Education-Vocabulary (Intermediate)
Education-Vocabulary (Intermediate)
Education-Vocabulary (Intermediate)
Go to school/university
It’s difficult to obtain a place in this university
Go to college for vocational training (UK)
Private (also public in the UK) school/ state schools
Boarding school
School fee. (the school fees are expensive)
There is a break in the morning. There is also a
lunch break
To do/take/sit/resit an exam
To revise for an exam
To fail an exam/ to pass an exam (with flying
To do well/badly in an exam
To get a high/low mark (8/10) or grade (B)
To be good at /hopeless at maths
To skip classes
To be expelled
A religious school
Primary/secondary school
Leave school at the age of ...
To do homework
To get/receive a grant
To cheat in an exam
The course lasts 2 years
To do a degree/ to have a degree in architecture
Teacher (school)
Lecturer/ professor (university)