ere na um 4, Efet of temperature on use rate in ars ‘et sti ‘lars: dene rae ks 2nsing value shud Se iene ——— 1 vale of ser shouldbe ‘Shon as Ghapter 5; Graphical representation ‘A graph isa visual presentation of data anc may helo to make the relationship between variables more obvious, Le. allow the experimenter to draw a conclusion. og Ss eae 194 359 308) 351 404 448. fant as hell as evTue popy TeMPeRATURE*C AR TEMPERATURE °C which suggests that reptile body temperature is directly proportional to air temperature ‘Validity how much confidence canbe ‘Hace nthe conctsion Data is cry valid "here's ony one input variable Can be sifted by the vange rd eeliablity of nesses csscceceesat There should be a Informative tit, for eagle: Fect of (arabe on ax) ‘on voabie n'y ax) a) ‘A graph may be produces from a table of data following certal Graphical representation vais outeme (ependen) =e NB uit separated a, sical quay by 2 ocds e5.reptle temperature °C crinworde 2g reptile temperature in °C crinkrodees e5.reptle temperature) plotted «ard % bre mos appropriate. The ne ofthe ares shouldbe ledinisea bck ine Axes shave ince oe chew posse, Unbroken, Fan exist betrofer to mae best se ofthe scale the ea shouldbe ee Scale on axes shold 2 bermaked in equal Increments 1b entero cour al Pioted pots Make best se othe Space avlatle tiga shouldbe shows cnboth aes Points sould be cle input (dependent) ia Biscay me ‘Once the point ae potted they ‘naj be jored by oath cae, ‘iheay pcs a sot, soe oN TEAPEATORE cy short straight inst 2 Sino, seh arg cane be redid. KENT Mean jy ANAL Yer NB. curve shuld never enters ‘ego ral plated pot Ghapter 6; The Variety of life {WING THINGS: THEIR CHARACTERISTICS) The bisphers made up of hing and ror vr tings Plas and avimals hing tgs because he have these characters fepiaion sthemon | irra pce Ho | ogmsm Save uress | Resneeoseenegy by | repiatn. RESPIRATION: the ceca reactions hat beck dav rent roles in ving toreene fey, Fea + oxygen > ergy enter + carbon ile (GROWTH a permanent Incase saan ry mas by an nese Celinanber cel size or bt ‘MOVEMENT: in acon ban eras or pat clan ogarsm causing ‘achargee! poston ot place ExCAETON: ena femargeansctore mate beware ode teal Gea rendire ces incudrgt ep tan ard sisares nen sneer 'WUTRITION: the process dl tking raters lor enegs roth and deeper Prt eit ih aon ox, eter and ios ima need rie Comeuri rsd vate, ‘REPRODUCTION: tne oss that make mere of thesameled of gers ‘SENSITIVITY te abity to elector sae changes nthe ferviernerttiulandto rake responses. ey term: a species sa galpalouasrs tat cn Fepredce to producefetle ing. THE VARIETY OF LIVING ORGANISMS.) {A LING ORGANISM wil sow same ora ofthe characte of le— RESPIRATION 2 pally seu ore olaok oa ang ‘agar nedrergy a ofthe tne! You ean find ot wc ype ot ivi args sy serving it carelly and ther arse the ‘olowing questions 4 othe garam made ta singe cel? YES Goto question? NO Goto qesion3 2 Dotheeels haerodea mucus? YES Ieaprokaryote NO Kseprotoctistan 3 Dothecelshaverocallwal? YES Wear animal -go to qesion 4 Dothecels have an aos ells? YES Goto question 14 5 Doesthearinn have abctboneand YES Goto quesfon6 ‘tera skeen NO Goioqueson 10 6 Doesthearins|havea soo, YES _I'sap amphibian nose stint NO Gove gestion? 7 Ae thre cls one skin? YES Golo question’ NO Goto uesiond 8 kthe sin ay? YE Keaveptile No Weafiah 9 Dorsithave ethers wings Ye itso bed andabeak? No samammal 10 Dorsithaveasegmentedbod)? YES Goto qenfon 11 No Ks amollue 11 Doesithave ed ints? YE Goto questont2 NG an armelid 12 Doesithavethwepaisoflegs? YES. I'sar inset NO Goto qusiont3 12 Dowsithave four psoflegs? YES napder NO ss erustacean 14 Dothecelscrtanchorphyl YES. I'saplant go rdhipast? to mum 18 ose fungus 15 Doasithavestan, eaves androots? YES Goto qusion 17 NO Gotoqueston 16 16 Doesithavestans andlenvsiue YES 'samoss roroot? NO Wesnaga 7 Does produce spores? YE Sot Dies i proce seeds? YS isa lowering plant (Angisperm) "NAMING THE ORGANISMS Linaave was cient who beeved he could ut every organs ito a giup the scence of AKONONMY) and gve every exgarism arame “the scence of NONTENCLATURE, each ogres aurique, {wopat rane nbs MOMALSITIM eg — atone — Panthero eo human's ore sapiens Supelement ‘The variety of life ae — rs a See icage eine Pea Deane Fems ‘© limited to damp environments because (a) they do not have a thick cuticle and es aa eee areas a SE Rs a a OT ees pies eee uments ae backbones). Crustaceans: segments, usually each with legs, claws or feelers oe ene on + etclleton ard bar for potcion sees a aco oe ea eer ea a ins 4 ahve peng js sine alae peestors ‘Myriapods '* long, thin body with many segments for moving easily through soil and leaf litter “antennae as sense organs in drk habitats oe [ HINT! Itis easier to remember these groups if you use \ ‘examples from near where you Ive! VERTEBRATES (ANIMALS WITH BACKBONES) =) SS Fh Scales ly-covred eons; usual use extemal frtsation (al aqui ins Eztethermie + sesandlatealling Gils fr gas exchange Apibians # Mostskin + Jely-covered cogs: enteral fertilisation (ainaysbreed in watey) + Four ins + Etuthermie + Byes and eas + Langsstn for gs exchange Reptiles + Dgscaly skin + Softstelled egos internal ferisstion {ay eogsonland) + Four imbs (notin snakes) + Ectothermic + yes and eas + Lungs for gas xchange Binds + Feathers (sales ones) + Harsha eogs:inteal frtisatin (vey few sre aquatic) +Tuo wings twolegs———» Endothemic + Hye: and eas + ngs fr gas exchange Mammals Fu or bait “+ Lve young (a fe ay eg) (vey few ate aquatic) + Four limbs + Endthermic + yes ad eas + Langs forges exchange + Niples + Fee joung wth mil rom mammary lacs cfs as Youcould be ashed to directly ‘You coud us these features in escibe these in exam questions ‘questions on othe opis Classification was originally based on structure (morphology and anatomy) but now the sequence of bases in DNA is used as {2 more accurate method. Its important to dssify organisms for = conservation ‘= nderstanding of evolutionary relationships 11. Select fom thelist the name ofthe group of animals that best fits each descrotion. ite your choice in she aol aadnid ord crustacean fish mammal — mollusc a az ‘hard exslaeton and mre than 4 pas tes ‘hard shel and a siny ‘muscular foot ‘one pao wings and seat iL State which ofthe drawings shows a one pa of wins and skin ‘monocotyledon laf State one reason for ‘covered wit fur your choice. o to pals of wings and nepal of aniennce qe 2. a. biology student working in a museum mixed up — a series of specimens. The specimens ae nared in e thi < AMPHIBIAN, EARTHWORM, BACTERIUM, BRD, ik State which of the crawings shows an anti MANVIMIAL, FISH, REPTILE, FUNGUS, MOSS, FERN, State one reason for your choice 0 PROTOCTISTAN, VIRUS, FLOWERING PLANT, INSECT, PARASITE Choose organisms from this ist to match the following descriotions: i. body covered with fur as mammary olands 1 cells wth cll wall but no chlorophyll; reproduce by spores Ti, body covered with dry scales Tk. has these regions — head, thorax and aadomen single cel, without definite nucleus ican only reproduce within another living cel; few genes inside protein coat li, State which ofthe drawings shows an arachnid vi has feathers an! a beak maintains constant State one reason for your choice. 0 body temperature a ». All ving organisms display certain characteris. Complete the following sentences about these characteris, iL releasing eneray in cel is called a ithe removal of the waste products of the chemical rocesses inthe body is called. (1) ithe ability to respond to changes inthe 6 ceavironment is called wy 4 $< EEE 3. a. Diagrams A to H show organisms or parts of ‘Bigarierid Got aeawn tScae) Iv. State which of the drawings shows a crustacean, State one reason for your choice. (1) 16, The length ofthe drawing of worm Cis shown, ‘The actual length of the worm fs 5 mm. Calculate the magrification ofthis drawing. Show your ‘working. @ Camoriége IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 2 Q1 June 2007 4, Tho dlagram below shows a mayfly nym fa lava that ite the oiagram letter ofeach ofthe species in lives in wate. the corect box ofthe table. jsrecies | iaGRAMLETTER_| vingand gis Centroptilum Ecdyonurus Ephemera Paraleptophlebia Potomanthus 4 2. L._Ust two features, visible in the elagram, that shows this isan insect. @ Ti. What special adaptation does the insect shoven ‘above have that allows itto live in water? (1) bb. Below there are five mayfly ayrnohs. Camoridae IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 2.91 June 2005 5. The clagram shows ten organisms, Ato J a) Dea 9 Rear part legs point forwards ean or sidenays = gow 3 2 Gilsproctsidevays rom body Paraleptophlebia Gils folded overbods Ephemera 3 Each ila single at plate a goto Fach gl divided into two stands Potomanthus 4. Tails feather’ like in shape Centroptilum tar Tals 'neele shaped Fedyonurus ‘Look at the scale factor next to each organism. In The fresh mass and the dry mass of each sample were real ite, ‘measured and ate shown inthe graph below. hich organism the smallest? " _ Which organism the arg” 2 b, Five the organisms in the ciagram have several a ine S featues fn comrnon A fens List the letters ofthese five organisms 2) 10 € Choose three of the organisms frm your ist ™ in (o) which look to be more closely related a to each other than they are to the other two ; organisms, a = i Give two features ofthese organisms which i the other twororganisrs donot have, (2) oa G._ Tho drawings show four rents. 0 0 Tine ays 2. State why the fesh mass an oy mass of a seedling are different. a li. Fresh mass isnot reliable as a measure of plant growth. Suggest why dey mass fs a moce reliable measure of plant growth. co) li Explain why 10 seectings, rather than 1, were used for each sample, 0 fo. i, Descrive what happens tothe fresh mass of the seedlings inthe fst 2 days after the seeds ‘were set fo germinate. @ | Suggest a reason for this change in mass. (1), © i. Descrioe what happens to the dry mass of the seedings during the fst 8 days. 0 2. Complete the following key so that it can be used li. Suggest a reason for this change in mass. (2) ‘to identify each ofthe four reotles. @ 6. Suggest which processes begin inthe living seed Key: uring the early stages of germination. @ 1 Haslees goto2 No legs : 2 Most of body covered oy a shell ‘Shinsaurus erecodtiures 3 Front legs ermatemnys mat 4 Front legs Chelonia mys Describe one feature, which you can see in the drawings, which all four reptiles have in common but which isnot present in a human. a 7. large numberof seocs were germinated on damp san Random samples of 10 sedlings vir taken every two days Supplement ‘The variety of life LIVING ORGANISMS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS: Crossword i F re 7 re Ds fe Fe 2 across pou: Ne cnet of ew nv of the came pie 2 fame ofthe ste pede of matablen 6 Sngecsiedergans wth sentences 2 Gervrtharncute a baby ce 3. Table to detect cares nthe ervcrmert | The proper rome frau = mean Wiseman’ 50 Asaruence of DNA rma be sed nas aton 5 Sngeee whet sdeove rales {2 Ths rgd rcs Ftnaneand cher cordses F tapepaireetd ents ho amma 13 Abang efor eto la erga Theta of rani gars 6 Onion of ood to ween ere 21 Manabe difeences betneen ageism 22 A dangeinpsitn of am ageism 23 The pak of he herr of tana ours 24 King hose mendes fey enteral Sesion 25 Ese drive the roceses of fe and to marian exgizaton 11 Thearrergument of moles andcelsintoa verkng pater 114 Supply of rewrmaterias for metabo grout and epeducon 15 Apemarert cease ine 17 rather ame foc iain’ =the cence of puting ving erganisns ‘nto raps 18 Kingdom wih merberscapatie ofphotogmthes's 18 Menbes of ths troram'c gop can mate nd produce ete orig 20 Bsetof questo ha cre aed our We rane ol orgs Ghapter Gells, tissues and|organs Cells: building blocks of life Living things are made of cells. Vany of the chemical reactions that keep organisms alive (metabolic functions) take place in ces OMMON FEATURES OF CELE [= Alea thf expr etree tog ll ambvane abi a ak Govan betas eal ‘aaa: catalan obec Sema teeters corel egetertenccns) isms opot |_| eons te gence (OAD pmumet cred sdtrsito |_| ute wn dhe sic thts ft or tale be celts renzo tao cass vcs thesianre dacs ca ed sents mee {orpaneleg ee cron wacrns | | Buodcls dorama nce ‘Stn eal veal equ ar PLANT CELL ‘ANIMAL CELL, ' shape. Water ad Ssslved substances can passthrough the 2 Wcgenin ari el (aco: inal ale may hove several sa epee thew care tr digestion feexaeon of es vat ‘WORKING OUTTHE SUE OF CELS:yu wilireedto measure something and wea magnification to work out an actual sz steaton = Messed ena Meas eth Magricaton= "Real engh so ee ato Cells, tissues and organs (7g Cells, tissues, organs and organ systems Multicellular plants and animals contain many different types of cel. Each type of cel is designed fora particular function Cells are organized to form tisues, organs, and organ systems. In a healthy organism, all the systems work together. ‘SPEGALIZED CELLS ‘ORGANISH ‘Aspen eli desigred todo aris onan syste together make wp patter ob. senorganism. Theva celshavelong hires to cary - Novae a hema egaran. You have nesage, \ Srespatory stem 1 Mclclis cn contact and rl . dgetve system + Redbiood c's cary yen Bereustey 9etem ‘sr the boy Tey crtain ( Servos stem haemoglobin, wc cor cine terre stn wrthongen, Specialized cals eM edee scan angen ite ls atch Doct plalashe doting Organ system Boal creator ‘se TISSUES s ‘ORGAN SYSTEMS Lange numbers of speca'ed els working \ Various organs together make up an renee snares frexmpe bot crs ed alate cae ead aeacapeeen Moet bebamy sradepol be frecionthone han od feat fe arin he es Be captlanes Pitclet cease conga Tad ooe feed ‘Tissues ores aad heart ta pup blood) + nce ees (especaly nthe hese) + blocs \aroustisues together make yp an ‘organ. Fah crgar has its au spectic fa Thehea the tach ad he brain Seal organs Thehearthasto urmpbiandarourthe boy hsm of masee issue, blood vessels md nerves, ‘WB Aiwies ad vers esas aught o as tagars as they cost oF sera tee lye. ‘ed for plans . . ’ i | | | =)» oie at —> rt | _ | \ J roathaie CELL Tssue oRGAN oncansit [(efes 7) Revision guide: Biology 11. The diagram below shows several types of animal and plant cel (nat drawn to Scale Seqieice ° 42. Use the key below to identity each of the cells Cel containing a nucleus g0tos ‘marke with an asterisk (*). Write the letter Cell lacking a nucleus cELD corresponding to each cell next to the appropriate diagram. For each ofthe asterisked cells ite the sequance of numbers from the key that led to your answet Identification Key 1 Cell with distinct cell wall goto2 Cell with memrane but no cell wall. 9010-4 2. Cell with chloroplasts in the cytoplasm... 40 %0 3 Cell without chloroplasts in the cytoplasm... CELL A 2 Cell with less than 10 chloroplasts visible... CELL B Cell with more than 10 chloroplasts visible . CELL C CCl with projections at one or more ends... go 10.6 Cel without projections... g0t08 Cel with projections at each end CELLE Cel with projection/projections at one end only ss go to7 Cll with a large number of projections at ane end . - CELE Cel with a single, long projection at one end cELG Cll with a many-lobed nucleus CELH Cet with a round nucleus CELL bb. Three of the cel shown in the diagram above are types of human blood cell. Name each of the three cells and describe one function of each of the cells i. Name of call Function Cells, tissues and organs i. Name of cell Function fi. Name of call Function @ The clagrams below show plant cll, an animal cll and a virus, The diagrams are NOT drawn tothe same scale, a. The parts ofthe plant coll ae lacalled A, 8, C, D. E and F ite the letter of the named part in the box rest t its name in the list elo. carwau— cvrortasm vacuoue— 8 Name the part labelled Zin the ciaaram of an anioal call. w State two cifferences, shown inthe diagrams, ‘between the plant cll and the animal cel, 2) Which part ofthe plant cel contains the genes! alleles? 0 ‘What biological arm desries a group of sirilar cok? w Use only the information in the élagram to suggest two reasons why the vius nota cel @ [(efes 7) Revision guide: Biology 3. The diagram showes a call from a plant leaf. 4. a. The diagrams below show five types of tissue Match each tksue with isconect function.) ‘ove ust ord acteraup he bronchi of ‘nein a. Name structures A and B. Q b. Structure € is a chloroplast. What the function of a chloroplast? a “tensors water sardines Ahreugh he tem ofapart ‘A plant cell has chloroplasts, whereas an animal cell does not. Give two more differences between plant and animal coll. Q 4, An average plant cell is SOjim long and 20ym wie, Haw many plant calls could fit into 1 men’? Show your working a 'o,xplain wy the heart is described as an organ anc ot as a tsse. @ Cells, tissues and organs REVISION SUMMARY: Fil in the missing words Use words from this fst to complete the following paragraphs. The words may be used ‘once, mare than once or not at al PAUSADE CELL, EPIDERMIS, TISSUES, EXCRETORY SYSTEM, SPECIALIZED, CELLS, 8LOOD, KIDNEY, CHLOROPLASTS, LEAF, RED BLOOD CELL, DIVISION OF LABOUR, XYLEM, PHLOEM, NERVOUS, SYSTEMS, ENDOCRINE, ORGAN a. Large numbers of sconnouthal have the same structure and function are grouped together to form for example Several Separate tissues may be joined together to form an hich is a complex structure capable of performing a particular task with great efficiency. In ‘the most highly developed organisms these complex structures may work together in for example the In humans 6s responsible for the removal of the waste praducts of metabolism. 6 The structure of cells may be highly adapted to perform one function, i.e. the calls may become ne excellent example is the whieh {5 highly adapted to camry oxygen in mammalian blood. I the diferent cells, tissues and organs of ¢ multicellular organism perform cifferent functions they are said to shows ne consequence ofthis s the need for close co-orination bbotween cifferent organs ~ this function i performed by the oe and systems in mammals 6 Implants an example ofa coll highly specialized for photosynthesis isthe ‘which contains many ‘These calls are located in the organ called the _ which also contains other tissues such a5 ‘which limits water loss, an which transports ‘water ane mineral ions tothe lat 6) Supplement Ghapter 8: Movement of molecules inyand out of cells Diffusion, osmosis and active transport are processes by which molecules are moved. Diffusion and osmosis are passive, but active transport requires energy. DIFFUSION, : ‘OSMOSIS IS THE DIFFUS arson oF meee? ‘Themovemant of moles rom areion ae acu olther heher cocenaton o arajon Water fuses hough partially permeable ower concentration Mocs, rmerivnes by esos ‘move Sonn aconeartaton seta: 8 ‘aut a her rendom move. ‘The nery for difision cme to the etic erergy of random mover ct rmoacues adios sos causes water overt fom tec fd cle femsol vote toroathls om aye to eat mesg Fans sapped by wt hic as rere cals osm casing a presse ossing agent cl el onesie The movement water Sess pela pemenlemenbne “Fis pal res tht apr «manifest wat oe Era tenets fro hte tpt hs al moles ice aster than 5 tense plat ces ouses turgor Ingenio presture os poses gpa he ost + Gio spends pas tenpentre hose cla [ACTIVE TRANSPORT MAY MOVE MOLECULES AGAINST A. For ving cells te pice ie ‘CONCENTRATION GRADIENT ‘moiemert of mses dou 2 ease fenceiraton ae the sme server of oie tnt there ion pon am cal is surrounded bya cll membrane, whch can est the ee more - olthemoleaies “26 sic partially permeable Importartexamoes: | membrane theconpostio ofthe eogaention at | meninane pi rdprotei) ons Seeing. | Som moet ox wit ene Inti carpe hore re mae ain ad rmoeedes Sone ise oe ‘neriane Ban nth = tormoveany ‘norfrom f tobwlbwhi, agalst Stouse” | Romencn ancy emte eo tar gu hai Cite | kareena ‘Raga hea S roe saree Sa ety satie aoe "+ soluble foods “larger sucrose molecule @ php (ATP) fran respiration. siicots | ABS det on secon see cat ye ar 4 meio | ort temncaes ft on epeetn eg Capea ae Soreness ew 7 igre Saas (ose Safed steer etme ay beget oc Seer pe Saneoe + Sctntdsoimtesiowien | + distace reve reuses penises 1, The cals of the epidermis ofthe rhubarb stem contain 2 red pigment. This pigment makes it easy to see BN a the cytoplasm in these ces, and to observe how the oll membrane pled away fom cell wll No ‘cytoplasm and cell membrane are attected by the visible vacuole, external environment > Cell membrane pushed firmly against cll val Sitios of thuivaro epidermis vere placed in three Barge vacuole near centre of cl ferent suerose solutions. The strips were lft in the ORT : : wruere ree a0 rte, ch TS i lo change from ‘norma appearance — cl solutions for 30 minutes, and the cells were observed Pain| eciseeice acne ok aaa vedar: under the high power objective lens ofa bght microscope. ‘Gad vecodsaveartorat “The absewations are recorded inthe table opposite 2. Name the process responsible for these changes in ‘the cells’ appearance. o What term is used to describe the cell membrane that allows this process to occur? o What has happenes to cause the cell memirane ant ‘yloplasm to push agains the cll wallin solution 8741) 6. What can you say about solution C to exolain the appearance of the ces? a ©. Copy this iagram. Complete it and add labels to show the cell membrane, cytoplasm and vacuole of cell place in solution A. 8) celuose “al vel . An experiment was set up to try to measure the Concentration of the cytoplasm inside potato ces ‘A.cork borer was used! to produce identical finders ‘of potato tissue. Twenty-one of these cylinders were blotted cry and weighed, and then three were placed into each of seven boiling tubes labeled A to G. The boiling tubes contained a seres of sugar solutions, ranging {tom 0.0 100.6 molar. Two hours ater the finders were removed from the tubes, blotted dry ane reweighed. The results are shown inthe table below. Concentration of sia solten/ Percentage hangein massof -H10 +6 42-3 —7 potato cinders 00 01 02 03 04 05 a6 10-12 4. Plot a oraph of percentage change in mass against concentation of sucrose soltion. o bb. Use your gragh to state the concentration of sucrose solution that will give no change in mass of the potato tissue. 2 Use your biological knowledge to exalain how this ‘value allows you to work out the concentration of ‘the cytoplasm in the potato ca, 2) 6. Explain why three potato cfinders were placed into each ofthe solutions. 2) © Explain why the potato cinders are blotted ery before they are weighed, Q “Three more potato cylinders were placed into & 1 molar solution of sucrose, The potato cylinders weighed a total of 10 9. Preict the mass of this ‘issue after tuo hours inthis solution Q Movement af molecules in and out of cells (ih) 3. Crop production in many areas ofthe world neces the pplication ot large voles of water. However, when the water evaporates from the soi traces of alls re let behing. Aer several yeas, the sol becomes too say fr most pants o growin State three functions of water in pants. (3) 1 With reterence to the water potential gradient, explain why plants may die when grown in salty soil 8) ©. Some plants ae able to pump sats out of the ont 1. Name the process plants cule use to our salts out of their roots. a 1k Suggest how the process named in (9 could affect the rete of growth ofthe ont if the process was operating al the tie 2 fi, Pans ned mineral salts for nora, ealthy south, Name two minerals that pants need an state their functions. O ‘Acapted from Cambridge ISCSE Biology 0610 Paper 3 QS June 2006 SUMMARY REVIEW: Fill in the missing words Use words from this Ist to comolete the following paragraphs. You may use each word once, more than once or not at al. DIFFUSION, OSIZ0SI5, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, ACTIVE TRANSPORT, ‘CELL WALL, SWELL, SHRINK, PARTIALLY PERMEABLE MEN/BRANE, CYTOPLASM, RESPIRATION, OXYGEN, GLYCOGEN, ‘CARBON DIOXIDE, AVINO ACIDS, PATHWAY, ENERGY, ALONG, AGAINST, CONCENTRATION GRADIENT, EPIDERMIS, LOWER ‘Anita cells contain _ a semifluid solution of salts and other molecules, and are surrounded by a ‘When surrounded by dsiled water, ‘oecause the call has a ‘water potential than the surrounding water lant cells do not have this problem because they are surrounded by a theanimal calls In the gut soluble food substances such as Toss the gut ning into the capillaries by the process of . which s the movement of molecules down a \When an equilibrium is reached between the gut contents anc the bloos, glucose may continue ‘to be moved using the process called which consumes ane can move molecules .-- 8 concentration gradient, The leaves of green plants obtain the gas Z which they require for the process of photosynthesis, by the process of ‘They also lose the gas oxygen, produced during by the same process, (14) Ghapter 9: Biological molecules andifood tests ‘WHAT WOULD YOU TEST? ‘conmrots Fxamplesinlae 2 nef glucose ardpratein acy ost fo wate ston : sia Rid for gc (eoncetveran fas Tp renner sholdgivea ‘neot contains hase) oper food fr dabet pose for ma she [ Bajol noes atanincatan og | roles al crt aban hse TesTING FOR [Ridgmcteatoraneetc tron | ryan CHEMICALS Proteins alco itoger asad sult 7 d rye q | ote 1 DISSOLVE A SAMPLE INWATER “agemoleles ae wl madeyp ssn sale moceser whic eon be roan dom by hss whch (Ses ale aro ogee re ‘Gobir Heegh etesatr Fr exami stnch ard gyeagen ae bothcombratins of gon MA SAMPLE rT ETHANOL [ures rns ansons) Es | Cierdoy my shake the pour the ideal Imire ino an eau) ‘ourmeal water a wiucesiTe EMULSION’: « pasitereit id's present U 1, Food contains biological molecules. Itis sometimes Important to know exactly which molecules are present in which foods. There are chemical tests called FOOD ‘TESTS that allow us to find this out. The boxes opposite list certain molecules and food tests The molecules and the chemical tests are ‘only comectly matched in four ofthe boxes. Write down the letters of these four boxes. Describe exactly how you would carry outa Benedict’ test if you were given 3 povadered sample ‘of a food. Be sure to include any safety measures you would take a a egoive real test stars “throu sli ofthe food ‘Should give a peste reat: the est solutions te working 1+ adddopsolthesdutzn tothe bsedje DcriPunt tebe cou dsapoens 1 few drops tong vitamin Csoluton mary ops weak vlan Cscluton Pree aE PROTEINS cantin the eames C,H, ann) | + adda ew ropsor aver PE teaver | + gery stoke the mire | + aPulheauve colcunisa paste resutprotin i preset [ GLUCOSE (areducrg sa) + ati2enettoetcs [| Fragen ‘ Feat te nue for 2-3 mists raboting water fowucor| + a BRc-ReDORANGE ‘COLOUR sa postive eit sco preset cisions arden | Senet chard J stan 1 ab afer hops fone fovton ‘: rere 3 sutestertae > ‘sa postiveresit std 'spsert. a ao Tae es t mm Tae a Som] Seeatreop G som Tales sobon ee oo a 2. The figure below shows hove Tour cferent food tests (1.2.3 and 4) were carted out. Each gave a positive result, sake thoraucy bo waterbath “or 3 rine sl ak oarge lou preiite a. Complete the table giving the names of the reagents W, X and ¥, and the type of nutrient shown to be present ay each of the four tests. eaent Nutent insample of food 6) bb. State the colours you would have seen ifthe results ‘were negative in: test ~ ~ test 2 co test 4 @) & 1 Suggest two possible items of a person’ diet ‘hich are rch in the nutrient in the food C. Ti Suggest two possile tems of a person’ diet which ae rch in the nutrient in the food D. 2 3. Itis possible o carryout simple chemical tests to investigate the cherical content of biological solutions. Usually these tests involve mixing reagents withthe solution, and nating any colour change. The following ate the results obtained from a series of these tests. [__COLOURAFTERTESTING WITH REAGENT rons Eat testy [EID theta Clare Clear blue Clear bive Se fee pe foe selon s Ea Clearblue Clearblue Orange ye [nes cote ry core purple eS ee yellow Based on the results, match A in the table with the solutions listed below. ‘a. The waste water from a laundry 3) Mik 0 © Crushed potato a 6. Urine froma sufferer from sugardiabetes (1), 2 Sweetened tea a o- 4, The bar chart below shows the percentage of each of ‘the main elements in the human body. os] = 8 Bs a S 0. is En cs ww on onan ° Comet this ifoaton “They care out tr teas on the espe. et 1 nto tle vs for lcae 2 vas for fen an est 3 a or 1 toa pe chan (5) starch The als ofthe tats re show nthe ale 1 ic do you thnk the bet way of soning he aaaTERER MY, Py TE Thee eens relay present as molecules The ‘SAMBA Ble Pile propertione pt the mala molecu ina human bodty SampleB Grange Blue Brown, are approximately: Samole¢ Blue Blue Black Fats 1% sameleD —Oange Purple Brown Protos 125 Diale Bleue rn Carohyitates 1.0% vate water 10% ei the a mundane 4 Which colori the presence of molecule? ay starch? wo 5: ee cinensonnersmniobe Whats the name othe soon which ghes trogen? « pure clor i proteins aresent? o a hin enot messes conores pc nd wg «) alice ut tar ihc mols contains most ofthe i Wiveeteimensie saben stat ane « wate “ fe. Thisseties of tests does nat detect the presence of fat. Descrive atest for fat, incucing a positive result The total of these molecules daes nat ace ‘up to 100 oer cent. Suggest another organic torte ot 3 cael it msn pope oe sore ope «yt one ane to heth tet too many tcodsvitheotan lageanoursal fas) vi, Which structures in the body will contain most ofthe cakiurn? a '5._ Simple chemical tests on foods can shaw which type of nutrients they contain, ‘A group of students was given samples of four iferent fo0¢s to test ~ the samples were prepared by solving powdered food in dtiled water The four foods were identified as A, 8, Cand D. They were also Given a sample of sisted water. TESTING FOR CHEMICALS: Crossword ‘ACROSS: 2 The most commen boa rmolecle~ albachenica reac ae pace descent Segoe seegecabhote in Reape ee ott i prin Booageal hid sarpedby doctors 9. Colt of postive Berar test, 50 The most comin carta sed for respator 11 Sted that ean be harmful iboodveces 14 Abbrer ation fr thegertic rma npants and an mas 15 Reacioninvtich twomoecues alpaca be ser 6 keri erst ey at jolie sisperdes 12 Colon cls poste srt 20 Giggles induargats 21 al br ight og 22 The mos common protein in own bytheaddtor ofthe eens twee 7. Use ihe Bart wst to deck tits 12 Theses cabobyate 17 Appearance othe maar of pi, fro and water 19 The wasnt human body fd to aan for media etna Supplement Supplement i : & Ghapter 10; Enzymes control biological| processes: Enzymes control biological processes and are widely exploited by humans Enzymes ate pots that freon es ido eas aaa nes Afetaleol chanical een at's a age heveactar 1+ ae portant ving orgarisns because they akereactons ‘et fat eng Toute = {Te shape ofthe ative ste enabies the engne toro’) Istana in avery specific way. Ary factor that ters Uheeraye’ shape wl fe saci. para examples | ae changes tenoeture ard pi Substrate mote teal oro ‘isthe LOCKAND KEY ypatess ENZYMES ARE PROTEIS HICH ACTAS BIOLOGICAL CATANSTS Sultate melee eat "ACTIVE SITE a he ere arm logtier to fom a product ENZVESUBSTRATE COMPLEX mt 2 mor] TACTWEsmE A vim mje now {ie tobied ware ‘bate nevis Ha nesue of ayo aalnty andisa mathemati ‘nathod for exessing the coca of Hsin salt sina gh changes may ‘na the ener acrviTy Pe * The optimum for an eraye depersan ts ef acon, pH ergymes in thestoruc here HC spree havea ‘ptm aout pb rtestal eng ro HCD ave ‘otiman aout p75 ‘TEMPERATURE: ie al protein, eyes remade up of ong pracisey {oided chins of amino acd T'sf ange bean by gh ‘enpeatre ota he enzyme may ae ave ste denatured. + Theoptinu temperate for human rayne cs 037°. For ost ars one “Te activity of enzymes can be investigated, For one example see '} queston 200.17 3 Enzymes may be intracelnar or extracel These ae tot made and have her actin side ls (ive! ners sie) photoset enzymes inside chlrplasts or respentory ereynes ine ritecrord These ae made rsde als ut have thle action cus the 2 ete meas use ‘eg. gestive sta nthe hua gut ot (thes nate spree ng aha, ‘THE SPECIFICITY AND CATALYTIC ACTIVITY OF ENZYMES MAKE THEM VERY USEFUL TO HUMANS "ENZYMES HELP SEED GERMINATION ‘Amylase seas do aro supas | | © tipase treats done as eg sutras) to fat acs ardgyaol “GENETIC ENGINEERING 1 Restriction enzymes ae useto ct et space genes and lomperphciera plows ‘COMMERCIAL Proteases help osote ath othe gerne sty enous sats torn cahing~campone of pa ‘aga waking powders Lactase treats doe ove opi aver mie Peetinaseteaksdowe ana pees of pat tut tun ‘coud tut ce wt Cor fst ce ins 11. Uso words ftom ths ist to complete the following paragraph about enzymes. You may wse each word ‘ence, more than once oF not ata PATHWAYS, ENZYMES, CATALYSTS, ACTWATORS, PROTEINS, UNUSUAL, SPECIFIC, DENATURED, DESTROYED Enzymes are that speed up the biochemical in ving organisms. “The enzymes themselves are not changed in these reactions, thats they are biological Encymes are. each of ‘them controls only one type of reaction. They are ly high temperatures ane! by externas of oH. ° nan experiment, apparatus is used to measure the, effect of one factor, the input or independent variable, ‘on the value of a second factor, the outcome or dependent variable. To be sure that the experiment isa fair test, all other factors must be kept constant — ‘these are fixed variables. For example, a simple closed manometer may be used to measure the effect of ‘temperature on the activity ofthe enzyme catalase Scale Merame tube to —f calc gen { Thnomete Glace yecein waterbath Disc of potato ule soon end yhagen peor ‘What isthe Input (independent) variable in this experiment? bb. Suggest two fixed variables, and explain hoy the ‘experimenter could keep them constant What is the outcome variable in this exoeriment? How could it be measured? 6. Suggest a suitable control for this experiment. fe. Stucents using this apparatus collected five sets ff data, and used ther to calculate a mean. How does this improve the validity of the wesults? (5) Respiration is the process that releases energy in cells. tis @ process that deoends on enzymes. A group of students were interestad in the effects of temperature (on the rate of oxygen consumption by maggots. They ‘obtained the following results. Enzymes contral biolagical processes (1) ree esd 5 03 B 06 5 cy cy 08 55 02 6 00 a, Plot these results inthe form of a graoh, and explain the shape of the curve. @ 'o._n this investigation, identity the input variable {and the outcome variable. Suggest any fixed variables o Deine the term enzyme. Q 'b, Enzymes are used in biological washing powders. |. Desctive how the presence of these enzymes may increase the efciency of the washing povaler in removing stains from clothes. (3) |i. Explain why the temperature of the wash reeds to be carefully controled @ li Suggest a suitable temperature fora wash Using a biological washing powder. Explain your answe Suitable temperature - Explanation sense etl Outline how enzymes can be manufactured for use in biological washing powders. @ Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 3.Q6 November 2005 5. Catalase, an enzyme, is present in all ving cel including those of potato and ler. Itsoeeds up the breakcown of hydrogen prose as shown ty the equation: catalase hydrogen peroxide =< —e The oxygen is given off 3s @ gas which can be collected aver -watet, as shown below. oxygen + water Hyder pore Pato or Fertieue Two different tissues, potato and lve, were used for this investigation. Samales, each of one gram, were prepared {rom both tisues. Some of the samples were left rave and [(efes 7) Revision guide: Biology cothers were boiled. Some samoles were left as one cube anc ii. Plot the volumes of oxygen collect from the ‘others were chopped into small pieces as shown inthe fist samples as a bar chart. table below. 2 cr hystagen peroxide was added to each li Describe the difference in results between ‘sample. The volume of oxygen produced in five minutes was agra for peat a SaMMDIEA calleced in the measuring cylinders, as shown inthe table. sorter, @ Iv. There i a difference between the samples for A. Gene a B fore. Sages an explanation fortis Bea tiene a Sr IC J os State the importance of samples Cand In ths Imstoaton 0 [& Suggest how you coulk test thatthe gas iven off Rests for ae was oxygen. 0 ‘Adapted from Cambridge IGCSE Biology (9610 Paper 6. Q1 June 2005 6. The diagram shows the main feature ofa biosensor ‘sed to monitor blood glucose level Ferme tr entre Resi for tw iver z | _—__t — inerieed ese * onde TN treo ’ 1 Tiasdier 2. The biosensor uses the enzyme, glucose oxidase, Which & immobilized. Explain vehat ts meant by 2. Complete the following table by reading the immobized. 0 \alues for oxygen collected in the measuring 10, Glucose oxidase catalyses the reaction colnders in the table above ‘Glucose + Oxygen —» Gluconic ace + outer membrane and gal. Explain how the oxygen concentation around the transducer wll be affected. @ Lover & What isthe function of the transducer? o @ Pome Haroom rena Stara Glucose diffuses into the biosensor through the A 8 c . wang ENZYMES CONTROL BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES: Crossword Achoss: Down. The as fan enzyme’ tee 2. Ts facto aed an era's aciviy — \inensonal shape ‘ooh ad 1 across ay be theres 5 Al the chem eactionsacauing in 3. Faabpestngengnne— use cele ‘logical wasting powders More of theseors ower the pl 4 Siachalgastngwne 9 pion a ates enerarein With 0cown= the pao 2 erzyme rei ‘where the renin eee ‘0 Kaan aes nid 7. See) acest 4 See 6 dawn ‘a Ketened hen teat 11 molec that can speed yp at engine ‘rape cased actor 15 Ryrotendigating ena 12 Enzyme tal beaks dove ham ons 1 Alnleietsesrop arent bt inoue’ ist affected ts 1 Molle Hosea an eer: 37 With across ard 7 down =a aes act ‘means to expiin ene action 18 See acs 19 A tach eng witha vr oe opti 20 The Det value fora factor aye acy (epeyos eve Food andi diet in humans { na wun dt proves cr oongy be pforene eiteal iumanidley | Atotmen! dt pone sl enyronrenre be svect contains fat protein, carbohycrae, vitamins, minerals, 7 : tater and fie inthe correct proportions Fora listof the | Ppertion aly ths wade fat 7 protein aed; component atoms of each type of molecule, se Chapter 9 In conditions of undermito the frst cncens usually proion (30). olanadequate diet bet o ave sarptonsof malnut'ian a balanced diet must be provided i ‘CARBOHYDRATES > These ae prinpally an rey souce A respiatory ee substrate dado PROTEINS reese nergy for etre twnsprt syne’ peptiles ico denatures Fmt mieobs Mt “opsin Feptides > amino Altalne (as fot steppe (a protease) acids maltase) ‘pass into the ae Fats > ftty acids Allie (as for vee pase coer \eatwe LE and EMULSIFICATION ‘made he iar and tore an the gal adler + envsties fats carves ge glues rosa oplets sini te Lymph caries fae tt stores fg une the sift arexelet rey strane balan, Increased sutace tea fer the ation of pase + conta hykoger carbonate which esses the cde chan Tomtom << rst fod in “Te ers the restora inthe haran ba bosdtran gt I's ikea haa cry pmceses gested food ard other aan nthe ood sain funciona srg vam vars and open 1+ rotucing special recs, eg bi or gestion Stores + prowesing unwanted substances fo he 9ycogen made Hod alcool removed Fern elo by ram excess ‘he ier arama to ais one sbstarce gucoseurde the ‘arc of the + geneating heat thee the be’ inert hormone sulin enpertue a 37°C Produces + exces sina ai ae eaminated tosve De Ssaie {tes or excretion am the dey (ee 73) isto ge are Salo sea the S|) ee ele tga dopey atl das i, Srunstehelrettfctemectarnd tos | Meta cng t = tat Uppeiow . ee y Hey (uASTICATION) AND SHALLOMING veer ene Eaten pops txt oer cl — 5 ty head sony fewpe Loveriow |. ebelof nd the bla)s puskedto th bd of info femuh toting ad + BeE eas eetasmosecantanais “a Teste tines fe aos epi ag sel ais he eb lap Premolors = for (Motors {hr one is fof tissue) ago the entrance tothe ary 90 food uoes | egorseusing et dry Soe | long ER cnce Enamel the hardest {sue nthe bod, Poced by tact fcming els nd sade of calcum sts. ce ormed. rane carte renee ener, Dentine farms therajr pa ofthe ooh arr than ne anda of calcu sls posted on a framewaiko collagen bes. The dentine cotars 3 stresof fn canals which eterd tothe pup cant, ‘cements in canpestion to dering ut witout any corals Ihlpsande the wath ‘Gum ~ sual coves te uct beeen eae ard comer The guns reade wih ae, theme ‘cane oF HE TEETH orca bef seer ac cally ee: fezydis we epecaly hom nt gomcay + hooey tetas ol sae + Geared feu omer ta 1 nerve endings wih {ron ttre tet cordate, Floren tothpast or added towater ray stp the dey of teat bat adda wo rng water we car coneolhon much ne ‘arin 4+ sme teeth develop bron Spots when coated by ore ths an be unity andresice contre ‘PLAQUE CAUSES TOOTH DECAY, S/S » ) { i i | ( Decay bein enamel 90 pain. Decay paneates denne and reas pup severe tothache,Brcere rift pup ard may for aes a se of teath~exerudating pan ‘1. The giagram below shows the human ainentary cana ‘a. Name the part labelled A. a be. Exlain how A and B work together to make swallowing more efficient. 2 © Why’ Cimportant when swallowing? a Draw a labelled diagram to explain how food is ‘moved along the structure labelled D. a €. Deserve two features of the srall intestine that help to increase its surface area, a {The liver has many function, including the storage of excess carbohydrate, |. Name the carbohyorate used to store excess sugar in the liver aw li. Name the blond vessel that caries sugar from the intestine tothe liver a li, Name the blood vessel that caries glucose released from the liver some time after feeding, a Ihe The ler also prociuces bile, What isthe function af bile? Where does bile have is effect? a 19. The pancreas produces enzymes and releases ther Into the duoelenum, i. How do the enzymes produced in the pancreas ‘ge into the duodenum? a ii, Name one enzyme produced by the pancreas State what kind of foodstuff it works on, and what the products are e hh. Give one function of each ofthe parts labelled E and F 2 Digestion and absorption (7b) 2. Lengths of visking tubing wee soup as shown nthe diagram. {Witt Starch 35°C - Anyise Vig bie Tube A contained starch and boiled amylase solution. Tube B contained starch and amylase. Both tunes were left in a water oath at 35 °C for 30 ‘minutes. The tunes were then removed from the water baths, gently blotted with paper towels, and then placed in beakers of dilute iodine solution for five minutes \sking tubing is permeable to iodine solution. {8 What colour would you expect to see inside A and inside 8? @ Explain whty the results are different for tubings A and B @ Describe a test you could use to prove your explanation @ 6. The drawing below shows a section through some vil |. entiy the parts labelled x, YandZ. 3) Ji. Where in the alimentary canal would vill be found? o Supplement Ti Which of the parts X, ¥ or Zs represented by the Visking tubing? a i What the function of the part latelled 27-1), 'B._ The dagram oelow shows the teeth in the lower jaw of ‘an adult human, a. i. Nama the teeth labelled X, ¥ and 2 8 ii. Describe the functions of teeth X and. @) Name one mineral and one vitamin that are essential for the healthy development of teeth. (2)

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