Reinforce Concrete Design. Beam (Singly)

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1. Design a rectangular beam 5. A rectangular reinforced concrete

reinforced for tension only to carry a beam has a width of 300 mm and an
dead load moment of 150 KN-m and effective depth of 450 mm. It is
a live load of 140 KN-m. reinforced for tension at the bottom
fc’= 20.7 MPa; fy = 414 MPa with a total steel area of 962.5 .
Use 65 mm steel covering. fc’ = 24.2 MPa; fy = 345.6 MPa; Es =
200 000 MPa.
2. A reinforced rectangular beam has a
a) Evaluate the curvature
width of 350 mm having a simple
span of 6m. It carries a dead load due to the moment which
moment (including its own weight) of produces initial yielding of
100 KN-m, a live load moment of the tension steel in radians
140 KN-m and a moment due to the per meter.
effect of earthquake of 118 KN-m. If b) Evaluate the curvature
fc’ = 20.7 MPa, with a steel yield due to nominal flexural
strength of 414 MPa. strength Mn of the cross
a) Determine the design section in radians per meter.
moment. c) Determine the magnitude of
b) Determine the effective depth the cross sections curvature
of the beam. ductility ratio.
c) How many 25 mm bars
are needed for the 6. An under reinforced beam has a
reinforcement. width of 300 mm and an effective
depth of 425 mm is reinforced with
3. A reinforced concrete beam has a a total steel area of 587 . Its
width of 300 mm and an effective neutral axis is located at 102.5 mm
depth to the tension reinforcement of below the top of the beam.
600 mm. Compression fc’ = 24.9 MPa; fy = 414.7 MPa; Es =
reinforcement of 600 mm. 200 000 MPa.
Compression reinforcement if a) Compute the magnitude of
required will be placed at a depth of the moment that produces
60 mm. If fc’ = 300 mm and fy = 410 initial failure of the cross
MPa, design the longitudinal section (Tension Steel
reinforcement if the beam is to Strained to )
support a bending moment of 650 b) Compute the associated
curvature .
c) Compute the stress fc at the
4. A reinforced concrete beam has a
top surface of the beam.
width 300 mm and an effective depth
7. Using USD method, design a simply
to the tension reinforcement of 618
supported reinforced concrete beam
mm. compression reinforcement if
0.20 m wide and 4.50 m long,
required will be placed at a depth of
carrying only a wall load of 8.27
60 mm. if and KN/m including its own weight. Keep
the steel ratio within 1 % and use 16
design the steel
mm reinforcing bars. Use fy =
reinforcement if the beam is to
413.7 MPa, fc’ = 27.6 MPa and a
support a bending moment of 650
minimum concrete cover of 63.5
mm. Indicate the depth and number
of reinforcing bars on the figure:

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depth of 400 mm. Concrete strength

is 24 MPa and steel yield strength is
340 MPa. Determine the maximum
allowable steel area n accordance
with the 1992 NSCP strength design

9. A simply reinforced concrete beam

has a width of 250 mm and an
effective depth of 500 mm concrete
strength is 28 MPa and fy = 280
MPa. Determine:
a) Balanced reinforced ratio in

b) Maximum allowable steel

area accordance with 1992

c) Number of 25 mm bar to be
Wu = 11. 578 KN/m

4.5 m
10. A reinforced concrete beam has the
following properties: b = 320 mm; d
= 640 mm; fc; = 25 MPa; fy = 400
MPa and Es = 200 000 MPa.
8. Section and of the If the beam is to be designed for a
1992 National Code of the balanced condition, find the required
Philippines states as follows: area of steel reinforcement in .
Balanced strain conditions exist at a Hint: The balanced steel area = 0.75
cross section when tension Asb.
reinforcement reaches the strain
corresponding to its specified yield
strength fy just as concrete in
compression reaches its ultimate 11. For the continuous beam shown by
strain of 0.003. for flexural members moment distribution calculate the
subject to combined flexural and magnitudes of the maximum
compressive axial load when the negative moments over the
design axial load strength is supports; draw the shear and
less than the smaller of 0.10 fc’ Ag moment diagrams showing the
locations of the points of inflection
or the ratio of reinforcement
and the point of maximum positive
provided shall not exceed 0.75 of the
moments and the total vertical
ratio that would produced reactions at all supports. Neglect the
balanced strain conditions for the dead weight of the beam. Using an
section under the flexure without effective d = 560 mm. Determine the
axial load. For members with required number of 20 mm ø tensile
compression reinforcement the reinforcement over each supports
portion of equalized by and at each of the points of
compression reinforcement need not maximum positive moments
be reduced by the 0.75 factor. A between the supports. Also
singly-reinforced concrete beam has determine the maximum spacing at
a width of 300 mm and an effective the faces of the supports of 10 mm ø

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stirrups. Use fc = 21 MPa, fy = 275


14. A reinforced concrete beam having a

width of 280 mm and a total depth of
600 mm is reinforced for tension at
the bottom with 6 – 36 mm ø bars
12. From the given cross section of a
placed on two layers as shown.
rectangular beam reinforced for
Determine the following:
tension only.
a. Effective depth of beam
 Diameter of stirrups = 10 b. Clear horizontal spacing
mm. between bars
 Clear spacing between c. Maximum size of coarse
layers of bars = 25 mm. aggregates
 Clear cover of stirrups = 40
 Diameter of 4 lower bars =
25 mm.
 Diameter of 4 upper bars =
28 mm.
Determine the following:
a. Effective tension area of
b. Value of crack index
c. Allowable values of crack index
for interior exposure and exterior
15. A reinforced concrete beam has a
13. Given the cross section of the beam width of 300 mm and an effective
having a dimension of 270 x 600 mm depth of 600 mm fc = 35 MPa, fy =
and is reinforced with 8 – 20 mm ø 400 MPa.
bars arranged as shown. Determine the following:
Determine the following: a. Value of the β factor
a. Clear horizontal spacing b. Value of balanced steel ratio
between bars c. Number of 28 mm ø
b. Narrowest dimension of
horizontal forms 16. The reinforced concrete beam has a
c. Maximum size of coarse width of 250 mm and a effective
aggregates depth of 500 mm. the compressive
strength of concrete is 28 MPa and
the yield strength of the steel

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reinforcement is 414 MPa. Es = 200 b. Balanced steel area Asb

000 MPa. c. Maximum area permitted by the
Determine the following: code.
a. Maximum steel area required
b. Number of 25 mm ø bars
c. Using maximum number of 25
mm ø bars compute the nominal
moment capacity of beam.

17. The cross section of a rectangular

reinforced beam has a width of 250
mm and d = 360 mm and reinforced
for tension with As = 600 mm2, fc =
40 MPa, fy = 400 MPa and Es = 200
000 MPa.
Determine the following:
a. Location of neutral axis below
the compression surface
b. Strain required to yield the steel
c. Condition of the beam
21. A rectangular reinforced concrete
beam has b = 300 mm and total
18. A reinforced concrete having a width
depth 480 mm. it is reinforced with a
of 250 mm and an effective depth of
total steel area in tension equal to
500 mm has coefficient of resistance
2280 mm2. Effective depth of the
of 5.32. If fc = 35 MPa and fy =
beam is 400 mm. fc = 20.68 MPa, fy
275.8 MPa.
= 344.7 MPa.
Determine the following:
Determine the following:
a. Maximum ultimate moment
a. Curvature of the beam due to
capacity of beam
nominal flexural strength of the
b. Steel ratio of the beam
beam in radians per meter
c. Steel area required by the beam
b. Maximum value of factored
moment Mu that the cross
19. A reinforced concrete beam has a
section can support
width of 350 mm and d = 690 mm. if
c. Coefficient of resistance of
fc = 20.7 MPa and fy = 414 MPa.
Determine the following:
a. Maximum steel ratio
b. Coefficient of resistane for a
steel ratio – equal to ½ pmax
c. Ultimate factored moment

20. A symmetrical cross-section of a

reinforced concrete shown has a
value of fc = 24.13 MPa and fy =
482.7 MPa, Es = 200 000 MPa.
Determine the following:
a. Location of neutral axis from the
top of the beam for a balanced

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