1714, Khitab, FS1
1714, Khitab, FS1
1714, Khitab, FS1
(Make a trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet and use adjustments)
Name: Khitab
Roll No: 1714
Q1: the following balance were extracted from the book accounts of M/s Chunnilal Ltd. As on March 31,
2007. Make a trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet and use adjustments.
Trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet of M/s Chunnilal Ltd.as on March 31,2007
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
to opening stock 109360 By sale 712860
to purchase 513180 less return inward 5560 707300
less machine 57600 455580 BY Closing stock 257920
To travelling of Goods 3760
To wage 81940
less wage for erection 2400 79540
To gross profit 316980
965220 965220
Profit and Loss account
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To preliminary expense 21100 By Gross profit 316980
To rent and taxes 11240
To bill 19000
less promissory 650 18350
To interest and discount 11740
To insurance 800
less prepaid 600 200
to commission 11280
less 1200 10080
To erection machine 2400
To salaries 122000
To Repair 6740
To bad debt 7240
add further bad debt 650 7890
To provision doubtful 5000
add 5% provision 6168 11168
To depreciation machine 8640
To depreciation fixture 1794
To net profit 83638
316980 316980
472764 472764