Job GMAcad Deputation 20200714
Job GMAcad Deputation 20200714
Job GMAcad Deputation 20200714
Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority of Punjab (“PTEVTA”) is the premier public sector organization established to promote TVET sector by imparting
technical and vocational education and training through its more than 400 institutes all over the Punjab. The core objective of PTEVTA is to produce skilled workforce to
meet the market driven demand for placement in the local and overseas industry.
TEVTA intends to invite applications from the regular/serving officers working in BS-20 (or equivalent) & above in Government / Semi-Government organization /
Public Sector University / Autonomous Body / Govt. Special Institutions to fill-in the post of General Manager (Acads) on Deputation Basis.
GENERAL MANAGER (ACADEMICS) (PS-21) B.Sc Engineering/ B. Tech. Degree holder. Preference will be given to the officer holding additional
TEVTA Pay Scale (129,075-5,000-199,075) plus qualification of Masters in Educational Planning & Management / MA Education from HEC recognized
allowances and fringe benefits in accordance with
institution / university plus at-least 08 years of post-qualification relevant experience.
rules/regulations of the Authority and/or to be
drawn as per applicable guidelines/directives of Officer working in BS-20 (or equivalent) & above in Government / Semi-Government organization /
the Government. Public Sector University / Autonomous Body / Govt. Special Institutions.
Special Allowance of Rs. 100,000 per month The officer should have strong academic record / experience of designing & developing of curricula on the basis of
attached to the post will be subject to confirmation recent global trends in education sector, especially relating to technical and vocational disciplines. Desired officer
of the lending organization or controlling will also provide his services in developing curriculum to upcoming MOU with different industries and eventually
department (S & GAD) as applicable. spread the system to field formation. Will also provide his expertise in academic audit, accreditation & certification
1300cc authority maintained car with 200 liters and research & development in TVET sector.