Bahasa Inggris: 250 Soal + Pembahasan
Bahasa Inggris: 250 Soal + Pembahasan
Bahasa Inggris: 250 Soal + Pembahasan
Zainal Alim
42 | Zainal Alim
Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
3. Look !the sky is very dark. We’ll at home 9. …… of the paintings are missing.
…… Someone has stolen them.
A. if it’s fine A. Each
B. unless it rain B. A little
C. if it rains C. A number
D. unless it’s cloudy D. Every
4. You will help me later, ……? 10. The Anwar Family lives in Bandung.
A. do you They are going to go to Bali the day after
B. don’t you tomorrow.
C. will you Today they ……
D. won’t you A. are still in Bandung
B. were in Bandung
5. His mother …… told that he had had an C. are in Bali
accident. D. were in Bali
A. was
B. is 11. The ship arrived at the destination ……
C. had A. very slow
D. had to B. very slowest
C. very slower
6. Ali read a newspaper and …… D. very slowly
A. so does Ani
B. so did Ani 12. Either my classmates or my lecturer
C. neither do Ani …...… football on the weekend.
D. neither did Ani A. practice
B. watch
C. play
D. plays
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Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
13. The chairman arrived …… than all the 15. The bag …… lies on chair is yours.
other board members. A. whom
A. the earliest B. who
B. more earlier C. where
C. more early D. that
D. earlier
Doctors are engaged in a never-ending battle against infectious disease; they suggest that
the best way to keep safe would be to get vaccinated. However , it turns out that some vaccines
given to babies were less than perfect. Almost half of the victims of measles were college-age or
older, and nearly all had been vaccinated. For adults other defiant disease pose even greater
health risks.
Yet, too many people avoid shots or don’t get boosters to supplement earlier vaccines. The
main problem is that there’s no working system for vaccinating adults, as there is for children and
even pets. Adults should be educated about preventable infectious diseases especially if they are
traveling. There are still many tries where measles, mumps, polio, and rubella are controlled.
Keeping safe from infectious diseases is a never-ending battle. There are thousands of
different bacteria, viruses and parasites that can invade body. Doctors say that you should find out
if you are immune or if you need a shot.
Most adults never think about their shots unless there is a special reason: a trip to exotic
places, a flu epidemic or a brush with a rusty nail. But keeping track of immunization is very
important. The need for inoculations does not end with high school.
16. What are “boosters” in line 7? 17. According to the passage what can
A. Additional shots given some time doctors tell us to help us avoid infectious
after first vaccination disease?
B. Shots people do not avoid A. How bacteria enter the body.
C. A disease like hepatitis B B. What disease we may catch
D. Vaccines given before the main C. Where not to travel to
vaccine D. To have a shot against every disease
44 | Zainal Alim
Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
18. When is it likely that adults will NOT 19. Why does the author mention the
think about having a vaccination? phrase “a brush with a rusty nail”?
A. Just before the flu season. A. To give another reason why people
B. After cutting themselves a sharp may get a shot.
piece a vaccination? B. To show what can happen on a trip
C. Just before going on a trip to Florida. to an exotic place.
D. Before going o conference in Africa C. To give an example of when
immunization is not being track of
D. To get Americans to think about the
disease they can catch
20. The shortest route for the rally driver was through the mountain whereas if the desert road
(A) (B)
was much longer though faster.
(C) (D)
21. The civil war was not only disastrous in terms of loss of human life but in the effects on the
(A) (B) (C) (D)
agriculture in the south.
22. As soon as they arrived at the hotel they took the elevator to their room and straight to bed
(A) (B) (C) (D)
because they were so tired.
23. The mild climate of southern California is still inciting senior citizens to spend their last year
(A) (B) (C)
among the oranges groves and vineyards.
24. People entering a tropical jungle for the first time are always amazed at how wet it is,
(A) (B)
how wet it is and its incredible beauty.
(C) (D)
25. The new mall shopping in the downtown area will be more expensive for shoppers than
(A) (B) (C)
the mall on the freeway outside the town.
45 | Zainal Alim
Taklukkan! Bahasa Inggris
Paket 8 - Pembahasan
1. Jawaban : C 7. Jawaban : A
Yang ditanyakan oleh A adalah ‘lamanya Kata ‘each’ biasanya diikuti oleh kata
sesuatu terjadi’. Dalam Bahasa Inggris kerja tunggal. Maknanya tiap …… setiap
dinyatakan dengan how soon (berapa dari orang, benda atau barang yang
lama lagi) arti kata tanya lainnya adalah jumlahnya dua atau lebih.
how far (berapa jauh), how often (berapa
kali/sering), how fast (berapa cepat). 8. Jawaban : B
Setelah kata sifat negative atau hampir
2. Jawaban : C negative, seperti rarely, kata kerja dan
Jawabannya ‘go’ karena ada kata bantu subjek dibalik dan kata kerja harus
modal should. mempunyai struktur yang sama dengan
Verb setelah kata bantu modal harus bentuk pertanyaan susunan terbaliknya,
berupa kata kerja bentuk pertama yaitu auxiliary does, subjek john, dan
(VERB-1). kata kerja go.
3. Jawaban : B 9. Jawaban : C
Kata unless artinya jika tidak, merupakan Kata ‘a number of’ artinya banyak, untuk
bentuk syarat dari kalimat utama (main kata yang dapat dihitung.
clause), ‘we’ll at home’ (kami akan di
rumah) 10. Jawaban : A
Kalimat soal bentuk kalimat present
4. Jawaban : D future tense, yang menggunakan
Won’t kepanjangan dari will not, karena keterangan waktu the day after
kalimat dalam bentuk positif, maka tomorrow (sehari setelah besok hari).
question tags bentuk negative dari Jadi, kesimpulan bahwa keluarga Anwar
modals will. masih berada di Bandung, belum pergi
ke Bali.
5. Jawaban : A
Kata kerja told tidak lengkap, kita tahu 11. Jawaban : D
kata kerja ini dalam bentuk pasif karena Setelah kata kerja diikuti kata tambahan
ketiadaan objek. Auxiliary yang tepat atau adverb. Cirinya selalu berakhiran ‘ly’
untuknya adalah dalam bentuk past “The ship arrived at the destination very
tense was told karena terjadi setelah slowly”.
6. Jawaban : A
Bentuk kalimat ‘Eliptical’ untuk kalimat
positif adalah too dan so yang artinya
…… and so …… subjek
And subjek …… too
46 | Zainal Alim
Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
22. Jawaban : D
Dalam kallimat ini klausa utama
seharusnya memmpunyai dua kata kerja,
kata kerja pertama took diikuti oleh
objek the elevator dan kemudian
konjungsi and yang harus diikuti kata
kerja lain, karena straight to bed tidak
dapat mengikuti kata kerja took. Kata
kerja yang hilang adalah went.
23. Jawaban : D
Ingat bahwa kata sifat tidak pernah
dalam bentuk plural, kata depan
diantaranya diikuti dua kata benda
groves dan vineyards. Jadi, yang benar
adalah orange groves.
24. Jawaban : D
Ada dua klausa bawahan dimulai dengan
how dan diikuti dengan tepat oleh kata
sifat, subjek yang mengacu pada jungle
dan kata kerja is.
Klausa ketiga digabungkan dengan kedua
klausa dengan menggunakan and yang
berarti klausa ketiga harus sejajar
dengan kedua klausa tersebut.
Tetapi klausa ketiga bahkan tidak
memuat kata kerja, seharusnya bentuk
yang benar adalah how incredibly
beautiful it is.
25. Jawaban : A
Mall merupakan subjek kalimat dan
sebagai kata benda yang dimodifikasi
kata sifat, maka harus ditulis
sebelumnya. Jadi, yang benar adalah The
New Shopping Mall.
Taklukkan ! Bahasa Inggris ini merupakan ebook ketiga yang disusun oleh
Zainal Alim.
Sebelumnya, telah ada 5 Rahasia Belajar Asyik agar Lolos USM STAN dan
7 Langkah Mudah agar Fokus Belajar dan Lolos USM STAN.
Beliau adalah praktisi pendidikan dan trainer. Saat ini bekerja di lingkungan
Kementrian Sosial dan aktif di Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz) – Pages FB
sebagai admin.
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