Outdoor Recreation, Nature-Based Tourism
Outdoor Recreation, Nature-Based Tourism
Outdoor Recreation, Nature-Based Tourism
Outdoor Recreation, Nature-Based Tourism,
and Sustainability
Patricia L. Winter 1, *, Steven Selin 2 , Lee Cerveny 3 and Kelly Bricker 4
1 US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, 4955 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside, CA 92507, USA
2 Recreation, Parks, and Tourism, Division of Forestry & Natural Resources, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV 26506, USA; [email protected]
3 US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Seattle, WA 98103, USA; [email protected]
4 Parks, Recreation & Tourism, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-951-680-1557
Received: 31 October 2019; Accepted: 14 December 2019; Published: 20 December 2019
Abstract: This Special Issue addresses the intersections of outdoor recreation, nature-based tourism,
and sustainability. Outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism provide essential benefits to
individuals, communities, and society and thereby contribute to sustainability. Equitable provision of
opportunities, cultural variations in desired experiences, barriers to outdoor recreation, and diverse
perceptions of both nature and recreation add to the complexity in outdoor recreation and
nature-based tourism service delivery. Outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism occur within a
socioecological system with feedback loops to changing social, economic, technological, and ecological
conditions. On a global scale, climate change and other disturbance factors are impacting ecosystems
and opportunities, increasing the importance of adaptation strategies for longer-term planning.
Population growth and regional shifts in demographics and distribution (e.g., urbanization), as
well as socioeconomic trends, affect who engages in outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism,
opportunities sought, nature access, and governance of outdoor services. Overall the complexity
of sustainable outdoor recreation and tourism may suggest a need for different approaches to
service delivery, culture change among service providers and managers of natural spaces, and novel
approaches to inclusive governance and shared stewardship. Given the clear importance of outdoor
recreation and nature-based tourism to society, we invite you to consider this initial introduction
to our assembled collection, which is meant to advance our understanding of the intersections of
outdoor recreation, nature-based tourism, and sustainability.
1. Introduction
There is growing recognition of the positive benefits of outdoor recreation and nature-based
tourism. Visiting natural settings and being outdoors are widely recognized as important for improving
human health and well-being, enhancing social connections, connecting people with their natural and
cultural heritage, generating revenues for use in conservation, contributing to local economies, fostering
local or indigenous identity, and developing a conservation consciousness [1–3]. These identified
benefits of outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism exemplify the contributions of nature-based
experiences to individual, community, and societal resilience and sustainability. As awareness of these
benefits has increased over time, the importance of an equitable delivery of benefits has continued
to be a focus for communities of interest (defined by shared interests in a topic or set of topics, for
example, recreation access) and communities of place (defined by a shared geographic location),
policy makers, and intended beneficiaries. Equity is paramount to contributions toward current and
future sustainability. Having recognized the growing popularity of natural destinations, the tourism
industry, municipal officials, and development organizations have taken steps to increase tourism
within relevant localities and to turn natural sites into popular trip destinations. Nature-based tourism
is one of the fastest growing tourism sectors, and many public lands and protected areas have become
important tourist destinations. Collectively, protected areas receive 8 billion visits annually, resulting
in $600 billion in visitor spending [4]. Tourism provides an important economic engine for host nations
and is a potential source of revenue for protected areas to meet conservation and biodiversity goals [5].
Furthermore, outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism may provide an opportunity to improve
ecological conditions where visitors are engaged in stewardship experiences [6]. These contributions
represent important aspects of sustainable recreation and tourism delivery [7].
However, rapid growth in nature-based visitation can lead to challenging changes in local
communities, impact on local infrastructure and facilities, create competition for scarce resources, lead
to unwelcome marketing of indigenous products and traditions, and lead to an influx of nonlocal
workers, business owners, and amenity migrants [7–10]. Conflicts can arise when benefits do not
transpire for local tourism investors or jobseekers [5,11]. While nature-based tourism can serve to expand
the constituency of support for biodiversity and conservation efforts, increasing recreation and tourism
visitation can bring lasting changes to the natural and social environment [12,13]. Resource managers
seek to provide quality visitor experiences, while protecting natural and cultural resources and
expanding economic opportunities [14,15]. While collaborative engagement with communities in the
planning and delivery of these opportunities may improve outcomes, staffing and resource constraints
remain a challenge to full and sustained engagement [7,16–18]
Sustainability science encourages tourism development that “takes full account of its current and
future economic, social, and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry,
the environment, and host communities” [19]. The goal is to maintain essential ecological processes
and conserve natural heritage and biodiversity, acknowledge the authenticity of host communities
and cultural heritage, and encourage tourism activity that results in enduring economic opportunities
and poverty reduction strategies [19]. Collaboration and creative governing strategies that involve
multiple agencies, partners, and stakeholders are often required to achieve sustainability.
Our lands, rivers, and seas are being impacted by dramatic changes which affect the management
of resources and the development of tourism [20]. Sustainable tourism practices are more important
than ever to encourage resilience in ecological systems, including human communities. The purpose of
this volume is to explore the components of sustainable tourism and outdoor recreation and to critically
evaluate these relationships in order to foster the effective management of parks and protected areas,
as well as to enhance their contributions to broader socioecological resilience.
2. Literature Review
studies conducted with ethnic minorities in Europe [48]. Communities of color have revealed variations
in preferences for degrees of development and types of activities that are distinct from Caucasian
visitors [46]. Whether these preferences continue to shift over time as a reflection of cultural changes,
such as seeing activities as part of one’s ingroup or culture remains to be seen [49]. Acculturation over
the course of several generations may also affect outdoor recreation trends and preferences, as well
as socioeconomic status, residential status, and other factors. A comparison between two surveys
of national recreation use in the US that were conducted ten years apart suggests, however, that
members of marginalized groups, including ethnic minorities, females, older adults, and rural dwellers,
identified increased perceptions of constraints to outdoor participation [44,45]. Studies in access to
outdoor recreation and leisure opportunities show differences by ethnicity, suggesting the need for
additional focus on identifying barriers [41,44,50].
recreation; for example, its possible interference with the processes that lead to developing connections
with nature has been posited [1,63].
The transition to virtual relationships with places, perhaps offered through virtual reality
experiences in nature, characterizes the digital age [64]. Recent work has shown different outcomes
when comparing virtual and in situ nature exposure, with in situ experiences having a greater impact
on connectedness to nature and improved affect [32]. These differences aside, virtual nature experiences
may provide opportunities to those who cannot participate more directly in outdoor recreation or
nature-based tourism. New research is needed to explore the role of virtual nature experiences in
motivating outdoor visitation, shaping visitor expectations of nature and the outdoor experience,
and the potential association with proenvironmental behaviors or support for conservation efforts.
different types of recreation visitors (e.g., hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians), among motorized
and nonmotorized users, and among visitors with different social norms and arrangements (e.g., group
sizes and commercially guided groups) and ethics (e.g., noise levels and littering). High visitation
levels may reduce the quality of the visitor experience for those seeking solitude or whose use of the
nature area conflicts with that of others [35]. For some visitors, crowding or user conflict can lead to
the inhibition, displacement, or dispersion of visitor use [80].
adaptive capacity to increase organizational performance through collaboration and working with
partners [6,97]. Agencies working together to achieve common goals can leverage resources and talent.
Capacity-building strategies can be employed to focus agency efforts on critical programs, settings,
and services and to build resources from the top down and the ground up [98].
3. Conclusions
Clearly, a growing body of empirical evidence is convincing scholars, managers, and policymakers
that outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism has the potential to contribute to sustainable
lives, families, communities, economies, and conservation. Tourism has been noted as a path to
improving the resilience capacity of a community through education, skill development, and co-creation,
as well as through economic diversification [52]. Connecting researchers and practitioners using
a transdisciplinary approach will improve environmental sustainability in the long term [99].
More scholarship is needed from a global to local scale to build an even stronger empirical case
for investing in transformational outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism experiences, facilities,
organizations, and policies. However, as emphasized in this introductory article, the transition
to sustainable outdoor recreation and tourism systems will be difficult [17,18]. Governance and
institutional change will be necessary on all scales to align the promise and reality of sustainable
outdoor recreation and tourism systems [100].
In this introductory article, we have also made the case that, to transition successfully to
sustainability, outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism scholars and managers should work
collectively to incorporate the theory, methods, and analytic tools of the Sustainability Sciences [101,102].
The Sustainability Sciences discipline is a problem-based, action-oriented field of research that
employs a wide range of transdisciplinary, community-based, and participatory research designs.
The Sustainability Sciences discipline also strives to integrate science, policy, and action. We need
more science-management partnerships in the outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism arena to
enhance the probability of policy implementation, organizational learning, and agency adoption.
Furthermore, to fully realize the promise of sustainable outdoor recreation and nature-based
tourism, scientists, policymakers, and managers will need to solve the implementation crisis
of translating sustainability science and assessments into management innovations that deliver
sustainability on the ground [103]. While the number of peer-reviewed sustainability articles continues
to grow, a significant gap exists between the publication of ever more sophisticated analyses for
prioritizing different sustainability indicators and translation projects that contribute to on the ground
change. Recent assessments of the impact of climate change on outdoor recreation promise movement
toward an improved model linking science and practice, where adaptation strategies and tactics
are co-developed by scientists, managers, recreation and tourism managers, opportunity providers,
and relevant stakeholders (see for example [104]), though time will reveal the full scope and influence
of these efforts in advancing sustainability.
Author Contributions: Individual contributions from authors occurred as follows: conceptualization, P.L.W., S.S.,
L.C. and K.B.; writing—original draft preparation, P.L.W., S.S., L.C. and K.B.; writing—review and editing, P.L.W.,
S.S., L.C. and K.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of David Olson, US Forest Service, Pacific
Southwest Research Station, in gathering literature for the summary and Michelle Carr of the same organization
for aid in formatting the paper and finalizing references.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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