Building Regulations 1992

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as at 31 October 2007

Building Regulations 1992

(SR 1992/150)
These Regulations were revoked, as from 31 March 2005, by regulation 8(1) Building (Forms) Regu-
lations 2004 (SR 2004/385). See regulation 8(2)(a) of those Regulations as to regulation 3 and Sched-
ule 1 of these Regulations continuing in force.
PURSUANT to the Building Act 1991, Her Excellency the Governor-General, acting
by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby makes the fol-
lowing regulations.

3 Building code 1
Schedule 1 2
The building code

3 Building code
(1) In accordance with Part 6 of the Act, the Building code shall be the building
code set out in Schedule 1 to these regulations.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by the Act, each building shall achieve the per-
formance criteria specified in the building code for the classified use of that
building, and, if the building has more than one classified use, any part of it
used for more than one classified use shall achieve the performance criteria for
each such classified use.
(3) The classified use or uses of a building or part of a building shall be the ones
that most closely correspond to the intended use or uses of that building or part
of that building.

Changes authorised by section 17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 have been made in this
A general outline of these changes is set out in the notes at the end of this eprint, together with other explana-
tory material about this eprint.
These regulations are administered in the Department of Internal Affairs.

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Schedule 1 Building Regulations 1992 31 October 2007

These Regulations were revoked, as from 31 March 2005, by regulation 8(1) Building (Forms) Regu-
lations 2004 (SR 2004/385). See regulation 8(2)(a) of those Regulations as to regulation 3 and Sched-
ule 1 of these Regulations continuing in force.

Schedule 1
The building code
These Regulations were revoked, as from 31 March 2005, by regulation 8(1) Building (Forms) Regu-
lations 2004 (SR 2004/385). See regulation 8(2)(a) of those Regulations as to regulation 3 and Sched-
ule 1 of these Regulations continuing in force.
Table of Contents
A1 Classified uses
A2 Interpretation
B1 Structure
B2 Durability
C1 Outbreak of fire
C2 Means of escape
C3 Spread of fire
C4 Structural stability during fire
D1 Access routes
D2 Mechanical installations for access
E1 Surface water
E2 External moisture
E3 Internal moisture
F1 Hazardous agents on site
F2 Hazardous building materials
F3 Hazardous substances and processes
F4 Safety from falling
F5 Construction and demolition hazards
F6 Visibility in escape routes
F7 Warning systems
F8 Signs
G1 Personal hygiene

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G2 Laundering
G3 Food preparation and prevention of contamination
G4 Ventilation
G5 Interior environment
G6 Airborne and impact sound
G7 Natural light
G8 Artificial light
G9 Electricity
G10 Piped services
G11 Gas as an energy source
G12 Water supplies
G13 Foul water
G14 Industrial liquid waste
G15 Solid waste
H1 Energy efficiency

Clause A1—Classified Uses

1.0.1 For the purposes of this building code buildings are classified according to type,
under seven categories.
1.0.2 A building with a given classified use may have one or more intended uses as
defined in the Act.
2.0.1 Applies to buildings or use where there is self care and service (internal man-
agement). There are three types:
2.0.2 Detached Dwellings
Applies to a building or use where a group of people live as a single household or
family. Examples: a holiday cottage, boarding house accommodating fewer than 6
people, dwelling or hut.
2.0.3 Multi-unit Dwelling
Applies to a building or use which contains more than one separate household or fam-
ily. Examples: an attached dwelling, flat or multi-unit apartment.
2.0.4 Group Dwelling
Applies to a building or use where groups of people live as one large extended family.
Examples: within a commune or marae.

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3.0.1 Applies to buildings or use where assistance or care is extended to the principal
users. There are two types:
3.0.2 Community Service
Applies to a residential building or use where limited assistance or care is extended to
the principal users. Examples: a boarding house, hall of residence, holiday cabin,
hostel, hotel, motel, nurses’ home, retirement village, time-share accommodation, a
work camp, or camping ground.
3.0.3 Community Care
Applies to a residential building or use where a large degree of assistance or care is
extended to the principal users. There are two types:
(a) Unrestrained; where the principal users are free to come and go. Examples: a
hospital, an old people’s home or a health camp.
(b) Restrained; where the principal users are legally or physically constrained in
their movements.
Examples: a borstal or drug rehabilitation centre, an old people’s home where sub-
stantial care is extended, a prison or hospital.
4.0.1 Applies to a building or use being a meeting place for people where care and
service is provided by people other than the principal users. There are two types:
4.0.2 Assembly Service
Applies to a building or use where limited care and service is provided. Examples: a
church, cinema, clubroom, hall, museum, public swimming pool, stadium, theatre, or
whare runanga (the assembly house).
4.0.3 Assembly Care
Applies to a building or use where a large degree of care and service is provided.
Examples: an early childhood centre, college, day care institution, centre for handi-
capped persons, kindergarten, school or university.
5.0.1 Applies to a building or use in which any natural resources, goods, services or
money are either developed, sold, exchanged or stored. Examples: an amusement
park, auction room, bank, car-park, catering facility, coffee bar, computer centre, fire
station, funeral parlour, hairdresser, library, office (commercial or government),
police station, post office, public laundry, radio station, restaurant, service station,
shop, showroom, storage facility, television station or transport terminal.
6.0.1 Applies to a building or use where people use material and physical effort to:
(a) extract or convert natural resources,
(b) produce goods or energy from natural or converted resources,
(c) repair goods, or

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(d) store goods (ensuing from the industrial process).

Examples: an agricultural building, agricultural processing facility, aircraft hanger,
factory, power station, sewage treatment works, warehouse or utility.
7.0.1 Applies to a building or use which may be included within each classified use
but are not intended for human habitation, and are accessory to the principal use of
associated buildings. Examples: a carport, farm building, garage, greenhouse, machi-
nery room, private swimming pool, public toilet, or shed.
8.0.1 Applies to a building or use not for human habitation and which may be exemp-
ted from some amenity provisions, but which are required to comply with structural
and safety-related aspects of the building code. Examples: a bridge, derrick, fence,
free standing outdoor fireplace, jetty, mast, path, platform, pylon, retaining wall, tank,
tunnel or dam.

In this building code unless the context otherwise requires, words shall have the
meanings given under this Clause. Meanings given in the Building Act 1991 apply
equally to the building code.
Access route A continuous route that permits people and goods to move between the
apron or construction edge of the building to spaces within a building, and between
spaces within a building.
Accessible Having features to permit use by people with disabilities.
Accessible route An access route usable by people with disabilities. It shall be a con-
tinuous route that can be negotiated unaided by a wheelchair user. The route shall
extend from street boundary or carparking area to those spaces within the building
required to be accessible to enable people with disabilities to carry out normal activ-
ities and processes within the building.
Adjacent building A nearby building including an adjoining building, whether or not
erected on other property.
Adequate means Adequate to achieve the objectives of the building code.
Alter, in relation to a building, includes to rebuild, re-erect, repair, enlarge and
extend; and alteration has a corresponding meaning.
Allotment has the meaning ascribed to it by section 4 of the Act as follows: meaning
of allotment—
(1) In this Act, the term allotment means any parcel of land that is a continuous
area of land and whose boundaries are shown on a survey plan that is:
(a) Subject to the Land Transfer Act 1952 and is comprised in one certifi-
cate of title or for which one certificate of title could be issued under that
Act; or

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(b) Not subject to that Act and was acquired by its owner under one instru-
ment of conveyance.
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1) of this section, the subdivision shown on the
survey plan referred to in that subsection is:
(a) The subdivision approved by way of a subdivision consent granted under
the Resource Management Act 1991; or
(b) The subdivision allowed or granted under any other Act.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section, and allotment shall be
deemed to be a continuous area of land notwithstanding that part of it is physic-
ally separated from any other part by a road or in any other manner whatsoever,
unless the division of the allotment into such parts has been allowed by a sub-
division consent granted under the Resource Management Act 1991 or a sub-
division approval under any former enactment relating to the subdivision of
Amenity means an attribute of a building which contributes to the health, physical
independence, and well being of the building’s users but which is not associated with
disease or a specific illness.
approved temperature data means the temperature data contained in A I Tomlinson
and J Sansom, Temperature Normals for New Zealand for the period 1961 to 1990
(NIWA, ISBN 0478083343)
Building has the meaning ascribed to it by section 3 of the Act as follows
meaning of building—
(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the term building means any
temporary or permanent movable or immovable structure (including any struc-
ture intended for occupation by people, animals, machinery, or chattels); and
includes any mechanical, electrical, or other systems, and any utility systems,
attached to and forming part of the structure whose proper operation is neces-
sary for compliance with the building code; but does not include:
(a) Systems owned or operated by a network utility operator for the purpose
of reticulation of other property; or
(b) Cranes, including any cranes as defined in any regulations in force under
the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992; or
(c) Cablecars, cableways, ski tows, and other similar stand alone machinery
systems, whether or not incorporated within any other structure; or
(d) Any description of vessel, boat, ferry, or craft used in navigation,
whether or not it has any means of propulsion, and regardless of that
means; nor does it include—
(i) A barge, lighter, or other like vessel:

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(ii) A hovercraft or other thing deriving full or partial support in the

atmosphere from the reactions of air against the surface of the
water over which it operates:
(iii) A submarine or other thing used in navigation while totally sub-
merged; or
(e) Vehicles and motor vehicles (including vehicles and motor vehicles as
defined in section 2(1) of the Transport Act 1962 and section 2(1) of the
Transport (Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing) Act 1986),
but not including vehicles and motor vehicles, whether movable or
immovable, which are used exclusively for permanent or long-term resi-
dential purposes; or
(ea) Aircraft, including any machine that can derive support in the atmos-
phere from the reactions of the air otherwise than by the reactions of the
air against the surface of the earth; or
(f) Containers as defined in section 2 of the Dangerous Goods Act 1974; or
(g) Magazines as defined in section 2 of the Explosives Act 1957; or
(h) Scaffolding used in the course of the construction process; or
(i) Falsework used in the course of the construction process.
(2) For the purposes of Part 9 of this Act, a building consent, a code compliance
certificate, and a compliance schedule the term building also includes—
(a) Any part of a building; and
(b) Any 2 or more buildings which, on completion of any building work, are
intended to be managed as 1 building with a common use and a common
set of ownership arrangements.
(3) For the purposes of subclause (2) of this definition, where any utility system or
any part of any utility system—
(a) is external to the building; and
(b) Is also connected to or is intended to be connected to—
(i) A network under the control of a network utility operator; or
(ii) Some other facility which is able to provide for the successful
functioning of the utility system in accordance with its intended
that utility system or that part of the utility system shall be deemed to be
part of a building.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subclause (3) of this definition, where a sep-
tic tank is connected to a building utility system the septic tank shall be deemed
to form part of that building utility system.
First Schedule, clause A2, definition of building, paras (b) and (d) were substituted, and paragraph
(ea) was inserted, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 3(1) Building Regulations 1992, Amend-
ment No 1 (SR 1994/263). Subclause (2) was amended by inserting the words “Part 9 of this Act,”,

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subclause (3) was amended by substituting the words “subclause (2) of this definition” for the words
“subsection (2) of this section”, and subclause (4) was amended by substituting the words “subclause
(3) of this definition” for the words “subsection (3) of this section”.
Building certifier means a person approved as a building certifier by the Authority
under Part 7 of the Act.
Building code means the building code made under Part 6 of the Act.
Building consent means a consent to carry out building work granted by a territorial
authority under Part 5 of the Act; and includes all conditions to which the consent is
Building element Any structural or non-structural component and assembly incorpor-
ated into or associated with a building. Included are fixtures, services, drains, perman-
ent mechanical installations for access, glazing, partitions, ceilings and temporary
Building height The vertical distance between the floor level of the lowest final exit
from the building; and the highest floor level containing or supporting any purpose
group other than IE, IA or ID, or penthouses used to enclose stairways, liftshafts or
machinery rooms located on or within the roof.
building performance index (BPI), in relation to a building, means the heating
energy of the building divided by the product of the heating degrees total and the sum
of the floor area and the total wall area, and so is calculated in accordance with the
following formula
heating energy
heating degrees total x (floor area + total wall area)
Building work Work for or in connection with the construction, alteration, demoli-
tion, or removal of a building; and includes sitework.
climate zone 1 means—
(a) all areas that at the close of 30 October 2007 were within the district of one of
the following territorial authorities:
(i) Far North District Council:
(ii) Whangarei District Council:
(iii) Kaipara District Council:
(iv) Rodney District Council:
(v) Auckland City Council:
(vi) North Shore City Council:
(vii) Waitakere City Council:
(viii) Manukau City Council:
(ix) Papakura District Council:
(x) Franklin District Council:
(xi) Thames-Coromandel District Council; and

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(b) all areas in those islands situated in the South Pacific Ocean lying between the
177th and 180th degrees of west longitude and between the 29th and 32nd par-
allels of south latitude, commonly known as the Kermadec Group; and
(c) all areas in other land territories, islands, and islets lying north of the 42nd par-
allel of south latitude and within the internal waters of New Zealand (as
defined by section 4 of the Territorial Sea, Contiguous Zone, and Exclusive
Economic Zone Act 1977)
climate zone 2 means all areas that at the close of 30 October 2007—
(a) were in any land territories, islands, and islets lying within the internal waters
of New Zealand (as defined by section 4 of the Territorial Sea, Contiguous
Zone, and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977); and
(b) did not fall within climate zone 1 or climate zone 3
climate zone 3 means—
(a) all areas in the North Island that at the close of 30 October 2007 were within
the districts of one of the following territorial authorities:
(i) Taupo District Council:
(ii) Ruapehu District Council; and
(b) all areas north of 39°50′ south latitude that at the close of 30 October 2007
were within the district of the Rangitikei District Council; and
(c) all areas in the South Island; and
(d) the Chatham Islands, Stewart Island, and all other land territories, islands, and
islets lying between the 162nd degree of east longitude and the 173rd degree of
west longitude and between the 42nd and 53rd parallels of south latitude
Code compliance certificate means a certificate to that effect issued by a territorial
authority or a building certifier pursuant to section 43 of the Act.
Combustion appliance A slow combustion stove, a free standing metal cone fire-
place, a cast iron pot belly stove, an oil burning space heater, or a vented gas burning
Compliance schedule means a compliance schedule issued under section 44 of the
Concealed space Any part of the space within a building that cannot be seen from an
occupied space.
Construct In relation to a building, includes to build, erect, prefabricate, and relocate;
and construction has a corresponding meaning.
Contaminant has the meaning ascribed to it by the Resource Management Act 1991.
cool location means a location in New Zealand where the degree-day total is 920 or

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cool location: this definition was inserted as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 3(2) Building
Amendment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119).
degree-day, in relation to any location on any day,—
(a) if a base temperature of 15°C is greater than the mean of the maximum and
minimum outdoor temperatures at that location on that day, means the number
of degrees Celsius by which that base temperature is greater than that mean:
(b) if a base temperature of 15°C is not greater than the mean of the maximum and
minimum outdoor temperatures at that location on that day, means 0
Schedule 1, clause A2, of the original definition of Degree-day was inserted, as from 22 December
1994, by regulation 3(2)(d) Building Regulations 1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263).
degree-day: this definition was substituted as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 3(2) Building
Amendment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119).
degree-day total, in relation to any location, means the sum of the degree-days for
that location for the period of 1 May to 31 August, as derived from Average Degree-
day Tables—Selected NZ Stations (Miscellaneous Publication 159, 1978 of the New
Zealand Meteorological Service)
degree-day total: this definition was inserted as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 3(2) Building
Amendment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119).
Drain A pipe normally laid below ground level including fittings and equipment and
intended to convey foul water or surface water to an outfall.
Electrical fixed appliance An electrical appliance which is fixed-wired to the elec-
trical installation, or intended to remain permanently attached and form part of the
Electrical installation Any electrical fixed appliances, and components used in the
reticulation of electricity, which are intended to remain permanently attached to and
form part of the building.
Electrical supply system The source of electricity external to the electrical installa-
Escape route A continuous unobstructed route from any occupied space in a building
to a final exit to enable occupants to reach a safe place, and shall comprise one or
more of the following: open paths, protected paths and safe paths.
Essential service In the context of an electrical installation means emergency light-
ing, firemen’s lifts, alarms, water pumps, sprinklers, detectors, ventilation systems
and public address systems necessary for the safety of people in buildings.
Estimated value The value of building work shall be the aggregate of the values,
determined in accordance with section 10 of the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985, of
all goods and services to be supplied for that building work.
Evacuation time The time taken by the occupants of the building to evacuate the
building to a final exit.
Exitway All parts of an escape route protected by fire or smoke separations, or by
distance when exposed to open air, and terminating at a final exit.

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External wall Any exterior face of a building within 30° of vertical, consisting of pri-
mary and/or secondary elements intended to provide protection against the outdoor
environment, but which may also contain unprotected areas.
Final exit The point at which an escape route terminates by giving direct access to a
safe place.
Fire The state of combustion during which flammable materials burn producing heat,
toxic gases, or smoke or flame or any combination of these.
Firecell Any space including a group of contiguous spaces on the same or different
levels within a building, which is enclosed by any combination of fire separations,
external walls, roofs, and floors.
Fire hazard means the danger in terms of potential harm and degree of exposure aris-
ing from the start and spread of fire and the smoke and gases that are thereby gener-
Fire intensity The rate release of calorific energy in watts, determined either theoreti-
cally or empirically, as applicable.
Fire load The sum of the net calorific values of the combustible contents which can
reasonably be expected to burn within a firecell, including furnishings, built-in and
removable materials, and building elements. The calorific values shall be determined
at the ambient moisture content or humidity. (The unit of measurement is MJ).
Fire resisting closure A fire rated device or assembly for closing an opening through
a fire separation. It shall have a FRR of no less than that required for the fire separ-
Fire resistance rating (FRR) The term used to classify fire resistance of primary and
secondary elements as determined in the standard test for fire resistance, or in accord-
ance with a specific calculation method verified by experimental data from standard
fire resistance tests. It comprises three numbers giving the time in minutes for which
each of the criteria stability, integrity and insulation are satisfied, and is presented
always in that order.
Fire safety system The combination of all methods used in a building to warn people
of an emergency, provide for safe evacuation, and restrict the spread of fire, and
includes both active and passive protection.
Fire separation Any building element which separates firecells or firecells and safe
paths, and provides a specific fire resistance rating.
Fixture An article intended to remain permanently attached to and form part of a
floor area, in relation to a building, means the floor area (expressed in square metres)
of all interior spaces used for activities normally associated with domestic living
Foul water The discharge from any sanitary fixtures or sanitary appliances.

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Foul water drainage system Drains joints and fittings normally laid underground
and used specifically for the conveyance of water from the plumbing system to an
Habitable space A space used for activities normally associated with domestic liv-
ing, but excludes any bathroom, laundry, water-closet, pantry, walk-in wardrobe, cor-
ridor, hallway, lobby, clothes-drying room, or other space of a specialised nature
occupied neither frequently nor for extended periods.
Handrail A rail to provide both support to, or assist with the movement of a person.
Hazardous Creating an unreasonable risk to people of bodily injury or deterioration
of health.
Hazardous substance Has the meaning ascribed to it by the Fire Service Act 1975.
heating degrees, in relation to a location and a heating month, means the degrees
obtained by subtracting from a base temperature of 14°C the mean (calculated using
the approved temperature data) of the outdoor temperatures at that location during
that month
heating degrees total, in relation to a location and a year, means whichever is the
greater of the following
(a) the value of 12; and
(b) the sum of all the heating degrees (calculated using the approved temperature
data) for all of the heating months of the year
heating energy, in relation to a building, means the energy from a network utility
operator or a depletable resource (expressed in kilowatt-hours, and calculated using
the Building Research Association of New Zealand’s ALF 3, The ’Annual Loss Fac-
tor Method’, A design tool for energy efficient houses (3rd edition, April 2000) or
some other method that can be correlated with that manual) needed to maintain the
building at all times within a year at a constant internal temperature under the follow-
ing standard conditions
(a) a continuous temperature of 20°C throughout the building:
(b) an air change rate of 1 change per hour or the actual air leakage rate, whichever
is the greater:
(c) a heat emission contribution arising from internal heat sources for any period in
the year of 1000 kilowatt-hours for the first 50 m2 of floor area, and 10 kilo-
watt-hours for every additional square metre of floor area:
(d) no allowance for—
(i) carpets; or
(ii) blinds, curtains, or drapes, on windows:
(e) windows to have a shading coefficient of 0.6 (made up of 0.8 for windows and
recesses and 0.75 for site shading)

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heating month, in relation to a location, means a month in which a base temperature

of 14°C is greater than the mean (calculated using the approved temperature data) of
the outdoor temperatures at that location during that month
Household unit means any building or group of buildings, or part of any building or
group of buildings, used or intended to be used solely or principally for residential
purposes and occupied or intended to be occupied exclusively as the home or resi-
dence of not more than one household; but does not include a hostel or boardinghouse
or other specialised accommodation.
Illuminance The luminous flux falling onto a unit area of surface.
Impact insulation class (IIC) A single number rating derived from measured values
of normalised sound pressure impact levels in accordance with Method ASTM E492,
Annex A1 Laboratory Measurement of Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-
Ceiling Assemblies Using the Tapping Machine. It provides an estimate of the impact
sound insulating performance of a floor-ceiling assembly.
Impervious That which does not allow the passage of moisture.
Insulation In the context of fire protection, the time in minutes for which a prototype
specimen of a fire separation, when subjected to the standard test for fire resistance,
has limited the transmission of heat through the specimen.
Integrity In the context of fire protection, the time in minutes for which a prototype
specimen of a fire separation, when subjected to the standard test for fire resistance,
has prevented the passage of flame or hot gases.
Intended use of a building includes—
(a) Any reasonably foreseeable occasional other use that is not incompatible with
the intended use; and
(b) Normal maintenance; and
(c) Activities taken in response to fire or any other reasonably foreseeable emer-
gency—but does not include any other maintenance and repairs or rebuilding.
Network utility operator means a person who—
(a) Undertakes the distribution or transmission by pipeline of natural or manufac-
tured gas, petroleum, or geothermal energy; or
(b) is an electricity operator or an electricity distributor as defined by section 2(1)
of the Electricity Act 1992 for the purposes of any works as defined by that
Act; or
(c) Undertakes the piped distribution of potable water for supply; or
(d) Is the operator of a sewerage system or a stormwater drainage system.
network utility operator: paragraph (b) of this definition was substituted, as from 29 December 2000,
by regulation 3(3) Building Amendment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119).
Occupied space Any space within a building in which a person will be present from
time to time during the intended use of the building.

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old measure building performance index, in relation to a building, means the

energy from a network utility operator or a depletable resource (measured in kilowatt-
hours per square metre of floor area and per degree-day, and calculated using the
Building Research Association of New Zealand’s Annual Loss Factor Design Manual
1990 or some other method that can be correlated with that manual) needed to main-
tain the building at a constant internal temperature for the period from 1 May to the
close of 31 August under the following standard conditions
(a) a continuous temperature of 20°C throughout the building:
(b) an air change rate of 1 change per hour or the actual air leakage rate, whichever
is the greater:
(c) a heat emission contribution arising from internal heat sources for that period
of 1000 kilowatt-hours for the first 50 m2 of floor area, and 10 kilowatt-hours
for every additional square metre of floor area:
(d) no allowance for—
(i) carpets; or
(ii) blinds, curtains, or drapes, on windows:
(e) windows to have a shading coefficient of 0.6 (made up of 0.8 for windows and
recesses and 0.75 for site shading)
Open path That part of an escape route (including dead ends) not protected by fire or
smoke separations, and which terminates at a final exit or exitway.
Other property means any land or buildings or part thereof which are—
(a) Not held under the same allotment; or
(b) Not held under the same ownership—
and includes any road.
Outdoor air Air as typically comprising by volume. (i) oxygen 20.94 percent (ii) car-
bon dioxide 0.03 percent (iii) nitrogen and other inert gases 79.03 percent
Outfall That part of the disposal system receiving surface water or foul water from
the drainage system. For foul water the outfall may include a sewer or a septic tank.
For surface water, the outfall may include a natural water course, kerb and channel,
or soakage system.
People with disabilities People whose ability to use buildings is affected by mental,
physical, hearing or sight impairment.
Plumbing system Pipes, joints and fittings laid above ground and used for the con-
veyance of foul water to the foul water drain, and includes vent pipes.
Protected path That portion of an exitway within a firecell which is protected from
the effects of smoke by smoke separations.
Principal user A member of the primary group for which a building was constructed,
and therefore explicitly excludes persons or groups of persons providing care or con-
trol of that principal user group.

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Purpose group The classification of spaces within a building according to the activ-
ity for which the spaces are used.
reasonably visible, in relation to a specified feature, and for the purposes of Clause
F6, means that the specified feature is visible to a person who—
(a) is 10 metres from it, or the greatest distance from it that it is possible to go in
the open space surrounding it, whichever is the lesser; and
(b) has sight that is not defective, or is corrected (for example, by an optical appli-
reasonably visible: this definition was inserted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 6(2) Building
Amendment Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/124).
risk group A, for the purposes of performance F6.3.4 and performance F6.3.5, means
(a) whose occupants are required to remain in the building until the main lighting
system is restored; or
(b) whose evacuation time is longer than 90 minutes.
risk group A: this definition was inserted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 6(2) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/124).
risk group B, for the purposes of performance F6.3.4 and performance F6.3.5, means
(a) whose evacuation time is 30 minutes or longer but not longer than 90 minutes;
(b) whose occupant load is more than 1 000.
risk group B: this definition was inserted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 6(2) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/124).
risk group C, for the purposes of performance F6.3.4, means buildings not in risk
group A or risk group B.
risk group C: this definition was inserted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 6(2) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/124).
Safe path That part of an exitway which is protected from the effects of fire by fire
separations, external walls or by distance when exposed to open air.
Safe place A place of safety in the vicinity of a building, from which people may
safely disperse after escaping the effects of a fire. It may be a place such as a street,
open space, public space or an adjacent building.
Sanitary appliance An appliance which is intended to be used for sanitation, but
which is not a sanitary fixture. Included are machines for washing dishes and clothes.
Sanitary fixture Any fixture which is intended to be used for sanitation.
Sanitation The term used to describe the activities of washing and/or excretion car-
ried out in a manner or condition such that the effect on health is minimised, with
regard to dirt and infection.

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Schedule 1 Building Regulations 1992 31 October 2007

Sewer A drain that is under the control of, or maintained by, a network utility oper-
Sitework means work on a building site, including earthworks, preparatory to or
associated with the construction, alteration, demolition, or removal of a building.
Smoke separation Any vertical, horizontal or inclined building element with known
smoke-stopping or smoke-leakage characteristics.
Sound transmission Class (STC) A single number rating derived from measured
values of transmission loss in accordance with classification ASTM E413, Determin-
ation of Sound Transmission Class. It provides an estimate of the performance of a
partition in certain common sound insulation situations.
specified features, for the purposes of Clause F6, means the following
(a) building elements that may act as obstructions:
(b) safety features required under clauses of this code other than Clause F6 (for
example, handrails required under Clause D1):
(c) changes in direction:
(d) stairs and ramps:
(e) escape doors:
(f) entries to a safe place.
specified features: this definition was inserted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 6(2) Building
Amendment Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/124).
Specified intended life has the meaning ascribed to it by subsection (2), of section 39
of the Act as follows: “Specified intended life”, in relation to a building, means the
period of time, as stated in an application for a building consent or in the consent
itself, for which the building is proposed to be used for its intended use.
Stability In the context of fire protection, the time in minutes for which a prototype
specimen of a primary element, when subjected to the standard test for fire resistance,
has continued to carry its fire design load without failure.
Standard year For the purposes of determining natural lighting, the hours between
8am and 5pm each day with an allowance being made for daylight saving.
Surface water All naturally occurring water, other than sub-surface water, which
results from rainfall on the site or water flowing onto the site, including that flowing
from a drain, stream, river, lake or sea.
Territorial authority has the meaning ascribed to it by section 2 of the Local Gov-
ernment Act 1974; and includes any organisation which is authorised to permit struc-
tures pursuant to section 12(1)(b) of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Thermal resistance The resistance to heat flow of a given component of a building
element. It is equal to the air temperature difference (°C) needed to produce unit heat
flux (W/m2) through unit area (m2) under steady conditions. The units are °Cm2/W.

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Thermal resistance: this definition was amended as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 3(4)
Building Amendment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by inserting the word “air” before the word
total wall area, in relation to a building, means the sum (expressed in square metres)
of the following
(a) the wall area of the building; and
(b) the area (expressed in square metres) of all vertical glazing in external walls of
the building
Travel distance The length of the escape route as a whole or the individual lengths of
its parts, namely: (a) open paths; (b) protected paths; and (c) safe paths.
Unprotected area In relation to an external wall of a building means
(a) Any part of the external wall which has less than the required FRR. For
example, a non fire rated window, door or other opening, or sheet metal.
(b) Any part of the external wall which has combustible material more than 1.0mm
thick attached or applied to its external face, whether for cladding or any other
wall area, in relation to a building, means the area (expressed in square metres) of
internally exposed external walls, including any door openings, of the building
warm location means a location in New Zealand where the degree-day total is less
than 920.
warm location: this definition was inserted as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 3(2) Building
Amendment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119).
Water main A water supply pipe that is under the control of, or maintained by a net-
work utility operator.
Water supply system Pipes, fittings and tanks used or intended to be used for the
storage and reticulation of water from a water main or other water source, to sanitary
fixtures, sanitary appliances and fittings within a building.
Schedule 1, clause A2, the definition of water supply system was amended, as from 22 December
1994, by regulation 3(2)(e) and (f) Building Regulations 1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by
substituting the words “intended to be” for the words “intended tube”, and by substituting the words
“within a building” for the words “with a building”.
Schedule 1 clause A2 approved temperature data: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2)
of the Building Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 building performance index: revoked, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(1)
of the Building Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 building performance index (BPI): inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regula-
tion 4(1) of the Building Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 climate zone 1: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the Build-
ing Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 climate zone 2: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the Build-
ing Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 climate zone 3: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the Build-
ing Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).

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Schedule 1 clause A2 floor area: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the Building
Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 heating degrees: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the Build-
ing Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 heating degrees total: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the
Building Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 heating energy: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the Build-
ing Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 heating month: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the Build-
ing Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 old measure building performance index: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by
regulation 4(2) of the Building Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 total wall area: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the Build-
ing Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause A2 wall area: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 4(2) of the Building
Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226).

Provisions Limits on application
B1.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from injury caused by
structural failure,
(b) Safeguard people from loss of amenity
caused by structural behaviour, and
(c) Protect other property from physical damage
caused by structural failure.
B1.2 Buildings, building elements and sitework
shall withstand the combination of loads that
they are likely to experience during construction
or alteration and throughout their lives.
B1.3.1 Buildings, building elements and
sitework shall have a low probability of
rupturing, becoming unstable, losing
equilibrium, or collapsing during construction
or alteration and throughout their lives.
B1.3.2 Buildings, building elements and
sitework shall have a low probability of causing
loss of amenity through undue deformation,
vibratory response, degradation, or other
physical characteristics throughout their lives,

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Provisions Limits on application

or during construction or alteration when the
building is in use.
B1.3.3 Account shall be taken of all physical
conditions likely to affect the stability of
buildings, building elements and sitework,
(a) Self-weight,
(b) Imposed gravity loads arising from use,
(c) Temperature,
(d) Earth pressure,
(e) Water and other liquids,
(f) Earthquake,
(g) Snow,
(h) Wind,
(i) Fire,
(j) Impact,
(k) Explosion,
(l) Reversing or fluctuating effects,
(m) Differential movement,
(n) Vegetation,
(o) Adverse effects due to insufficient
separation from other buildings,
(p) Influence of equipment, services, non-
structural elements and contents,
(q) Time dependent effects including creep and
shrinkage, and
(r) Removal of support.
B1.3.4 Due allowance shall be made for:
(a) The consequences of failure,
(b) The intended use of the building,
(c) Effects of uncertainties resulting from
construction activities, or the sequence in which
construction activities occur,
(d) Variation in the properties of materials and
the characteristics of the site, and
(e) Accuracy limitations inherent in the methods
used to predict the stability of buildings.

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Provisions Limits on application

B1.3.5 The demolition of buildings shall be
carried out in a way that avoids the likelihood of
premature collapse.
B1.3.6 Sitework, where necessary, shall be
carried out to:
(a) Provide stability for construction on the site,
(b) Avoid the likelihood of damage to other
B1.3.7 Any sitework and associated supports
shall take account of the effects of:
(a) Changes in ground water level,
(b) Water, weather and vegetation, and
(c) Ground loss and slumping.

Provisions Limits on application
B2.1 The objective of this provision is to ensure
that a building will throughout its life continue
to satisfy the other objectives of this code.
B2.2 Building materials, components and
construction methods shall be sufficiently
durable to ensure that the building, without
reconstruction or major renovation, satisfies the
other functional requirements of this code
throughout the life of the building.
B2.3.1 Building elements must, with only Performance B2.3.1 applies from the
normal maintenance, continue to satisfy the time of issue of the applicable code
performance requirements of this code for the compliance certificate. Building
lesser of the specified intended life of the elements are not required to satisfy a
building, if stated, or: durability performance which
exceeds the specified intended life of
the building
(a) The life of the building, being not less than
50 years, if:

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Provisions Limits on application

(i) Those building elements (including floors,
walls, and fixings) provide structural stability to
the building or
(ii) Those building elements are difficult to
access or replace or
(iii) Failure of those building elements to
comply with the building code would go
undetected during both normal use and
maintenance of the building
(b) 15 years if:
(i) Those building elements (including the
building envelope, exposed plumbing in the
subfloor space, and in-built chimneys and flues)
are moderately difficult to access or replace, or
(ii) Failure of those building elements to comply
with the building code would go undetected
during normal use of the building, but would be
easily detected during normal maintenance.
(c) 5 years if:
(i) The building elements (including services,
linings, renewable protective coatings, and
fixtures) are easy to access and replace, and
(ii) Failure of those building elements to comply
with the building code would be easily detected
during normal use of the building.
B2.3.2 Individual building elements which are
components of a building system and are
difficult to access or replace must either:
(a) All have the same durability, or
(b) Be installed in a manner that permits the
replacement of building elements of lesser
durability without removing building elements
that have greater durability and are not
specifically designed for removal and
Clause B2.3 Schedule was substituted, as from 11 September 1997, by regulation 2 Building Amend-
ment Regulations 1997 (SR 1997/156).


Provisions Limits on application

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Provisions Limits on application

C1.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury or illness caused
by fire.
C1.2 In buildings fixed appliances using the
controlled combustion of solid, liquid or
gaseous fuel, shall be installed in a way which
reduces the likelihood of fire.
C1.3.1 Fixed appliances and services shall be
installed so as to avoid the accumulation of
gases within the installation and in building
spaces, where heat or ignition could cause
uncontrolled combustion or explosion.
C1.3.2 Fixed appliances shall be installed in a
manner that does not raise the temperature of
any building element by heat transfer or
concentration to a level that would adversely
affect its physical or mechanical properties or


Provisions Limits on application
C2.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from injury or illness from
a fire while escaping to a safe place, and
(b) Facilitate fire rescue operations.
C2.2 Buildings shall be provided with means of
escape from fire which:
(a) Give people adequate time to reach a safe
place without being overcome by the effects of
fire, and
(b) Give fire service personnel adequate time to
undertake rescue operations.
C2.3.1 The number of open paths available to
each person escaping to an exitway or final exit
shall be appropriate to:

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Provisions Limits on application

(a) The travel distance.
(b) The number of occupants,
(c) The fire hazard, and
(d) The fire safety systems installed in the
C2.3.2 The number of exitways or final exits
available to each person shall be appropriate to:
(a) The open path travel distance,
(b) The building height,
(c) The number of occupants,
(d) The fire hazard, and
(e) The fire safety systems installed in the
C2.3.3 Escape routes shall be:
(a) Of adequate size for the number of
(b) Free of obstruction in the direction of Performance C2.3.3(b) must not
escape, prevent a door that forms part of an
escape route from being locked if the
person who locks it is satisfied that
no one is in that part of the building
served by the escape route and that
no one is likely to enter that part of
the building, except in an emergency,
without unlocking that door.
(c) Of length appropriate to the mobility of the
people using them,
(d) Resistant to the spread of fire as required by
Clause C3 Spread of Fire,
(e) Easy to find as required by Clause F8 Signs,
(f) Provided with systems for visibility during
failure of the main lighting, as required by
Clause F6 “Visibility in escape routes”, and
(g) Easy and safe to use as required by Clause
D1.3.3 Access Routes.
Clause C2.2 was amended, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(1) Building Amendment Regula-
tions 2001 (SR 2001/374), by substituting the words “means of escape from fire” for the words
“escape routes”.
Clause C2.3.3(b) was amended, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(2) Building Amendment
Regulations 2001 (SR 2001/374), by inserting, adjacent to clause C2.3.3(b) in the column headed
“Limits on application”, the words “Performance C2.3.3(b) must not prevent a door that forms part

Reprinted as at
Schedule 1 Building Regulations 1992 31 October 2007

of an escape route from being locked if the person who locks it is satisfied that no one is in that part
of the building served by the escape route and that no one is likely to enter that part of the building,
except in an emergency, without unlocking that door.”
Clause C2.3.3(f) was substituted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 6(3) Building Amendment
Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/124).


Provisions Limits on application
C3.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from injury or illness
when evacuating a building during fire.
(b) Provide protection to fire service personnel
during firefighting operations.
(c) Protect adjacent household units, other
residential units, and other property from the
effects of fire.
(d) Safeguard the environment from adverse
effects of fire.
C3.2 Buildings shall be provided with
safeguards against fire spread so that:
(a) Occupants have time to escape to a safe
place without being overcome by the effects of
(b) Firefighters may undertake rescue
operations and protect property,
(c) Adjacent household units, other residential
units, and other property are protected from
damage, and
(d) Significant quantities of hazardous Requirement C3.2(d) applies only to
substances are not released to the environment buildings where significant
during fire. quantities of hazardous substances
are stored or processed.
C3.3.1 Interior surface finishes on walls, floors,
ceilings and suspended building elements, shall
resist the spread of fire and limit the generation
of toxic gases, smoke and heat, to a degree
appropriate to:
(a) The travel distance,
(b) The number of occupants,

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Provisions Limits on application

(c) The fire hazard, and
(d) The active fire safety systems installed in the
C3.3.2 Fire separations shall be provided
within buildings to avoid the spread of fire and
smoke to:
(a) Other firecells,
(b) Spaces intended for sleeping, and Performance C3.3.2(b) does not
apply to Detached Dwellings or
within household units of Multi-unit
(c) Household units within the same building or
adjacent buildings.
(d) other property.
C3.3.3 Fire separations shall:
(a) Where openings occur, be provided with fire
resisting closures to maintain the integrity of the
fire separations for an adequate time, and
(b) Where penetrations occur, maintain the fire
resistance rating of the fire separation.
C3.3.4 Concealed spaces and cavities within Performance C3.3.4 shall not apply
buildings shall be sealed and subdivided where to Detached Dwellings.
necessary to inhibit the unseen spread of fire
and smoke.
C3.3.5 External walls and roofs shall have
resistance to the spread of fire, appropriate to
the fire load within the building and to the
proximity of other household units, other
residential units, and other property.
C3.3.6 Automatic fire suppression systems shall
be installed where people would otherwise be:
(a) Unlikely to reach a safe place in adequate
time because of the number of storeys in the
(b) Required to remain within the building
without proceeding directly to a final exit, or
where the evacuation time is excessive,
(c) Unlikely to reach a safe place due to
confinement under institutional care because of
mental or physical disability, illness or legal

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Provisions Limits on application

detention, and the evacuation time is excessive,
(d) At high risk due to the fire load and fire
hazard within the building
C3.3.7 Air conditioning and mechanical
ventilation systems shall be constructed to avoid
circulation of smoke and fire between firecells.
C3.3.8 Where an automatic smoke control
system is installed, it shall be constructed to:
(a) Avoid the spread of fire and smoke between
firecells, and
(b) Protect escape routes from smoke until the
occupants have reached a safe place.
C3.3.9 The fire safety systems installed shall
facilitate the specific needs of fire service
personnel to:
(a) Carry out rescue operations, and
(b) Control the spread of fire.
C3.3.10 Environmental protection systems shall Performance C3.3.10 applies only to
ensure a low probability of hazardous buildings where significant
substances being released to: quantities of hazardous substances
are stored or processed.
(a) Soils, vegetation or natural waters,
(b) The atmosphere, and
(c) Sewers or public drains.
Clause C3.1(c) was amended, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(3) Building Amendment
Regulations 2001 (SR 2001/374), by inserting after the words “household units”, the words “, other
residential units,”.
Clause C3.2(c) was amended, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(4) Building Amendment
Regulations 2001 (SR 2001/374), by inserting after the words “household units”, the words “, other
residential units,”.
Clause C3.3.2 was amended, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(5) Building Amendment Regu-
lations 2001 (SR 2001/374), by adding the following paragraph: “(d) other property.” and repealing,
adjacent to clause C3.3.2 in the column headed “Limits on application”, the words “Performance
C3.3.2 shall not apply to Detached Dwellings, or within household units of Multi-unit Dwellings.”
and inserting, adjacent to clause C3.3.2(b) in the column headed “Limits on application”, the words
“Performance C3.3.2(b) does not apply to Detached Dwellings or within household units of Multi-
unit Dwellings.”
Clause C3.3.5 was amended, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(6) Building Amendment Regu-
lations 2001 (SR 2001/374), by inserting after the words “household units”, the words “, other resi-
dential units,”.

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Provisions Limits on application
C4.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from injury due to loss of
structural stability during fire, and
(b) Protect household units and other property
from damage due to structural instability caused
by fire.
C4.2 Buildings shall be constructed to maintain
structural stability during fire to:
(a) Allow people adequate time to evacuate
(b) Allow fire service personnel adequate time
to undertake rescue and firefighting operations,
(c) Avoid collapse and consequential damage to
adjacent household units or other property.
C4.3.1 Structural elements of buildings shall
have fire resistance appropriate to the function
of the elements, the fire load, the fire intensity,
the fire hazard, the height of the buildings and
the fire control facilities external to and within
C4.3.2 Structural elements shall have a fire
resistance of no less than that of any element to
which they provide support within the same
C4.3.3 Collapse of elements having lesser fire
resistance shall not cause the consequential
collapse of elements required to have a higher
fire resistance.


Provisions Limits on application
D1.1 The objective of this provision is:
(a) Safeguard people from injury during
movement into, within and out of buildings,

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Provisions Limits on application

(b) Safeguard people from injury resulting from
the movement of vehicles into, within and out
of buildings, and
(c) Ensure that people with disabilities are able Objective D1.1(c) shall apply only to
to enter and carry out normal activities and those buildings to which section 47A
functions within buildings. of the Act applies.
D1.2.1 Buildings shall be provided with Requirement D1.2.1 shall not apply
reasonable and adequate access to enable safe to Ancillary buildings or
and easy movement of people. Outbuildings.
D1.2.2 Where a building is provided with
loading or parking spaces, they shall be
constructed to permit safe and easy unloading
and movement of vehicles, and to avoid conflict
between vehicles and pedestrians.
D1.3.1 Access routes shall enable people to:
(a) Safely and easily approach the main
entrance of buildings from the apron or
construction edge of a building,
(b) Enter buildings,
(c) Move into spaces within buildings by such
means as corridors, doors, stairs, ramps and
(d) Manoeuvre and park cars, and
(e) Manoeuvre and park delivery vehicles
required to use the loading space.
D1.3.2 At least one access route shall have Performance D1.3.2 shall not apply
features to enable people with disabilities to: to Housing, Outbuildings Ancillary
buildings, and to Industrial buildings
where no more than 10 people are
(a) Approach the building from the street
boundary or, where required to be provided, the
building car park,
(b) Have access to the internal space served by
the principal access, and
(c) Have access to and within those spaces
where they may be expected to work or visit, or
which contain facilities for personal hygiene as
required by Clause G1 Personal Hygiene.

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Provisions Limits on application

D1.3.3 Access routes shall:
(a) Have adequate activity space,
(b) Be free from dangerous obstructions and
from any projections likely to cause an
(c) Have a safe cross fall, and safe slope in the
direction of travel,
(d) Have adequate slip-resistant walking
surfaces under all conditions of normal use,
(e) Include stairs to allow access to upper floors
irrespective of whether an escalator or lift has
been provided,
(f) Have stair treads, and ladder treads or rungs
(i) provide adequate footing, and
(ii) have uniform rise within each flight and for
consecutive flights,
(g) Have stair treads with a leading edge that
can be easily seen,
(h) Have stair treads which prevent children Performance D1.3.3(h) shall not
falling through or becoming held fast between apply within Industrial buildings,
treads, where open risers are used, Outbuildings and Ancillary
(i) Not contain isolated steps, Performance D1.3.3(i) shall not
apply with Detached Dwellings or
within household units of Multi- unit
Dwellings, or to Outbuildings and
Ancillary buildings.
(j) Have smooth, reachable and graspable Performance D1.3.3(j) shall not
handrails to provide support and to assist with apply to isolated steps.
movement along a stair or ladder,
(k) Have handrails of adequate strength and
rigidity as required by Clause B1 Structure,
(l) Have landings of appropriate dimensions and
at appropriate intervals along a stair or ramp to
prevent undue fatigue,
(m) Have landings of appropriate dimensions
where a door opens from or onto a stair, ramp or
ladder so that the door does not create a hazard,

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Provisions Limits on application

(n) Have any automatically controlled doors
constructed to avoid the risk of people
becoming caught or being struck by moving
D1.3.4 An accessible route, in addition to the
requirement of Clause D1.3.3, shall:
(a) Be easy to find, as required by Clause F8
(b) Have adequate activity space to enable a
person in a wheelchair to negotiate the route
while permitting an ambulant person to pass,
(c) Include a lift complying with Clause D2
Mechanical Installations for Access to upper
floors where:
(i) buildings are four or more storeys high,
(ii) buildings are three storeys high and have a
total design occupancy of 50 or more persons on
the two upper floors,
(iii) buildings are two storeys high and have a
total design occupancy of 40 or more persons on
the upper floor, or
(iv) an upper floor, irrespective of design
occupancy, is to be used for the purposes of
public reception areas of banks, central, regional
and local government offices and facilities,
hospitals, medical and dental surgeries and
medical, paramedical and other primary health
care centres,
(d) Contain no thresholds or upstands forming a
barrier to an unaided wheelchair user,
(e) Have means to prevent the wheel of a
wheelchair dropping over the side of the
accessible route,
(f) Have doors and related hardware which are
easily used,
(g) Not include spiral stairs, or stairs having
open risers,
(h) Have stair treads with leading edge which is
rounded, and
(i) Have handrails on both sides of the
accessible route when the slope of the route

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Provisions Limits on application

exceeds 1 in 20. The handrails shall be
continuous along both sides of the stair, ramp
and landing except where the handrail is
interrupted by a doorway.
D1.3.5 Vehicle spaces and circulation routes
shall have:
(a) Dimensions appropriate to the intended use,
(b) Appropriate crossfall, and slope in the
direction of travel,
(c) Adequate queuing and circulation space, and
(d) Adequate sight distances.
D1.3.6 Vehicle spaces for use by people with
disabilities, shall, in addition to the
requirements of Clause D1.3.5, be:
(a) Provided in sufficient numbers,
(b) Located to avoid conflict between vehicles
and people using or moving to or from the
space, and
(c) Easy to find as required by Clause F8 Signs.
The limits on application to clause D1.1(c) were amended consequential on the Health Reforms
(Transitional Provisions) Act 1993, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 4(1) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by substituting the expression “section 47A of the Act” for
the expression “section 25 of the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975”.


Provisions Limits on application
D2.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from injury and loss of
amenity while using mechanical installations for
movement into, within and out of buildings,
(b) Safeguard maintenance personnel from
injury while servicing mechanical installations
for access, and
(c) Ensure that people with disabilities are able Objective D2.1(c) shall apply only to
to carry out normal activities and processes those buildings to which section 47A
within buildings. of the Act applies.
D2.2 Mechanical installations for access into,
within and out of buildings shall provide for the

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Provisions Limits on application

safe and easy movement of people, and for the
safety of maintenance personnel.
D2.3.1 Mechanical installations for access shall:
(a) Move people safely, and stop and hold as
required for the normal use of the installation,
for all loads up to and including 25 percent in
excess of the rated load,
(b) Not produce excessive acceleration or
(c) Be constructed to avoid the likelihood of
people falling, tripping, becoming caught, being
able to touch or be struck by moving parts,
sharp edges or projections, under both normal
and reasonably foreseeable abnormal conditions
of use,
(d) Be constructed to prevent collision between
components, or between components and the
(e) Have a control system that ensures safe
abnormal operation in the event of overloading
or failure of any single component, and
(f) Be capable of being isolated for inspection,
testing and maintenance.
D2.3.2 Mechanical installations for access shall
be provided with:
(a) Adequate control over normal use, to ensure
people’s safety throughout any operation
involving starting, stopping or changing the
direction of travel,
(b) Notification of position, where people are
fully enclosed and the installation serves more
than two levels,
(c) Adequate lighting and ventilation for both
normal and emergency use, and
(d) Signs as required by Clause F8 Signs,
D2.3.3 Mechanical installations for access shall,
for emergency purposes, be provided with a
means of:
(a) Calling outside help,

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(b) Releasing people safely,
(c) Safeguarding people from exposure to
hazardous situations, and
(d) Allowing authorised personnel to override Performance D2.3.3(d) shall not
the normal running procedure and take apply to installations travelling less
exclusive control of the installation. than 15m vertically.
D2.3.4 Potentially dangerous equipment shall
be located in spaces which:
(a) Are secure from unauthorised entry and
contain only equipment associated with the
(b) Are appropriately sized and suitably guarded
to provide adequate safe working areas for
maintenance personnel,
(c) Are provided with adequate power and
lighting for maintenance, and
(d) Have an environment that ensures the safe
operation of the equipment under all likely
conditions of use.
D2.3.5 Mechanical installations on accessible
routes shall:
(a) Where the passenger conveyor is manually
controlled, provide:
(i) controls which are easily identifiable and
easy to use,
(ii) adequate notification that the passenger
conveyor has registered a summoning call, and
(iii) adequate notification that the passenger
conveyor has arrived, and of its future direction
of travel,
(b) Where the passenger conveyor is fully
enclosed and serves more than two levels,
provide an adequate means of informing
occupants of their location,
(c) Where appropriate, have doors which:
(i) are power operated,
(ii) are readily distinguishable from their
surroundings, and

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Provisions Limits on application

(iii) where automatic, remain open sufficiently
long to enable people with disabilities to pass
through, and
(d) Have handrails within the passenger
The limits on application to clause D2.1(c) were amended consequential on the Health Reforms
(Transitional Provisions) Act 1993, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 4(1) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by substituting the expression “section 47A of the Act” for
the expression “section 25 of the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975”.


Provisions Limits on application
E1.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from injury or illness, and
other property from damage, caused by surface
water, and
(b) Protect the outfalls of drainage systems.
E1.2 Buildings and sitework shall be
constructed in a way that protects people and
other property from the adverse effects of
surface water.
E1.3.1 Except as otherwise required under the
Resource Management Act 1991 for the
protection of other property, surface water,
resulting from an event having a 10 percent
probability of occurring annually and which is
collected or concentrated by buildings or
sitework, shall be disposed of in a way that
avoids the likelihood of damage or nuisance to
other property.
E1.3.2 Surface water, resulting from an event Performance E1.3.2 shall apply only
having a 2 percent probability of occurring to Housing, Communal Residential
annually, shall not enter buildings. and Communal Non- residential
E1.3.3 Drainage systems for the disposal of
surface water shall be constructed to:
(a) Convey surface water to an appropriate
outfall using gravity flow where possible,

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(b) Avoid the likelihood of blockages,
(c) Avoid the likelihood of leakage, penetration
by roots, or the entry of ground water where
pipes or lined channels are used,
(d) Provide reasonable access for maintenance
and clearing blockages,
(e) Avoid the likelihood of damage to any
outfall, in a manner acceptable to the network
utility operator, and
(f) Avoid the likelihood of damage from
superimposed loads or normal ground
Clause E1.3.1 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 3(2)(e) and (f) Building
Regulations 1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting the words “Except as otherwise
required under the Resource Management Act 1991 for the protection of other property, surface
water” for the words “Surface water”.
Clause E1.3.1 was amended, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(7) Building Amendment Regu-
lations 2001 (SR 2001/374), by substituting the words “an event” for the words “a storm”.
Clause E1.3.2 was amended, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(8) Building Amendment Regu-
lations 2001 (SR 2001/374), by substituting the words “an event” for the words “a storm”.


Provisions Limits on application
E2.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from illness or injury that
could result from external moisture entering the
Functional requirement
E2.2 Buildings must be constructed to provide Requirement E2.2 does not apply to
adequate resistance to penetration by, and the buildings (for example, certain bus
accumulation of, moisture from the outside. shelters, and certain buildings used
for horticulture or for equipment for
washing motor vehicles
automatically) if moisture from the
outside penetrating them, or
accumulating within them, or both, is
unlikely to impair significantly all or
any of their amenity, durability, and

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E2.3.1 Roofs must shed precipitated moisture.

In locations subject to snowfalls, roofs must
also shed melted snow.
E2.3.2 Roofs and exterior walls must prevent
the penetration of water that could cause undue
dampness, damage to building elements, or
E2.3.3 Walls, floors, and structural elements in
contact with, or in close proximity to, the
ground must not absorb or transmit moisture in
quantities that could cause undue dampness,
damage to building elements, or both.
E2.3.4 Building elements susceptible to damage
must be protected from the adverse effects of
moisture entering the space below suspended
E2.3.5 Concealed spaces and cavities in
buildings must be constructed in a way that
prevents external moisture being accumulated
or transferred and causing condensation, fungal
growth, or the degradation of building elements.
E2.3.6 Excess moisture present at the
completion of construction must be capable of
being dissipated without permanent damage to
building elements.
E2.3.7 Building elements must be constructed in
a way that makes due allowance for the
(a) the consequences of failure:
(b) the effects of uncertainties resulting from
construction or from the sequence in which
different aspects of construction occur:
(c) variation in the properties of materials and in
the characteristics of the site.
Clause E2 was substituted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 4 Building Amendment Regulations
2007 (SR 2007/124).


Provisions Limits on application
E3.1 The objective of this provision is to—

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(a) safeguard people against illness, injury, or

loss of amenity that could result from
accumulation of internal moisture; and
(b) protect household units and other property
from damage caused by free water from another
household unit in the same building.
Functional Requirement
E3.2 Buildings must be constructed to avoid the
likelihood of—
(a) fungal growth or the accumulation of
contaminants on linings and other building
elements; and
(b) free water overflow penetrat- ing to an
adjoining household unit; and
(c) damage to building elements caused by the
presence of moisture.
E3.3.1 An adequate combination of thermal Performance E3.3.1 does not apply
resistance, ventilation, and space temperature to communal non-residential,
must be provided to all habitable spaces, commercial, industrial, outbuildings,
bathrooms, laundries, and other spaces where or ancillary buildings.
moisture may be generated or may accumulate.
E3.3.2 Free water from accidental overflow
from sanitary fixtures or sanitary appliances
must be disposed of in a way that avoids loss of
amenity or damage to household units or other
E3.3.3 Floor surfaces of any space containing
sanitary fixtures or sanitary appliances must be
impervious and easily cleaned.
E3.3.4 Wall surfaces adjacent to sanitary
fixtures or sanitary appliances must be
impervious and easily cleaned.
E3.3.5 Surfaces of building elements likely to
be splashed or become contaminated in the
course of the intended use of the building, must
be impervious and easily cleaned.
E3.3.6 Surfaces of building elements likely to
be splashed must be constructed in a way that
prevents water splash from penetrating behind
linings or into concealed spaces.

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Clause E3 was substituted, as from 14 October 2004, by regulation 3 Building Amendment Regula-
tions 2004 (SR 2004/317).


Provisions Limits on application
F1.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury or illness caused
by hazardous agents or contaminants on a site.
F1.2 Buildings shall be constructed to avoid the
likelihood of people within the building being
adversely affected by hazardous agents or
contaminants on the site.
F1.3.1 Sites shall be assessed to determine the
presence and potential threat of any hazardous
agents or contaminants.
F1.3.2 The likely effect of any hazardous agent
or contaminant on people shall be determined
taking account of:
(a) The intended use of the building,
(b) The nature, potency or toxicity of the
hazardous agent or contaminant, and,
(c) The protection afforded by the building
envelope and building systems.


Provisions Limits on application
F2.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury and illness caused
by exposure to hazardous building materials.
F2.2 Building materials which are potentially
hazardous, shall be used in ways that avoid
undue risk to people.
F2.3.1 The quantities of gas, liquid, radiation or
solid particles emitted by materials used in the
construction of buildings, shall not give rise to

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Provisions Limits on application

harmful concentrations at the surface of the
material where the material is exposed, or in the
atmosphere of any space.
F2.3.2 Transparent panels capable of being Performance F2.3.2 does not apply
mistaken for an unimpeded path of travel shall to Housing
be marked to make them visible.
F2.3.3 Glass or other brittle materials with
which people are likely to come into contact
(a) If broken on impact, break in a way which is
unlikely to cause injury, or
(b) Resist a reasonably foreseeable impact
without breaking, or
(c) Be protected from impact.


Provisions Limit on applications
F3.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury or illness, and
other property from damage, caused by
hazardous substances or processes in buildings.
F3.2 Buildings where hazardous substances are
stored and hazardous processes undertaken,
shall be constructed to provide adequate
protection to people and to other property.
F3.3 Spaces in buildings where hazardous
substances are stored, handled or used, or where
hazardous processes are undertaken, shall be
located and constructed to protect people, and
other property, under both normal and
reasonably foreseeable abnormal conditions,
and shall be provided with:
(a) Means of restricting unauthorised access,
(b) Means of preventing hazardous substances,
or other materials unacceptable to the network
utility operator, from entering sewers or public

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Provisions Limit on applications

(c) Means of allowing the harmless release of
pressure where there is a significant risk of
explosion occurring,
(d) Protected ignition sources where flammable
or explosive goods are stored,
(e) Means of rendering harmless by ventilation,
containment, dilution, or chemical or biological
action, any radioactive, toxic or flammable
vapours, gases or materials which may escape
from pipes, vessels or containers,
(f) Impervious, easily cleaned surface finishes
on building elements likely to be splashed or
become contaminated in the course of the
intended use of the building, and
(g) Signs as required by Clause F8 Signs.


Provisions Limits on application
F4.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury caused by falling.
F4.2 Buildings shall be constructed to reduce
the likelihood of accidental fall.
F4.3.1 Where people could fall 1 metre or more Performance F4.3.1 shall not apply
from an opening in the external envelope or where such a barrier would be
floor of a building, or from a sudden change of incompatible with the intended use
level within or associated with a building, a of an area, or to temporary barriers
barrier shall be provided. on construction sites where the
possible fall is less than 3 metres, or
to buildings providing pedestrian
access in remote locations where the
route served presents similar natural
F4.3.2 Roofs with permanent access shall have
barriers provided.
F4.3.3 Swimming pools having a depth of water Performance F4.3.3 shall not apply
exceeding 400mm, shall have barriers provided. to any pool exempted under section 5
of the Fencing of Swimming Pools
Act 1987.

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Provisions Limits on application

F4.3.4 Barriers shall:
(a) Be continuous and extend for the full extent
of the hazard,
(b) Be of appropriate height,
(c) Be constructed with adequate rigidity,
(d) Be of adequate strength to withstand the
foreseeable impact of people and, where
appropriate, the static pressure of people
pressing against them,
(e) Be constructed to prevent people from
falling through them, and
(f) In the case of a swimming pool, restrict the Performance F4.3.4(f) shall not
access of children under 6 years of age to the apply to any pool exempted under
pool or the immediate pool area. section 5 of the Fencing of
Swimming Pools Act 1987.
(g) Restrict the passage of children under 6
years of age when provided to guard a change
of level in areas likely to be frequented by them.
(h) Be constructed so that they are not readily Performance F4.3.4(h) does not
able to be used as seats. apply to Housing.
F4.3.5 Barriers to swimming pools shall have in
addition to performance F4.3.4:
(a) All gates and doors fitted with latching
devices not readily operated by children, and
constructed to automatically close and latch
when released from any stationary position
150mm or more from the closed and secured
position, but excluding sliding and sliding-
folding doors that give access to the immediate
pool surround from a building that forms part of
the barrier, and
(b) No permanent objects on the outside of the
barrier that could provide a climbing step.
Clause F4.3.1 was amended, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(9) Building Amendment Regu-
lations 2001 (SR 2001/374), by adding, to the entry adjacent to clause F4.3.1 in the column headed
“Limits on application”, the words “, or to buildings providing pedestrian access in remote locations
where the route served presents similar natural hazards”.
Clause F4.3.3 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 5(1) Buildings Regulations
1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting the words “have barriers provided” for the
words “be constructed with a barrier to restrict access to the pool or the immediate pool area, by chil-
dren under 6 years of age”.

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Clause F4.3.4 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 5(2) Buildings Regulations
1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting para (f), inserting the text opposite para (f),
and inserting para (g).
Clause F4.3.4(h) was inserted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 5 Building Amendment Regula-
tions 2007 (SR 2007/124).
Clause F4.3.5 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 5(3) Buildings Regulations
1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting para (a).


Provisions Limits on applications
F5.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury, and other
property from damage, caused by construction
or demolition site hazards.
F5.2 Construction and demolition work on
buildings shall be performed in a manner that
avoids the likelihood of:
(a) Objects falling onto people on or off the site,
(b) Objects falling on property off the site,
(c) Other hazards arising on the site affecting
people off the site and other property, and
(d) Unauthorised entry of children to hazards on
the site.
F5.3.1 Suitable construction methods shall be
used to avoid the likelihood of tools or materials
falling onto places where people might be
F5.3.2 Where construction or demolition work
presents a hazard in places to which the public
has access, barriers shall be provided and shall:
(a) Be of appropriate height and construction to
prevent site hazards from harming traffic or
(b) Be difficult to climb,
(c) Have no opening other than those approved
by the territorial authority for access and
(d) Have no gates or doors which project
beyond the site when opened,

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Provisions Limits on applications

(e) Contain no projection that would be a hazard
to traffic or people, and
(f) Be clearly marked where the barrier itself
may otherwise present a hazard to traffic or
F5.3.3 Where a construction or demolition site
contains any hazard which might be expected to
attract the unauthorised entry of children, the
hazard shall be enclosed to restrict access by
F5.3.4 Suitable barriers shall be constructed to
provide a safe route for people where lifting
equipment creates a risk of accident from
objects falling on a place of public access, or
where a similar risk results from the height at
which construction or demolition work is being
carried out.
Clause F5 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 6 Buildings Regulations 1992,
Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting the expression “F5.2” for the expression “F5”
immediately under the heading “FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT”.

Clause F6—Visibility in escape routes

Provisions Limits on application
F6.1 The objective of this provision is to help
safeguard people from injury in escape routes
during failure of the main lighting.
Functional requirement
F6.2 Specified features in escape routes must be Requirement F6.2 does not apply to
made reasonably visible by lighting systems, Detached Dwellings, household units
other systems, or both, during failure of the within Multi-unit Dwellings,
main lighting. Outbuildings, or Ancillary buildings.
F6.3.1 Specified features in escape routes must, Performance F6.3.1 does not apply
when the systems for visibility are at their to specified features in the initial 20
design level, be reasonably visible. metres of an escape route if the risk
of injury, or impediment to
movement of people, due to the
specified features not being visible is
low for example, because people are
familiar with the escape route, the

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escape route is level, and people do

not require assistance to escape).
F6.3.2 The systems for visibility must operate
to the following percentages of their design
levels within the following times after failure of
the main lighting:
(a) 80% in 0.5 seconds in locations (examples
of which are given by performance F6.3.3)
where there is a high risk of injury due to delay
in operation of the systems for visibility; and
(b) 10% in 0.5 seconds, and 80% in 30 seconds,
in stairs and in locations that are unfamiliar to
users; and
(c) 10% in 20 seconds, and 80% in 60 seconds,
in all other locations.
F6.3.3 Examples of locations (referred to in
performance F6.3.2(a)) where there is a high
risk of injury due to delay in operation of the
systems for visibility include:
(a) areas where dangerous machinery is
(b) areas where hazardous processes take place:
(c) clinical areas of hospitals:
(d) prisons and other buildings in which people
are detained:
(e) any part of an escape route designed for use
at any time by more than 250 people.
F6.3.4 The systems for visibility must operate
continuously in buildings or parts of buildings
in the following risk groups for the following
periods after failure of the main lighting:
(a) risk group A, until restoration of the main
lighting system:
(b) risk group B, 90 minutes:
(c) risk group C, 30 minutes.
F6.3.5 Despite performance F6.3.4, if a building
or part of a building falls into both risk group A
and risk group B, the systems for visibility must
operate for whichever is the longer of the
periods specified in performance F6.3.4(a) and

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F6.3.6 Signs to indicate escape routes must be

provided as required by Clause F8“Signs”.
Clause F6.2 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 7(1) Buildings Regulations
1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting the word “Ancillary” for the word “Ancilli-
Clause F6.3.1 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 7(2) Buildings Regulations
1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by inserting the words “or 30 minutes, whichever is the
Clause F6 was substituted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 6(1) Building Amendment Regula-
tions 2007 (SR 2007/124).


Provisions Limits on application
F7.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury or illness due to
lack of awareness of an emergency.
F7.2 Buildings shall be provided with
appropriate means of warning people to escape
to a safe place in an emergency.
F7.3.1 A means of warning must alert people to Performance F7.3 does not apply to
the emergency in adequate time for them to Out-buildings or Ancillary buildings.
reach a safe place.
F7.3.2 Appropriate means of detection and
warning for fire must be provided within each
household unit.
F7.3.3 Appropriate means of warning for fire
and other emergencies must be provided in
buildings as necessary to satisfy the other
performance requirements of this code.
Clause F7.2 was amended, as from 24 April 2003, by regulation 3(1) Buildings Amendment Regula-
tions (SR 2003/61) by adding the words “in an emergency”.
Clause F7.3 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 8 Buildings Regulations 1992,
Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting the word “Ancillary” for the word “Ancilliary”.
Clause F7.3 was substituted, as from 24 April 2003, by regulation 3(2) Buildings Amendment Regu-
lations (SR 2003/61).

Clause F8—SIGNS
Provisions Limits on application
F8.1 The objective of this provision is to:

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Provisions Limits on application

(a) Safeguard people from injury or illness
resulting from inadequate identification of
escape routes, or of hazards within or about the
(b) Safeguard people from loss of amenity due
to inadequate direction, and
(c) Ensure that people with disabilities are to Objective F8.1(c) shall apply only to
carry out normal activities and processes within those buildings to which section 47A
buildings. of the Act applies.
F8.2 Signs shall be provided in and about Requirement F8.2 shall not apply to
buildings to identify: Detached Dwellings, or within
household units of Multi-unit
(a) Escape routes,
(b) Emergency related safety features,
(c) Potential hazards, and
(d) Accessible routes and facilities for people
with disabilities.
F8.3.1 Signs shall be clearly visible and readily
understandable under all conditions of
foreseeable use.
F8.3.2 Signs indicating potential hazards shall
be provided in sufficient locations to notify
people before they encounter the hazard.
F8.3.3 Signs to facilitate escape shall:
(a) Be provided in sufficient locations to
identify escape routes and guide people to a
safe place, and
(b) Remain visible during failure of the main
lighting for the period required by performance
F6.3.4 and performance F6.3.5.
F8.3.4 Signs shall be provided in sufficient
locations to identify accessible routes and
facilities provided for people with disabilities.
The limits on application to clause F8.1(c) were amended consequential on the Health Reforms
(Transitional Provisions) Act 1993, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 4(1) Building Amend-

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ment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by substituting the expression “section 47A of the Act” for
the expression “section 25 of the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975”.
Clause F8.3.3(b) was substituted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 6(4) Building Amendment
Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/124).


Provisions Limits on application
G1.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from illness caused by
infection or contamination,
(b) Safeguard people from loss of amenity
arising from the absence of appropriate personal
hygiene facilities, and
(c) Ensure people with disabilities are able to Objective G1.1(c) shall apply only to
carry out normal activities and processes within those buildings to which section 47A
buildings. of the Act applies.
G1.2 Buildings shall be provided with
appropriate spaces and facilities for personal
G1.3.1 Sanitary fixtures shall be provided in
sufficient number and be appropriate for the
people who are intended to use them.
G1.3.2 Sanitary fixtures shall be located,
constructed and installed to:
(a) Facilitate sanitation,
(b) Avoid risk of food contamination,
(c) Avoid harbouring dirt or germs,
(d) Provide appropriate privacy,
(e) Avoid affecting occupants of adjacent spaces
from the presence of unpleasant odours,
accumulation of offensive matter, or other
source of annoyance,
(f) Allow effective cleaning,
(g) Discharge to a plumbing and drainage
system as required by clause G13 Foul Water
when water-borne disposal is used, and
(h) Provide a healthy safe disposal system when
non-water-borne disposal is used.

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Provisions Limits on application

G1.3.3 Facilities for personal hygiene shall be
provided in convenient locations.
G1.3.4 Personal hygiene facilities provided for Performance G1.3.4 shall not apply
people with disabilities shall be accessible. to Housing, Outbuildings, Ancillary
buildings, and to Industrial buildings
where no more than 10 people are
The limits on application to clause G1.1(c) were amended consequential on the Health Reforms
(Transitional Provisions) Act 1993, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 4(1) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by substituting the expression “section 47A of the Act” for
the expression “section 25 of the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975”.

Provisions Limits on application
G2.1 The objective of this provision is to
(a) Adequate amenities for people to do
laundering, and
(b) That people with disabilities are able to Objective G2.1(b) shall apply to
carry out normal activities and processes within those buildings to which section 47A
buildings. of the Act applies.
G2.2 Buildings shall be provided with adequate Requirement G2.2 shall apply only
space and facilities for laundering. to Housing, old people’s homes,
early childhood centres, camping
grounds and work camps.
G2.3.1 Facilities shall have capacity for the
intended use, and consist of fixtures, or space
and services for appliances.
G2.3.2 Space shall be adequate in size to
provide for the installation and use of fixtures or
G2.3.3 Space and facilities shall be provided
within each accommodation unit or may be
grouped elsewhere in a convenient location.
G2.3.4 Accessible facilities shall be provided Performance G2.3.4 shall apply only
for people with disabilities. to camping grounds.
The limits on application to clause G2.1(b) were amended consequential on the Health Reforms
(Transitional Provisions) Act 1993, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 4(1) Building Amend-

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31 October 2007 Building Regulations 1992 Schedule 1

ment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by substituting the expression “section 47A of the Act” for
the expression “section 25 of the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975”.


Provisions Limits on application
G3.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from illness due to
(b) Enable hygienic food preparation without
loss of amenity, and
(c) Ensure that people with disabilities are able Objective G3.1(c) shall apply only to
to carry out normal activities and processes those buildings to which section 47A
within buildings. of the Act applies.
G3.2.1 Buildings shall be provided with space Requirement G3.2.1 shall apply to
and facilities for the hygienic storage, Housing, work camps, old people’s
preparation and cooking of food, that are homes and early childhood centres,
adequate for the intended use of the building. and where appropriate shall also
apply to Commercial and Industrial
buildings whose intended uses
include the manufacture, preparation,
packaging or storage of food.
G3.2.2 Buildings used for the storage,
manufacture or processing of food, including
animal products, shall be constructed to
safeguard the contents from contamination.
G3.2.3 Buildings used for the medical treatment
of humans or animals, or the reception of dead
bodies, shall be constructed to avoid the spread
of contamination from the building contents.
G3.3.1 Food preparation facilities shall be
hygienic and include:
(a) Space for a refrigerator, or a perishable food Performance G3.3.1(a) and (b) shall
storage area capable of being cooled and apply to Housing, work camps, old
protected from vermin and insects, people’s homes, early childhood
centres and Commercial or Industrial
buildings whose intended uses
include the handling of perishable

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Provisions Limits on application

(b) Means for food rinsing, utensil washing and
waste water disposal,
(c) Means for cooking food, and Performance G3.3.1(c) shall apply to
Housing, work camps, old people’s
homes and early childhood centres.
(d) Space and a surface for food preparation. Performance G3.3.1(d) shall apply to
Housing, work camps, old people’s
homes and early childhood centres.
G3.3.2 Spaces for food preparation and utensil
washing shall have:
(a) Interior linings and work surfaces shall be
impervious and easily cleaned,
(b) All building elements constructed with Performance G3.3.2(b) shall apply to
materials which are free from hazardous Housing, work camps, old people’s
substances which could cause contamination to homes and early childhood centres,
the building contents, and and where appropriate shall also
apply to Commercial and Industrial
buildings whose intended uses
include the manufacture, preparation,
packaging or storage of food.
(c) Exposed building elements located and Performance G3.3.2(c) shall not
shaped to avoid the accumulation of dirt. apply to Housing.
G3.3.3 An adequate energy supply shall be
provided, appropriately located for use by
cooking and refrigeration appliances.
G3.3.4 Space and facilities shall be provided
within each household unit, or grouped
elsewhere in a convenient location.
G3.3.5 Where facilities are provided for people Performance G3.3.5 shall apply only
with disabilities they shall be accessible. to camping grounds and accessible
accommodation units in Communal
Residential buildings.
G3.3.6 Spaces in buildings shall be protected Performance G3.3.6 shall apply to
from the likelihood of contamination or vermin Commercial or Industrial buildings
entering areas used for the storage, processing whose intended uses include the
or preparation of food, and shall have a means handling of perishable food, the
of preventing contamination spreading from medical treatment of humans or
these areas to other spaces. animals, the slaughter of animals or
the reception of dead bodies.

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Clause G3 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 9 Buildings Regulations 1992,
Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting the expression “G3.2.3” for the expression “G3.2.2”
where it secondly occurred under the heading “FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT”.
The limits on application to clause G3.1(c) were amended consequential on the Health Reforms
(Transitional Provisions) Act 1993, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 4(1) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by substituting the expression “section 47A of the Act” for
the expression “section 25 of the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975”.

Provisions Limits on application
G4.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from illness or loss of amenity
due to lack of fresh air.
G4.2 Spaces within buildings shall be provided
with adequate ventilation consistent with their
maximum occupancy and their intended use.
G4.3.1 Spaces within buildings shall have
means of ventilation with outdoor air that will
provide an adequate number of air changes to
maintain air purity.
G4.3.2 Mechanical air-handling systems shall
be constructed and maintained in a manner that
prevents harmful bacteria, pathogens and
allergens from multiplying within them.
G4.3.3 Buildings shall have a means of
collecting or otherwise removing the following
products from the spaces in which they are
(a) Cooking fumes and odours,
(b) Moisture from laundering, utensil washing,
bathing and showering,
(c) Odours from sanitary and waste storage
(d) Gaseous by-products and excessive moisture
from commercial or industrial processes,
(e) Poisonous fumes and gases,
(f) Flammable fumes and gases,
(g) Airborne particles,
(h) Bacteria, viruses or other pathogens, or
(i) Products of combustion.

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Provisions Limits on application

G4.3.4 Contaminated air shall be disposed of in
a way which avoids creating a nuisance or
hazard to people and other property.
G4.3.5 The quantities of air supplied for
ventilation shall meet the additional demands of
any fixed combustion appliances.
Clause G4.2 Schedule was amended, as from 11 September 1997, by regulation 3(1) Building
Amendment Regulations 1997 (SR 1997/156) by inserting the words “and their intended use”.
Clause G4.3.3(b) Schedule was amended, as from 11 September 1997, by regulation 3(1) Building
Amendment Regulations 1997 (SR 1997/156) by substituting the word “Moisture” for the word


Provisions Limits on application
G5.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from illness caused by low
air temperature,
(b) Safeguard people from injury or loss of
amenity caused by inadequate activity space,
(c) Safeguard people from injury caused by
unsafe installations, and
(d) Ensure that people with disabilities are able Objective G5.1(d) shall apply to
to carry out normal activities and processes those buildings to which section 47A
within buildings. of the Act applies.
G5.2.1 Buildings shall be constructed to
(a) An adequate, controlled interior Requirement G5.2.1(a) shall apply
temperature, only to habitable spaces, bathrooms
and recreation rooms in old people’s
homes and early childhood centres.
(b) Adequate activity space for the intended use, Requirement G5.2.1(b) shall apply
and only to old people’s homes.
(c) Accessible spaces and facilities. Requirement G5.2.1(c) shall apply
only to Communal Residential,
Communal Non-residential, and
Commercial buildings.
G5.2.2 Heating appliances in buildings shall be
installed in a way that reduces the likelihood of

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G5.3.1 Habitable spaces, bathrooms and Performance G5.3.1 shall apply only
recreation rooms shall have provision for to old people’s homes an early
maintaining the internal temperature at no less childhood centres.
than 16°C measured at 750mm above floor
level, while the space is adequately ventilated.
G5.3.2 Heating appliances, and any attached Performance G5.3.2 shall apply only
cables, pipes or other fittings shall be securely to old people’s homes and early
fixed in place. childhood centres.
G5.3.3 Habitable spaces shall have sufficient Performance G5.3.3 shall apply only
space for activity, furniture, and sanitary and to old people’s homes.
mobility aids.
G5.3.4 Where reception counters or desks are Performance G5.3.4 applies only to
provided for public use, at least one counter or Communal Residential, Communal
desk shall be accessible. Non-Residential, and Commercial
G5.3.5 Buildings shall be provided with Performance G5.3.5 applies only to:
listening systems which enable enhanced (a) Communal Non-Residential
hearing by people with hearing aids. assembly spaces occupied by
more than 250 people, and
(b) Any theatre, cinema, or public
hall, and
(c) Assembly spaces in old
people’s homes occupied by
more than 20 people.
G5.3.6 Enhanced listening systems shall be
identified by signs complying with Clause F8
Clause G5 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 10 Buildings Regulations 1992,
Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting the expression “old people’s homes” for the expres-
sion “old people’s homes” in italics in the second column, opposite clause G5.2.1(b)
The limits on application to clause G5.1(d) were amended consequential on the Health Reforms
(Transitional Provisions) Act 1993, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 4(1) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by substituting the expression “section 47A of the Act” for
the expression “section 25 of the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975”.


Provisions Limits on application
G6.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from illness or loss of amenity

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Provisions Limits on application

as a result of undue noise being transmitted
between abutting occupancies.
G6.2 Building elements which are common
between occupancies, shall be constructed to
prevent undue noise transmission from other
occupancies or common spaces, to the habitable
spaces of household units.
G6.3.1 The Sound Transmission Class of walls,
floors and ceilings, shall be no less than 55.
G6.3.2 The Impact Insulation Class of floors
shall be no less than 55.


Provisions Limits on application
G7.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from illness or loss of amenity
due to isolation from natural light and the
outside environment.
G7.2 Habitable spaces shall provide adequate Requirement G7.2 shall apply only
openings for natural light and for a visual to Housing, old people’s homes and
awareness of the outside environment. early childhood centres.
G7.3.1 Natural light shall provide an
illuminance of no less than 30 lux at floor level
for 75 percent of the standard year.
G7.3.2 Openings to give awareness of the
outside shall be transparent and provided in
suitable locations.


Provisions Limits on application
G8.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury due to lack of
adequate lighting.

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G8.2 Spaces within buildings used by people, Requirement G8.2 shall apply to:
shall be provided with adequate artificial (a) All exitways in Multi-unit
lighting which, when activated in the absence of Dwellings, Group Dwellings
sufficient natural light, will enable safe and Communal Residential,
movement. Communal Non-residential,
Commercial and Industrial
(b) All access routes except those
in Outbuildings and Ancillary
buildings, and
(c) All common spaces within
Multi-unit Dwellings, Group
Dwellings, and Communal
Residential and Communal
Non- residential buildings.
G8.3 Illuminance at floor level shall be no less Performance G8.3 does not apply
than 20 lux. during a failure of the main lighting,
when the requirements in Clause F6
“Visibility in escape routes” apply.
Clause G8.3 was amended, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 6(5) Building Amendment Regula-
tions 2007 (SR 2007/124) by substituting the limit on application.

Provisions Limits on application
G9.1 The objective of this provision is to ensure
(a) In buildings supplied with electricity, the
electrical installation has safeguards against
outbreak of fire and personal injury, and
(b) People with disabilities are able to carry out Objective G9.1(b) shall apply only to
normal activities and processes within those buildings to which section 47A
buildings. of the Act applies.
G9.2 Where provided in a building, electrical
installations shall be safe for their intended use.
G9.3.1 The electrical installation shall
incorporate systems to:

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(a) Protect people from contact with parts of the
installation which are live during normal
operation, and to prevent parts of the installation
or other building elements becoming live during
fault conditions,
(b) Permit the safe isolation of the installation
and of electrical fittings and appliances,
(c) Safeguard people from excessive
temperatures resulting from either normal
operation of electrical equipment, or from
currents which could exceed the installation
(d) Safeguard people from injury which may
result from electromechanical stress in electrical
components caused by currents in excess of the
installation rating,
(e) Protect building elements from risk of
ignition, impairment of their physical or
mechanical properties, or function, due to
temperature increases resulting from heat
transfer or electric arc,
(f) Operate safely in its intended environment,
(g) Safeguard against ignition of the
surrounding atmosphere where it is potentially
flammable or explosive.
G9.3.2 An electrical installation supplying an
essential service shall:
(a) Maintain the supply for a time appropriate to
that service, and
(b) Be capable of being isolated from the supply
system, independently of the remainder of the
G9.3.3 An electrical installation connected to
an electrical supply system, shall contain
safeguards which protect the safety features of
the external supply.
G9.3.4 In buildings intended for use by people Performance G9.3.4 shall not apply
with disabilities, light switches and plug socket to Housing, Outbuildings, Ancillary
outlets shall be accessible and usable. buildings, and to Industrial buildings
where no more than 10 people are

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The limits on application to clause G9.1(b) were amended consequential on the Health Reforms
(Transitional Provisions) Act 1993, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 4(1) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by substituting the expression “section 47A of the Act” for
the expression “section 25 of the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975”.


Provisions Limits on application
G10.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury or illness caused
by extreme temperatures or hazardous
substances associated with building services.
G10.2 In buildings provided with potentially
hazardous services containing hot, cold,
flammable, corrosive or toxic fluids, the
installations shall be constructed to provide
adequate safety for people.
G10.3.1 Piping systems shall be constructed to
avoid the likelihood of:
(a) Significant leakage or damage during normal
or reasonably foreseeable abnormal conditions,
(b) Detrimental contamination of the contents
by other substances,
(c) Adverse interaction between services, or
between piping and electrical systems, and
(d) People having contact with pipes which
could cause them harm.
G10.3.2 Provision shall be made for the ready
removal of moisture or condensate in gas pipes.
G10.3.3 Pipes shall be protected against
corrosion in the environment of their use.
G10.3.4 Piping systems shall be identified with
markings if the contents are not readily apparent
from the location or associated equipment.
G10.3.5 Enclosed spaces shall be constructed to
avoid the likelihood of accumulating vented or
leaking gas.
G10.3.6 Piped systems shall have isolation
devices which permit the installation or
individual items of apparatus to be isolated from

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the supply system, for maintenance, testing,
fault detection and repair.


Provisions Limits on application
G11.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from injury arising from
the use of gas as an energy source,
(b) Safeguard people and other property from
the risk of fire or explosion, and
(c) Safeguard people from loss of amenity due
to the gas supply being inadequate for the
intended use.
G11.2 In buildings where gas is used as an
energy source, the supply system shall be safe
and adequate for its intended use.
G11.3.1 Supply systems shall be constructed to
maintain a safe pressure range appropriate to the
appliances and the type of gas used.
G11.3.2 The gas supply to all appliances in a
single ventilated space, shall be fitted with an
automatic cut-off activated by failure of any
continuous forced ventilation system used for
combustion, ventilation or safe operation of a
fixed gas appliance.
G11.3.3 A flued fixed gas appliance shall have
no adverse interaction with any other flued
G11.3.4 Supply systems shall have isolation
devices which permit the whole installation, or
individual items of apparatus, to be isolated
from the supply for maintenance, testing, fault
detection or repair.
G11.3.5 Where gas is supplied from an external
source, the supply system within buildings shall
be constructed to avoid the likelihood of:
(a) Contamination of the external supply from
other gas sources within the building,

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(b) Adverse effects on the pressure of the
external supply, and
(c) The external supply pipe acting as an
earthing conductor.
G11.3.6 The location and installation of meters
and service risers shall meet the requirements of
the network utility operator.


Provisions Limits on application
G12.1 The objective of this provision is to
(a) safeguard people from illness or injury
caused by contaminated water:
(b) safeguard people from injury caused by hot
water system explosion, or from contact with
excessively hot water:
(c) safeguard people from loss of amenity
arising from—
(i) a lack of hot water for personal hygiene; or
(ii) water for human consumption that is
offensive in appearance, odour, or taste:
(d) ensure that people with disabilities are able Objective G12.1(d) applies only to
to carry out normal activities and functions those buildings to which section 47A
within buildings. of the Act applies.
G12.2 Buildings provided with water outlets,
sanitary fixtures, or sanitary appliances must
have safe and adequate water supplies.
G12.3.1 Water intended for human
consumption, food preparation, utensil washing,
or oral hygiene must be potable
G12.3.2 A potable water supply system must
(a) protected from contamination; and
(b) installed in a manner that avoids the
likelihood of contamination within the system
and the water main; and

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(c) installed using components that will not
contaminate the water.
G12.3.3 A non-potable water supply system
used for personal hygiene must be installed in a
manner that avoids the likelihood of illness or
injury being caused by the system.
G12.3.4 Water pipes and outlets provided with
non-potable water must be clearly identified.
G12.3.5 Sanitary fixtures and sanitary
appliances must be provided with hot water
when intended to be used for—
(a) utensil washing; and
(b) personal washing, showering, or bathing Performance G12.3.5(b) applies to
only housing, retirement homes, and
early childhood centres.
G12.3.6 If hot water is provided to sanitary
fixtures and sanitary appliances used for
personal hygiene, it must be delivered at a
temperature that avoids the likelihood of
G12.3.7 Water supply systems must be installed
in a manner that—
(a) pipes water to sanitary fixtures and sanitary
appliances at flow rates that are adequate for
the correct functioning of those fixtures and
appliances under normal conditions; and
(b) avoids the likelihood of leakage; and
(c) allows reasonable access to components
likely to need maintenance; and
(d) allows the system and any backflow
prevention devices to be isolated for testing and
G12.3.8 Vessels used for producing or storing
hot water must be provided with safety features
(a) relieve excessive pressure during both
normal and abnormal conditions; and
(b) limit temperatures to avoid the likelihood of
flash steam production in the event of rupture.

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G12.3.9 A hot water system must be capable of
being controlled to prevent the growth of
legionella bacteria.
G12.3.10 Water supply taps must be accessible Performance G12.3.10 applies only
and usable for people with disabilities. to those buildings to which section
47A of the Act applies.
The limits on application to clause G12.1(d) were amended consequential on the Health Reforms
(Transitional Provisions) Act 1993, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 4(1) Building Amend-
ment Regulations 2000 (SR 2000/119), by substituting the expression “section 47A of the Act” for
the expression “section 25 of the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975”.
Clause G12.3.7 was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 11 Buildings Regulations
1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting the word “legionella” for the word “legio-
Clause G12 was substituted, as from 3 January 2002, by regulation 3(10) Building Amendment
Regulations 2001 (SR 2001/374).


Provisions Limits on application
G13.1 The objective of this provision is to:
(a) Safeguard people from illness due to
infection or contamination resulting from
personal hygiene activities, and
(b) Safeguard people from loss of amenity due
to the presence of unpleasant odours or the
accumulation of offensive matter resulting from
foul water disposal.
G13.2 Buildings in which sanitary fixtures and
sanitary appliances using water-borne waste
disposal are installed must be provided with—
(a) an adequate plumbing and drainage system
to carry foul water to appropriate outfalls; and
(b) if no sewer is available, an adequate system
for the storage, treatment, and disposal of foul
G13.3.1 The plumbing system shall be
constructed to:
(a) Convey foul water from buildings to a
drainage system,

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(b) Avoid the likelihood of blockage and
(c) Avoid the likelihood of foul air and gases
entering buildings, and
(d) provide reasonable access for maintenance
and clearing blockages.
G13.3.2 The drainage system shall:
(a) Convey foul water to an appropriate outfall,
(b) Be constructed to avoid the likelihood of
(c) Be supported, jointed and protected in a way
that will avoid the likelihood of penetration of
roots or the entry of ground water,
(d) Be provided with reasonable access for
maintenance and clearing blockages,
(e) Be ventilated to avoid the likelihood of foul
air and gases accumulating in the drainage
system and sewer, and
(f) Be constructed to avoid the likelihood of
damage from superimposed loads or normal
ground movement.
G13.3.3 Where a sewer connection is available,
the drainage system shall be connected to the
sewer, and the connection shall be made in a
manner that avoids damage to the sewer and is
to the approval of the network utility operator.
G13.3.4 If no sewer is available, facilities for
the storage, treatment, and disposal of foul
water must be constructed—
(a) with adequate capacity for the volume of
foul water and the frequency of disposal; and
(b) with adequate vehicle access for collection
if required; and
(c) to avoid the likelihood of contamination of
any potable water supplies in compliance with
Clause G12 “Water supplies”; and
(d) to avoid the likelihood of contamination of
soils, ground water, and waterways except as
permitted under the Resource Management Act
1991; and

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(e) from materials that are impervious both to
the foul water for which disposal is required,
and to water; and
(f) to avoid the likelihood of blockage and
leakage; and
(g) to avoid the likelihood of foul air and gases
accumulating within or entering into buildings;
(h) to avoid the likelihood of unauthorised
access by people; and
(i) to permit easy cleaning and maintenance;
(j) to avoid the likelihood of damage from
superimposed loads or normal ground
movement; and
(k) if those facilities are buried underground, to
resist hydrostatic uplift pressures.
Clause G13.2 was substituted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 7(1) Building Amendment Regu-
lations 2007 (SR 2007/124).
Clause G13.3.4 was substituted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 7(2) Building Amendment
Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/124).


Provisions Limits on application
G14.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury or illness caused
by infection or contamination resulting from
industrial liquid waste.
G14.2 Buildings, in which industrial liquid
waste is generated shall be provided with
adequate spaces and facilities for the safe and
hygienic collection, holding, treatment and
disposal of the waste.
G14.3.1 Industrial liquid waste shall be
conveyed to storage containers and within
disposal systems in a way which will:
(a) Transfer wastes from buildings safely and

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(b) Avoid the likelihood of blockage and
(c) Avoid the likelihood of foul air and gases
entering buildings, and
(d) Provide reasonable access for clearing of
G14.3.2 Facilities for the storage, treatment, and
disposal of industrial liquid waste must be
(a) with adequate capacity for the volume of
waste and the frequency of disposal; and
(b) with adequate vehicle access for collection
if required; and
(c) to avoid the likelihood of contamination of
any potable water supplies in compliance with
Clause G12 “Water supplies”; and
(d) to avoid the likelihood of contamination of
soils, ground water, and waterways except as
permitted under the Resource Management Act
1991; and
(e) from materials that are impervious both to
the waste for which disposal is required, and to
water; and
(f) to avoid the likelihood of blockage and
leakage; and
(g) to avoid the likelihood of foul air and gases
accumulating within or entering into buildings;
(h) to avoid the likelihood of unauthorised
access by people; and
(i) to permit easy cleaning and maintenance;
(j) to avoid the likelihood of damage from
superimposed loads or normal ground
movement; and
(k) if those facilities are buried underground, to
resist hydrostatic uplift pressures.
Clause G14.3.2. (d) was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 12 Building Regulations
1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by omitting the words “by a resource consent given”.
Clause G14.3.2 was substituted, as from 21 June 2007, by regulation 8 Building Amendment Regula-
tions 2007 (SR 2007/124).

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Provisions Limits on application
G15.1 The objective of this provision is to
safeguard people from injury or illness caused
by infection or contamination from solid waste.
G15.2 Buildings shall be provided with space Requirement G15.2 shall not apply
and facilities for the collection, and safe to Detached Dwellings, household
hygienic holding prior to disposal, of solid units of Multi-unit Dwellings,
waste arising from the intended use of the Outbuildings or Ancilliary buildings
buildings. if there is independent access or
private open space at ground level.
G15.3.1 Where provision is made within
buildings for the collection and temporary
holding of solid waste, the spaces provided shall
(a) Of sufficient size for the volume of waste
and frequency of disposal,
(b) Provided with reasonable access for the
depositing and collection of the waste,
(c) Capable of maintaining sanitary conditions
having regard to the types of waste and storage
containers, and
(d) Capable of maintaining the appropriate
temperature for the type of waste stored.
G15.3.2 Where a rubbish chute is provided, it
shall be located and constructed to:
(a) Convey the solid waste to an appropriate
storage container,
(b) Avoid the likelihood of blockage or leakage,
(c) Permit easy cleaning and maintenance,
(d) Avoid the likelihood of foul air or gases
accumulating or entering the building,
(e) Avoid the likelihood of the spread of fire
beyond the refuse chute,
(f) Have openings that allow waste to be safely
deposited in the chute, and
(g) Restrict access by children, animals and

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Provisions Limits on application

G15.3.3 Where it is acceptable to the network
utility operator, solid waste which has been
suitably treated for disposal to a sewer may be
discharged via a foul water drain complying
with Clause G13 Foul Water.
Clause G15.3.2(f) was amended, as from 22 December 1994, by regulation 13 Buildings Regulations
1992, Amendment No 1 (SR 1994/263) by substituting the word “safely” for the word “safety”.


Provisions Limits on application
H1.1 The objective of this provision is to Objective H 1.1 applies only when
facilitate efficient use of energy. the energy is sourced from a network
utility operator or a depletable
energy resource.
H1.2 Buildings must be constructed to achieve
an adequate degree of energy efficiency when
that energy is used for—
(a) modifying temperature or humidity, or both; Requirement H1.2(a) does not apply
or to assembly service buildings,
industrial buildings, outbuildings, or
ancillary buildings, or to plant and
equipment provided to modify
temperature, humidity, or both.
(b) providing hot water to sanitary fixtures or
sanitary appliances, or both; or
(c) providing artificial lighting Requirement H1.2(c) applies only to
commercial buildings and communal
non-residential buildings whose
floor area is greater than 300 m2.
H1.3.1 The building envelope enclosing spaces
where the temperature or humidity (or both) are
modified must be constructed to—
(a) provide adequate thermal resistance; and
(b) limit uncontrollable airflow.
H1.3.2A Buildings must be constructed to Performance H1.3.2A applies only to
ensure that,— Housing.

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Provisions Limits on application

(a) if they are buildings in climate zone 3, their
building performance index does not exceed
1.55; and
(b) if they are buildings in climate zone 1 or in
climate zone 2 and are in a warm location, their
old measure building performance index does
not exceed 0.13; and
(c) if they are buildings in climate zone 1 or
climate zone 2 and are in a cool location, their
old measure building performance index does
not exceed 0.12.
H1.3.2B For the purposes of performance
H1.3.2A, a building partly in climate zone 3 and
partly in climate zone 2 must be treated as if it
were a building in climate zone 2.
H1.3.3 Account must be taken of physical
conditions likely to affect energy performance
of buildings, including—
(a) the thermal mass of building elements; and
(b) the building orientation and shape; and
(c) the airtightness of the building envelope; and
(d) the heat gains from services, processes and
occupants; and
(e) the local climate; and
(f) heat gains from solar radiation.
H1.3.4 Systems for the heating, storage, or
distribution of hot water to sanitary fixtures or
sanitary appliances must, having regard to the
energy source used,—
(a) limit the energy lost in the heating process;
(b) be constructed to limit heat losses from Performance H1.3.4(b) applies only
storage vessels, and from distribution systems where individual storage vessels are
connected to storage vessels. 700 litres or less in capacity.
H.1.3.5 Artificial lighting fixtures must— Performance H1.3.5 does not apply
to lighting provided solely to meet
the requirements of clause F6.
(a) be located and sized to limit energy use,
consistent with the intended use of space; and

Reprinted as at
Explanatory note Building Regulations 1992 31 October 2007

Provisions Limits on application

(b) be fitted with a means to enable light
intensities to be reduced, consistent with
reduced activity in the space.
Clause H1 was substituted, as from 29 December 2000, by regulation 5 Building Amendment Regu-
lations 2000 (SR 2000/119).
Schedule 1 clause H1.3.2: revoked, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 5 of the Building Amendment
Regulations (No 2) 2007 (2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause H1.3.2A: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 5 of the Building Amend-
ment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (2007/226).
Schedule 1 clause H1.3.2B: inserted, on 31 October 2007, by regulation 5 of the Building Amend-
ment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (2007/226).
Clerk of the Executive Council.

Explanatory note
This note is not part of the regulations, but is intended to indicate their general effect.
These regulations, which come into force on 1 July 1992,—
(a) Provide for procedural matters and prescribe forms for the purposes of the
Building Act 1991:
(b) Set out (in Schedule 1) the building code in accordance with Part 6 of the
Building Act 1991.
Issued under the authority of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989.
Date of notification in Gazette: 11 June 1992.

Reprinted as at
31 October 2007 Building Regulations 1992

Building Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007

(SR 2007/226)

Dame Sian Elias, Adinistrator of the Government

Order in Council

At Wellington this 13th day of August 2007

The Right Hon. Helen Clark presiding in Council

Pursuant to section 400 of the Building Act 2004, Her Excellency the Administrator
of the Government, acting on the advice and with the consent of the Executive Coun-
cil, and on the recommendation of the Minister (as defined by section 7 of that Act)
made, as required by section 403(2) of that Act, after he or she became satisfied that
the chief executive (as so defined) has consulted in accordance with section 403(3)
and (4) of that Act, makes the following regulations.

1 Title
These regulations are the Building Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007.

2 Commencement
(1) These regulations (other than regulations 6 and 7) come into force on 31 Octo-
ber 2007.
(2) Regulation 6 comes into force on 30 June 2008.
(3) Regulation 7 comes into force on 30 September 2008.

8 Saving: building work not affected by amendments

(1) The building code set out in Schedule 1 of the principal regulations applies to
the following building work as if these regulations had not been made:
(a) building work that is in climate zone 1, climate zone 2, or climate zone
3, is building work for which a building consent is required, and is
covered by an application—
(i) for a building consent or a certificate of acceptance; and
(ii) made before the close of 30 October 2007:
(b) building work that is in climate zone 1 or climate zone 2, is building
work for which a building consent is required, and is covered by an
(i) for a building consent or a certificate of acceptance; and

Reprinted as at
Building Regulations 1992 31 October 2007

(ii) made after the close of 30 October 2007 and before the close of
29 June 2008:
(c) building work that is in climate zone 1, is building work for which a
building consent is required, and is covered by an application—
(i) for a building consent or a certificate of acceptance; and
(ii) made after the close of 29 June 2008 and before the close of 29
September 2008.
(2) For the purpose of subclause (1)(b), building work partly in climate zone 3 and
partly in climate zone 2 must be treated as if it were building work in climate
zone 2.
(3) For the purpose of subclause (1)(c), building work partly in climate zone 2 and
partly in climate zone 1 must be treated as if it were building work in climate
zone 1.
Diane Morcom,
Clerk of the Executive Council.
Date of notification in Gazette: 16 August 2007.

Reprinted as at
31 October 2007 Building Regulations 1992 Notes

1 General
2 About this eprint
3 List of amendments incorporated in this eprint (most recent first)


1 General
This is an eprint of the Building Regulations 1992. It incorporates all the
amendments to the Building Regulations 1992 as at 31 October 2007. The list
of amendments at the end of these notes specifies all the amendments incorpor-
ated into this eprint since 4 September 2007. Relevant provisions of any
amending enactments that contain transitional, savings, or application provi-
sions are also included, after the Principal enactment, in chronological order.

2 About this eprint

This eprint has not been officialised. For more information about officialisa-
tion, please see "Making online legislation official" under "Status of legislation
on this site" in the About section of this website.

3 List of amendments incorporated in this eprint

(most recent first)
Building Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2007 (SR 2007/226): regulations 4, 5, 8


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