Implementation of Digital Modulation Technique and Calculate The Bit Error Rate Performance Using Matlab

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Implementation of Digital Modulation Technique and Calculate the Bit Error

Rate Performance using Matlab

Article  in  International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research · August 2016


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1 author:

Ali Kamal Taqi

University of Technology, Iraq


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 8, August-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 1252

Implementation of Digital Modulation Technique and

Calculate the Bit Error Rate Performance using Matlab
Ali Kamal Taqi 1

Abstract— With the increasing demand in communication, it has become necessary to give better and efficient service to users by using better
technique. This paper demonstrates different modulation technique including Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Phase
Shift Keying (PSK) and analyze the Bit Error Rate (BER) for different modulation schemes such as Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Quadrature
Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), Octal Phase Shift Keying (8PSK), and Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM). By Choosing a reliable modulation scheme
and better coding technique the enhancement of the performance can be obtained in transmitter and receiver of the system. Simulated result is
shown to analyze and compare the performance of these systems by using additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGN). Finally, the different
modulation schemes are compared on the basis of BER and best modulation scheme is determined. From analysis of modulation techniques, the
system could use more appropriate modulation technique to suit the channel quality, thus we can deliver the optimum and efficient system
parameters. Both Matlab Code and Simulink have been used for simulation.

Index Terms— Digital Modulation, ASK, FSK, PSK, Bit Error Rate (BER), TCM.
—————————— u ——————————

In the simplest type, a transmission-reception system may be
a three-block system, consisting of a) a transmitter, b) a also the receiving user as associate ‘Information sink’. the

transmission medium and c) a receiver. If we predict of a general purpose of the data communication system is ‘to
mix of the transmission device and reception device within collect data from the supply and perform necessary signal
the sort of a ‘transceiver’ and if (as is sometimes the case) process specified the data is delivered to the top user
the transmission medium permits signal each ways that, we (information sink) with acceptable quality’. One could note
tend to are in an exceedingly position to consider a both-way of the compromising phrase ‘acceptable quality’ and
(bi-directional) communication system. For simple surprise why a digital gear mechanism mustn't deliver
description, we are going to discuss a few unidirectional precisely the same data to the sink as accepted from the
transmission-reception systems with the implicit assumption supply. A broad and general answer to such question at now
that, once understood, the concepts are used for developing is: well, it depends on the designer’s understanding of the
/ analyzing two-way communication systems. So, our ‘channel’ (Fig. 1.1) and the way the designer will translate
representative communication system, in an exceedingly his data to style the signal process algorithms / techniques
straightforward type, once more consists of 3 completely within the ’Encoder’ and ‘decoder’ blocks in Fig. 1.1 we
different entities, viz. a transmitter, a channel and a receiver. tend to hope to select up many basic nonetheless smart
A data communication system has many distinctive options approaches to amass the higher than skills. However,
when put next with associate analog communication system. pioneering add the 1940-s and 1950-s have established a
each analog (such as voice signal) and digital signals (such bottom-line to the look for ‘a unflawed (equivalently, ‘error-
as knowledge generated by computers) is communicated less’) data communication system’ delivery out many
over a digital gear mechanism. once the signal is analog in profound theorems (which currently get into the name of
nature, constant discrete-time discrete-amplitude illustration knowledge Theory) to ascertain that, whereas error-less
is feasible when the initial process of sampling and transmission of knowledge will ne'er be secured, the other
quantization. So, each a digital signal and a quantal analog ‘acceptable quality’, haphazardly getting ready to error-less
signal are of comparable kind, i.e. discrete-time-discrete- transmission could also be doable. This ‘possibility’ of
amplitude signals. A key feature of a data communication virtually error-less data transmission has driven important
system is that a way of ‘information’, with acceptable unit analysis over the last 5 decades in multiple connected areas
of live, is related to such signals. This image, attributable to similar to, a) digital modulation schemes, b) error
Claude E. Shannon, ends up in many fascinating schematic management techniques, c) optimum receiver style, d)
description of a data communication system. parenthetically, modeling and characterization of channel so forth. As a
take into account Fig.1.1 that shows the signal supply at the result, varieties of electronic communication systems are
transmission finish as constant ‘Information Source’ and designed and place to use over the years and therefore the
overall performance has improved considerably [1].
1 Computer Engineering Department, University of Technology, Iraq

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 8, August-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 1253

channel usually accepts modulated signals as analog

waveforms at its inputs and delivers another version of the
modulated signal in the form of analog waveforms. Such
channels are also referred as ‘waveform channels’. The
‘channel’ in Fig. 1.1, on the other hand, appears to accept
some ‘encoded’ information from the source and deliver
some ‘decoded’ information to the sink. Both the figures are
potentially useful for describing the same digital
communication system. On comparison of the two figures,
the reader is encouraged to infer that the ‘channel’ in Fig.
1.1 includes the ‘modulation channel’ and the modulation-
Figure 1.1: Basic block diagram of a digital communication demodulation operations of Fig. 2.1 The ‘channel’ of Fig.
system 1.1 is widely denoted as a ‘discrete channel’, implying that
it accepts discrete-time-discrete-amplitude signals and also
II. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM delivers discrete-time discrete-amplitude signals [2].
It is attainable to expand our basic ‘three-entity’ description
of an electronic communication system in multiple ways in III. MODULATION TECHNIQUE
which. as an example, Fig. 2.1 shows a somewhat elaborate
A. Amplitude-Shift Keying (ASK) Modulation
diagram expressly showing the vital processes of
‘modulation demodulation’, ‘source coding-decoding’ and The transmission of digital signals is increasing at a speedy
‘channel cryptography – decoding’. A reader might have rate. Low-frequency analogue signals area unit typically
multiple queries with reference to this sort of abstraction. as born-again to digital format (PAM) before transmission. The

an example, once ‘information’ has got to be sent over an supply signals area unit typically noted as baseband signals.
outsized distance, it's a standard information that the signal Of course, we will send analogue and digital signals directly
ought to be amplified in terms of power and so began the over a medium. From electro-magnetic theory, for
physical transmission medium. Diagrams of the kind in Figs. economical radiation of current from associate degree
1.1 and 2.1 have no explicit reference to such issues. antenna it should be a minimum of within the order of
However, the issue here is more of suitable representation of magnitude of a wavelength in size;
a system for clarity rather than a module-by-module c = f λ , wherever c is that the rate of sunshine, f is that the
replication of an operational digital communication system. signal frequency and λ is that the wavelength. For a 1kHz
audio signal, the wavelength is three hundred kilometer.
associate degree antenna of this size isn't sensible for
economical transmission. The low-frequency signal is
commonly frequency-translated to the next frequency vary
for economical transmission. the method is named
modulation. the utilization of the next frequency vary
reduces antenna size.
In the modulation method, the baseband signals represent the
modulating signal and therefore the high-frequency carrier
signal may be a curved wave. There are a unit 3 basic ways
that of modulating a undulation carrier. For binary digital
modulation, they're referred to as binary amplitude-shift
Figure 2.1: A possible breakup of the pervious diagram keying (BASK), binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK) and
(following Shannon’s ideas) binary phase-shift keying (BPSK). Modulation conjointly
results in the likelihood of frequency multiplexing. in a very
To elaborate this potentially useful style of representation, frequency-multiplexed system, individual signals area unit
let us note that we have hardly discussed about the third transmitted over adjacent, non-overlapping frequency
entity of our model, viz. the ‘channel’. One can define bands. they're thus transmitted in parallel and at the same
several types of channel. For example, the ‘channel’ in Fig. time in time. If we tend to operate at higher carrier
2.1 should more appropriately be called as a ‘modulation frequencies, a lot of information measure is obtainable for
channel’ with an understanding that the actual transmission frequency-multiplexing a lot of signals.
medium (called ‘physical channel’), any electromagnetic (or
otherwise) transmission- reception operations, amplifiers at
the transmission and reception ends and any other necessary
signal processing units are combined together to form this
‘modulation channel’. We will see later that a modulation
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 8, August-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 1254

A binary amplitude-shift keying (BASK) signal is outlined


s(t) = A m(t) cos2πfct, 0<t<T

Where A is constant, m(t)=1 or 0 , fc is the carrier frequency

and T is the bit duration. It has a power P= /2 , so that
A= √2 this equation can be written as

S(t)= √2 cos2πfct 0<t<T

=√ 2/ cos2πfct 0 < t < T
=√ 2/ cos2πfct 0<t<T Figure 3.2: BFSK Modulation

The output of the Matlab code for BASK modulation C. Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) Modulation
shown in figure (3.1) has the following parameters: Carrier Phase-shift keying (PSK) may be a digital modulation
frequency=8 with Message frequency=4 theme that conveys information by dynamical, or
modulating, the section of a reference signal (the carrier
wave). Any digital modulation theme uses a finite range of
distinct signals to represent digital information
A binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) signal can be defined

s(t) = A m(t) cos 2πfct 0<t<T

where A is a constant, m (t) = +1 or -1, fc is the carrier

frequency, and T is the bit duration. The signal has a power
P = A2/2, so that A = √2 .

The output of the Matlab code for BPSK modulation shown

in figure (3.3) has the following parameters: Carrier
frequency=8 with Message frequency=4
Figure 3.1: BASK Modulation

B. Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) Modulation

Frequency-shift keying (FSK) may be a modulation theme
during which digital data is transmitted through distinct
frequency changes of a radio emission. the only FSK is
binary FSK (BFSK). BFSK uses a combine of distinct
frequencies to transmit binary (0s and 1s) data
A binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK) signal can be
defined by

S(t) =
where A is a constant, f0 and f1 are the transmitted
frequencies, and T is the bit
duration. duration. The output of the Matlab code for BFSK
Figure 3.3: BPSK Modulation
modulation shown in figure (3.2) has the following
parameters: 1st Carrier frequency=16, 2nd Carrier
frequency=8 with Message frequency=4

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 8, August-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 1255

D. M-ary Phase-Shift Keying (M - PSK)

An M-ary phase-shift keying (M-PSK) signal can be defined

cos 2 + + , 0 ≤ ≤
s(t) =
0 ℎ

where =

for i = 0, 1, ..., M - 1. Here, A is a constant, fc is the carrier

frequency, θ' is the initial phase angle, and T is the symbol

Figure 3.5: 8PSK Modulation


The bit error rate (BER), or perhaps more appropriately the
bit error ratio, is the number of bits received in error

divided by the total number of bits transferred. We can
estimate the BER by calculating the probability that a bit
will be incorrectly received due to noise.

The output of the Matlab code for BPSK BER shown in
figure (4.1) has the following parameters: SNR from 1 to
20, Number of Bit=1000000 and Energy Bit=1
The output of the Matlab code for QPSK modulation
shown in figure (3.4) has the following parameters: Carrier

Figure 4.1: BPSK Bit Error Rate

Figure 3.4: QPSK Modulation
The Matlab Simulink block diagram of the for BPSK
The output of the Matlab code for 8PSK modulation shown shown in figure (4.2) with transmitted and received bits in
in figure (3.5) has the following parameters: Carrier figure (4.3) and the BER performance in figure (4.4)
frequency=8 with Message input= [0 2 5 1 6 3 4 7]

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 8, August-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 1256

Figure 4.2: BPSK Block Diagram

Figure 4.5: QPSK Bit Error Rate

The Matlab Simulink block diagram of the for QPSK

shown in figure (4.6) with transmitted and received bits in
figure (4.7) and the BER performance in figure (4.8)

Figure 4.3: BPSK Transmitted and Received Bits

Figure 4.6: QPSK Block Diagram

Figure 4.4: BPSK BER Performance

The output of the Matlab code for QPSK BER shown in Figure 4.7: QPSK Transmitted and Received Bits
figure (4.5) has the following parameters: SNR from 1 to
20 , Number of Bit=1000000 and Energy Bit=1

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 8, August-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 1257

Figure 4.11: 8PSK Transmitted and Received Bits

Figure 4.8: QPSK BER Performance

The output of the Matlab code for 8PSK BER shown in
figure (4.9) has the following parameters: SNR from 1 to
20 , Number of Bit=1000000 and Energy Bit=1

Figure 4.12: 8PSK BER Performance

using Matlab Simulink for modeling the modulation process

and Bit Error Rate performance by using the following block
parameter showing in table 3.1

Table 3.1: Input Parameter Table of the Matlab Simulink

Block Name Parameter Name BPSK | QPSK | 8PSK
M-ary Number 2 |4 |8
Random Initial Seed 37
Integer Sample Time 1
Generator Sample per Frame 1e6
Output data type Double

BPSK M-ary Number 2 | 4| 8

modulator Phase offset (rad) Pi/2 | Pi/4 | Pi/8
Baseband Constellation ordering Binary
Figure 4.9: 8PSK Bit Error Rate Input Type Integer
Output Type Double
The Matlab Simulink block diagram of the for QPSK AWGN Initial Seed 37
shown in figure (4.10) with transmitted and received bits in Channel Mode Signal to Noise Ratio
Eb/No (dB) (Eb/No)
figure (4.11) and the BER performance in figure (4.12) Number of bit per Symbol EbNodB
Input Signal Power (Watt) 1
Symbol Period 1

MPSK M-ary Number 2 |4 |8

Demodulator Phase offset (rad) Pi/2 | Pi/4 | Pi/8
Baseband Constellation ordering Binary
Output Type Integer

Error Rate Receive Delay 0

Calculation Computation Delay 0
Computation Mode Entire Frame
Output Data Workspace
Variable Name BER_DATA
Stop Simulation Checked
Target Number of Errors Inf
Maximum Number of 1e6
Figure 4.10: 8PSK Block Diagram
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 8, August-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 1258

V. CONVOLUTIONAL ENCODER TCM [3] = 10 (6/4)= 1.7609 dB . . . . . . (5.7)

A Convolutional encoder accepts a sequence of n bits and it Thus an advantage of about 1.76 dB in tolerance to AWGN
can be obtain with coding
produces at its output binary coded digits at any time. In
general, a convolutional encoder with a memory of L bits Viterbi Decoder
The Viterbi decoding technique is one approach to the
may be considered as a finite-state machine (or finite
maximum likelihood detection of convolutional codes in
memory system rather than memory less system, as in the
general, the Viterbi decoder operates by tracing through a
case of the block encoder) with 2 possible states. The state
trellis identical to that at the encoder in an attempt to emulate
of the encoder at any time instant is determined by the
the encoder’s behavior. At any given instant the decoder
contents of its store (delay unit) at that time instant.
does not know the state of the encoder and does not try to
Let the n input digits form the n-component vector
decode this immediately. The decoder examines all possible
=[ , , ......... , ] . . . . . . (5.1)
branches to each state in the trellis stage. For each state .it
And let the output digits form the -component vector computes a likelihood score, known as the branch cost
=[ , , ......... , ] . . . . . . (5.2) (branch metric), from the received data and the data
Also let the state of the encoder be defined as the L- corresponding to each branch.
component vector
=[ , , ......... , ] . . . . . . (5.3) Each state has associated with it accost, which is the sum
Where the binary digits , , , and , may take any one of the surviving branches cost up to that state (the surviving
of their two possible values 0 and 1. branches are the branches which produce the smallest new
The operation of the convolutional encoder may now be state cost). To determine the surviving branches, the
described as follows: for each input sequence ,the encoder branches cost is added to the state cost in the previous stage
generates the sequence at its output ,while changing its of the trellis.

state from to its next state .since for every n input After evaluating a number of stages of the trellis the
bits , bits are produced by the encoder ,so the rate of the surviving paths in the latest stage will originate (with a high
convolutional encoder is R=n/ . probability) from a single state in the first stage of the trellis.
As an example, Figure (5.1) shows a 4-state convolutional After this. The most likely state of the encoder in the first
the minimum squared Euclidean distance sometime called stage will be known, and hence it can be deduced the
the free Euclidean distance is defined as original input data, even though a decision has not yet been
= .| - | for all I,j . . . . . .(5.4) made for the latest
Where and assume all valid pairs of coded sequences
that the convolutional encoder/modulator combination can
produce and excludes all the cases whrer the two sequences
are identical . and | - | is the unitary distance between the
two sequences and
The asymptotic coding gain of the coded system over the
corresponding uncoded system is given by Figure 5.1: Four-State, rate ½ convolutional encoder
(dB)=10 ( / ) . . . . . . (5.5)
Where is given by Eq. 5.4, and is the minimum
Euclidean distance of the uncoded system .Here Eq.5.5
assume that the average transmitted signal energy of the
coded and uncoded system is the same.
For an example to find the and for a coded 4-PSK
signal with signal constellation (M=4) .let us consider the
encoder in Figure (5.2) and its state-transition diagram in
The can be calculated by assuming the correct state as
the all-zero state.
= (0,3)+ (0,0)+ (0,2) . . . . . . (5.6)
=2+0+4=6 Figure 5.2: General Structure of TCM
Where (i,j) is the square Euclidean distance between the
signal points i and j , and I (or j) is the decimal representation
of the output coded digits.

The asymptotic coding gain of the coded 4-PSK ( in this

example) over the uncoded 2-PSK with =4 is
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 8, August-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 1259

Table 5.1: Truth Table of the convolutional encoder The Matlab Simulink block diagram of the for TCM shown
in figure (5.7) with the BER performance in figure (5.8)
State at Input at Output at State at
time iT time iT time iT Time(i +1)T

0 0 0 0
1 3 1
1 0 0 2
1 3 3
2 0 1 1
1 2 0
3 0 1 3
1 2 2
Figure 5.7: TCM Block Diagram

Figure 5.3: State-transition diagram of the encoder i

Figure 5.8: TCM BER Performance

In this paper presents, error performance of modulation
Figure 5.4: Model of combined encoding and modulation techniques with AWGN channel are analyzed and BER is
calculated. Based on numerical calculation, the BER of
VI. BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK and TCM was graphically plotted and
compared. The real measurements have achieved the results
which have accepted. According to this work, a performance
of different modulation techniques and channel coding is
analyzed on the basis of BER over AWGN channel. From
the analysis of different modulation techniques, we can say
BPSK gives better performance with compared to QPSK and
8PSK over AWGN channel. Also we have limitation to
increase Eb/No ratio. Hence, for a fixed value of Eb/No, we
Figure 5.5: calculation the minimum free distance of the have to use some kind of coding to improve quality of the
encoder in Figure (5.1) transmitted signal by using Trellis Coded Modulation TCM
which gives better BER performance compared to uncoded
modulation methods.

[1] B.P. Lathi: Modern Digital and Analog Communication,
Oxford University Press, New York, 1998
[2] Wayne Tomasi: Electronics Communications System,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004
Figure [3] Data transmission by trellis coded modulation using
5.6: Trellis diagram of the encoder assuming the initial and convolution codes ISBN: 978-960-474-316-2, Martin Papez
terminal states are zero and Matej Cico,The Tomas Bata University

IJSER © 2016

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