Numeric Constants: Qbasic Chapter 3: Fundamental Statements

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QBasic Chapter 3: Fundamental Statements

 Differentiate between numeric and character string constants and give examples of each
 Use numeric character string constants correctly in programs
 Explain how variables are used to store values in the computer’s main memory
 List the rules for naming variables
 Define the term keywords
 Correctly document programs
 Assign values to variables
 Perform arithmetic operations using both constants and variables
 Evaluate arithmetic expressions according to the hierarchy of operations
 Display program output on the monitor screen
 Use the Immediate window to execute statements in immediate mode
 Use the various forms of help available with QBasic

QBasic programs process data into meaningful results using Commands and Data

Program DATA consists of variables and constants

A constant is data that remains the same as the program runs (executes)

There are two types of constants: Numeric constants and Character String constants

Numeric constants are numbers included in a statement. They can be real numbers, which
include decimal points or integers, which do not include decimal points.

Valid Real numeric constants:

6.0 6.74356
.95 -9.56

Invalid Real numeric constants:

14,006.345 NO Commas allowed
67.9% NO percent signs allowed
1 56.7 NO spaces allowed

Valid Integer numeric constants:

29 3259
100000005 247

Invalid Integer numeric constants:

86.8904 NO decimal portions allowed
45& NO & allowed

Rules to remember when using numbers:


1. No commas can be used when entering numbers into the computer. The computer
interprets the digits before and after a comma as two separate numbers. [ 3456789234]
2. If a number has no sign the computer assumes it is positive. [ 546 same as +546]
3. If a number is negative, the negative sign must precede the digits. [ -34 ]
4. Fractions must be written in decimal form. [ 3.75 ]

Exponential Notation:

QBasic uses scientific notation (exponential notation) to represent very large or very small numbers.

General format for exponential notation: +x.xxxxD+n

 + represents the sign of the number (positive or negative) + is optional
 x.xxxx is the mantissa and represents the digits of the number
 D indicates this is a double-precisions number (used for storing large values)
 +n is the positive or negative exponential value. (D-9 means move the decimal point
9 places to the left -or negative direction on a number line) (D+4 means move the
decimal point 4 places to the right-or positive direction on a number line)

Scientific Notation

Scientific Notation Equivalent Type

3.08E+12 3,080,000,000,000 Single-precision

-9.7587E+04 -97,587 Single-precision
+5.164D-4 0.0005164 Double-precision
-4.6545D-9 -0.0000000046545 Double-precision

Single-precision scientific notation numbers contain a letter E (for Exponent). Whereas double-
precision numbers contain a D (for Double-precision exponent).

To translate scientific notation, multiply the portion of the number to the left of the letter (D or E)
by 10 raised to the number to the right of the letter.

Thus, +2.164D+3 means to multiply 2.164 by 1,000 (1,000 is 10 raised to the third power, or 10 3 ).

Similarly, -5.432D-2 is negative 5.432 times .01 ( 10 raised to the -2 power or 10 -2 ).

To multiply by 10 raised to a positive power, you need only move the decimal point to the right by
the number of the power.

To multiply a number by 10 raised to a negative power, you need only move the decimal point to
the left by the number of the power.

Numeric Variable Types (2nd edition Chapter 10)

Variable can hold different types of numbers.

Type Variable Range of Value Examples


Integer % -32,768 to +32,768 12, 0, -765, 21843

Long Integer & -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,648 34567, 99876
Single-precision ! +3.402823 x 1038 to -2.802597 x 10-45 to 1.0, 34.67896
+2.802597 x 10-45 -3.402823 x 1038
Double-precision # 1.79769313486231 x 10308 to -0.999999888776655
4.940656458412465 x 10-324

-4.940656458412465 x 10-324 to
-1.79769313486231 x 10308

Integers: numbers without a decimal place—whole numbers

Long Integers:
Single-precision: any Real number—contains fractional and decimal parts—keeps accuracy to six
decimal places
Double-precision: any Real number—contains fractional and decimal parts—keeps accuracy to
fourteen decimal places

By default QBasic assumes that all variables are single-precision

You place the suffix at the end of the variable’s name if you want QBasic to assume the variable is
a specific type

Variable name QBasic Assumption
distance single-precision
distance% Integer
distance& Long integer
distance! Single-precision
distance# Double-precision

Numeric Variable Storage

Type Memory required for storage

Integer 2 bytes
Long Integer 4 bytes
Single-precision 4 bytes

Double-precision 8 bytes

Character String Constants: a collection of symbols called alphanumeric data

alphanumeric data: any combination of letters, numbers or special characters as seen on the

The character string must be enclosed in double quotation marks [ “character string” ]

You may include single quotation marks within a string that is contained within double quotation
“She said, ‘What is your name?’ ” Valid
“ The letter “e” is a vowel.” Invalid

The maximum length of a string is 32,767 characters. The length of a string is determined by
counting all its characters even the blank spaces.

“What is the length of this string?” The length = 34


The value of a constant does not change.

Type Suffix Range Examples

Integer none -32,768 to +32,768 158, 0, -86

Long Integer none -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,648 21233343, -32889
Fixed-point none Positive or negative numbers that have 4.76, -0.08
decimal points

Single- ! -3.37 x 1038 to 3.37 x 10 38 1.08E+8


Double- # -1.67x 10 308 to 1.67 x 10308 -1.8765456D-09


QBasic interprets the constants in your programs and makes a good judgment on how to store them

A variable is a storage location in your computer that holds values.
A variable contains data that changes as the program runs (executes).

A variable can contain a number, a special character, a word, a sentence or an entire paragraph of

Variable have certain characteristics.

 Each variable has a name
 Each variable has a type
 Each variable holds a value that you specify

Because you will use many variables in one program, you must assign a unique name to each
variable so that you can keep track of them.

Variable names:
 should describe the contents of the variable (storage location). – should have useful meaning
to the purpose of the program. This is a good programming habit referred to as descriptive
variable names.
 can be from one to forty characters long -- While longer names are possible QBasic only
recognizes the first 40 characters. Therefore we will observe this “good programming
 must begin with a letter; the characters that follow can be letters, numbers, or a period (The
use of a period is not a good practice. We will NOT use it in this class. Use the underline
 can be a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters to separate parts of the variable name,
 cannot have spaces in them
 cannot have the same name as QBasic commands or functions—aka “keyword”

Valid Variable name examples:

Salary Aug04Sales I index Age.Min

Invalid Variable names:

Maximum/Average Contains invalid character /
1stChoice Must start with a letter
Sq Yards Contains invalid character between q and Y

The variable names Sales and SALES refer to the same variable.

String variables: used to store a character string, such as a name, an address, or social
security number.

String variable name begins with a letter followed by letter or digits and must end with a dollar sign.

Keywords: reserved words that have a predefined meaning to QBasic. You can not use them
as variable names. See Appendix A for a list. Please note that DATE$ and Name are on the list

Clearing the Screen Command


We will use the CLS as the first line of every program so that the screen clears before each time the
program runs so the program starts with a fresh screen.

You can insert the CLS statement anywhere in a program.

Documenting a Program

The REM (short for remark) command is used to make the code more understandable to humans.
The computer ignores the command and everything that follow.

The format of the REM command

REM any message you choose to explain to fellow programmers what the
REM program is doing

You can insert as many remarks in your program as you want anywhere you want.

You will use the REM command at the beginning of each program to record you name, the file
name and the purpose of the program. You will use the REM command through out the program to
explain what your code is trying to accomplish.

Since the REM command appears so often in programs there is an abbreviation for the statement.
Instead of typing REM, you can type and apostrophe.

REM Programmers name: John Doe

REM Filename: Les2_1.bas
‘ Blank REMarks like the following one help separate
‘ the remark’s comments from surrounding code.
REM This program puts a few values in variables
REM and then prints them to the screen
LET age = 32 ‘stores the age
LET salary = 25000 ‘Yearly salary
LET dependents = 2 ‘Number of dependents
‘Print the results
PRINT salary
PRINT dependents


The purpose of line numbers is to transfer control to another portion of a

program. Because QBasic is a structured language, this type of transfer is not
needed. Therefore we will not use line numbers when programming.

Assigning Value to a Variable

LET variable = expression

LET is optional but in this class you must use this command when assigning a value to a variable.

variable is any valid variable name

expression is a value or expression that you want to assign to the variable


LET age = 32
LET salary = 25000
LET dependents = 2
LET ClassSize$ = “30”
LET Heading$ = “Salary Totals ”

DO NOT place commas in values you assign to variables.

You can assign the value stored in one variable to another variable

LET spouseTaxRate = taxRate

Variables can store or hold only one value at a time

LET age = 32
LET salary = 25000
LET age = 25

After these lines of code have executed what is the value of age?

If you do not place a value in a variable, by default QBasic stores a zero in that variable.

The same variable name can appear on both sides of the equal sign

LET Count = 10
LET Count = Count + 1

What is the value stored in Count after the first line of code is executed?
What is the value stored in Count after the second line of code is executed?

Arithmetic Operations ***(See file Lesson 4 Math Operations)

Displaying Results

PRINT Statement

The PRINT statement, during the execution of the program, sends to the screen whatever is to the
right of the word PRINT

PRINT expression

The expression that you print can be a variable or constant. If you use a variable as expression,
PRINT prints the contents of that variable on the screen. If expression is a constant, PRINT prints
that constant.

If you put PRINT in a line of code with no expression, the program prints a blank line.

A literal is a group of characters containing any combination of alphabetic, numeric and /or special
characters. It is a term applied to constants used in a PRINT statement.

PRINT “SampLe of outPut *^%? 76”

PRINT “_____”, “_____”, “_______________”

Screen output

SampLe of outPut *^%? 76


_____ _____ ________________

Example program: example1.bas

LET age = 32
LET salary = 25000
LET dependents = 3

PRINT salary
PRINT dependents

In the editor window choose Run Start to see the output.

Program output: example1.bas


Write a short program using variables and the PRINT command that will output the



What is the output of the following code?

LET X = 15
LET Y = 5
PRINT ( X + Y ) / 2, X / Y

10 3

Using the END Command

The END command is optional but we will use it. This will assure me that you meant for the
program to end and none of your code is missing.


The END command will halt the execution of the program as soon as it is encountered.

The Immediate Window

Programming statements are ordinarily executed in programming mode; execution does not begin
until you instruct QBasic to RUN.

The Immediate window at the bottom of the QBasic screen can be used to execute statements as
soon as ENTER is pressed.

Programming mode: The mode in which programs usually are entered and executed.

Immediate mode: The mode in which a QBasic statement is executed as soon as ENTER is pressed.
Press any key to return to the Immediate Window.

To move the cursor from the View window to the Immediate window, press F6.

Getting Help
The function key F1 allows you to access online help.

If you want help regarding any of the options in any of the menus simply highlight the option and
then press F1.

If you need information about using a QBasic keyword (command) use the mouse or arrow keys to
position the cursor in the keyword and press F1. you can also press the right mouse button instead
of the F1 function key.

Press Esc (Escape key) to close the help screen

To access a list of help topics press Alt and H. Press the highlighted letter to choose a particular

QBasic has a “smart editor” to catch many types of syntax errors as you are typing in a program.
As soon as you press ENTER a message will display providing hints on how to correct the error.
But remember in order to interpret these messages you must “think like the QBasic editor”.

The smart editor will:

 automatically add closing quotation mark when printing a literal
 automatically capitalized keywords
 automatically insert spaces after punctuation and around math operators.

What will be the result of each line of the following code?


LET age = 32

LET salary = 25000

PRINT salary

LET dependents = 3
PRINT dependents


Review Questions

1. What are the two parts of a QBasic program?

2. What is a variable?

3. Which of the following variable names are valid? Why?

81QTR QTR.1.SALES data file DataFile

4. True or False: A variable can be any of three types of integers: integer, single integer, or
double integer.

5. True or False: A variable can be any of two types of floating points: single-precision or

6. How many values can a variable hold at one time?

7. What command writes output to the screen?

8. What command erases the screen?

9. What are the regular-number equivalents of the following scientific-notation numbers?

What are their types?
-3.0E+2 4.541D+12 1.9D-03

10. Rewrite the following numbers in scientific-notation format (assume single-precision):

15 -0.000043 -54,543 531234.9

Review Questions

1. What are the two parts of a QBasic program?

Commands and data

2. What is a variable?
A storage location in your computer that holds values

3. Which of the following variable names are valid?

81QTR QTR.1.SALES data file DataFile
QTR.1.SALES and DataFile Variable names cannot start with a number and cannot include
spaces in their names

4. True or False: A variable can be any of three types of integers: integer, single integer, or
double integer.
False: There is no such type as single integer or double integer

5. True or False: A variable can be any of two types of floating points: single-precision or

6. How many values can a variable hold at one time?


7. What command writes output to the screen?


8. What command erases the screen?


9. What are the regular-number equivalents of the following scientific-notation numbers?

What are their types?
-3.0E-2 4.541D+12 1.9D-03
-0.03 single-precision
4,541,000,000,000 double-precision
0.0019 double precision

10. Rewrite the following numbers in scientific-notation format (assume single-precision):

15 -0.000043 -54,543 531234.9
1.5E+1 -4.3D-05 -5.4543 5.312349E+5

Lesson 2 Exercises

For 1-6 use Microsoft Word to type the following short programs. Turn in a hard copy of your

1. Write a program that stores your weight (you can fib), height (in feet) and shoe size in three
variables. Use the LET statement.
2. Write a program that clears the screen and then prints the current temperature on-screen.
(You can use the Internet to find this information.)
3. Write a program that stores you two favorite television channels in two variables and then
prints them. Clear the screen first.
4. Write a program that stores and prints the four types of variable that you learned about
today. Make up any valid variable names that you want. Use the suffixes of the values
when you are storing and printing the values.
5. Rewrite the program you wrote in number four so that the code clearly indicates exactly
where the program ends.
6. Write a program that stores the following scientific-notation numbers in three variables and
then prints them to a blank screen. Make sure that you use the right type of variable by
adding the correct suffix to its name. -3.43E-9 +5.43345D+20 5.43345 x 10-20
7. Write each program in the QBasic editor, save each program as Les2_1, Les2_2, etc. , then
run the program. Record below what appears on the screen.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

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