Reinforce Concrete Design. Beam (Singly)
Reinforce Concrete Design. Beam (Singly)
Reinforce Concrete Design. Beam (Singly)
b) Maximum allowable steel
4.5 m
10. A reinforced concrete beam has the
following properties: b = 320 mm; d
= 640 mm; fc; = 25 MPa; fy = 400
MPa and Es = 200 000 MPa.
8. Section and of the If the beam is to be designed for a
1992 National Code of the balanced condition, find the required
Philippines states as follows: area of steel reinforcement in .
Balanced strain conditions exist at a Hint: The balanced steel area = 0.75
cross section when tension Asb.
reinforcement reaches the strain
corresponding to its specified yield
strength fy just as concrete in
compression reaches its ultimate 11. For the continuous beam shown by
strain of 0.003. for flexural members moment distribution calculate the
subject to combined flexural and magnitudes of the maximum
compressive axial load when the negative moments over the
design axial load strength is supports; draw the shear and
less than the smaller of 0.10 fc’ Ag moment diagrams showing the
locations of the points of inflection
or the ratio of reinforcement
and the point of maximum positive
provided shall not exceed 0.75 of the
moments and the total vertical
ratio that would produced reactions at all supports. Neglect the
balanced strain conditions for the dead weight of the beam. Using an
section under the flexure without effective d = 560 mm. Determine the
axial load. For members with required number of 20 mm ø tensile
compression reinforcement the reinforcement over each supports
portion of equalized by and at each of the points of
compression reinforcement need not maximum positive moments
be reduced by the 0.75 factor. A between the supports. Also
singly-reinforced concrete beam has determine the maximum spacing at
a width of 300 mm and an effective the faces of the supports of 10 mm ø